Terapi Flu
Terapi Flu
Terapi Flu
A. Influenza viruses
B. Clinical aspects
C. Clinical diagnosis of influenza illness
A. Antiviral drugs including off-label use
B. Benefits of antiviral treatment
C. Considerations in selecting treatments
1. Severity of illness
2. Presence of risk factors or co-morbid medical conditions
3. Interval between onset of illness and initiation of antiviral therapy
4. Likely influenza type(s) causing infection
D. Treatment of children
E. Treatment of immunocompromised patients
F. Treatment of patients with renal impairment
G. Treatment of pregnant patients
A. General principles
B. Treatment of non-pregnant adults with mild or uncomplicated influenza
C. Treatment of non-pregnant adults with moderate, progressive, severe or complicated illness with or without risk factors
D. Treatment of infants, children and youth with mild or uncomplicated influenza illness
E. Treatment of infants, children and youth with moderate, progressive, severe or complicated influenza illness with or without risk factors
F. Treatment of immunocompromised patients
G. Treatment of patients with renal impairment
H. Treatment of pregnant women
1. Grading of recommendations
2. Clinical signs warranting urgent medical attention in infants, children and youth with suspected or proven influenza
3. At-risk groups and co-morbid medical conditions that predispose to severe influenza
4. Oseltamivir and zanamivir regimens
5. Recommended regimens for treatment of patients with renal impairment or failure
6. Selected surrogate indices of immunocompromised states
A. Oseltamivir and zanamivir treatments for mild or uncomplicated influenza in non-pregnant adults
B. Oseltamivir and zanamivir treatments for non-pregnant adults with moderate, progressive, severe or complicated illness
C. Oseltamivir and zanamivir treatments for influenza in children (<18 years of age)
D. Oseltamivir and zanamivir for chemoprophylaxis or early therapy in close contacts of infectious patients
1Professorof Medicine, Medical Microbiology and Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg,
Manitoba; 2Professor, Department of Pediatrics & Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, Senior Associate Scientist, Research
Institute, Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Pediatrics, Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario;
3Professor Emeritus of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British
Columbia; 4Professor of Medicine, Biomedical & Molecular Sciences and Pathology & Molecular Medicine, Chair, Division of Infectious
Diseases, Department of Medicine, Kingston General Hospital, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario
Correspondence: Dr Gerald A Evans, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Room 3013, Etherington Hall, 94 Stuart Street,
Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6. Telephone 613-533-6619, fax 613-533-6825, e-mail evansg@queensu.ca
The purpose of this document is to provide information for clinicians GRADE Evidence Quality versus Benefit to Harm Ratio and
on the use of antiviral drugs for the prevention and treatment of Recommendation Grading5
seasonal influenza. It is provided as a foundation document which,
with brief supplements published as needed to describe new develop- Preponderance of Balance of
ments, is intended to replace the annual Guidance publications.1,2 Quality of Evidence Benefit or Harm Benefit and Harm
The efficacy and safety of antiviral drugs has been demonstrated in
A. Well-designed, randomized,
controlled trials but the clinical importance of prescribing them for
controlled studies or diagnostic
the treatment of seasonal influenza in largely healthy ambulatory studies on relevant populations
Recommendation Option
adults and children has been the subject of some ongoing controversy.3
However, in high-risk patients with seasonal or pandemic influenza, B. RCTs or diagnostic studies with
both oral oseltamivir and inhaled zanamivir may reduce hospitaliza- minor limitations; overwhelmingly
tion and oseltamivir may reduce mortality.4 As of August 2013, three consistent evidence from
observational studies
antiviral drugs are licensed in Canada for treatment and prophylaxis of
influenza: amantadine (oral) and two neuraminidase inhibitors (NAI),
C. Observational studies (case Recommendation
oseltamivir (oral) and zanamivir (dry powder for inhalation). Other control or cohort design)
antiviral drugs are available internationally (licensed or investiga-
tional), including intravenous formulations of oseltamivir, zanamivir D. Expert opinion, case reports,
Option No Recommendation
reasoning from first principles
and peramivir. These drugs have been available in Canada in specific
situations for clinical use but are currently not licensed. Another NAI, X. Exceptional situations where Strong
laninamivir, a long-acting orally inhaled powder, has been approved in validating studies cannot be done Recommendation
Japan as a single dose treatment, for the therapy of influenza A and B and there is a clear preponderance
of benefit or harm Recommendation
Drug or virus-specific recommendations will be published, if
needed, to complement this document. Other aspects of influenza
management, such as laboratory diagnosis, infection control, immun-
ization and non-pharmacological interventions, are beyond the scope Impact of recommendation strength on practicing clinicians
of this article. Strong recommendations should be followed unless a clear and com-
The susceptibility of recently circulating seasonal influenza viruses pelling reason for an alternate approach is present.
to amantadine (AH1N1, AH3N2, influenza B) shows high rates of Recommendations should generally be followed, but clinicians should
resistance, therefore subsequent discussion is limited to the neuramini- remain alert to new information and patient preferences.
dase inhibitor drugs. Option reflects flexibility in decision-making regarding treatment
according to the judgment of the clinician. Patient preference should
II. Process Statement play a substantial influencing role.
The development of this guideline paper arose in early 2013 from two No recommendation reflects no constraints on decision-making, and
sources: a previous guidance authored in 2012 by AMMI Canada clinicians should remain alert to new evidence that clarifies the bal-
members (FA, UA, GS, GE) and following a suggestion from the ance of benefit and harm. Patient preference should play a substantial
Public Health Agency of Canada’s Antiviral Scientific Advisory influencing role.
Group that a generic Canadian guideline be developed for the use of
antivirals for seasonal influenza. The concept was then given the go-
ahead by the Guidelines Committee of AMMI Canada. A first draft
A. Influenza viruses
was co-written by all the authors (FA, UA, GS, GE). Subsequently, all
The influenza strains that will predominate in Canada in any given
the authors reviewed, revised and approved the document before sub-
season are unpredictable. Their identification and knowledge of their
mission to PHAC for further review and feedback. The AMMI
antiviral drug susceptibility profiles are fundamental to the rational
Canada Guidelines Committee approved the final document prior to
prescribing of antiviral drugs for the prevention and treatment of influ-
submission to the Journal for publication.
enza because antiviral drug resistance patterns of influenza viruses
III. GRADING OF RECOMMENDATIONS demonstrated in vitro generally correlate with treatment outcomes.
A grading system is used to qualify recommendations based on the Relevant information is usually compiled from different sources each
quality of evidence and the determination of benefit versus harm aris- year. Practitioners can find current information about circulating
ing from the recommendation as defined below.5 In situations where influenza strains from Fluwatch®6, influenza vaccine composition from
high-quality evidence is not available but anticipated benefits strongly NACI7 and antiviral resistance from CDC.8
outweigh the harm, the recommendation could be based on lesser
B. Clinical aspects
evidence. See Table 1 for categories of evidence and their relationship
Seasonal influenza viruses share similar clinical features.
to recommendations. As more data on efficacy are published, the
Virus is transmitted from infected to susceptible persons through res-
grades of recommendation may change.
piratory secretions containing suspensions of virus, especially airborne
Definitions of the strength of evidence for the recommendations droplets generated by coughing and sneezing. The relative contributions of
Strong Recommendation: Benefits of treatment approach clearly small particle aerosols and fomites in transmission are uncertain. The basic
exceed harms; quality of evidence is high (Grade A) or moderate reproductive number [Ro] (mean number of secondary cases transmitted
(Grade B) or exceptional (Grade X). by a single index case to susceptible contacts) ranges from 1.3 to 1.7.
Recommendation: Benefits exceed harms, but quality of evidence is The incubation period of seasonal influenza A illness is one to four
moderate (Grade B), or low (Grade C) or exceptional (Grade X). days with a mean of two days.9
Option: Quality of evidence is very low (Grade D) or well-done stud- In otherwise healthy patients with uncomplicated illness, virus in
ies (Grade A, B or C) show little clear advantage. nasopharyngeal secretions is shed beginning 24 h (1 day) before onset of
No Recommendation: There is a lack of pertinent evidence or quality symptoms, peaks in the first two to three days of illness and declines over
is very low and there is an unclear balance between benefits and five to seven days, although it is commonly accepted that some persons,
harms. particularly young children and immunocompromised persons, may
vitro difference may explain differences in clinical efficacy of oseltamivir associated encephalopathy, increased access to oseltamivir in that
for treatment of influenza A and B virus infections in children21,22 and population, and a coincident period of intensive monitoring of adverse
adults.23 events.38 They were not able to establish a causal relationship between
Treatment and prophylaxis regimens of oseltamivir and zanamivir for oseltamivir and the reports of pediatric deaths. Of note, deaths
adults and for children by age and weight are detailed in Table 4.24 Doses occurred in children two years of age and older but the ages of those
do not need to be adjusted in obese adults.25 Dose reduction is advised with neuropsychiatric manifestations were not reported.39
for pharmacokinetic reasons in persons with creatinine clearance Drug Interactions: Interactions during co-administration of
<10 mL/min although the drug has a wide margin of safety and causes no oseltamivir with other drugs are unlikely as it is eliminated largely
serious, dose-related adverse effects. Dose reduction is advised for unchanged into urine by glomerular filtration and renal tubular secre-
patients with impaired renal function, as detailed in Table 5.26-29 tion by an anionic transporter and does not cause dose-related adverse
In adults, oral oseltamivir is generally well tolerated. Mild, rapidly effects even at high doses.20
reversible nausea and/or vomiting have been observed in approxi- 2. Zanamivir – Zanamivir (Relenza®) is authorized by Health Canada
mately 5% to 10% more persons taking oseltamivir versus placebo. for the treatment of uncomplicated influenza A and B in patients
Nausea and/or vomiting are more common in young adults taking seven years of age or older who have been symptomatic for no more
150 mg twice daily (12% to 15%) than 75 mg twice daily (8% to 11%) than two days. It is also authorized for the prevention of influenza A
compared to placebo (3% to 7%).20 No other side effects occurred and B in patients seven years of age or older.
significantly more frequently in oseltamivir than placebo recipients. In vitro, influenza A and B viruses exhibit similar susceptibility to
Influenza A and B viruses rarely cause central nervous system symp- zanamivir.40 In observational studies of children and young adults with
toms including convulsions and coma.30 A causal relationship between influenza A or B virus infection treated with either oseltamivir or
oseltamivir and such adverse effects or a wider spectrum including zanamivir, there was no difference in duration of fever between treat-
delirium with hallucinations has been suspected but not definitively ments in young children four to 16 years of age.22 However, in older
established.31,32 Close monitoring of treated patients is advised. children and adults (mean [± SD] age 15±12 years) with influenza B
For adults with seasonal influenza of less than 36 h duration, there virus infection, the duration of fever was significantly less in individ-
appears to be no advantage of combining oseltamivir and zanamivir.33 uals treated with zanamivir versus oseltamivir.23 In a small, observa-
Administering higher doses of oseltamivir to critically ill patients with tional study in persons of unspecified age directly comparing the
influenza is not warranted. Preliminary analysis from a randomized efficacy of zanamivir in ill persons with influenza A or influenza B
comparison of 150 mg BID and 75 mg BID oseltamivir for treatment of virus infection, no differences in duration of fever were observed.41
patients seriously ill with influenza, including A(H1N1)pdm09 No data are available on the comparative effects of oseltamivir and
viruses, suggested that the higher dose was safe but offered no benefit zanamivir on influenza B virus infection in older adults and those in
over the standard dose regimen, as evaluated by reductions in viral high-risk groups.
shedding at day 5 of treatment.34 Oseltamivir was used to treat critic- Zanamivir is marketed as a powder in a proprietary inhalational
ally ill patients during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic. Such use included device that delivers 5 mg of zanamivir per inhalation.40 Approximately
treatment with higher doses administered for longer periods than the 80% of an inhaled dose is deposited onto the upper respiratory tract
approved five-day regimen of 75 mg BID. In critically ill ventilated lining and 13% in the bronchi and lungs, where it exerts its antiviral
patients with A(H1N1)pdm09, oseltamivir administered via a gastric effect. Ten per cent to 20% of inhaled drug is absorbed and eliminated
tube was well absorbed, yielding plasma concentrations that exceed unchanged into the urine.
the inhibitory concentration of influenza A virus.35 No dose reductions are recommended for any patient population.
In children, data on the safety and efficacy of oseltamivir exist for There have been case reports of mechanically ventilated patients with
those one year of age and older.36 Pharmacokinetic data show that A(H1N1)pdm09 influenza who had been treated with zanamivir
2 mg/kg twice daily resulted in drug exposures within the range associ- diskhaler powder in water administered by nebulizer, resulting in bron-
ated with tolerability and efficacy in adults who were administered chospasm and obstruction of ventilator filters.42
approximately 1 mg/kg twice daily. A liquid formulation was shown in Intravenous formulations of zanamivir are under clinical investiga-
a randomized placebo controlled trial to be safe and well accepted by tion but are not authorized for use in Canada. Intravenous zanamivir
healthy children one to 12 years of age and children with asthma six may be obtained either through clinical trials (if available) or in specific
to 12 years of age.36 Emesis occurred in 14.3% of children receiving circumstances through the Special Access Program of Health Canada
oseltamivir 2 mg/kg/dose BID for 10 doses (maximum 100 mg/dose) (http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/dhp-mps/acces/drugs-drogues/index-eng.php).
and 8.5% receiving placebo. Discontinuation rates due to adverse Zanamivir is safe and well tolerated as evidenced by studies reveal-
events were not different, being 1.8% and 1.1%, respectively.36 ing no adverse effects after intravenous injection of 1200 mg/day to
The safety and efficacy of oseltamivir in infants younger than adult volunteers for five days.43 Although practitioners are advised to
one year of age have not been established. This is clearly an area where beware of bronchospasm in zanamivir-treated patients, in one study of
additional research is needed. A caution was issued due to deaths zanamivir inhaled once daily as prophylaxis of family members of
observed in seven-day old mice receiving extremely high doses of the index cases there was no increase in asthma exacerbations in asth-
drug.37 These animals were fed a dose that was about 250 times the matic contacts receiving zanamivir (6%) versus placebo (11%).44
dose recommended for children. The concentrations of the pro-drug in Another double-blind placebo-controlled trial of zanamivir treatment
the brain were 1500 times those of the adult animals exposed to the of influenza in patients 12 to 88 years of age (median 38 years of age)
same dose. Thus, it was felt that an immature blood-brain barrier may with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease did not find an
have caused the toxicity in these animals. Based on the ages of the increased incidence of bronchospasm in the zanamivir group.45 In fact
animals and the stage of the development of their blood-brain barrier, the morning and evening peak expiratory flow rates were significantly
the human equivalent was felt to be infants younger than one year of increased in the zanamivir group.46 Despite these data there have been
age. However, recent reports from Japan did not show CNS toxicity in reports of acute bronchospasm in patients taking zanamivir, so that the
infants younger than one year of age who were treated with Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the US Centers for
oseltamivir. Diseases Control and Prevention advised caution in using zanamivir
In November 2005, there were reports of neuropsychiatric events for asthmatic and COPD patients and advised that the patient should
and deaths in Japanese children receiving oseltamivir. The United have a short acting bronchodilator available during treatment.
States FDA reviewed the available information and concluded that Drug Interactions: Interactions between zanamivir and other drugs
the increased reports of neuropsychiatric events in Japanese children co-administered systemically are neither likely nor expected due to the
are most likely related to an increased awareness of influenza- minimal absorption of zanamivir after oral inhalation.40
Table 4
Oseltamivir and zanamivir treatment of influenza (treatment regimens adapted from reference 24).
The Use of Antiviral Drugs for Influenza: A Foundation Document for Practitioners
Medication Treatment (5 days) Chemoprophylaxis (10 days)
75 mg twice daily 75 mg once daily
Children ≥12 months
Body Weight (kg) Body Weight (lbs)
≤15 kg ≤33lbs 30 mg twice daily 30 mg once daily
>15 kg to 23 kg >33 lbs to 51 lbs 45 mg twice daily 45 mg once daily
>23 kg to 40 kg >51 lbs to 88 lbs 60 mg twice daily 60 mg once daily
>40 kg >88 lbs 75 mg twice daily 75 mg once daily
Children 3 months to <12 months2*
3 mg/kg/dose twice daily 3 mg/kg/dose once per day
Children <3 months3*
3 mg/kg/dose twice daily Not recommended unless situation judged critical due to
limited data on use in this age group
*Please note that antivirals are not authorized in Canada for the routine treatment of seasonal influenza illness in infants younger than one year of age. Such use
may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
10 mg (two 5 mg inhalations) twice daily 10 mg (two 5 mg inhalations) once daily
Children (≥7 years or older)
10 mg (two 5 mg inhalations) twice daily 10 mg (two 5 mg inhalations) once daily
1. Oseltamivir is administered orally without regard to meals, although administration with meals may improve gastrointestinal tolerability. Oseltamivir is available in
30 mg, 45 mg, and 75 mg capsules, and as a powder for oral suspension that is reconstituted to provide a final concentration of either 6 mg/mL or 12 mg/mL. If the
commercially manufactured oral suspension is not available, the capsules may be opened and the contents mixed with a sweetened liquid to mask the bitter taste
or a suspension can be compounded by retail pharmacies.
When dispensing commercially manufactured Oseltamivir (TAMIFLU) Powder for Oral Suspension (6 mg/mL or 12 mg/mL), pharmacists should ensure the units of
measure on the prescription instructions match the dosing device.
2. Weight-based dosing is preferred. However, if weight is not known, dosing by age for treatment of influenza (give two doses per day) or prophylaxis (give one dose
per day) in full-term infants younger than one year of age may be necessary: 0 to 3 months = 12 mg per dose for treatment (not for prophylaxis); 3 to 5 months =
20 mg per dose; 6 to 11 months = 25 mg per dose.
3. Current weight-based dosing recommendations are not intended for premature infants. Premature infants may have slower clearance of oseltamivir due to imma-
ture renal function, and doses recommended for full term infants may lead to very high drug concentrations in this age group. Very limited data from a cohort of
premature infants demonstrated that oseltamivir concentrations among premature infants given 1 mg/kg body weight twice daily were similar to those observed with
the recommended treatment doses in term infants (3 mg/kg body weight twice daily). Observed drug concentrations were highly variable among premature infants.
The IDSA 2011 recommendations for pediatric pneumonia suggest 2 mg/kg/day divided twice daily. Currently available data are insufficient to recommend a specific
dose of oseltamivir for premature infants; it is strongly suggested that an infectious disease physician or clinical pharmacist be consulted.
4. Zanamivir is administered by inhalation using a proprietary “Diskhaler” device distributed together with the medication. Zanamivir is a dry powder, not an aerosol,
and should not be administered using nebulizers, ventilators, or other devices typically used for administering medications in aerosolized solutions. Zanamivir is not
recommended for persons with chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that increase the risk of bronchospasm.
3. Interval between onset of illness and initiation of antiviral The attack rates for seasonal influenza in healthy children range
therapy. from 3% to 30% with 1% requiring hospitalization.59,60 During com-
Initiation of treatment of uncomplicated seasonal influenza in healthy munity outbreaks of seasonal influenza, the highest attack rates occur
adults and children with NAI within 36 h to 48 h of illness onset is in school-age children. Children are a common source from which
efficacious. Optimal benefits are obtained if treatment is initiated as infection is spread to other household members. The shedding of virus
early as possible after the onset of symptoms.49,58 Thus, starting treat- usually starts 24 h prior to the onset of overt symptoms and generally
ment within 12 h of illness onset should be a practice goal. ceases at seven days.
Influenza illness may be indistinguishable from illness due to other
4. Likely influenza type(s) causing infection: respiratory viruses. The atypical and non-specific nature of influenza
Practitioners should be mindful of reports in the Public Health Agency illness in young children is evidenced by Canadian surveillance data
of Canada’s FluWatch <http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/fluwatch/> and that suggest that among hospitalized children, fever and cough are the
reports from their provincial or territorial public health departments. most common presenting features.61
Since 2009-10, the predominant influenza viruses have been sensitive The pulmonary and non-pulmonary influenza-related complica-
to NAIs; however it remains important to maintain awareness in case tions in infants, children and youth are generally similar to those in
oseltamivir-resistant seasonal influenza viruses reappear. adults with the exception that some conditions are more likely to be
seen in children (sepsis-like illness, diarrhea, otitis media, severe
D. Treatment of children laryngotracheobronchitis (croup), febrile seizures, Reye’s syndrome,
While some aspects of influenza prevention and treatment in adults and refusal to walk due to myositis.59
can be extrapolated to children, there are several areas where special In general, children with pre-existing high-risk medical conditions
pediatric considerations are necessary. In general, when compared to are more likely to have adverse outcomes. However, previously healthy
adults, there are fewer data to guide the management of children, children may also experience adverse consequences. In this regard, in
notably young infants. some influenza seasons previously healthy children may account for up
Table 5
Recommended oseltamivir regimens for prevention and treatment of adult patients with renal impairment (26-29, TamifluR
Canadian Product Monograph, 2012)
Creatinine clearance Treatment for 5 days Prophylaxis until outbreak is over
>60 mL/min 75 mg twice daily 75 mg once daily
>30–60 mL/min 75 mg once daily OR 30 mg suspension twice daily OR 30 mg capsule twice daily 75 mg on alternate days or 30 mg once daily
10-30 mL/min 30 mg once daily 30 mg on alternate days
<10 mL/min (renal failure)* Single 75 mg dose for the duration of illness No data
Dialysis patients* Low-flux HD: 30 mg after each dialysis session 30 mg after alternate dialysis sessions
High-flux HD: 75mg after each dialysis session No data
CAPD dialysis: 30 mg once weekly 30 mg once weekly
CRRT high-flux dialysis: 30 mg daily or 75 mg every second day No data
The following dosing regimen has been suggested for children based on limited data (29):
In children older than one year of age, after alternate HD sessions as follows:
• 7.5 mg for children weighing >15 kg
• 10 mg for children weighing 16–23 kg
• 15 mg for children weighing 24–40 kg
• 30 mg for children weighing >40 kg
While this may provide a framework for guidance, it is strongly suggested that an infectious disease physician or clinical pharmacist should be consulted.
*Experience with the use of oseltamivir in patients with renal failure is limited. These regimens have been suggested based on the limited available data27,28,29
Consultation with an infectious physician or clinical pharmacist is recommended
to 50% of reported influenza-related deaths.62 Influenza B has been than two days. (Tamiflu USA Product Monograph Revised December
identified in a disproportionate number of pediatric influenza- 2012). Oseltamivir was temporarily approved for use in infants less
associated deaths (38%).62 than one year of age on the basis of a favourable risk-to-benefit ratio
Children at the highest risk of adverse outcomes from influenza during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic. However, antivirals are not cur-
illness include those younger than five years of age.63 Hospitalizations rently authorized in Canada for the treatment of seasonal influenza in
occur more frequently among those younger than two years of age infants younger than one year of age and their use in infants should be
compared with older children, with the highest hospitalization rates handled on a case-by-case basis, based on severity of illness.
being among those younger than six months of age.61 This does not Recommendations for oseltamivir dosing for infants less than one year
necessarily translate into a recommendation to use antiviral therapy in of age varied within a reasonably narrow range and have been updated
those younger than two years of age; such children with mild influenza for seasonal influenza.74-76 Current dosing recommendations are
illness and in the absence of risk factors other than age do not usually shown in Table 4, but clinicians should be aware of possible dose chan-
need treatment. ges as more information becomes available for young infants.
Among the currently available antiviral agents, three are approved
for use for children in Canada: amantadine (which is not currently E. Treatment of immunocompromised patients
useful because of resistance) for influenza A; oseltamivir and zanamivir This group includes individuals with a wide range of congenital and
for influenza A and B. Clinical trials supporting the role of the NAIs acquired immunodeficiencies. The heterogeneity of populations of
in children were previously summarized and have been the subject of immunocompromised hosts is well recognized, resulting in varying
recent meta-analyses. 49,64 One meta-analysis suggested that NAIs degrees of risk for adverse outcomes from influenza illness. In this con-
shorten the duration of illness in children with seasonal influenza and text, Table 6 summarizes selected clinical, laboratory and other mark-
reduce household transmission, but that they have little effect on ers that help to categorize various immunodeficiency states and
asthma exacerbations or the use of antibiotics.64 identify patients who might be at the greatest risk of adverse outcomes
Data from the only double-blind, randomized, controlled trial of from influenza illness.77 The presence of these markers suggest
oseltamivir for the treatment of influenza in previously healthy children, increased risk for acquisition of infection, progression to more severe
indicated significant reductions in physician-diagnosed complications and potentially life-threatening consequences of infection, and for an
requiring antibiotic therapy (relative risk-reduction 40%) and in the impaired ability to develop immunity to infection following subse-
likelihood of developing otitis media (relative risk reduction 44%).65 quent exposure to influenza virus.77
Another randomized trial among children aged one to three years, indi- In addition to the well-recognized variability in the clinical mani-
cated an 85% reduction in acute otitis media when oseltamivir was festations of influenza illness, atypical clinical features may be present in
started within 12 h after the onset of influenza illness, but no reduction immunocompromised individuals. For example, immunocompromised
when treatment was started at >24 h after the onset of symptoms.66 A individuals may present with fever as the sole manifestation of influenza
benefit on asthma exacerbations among oseltamivir-treated children has illness78 or may present with respiratory symptoms without fever.79
also been demonstrated in a randomized controlled trial.67 The complications seen among persons with normal immune sys-
Since the earlier studies on NAIs, additional studies have been tems may also be seen in immunocompromised hosts. Invasive second-
reported or are in progress and experience with their use has ary bacterial infections caused by S. pneumoniae, S. aureus, S. pyogenes
increased.68-71 However, there exists a relative paucity of new data and other bacterial pathogens may occur and can be devastating for the
from randomized trials in infants and young children. Recent studies immunocompromised host. For example, asplenic individuals are known
have provided valuable safety data72 as well as data on the use of to be at increased risk of severe invasive pneumococcal disease.
oseltamivir in premature newborns.73 In the United States, oseltamivir Prolonged illness and viral shedding are features of infection in
is approved for the prevention of influenza in patients one year and immunocompromised individuals. Indeed, in some of the more immuno-
older and the treatment of acute uncomplicated influenza in patients compromised individuals, the virus may be persistently present in the res-
two weeks of age and older who have been symptomatic for no more piratory tract for several weeks or months.80,81 This persistent shedding
Table 6
Selected surrogate indices of immunocompromised states
Laboratory-based Indices Clinical States Treatment-related Indices
Significant risk Significant but variable risk due to heterogeneity in clinical states Significant but variable risk due to
heterogeneity in nature and intensity of
• Severe neutropenia • Individuals with malignancies receiving active cytotoxic chemotherapy A history of ongoing myelosuppressive and/
(ANC <0.5×109/L), • Acute leukemia patients or immunosuppressive therapies such as:
and/or, • HSCT recipients • Corticosteroid therapy71 (i.e., among adult
• Severe lymphopenia • SOT recipients (e.g. lung, heart, kidney) patients >700 mg cumulative dose of
(ALC <0.5×109/L) • Individuals with congenital immunodeficiency states prednisone equivalent on an ongoing basis
and at the time of clinical evaluation;
• Individuals with acquired immunodeficiency states (e.g. Human Immunodeficiency
among pediatric patients,72 >2 mg/kg per
Virus infection, plasma cell dyscrasias, B-lymphocyte malignancies)
day of prednisone or its equivalent, or
• Individuals with rheumatic diseases or autoimmune disorders (e.g. RA or SLE)
>20 mg/day if they weigh more than 10 kg
• Individuals with GI diseases receiving immunosuppressive drugs (e.g. IBD),
administered for 14 days or more)
• Individuals on renal dialysis
• Cytotoxic therapy*
• Individuals with asthma or COPD receiving corticosteroid therapy.
• Immunomodulator therapies**
*Examples of cytotoxic therapy include, but are not limited to: **Examples of immunomodulator therapy include, but are not limited to:
(e.g., anthracyclines such as doxorubicin or epirubicin; purine analogues such Calcineurin inhibitors (e.g., cyclosporine, tacrolimus, sirolimus),
as azathioprine, thioguanine, mercaptopurine, fludarabine, pentostatin, or Guanine synthesis inhibitors (e.g., Mycophenolate mofetil),
cladribine; pyrimidine analogues such as flurorouracil, cytarabine, Anti-B lymphocyte therapy (e.g., rituximab),
capecitabine, or gemcitabine; anti-folate agents such as methotrexate or Anti-T lymphocyte therapy (e.g., anti-thymocyte globulin or anti-CD3),
pemetrexed; alkylating agents such as the nitrogen mustards
Anti-B and T cell therapy (e.g., alemtuzumab, basiliximab, daclizumab),
(cyclophosphamide or ifosphamide), nitrosoureas (carmustine, lomustine,
Anti-TNF therapy (e.g., infliximab or etanercept),
semustine, streptozotocin), and platinum analogues (cis-platin, carboplatin, or
Alpha-interferon therapy
oxaliplatin); taxanes (e.g., docetaxel, paclitaxel); topoisomerase I inhibitors
(e.g., irinotecan).
Adapted from: Allen et al (reference 77). Abbreviations: ANC, absolute neutrophil count; ALC, absolute lymphocyte count; HSCT, haematopoietic stem cell transplant;
SOT, solid organ transplant; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosis; GI, gastrointestinal; IBD, inflammatory bowel disease; COPD, chronic
obstructive airways disease; TNF, tissue necrosis factor
may be accompanied by periodic exacerbations of illness.80,81 Cell- were comparable to those observed in individuals with other recognized
mediated immunity is important in mediating protection from influenza co-morbid conditions that increase the risk of influenza-related complica-
illness, viral clearance and recovery from illness.81-85 Thus, reductions in tions.89 As a result of such data, pregnancy is now recognized to be a risk
T-cell number or function as a result of acquired or congenital immuno- factor that warrants annual influenza immunization. During the 2009
deficiency states may result in an increased likelihood of a more severe A(H1N1)pdm09 pandemic, not only were increased rates of hospitaliza-
and prolonged illness and an increased risk of antiviral resistance.81,82 The tion observed in healthy pregnant women, especially in the second and
risk for immunocompromised persons is compounded if they have co- third trimester, but also an increased rate of death compared to that in
morbid states that are themselves risk factors for adverse outcomes from non-pregnant women.90 Such excess mortality had previously been
influenza illness (e.g., underlying chronic lung disease). The risk among observed during the 1918 and 1957 pandemics. A recent meta-analysis
these individuals may be variable due to differences in the nature and demonstrated that women who were less than four weeks post-partum
intensity of their immunosuppressive therapies.86,87 were at greatest risk of death.91 New evidence indicates that there is a
The importance of early treatment of influenza illness in immuno- significant increase in stillbirths, premature deliveries, and infant mortal-
compromised hosts (e.g., organ transplant recipients) is well docu- ity when women have influenza in the third trimester.92
mented. Protracted illness and virus shedding may prompt physicians Oseltamivir pharmacokinetics in pregnant women with influenza
to prolong antiviral therapy with oseltamivir. However, the increased are not different from one trimester to another.93 Oseltamivir is
likelihood of antiviral resistance is a major concern with prolonged excreted in breast milk, but at concentrations below that required to
oseltamivir therapy of influenza in immunocompromised patients.88 inhibit current influenza A and B strains.94 These observations taken
Antiviral resistance should be considered if there is a lack of response together support the recommendation to treat influenza in pregnant
to antiviral therapy, especially in the setting of recent antiviral admin- women in all trimesters with oseltamivir in standard doses as soon as
istration. Accordingly, practitioners should consult with experts and possible after the onset of influenza-like symptoms.95
be vigilant for antiviral resistance when treating such patients. Oseltamivir and zanamivir are listed by the FDA as Pregnancy
Category C drugs, reflecting the fact that no controlled trials have
F. Treatment of patients with renal impairment been done to assess their safety during pregnancy. No adverse effects
Recommended oseltamivir regimens for treatment and prophylaxis of on the pregnant woman or fetus have been observed as a result of
patients with renal impairment or failure are presented in Table 5.26-29 treatment with oseltamivir during pregnancy.96,97
No dosage adjustments are required for inhaled zanamivir treat- Some authorities recommend oseltamivir in preference to zanami-
ment in patients with renal impairment. vir during pregnancy because it is systemically absorbed.98 Systemically
absorbed oseltamivir would likely be delivered to virus-infected res-
G. Treatment of pregnant patients piratory tract tissues more consistently than would inhaled zanamivir,
During seasonal influenza epidemics, healthy pregnant women with influ- especially in the later stages of pregnancy when diaphragmatic excur-
enza, especially those in the third trimester of pregnancy, experienced sion, limited by the gravid uterus, may impair necessary distribution of
rates of hospitalization in excess of those observed in age-matched non- inhaled zanamivir through the respiratory tract. Oseltamivir is now
pregnant women with influenza.89 Moreover, the rates of hospitalization recommended for the treatment of influenza in pregnant women.
• Treatment with zanamivir instead of oseltamivir should be i. Seasonal prophylaxis involves continuous (usually daily) admin-
considered for: istration of antiviral medication for all or part of an influenza sea-
i) Patients not responding to oseltamivir therapy, son to prevent influenza illness. This may include circumstances
(Recommendation, Grade X evidence) in which effective vaccine is not available or vaccine is contra-
ii) Patients with illness despite oseltamivir prophylaxis, indicated. Although efficacious in the setting of clinical trials,
(Recommendation, Grade X evidence) the practicality and effectiveness of such seasonal prophylaxis in
iii) Where influenza B is confirmed or strongly suspected the field have not been established. Two weeks of prophylaxis
(Recommendation, Grade C evidence) initiated at the time of administration of injected, inactivated
• In the above circumstances i and ii, virus should be tested for influenza vaccine during the influenza season may be considered
oseltamivir resistance, if possible. to prevent influenza until vaccine-induced immunity develops, a
strategy referred to as bridging prophylaxis.
• Although oseltamivir was approved temporarily for use in infants
ii. PEP is an efficacious strategy when initiated in the first 48 h
under one year of age on the basis of a favourable risk-to-benefit
after exposure to a contact with suspected or lab-confirmed
ratio during the recent 2009 H1N1 pandemic and is now
influenza. Contacts are considered infectious for the interval
authorized in the U.S., it is not authorized in Canada for the
beginning 24 h before illness onset until the time fever ends.
routine treatment of seasonal influenza illness in infants less than
However, it is recommended that the strategy of early treat-
one year of age. Such use in this population for seasonal influenza
ment be used in place of PEP because of reports of oseltamivir
should be handled on a case-by-case basis, based on severity of
resistance arising during PEP. Early presumptive therapy may
illness. (Option, Grade D evidence)
be appropriate for situations where influenza infection appears
prevalent and persons at very high risk of influenza complica-
F. Treatment of immunocompromised patients:
tions are exposed.74 Early presumptive treatment requires
initiation of therapy with oseltamivir or zanamivir twice daily
1. Immunocompromised individuals who have uncomplicated (versus once daily as recommended for PEP) initiated after
influenza illness are at risk of developing severe or complicated exposure to an infectious contact even before symptoms
illness and thus should be treated with oseltamivir as soon as begin.
possible without regard to the duration of illness. iii. Outbreak control. Chemoprophylaxis combined with antiviral
(Recommendation, Grade C evidence) treatment of ill persons plus other measures is recommended for
2. Immunocompromised patients should be treated with zanamivir, if controlling outbreaks of influenza in closed facilities. Closed
they have recently received or are currently receiving oseltamivir facilities have a fixed residential population with limited turn-
as prophylaxis or therapy. (Recommendation, Grade X evidence) over or units that can be closed.99 Closed facilities include
3. Prolonged antiviral therapy should be avoided in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities that house
immunocompromised individuals if possible due to the potential patients at high risk of influenza complications99 as well as cor-
for antiviral resistance. (Option, Grade D evidence) rectional institutions that pose special other risks and consider-
4. Early initiation of therapy for symptomatic infection in ations with respect to influenza outbreaks due to their unique
immunocompromised patients is preferred over post-exposure environment; these factors mandate consideration of the same
prophylaxis. In the setting of a defined, significant exposure (e.g. measures for outbreak management in both.99 Chief among
household contact or healthcare associated exposure such as shared these additional measures is the concurrent administration of
hospital accommodation) of an immunocompromised patient to a inactivated influenza vaccine parenterally. Zanamivir does not
suspected or lab-confirmed case of influenza, post-exposure interfere with the hemagglutination antibody response to
prophylaxis may be considered. (Option, Grade D evidence) injected vaccine.100 A similar lack of interference with
5. In exposed, susceptible, profoundly immunosuppressed individuals oseltamivir would be expected. Nasal attenuated live influenza
at very high risk of complications, presumptive treatment (as vaccine (FlumistR) should not be used in these situations, as
defined below in VII.ii) may be initiated prior to the onset of oseltamivir and zanamivir would be expected to interfere with
symptomatic illness. (Option, Grade D evidence) its immunogenicity.
6. For early presumptive treatment, oseltamivir is preferred. (Option,
Grade D evidence) Recommendations for Antiviral Prophylaxis
• Early therapy is preferred over routine seasonal pre-exposure
G. Treatment of patients with renal impairment prophylaxis (Recommendation, Grade X evidence).
See the relevant sections above and Table 5 for treatment recommen- • An early treatment strategy should involve counseling together
dations of adults and children with renal impairment as a risk factor. with arrangements for contacts to have medication on hand.
(Option, Grade D evidence)
H. Treatment of pregnant patients • The selective use of pre-exposure prophylaxis can be suggested for
Oseltamivir in standard doses is recommended for treatment of preg- the following scenarios (Option, Grade D evidence) during
nant women with influenza based on the extensive safe use of community outbreaks of influenza illness:
oseltamivir to treat pregnant women during the 2009 H1N1 pan- i. As a bridge to vaccine-induced immunity during the 14-day
demic. (Strong recommendation, Grade C evidence). See also period after immunization of high-risk individuals.
V.G Treatment of pregnant patients. ii. Protection of high-risk persons for whom vaccination is
contraindicated or deemed likely to be ineffective.
VII. recommendations for CHEMOPROPHYLAXIS iii. Protection of patients at high risk and their family members
VERSUS EARLY THERAPY and close contacts when circulating strains of influenza virus
An algorithm for prophylaxis is provided as Appendix D. in the community are not matched with trivalent seasonal
Antiviral prophylaxis with NAIs has been demonstrated to be influenza vaccine strains, based on current data from the local
efficacious and well tolerated. Three chemoprophylactic strategies or national public health laboratories
were first detailed in our previous publications1,2: (i) seasonal prophyl- iv. Protection of family members or health care workers for whom
axis, (ii) post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) or contact exposure and (iii) influenza immunization is contraindicated (e.g., known anaphyl-
outbreak control. Antiviral chemoprophylaxis is recommended only axis to chicken or egg protein)101 and who are likely to have
in very selected circumstances: ongoing close exposure to unimmunized persons at high risk
10C Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol Vol 24 Suppl C Autumn 2013
The use of antiviral drugs for influenza
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Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol Vol 24 Suppl C Autumn 2013 13C
Aoki et al
• If within 48 hours of • If > 48 hours since • If within 48 hours of If > 48 hours since onset,
symptom onset, onset, anviral symptom onset, iniate oseltamivir or zanamivir
anviral therapy with therapy is not oseltamivir or inhaled therapy may be
oseltamivir or inhaled generally zanamivir therapy considered
zanamivir may be recommended immediately
considered • Provide instrucons
regarding indicaons
for reassessment
Appendix A) Algorithm for oseltamivir and zanamivir treatment of mild or uncomplicated influenza in nonpregnant adults. The Use of Antiviral Drugs for
Influenza:A Foundation Document for Practitioners
• Consider hospitaliza�on
• Consider admission to intensive care unit
Not responding
Intravenous zanamivir, if available*, is preferred to inhaled zanamivir
(*through clinical trials or via Health Canada’s Special Access Program)
Appendix B) Algorithm for oseltamivir and zanamivir treatment of moderate, progressive, severe or complicated influenza in nonpregnant adults. The Use
of Antiviral Drugs for Influenza: A Foundation Document for Practitioners
14C Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol Vol 24 Suppl C Autumn 2013
The use of antiviral drugs for influenza
No risk factors for severe Risk factors for severe Consider hospitalizaon including ICU admission†
disease other than age disease (Table 3)
Appendix C) Algorithm for oseltamivir and zanamivir treatment of influenza in children and youth (<18 years of age). The Use of Antiviral Drugs for
Influenza: A Foundation Document for Practitioners. *In children of any age with mild or uncomplicated illness, antiviral treatment is not routinely recom-
mended and should not be used if symptoms have been present for >48 h. †Treatment with oseltamivir or, if appropriate zanamivir may be considered on a
case-by-case basis even if symptoms have been present for >48 h. In Canada, antivirals are not authorized for infants <1 year of age but should be considered.
See Table 5, Footnote 2. ‡Accessed through available clinical trials or via Health Canada’s Special Access Program
Not Significant
immunosuppressed Immunosuppression
Oseltamivir or zanamivir outbreak treatment & treatment* with
prophylaxis as per closed facility protocols Early treatment with oseltamivir if symptoms arise oseltamivir or
Appendix D) Algorithm for oseltamivir and zanamivir prophylaxis or early treatment in close contacts of suspected or lab-confirmed case. The Use of
Antiviral Drugs for Influenza: A Foundation Document for Practitioners. *Presumptive treatment is therapy with twice daily doses of oseltamivir or zanamivir
initiated before the onset of influenza symptoms in close contact of individual with suspected or lab-confirmed influenza illness
Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol Vol 24 Suppl C Autumn 2013 15C