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Reaction of First Order: Chemical Kinetics

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Reaction of First Order

A reaction is said to be of the first order if the rate of the reaction depends upon only on
concentration term only. Thus we may have
For the reaction : A  Products
Rate of reaction  [A].
For the reaction : 2 A  Products
Rate of reaction  [A] only..
For the reaction : A + B  Products
Rate of reaction  [A] or [B] only..
Let us consider the simplest case viz.
A  Products
Suppose we start with ‘a’ moles per litre of the reactant A. After time t, suppose x moles per
litre of it, have decomposed. Therefore, the concentration of A after time t = (a – x) moles per
litre. Then according to Law of Mass Action.
Rate of reaction  (a – x)
i.e.,  (a – x)
or  k (a – x) ..… (1)
where k is called the rate constant or the specific reaction rate for the reaction of the first order.
The expression for the rate constant k may be derived as follows :
Equation (1) may be rewritten in the form
= kdt ..…(2)
Integrating equation (2), we get  a – x   kdt
1 a
or k  ln ..…(3)
t ax
2.303 a
or k log ..…(4)
t ax
Equation (4) is sometimes written in another form which is obtained as follows :
If the initial concentration is [A]0 and the concentration after time t is [A], then putting a = [A]0
and (a – x) = [A] equation (iv) becomes
2.303 [A]0
k log ..… (5)
t [A]
Further, putting a = [A]0 and (a – x) = [A] in eqn. (3), we get
[ A] 0
kt = ln [A]
which can be written in the exponential form as
[A]0 [A]
 e kt or  e  kt
[A] [A]0
or [A] = [A]0 e–kt ..… (6)
Example 11 :
It was found that cane sugar solution in water was hydrolysed to the extent of
25 per cent in one hour. Calculate the time that will be taken for the sugar to be
hydrolysed to the extent of 50 % , assuming that the reaction is of the first order.
Solution :
2.303 a
t log
k ax
Where =f
2.303 1 2.303
tf  log  log(1  f ) ..…(1)
k1 (1  f ) k1
Putting f = 0.25 at t0.25 = 1 hour from the data
2.303 2.303
t0.25 = 1 hr = log(1  0.25) = log 4 /3 ..…(2)
k1 k1
2.303 2.303
Similarly t0.5 =  log(1  0.5)  log 2 ..…(3)
k1 k

t 0.5 log 2
Dividing (iii) by (ii)  = 2.4 hours
1hr log 4 / 3
Hence time required for 50% hydrolysis = 2.4 hours.

Example 12 :
The half time of first order decomposition of nitramide is 2.1 hour at 15°C.
NH2NO2(s)  N2O(g) + H2O(l)
If 6.2 g of NH2NO2 is allowed to decompose, calculate
(a) time taken for NH2NO2 to decompose 99% and
(b) volume of dry N2O produced at this point measured at STP.
Solution :
2.303 [A]0
For a first-order reaction, rate constant expression is k = log
t [A]t
Initial moles of nitramide =  0.1
2.303  2.1 0.1
t log  13.95 hours
0.693 0.001
Since, the decomposition is 99 %, so 99 % of the initial moles of NH2NO2 would be
converted to N2O.
0.1 99
Moles of N2O =
0.1 99  22.4
Volume of N2O at STP =  2.217 litre .
Example 13 :
A drug becomes ineffective after 30 % decomposition. The original concentration of
a sample was 5mg/mL which becomes 4.2 mg/mL during 20 months. Assuming the
decomposition of first order , calculate the expiry time of the drug in months. What is
the half life of the product?
2.303  a 
Solution : k = log  
t a  x 
2.303  5 
= log10  
20  4. 2 
= 0.00872 min–1
Expiry time 't' may be calculated as
2.303 a 2.303 100
k= log10 0.00872 = log10
t ax t 70
t = 40.9  41 months t1/2 = = 79.4 months

Example 14 :
A first order reaction is 20 % completed in 10 minutes. Calculate the time taken for
the reaction to go to 80 % completion.
Solution :
Applying first order equation,
2.303 100 2.303 100
k= log10 = log10 = 0.0223 min–1
t (100  20) 10 80
Again applying first order equation,
2.303 100 2.303 100
t= log10 = log10 = 72.18
k (100  80) 0.0223 20

Some Important Characteristics of First Order Reactions :

(i) Any reaction of the first order must obey equation (5) or (6). This may be tested in any one
of the following ways :
(a) Substitution method : Starting with a known concentration ‘a’ or [A]0, the
concentration of the reactant (a – x) or [A] at different intervals of time may be noted.
For every value of t, the corresponding value of (a – x) i.e. [A] may be substituted in
equation (vi) or (vii). If the values of k thus obtained are nearly constant (within the
experimental error), the reaction is of the first order.
(b) Graphical method : Equation (6) may be written as
k [A]0
t  log  log[A] 0  log[A]
2.303 [A]
or log [A]   t  log [A]0 ..... (7)
This is the equation of a straight line (y = mx + c). Thus if log [A] or log (a – x) values are
plotted against time ‘t’, the graph obtained should be a straight line if the reaction is of the
first order.
The intercept made on the y-axis would be ‘log [A]0’ and the slope of the line would be

 k  k
equal to    i.e., slope = –
 2. 303  2.303
From this, the value of k can be calculated.

log A

(ii) Half-life Period : The time taken for any fraction of the reaction to be completed is
independent of the initial concentration. For example, let us test the truth of this statement for
half of the reaction to be completed. Equation (5) may be written as
2.303 a
t log ..… (8)
k ax
When half of the reaction is completed, x = a/2. Representing the time taken for half of the
reaction to be completed by t1/2 equation (8) becomes
2.303 a 2.303 0.693 0.693
t1/2 = log  log 2  i.e, t1/ 2 
k a k k k
Thus ‘a’ does not appear in this equation so that t1/2 is independent of a. Similarly, it can be
seen that t1/2, t2/3 etc. will also be independent of the initial concentration.
The time taken for half of the reaction to be completed i.e., the time in which the concentration
of a reactant is reduced to half of its original value is called Half-life period of the reaction.
The above result can also be used to test a reaction of the first order. The method is called
fractional life method.
(iii) The units of k are independent of the units in which the concentrations are expressed. This is
obvious from equation (5) because in this equation k depends upon the ratio of two
concentrations viz. and the time t. Thus so long as both a and (a – x) are expressed in the
same concentration units, the value of k is not affected. The units of k, therefore, depend only
upon the units of time ‘t’. Depending upon whether t is expressed in second, minutes or hours,
k would be in sec–1, min–1 or hr–1 respectively.

Examples of the Reactions of First Order

1. Decomposition of Nitrogen Pentoxide : The compound, nitrogen pentoxide, is a
volatile solid which decomposes in the gaseous state as well as in the form of its solution in an
inert solvent like carbon tetrachloride, chloroform etc. according to the equation.
 N 2 O 4  2 NO 2  O 2
N 2 O5 

2 NO 2
(i) When the reaction is carried out in the solution, N2O4 and NO2 remain in the
solution and the volume of oxygen gas collected is noted at different intervals of time. It
is obvious that Volume of oxygen gas collected at any time (Vt) x  Vt .Amount of

N2O5 decomposed (x) i.e.,

x Vt
(ii) Volume of oxygen gas collected at 

infinite time (V ) (which is done by   Amount of N 2 O 5 initially taken (a)
heating the reaction vessel) 

a  V
i.e., Substituting these values in the first order equation viz.
2.303 a 2.303 V
k log We get k log
t ax t V  Vt
The constancy in the value of k proves the reaction to be of the first order.
Example 15 :
For decomposition of N2O5 in CCl4 solution at 320 K
2N2O5  4NO2 + O2
show that the reaction is of first order and also calculate the rate constant:
Time in minutes 10 15 20 25 
Volume of O2 evolved (in ml) 6.30 8.95 11.40 13.50 34.75
Solution :
If the reaction is of first order, it must obey the equation
2.303 a
k log
t (a  x)
In the above reaction, NO2 remains in solution and oxygen is liberated and collected at
different intervals of time.
Therefore , Vt  x V  a
Substituting these values in the first order equation
2.303 a 2.303 V
k log  log
t ax t V  Vt
2.303 V
Time Vt V – Vt k log
t V  Vt
2.303 34.75
10 6.30 34.75 – 6.30 = 28.45 k log  0.0198
10 28.45
2.303 34.75
15 8.95 34.75 – 8.95 = 25.80 k log  0.0198
15 25.80
2.303 34.75
20 11.40 34.75 – 11.40 = 23.35 k log  0.0198
200 23.35
2.303 34.75
25 13.50 34.75 – 13.50 = 21.25 k
log  0.0198
25 21.25
Since the value of k comes out to be constant the reaction, therefore, is of first order. The
average value of rate constant is 0.0198 min–1.
Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide : The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide in
aqueous solution (catalysed by the presence of finely divided platinum) takes place according
to the equation
 H O + 1 O
H 2O 2  2 2 2
The kinetics of this reaction may be studied either by the same method as done earlier (i.e.
collecting the oxygen gas produced and noting its volume at different intervals of time) or by
making use of the fact that H2O2 solution can be titrated against KMnO4 solution. Thus by
withdrawing equal amounts of the solution (usually 5 cc) at regular intervals of time and titrating
against the same KMnO4 solution, the amount of H2O2 present can be found every time. It is
obvious that for the same volume of the reaction solution withdrawn,
Volume of KMnO 4 solution used 
 Initial concentartion
before the commencement of the   
reaction i.e. at zero time (V0 )  of H 2 O 2 (a)

i.e., a  V0

 Amount of H 2 O 2
 
Volume of KMnO 4 solution used   present at that
at any instant of time t (Vt )  instant i.e. (a - x)
 
(a - x )  Vt
Substituting these values in the first order equation, we get
2.303 a 2.303 V
k log or k log 0
t ax t Vt
The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, as tested by this equation, is found to be of the first

Example 16 :
From the following data show that the decomposition of an aqueous solution of
hydrogen peroxide is of first order :
Time (minutes) 0 10 20 30
V (ml) 46.1 29.8 19.6 12.3
where V is the volume of potassium permanganate solution in ml required to
decompose a definite volume of the peroxide solution.
Solution :
It is evident from the given data that at zero time, titre value is proportional to the original
concentration of hydrogen peroxide, i.e., a. The titre value at any time t corresponds to
undecomposed hydrogen peroxide, i.e., (a – x).
Substituting the value in the equation
2.303 a
k1  log , we get
t ax
2.303 46.1
(i) k1  log  4.364  102
10 29.8
2.303 46.1
(ii) k1  log  4.276  102
20 19.6

2.303 46.1
(iii) k1  log  4.404  102
30 12.3
Since k1 comes out to be constant in the two cases, the reaction is a first order one with the
average value of three.

Pseudo Unimolecular Reaction

Consider the following acid-catalysed reactions:
(i) Hydrolysis of ethyl acetate
CH 3 COOC 2 H 5  H 2 O  CH 3 COOH  C 2 H 5 OH
Ethyl acetate Acetic acid Ethyl alcohol

(ii) Inversion of cane-sugar

C12 H 22 O11  H 2 O  C 6 H12 O 6  C 6 H12 O 6
Sucrose Glu cos e Fructose
Both the above reactions are bimolecular but are found to be of the first order, as
experimentally it is observed that
For the first reaction , Rate of reaction  [CH3COOC2H5] only
and for the second reaction, Rate of reaction  [C12H22O111] only.
The reason for such a behaviour is obvious from the fact that water is present in such a
large excess that is concentration remains almost constant during the reaction.
Such reactions which are not truly of the first order but under certain conditions become
reactions of the first order are called pseudo-unimolecular reactions.
The kinetics of the above reactions have been studied as follows :
(a) Hydrolysis of Ethyl acetate
In this reaction acetic acid is one of the products, the amount of which can be found by titration
against standard NaOH solution. But being an acid-catalysed reaction, the acid present originally
as catalyst, also reacts with NaOH solution. Hence a little careful though reveals that for the
same volume of reaction mixture withdrawn at different times.
Volume of NaOH solution used in  Amount of acid present only as catalyst
the beginning i.e. at zero time (V0 )  (as no CH 3 COOH is produced at t  0) ..… (i)

Volume of NaOH solution used  Amount of acid present as catalyst

 ..… (ii)
at any instant of time t (Vt )   amount of CH 3 COOH produced
Combining results (i) and (ii), we find that
Amount of CH 3 COOH produced
  (Vt  V0 ) ..… (iii)
at any instant of time 

But amount of CH 3 COOH produced  Amount of CH 3 COOC2 H 5

at any instant of time   that has reacted (x)
Hence x  (Vt  V0 ) ..… (iv)

Volume of NaOH solution used after the reaction  Amount of acid present as
 
has taken place for a long time, say 24 hours or so,  catalyst  Max. amount
called infinite time (V )  of CH COOHproduced
  3

Combining results (i) and (v), we find that

Max. amount of CH3COOH produced  (V  V0 )
But Max. amount of CH3COOH produced
 Initial concentration of CH3COOC2H5 ..… (vi)
Hence , a  (V  V0 )
From equations (iv) and vi), we have
(a – x)  (V  V0 ) – (Vt – V0)
or (a – x)  (V  Vt ) ..… (vii)
Substituting the values of a and (a – x) from equations (vi) and (vii) in the first order equation,
we get
2.303 a
k log
t ax
2.303 V  V0
or k log 
t V  Vt
Example 17 :
In an experiment to study hydrolysis of an ester 0.5 M HCl at 300 K was used. 5 cm 3
of the reaction mixture was withdrawn after definite intervals and titrated against
0.2 M NaOH solution. Calculate the rate constant at 300K from the following data.
t (sec) 0 600 1200 1800 
v (cm of NaOH used)
11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 25.5
Solution :
From the given data, V0 = 11.5 cm3; V = 25.5 cm3
 a  V – V0 = 25.5 – 11.5 = 14.0 and (a – x)  V – Vt
Putting the values of Vt = 12.0 at 600 sec.; 12.5 at 1200 sec. and 13.0 at 1800 seconds in the
2.303 V  V0
k1  log  , we get
t V  Vt
2.303 14.0 2.303 14.0
(i) k1  log  log  6.061 105 s 1
600 (25.5  12.0) 600 13.5
2.303 14.0 2.303 14.0
(ii) k1  log  log  6.176 105 s 1
1200 (25.5  12.0) 1200 13.0
2.303 14.0 2.303 14.0
(iii) k1  log  log  6.296 105 s 1
1800 (25.5  12.0) 1800 12.5
The average value of rate constant k1= 6.177  10–5 s–1
(b) Optical Rotation Method
Inversion of Cane Sugar (Sucrose)

C12 H 22 O11  H 2 O 
 C6 H12 O6  C6 H12 O 6
((  );66.5 ) glu cos e fructose
((  );52.5 ) ((  ); 92 )
In this reaction by the hydrolysis of dextro-rotatory sucrose produces a mixture of glucose
(dextro-rotatory) and fructose (laevo rotatory). As laevo rotation of fructose is more therefore
the resulting mixture is laevo rotatory.
The kinetics of above reaction is studied by noting the angle of rotation at different intervals of
time using polarimeter.
Say angle of rotation at the start of experiment = r0
Angle of rotation at any time t = rt
Angle of rotation at  time = r
Now , Angle of rotation at any instant of time = (r0 – rt)  amount of sucrose hydrolysed
or x  (r0 – rt)
Similarly, angle of rotation at  time

r¥ rt

90 90


= (r0 – r)  initial conc. of sucrose (a)

or a  (r0 – rt)
Thus , (a – x)  (r0 – r) – (r0 – rt)
 (rt – r)
r0  r
Hence , k  2.303log
rt  r

Example 18 :
The optical rotation of sucrose in 0.5 N-hydrochloric acid at 308 K and at various
time intervals are given below. Find out the rate constant for the first order hydrolysis
of sucrose.
Time (minutes) 0 10 20 30 60 
Rotation (degrees) +32 25.5 20.0 15.5 5.0 -10.50
Solution :
Here a , the initial concentration  (r0 – r)
x, the change in time t  (r0 – rt)
 (a –x)  (rt – r)
Substituting these values for different (a – x) values corresponding to time t from the data in the
equation for first order reaction
2.303 a 2.303 r0  r
k log = t log r  r , we get
t ax t 

2.303 32  (10.5) 2.303 42.5

(i) k1  log  log  0.0166 min -1
10 25.5  (10.5) 10 36.0

2.303 32  (10.5) 2.303 42.5

(ii) k1  log  log  0.0166 min -1
20 20.0  (10.5) 20 30.0
2.303 32  (10.5) 2.303 42.5
(iii) k1  log  log  0.0164 min -1
30 15.5  (10.5) 30 26.0
2.303 32  (10.5) 2.303 42.5
(iv) k1 
log  log  0.0168 min -1
60 5.0  (10.5) 60 15.5
Average value of k1 = 0.0166 min–1

Half Life of nth order reaction

A  Product
t=0 a 0
t=t a–x x
 (a  x ) n
 K (a  x ) n
a/2 t1/ 2

(a  x)n
  Kdt

Let a – x = z
– dx = dz , when x = 0 , z = a
When x = a/2, z = a/2
t1/ 2
 Z  n 1 

 
Kdt >  
  n  1  a
 kt 1 / 2

1  a  
1 n
1 n
   a   kt1/ 2
n  1  2  

1  1 
n 1
[ 2 n 1  1]  kt 1 / 2 , (a n 1 ).t 1 / 2   ( 2 n 1  1)  = k
a ( n  1)  K (n  1) 
Therefore for a nth order reaction, half life period in inversely related to initial amount
t 1 a n 1 = constant

Reaction involving Two First Order Parallel Reactions Or Concurrent


These are reactions in which a reacting substance do not follow a particular path to give a
particular set of products. It follows one or more paths to give different products. For example,


The reactant A follows two different paths to form B and C. (The change in concentration of A,
B and C is given in figure below)


Change in conc. of A, B and C

Let initial conc. of A = a mol L–1 and say the amount transformed in time t = x mol L–1.
If y and z be amounts of B and C formed at time t, then
dx A dy B dz C
 
dt dt dt
Now if the reaction is unimolecular and k1 and k2 are rate constants for formation of B and C
from A then
dy B
rate of formation of y,  k 1 (a  x );
dz C
and rate of formation of z,  k 2 (a  x )
dx A
Thus,  k 1 (a  x )  k 2 (a  x )  (k 1  k 2 )(a  x )
dx A
If k 1  k 2  k , Then  k (a  x ) (Here rf B  rf C )
or the rate of reaction will be k(a – x)
Some examples of side reactions
C6 H6 + N2 + HCl + CH3 CHO
(i) C6H5N = NCl + CH3CH2OH
C6 H6 OC2H5 + N2 HCl
CH3 CH3 OH + KBr
(ii) CH3CH 2Br + KOH
CH2 = CH2 + KBr + H2 O
Reactions involving opposing or reversible reactions :
Such reactions results in equilibrium. In other words the reactant changes to product and
vice versa.
Say we have an opposing reaction in which both forward and backward reactions are first
order, viz.,
(k1 and k2 are rate constant of forward and backward reaction)
Say initial conc. of A and B are a and b mol L–1 respectively.
If after time t, x moles/L of A change into B, then conc. of A and B will be (a – x) and (b + x)

The net rate of the reaction would be given as :
Rate = k1 (a – x) – k2 (b + x) … (i) [  both processes occur simultaneously]
When equilibrium is reached, the net rate is zero
Thus, k1 (a – xe) = k2 (b + xe) (e = equilibrium)
1 k k1
Hence, (b + xe)  k (a – xe) or b = k (a – xe) –xe
2 2
Substituting value of b in eqn. (i)
dx k 1 
Rate of reaction, dt  k 1 (a  x )  k 2  k (a  x e )  x e  x 
 2 
on solving, we get
Rate = (k1 + k2) (xe – x)
After rearranging and integrating the equation, we get an equation similar to first order reaction
as shown below.
A k1 B

dx x dx t
xe  x
 (k 1  k 2 )dt x 0 xe  x
 0 (k1  k 2 )dt
xe  x0
or log  (k 1  k 2 ) t
xe  x

1 x  x0
or (k 1  k 2 )  log e
t xe  x
The equation is similar to first order reaction except that the measured rate constant is now the
sum of the forward and the reverse rate constants.

Q.1 A first order reaction is 75% completed in 72 min.. How long time will it take for
(i) 50% completion (ii) 87.5% completion
Q.2 A first order reaction is 20% complete in 10 min. calculate (i) the specific rate constant , (ii) the time
taken for the reactions to go to 75% completion.
Q.3 Show that in case of unimolecular reaction, the time required for 99.9% of the reaction to take place
in ten times that required for half of the reaction.
Q.4 A first order reaction has a rate constant is 1.5 × 10–3 sec–1. How long will 5.0 g of this reactant take
to reduce to 1.25 g.
Q.5 A drug is known to be ineffective after it has decomposed 30%. The original concentration of a
sample was 500 units/ml. When analyzed 20 months later, the concentration was found to be
420 units/ml. Assuming that decomposition is of I order, what will be the expiry time of the
Q.6 A viral preparation was inactivated in a chemical bath. The inactivation process was found to be first
order in virus concentration. At the beginning of the experiment 2.0 % of the virus was found to be
inactivated per minute . Evaluate k for inactivation process.
Q.7 If a reaction A Products, the concentrations of reactant A are C0, aC0, a2C0, a3C0, .............
after time interval 0, t, 2t, 3t, ............. where a is a constant. Given 0 < a < 1. Show that the reaction
is of first order. Also calculate the relation in k, a and t.
Q.8 The reaction SO2Cl2(g)  SO2(g) + Cl2(g) is a first order gas reaction with k =2.2 × 10–5 sec–
1 at 320°C. What % of SO Cl is decomposed on heating this gas for 90 min.
2 2


Q.9 At 800° C the rate of reaction
2 NO + H2  N2 + H2O
Changes with the concentration of NO and H2 are
1 d[ NO]
[NO] in M [H2] in M  in M sec–1
2 dt
(i) 1.5 × 10–4 4 × 10–3 4.4 × 10–4
(ii) 1.5 × 10–4 2 × 10–3 2.2 × 10–4
(iii) 3.0 × 10–4 2 × 10–3 8.8 × 10–4
(a) What is the order of this reaction?
(b) What is the rate equation for the reaction?
(c) What is the rate when
[H2] = 1.5 ×10–3 M and [NO] = 1.1 × 10–3M?

Q.10 The data below are for the reaction if NO and Cl2 to form NOCl at 295 K
Concentration of Cl2 [M] Concentration of NO Initial Rate (M s–1)
0.05 0.05 1 × 10–3
0.15 0.05 3 × 10–3
0.05 0.15 9 × 10–3
(a) What is the order w.r.t NO and Cl2 in the reaction.
(b) Write the rate expression
(c) Calculate the rate constant
(d) Determine the reaction rate when concentration of Cl2 and NO are 0.2 M & 0.4 M respectively.

Q.11 The catalytic decomposition of N2O by gold at 900°C and at an initial pressure of 200mm is 50%
complete in 53 minutes and 73% complete in 100 minutes.
(i) What is the order of the reaction?
(ii) Calculate the velocity constant.
(iii) How much of N2O will decompose in 100 min. at the same temperature but at initial pressure of 600

Q.12 The following data are for the reaction A + B  products:

Conc. A Conc. B Initial Rate
(M) (M) (mol L1 s1)
0.1 0.1 4.0 × 104
0.2 0.2 1.6 × 103
0.5 0.1 2.0 × 103
0.5 0.5 1.0 × 102
(i) What is the order with respect to A and B for the reaction?
(ii) Calculate the rate constant.
(iii) Determine the reaction rate when the concentrations of A and B are 0.2M and 0.35M, respectively.
Q.13 The pressure of a gas decomposing at the surface of a solid catalyst has been measured at different
times and the results are given below
t (sec) 0 100 200 300
Pr. (Pascal) 4 × 10 3 3.5 × 10 3 3 × 10 3 2.5 × 103
Determine the order of reaction, its rate constant.
Q.14 The half life period of decomposition of a compound is 50 minutes. If the initial concentration is
halved, the half life period is reduced to 25 minutes. What is the order of reaction?
Q.15 At 600°C, acetone (CH3COCH3) decomposes to ketene (CH2 = C = O) and various hydrocarbons.
Given the initial rate data in the table:
(a) What is the order?
(b) Write rate law
(c) Calculate rate constant
(d) Calculate the rate of decomposition when the acetone concentartion is 1.8 ×10–3 M
Experiment Initial [CH3COCH3] Rate M s–1
1. 6.0 × 10–3 M 5.2 × 10–5
2. 9.0 × 10 M–3 7.8 × 10–5
3. 1.8 × 10–3 M ?
Q.16 The half life period of a first order reaction is 50 min. In what time will it go to 90% completion?
Q.17 A first order reaction has k = 1.5 ×10–6 per second at 200°C. If the reaction is allowed to run for
10 hrs., what percentage of the initial concentration would have changed into the product? What is
the half life of this reaction?

Q.18 Show that in case of a first order reaction, the time required for 93.75% of the reaction to take place
is four times that required for half of the reaction.
Q.19 The half time of the first order decomposition of nitramide is 2.1 hour at 15°C.
NH2NO2 (aq.)  N2O (g) + H2O (l)
If 6.2 g of NH2NO2 is allowed to deompose, calculate (i) time taken for NH2NO2 to decompose
99%, and (ii) volume of dry N2O produced at this point, measured at STP.

Answer Key
Q.1 (i) 36 min., (ii) 108 min. Q.2 (i) 0.0223 min–1, (ii) 62.17 min Q.4 924.362
2.303 1
Q.5 expiry time = 41 months Q.6 3.3 × 104s1 Q.7 k= log Q.8 11.2%
t a

Q.9 (a) Third order, (b) r = k[NO]2[H2], (c) 8.85 ×10–3 M sec–1.
Q.10 (a) order w.r.t NO = 2 and w.r.t Cl2 = 1, (b) r = K[NO]2[Cl2], (c) K = 8 L2mol–2s–1,
(d) rate = 0.256 mole L–1s1]
Q.11 (i) first order (ii) k = 1.308 × 102 min1 (iii) 73%
Q.12 (i) rate=[A] [B] ; (ii) k = 4×10–2M–1s–1 ; (iii) rate = 2.8 × 10–3M·s–1
Q.13 (i) Zero order, (ii) K = 5 Pa/s
Q.14 Zero order Q.15.(a) n =1, (b) = k[CH3COCH3], (c) 8.67 × 10–3 s–1, (d) 1.56 × 10–5 M s–


Q.16 166.6 min Q.17 4.62 × 105 sec Q.18 (i) t = 13.96 hrs, (ii) 2.2176 litre

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