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Current and Future Tendency of Monitoring Technology for Integrity

Assessment and Life Extension of the Hull Structure of Floating Production,
Storage and Offloading (FPSO) Vessel

Conference Paper · May 2015

DOI: 10.1115/OMAE2015-41020


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1 author:

Shan Guan
Det Norske Veritas


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DRAFT Proceedings of the ASME 2015 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering
May 31-June 5, 2015, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada


Shan Guan
Strategic Research & Innovation, DNV-GL
Dublin OH, 43017 US

ABSTRACT which makes them more susceptible to structural failure. Hence,

This paper critically reviewed commercially available hull to assure the structural integrity and safe operation, these
stress monitoring systems (HSM) and summarized notations for vessels must be inspected periodically, and ideally continuously
vessels with hull stress monitoring systems from major monitored in real-time. Nowadays, Hull Monitoring Systems
classification societies. The authors recommended that, for containing strain gauges and accelerometers have been widely
every FPSO vessel, at least one HSM should be equipped in installed on ships for safety assurance [2]. However, for FPSOs
compliance with regulation from the International Maritime it is expected to stay on station for life without dry docking the
Organization. Additionally, sixteen types of sensing vessel. Any maintenance, unplanned maintenance or repair, will
technologies were identified for monitoring of FPSO Vessel. be very costly especially if there is an associated loss of
Depending on the technology matureness and readiness for production. As a result, the current commercial HMS cannot
application in marine structures, they were categorized into meet these requirements, and it is essential to develop a robust
three groups: Proven, Un-Proven and State-of–the-art integrity management process where effective use of monitoring
technology. Furthermore, challenges associated with FPSO should be incorporated with goals for continuous safe operation
hull monitoring including Sensor Systems, Communication and of hull structures, prevention of impact to environments, and
Data Analysis techniques were examined. It is concluded that maximizing asset value to be reached.
multiple sensing technologies should be systematically
combined to provide more accurate information. Based on RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
these discussions, a feasible solution that integrates proper Commercially Available Ship Hull Monitoring Systems
wireless sensor network technology and Bayesian Network
modeling was proposed as the future direction of FPSO hull Hull Monitoring System (HMS) or Hull Response
monitoring system. Monitoring System (HRMS) measures and displays ship
motions and hull structural responses in real time to ensure safe
INTRODUCTION operation of ships. As summarized by Slaughter et al., the
The floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) complementary goals for an HMS include [2]:
vessel is used extensively for the purpose of processing and Reduce the risk of encountering dangerous environment
storage of oil from the oil rigs in the middle of the ocean and in and situations;
the high seas. As reported, more than 247 FPSO and 90 FSO Alert and warn the ship operators to the onset and severity
vessels are currently in service worldwide [1]. However, FPSO of those conditions;
is particularly prone to corrosion and corrosion-induced Provide ship handling guidance to avoid mitigate their
structural degradation (strength and fatigue) because of the effects.
saline marine environment, the continuous loading and HMS has become an important safety assurance for modern
offloading, and variable wave-induced loads. Additionally shipping industry. As early as 1994, the International Maritime
FPSOs are usually converted from aging single-hull oil tankers, Organization (IMO) had recommended that all bulk carriers

1 Copyright © 20xx by ASME

over 20,000 deadweight tons should be equipped with hull act independently and are connected through a LAN network
stress monitoring systems. Maritime and Coastguard Agency for data communication and real-time analysis. [5]
(MCA) supported IMO’s recommendations, also adding that
consideration should be given to fitting such systems to other
types of ship [3]. Based on a survey conducted in the early of
2000, there were at least 11 active manufacturers of HMS, and
today there are even more choices to choose [2]. Through an
incomplete survey using the internet, at least 15 active providers
of HMS were identified. Table 1 is a list of their names along
with the associated products. Compared to the survey that
Slaughter et al. did in 2000, many HSM providers were
different. The reasons include that some of them were acquired
by others, switched their focus of business or went out of
business. As shown in Table 1, a majority of the HMS
providers are located in Europe such as Norway, Finland, and
the United Kingdom, while many others are based in East Asia Figure 1. An example of typical sensors arrangement for a
such as South Korea and Singapore. Regardless of the hull stress monitoring system [4].
manufacture, a useful HSM system should contain at least the
following components: Sensors, Microprocessors, Visual MCA Consultants Inc. marketed a hull monitoring system
Displays, and Data Storage. Also the HMS provider needs that activated with wireless, radio-linked data transmission to
deliver system verification, approval and the necessary the deck-house. The HMS can continuously display animated
trainings. and real-time operating status such as accelerations, deck stress,
Most major ship-classification companies such as ABS, bow pressure, wind and wave velocities, speed, and slam
DNV GL, and Lloyd’s Register offer HMS guides and probability. In addition, GPS, power consumption, historical
classification notations. Although the main content and status and terminal status can be displayed in separate windows
directions of these guides are similar, there are however, minor [6].
technical variations. In order to be certified, the ship owners Some modern hull monitoring systems also utilize state-of-
should consulted with their own classification companies before the-art sensors such as fiber optic sensors. Light Structures AS.,
installing a hull stress monitoring system. Table 2 details some a Norwegian company, offers a hull stress monitoring system
of the notations from major classification societies for vessels that integrated fiber optic sensors for measuring such as strain,
equipped with HSM systems. The early forms of HMS were temperature and acceleration. Compared to mechanical sensors,
almost exclusively focused on the hull stress monitoring, fiber optic sensors have advantages including direct strain
including measuring, recording, and analyzing hull stresses in measurement with low noise, longer life, and tolerance for the
conjunction with other ship motion, navigational, and cold environment. However, disadvantages of the hull
performance data. For the hull stress monitoring, the sensor monitoring system incorporated with fiber optic sensors are
systems include long-based strain gauges for strain higher cost, a complex and expensive detection system, a
measurements that were typically placed at different positions precise installation procedure to follow and unfamiliarity to
along the ship’s length on the main deck. One accelerometer many end-users [7]. Nevertheless, Light Structures’ SENSFIB
was placed at the bow for measuring vertical accelerations and hull monitoring system has proven to be successful and can be
two accelerometers were used for measuring rolling and configured for several classes including DNV GL’s HMON,
swaying, suitably located at the center line of the ship. Figure 1 Lloyds Register’s ShipRight SEA, ABS’s HM1, HM2, and +R,
shows the basic sensor arrangement for measuring the hull as well as Bureau VERITAS’s MON-HULL. So far, over 100
stress [4]. Leading manufactures that offer these types of basic Light Structures HMS have been installed on LNGCs, FPSOs,
HSM systems include MACSEA, BMT-Sea Tech, StrainStall, VLCCs, shuttle tankers, container, high-speed and naval
MCA Consultants, CPE Systems, and Sea Structure Technology. vessels.
Besides stress analysis, the latest version of hull monitoring
system added real time analysis of hull fatigue, ship motion and Table 1. A SURVEY OF COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE
sea state. The data communication can be realized either using HULL MONITORING SYSTEMS PROVIDERS
a LAN network or through wireless communication. For
example, the HULLMOS® monitoring system co-developed by Company Products
four European companies and one research institute has the Name
capability of continuously monitoring the hull stress, motion MCA Consultants Inc. Hull Monitoring System
fluctuations and wave height around the ship. HULLMOS®
BMT Scientific Vessel Structural Monitoring
consists of four modules of Strain Analysis, Fatigue Analysis, Marine Services System
Vessel Motion and Wave Field Analysis. These four modules

2 Copyright © 20xx by ASME

for later evaluation
MACSEA Ltd. Hull Medic™ Lloyd’s Register of
Hull & Propeller ShipRight-SEA (Hss-n, optional extensions).
Condition Monitoring The extension -n signifies the number of
Light Structures AS Fiber Optics strain gauges connected to the system.
Hull Monitoring System VDR An interface with the ship’s voyage data
Automasjon and Hull Stress recorder system to enable the recording of hull
Data AS Monitoring System stress, ship motion and hull pressure information
Korean Register of Rules for Classification of Steel Ships (2008),
Rouvari Oy HULLMOS®
Shipping Pt. 9: Additional Installations,
Hull Stress Monitoring
SAJ Hull Flex Ch. 6: Hull
Instrument AB Ltd Monitoring System Monitoring Systems
Nippon Kaiji Kyokai Rules for Hull Monitoring Systems
MPT Consultancy SENSFIB Fiber Optic
(valid at the date 07/2008)
Hull Stress Monitoring System

StrainStall Marine Hull Stress

Monitoring (Stress Alert)
BEN Marine SafenavTM Available FPSO Hull Monitoring Technology
Hull Monitoring System The fundamental component for a ship hull monitoring
system is the sensor. Careful selection of sensors based on their
SMARTEC SA Hull/Vessels Structural application, accuracy, reliability, and cost is critical to ensure
Monitoring system
CPE Systems Hull Stress
that a HMS system can provide useful information while being
Monitoring System still affordable. In term of technology matureness and readiness
for application in marine structures, especially applicability to
Korea Marine Hull Stress FPSO vessels, the sensors identified in this paper can be
Technology Co., Ltd. Monitoring System
divided into three different groups of proven, un-proven and
Sea Structure Hull Stress state-of-the-art technologies (Table 3). Proven monitoring
Technology Co., Ltd Monitoring System, Naviscan technology accepted for ship hull monitoring include Strain
Gauge (short and long baseline strain gauges), Accelerometer,
Global Maritime HULLFIB – Fiber Optic
Pressure Sensor, Ultrasonic Testing (UT), and 3-D Laser
Engineering , Inc. Hull Stress Monitoring System
(GME) STREMOS - Hull Stress Scanning/Photogrammetry/Fiber Optics. Un-proven
Monitoring System technologies are monitoring technology adopted by other
industries however need approval for marine applications (in
AMI Maritime Pte Ltd SMART hull stress term of class acceptance). Those identified are Acoustic
(AMI Marine Ltd) and performance
monitoring system Resonance Testing (ART), Acoustic Emission Testing (AET),
Guided Wave Testing (GWT), Remotely Operated Vehicle
KDU WORLDWIDE Fiber Optical Hull Stress (ROV), Thermography, and Sensor Networks (including
TECHNICAL SERVICES Monitoring System Wireless Sensor Networks, WSN). State-of-the-art technology
Totem Plus Ltd. Hull Stress
has potential for the ship hull monitoring application but
Monitoring (HSM) requires further technology development. Those technologies
included in Table 3 are MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical
Systems) Accelerometer, MEMS Pressure Sensor, Ice Accretion
Table 2. NOTATIONS FOR VESSELS WITH HULL Sensor, Smart Coatings, and Smart Dust.
Classification HMS Classification Table 3. SENSORS FOR MONITORING SHIP HULL
Society Notation Rules STRUCTUR OF FPSO UNIT
where within the brackets there is a letter of Sensor Type Monitoring Type Maturity in Maritime
A, C, D, E, G, H, L, M, N, O, P, S, T, W
which denotes different sensors Strain Gauges Strain Proven
and data communications. (short and long baseline
Bureau Veritas MON-HULL strain gauges)
American Bureau of HM1: Motion Monitoring Accelerometers Acceleration Proven
Shipping (ABS) HM2: Stress Monitoring 3-D Laser Scanning Optical Proven
HM3: Voyage Data Recording
+R: Provision for data recording Photogrammetry Optical Proven

3 Copyright © 20xx by ASME

Fiber Optic Optical Proven information to the ship owners. But additional approaches are
necessary to solve the problems and eliminate the defects. The
Pressure Sensors Pressure Proven
last group of monitoring technology can be extended to provide
Conventional Sound Proven some types of preventing functions. For example, some types
Ultrasonic Testing (UT) of smart coatings are able to self-heal to prevent the substrate
Acoustic Resonance Sound Un-Proven materials from further corrosion attacks [8]. The challenge is
Testing (ART) that most of these technologies are still under research and
Acoustic Emission Sound Un-Proven development. Before applying any of these technologies,
Testing (AET) carefully planned lab tests plus field verifications should be
Guided Wave Testing Sound Un-Proven performed. Table 4 is a summary of monitoring technologies
(GWT) based on their functionalities.
Remotely Operated Optical, Electrical, Un-Proven
Thermography Temperature Un-Proven Monitoring Monitoring Note
Mechanism Technology
Sensor Networks Varies Un-Proven Continuously
Monitoring Strain Gauges,
(including Wireless Accelerometers
Sensor Networks) (MEMS and
MEMS Accelerometers Acceleration State-of-the-art Conventional), Pressure
MEMS Pressure sensors Pressure State-of-the-art (MEMS and
conventional), Optic
Ice Accretion Sensor Sound, Capacitance State-of-the-art Sensors,
Smart Coatings Color State-of-the-art Ice Accretion Sensors
and Smart Dust.
Smart Dust Electrical State-of-the-art
Periodic *depends on the
Inspection Ultrasonic Testing, Sensors it carries.
3-D Laser Scanning,
Acoustic Resonance
Challenges with Current Monitoring Systems Testing,
In general, challenges for an effective monitoring system Acoustic Emission
Testing, Guided Wave
come from three areas: Sensor Systems, Communication, and Testing,
Data Analysis. Thermography,
Of the 16 types FPOS hull morning technologies, some *Remotely Operated
can continuously monitor the hull structures. Sensors fit into Vehicle.
this category are mainly physical sensors such as strain gauges, Preventive Smart Coatings, *depends on the
accelerometers, pressure sensors and optical sensors. They have Monitoring *Sensors Networks type of monitoring
been successfully applied to the commercially available hull motes.
stress monitoring (HSM) systems [2]. Another group of
monitoring technology is only suitable for inspection of ship
hull. For example, UT can be an effective technique to locate To date, most of the hull monitoring systems are still using
defects in either inner or external hull of FPSO. To use UT for cables for data transformation. This brings some limitations
an accurate inspection of inner hull, the stored oil needs to be since the installation and maintenance of cables can be time
emptied and hull walls cleaned. For the inspection of external consuming. In addition, certain locations on the ship are not
hull, the UT set-up can be carried using a Remotely Operated suitable for installation of cables. Especially for large vessels
Vehicle. Both processes are time consuming and labor intense such as the FPSO, cables may need to travel a long distance to
that can take weeks to finish. Thus, it is almost impossible to be connected to a data processing unit (typically is the computer
perform these inspections in a relatively short time interval. for control). For example, a wired strain gauge needs two or
However, the conditions of the vessel can change greatly during four wire-leads to pick up the signal. In some cases, the sensors
the two inspections. In fact, these technologies will be more and wire-leads have to be heavily shielded to minimize
useful to locate the hidden defects from FPSO, either new-built electromagnetic interference (EMI). Then each sensor needs a
or converted from an old vessel, before being put into service. pre-amplifier with two more wire-leads required for amplifier
The first two groups of monitoring technologies are based on and power source. These limitations make current technologies
passive monitoring mechanism. They can be used to accurately intrusive, heavy, and susceptible to EMI, complicated and with
locate the defects and find problems, and then pass the many failure points. In other situations the sensor data can be

4 Copyright © 20xx by ASME

temporary saved in recording media such as a portable hard such as the overall strain that ship endured during the loading
drive and manually transferred when needed. This is the and unloading processes, or the overall wave-effect pressure
common practice for the pressure sensors installed on a ship. and stress put on the ship. While these HSM systems are really
However, this method greatly limited the opportunity of real- important to ensure the integrity and safe operation of the ship,
time data analysis. Furthermore, this method does not fit for their measurements are actually an “average”, and sometime
monitoring those hard to access areas since obtaining the data may not represent the localized stain/stress of the ship hull. The
storage media itself can be a difficult task [9]. Data latter however is normally responsible for the initiation of
transformation through wireless communication has been cracks or fatigue. This is actually an issue with selection
successfully tested and partially verified on several ships. It is between “Macro” and “Micro.” A possible solution is to install
the preferred communication technique for monitoring naval more sensors to those areas with a higher risk of failure.
vessels because it can potentially offer a non-intrusive However, this brings two new challenges. One is the extra cost
technique with EMI resistance and has minimal wiring. The for sensors placement and maintenance. The other one is how to
challenge with wireless communication is the high power precisely determine the high risk locations for monitoring. This
consumed, which is likely to be a serious issue if sensors were issue could be solved by using MEMS sensors instead of
powered using batteries. Although this can be partially conventional sensors. MEMS sensors not only possess
compensated by using MEMS-based sensors, some types of advantages of smaller footprint, lower cost, better accuracy, but
energy harvesting techniques may be needed for a reliable also consume less energy which is extremely important for a
wireless monitoring system. wireless sensor network. Furthermore, MEMS-based energy
No sensors can be 100% accurate, and thus modeling harvesting has been proven as a very practical way to power up
tools are necessary to discard useless information and extract a wireless MEMS sensor network. There are already several
meaning out of the useful data. It is equally important to approaches to harvest energy using solar cells, thermoelectric
interpret the results in a way that is easy to understand. generators, and piezoelectric devices [13, 14, and 15].
Visualization through visual imagery has been regarded as an In this paper, we intend to use the hull pressure monitoring
effective way to communicate both abstract and detailed as an example to explain the utilization of MEMS sensors. For
analysis [10]. For the task of ship hull monitoring, several data most of the hull monitoring systems approved by the major
visualization and analysis software such as Google Earth, classification societies, pressure sensor is not a mandated
Quantum GIS (QGIS), Gephi, Visualization Toolkit may be component although many state-of-the–art systems include
selected from with the ability of translating the modeling results pressure sensors such as a bow seawater pressure gauge.
to images, diagrams, or animations to communicate the status of Lloyd’s Register of Shipping (LR) also recommended that the
hull structure to ship owner. technical specifications for pressure sensors measuring the sea
water pressure on the ships are accuracy higher than 0.025 bar
A Potential Solution and frequency range of 0 – 100 Hz. To monitor large areas
An ideal technique for ship hull monitoring should possess such as the hull of a FPSO vessel, pressure sensors/transducers
the features of simplicity, reliability, scalability and can play an important role for measuring localized stress
affordability. Recent development of less expensive hardware concentration which could lead to fatigue or crack. The stress
has enabled economical implementation of wireless sensor distribution on the hull of FPSO is not uniform due to its large
networks. As mentioned, the cost for building a state-of-the-art extended hull and the structural configuration. The strain/stress
WSN is now about $50 to $100 per mote, which should be measurements using long baseline strain gauges (LBSG) can
affordable to most of the ship owners [11]. This has made only reveal an average load on the ship hull, and often are far
wireless monitoring network a viable solution for ship hull from a reflection of actual stress distribution. Pressure sensors
monitoring. Based on these considerations, a distributed can accurately monitor the local stress
network of sensors for real-time monitoring of FPSO hull distribution/variation/concentration. When used together with
structures were proposed. Figure 2 illustrated the concept of certain types of modeling tools, the probability of a structural
such a wireless sensor network, which can provide time- failure due to localized stress concentration can be predicted
relevant developments information to the ship owner and crew and will be useful for the life cycle management of the hull
members for real-time ship hull monitoring [12]. Wireless structures. MEMS based pressure sensor is a better candidate
sensor network can measure the conditions of ship hull more for localized pressure measurement since they are more suitable
accurately because it has the capability not only be distributed for measuring dynamic pressure with a high speed, more
at a number of locations in an installation/system, but also accurate. In addition, MEMS pressure sensors do not rely on a
network autonomously. Data can be communicated high power input which is safer to use for monitoring of FPSO
automatically to an internet-accessible location, enabling hull structure. Similarly, the strategy of combining multiple
experts to make judgments on system safety from wherever they types of sensors especially using MEMS sensors for hotspots
are located at any time. measuring would apply for other types of FPSO hull condition
A primary problem of current commercial HSM systems is monitoring.
that they are mainly measuring the overall response of the ship,

5 Copyright © 20xx by ASME

For the data analysis and modeling tool, we propose using (HSM) system should be equipped in compliance with
a Bayesian network (BN) model to assess the failure probability regulation from the International Maritime Organization.
of ship hull and prioritize sensor placement. It is possible to use Furthermore, to minimizing down time and maximizing asset
Bayesian network models to establish a threshold for filtering value, sixteen types of sensing technologies were identified for
false information from the sensors because of the learning FPSO hull monitoring. According to the technology matureness
capability it possesses. In addition, Bayesian network models and readiness, these technologies were divided into three groups
take into account dependencies among all variables and it of Proven, Un-Proven and State-of-the-art technology for ship
readily handles situations with incomplete data chosen for hull monitoring. It is worthy pointing out that technologies
several reasons [16]. Although it has become more and more reviewed in this paper are not currently substitutes for
affordable to deploy a wireless sensor network for structure traditional class surveys and inspections, however in the future,
health monitoring, considering the large hull area of FPSO, the if proved to provide an equivalent level of safety, they can be
total cost may still be high. Therefore, there exists a need to accepted by the Maritime industry as easier, less costly, more
establish guidance on how to locate areas with higher reliable and less time consuming methods for assessing the
probability of failure. A higher density of sensors should be integrity of an FPSO vessel hull. Challenges associated with
placed at localities where the ship hull is at a significant higher FPSO hull monitoring including Sensor Systems,
probability of failure. Additionally, to reduce the overall cost, Communication and Data Analysis were examined. It is
in practice the WSN can be deployed prioritily at those concluded that multiple sensing technologies should be
locations with a higher threat of failure probability. Although systematically combined to provide more accurate information.
such arrangement will not completely eliminate the risk for the MEMS sensors were identified to be especially useful for
entire system, it remains to be an effective method with much hotspots monitoring due to their small footprints and low cost.
less total cost. As a last step, the sensor data analyzed using a A feasible solution that integrates proper wireless sensor
calibrated Bayesian networks model can be visualized via data network technology and Bayesian Network modeling was
visualization software that best fits the user needs. proposed as the future direction of FPSO hull monitoring
In summary, we believe that a systematic combination of system.
MEMS and conventional sensors integratable with wireless
sensor network will become the most promising technique for
monitoring the structural integrity of an FPSO hull. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
The author would like thank Dr. Graeme Ripley and Dr.
Narasi Sridhar for their valuable inputs.

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