SHM Ships
SHM Ships
SHM Ships
At the request of DMO Head Maritime Systems Division (HMSD) a study was undertaken to
investigate issues related to installation of hull structural monitoring systems (HSMS) on RAN
ships. This report provides results of a literature and internet survey to determine the state of
the art of HSMS on commercial and military ships together with discussion of issues related to
navy ships generally. System configurations range from basic installations intended to
monitor hull girder bending stresses up to complex developmental systems employing
technologies such as fibre-optic sensors and wireless data transmission. Vendor material
related to commercial off the shelf (COTS) systems is provided in a number of appendices.
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Executive Summary
The 2011 Rizzo Plan to reform RAN ship repair and management practices outlined a
number of reform themes including: Life Cycle Management, Risk Management
Framework and Engineering Function. A number of Life of Type Evaluation studies
were subsequently commissioned by the Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO). The
Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) was tasked to investigate
options for the structural monitoring of RAN ships as a method for determining their
remaining fatigue life and a client report was delivered to the DMO Head Maritime
Systems Division in November 2012. This present report builds on that work to
provide a more general review of the technical aspects of hull structural monitoring
systems with consideration of the differences between installations on navy ships as
compared to commercial ships.
There has been little change in the basic configuration of hull structural monitoring
systems for commercial ships since the International Maritime Organization (IMO)
originally introduced requirements in 1994. Details of Commercial Off The Shelf
(COTS) systems obtained from vendors are provided in individual appendices. The
avoidance of excessive structural loading and fatigue damage as a result of operational
response to overload warnings provided by these systems are cited as delivering
improved safety and reduced through life cost benefits.
Navy vessels can expect to obtain similar benefits from HSMS as those gained from
installation on merchant ships (such as improved safety, reduced through life costs and
greater understanding of hull loads). The reliability of fatigue assessments is improved
if monitoring is introduced as early as possible in the life of the ship, and ideally before
it has entered service. For older ships nearing the end of their service life the major
benefit of structural monitoring is to provide hull overload warnings, so long as the
load capacity of the hull can be reliably determined. The inclusion of hull condition
monitoring system requirements for future warship acquisitions is recommended,
however it must be supported by information management and engineering resources.
For the RAN, these outcomes relate directly to Life Cycle and Risk Management
themes from the Rizzo Review recommendations.
Bernard Phelps
Maritime Platforms Division
____________________ ________________________________________________
Brett Morris
Maritime Platforms Division
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................... 1
3. STRUCTURAL RESPONSE.............................................................................................. 4
3.1 Overload Failure ....................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Fatigue Failure ........................................................................................................... 5
3.2.1 Hull Girder Fatigue Life ......................................................................... 5
3.2.2 Local Structural Fatigue.......................................................................... 6
3.2.3 Fatigue of Warships ................................................................................ 6
8. CONCLUSIONS................................................................................................................ 34
9. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .............................................................................................. 36
1. Introduction
The early decommissioning of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) ship HMAS MANOORA, the
extended unavailability of HMAS KANIMBLA and the temporary unavailability of HMAS
TOBRUK in 2011 prompted the Government to appoint an independent team to develop a plan
to reform RAN ship repair and maintenance practices. This resulted in the delivery of the Rizzo
Review [1] which outlined a number of reform themes including: Life Cycle Management, Risk
Management Framework and Engineering Function.
A number of Life of Type Evaluation (LOTE) studies were subsequently commissioned by the
Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) in relation to RAN surface fleet vessels and reportedly a
common recommendation across the studies * was for the installation of fatigue life monitoring
systems on each Class of ship. At the RAN Maritime Science and Technology Conference 2012,
DMO Head Maritime Systems Division (HMSD) requested advice from DSTO in relation to
options for the structural monitoring of RAN ships as a method for determining their remaining
fatigue life [2].
The use of hull structural monitoring systems (HSMS) on navy ships is seen as a potentially
effective way in which to:
Provide real-time guidance of loading information and trends and to warn of extreme
loading events so that risk of structural overload may be avoided, and to
Obtain actual in-service information of the extreme and long term fatigue loads to which
the ships are exposed so that this can be used for improvements in both the design and
the through life management of ship structures,
These outcomes relate directly to Life Cycle and Risk Management themes from the Rizzo
Review and their successful outcomes are very much dependent on the support of a strong
Engineering Function. It is therefore seen as a potentially effective way in which to address the
Rizzo Review recommendations.
A restricted distribution DSTO Client Report providing RAN specific advice in relation to hull
structural monitoring and fatigue was delivered to HMSD in November 2012. This present report
builds on that work to provide a more general review of the technical aspects of HSMS so that
this may inform engineering decisions related the installation of HSMS on navy ships.
* Not all reports resulting from these studies are available to the authors.
Wave loads are the major contributor to hull fatigue and tend to increase linearly with wave
height in low to moderate sea conditions, but vary non-linearly in higher sea states. Hull fatigue
estimates are generally based on numerical load predictions using seakeeping software codes to
predict wave loading. These predictions are less reliable in higher sea states when non-linearities
become more important. It is noted by the Ship Structure Committee [3] that “nonlinearities in
the response of ships to waves can have a significant effect on predictions of maximum lifetime
loads (but they) have less effect on the loads for fatigue analysis because the majority of the
loading that causes fatigue damage comes from repeated application of low amplitude loads,
which are more linear in nature”. This may be less true for navy ships that are frequently driven
at high speed as the Ship Structure Committee [3] also notes that wave-induced whipping is an
exception to the statement on the importance of non-linearities on fatigue as it significantly
increases the number of fatigue loading cycles (see also Section 2.4). The use of HSMS establishes
a record of the actual stress cycles that the ship experiences and with monitoring over time and
across a number of similar vessels can be used to improve to the fatigue loading predictions.
frequency of the ship’s hull, resulting in amplification of the load due to resonance. Examples of
high frequency dynamic loads include springing caused by the ship encountering waves at a
frequency near the ship hull natural frequency and the loads caused by large unbalanced rotating
machinery. If springing is a regular occurrence then it will be a significant contributor to fatigue
as the frequency of loading (and so number of cycles) is greatly increased. On larger ships the
natural hull girder frequency is typically in the range 1 – 2 Hertz [3], whereas for warships such
as frigates and destroyers this is slightly higher. Hull monitoring will generally be able to detect
such incidents if the sampling rate of strain sensors is sufficiently high, e.g. 15-20 Hz is typically
required [4].
The peak slam bending moment is generally not detected by hull monitoring strain gauges unless
sampled at sufficiently high frequencies; typically at least 100 Hz is needed but up to 500 Hz and
possibly higher may be needed [4]. The transient whipping decay is detectable by strain gauges
and accelerometers with sufficiently high sampling rates and is used in some instances to warn of
slamming (see Section 6.2).
Operational loads are those that arise due to the ship performing specific activities. In the case of
naval vessels, these can include loads due to the landing of helicopters, the sloshing of fluids in
large tanks and weapons firing effects. These effects are usually relatively localised but associated
hull girder vibration may be detected as hull girder stresses through hull monitoring. Local
monitoring for these effects requires significantly higher sampling frequencies, up to 3 kHz [4]
and is usually only needed if the frequency or magnitude of stresses is expected to be high.
“A distinction should be made between the strains arising from a change in temperature and
the strains resulting from external loads. In the latter case, the stresses are proportional to the
strains. By contrast, thermal stresses arise when the thermal strains are inhibited. It is
important to recognize that the thermal strains observed in ships represent the free expansion
part of this process and cause no stress but rather are manifested in elongation and bending
of the hull. When considered together with the temperature distributions, the measured
thermal strains can be used to determine the amount of thermal strain which has been
prevented from occurring by the rigidity of the surrounding structure. This amount
determines the actual thermal stress”
Thermal stresses will then arise as a result of a non-uniform temperature distribution throughout
the hull and their magnitude will be affected by the degree of restraint provided by the
surrounding structure. Stresses will also arise in instances where materials have different thermal
expansion coefficients, e.g. steel hull with aluminium superstructure.
In regards to hull structural monitoring, the important issue is that thermal strains will be
measured by the strain gauges and these must be eliminated from the measurements so that they
do not provide a false indication of stresses in the hull material. Additionally, strain gauges
themselves are sensitive to thermal effects and temperature compensation is required (see
Section 6.1.3).
3. Structural Response
As a result of the applied loading, the ship’s structure will respond at different levels, with
potential failure modes ranging from the global hull-girder level down to the local detail level.
The mechanisms through which these failures occur are usually quite different and the
consequences vary greatly, from small nuisance level fatigue cracking through to overall collapse
of the hull girder under extreme loads.
Overload is typically characterised by an initial onset of plate and/or panel buckling under
compressive loading, brought about through improper loading practices or extreme wave
loading events. There may be a number of different loading scenarios that can cause such
failures, collectively termed ‘limit states’ and safe load levels must be set accordingly. The use of
HSMS enables actual loads to be monitored in real time and to provide warnings so that these
limit states may be avoided with an appropriate level of safety margin.
Buckling behaviour is heavily influenced by the geometry of the structure, more so than by the
yield strength of the material, and so calculation of different potential buckling modes and
ultimate strength of individual structures is needed to ensure that appropriate limit states are
defined for monitoring systems. The importance of establishing these limits states for structural
monitoring of warships should not be under estimated. Although the hull girder of warships is
relatively stiffer than large merchant ships (higher natural frequency), warships are more lightly
framed and more prone to plate and panel buckling. The ultimate strength is also significantly
influenced by geometric imperfections, such as weld distortion which is more pronounced in
warships, and appropriate allowances must be included in ultimate strength calculations. Elastic
properties of structural materials have an important influence on the ultimate strength and there
has been a growing focus on this in the literature as a result of the increased use of aluminium in
ship construction (e.g. Magoga and Flockhart [6]). The role of the Engineering Function needed to
undertake these analyses is evident.
Hull girder fatigue calculations are based on the assumed lifetime loading profile and cross
sectional properties of the hull girder, typically calculated for a number of sections along the hull.
The well-known Palmgrem-Miner linear damage hypothesis is used together with S-N (Stress
Range – No of Cycles) curves for welded structures to establish the fatigue life for each hull
girder section. An example of a typical S-N Curve for base material † and welded joints from Det
Norske Veritas (DNV) [7] is shown in Figure 1.
Ship fatigue design rules and guidelines are well documented in various Classification Society
Rules for navy ships. There are however some differences across these rule sets and it is
important that the chosen rule set is applied completely and consistently so that results are not
invalidated. For example there may be differences in relation to:
i. Allowances (or corrections) needed for a number of factors that influence the fatigue
endurance such as mean stress levels, the direction of loading relative to the weld and
the environment. Material yield strength has an effect on the fatigue behaviour of
unwelded components (e.g. plate edges) but has little influence on crack initiation in
welded structures [8]. Although generally based on the same basic form of S-N curve,
different correction methods are used by the various classification societies.
ii. Methods for development of the lifetime loading profile which can vary from the use of
a simple rules based formulation to the application of seakeeping analysis for calculation
of the loading distribution from first principles,
iii. Methods for the calculation of section modulus and the treatment of significant
openings, structural discontinuities and longitudinally ineffective structure that is to be
omitted from the section calculations,
iv. Allowances for the effects of corrosion are usually considered through simple plate
thickness reductions when calculating the section modulus for hull girder fatigue
assessments, but approaches and values vary across different rule sets.
† Defined as “C-Mn steels, duplex and super duplex steels and austenitic steels with yield stress less than 500 MPa”.
Figure 1. DNV Basic Design S-N Curve (I = Welded Joint, III = Base Material in Air, IV = Base Material
in Corrosive Environment) [7].
3.2.2 Local Structural Fatigue
Warship hulls are complex structures and do not fail in fatigue as would a simple beam; rather
failure initially occurs at local structural components where stress concentrations are caused
through changes in section and welding. Residual stresses are introduced into the structure
during construction through welding, rolling and other manufacturing practices and have a
significant effect on fatigue behaviour. Classification Society rules and other standards for
detailed fatigue design are based on statistical analysis of the results from testing of relatively
small, welded structures that inherently include some, but not all, of these effects. Based on these
results and depending on the direction of loading and how fatigue cracking is likely to initiate, a
welded joint will typically be classified into one or more of a number of welded joint detail
classes for fatigue assessment purposes. Different S-N curves are given for each joint detail class.
Stress ranges relevant to the structural detail are generally obtained through finite element
analysis (FEA) of the larger structural assembly, possibly of the whole ship, and with
consideration of a number of different load cases. High, localised stresses identified by FEA, so-
called ‘hot spot’ stresses, are used together with the relevant S-N curve to establish the fatigue life
of the joint. Procedures for calculation of the fatigue life of structural details may vary somewhat
in their approach to determining the ‘hot spot’ stress (e.g. see Maddox [9]) and the corrections
that are used for mean stress and other influences. It is important therefore that a complete and
consistent set of rules is used when undertaking such analysis.
revenue cost associated with maintenance stand down for a commercial ship means that this
point of economic un-viability usually comes later for the warship. The ability to understand the
influence of fatigue on the continued economic viability of a warship is clearly an important
consideration, but for a warship is somewhat more difficult to define.
Warships are typically very structurally complex and fatigue cracking, which is very dependent
on the structural detail design, can occur at virtually any time in the life of a ship. The usual
treatment in both commercial and navy ships is for fatigue cracks to be weld repaired at the
earliest possible opportunity and in problematic cases this may also include design modifications
to improve fatigue performance. Novel repair methods such as the use of composite patching are
also becoming more common. The outcome of these repairs and modifications is that the fatigue
life of that particular detail is to some extent reinstated and with each additional change the
predicted fatigue life of the ship becomes increasingly more difficult to define; and even more so
in structurally complex warships.
In warships, physical access to repair both fatigue and corrosion damage is usually constrained
and repairs are relatively more expensive due to space and equipment interference restrictions.
Knowledge of the wave loading and the resulting stresses in the ship’s hull are essential for
reliable fatigue assessments and the only way to obtain actual data for a particular ship is
through the use hull and environment monitoring over the life of the ship. The use of hull
monitoring in the vicinity of high stress areas provides detailed knowledge of the stress history
and helps to warn of likely failures and the effects of any subsequent modifications. The
operational life of warships is also subject to other influences such the ability to fulfil particular
operational directives, strategic environment and the consequences of government policy that
may result in mothballing, early retirements or life of type extensions. There is a need for a clear
understanding of the material condition of the ship to support these decisions and this
understanding can be significantly enhanced if reliable hull stress and loading information is
available. For these and other reasons, such as the benefits that are associated with reduced
loading of the hull due to improved operator guidance, the inclusion of hull condition
monitoring systems with future warship acquisitions is seen as highly beneficial in the long term
however it must be supported by information management and engineering resources.
of data provides the basis for establishment of accurate loading profiles and fatigue life
predictions that may be used to improve maintenance practices and economic life assessments.
The Classification Society rules covering hull monitoring systems share some common themes.
The first of these is the intent of these systems, which is twofold:
i. To provide the vessel’s Master and officers with real-time data on the stresses that the
ship is experiencing, and
ii. To provide data for analysis at a later date.
A second common theme is the type and arrangement of the sensors that are required as part of a
HSMS and the basic arrangement has become relatively standardised (see Section 4.2).
The third common theme of the Classification Society rules is the documentation that is required
to be approved by the Society. Generally, approval requires the submission of sensor
specifications (if not type approved), system block diagram, sensor calibration procedures,
structural analysis (e.g. FEA) to justify the placement of strain gauges, along with system user
manuals and fault detection processes. Any modifications that would need to be performed on
the ship’s structure (e.g. hot work) will also need to be approved by the Classification Society.
‡ The size of navy ships is generally referred to in displacement, which is their actual weight, whilst merchant ships
are referred to in terms of Gross Tonnage (GT) as defined by IMO [14]: GT = K1V, where: V = total volume of all
enclosed spaces in the ship in cubic metres and K1 = 0,2 + 0,02 log10V. Lloyd’s Naval Ship Rules [15] notes that V
includes gun turrets, radar domes, masts, etc.
§ Deadweight is the total variable weight content of a ship, such as cargo, fuel, stores and any other variable item that
the ship can carry.
Figure 2. Typical HSMS configuration for bulk carrier or tanker (Lloyds Register [16])
Accelerometers and pressure sensors are located in the bow to measure slamming incidents, bow
emergence and slamming pressures. On larger vessels where the deckhouse and bridge are
located aft, the occurrence of slamming is not readily noticeable to the crew and it is particularly
important that slamming be monitored and warnings be displayed on the bridge as it is a source
of high structural loading and a significant contributor to structural fatigue (Section 2.3.
Commercial HSMS (Section 5.1) typically undertake cycle-counting of measured stresses using
the so-called ‘rain-flow counting method’ and use simple hull girder fatigue assessment methods
(as described in Section 3.2.1) to provide real-time estimates of fatigue damage accumulation and
remaining hull girder fatigue life. The use of hull monitoring for avoidance of slamming has
therefore proved to be of major benefit to commercial ship owners.
More comprehensive HSMS extend to fully integrated systems, capable of transmitting and
storing data, with multiple sensors including strain gauges at a variety of locations,
accelerometers/motion sensors, bow pressure sensors, sea state/environmental sensors and
navigation (GPS, speed, gyro compass, rudder angle, etc.) sensors. Wave and ship motions
monitoring is needed for provision of operator guidance (e.g. for boat and helicopter operations)
and weather forecast information can be used to assist voyage planning.
i. Commercial off the shelf (COTS) systems. These are systems that have been developed
by industry for industry clients.
ii. Military off the shelf (MOTS) systems. These are COTS based systems that have been
installed on military ships. There may be developmental or research components in
addition to the base MOTS system and they are developed jointly by industry and
iii. Research systems. These are one-off systems that are being developed and trialled, quite
often on navy ships.
Regardless of the categorisation, all HSMS must be configured specifically for the ship to which
they are fitted and so there is some level of customisation and the distinction between one
category or another is sometimes not entirely clear cut.
A number of COTS HSMS were identified and these are listed in Table 1. Systems that do not
provide strain measurement and only monitor ship motions for voyage planning have not been
included. All systems listed have Class approval by at least one IACS Classification Society and
brief comments regarding each system have also been included in Table 1. Further information of
each system can be found in publicity material downloaded from the internet ** or obtained
directly from vendors, and copies are provided in Appendix A through Appendix J.
The systems listed in Table 1 are very similar in their base configuration (similar to Figure 1) and
are generally able to be customised for different ship types. It is evident from a review of hull
monitoring systems by the Ship Structure Committee in 1997 (Slaughter et al [18]) and
comparison with those listed in Table 1, that the base configuration for COTS HSMS has not
changed greatly in the past 15 years. There have however been some significant technology
** Some material has been cut, pasted and reformatted in order to suit publication of this report, but content is
developments in relation to the type of strain gauge used and the sensor and data transmission
technology and these are discussed further in Section 6.
Table 1. Commercial HSMS and their respective Vendors
System Name Vendor Location Web Address Comments
HMS Hull MCA Consultants Newport i. Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) LBSG strain
Monitoring Beach, CA, sensors, bow accelerometer and pressure transducers for slam
System USA monitoring.
ii. Wireless radio communication from sensors to ’command centre’
iii. Class approved (multiple)
iv. Published client list only includes tanker operators.
v. ’Command centre’ is stand alone rack that may be difficult to fit in
suitable location on some combatants.
HULLFIB Micron Optics, Inc Atlanta, GA, i. Fibre-optic LBSGs, accelerometers and pressure transducer.
USA ii. Fatigue damage accumulation capability.
See also iii. Trial installation of a variety of multiplexed fibre-optic sensors
(STREMOS) Global Maritime (strain, fire/temperature, flooding, door close and acceleration
Engineering Busan, Korea sensors on ex-USS SHADWELL in 2008.
iv. Class approved (multiple) - expandable for additional sensors.
HULLMOS® Main: Rouvari Oy Helsinki, i. Fibre-optic based system with both LBSGs and short base strain
Finland gauges (SBSGs).
Other Suppliers: ii. Developed during 1997-2000 under EU funded Eureka Project 1765.
- Sirehna NANTES, - iii. Strain sensors and data communication network developed by
France Rouvari Oy. Sirehna developed GPS base motion sensors. Methods
- Hydrographic & - for on-line prediction of hull fatigue life developed at Technical
Marine Almere-Stad, Research Centre of Finland.
Consultants Netherlands iv. Class approved (multiple) - expandable for additional sensors.
(HMC) v. 20+ ship installations since 2000.
vi. Fitted to French Navy amphibious assault ships including motions
and sea-state estimation
System Name Vendor Location Web Address Comments
Hull Stress CPE Systems Abbotsford, i. RAN LPAs insallation: 4 * LVDT SBSG, 1 * bow accelerometer and
Monitoring VIC, Australia 1 * midships lateral accelerometer, navigation data.
System ii. System being further developed for installation on RNZN
’Protector’ vessels (1x Multi-role, 2x Offshore Patrol, 4x Inshore
Patrol) in 2013 to include ship transit and helicopter safe operating
limits based on motions and seakeeping analysis.
iii. Class approved (DNV).
iv. Apparently no other installations at time of writing.
Naviscan Korea Marine Ulsan, Korea i. LVDT LBSG sensors, accelerometer for slam monitoring, threshold
HSMS Technology Co., velocity method, fatigue monitoring.
Ltd ii. Claims to be exclusive provider for Temperature Compensation
Type LBSG.
Sea Structure Daejeon, iii. PC based - potentially expandable for additional sensors but not
Technology Co. Korea indicated in documentation.
Ltd iv. Class approved (multiple).
v. 40 ship installations (2001-2008).
Scimar BMT Scientific Escondido, i. Systems are configured to individual requirements.
Marine CA, USA ii. Fatigue monitoring and route planning options.
iii. Basic system measures: midships strain, roll, pitch, bow vertical
acceleration and forefoot immersion depth and integrates
information from engine room sensors and GPS.
iv. Class approved (multiple).
SENSFIB Light Structures Oslo, Norway i. Fibre-optic based system.
ii. Ice and sloshing loads monitoring options.
iii. Over 100 ship installation since 2001 claimed.
iv. Class approved (multiple).
v. Base system used for RNoN SHHM installed on the FRP MCM
Sh.A.M.An CETENA GENOA, Italy. i. Systems are configured to individual requirements - Sensors
(Ship include strain gauges, accelerometers, inclinometers, pressure
Advanced sensors and wave-meter or waveradar.
Monitoring and ii. Class approved (RINA).
Analysis) iii. Recently fitted to Italian Navy European Multimission Frigate the
System Name Vendor Location Web Address Comments
SMARTSTRESS BMT SeaTech Southampton, i. Can be configured to individual requirements and has fibre-optic
UK option.
ii. Complemented by SMARTPOWER for motions and power
monitorina. Also SMARTSHORE, a shore-based tool to analyse data
from ships fitted with BMT SeaTech’s SMARTSTRESS and
iii. Class approved (multiple).
STREMOS Global Maritime Busan, Korea i. Appears to be the mostly identical to HULLFIB.
StressAlert Strainstall Isle of Wight, i. LVDT LBSG and LVDT or strain ring SBSG for strain measurement.
UK ii. Class approved (multiple).
iii. Over 100 ship installations claimed – mostly commercial but some
naval (Singapore Navy )
The SHHM system on HNOMS OTRA was extended (ESHHM) as a prototype to include
both existing ship system and purpose installed environmental and operating sensors, in
order to monitor and record the environment, ship motion and operating parameters and
so provide a complete picture of the parameters influencing the hull loading. This
included X-band wave radar for wave height and direction measurements as well as a
microwave altimeter mounted in the bow to measure the oncoming wave profile. An
overview of these environmental and operating sensors is provided in Figure 3.
Figure 3 Overview of environmental and operating sensors on HNOMS OTRA protype ESHHM
(from Torkildsen et al [20]).
i. There is a need for a detailed FEA of the ship hull to determine the appropriate
locations of strain sensors.
ii. Ideally FEA should be used during the ship design stage to determine the best
locations for sensors.
iii. Wave monitoring is important to enable sea state to be correlated with the
corresponding hull loading and also to establish the crew operational limits.
iv. Ship motion sensors give information on how the sea state actually affects the
ship and the interaction between ship motion and hull loads.
v. Ship motion information is also used to correct the radar altimeter measurements
to obtain the wave height in front of the vessel.
vi. The use of fibre-optic technology to provide a number of benefits as: it is suited to
harsh environments, immune to electromagnetic interference, cabling installation
costs can be reduced through wavelength multiplexing and multi-fibre cables and
reduced noise levels in signals compared to conventional strain gauge techniques
which improve the accuracy of information outputs.
vii. Fibre-optic hull monitoring system can be used to detect vibrations and by careful
monitoring it is possible to identify noise sources and issue a warning if there is
an increase in ship noise. This would require an increase in the number of sensors
and the bandwidth to match the frequency spectra of the mechanical noise.
viii. The signal processing system needs to be scalable and adaptive to enable sensors
and processors to be added at a later date.
i. The USCG Request for Proposal [22] specifies only two midships strain gauges, to
be installed below the 01 deck close to the superstructure longitudinal
bulkheads ††. Sampling rates of 200 Hz and 15 Hz are specified and are intended
to monitor for whipping and wave bending stress respectively; there is no slam
detection requirement. This minimal level of sensors required exemplifies the
view that the major benefit of hull monitoring of aged ships nearing their end of
life is seen to be to provide warnings of unsatisfactory stress levels.
†† This would appear to be approximately below the position of the ship’s badge (crest) visible in the picture
of USCGC MIDGETT (WHEC-726) shown in Figure 4
ii. The USCG mandated the use of LBSGs in an effort to isolate hull girder
membrane strains from local strain effects (see also 6.1.1).
iii. LBSGs are typically around 2 m in length and are indicated in the Figure 2 of [22]
as spanning across one transverse deck frame, on both port and starboard sides.
This frame will then need to be broken and reconfigured to make way for the
LBSGs. The use of alternative, shorter length gauge may perhaps have been more
suitable so that breaking the frame at this critical location could be avoided.
iv. The contract award notification gives a contract price of $US264,184. Following a
request for further advice, the USCG [23] advised that this covers the installation
of up to four systems and that the successful contractor, Ward's Marine, “was
determined to offer the best value to the Government and (had) exceptional past
As mentioned above, some of the earliest hull monitoring was carried out on navy ships
and this practice has continued. The focus of these programs has largely been to
investigate issues related to the ship’s structure rather than the development of new
structural monitoring systems. There are exceptions however and the development of
concept demonstrator HSMS have been reported in the literature.
electromagnetic interference associated with the use of conventional foil strain gauges,
filtering and algorithms for the separation of wave induced and slam induced strains and
the inclusion of an electronic circuit for active compensation for ‘zero drift’.
With the breakup of DERA in 2001, management of the fatigue strain recorder program
was passed to QinetiQ and the Ministry of Defence continued funding the program until
2009 [26]. One of these systems was also purchased by DSTO in the late 1990s and was
subsequently installed for a period on HMAS ARUNTA but is no longer in service. It
appears that there have been no further development of the DERA system and QinetiQ
have advised that the system is no longer being produced [27].
Figure 5. DERA wave induced fatigue strain recorder with one optical strain gauge.
i. “test the application of new types of sensors, previously developed for airframe
structures, in a marine application,
ii. develop and test an open and adaptable sensor network that can easily be
reconfigured for different future demands,
iii. develop a basic understanding of the operational profile and structural
performance of a high-speed, semi-planing aluminium hullform on naval patrol
duties, and
iv. provide a basis for developing a capability for structural life-assessment of the
ACPB fleet, and high-speed aluminium monohulls in general.”
The initial sensor suite included micro-accelerometers and corrosion sensors developed by
DSTO, Micro-Electro-Mechanical Sensor (MEMS) accelerometers, as well as standard
metal-foil strain gauges, a commercial Kongsberg® Seatex MRU-6 motions sensor unit and
commercial temperature and humidity sensors [28]. Two drive shaft torsion meters and a
GPS were later added in a separate DSTO study to investigate the effectiveness of anti-
fouling paints. At the same time a number of strain gauges were replaced as they had
failed as a result of mechanical or moisture damage, some were relocated and better
physical protection was provided.
The ACPB demonstrator system has been successful in achieving its objectives in a number
ways, although a number of teething problems were encountered. These include the
previously mentioned strain gauge failures, system shut-downs, torsion meters failures,
lost disk drives and high temperatures affecting some electronics. These have been
rectified (although strain gauge failures still occur) and the system has been operational
since April 2010 and has provided a great deal of valuable data which continues to be
analysed. DSTO has recently licensed Associated Electronic Services Pty Ltd to
commercially develop the DSTO technology, including possibly seeking Class ‘type’
approval of sensors.
The SEA FIGHTER is an experimental littoral combat vessel fitted with a permanent
monitoring system that was custom designed for the U. S. Navy. Known as the Scientific
Payload Data Acquisition System (SPDAS) it is a wired system with “more than 10 tri-axial
accelerometers to measure rigid-body motions, over 100 metal foil strain gauges to
measure hull strains, and a wave height measurement system installed on the ship bow”
[29]. The SPDAS has been in operation on the ship since 2006 and is operated at 200 Hz
sample frequency and is interfaced to the ship’s high-speed fibre-optic network in order to
provide data to the crew.
For the hybrid prototype system, a total of 20 Narada wireless units were installed
throughout the ship and interfaced to single or tri-axial accelerometers and foil strain
gauges; a total of 28 sensor channels (8 strain, 20 acceleration) were added. These are
sampled at high rates of 100 to 1000 Hz to capture slamming events and the wireless
monitoring system had to be divided into three separate networks to avoid wireless
bandwidth issues. The Narada units provide short-range communication of data within the
ship compartments from the sensors to wireless receivers connected to the ship’s fibre-
optic network.
Side-by-side comparisons of responses measured by the SPDAS and the wireless system
demonstrated that the wireless sensors were generally accurate and that there were only
relatively small amounts of data loss due to wireless communication. These losses were
attributed to a number of causes such as communication distance, multi-path
transmissions, reflections and line of sight obstruction and it was noted that “wireless
sensors located near their receivers or those that used directional antennas performed
extremely well in the sea trials”. The use of the wireless units had avoided the cost and
effort required to install a wired system [29].
Although only installed as a prototype to demonstrate the efficacy of the wireless system,
the SEA FIGHTER trial demonstrates that there are merits in this approach and there may
be potential application of this technology in installation on navy ships, particularly
existing ships where the installation of additional cables is difficult and costly. The SEA
FIGHTER trial of the Narada system was carried out over a period of two months
including both at-sea and in-harbour and therefore long term reliability in a naval
environment is yet to be established. The long term effects of heat, humidity and vibration
and suitable methods of protection against physical damage (without reducing wireless
communication distances) all need to be investigated.
The installation of a network of fibre-optic sensors for structural monitoring of the UK
Research Vessel (RV) TRITON during rough weather sea trials was reported by Kiddy et
al [30]. This was part of the TRITON research and development program and was a
collaborative effort between the UK Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl)
and the US Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division (NSWCCD). The
development and installation of the monitoring system was carried out by Systems
Planning and Analysis, Inc. under sponsorship from the United States Navy, Office of
Naval Research (ONR). The system included 35 temperature compensated fibre-optic
strain sensors on three separate fibres for measurement of primary loads, and a further 16
compensated sensors on a single fibre for measurement of secondary (slamming) loads,
the latter sampled at 1600 Hz and the other three fibres at 100 Hz. The instrumentation
system also recorded navigational information, environmental data (wind velocity, wave
height and direction, temperature, etc), machinery parameters, and data from more than
200 local strain measurements using resistance strain gages.
Although these and other experiences have demonstrated the feasibility of fatigue crack
detection in ship structures through acoustic emissions, one of the main drawbacks is the
number of sensors and amount of cabling required to allow significant coverage of the
hull. Harper [33] suggests that future developments may make it possible to integrate
large numbers of transducers into a single optical fibre, which would largely overcome
this problem. It would then be cheaper and easier to apply than the present piezoelectric
transducers, but this seems to be some way off. A further drawback as far as global hull
monitoring is concerned is that the application of acoustic emissions is limited to the
detection of cracks and it provides no indication of strain levels and is not able to infer
loads or structural responses at other locations.
Notwithstanding the complex nature of acoustic emissions crack detection systems, Snell
[10] noted that an advantage of acoustic crack monitoring over the strain gauges is that
acoustic emissions systems can indicate when a crack is present and when it is growing,
whereas strain gauges can only help to predict these events. Trials on HMS DAUNTLESS
have indicated that strain gauges may used to help interpret acoustic emissions sensor
results so that the development and growth of cracks may be related to particular types of
loading events and so lead to better management and treatment of defects. The use of
‘targeted’ acoustic emissions systems that limit the extent of cabling and sensors by the use
of localised signal processing, possibly wireless data transmission and restricting
monitoring to only potential fatigue ‘hot spots’ areas was suggested as a viable approach
for future ships [10].
6. HSMS Technologies
As noted earlier, a feature of HSMS development over the years has been the changes in
the sensor and data transmission technologies and these have an effect on their suitability
for navy ships.
By virtue of their length, LBSGs are relatively insensitive to local stress concentrations as
they measure the changes in displacement between the two ends of the sensor, effectively
‘averaging out’ high localised strains. LBSGs require a clear flat area for installation and
due to their size are generally suitable only for weather deck applications on large ships
such as tankers and bulk carriers where space is more readily available (Figure 6).
As is pointed out by Forestier and Austin [4], LBSGs measure strain in only one direction
and shear strains are not measured and must be assessed by the loading computer. Ships
that have large deck openings are subject to significant torsional shear strains, which add
to the vertical shear strains. The limited number of LBSGs therefore gives only a partial
view of the strains of the structure that is true “…only under the following conditions:
the structure is undamaged,
the static loading is known:
the estimation of the actual static loading is true,
the cargo is in a normal position,
no compartment is flooded,
actual waves satisfy the hypotheses used in the structural computations (no
exceptional waves).”
Figure 6. HULLMOS LBSG Installation(Source [4])
6.1.2 Short Base Strain Gauges
SBSGs are considerably more compact than LBSGs and four different sensor technologies
in use with the systems in Table 1 have been identified: conventional bondable or
weldable ‡‡ foil gauges, fibre-optic sensors, strain rings and short length LVDT type
sensors. The shorter gauge length of SBSGs means that there is much more flexibility as to
where the gauges can be located and so they are generally more suitable for Navy ships
which have much more complex structures and have less clear deck areas than tankers
and bulk carriers. The placement of these gauges is however sensitive to localised stress
concentrations so care must be taken as to where gauges are placed and how the results
are interpreted; tri-axial rosettes are usually required to correctly identify stresses in areas
where stress concentrations occur.
Examples of some of the different SBSGs used in HSMS listed in Table 1 are shown in
Figure 7. These have overall lengths varying between 150 mm to 375 mm (excluding
attached cables) and so may be installed in virtually any part of the ship with the general
exception of oil and chemical tanks. Gauges are usually bonded directly to the structure or
mounted to a base and housed within a sealed enclosure for protection from fluids and
physical damage; the base is then stud bolted to the ship structure. Additional protection
‡‡These are standard foil gauges that are pre-bonded to a metal (stainless steel) shim and are fixed to the ship
by way of hundreds of small (0.5 mm) spot weld welds [34].
of directly bonded gauges may be provided through the use of fibre reinforced epoxy
(a) Typical weldable foil strain gauge [35] (b) Light Structures SENSFIB fibre-optic SBSG
(c) Rouvari Oy HULLMOS SBSG [37] (d) Strainstall Strain ring [38]
Email contact was made with a number of these vendors listed in Table 1 to seek further
information regarding their systems, and there are some relevant comments in the
application of SBSGs to be noted:
i. Bonded or weldable foil gauges (Figure 7(a)) are typically only used for
temporary installations and (short term) dynamic applications. BMT Scimar
suggested that the life expectancy of foil gauges in wet locations is measured in
terms of weeks or (at best) months [34].
ii. Light Structure advised that their SENSFIB fibre-optic SBSGs (Figure 7(b)) can be
installed in cargo and bunker tanks and recommend these sensors generally in
preference to LBSGs. The SENSFIB fibre-optic sensor is fully sealed together with
its cable and it is claimed to be suitable for inside tanks. It may be provided with
virtually any desired length of cable (with up to 200 m standard) so that cable
joins can be minimised. A triaxial (0° - 45° - 90°) sensor for use in applications
with non-uniform stress fields [36] is available.
iii. The HULLMOS SBSGs (Figure 7(c)) utilise either a conventional foil or fibre-
optic sensor sealed inside a protective casing but are not suitable for oil or
chemical tank installations [37].
iv. The Strainstall StressAlert system uses either a ‘strain ring’ (Figure 7(d)) or LVDT
type sensors in their SBSGs, with one version being encased in a steel chamber
allowing for continued immersion down to 100 m [38].
whereas ordinary steel has a value of around 13x10 m/m °C §§. Inbuilt signal
processing is required to compensate for the different rates of thermal expansion
and regular calibration of these gauges is needed to ensure consistency.
§§ Values cited in the literature vary slightly and these are typical rather than directly referenced values.
***For example, the project outline for the Ship Structure Committee program [17] identified that strain
gauges should be temperature compensated.
†††Slamming pressure may also be measured directly but a single sensor is of limited value as pressure at a
point is an unreliable indicator of the actual slamming load. A number of transducers and hull penetrations are
needed as well as high response and sampling rates so that the pressure field may be mapped.
More recently outputs from multiple accelerometers have been used to detect slamming
through existence of vibratory bow acceleration in the two-node mode vibration frequency
of the hull girder, the amplitude of which declines with time (Forestier and Austin [4]).
The placement of accelerometers as close as possible to the extreme ends of the ship is
particularly important for this system so as to maximise the two-node vibration detection.
Accelerometers use ‘off the shelf’ sensor technology (including fibre optic) and are hard-
mounted to the structure. Little information on specific pressure gauges has been located
in development of this report, although it is noted that they are expensive to install and are
becoming redundant as multiple accelerometer systems are developed [4].
As noted in the preceding paragraphs, strain gauges may employ either LVDT, LDT or
fibre-optic sensors; fibre-optic being the newest technology. There are a number of benefits
with fibre-optic systems that are relevant to navy applications (e.g. see [20] and [40]):
i. Sensors and data transmission are immune from and do not generate
electromagnetic interference,
ii. The systems are inherently ‘intrinsically safe’, enabling them to be located within
explosive environments without the need for Zener barriers [13],
iii. They are relatively lightweight and have lower power consumption compared to
traditional copper wire technology,
iv. It is possible to include multiple sensors on the one cable through wavelength
multiplexing and multi-fibre cables in order to reduce installation costs. This may
not be recommended for all applications as cable damage will disable all sensors
on that cable.
v. Reduced noise levels in signals compared to conventional strain gage techniques
which improve the accuracy of information outputs.
One of the drawbacks to fibre-optic systems is that special techniques are required to
install them particularly in regards to connection, but this can be reduced by having
custom length cabling provided (Section 6.1.2) so cable joins are minimised. Cable run
lengths then need to be determined reasonably accurately.
Wireless data transmission is also a recent development for HSMS. Swartz et al [29] report
on a prototype hybrid (wireless / fibre optic) system installed on the high speed littoral
combat vessel FSF-1 SEA FIGHTER, an aluminium catamaran and it is cited as an option
for the HMS Hull Monitoring System (Appendix A). As discussed in Section 5.3.3 this is
not as yet considered a proven technology for navy application as the long term reliability
of the wireless data acquisition and control units in this environment has not been
On-board processing of data and management are the core of HSMS. Data processing is
typically based around personal computer (PC) systems and COTS systems are generally
designed to interface to a ship’s management and navigation systems as well as sensors
such as wind speed anemometers. Most COTS systems in the past have operated in a
Windows environment (see Slaughter et el [18]) but there now appears to be a trend
towards Linux operating systems, as for example with both the SENSFIB and HULLMOS
systems. It is noted by Slaughter et al [18] that “manufacturers prefer dedicated PC’s to
maintain configuration control over the HSMS. The cost of a single service call to
reconfigure a sailor-modified system will generally be more than the cost of another PC”.
Class approval of COTS HSMS therefore includes the hardware and software to ensure
configuration control is maintained.
In order to provide decision support information and alarms, real-time data processing is
essential, as is the periodic storage of measured data and processed information. The
volume of raw data will be very large, and once on-board measurements have been used
to validate numerical modelling it may be preferable to store only processed data, such as
minimum, maximum and mean values, standard deviations, cumulative rain flow
counting and so forth. Capturing of time history records for short periods surrounding
events that exceed predetermined threshold levels may also be warranted.
As the role of navy ships is very different to that of commercial ships the specification of
display requirements for navy applications will need special consideration. Displays also
need to allow for different levels of monitoring on different ships as some may have base-
level monitoring whilst others may be far more comprehensive and provide operator
guidance for boat and helicopter operations. To reduce training and provide ease of use
across navy fleets where crews may change regularly and individuals may be posted to a
number of different ships, it is preferable to have a common HSI across the fleet.
Figure 9. Screen page display from the HMS Hull Monitoring System (MCA Consultants,
Appendix A)
Navy applications will also typically require multiple displays throughout the ship, for
example on the bridge, in the operations and machinery control rooms and at boat and
aviation control stations. Incorporation of the HSMS into the ship’s control and
management system would avoid the need for additional cable installation and stand-
alone displays, although it may cause some issues with Classification Society requirements
if they are involved. Development of the data displays should involve relevant operators,
engineers and original equipment manufacturers to ensure that the data processing
undertaken by the system and the information displayed fully meets the need of the users
and operators.
There are significant benefits to be gained from the installation of HSMS on merchant
ships and those typically cited include:
i. The provision of on-board guidance and alarms to enable the crew to act to avoid
overstressing of the hull,
ii. Through life cost savings as a result of reduced fatigue damage to the hull,
iii. Integration with navigation and weather forecasting can provide improved route
planning and possible fuel savings, and
iv. Data collection over a long period is used for the improvement of through life
management practices as well as in the development of improved designs
through a greater understanding of the long term extreme and fatigue loading of
Navy vessels can be expected to obtain similar benefit to these but are likely to be realized
to varying degrees, as now discussed.
systems, enables the best speed and course to be determined so as to reduce ship motions
and maximise operating envelopes. With the development of a wide array of deployable,
unmanned vehicles suitable for navy applications now available, the integration of HSMS
with these other systems and information is seen as potentially very beneficial.
The configuration of HSMS on navy ships is generally likely to be more complex than the
typical installation on bulk carriers and tankers (Figure 2) as seen in the MOTS and
developmental systems discussed above. Additionally there are more constraints on
system installation and typically greater level of analysis is required, as discussed below.
7.2.2 Installation
There are greater constraints imposed on the location of sensors on warships, even the
larger ones, due the space and weight limitations and the potential interference they will
create with on-board activities. All warships will have some restrictions as to where
sensors such as strain gauges may be able to be placed on their weather decks, particularly
the midships waist, as these areas are needed for frequent movement of equipment, stores
and personnel. Flight deck clearance requirements and positions of the replenishment-at-
sea points may preclude the installation of larger sensors in these areas altogether.
As discussed in Section 3.1, warships are more lightly framed than merchant ships and
may be more prone to local buckling. This buckling is induced by hull girder bending
loads but initialisation is generally a localised phenomenon. Buckling also occurs under
compressive loading and so is most likely to occur in the upper, forward part of the ship
where the influence of slamming is most evident. The use of ultimate strength analysis to
determine the relevant buckling limit states is needed to identify high-risk locations and to
establish appropriate safe bending moment levels for alarms. Buckling results in rapid
load shedding and so the use of keel gauges is recommended to ensure that bending
moments are reliably determined.
Table 2. Overview of the increased level of system complexity associated with monitoring of additional parameters (In general it is expected that
with each category of ‘Monitoring Parameter” the sensors, on-board processing and monitoring of all the previously listed parameters
is present.)
Monitoring Parameter Sensors Supporting Information Potential Outcomes
Cargo loading Main deck LBSGs or SBSGs, port & Section properties Overload alarms
Hull Girder Vertical Bending starboard Operational profile Hull girder load history
Hull Girder Lateral Bending Structural analysis Hull girder fatigue indicator
Hull Girder Torsion Post-voyage analysis
Bilge keel strain gauges Limit state analysis (FEA) Improved overload alarm (buckling
Improved hull girder fatigue
Temperature Thermocouple or fibre-optic Thermal coefficients Temperature compensation
temperature sensor Thermal history
Slamming Accelerometers, pressure Slam avoidance warning
Green Seas over Bow transducer Slam event history
Whipping High speed data acquisition Improved hull girder fatigue indicator
Hot-spot stress Local strain gauges (SBSG) Structural analysis (FEA) Local stress/overload monitoring
Cross deck structures stress Side Detailed structural load history (e.g.
Frame loads multihull spreading loads)
Hatch Corners stress Detailed fatigue indicator
Wet deck slamming (multihull) Local accelerometers and strain Wet deck slam warning
gauges (SBSG) Wet deck slam event history
Improved fatigue indicator
Navigation data Ship systems Sea keeping analysis Weather Routing
Weather forecasts Economic Routing
Wave Environment Wave radar Launch and recovery safe to Operator Guidance for Off-board
Motions sensors operate limits systems
Improved routing
Improved load/fatigue assessment
Fatigue life predictions are also based on an assumed loading profile that can only be
verified in the long-term loading through-hull monitoring. This means that ships that have
already been in service for a long time prior to HSMS installation will have greater
uncertainty in their loading history (as well as the material condition of the hull) and so
fatigue estimates are less reliable. It is therefore debatable if there is much to be gained
from installing HSMS with fatigue rate assessment on ships that have only a couple of
years of service remaining. In such cases, hull overloading warning based on section
modulus properties ‡‡‡ is realistically the only monitoring benefit. In order to obtain
significant benefits related to fatigue life management, monitoring needs to be introduced
as early as possible, and ideally before the ship enters service.
8. Conclusions
Following an earlier DSTO investigation into the use of HSMS and their application to
fatigue life evaluation of RAN ships, this report provides details of key technical issues
relevant to these systems and discusses their application on navy ships in general.
‡‡‡ The material state of the hull must be able to be established with a reasonable level of confidence so that
the load carrying capacity of the ship can be determined.
A literature and internet survey was carried out to identify the current state of the art of
HSMS and information obtained fell into three categories: Commercial off the shelf
(COTS), Military off the shelf (MOTS) and developmental systems. Details of a number of
COTS systems were provided by vendors and are included in separate appendices for
each system. Information relating to MOTS and developmental systems are reviewed and
discussed within the report. MOTS installations typically have an enhanced configuration
compared to the COTS system on which they are based whilst the developmental systems
are one-off applications used for research. Significantly, the majority of the MOTs and
developmental systems discussed utilise fibre-optic sensors and networks.
The underlying system technologies that are used in HSMS have been reviewed,
particularly in relation to strain gauges, and there has been a continuous improvement
from early mechanical strain gauges to fibre-optic sensors now being widespread. The
latter potentially offer a number of advantages for navy HSMS as they are lightweight,
high speed, not affected by electromagnetic interference and require no re-calibration once
installed, although specialist expertise is required for their installation. Wireless
communications, originally developed for monitoring of civil structures, have been
demonstrated as a potential low cost solution for data communications but the ability of
these systems to survive the harsher marine environment is not yet proven. The use of
pressure sensors in the bow for monitoring of slamming is expensive and becoming
redundant as distributed accelerometer systems to detect decay of whipping oscillations
are developed.
The configuration and design of HSMS should include particular attention to temperature
compensation of strain gauges as all strain gauges, including fibre-optic sensors, are
sensitive to changes in both applied strain and temperature. The raw sensor outputs
include the effects of both and compensation is needed to eliminate temperature influences
that do not generate actual stresses. The methods employed are varied as they depend on
the type of strain gauges and the effects that temperature change will cause. There is some
question as to whether all COTS systems provide adequate temperature compensation and
special consideration of the methods employed when selecting these systems is
Due to space limitations, LSBGs that are commonly used on many COTS systems are
generally not suitable for installation on frigates and destroyers and may also be
problematic on larger auxiliary and amphibious ships. The inherent assumption in these
systems is that of an intact, prismatic hull and this means that these systems should not be
used directly for more complex structures and more lightly framed navy ship applications.
Additional sensors and supporting analysis are needed for these ships. The placement of
strain gauges needs to be supported with seakeeping and finite element analysis to ensure
that they are appropriately located and not unduly influenced by hot spots or shadow
zones, and so that measured data can be properly interpreted.
Ongoing recording and analysis of data is needed for establishment of accurate loading
profiles and subsequent fatigue life predictions. The reliability of fatigue assessments is
improved if monitoring is introduced into newer ships and if possible installed during
construction before they have entered service. For older ships nearing the end of their
service life the major benefit of structural monitoring is to provide hull overload warnings,
so long as the load capacity of the hull can be reliably determined.
Navy vessels can be expected to obtain similar benefits from HSMS as those gained from
installation on merchant ships (such as improved safety, reduced through life costs and
greater understanding of hull loads) but these are likely to be realized to varying degrees.
Monitoring of ship motions and wave environment to enhance structural loading and
fatigue assessments also enables provision of operator guidance for improved routing and
the launch and recover of off-board systems such as boats and helicopters development of
wave environment data bases. For the RAN, the outcomes from the use of HSMS also
relate directly to Life Cycle and Risk Management themes from the Rizzo Review [1]
9. Acknowledgements
The advice and information provided by Mr Graeme Emerton (Centre of Maritime
Engineering, Hull Survey Manager), Mr Frank Ryan (Directorate of Naval Platform
Systems), and Ms Jennifer Blount (USCG) is greatly appreciated. Thanks is given also to
vendors who responded with answers to a number of questions in regards to their
products, in no particular order: CPE Systems, BMT Group, Rouvari Group, Light
Structures AS, Strainstall UK Ltd and QinetiQ. Particular acknowledgment is given to Mr
Colin Snell (MoD(UK), DE&S Naval Authority Group) who provided advice on the DERA
fatigue logger as well as undertaking peer review and comment on this report.
1. Paul J Rizzo, Plan to Reform Support Ship Repair and Management Practices,
Commonwealth of Australia, July 2011.
2. Cmdr Robert Woodham, RAN Maritime Science and Technology Conference 2012:
Report of Proceedings, Defence Science and Technology Organisation Report DSTO-
GD-0714, November 2012.
9. S.J. Maddox, Recommended Hot-Spot Stress Design S-N Curves for Fatigue
Assessment of FPSOs, The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers,
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering,
June 17-22, 2001.
10. C. Snell, UK Ministry of Defence, Defence Equipment and Support, Naval Authority
Group - Ship Structures, Email correspondence title “ RE: Hull Monitoring Report”,
Dated 21 March 2013.
11. IMO, International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL),
Adopted, 2 November 1973.
12. IMO, International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1 November 1974.
13. Kim, M. H. and Kim, D. H., Ship and Offshore Structures, Encyclopedia of Structural
Health Monitoring, John Wiley and Sons Ltd, September 2009.
15. Lloyds Register, Lloyds Rulefinder Version 9.12 - Lloyd’s Register Rules and
Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Naval Ships, July 2009.
18. S.B. Slaughter, Dr. M.C. Cheung, D. Sucharski & B. Cowper, State of the Art in Hull
Monitoring Systems, Ship Structures Committee Report No. SSC-401, August 1997.
22. U.S. Coast Guard, Request for Proposal, Solicitation No. HSCG40-13-R-30009,
Installation of a Real Time Hull Monitoring System on the 378 foot WHEC Cutters,
Dated 1 Nov 2012.
23. U.S. Coast Guard, Email correspondence (Jennifer Blount) with B. Phelps (DSTO),
Dated 30 January 2013.
25. J.C. Brown, A Wave-Induced Fatigue Strain Recorder for Surface Ships, Society of
Naval Architects and marine Engineers, Proceedings of Annual Meeting 30 September-
1 October 1999.
26. C. Snell, UK Ministry of Defence, Defence Equipment and Support, Naval Authority
Group - Ship Structures, Email correspondence with B. Phelps (DSTO), Dated
22 August 2012
27. QinetiQ, Email correspondence (J. Butler) with B. Phelps (DSTO), Dated
25 August 2012.
28. C.P. Gardiner, P. Vincent, A. Wilson, D. Ellery and T. Armstrong, Hull Structure
Monitoring Of The Armidale Class Patrol Boat, RINA Innovation in High Speed
Marine Vessels, 28 - 29 January 2009.
29. R.A. Swartz, A.T. Zimmerman, J.P. Lynch, J. Rosario, T. Brady, L. Salvino and K.H.
Law, Hybrid Wireless Hull Monitoring System for Naval Combat Vessels, University
of Michigan, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, March 2010.
30. J.S. Kiddy, C.S. Baldwin, T. Salter, P.C. Chen, Structural Load Monitoring of the RV
Triton using Fiber Optic Sensors, Proc. SPIE 4698, Smart Structures and Materials 2002:
Industrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures Technologies, pp462, 9
July 2002.
31. L. Rogers and J. Carlton, The Acoustic Emission Technique: Application to Marine,
Structures and Machinery, Lloyds Register, Technology Days, 2010.
32. American Bureau of Shipping, TAPS Tankers Monitored for Corrosion and Cracks,
First Commercial Testing Using Acoustic Emissions in a Marine Environment,
‘ACTIVITIES’ Newsletter, September 2007.
33. M.F. Harper, Acoustic monitoring of the hulls of Floating Production Storage and
Offloading facilities (FPSOs) for corrosion and damage, Research Report 328, Prepared
by Mecon Ltd for the Health and Safety Executive, 2005.
34. BMT Scimar, Email correspondence (Matthew Kinney) with B. Phelps (DSTO), Dated
30 August 2012.
36. Light Structures, Email correspondence (Inge Paulsen)with B. Phelps (DSTO), SENSFIB
Fiber Optic Hull Stress Monitoring Systems, Dated 29 August 2012.
37. Rouvari Companies, Email correspondence (Risto Rouvari) with B. Phelps (DSTO),
Dated 31 August 2012.
38. Strainstall UK Ltd, Email correspondence (Frank Rose)with B. Phelps (DSTO), Dated
28 August 2012.
39. T.G. Beckwith, N.L. Buck and R.D. Marangon, Mechanical Measurements, 3rd Edit,
Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1982.
(4 pages)
Hull Monitoring System Page 1 of 4
Hull Monitoring System
Operating Status:
Animated and real-time displays for: wind and wave velocities, pitch,
roll, accelerations, bow pressure, deck stress, course, speed, and slam 7/01/2013
Hull Monitoring System Page 2 of 4
Real-Time Status: Continuous 60-second time-history plot for any two data channels.
GPS Status: Ship's position traced against a route map with UTC noon marks.
Power Consumption: Displays the ship's real-time power consumption. This allows officers
to see how changes in course and speed affect fuel economy.
Historical Status: Four-hour time-history bar chart indicating five-minute average and
maximum value for: pitch, roll, deck stress, bow acceleration and
Terminal Status: Displays tide and current information for port. Also displays wind
What was the maximum roll, pitch angle etc. encountered last winter?
Which routes are structurally critical in which seasons?
What is the current rate of fatigue damage for various struct ural components?
What is the probability of structural damage given the number of bow emergences since
the last shipyard period? 7/01/2013
(24 pages)
Hull Monitoring System Page 3 of 4 7/01/2013
Hull Monitoring System Page 4 of 4
Client List:
Marathon Oil
Polar Tankers
Alaska Tanker Company 7/01/2013
==== Global Maritime Engineering ====
Recently, the concern in the safe operation of ships has increased with respect to the safety and the life of
ships and the prevention of marine pollution at the sea.
The frequent loss of bulk carriers and tankers during the late 1980's have brought about taking of strategic
steps to improve the safety of such ship.
Under the circumstances of these heavy losses, the IMO (International Maritime Organization) approved the
recommendation for fitting the hull stress monitoring systems for the improvement of the safety of ships of
20,000 dwt and above, carrying dry cargo in bulk.
STREMOS - Hull Stress Monitoring System has been developed for maximum efficiency of vessel operation and
safety and provides the real-time information to the ship's master on the ship during navigating, loading and
unloading operation, and also provides an alarm indication as necessary, indicating excessive stress on the hull.
Prolonged vessel life by reductions of structural damages and fatigue cracking
STREMOS - Hull Stress Monitoring System is a sophisticated tool that provides the ship's master with the real-
time information on the status of the ship's structure during cargo operation in harbour as well as during voyage.
The system monitors the stresses at four locations using specially designed strain gauges, and a bow
acceleration and bow slamming pressure. In addition, the information on the navigational condition and
environments are provided from the GPS, and a wind indicator etc.
This monitored information is displayed on computer screen. Also, the appropriate alarm signs are provided
when the hull conditions exceed the prescribed criteria.
General Status
This is the most general display and is primarily used as an overview of the
system. The outputs from the sensors (4 strain gauges, and an accelerometer)
are displayed by the bar graph representing maximum and minimum values
over previous 1 minute.
The mean, maximum and minimum values of gauge signals are displayed as the
percentage values with respect to the prescribed criteria values.
In addition, the current date, time and global position are displayed by text.
Ship's speed, heading and shaft speed are displayed in the form of clock gauge.
Bending Moment
This display shows maximum values of the vertical bending moments for both
sea and harbour operating conditions as the percentage values with respect to
the prescribed critical values.
The screen shows the bending moment trend over last 4 hours with the up-
dated data every 5 minutes in the form of bar graph. Displayed time interval
can be changed from 1 to 4 hours by selecting the option button.
There are two kinds of display modes of bending moment, those are, SEA and
HARBOUR modes.
The Slam Warning is to warn the vessels operating personnel in advance that
the vessel is in sea state or operating conditions approaching those that could
have wave slams that could lead to either local or hull girder structural damage.
Slam warning monitors are to show the trend over time in relation to the slam
wave impact that would exceed the selected warning levels.
Real-time Display
The outputs from each sensor over the last 60 seconds are displayed on the two
graphs when the button is clicked. The typical display is shown below.
Items to be displayed on the two graphs are selected by clicking the gauge
selection button. Because two kinds of signal are displayed at once, user can
compare one signal with another.
It displays the results of statistical analysis performed on the data measured
from all sensors during the last 5 and 30 minutes by selecting the toggle button
in the upper right side in the figures.
As the statistical results, the following values are obtained and stored
automatically on the computer hard disk for analysis ashore.
- Maximum +ve and -ve values - Mean value - Maximum peak-to-
peak values - Standard deviation - Root Mean Square values -
Average zero crossing period
Fatigue Display
This display shows the cumulative stress cycle counts in the whole life of the
ship and the fatigue cycle from a S-N curve in ABS rule. In this program the S-
N curve is selected for F case to describe the longitudinal bulkhead and the deck
plate at the long based strain gauges
Logger Entry
The Logger Entry display is designed to acquire a manual entry log of critical
data extracted from the ship's written log book.
The related data from the ship's log are recorded in the computer storage disk
for analysis ashore.
The manual entry data are recorded in the computer when the SAVE button is
pressed after completion of manual key-in.
When the alarm levels are exceeded in some condition, the contents of the
alarm are displayed on the screen. The display of the past alarm history is
available only for those on three pages volume.
The past alarm contents are automatically stored in the computer hard disk.
The logged data in the system computer during a voyage can be replayed by
the software program called STREMOS-Replay.
This takes a similar form to the real time graph described above.
Museokatu 9 B , 00100 HELSINKI, FINLAND
Tel. +358 505615871
Ship motion and hull monitoring system
Strain, design
motions and sea state estimations
for future requirements
Based on
Applications System available for
installation and
Aircraft carriers
on-board all kinds
Landing ships of vessels
Fast patrol boats
Bulk carriers
Cruise vessels Sea-state estimation
Ship motion and hull monitoring system
key points
Potential extensions
Corporate communications - October 2010 – Non contractual document – production: alisker - photos credits: DCNS, French Navy.
the ship monitoring system records an improper loading or from improper
1 rue de la Noë - BP 42105
F-44321 NANTES Cedex 3
tel: + 33 (2) 51 86 02 86
Stressing the Point
hull stress monitoring system
transport & automotive
Challenge Solution
The Australian Navy required a system to monitor the condition CPE Systems, in collaboration with Endurance Consulting, designed
and dynamic forces on the hulls of its two LPA class ships, the and implemented a custom built hull stress monitoring solution, with
HMAS Kanimbla and the HMAS Manoora. These ships an easy to use software interface running on a touch screen panel PC
are used to transport and support up to 450 troops, their mounted in the ship’s bridge.
vehicles and equipment, as well as four Black Hawk helicopters
and two landing craft. The software was developed in LabVIEW due to its quick
implementation time and ability to interface with all of the necessary
HMAS Kanimbla and HMAS Manoora have done more than 40 sensors. The system simultaneously monitors four stress sensors,
years of service, and are still required to operate under all two accelerometers, starboard and port motor rpm and wind
weather conditions, often with large amounts of vital conditions. Raw data and statistics for all sensors is stored with up
equipment and personnel on board. A hull stress monitoring to five years of data available for review and export.
system was needed to inform the ship’s crew as to the current
and projected forces on the hull, so they can continue to safely By touching areas on the screen, recent history and up to 24 hours
operate the ships. of statistics for each stress sensor or accelerometer are displayed.
Probability of reaching a threshold or predicted time to reach
Apart from sending real-time alarms to the crew as the hull threshold is also displayed along with each sensors current state.
stress approaches or exceeds the damage threshold, the
system must also keep a comprehensive data log so that The project was completed under an extremely tight timeframe, with
developing trends can be determined, and decisions made to software development and verification, two sets of hardware installs,
prolong the service life of the ships. and two sets of sea trials being completed within three months.
Hull Stress Monitoring System
real-time safety and structural data analysis
Prolong ship lifetime and reduce maintenance costs with the Hull Stress Monitoring System (HSMS).
CPE’s HSMS provides real-time monitoring of the forces exerted on ship’s hulls. It provides
immediate feedback to the crew if hull stress or fatigue levels exceed safe thresholds,
and reduces maintenance costs by avoiding or reducing the
risk of structural damage to the vessel.
Key Features
• Reduces the risk of extreme
hull loading
• Analyses raw data to present time
trends of hull stress and fatigue
• Calculates the probability and predicted time to
reach alarm thresholds
• Simple, intuitive user interface
• Allows ship operators to make decisions that will
prolong the service life of the vessel
• Logs up to 5 years of data
• Exports raw and statistical data to excel or text format
Test Systems
Engineering & Scientific Software
Data Management & Presentation
Control, Automation & Vision
Structural Health & Condition Monitoring
Hull Stress Monitoring System
Standard Components
Optional Components
• Additional strain and/or acceleration, GPS, temperature, pressure, motion or other sensors
• Connection to existing instruments such as navigation, propulsion, loading computer and wind instruments
• Remote access to data and reports
• In Service Support
Bridge Console
The console on the bridge features a 12 inch industrial panel PC running the HSMS software package. The software is
designed for ease of use and ensures that important information can be easily accessed and interpreted.
The HSMS software package includes:
• A main screen where the stress, fatigue and alarm status of each sensor is displayed on a plan of the ship
• Statistical calculations and logging of stress, slam detection, mean, minimum, maximum, standard
deviation, skewness, kurtosis, mean zero crossing, fatigue (percentage of ship life remaining), probabilities
of excessive stresses and slams, and predicted time until limits are exceeded
• Click on any sensor in the ship plan to see historical and statistical trends of the data
• Visual and audible alarms when stress and slam limits are exceeded
• Visual and audible alarms when stress and slam reaches 80% of limits
• Click on an alarm to see a historical log of all alarms
• A “Test Alarms” button
• An area for manual data input for ship loading parameters, sea state, location and heading
• A button to save the last 5 minutes of raw data in-case of an incident. This logs all data-points at their
acquisition rates of 20Hz for strain and 500Hz for acceleration
• A button to upload all data to USB for export to excel or text format
Installation of all sensors and hardware is included. This includes calibration of all sensors and data acquisition
hardware, and a period of verification to ensure to system is acquiring accurate and reliable data. After installation, all
calibration certificates, hardware specifications and instruction manuals will be delivered.
■ Hull Stress Monitoring System, Naviscan
The Naviscan is the navigation safety instrument which monitors real-time hull girder stress
during a voyage or loading, unloading operation. The hull stress monitoring system
(Naviscan) is designed to apply for wide range of commercial vessels such as LNG, LPG,
Crude oil tankers, Bulk Carriers, Container vessels, etc. This enables crew members and ship
owners monitor the hull in safe operation using LVDT sensors on deck. Based on the
information provided by Naviscan, ship owners and crew members ultimately can minimize
any damages by hull fatigue stress and optimize a voyage, ship management. Also, the
system stores long-term data for voyage route optimization and for further research. It gives
alarms when the induced stress goes over the pre-set allowable limit of 80 percent
The hull stress is one of the major factors which cause irretraceable damage to merchant
marines. Fatigue accumulated in vessels leads to local cracks in the hull. Then, this might call
very dangerous situations. For example, November 20th, 2001, crude oil carrier "Presige"
broke into two pieces during a storm while navigating on Atlantic Ocean near Spain.
By the way, let’s find another accident during unloading. In January 16, 2003, it happened to
the vessels , container vessel “ Troyburg” and Bunker Barge “PebbleBeach”. While offloading
at LA Berth 402, container was dropped onto tank barge alongside engaged in bunkering
operations. One container accidentally lifted & hung up as two cones had been inadvertently
left attached. Speed of cargo operations also played a factor.
The HSMS provides real-time information by continuous monitoring the hull fatigue stress.
Please make sure that excessive hull movements can be resulted in cargo loss and damage
to the vessel.
■ Technology of HSMS, Naviscan
Naviscan gives real-time information on dynamic stress from 4 LBSG sensors at each
location and monitors hull girder stress. LBSG sensors are located on deck to measure the
longitudinal strain of hull girder. The LBSG consists of a 2000 mm steel rod, which is fixed at
one end and free at the other end, and LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transducer) sensor.
The material of operating rod has the approximately same thermal expansion with the deck
material. LVDT is the electrical transducer, with a full scale range of ±4mm, operating via the
pre-amplifier with a 4~20 mA signal output to minimize external electric noise.
All of ships are designed with a given fatigue strength and the capacity shall be gradually
reduced as it goes its maiden voyage. We can assume that the allowable fatigue shall be
uniformly distributed over a vessel’s life expectancy as shown in the curve (we take it for 20
years, based on experimental results by KR- Korean Register of Shipping), but, nothing
actually goes its way upon a theory. There are many factors which might deteriorate the hull
life span like during loading, unloading or sailing on heavy sea weather. The HSMS helps
crew members to monitor the current status on hull stress and to make faster decision for
safe voyage. And, accordingly, shipping management can be controlled or advised through its
accumulated data. Eventually, ship owners can avoid any extra cost for unexpected
maintenance and plan for right repair procedures with free from hull damages. As you see the
curve below, it shows that approximate 10 percent average stress will lead a ship life span to
20 years. And, accordingly, we can find how important to check real-time hull stress, because
a ship life expectancy can be decreased if your crew members do not acknowledge or ignore
the real stress on the vessel. In this vein, it won’t be hard for ship owners to find the most
economical way of fleet management.
■ Applicable Vessels
The Hull Stress Monitoring System (Naviscan) is suitable for all types of ships which are to be
monitored hull fatigue stress. Next are the following types of vessels which might be at risk of
fatigue stress:
Bulk carriers
Oil tankers
Container vessels
With installation of the hull stress monitoring system, Naviscan gives benefit to whom it may
■ System Configurations
Hull Stress Monitoring System (NaviScan) is the navigation safety instrument which
continuously monitors real-time hull stress using deck-mounted LBSG (Long Based Strain
Gauge), accelerometer and clinometer during a voyage or loading/unloading operation and it
gives alarm as necessary. Based on the information provided, the ship master can alter the
course or reduce the speed and the loading procedures can be improved. The long term data
can be used for voyage optimization and further research.
■ System Layout
As temperature on upper deck fluctuates, the temperature changes bring about thermal
expansion or constriction on SUS rod of sensor. Then, this measured value by thermal
expansion or constriction is calculated automatically. But, we have to realize that this
calculated value is different from the real Bending Moment on hull of a vessel. So, the
NaviScan who has PT100 temperature sensor on SUS rod compensates and displays the
real Bending Moment with applying thermal expansion coefficient (SUS 304: 1.73 x 10-5 cm/
cm/ )
Technical specifications:
■ Other Components
Main Amplifier
Uninterruptible Power Supply
Junction Box
Alarm Buzzer
Data Processor and Storage Unit
■ Interface (Compatibility)
Loading computer
DGPS or Speed Log
VDR (Voyage Data Recorder)
LBSG Sensor is a 20mm stroke conductive plastic, linear motion potentiometer of which
performance is unaffected by shaft rotation. Its co-mold element and precision construction
allow this strain gauge to feature superb output smoothness and long life. It gives real-time
local hull stress when a ship is on seagoing or at harbor.
■ Electrical Specifications:
■ Mechanical Specifications:
■ Accelerometer
Accelerometer is fixed to the vertical wall in Bosun store, which measures the bow
acceleration due to ship motion. The measured bow acceleration is compared with threshold
velocity to indicate the provability of slamming in rough seas
■ Technical specifications:
■ Inclinometer
The bi-axial inclinometer is installed on the bridge deck and provides information about the
pitch and roll angles. The electric sensor is a bi-axial electrolytic tilt sensor, which can
measure tilting angle up to 20 degree within the frequency range of 4 Hz.
■ Technical specifications:
Vessel Structural Monitoring
The Structural Monitoring System is a computer based
system for monitoring the structural behavior of vessels
during all phases of operation. The displays report stresses
and motions in real time as well as providing alarms when
values approach predetermined limits.
BMT can configure a structural moni-
toring system to meet any requirement.
It can be installed on existing vessels,
or integrated into “new build” and exist-
ing bridge consoles.
The structural monitoring system is
easily networked to allow access from
many locations such as the bridge,
cargo control room, and the Master’s
Existing vessels can be retrofitted
with either a stand-alone radar style
console, or a small enclosure housing
a computer for data processing and
storage, and a flat panel display that
mounts easily on a crowded bridge.
The basic system measures strain at
mid ship, roll, pitch, bow vertical accel-
eration, and forefoot immersion depth,
and integrates information from engine
room sensors and GPS. The system
can be expanded to include as many
sensors as required.
Our systems are compact and easy
to install, our innovative systems
apply the newest technology at a
competitive price and feature a flexible
design to meet any vessel type and
Features: Additional Options:
• Meets International Maritime Organi- • Additional strain gages, accelerometers, an-
zation recommendations, all require- gular rate sensors, or inputs from other ship-
ments of the US Coast Guard and board equipment can be added for specific
the American Bureau of shipping for vessel requirements;
instrumentation and equipment oper-
ating in hazardous areas; • Vessel response calculator, WaveMAX, for
predicting vessel motions, and bow emer-
• Fully compliant with classification gence and slamming;
societies provisional rules and regula-
tions for hull response monitoring and • A “black box” data recording system that al-
recording systems; lows continuous reporting of sensor data on
non-erasable media;
• Accommodates any number of client
specified channels of sensor data;
• Calculate and maintain a record of cumulative
ship fatigue damage;
• Real-time bridge displays provide
ship masters with information regard-
• Shore based reporting via satellite data link;
ing vessel structural behavior during
all operations;
• Multimedia based training on heavy weather
ship handling;
• Proven reliability through numerous
years of TAPS and Asian– Pacific
trade service; • Integration of WNI/Oceanroutes’ Orion On-
board Guidance System for satellite fed 10-
day rolling weather forecasts to aide in avoid-
• Simple installation and calibration
ing difficult weather situations.
procedures completed dock side, at
anchor, or by riding crew.
Fiber Optic Hull Stress Monitoring Systems
Fiber optics
for safety
and reliability
Fiber optic monitoring solutions are gaining popularity
in the oil and gas community due to the unrivaled
performance and reliability. Light Structures’ Hull Stress
Monitoring System was the first fiber optic solution to
enter the market, and has proven itself through several
years’ operation onboard shuttle tankers and VLCCs.
Fiber optic Hull Stress Monitoring systems can be configured with ab-
solutely no electrical components in hazardous areas. The low optical
power means the system is intrinsically safe, even without introducing
Zehner barriers or similar.
Fiber optic solutions are immune to electromagnetic disturbance, which
provides a stable, high-quality signal. With our well-tested installation
technique our short-gauge sensors perform flawlessly without service,
year after year. The system reliability has been optimized by the use of
the Linux operating system, which is becoming the software of choice
among computer professionals. All these factors contribute to our sys-
tems’ high reliability and uptime.
Measurements are made using the wavelength of light, which enables
high precision monitoring of stress. The precision is maintained all the
way to the data logging, as the fiber optic signal is not affected by
electromagnetic interference from adjacent signal or power cables. The
accuracy is maintained over time by the use of an online reference in
the signal receiver.
Cost efficiency
There is a small cost premium compared to alternative systems at the
newbuilding stage, but this is countered through a reduced mainte-
nance cost, which overall gives a lower system life-cycle cost. On LNGCs
there are savings already at installation, as no welding is required for
sensor mounting and the sensors do not require bulky casings.
Sensors can be mounted on deck, on girders, submerged in ballast tanks
or in void space. Systems can be configured in basic systems with only
four strain sensors, or expanded to include fatigue monitoring sensors
in the waterline, sensors in the bow for ice monitoring or local sensors
for sloshing monitoring on tank walls.
hull stress monitoring
Ships that may benefit from The system includes HullInfo, which is a dedicated
Hull Stress Monitoring include: console giving the officers on watch an objective
• Tankers; crude carriers and LNG carriers measurement of the current conditions:
• Bulk carriers • Hull loads and warning of load levels that represent
• FPSOs an immediate threat to hull integrity
• Container carriers • Fatigue accumulation rates
• High speed ferries and cruise ships • Trend predictions
• Naval ships • History data
• Parameters and warning levels for all connected sensors
• Environmental data
SENSFIB Monitoring Capabilities
Slamming, or hard wave hits, can seriously damage bow plat-
ing, and can be difficult to predict from the bridge. A vertical
accelerometer in the bow is therefore included in all our HSM
systems. In particularly harsh conditions a ship may experience
bottom slamming, and some of our more extensive systems in-
clude sensors to characterize the bow re-entry load. Adding a
strain sensor on a double bottom stiffener in the bow is a simple
and maintenance-free alternative to bow pressure sensors that The user interface can be configured to show current stress,
require penetration of the hull. fatigue accumulation, accelerations and slamming trend as well
as sailing conditions in terms of sea state, wind, speed and
Whipping and springing
These resonant effects are receiving increasing attention from ICE RESPONSE MONITORING
class societies as contributors to fatigue. SENSFIB HSM software Warning of floating ice in cold waters can be included in the
can show users the load due to whipping and springing relative HSM system by adding strain sensors in the bow waterline.
to other loads. Detailed information on these phenomena is also
available to the owner onshore for operations and planning.
Sloshing monitoring
Non-intrusive monitoring of sloshing loads can be achieved by
Fatigue measuring the stress in the steel structures that support the con-
Along with corrosion, fatigue is an important factor in the wear tainment system in LNG carriers or directly on the tank wall.
on a hull, but unlike corrosion it is impossible to inspect for fa-
tigue before cracking starts. With the good accuracy and reliabil-
ity of fiber optic HSM we are able to monitor the fatigue build-up Maintenance planning
in the areas near sensors. For the best monitoring of side-shell When integrated in the inspection and maintenance procedures,
fatigue, we recommend adding strain sensors on longitudinals the information from the HSM system provides valuable input to
inside ballast tanks in the waterline amidships. maintenance planning.
18 %
ECONOMY: Operating at e.g. 12 %
to extend hull life
12 % 8.6 years
23 years
Estimated operational life of hull No. of load cycles (Ne) to initial failure
basic hull stress monitoring
Advanced hull stress monitoring
HullInfo unit
Junction box
When a satellite link is available, the
SENSFIB system can be configured to send
short status reports and key data to shore
by automatic e-mail at regular intervals.
technical information
Junction box
Enclosure: IP66 Fiber optic accelerometer
Material: AISI 316 Measurement range: ± 20 m/s2 (2 g)
Accuracy (with FBGA): ± 0.1 m/s2
Frequency range: 0 –100 Hz
Fiber optic cable Operating temperature: [−25, 70] °C
Operating temperature: [−25, 70] °C Temperature compensation:
Oil resistance: According to IEC 92-3 Common mode rejection
Other: Flame retardant, Halogen free, Metal free Enclosure: IP66
Supplemental products and services
Onboard survey and service Condition reports – SENSFIB Vista
Allthough regular maintenance by an engineer is not required, it We offer a regular reporting service that includes a concise report
is of course available. We will despatch a system specialist from of special events in the report period, fatigue status and history
our head office in Norway to any port to provide the highest as a convenient input to the maintenance planner. This service
quality diagnostics, repair and service of systems. requires that the ship forwards data backup to Light Structures
at regular intervals.
The wavelength is determined by the period of the stripe pat- As the illustration shows, more than one FBG can be coupled
tern, which means that a strain or temperature that changes in series. This means that we can package sensors to measure
the period of the FBG can be characterized by monitoring the more than one parameter. This is how Light Structures’ strain
wavelength reflected from that FBG. sensors also measures the temperature at the sensor location.
In a measurement system, a broadband light source illumi- The technique does not require much light to work well, so
nates the FBGs. A single peak wavelength is reflected from each the optical power level can be kept very low, less than 1 mW.
FBG. The reflections are measured using a wavelength selection DNV has set an upper limit of 10 mW for intrinsically safe optical
device that scans the spectrum. The temperatures and strains are circuits.
then determined from the measured wavelengths.
The fiber optic solution for hull stress monitoring
Light Structures contributes to safer and more costeffective operation of vessels and structures through the acquisition and
analysis of load data. The company is the world leading provider of fiber optic monitoring systems to the maritime sector.
Safe and cost-effective operation of a vessel Based on Fiber Bragg Grating sensor technology, SENSFIB enables you to:
demands exact knowledge of the ship's design SENSFIB is a combination of fiber optic stress
and awareness of the operation risks and their sensors, signal receiver and HULLINFO data INCREASE SAFETY
consequences. processing and presentation software designed • Protect your ship, crew and cargo
to provide operator on bridge with real-time • Avoid environmental disasters
Among these is the risk of ship encountering feedback on vessel's operation. • Optimize heading and speed by knowing
rough sea conditions where hull is subjected to weather impact in real-time
significant stresses potentially leading to damage SENSFIB successfully benefits tankers, LNG • Know the limits for safe operation
or, in the worst case, a disaster. carriers, bulk carriers, offshore ships and • Document and verify hull performance
structures, container ships, cruise ships, navy and
To avoid or mitigate hull damage induced by advanced hull design vessels. • Analyze failure (black box function)
bending and slamming in waves, knowing the SAVE COSTS
optimum heading and speed is crucial. SENSFIB has been approved according to the hull • Extend hull life and earning period
stress monitoring rules of all major class societies • Avoid unscheduled dry docking resulting
By continuously monitoring and analyzing stresses, - DNV HMON1 and HMON2, Lloyd's Register
the hull stress monitoring system can guide crew in ShipRightSea, Bureau Veritas MON-HULL, ABS from overloading damage
crucial decision-making and provide alarms when HM and RINA MONHULL. • Optimize maintenance to condition-based
stresses exceed safe limits. At the same time the IMPROVE COMPETITIVENESS
system benefits ship owners by providing accurate FIBER OPTIC ADVANTAGES • Boost public image of safety awareness
information on the ship's operation and resulting • Receive additional Class notation to
fatigue damage. • Explosion Safety. No electric components and
risk of sparks in hazardous areas demonstrate ship's quality and safety
Developed in cooperation with DNV class society • Reliability. Robust design and long-term SENSFIB gives you overview of:
and the Norwegian Defense Research stability. Waterproof - no short circuits
Establishment, SENSFIB is a hull monitoring • Global hull girder stresses
system of choice for major shipyards in South • Accuracy. No electromagnetic noise and • Local stresses in waterline
Korea and throughout the world. emissions. High signal precision and fast • Bow slamming
response over long distances • Fatigue accumulation
• Whipping and springing
• Cost Efficiency. No sensor maintenance • Sloshing pressure in LNG tanks
• Flexibility. Small in size and weight. Easy to install • Ice response
with adhesives. Measure directly on stiffeners on
dry surfaces or submerged in water in ballast tanks
• Additional Functionality. High multi-channel
data throughput and multiple sensors on single
cable. 2-in-one sensors for reading stress and
CETENA has a long-standing experience on sea trials, long term monitoring, prediction of
motions and stresses on sea-going vessels.
The availability of real time information on ship structures is an important support to safely
protect ship asset, cargo and crew. CETENA has developed the Ship Advanced
Monitoring and Analysis (Sh.A.M.An.) system able to reduce the risk of damage to hull
structures caused by improper loading or high speed in bad weather conditions.
The system can be customized according to specific needs, integrating different kind of
sensors like strain gauges, accelerometers, inclinometers, pressure gauges, wave radars and
so on. Full 3D finite element analysis can be carried out by CETENA in order to choose the
more appropriate location for sensors and set warning and alarm thresholds.
Sh.A.M.An. provides alarms in real time if hull stress overtakes thresholds and can be
interfaced with most navigation equipments, automation systems, VDRs and loading
computers. In particular, interfacing with the loading computer allows to compare predicted
bending moment with data recorded by sensors on board in order to provide warnings or
alarms and to control the loading operations.
The information collected by the software can be used to assist in hull condition evaluation
and fatigue life assessment with the possibility to prevent structural cracks and to schedule
inspections and maintenance activities.
Sh.A.M.An, can also be interfaced with ship maintenance software systems.
The system provides an opportunity for ship-owners to discuss and negotiate a lower
insurance premium.
Sh.A.M.An. has recently been awarded the Certificate of Design Assessment by RINA
according to the additional class notation MON-HULL + S.
CETENA S.p.A. tel +39 010 5995 460
Via Ippolito d’Aste, 5 fax +39 010 5995 790
16121 Genova
Protects ship asset, cargo and crew;
Helps to correct potentially dangerous situations;
Monitors the ship structural integrity during transfer of ballast between different
tanks at sea or in ship loading/unloading operations in port;
Allows to evaluate and predict the ship fatigue life;
Helps to understand how to best operate the ship, maintaining high structural safety
Reduces costs of any repairs due to damage of structures;
Potentially reduces insurance premiums;
Demonstrates the ship quality to charterers.
A part of BMT in Maritime Transport
(Ship-board Monitoring, Analysis and Recording Technologies)
(Ship-board Monitoring, Analysis
and Recording Technologies)
Increased Safety
through continuous monitoring
Cost Savings and Increased Efficiency
through optimised performance
Improved Competitiveness
through fleet comparison
The BMT SMART product suite enables complete
vessel safety and performance management.
Monitoring hull stresses, motions, fatigue and
performance characteristics means the ship
operator can increase safe operation, reduce
maintenance costs and improve performance,
resulting in increased speed and reduced fuel
consumption / emissions.
Processor Atmel ATmega128
The Narada system is a powerful wireless data acquisition
and control solution built around the Atmel ATmega128 FLASH 128 kB
microcontroller. Designed for applications requiring high EEPROM 4 kB
resolution data collection, and/or real-time control, the
Narada has a four-channel 16-bit ADC and 128kB of sup- SRAM 4 kB
plemental SRAM for temporary data storage. Unique External SRAM 128 kB
amongst its competitors, the Narada also incorporates a
External Clock Speed 8 MHz
two-channel 12-bit DAC for wireless control applications.
Document (U)
Title (U)
Abstract (U)
DSTO-TR-2818 AR-015-561 Technical Report May 2013
2012/1195506/1 07/359 HNE 40 40
13. DSTO Publications Repository 14. RELEASE AUTHORITY
No Limitations
At the request of DMO Head Maritime Systems Division (HMSD) a study was undertaken to investigate issues related to
installation of hull structural monitoring systems (HSMS) on RAN ships. This report provides results of a literature and internet
survey to determine the state of the art of HSMS on commercial and military ships together with discussion of issues related to navy
ships generally. System configurations range from basic installations intended to monitor hull girder bending stresses up to complex
developmental systems employing technologies such as fibre-optic sensors and wireless data transmission. Vendor material related
to commercial off the shelf (COTS) systems is provided in a number of appendices.