ES Coursehandout
ES Coursehandout
ES Coursehandout
Course Description
Unit I covers the definition, scope and importance of the subject. The natural resources
available, their use and over-utilization are discussed.
Unit II. The unit discusses the concept of an ecosystem, lists its structure and function
along with its components. The energy flow in an ecosystem is discussed along with food
chains and ecological pyramids. The aquatic ecosystem is discussed in detail.
Unit III begins with an explanation of genetic, species and ecosystem diversity. The bio-
geographical classification of India is discussed in detail. The various values of
biodiversity are discussed with necessary examples. Biodiversity in India is mentioned,
the threats to biodiversity are discussed and the unit concludes with a discussion of
various methods to conserve biodiversity
Unit IV: The unit discusses the causes, effects and control measures for various types of
pollution. The unit concludes with the various environmental protection acts in force and
the problems enforcing them.
Unit V: The unit covers various social aspects of the environment and disaster management
Course Outcome
On successful completion of the course, the student will be able to
i. Define environmental studies and describe its scope and importance, summarize
the effects of use and over utilization of various natural resources.
ii. Explain in detail the concept, structure and function of ecosystems, give examples
and summarize food chains and ecological pyramids. Classify and describe entire
aquatic ecosystems in detail.
iii. Classify biodiversity into genetic, species and Ecosystem diversity, list the bio-
geographical classification of India along with the endangered and endemic
species and identify the threats to biodiversity and describe the methods of
iv. Describe the causes, effects and control measures of pollution in various forms
(Air, water, soil, noise, thermal and solid waste). Environmental legislation and
issues involved in enforcement.
v. Describe the various social aspects related to the environment and a brief
overview of the various aspects of disaster management and its application in
Overview of Assessment
Assessments may include
1. Class tests
2. University exam
3. Quizzes
4. Assignments