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ĐỀ TEST 2- Lê Ngọc Khánh Đoan (Đà Lạt)

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 Bài nghe gồm 4 phần, mỗi phần được nghe hai lần, mỗi lần cách nhau 15 giây, mở
đầu và kết thúc phần nghe có tín hiệu nhạc.
 Thí sinh có 3 phút để hoàn chỉnh bài trước tín hiệu nhạc kết thúc bài nghe.
 Mọi hướng dẫn cho thí sinh (bằng tiếng Anh) đã có trong bài nghe.
Part 1: Listen to Thomas and Elise talking about their work/ life habits and decide the best
answer to each question.
1. What made Thomas change his lifestyle?
A. he received an important email.
B. He couldn’t enjoy Rome because he was obsessed with work.
C. He went to the coast and fell in love with the sea.
2. What has Thomas learned from living by the sea?
A. That human actions and money aren’t so important.
B. That you can’t make much money there.
C. That he should have left his city job much earlier.
3. What do Elise’s friends think of her working life?
A. They think it’s making her ill.
B. They think she is too competitive.
C. They think Elise never has enough time.
4. Why does Elise carry around so much technology?
A. Because she doesn’t have an office.
B. Because she travels a lot and doesn’t want an office.
C. Because she travels a lot and the technology gives her confidence.
5. What does she believe about her future?
A. She won’t do the same job for more than three and a half years.
B. She will never have a completely relaxing lifestyle. She doesn’t want one.
C. Her lifestyle will probably get worse, especially her health, so she will slow down.
Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Part 2: Listen to a lecture about how language is learnt and then decide whether the
statements are true (T0 or false (F).
1. There are very few facts known about how language is learnt. T F
2. Subliminal language learning can only take place overnight. T F
3. You learn your first language quickly because you were exposed daily to new words.
4. Watching TV or playing the radio in a foreign language is useless. T F
5. The author thinks that learning a new language in six weeks is possible. T F
Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Part 3: Listen to a conversation between a tutor and a student and answer the questions
below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS/ OR A NUMBER for each question.
1. What is John researching?
2. Apart from pollution, what would John like to see reduced?
3. According to the tutor, what can cars sometimes act as?
4. How much does John’s tutor pay to drive into London?
5. In Singapore, what do car owners use to pay their road tax?

Part 4: Listen to a lecture about the behavior of primates-the group of animals that
includes monkeys and humans and fill in the gaps with missing information. Write NO
MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each question.
Date: 6th November
Lecture Topic : Primate Behaviour
Review – Last lecture we talked about how physical features apply to:
 living primates
 classification
 ___1___________________
 Human evolution is not just about how people have __2________________ but also
about how our behavior evolved.
 The most notable thing about humans is not just that they walk on two legs but that
they can __3______________

Primate Cognitive Abilities

Cognitive = the amount of __4________________ that goes into a behavior. It’s difficult to
come up with __5___________ to measure cognition.
How sentient are the ___6_______________ ?
Sentient = there is ____7___________________ conscious thought.

Behaviour that support the presence of conscious thought in primates:

 Various sorts of ___8_______________ (helping others without benefit).
 ‘Machiavellian Intelligence’ or deliberate ___9_________________.
 Chimps can be language trained – highly intelligent.
 Cognition and intelligence in primates has deep ___10__________________
Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part 1: Choose the best word/ phrase that best completes each sentence.
1. The area was neglected and soon turned into an overcrowded ____________.
A. suburb B. estate C. quarter D. slum
2. Don’t you feel the problem needs to be ___________ head-on?
A. tackled B. worked out C. ironed out D. solved
3. I dislike him so much that I find it difficult even to be _______ to him.
A. civil B. tactful C. diplomatic D. well-mannered
4. I’m in a bit of a _________ as to what to wear to the wedding.
A. loss B. quandary C. problem D. bewilderment
5. It seems our application has been refused ____________ .
A. bull’s eyes B. carte blanche C. point blank D. about face.
6. It’s no good trying to ____________ with Bob. You’ll never change his mind.
A. deal B. discuss C. side D. reason
7. ‘If you implement this scheme, we shall have no choice but to go on strike.’
‘_________, we must implement the scheme.’
A. Be that as it may be B. may that be as it is
C. Though it be thus D. While that be so
8. Leili said she found learning languages as easy as __________. She had a gift for it.
A. sliding off a branch B. falling off a log
C. diving off a climb D. branching off a bough
9. You are going to need her help. If I were you, I’d ___________ a bit. I’d try to get her on
my side, you know what I mean.
A. soap her down B. oil her over C. butter her up D. grease her out
10. This museum has more visitors than ___________ any other in the world.
A. really B. practically C. actually D. utterly
Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part 2: There are 5 errors in the passage. Identify and correct them.
Line 1 Since water is the basis of life, composing the greater part of the tissues of
Line 2 all living things, the crucial problem of desert animals is to survive in a world
Line 3 when sources of flowing water are rare. And since man’s inexorable necessity is
Line 4 to absorb large quantities of water in frequent intervals, he can scarcely
Line 5 comprehend that many creatures of the desert pass their entire lives without a
Line 6 single drop.
Line 7 Uncompromising as it is, the desert has not eliminated life just only those
Line 8 forms unable to withstand its desiccating effects. No moist- skinned, water-
Line 9 loving animals can exist there. A few large animals are found. The giants of the
Line 10 North American desert are the deer, the coyote, and the bobcat. Since desert
Line 11 country is open, it holds more swift-footed running and leaping creatures than
Line 12 the tangled forest. Its population is largely nocturnal, silent, filling with
Line 13 reticence, and ruled by stealth. Yet they are not emaciated.

Your answers
1.when-> where 2.in->at 3.a->X 4.filling->filled 5.

Part 3: Fill in each blank with one preposition/ particle.

1. He was destined _____ a military career, like his father before him.
2. They seem destitute _______ ordinary human feelings.
3. The Government does not want to go _____ war unless all other alternatives heave failed.
4. She does nothing but fret ____ her being overweight yet never tries to diet.
5. If you have a grievance ________ the company, please lodge a formal written complaint.
Your answers
1.for 2.of 3.for 4.over 5.in

Part 4: Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words given in brackets.

Native Americans probably arrived from Asia in (1. succeed) ____________ waves
over several millennia, crossing a plain hundreds of miles wide that now lies (2. inundation)
______ by 160 feet of water released by melting glaciers. For several periods of time, the
first beginning around 60,000 B.C. and the last ending around 7,000 B.C., this land bridge
was open. The first people traveled in the (3. dust) _______ trails of the animals they hunted.
They brought with them not only their families, weapons, and tools but also a broad (4.
physical) ______ understanding, sprung from dreams and visions and (5. articulatory)
_______ in myth and song, which complemented their scientific and historical knowledge of
the lives of animals and of people. All this they shaped in a variety of languages, bringing
into being oral literatures of power and beauty.
Contemporary readers, forgetting the origins of western (6. ephemeral) ______, lyric,
and dramatic forms, are easily (7. disposition) _______ to think of “literature” only as
something written. But on reflection it becomes clear that the more critically useful as well as
the more frequently employed sense of the term concerns the (8. art) ________ of the verbal
creation, not its mode of presentation. Ultimately, literature is ( 9. aesthete) ______ valued,
regardless of language, culture, or mode of presentation, because some significant verbal
achievement results from the struggle in words between tradition and talent. Verbal art has
the ability to shape out a compelling inner vision in some skillfully ( 10. craftily) _________
public verbal form.
Your answers
1.successive 2.inundated 3.dusty 4.physically 5.aculated
6. ephemera 7.disposed 8. 9.aesthetically 10.crafted


Part 1: Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each gap.
Most of us regard our moods as being rather like the weather - it is something that
colours the whole day, comes from somewhere else and _1______ which we have little
control. Not that there isn't a range of folk __2______ for dealing with a bad one: "Just snap
out of it. Have a good cry. Talk to a friend - a problem shared is a problem halved.
__3_______ yourself."
The problem is, as the latest American research reveals, all these favourite mood-
changing ploys are very ineffective. In his new book, Robert Thayer, professor of psychology
at California State University, __4____ forward a new theory about what to do to change
them and why. There are a few surprises. For instance, men, contrary to popular opinion, are
actually better at dealing with their moods than women. Not only that, but the time-honoured
female techniques of __5______ it all out to a friend or __6______ a good cry are often a
waste of time.
His approach makes it possible to forecast moods and be much more precise about
controlling them. For instance, we all have a daily energy rhythm - on average, we start low,
build up to a __7_____ around midday, dip down, pick up a bit in the later afternoon and then
__8_____ towards the evening. So, because of the link between energy levels and mood, we
can predict that an increase in tension will produce a more gloomy __9_____ at those times
of day when our energy regularly takes a dip. Knowing that, you can __10______ it into
1. A. over B. in C. from D. with
2. A. solutions B. medicines C. remedies D. treatments
3. A. Treat B. Spoil C. Feel D. Pamper
4. A. brings B. puts C. calls D. moves
5. A. dropping B. draining C. pouring D. spilling
6. A. giving B. doing C. making D. having
7. A. point B. peak C. height D. limit
8. A. tail off B. pick up C. speed up D. stop by
9. A. prospect B. outlook C. review D. aspect
10. A. get B. turn C. take D. bring
Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part 2: Read the text below and think of the word that best fits each space. Use only one
word in each space.


In today’s music industry it is hard to __1 ___________ out in the crowd but the band,
Makeover Mayhem, seem to have done just that. They only got together a couple of months
ago, but their first album, which was ready for downloading only a week ago, is already
speeding up the charts. It looks as if they are __2 ___________ to become the biggest success
story of the year. If this continues, they stand __3 ___________reach number one and make
their fortunes. Their music harks __4 ___________ to the early rock and roll of the fifties and
the reason for their success is probably __5________ to two main things: first, the modern
twist which they have put on rock and roll music and, secondly, the wave of nostalgia that
seems to be sweeping through the music-buying public.
In __6 ___________ contrast to the band, Josh Logan is an actor who has been
struggling for years to make a __7_______ for himself. But, finally, he has just finished his
first lead role in a film at the age of 32. Although he loves working on films, he finds it
difficult to tap into the emotional __8 __________ required when the scenes do not follow on
from each other as they do in a stage play. The film __9 __________ to have been released in
spring next year, but that has now changed to the autumn, mainly because of the director’s
pedantic obsession with a perfection that only exists in his head. However, Josh knows that
tenacity and belief in __10_______ you are doing is a prerequisite for an actor and he is
prepared to work long hours to be the best he can be.
(From IELTS Expert pack)
Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part 3: Read the article about a businessman and choose the answer which you think fits
best according to the text.
The codfather

The cod, the species of fish that features in the famous British dish 'fish and chips',
could soon make the leap out of the frying pan and into popular culture according to Karol
Rzepkowski, an effervescent Scot of Polish decent. ‘Someone approached us specifically
with a view of making iPod covers out of cod skins -it's seen as an alternative to snake skin
for the fashion industry,' laughs 42-year old Karol, managing director of Johnson Seafarms,
the world’s first organic cod farm which is located in the Shetland Isles. Lifestyle
entrepreneurs will have to wait though, because the main target market for Karol's carefully
reared cod is clearly a consumer armed with knife and fork rather than a digital music player.
Along with business partner Lament Viguie, Karol has put enormous into the
technology diversification that they hope will bring sea farming into the twenty-first century
with a profitable, environmentally friendly, cod-farming venture. All of this is literally oceans
away from the chance meeting that brought: together two business men with the clout to push
forward a scheme deemed outlandish by most: people in the business.
Karol and Laurent struck up a friendship whilst on a diving trip off the Caribbean
island of Grenada in 1999, and realised that their different business experience would make
them into a formidable team. Laurent was a trained lawyer, restaurateur and high-profile
figure in the music industry, while Karol was running Grenada's biggest leisure company,
having grown up helping at his father's delicatessen in Edinburgh. Karol has never flinched
from hard work. 'One day, it might be nice to have a holiday ... " he says wistfully.
Life in Grenada was good, but Karol was married to a Shetlander and wanted his 12-
year-old son to grow up with a good education as well as personal freedom; 'Somewhere he
can walk out of the door at nine in the morning and we don't need to worry if he's not back
until nine at night.' Most people might think of moving to a sleepy village within commuting
distance of a big city, but he found his idyll on a scattering of islands that are closer to the
Arctic Circle than to London, where puffins out number people by ten to one.
After moving to Shetland, Karol found employment as marketing director at Johnson
Seafarms, a small, family-owned company which mostly reared salmon. Two fishing issues
featured on the public agenda around that rime: a spate of public health scares over the
chemicals used to farm salmon, and the plight of wild cod as over-fishing devastated shoals
in the North Sea. Cod stocks there have plummeted 75 percent over the past fifteen years,
bringing the lynchpin of UK cuisine almost to the cusp of extinction-yet Britons tuck into
some 170, 000 tonnes of the fish every year.
The solution was obvious for Karol, 'Farmed salmon was becoming a tainted industry
in people's minds . I said: why don't we just move into another species? Bur everyone was
rather taken aback at the idea.' After convincing sceptical colleagues, he faced the much
tougher task of persuading hard-boiled financiers to stump up millions of pounds for an
unprecedented experiment. Karol enlisted the support of his old friend Laurent who,
convinced that the plan had potential, decided to join forces with Karol and take over the
company. With the money at Johnson Seafarms fast running out, the pair headed to London
in 2004 to seek emergency funds of £21 million. "There was a great deal of misgiving, but
the people who were most reticent were the ones who ended up investing,' adds Karol. With
enough investors interested, the company went through the process known as 'due diligence',
which saw zealous lawyers and accountants descending on the Shetland Isles to scour the
paperwork and check every last detail. It was a major cliffhanger-at any moment it could
have fallen flat on its face, says Karol. When it didn't, he says the biggest thrill was being
able to call the company's twenty-seven employees and tell them their jobs were safe.
The end of the funding drama was the start of real work: farming a new species of fish
in a way that would address increasingly pressing environmental and ethical concerns.
Today, Johnson Seafarms takes wild codlings from regularly renewed breeding stocks,
nurturing them on a natural diet throughout their stages of development: The fish swim about
in large sea pens enclosed with nets that arc regularly cleaned rather than treated with
chemicals, and come with shady areas for repose and 'toys' such as coconut rope to chew on.
It would be easy to dismiss this fastidiousness as shrewd public relations, but the company
has won enthusiastic accolades from animal charities which don't hold back from lambasting
the corporate world when they see fit. The big test is still to come as the company waits to
see whether the shopper will rake to the new organic cod.
(From CAE Plus)

1. How has Karol reacted to the idea of making cod skin iPod covers?
A. It’s not his main priority at the moment.
B. He thinks that it is a ridiculous suggestion.
C. He cannot see them catching on as a fashion item.
D. It is something he is looking forward to trying out.
2. Which of the following is closest meaning to ‘outlandish’ in paragraph 2?
A. strange B. usual C. normal D. available
3. Karol and his business partner, Laurent, met _________
A. whilst both on holiday in Grenada.
B. because of a shared leisure interest.
C. as a result of their business dealings.
D. through a contact in the food industry.
4. Why did Karol move to Shetland?
A. He had the offer of job in the area.
B. He had family responsibilities on the islands.
C. He could see there be business opportunities there.
D. He wanted his family to benefit from a particular lifestyle.
5. ‘His’ in paragraph 3 refers to ______
A. Karol B. Laurent C. the father D. the 12-year-old son
6. What problem was Johnson Seafarms facing when Karol first worked there?
A. a decline in the local fishing industry.
B. the limited resources available to the company.
C. a loss of public confidence in fish-farming methods.
D. poor health affecting the main type of fish it produced
7. How did Karol’s colleagues react to his proposed solution to the company’s problems?
A. They refused to cooperate with him.
B. They eventually accepted his suggestion.
C. They remained unconvinced that it would be successful.
D. They immediately realized it was their only hope of survival.
8. Which phrase from the sixth paragraph is used to emphasise how keen someone was to do
something properly?
A. hard-boiled B. join forces
C. a great deal of misgivings D. zealous
9. What can be inferred from paragraph 6?
A. Karol and Laurent had no problem in seeking funds for their plan.
B. Investors didn’t support the pair’s plan immediately.
C. Most investors were lawyers and accountants
D. To Karol, convincing his colleagues of the potential idea was the toughest.
10. In the last paragraph, we learnt that animal charities ________
A. have expressed their concerns about the company’s new method of fish farming.
B. have given their seal of approval to the company’s approach to fish farming.
C. remain unsure that the fish will not suffer in the company’s fish farming.
D. are generally supportive of companies engaged in fish farming.
Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


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