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Assignment of BEXIMCO

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I was lucky enough that I got the opportunity to work in such big organization.

played the role of an Intern under the Human Resource Department (HRD) of
Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited (BPL). The HRD handles the overall human
resource means all the employees that BPL holds. The department maintains the
quality to have the best employees be recruited in the organization to perform
efficiently to achieve the targets. I got the tremendous opportunity to work very
closely to learn the HR activities. Tasks and Responsibilities: Human Resource
Management is one of the very vital and fundamental subjects for business
graduates who are doing major in this criteria. I begin my work with some
objectives, which acts as a bridge between the starting point and the purpose of the
study. The report on “Human Resource Practice in Beximco Pharmaceuticals (BPL)
has been written as a partial requirements of obtaining the under graduate degree.
The document has been prepared for the allocation of the academic function only,
and no longer for taking decisions by the BPL management or other employers. My
primary task was to observe and analyze the HRM practices, methods, and
strategies followed by


PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED Page | 21 These are the basic functions that the
HR department really does to perfectly run the organization. The functions I played
during my internship period and the objectives of this report is to gone through the
following processes that BPL made and followed. Identify the HR activities of
BPL;  Going through the process of human resource management;  Planning for
the HR employment;  Analyze the recruitment and Selection Process of BPL in
details;  Training & Development Programs followed by BPL;  How they do the
Performance Appraisals for their employees;  Employee compensations;  Other
benefits and rewards. ERP Project: Beside these core responsibilities of finding
their main HR activates mentioned above, I worked for their current running project
on “ERP”. Here I had to collect & sort the data, analyzed and tested by the MIS’s
validation team & by the ERP team in a daily basis. The data hold the information
about the Payroll, Accounts, HRMS, Accounts payable, Account receivable,
Inventory ware house, Project Capital-R&D, Order Management – local,
international business and so on. Number of taste cases, number of successful
cases/tests, Failed tests, reason of failure and other details were tested by the team. I
made power point slides of those work for my sub supervisor who was assigned in a
very important role for this project. I did assist her in her activities. Comparing
Insurance Policies for the Employees: I did compare the insurance policies for the
employees and made a report on this and submitted it to my supervisor. The report
holds detailed information about the employee insurance policy. I had to compare
the premium, the offerings, conditions, premium for amount for permanent partial
disabilities, amount for maternity, hospital rents, and other HUMAN RESOURCE
facilities offered by the different insurance companies like MetLife insurance,
Group Life Insurance, Green Delta insurance company and so on. CV Sorting: I
was given the responsibility of sorting the bundle of CVs and made a data entry of
them, so that a permanent secured record could be maintained. Here the necessary
information of a candidate such as permanent address, police station, village, full
name, salary, position/designation, contact numbers, first name, last name,
remuneration, probation periods, basics - every detailed were recorded in the data
entry sheets. They needed to be included very carefully into the excel sheet since
depending on these information all other facts will be counted in future. Invigilate a
Written Test: I also invigilated a written test during the recruitment process. It was a
one hour written exam followed by the specific methods of the written test made by
the company. After the exam I had to collect the papers and keep them on the
recruitment officer’s desk to be checked. Limitations: There may some limitations
while preparing the report, which are:  The two months internship program is just
too short time to recognize approximately the total movements of such big
organization like BPL and relate standards to exercise;  Company would not
provide the full facts and core information as its miles very sensitive difficulty,
which was needed to explore the cutting-edge functions.  Internet could not
provide me with enough valid information;  Most of the information was gathered
and collected from the HRD of BPL. HUMAN RESOURCE ACTIVITIES OF
BEXIMCO PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED Page | 23  Information collected
from senior peers and other individuals needed to be crossed checked for proper
validation which was time consuming and hard to communicate;  The time
duration was not enough to build up a strong communications with the supervisors
to make it better and reliable to forward the important company information  The
likely motive of the mistakes can be because of conversation gap between the
interviewer & the interviewee due to variations in my adulthood or maturity stage
and knowledge of understandings.  In Beximco pharma the interns are not allowed
to have the internet access on their computers. The internet access is only for the
permanent employees of that organization. However, internet access is very crucial
since we need a lot of information regarding the tasks we did during our internship
so that, we can use them in our final report. We needed to analyze the tasks and
information collected through the supervisors and other superiors with the available
data on internet. So, a better internet access for the interns is highly recommended.
 There was no computer assigned for me as an intern. In other organization as far
as I heard from my other peers, the interns are provided with a computer or a laptop
for their work or research. However in BPL I was not provided any. I had to note
down every single details on papers.  There was lack of proper feedback from the
superiors. Since it’s a big organization everybody is very busy with their assigned
duties and responsibilities, hence, I did not get enough feedback from my superiors
about my work and mistakes and how to solve them.

3.2 HRM Process of BPL: The HRD team of BPL currently follow the bellow
processes for maintaining its human resources in order to do all its activities: Figure
1: HR Processes
Planning and Requisition
Selection Orientation
Appraisal and Evaluation
Compensationand Benefits

3.2(B) Recruitment and Selection Process at BPL: There are some features for
recruiting and selecting the candidates, such as –  Mental strength is the basic
criteria;  Mental strength and Practical knowledge both has their own importance;
 Panel interview is taken by the head of HR, Head of SBM (Marketing) and any
other specific personnel as required;  Resources for recruitment are from via
campus, experts, referrals, internal task positions and the internet.  Positions of
Officer cadre and Management trainee involves written test;  Clinical-fitness is a
pre-requisite for all jobs; HUMAN RESOURCE ACTIVITIES OF BEXIMCO
PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED Page | 28  No rejected candidate (at least
attend into in written test) can apply for the same or any other positions within the
next one year from the date of last application;  BPL does not follow any
discrimination on the basis of age, gender, ethnicity, religion and so on and it’s
totally unbiased. . 3.2(B1) Recruitment Process: HR department is responsible for
performing the recruitment tasks. It works to make the pool of qualified and
suitable candidates/applicants. Job description & specification provides the
necessary facts up on which the recruitment process starts. The function of
recruitment of BPL are given bellow:  Needs assessments;  Defining the position
description;  Advertisements;  Screening and short-listing applicants;  Written
test;  Selection interview;  Pre-employment medical checkup;  Offer letter; 
Orientation;  Placement;  Follow up. Job Posting Programs: Job posting is way
of letting the interested candidate know about the vacant position, description of the
responsibilities and other information to invite them to apply for the job. The
notices are usually posted on the office notice board. HUMAN RESOURCE
program motivates the current employees to join the HRD recruitment team for
assistance so that the employee can feel the importance of their role and position.
However all the vacant positions are not published like this. Only the bottom level
positions are required in these case. Advertisements: BPL use to provide
advertisements about job vacancies in both the Bengali and English national dailies.
They also post vacancy notices in online job portals such as bdjobs.com however
they do not invite applicants via LinkedIn for some issues. Moreover they add that,
they have already plenty of responses from the advertisements and posts of the daily
newspapers and the job sites, so, they do not really need to have it on LinkedIn right
now. Employee Referrals: It means conducting personal contacts to identify job
possibilities and opportunities. It is a recommendation from the contemporary
employees concerning a job applicant. It is a useful way because it saves both time
and money of the employer. Since the employee knows about the person the
recruiter can easily trust on his employee which is also secured. Employment
Agency: An agency helps to find the appropriate applicant for the company in
exchange of money or any other benefits according to the contract. It can show its
efficiency if it can have the clear understanding about the designation it is trying to
fill. Full transparency is expected from both the parties. This type of agencies are
usually hired for recruiting the top level of employees. 3.2(B2) Selection Process:
Selection is the method of collecting data for the motive of evaluating and deciding
who should be hired for the particular position. BPL follows several steps to
PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED Page | 30 selection process in a proper way. It is
a very organized way designed by the management to pick the perfect one for the
required position. Screening the CVs: In this step the collected CVs are going
through a screening process. That means each and every details written in the CV is
observed very carefully. The basic criteria that are being considered are, the
language, way of presentation, fonts, the format, simplicity, cleanliness,
transparency and so on. There are marks allocated on several points such as
educational institution and degree. Marks carry based on the type of institution for
example Private or public Universities – BUET, DU, BRAC, and NSU and so on,
so marks varies on from which universities the candidate is. Another matrix is
degree/result. B.Sc., M.Sc.; grades, CGPA, division hold another points here.
Therefore, after screening the CVs very carefully and sincerely the candidates will
be shortlisted according to their total marks. Written Test: After the screening of the
CVs the shortlisted candidates are called to attend a written test. However it is not
always followed for every recruitment. There are several parts which need to be
answered by the candidates such as; basic knowledge, logical part, mathematical
part, situation based, analytical questions, company information, current affairs and
so on depending on the designation or the type of job. Interview: The shortlisted
candidates are called for interview(s). The interview can be staged in different
rounds or just one face to face interview depending on the job criteria or the
designation. Again depending on the designation they methods can be varied in
PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED Page | 31 semi structured or the unstructured
method. Usually the management level jobs required a multistage interview session,
such as group discussion, leadership test, and audiovisual test, and so on to identify
the appropriate candidate for a particular position. Employment Decision: After the
written test and the reference check the candidate is offered some specific
conditions. If agreed with all the conditions then the candidate is provided with a
blank application form where he/she needs to fill some necessary information
regarding himself/herself. This form is needed to be submitted along with the CV.
After that his/her name is included in the company PIS (Personal Information
System). Based on this PIS he/she will be getting the salaries and other
compensations. Pre-Employment Medical Check-Up: After submitting the
application the candidate must go through a medical checkup. This checkup is done
in the specific medical Centre assigned by the company. However, the fees of the
medical checkup is paid by the candidate himself/herself. Company will not bear de
cost of the medical checkup. Offer Letter: After the medical checkup a formal offer
letter is given to the selected candidate. This letter contains all the details about the
basic salary, compensation, utilities, and job responsibilities and so on. This is the
written document of the final selection and being one of the employees of BPL.
Managerial Job Selection: Managerial post could be a very important post for each
and every organization. Once a corporation choose an individual for managerial job
to be established himself accurately. They have to go through the mental ability
tests as well as the personality tests by HUMAN RESOURCE ACTIVITIES OF
BEXIMCO PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED Page | 32 assessment center.
Assessment center has its own characteristics. BPL follow those very carefully. It
evaluates the managers by giving them specific job tasks, role playing, group
discussion, case studies, management games, etc. It’s a high validity and may
predict each long and short success and advancement in management position. BPL
does not recruit fresh graduate for this position rather a minimum 5 years of
experience is required. While going through the recruitment documents, I have
learnt the processes that BPL use to follow while recruiting any employee. Some of
the samples direct from the company documents of recruitment & Selection
activates for specific positions of BPL are given below: Recruitment Protocol for
Product Officer: The recruitment protocol will be enforced as per following
procedure:  Requisition: Job description and job specification would be made for
the particular position and the HRD would be notified by this.  Advertisement:
Advertisement should be prepared by HRD and send for publications in the national
daily newspapers and post in the online job sites. HRD should use preapproved
format for the advertisements. Applicants should be asked to write down a
monograph of 200 words on their understanding of the job of Product officer. 
Issuance of Interview Card: After receiving the application HRD will prepare
necessary database and send the monograph to the product promotion department.
After screening the applications they will issue invitation card by normal mail and
E-mail. But in case of emergency courier service may be used. On the basis of bio
data evaluation, grading on the monograph, rating should be made as per the
PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED Page | 33  Written test: The following criteria
would be there in the written test:  Communication Skills  General Knowledge 
Logical & analytical ability  Academic Knowledge  Creative ability. After the
test Bio data questionnaire should be filled up the candidates. Result of the written
test should be published in the company notice board as well as they will be called
by the HRD for confirmation.  Initial Interview: Shortlisted candidates after
extempore Performance should be called for interview-1. In this step, a panel for
concerned managers and experts will Interview the candidate. The interviewers
comment and rating should be documented in the form of bcd/rec-3. Selected
candidates should be notified by the HRD.  Final Interview: Shortlisted candidates
should be called for Final interview and the result should be given to the candidates
by HRD.  Placement: HRD will prepare necessary documents and send the
selected candidates to his/her respective department for placement.  Interview
Allowance: Interview allowance should be paid to the interviewees for each test
they will attend, except the written test. However it is not granted for all the cases.

Weightage Chart weightage a) Bio data Evaluation, academic achievement 15% b)

Monograph Evaluation 5% c) Written Test: i. General Knowledge ii.
Communication Skills iii. Logical & Analytical Ability iv. Academic Knowledge v.
Creative ability 5% 10% 5% 15% 10% d) Initial Interview 20% e) Final Interview
15% Total 100% Table 7: Weightage Chart for Product Officer Time Chart
Processes Days 1. Requisition 1 2. Publication of Advertisements 2 3. Database
preparation, Bio data evaluation, and issuance of incitation card 14 4. Written test,
script checking, and publication of the result 4 5. Interview-1 & result publication 4
LIMITED Page | 35 Process Time 6. Final interview & publication of result 3 7.
Placement 3 Total 31 Table 8: Time Chart for Recruiting Product Offic

Recruitment Protocol for Medical Representatives: The recruitment protocol will be

enforced as per following procedure:  Requisition: Job description and job
specification would be made for the particular position and the HRD would be
notified by this.  Advertisement: Advertisement should be prepared by HRD and
send for publications in the national daily newspapers and post in the online job
sites. HRD should use preapproved format for the advertisements.  Issuance of
Interview Card: After receiving the application HRD will prepare necessary
database of the candidates and send them to the sales department. After screening
the applications the sales department will sent the applications marking ‘S’ for
selected and ‘R’ for rejected candidates to HRD. While checking the application the
Sales department will consider the following criteria; a) Age: The candidates must
be below 27 years old of age, except experienced candidates. HUMAN
Page | 36 b) Qualification: The candidate must be a Science graduate preferably
masters in Chemistry/Biochemistry/Zoology/pharmacy or related fields. c) Quality
of application: Incomplete, applications should be marked ‘R’. HTD will issue
invitation cards by the normal mail or simply phone call to the selected candidates,
who will be sitting in the written test in the next phase.  Written test: MCQ type
questions should be used to evaluate the candidates on the following areas:  Basic
science  General knowledge  Logical & Analytical Ability  Knowledge in
mathematics  Knowledge of English. After the test, Bio data questionnaire should
be filled up the candidates. Result of the written test will be published in the
company notice board as well as they will be called by the HRD for confirmation. 
Interview: Shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview. The interview will
be taken by the experts through a panel. The interview may take two or four days
depending on the number of selected candidates. The interviewer comments and
ratings should be documented. Result will be published to the candidates. 
Training: Shortlisted candidates will be called to attend the 28-30 day long
recruitment Training. Trainees may be shortlisted on the basis of their performances
on human body/Microbiology and selling skills. Final selection would be done on
the basis of overall performance during the training program with special emphasis
PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED Page | 37 and field training. During the training
program a specific amount of allowances is given to the trainee on per day basis. 
Placement: HRD will prepare necessary documents and send them to the selected
candidates to his/her respective department for placement.

3.2(C) Orientation Process: Orientation programs are very important process done
by the HRD. After joining the new employees have to attend the orientation
program arranged by the HRD of BPL. With the help of this process the new
employees can have a better understanding about the office environments, corporate
norms of the work place, office culture, workplace behavior and so on. These
factors are very crucial to understand because since everything is new for them. So,
in order to give their best they first need to understand the overall picture of that
organization, which is done by the orientation program. The orientation program of
BPL allows the employees to get ideas about the company and its work place. It
helps them to know more so that they perform in a better way. If the HUMAN
Page | 39 employees have the clear understanding about the job and the place they
will be more productive and aware towards their job responsibilities, and lessen the
job turnover rate. 3.2(d) Training: Training is such experience that bring changes in
techniques and skills of the employees to increase their ability and perform better. It
can improve the attitudes, values, skills, current knowledge about the job, and so on
depending on the training type. To give training to the employees, BPL first finds
out the training needs. It consists of two processes: i. Identify the sector/ criteria in
which training is needed; ii. Identify the employees who really need these training.
The training program in BPL is done in yearly basis as well as after hiring new
employees. To conduct the training program they made a list of functions such as,
when it will be held, who will conduct the program, how many instructors will be
there, will they be hired from outside or inside the company, how many employees
will sit for each slots, what will be the duration of the training program, should the
employees be send in abroad for the training or they should get the domestic
training, training budget, availability of training aids, use of those aids, and so on.
Their training program is designed mainly in two types, such as: I. Functional
Training: This is a department wise training program. That means employees from
each department like HR department, Marketing department, R&D, Production
department are given training on specific needs according to their departmental job
after the need identification. HUMAN RESOURCE ACTIVITIES OF BEXIMCO
PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED Page | 40 II. Behavioral Training: these are soft
skill training such as communication skills, etiquettes, cultural norms, anger
management, and so on. This type of training is for every employee of BPL not like
department wise. Again these two types of training is given in two ways: I. On The-
Job-Training: in BPL employees are assigned with assignments, job rotation and
even follow up to the supervisors while having on-the-job training. This is not only
for the new recruiters but also for the existing employees. In this way they are
learning and continuously experiencing new objects related to their assigned jobs
while performing their regular day to day responsibilities in their job place. Such as,
working on a specific project and make a report on this, use of machines, safety
issues, report writing and so on. In other ways it increases the knowledge of the
employees without having any additional cost and time. II. Off-The-Job Training:
BPL arranges training outside the organization when necessary, which is considered
as the off-the-job training. They assign experienced trainer to train their employees.
Sometimes the employees are sent outside the country such bas in Singapore or
Netherlands to attend the training programs. The conduct these training so that their
employees can turn into their manpower and become a great resource for their
company. After experiencing the training programs the performances are evaluated
by the trainers. Employees behavior, curiosity, willingness to the new program,
determination, score of activities, presence in the seminars, workshops, attitudes
everything is measures and rated by the trainers, superiors, peers and the
supervisors and the feedback is given.

3.2(e) Appraisal and Evaluation: Performance Appraisal in BPL is done yearly

basis depending on the performance rating as quantitative data analysis in numeric
form. However it begins with the joining of the employees. That means after joining
the employees are in the probationer period for the first six months. After six
months their performances are evaluated. Once the employees are done with their
probation period they become the permanent employees and evaluation is done
once in a year that means each year. Managers observe the subordinates and all
employees under him, and at the end of the year their performances are evaluated
through the five points Likert Scale. Employees get the appraisal and evaluations
according to the points of the Likert scale out of 100. Figure 2: Five Points Likert
Scale Evaluation Among the outstanding performers, there are some extra ordinary
employees who have got some important achievements in previous periods and
successfully contribute in setting organizational goals. In these cases they are not
only provided with the compensation, after the appraisal they are recommended for
next level promotions. 3.2(f) Compensation and Benefit: Compensation is
something that motivates the employees to work harder for further achievements. It
can be money, goods, and services, offered to the personnel and employees from
the company. It is usually added with the basic salary of the employees. Poor Below
Average Average satisfactoty Outstanding HUMAN RESOURCE ACTIVITIES OF
set after the yearly performance appraisal and evaluation. These compensations and
benefits are set for the different grade of employees such as, managers, deputy
managers, assistant managers, mid & entry level employees and so on. Employees
get increments as compensation after the performance evaluation by the Likert
Scale. For example, an employee rated “average” will get 3 increments, the one
who have rated as “Satisfactory” and “outstanding” will be getting 4 and 5
increments respectively. In the stuff level or the worker level the factory workers of
BPL use to have a collective bargaining through the Trade Union in every two
years. In every collective bargaining period there in an increase of the benefits of
the workers. The employees and workers are also provided with the motivational
benefits, such as they got mobile allowances with their basic salary last time. In
BPL employees can get medical allowances in specific hospitals depending on the
service types & nature of treatments. It can be up to 30%. The employees can also
have-  Annual leave of 40 days,  Maternity & paternity leaves,  Allowance on
hotel bookings,  Retired benefits,  Sick leave,  Vacation & holidays  Insurance
facilities,  Discounts on other products under the brand while offer is going on. For
example, products of Yellow, which is a sister concern of Beximco Group.

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