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Book - 11: Conjuctions & Their Kinds

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Ramu’s Institute Of

Spoken English

Book - 11

Their Kinds

Written & Edited By

D.H. Ramu ( Adoni )

Cell : 9390495239

D.H. Ramu

Printed & Published by :

Ramu’s Institute Of Spoken English ,
Opp : Govt.General Hospital,
Beside : Apollo Pharmacy ( Medical Stores ),
Kurnool - 518002.
Phone: (+91) 9390495239
E-mail: ramuy9845@gmail.com
Website : ramuspokenenglish.com

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This is Ramu’s Institute of Spoken English (RISE) classroom study material.

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( düeTT#·Ãj·TeTT\T )
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The Conjuction is a word used for joining

two words or two sentenses
Conjunction nq>± ....
¬s+&ÉT |ü<ë\qT ø±˙ ¬s+&ÉT yêø±´\qT ø±˙
ø£\T|ü⁄≥≈£î ñ|üjÓ÷>∑|ü&ÉT |ü<äeTTh
gl is
Conjunction nq>± ...Connection ø£\ n
T|ü⁄ nì >∑Ts¡TÔô|≥Tºø√e#·TÃ
k en 2 3 9
S o
p 049 5
4 - Kindsm u of Conjunctions
Ra ll : 9
C e
düeTT#·Ãj·TeTT\T eTTK´+>± 4 s¡ø±\T ñHêïsTT ...
Conjunctions are of 4 Kinds :

1. Co-ordinate Conjunctions. ( ø√ ` Ä]¶H˚{Ÿ ø£+»+ø£åHé‡ )

2. Subordinate Conjunctions.( düu≤]¶H˚{Ÿ ø£+»+ø£åHé‡ )
3. Correlative Conjunctions. ( ø√¬s˝Ò{Ïyé ø£+»+ø£åHé‡ )
4. Compound Conjunctions. ( ø±+bÂ+&é ø£+»+ø£åHé‡ )

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1. Co-ordinate Conjunctions. ( ø√ ` Ä]¶H˚{Ÿ ø£+»+ø£åHé‡ )

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n+&é and eT]j·TT
ã{Ÿ but ø±˙
|òsü Y for Äø±s¡DeTT#˚‘·
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ÄsY or ˝Òø£
kı so ø±ã{Ϻ
m{Ÿ yet n|üŒ{ÏøÏ ( Ç+ø±)
dæ˝º Ÿ still n|üŒ{ÏøÏ ( Ç+ø±)
m˝Ÿ‡ else y˚s=ø£ ( eTs=ø£ )
Ĭs˝Ÿ‡ orelse ˝Òø£b˛‘˚
n<äsyY C’Ó Ÿ otherwise ø±ø£b˛‘˚
2. Subordinate Conjunctions. ( düu≤]¶H˚{Ÿ `liø£s+h»+ø£åHé‡ )
n g
dæH‡é /j·÷CŸ /_ø±CŸ Since / as / becausen E n+<ä
9 Te\¢
sê´<äsY rather ok e 5 2 3 ø±düÔ / ø=~›>±
sê´<äsY <Ûë´Hé S p 049 ˇø£<ëìø£+fÒ eTs=ø£{Ï
m u
rather than
<ë´Hé a than
R if ll : 9 ø£+fÒ
nHé˝d… t C
e n˝≤ ø±ø£b˛‘˚
<√ /Ä˝Ÿ<√ /áyÓHé<√ though / although / eventhough nsTTq|üŒ{ÏøÏ
{Ï˝Ÿ / n+{Ï˝Ÿ till / until es¡≈£î
<ä{Ÿ that nì
y˚sY where mø£ÿ&Ó’Hê
yÓHé when m|ü⁄Œ&Ó’Hê
yÓ’ why m+<äT≈£î
Vü≤Ö how m˝≤
Vü≤ÖmesY however m˝≤¬>’Hê
yÓ’˝Ÿ while m|ü⁄Œ&Ó’‘˚
Ä|òsºü Y after ‘·sê«‘·
_bò˛sY before eTT+<äT>±H˚
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3. Correlative - Conjunctions. ( ø√s¡˝Ò{Ïyé ø£+»+ø£åHé‡ )

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◊<äsY .... ÄsY either.... or n~ø±˙ ˝Ò<ë Ç~ø±˙
HÓ’<äsY .... HêsY neither........ nor nBø±<ä÷ ` ÇBø±<äT
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Hê{Ÿ z˙¢ .... ã{Ÿ Ä˝À‡ not only...... but also n<˚ø±<äT ` Ç~≈£L&Ü
yÓ<äsY .... ÄsY whether...... or Ä $<ä+>± ˝Ò<ëeTs√ $<Û+ä >±
uÀ‘Y .... n+&é both......and Ä ¬s+&É÷
4.Compound - Conjunctions. ( ø±+bÂ+&é ` ø£+»+ø£åHé‡ )
ÇHé Äs¡¶sY <ä{Ÿ in order that n+<äT≈£î >±qT
nHé Äs¡¶sY ≥T in order to n~ »]π>h+<äT≈£î >±qT
k˛ <ä{Ÿ so that g l
n+<ä iT s
provided that n E Ä |üø+ å£ 9
bÁ ıyÓ&’ &Ó é <ä{Ÿ e 3
ÁbıyÓ’&Ó&é Ç|òt o
p 049
provided ifk 5 2
u condition39that Ä wüs¡‘·T ˝Àã&ç
ÄHé ø£+&ûwHü é <ä{Ÿ amon 9
<˚sY bò˛sY R l l :
therefore ø£qTø£ , n+<äTø£ì
j·÷CŸ yÓ˝Ÿ j·÷CŸ C e
as well as <ëì˝≤
áyÓHé Ç|òt even if nsTTHê ≈£L&Ü
j·÷CŸ Ç|òt as if nsTTq≥T¢
j·÷CŸ <√ as though »]–q≥T¢
H√ ˝…dt <ë´Hé no less than ‘·≈£îÿy˚MT ø±<äT
n+&é k˛ and so n+<äTø£ì , ø±e⁄q
k˛ <Ûä{Ÿ so that n+<äTø√düeTT
j·÷CŸ dü÷Hé j·÷CŸ as soon as m+‘· ‘=+<äs¡¬>’‘˚ n+‘·
j·÷CŸ ˝≤+>¥ j·÷CŸ as long as m+‘· ùdô|’‘˚ n+‘·
k˛ ˝≤+>¥ j·÷CŸ so long as ˇø£ |üì nj˚T´+‘· es¡≈£î
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And .......... eT]j·TT

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1. I like to eat Idli and Poori.
H˚qT ‹q&ÜìøÏ Ç&û¢\T eT]j·TT |üPØ\qT Çwüº|ü&É‘êqT.
2. My brother studied in Hyderabad and Bangalore.
e÷ nqïj·T´ ôV’≤<äsêu≤<äT˝À eT]j·TT u…+>∑fi¯Ss¡T˝À #·~yê&ÉT.
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3. We went Goa and Ooty last month.

y˚TeTT >∑‘· HÓ\ >√yê eT]j·TT }{° yÓfi≤fleTT.
4. This company gave me a nice job and a bike .
á ø£+|ü˙ Hê≈£î ˇø£ eT+∫ ñ<√´>∑eTT eT]j·TT ˇø£ u…’≈£î Ç∫Ã+~.
5. She cooked veg and non-veg .
ÄyÓT XÊU≤Vü‰s¡eTT eT]j·TT e÷+kÕVü‰s¡eTT e+&ç+~.

but .......... ø±˙

1. I went to pay the Power - bill , but the office was closed.
i s
l q~.h
H˚qT ø£¬s+≥T _\T¢ ø£≥Tº≥≈£î yÓfi≤flqT ø±˙ Ä|ò”düT eT÷dæy˚j
2. He studied well , but he failed the exams. E n g ·Tã&ç
n‘·&ÉT u≤>± #·~yê&ÉT ø±˙ |üØø£å\T ‘·bÕŒ&e
k ÉT. n
2 3 9
3. They went to the Railway station p o early but 9
there5 were
SyÓfi≤fls¡T ø±˙9¬s0’fi4¯ófl ˝Ò≈£î+&ÓqT. no trains .
yês¡T ¬s’˝Ò« ùdºwüqT≈£î ‘=+<äu
4. He was driving them car very slowly 3
n‘·&ÉT #ê˝≤ ì<ëq+>±
a 9 but he did the accident.
R ø±s¡TlqTl q&É: T|ü⁄‘·T+&ÓqT ø±˙ j·÷øχ&Ó+{Ÿ #˚XÊ&ÉT.
5. She is very beautiful , but e no one is marrying her.
ÄyÓT #ê˝≤ n+<ä+>± ñ+~ . ø±˙ me«s¡÷ ÄyÓTqT ô|[fl #˚düTø√efÒ¢<äT.

for ..........Ä ... ø±s¡D+>±

1. I am going home for my personal problem.
H˚qT Hê e´øÏÔ>∑‘· düeTdü´\ ø±s¡D+>± Ç+{ÏøÏ yÓfi¯óÔHêïqT.
2. He attempted the suiside for his love failure.
n‘·&ÉT \yé ù|ò\÷´sY ø±s¡D+>± Ä‘·àVü≤‘ê´j·T‘·ï+ #˚XÊ&ÉT.
3. He did not attend the party for his sickness.
nHês√>∑´+ ø±s¡D+>± n‘·&ÉT bÕغøÏ Vü‰»s¡T ø±˝Ò<äT.
4. She did not join in this job for not having the interest.
ÄyÓT ‘·q≈£î ÄdüøÏÔ ˝Òì ø±s¡D+>± á ñ<√´>∑eTT˝À #˚s¡˝Ò<äT.
5. H.M. dismissed the boy for his bad behavior.
Ä nu≤“sTT jÓTTø£ÿ #Ó&ɶ Á|ües¡Ôq ø±s¡D+>± ôV≤#Y.j·T+. yê&çì rùdXÊ&ÉT.
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or .......... ˝Ò<ë , ˝Òø±

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1. I like to eat Idli or Poori.
H˚qT ‹q&ÜìøÏ Ç&û¢\T ˝Ò<ë |üPØ\qT Çwüº|ü&É‘êqT.
2. I want to study in Hyderabad or Bangalore.
H˚qT ôV’≤<äsêu≤<äT˝À ˝Ò<ë u…+>∑fi¯Ss¡T˝À #·<äTe⁄‘êqT.
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3. We go to Goa or Ooty in the next month.

y˚TeTT e#˚à HÓ\ >√yê≈£î ˝Ò<ë }{°øÏ yÓfi≤ÔeTT.
4. This company gives me a car or a bike .
á ø£+|ü˙ Hê≈£î ˇø£ ø±s¡T ˝Ò<ë ˇø£ u…’≈£î ÇdüTÔ+~.
5. She cooks veg or non-veg today .
ÄyÓT ás√E XÊU≤Vü‰s¡eTT ˝Ò<ë e÷+kÕVü‰s¡eTT e+&ÉT‘·T+~.

so .......... n+<äTø£ì , n+<äTe\q

1. It was very hot out side , so we cancelled our program.
i s h
l #˚düT≈£îHêïeTT.
ãj·T≥ #ê˝≤ y˚&ç>± ñ+~ , n+<äTø£ì y˚TeTT e÷ Áb˛Á>±yéT qT ø±´q‡˝Ÿ g
E any where.
n |ü9ì#˚j·TfÒ¢<äT.
2. He is trying for a govt.job , so he is not working
n‘·&ÉT >∑es¡ïyÓT+{Ÿ ñ<Û√´>±ìøÏ Á|üj·T‹ïdüTÔHkêï&É
o e 3
T , n+<äTø£ì mø£2ÿ&Ü
3. Raju got the first rank , so his
sêE yÓTT<ä{Ï sê´+≈£î ‘Ó#T· Ã≈î£ u S p father bought9
Hêï&ÉT , n+<äTe\q9yêfi¯0 4 him a new cycle.
fl Hêqï n‘·&øç Ï ø=‘·Ô ôdø’ ˝
Ï Ÿ ø=Hêï&ÉT.
4. She went to thea m
on the way9 3 , so she came late.
R>∑T&çøÏ yÓ[fl+l~l, n+<äTø£ì ÄyÓT Ä\dü´+>± e∫Ã+~.
ÄyÓT <ë]˝À ˇø£
5. She is very beautifulC ,e so many are coming to propose her.
ÄyÓT #ê˝≤ n+<ä+>± ñ+~ , n+<äTø£ì #ê˝≤ eT+~ ô|[fl #·÷|ü⁄\≈£î edüTÔHêïs¡T.

yet .......... n|üŒ{Ïø°

1. She married , yet I love her.
ÄyÓT ô|[fl #˚düTø=ì+~ , n|üŒ{Ïø° H˚qT ÄyÓTqT Áù|$TkÕÔqT.
2. I told him lot of times , yet he is not doing as I told.
n‘·&çøÏ mH√ï kÕs¡T¢ #ÓbÕŒqT , n|üŒ{Ïø° n‘·&ÉT H˚qT #Ó|æŒq≥T¢ #Ój·T´˝Ò<äT .
3. Raju got the job , yet he is not happy.
sêE ñ<Û√´>∑eTT ‘Ó#·TÃ≈£îHêï&ÉT , n|üŒ{Ïø° Äq+<ä+>± ˝Ò<äT.
4. It is very big , yet I am not satisfied .
n~ #ê˝≤ ô|<ä›~ , n|üŒ{Ïø° H˚qT dü+‘·è|æÔ #Ó+<ä˝Ò<äT.
5. Our teacher explained me everything neatly , yet I can’t understand.
e÷ {°#·s¡T #ê˝≤ $es¡+>± $e]+#ê&ÉT , n|üŒ{Ïø° H˚qT ns¡ú+ #˚düTø√˝Òø£b˛‘·THêïqT.
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Still .......... Ç+ø±

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1. She was married , still I love her.
ÄyÓT ô|[fl #˚düTø√ã&ç+~ , Ç+ø± H˚qT ÄyÓTqT Áù|$TkÕÔqT.
2. I told him lot of times , still he is doing as I told.
n‘·&çøÏ mH√ï kÕs¡T¢ #ÓbÕŒqT , Ç+ø± n‘·&ÉT H˚qT #Ó|æŒq≥T¢ #Ój·T´fÒ¢Ò<äT .
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3. Raju got the job , still he is not happy.

sêE ñ<Û√´>∑eTT ‘Ó#·TÃ≈£îHêï&ÉT , Ç+ø± Äq+<ä+>± ˝Ò<äT.
4. It is very big , still I am not satisfied .
n~ #ê˝≤ ô|<ä›~ , Ç+ø± H˚qT dü+‘·è|æÔ #Ó+<ä˝Ò<äT.
5. Our teacher explained me everything neatly , still I can’t understand.
e÷ {°#·s¡T #ê˝≤ $es¡+>± $e]+#ê&ÉT , Ç+ø± H˚qT ns¡ú+ #˚düTø√˝Òø£b˛‘·THêïqT.

else .......... y˚s=ø£ ( eTs=ø£ )

1. Do you want any thing else ?
li sh
˙≈£î y˚πs @yÓTÆHê ø±yê˝≤ ?
2. I don’t know much else about her life . E n g
ÄyÓT J$‘·+ >∑T]+∫ Hê≈£î Ç+πøMT ‘Ó©<äkT e . n 2 3 9
3. What else do you know aboutp o
your friend Raju
4 9 5
˙ ùdïVæ≤‘·T&ÉT sêE >∑T]+∫u˙≈£S 0
4. I don’t want anyathing m else . 9 3 9
î Ç+ø± y˚πs @$T ‘Ó\TdüT ?
HêøÏ+ø£ eTs=ø£{R Ï e<äT› . ll :
5. At that moment nobody
C ewas there else with me.
Ä ø£åD+˝À Hê‘√ y˚πs me«s¡÷ ˝Òs¡T .

or else .......... ˝Òø£ b˛‘˚

1. Please... Come soon , or else we will miss the train.
<äj·T#˚dæ ... ‘=+<äs¡>± sê , ˝Òø£b˛‘˚ eTq+ ¬s’\TqT $Tdt ne⁄‘ê+.
2. Study well , or else it will be tough to acheive your goal .
u≤>± #·<äTe⁄ , ˝Òø£b˛‘˚ ˙ \ø£å´ìï HÓs¡y˚s¡TÃø√e&É+ ø£wüº+ ne⁄‘·T+~.
3. I should inform to the police , or else this case will come upon me.
H˚qT b˛©düT≈£î ‘Ó*j·TCÒj·÷* , ˝Òø£b˛‘˚ á πødüT Hê ô|’øÏ edüTÔ+~.
4. I should help them , or else they will die.
H˚qT yê]øÏ düVü‰j·TeTT #˚j·÷* , ˝Òø£b˛‘˚ yês¡T #·ìb˛‘ês¡T.
5. I should get the first rank orelse my father will punish me.
H˚qT yÓTT<ä{Ï sê´+≈£î ‘Ó#·TÃø=ì ñ+&Ü* , ˝Òø£b˛‘˚ e÷ Hêqï qqTï •ø£åkÕÔ&ÉT.
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Otherwise .......... ˝Òø£b˛‘˚

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1. Please come soon , otherwise we will miss the train.
<äj·T#˚dæ .... ‘=+<äs¡>± s¡+&ç , ˝Òø£b˛‘˚ y˚TeTT ¬s’\TqT $Tdt #˚düTø=+{≤eTT.
2. Study well , otherwise it will be tough to acheive your goal .
u≤>± #·<äTe⁄ , ˝Òø£b˛‘˚ ˙ jÓTTø£ÿ \øå±´ìï #˚s¡Tø√e&É+ ø£wüºeTe⁄‘·T+~.
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3. I should inform to the police , otherwise this case will come upon me.
H˚qT b˛©düT\≈£î ‘Ó*j·TCÒj·÷* , ˝Òø£b˛‘˚ á πødüT HêMT~øÏ edüTÔ+~.
4. We must help them , otherwise they will die.
y˚TeTT yê]øÏ düVü‰j·TeTT #˚j·÷* , ˝Òø£b˛‘˚ yês¡T #·ìb˛‘ês¡T.
5. I should get the first rank , otherwise my father will punish me.
H˚qT yÓTT<ä{Ï sê´+≈£î ‘Ó#·TÃø√yê* , ˝Òø£b˛‘˚ e÷ Hêqï qqTï •øÏåkÕÔ&ÉT.

As .......... n+<äT #˚‘· , n+<äTe\q

1. I have not gone out as it is hot.
l is h
ãj·T≥ y˚&ç>± ñ+&ÉT≥ #˚‘· H˚qT ã&çøÏ yÓfi¯fl˝Ò<äT.
2. This work was completed fastly as he helped E n g
n‘·&ÉT Hê≈£î düVü‰j·TeTT #˚j·TT≥e\q á e |üìn‘=+<äs¡>± |üP3 s¡Ôs9TT´+~.
3. As he practiced well , he could p o k
speak English
9 5 2
n‘·&ÉT u≤>± ÁbÕø°ºdt #˚j·T&É+ue\qS, Ç+^¢wt düT\uÛ0
9 4
Ñ+>± e÷{≤¢&É>∑\T>∑T‘·THêï&ÉT.
m , he wakes up 3
Ra q+ e\q
4. As my friend is lazy
Hê ùdïVæ≤‘·T&ç k˛eT]‘· l , :
9 lately.
&ÉT Ä\dü´+>± ìÁ<ä ˝Ò#ê&ÉT.
5. As it was raining , we did l
e not go out.
n~ yêq ≈£îs¡TdüTÔ+&É&É+e\q , y˚TeTT ãj·T{ÏøÏ yÓfi¯fl˝Ò<äT.

because .......... m+<äTø£+fÒ

1. He is crying because somebody beat him.
n‘·&ÉT @&ÉTdüT‘·Hêï&ÉT m+<äTø£+fÒ mes√ n‘·&çì ø={≤ºs¡T.
2. My father angried because I got the fail marks.
e÷ Hêqï >±s¡T ø√|ü+|ü&ɶs¡T m+<äTø£+fÒ H˚qT ù|ò˝Ÿ e÷s¡Tÿ\T ‘Ó#·TÃ≈£îHêïqT.
3. My mother did not cook today because there were no vegetables in the house.
e÷ neTà ás√E e+≥ e+&É˝Ò<äT m+<äTø£+fÒ Ç+{À¢ ≈£Ls¡>±j·T\T ˝Ò≈£î+&ÓqT.
4. He went to the hospital because he is suffering form fever.
n‘·&ÉT ÄdüT|üÁ‹øÏ yÓfi≤fl&ÉT m+<äTø£+fÒ n‘·&ÉT »«s¡eTT‘√ u≤<Ûä|ü&ÉT‘·THêï&ÉT.
5. I did not go the office today because I am going to Hyderabad.
H˚qT Äs√E Ä|ò”düT≈£î yÓfi¯fl˝Ò<äT m+<äTø£+fÒ H˚qT ôV’≤<äsêu≤<äT≈£î yÓfi¯óÔHêïqT.
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Since ..........n+<äTe\¢

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1. Since you say , I believe it.
˙e⁄ #ÓãT‘·Tqï+<äTq , H˚qT <ëìì qeTTà‘êqT.
2. Since it rains , we don’t go out.
n~ yêq ≈£îs¡TdüTÔqï+<äTq , y˚TeTT ãj·T{ÏøÏ yÓfi¯fleTT.
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3. Since he is unwell , he can not come to school.

n‘·&ÉT nHês√>∑´eTT‘√ ñqï+<äTq , ã&çøÏ sê˝Òø£ b˛‘ê&ÉT.
4. Since she is clever , she will get the first rank.
ÄyÓT ‘Ó*$e+‘·Tsê\T nsTTq+<äTq , yÓTT<ä{Ï sê´+≈£î ‘Ó#·TÃø=+≥T+~.
5. Since you don’t tell , we could not understand your problem.
˙e⁄ @MT e÷{≤¢&Éq+<äTq , y˚TeTT ˙ düeTdü´qT ns¡ú+ #˚düTø√˝ÒeTT.

rather .......... ø±düÔ ( ø=~›>± )

1. He is rather mental.
li sh
n‘·&ÉT ø±düÔ |æ∫Ãyê&ÉT.
2. Her voice rather irritates us . E n g
ÄyÓT >=+‘·T ø±düÔ e÷≈£î ∫ø±πødüTÔ+~.
k e n 2 3 9
3. Somtimes It gives rather good
S o
pyêdüq Çdü0TÔ+4~. 9
smell. 5
ø=ìï dü+<Ûäsê“\˝À n~ ø±dü
m u Ô eT+∫
3 9
dæìe÷ ø=düÔ uÀs¡RT>±añ+~. ll : 9
4. The movie is rather bore.

5. She seems rather dull.e

ÄyÓT ø=~› &É\T¢>± ø£ì|æC

rather than .......... ˇø£ <ëìø£+fÒ eTs=ø£{Ï

1. It’s better not doing any job rather than doing the job in that company.
Ä ø£+|ü˙ ˝À |üì#˚j·T&É+ ø£+fÒ @ |üì #˚j·Tø£ b˛e&É+ #ê˝≤ eT+∫~.
2. Going by walk is the best rather than going by that rush bus.
Ä s¡wt ãdüT‡˝À b˛e&É+ ø£+fÒ q&ÉT#·Tø=+≥÷ yÓfi¯fl&É+ ñ‘·ÔeT+.
3. I would resign rather than accepting him as a partner.
n‘·&çì uÛ≤>∑kÕ«$T>± ˇ|ü⁄Œø√e&É+ ø£+fÒ H˚qT |üP]Ô>± e<äT\Tø√e&É+ eT+∫~.
4. The climate is rather worse than what I expected .
yê‘êes¡DeTT H˚qT }Væ≤+#·T≈£îqï<ëìø£+fÒ #Ó&ÉT>± ñ+~.
5. I like to be like this only rather than marrying that fellow.
H˚qT Ä yÓ<äeqT ô|[fl #˚düTø√e&É+ ø£+fÒ Ç˝≤π> ñ+&É≥+ Çwüº|ü&É‘êqT.
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than ..........ø£+fÒ

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1. Raju is better than her.
sêE ÄyÓT ø£+fÒ eT+∫yêÔ&ÉT.
2. My mother is taller than my father.
e÷ neTà e÷ Hêqï ø£+fÒ bı&ÉT>∑T.
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3. Raju sir teaches better than Rani madam.

sêE kÕsY sêDÏ y˚T&ÉyéT ø£+fÒ eT+∫>± uÀ~ÛkÕÔ&ÉT.
4. Gopal looks more handsome than shiva.
>√bÕ˝Ÿ •e ø£+fÒ n+<ä+>± ø£ì|ækÕÔ&ÉT.
5. Our house is bigger than their.
e÷ Ç\T¢ yê] Ç+{Ï ø£+fÒ ô|<ä›~.

If .......... nsTT‘˚
1. If you go early , you will catch the train.
MTs¡T ‘=+<äs¡>± yÓ[‘˚ , MTs¡T ¬s’\TqT n+<äT≈£î+{≤s¡T. gl i sh
2. If they accept it , I will become very happy.En
yês¡T <ëìøÏ ˇ|ü⁄Œ≈£î+fÒ , H˚qT #ê˝≤ Äq+<äe|n
k ü&É‘êqT.
2 3 9
Sp{Ï ñ∫‘·+9. 049
3. If we buy any one , one is free. 5
y˚TeTT @<Ó’Hê ˇø£{Ï ø=+fÒ u, eTs=ø£
4. If I will not get anym
a 9
job within a month3 , I will do any business.
:b˛‘˚ , H˚qT @<√ ˇø£ _õHÓdt #˚kÕÔqT.
Hê≈£î ˇø£ HÓ\˝ÀR l
C l
@ ñ<Û√´>∑eTT sêø£
e back and return it.
5. If it is not o.k., I will come
n~ dæs¡>± ˝Òø£b˛‘˚ , yÓ+≥H˚ ‹]– e∫à Bìì yêbÕdüT ÇkÕÔqT.

unless .......... n˝≤ ø±ø£b˛‘˚ ,n˝≤ »]–‘˚ ‘·|üŒ

1. Unless you study well , you will not pass the exams.
˙e⁄ u≤>± #·~$#˚ ‘·|üŒ , ˙e⁄ bÕdt ne«e⁄.
2. Unless you pay the exam fees , you can’t write the exams.
˙e⁄ |üØø£å |ò”E ø£·&ç‘˚ ‘·|üŒ , ˙e⁄ |üØø£å\T sêj·T˝Òe⁄.
3. Unless you help me , I can’t go to the abroads.
˙e⁄ Hê≈£î düVü‰j·T+ #˚j·Tø£b˛‘˚ , H˚qT $<˚XÊ\≈£î yÓfi¯fl˝ÒqT.
4. Unless you try , you will not get the success.
˙e⁄ Á|üj·T‹ïùdÔ ‘·|üŒ , $»j·T+ bı+<ä˝Òe⁄.
5. Unless you tell me the truth , I can’t help you .
˙e⁄ ì»+ #Ó|üŒø£b˛‘˚ , H˚qT ˙≈£î düVü‰j·TeTT #˚j·T˝ÒqT.
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though .......... nsTTq|üŒ{ÏøÏ

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1. Though he studied well , he could not pass the exam.
n‘·&ÉT u≤>± #·~$q|üŒ{ø° , n‘·&ÉT |üØø£å bÕdt ø±˝Òø£b˛j·÷&ÉT.
2. Though he is rich , he did not help the poor.
n‘·&ÉT <Ûäqe+‘·T&ÉT nsTTq|üŒ{Ïø° , n‘·&ÉT ù|<äyê]øÏ düVü‰j·TeTT #˚j·T˝Ò<äT.
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3. Though he is thin , he can do all the works.

n‘·&ÉT düqï>± ñqï|üŒ{Ïø° , n‘·&ÉT n˙ï |üqT\T #˚j·T>∑\&ÉT.
4. Though he goes to bed late, he gets up early.
n‘·&ÉT Ä\dü´+>± ìÁ<äb˛sTTq|üŒ{Ïø° , ‘=+<äs¡>±H˚ ˝ÒkÕÔ&ÉT.
5. Though he saw the theif , he could not catch him.
n‘·&ÉT <=+>∑qT #·÷dæq|üŒ{Ïø° , ‘·qT n‘·ìï |ü≥Tºø√˝Òø£· b˛j·÷&ÉT.

although .......... nsTTq|üŒ{ÏøÏ

1. Although he studied well , he could not pass the exam.
n‘·&ÉT u≤>± #·~$q|üŒ{Ïø° , n‘·&ÉT |üØø£å bÕdt ø±˝Òø£b˛j·
E n g
2. Although he is rich , he did not help the poor.
n‘·&ÉT <Ûäqe+‘·T&ÉT nsTTq|üŒ{Ïø° , n‘·&kÉT e n
ù|<äyê]øÏ düVü‰j·T3
3. Although is thin , he can do all p o
the works. 9 5
n‘·&ÉT düqï>± ñqï|üŒ{Ïøu° , n‘·S&ÉT n˙ï |üqT\T0#˚4
4. Although he goesa mto bed late, he9 3
9 j·T>∑\&ÉT.
up early.
R ìÁ<äb˛sTTq|ü
n‘·&ÉT Ä\dü´+>± ll Œ{:Ïø° , ‘=+<äs¡>±H˚ ˝ÒkÕÔ&ÉT.
5. Although he saw the theife , he could not catch him.
n‘·&ÉT <=+>∑qT #·÷dæq|üŒ{Ïø° , ‘·qT n‘·ìï |ü≥Tºø√˝Òø£· b˛j·÷&ÉT.

eventhough .......... nsTTq|üŒ{ÏøÏ

1. Even though he studied well , he could not pass the exam.
n‘·&ÉT u≤>± #·~$q|üŒ{ø° , n‘·&ÉT |üØø£å bÕdt ø±\øπø b˛j·÷&ÉT.
2. Even though he is rich , he did not help the poor.
n‘·&ÉT <Ûäqe+‘·T&ÉT nsTTq|üŒ{Ïø° , n‘·&ÉT ù|<äyê]øÏ düVü‰j·TeTT #˚j·T˝Ò<äT.
3. Even though is thin , he can do all the works.
n‘·&ÉT düqï>± ñqï|üŒ{Ïø° , n‘·&ÉT n˙ï |üqT\T #˚j·T>∑\&ÉT.
4. Even though he goes to bed late, he gets up early.
n‘·&ÉT Ä\dü´+>± ìÁ<äb˛sTTq|üŒ{Ïø° , ‘=+<äs¡>±H˚ ˝ÒkÕÔ&ÉT.
5. Even though he saw the theif , he could not catch him.
n‘·&ÉT <=+>∑qT #·÷dæq|üŒ{Ïø° , ‘·qT n‘·ìï |ü≥Tºø√˝Òø£ b˛j·÷&ÉT.
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till .......... <ëø± , es¡≈£î

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1. Please ... wait till I come
<äj·T#˚dæ .... H˚qT e#˚Ã <ëø£ Ä>∑+&ç .
2. Don’t go till he comes.
n‘·&ÉT e#˚à es¡≈£î yÓfi¯flø£+&ç .
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3. I waited till the train arrived.

¬s’\T e#˚à es¡≈£î H˚qT m<äTs¡T#·÷XÊqT.
4. She stayed here till my father came.
e÷ Hêqï e#˚à es¡≈£î ÄyÓT Çø£ÿ&˚ ñ+~.
5. She beat the snake till it died.
ÄyÓT bÕeTTqT #·#˚à <ëø± ø={Ϻ+~.

until .......... <ëø± , es¡≈£î

1. Please ... wait until I come
li sh
<äj·T#˚dæ .... H˚qT e#˚Ã <ëø£ Ä>∑+&ç .
2. Don’t go until he comes. Eng
n‘·&ÉT e#˚à es¡≈£î yÓfi¯flø£+&ç . en 3 9
3. I waited until the train arrived.ok 52
¬s’\T e#˚à es¡≈£î H˚qT m<äTs¡T#·÷S p 049
m umy father came.
e÷ Hêqï e#˚Ã es¡ ≈a
4. She stayed here until
: 9
lit died.
£î ÄyÓT Çø£ÿ&˚ ñ+~.
e l
ÄyÓT bÕeTTqT #·#˚Ã <ëø±C
5. She beat the snake untill

lest .......... n˝≤ ø±≈£î+&Ü ñ+&˚+<äT≈£î

1. Be careful , lest the baby should fall down.
bÕ|ü |ü&çb˛≈£î+&Ü ñ+&˚+<äT≈£î ‘·>∑T »Á>∑‘·Ô eVæ≤+#·T.
2. He held my hand , lest I should fall.
H˚qT |ü&çb˛≈£î+&Ü ñ+&ÉT≥≈£î n‘·&ÉT Hê #˚sTT |ü≥Tº≈£îHêï&ÉT.
3. Run fast , lest you should be late.
Ä\dü´+ ø±≈£î+&Ü ñ+&˚+<äT≈£î , ˙e⁄ |ü]¬>‘êÔ*.
4. He took enough care , lest someone should deceive him.
‘·qqT mes¡÷ z&ç+#·≈£î+&Ü ñ+&˚+<äT≈£î , n‘·&ÉT ‘·>∑T C≤Á>∑‘·Ô\T rdüT≈£îHêï&ÉT.
5. Strenthen our defences , lest the enemy should attack us.
X¯Á‘·Te⁄ eTq*ï m<äTs√ÿ≈£î+&Ü ñ+&˚<äT≈£î , eTq ã˝≤ìï ô|+#·Tø√yê*.

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that .......... nì

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1. I don’ know that he is great.
n‘·&ÉT >=|üŒyê&Éì Hê≈£î ‘Ó©<äT.
2. He told me that he earned 1 lakh Rs in a month.
n‘·&ÉT ˇπø HÓ\˝À ˇø£ \ø£å s¡÷!\T dü+bÕ~+#ê&Éì Hê≈£î #ÓbÕŒ&ÉT.
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3. She told that she was cooking non-veg.

ÄyÓT HêHé`y˚CŸ e+&ÉT‘·T+&Óqì #Ó|æŒ+~.
4. Ramu shouted that there was a snake at the door.
sêeTT nø£ÿ&É ‘·\T|ü⁄ <ä>∑Zs¡ ˇø£ bÕeTT ñ+~ nì n]#ê&ÉT.
5. Mummy argued that it was right.
n~ ˇ|ü⁄Œ nì neTà yê~+∫+~.

Where .......... mø£ÿ&Ó’‘˚

1. This is the school where I studied .
l is h
H˚qT mø£ÿ&Ó’‘˚ #·~yêH√ n~ á ã&çH˚.
2. My cap is there only where I kept it last night. n g
E&˚ ñ+~. 9
H˚qT ìqï sêÁ‹ mø£ÿ&Ó’‘˚ Hê {À|”ì ô|{≤ºH√ n~
k e nnø£ÿ
2 3
3. I bought that house where we lived
p o in the
9 5
S ÷ Ä Ç+{Ï9H0˚ ø=HêïqT.
m u
y˚TeTT ∫qï|ü⁄Œ&ÉT mø£ÿ&É ìedæ+#êyÓ
4. We will go to the place
where we could see many animals.
»+‘·Te⁄\qT #·l÷&É:>∑\T>∑T‘êyÓ÷ Ä düú˝≤ìøÏ y˚TeTT yÓfi≤ÔeTT .
mø£ÿ&Ó’‘˚ m≈£îÿe R
5. Ravi kept the amount where e l nobody could find.
mø£ÿ&Ó’‘˚ me«s¡÷ ø£qTø√ÿ˝Òs√ Ä düú\+˝À s¡$ &ÉãT“qT ô|{≤º&ÉT.

When .......... m|ü⁄Œ&Ó’Hê

1. When I went there , the office was closed.
m|ü⁄Œ&Ó’‘˚ H˚qT nø£ÿ&çøÏ yÓfi≤flH√ , Ä|ò”düT eT÷dæy˚j·Tã&çq~.
2. When we went to Hyderabad , we saw the Charminar.
m|ü⁄Œ&Ó’‘˚ y˚TeTT ôV’≤<äsêu≤<äT≈£î yÓfi≤flyÓ÷ , y˚TeTT #ê]àHêsY #·÷XÊeTT.
3. When I joined here , I became very happy .
m|ü⁄Œ&Ó’‘˚ H˚qT Çø£ÿ&É #˚sêH√ , H˚qT Äq+<ä |ü&ܶqT.
4. When he came to my house , I did not recognise him.
m|ü⁄Œ&Ó’‘˚ n‘·&ÉT e÷ Ç+{ÏøÏ e#êÃ&√ , H˚qT n‘·&çì ø£qTø√ÿ˝Ò<äT.
5. When I saw you like that , I got angry .
m|ü⁄Œ&Ó’‘˚ H˚qT ìqTï n˝≤ #·÷XÊH√ , Hê≈£î ø√|ü+ e∫Ã+~.
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Why .......... m+<äT≈£î

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1. I don’t know why he is doing like that .
n‘·&ÉT n˝≤ m+<äT≈£î #˚düTÔHêï&√ Hê≈£î ‘Ó©<äT.
2. Let us know why he behaved like that .
n‘·&ÉT m+<äT≈£î n˝≤ Á|ü$Ô+#ê&√ ‘Ó\TdüT≈£î+<ë+ ....
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3. Mummy is asking dad why he bought the new car.

neTà HêqïqT ø=‘·Ô ø±s¡T m+<äT≈£î ø=Hêï&√ nì n&ÉT>∑T‘√+~.
4. Shiva is trying to know why Raju is doing this work.
sêE m+<äT≈£î Ä |üì #˚düTÔHêï&√ nì ‘Ó\TdüTø√e&ÜìøÏ •e Á|üj·T‹ïdüTÔHêï&ÉT.
5. Police interrogated me that why I was there at that time.
Ä düeTj·÷ìøÏ H˚qT m+<äT≈£î nø£ÿ&É ñHêïH√ nì b˛©düT qqTï Á|ü•ï+#ê&ÉT.

How .......... m˝≤

1. I don’t know how he learnt English.
li s h
n‘·&ÉT Ç+^¢wt m˝≤ H˚s¡TÃ≈£îHêï&√ Hê≈£î ‘Ó©<äT.
2. Let us know how he earned such a huge amount . n g
ETdüT≈£î+<ë+ ...9|ü<ä+&ç...
n‘·&ÉT n+‘· ô|<ä› yÓTT‘êÔìï m˝≤ dü+bÕ~+#ê&√
k e n‘Ó\
2 3
3. Mummy is asking dad how he got
neTà HêqïqT ø=‘·Ô ø±s¡T ø=q&ÜìøÏS p o the amount
&ÉãT“ m˝≤0 9 5
to buy a new car.
e∫Ã4+<√ nì n&ÉT>∑T‘√+~.
m uhow Raju is3preparing
sêE |üØø£\ R
å ≈£î m˝≤ a
4. Shiva is trying to know
l 9 for the exams.
‘·j÷· s¡e⁄‘·THêï&√:nì ‘Ó\TdüTø√e&ÜìøÏ •e |Á jü T· ‹ïdüTHÔ êï&ÉT.
5. Police interrogated theetheif
C l how he made this theft.
<=+>∑ á <=+>∑‘·q+ m˝≤ #˚XÊ&√ nì Á|ü•ï+#ê&ÉT.

How ever.......... ø±˙

1. I don’t know the way , how ever I try to know about it.
Hê≈£î <ë] ‘Ó©<äT , ø±ì <ëì >∑T]+∫ ‘Ó\TdüT≈£îH˚ Á|üj·T‘·ïeTT #˚kÕÔqT.
2.He is very poor , how ever he tried to become rich.
n‘·&ÉT #ê˝≤ ù|<äyê&ÉT , ø±˙ <Ûäì≈£î&ÉT ø±yê\ì Á|üj·T‹ï+#ê&ÉT.
3. She is very ugly , how ever her character is very beautiful.
ÄyÓT $ø±s¡+>± ñ+~ , ø±˙ ÄyÓT >∑TDeTT #ê˝≤ n+<äyÓTÆq~.
4. Ravi coppied my paper in the exam , how ever he got more than my marks.
s¡$ Hê ù||üs¡T qT yÓTT‘·Ô+ ø±|” ø={≤º&ÉT , ø±˙ Hê ø£+fÒ yê&çπø m≈£îÿe e÷s¡Tÿ\T e#êÃsTT.
5. My father is a govt employee , how ever he did not save any thing.
e÷ Hêqï ˇø£ >∑es¡ïyÓT+{Ÿ ñ<Û√´– , ø±˙ @MT <ë#·˝Ò<äT.

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While .......... m|ü⁄Œ&Ó’‘˚ ( >∑‘·+˝À »s¡T>∑T‘·T+&Éä>± )

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1. While I was swimming in the well , I saw a snake.
H˚qT u≤$˝À á‘·˝≤&ÉT‘·T+&É>± ( >∑‘·+˝À ) , ˇø£ bÕeTTqT #·÷XÊqT.
2. While I was in the meeting , many calls came to me.
H˚qT düe÷y˚X¯+˝À ñ+&É>± , Hê≈£î #ê˝≤ ø±˝Ÿ‡ e#êÃsTT.
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3. While the children were playing , the snake bit the boy.
|æ\¢\T Ä&ÉT‘·T+&É>± , bÕeTT ˇø£ |æ\¢yê&çì ø=]øÏ+~.
4. While I was very busy , he came and disturbed me a lot.
H˚qT _J>± ñqï|ü⁄Œ&ÉT , n‘·&ÉT e∫à qqTï #ê˝≤ &çdüºsY“ #˚XÊ&ÉT.
5. While I was studying 10 th class , I loved Geeta.
H˚qT 10 e ‘·s¡>∑‹ #·<äTe⁄‘·Tqï|ü⁄Œ&ÉT , ^‘·qT Áù|$T+#êqT.

After .......... ‘·sê«‘·

1. Ramu reached the school after the bell rang.
sêeTT u…\T¢ ÁyÓ÷–q ‘·sê«‘· ã&çøÏ #˚s¡T≈£îHêï&ÉT. l is h
2. Shiva called after I reached Hyderabad. n g
H˚qT ôV’≤<äsêu≤<äT #˚s¡T≈£îqï ‘·sê«‘· •e Hê≈£î ø±˝Ÿn #˚EXÊ&ÉT. 9
3. Sarita married Suresh after she enquired k e about
his 2 3
dü]‘· düTsπ wtqT ‘·q >∑TD>∑D≤\q+‘êS p D #˚dqæ ‘·0s4ê«‘·9n‘·&ìç ô|[fl#d˚ Tü ø=ì+~.
4. After the selection in the u 3 9
Interview they gave me this job.
Ç+≥sYe⁄´˝À ôd˝…ø£åHé a
R : 9
#˚dæq ‘·sê«‘· yês¡T Hê≈£î á ñ<Û√´>±ìï Ç#êÃs¡T.
l they took my full details .
5. I was released from therelafter
Hê |üP]Ô $esê\T rdüTø=qï e
C‘·sê«‘· qqTï yêfi¯ófl $&ÉT<ä\ #˚XÊs¡T.
Before .......... eTT+<äT>±H˚
1. Ramu reached the school before the bell rang.
sêeTT u…\T¢ ÁyÓ÷>∑ø£ eTT+<˚ ã&çøÏ #˚s¡T≈£îHêï&ÉT.
2. Shiva called before I reached Hyderabad.
H˚qT ôV’≤<äsêu≤<äT #˚s¡Tø√ø£ eTT+<˚ •e Hê≈£î ø±˝Ÿ #˚XÊ&ÉT.
3. Sarita married Suresh before she enquired about his character.
dü]‘· düTsπ wtqT ‘·q >∑TD>∑D≤\q+‘ê $#ês¡D #˚jT· ø£ eTT+<˚ n‘·&ì
ç ô|[fl#d˚ Tü ø=ì+~.
4. Before the selection in the Interview they gave me this job.
Ç+≥sYe⁄´ ˝À ôd˝…ø£åHé #˚j·Tø£ eTT+<˚ yês¡T Hê≈£î á ñ<Û√´>±ìï Ç#êÃs¡T.
5. I was released from there before they took my full details .
Hê |üP]Ô $esê\T rdüTø√ø£ eTT+<˚ qqTï yêfi¯ófl $&ÉT<ä\ #˚XÊs¡T.

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Either .... or .... n~ ø±˙ ..... Ç~ø±˙

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1. She drinks either tea or coffee.
ÄyÓT {°ì ø±˙ ˝Ò<ë ø±|ò”ì ø±˙ ‘ê>∑T‘·T+~.
2. He watches either the story movies or the horror movies.
n‘·&ÉT ø£<∏ä\ dæìe÷\qT ø±˙ ˝Ò<ë uÛÑj·T+ø£s¡yÓTÆq dæìe÷\qT ø±˙ #·÷kÕÔ&ÉT.
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3. I speak with them either English or Telugu.

H˚qT yê]‘√ Ç+^¢wt˝À ø±˙ ˝Ò<ë ‘Ó\T>∑T˝À ø±˙ e÷{≤¢&É‘êqT.
4. My father will buy either a car or a van.
e÷ Hêqï >±s¡T ø±s¡TqT ø±˙ ˝Ò<ë yê´qTqT ø±˙ ø=+{≤s¡T.
5. Raju marries either Sunitha or Latha.
sêE düTì‘·qT ø±˙ ˝Ò<ë \‘·qT ø±˙ ô|[fl#˚düTø=+{≤&ÉT.

Neither .... nor .... n~ ø±<ä÷ ..... Ç~ø±<ä÷

1. She drinks neither tea nor coffee.
ÄyÓT {°ì ø±˙ ø±|ò”ì ø±˙ ‘ê>∑<äT. ish
n g
n‘·&ÉT ø£<∏ä\ dæìe÷\qT ø±˙ uÛÑj·T+ø£s¡yÓTÆqndæìE
2. He watches neither the story movies nor the horror
e÷\qT ø±˙ 9#·÷&É&ÉT.
3. I speak with them neither English nor k e Telugu.
5 23
H˚qT yê]‘√ Ç+^¢wt˝À ø±˙ ‘Ó\ST>∑p T˝À ø±˙ e÷{≤¢4 &Éq9T.
4. My father will buy neitheru a car nor3a9van.0
e÷ Hêqï >±s¡T ø±s¡ aTqT ø±˙ yê´qTqT
: 9
l nor Latha.ø=qs¡T.
5. Raju marries neither Sunitha
sêE düTì‘·qT ø±˙ \‘·C
qT ø±˙ ô|[fl#˚düTø√&ÉT.

Not only .... but also .......... n<˚ ø±<ä÷ ` Ç~ ≈£L&Ü

1. She drinks not only tea but also coffee.
ÄyÓT {°H˚ ø±<äT ø±|ò”ì ≈£L&Ü ‘ê>∑T‘·T+~.
2. He watches not only the story movies but also the horror movies.
n‘·&ÉT ø£<∏ä\ dæìe÷\H˚ ø±<äT uÛÑj·T+ø£s¡yÓTÆq dæìe÷\qT ≈£L&Ü #·÷kÕÔ&ÉT.
3. I speak with them not only in English but also Telugu.
H˚qT yê]‘√ Ç+^¢wt˝ÀH˚ ø±<äT ‘Ó\T>∑T˝À ≈£L&Ü e÷{≤¢&É‘êqT.
4. My father will buy not only a car but also a van.
e÷ Hêqï >±s¡T ø±s¡TH˚ ø±<äT yê´qTqT ≈£L&Ü ø=+{≤s¡T.
5. Raju marries not only Sunitha but also Latha.
sêE düTì‘·H˚ ø±<äT \‘·qT ≈£L&Ü ô|[fl#˚düTø=+{≤&ÉT.

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whether .... or .... Ä $<Ûä+>± ø±ø£ eTs√ $<Ûä+>±

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1. I want to know whether he is in the house or not.
n‘·&ÉT Ç+{À¢ ñHêï&√ ˝Ò<√ Hê≈£î ‘Ó*j·÷*.
2. It is all the same whether you are dead or alive.
˙e⁄ #·∫ÃHê Áã‹øÏHê Hê≈£î ˇø£ÿfÒ.
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3. I don’t feel whether you pass or fail.

˙e⁄ bÕdt nsTTHê ù|ò˝Ÿ nsTTHê Hê≈£î u≤<Ûä˝Ò<äT.
4. Can you tell me whether you can go there or not ?
MTs¡T nø£ÿ&çøÏ yÓfi¯fl >∑\sê... ˝Ò<ë nì #Ó|üŒ>∑\sê ?
5. I am going whether you like it or not.
˙≈£î ÇwüºeTHêï ˝Ò≈£îHêï H˚qT yÓfi¯óÔHêïqT.

both .... and .... Ä ¬s+&É÷q÷

1. He helps both poor and handicaps.
H˚qT ù|<äyê]ø°Ï eT]j·TT $ø£˝≤+>∑T\≈£L Ç<ä›]ø° düVü‰j·T+ #˚kÕÔqT.sh
2. They both Ramu and Shiva came to our house.ng
sêeTT eT]j·TT •e yê]<ä›s¡÷ e÷ Ç+{ÏøÏ e#êÃn s¡T. E 9
3. She cooked both Non-veg and veg o k e
52 3
ÄyÓT e÷+kÕVü‰s¡eTT eT]j·TT XÊU≤Vü ≤s¡peTT ¬s+&ç+{Ïì4 9
4. He got the jobs both in u
m S.B.I and Andhra
3 9 0bank.
n‘·&çøÏ S.B.I ˝Àq÷ aÄ+Á<Ûë u≤´+≈£
l : 9
î ˝ÀqT ¬s+&ç+{ÏH√q÷ ñ<Û√´>∑eTT e∫Ã+~.
e l
5. He is learning both English and Tamil.
n‘·&ÉT Ç+^¢wt eT]j·TT C
‘·$T˝Ÿ ¬s+&ÉT H˚s¡TÃø=+≥THêï&ÉT.

In order that / in order to .... n+<äT≈£î >±qT

1. He is working hard in order that he will get a good name.
eT+∫ ù|s¡TqT ‘Ó#·TÃø=qT≥≈£î >±qT n‘·&ÉT ø£wüº|ü&ç |üì#˚düTÔHêï&ÉT.
2. She got all the items today in order that their relatives are coming.
yêfi¯fl ã+<ÛäTe⁄\T edüTÔqï+<äT≈£î >±qT ÄyÓT n˙ï edüTÔe⁄\qT ‘Ó#·TÃø=+~.
3. Ravi saved a lot of money in order to use it in his old age.
s¡$ ‘·q eTTdü* ej·TdüT‡˝À ñ|üjÓ÷–+#·T≥≈£î >±qT #ê˝≤ &ÉãT“qT <ë#ê&ÉT.
4. He learnt driving in order to not depend upon others.
n‘·&ÉT me] ô|’q Ä<Ûës¡ |ü&É≈£L&É<äì ‘·H˚ Á&Ó’$+>¥ H˚s¡TÃø=+≥THêï&ÉT.
5. He is doing exercises in order to put his health well.
n‘·&TÉ ‘·q Äs√>∑´eTTqT u≤>± ñ+#·Tø√e&ÜìøÏ yê´j·÷e÷\T #˚dTü HÔ êï&ÉT.

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so that .... n+<äT≈£î >±qT

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1. He is working hard so that he will get a good name.
eT+∫ ù|s¡TqT ‘Ó#·TÃø=qT≥≈£î >±qT n‘·&ÉT ø£wüº|ü&ç |üì#˚düTÔHêï&ÉT.
2. Their relatives are coming so that she got all the items today.
yêfi¯fl ã+<ÛäTe⁄\T edüTÔqï+<äT≈£î >±qT ÄyÓT n˙ï edüTÔe⁄\qT ‘Ó#·TÃø=+~.
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3. Ravi saved a lot of money so that he will use it in his old age.
s¡$ ‘·q eTTdü* ej·TdüT‡˝À ñ|üj÷Ó –+#·T≥≈£î >±qT #ê˝≤ &ÉãT“qT <ë#ê&ÉT.
4. He does not want to depend upon others so that he learnt driving.
n‘·&ÉT me] ô|’q Ä<Ûës¡ |ü&É≈£L&É<äqï+<ä≈£î >±qT ‘·H˚ Á&Ó’$+>¥ H˚s¡TÃø=Hêï&ÉT.
5. He is very week so that he is using these madicines.
n‘·&TÉ #ê˝≤ ã\V”≤q+>± ñqï+<äT≈£î >±qT n‘·&TÉ á eT+<ÛTä \T ñ|üj÷Ó –düTHÔ êï&ÉT.

Provided that / Provided if ..... nsTT‘˚ / Ä|üø£å+˝À

1. You may take the amount provided that you return it soon.
˙e⁄ ‘=+<äs¡>± ÇkÕÔq+fÒ á &ÉãT“qT rdüTø√e#·TÃ. l i sh
n g
˙e⁄ u≤>± #·<äTe⁄‘êq÷ n+fÒ ˙e⁄ ø√]q~ ÇkÕÔnqT.E
2. Provided that you study well I will give you what ever you want.

k e 2 3 9
˙e⁄ ˙ |ò”E uÛÑø±sTT\˙ï #Ó*¢+#˚kSÕÔqp o
3. Provided that you pay all the fees dues
T n+fÒ ˙ Vü‰˝Ÿ4 5
you may take your hall ticket.
{ŸqT rdüTø√e#·TÃ.
4. I will go there provideduthat you pay all
m 3 9 0my travel.
˙e⁄ Hê Á|üj·÷D Ks¡ \T #Ó*¢+∫q≥ºs:TT‘˚9H˚qT nø£ÿ&çøÏ ekÕÔqT.
5. I can help you provided thatl l you tell me the truth.
˙e⁄ Hê≈£î ì»+ #Ó_‘˚ H˚qC T ˙≈£î düVü‰j·TeTT #˚j·T>∑\qT.

On condition that .......... wüs¡‘·T MT<äT>±

1. He was left off on condition that he would not repeat the offence.
n‘·&ÉT Ä ‘·|ü⁄ŒqT eT∞fl #˚j·T≈£L&É<äH˚ wüs¡‘·T MT<äT>± ‘·qì e~*y˚XÊs¡T.
2. I will give amount on condition that you should return it within 3 months.
˙e⁄ eT÷&ÉT HÓ\˝À¢ ‹]– &ÉãT“qT Çyê«* nH˚ wüs¡‘·T MT<äT>± H˚qT ˙≈£î &ÉãT“qT ÇkÕÔqT.
3. I will give you this job on condition that you ready to do any work.
˙e⁄ @ |üìHÓ’Hê #Ój·÷´* nH˚ wüs¡‘·T MT<äT>± ˙≈£î H˚qT á ñ<Û√´>±ìï ÇkÕÔqT.
4. My father bought me the bike on condition that I must use it on Sundays only.
H˚qT Ä~yêsê\ s√E˝À¢ e÷Á‘·y˚T ñ|üjÓ÷–+#ê* nH˚ wüs¡‘·T MT<äT>± e÷ Hêqï ˇø£ u…’≈£îqT ø=Hêï&ÉT.
5. They gave me this loan on condition that I must repay it by this month end.
á HÓ˝≤≈£îs¡T ˝À|ü\ &ÉãT“qT ‹]– Ç#˚à wüs¡‘·T MT<äT>± yês¡T Hê≈£î n|ü⁄Œ Ç#êÃs¡T.

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Therefore ... ø£qTø£

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1. He is too young therefore he is ready to do any work.
n‘·&ÉT ej·TdüT‡˝À ñqïyê&ÉT ø£qTø£ n‘·&ÉT @ |üì #˚j·T&Üì¬ø’Hê dæ<ä›+>± ñHêï&ÉT.
2. Raju is very strong therefore nobody wants to fight with him.
sêE #ê˝≤ ã\+>± ñHêï&ÉT ø£qTø£ me«s¡÷ ≈£L&Ü n‘·&ç‘√ ø={≤¢&Ü\ì nqTø√s¡T.
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3. Shiva is very intelligent therefore he gets always first rank.

•e #ê˝≤ ‘Ó*$e+‘·T&ÉT ø£qTø£ n‘·&ÉT m|üŒ{Ïø° yÓTT<ä{Ïsê´+πø ‘Ó#·TÃ≈£î+{≤&ÉT.
4. Geeta is very beautiful therefore every one likes her.
^‘· #ê˝≤ n+<ä+>± ñ+~ ø£qTø£ Á|ür ˇø£ÿs¡T ÄyÓTqT Çwüº|ü&É‘ês¡T.
5. I came so late therefore our teacher did not allow me inside.
H˚qT #ê˝≤ Ä\dü´+>± e#êÃqT ø£qTø£ e÷ {°#s· T¡ ˝À|ü*øÏ yÓfifl¯ &ÜìøÏ nqTeT‹+#·˝<
Ò Tä .

as well as ..... n˝≤π> ... ˝≤π> ... ≈£L&Ü ....

1. Chiru as well as his brother Pavan is also an actor.
∫s¡T ˝≤π> n‘·&ç ‘·eTTà&ÉT |üeHé ø£˝≤´DY ≈£L&Ü ˇø£ q≥T&ÉT. li sh
2. The Poor as well as the rich also have problems.
E n g
ù|<äyê]πø ø±<ä÷ <Ûäì≈£î\≈£î ≈£L&Ü düeTdü´\T ñ+{≤sTT.
3. Rani as well as her husband is alsok e n 2 3 9
sêDÏH˚ ø±<äT ÄyÓT uÛÑs¡Ô ≈£L&Ü k˛eT].
p 049 lazy.
4. He bought a car as well
m uas a bike also 3 9.
n‘·&ÉT ø±s¡TqT e÷ÁR‘·ya˚T ø±<äT ˇø£ u…’≈:£îqT9≈£L&Ü ø=Hêï&ÉT.
5. I ate Idlies as well as Pooriesll also.
H˚qT Ç&û¢\T e÷Á‘·y˚T ø±<äC T |üPØ\T ≈£L&Ü ‹HêïqT.

as soon as .......... ˇø£ |üì #˚dæq yÓ+≥H˚ ...

1. You please come here as soon as you finish that work.
<äj·T#˚dæ ˙e⁄ Ä |üì |üP]Ô #˚dæq yÓ+≥H˚ Çø£ÿ&çøÏ sê .
2. I will call you back as soon as I return back.
H˚qT ‹]– e∫Ãq yÓ+≥H˚ ˙≈£î ‹]– ø±˝Ÿ #˚kÕÔqT.
3. I will give you the amount as soon as I withdraw from the ATM.
H˚qT ATM. qT+&ç &ÉãT“qT rdæq y˚+≥H˚ ˙≈£î Ç#˚ÃkÕÔqT.
4. My father bought me the bike as soon as he took the salary.
e÷ Hêqï ‘·q J‘êìï rdüT≈£îqï yÓ+≥H˚ Hê≈£î ˇø£ u…’≈£îqT ø=Hêï&ÉT.
5. They gave me this new loan as soon as I paid the old loan.
H˚qT bÕ‘· n|ü⁄ŒqT rπsÃdæq yÓ+≥H˚ yês¡T Hê≈£î ø=‘·Ô n|ü⁄ŒqT Ç#˚ÃXÊs¡T.

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Even if ... nsTTHê ≈£L&Ü

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1. Even if he was busy he attended our marriage function.
n‘·&ÉT _J>± ñHêï ≈£L&Ü e÷ ô|[fl øÏ Vü‰»s¡j·÷´&ÉT.
2. Even if it was too late our typist finished all the work.
n~ m+‘· Ä\dü´yÓTÆHê ≈£L&Ü e÷ f…Æ|ædtº yÓTT‘·Ô+ |üìì |üP]Ô #˚dæ+~.
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3. Even if it was hard I acheived it.

n~ ø£wºüyÓTÆHê ≈£L&Ü H˚qT <ëìì kÕ~Û+#êqT.
4. Even if she is lazy her parents love her.
ÄyÓT m+‘· k˛eT]<Ó’qqT ÄyÓT ‘·*¢<ä+Á&ÉT\T ÄyÓTqT Áù|$TkÕÔs¡T.
5. Even if he is poor he bought a scooter.
n‘·&ÉT m+‘· ù|<äyê&Ó’Hê ≈£L&Ü ˇø£ dü÷ÿ≥s¡T ø=Hêï&ÉT.

and so ..... ø±e⁄q

li h
1. Yesterday The climate was very nice and so we went out for the picnic.
ìqï yê‘êes¡DeTT #ê˝≤ u≤>∑T+&ç+~ ø±e⁄q y˚TeTT ãj·T≥ equÛÀ»HêìøÏ yÓfi≤fleTT.
2. I like his attitude and so I gave him this job. ng
H˚qT n‘·&ç q&Ée&çø£qT Çwüº|ü&É‘êqT ø£qTø£ n‘·n&çøE Ï á ñ<Û√´>∑eTT9Ç#êÃqT.
3. We had joined here recently and o kso
we don’t 5
know2 3
any thing here.
y˚TeTT Çø£ÿ&É á eT<Ûä´H˚ #˚sêeTTSø£qpTø£ Çø£ÿ&É @ $wü4j9·TeT÷ e÷≈£î ‘Ó*j·T<äT.
4. He requested me andu
m so I gave him 3 9
one0more chance.
R a T ø£qTø£l n‘·
n‘·&ÉT qqTï ã‹eT˝≤&Ü&É : &9çøÏ eTs=ø£ neø±X¯eTT Ç#êÃqT.
5. The train is 1 hour late e l
and so I went to have my lunch.
Cñ+~ ø£qTø£ uÛÀ»q+ #˚j·TT≥≈£î yÓfi≤flqT.
¬s’\T ˇø£ >∑+≥ Ä\dü´+>±

So that .......... n+<äT ø£ì , Ä ñ<˚›X¯+‘√

1.There were no chairs in the school so that I donated some amount.
ã&ç˝À ≈£îØÃ\T ˝Ò≈£î+&ÓqT n+<äTø£ì H˚qT ø=+‘· &ÉãT“qT $sêfi¯+>± Ç#êÃqT.
2. He was running fast so that I got a doubt upon him.
n‘·&ÉT y˚>∑+>± |ü]¬>‘·TÔ‘·T+&ÓqT n+<äTø£ì n‘·&çô|’ Hê≈£î nqTe÷q+ e∫Ã+~.
3. The bus was moving fast so that I ran to catch it.
ãdüT‡ ø£<äT\T‘·T+&ÓqT Ä ñ<˚›X¯+‘√ H˚qT <ëìì |ü≥Tºø=qT≥≈£î |ü]¬>‘êÔqT.
4. He earned a lot in the abroads so that he built a free school here .
n‘·&ÉT $<˚XÊ\˝À #ê˝≤ &ÉãT“qT dü+bÕ~+#ê&ÉT n+<äTø£ì Çø£ÿ&É ˇø£ ñ∫‘· dü÷ÿ\T ì]à+#ê&ÉT.
5. English is a very needed language so that I am learning it.
Ç+^¢wt #ê˝≤ nedüs¡yÓTÆq uÛ≤wü Ä ñ<˚›X¯+‘√ H˚qT <ëìì H˚s¡TÃø=+≥THêïqT.

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k en 2 3 9
S o
p 049 5
mu 39
Ra ll : 9

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