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1. Introduction to Dam Engineering

A dam is a barrier constructed across a river or a natural stream to create a reservoir for impounding water
(for irrigation, water supply, flood protection), or to facilitate diversion of water from the river, or to retain
debris flowing in the river along with water.

1.1.Historical perspective of dams

Over 45000 times in the last century, people took the decision to build a dam. Dams were built to provide
water for irrigated agriculture, domestic or industrial use, to generate hydropower or help control floods. But
dams also altered and diverted river flows, affecting existing rights and access to water, and resulting in
significant impacts on livelihoods and the environment. Decisions to build dams are being contested
increasingly as human knowledge and experience expand, as we develop new technologies, and as decision-
making becomes more open, inclusive and transparent.
Dams are a means to an end, not an end in themselves. What is that end? How central are the challenges that
large dams set out to meet? And how well can dams meet them?
The World Commission on Dams (WCD) considers that the end of any dam project must be the sustainable
improvement of human welfare. This means a significant advance of human development on a basis that is
economically viable, socially equitable, and environmentally sustainable. If a large dam is the best way to
achieve this goal it deserves our support. Where other options offer better solutions we should favor them
over large dams. Thus the debate around dams challenges our view of how we develop and manage our water
The issues surrounding dams are the issues surrounding water, and how water-related decisions are made.
There is little public controversy about the choice between an embankment dam or a gravity dam, or whether
to use earth, concrete or rock-fill, possibly even over financing the development. The issues all relate to what
the dam will do to river flow, to rights of access to water and river resources, to whether it will uproot
existing human settlements, disrupt the culture and sources of livelihood of local communities and deplete
and degrade environmental resources. Conflicts over dams are more than conflicts over water. They are
conflicts over human development and life itself.

1.2. Development and dams

River basins are renowned as the cradles of civilization and cultural heritage. Ancient and modern
communities alike have depended on rivers for livelihood, commerce, habitat and the sustaining ecological
functions they provide. Throughout history alterations to rivers – natural or human generated – have affected
riverine communities in one way or another. The earliest evidence of river engineering is the ruins of
irrigation canals over eight thousand years old in Mesopotamia. Remains of water storage dams found in
Jordan, Egypt and other parts of the Middle East date back to at least 3000 BC.

Historical records suggest that the use of dams for irrigation and water supply became more widespread about
a thousand years later. At that time, dams were built in the Mediterranean region, China and Meso America.
Remains of earth embankment dams built for diverting water to large community reservoirs can still be found
in Sri Lanka and Israel. The Dujiang irrigation project, which supplied 800000 hectares in China, is 2200
years old. Dams and aqueducts built by the Romans to supply drinking water and sewer systems for towns
still exist today.

The first use of dams for hydropower generation was around 1890. By 1900, several hundred large dams had
been built in different parts of the world, mostly for water supply and irrigation.

Dams in the 20th century

The last century saw a rapid increase in large dam building. By 1949 about 5000 large dams had been
constructed worldwide, three-quarters of them in industrialized countries. By the end of the 20th century, there
were over45000 large dams in over 140 countries.

The period of economic growth following the Second World War saw a phenomenal rise in the global dam
construction rate, lasting well into the 1970s and 1980s. At its peak, nearly 5000 large dams were built
worldwide in the period from 1970 to 1975. The decline in the pace of dam building over the past two decades
has been equally dramatic, especially in North America and Europe where most technically attractive sites are
already developed. The average large dam today is about 35 years old.

Figure 1.1 shows the proportional distribution of large dams in different regions of the world. Approximately
two thirds of the world’s existing large dams are in developing countries. Figures 1.2 and 1.3 show the
cumulative and time-line trends in the construction of large dams in the last century. The time-trend figures
exclude data on most of the dams in China and therefore differ slightly from the trends described in the text.

The top five dam-building countries account for nearly 80% of all large dams worldwide. China alone has built
around 22000 large dams, or close to half the world’s total number. Before 1949 it had only 22 large dams.
Other countries among the top five dam building nations include the United States with over 6390 large dams;
India with over 4000; and Spain and Japan with between 1000 and 1200 large dams each. International
Commission on Large Dams (ICOLM)

Current regional focus for large dam construction

Construction of large dams peaked in the 1970s in Europe and North America. Today most activity in these
regions is focused on the management of existing dams, including rehabilitation, renovation and optimizing the
operation of dams for multiple functions. An estimated 1700 large dams have been under construction in other
parts of the world in the last few years. Of this total, 40% are reportedly being built in India. Since average
construction periods generally range from 5 to 10 years, this indicates a worldwide annual average of some 160
to 320 new large dams per year.

Dams as Instruments of Development

Dams have been promoted as an important means of meeting perceived needs for water and energy services and
as long-term, strategic investments with the ability to deliver multiple benefits. Some of these additional
benefits are typical of all large public infrastructure projects, while others are unique to dams and specific to
particular projects.

Regional development, job creation and fostering an industry base with export capability are most often cited as
additional considerations for building large dams. Other goals include creating income from export earnings,
either through direct sales of electricity, or by selling cash crops or processed products from electricity intensive
industry such as aluminium refining.

Water-rich countries such as Canada, Norway, Brazil and parts of Russia have developed large dams for
hydropower generation where suitable sites were available. Governments in semi-arid countries such as South
Africa, Australia and Spain have tended to build dams with large storage capacity to match water demand with
stored supply, and for security against the risk of drought. For example, in Spain – one of the top five dam-
building countries – rainfall is highly variable between seasons and from year to year.

In East and Southeast Asia, during the monsoon season, rivers swell to over 10 times the dry season flow. In
these settings dams have been constructed to capture and store water during wet seasons for release during dry
seasons. Large dams require significant financial investments. Estimates suggest a worldwide investment of at
least two trillion US dollars in the construction of large dams over the last century. During the 1990s, an
estimated $32-46 billion was spent annually on large dams, four-fifths of it in developing countries. Of the $22-
31 billion invested in dams each year in developing countries, about four-fifths was financed directly by the
public sector.

Table 1.1 Estimated annual investment in dam in the 1990s ($US billion per year)

Today the world’s large dams regulate, store and divert water from rivers for agricultural production, human
and industrial use in towns and cities, electricity generation, and flood control. Dams have been constructed to a
lesser extent to improve river transportation and, once created for other purposes, the reservoirs of many large
dams have been used for recreation, tourism, and aquaculture.

The majority of large dams in Africa and Asia are for irrigation, though large dams are more often than not
multi-purpose. There is growing interest in dams for flood protection and in pumped storage dams for power
generation to meet peak demand in Asia. Single-purpose hydropower dams are most common in Europe and
South America, whereas single-purpose water supply projects dominate in Austral-Asia. North America has a
relatively even spread of large dam functions. All other potential purposes, including recreation and navigation,
were found in less than 5% of projects. Overall, the proportional share of irrigation dams and multi-purpose
dams has been increasing over the last 20 years, while the share of hydropower dams has been decreasing.

1.3. Uniqueness of dam Engineering

Dams differ from all other major water engineering structures in a number of important regards:

 Every dam, large or small, is quite unique; foundation geology, material characteristics, catchment flood
hydrology etc. are each site-specific.
 Dams are required to function at or close to their design loading for extended periods.
 Dams do not have a structural lifespan; they may, however, have a notional life for accounting purposes,
or a functional lifespan dictated by reservoir sedimentation.
 The overwhelming majority of dams are of earth fill, constructed from a range of natural soils; these are
the least consistent of construction materials.

 Dam engineering draws together a range of disciplines, e.g. structural and fluid mechanics, geology and
geotechnics, flood hydrology and hydraulics, to a quite unique degree.
 The engineering of dams is critically dependent upon the application of informed engineering judgment
1.4. Reservoir site selection

The selection of a site for constructing a dam should be governed by the following factors:

1. Suitable foundation
2. For economy, the length of the dam should be as small as possible, and for given height, it should store
the maximum volume of water. It, therefor, follows, that the river valley at the dam site should be
narrow but should be narrow but should open out upstream to provide a large basin for a reservoir. A
general configuration of contours for a suitable site is shown in fig.

3. The general bed level at the dam site should preferably be higher than that of the river basin. This will
reduce the height of the dam and will facilitate the drainage problem.
4. A suitable site for the spillway should be available in the near vicinity. If the spillway is to be combined
with the dam, the wide of the gorge should be such as to accommodate both. The best dam site is one,
in which a narrow deep gorge is separated from the flank by a hillock with its surface above the dam, as
shown in fig. If such a site is available, the spillway can be located separately in the flank, and the main
valley spanned by an earthen or similar dam. Sometimes, the spillway and concrete masonry dam may
be compositely spanned in the main gorge, while the flanks are in earth at low cost.

5. Materials of required for the construction should be easily available, either locally or in the near vicinity,
so that the cost transporting them is as low as possible.
6. The reservoir basin should be reasonably water-tight. The stored water should not escape out through its
side walls and bed.
7. The value of land and property submerged by the proposed dam should be as low as possible.
8. The dam site should be easily accessible, so that it can be economically connected to important towns
and cities by rails, roads tec.
9. Site for establishing labor colonies and a healthy environment should be available in the near. vicinity.

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