Hydarulic Structures-Ii (G5-C) River Training Works
Hydarulic Structures-Ii (G5-C) River Training Works
Hydarulic Structures-Ii (G5-C) River Training Works
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undiked river during floods, and level of the river as well as that
then discuss the hydraulics of a of this enclosed area will
dirked river. increase, hence the land enclosed
between the dikes will appear to
During floods, water spills over be higher than the adjoining land
the natural banks of a river. The and this probably leads to the
velocity of this water will be false common man belief that the
reduced because it spreads over dikes cause ill- effect of raising
the adjoining land. Due to this the river-bed
reduction in velocity soil gets
deposited as the silt deposition On the other hand in an undiked
varies inversely with the velocity. river, the level of the entire land
In an undiked alluvial river, the will increase and there will not
flood water spreads over a vast appear any appreciable rising of
area, so that the velocity becomes the bed. Since the clear-cut
so small that almost the entire silt raising of the bed is not generally
gets deposited on the flood area visible on undiked rivers, people
and clear water flows back in to get misguide and they feel that
the main river as the flood there was no bed rise in undiked
recedes. rivers and become against diking
stating dikes cause the ill- effects
When the river is enclosed by of raising the bed although it is
dikes, the water spills over the not a correct statement.
natural banks of the river and will
spread in the area confined 2 Guide Banks.
between the river and the dikes. If an engineering structure such
Due to this, the velocity of flow as a weir or a barrage or a bridge
reduces and silt gets deposited. etc is constructed across a river,
But in fact this reduction in the river width is reduced and
velocity in a diked river is much trained in such a fashion as to
less the in an undiked river, ensure not only a safe and
because the spread area is less in a expeditious disposal of flood
diked river. Hence it can be water but also to ensure a
concluded that the silt deposition permanent reasonable width of
will be less in a diked river the water way for the river flow.
compared to that in an undiked It has already been discussed that
river. the alluvial rivers do shift their
courses. Now, if today, a
At the same time, it can also be structure such as a bridge is
concluded that in a diked river, constructed across the existing
silt will be deposited only in the river width the other day, the
confined fixed area (i.e. area river may shift and there may not
enclosed between dikes and be any river below the existing
river). And therefore, the bed river width, day, and the river
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flashy rivers , the time for bed scour that regime conditions are disturbed
may not be adequate causing very after the construction of the weir and
high afflux. The amount of afflux above formula is not strictly
governs the top levels of the guide applicable. Most of the existing
banks as wells as that of the marginal weirs and bridges have been
buds. The distance to which the provided with a clear waterway from
afflux appreciable extends on the 10% to 50% more than that given by
upstream side governs the length and Lacey’s Regime perimeter.
sections of the marginal bunds.
(II) Shape of guide banks in plan:
The Waterway and the As stated earlier, the guide banks are
Discharge per meter run generally provided in pairs,
The waterway is the actual width symmetrical in plan and may either
from which the water has to flow be kept parallel or may diverge
after river is constricted. Since this slightly upstream of the works. The
width is reduced at the works –site, diverging guide banks may be
the depth of water and hence, the favored on the ground that they
HFL will go up. The rise in this HFL cover larger with of the khadirs and
is nothing but afflux. The limit exert an attracting influence on the
placed on afflux automatically flow. But they are not recommended
placed a limit on the constriction or mainly because for equal bank
on the waterway, since the two are lengths they provide relatively less
interdependent. In addition to high protection to the approach
afflux, the insufficient water away embankment under the worst
will cause excessive velocities, possible embayment as shown in the
causing dangerously deep scour figure below.
along the guide banks at the bridge
piers, etc on the other hand too long
a bridge or weir may cause slack
velocities, causing formation of
shoals with consequent non- uniform
flow distribution and an oblique
A likely figure to be adopted for
waterway may be given by Lacey’s
Regime perimeter (P) , given by p =
4.75 Q ; ( because in larger Figure: extent of protection provided by
rivers ,width is approximately equal the straight and divergent guide banks
to its perimeter ) In case of a Moreover, the divergent banks
bridge ,obstruction caused by piers induce oblique flow and tend to from
should be accounted for, and the shoals in the center. However, in a
above equation should be taken to particular case, where the
represent the clear effective approaching flow is oblique it may
waterway . It should be remembered become necessary to provide
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discharges less than 7,000 cumecs) may very from 1.5. H.: 1V to 2.5 H
and a value of R = 580meters for V, (but generally kept as 2 H: 1 V),
discharges varying from 40,000 to depending on the construction
70,000 cumecs . For intermediate materials and the height of the bund
discharges i.e. between 20,000 A freeboard of 1.2 to 1.5 m is
40,000 cumecs, the value of R may generally provided.
be obtained by interpolation. (VI) Slope pitching: The sloping
The upstream curve is extended to water side of the entire guide bund
subtend an angle of 1200 to 140 at its as well as the sloping rear side of
center, as shown in figure below. the curved portions are pitched with
one man stone ( i.e. a stone which
can be lifted by one person-
weighing 40 to 50 kg) or concrete
blocks. The pitching should extend
up to 1 m, higher then HFL. The
rear side of the shank portion is not
pitched, but is generally coated with
0.3 to 0.6 earths for encouraging
vegetation growth, so as to make it
resistant against rain, wind etc.
(b) Downstream curved portion. On The thickness of the
the downstream, the river fans out so pitching on the river side may be
as to attain its normal width. The calculated by the formula
downstream portion of the guide t = 0.006 Q1/3
bank ensures the safety of approach Where, t is the thickness of stone
embankments and prevents the river pitching in meters Q is the discharge
from attacking them. This purpose in cumecs.
can be well served by providing The thickness of pitching should be
short guide bund with sharp curved 25% more at the impregnable head
head. A radius equal to half the than for the rest of the bund.
radius at the upstream side may be (VII) Launching apron: Whenever a
provided, as shown in the above sloping face is protected by stone
figure. pitching against scour the pitching is
extended beyond the toe on the bed,
(V) The shank portion and section called Launching apron.
of bund: The straight portion of the If no such protection is provided
guide bund BC is called the shank scour will occur at the toe with
portion. The guide banks should consequent under –mining and
have a minimum top with of 4 collapse of the stone pitching. In
meters so as to provide sufficient order to obviate such a danger to the
carriage-way. Extra width may, slope, the pitching is extended on the
however be provided for storing horizontal river bed portion, which
pitching materials, etc side slope
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1/ 3
R = 0.47
where Q is the
discharge and f is silt factor and
values of x are tabulated for
different places in Table.
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