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River Training Works: 3.1 Objectives

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River training in its wider aspects (1) High water training or
covers all those engineering works, Training for discharge
which are constructed on river so as (2) Low water training or
to guide and confine the flow to the Training for depth
river channel and to control and (3) Mean water training or
regulate the river bed configuration Training fro sediment.
ensuring safe and effective disposal (1) High water training or
of floods and sediment loads Training for discharge. High
stabilizing and training the river water training is undertaken
along a certain alignment with a with the primary purpose of
suitable water way is therefore the flood control. It, therefore,
first and foremost aim of river aims at providing sufficient
training. river cross- section for the
safe passage of maximum
3.1 Objectives: flood and is concerned with
The River training works may serve making the adjoining are
the following objectives or flood – proof by
advantages: construction of dykes or
(i)To prevent the river from levees etc
changing its course and to (2) Low water training or
avoid outflanking of Training for depth. Low
structures like bridges weirs water is undertaken with the
aqueducts, etc. primary purpose of
(ii) To prevent flooding of the providing sufficient water
surrounding countries by depth in navigable channels
providing a safe passage for during low water periods it
the flood waters with out may be accomplished by
overtopping the banks. concentrating and enhancing
(iii) To protect the river banks the flow in the desired
by deflecting the river away channel by the process of
from the attacked banks. bandalling by contracting
(iv)To ensure effective disposal the width of the channel
of sediment load with the help of groynes etc
(v) To provide minimum water (3) Mean water training or for
depth required for navigation sediment. Mean water
training aims at efficient
3.2 Classification: Depending up disposal of suspended load
on the purpose for which a river and bed load and thus to
training programme is preserve the channel in good
undertaken the river training shape. The maximum
works may be classified in to the accretion capacity of a river
following three categories: occurs in the vicinity of
mean water or dominant

1 AWTI Abel T.

discharge therefore the undertaken on aggrading or

change in the river bed are a degrading rivers may, therefore, fail
attempted in accordance to impose any stability on such
with that stage of flood flow rivers. For example, bank
the mean water training is protection works undertaken on an
the most important type and aggrading river may either be
forms the basis on which destroyed by severe erosion or get
the former two are planned. buried under sediment deposition.
Soil conservation measures are the
3.3 Methods most effective measures to be
The chief aim of river training is to undertaken for controlling
achieve ultimate stability of the aggrading rivers, before taking up
river with the aid of river – training any river training works on such
measures. The stability of a river rivers. Similarly, the training works
does not mean that changes like undertaken on degrading rivers may
scouring and silting of bed fail due to scour and undermining
advancement of delta in to the sea, of foundations by bed scour.
etc will not take place. It only
means that the river attains The scouring tendency of degrading
equilibrium stage and no significant rivers must be controlled by
changes occurs in its alignment building cross-bars, weirs, etc.
slope regime etc the regime may before attempting any other river
change within a year but shows training works on such rivers.
little variation from year to year
except that the river may meander The following are the generally
within its khadirs (i.e. the extreme adopted methods for training rivers,
lines within which the river is ever including bar protection.
known to wander).
1. Marginal embankments or
It was discussed earlier that a river levees
adjusts its alignment, perimeter, 2. Guide banks
area, slope etc.; with respect to the 3. Groynes or Spurs.
discharge and sediment load, either 4. Artificial cut-offs
by aggrading, meandering or by 5. Pitching of banks and
degrading. It may be concluded that provision of launching
meandering type is the full and final aprons
development of an alluvial river. 6. Pitched islands
The other two types are the interim 7. Miscellaneous methods,
phases and are maintained so long such as Sills, Bandalling,
as the factors causing them remain etc.
operative. Aggrading rivers are,
therefore, equally amenable to river
training on account of their 1. Marginal
instability. River training work embankments or levees: -

2 AWTI Abel T.

Marginal embankments are general the embankment by at least one

earthen embankments, running meter from below the top surface of
parallel to the river, at some the embankment. The normal value
suitable distance from it. They may of usually adopted seepage gradient
be constructed on both sides of the varies between 4: 1 to 6: 1 (i.e. H:
river or only one side, for suitable V) depending up on character of the
river length, where the river is soil which may - necessitate river
passing through towns or cities or side slopes varying between 2: 1 to
any other places of importance. 5: 1, land side slopes between 2: 1
These embankment-walls, retain the to 7: 1, and top width between 2.5
flood water and thus, preventing it to 10 m. The top level of the levee
from spreading into the nearby should be decided by leaving a
lands and towns. A levee or a dyke sufficient freeboard varying
is mainly used for flood protection between 0.3 to 1.5 m above the high
by controlling the river and not by flood level.
training the river. The following levee sections for
The alignment of levees should different height are generally
follow the normal meandering adopted:
pattern of the river. The retirement
of the levees has to be governed by
technical as well as economical and
political considerations, because the
land falling within the levees is
either to be acquired by the
government or remains susceptible
to floods. The levees are many
times, pitched on the upstream side
(i.e. water side). Launching apron
may also be provided, if the bank or
levee is close to the main river

Design of levee Section: - Levees

are just like earthen dams with the
difference that they are very long,
come in operation discontinuously
and for a short time and have
limited possibilities for selection of
their alignment along favorable
geological strata. Figure: Typical sections of
levees for different heights.
Their sections should be designed
in such a way as to keep the Effects of levees on river bed: In
seepage gradient inside the body of order to assess the effects of dikes

3 AWTI Abel T.

or levees on rivers, we shall, first river). And therefore, the bed

of all discuss the hydraulics of an level of the river as well as that
undiked river during floods, and of this enclosed area will
then discuss the hydraulics of a increase, hence the land enclosed
dirked river. between the dikes will appear to
be higher than the adjoining land
During floods, water spills over and this probably leads to the
the natural banks of a river. The false common man belief that the
velocity of this water will be dikes cause ill- effect of raising
reduced because it spreads over the river-bed
the adjoining land. Due to this
reduction in velocity soil gets On the other hand in an undiked
deposited as the silt deposition river, the level of the entire land
varies inversely with the velocity. will increase and there will not
In an undiked alluvial river, the appear any appreciable rising of
flood water spreads over a vast the bed. Since the clear-cut
area, so that the velocity becomes raising of the bed is not generally
so small that almost the entire silt visible on undiked rivers, people
gets deposited on the flood area get misguide and they feel that
and clear water flows back in to there was no bed rise in undiked
the main river as the flood recedes. rivers and become against diking
stating dikes cause the ill- effects
When the river is enclosed by of raising the bed although it is
dikes, the water spills over the not a correct statement.
natural banks of the river and will
spread in the area confined 2 Guide Banks.
between the river and the dikes. If an engineering structure such
Due to this, the velocity of flow as a weir or a barrage or a bridge
reduces and silt gets deposited. etc is constructed across a river,
But in fact this reduction in the river width is reduced and
velocity in a diked river is much trained in such a fashion as to
less the in an undiked river, ensure not only a safe and
because the spread area is less in a expeditious disposal of flood
diked river. Hence it can be water but also to ensure a
concluded that the silt deposition permanent reasonable width of
will be less in a diked river the water way for the river flow.
compared to that in an undiked It has already been discussed that
river. the alluvial rivers do shift their
courses. Now, if today, a
At the same time, it can also be structure such as a bridge is
concluded that in a diked river, constructed across the existing
silt will be deposited only in the river width the other day, the
confined fixed area (i.e. area river may shift and there may not
enclosed between dikes and be any river below the existing

4 AWTI Abel T.

river width, day, and the river the guide –banks is closed by
may be found to be flowing away ordinary embankments.
from it, necessitating the Sometimes, one of the guide banks
construction of another structure. may become unnecessary and may
This may lead to the extension of be dispensed with for economical
the structure for the entire river reasons. This may happen either
length between its khadirs. when the khadir bank is very near
the works – site thus serving the
But it is unwise and purpose of guide banks.
uneconomical to span the entire Plan section etc is shown below.
width of the river and to expose
the structure to vagaries of attack
and deep scour. Hence, a
structure such as a weir, or a
barrage, or a bridge, etc is
extended in a smaller width of
the river, and water is trained to
flow almost axially through this
without out-flanking the
structure. The river is normally
trained for this purpose with the
help of a pair of guide banks.

The guide banks are generally

provided in pairs, symmetrical in
plan and may either be kept
parallel or may diverge slightly
upstream of works. Symmetrical
and parallel guide banks are
usually adopted, unless, the local
conditions warrant otherwise.

Before the water enters in to the

trough formed between these two
guide banks, the flow may have to
be partially controlled and directed
with the help of marginal bunds or
by groynes or both. The guide Figure: Guide Bank Details
banks usually consist of two heavily Before discussing the principle
built embankments in the river in applied for designing the guide
the shape of a bell mouth (named banks, it shall be worthwhile to
after the name of its inventor- Mr. . speak something about the selection
Bell) The portion of the river of the works- site.
between the normal river banks and

5 AWTI Abel T.

Selection of works-site- it is evident Principle and Factors Governing the

that an engineering structure, such as Design of guide Bunks
a bridge or a weir should be spanned
in that portion of the river where the (I) Top level of guide banks: The top
distance between the khadir banks is level of guide banks is governed by
minimum. This reduces the extent of HFL, Afflux, velocity head, and
possible embayment at the back of freeboard. It can be obtained by
the guide banks (discussed at little adding all these four values
later) and permits shorter guide  Afflux:
banks. Further on a meandering river By afflux, we mean the rise in the
the river section at the bend is always high flood level of the river,
wide and non- uniform deep on the upstream of the weir (or the bridge in
concave bank and shallow on the case of non- erodible soil) or barrage
convex. While the transition reaches as a result of its construction. This
connecting two adjacent bends are rise in water level is maximum just
narrower and uniform in depth. near the site of constriction and
Bridges should therefore, preferably reduces as we go away from it,
be built in these transition reaches upstream. The afflux extends for a
rather than on the bends. long distance on the upstream side as
shown in figure below:
Further in case of bridges, the river
bed at the proposed bridge site
should consist of deep strata of
erodible land, so that after
construction the river may be able to
deepen the bed to gain an adequate
waterway. If the bed consists of stiff
clay etc the constriction can be done
only after due allowance is made for Figure: Afflux formation at
afflux, which may make it costlier. constriction
The amount of afflux, in case of
In case of weirs and barrages, the weirs or barrages founded on alluvial
usual practice is to construct the weir soils, is generally limited to 1 to 1.2
or the barrage, outside the main river m. or more commonly as 1.0 m in
channel in a minor creek which is steep reaches of the river with
dry in winter, and then to divert the boulder or rocky bed and in flashy
main river channel through it. At the river a higher value of flux has to be
weir site, the river width is taken. The bed erosion and afflux are
constricted. interlinked. In case a bridge is found
The meandering river upstream has on a river in which full bed scour
therefore, to be trained to flow develops before high floods a
between the two abutments of the negligible value of afflux may be
weir, without causing any damage. taken while in boulder beds and
flashy rivers , the time for bed scour

6 AWTI Abel T.

may not be adequate causing very after the construction of the weir and
high afflux. The amount of afflux above formula is not strictly
governs the top levels of the guide applicable. Most of the existing
banks as wells as that of the marginal weirs and bridges have been
buds. The distance to which the provided with a clear waterway from
afflux appreciable extends on the 10% to 50% more than that given by
upstream side governs the length and Lacey’s Regime perimeter.
sections of the marginal bunds.
(II) Shape of guide banks in plan:
 The Waterway and the As stated earlier, the guide banks are
Discharge per meter run generally provided in pairs,
The waterway is the actual width symmetrical in plan and may either
from which the water has to flow be kept parallel or may diverge
after river is constricted. Since this slightly upstream of the works. The
width is reduced at the works –site, diverging guide banks may be
the depth of water and hence, the favored on the ground that they
HFL will go up. The rise in this HFL cover larger with of the khadirs and
is nothing but afflux. The limit exert an attracting influence on the
placed on afflux automatically flow. But they are not recommended
placed a limit on the constriction or mainly because for equal bank
on the waterway, since the two are lengths they provide relatively less
interdependent. In addition to high protection to the approach
afflux, the insufficient water away embankment under the worst
will cause excessive velocities, possible embayment as shown in the
causing dangerously deep scour figure below.
along the guide banks at the bridge
piers, etc on the other hand too long
a bridge or weir may cause slack
velocities, causing formation of
shoals with consequent non- uniform
flow distribution and an oblique
A likely figure to be adopted for
waterway may be given by Lacey’s
Regime perimeter (P) , given by p =
4.75 Q ; ( because in larger Figure: extent of protection provided by
rivers ,width is approximately equal the straight and divergent guide banks
to its perimeter ) In case of a Moreover, the divergent banks
bridge ,obstruction caused by piers induce oblique flow and tend to from
should be accounted for, and the shoals in the center. However, in a
above equation should be taken to particular case, where the
represent the clear effective approaching flow is oblique it may
waterway . It should be remembered become necessary to provide
that regime conditions are disturbed

7 AWTI Abel T.

divergent banks in order to keep the dimensions of guide banks is shown

flow active in adjacent spans. in figure below.

In a river which is likely to meander

on both sides it is absolutely
essential to make the banks
symmetrical in order to straighten the
current under all possible conditions,
thus, to ensure uniform distribution
of discharge and scour. Symmetrical
and parallel guide banks are, hence,
usually adopted unless the local
condition warrant otherwise.

(III) Length of the guide banks: Figure: Gale’s Recommendation

Spring and Gales have correlated the for guide Banks
length of guide bank with the length
of structure between the abutments (IV) Radius of curved head of the
(L). According to spring, the length guide banks:
of the upstream part of the guide (a) Upstream curved portion: The
bank should be equal to 1.1 L or upstream curved portion of a guide
even longer if required to obviate the bank is called the impregnable head.
possibility of the river curving at the The radius of curvature of the
back and cutting into approach bank. impregnable head should be
The length of the guide bank on the sufficient enough so as not to cause
downstream side should be between intense eddies due to the curved flow
0. 1 L to 0.2 L near it Greater the radius, flatter the
According to Gales, the upstream curve, and lesser is the probability of
length of the guide bank is 1.25 L for formation of eddies. For same river
flow discharges up to 20,000 comics, slope, coarser the bed material,
and 1.5 L for flood discharges more shorter can be the radius depending
than 20,000 cumecs. The length of on the expected velocity. A safe
the guide bank on the downstream value for the radius (R) may be taken
side should be taken equal to 0.25 L. equal to
A convergence of 1 in 20 in the R= 0.45 L.
former case and 1 in 40 in the letter However, Spring suggested a value
case also been suggested by him . of R equal to 180 to 250 meters for
His recommendations are based on rivers having velocities between 2.4
assumptions that the structure is to 3.1 m/sec, respectively.
constructed well within the khadirs Gales, on the other hand suggested a
and is provided with two training value of R= 250 meters for rivers
buds. Based on Gales having high flood discharge between
recommendation, the general layout 7,000 to 20, 000 cumecs (with
sharper curves permissible for

8 AWTI Abel T.

discharges less than 7,000 cumecs) may very from 1.5. H.: 1V to 2.5 H
and a value of R = 580meters for V, (but generally kept as 2 H: 1 V),
discharges varying from 40,000 to depending on the construction
70,000 cumecs . For intermediate materials and the height of the bund
discharges i.e. between 20,000 A freeboard of 1.2 to 1.5 m is
40,000 cumecs, the value of R may generally provided.
be obtained by interpolation. (VI) Slope pitching: The sloping
The upstream curve is extended to water side of the entire guide bund
subtend an angle of 1200 to 140 at its as well as the sloping rear side of
center, as shown in figure below. the curved portions are pitched with
one man stone ( i.e. a stone which
can be lifted by one person-
weighing 40 to 50 kg) or concrete
blocks. The pitching should extend
up to 1 m, higher then HFL. The
rear side of the shank portion is not
pitched, but is generally coated with
0.3 to 0.6 earths for encouraging
vegetation growth, so as to make it
resistant against rain, wind etc.
(b) Downstream curved portion. On The thickness of the
the downstream, the river fans out so pitching on the river side may be
as to attain its normal width. The calculated by the formula
downstream portion of the guide t = 0.006 Q1/3
bank ensures the safety of approach Where, t is the thickness of stone
embankments and prevents the river pitching in meters Q is the discharge
from attacking them. This purpose in cumecs.
can be well served by providing The thickness of pitching should be
short guide bund with sharp curved 25% more at the impregnable head
head. A radius equal to half the than for the rest of the bund.
radius at the upstream side may be (VII) Launching apron: Whenever a
provided, as shown in the above sloping face is protected by stone
figure. pitching against scour the pitching is
extended beyond the toe on the bed,
(V) The shank portion and section called Launching apron.
of bund: The straight portion of the If no such protection is provided
guide bund BC is called the shank scour will occur at the toe with
portion. The guide banks should consequent under –mining and
have a minimum top with of 4 collapse of the stone pitching. In
meters so as to provide sufficient order to obviate such a danger to the
carriage-way. Extra width may, slope, the pitching is extended on the
however be provided for storing horizontal river bed portion, which
pitching materials, etc side slope

9 AWTI Abel T.

falls down in to the scoured portion which they are extended by

as soon as the scour occurs. deflecting the current a way from
the bank. As the water is unable to
take a sharp embayment the bank
gets protected for certain distance
upstream and downstream of the
groyne is subjected to tremendous
action of water and has to be
heavily protected by pitching etc.
The action of eddies reduces from
the head towards the bank and
therefore, the thickness of slope
pitching and apron can be reduced

Figure: Launching apron details. Types of alignment: The groynes

may be built either perpendicular
The launching apron is generally laid to the bank line or they may be
in a width equal to 1.5 times the inclined upstream or downstream,
depth of scour (d) below the original as shown in figure.
bed. The total scour below HFL is
taken as xR, where R is the Lacey
normal scoured depth given by

1/ 3
R = 0.47 
 f 
 where Q is the
 
discharge and f is silt factor and
values of x are tabulated for
different places in Table.

3. Spurs of Groynes Figure: Groynes

3. Spurs or Groynes A groyne pointing upstream [Fig.
Groynes are the embankment type (b)] has the property of repelling
structure constructed transverse to the flow away from it and scour
the river flow, extending from the holes caused by the formation of
bank in to the river. That is why vertical eddies are developed away
they may also be called Transverse from the bank and near the head of
Dykes. They are constructed in the groyne such groynes are called
order to protect the bank from repelling groynes.
10 AWTI Abel T.

pocket is formed where the

On the other hand a groyne pointing suspended sediment carried by
downstream [Fig (C) has the the river gets deposited. The head
property of attracting the flow of such a groyne however causes
towards it and is called an severe disturbance in the flow at
attracting groyne. its nose where heavy scour take
places. Due to this heavy attack
In an attracting groyne, scour holes of swirling river current at the
are developed nearer the bank as head, a repelling groyne needs
compared to those in a repelling heavy protection at and near its
groyne. Since such attracting head in the form of heavy stone
groynes bring the water current as pitching and apron laid by
well as scour holes nearer the bank placing stones filled in wire
and make it more susceptible to crates in and around the earthen
damage, they are generally not groyne.
Length of the groynes: The lengths
The groynes are therefore of the groynes depend upon the
generally aligned either position of the existing bank line
perpendicular to the bank or and the designed or expected bank
pointing upstream the line for trained river. Too long
perpendicular alignment is groynes on easily erodible rivers are
generally used on convex banks susceptible to damage and failure.
and the upstream pointing is In such cased the best results can be
generally used on concave banks. obtained by starting with a shorter
When the length of an upstream length and to extend the groynes
pointing groyne is small such that gradually, as silting between them
it changes on the direction of proceeds. However, no general rule
flow without repelling it is called can be formulated for fixing the
a deflecting groyne instead length of the groynes. It depends
calling it a repelling groyne. mainly upon the exigencies arising
in specific case. For example, if the
The repelling groynes are entire river course is required to be
generally found to serve the changed repelling it towards the
desired result, provided they are opposite bank by means of a single
properly located with due regard groyne, the groyne must necessarily
to their positioning in relation to be sufficiently long. Erosion of the
the meander length. It is opposite bank caused by this shift
desirable to test their water should be anticipated and
performance in hydraulic models allowed for whenever necessary.
before constructing them in
actual field. Spacing of the groynes: As each
On the upstream side of a groynes can protect a certain length,
repelling groyne, a still water the primary factor governing the

11 AWTI Abel T.

spacing between two adjacent groynes may be rock fill

groynes, is their length. The spacing embankments or earthen
is therefore, taken as a certain embankments, armoured with
proportion of their length. Apart stone pitching, concrete
from the length spacing may be blocks, etc, The head of
governed by the following factors: groynes needs special
protection and is generally
(a) Type of bank where the provided with a launching
groyne is to be located. Larger apron in addition to the
spacing is required locating increased pitching, as shown
groynes on convex banks, and a in figure below. These
smaller one for concave banks groynes are called
with intermediate values at the impermeable groynes
crossings. A spacing of 2 .5 times because they do not allow
the length of the groyne is any significant flow through
generally adopted at convex them.
banks, while a spacing equal to
the length of the groyne is mostly
adopted for concave banks.

(b) The width of river. For rivers

of equal flood discharges, a
larger spacing is preferred for
wider rivers than for narrower

(C)Type of groyne. A higher Figure: Impermeable Groyne Section

value of spacing may be used for
permeable groynes as compared Their design is the same as
to that required for impermeable that for the guide bund with
groynes. an apron. Commonly adopted
dimensions of the groyne
embankment are:
Freeboard =1m
Types of groynes: Based upon their Top with = 3m
material of construction, the groynes Side slopes =2:1
may be divided in to two types, Head = square and having a
namely: slope of 5:1
(i) Impermeable groynes Apron = as per standard
(ii) Permeable groynes. design requirement
(i) Impermeable groynes.
Impermeable groynes are also (ii) Permeable groynes:
called as solid groynes or Permeable groynes do permit
embankment groynes. These restricted flow through them. The
12 AWTI Abel T.

groynes are more or less Balli spurs are being successfully

temporary structures and are used these days on many rivers in
susceptible to damage by floating plains, and are becoming popular.
debris, etc. The common
materials used as permeable
groynes, are T-shaped groyne: Denehey’s T-
shaped groyne is a special type of
(a) Trees used as groyne developed in India. it is an
groynes, called ordinary groyne provided with an
Tree spur. extra cross groyne at the head giving
(b) Timber stakes or it a T-shape. The cross groyne
wooden piles protects the main groyne on the same
called Balli spurs. principles as the main groyne saves
(c) Stone filled in the bank.The longer arm (ab) of the
balli crates. T is provided on the upstream, and
(d) Stone filled in the shorter one (bc) on the
wire crates. downstream, see figure:

Permeable groynes simply obstruct

the flow, reducing its velocity and
causing silt deposition. They are,
therefore, best suited for rivers
carrying huge sediment load in
suspension. In comparatively clear These groynes are usually spaced at
rivers, they reduce the erosive about 800 meters apart.
strength of the current and thus, Hockey-shaped groynes: These
prevent local bank erosion. groynes are shaped like a hockey
Permeable spurs do not change the stick at their lower end as shown in
flow abruptly as is done by figure.
impermeable spurs, and intense and
serious eddies and scour holes are
not developed. They are cheaper and
perhaps the best for silt laden rivers.
When the groyne is to be submerged,
then permeable groynes give much These groynes exert an attracting
better results, because they do not type of flow and hence are not useful
generate so strong turbulence as is for bank protection for repelling the
generated by submerged- current away from it.
impermeable groynes, making them Concluding remarks on groynes:
susceptible to be washed away due to In the end, it may be repeated that
over-topping. the groynes should be constructed
after model studies. Their design is
not much amenable to theoretical
investigation and has to be checked

13 AWTI Abel T.

and tested with model studies.

Whereas, a series of groynes may be
useful for general deflection of the
river, a single groyne placed suitable
may best serve the purpose of
controlling a river at a certain works-

14 AWTI Abel T.

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