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Leighton Cochran, PhD CPEng1


In the opening decades of wind engineering

research and application the typical focus was
on the glamorous, highrise structure. These
expensive projects could typically afford the
high cost of a wind-tunnel study. As the
relative cost of these studies has decreased
over the last forty years, more conventional
architecture has found its way into the wind
tunnel. However, it is still quite rare for a
single-family dwelling to be studied, and when
it does happen it is usually not just a typical
home – rather it is an expensive architectural
edifice. Sadly, the arrival of a major wind Figure 1: Worldwide insured wind losses [after
event, such as a cyclone or hurricane, Walker, 2003a and 2003b]
inevitably results in far more wind damage
and consequent financial loss to non-
engineered lowrise homes and industrial
buildings [FEMA, 1986 and 1992; Fujita,
1993]. In many countries these dwelling losses
are not insured and so the social trauma is
compounded even further. However, the
insured losses from a variety of disaster
mechanisms can be indicative of the
importance of wind to the built environment.
Figure 1 comes from Dr. George Walker, of
AON Insurance, and it shows that well over
half of all insured losses are wind related. This
illustrates a worldwide need for better design
for the natural wind.

The Past

The early grasp of wind motion and its

consequences was steeped in mythology,
which contained very little accurate
observation. One of the earliest gods of wind
dates back five thousand years to the Assyro- Figure 2: Air scoops in Hyderabad [after
Babylonian culture and was referred to as Aynsley Melbourne and Vickery, 1977].

Cermak Peterka Petersen Inc., 1415 Blue Spruce Drive, Fort Collins, Colorado 80524 USA.
Phone: [970] 221 3371, Fax: [970] 221 3124, Email: lcochran@cppwind.com
Enlil [Melaragno, 1982]. Since winds were often associated with the souls of the dead, human
sacrifices were occasionally offered to calm the violent storm winds.

A practical use of the wind was achieved in some of the early Egyptian cities. The prevailing
winds influenced the layout of the city of Kahun (circa 2000 BC). The orientation of dwellings to
the cooler north winds favoured those with power and wealth in that society [Aynsley Vickery
and Melbourne, 1977]. More recently in Hyderabad, India, the houses are designed with tall
airshafts and modified air scoops on the roof that draw the breeze from above the city down into
the homes (Figure 2).

The Greek philosophers, Aristotle and Theophrastus [Cermak, 1975] in the third century B.C.,
contributed their ideas to the cause of weather and its prediction. Aristotle's treatise,
"Meteorologica", had little basis in physics but was very imaginative and, as Melaragno [1982]
notes, "it lasted undisputed through to the sixteenth century". However, it was not until Leonardo
da Vinci (1425-1519) produced, by quantitative observation and deduction, a genuine
appreciation of the phenomena that any real progress was made. He grasped the concept of
conservation of mass for an incompressible fluid and developed some early sketches of a variety
of flying/gliding machines.

Further developments in the physics behind atmospheric motion became possible, as the
instrumentation was invented to record the atmosphere's properties and characteristics. By the
1640s Galileo had invented the thermometer and Torricelli the barometer. These apparatus
allowed works, such as Sir Francis Bacon's "Historia Ventorum", to challenge Aristotle's

No real attempt to quantify the motion and properties of fluids was possible until Sir Isaac
Newton had developed the concepts of mechanics. For example, he correctly observed that the
resistive force on an object in a fluid is proportional to the square of the velocity of the fluid
passing it. This result is of particular use for bluff bodies at modest to high Reynolds number. The
analysis of continuum mechanics was developed by a mixture of mathematicians and
hydraulicians such as Bernoulli, Euler, d'Alembert, Navier, Stokes, Cauchy, Poisson, Reynolds
and Joukowski to mention a few (see Table 1). The most general formulation of the equations of
motion is attributed to the French mathematician, Claude Louis Marie Henri Navier, and the
British physicist, Sir George Gabriel Stokes. Analytical solutions to these equations are limited to
simple geometries and well-defined fluid properties. Examples of these flows may be found in
many fluid dynamics texts [Yih, 1988; Karamcheti, 1980]. Since, for most engineering
applications, the ideal fluid solution was analytically unobtainable or apparently in conflict with
common sense (d’Alembert’s paradox below) many designers had to resort to physical testing.
One case in point is the design and construction of the Parisian Eiffel Tower, which subsequently
resulted in considerable atmospheric science and aeronautical research. Eiffel's experiments in
bluff body aerodynamics and his wind load design assumptions for the Paris Exposition Tower
were amongst the earliest attempts to understand static wind loading.

At about the same, time Ludwig Prandtl presented his famous paper, "Uber Flussigkeitsbewegung
bei sehr kleiner Reibung", at the 1904 meeting of the International Mathematical Congress in
Heidelberg. An apparent impasse existed between the theoretical, newly termed field of "fluid
mechanics" and the empirical results of hydraulics. The most dramatic example of the
inconsistency between theory and practice is referred to as d'Alembert's paradox. The apparent
lack of drag predicted by the mathematical analysis of irrotational flow around a body was at
odds with practical experience. Prandtl's proposal to consider two adjacent, asymptotic regions of
a fluid acting around a body resulted in reconciliation between observation and the equations of
motion. One of his most famous students was Theodore von Kármán, who initially studied solid
mechanics, before moving on to make great contributions to the field of aerodynamics [von
Kármán, 1967]. Prandtl constructed a small wind tunnel in 1908 at Gottingen, and so the concept
of aerodynamic model testing was put on a more scientific footing. Prior to this some bluff body
building studies had been attempted in primitive wind tunnels by Kernot [1893], Irminger [1894]
and Eiffel, as noted above.

The viscous components in the equations of motion were assumed to be significant in a thin
region of flow at a close proximity to the surface over which the fluid moved. This allowed for a
non-slip condition at the surface with progressively increasing velocities as one moves from the
surface into the free stream flow. The region was described by the term, "boundary layer", and its
asymptotic nature required some definition of extent. One that is commonly in use is the distance
from the surface at which the velocity assumes ninety-nine percent of the free stream flow
[Schlichting, 1978]. Outside this boundary layer it was proposed that the classical inviscid
solutions could be applied.

However, the application of wind-tunnel

testing to ground based structures took five
more decades to become a useful
engineering tool. In fact, the term "Wind
Engineering" was not coined until the early
1970s at the first United States National
Conference on Wind Engineering Research.
Prior to this development the field was a
subset of the larger topic of "Industrial
Aerodynamics" [Scruton, 1960; Cermak and
Peterka, 1978]. Initially studies were
performed in a uniform flow, which
produced spurious results. Probably the most
quoted example is a paper by Bailey [1935].
By the 1950s atmospheric studies of the
Earth's turbulent boundary layer had led to a
greater understanding of its complexity and
the establishment of a better set of modeling
criteria. Cermak [1958] demonstrated the
criteria for Reynolds number independence
when modeling an atmospheric boundary
layer flow at a reduced scale. The
application of statistical concepts, developed
by Davenport [1961], was an essential Figure 3: Testing the World Trade Center
contribution to physical modeling in wind Towers in 1964 in a boundary-layer wind
engineering. Building studies were tunnel at CSU. The people are (left to right):
performed frequently by the late 1960s, and A.G. Davenport, M. Yamasaki, M. Levy, J.
the theoretical justification for such work is Skilling, J.E. Cermak and L.E. Robertson
contained in papers by Cermak [1971 and (Colorado State University archives).
1981]. In brief, it had been observed that the
Reynolds number drag dependence for bluff, sharp edged bodies (and the boundary layer itself)
was small when performed above a critical Reynolds number. Thus, a major similarity
requirement could be waived and the test results would still be of value. The insensitive nature of
load coefficients to Reynolds number meant that boundary-layer, wind-tunnel modeling was
viable at moderate wind speeds.
Concurrent studies into the effects of turbulence and how to measure it had been progressing
from as early as Schubauer and Dryden [1935] to more recent work by Van der Hoven [1957] and
Monin and Obukhov [1954]. The turbulent spectrum of the natural wind led to a growth of
modeling from static building studies to dynamic investigations. The description of the energy
content of the wind via the turbulence spectrum by Davenport [1965] was an essential concept
that pushed Wind Engineering from static to dynamic studies. During the 1940s and 1950s
dynamic wind-tunnel studies were generally limited to flexible, long-span bridge structures.
Table 1: Some Key Events in Wind Engineering
Year Researcher Event
1643 Torricelli Invents barometer
1687 Newton Defines viscosity, laws of motion, calculus, Principia
1738 Bernoulli Defines conservation of energy in fluids, Hydrodynamica
1755 Euler Form inviscid equations of fluid motion
1806 Beaufort Defines wind-speed in term of visible effects
1836 Collapse of Brighton Chain Pier by oscillatory motion
1845 Stokes Formulates Navier-Stokes equations of fluid motion
1846 Robinson Invents cup anemometer
1879 Collapse of the Tay Bridge in Scotland
1883 Reynolds Dimensionless parameter that indicates onset of turbulence
1888 Dines Invents pressure tube anemometer
1904 Prandtl Develops the boundary-layer concept
1912 von Kármán Identifies vortex shedding in wakes
1914 King Defines equation for cooling of hot cylinders
1928 Fisher & Tippet Develop theory of extreme values
1934 Highest measured gust at Mt. Washington (370 km/h)
1935 Taylor Develops statistical theory of turbulence
1940 Rathbun Collected full-scale deflections on the Empire State Building
1940 Collapse of Tacoma Narrows Bridge by oscillatory motion
1954 Cermak Builds first large boundary-layer wind tunnel
1954 Jensen Formulates model scaling laws
1957 Van der Hoven Compiles wide frequency range spectrum of the wind
1958 Cermak Reynolds number independence in modeling boundary layer
1961 Davenport Develops statistical concepts to wind loadings
1963 1st International Conference on Wind Effects on Buildings
1964 Cermak & Davenport First major building study in a boundary-layer wind tunnel –
The World Trade Center Twin Towers in New York City
1965 Collapse of three cooling towers at Ferrybridge
1970 Term “Wind Engineering” coined
1974 Eaton & Mayne Aylesbury House study in Britain
1976 Deaves & Harris Develop mathematical model for strong winds
1979 Melbourne Shows importance of turbulence in bluff-body aerodynamics
1986 Amarube Tekkyo rail bridge disaster in Japan
1984 Holmes Defines wind-tunnel pressure tubing response characteristics
1987 Mehta Texas Tech University Experimental Building is built
1988 Robertson & Glass Silsoe Structures Building is built
1992 Murakami 1st Computational Wind Engineering Symposium, Tokyo
Sources: Aynsley Vickery and Melbourne [1977], Britannica [1968], Cermak [1975], Melbourne [1979],
Cochran [1992], Cook [1985], Holmes [1984], McWhirter [1986], Takagi [1992] and Timoshenko [1953]
This was particularly true after the dramatic failure of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. It is worth
noting that this mechanism of torsional failure was not a new phenomenon (see Table 1). The
transition from dynamic bridge to dynamic building studies was principally motivated by the
decision to build the twin towers of the World Trade Center (Figure 3) in New York [Davenport,
1988; Cochran, 2002].

Instrumental in the development of dynamic studies was the ability to observe the passing
turbulence structure using hot-wire anemometry. The initial heat transfer analysis was performed
by King [1914], but the technique was seriously limited by practical electronic considerations for
two more decades [Dryden and Kuethe, 1920]. The work of Schubauer and Klebanoff [1946]
showed that the high frequency response possible with better electronics was of practical value. A
brief discussion of this topic is given by Hinze [1975], Bradshaw [1971] and a far more detailed
synopsis by Sandborn [1972 and 1981].

Wind Loads on Lowrise Buildings

Since lowrise structures frequently

equate with being low-cost structures
most designers simply accept the
pressure coefficients presented in the
relevant code of practice. However,
the recent trend in the use of fabric
structures or other unconventional
lowrise design (Figure 4) has resulted
in unusually shaped lowrise buildings,
of modest or substantial value, being
tested more commonly in boundary-
layer wind tunnels. Thus, there is some
additional motivation to be able to
model the atmospheric, surface-layer Figure 4: The Denver Art Museum is a non-typical
flows beyond the simple improvement shape, and applying a code procedure is inadvisable
of the currently available code data for (after CPP Inc.).
quasi-rectangular structures.

In an effort to improve the codified pressure data for lowrise structures and, of course, to confirm
the commonly used wind-tunnel procedure, the Aylesbury House Experiment was undertaken in
Great Britain. Eaton and Mayne [1975] describe an extensive full-scale experiment on several
two-storey homes in Aylesbury, 65 km northwest of London, England. The principal contribution
to wind engineering that came from this project was an experimental building with a variable
pitch roof. Most of the pressure data were collected on this building and some on three downwind
dwellings. Subsequently many laboratories around the world have tested models of the
Aylesbury House [Holmes, 1982b]. The Aylesbury experimental building was built upwind
(relative to the prevailing winds) of a suburban area, and so had an open exposure for frequent,
strong winds. The reported Aylesbury House range of zo varied from 50 to 150 mm. In this way
the data from the exposed experimental building could be compared with that collected in the
complex environment of the downwind housing estate. The reference pressure was taken from a
common in-ground pit located between the isolated house and the estate downwind. The site of a
reference pit and its design are frequently problems associated with full-scale measurements
[Levitan, 1992] and the Aylesbury house was no exception. Eaton and Mayne believe that there
was a slight under-reading of the actual ambient pressure by the pit design that was used; about
8% of the 10 m stagnation pressure.

Holmes [1982b] discusses some of the full-scale results from the Aylesbury building and the
subsequent international model study. The full-scale turbulence intensity at eaves height ranged
between 22% and 27% for the southwest to south wind and he is of the view that turbulence
intensity is an "important parameter to be scaled correctly in the wind tunnel test", while the
longitudinal integral length scale similarity "does not seem to be a parameter of the greatest
importance". A summary of the international comparative study of the 1:100 model of the
Aylesbury House is given by Sill and Cook [1989].

A full-scale study performed on residential homes at the Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana
is reported by Marshall [1975], as well as a second study on full-scale mobile homes [Marshall,
1977]. In the former, the mean data were in reasonable agreement between the model and full
scale, although some correction was required for the siting of the static pressure source. However,
the serious mismatch of turbulence intensity resulted in peak pressure coefficients that were
consistently deficient in the model studies. The full-scale turbulence intensities ranged from 27 to
38%, while the wind-tunnel flows varied from 6 to 31%. Marshall [1975] writes,

"The consistently low fluctuating pressure coefficients obtained from the wind tunnel
model are attributed to improper simulation of the lower portion of the atmospheric
boundary layer"

Reardon and Holmes [1981] give a synopsis of their research on low-rise structures performed at
James Cook University (JCU). The authors discuss trends noted in the JCU boundary-layer wind
tunnel in a variety of flows and model geometries. Some of their pressure related conclusions

(i) For flows perpendicular to a wall, a more turbulent environment resulted in closer
reattachment, more free streamline curvature and lower pressure, and

(ii) For quartering flows the action of the vortices was enhanced by roof overhangs.

At the same institution [Reardon, 1997] fatigue failure on industrial and residential lowrise
buildings noted during the slow passage of Cyclone Tracy over Darwin in 1974 resulted in
research in the area of metal cladding fastener failure with repeated, cyclic, gust loading
[Mahendran, 1990]. Of particular relevance to the design of lowrise buildings in cyclone areas is
the commentary by Reardon and Holmes [1981] on the siting of the extreme roof suctions.

"The worst mean roof suctions, independent of direction, occur along the edges near the
windward corner, but not at the corner itself"

This foreshadowed detailed research and observation on roof corner vortices at the Texas Tech
University (TTU) Building in Lubbock during the early 1990s. However, before that project was
built some key full-scale research was performed on the Silsoe Structure Building in England.

The Silsoe Structure Building is described by Robertson and Glass [1988] and Richardson
Robertson Hoxey and Surry [1989]. It was a portal framed, low-rise structure that featured two
types of eave cladding detail. The approaching wind has a clear open country fetch (except for
some hedge windbreaks) from the southwest to the northeast in a clockwise arc. The Silsoe zo
varied from 10 mm to 43 mm over the duration of the project. The longitudinal turbulence
intensity at 10 m elevation was in the range 20 to 23% and the transverse turbulence intensity
ranged from 17 to 18%.

The wind-tunnel studies of the Silsoe Structure Building, performed by the Building Research
Establishment (BRE), were taken with a sample rate of 200 Hz and the total number of samples
taken per run was 16000. The models were then retested at the University of Western Ontario
(UWO) at a higher sampling rate (500 Hz) and with more data points (30000). The mean data
taken on the full-scale Silsoe Structure Building fell in between that measured at BRE
(underestimated by 30%) and UWO (overestimated by as much as 50%) for some locations on
the roof in the rougher approach flow. It should be noted that the shape of the pressure plots was
all very similar; the data were simply displaced (Richardson Robertson Hoxey and Surry, 1989).
The Silsoe positive pressure coefficients on the windward wall had generally good agreement
between all investigators. The data published were only for a centreline row of taps across the
building with the wind impinging on the long side. No azimuth dependencies were shown. More
recently the two laboratories revisited the model and full-scale data, including directional
dependency, in a paper by Richardson Hoxey Robertson and Short [1997] where they show better
agreement between the three mean pressure coefficient data sources.

Surry [1989] reported on wind

tunnel studies of the TTU Building
performed at the University of
Western Ontario prior to any full-
scale data being available, and
Okada and Ha [1991] presented data
collected at the Building Research
Institute in Japan.

The study by Okada gave good

mean pressure coefficient agreement
with the full scale, but the
magnitudes of the peak and rms data
were significantly less than were
reported at TTU in Lubbock. The
data were reported for normal flow
orientations only. Okada attributes
the mismatch in peak and rms data
to a combination of two modeling
limitations. His turbulence intensity
was only 75% of that recorded in
the field and, as noted above, this is
an important parameter for peak
pressure measurements in the wind
tunnel. In addition, the long tubing
system and Scanivalve used to
collect the data required a low-pass
filtering at 50 Hz. When combined
with a modest sample rate of 100 Figure 5: Pressure coefficient standard deviations,
Hz, the collection of reduced peak under the corner vortices, in the full-scale are
substantially larger than in the wind tunnel. Reynolds
and standard deviation pressure
Number influence is apparent with vortices in the wind
coefficients would be expected tunnel [Cochran, 1992].
[Rofail and Kwok, 1991].
The data reported by Surry [1989] were collected "in advance of the full-scale data" so as to
"partly provide an 'unbiased' set of pressures for comparison". Surry's motivation for this
procedure was to avoid the subtle, but real, observation that "model experiments are often a
matching process, where wind-tunnel simulations are varied until reasonable agreement is
obtained, rather than being truly independent simulations". The 1:100 model tested at UWO was
exposed to two flow regimes. The flow designated "exposure #2" most closely matched that seen
at the TTU field site and the free-stream flow velocity used in the tunnel was 14 m/s. The tubing
system was of modest length (610 mm) and included a Scanivalve. Consequently low-pass
filtering at 100 Hz was employed. At a relatively high sample rate of 500 Hz this tubing system
was adequate to capture all the peak pressure coefficient data available in the wind tunnel flow. In
fact, a tubing system with an improved frequency response did not alter the peaks greatly [Surry,
1991]. All the pressure data (mean and peak) from the 90o flow case of Surry's study are in good
agreement with the TTU full-scale data. However, the data presented for the "near 60o" flow
direction show significant disagreement over the centreline taps. The peak suctions on the model
were about 40% less than the values at full scale. This was an early indication of the mismatch of
peak pressure coefficients that occurs when the dominant flow mechanism is the roof corner

Cochran [1992] and Cochran and Cermak [1992]

showed the peak pressure coefficient mismatch,
under the roof corner vortices, between the small-
scale wind-tunnel study of the TTU Building and
the prototype, and also explored a variety of
possible explanations. Figure 5 shows the much
larger variation in the standard deviation pressure
coefficient (sometime erroneously called an rms
pressure coefficient) under the full scale than on
the wind-tunnel model. By using an area-
averaging “super pressure tap” on the prototype
building, Cochran Levitan Cermak and Yeatts
[1993] demonstrated that the pressure coefficient
recorded was influenced by the size of the tap on
the model or full-scale building – particularly Figure 6: Roof corner vortices produce
when the flow phenomenon is comparable in size large peak uplift pressures (after CPP
to the pressure tap. It seemed most likely that the Inc.)
local Reynolds Number mismatch at the point of
vortex origin results in relatively weaker vortices on the model than in the full scale. The impact
of approach turbulence is also an important parameter and it was explored by Li and Melbourne
[1996]. A better matching of peak negative pressure coefficients may also be achieved with larger
model scales (e.g., 1:10 of the TTU building) in the wind tunnel, as demonstrated by Cheung
Holmes Melbourne Lakshmanan and Bowditch [1997]. The corner vortex mismatch mechanism
has had no real impact on the general wind-tunnel testing of buildings for cladding pressures,
since the glass pane or piece of roof sheeting that is being designed near the building corner (wall
or roof vortices) is much larger than the relative pressure tap size. Thus, as a result of full-scale
area averaging the wind tunnel yields the right design pressures for the wrong reasons. This
observation is supported by noting that the extreme event pressure failure, on buildings that have
been wind-tunnel tested, is very rare.

Over the last decade, the extensive work done on the TTU Building in Lubbock has allowed a
better understanding of the importance of internal pressures on the net pressure to be resisted by
the cladding material. Investigators have experimented with internal pressures generated by
façade leakage [Womble Cermak and Mehta, 1997] and by catastrophic glazing failure [Yeatts
and Mehta, 1993]. Interest in the integrity of the building envelope has also resulted in a surge of
practical research at Clemson University on a variety of hurricane related problems [Sutt
Reinhold and Judge, 2000].

More detailed and varied reviews of lowrise wind-engineering research may be found
Stathopoulos [1984], Holmes [1993 and 2001], Krishna [1995], Kasperski [1996], Stathopoulos
Kumar and Mohammadiam [1996] and Uematsu and Isyumov [1999].

Wind Load Reduction Via Architectural Features

Research into wind loads and cladding

pressures on lowrise buildings has spawned
some novel geometries and protrusions to be
designed and tested in order reduce the peak
uplift pressures by altering the separated
streamlines or destroying the roof corner
vortices via porous fences and leading-edge
spoilers. Work by Wu Sarkar and Mehta
[2001] and Wu Sarkar Mehta and Zhao [2001]
explored the corner vortex in the full scale,
while Cochran Cermak and English [1995]
(Figure 7) and Surry and Lin [1995] show
methods for breaking up the roof vortices
using various designs of porous screens,
porous parapets and roof-edge circular Figure 7: A porous screen at the roof corner
cylinders. Banks Sarkar Wu and Meroney of the TTU Building dramatically reduces
[2001] study the vortices in the wind tunnel in the peak uplift pressure coefficients by
considerable detail and investigate some destroying the vortices.
ingenious and visually subtle spoilers (US
Patent 6,601,348) along the roof edge to achieve a reduction in peak negative pressures along the
roof leading edge. A better understanding of the loading mechanism of the cladding components
can lead to a better roof design. For example, a common roofing material in North America, the
asphalt shingle with the overlapping tabs used to keep rain and snow out of the building, does not
form a locally airtight membrane that must resist the entire peak pressure dictated by a wind code
calculation. In fact, wind-tunnel and full-scale studies have shown that there is a high degree of
peak pressure equilibration between the top and bottom surface of each shingle tab (Peterka
Cermak Cochran Cochran Hosoya Derickson Harper Jones and Metz, 1997). Thus, shingle roof
design has been improved with knowledge about the mechanism loading the roof elements
themselves. The same is true of loosely placed concrete pavers on a horizontal roof (Bienkiewicz
and Sun, 1992), and may be true of clay and terracotta tiles which, it is believed, have been
studied in England.

Some researchers have suggested a holistic building shape approach to minimize wind loads on
the whole building. Cook [1990] suggests a brick home with perimeter wall, roof and balcony
alignments designed to provide the wind with a path of least resistance in order to minimize
design loads. Leicester and Reardon [1976] show an experimental home designed with wind as
the dominant consideration that failed during Cyclone Tracy in Darwin because of inadequate
component fasteners. The shape may have been a good idea, but the lack of attention to detail
failed the whole system – a powerful example of Davenport’s chain and link metaphor.
Knowledge Gaps and Special Cases in Design Wind Loads

Much of the full-scale, wind-loading data collected to date has been in an open-country
environment. However, the vast majority of lowrise buildings are in amongst their peers, not
isolated out in a field. Thus, the study of full-scale buildings within a suburban environment
would be an obvious future direction. Some researchers have touched upon the topic of lowrise
building shielding by similar sized neighbours, and the impact of being at the field edge
compared to a surrounded location [Kasperski Niemann and Goliger, 1999]. The impact of a field
of similar structures surrounding a subject structure was the topic of extensive studies in the
1980s for the fledgling solar power industry [Hosoya, 1983; Peterka and Derickson, 1992]. This
resulted in a way of describing the design loads in terms of a Generalized Blockage Area (GBA)
within the field of similar structures. Isolated, pole-mounted, tracking, concentrator, photovoltaic
solar collectors were studied by Cochran [1986], and when they were mounted on a building the
detailed pressure distributions and interactions were investigated by Kopp Surry and Chen

Letchford [2001] provides a useful discussion of wind loads on freestanding signs and hoardings,
while Yaragal Ram and Murthy [1997] discuss the flow regime behind porous and solid fences.
Full-scale, long-wall experiments are ongoing at the Silsoe facility in England [Robertson Hoxey
Short Ferguson and Osmond, 1995].

Lowrise buildings are routinely adversely

impacted by the speed-up effect caused by
terrain, as noted by Davenport [1993]. Some
codes contain a two-dimensional attempt to
account for the increased velocity caused by
hills and escarpments, but they typically fall
short of reality. An extensive wind-tunnel
terrain study of the Pacific Islands of Hawaii
and Guam by Chock Peterka and Cochran
[2002] for NASA showed that wind funneled
up a diminishing valley (Figure 8) will eject
surface peak velocities of about 250% of the
mean gradient approach flow over the ocean
[Chock and Cochran, 2004]. Accelerated Figure 8: North-facing Kauai valleys on the
winds over complex terrain in 1:6000 model yields topographically
hurricane/cyclone areas needs to be better accelerated winds at the inland rim locations
(after CPP Inc.).
understood to aid in post-disaster response,
and well as the obvious initial design of the
lowrise buildings. Derickson and Peterka [2004] have shown that value of combining nested-grid,
continental-spanning, atmospheric computational packages (such as ARPS) with physical
modeling of local complex terrain in the wind tunnel to explore extreme wind event speed-up due
to topography.


Over the last two decades Wind Engineering has increasingly focused on the modest lowrise
structure, since much of the damage and financial loss associated with extreme wind events
happens to these minimally engineered buildings. As some of these model- and full-scale wind
engineering data filters into the design codes and standards, one may expect to see reduced
hurricane/cyclone damage. However, when one combines the more rapid increase in population
along the world’s tropical coasts with a generally unacceptably low standard of new building
construction inspection, it seems quite likely that loss of life, as well as insured and uninsured
property losses will continue to be the norm in the foreseeable future. The wind-engineering
community needs to be more responsible in forcefully transferring our technical knowledge to the
designer and builder. A booklet with the aim of explaining, in simple terms, the wind effects on
structures to the architect, builder and inspector, is going to be published by ASCE in 2005. This
sort of direct information, along with passionate political lobbying, is needed to mitigate the
unacceptable loss of life and financial loss (Figure 1) caused by the extreme wind event.


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Banks, D. and Meroney, R.N, “A Model of Roof-Top Surface Pressures Produced by Conical Vortices:
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Banks, D., Sarkar, P., Wu, F. and Meroney, R.N., “A Device to Mitigate Vortex Induced Rooftop Suction”,
Proceedings of the Ninth Americas Conference on Wind Engineering, Clemson University, 2001.

Bienkiewicz, B. and Sun, Y., “Wind-Tunnel Study of Wind Loading on Loose Laid Roofing Systems,
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Volume 43, pages 1817-1828, 1992.

Bradshaw, P., "An Introduction to Turbulence and its Measurement", The Commonwealth Library of
Science Technology Engineering and Liberal Studies, Pergamon Press, First Edition, 1971.

Britannica Encyclopedia, 1968.

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Keywords (index)
Wind Tunnel, Lowrise Building, Wind Engineering, Hurricane, Cyclone, Insured Losses, Wind Loads,
Architectural Aerodynamics and Wind History.

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