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1 About the Training

Knowledge and skills development is vital to the health of organizations. We live in an
information age today, and organizations are routinely valued not just on their physical but on
their intellectual capital. Training is one of the chief methods of maintaining and improving
intellectual capital, so the quality of an organization‟s training affects its value. Untrained or
poorly trained employees cost significantly more to support than well trained employees do.

Training affects employee retention and is a valuable commodity that, if viewed as an

investment rather than as an expense, can produce high returns. Training is organizational
effort aimed at helping employees to acquire the basic skills required for the efficient
execution for which they are hired.

Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing
particular job. Training is a short-term educational process and utilizing a systematic and
organized procedure by which employees learn technical knowledge and skill for a definite

According to Edwin B.Flippo (1990) “Training is the act of increasing the knowledge
and skills of an employee for doing a particular job.”

According to Michel J.Jucius (1965) “The term training is used here to indicate only
the process by which the aptitudes, skill and ability of employees to perform a specific jobs
are increased.”

Objective of training

The training objectives are formulated in line with the companies‟ goals and objectives.
The major objectives of training may be enumerated as follows:

 To train the employees in companies‟ culture and ethos.

 To prepare the employees both newly recruited and already employed to meet the
present as well as the future requirement of the job and the organization.
 To train the employees in order to improve the work methods and skills so as to
increase quality and quantity of output.
 To reduce supervisors wastage and accident.
 To develop inter personal relations
 To increase the efficiency and effectiveness of employees by updating on latest
concept and techniques.

Methods of Training
Management development is a systematic process of growth and development by which
the managers develop their abilities to manage. It is concerned with not only improving the
performance of managers but also giving them opportunities for growth and development.

There are two methods through which managers can improve their knowledge and skills.
One is through formal training and other is through on the job experiences. On the job training
is very important since real learning takes place only when one practices what they have

But it is also equally important in gaining knowledge through classroom learning.

Learning becomes fruitful only when theory is combined with practice. Therefore on the job
methods can be balanced with classroom training methods (off-the-job methods).

I. On-the-job Training (OJT) Methods:

This is the most common method of training in which a trainee is placed on a specific job and
taught the skills and knowledge necessary to perform it.

The advantages of OJT are as follows:

1. On the job method is a flexible method.

2. It is a less expensive method.

3. The trainee is highly motivated and encouraged to learn.

4. Much arrangement for the training is not required.

On-the-job training methods are as follows:

1. Job rotation:
This training method involves movement of trainee from one job to another gain
knowledge and experience from different job assignments. This method helps the trainee
understand the problems of other employees.

2. Coaching:
Under this method, the trainee is placed under a particular supervisor who functions as
a coach in training and provides feedback to the trainee. Sometimes the trainee may not get an
opportunity to express his ideas.

3. Job instructions:
Also known as step-by-step training in which the trainer explains the way of doing the
jobs to the trainee and in case of mistakes, corrects the trainee.

4. Committee assignments:
A group of trainees are asked to solve a given organizational problem by discussing the
problem. This helps to improve team work.

5. Internship training:
Under this method, instructions through theoretical and practical aspects are provided
to the trainees. Usually, students from the engineering and commerce colleges receive this
type of training for a small stipend.

II. Off-the-job Methods:

On the job training methods have their own limitations, and in order to have the
overall development of employee‟s off-the-job training can also be imparted. The methods of
training which are adopted for the development of employees away from the field of the job
are known as off-the-job methods.

The following are some of the off-the-job techniques:

1. Case study method:
Usually case study deals with any problem confronted by a business which can be
solved by an employee. The trainee is given an opportunity to analyse the case and come out
with all possible solutions. This method can enhance analytic and critical thinking of an

2. Incident method:
Incidents are prepared on the basis of actual situations which happened in different
organizations and each employee in the training group is asked to make decisions as if it is a
real-life situation. Later on, the entire group discusses the incident and takes decisions related
to the incident on the basis of individual and group decisions.

3. Role play:
In this case also a problem situation is simulated asking the employee to assume the
role of a particular person in the situation. The participant interacts with other participants
assuming different roles. The whole play will be recorded and trainee gets an opportunity to
examine their own performance.

4. In-basket method:
The employees are given information about an imaginary company, its activities and
products, HR employed and all data related to the firm. The trainee (employee under training)
has to make notes, delegate tasks and prepare schedules within a specified time. This can
develop situational judgments and quick decision making skills of employees.

5. Business games:
According to this method the trainees are divided into groups and each group has to
discuss about various activities and functions of an imaginary organization. They will discuss
and decide about various subjects like production, promotion, pricing etc. This gives result in
co-operative decision making process.

6. Lectures:
This will be a suitable method when the numbers of trainees are quite large. Lectures
can be very much helpful in explaining the concepts and principles very clearly, and face to
face interaction is very much possible.

7. Simulation:
Under this method an imaginary situation is created and trainees are asked to act on it.
For e.g., assuming the role of a marketing manager solving the marketing problems or
creating a new strategy etc.

8. Conferences:
A meeting of several people to discuss any subject is called conference. Each par-
ticipant contributes by analyzing and discussing various issues related to the topic. Everyone
can express their own view point.

How To Measure The Effectiveness of Employee Training Program:

Training Need Identification
An assessment based upon the competencies aligned with the organization could
suffice the need of managers and give them an idea of:

Why train- Everyone is not perfect. Most employees have some weak points or dark areas in
their work skills, for which they need to be trained. The assessments could tell clearly the
need for training, for they reflect the deficiencies and the competencies which need to be
worked upon.

Who to train- Well, not all employees need to be trained. Neither do all employees need the
same level of training. The assessments generate a full-fledged report of employees, who need

What to train- A person with great product knowledge and bad presentation skills cannot
suffice the needs of an organization. The managers should have a clear idea of what should be
the training all about- which competencies are needed in a particular employee.

An assessment is taken which gives a report of proficiency of each participant across
the critical competencies- specific set of competencies required to be successful at the
workplace across different job roles. These reports are necessary for we cannot move on until
the correct match between candidate to be trained and competency to be worked upon has
been found out.

Let‟s say there is a company which is experienced enough to identify the training
needs. In simple words, they know who the ones to be trained are and what precisely. There
are some companies which have a better solution for these cases. The method involved in
such companies would include a pre-assessment that could predict where actually the
employee stand as per the competencies aligned to the business objectives.

Once the 3-W‟s and employee proficiency in critical competencies have been found
out, the next step is the training part. Now training can be done in various ways. It could be
classroom or instructor-led training or could include interactive methods such as quizzes, case
studies, group discussions or some Q & A sessions. This could also include online training
such as video-conferencing, audio-conferencing, webinars or distance learning programs.

After the training, comes the part to measure its effectiveness. Fortunately, there exist
some proven methodologies for measuring training effectiveness. Using the Kirk-Patrick
Model, with a simple 4-level approach one can successfully measure the effectiveness.

Kirkpatrick's Four-Level Training Evaluation Model can help you to answer questions
like these. You can use it to objectively analyze the impact of training, to work out how well
your team members learned, and to improve their learning in the future.

1. Reaction
This level measures how learners have responded to the training, the importance, and
convenience of the preparation. Utilize reviews, questionnaires or talk to participants to get
honest feedback of the training experience.
 Finding out if the course content was easy and relevant to understand.
 Discussing the strengths and weaknesses of the program
 Asking about the key takeaways
 Understand if the program was successful in matching the learner‟s perception and
learning style.

At the end of this level, you should be able to look for any sort of gaps in the content.

2. Learning
At this level you can measure what the trainees have learned. How much knowledge
they have gained?

 Test scores amid and after the training

 Assessment of connected learning ventures
 Course completion and accreditation

After going through these set of metrics, assessment is done again (obviously with an
enhanced set of questionnaires). This could again fill the gaps and let the trainees know about
themselves better, thus influencing the effectiveness.

3. Behaviour
This level indicates how trainees apply the information and how has it impacted their
performance and attitude at work. It takes 360-degree feedback from supervisors, peers and
reporter. This includes-
 How has learning been actualized at work?
 Are the trainees certain to share their new abilities and learning to their companions?
 Are the trainees aware that they‟ve changed their behaviour?

4. Results
At this level, you analyze the final results of your training. This includes outcomes that
you or your organization have decided are good for business and good for your team
members, and which demonstrate a good return on investment (ROI).

1.2 Problem Statement
Payoda Technologies is a private organization which is facing problem in employee‟s
sustainability. Hence it appoints new employee often every year. Thus it requires much
methodology in training new employees. Every organization desires that it will grow
continuously and make and retain its position in the competitive and changing market
environment. For this purpose the employees must be skilled and talented. But all the
employees may not have desired skills. Their skills can be improved with the help of training.

1.3 Objectives of the study

1. To study and analyze the process of ascertaining the effectiveness of the training
2. To identify the training need from among the employees of Payoda technologies.
3. To assess the level of satisfaction of training method applied for various training
4. To analyse and suggest an effective training program to be conduct for employees in
Payoda technology

1.4 Scope of the study

1. Immediate: It concerns with changes in knowledge, skills or behaviour immediately

after a training experience. In other words it attempts to assess whether or not training has
been effective in communicating the message.

2. Intermediate: This refers to evidence that knowledge, skill or behaviour which has
been learned is being put into use on the job. In other words can the trainee, managers and
colleagues identify changes in behaviour, skill and attitude as result of attending training.

3. Long term: This refers to the long term effectiveness of the individual, the unit and as
well as the organization. This ultimate evaluation is difficult and only possible if the training
in the first instance has been related to the strategy and business needs of the organization.

1.5 Limitations of the study

1. Perception constraint - Employees have a tendency to underestimate their skills
before training and over estimate their skills post training to validate their participation in the
training program. In this way it is seen that it is difficult to comprehensively evaluate or
capture the effectiveness of a training program.

2. Time constraint - While getting all the questionnaires filled, I faced that most of the
employee‟s didn‟t want to respond because of the limited time they had. I faced a lot of
problem while convincing them.

3. Duration constraint - The time duration for the project is limited to eight weeks so it
was difficult to analyze the trainings needs at micro level.

How it all began

Long story short, Payoda was conceptualized in 2005 when founders Anand and
Karunya were in the U.S., pursuing full-time jobs in the hustle and bustle of New York City,
with combined experience in the financial, technology and consumer sectors.

They finally decided to move to Coimbatore in 2009, a not-so-tech-savvy city back

then, to focus on their brand-new start-up. Like every big organization that started out as a
start-up, we have many interesting and fun stories outlining our initial days in our garage set-
up.And now, fast forward 10 years, we are housed in Coimbatore‟s most swanky IT Park with
so many of us that you‟ll need more than a year to get to know the team.

Company believe that learning never stops, and are always open to all new
opportunities and changes that the industry hurls our way.

They know that humans are far from machines, and work hard towards creating that
perfect balance between work and fun while always maintaining a highly professional work
environment. They keep things transparent and streamlined - hence life at Payoda is all about
simplifying the complicated.

Don‟t get intimidated by our vision! This is more of yours than our vision.

If you‟ve been with us for over a month, it should be pretty evident that we are a
passionate bunch. We know that passion is an overused term, but not when it comes to
describing your desire to succeed, innovate and to build something simple, yet solving a very
specific problem.

But, what is passion if we don‟t channelize it

through our amazing team work. One of our favorite
quotes is “Talent wins games. Teams win
championships,” by Michael Jordan. We know that it
is our highly professional and collaborative teams
who create magic, which has been our only secret
sauce for delivering high end user experience that
sets up apart from the pack.

Vision is to bring together “Passionate people who are pushing boundaries and
intensely collaborating to build great solution”

Yellow train

Yellow train is now what used to be "academy of excellence". It is more than a name
change, it is a shift in philosophy. It is learning to learn.

It is about a simple subjective perspective we would like to bring in, to the way you
learn and get trained. Focus will be on people, that is both trainer and trained rather than on
training materials. Learning process would be tuned based on our understanding of
learners, their priorities and motivations. Performance improvement achieved through
application of learning will be our principal measure of success.

Training Needs Analysis

1. Yellow train intends to help people learn by figuring out trainings where they will
have active participation.
2. Training requests received will be carefully evaluated by Yellow train and based on
that decision will be taken whether to conduct the training or not.

 Yellow train will ensure that all participants attending the training are at the same
level of expertise with respect to the subject. Managers or lead people must ensure
 Anybody can raise a training request. But Yellow train would like the initiator to
identify a group of at least 5 people as target audience. In that case there would
have to be a designated lead person for the training request.
 Yellow train will have a session with all nominated participants before each
training to figure out what suits best for them and alter the training needs
 Attendees would have to be there in person in the training room to fill the
attendance in an online portal which will be open for the first 1 hour of the
training only
 A non-anonymous online feedback form will be available after the training.
Participant details would be known to Yellow train, but this won‟t be shared with
anyone else.

Trainer Selection
 Both internal and external trainers will be evaluated for their merit before any
training is undertaken and they will be added to the Payoda trainer panel
 If an employee express interest to handle a training then he will be evaluated by
Yellow train.
 If he doesn‟t satisfy the evaluation criteria set by Yellow train they can still do
trainings to interested teams without out the involvement of Yellow train

 Trainers in the panel will be trained on how to conduct sessions in an interesting

Other Generic Yellow train Policies

 Events like Tech fest and follow ups on community meet ups won‟t be handled by
Yellow train.

1.7 Products

AppViewX is an application-centric infrastructure

management platform provides an end to end provisioning
and orchestration capabilities across Layer 2 to Layer 7
infrastructure components

HealthViewX enables our customers to capitalize on the

power of technology to attain business benefits by providing
innovative healthcare products and solutions.


Business Model Validation, UX Design Services, Product

Backlog and MVP

Cloud Consulting, Cloud Engineering, Cloud Automation

and Orchestration, Monitor, Measure and Manage, Cloud

Accelerated development and Testing, Modern
Architecture, Responsive UI across touch points, Mobile
Development, Analytics and Big Data

Attract and Acquire, Engage and Convert, Retain and

Grow, Measure and Optimize


Continuous Improvement
Keep improving as an individual and as a professional.

Here‟s a story of a very strong woodcutter who started working for a huge timber
merchant. On the first day, he brought back 18 trees to his boss‟ delight, but as the days
passed, the number reduced in spite of all his hard work. He apologized to the boss, saying he
could not understand what was going on. "When was the last time you sharpened your axe?"
the boss asked. "Sharpen? I had no time to sharpen my axe. I have been very busy trying to
cut more trees for you,” said the woodcutter.

This is exactly what most of us end up doing. We get so caught up with work and day-
to-day tasks that we don't take time to "sharpen the axe". At Payoda, we always feel that the
pursuit of knowledge is never ending, and the day we stop learning, we stop growing. Our
goal for all our teams is to be a better version of themselves.

Team oriented
Work as a team and collaborate intensely. In Mumbai, Janmashtami sees a re-
enactment of Krishna‟s attempt to form a pyramid to get the pot of yogurt – the “Dahi Handi”.
This is not merely to celebrate Krishna‟s childhood antics but an invaluable lesson in team
work as well. Here are a few takeaways:
It takes all sorts to make a team – We always strive to have a diverse team with a
varied skill set to provide different perspectives and make us a holistic organization.

The higher the pot the bigger the prize – This is why we always have a grand vision
and goal for Payoda. We believe in the principle “The tougher the challenge, the greater the
payoff.” You may be higher up but don‟t forget the shoulders you stand on – We are what we
are only because of the team working relentlessly behind-the-scenes. They are the enablers
who make the real difference.

Extra mile every time
Keep high expectations for yourself and your team. Go the extra mile every time. All
know that water at 99°C is super-hot. But water at 100°C becomes steam, which has the
power to move a trainload of people. Just one degree more, and hot water has the power to
move a train. Our lives are similar to this too! That little extra effort is the difference between
ordinary and extraordinary.

Believe in pushing ourselves just a little more, and infuse the “one-degree-more”
attitude in all our actions. Our success can be attributed to the fact that we do what is
expected, and then a little bit more.

Keep moving, Don't give up till the goal is reached (commitment, grit, persistence,
conviction, belief)
Have you ever heard of the Chinese bamboo? It‟s a tree that grows to height of over 80
feet in about five years and three months. However, for the first five years after planting the
seed, you see absolutely nothing other than a little shoot. But in the next 90 days, it shoots up
to a towering 80 feet. For the first 60 months, all the growth is invisible and below the
surface, creating a strong complex network that enables the tree to soar above all else.

Similarly, every major achievement is almost preceded by years of toil, hard work,
stress, etc. Persistence has its reward. Long-term, sustainable success takes time but
sometimes we are unwilling to wait for the pay-off and tend to settle for less. That‟s why we
always encourage our team to be persistent, be it anything they are working on.

A review of literature on evaluation of training was conducted to identify methods of
effectiveness evaluation for training program. Hardly any organization these days would
disagree with the significance of training influencing the success of an organisation.
Employees are a critical and expensive resource whose retention is essential. The optimization
of the employee contribution in order to achieve the aim and goals of the company is
necessary for company‟s growth and effective performance. Most of the leading writers have
done the research in this regards. They have strong belief and statistic prove to the importance
of training and development for the growth of organization as well as the economy.

Lynton and pareek (1972) summarizing their own experience as trainers discuss the
training and evaluation process under the pre-training and post-training phases with each
having implications for training design. A study conducted by Hill, Haunes and
Baunigartal(1973) is dated and deals with the initial stages of management development
movement in the country.

J.kevin Ford (1997) explains that the concept of training effectiveness has been
expanded in recent years to incorporate notions about trainee and organizational
characteristics. Training needs to be viewed as more central to the functioning of
organizations alongside financial, strategic and operational concern.

The challenge for training researchers is to infuse the “old bottles”- current training
effectiveness paradigms with “new wine” – expanded and enhanced thinking about the
potential offered through sound training design.

Kirkpatrick (1998) From kirkpatrick‟s research, the concept of the four Kirkpatrick
measurement levels of evaluation emerged. While writing an article about training in 1959,
Kirkpatrick (1996) referred to these four measurement levels as the four steps of a training
evaluation. It is unclear even to kirkpatrick how these four steps become known as the
Kirkpatrick model, but this description persists today. As reported in the literature, this model
is most frequently applied to either education or technical training.

Philips and Pulliam (2000) reported to an additional measure of training

effectiveness, return on investment (ROI), was used by companies because of the pressures
placed on human resources quality improvement and the threat of the outsourcing due to
downsizing. Great debate was found in the training and development literature about the use
of ROI measures of training programs. Many training professional believed that ROI was too
difficult and under able a measure to use for training evaluation.

Biswajeet pattanayak (2002) discussed training effectiveness is to impart new

entrants the basic knowledge and skill they need for an intelligent performance of defined
tasks. To assist employees to function more effectively in their present positions by exposing

them to latest concepts, information & techniques and developing the skills they will need in
their future roles

To broaden the minds of managers by providing them with opportunities for an

interchange of experience within and outside with a view to correct the narrow outlook that
may arises from over specialization.

Tharenou et al. (2007) found that the strongest correlation was between training and
organizational outcomes, such as organizational performance.

K Aswthappa (2008) In simple terms training and development refer to the imparting
to specific skills, abilities and knowledge to an employee. “More clearly, training and
development may be understood as any attempt to improve current or future employee
performance by increasing an employee‟s ability to perform through learning usually by
changing the employee‟s attitude or increasing his or her skills and knowledge. The need for
training and development is determine by the employee‟s performance deficiency, computed
as follows: “ Training need = standard performance – actual performance”.

Anna Kyprianuou and Jacqui kasket (9 october 2009) refer that „Training is a
continuing investment in the most valuable of all national rescues - the energies of people and
many consider it, along with education, to be imperative to the industrial success of the UK.
This chapter examines training from a number of different perspectives. First, it attempts to
place the importance of training into a border national context and to highlight its benefits to
both organizations and individuals. It goes on to use a training framework to explore how
organisations can systematically train their trainees.

Farooq and aslam (2011) did an empirical research to examine the impact of training
and feedback on employee performance. The authors also conducted a through literature
review that illustrates the importance of both factors to influence the employee performance.
The review further highlighted the improved quality of task performance enhance. The
research was based on questionnaires as well.

Khan M.I (2012) examined the training and motivation‟s impact on employee
performance and what role does training and motivation has to enhance the employee
performance. A correlation existence among training and employee performance was also
gauged. Author argued that there are multiple factors that have a great influence on employee
for instance motivation, training , work environment, technology and behaviour of
management .The result emphasizes that factors, motivation and training impacts the
employee performance positively. Moreover an effective training program of the organization
means effective enhancement in the employee performance. Author further suggest focus on
the effective training program and motivation of employee is the key to increase the employee

Elanaga and Imran (2013) studied the impact of training on employee performance
and provide suggestions in order to enhance the performance of the employees via effective
training courses. Authors resembled the employees with the blood stream of business.

Therefore success and failure of the company is highly dependent upon its employee
performance. Therefore top level management must realize the significance of investment for
training and development in order to enhance the performance of employee. The research is
comprises of qualitative research approach. It analyzes the literature aspects and the several
case studies discussing the importance of training to enhance the performance.

Kulkarni( 2013) In fact, studying the relationship between training methods and
organizational performance is very important, since the confirmation of the hypotheses helps
organizations to acquire one of the most effective tools required to survive, gain a competitive
advantage, enhance the quality of work life, and improve the capabilities of their employees
Kulkarni divided training types into two types, on-the-job training and off-the-job training,
and reported some examples of on-the-job training methods – step-by-step training, job
rotation, job instructions, committee assignment, coaching, and internship training – and off-
the-job training methods – role playing, workshops, lectures, case studies, conferences,
computer modelling, and experiential as well as stimulation exercises.

Malaolu and Ogbuabor (2013) defined on-the-job training as a training technique

used to equip employees with specific skills while they are on the job. They defined off-the-
job training as a training technique provided in educational institutions, which lasts for a
specified period. For the current study, three behavioural techniques of on-the-job training
were selected, which were monitoring, coaching and job rotation, and three cognitive
techniques of off-the-job training, which were role playing, lectures, and computer-based

Falola et al. (2014) classified training into two main types: behavioural and cognitive
training. According to them, behavioural training refers to on-the-job training, while cognitive
training refers to off-the-job training.

Sherwani and Mohammed (2015) found a positive effect of training programme

success on employees‟ outcomes, such as productivity, capability to solve work-related
problems, and performance

Tangoukian et al. (2016) conducted a study to examine the advantages and pitfalls of
training and found that most of the departments in the company implement both internal and
external training practices, despite the fact that employees prefer external training to internal
training. In their review of research, the effect of training on organizational outcomes, such as
human resource outcomes, performance outcomes, financial outcomes, and stock outcomes.

Research as “The manipulation of things, concepts of symbols for the purpose of
generalizing to extend, correct or verify knowledge, whether that knowledge aids in
construction of theory or in the practice of an art.”

The Research Methodology followed for further work can be primarily classified into
two stages namely Exploratory and Descriptive.

3.1 Research Design

Research design is the plan and structure of investigation so conceived as to obtain
answer to research question. The plan is the overall scheme or program of the research. It
includes an outline of what the investigator will do from writing hypothesis and their
operational implications to the final analysis of data.

3.2 Research Type

Exploratory research: Since we always lack a clear idea of the problems one will meet
during the study, carrying out an exploratory study is particularly useful. It helped develop my
concepts more clearly, establish priorities and in improve the final research design.
Exploratory study will be carried out by conducting: Secondary data analysis which included
studying the website (www.Payoda.com) of the company and also going through the various
articles published in different sources (magazines, books, internet, newspapers) on Small and
Medium Scale Enterprises and Training process.

Descriptive research: After carrying out initial Exploratory studies to bring clarity on the
subject under study, Descriptive study will be carried out to know the actual Training method
being followed. The knowledge of actual training process is needed to document the process
and suggest improvements in the current system to make it more effective. The tools used to
carry out Descriptive study included both monitoring and observing.

Quantitative research: Quantitative methods emphasize objective measurements and the

statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of data collected through polls, questionnaires,
and surveys, or by manipulating pre-existing statistical data using computational techniques.

Qualitative research: seeks to answer questions about why and how people behave in the
way that they do. It provides in-depth information about human behaviour. qualitative
research methods like an in-depth interview, focus groups, ethnographic research, content
analysis, case study research that are usually used.

3.3 Source of data collection
The study adopted primary data collection. As primary data are those which are
collected for the first time and they happen to be original in nature. The study utilized both
primary and secondary data.

Primary data:
The data is collected first hand by someone specifically for the purpose of facilitating
the study is known as primary data. Primary data was collected through questionnaire. The
primary data collections were the executives and employees of Payoda Technologies

Secondary data:
Secondary data refer to information gathered by someone other than the researcher
conducting the current study. Such data can be internal or external to the organisation and
accessed through the internet or perusal of record or published information. Secondary source
of data provide a lot of information for research and problem solving. Such data are as we
have seen mostly qualitative in nature. The secondary data has been collected from:
 Internet, websites
 Journal articles
 Case studies
 Books

3.4 Sampling Design

Sampling is used to collect primary data when the source of data is too many and too
exhaustive. Sampling is the integral part of data collection process.

The way of selecting a sample is known as sample design. It is the definite plan for
obtaining a sample from a given population. It may as well lay down the number of item to be
included in the sample i.e. The size of the sample.

3.4.1 Population size

Population size in the project premise is 180 employees.

3.4.2 Period of study

The period of the study is 60 days

3.4.3 Sample size

Using the Krejcie & Morgan (1970) formula table for finite population. A sample
size of 122 Respondents was determined out of 180 target population.

Formula: S = X2NP(1-P)

S=Required Sample size
X=Z Value (e.g. 1.96 for 95% confidence level)
N=Population Size
P=Population Proportion (expressed as decimal), assumed to be 0.5(50%)
d=Degree of accuracy (5%),expressed as a proportion(.05); It is margin of error

3.4.4 Sample Technique

Sampling techniques used in this research study is simple random sampling. It is a
subset of statistical population in which each member of the subset has an equal probability of
being chosen. In this case, the population is all 180 employees, and the sample is random
because each employee has an equal chance of being chosen.

3.5 Statistical Tool used

Percentage analysis
Percentage analysis is the method to represent raw streams of data as a percentage ( a
part in 100 percent) for better understanding of collected data. In this study, demographic data
was analysed using percentage analysis and presented using bar chart.

Cross tabulation
The test is used to examine the association between two or more variables. This may be
done by designing the hypothesis and by testing hypotheses concerning the effect of one
variable on another.
In this study, the cross-tabulation method is used to find out the relationship between
the gender and training program of the employee, then the relationship between education
qualification and working experience of the employee.

Mean and standard deviation

Mean is the simple mathematical average of a set of two or more numbers. The mean
for a given set of numbers can be computed in more than one ways, including the arithmetic
mean method, which used the sum of the numbers in series.
Standard deviation measures the amount of variation from the average. A low standard
deviation indicates that the data points are spread out over a large range of values.

Z Test
A Z- test is a statistical test used to determine whether two population means are
different when the variance is known and the sample size is large. In many cases a researcher
is interested in gathering information about two populations in order to compare them. As in
statistical inference for our population parameter, confidence intervals and test of significance
are useful statistical tools for finding the difference between two population parameters.

One-way anova
One –way anova helps to find the difference between the demographic variable of
more than two groups and other factors. It shows the significance difference between the
null(Ho) and alternate hypothesis(H1)
In this study, one way anova is been used to find out the difference between the
factors of before and after training and educational qualification

Correlation coefficient method

Correlation can be defined as the degree of relationship between two variables. It
needs pairs of points to be available for every set of values of each of the variable. In a two
dimensional plot, the variables can be arbitrarily labelled as X and Y, A measure that
determines the degree to which two variable's movements are associated. The correlation
coefficient will vary from -1 to +1. A -1 indicates perfect negative correlation, and +1
indicates perfect positive correlation.
The correlation coefficient that indicates the strength of the relationship between two
variables can be found using the following formula:


rxy – the correlation coefficient of the linear relationship between the variables x and y
xi – the values of the x-variable in a sample
– the mean of the values of the x-variable
yi – the values of the y-variable in a sample
ȳ – the mean of the values of the y-variable



Table-4.1.1 Gender of respondents

Gender Frequency Percent

Male 87 71.31
Female 35 28.69
Total 122 100.0

It is noted from the above table that out of 122 respondents, (maximum) 71.31% of
the respondents are belonging to male category and 28.69% of the respondents are belonging
to female category.
Table-4.1.1 shows that majority of the respondents are male compare to female.

Chart-4.1.1 Gender wise classification of the respondents

4.1.2 Age of the respondents

Table-4.1.2 Age of the respondents

Age(years) Frequency Percent

20-30 yrs 54 44.26
31-39 yrs 47 38.52
40-49 yrs 15 12.30
above 50 yrs 6 4.92
Total 122 100.0
From the table 4.1.2, it is clearly understood that around 44.26% of the respondents are
belonging to 20-30 years of age group, 38.52% of the respondents are belonging to 31-39
years of age group, 12.30% of the respondents are belonging to 40-49 years of the age group.

Highest number respondents having to 20-30 age group and Lowest number
respondents having to 21-25 age group.

Chart-4.1.2 Age wise classification of the employee

4.1.3 Marital status of the respondents

Table 4.1.3 Marital status

Option Frequency Percent

Married 88 72.13
Unmarried 31 25.41
Divorced 3 2.46
Total 122 100.0


From the table-4.1.3, it is shows that around 72.13% of the respondents are married
and 25.41% of the respondents are unmarried and remaining 2.46 % are Divorced.

Majority of the employees are married than the unmarried employee.

Chart-4.1.3 Marital status wise classification of the employee

4.1.4 Educational Qualification of Respondents

Table 4.1.4 Educational Qualification

Option Frequency Percent

Diploma 4 3.28
UG 80 65.57
PG 38 31.15
Total 122 100.0

From the table 4.1.4, it is clearly understood that 65.57% respondents have
completed their Under graduation,31.15% respondents have completed Post graduation and
remaining 3.28.% of the respondents have studied diploma.

Most of the employee belonging to Under Graduation compare to others.

Chart 4.1.4 Educational wise classification of the employee

4.1.5 Designation of Respondents

Table 4.1.5 Designation

Option Frequency Percent

junior executive 38 31.15
senior executive 16 13.11
test lead 19 15.57
software engineer 42 34.43
project specialist 7 5.74
Total 122 100.0


It is observed from table 4.1.5 shows that 34.43% of the respondents are
Software engineer, 31.15% of the respondents are junior executive, 15.57% of the
respondents are Test lead, 13.15% of the respondents are senior executive and remaining
5.74% of respondents are project specialist.

Chart 4.1.5 Designation wise classification of the employee

4.1.6 Work Experience of Respondents

Table 4.1.6 Experience of Respondent

Experience(Years) Frequency Percent

0-3 years 49 40.16
3-5 years 39 31.97
5-10 years 20 16.39
>10 years 14 11.48
Total 122 100.0

From the table 4.1.6, it is clearly understood that 40.16% comes under the
category (0-3 years) of experience, followed by 31.97% comes under the category of (3-5
years) of experience, 16.39% comes under the category of(5-10 years) of experience,
remaining 11.48% comes under the category of (>10 years) of experience.

Chart 4.1.6 Work Experience wise classification of the employee

4.1.7 Aware of the training policy wise classification of the employee

Table 4.1.7 Aware of the training policy

Option Frequency Percent

Yes 115 94.26
No 3 2.46
Not sure 4 3.28
Total 122 100.0

From the table 4.1.7 its clearly understood that 94.26% of the respondents are
aware of the training policy of the payoda and 2.46% of the respondents are not aware of the
training policy and remaining 3.28% of the respondent are Not sure about the training policy.
Majority of the respondents are aware of the training policy of the payoda

Chart 4.1.7 Aware of the training policy

4.1.8 About training wise classification of employee

Table 4.1.8 How did you know about training

Option Frequency Percent

During orientation 17 14.78
Official communication to me 69 60.00
During training 18 15.65
Information from colleagues 11 9.75
Total 115 100.0

From the table 4.1.8 its clearly understood that 14.78% of the respondent know
about training during orientation, 60.00% of the respondents know about training during
official communication to them, 15.65% of the respondents know about training during
training, 9.75% of the respondents know about training from colleagues.

Majority of the employee know about training during official communication

to them.

Chart 4.1.8 About training

4.1.9 Training program wise classification of employee

Table 4.1.9 Training program undergone

Option Frequency Percent

External 25 20.49
Internal 73 59.84
Both 24 19.67
Total 122 100.0

From the table 4.1.9 its clearly understood that 59.84% of the respondents
undergone internal training, 20.49% of the respondents undergone external training, and
remaining 19.67% of the respondents undergone both internal and external training.

Majority of the employee undergone internal training

Chart 4.1.9 Training program undergone

4.1.10 Nature of training

Table 4.1.10 Nature of training

Methods of training Frequency Percent

"On the job training" 79 64.75
"Off the Job training 31 25.41
"Both" 12 9.84
Total 122 100.0

From the table 4.1.10 it is clear that, out of 122 respondents 64.75% of the
respondents attend the on the job training, 25.41% of the respondents attend the off the job
training and remaining 9.84% of the respondents attend both on the job and off the job
Majority of the respondents attended on the job training

Chart 4.1.10 classification of employees opinion based on Nature of training

4.1.11 Classification of employees opinion based on Training Program

Table 4.1.11 Often the training program

Option Frequency Percent

Quarterly 48 39.34
Every six months 22 18.03
Once a Year 4 3.26
Promotion Time 11 9.02
No Specific Schedule (Basis
37 30.33
on performance)
Total 122 100.0

From the table 4.1.11 it is clearly understood that 39.34% of the respondents attend
the training quarterly, 18.03% of the respondents attend the training every six months, 3.26%
of the respondents attend the training once a year and remaining 30.33% of the respondents
attend the training on the basis on performance

Chart 4.1.11 Training Program wise classification of employee opinions


Table 4.2.1 Relationship between Gender and Training program of the respondents.

Gender Training program undergone

External Internal Both Total
Male 19 49 19 87

Female 6 24 5 35
Total 25 73 24 122

From the table 4.2.1, it is analyzed that 87 respondents are male and out of 87,
19 respondents undergone external training, 49 respondents undergone internal training, 19
respondents undergone both internal and external training, 35 respondents are female and out
of 27, 6 respondents undergone external training, 24 respondents undergone internal training
and 5 respondents undergone both internal and external training. 73 respondents undergone
internal training, 25 respondents undergone external training.

Table 4.2.2 Relationship between Educational qualification and Total work
experience of the respondents.

Educational Total work Experience


0-3 years 3-5 years 5-10 years >10 years Total

Diploma 2 1 1 0 4
UG 32 26 13 9 80
PG 15 12 6 5 38
Total 49 39 20 14 122


From the table 4.2.2, it is analyzed that 80 respondents comes under under graduate and
out of 80, 32 respondents comes under the category of 0-3 years of experience, 26 respondents
comes under the category of 3-5 years of experience, 13 respondents comes under the category of
5-10 years of experience, 9 respondents comes under the category of >10 years of experience. 38
respondents comes under post graduate and out of 38, 15 respondents comes under the category of
0-3 years of experience, 12 respondents comes under the category of 3-5 years of experience, 6
respondents comes under the category of 5-10 years of experience, 5 respondents comes under the
category of >10 years of experience. Employee with 0-3 years experience is more than other.

Diploma qualification in the organisation which has least employee‟s strength than other

Table 4.2.3 Relationship between Gender and Aware of the training policy
of Payoda.

Aware of the training policy of PAYODA

Yes No Not sure Total
Male 82 2 3 87
Female 33 1 1 35
Total 115 3 4 122

From the table 4.2.3, it is analyzed that 87 respondents are male and out of 87, 82
respondents are aware of training policy of Payoda and 5 respondents are not aware and not
sure of training policy of Payoda. 35 respondents are female and out of 35, 33 respondents are
aware of training policy of Payoda and 2 respondents are not aware and not sure of training
policy of Payoda.

Only very few respondents are not aware of training policy of the company


Table 4.3.1 Mean and Standard deviation for before training

S.NO Descriptive - Before training Mean Std.

1 The company has rightly identified the training 4.43 .544
2 Proper orientation was provided on the need for 4.29 .710
3 The management gives opportunity to employees to 3.75 1.015
grow through learning new things
4 Satisfied with effectiveness of training program 4.34 .542

5 Organization has a training policy applicable to all 3.87 .995


From the table 4.3.1 reveals that among all the status the Payoda Technology
has rightly identified the training methods has the highest mean value 4.43 out of 5. There by
indicating that the rightly identified the training needs. Proper orientation was provided on the
need for training has the highest mean value 4.29 out of 5. Employees are satisfied with
effectiveness of training program with mean value 4.34. All the statement has more than 3 as
the mean value. Indicating that to a large number of new employees agree with before
training. There was not much deviation among employees reflected in the standard deviation.
Management giving opportunity to employees to grow through learning new things with
standard deviation value 1.015

Table 4.3.2 Mean and Standard deviation for after training

S.No Descriptive - After training Mean Std.

1 Training is well planned 4.38 .594

2 Training is of sufficient duration 4.21 .633

3 Training content relevant to achieving your personal 4.07 .740

needs, goals and self-development
4 Training helps to do the job with more commitment 3.97 .871

5 Training has helped in motivating employees and giving 3.76 1.013

them job security
6 Training program has given you more knowledge and 4.16 .782
information in your field of work
7 Training reduce consumption and cost and increase 4.03 .842
8 Training help you to cope up with the constantly 4.14 .816
changing technology for performing the job
9 Training has helped in changing the Personality, attitude 3.95 .926
and work behaviour
10 Training program helpful in long run 3.52 .865


From the above table 4.3.2 reveals that among all the status the training is well
planned has the highest mean score 4.38 out of 5. There by indicating that the company has
well trained training plan. Training helps you to cope up with the constantly changing
technology for performing the job with mean score of 4.14. Training is of sufficient duration
with mean score of 4.21. Training has helped in motivating employees and giving them job
security with mean score of 3.76. The company training program helpful in long run with
lowest mean value 3.52 with standard deviation of .865.

4.4 Z Test

Z Test between Gender of respondents and before training

HO: There is no significant difference between gender and before training

HA: There is significance difference between gender and before training

Table 4.4.1 Gender of respondents and Before the Training

S.No Factor Gender Mean Deviation Z Sig.
1 The company has rightly identified Male 4.43 .542
the training methods Female 4.43 .558 .049 .826
2 Proper orientation was provided on Male 4.26 .723 .132 .717
the need for training Female 4.34 .684
3 Opinion about the management Male 3.72 .985 1.716 .193
gives opportunity to employees to Female
3.83 1.098
grow through learning new things
4 Satisfied with effectiveness of Male 4.34 .478 12.921 .000*
training program Female 4.34 .684
5 Organization has a training policy Male 4.07 .962 .026 .872
applicable to all employees Female 3.37 .910

*significance at 5 percent level


Table 4.4.1 shows the result of Z test between gender of the respondents and before
training. It is used to determine whether the respondents‟ effectiveness of training differed
among the respondents based upon the gender. The Company has rightly identified the
training methods, Proper orientation was provided on the need for training, the management
giving opportunity to employees to grow through learning new things, Training policy
applicable to all employees. Since the significant value is more than 0.05 the null hypothesis
is accepted. Hence there is no significant difference between the before training and gender

There is significant difference between gender of the respondents and Satisfied with
effectiveness of training program

Z Test between Gender of respondents and after training
HO: There is no significant difference between gender and after training

HA: There is significance difference between gender and after training

Table 4.4.2 Gender of respondents and After the Training

S.No Factor Gender Mean Deviation F Sig.
1 Training is well planned Male 4.39 .617
Female 4.34 .539 1.214 .273
2 Male 4.26 .619 .546 .461
Training is of sufficient duration Female 4.09 .658
3 Training content relevant to achieving your Male 4.20 .729 .881 .350
personal needs, goals and self-development Female 3.77 .690
4 Training helps to do the job with more Male 4.03 .869 .040 .842
commitment Female 3.80 .868
5 Training has helped in motivating employees Male 3.89 .970 .324 .570
and giving them job security Female 3.46 1.067
6 Training program has given you more Male 4.15 .755 1.585 .211
knowledge and information in your field of Female
4.17 .857
7 Training reduces consumption and cost and Male 4.07 .912 5.059 .026*
increase productivity Female 3.94 .639
8 Training helps you to cope up with the Male 4.16 .791 .368 .545
constantly changing technology for
Female 4.09 .887
performing the job
9 Training has helped in changing the Male 3.90 .953 .150 .699
Personality, attitude and work behaviour Female 4.09 .853
10 Training program helpful in long run Male 3.62 .866 1.052 .307
Female 3.29 .825


From the table 4.4.2 it is inferred that the statement Training is well planned, Training
is of sufficient duration, Training content relevant to achieving your personal needs, goals and
self-development, Training helps to do the job with more commitment, Training has helped in
motivating employees and giving them job security, Training program has given you more
knowledge and information in your field of work, Training helps you to cope up with the
constantly changing technology for performing the job, Training has helped in changing the
Personality, attitude and work behaviour, Training program helpful in long run is values
greater than 0.05. The researcher null hypothesis is accepted.

All the above statement show there is no significant difference between education and
after training programme.

There is significant difference between gender of the respondents and training reduces
consumption and cost and increase productivity. since the calculated value is less than table
value 0.05. The null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and alternative hypothesis accepted.




HO: There is no significance difference between education and before training.

HA: There is significance difference between education and before training.

Table 4.5.1 Educational Qualification and Before the Training

S.No Factor Educational Sum of Mean

Qualification Squares D.f Square F Sig.
1 The company has rightly Between Groups .676 2 .338
identified the training Within Groups 35.161 119 .295 1.143 .322
Total 35.836 121
2 Proper orientation was Between Groups .041 2 .020
provided on the need for Within Groups 60.918 119 .512 .040 .961
Total 60.959 121
3 The management gives Between Groups 2.570 2 1.285
opportunity to employees to Within Groups 122.053 119 1.026 1.253 .289
grow through learning new
Total 124.623 121
4 Satisfied with effectiveness Between Groups .973 2 .486
of training program Within Groups 34.568 119 .290 1.674 .192
Total 35.541 121
5 Organization has a training Between Groups .628 2 .314
policy applicable to all Within Groups 119.274 119 1.002 .313 .732
Total 119.902 121


From the table 4.5.1 it is inferred that the statement The Company has rightly
identified the training methods, Proper orientation was provided on the need for training, the
management giving opportunity to employees to grow through learning new things, satisfied
with effectiveness of training program, Training policy applicable to all employees is values
greater than 0.05. The researcher null hypothesis is accepted.

All the above statement show there is no significant difference between education
and before training programme.

HO: There is no significance difference between education and after training.
HA: There is significance difference between education and after training.
Table 4.5.2 Educational Qualification and After the Training

S.No Factor Educational Sum of Mean

Qualification Squares D.f Square F Sig.
1 Training is well planned Between Groups .895 2 .448
Within Groups 41.761 119 .351 1.275 .283
Total 42.656 121
2 Training is of sufficient duration Between Groups 1.198 2 .599
Within Groups 47.261 119 .397 1.509 .225
Total 48.459 121
3 Training content relevant to Between Groups .754 2 .377
achieving your personal needs, Within Groups 65.582 119 .551 .684 .507
goals and self-development
Total 66.336 121
4 Training helps to do the job with Between Groups .237 2 .118
more commitment Within Groups 91.632 119 .770 .154 .858
Total 91.869 121
5 Training has helped in motivating Between Groups 2.741 2 1.370
employees and giving them job Within Groups 121.366 119 1.020 1.344 .265
Total 124.107 121
6 Training program has given you Between Groups 1.443 2 .721
more knowledge and information Within Groups 72.598 119 .610 1.183 .310
in your field of work
Total 74.041 121
7 Training reduces consumption Between Groups .069 2 .034
and cost and increase Within Groups 85.800 119 .721 .048 .953
Total 85.869 121
8 Training helps you to cope up Between Groups 3.065 2 1.532
with the constantly changing Within Groups 77.566 119 .652 2.351 .100
technology for performing the job
Total 80.631 121
9 Training has helped in changing Between Groups 2.192 2 1.096
the Personality, attitude and Within Groups 101.513 119 .853 1.285 .281
work behaviour
Total 103.705 121
10 Training program helpful in long Between Groups .426 2 .213
run .281 .755
Within Groups 90.001 119 .756


From the table 4.5.2 it is inferred that the statement Training is well planned, Training
is of sufficient duration, Training content relevant to achieving your personal needs, goals and
self-development, Training helps to do the job with more commitment, Training has helped in
motivating employees and giving them job security, Training program has given you more
knowledge and information in your field of work, Training reduces consumption and cost and
increase productivity, Training helps you to cope up with the constantly changing technology
for performing the job, Training has helped in changing the Personality, attitude and work
behaviour, Training program helpful in long run is values greater than 0.05. The researcher
null hypothesis is accepted.
All the above statement show there is no significant difference between education and
after training programme.

4.6 Correlation coefficient method
A measure of the strength of linear association between two variables. Correlation
will always between -1.0 and +1.0. If the correlation is positive researcher has a positive
relationship. If it is negative the relationship is negative.

Table 4.6.1 Correlation coefficient method

Are you satisfied
with The company
effectiveness of has rightly How often do
training identified the you undergo
program? training methods training?
Are you satisfied with Pearson
1 -.025 .012
effectiveness of Correlation
training program? Sig. (2-tailed) .782 .896
N 122 122 122
The company has Pearson
-.025 1 .202*
rightly identified the Correlation
training methods Sig. (2-tailed) .782 .026
N 122 122 122
How often do you Pearson
.012 .202* 1
undergo training? Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .896 .026
N 122 122 122
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).


From the table 4.6.1 it is found that the factors like effectiveness of training
programs and company has rightly identified the training methods has pearson‟s r value of -
0.25.This indicate a weak negative linear relationship. It is found that the factors like
effectiveness of training programs and How often do you undergo training has positive linear
relationship with each other. Most of employee are satisfied with effectiveness of training
program with r=.012 whereas probability is .896. It is found that there is a significant positive
correlation between How often do you undergo training and The company has rightly
identified the training methods with pearson correlation value of .202. The sig.(2-tailed) value
is 0.026. This value is less than 0.05. because of this , we can conclude that there is a
statistically significant correlation between them.

Table 4.6.2 Correlation coefficient method


Do you agree that

Do you agree that training has helped in
this training helps to motivating employees
do the job with more and giving them job
commitment? security?
Do you agree that Pearson Correlation 1 .366**
this training helps to Sig. (2-tailed) .000
do the job with more
N 122 122
Do you agree that Pearson Correlation .366** 1
training has helped in Sig. (2-tailed) .000
motivating employees
and giving them job 122 122
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

From the table 4.6.2 it is found that the factors like training helps to do the job with
more commitment and training has helped in motivating employees and giving them job
security r=.366. Its is based on N=122 employees and 2-tailed significance, p=0.000.This
means there‟s a 0.000 probability of finding this sample correlation is zero. A value of zero
indicates that there is no relationship between the two variables.

Introduction: This chapter deals with the findings, suggestions and conclusion given based
on the calculation of the response by the respondents using percentage analysis, cross
tabulation, mean and standard deviation, Z test, ANOVA and correlation.


OBJECTIVE: 1 To study and analyze the process of ascertaining the effectiveness of the
training programs.

 It is found that respondents are satisfied with effectiveness of training program with
mean of 4.34 out of 5
 It is found that most of the employees agree that training is well planned with mean of
4.38 out of 5
 It is found that training content relevant to achieving your personal needs, goals and
self- development with mean of 4.07
 There is significant difference between gender of the respondents and Satisfied with
effectiveness of training program
 From the study it is found that there is no significant difference between the
educational qualification and effectiveness of training program
 It is found that the effectiveness of training programs and How often do you undergo
training has positive linear relationship with each other.
 It is found that the effectiveness of training programs and company has rightly
identified the training methods has negative linear relationship.

OBJECTIVE: 2 To identify the training need from among the employees of Payoda

 It is found that company has rightly identified the training methods with mean of 4.43
out of 5
 It is found that most of the employees agree that training is well planned with mean of
4.38 out of 5
 It is found that proper orientation was provided on the need for the training with mean
of 4.29
 From the study it is found that there is no significant difference between the educational
qualification and Management giving opportunity to employees to grow through
learning new things.
 From the study it is found that there is no significant difference between the gender and
training is well planned.

 It is found that 64.8% of the respondents have attended the on the job training
conducted by the organisation, which signifies that the employees work efficiently as
they are trained on the job.
 It is found that there is a significant positive correlation between How often do you
undergo training and The company has rightly identified the training methods.

OBJECTIVE: 3 To assess the level of satisfaction of training method applied for various
training programs.

 It is found that training helps to do the job with more commitment with mean of 3.91
 It is found that training has helped in motivating employees and giving them job
security with mean of 3.76
 From the study it is found that there is no significant difference between the gender and
commitment to the job
 From the study it is found that there is no significant difference between the gender and
Motivating employees and giving job security
 From the study it is found that there is no significant difference between the
educational qualification and commitment to the job
 From the study it is found that there no relationship between training helps to do the
job with more commitment and training has helped in motivating employees and
giving them job security

Based on the analyzing the collected data the following recommendations were made to
improve the present requirement and selection scenario in the organization and I suggest that
the organization can concentrate more on identification of individuals needs of the training to
improve the skills & attitude of the employees and more over it also improves their
satisfaction level.

Company can focus on Micro learning session and give computer based training to the

The organization should assign additional responsibilities to employees after training

programme, which would increase their confidence level

For those employees who need more improvement in their job, special attention must
be given for improvement of them by training programmes

A standard measure before and after each training program on level of knowledge,
skills, attitude and behaviour will help to measure its effectiveness more accurately.

On the job training and off the job training is equally important. Provide both the
training continuously to the employees.

There should be a discussion among the employee and management before conducting
the training program.

Training has become increasingly vital to the success of modern organizations. They
often compete on competencies – the core sets of knowledge and expertise that give them an
edge over their competitors. Training plays a central role in strengthening these competencies,
and in this way has become part of the backbone of strategy implementation. In addition,
rapidly changing technologies require employees knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) to
cope with new processes and systems.

Employees Training programs try to improve skills or add to the existing level of
knowledge so that the employees is better equipped to do his/her present job or to get
prepared for a higher position with increased responsibilities. Employee growth and
development should be seen in the context of an ever changing and dynamic environment.

From the study and the rating given by employees at Payoda technology private
limited, the effectiveness of the training program is reasonably good. However, if the above
said suggestions are taken into consideration, the training program would be even more
productive. It would also help in increasing the satisfaction level, morale and performance of
the employees.

Therefore it is necessary for the company to assess the training effectiveness regularly
and the suggestions made by the trainees must be taken into account for further improvement
of the training program.

This work has given me an enriching experience and provided me with more insights
of the training activities. It helped me to put into use the related theory for its further

Finally, this project has been a value addition for me, in terms of learning and exposure
to the various training aspects in the Company.


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