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Training: Place of Training in Company Management

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Give a man a fish he will eat it. Train a man to fish he will feed his family
This is a saying which highlights the importance of training man. Employee
training is the process whereby people learn the skills knowledge attitudes and
behaviours needed in order to perform their job effectively. No big industrial
organization can know ignore the training and development needs to its employees
without seriously inhabiting its performance even the most careful selection dose
not eliminate the need for training since people are not molded to specifications
and rarely meet the demands of their job adequately

Training is the act increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for
doing a particular job .it is concerned with imparting specific skill for particular


Some organizations regard training as unnecessary. They think that cost of
training is high and not worth it. In these organization training is accorded allow
status and is treated as a peripheral activity. The budget for training is also kept
very low. Trainees are selected causally and at random without any objective
standards. Training opportunities are doled out to employees as a reward for their
good behavior for or long service or to get relief for some time from a trouble
making employee. This policy lowers employee morale and fails to produce and
good result. Another variant of this policy are those organizations were training is
treated nearly as a show piece to look modern. In this organizations training is
more decorative than functional.

Some organizations treat training as a device to overcome certain specific
problems. Here training accepted as desirable when clear cut need is identified.
Typically the training in this case is a course with a definite limited objective once
given and the effort is discontinued. Finally there are some organizations which
regard training as a continuous activity. These organizations believe that training is
a permanent relationship which exists between the superior and the subordinates so
that every superior in the organization (and not only the personal manager) is
responsible for training which always goes on. Day in and out as some learning
inevitably takes place when workers watch their superior doing a job behaving in a
particular manner.


The need of training in part depends upon the companys selection and
promotion policies companies that attempt to employ only people who already
have the needed skills. Place less emphasis on training on the other hand firms that
stress promotion from within may have to take special steps to ensure that
employees develop the skills which will be needed

Surveys indicate that nearly all larger organizations employee some formalized
training. The major objectives of the training are as follows:

1. To train the employee in the company culture pattern.
2. To train the employee to increase his quantity and quality of output. This
may involve improvement in work method or skills.
3. To train the employee for promotion to higher jobs.
4. To train the employee to avoid social mistakes.
5. To train the employee toward better job adjustment and high morale.
6. To reduce supervision wastage and accident. Of effective work habit and
method of work should contribute toward reduction in the accident rate. Less
supervision and wastage of material.


In order to determine the training needs of an organization the personal
manager should seek information on the following points.

a. Whether training is needed?
b. Where training is needed?
c. Which training is needed?


Although it is true that in selecting persons for training a company generally
gives primary consideration to its own benefits and secondary consideration to the
benefits acquiring to the individual yet the standards used for selecting training
programmers participants should be carefully devised and communicated widely
throughout the organization. Training opportunities should not be passed out as a
reward for a good behavior or for long service or to get relief for some time from a
trouble making employee. Fairness in applying the standard is required and can
help boost employee morale.

Programmers having high selection standards became high status prestige
programmers which challenge the best person in the organization to make the
grade. Training a person who has no ability and willingness to learn is likes
sensing as ass to college. All one can hope to get back is an educated mole.

Whenever an individual is sponsored for training he should be told
categorically the reasons for sponsoring him and the expectation of the
organization from him after him return from the programmed. Most companies do
not inform the employees why they have been sponsored such practice reduce
learning as the employees sponsored are more concerned about the reasons for
being sponsored than actually getting involved in and benefiting from the training.


Training methods are generally classified by the location of instruction,
Training can take place in various situations on the job or off the job in the
company or outside the company it necessary involves the use of a number of tools
methods and techniques. Some of the widely used training methods are as follows.


The most important type of training is training - on the job. The
experience of actually doing something makes a lasting impression and has a
reality that other type of training cannot provide. The worker in this method
teaches the master the operations involved on the actual job situation under the
supervision of his immediate boss. Some important advantages of this type of
training are as follows:

(A) It can be learned in a relatively short period of time say a week or two.
(B) No elaborate programmed is necessary as far as subject content is
(C) There is no line staff conflict because the workers own supervisor is the
(D) It is highly economical.
(E) It is not located in an artificial situation either physically or psychologically
and therefore eliminates the possible problem of transfer of learning.
For training on the job to be effective the personal manager must take
time to se really occurs in other word it is necessary to make sure that the
supervisor who is imparting training is trained and motivated to be good trainer. If
be views this training as burdensome and nuisance it will produce no good effect.

A training method of carrying out on the- job training which has been
found to be of great value is known as the training within industry (TWI) or the
capsule method The method was devised in the united states during the second
world war when a large number of people had to be training in a short period.
There are several type of training programmers which make use of on the- job
training programmers. There are several type of on the job training. They are as

Commonly known as JIT this technique of training was developed World
War II. It is a four step instructional process they are.
The trainee receives an overview of the its purpose and desired outcomes
with a clear focus on the relevance of training.
The trainers demonstrate the job in order to give the employee a model to
copy. The trainer demonstrates to him the right way to doing the job.
Traince is then asked to copy /the trainers demonstration. The
demonstrations by the trainer and repeated till the trainees master the right
way to perform the job.
Finally the employee does the job independently without supervision.
(2) Coaching

On the coaching by the supervisor is on important and potentially effective
approach. It is a kind of daily training and feedback given to employees by their
immediate supervisors. It involves continuous process of learning by doing
coaching involves personal instructions and guidance usually with extensive
demonstration and continues critical appraisal and correction. It has the advantages
of increased motivation for the training and minimization of the problem of
transfer from theory practice.

(3) Mentoring

It is somewhat different form of training method. In mentoring senior person
in the organization assumes the responsibility for training as well as grooming of a
junior person. A mentor as a teacher, guide, counselor. Philosopher, exemplar,
supporter and facilitator of the junior person.

(4) Position Rotation

It is the boarding of the background of the trainee in the organization. This
method involves the employee being sent through different jobs thereby providing
him a wider exposure.

(5) Apprenticeship

Apprenticeship training may be traced back to medieval times when
those who wanted to learn trade skill used to bind themselves to master craftsman
to learn by doing the work under his guidance.

(6) Committee Assignment

In this method the trainers are asked to perform special assignments and to
solve actual organizational problems. They also understand the personalities issues
and processes governing the organization.


In off the job training methods the trainees have to leave their work place
and devote their entire time to the training. A few off the job training methods
are as follows:
(1) Vestibule school

When the amount of on the job training that has to be done exceed the
capacity of the line supervisor a portion of this training is taken away from the line
and assigned to staff through a vestibule school. The responsibility to operate a
vestibule school generally rest with the personal department.

This training gets its name from the resemblance of the school to a vestibule
through which one passes before entering the main room if a house. Vestibule
training has the advantages of training large number of person without hampering
on going operation. It also saves costly machines from being damaged by
mishandling of the untrained workers. Moreover the trainee avoids the confusion
and treasure of the work situation and thus is able to concentrate on learning. The
only disadvantages of this type of training are that it is somewhat artificial and
there is generally a line staff conflict.

(2) Apprenticeship

This training disused in those trades crafts and technical fields in which
proficiency can be accrued after a relatively longer period of time in direct
association with the work and under the direct supervision of expert. In Indian
section 40 of the Apprenticeship Act 1961 Provides that no person can be engaged
as an apprenticeship to undergo apprenticeship training in a designated trade unless
such person or if he is a minor his guardian has entered into a contract of
apprenticeship with the employer and the contract of apprenticeship has been
registered with the apprenticeship advisor.

(3) Classroom Training

The classroom training is the traditional way of education which places the trainee
in a class room. Class room training takes place either inside the organization or at
some external selected sites may be institutes universities or professional
associations which have no connection with the company.

(4) Internship Training

This refers to a joint programme of training in which school and business co
operate to enable the students to gain a good balance between theory and
practice. Classroom principles are better understood against the practical
background in a factory.

3. Electronic Training

(1) Audio Visuals
(2) Computer based training.
(3) Electronic performance support system [EPSS]
(4) Distance and internet based training.

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