Refrigerant Compressed Air Dryers: Atlas Copco
Refrigerant Compressed Air Dryers: Atlas Copco
Refrigerant Compressed Air Dryers: Atlas Copco
FX 1, FX 2, FX 3, FX 4, FX 5, FX 6, FX 7, FX 8, FX 9, FX 10, FX 11,
FX 12
Instruction book
FX 1, FX 2, FX 3, FX 4, FX 5, FX 6, FX 7, FX 8, FX 9,
FX 10, FX 11, FX 12
From following serial No. onwards: CAI814019
Instruction book
Original instructions
Copyright notice
Any unauthorized use or copying of the contents or any part thereof is prohibited.
This applies in particular to trademarks, model denominations, part numbers and
This instruction book is valid for CE as well as non-CE labelled machines. It meets the
requirements for instructions specified by the applicable European directives as
identified in the Declaration of Conformity.
2016 - 09
No. 2920 7112 40
Table of contents
1 Safety precautions..........................................................................................................4
2 General description........................................................................................................ 9
2.1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................9
3 Installation.....................................................................................................................14
3.3 PICTOGRAPHS................................................................................................................................. 16
4 Operating instructions................................................................................................. 17
4.1 WARNINGS......................................................................................................................................17
4.4 STARTING....................................................................................................................................... 23
4.6 STOPPING.......................................................................................................................................24
2 2920 7112 40
5 Maintenance instructions............................................................................................ 26
6 Device settings............................................................................................................. 27
7 Problem solving............................................................................................................28
8 Technical data...............................................................................................................31
10 Declaration of conformity............................................................................................ 35
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1 Safety precautions
Danger to life
Important note
General precautions
All responsibility for any damage or injury resulting from neglecting these precautions, or
non-observance of the normal caution and care required for installation, operation,
maintenance and repair, even if not expressly stated, will be disclaimed by the
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2920 7112 40 5
Also consult following safety precautions: Safety precautions during operation and Safety
precautions during maintenance or repair.
These precautions apply to machinery processing or consuming air or inert gas. Processing
of any other gas requires additional safety precautions typical to the application which are
not included herein.
Some precautions are general and cover several machine types and equipment; hence
some statements may not apply to your machine.
6 2920 7112 40
Also consult following safety precautions: Safety precautions during installation and Safety
precautions during maintenance or repair.
These precautions apply to machinery processing or consuming air or inert gas. Processing
of any other gas requires additional safety precautions typical to the application which are
not included herein.
Some precautions are general and cover several machine types and equipment; hence
some statements may not apply to your machine.
2920 7112 40 7
flush abundantly with fresh water over the clothing until all refrigerant is flushed away; then
seek medical first aid.
21. The following safety precautions are stressed when handling desiccant:
• Take precautions not to inhale desiccant dust.
• Check that the working area is adequately ventilated; if required, use breathing protection.
• Do not overfill the dryer when replacing desiccant.
Also consult following safety precautions: Safety precautions during installation and Safety
precautions during operation.
These precautions apply to machinery processing or consuming air or inert gas. Processing
of any other gas requires additional safety precautions typical to the application which are
not included herein.
Some precautions are general and cover several machine types and equipment; hence
some statements may not apply to your machine.
8 2920 7112 40
2 General description
2.1 Introduction
General views
FX 1 up to FX 5
2920 7112 40 9
FX 6 up to FX 12
The FX air dryers remove moisture from compressed air by cooling the air to near freezing point. This
causes water to condense. The condensate is automatically drained. The air is warmed up before leaving
the dryer.
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Reference Name
4 Evaporator
5 Condensate separator
6 Impurity trap
10 Heat exchanger
11 Digital dewpoint indicator
13 Condensate drain
Compressed air enters heat exchanger (10) and is cooled by the outgoing, cold, dried air. Water in the
incoming air starts to condense. The air then flows through heat exchanger/evaporator (10 and 4) where the
refrigerant evaporates, causing the air to be cooled further to close to the evaporating temperature of the
refrigerant. More water in the air condenses. The cold air then flows through separator (5) where all the
condensate is separated from the air. The condensate is automatically drained in the condensate drain.
The cold, dried air flows through heat exchanger (10) where it is warmed up by the incoming air to
approximately 10˚C (18˚F) below the incoming air temperature.
Condensation in the air net cannot occur unless the air is cooled to below the pressure dewpoint, indicated
by the dewpoint indicator (11).
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Reference Name
1 Refrigerant compressor
2 Condenser
4 Evaporator
7 Expansion capillary tube
8 Refrigerant filter
Compressor (1) delivers hot, high-pressure refrigerant gas which flows through condenser (2) where most
of the refrigerant condenses.
The liquid flows through the refrigerant dryer/filter (8) to capillary tube (7). The refrigerant leaves the
capillary tube at evaporating pressure.
The refrigerant enters evaporator (4) where it withdraws heat from the compressed air by further
evaporation at constant pressure. The heated refrigerant leaves the evaporator and flows through the liquid
separator (9) back to the compressor (1).
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Reference Name
3 Cooling fan
9 Hot gas bypass valve
The condenser pressure must be kept as constant as possible to obtain stable operation. Fan control switch
therefore stops and starts the cooling fan (3).
If, under partial or no load, the evaporator pressure drops below a certain level, the hot gas bypass valve
opens and hot, high-pressure gas is fed to the evaporator circuit to prevent the evaporator pressure from
dropping any further.
The fan control switch starts the fan motor as soon as the condenser pressure reaches the upper set point of
the switch and will stop the fan motor when the condenser pressure decreases to its lower set point.
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3 Installation
Use a suitable tool (pallet carrier, fork lift truck) to move the dryer.
Do not use metal cables for lifting.
Move the dryer gently.
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Reference Description
- Install the refrigerant air dryer on a level floor, suitable for its weight.
- The recommended minimum distance between the top of the unit and the ceiling is 1.5
m (58.5 in).
The minimum distance between the wall and the back of the dryer must be 1.5 m (58.5
Lay out the condensate drain hose via a funnel towards a drain collector to allow visual
inspection. The hose must slope downwards.
If the condensate drain has been fitted outside the dryer room where it may be exposed
to freezing temperatures, it must be insulated.
2920 7112 40 15
Reference Description
- The power cable must be connected by a qualified electrician.
Connect the dryer to the correct voltage; if necessary, check the unit data plate.
Check that the electrical installation corresponds to local codes. The dryer must be
earthed and protected against short circuits using an automatic cut-out device with a
differential device.
An isolating switch must be installed near the dryer.
- Connect the compressed air lines to the marked inlet and outlet pipes of the dryer (see
Dimension drawings). Provide an air inlet valve and outlet valve. If a bypass pipe and
valve are installed, the dryer can be serviced while it is bypassed.
1 Location of isolating switch and fuses.
2 Minimum distance 1.5 m (58.5 in).
3.3 Pictographs
Reference Name
1 Warning, under tension
2 Warning, air not fit for breathing
3 Warning, high pressure
4 Warning, rotating fan
5 Warning, hot surface
6 Switch off the voltage and depressurize the dryer before maintenance or repair
16 2920 7112 40
4 Operating instructions
4.1 Warnings
Safety precautions
The operator must apply all relevant safety precautions, including those mentioned in this manual.
Altitude operation
Consult your supplier if operating above 3000 m (9843 ft).
FX 1 up to FX 12
Reference Name
1 Digital controller, used for:
1. pressure dewpoint indication (main function)
2. alarms information
3. maintenance interval scheduling
2 Dryer on/off switch
2920 7112 40 17
Reference Name
1 Alarm icon
2 Refrigerant compressor icon
3 Fan icon
4 PDP (dewpoint) temperature
5 Unit (°C or °F)
6 Alarm LED
7 Button to snooze or to reset the alarm (only for remote alarm function).
8 SET button
9 UP button
10 DOWN button
8+9 Back to previous screen
8+10 Menu
On Dryer on
Flashing + SE Maintenance warning
Flashing + L2 Dewpoint too low
Dryer is stopped
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Fault messages
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2920 7112 40 21
12. Then “rL” is fixed and “°C” blinks on display for about 10 seconds.
9. Then “rS” is fixed and “°C” blinks on display for ~10 seconds.
22 2920 7112 40
Resetting the dryer after a refrigerant compressor stop (available with Remote Alarm function on
FX6 to FX 12)
Press button 7 to reset the alarm.
The dryer restarts when both the following conditions are true:
• The dewpoint temperature is higher than -2°C
• 30 seconds are passed from the refrigerant compressor stop (minimum balancing pressure stop time).
A countdown is available if the reset is made before the minimum stop time.
Silent alarm function (available with Remote Alarm function on FX6 to FX 12)
To snooze the alarm, press button 7.
4.4 Starting
To ensure optimum operational efficiency, do not use dryer on/off switch repeatedly
within a short time period.
Wait at least 5 minutes to start the dryer again after stopping to allow pressure
To keep the compressed air net free of condensate, start the dryer before starting the
compressor and stop the compressor before stopping the dryer.
FX 1 up to FX 12
2920 7112 40 23
Step Action
1 If installed, close the dryer by-pass valve. See Installation proposal.
2 Press dryer on/off switch (2).
3 Open dryer air inlet valve (customer's installation).
4 Approx. 5 minutes later, open dryer air outlet valve (customer's installation).
5 Approx. 10 minutes later, the nominal dewpoint will be reached.
FX 1 up to FX 12
Regularly check:
• The pressure dewpoint on the digital controller (1). The pressure dewpoint will deviate from nominal
if the air inlet conditions or volume flow differ from nominal.
• That condensate is discharged via condensate outlet. The amount depends on the operating
4.6 Stopping
To ensure optimum operational efficiency, do not use dryer on/off switch repeatedly
within a short time period.
Wait at least 5 minutes to start the dryer again after stopping to allow pressure
To keep the compressed air net free of condensate, start the dryer before starting the
compressor and stop the compressor before stopping the dryer.
24 2920 7112 40
FX 1 up to FX 12
Step Action
1 Close the dryer inlet and outlet valve (customer’s installation).
2 Press dryer on/off switch (2), the dryer stops.
3 If provided, open the dryer by-pass valve.
2920 7112 40 25
5 Maintenance instructions
Safety precautions
Before starting any maintenance or repair work, close the air inlet and outlet valve and switch off the
When removing the side panels of the dryer, be aware that internal elements such as the pipes can be hot.
Therefore, wait until the dryer has cooled down before removing the side panels.
Dryers of FX type contain refrigerant HFC.
When handling refrigerant, all applicable safety precautions must be observed. Please be aware of
the following points:
• Contact of refrigerant with the skin will cause freezing. Special gloves must be worn. In case of
contact with the skin, the skin should be rinsed with water. On no account may clothing be removed.
• Fluid refrigerant will also cause freezing of the eyes; safety glasses must hence be worn.
• Refrigerant is hazardous. Do not inhale refrigerant vapours. Check that the working area is adequately
Local legislation
Local legislation may stipulate that:
• Work on the refrigerant circuit of the cooling dryer or on any equipment which influences its function
must be undertaken by an authorised control body.
• The installation is checked once a year by an authorised control body.
• Keep the dryer clean.
• Inspect and clean the filter of the automatic condensate drain monthly, in dusty environment drain
• Release the pressure in the dryer by pressing the TEST push button on top of the condensate
drain (before switching off the supply voltage).
• Switch off the voltage
• Remove the filter from the automatic drain and clean it with an air jet, working from inside to
• Reinstall the filter
• Brush or blow off the finned surface of the condenser monthly. Do not use water or solvents.
• Apply the drain wear kit once per year (see Spare Parts list for part number).
These maintenance intervals are intended for well ventilated, non-humid and not dusty
For particularly high humidity ambient conditions, the intervals should be halved.
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6 Device settings
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7 Problem solving
FX 1 up to FX 5
FX 6 up to FX 12
Reference Name
1 Inlet and outlet valves
2 Condensate drain
3 Dryer on/ off switch
4 Isolating switch
28 2920 7112 40
Use only authorised parts. Any damage or malfunction caused by the use of
unauthorised parts is not covered by Warranty or Product Liability.
Apply all relevant safety precautions.
Before carrying out any maintenance or repair work on the dryer:
Close air inlet and outlet valves (1) of the dryer.
Move dryer on/off switch (3) to position 0 to switch off the voltage. See section Stopping.
Open the isolating switch (4) to prevent an accidental start.
The air inlet and outlet valves (1) can be locked during maintenance or repair
work as follows:
• Close the valve.
• Using a wrench, remove the screw fixing the handle.
• Lift the handle and turn it until the slot of the handle fits over the blocking edge on
the valve body.
• Fit the screw.
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8 Technical data
Reference conditions
Compressed air inlet pressure bar(e) 7
Compressed air inlet pressure psig 101.53
Compressed air inlet temperature ˚C 35
Compressed air inlet temperature °F 95
Ambient temperature °C 25
Ambient temperature °F 77
Dewpoint °C 3
Dewpoint °F 37.4
Maximum compressed air inlet pressure bar(e) 13
Maximum compressed air inlet pressure psig 188.5
Minimum ambient temperature °C 5
Minimum ambient temperature °F 41
Maximum ambient temperature °C 43
Maximum ambient temperature °F 110
Maximum compressed air inlet temperature °C 55
Maximum compressed air inlet temperature °F 122
FX 1 up to FX 5 - 230 V 50 Hz
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FX 1 up to FX 5 - 230 V 60 Hz
FX 6 up to FX 12 - 230 V 50 Hz
FX 6 up to FX 12 - 230 V 60 Hz
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10 Declaration of conformity
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On the Declaration of Conformity / Declaration by the Manufacturer, the harmonized and/or other
standards that have been used for the design are shown and/or referred to.
The Declaration of Conformity / Declaration by the Manufacturer is part of the documentation that is
supplied with this device.
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