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Integrated Basic Education Department

Senior High School
Lagao, General Santos City

English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Quarter: Midterm Date: 2020.09.07 – 2020.09.11

Week No.: 3 21st Century Skills:
Damean’s Beat: Simplicity  Critical Thinking
NDDU’s 4Cs: ☐ Christian Leaders ☐ Computing/ICT Literacy
 Competent Professionals  Communication
☐ Community-Oriented Citizens  Creativity
☐ Culture-Sensitive Individuals ☐ Collaboration
Teacher/s: Karen Pearl C. Fuentes ☐ Cross Cultural Understanding
☐ Career and Learning Self Reliance

Module No.: 3
I. Topic: Structures of Academic Texts and Language Use
II. Learning Targets:
At the end of the lesson, I can:
1. identify concepts related to structures of academic texts through a given activity
2. show self-reliance when working independently
3. write a structured essay about one’s life during the pandemic.

III. Introduction/Review/Content:

Look at the pictures below. What is common among them?

You are right! They all show a certain structure.

Do you know that structures are also observed in academic writing? Do you want to know how?
Continue reading and you will find out!

2020.09.05 12:59:29 PM
Structure is of major importance in a piece of academic writing and is one of the keyways
that it differs from other forms of writing. There is an expectation that the writing will take the
reader through the different stages or sections of the work, including clear signposts along
the way. Assessment criteria will almost always include how well a piece of work has been

This module will introduce to you the common structures of academic texts
–Essay, Report, and IMRaD.

Are you ready to know more about these


The essay has been described as ‘the default genre’ (Andrews, 2003) and as such cuts
across all disciplines. It is used to ask you to discuss and explore something in depth – for
example the reasons for a particular event in history, the advantages and disadvantages of
a theory, the impact of a new law on society. It will usually expect you to indicate your point
of view or judgement on the topic.

Typical essay structure

Most exam
An essay normally follows this structure: questions call for an
essay in a shorter
1. Introduction form, so you can
2. Body/Development use the model
3. Conclusion structure to answer
4. References. an exam question
as well.
The four areas play very different parts.

The Introduction acts as a way into the main section, providing some background information
on the topic and explaining which aspects of it will be covered in the essay. It is normally
one or two paragraphs long.

The Body or Development section builds up the writer’s main ideas in a series of paragraphs.
These paragraphs must be linked to one another so that anyone reading the essay can
follow the line of argument and thread of the discussion.

The Conclusion draws together the main point of each of the paragraphs and can include a
statement on the opinion of the writer.

2020.09.05 12:59:29 PM
Finally, the References section gives full details of any sources (books, journals, websites,
etc.) that have been mentioned, cited, or quoted in the essay.

A writer Is the internet bad for young people?

may The
include a It is easier than ever to access the internet, whether you are using a computer, phone, introduction
title that or tablet. There is no doubt that many young people are spending more and more time online, states the
suggests scope of the
with both positive and negative consequences.
the topic of essay which
are the
the paper. Internet has advantages. One advantage of the internet is that young people can do
positive and
research for their schoolwork and homework. This often helps teenagers to widen their negative
knowledge and improve their grades. Another positive aspect of the internet is that people consequences
can practice foreign languages by chatting to friends in other countries. This is also a good of internet.
way of keeping in touch with friends and family around the world.
On the other hand, there are also negative consequences. Some young people
section is become addicted to online gaming and this can mean that they waste too much time playing
divided these games. This can have a negative effect on their schoolwork, the amount of exercise
into two they get and their social lives. In addition, excessive internet use can mean that some young
paragrap The
people hardly talk to their families because they are always on the computer.
hs which conclusion
discuss To sum up, spending time on the internet can have a negative impact on young sums up the
two ideas
people, but it also has many advantages. The internet is an incredible tool and the benefits presented in
main of internet access outweigh the dangers. However, people should be careful not to use the the previous
ideas. internet excessively. paragraphs.

Surely, you have written an essay. Do the things you know about essays
connect with the presented ideas? Can you improve more your written

Continue learning more!

A report is usually the result of some kind of investigation of a situation,
event or series of events. It is very common to working life so if you
become familiar with its structure and use it well you will find you are
developing an important skill for future employment.

Some common examples of reports are:

■ a market research report, explaining trends and consumer behavior
■ an annual report from a company, documenting performance
■ a survey report, presenting findings on opinions, preferences or

2020.09.05 12:59:29 PM
Typical report structure
Unlike an essay, a report
will have sections and
headings to guide the
reader through the ■ first part: title page; summary; list of contents
document. Like an ■ middle part: introduction; methodology; findings/results; discussion;
essay, it has a conclusion
beginning, middle and
■ last part: references; bibliography; appendices.

The first part presents your work to the audience, rather like the opening credits of a film or
play. The summary (or abstract) is particularly useful here as it gives a condensed version
of the entire report. The middle part is where the material is developed. Each section has a
heading and takes the reader through the investigation, analysis, and discussion. The last
part contains all the supporting material that has been used in the report, for example any
outside sources, the raw data, or questionnaires, if used.

Do you think you can make a report?

Yes, of course! If you follow these steps and guidelines, you can make an
effective one!

We are down to the last structure of Academic Text. But

before you proceed, what do you think IMRaD stands for?

Most academic texts in the sciences adhere to the model called IMRaD, which is an
acronym for Introduction, Methods and Materials, Results, and Discussion.

Take note of the following terms!


An aim is what you intend to achieve with your study.

Example: “to investigate how effectively Philippine health system respond to

the pandemic”

Research Questions

These are specific questions that enable you to reach your aim

Example: “What preparations do they make to respond to the pandemic?”

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▪ Introduction provides the reader everything he/she needs to know in order to
understand your aim as well as why the aim is important.
▪ This should be written from general to specific


▪ This shows your reader exactly how you have conducted your research.
▪ This includes the purpose of the details.

▪ In the results section, you should account for your
results in an objective manner, without
interpreting them.

▪ It is where you interpret your results.
▪ You have to write and analyze at the same time.

▪ The conclusion is not merely a brief repetition of
your results.
▪ Focus instead on what your results may imply
after careful consideration.

IV. Check your Understanding:

Instructions: Identify the concepts related to Structures of Academic Text that are being referred to
by the following statements. Write your answers on the blank before each number.

_________________1. This section of an essay includes paragraphs which express the writer’s
main ideas and arguments.
_________________2. This section in IMRaD puts in details the steps undertaken by the author and
the materials used in conducting a research.
_________________3. It is what the author wants to achieve at the end of the study.
_________________4. This is considered to be the default genre or structure across all disciplines.
_________________5. This is where readers are provided with background information of the topic
and the rationale for writing about it.
_________________6. It is a brief restatement of the main arguments and facts that have been
presented in the essay.
_________________7. These are questions which are helpful in attaining an aim.
_________________8. It is usually the result of some kind of investigation of a situation, event or
series of events.
_________________9. The part of a report which contains all the supporting materials that were
used in the report.

2020.09.05 12:59:29 PM
_________________10. It is where writers interpret results.

Let us check your answers!

10. Discussion
9. Last part
8. Report
7. Research questions
6. Conclusion
5. Introduction
4. Essay
3. Aim
2. Methods and materials
1. Body/Development

V. Enrichment:

What to do: Write an essay about your life during the pandemic.

Structure – 5
Organization – 10
Mechanics in Writing – 5
Grammar – 5

✓ Include and highlight 5 features of academic text in your writing.
✓ Limit your answer in 200-300 words only.
✓ Write your answers on the attached answer sheet.
VI. References/Materials:

PowerPoint Presentation
Reading Material: Is the internet bad for young people?

A for and against essay about the internet. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Boy Cartoon clipart - Writing, Boy, Illustration, transparent clip art, accessed August 25, 2020,

Cell Structure - Biology Online Tutorial, accessed August 31, 2020,

Flat vs Hierarchical Organisational Structure - what’s best for your company?, accessed August
31, 2020, <https://images.app.goo.gl/UvPbXSwUSav95t1G7>
Gillett, A., Hammond, A., Martala, M. (2009). Inside Track: Successful Academic Writing. Great
Britain: Henry Ling Ltd., at the Dorset Press, Dorchester, Dorset, pp. 7-9
2020.09.05 12:59:29 PM
Karolina Institutet. (2017, August 11). The structure of academic texts. Retrieved from https://kib.

Steel Frame Structures | Steel Framing | Steel Structures, accessed August 31, 2020,
Tangiisuran, B. (2019). Scientific Writing Series: IMRaD, accessed August 25, 2020,

Writing Cartoon png download - 935*1200 - Free Transparent Journalism png Download,
accessed August 25, 2020, <https://images.app.goo.gl/QUZhL25MFJVfcvWX6>

2020.09.05 12:59:29 PM
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
Lagao, General Santos City

English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Student’s Name: ________________________________ Date Submitted: __________________

Grade & Section: ________________________________
Quarter: Midterm Week No.: 3
Teacher/s: Karen Pearl C. Fuentes


Parent’s/Guardian’s Name & Signature

2020.09.05 12:59:29 PM

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