AIUB-BSHRM Joint Program: Assignment Exercise
AIUB-BSHRM Joint Program: Assignment Exercise
AIUB-BSHRM Joint Program: Assignment Exercise
Based on above information you will have to prepare the following tasks as group/ individual assignment.
a. GAP analysis of HR with justification.
b. JOB Analysis (Job Description & Job specification) to be prepared for the new positions as recommended
based on GAP analysis.
c. Job Advertisement based on above facts.
1. Assignment to be prepared in a group/ individual.
2. Concerned group/ individual may use the company name, other facts as per their choice.
3. There will be one team leader in each group/team. All members of groups should participate in
preparing the assignment.
4. Assignment should be submitted by each group/ individual virtually in hard copy and Power Point
presentation to be given in class by each group/ individual on selected date for their group. All
members of group will have to take part in presentation.
5. After presentation, remaining students will have to raise questions on the presentation and the group
who presented will answer the questions.
6. By rotation all members should participate in presentation as well as question answer sessions. Marks
will also be given on individual presentation and question- Answer skill.
7. Assignment and Presentation of groups should not be similar/ same to each other. Each group will
prepare their Assignment based on their findings and group exercise.