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Basics of Explosion Protection: Introduction To Explosion Protection For Electrical Apparatus and Installations

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Basics of Explosion Protection

14 5
2 6
Introduction to Explosion Protection
for Electrical Apparatus and Installations
Product Range
Product Range


A company of the

Switchgear Lighting Instrumentation

Installation equipment Fluorescent light fittings Safety barrier modules

Control and monitoring equipment Emergency fluorescent light fittings I.S. Isolators
Terminal boxes and control stations Light fittings in sheet steel Remote I/O
Position switches Pendant light fittings Operating and monitoring systems
Load and motor switchgear Bulk head light fittings Instrumentation systems
Switching and distribution systems with EEx modules Floodlights
Switching and distribution systems with Portable lamps
flameproof enclosures
Portable searchlights
Control equipment in pressurized enclosures
Tank inspection lights
Signaling and monitoring equipment
Emergency light power supply units
Measurement and control equipment
Equipment for conduit installation



It is a fact that gases, vapours and mists escape during the
production, processing, transportation and storage of flamma-
ble materials in the chemical and petrochemical industries, as
well as in the production of mineral oil and natural gas, in mining
and in many other sectors. During many processes also
flammable dusts are created. These flammable gases,
vapours, mists and dusts, form an explosive atmosphere with
the oxygen of the air. In the case that this atmosphere is ignited,
explosions take place which can result in severe harm to
human life and property

To avoid the danger of explosions, protective regulations in

form of laws, specifications and standards have been
developed in most countries and are aimed at ensuring that a
high level of safety is observed. Due to the growing international
economic link, extensive progress has been made in harmoni-
zing the regulations for the explosion protection. The conditions
for a complete harmonization have been created in the Euro-
pean Union by the 9/94 EC Directive. However, world-wide
there is still much to be done in this area.

The aim of this brochure is to provide both experts and

interested laymen with an overview in the field of explosion
protection; in conjunction with electrical apparatus and
installations, it does not replace the study of the relevant sta-
tutory regulations and applicable standards.

In mining, miners underground have always lived under the

threat of firedamp explosions. Herein lie the origins of
explosion protection, which has been consistently developed
in industrialized countries and now provides a high level of

Picture of a pit explosion


1 The basic physic Principles and Definitions of Explosion Protection


Statutory Regulations and Standards

2.1 International Standards
2.2 European Directives and Standards
2.2.1 Introduction
2.2.2 EC Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX 100a)
2.2.3 Certification and Marking
2.3 Statutory Regulations in Germany

3 Technical Principles
3.1 Zone Classification
3.2 Explosion Groups and Temperature Classes
3.3 Types of Protection
3.3.1 Application and Combination of Types of Protection ”d” and ”e”
3.3.2 Applications of Type of Protection “Intrinsic Safety“

4 Installation and Operation of Electrical Equipment

4.1 Duties of Installer, Manufacturer and Operator
4.2 Classification of Zones and Selection of Apparatus
4.3 Methods of Installation
4.4 Repair and Maintenance

Explosion Protection in North America

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Classification of Hazardous Locations
5.3 Regulations for Installation
5.4 Constructional Requirements
5.5 Degrees of Protection provided by Enclosures
5.6 Certification and Marking

6 Appendix
Comparison of IEC Publications and European Standards (EN)
Safety Characteristics of Flammable Gases and Vapours
6.3 Classification of Hazardous Locations in North America
6.4 Constructional Requirements in North America
6.5 Degrees of Protection to IEC 60529 – IPXX
6.6 Degrees of Protection to NEMA Standards
6.7 Overview of the most important Approval and Testing Authorities





Page 6-7

Page 8-10

Page 11-15

Page 16-17

Page 18-19

Page 20-26

Page 28
Page 29
1. The basic physic Principles and Definition between the lower and upper explosion limit that the mixture
of Explosion Protection reacts explosively when ignited. The explosion limits depend
on the ambient pressure and the proportion of oxygen in the
An explosion is the sudden chemical reaction of a flammable air.
material with oxygen with the simultaneous release of high
energy. Flammable materials may be present in the form of
gases, vapours, mists or dusts. In order for a fire or explosion Substance Lower explosion limit Upper explosion limit
to occur three conditions must exist: designation [Vol. %] [Vol.%]
Acetylene 2.3 78.0 (self-decomposing)
1. Flammable material (in ignitable quantities) Ethylene 2.3 32.4
2. Oxygen (in the air) Gasoline ~ 0.6 ~8
3. Ignition source Benzol 1.2 8
Natural gas 4.0 (7.0) 13.0 (17.0)
Heating oil/diesel ~ 0.6 ~ 6.5
MaterialStoff Methane 4.4 16.5
Propane 1.7 10.9
E x p l o s i o n Carbon disulphide 0.6 60.0
Ignition Town gas 4.0 (6.0) 30.0 (40.0)
Oxygen Zündquelle
Source Hydrogen 4.0 77.0

Certain characteristic properties of these materials are

required for safety considerations. The flash point of a Explosion Limits of selected Gases and Vapours
flammable liquid is the minimum temperature at which a Extract from the table ”Safety characteristics of
liquid gives off vapour in sufficient concentration to form an flammable gases and vapours” by K. Nabert
ignitable mixture with air near the surface of the liquid (at and G. Schön - (6th addendum)
normal air pressure). If the flash point of a flammable liquid is
far above the maximum temperatures which arise, an explo- The terms used here are deflagration, explosion or detonation,
sive atmosphere may not be formed. The flash point of a mix- depending on the speed of combustion.
ture of various liquids may be lower than that of the indivi- An atmosphere is described as dangerous or explosive if there
dual components. is danger to human life or to property. An explosive atmosphere
of even just a few litres can be dangerous in an enclosed space.
Flammable liquids are classified into four danger classes in
the German Technical Regulations for Flammable Liquids (TRbF): Source of Ignition
In order for an explosive atmosphere to ignite, a certain
amount of energy is needed. The minimum ignition energy is
Danger class Flash point the smallest possible amount of energy which is converted
AI < 21°C during the discharge of a capacitor and is just enough to
AII 21 to 55°C ignite the most ignitable mixture. The minimum ignition
AIII > 55 to 100°C energy is around 10 -5J for hydrogen and a few
B < 21°C, soluble in water at 15°C joules for certain dusts.

For an explosive atmosphere to form, the flammable material

must be present in a certain concentration.

100 Vol % concentration of air 0 Vol %

mixture ignition range mixture

too lean too rich

no deflagration,
combustion no explosion

lower explosion limit upper

0 Vol % concentration of 100 Vol %

combustible material in air

If the concentration is too low (lean mixture) or too high (rich

mixture), no explosion occurs, rather there is just a slow
combustion reaction or none at all. It is only in the range Comparison between the minimum ignition energy of gases,
dusts and practical sources of ignition.

Ignition can be caused by various sources:

• hot surfaces
• electrical arcs and sparks
• electrostatic discharge
• atmospheric discharge (lightning)
• mechanical friction or impact sparks
• electromagnetic radiation
• ultrasonics
• adiabatic compression (shock waves)
• ionizing radiation
• optical radiation
• chemical reactions
• open flames

Primary Explosion Protection

The term primary explosion protection refers to all precau-
tions which prevent a dangerous, explosive atmosphere from
being created.
This can be achieved by:
• avoiding flammable substances (replacement technologies)
• deactivation (addition of nitrogen, carbon dioxide etc.)
• limitation of the concentration
• natural or artificial ventilation
The principle of integrated explosion protection requires
explosion protection measures to be taken in a certain

Explosion Protection

Avoiding of the
formation of an
atmosphere 1
Prevention of the
ignition of an
atmosphere 2
Limiting of the
results of an explosion
to a harmless
level 3
Secondary Explosion Protection
If the danger of explosions cannot be completely or only partly
avoided by primary explosion protection measures, then mea-
sures must be taken which prevent the ignition of an explosive
atmosphere. The hazardous locations are therefore devided
into zones, according to the probability of an explosive atmos-
phere being created (see Section 3.1). In the USA and other
countries, hazardous locations are classified into Classes and
Divisions (see Section 5). For areas classified in this way,
requirements must be met concerning the apparatus which
are approved to be used in these locations. In addition it is sti- 4094-P
pulated how to prove that these minimum requirements have
been met (see section 2.2.3 and 5.6). Polyester Resin Control Station 8146

2. Statutory Regulations and Standards The European Standards series EN 50 014 and following
which deal with electrical explosion protection, have been
2.1 International Standards developed by the Technical Committee CENELEC TC31 and
The IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is adopted in the EU states as identical national standards (see
responsible for international standardization in the field of table below).
electrical technology. IEC publications which deal with
explosion protection for electrical apparatus and installations, It is determined that the member states of the European
are developed by the Technical Committee TC31. IEC publica- Union may not forbid the free trade of electrical apparatus, if
tions have the status of recommendations which are used for it complies with these standards and has a Certificate of
orientation purposes for national and regional standards Conformity from a recognized EC testing authority.
(see Appendix 6.1).
The IEC has introduced a procedure - the so called IEC-Ex The European directives and the uniform standards in the
Scheme - intended to become a globally recognized test and field of electrical explosion protection have proved to be very
certification procedure in the field of explosion protected elec- worthwhile in practice.
trical apparatus. Many technical and legal hurdles still have to
be overcome before this procedure can operate world-wide. 2.2.2 EC Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX 100a)
The EC Directive 94/9/EC was issued in 1994 to further
2.2 European Directives and Standards standardize explosion protection and make corresponding
adjustments in line with a new directive concept. It specifies
2.2.1 Introduction the requirements for explosion protected equipment and pro-
Already in 1976 the Council of the European Community esta- tective systems by prescribing essential health and safety
blished the prerequisite for unrestricted trade of explosion requirements. It guarantees the free trade within the Euro-
protected electrical equipment within the European Union pean Community, as agreed in Article 100a of the Treaty esta-
by ratifying the ”Directive on the harmonization of the laws of blished between the European Community member states.
the member states concerning electrical equipment for use This is also where the term ATEX 100a, generally used among
in potentially explosive atmospheres (76/117/EEC)”. the experts , comes from.
This directive has since then been supplemented by further
directives. The directive applies to all industrial potentially
Complete harmonization in this area was achieved in 1994 explosive areas including mining and also covers dust
with the new Directive 94/9/EC. Of course, in addition to a explosion protection. The scope covers all electrical and
uniform statutory regulation, uniform standards are required mechanical equipment and protective systems. In addition to
as well. CENELEC is the European Committee for Electrotech- the basic health and safety requirements, the classification
nical Standardization in which the countries of the European of the equipment and protective systems according to cate-
Union and the West European EFTA states cooperate. gories has also been re-organized, as well as the certification and
European standards (EN) are published in three official versi- marking of these.
ons (French, English and German). The members of CENELEC
are obliged to adopt the European Standards unchanged as
national standards.

Constructional Requirements for Explosion Protected Electrical Apparatus

CENELEC Germany France Great Britain

General requirements EN 50 014 DIN EN 50 014 NF EN 50 014 BS EN 50 014

VDE 0170/0171 T. 1
Type of protection ”o” EN 50 015 DIN EN 50 015 NF EN 50 015 BS EN 50 015
VDE 0170/0171 T. 2
Type of protection ”p” EN 50 016 DIN EN 50 016 NF EN 50 016 BS EN 50 016
VDE 0170/0171 T.3
Type of protection ”q” EN 50 017 DIN EN 50 017 NF EN 50 017 BS EN 50 017
VDE 0170/0171 T.4
Type of protection ”d” EN 50 018 DIN EN 50 018 NF EN 50 018 BS EN 50 018
VDE 0170/0171 T.5
Type of protection ”e” EN 50 019 DIN EN 50 019 NF EN 50 019 BS EN 50 019
VDE 0170/0171 T.6
Type of protection ”i” EN 50 020 DIN EN 50 020 NF EN 50 020 BS EN 50 020
VDE 0170/0171 T.7
Type of protection ”n” prEN 50 021 pr DIN EN 50 021 pr C23-521 BS 6941
pr VDE 0170/0171 T.16
Type of protection ”m” EN 50 028 DIN VDE 0170/0171 T.9 NF EN 50 028 BS 5501:Part 8

Definitions • A ”potentially explosive atmos-
• ”Electrical installations” are individual or interconnected phere” is an atmosphere which
items of apparatus for the generation, conversion, storage, could become explosive due to
transmission, distribution, measurement, regulation, and local and operational conditions.
consumption of electrical energy.
• ”Equipment” means machines, apparatus, fixed or mobile Scope
devices, control components and instrumentation thereof and The directive applies to equipment and protec-
detection or prevention systems which, separately or jointly, tive systems for use in potentially explosive atmos-
are intended for the generation, transfer, storage, measure- pheres. Safety devices intended for use outside potentially
ment, control and conversion of energy for the processing of explosive atmospheres but required for or contributing to the
material and which are capable of causing an explosion safe functioning of equipment with respect to explosion are
through their own potential sources of ignition. also covered by the scope of this Directive. The Directive
• ”Protective systems” is the definition for design units which ATEX 100a doesn’t include a reference to mandatory stan-
are intended to halt incipient explosions immediately and / or dards, whereas specifies the essential health and safety
to limit the effective range of explosion flames and explosion requirements to be maintained and which are mandatory for
pressures. Protective systems may be integrated into equip- the design and construction. The protection against other
ment separately placed on the market for use as autonomous hazards (e.g. electric shock) which could be caused by this
systems. The components of the above defined equipment equipment, is required as well.
are not to be considered ”protective systems”.
•”Components” means any item essential for the safe func- 2.2.3 Certification and Marking
tioning of equipment and protective systems but with no In potentially explosive atmospheres only approved and
autonomous function marked equipment is allowed to be used. For the placing on
• An ”explosive atmosphere” is a mixture with air, under market of explosion protected equipment two directives
atmospheric condition, of flammable substances in the form apply in parallel.
of gases, vapours, mists, or dusts in which, after ignition has
occured, combustion spreads to the entire unburned mixture.

EC Directive 79/196/EEC 94/9/EC

Validity until 30.06.2003 since 01.03.1996
Range of validity for equipment in - Electrical equipment - All equipment and protective systems
hazardous areas - Gases and vapours - Gases and vapours and dusts
- not for mining - including mining
QM system of manufacturer no requirements ”QM certificate” from
a designated authority
Certificate of conformity Certificate of conformity or inspection Manufacturer’s declaration
certificate from a resting authority of on the basis of type
conformity examination

Marking is specified by the Directive and the applicable standards

Name or mark of
Type designation, (e.g.) 6000/562-.... 6000/562-....
Address — D-Künzelsau
CE mark, number of testing
authority, (e.g. PTB) — 0102
Testing authority, Number of certificate, (e.g.) PTB No. Ex- 91.C.1045 1) PTB 97 ATEX 2031 1)
Mark according to EC Directive 2) 2)
(free trade of goods)
Group and equipment category: Group I: M 1 or M 2
Mining (I) I or II Group II: 1 G/D, 2 G/D, 3 G/D
Others (II)

Marking in accordance with EN EEx / Ex EEx / Ex

Types of protection, (e.g.) d, e, q, ... d, e, q, ...
ib or [ ib ] 3) ib or [ ib ] 3)
Subdivision for Group Il A or B or C A or B or C
(only for d and i)
Temperature class for II T1 - T6 T1 - T6
Electrical ratings V, A, W, Hz V, A, W, Hz
Ambient temperature, if other than -20 °C ... +40 °C, (e.g.) Ta ≤ 50 °c Ta ≤50 °c

1) With an ... X if reference special conditions for use etc. 2) new: always present, old: not on Ex components
With a ... U for Ex components 3) Intrinsically safe apparatus: ib / associated apparatus: [ ib ]

Manufacturer’s EC Declaration of Conformity (94/9/EC) 2.3 The Statutory Regulations in Germany
The CE conformity marking and the written declaration of con- The Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX 100a) required the last modifica-
formity confirm that the product complies with all require- tion for the time being to the national regulations. It was
ments and assessment procedures specified in the EC Direc- adopted completely into German law on 12 December 1996
tives. when the 11th Regulation on the Equipment Safety Law
The certificates from notified bodies are recognized through- became effective.
out the European Community, moreover many testing authori-
ties have concluded bilateral agreements with other national The requirements concerning equipment used in hazardous
testing authorities outside the EC regulating the acceptance of locations are stipulated in the Regulation on Placing on the
test results (Appendix Overview of Testing Organizations). Market of Equipment and Protective Systems - Regulation
concening Electrical Installations in Explosive Atmospheres
Marking (ExVO)”.
In addition to the usual data such as the name of the manufac- The installation and operation of electrical systems in hazar-
turer, type, serial number and electrical ratings, any data rela- dous locations is governed by the ”Regulation concerning
ting to explosion protection must be contained in the marking Electrical Installations in Explosive Atmospheres (ElexV)”,
(see table above). which includes a reference to the ExVO in respect of the
requirements concerning the equipment.
The CE marking of the equipment confirms that it is designed
and manufactured in compliance with all applicable EC Direc- These new regulations will replace all previous relevant
tives. For example, an explosion protected luminaire marked regulations with effect from 1.7.2003.
with the CE conformity mark must comply with both the During the transition period, equipment can be certified for
”Explosion Protection Code of Practice” as well as the ”EMC - use in explosive atmospheres in accordance with the pre-
Directive”. vious regulation as well as the new Ex-Directive 94/9/EC.
A mixing of both regulations is possible, provided the basic
health and safety requirements of the Directive have been met.

3. Technical Principles which can also occur in these
areas must be further
3.1 Zone Classification classified as shown in Group II.
Hazardous locations are classified into zones to facilitate the
selection of appropriate electrical apparatus as well as the Electrical apparatus in Group II is
design of suitable electrical installations. Information and further classified into explosion groups
specifications for the classification into zones are included in and temperature classes.
IEC 60 079-10 and in national standards.
Furthermore, a European Directive (ATEX 118a), which deals Explosion Groups
with the installation and operation of electrical systems in The ignitability and explosion characteristics of an explosive
hazardous locations and governs the zone classification within mixture are properties typical of the material. The gases and
the EC, is currently being prepared. vapours are classified into explosion groups. Classification
The following table contains an overview of the zones and criteria are the ”Maximum Experimental Safe Gap (MESG)”
allocation of equipment (equipment category according to and the ”Minimum Ignition Current (MIC)”. The MESG and
94/9/EC) for the relevant zones. MIC are determined for the various gases and vapours
according to a stipulated testing arrangement. The maximum
experimental safe gap is the gap width of a vessel with an
Gases, Vapours, Mists Dusts Definition (94/9/EC) adjustable gap of 25 mm path length at which an internal
explosive ignition of an explosive mixture is not propagated to the exte-
atmosphere is rior (IEC 60 079-1A). The minimum ignition current relates to
present: the minimum ignition current for laboratory methane (IEC
Zone 0 ➞ Category 1 G Zone 20 ➞ Category 1 D continiously or long- 60 079-3).
term or frequently An overview of the maximum experimental safe gaps and
Zone 1 ➞ Category 2 G Zone 21 ➞ Category 2 D occasionally minimum ignition currents for the various explosion groups is
Zone 2 ➞ Category 3 G Zone 22 ➞ Category 3 D infrequently shown in the following table:
or short period
Explosion groups Maximum experi- Minimum ignition current ratio
G = gases, D = dusts
mental safe gap rel. to methane
If there are any doubts with the zone classification, the II A > 0.9 mm > 0.8
scope of the protective measures in the entire hazardous II B 0.5 mm to 0.9 mm 0.45 to 0.8
location should be based on the highest possible degree of II C < 0.5 mm < 0.45
likelihood of the occurance of dangerous explosive atmos-
phere. In such cases use of specialists is recommended. The dangerousness of the gases increases from explosion
group IIA to IIC. The requirements for the electrical
In Zones 0 and 1, only electrical apparatus with a Certificate of apparatus increase accordingly to these explosion groups.
Conformity or EC Type Examination Certificate may be used, For this reason, the marking of the electrical apparatus must
however in Zone 0 only equipment which has been expressly show for which explosion group it is designed. Electrical
approved for this purpose. In Zone 2, electrical apparatus which apparatus approved for IIC may also be used for all other
meet the basic health and safety requirements of the Directive explosion groups.
94/9/EC and which has a Manufacturer’s Declaration of Confor-
mity can be used. Of course, equipment which has been certi-
fied for use in Zones 0 and 1 may also be used in Zone 2.

3.2 Explosion Groups and Temperature Classes

It would be uneconomical and sometimes not even possible
to design all explosion protected electrical apparatus in such
way that it always meets the maximum safety requirements,
regardless of the use in each case. For this reason, the
equipment is classified into groups and temperature classes
in accordance with the properties of the explosive
atmosphere for which it is intended.

First of all a differentiation is made between two groups of


Group I: Electrical apparatus for mining.

Group II: Electrical apparatus for all remaining potentially

explosive atmospheres.

In the case of electrical apparatus in Group I (mining), it is

assumed that the only flammable gas to occur is methane,
but in combination with coal dust. Other flammable gases

Temperature Classes 3.3 Types of Protection
The ignition temperature of a flammable gas or liquid is the Only explosion protected equipment may be used in areas in
lowest temperature of a heated surface at which the gas/air which a dangerous, explosive atmosphere may still be
or vapour/air mixture ignites. It is ascertained using precisely expected despite the implementation of primary explosion
defined test equipment (IEC 60 079-4) and represents virtually protection measures.
the lowest temperature at which a hot surface can ignite a Electrical, explosion protected equipment can have various
respective explosive atmosphere. Flammable gases and types of protection according to the construction regulations
vapours may be classified into temperature classes using the of the series of standards EN 50 014 following (DIN VDE
ignition temperature. 0170/0171 Part 1 - following). The type of protection used by
The maximum surface temperature of electrical apparatus shall the manufacturer for apparatus essentially depends on the
always be lower than the ignition temperature of the gas/air or type and function of the apparatus. From a safety point of
vapour/air mixture in which it is used. Of course, equipment view, all standardized types of protection should be seen as
classified in a higher temperature class (eg T5) may also be being equal, but it should be noted here that the type of pro-
used for application in which a lower temperature class is tection ”n”can only be used in Zone 2.
required (eg T2 or T3). In North America there is a system The table on page 13 shows an overview of the standardized
incorporating further classification according to temperature types of protection and describes the basic principle as well as
subclasses. the usual applications.
The code letter ”s” is also used in Europe for
non-standardized protection measures.

Temperature Classes according to IEC

Temperature class Max. Ignition temperatures Temperature class
IEC/EN surface temperature of the flammable substance NEC 500-3
NEC 505-10 of equipment [°C] [°C] CEC 18-052
T1 450 > 450 T1
T2 300 > 300 ≤ 450 T2
280 > 280 ≤ 300 T2A
260 > 260 ≤ 280 T2B
230 > 230 ≤ 260 T2C
215 > 215 ≤ 230 T2D
T3 200 > 200 ≤ 300 T3
180 > 180 ≤ 200 T3A
165 > 165 ≤ 180 T3B
160 > 160 ≤ 165 T3C
T4 135 > 135 ≤ 200 T4
120 > 120 ≤ 135 T4A
T5 100 > 100 ≤ 135 T5
T6 85 > 85 ≤ 100 T6

Examples for the Classification of Gases and Vapours into Explosion Groups and Temperature Classes
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
I Methane
II A Acetone Ethanol Benzine Acetaldehyde
Ethane i-Amyl acetate Diesel fuel Ethylether
Ethyl ethanoate n-Butane Aircraft fuel
Ammonia n-Butyl alcohol Heating oils
Benzol (pure) n-Hexane
Ethanoic acid
Carbon oxide
II B Coal gas Ethylene
(lighting gas)
II C Hydrogen Acetylene Carbon disulphide

Type of protection Basic principle Diagram Main application
in accordance with

Flameproof Parts which can ignite a potentially explosive Switchgear and control
enclosure atmosphere are surrounded by an enclosure gear and indicating
d which withstands the pressure of an explosive equipment, control
IEC 60 079-1 mixture exploding inside the enclosure and pre- systems, motors, trans-
EN 50 018 vents the propagation of the explosion to the formers, heating equip-
atmosphere surrounding the enclosure. ment, light fittings

Increased Additional measures are taken to increase the Terminal and connection
safety level of safety, thus preventing the possibility of boxes, control boxes for
e unacceptably high temperatures and the creation installing Ex-components
IEC 60 079-7 of sparks or electric arcs within the enclosure or (which have a different
EN 50 019 on exposed parts of electrical apparatus parts, type of protection), squir-
where such ignition sources would not occur rel-cage motors, light fit-
under normal operation. tings

Pressurized The formation of a potentially explosive Switchgear and control

apparatus atmosphere inside a casing is prevented by main- cabinets, analysers,
p taining a positive internal pressure of inert gas in large motors
IEC 60 079-3 relation to the surrounding atmosphere and,
EN 50 016 where necessary, by supplying the inside of the
casing with a constant flow of inert gas which
acts to dilute any combustible mixtures.

Intrinsic safety Apparatus used in a potentially explosive area Measurement and control
i contain intrinsically safe electric circuits only. An technology, communica-
IEC 60 079-11 electric circuit is intrinsically safe if no sparks or tion technology, sensors,
EN 50 020 thermal effects are produced under specified test actuators
conditions (which include normal operation and
specific fault conditions) which might result in the
ignition of a specified potentially explosive atmos-

Oil immersion Electrical apparatus or parts of electrical Transformers, starting

o apparatus are immersed in a protective fluid resistors
IEC 60 079-6 (such as oil), such that a potentially explosive
EN 50 015 atmosphere existing over the surface or outside
of the apparatus cannot be ignited.

Powder filling Filling the casing of an electrical apparatus with a Transformers, capacitors,
q fine granular packing material has the effect of terminal boxes for
IEC 60 079-5 making it impossible for an electric arc created in heating conductors
EN 50 017 the casing under certain operating conditions to
ignite a potentially explosive atmosphere
surrounding the casing. Ignition must not result
either from flames or from raised temperature on
the surface of the casing.

Encapsulation Parts which may ignite a potentially explosive Switchgear with small
m atmosphere are embedded in sealing compound capacity, control and sig-
IEC 60 079-18 such that the potentially explosive atmosphere nalling units, display units,
EN 50 028 cannot be ignited. sensors

Type of protection Electrical apparatus is not capable of igniting a Zone 2 All electrical apparatus
n potentially explosive atmosphere This type of protection includes several methods of for Zone 2, less suitable
IEC 60 079-15 (under normal operation and under defined ignition protection. for switchgear and con-
EN 50 021 abnormal operating conditions). trol gear

3.3.1 Application and Combination of Terms and Definitions
Types of Protection ”d” and ”e” Intrinsically safe electrical circuit
The most important type of protection for switchgear is An electric circuit in which neither a spark nor the effect of
”Flameproof Enclosure”, usually in conjunction with “In- heat can cause a certain explosive atmopshere to ignite.
creased Safety”. Switchgear does produce sources of igni-
tion in normal use and therefore ”Increased Safety” alone is Intrinsically safe electrical apparatus
not applicable as type of protection for switchgear, since Electrical apparatus in which all circuits are intrinsically
”Increased Safety” is based on the principle to avoid sour- safe.
ces of ignition by additional measures. However, ”Increased
Safety”, in conjunction with ”Flameproof Enclosure”, cut a Associated electrical apparatus,
great figure for switchgear and control gear. Electrical apparatus which contains circuits some of which
are intrinsically safe and some are not, and which is
designed such that the non-intrinsically safe circuits cannot
negatively influence the intrinsically safe circuits.

Minimum ignition energy

The minimum ignition energy of a gas/air and vapour/air
mixture is the smallest level of electrical energy which
occurs while a capacitor is discharging and which may still
be sufficient to ignite the most ignitable mixture of a gas or
vapour and air at atmospheric pressure and 20°C. (This is
tested using the spark test apparatus in accordance with
EN 50 020 Appendix B).
Intrinsically safe electrical apparatus and intrinsically safe
components from related equipment are classified accor-
ding to categories ia or ib. Equipment from category ”ia” is
suitable for use in Zone 0, and equipment from category ”ib”
Modern, explosion protected luminaires also use a combina- for use in Zone 1.
tion of several types of protection to achieve the best results
with regard to safety, function and economy.

2-pin lampholder Electronic ballast Switch

Category ”ia” Category ”ib”
Category ”ia” electrical apparatus Electrical apparatus from category
shall not be capable of causing igni- ”ib” shall not be able to cause the
tion under normal operation and if ignition of one substance during nor-
one fault occurs or if a combination mal operation or in the event of one
of any two faults occurs. fault.

Safety factor 1.5: Safety factor 1.5:

during normal operation and with during normal operation and with
one fault one fault
8 W lamp, G 5 2-pin cap Terminals 3994-P
Interior design of compact light fitting C-LUX 6100 Safety factor 1.0: Safety factor 1.0:
two independent faults with one fault, if the electrical
3.3.2 Applications of Type of Protection ”Intrinsic Safety” apparatus does not have
The type of protection ”Intrinsic Safety” is based on the unprotected switching contacts in
principle of current and voltage limitation within an electric those components which may be
circuit. The energy from a power circuit capable of causing exposed to an explosive atmosphere,
an explosive atmosphere to ignite is thus limited to such an and if the fault is monitored.
extent that the surrounding explosive atmosphere cannot
ignite as a result of sparks or inadmissible surface heating of
the electrical components.
The type of protection ”Intrinsic Safety” is particularly used in
measurement and control technology, as no high currents,
voltage and capacities are required here.

Intrinsically safe apparatus Associated electrical apparatus

This contains intrinsically safe electric circuits only This contains both intrinsically safe and non-intrinsically safe electric circuits

EEx ib IIC T6 [EEx ib] IIC T6 EEx de [ib] IIC T6

All necessary information is provided such as The square brackets indicate that the associated electrical apparatus contains an intrinsi-
category, gas group and temperature class. cally safe electric circuit which may be introduced into Zone 1, gas groups IIA, IIB and IIC.

The apparatus may be used in Zone 1. The apparatus must be installed outside of The apparatus may be used in zone 1 due to
the potentially explosive area. installation in a flame-proof enclosure (”d”)

Isolation of Intrinsically Safe Circuits from non-intrinsically

Safe Circuits
An important measure for intrinsically safe circuits is the
safe isolation of all intrinsically safe circuits from non intrin-
sically safe circuits. Safe electric isolation is always required,
with the exception of safety barriers. One rule which applies
especially to Germany is that safety barriers are not permit-
ted for the protection of intrinsically safe circuits in Zone 0.
Galvanic isolation is generally required for Zone 0.

Zener diodes, used for limiting voltage, as well as other

semiconductor components are considered to be suscep-
tible to failure and must therefore be safeguarded by means
of redundant components. Wire wound or sheet resistors
for current limitation are considered to be infallible
components (they have high resistivity in the event of a fault).
Therefore one single component is sufficient.

Single fault safety:

In the event of the failure of one zener diode, a second zener
diode must take its function (Category ”ib”: one
redundant zener diode)

Double fault safety:

In the event of a failure of two zener diodes, a third zener
diode must take its function (Category ”ia”: two redundant
zener diodes)

Temperature field station

4. Installation and Operation of Electrical Appara- Electrical apparatus must be selected and installed such that
tus in Potentially Explosive Areas it is protected against external influences which may
adversely affect the explosion protection.
4.1 Duties of Installer, Manufacturer and Operator
Safety in potentially explosive areas can only be guaranteed 4.3 Methods of Installation
by a close and effective working relationship amongst all Essentially, three installation systems are used for electrical
parties involved. facilities in hazardous locations:

User 1. Cable system with indirect entry

2. Cable system with direct entry

3. Conduit system

The technical design of the electrical apparatus used with

the individual types of installation is accordingly different.







The operator is responsible for the safety of his equipment. It is
his duty to judge where there is a risk of explosion and then
divide areas into Zones accordingly. He must ensure that the The installation systems worldwide;
equipment is installed in accordance with regulations and is left: Cable system with indirect entry
tested before initial use. The equipment must be kept in a fit centre: Cable system with direct entry
state by regular inspection and maintenance. right: Conduit system
The installer must observe the installation requirements and
select and install the electric apparatus correctly for its inten- Only the conduit system or mineral insulated cables (MI) are
ded use. permitted in the USA for all applications in Class 1, Division 1
Manufacturers of explosion protected apparatus are responsi- in accordance with NEC 501-4, whereby the mineral insula-
ble for routine testing, certification and documentation and are ted cables are mainly used as heating lines and fire resistant
required to ensure that each device manufactured complies signal and control lines. Certain types of cable and line are
with the design tested. also permitted in Division 2. A comparison of the various
systems is shown below.
4.2 Classification into Zones and Selection of
Apparatus Cable systems
The question of possible risks of explosion must be Cable systems are mainly used in Europe. For this, high-qua-
addressed at the early stages of planning a new facility. lity cables and lines are laid uncovered. It is only in areas in
When classifying potentially explosive areas, the influence which mechanical damage could be expectd that they are laid in
of natural or artificial ventilation must be considered in conduits which are open at both ends.
addition to the levels of flammable materials being released.
Furthermore, the classification figures relating to explosion In the case of indirect entry, the cables and lines are
technology must be determined for the flammable materials conducted via cable entrances into a wiring space in the type
being used (see Appendix 6.2). Only then a decision can be rea- of protection ”Increased safety” and connected to the termi-
ched on the division of potentially explosive areas into Zones nals also provided in ”Increased Safety”. From here, the indi-
and the selection of suitable apparatus. IEC 60 079-14 (DIN 60 vidual wires are conducted via flameproof line ducts into the
079-14) applies to the installation of electrical apparatus in flame proof enclosure.
potentially explosive areas Group II.
The line ducts are installed by the manufacturer, with the
Equipment shall only be used within the ambient temperature result that, by contrast with direct entry, a routine test of the
range stipulated in its marking. If the marking does not con- factory wired flame proof enclosure can be made.
tain any information, the standard range of between -20°C The installation engineer need only open the wiring space for
and +40°C does apply. the connection, not the flameproof enclosure with factory
Electrical apparatus with the types of protection ”d” and ”i” wiring.
must correspond to a subgroup IIA, IIB or IIC.

In the case of direct entry, the connecting lines are
conducted directly into the flameproof enclosure. Only cable
glands which have been specially certified for this purpose
may be used for this type of entry. The flexible gasket and the
cable sheath must form a gap through which no flames can
penetrate. For this reason, attention must be paid to the appro-
priate selection of cable union depending on both the type and
structure of cable and installation location. The flame proof
enclosure primarily depends here on the care taken by the
installation engineer when laying the cables and lines.

Conduit system
In the case of installation using the conduit system, the elec-
trical lines are drawn as single wires into enclosed metal
tubes. The tubes are connected to the housings by means of
unions and equipped with a seal at each entrance point.
The entire conduit system is flame proof.
The aim of the seal is to prevent explosions which may occur
inside the housing from penetrating the pipeline. Otherwise
extremely high explosive pressures would be created as a
result of pre-compression in long cylindrical tubes. For this
reason, it is recommended that seals be installed not just at
the entrance points but at specific intervals. Drains must be
installed at low points at which condensate can accumulate.

4.4 Repair and Maintenance

Regular maintenance is required to maintain the safety of Non-asbestos packing fiber Sealing compound
electrical facilities in hazardous locations.Personnel who
carry out such maintenance and repair work should work Seal for horizontal installation – without drain
under the guidance of an explosion protection specialist and
should be informed of the particular dangers involved.
Before carrying out any modification and repair work, it must
be ensured that there is no danger of explosions occurring
during this work. Normally, formal written permission for this
should be acquired from the company management. On
completion of the work, a record should be kept of what work
was carried out, and confirmation given that all relevant
regulations have been observed.
A relevant specialist should check any extensive modificati-
ons which may have a negative effect on the explosion
protection. This is not necessary if the manufacturer of the
apparatus concerned has carried out the modification.
When exchanging components or fully assembled
apparatus, the explosion and device-related characterisitc
data should be noted. Only original parts from the
manufacturer should be used.


Close-up plug

Drain channel formed Sealing compound

in compound

packing fiber Drain


Seal for vertical installation – with drain

5. Explosion Protection in North America 5.3 Regulations for Installation
The National Electrical Code in the USA and the Canadian
5.1 Introduction Electrical Code in Canada apply to electrical apparatus and
The basic principles of explosion protection are the same all installations for hazardous locations.
over the world. However, technologies have developed in North
America in the field of explosion protection for electrical These have the character of installation regulations for elec-
equipment and installations which deviate considerably from trical facilities in all locations and refer to a number of further
those of the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission). standards of other institutions which contain specifications
The differences from IEC technologies are among others the for the installation and construction of suitable equipment.
classification of hazardous locations, the construction of
apparatus and the installation of electrical systems. The methods of installation for the zone concept in accor-
dance with the NEC are similar to the traditional Class/Division
5.2 Classification of Hazardous Locations system. New to the NEC 1996 is the use of listed Metal Clad
For potentially explosive atmospheres the term ”hazardous (MC) cables in addition to rigid conduit and Mineral Insulated
(classified) locations” is used in North America. They are cables in Class I, Division 1 or Zone 1.
defined in Articles 500 and 505 of the National Electrical Code
(NEC) in the USA and in Section 18 and Annex J of the Cana- One significant advantage of the CEC is the increased
dian Electrical Code (CEC) in Canada.The hazardous locati- possibility of using wires and cables. In contrast to the USA,
ons are those locations, where fire or explosion hazards may Canada has, for some time now, also permitted the use
exist due to flammable gases, vapours or liquids (Class I), of special cables similar to the IEC steel-wire armoured
combustible dusts (Class II), or ignitable fibers or flyings cables.
(Class III).

Based on the likelihood or risk that an ignitable concentra- 5.4 Constructional Requirements
tion of a flammable material will be present the hazardous The regulations of the National Electrical Code and the
locations are traditionally subdivided into Division 1 and Divi- Canadian Electrical Code stipulate which apparatus and
sion 2. methods of protection may be used in different hazardous
In 1996 the IEC classification system was introduced as a
parallel system to the existing system for Class I in the USA. Various standards and regulations govern the construction
This system was implemented by the new Article 505. This and testing of explosion-protected electrical apparatus and
now gives the end user the possibility to choose the system installations in North America. In the USA, these are mainly
which best suits his needs. the standards issued by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL),
Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM) and the Inter-
The IEC zone classification for Class I was also introduced in national Society for Measurement and Control (ISA). In
Canada (CEC, 1988 edition). All newly built facilities in Canada, those of the Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
Canada need to be classified according to this principle. apply.

The traditional North American classification system divides The tables in appendix 6.4 provide an overview of the
Class I flammable gases, vapours, mists and liquids into Gas constructional requirements for hazardous locations and
Groups A, B, C and D and Class II combustible dusts into methods of protection.
Groups E, F and G.

Group A is the most hazardous gas group in the traditional 5.5 Degrees of Protection provided by Enclosures
NEC system whereas Group IIC is the most volatile in the IEC The standard IEC 60 529 defines the degrees of protection
system in Article 505 of the NEC. provided by enclosures. In the USA the degrees of protec-
tion are included in the NEMA Publication No. 250 (National
In Canada both gas grouping systems may be used with the Electrical Manufacturing Association). These enclosure
zone classification system. types could not be exactly equated with the IEC enclosure
classification designation since NEMA additional environ-
The maximum surface temperature classification given in the mental influences (such as cooling lubricant, cutting coo-
new Article 505 maintains a pure IEC approach of having six lant, corrosion, iceing, hail) takes into account.
main temperature classes T1 to T6. This deviates from the
traditional NEC temperature class structure which has fur-
ther subdivisions between the main temperature classes.
In the 1998 CEC this traditional structure T1-T6 with interme-
diate subdivisions was maintained.

NEMA Enclosure IEC Enclosure Classification (2) Zone Equipment: Equipment
Type Numbers meeting one or more of the pro-
tection techniques described in

1 IP 10
2 IP 11 Article 505 of the NEC or Section
3 IP 54 18 of the CEC shall be marked with
3R IP 14 the following in the order shown:
3S IP 54 1. Class (optional in Canada)
4 and 4X IP 56 2. Zone (optional in Canada)
5 IP 52 3. AEx (USA) or Ex or EEx (Canada)
6 and 6P IP 67 4. Method(s) of protection
12 and 12K IP 52 5. Equipment group II or applicable gas group(s) IIA, IIB or IIC
13 IP 54 6. Temperature class
Example: Class I Zone 0 AEx ia IIC T6
As the NEMA Types meet or exceed the test requirements for the associated IEC
Classifications the table cannot be used to convert from IEC Classifications to NEMA

5.6 Certification and Marking

In the USA and Canada, electrical apparatus and apparatus
used in hazardous locations are, as a rule, subject to appro-
val. Exceptions to this are items of electrical apparatus
which, due to their design and the type of the explosive
atmosphere in which they operate, cannot create sparks.
The responsible authorities shall decide whether such
equipment is subject to approval.

Equipment which has been developed and manufactured for

use in hazardous locations is tested and approved in the USA
and Canada by a recognized testing laboratory. In the USA,
this is for example the Underwriters Laboratories or Factory
Mutual and in Canada the Canadian Standards Association.

In addition to data such as manufacturer, model, serial number

and electrical data, any data relating to explosion protection
must be shown on the marking of the equipment. The require-
ments for this are specified in the NEC, the CEC as well as the
relevant construction regulations of the testing authority.

Class I, II & III, Division 1 and 2

The approved electrical equipment for Class I, Class II and
Class III, Division 1 and Division 2 must be marked to show
the following information:
1. Class(es), Division(s) (optional except for Division 2)
2. Gas/dust group(s)
3. Operating temperature or temperature class (optional T5
and T6
Example: Class I Division 1 Groups C D T6

Class I, Zone 0, 1 and 2

For equipment intended for use in Class I, Zone 0, Zone 1 or
Zone 2, a distinction is made between ”Division Equipment”
and ”Zone Equipment”.

(1) Division Equipment: Equipment approved for Class I,

Division 1 and/or Class I, Division 2 shall be permitted to be
marked with the following in addition:
1. Class I, Zone 1 or Class I, Zone 2 (as applicable)
2. Gas group(s) IIA, IIB or IIC 4244-P
3. Temperature class
Example: Class I Zone 1 IIC T4 Control and Signal Station
ConSig 8040

6. Appendix
6.1 Comparison of IEC Publications and European Standards (EN)

Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres

IEC publications EN
IEC 60079-0 EN 50 014 General requirements
IEC 60079-1 EN 50 018 Construction and verification test of flameproof enclosures of electrical apparatus
IEC 60079-1A ----- Method of test for ascertainment of maximum experimental safe gap
IEC/TR 60079-2 EN 50 016 Electrical apparatus, type of protection ’p’
IEC 60079-3 EN 50 020 Spark-test apparatus for intrinsically-safe circuits
IEC 60079-4
IEC 60079-4A ----- Method of test for ignition temperature
IEC 60079-5 EN 50 017 Powder filling ’q’
IEC 60079-6 EN 50 015 Oil-immersion ’o’
IEC 60079-7 EN 50 019 Increased safety ’e’
IEC 60079-10 EN 60079-10 Classification of hazardous areas
IEC 60079-11 EN 50 020 Intrinsic safety ’i’
IEC 60079-12 EN 50 014 Classification of mixtures of gases or vapours with air according to their maximum experimental safe gaps and minimum ignition currents
IEC/TR 60079-13 ----- Construction and use of rooms or buildings protected by pressurization
IEC 60079-14 EN 60079-14 Electrical installations in hazardous areas (other than mines)
IEC 60079-15 pr EN 50 021 Electrical apparatus with type of protection ’n’
IEC/TR 60079-16 Artificial ventilation for the protection of analyser(s) houses
IEC 60079-17 EN 60079-17 Inspection and maintenance of electrical installations in hazardous areas (other than mines)
IEC 60079-18 EN 50 028 Encapsulation ’m’
IEC 60079-19 prEN 60079-19 Repair and overhaul for apparatus used in potentially explosive atmospheres (other than mines or explosives)
IEC/TR 60079-20 ----- Data for flammable gases and vapours, relating to the use of electrical apparatus

Electrical Apparatus for Use in the Presence of Combustible Dust

IEC publications EN

IEC 61241-1-1 ----- Part 1: Electrical apparatus protected by enclosures

Section 1: Specification for apparatus
IEC 61241-1-2 ----- Part 1: Electrical apparatus protected by enclosures
Section 2: Selection, installation and maintenance
IEC 61241-2-1 ----- Part 2: Test methods
Section 1: Methods for determining the minimum ignition temperatures of dust
IEC 61241-2-2 EN 61241-2-2 Part 2: Test methods
Section 2: Method for determining the electrical resistivity of dust in layers
IEC 61241-2-3 ----- Part 2: Test methods
Section 3: Method for determining minimum ignition energy of dust/air mixtures
IEC 61241-3 ----- Part 3: Classification of areas where combustible dust are or may be present

6.2 Safety Ratings of Flammable Gases and Vapours 6
Material Ignition temperature °C Temperature class Gas group
1,2-dichloroethane 440 T2 II A
Acetaldehyde 140 T4 II A
Acetone 540 T1 II A
Acetylene 305 T2 II C (3)
Ammonium 630 T1 II A
Benzins, petrol fuels 220 to 300 T3 II A
Boiling point < 135 °C
Benzole (pure) 555 T1 II A
Cyclohexan0ne 430 T2 II A
Diesel fuels (DIN 51601) 220 to 300 T3 II A
Jet fuels 220 to 300 T3 II A
Acetic acid 485 T1 II A
Acetic anhydride 330 T2 II A
Ethane 515 T1 II A
Ethyl ethanoate 460 T1 II A
Ethanol 425 T2 II A / II B
Ethyl chloride 510 T1 II A
Ethene 425 T2 II B
Ethylene oxide 440 (self-decomposing) T2 II B
Diethyl ether 170 T4 II B
Ethyl glycol 235 T3 II B
EL fuel oil (DIN 51603) 220 to 300 T3 II A
L fuel oil (DIN 51603) 220 to 300 T3 II A
M and S fuel oils (DIN 51603) 220 to 300 T3 II A
i-Amyl acetate 380 T2 II A
Carbon monoxide 605 T1 II A / II B
Methane 595 (650) T1 II A
Methanol 455 T1 II A
Methyl chloride 625 T1 II A
Naphthalene 540 T1 II A
n-Butane 365 T2 II A
Butanol 340 T2 II A
n-Hexane 240 T3 II A
n-Propyl alcohol 405 T2 -*)
Oleic acid 360 (self-decomposing) T2 -*)
Phenol 595 T1 II A
Propane 470 T1 II A
Carbon disulphide 95 T6 II C (1)
Hydrogen sulphide 270 T3 II B
Special benzines 200 to 300 T3 II A
Boiling point > 135 °C
Coal gas (lighting gas) 560 T1 II B
Tetralin 425 T2 -*)
Toluol 535 T1 II A
Hydrogen 560 T1 II C (2)

Extract from the tabular work ”Sicherheitstechnische Kennzahlen brennbarer Gase und Dämpfe [Safety ratings of
flammable gases and vapours]”
by K. Nabert and G. Schön - (6th edition)
-*) The gas group for this substance has not yet been determined.
(1) Also gas groups II B + CS2
(2) Also gas groups II B + H2
(3) Also gas groups II B + C2 H2

6.3 Classification of Hazardous Locations in North America

Gases, Flammable Vapours or Mists Combustible Dusts, Fibres and Ignitable Flyings
Class I Area Classification Class II Area Classification Class III Area Classification

NEC 500-5 NEC 505-7 NEC 500-6 NEC 500-7

CEC J18-004 CEC 18-006 CEC 18-008 CEC 18-010

Division 1 Zone 0 Division 1 Division 1

Locations where ignitable concen- Locations where ignitable concen- Locations where ignitable concen- Locations where ignitable fibres or
t rations of flammable gases, trations of flammable gases, trations of combustible dusts can materials producing combustible
vapours or liquids can exist all the vapours or liquids can exist all the exist all the time or some of the time flyings are handled, manufactured
time or some of the time under time or for long periods of time under normal operating conditions. or used .
normal operating conditions. under normal operating conditions.

Zone 1
Locations where ignitable concen-
trations of flammable gases,
vapours or liquids can exist some of
the time under normal operating

Division 2 Zone 2 Division 2 Division 2

Locations where ignitable concen- Locations where ignitable concen- Locations where ignitable concen- Locations where easy ignitable fib-
trations of flammable gases, trations of flammable gases, trations of combustible dusts are res are stored or handled.
vapours or liquids are not likely to vapours or liquids are not likely to not likely to exist under normal ope-
exist under normal operating exist under normal operating rating conditions.
conditions. conditions.

Class I Groups Class II Groups Class III Groups

NEC 500-3 NEC 505-7 NEC 500-3
CEC J18-050 CEC 18-050 CEC 18-050

Divisions 1 and 2 Zones 0, 1 and 2 Divisions 1 and 2 Divisions 1 and 2

A (acetylene) IIC (acetylene + hydrogen) E (metal) none
B (hydrogen) F (coal)
C (ethylene) IIB (ethylene) G (grain)
D (propane) IIA (propane)

Class I Temperature Classes Class II Temperature Classes Class III Temperature Classes

Divisions 1 and 2 Zones 0, 1 and 2 Divisions 1 and 2 Divisions 1 and 2

T1 (≤450°C) T1 (≤450°C) T1 (≤450°C) none
T2 (≤300°C) T2 (≤300°C) T2 (≤300°C)
T2A, T2B, T2C, T2D -- T2A, T2B, T2C, T2D
(≤280°C, ≤260°C, ≤230°C, ≤215°C) (≤280°C, ≤260°C, ≤230°C, ≤215°C)
T3 (≤200°C) T3 (≤200°C) T3 (≤200°C)
T3A, T3B, T3C -- T3A, T3B, T3C
(≤180°C, ≤165°C, ≤160°C) (≤180°C, ≤165°C, ≤160°C)
T4 (≤135°C) T4 (≤135°C) T4 (≤135°C)
T4A (≤120°C) -- T4A (≤120°C)
T5 (≤100°C) T5 (≤100°C) T5 (≤100°C)
T6 (≤85°C) T6 (≤85°C) T6 (≤85°C)

6.4 Constructional Regulations for North America 6
Applicable standards for approval
Area Type of ignition protection UL FM CSA

Zone 0 • Intrinsically safe, ia (2 fault) UL 2279, Pt. 11 FM 3610 CSA-E-79-11

• Class I, Div.1 intrinsically safe (2 fault) ANSI/UL 913 FM 3610

Zone 1 • Encapsulation, m UL 2279, Pt. 18 FM 3614 (ISA S12.23.01) CSA-E-79-18

• Flameproof, d UL 2279, Pt. 1 FM 3618 (ISA S12.22.01) CSA-E-79-1
• Increased safety, e UL 2279, Pt. 7 FM 3619 (ISA S12.16.01) CSA-E-79-7
• Intrinsically safe, ib (1 fault) UL 2279, Pt. 11 FM 3610 CSA-E-79-11
• Oil immersion, o UL 2279 FM 3621 (ISA S12.26.01) CSA-E-79-6
• Powder filling, q UL 2279 FM 3622 (ISA S12.25.01) CSA-E-79-5
• Purged pressurized, p UL 2279, Pt. 2 (IEC 79-2) CSA-E-79-2
• Any Class I, Zone 0 method -- -- --
• Any Class I, Div. 1 method -- -- --

Zone 2 • Nonincendive, nC UL 2279, Pt. 15 (ISA S12.12.01, IEC 79-15) CSA-E-79-15

• Non-sparking device, nA UL 2279, Pt. 15 (ISA S12.12.01, IEC 79-15) CSA-E-79-15
Class I

• Restricted breathing, nR UL 2279, Pt. 15 (ISA S12.12.01, IEC 79-15) CSA-E-79-15

• Hermetically sealed, nC UL 2279, Pt. 15 (ISA S12.12.01, IEC 79-15) CSA-E-79-15
• Any Class I, Zone 0 or 1 method -- -- --
• Any Class I, Div. 1 or 2 method -- -- --

Divison 1 • Explosionproof ANSI/UL 1203 FM 3615 CSA 22.2 No. 30

• Intrinsically safe (2 fault) ANSI/UL 913 FM 3610 CSA 22.2 No. 157
• Purged/pressurized (Type X or Y) ANSI/NFPA 496 FM 3620 ANSI/NFPA 496

Division 2 • Nonincendive UL 1604 FM 3611 CSA 22.2 No. 213

• Non-sparking device UL 1604 FM 3611 CSA 22.2 No. 213
• Purged/pressurized (Type Z) ANSI/NFPA 496 FM 3620 ANSI/NFPA 496
• Hermetically sealed UL 1604 FM 3611 CSA 22.2 No. 213
• Any Class I, Div. 1method -- -- --
• Any Class I, Zone 0, 1 or 2 method -- -- --

Division 1 • Dust-ignition proof ANSI/UL 1203 FM 3616 CSA 22.2 No. 25 or

CSA-E 1241-1-1
• Intrinsically safe ANSI/UL 913 FM 3610 CSA 22.2 No.157
• Pressurized ANSI/NFPA 496 FM 3620 ANSI/NFPA 496
Class II

Division 2 • Dust tight UL 1604 FM 3611 CSA 22.2 No. 25 or

CSA-E 1241-1-1
• Nonincendive UL 1604 FM 3611 ---
• Non-sparking UL 1604 FM 3611 ---
• Pressurized ANSI/NFPA 496 FM 3620 ANSI/NFPA 496
• Any Class II, Div. 1 method -- -- --

Division 1 • Dust tight Ul 1604 FM 3616 CSA 22.2 No.157

Class III

• Intrinsically safe ANSI/UL 913 FM 3611 CSA 22.2 No.157

Division 2 • Dust tight UL 1604 FM 3611 CSA 22.2 N0.157

• Any Class II Div. 1 and Class III method -- -- --

6.5 Ingress Protection Codes in accordance with IEC 60 529 - IPXX
Table 1: Scope of Protection for the IP Protection Classes

Digit First digit Second digit

Physical protection Foreign body protection Water protection
0 No protection No protection No protection
1 Protection against back of hand contact Protection against solid foreign bodies Protection against water drops falling vertically
50 mm diameter
2 Protection against finger contact Protection against solid foreign bodies Protection against water drops falling at an
12.5 mm diameter angle (15°)
3 Protection against contact from tools Protection against solid foreign bodies Protection against water-spray at an angle up to 60°
2.5 mm diameter
4 Protection against contact with a wire Protection against solid foreign bodies Protection against water spray from all directions
1.0 mm diameter
5 Protection against contact with a wire Protection against dust Protection against water jets
6 Protection against contact with a wire Dust-tight Protection against strong water jets
7 - - Protection against intermittent immersion in water
8 - - Protection against continuous immersion in water

6.6 Degree of Protection provided by Enclosures according to NEMA

(Publication No. 250 Enclosures for Electrical Equipment 1000 Volts Maximum)

Type Degree of Protection Use
Type 1 Protection against limited amounts of falling dirt Indoor
Type 2 Protectionn against limited amounts of falling water and dirt Indoor
Type 3 Protection against rain, sleet, windblown dust, and damage for external ice formation Outdoor
Type 3R Protection against rain, sleet, and damage for external ice formation Outdoor
Type 3S Protection against rain, sleet, windblown dust, and for operation of external mechanisms when ice laden Outdoor
Type 4 Protection against windblown dust and rain, splashing water, hose directed water, and damage from external ice Indoor or Outdoor
Type 4X Protection against corrosion, windblown dust and rain, splashing water, hose directed water, and damage from Indoor or Outdoor
external ice formation
Type 5 Protection against settling airborne dust, falling dirt, and dripping noncorrosive liquids Indoor
Type 6 Protection against hose directed water, the entry of water during occasional temporary submersion at a limited Indoor or Outdoor
depth, and damage from external ice formation
Type 7 For use in locations classified as Class I, Groups A, B, C, or D as defined in the NEC Indoor
Type 8 For use in locations classified as Class I, Groups A, B, C, or D as defined in the NEC Indoor or Qutdoor
Type 9 For use in locations classified as Class II, Groups E, F, G as defined in the NEC Indoor
Type 10 Constructed to meet the applicable requirements of the Mine Safety Health Administration Mining
Type 11 Protection against the corrosive effects of liquids and gases by oil immersion Indoor
Type 12, 12K Protection against circulating dust, falling dirt, and dripping non corrosive liquids Indoor
Type 13 Protection against dust, spraying of water, oil, and non corrosive coolant Indoor

6.7 Overview of the most important Approval and Testing Authorities *

Country Approval authority Testing authority Country Approval authority Testing authority

Australia Quality Assurance Services International Testing and Certification IBExU - Institut für Sicherheitstechnik GmbH
R Jacobi Services (ITACS) Institut an der Bergakademie Freiberg
Locked Bag 2032 2 Second Street Fuchsmühlenweg 7
Tel: +61 2 9746 4900 Tel: +61 8 83468680 Tel: +49 3731 3805 19
Fax: +61 2 9746 8460 Fax: +61 8 83467072 Fax: +49 3731 23650

WorkCover Authority of NSW TÜV Hannover/Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.

Londonderry Occupational Safety P.O.Box 81 05 51
919 Londonderry Road D 30505 Hannover
LONDONDERRY NSW 2753 Tel: +49 511 986 1552
Tel: +61 47 244 900 Fax: +49 511 986 1590
Fax: +61 47 244 999
FSA - Forschungsgesellschaft für angewandte
Safety in Mines Testing and Research Systemsicherheit und Arbeitsmedizin mbH
Station (SIMTARS) Dynamostraße 7-11
2 Smith Street D 68165 Mannheim
REDBANK QLD 4075 Tel: +49 621 44 56 36 06
Tel: +61 7 3810 6370 Fax: +49 621 44 56 34 02
Fax: +61 7 3810 6366
Finland Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT)
Austria TÜV ÖSTERREICH Automation/Electrotechnical Testing
Krugerstraße 16 Otakaari 7B, Espoo
A 1015 Wien P.O. Box 13051
Tel: +43 1 514 07 0 FIN 02044 Vtt
Fax: +43 1 514 07 240 Tel: +358 9 4561
Fax: +358 9 4567042
DE ENERGIA ELETRICA (CEPEL) France Laboratoires Central des Industries
Cx. Postal 2754 Electriques (LCIE)
CEP 20001 Rio de Janeiro - RJ 33 avenue du Général Leclerc
Tel: +5521 598 2442 F 92260 Fontenay-aux-Roses
Fax: +5521 598 2443 Tel: +33 1 409 55519
Fax: +33 1 409 55520
Canada Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
178 Rexdale Boulevard Institut National de l’Environnement Industriel
Etobicoke, Ontario M9W 1R3 et des Risques (INERIS)
Tel: +416 747 4000 B Piquette
Fax: +416 747 4149 Parc Technologique ALATA - B.P.2
F-60550 Verneuil-En-Halatte
CANMET Tel: + 3 44 55 66 77
555 Booth Street Fax: +3 44 55 66 99
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G1 E-Mail: ineris@ineris.fr
Tel: +613 947 6580
Fax: +613 947 4198 Great Electrical Equipment Certification Services (EECS)
Britain Health and Safety Executive
China Centre for Explosion Protection and Harpur Hill
Safety of Instrumentation (NEPSI) BUXTON DERBYSHIRE SK17 9JN
103 Cao Bao Road Tel: +44 1 298 28000
Shanghai Fax: +44 1 298 28244
Tel: +21 643 86180
Fax: +21 643 335 66 Explosion and Fire Hazards Laboratory
ERA Technology Ltd
Czech Fyzikalne technicky zkusebni ustav (FTZU) G R Oliver
Republic Statni zkusebna c. 210 Cleeve Road
CZ 71607 Ostrava-Radvanice LEATHERHEAD SURREY KT 7SA
Tel: +42 69 6215484 Tel: +44 1372 367 000
Fax: +42 69 214860 Fax: +44 1372 367 099

Denmark DEMKO SIRA Certification Service (SCS) SIRA Test and Certification Ltd
Lyskaer 8 South Hill Saighton Lane
DK-2730 HERLEV M Shearman A J McMillan
Tel: +45 44 947 266 CHISELHURST KENT BR7 5EH GB - Chester CH3 6EG
Fax: +45 44 947 261 Tel: +44 181 467 2636 Tel: +44 1244 332200
Fax: +44 181 295 1990 Fax: +44 1244 332112
Federal Physikalisch-Technische
Republic Bundesanstalt (PTB) Hungary Hungarian testing authority for explosion-proof
of Germany Bundesallee 100 electrical apparatus (BKI)
D 38116 Braunschweig Mikoviny S. u. 2-4
Tel: +49 531 592 3400 H 1037 Budapest
Fax: +49 531 592 3405 Tel: +36 1 168 7260
Fax: +36 1 250 1720
DMT - Gesellschaft für Forschung und Prüfung mbH
Fachstelle für Sicherheit elektrischer Betriebsmttel Italy Centro Elettrotecnico Sperimentale Italiano (CESI)
Bergbau-Versuchsstrecke (BVS) Via Rubattino 54
Beylingstr. 65 I 20134 Milano
D 44329 DORTMUND Tel: +39 2 212 53 72
Tel: +49 231 2491 0 Fax: +39 2 212 54 40
Fax: +49 231 2491 224

*) where no approval authority is given,

the testing authority is also the approval authority

Country Approval authority Testing authority Country Approval authority Testing authority

Japan The Technical Institution of Industrial Safety (TIIS) Sweden Swedish National Testing and
1-4-6 Umezono Kiyose Research Institute (SP)
Tokyo 204 Brinellgatan 4
Tel: +81 424 91 4514 Box 857
Fax: +81 424 95 2461 S-501 15 BORAS
Tel: +46 33 16 5000
Luxemburg Service de l´Energie de l´Etat Luxembourgeois Fax: +46 33 13 5502
B.P. 10
L 2010 Luxembourg Switzerland Eidgenössisches Schweizerischer Elektrotechnischer
Tel: +352 46 97 48 Starkstrominspektorat (ESTI) Verein (SEV)
Fax: +352 22 25 24 Luppmenstraße 1 Luppmenstraße 1
Netherlands KEMA Tel: +41 1 956 12 12 Tel: +41 1 956 11 11
Postbus 9035 Fax: +41 1 956 12 22 Fax: +41 1 956 11 12
Tel: +31 26 3 56 34 28 Ukraine Test and certification centre for
Fax: +31 26 3 51 01 78 explosion-proof and flame-proof
electrical apparatus (ISZ VE)
Norway NEMKO ul. Gvardeiskoi Divisii 17
P O Box 73 Blindern 340052 Donezk
N 0314 OSLO Tel: +
Tel: +47 22 960330 Fax: +
Fax: +47 22 698636
USA Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL)
Poland Glowny Institut Gornictwa 333 Pfingsten Road
Kopalnia Doswiadczalna ”BARBARA” Northbrook, IL 60062-2096
ul. Podleska 72, skrytka pocztowa 72 Tel: +847 272 8800
PL 43-190 Mikolow Fax: +847 272 8129
Tel: +58 2028 024 9
Fax: +58 2028 745 Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM)
1151 Boston-Providence Turnpike
Republic Korea Industrial Safety Corp. (KISCO) P.O. Box 9102
Korea 34-4 Kusa-dong, Poopyoung-gu Tel: +781 255 4840
Inchon 403-120 Fax: +781 762 9375
The Republic of Korea
Tel: +82 32 5100 865 Yugoslavia SAVEZNO MINISTARSTVO ZA RAZVOJ,
Fax: +82 32 518 6483-4 NAUKU i ZIVOTNU SREDINU
Rebublic of South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) STANDARDIZACIJU (SZS)
South Africa 1 Dr. Lategan Road, Groenkloof, Pretoria Federal Ministry for Development,
Private Bag X191 Science and Environment
Pretoria 0001 Federal Institution for Standardization
Tel: +12 428 7911 Kneza Milosa 20
Fax: +12 344 1568 YU Beograd
Tel: +11 681 999
Romania INSEMEX PETROSANI Fax: +235 10 36
Equipment Ex. Certification Service
Str. Gen. Vasile Milea nr.32-34
Cod 2675 Petrosani.
Tel: +4 054 541 621
Fax: +4 054 232 277

Russia Test centre for explosion-proof electrical apparatus (VNIIEF)

formerly Arzamas 16
Prospect Mira, 37
607190 Sarov
Tel: +831 30 45669
Fax: +831 30 45530

Slovakia Elektrotechnicky vyskumny a

projektovy ustav (EVPU)
Statna skusobna SKTC 101
SK 01851 Nova Dubnica
Tel: +
Fax: +

Slovenia Mr Igor Likar

Slovenian Institute of Quality and Metrology (SIQ)
Trazaska cesta 2
SL-1000 Ljubljana
Tel: +386 61 177 8100
Fax: +386 61 177 8444

Spain Laboratorio Official Jose Maria

Madariaga (LOM)
Calle Alenzaa 1-2
E 28003 Madrid
Tel: +34 1 442 13 66
Fax: +34 1 441 99 33

7. Literature

Directive 94/9/EU of the European Parliament and the council DIN EN 60 079-14 VDE 0165 Part 1:1998-08
of 23 March 1994 on the approximation of the laws of the Electrical apparatus in areas prone to gas explosions
member states concerning equipment and protective sytems Electrical installations in hazardous areas
intended for use in potentially explosive atmos- VDE-Verlag GmbH, Berlin
Official Journal of the European Communities DIN VDE 0105 Part 9: 1986-05 Operation of high-voltage
equipment - supplementary specifications for potentially
Second Order to the equipment safety law and amendments explosive areas
to equipment safety law safety legislation dated 12.12.1996, VDE-Verlag GmbH, Berlin
Federal Gazette 1996 Part I No. 65
Dust explosion protection on machines and apparatus, ISSA
Bulletin of the new edition of the Order on electrical Prevention Series No. 2033(G), Mannheim 1998
apparatus in potentially explosive areas dated 13.12.1996,
Federal Gazette 1996 Part I No. 65 NFPA 70 - 1996 National Electrical Code, 1996 edition
National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA, USA
Explosion protection of electrical apparatus; order on electrical
apparatus in potentially explosive areas (ElexV), commentary NFPA 70 - 1999 National Electrical Code, 1999 edition
and collected texts] Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA, USA

Code of practice for explosion protection (Ex-RL) - code of 1998 Canadian Electrical Code, 18th edition
practice for the avoidance of the dangers of potentially Canadian Standards Association, Etobicoke, ON, Canada
explosive atmospheres with collected examples (ZH1/10)
BG-Chemie (1998) 1996 National Electrical Code Review and Application Guide
Werbe-Druck Winter, Sandhausen Killark Electric Manufacturing Company, St. Loius, MO, USA

K. Nabert and G. Schön: 1998 Canadian Electrical Code Review and Application Guide
Safety ratings of flammable gases and vapours Hubbell Canada Inc. - Killark, Pickering, ON, Canada
Deutscher Eichverlag, Braunschweig

Flammability and explosion parameters for dust

Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut für Arbeitssicherheit
und Bergbau-Versuchsstrecke (1987)
Erich Schmidt Verlag, Bielefeld

D. Beermann, B. Günther, A. Schimmele: Intrinsic safety in

explosion-proof measurement and control systems - func-
tions, selections, installation, operation.
VDE-Verlag GmbH, Berlin and Offenbach

H. Greiner: Explosion protection for three-phase geared

motors Druckschrift SD 393, Eberhard Bauer Motoren,
Esslingen 1993

G. Lüttgens, M. Glor: Understanding and safely controlling

electrostatic charges, Expert Verlag, Ehningen (1988)

DIN VDE 0170/0171 Part 1 ff.(EN 50 014 ff.) Electrical

apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres
VDE-Verlag GmbH, Berlin

DIN VDE 0470 Part 1 (EN 60 529) IP-Schutzarten; Specification

for degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code)
VDE-Verlag GmbH, Berlin

DIN VDE 0165/02.91 Installation of electrical apparatus in

potentially explosive areas
VDE-Verlag GmbH, Berlin

8. Index

Associated electrical apparatus 14, 15 NEC (National Electrical Code) 18, 22

ATEX 100a 8 NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturing
ATEX 118a 11 Association) 18, 24

Basic health and safety requirements 8 Potentially explosive area, hazardous location 9, 11, 16
BVS/DMT (Bergbauversuchsstrecke Dortmund) 25 Potentially explosive atmosphere 9, 11
Primary explosion protection 7
Cable system 16, 17 Protective systems 9
Categories (equipment categories) 11 PTB (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt) 10, 25
CEC (Canadian Electrical Code) 18, 22
CE marking 10 Quality assurance 10
Certificate of conformity 8, 9 Routine testing 16
Class 18, 22
Components 9 Safety barrier 15
Conduit system 17 Safety factor 14
Construction regulations EUROPE 8 Secondary explosion protection 7
NORTH AMERICA 23 Sources of ignition 6, 7
Special protection 12
Danger Class 6 Safety caracteristic 21
Declaration of conformity 9, 10 Surface temperature 12, 18
Degree of protection (IP code) 24
Division 18, 22 Testing authority 25, 26
Dust 11, 18 Temperature class 11, 12, 18, 21, 22
Dust explosion protection 8 Type examination certificate, EC 10
Types of protection 12
EC Directive 8, 9
Electrical apparatus 9 Zener diode 15
EMC Directive 10 Zones 11, 12, 18, 22
EN (European Standard) 8, 20
Equipment 9
Equipment category 11
Equipment group
Explosion 6, 11
Explosion limits 6
ExVo 10

Fault safety, sinle/double 15

Flame proof enclosure 14
Flash point 6

Galvanic isolation 15
Gas group 11, 21
German Technical Regulations for Flammable
Liquids (TRbF) 6
Group 18, 22

IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) 8, 20

Ignition temperature 12, 21
Increased safety 14
Installation systems 16
Intrinsic safety 14

Maintenance 16, 17
Marking 10, 19
MESG (maximum experimental safe gap) 11
MIC (minimum ignition current) 11
Minimum ignition energy 14


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