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Abstract This paper is divided into six sections. Section II introduces the
This paper provides a complete state-of-the-art of reconfigurable concept of frequency reconfigurable antennae. This section
antennae viz. frequency reconfigurable antennae, radiation provides the geometry of frequency reconfigurable antenna
pattern reconfigurable antennae, polarization reconfigurable which concludes that the operating frequency of antenna
antennae, and combination of radiation and frequency could be modified by modifying patch’s resonating length with
reconfigurable antennae from the literature. Of late, the help of RF MEMS switches. In dual frequency microstrip
reconfigurable antennae have received a lot of attention for patch antenna, a PIN diode is positioned in the center of
their applications in diversified areas like communication, the slot which changes the current path on the patch hence
surveillance etc. This is owing to their ability to modify their antenna’s electrical length is modified with the help of PIN diode
radiation characteristics, frequency of operation, polarization condition i.e. ON or OFF. Section III elaborates the concept of
or even a combination of these features in real time. radiation pattern/beam reconfigurable antenna. This proposed
Reconfigurable antennae have the potential to add substantial reconfigurable scheme is based on the modification of the
degrees of freedom and functionality to mobile communication EM propagation characteristics of the surface waves by the
and phase array systems. Reconfigurability in antennae allows use of metallic switch-loaded parasitic structure and thus the
us for spectrum reallocation in multi-band communication radiation pattern could be modified which modify the main
systems, dynamic spectrum management, therefore reducing beam pattern in a controlled fashion. Section IV deals with the
the number and size of antennae in a system. concept of polarization reconfigurable antennae. It provides
an overview of the patch antennae with suitable slots for
Keywords RHCP/LHCP diversity. By activating the switches in the slot,
Reconfigurability, patch antenna, polarization reconfigurable, antenna radiates with either (RHCP) or (LHCP) by sharing the
frequency reconfigurable, MEMS switch, slot antenna, mobile same feeding probe. Section V presents reconfigurable single
communications turn square spiral printed antennae capable of both radiation
pattern and frequency reconfiguration. Section VI concludes
I. Introduction the paper.
Wireless communication systems are evolving toward multi-
functionality. This multi functionality provides users with options II. Frequency Reconfigurable Antennae
of connecting to different kinds of wireless services for different Modern communication systems demand transmitters and
purposes at different times. Large numbers of antennae are receivers with multi-band operation, as a result, numerous
mounted on ships, aircrafts or other vehicles; it is highly desirable techniques for achieving frequency reconfigurability have
to develop single radiating element having capabilities of been proposed in system where weight and area are critical
performing different functions and/or multi-band operation in issues.
order to minimize the antennae's weight and area. An antenna The reconfigurable patch module (RPM) proposed by J. T.
that possesses the ability to modify its characteristics, such Bernhard et al. [1] consists of a 3x3 array of square patches
as operating frequency, polarization or radiation pattern, in connected together by the RF MEMS switches as depicted in
real time condition is referred to as a reconfigurable antenna. Fig. 1. Ideally, the RF MEMS switch has two operational states,
Reconfigurable antennae have the potential to add substantial ON and OFF. The ON state represents a short circuit, while the
degrees of freedom and functionality to mobile communication OFF state exhibits an open circuit. When all the switches are
and phase array systems. Reconfigurable antennae can be in the OFF state, the total radiation pattern is formed by the
simply used to reduces the number of antennae necessary pattern radiated by each small patch as shown in Fig. 1(a). As
for intended system function, but they can also be designed a result, the antenna resonates at a higher frequency band. On
to serve much more complex roles. Examples of emerging the other hand, when all switches are turned ON, the antenna
applications include software defined radio, cognitive radio, effective area is clearly larger than the area of a singular patch
MIMO systems, multifunction consumer wireless devices, and array. The antenna accordingly resonates at a lower frequency
high performance phased arrays. In addition, reconfigurable band as shown in Fig. 1(b).
antennae can be a cheaper alternative to traditional adaptive
arrays or they can be incorporated into adaptive arrays to
improve their performance by providing additional degrees
of freedom. Reconfigurability in antennae allows us for
spectrum reallocation in multi-band communication systems,
dynamic spectrum management, reduces the number and
size of antennae in a system. Generally reconfigurability can
be obtained using following techniques: Tunable elements in
the feeding networks, adaptive matching networks, phase Fig. 1: (a) Antennae geometry when switches are turned OFF
shifters and tunable filters, tunable elements embedded such (b) Antennae geometry when switches are turned ON [1]
as PIN diodes, MEMS (switches, varactors, moveable parts)
and optical switching in the radiating elements, mechanically
moveable radiating elements.
Furthermore, it has been observed that the total radiation allows for the continuous tuning of the operating frequency
patterns are nearly identical between the two states of the (though not typically of the instantaneous bandwidth) over a
switch operation. large band, which has been shown to be 20–30% depending
In the work by Y. Qian et al. [2] the frequency reconfigurable on the type of micro strip antennae used.
antenna consists of a linear array of micro strip-based leaky-
mode antennas as shown in Fig. 2. By activating the switches III. Radiation Pattern or Beam Reconfigurable
connected on the radiating patches, the resonant frequency Antennae
can be modified. Clearly, the operating frequency is controlled The antenna is designed to be able to reconfigure its radiation
by the state of the switch operation. This technique reduces pattern during real time operation such that it maintains its
the number and size of the antennas mounted on board broad pattern in the absence of interferences, and is capable of
tremendously, especially in a multi-band communication. narrowing its pattern beam width, when the interfering signals
arrive at the antennae, to suppress these undesired signals
as much as possible.
In addition, reconfigurable antennae can be a cheaper
alternative to traditional adaptive arrays or they can be
incorporated into adaptive arrays to improve their performance
by providing additional degrees of freedom. The radiation
pattern reconfigurability is needed to steer the radiation pattern
away from noise sources or to reduce interference.
It is well known that the total radiation pattern from the
microstrip antennae originates mostly from three contributions:
Fig. 2: Geometry of a frequency reconfigurable leaky mode/ direct space wave, edge diffracted space wave and edge
multifunction printed antenna [2] diffracted surface wave. R. G. Rojas et al. [5] considered that
the contribution comes from the surface wave that is diffracted
Another way to affect discrete changes in a microstrip antennae’s at the edges, as a loss mechanism because they travel along
electrical length is to change the path of radiating currents the substrate and radiate to free space at the truncation/edge
without changing the overall footprint of the antennae. An of the substrate. The surface waves usually distort the main
example of this approach was proposed by Yang and Rahmat- beam radiation pattern and increasing the level of the side
Samii et al. [3] for micro strip antennae. Starting with standard lobes as well as the back lobes. For the particular application
rectangular micro strip antennae, a slot is etched in the patch under consideration, the control of the surface waves is crucial
so that it is perpendicular to the direction of the main current to achieve pattern reconfigurability. To reconfigure the radiation
of the patch’s first resonance, as shown in Fig. 3. A PIN diode is pattern, some researchers have used shorting pins and in-
positioned in the center of the slot to change the current paths line open tuning elements. Low cost antennae that can alter
on the patch. If the diode is OFF, then currents travel around their radiation patterns during real time operating conditions
the slot and the antennae operates in a lower fr frequency. are required in response to intentional interferences. S.
Zhang, G. H. Huff, J. Feng et al. [6] designed radiation pattern
reconfigurable antennae for this they designed a microstrip
patch antenna which radiates a broad field pattern i.e. in the
broadside direction from which the desired GPS signals from
the satellites arrive as shown in Fig. 4.
Fig. 6: Geometry of RF MEMS reconfigurable Vee antennae In another example by M.K Fries, M. Grani et al. [10] designed
[1] J. T. Bernhard, R. Wang., R. Clark, and P. Mayes, “Stacked
reconfigurable antenna elements for space-based radar
applications”, IEEE AP-S International Symposium, 1:158-
161, 2001.
[2] Y. Qian, B. C. C. Chang, M. F. Chang, T.Itoh, “Reconfigurable
leaky mode/ multifunction patch antenna structure”
Electron. Lett., 35:104-105, 1999.
[3] F. Yang, Y. Rahmat-Samii, “Patch Antenna with Switchable
Fig. 10: Geometry of a reconfigurable antenna capable of both Slot (PASS) for Dual frequency Operation,” Microwave and
radiation pattern and frequency reconfigurability [2]. Optical Technology Letters, vol. 31, November 2001