Automobile Engineering: Unit I: Vehicle Structures and Engines
Automobile Engineering: Unit I: Vehicle Structures and Engines
Automobile Engineering: Unit I: Vehicle Structures and Engines
Dry air cleaner Oil saturated air cleaner Oil bath air cleaner
Air passes though specially Air passes through an oil Air passes through an oil bath
treated paper saturated filter element filter element
42. What is meant by turbulence as applied to diesel engine operation?
Turbulence means the disturbance or agitation of the fuel spray and the air within the combustion
chamber or cylinder
43. What methods are used to provide air turbulence?
Different designs of spray nozzles, piston heads and pre-combustion chambers, which tend to
create more violent agitation, are used to provide air turbulence
44. How does turbulence aid combustion?
By causing an effective through mixing of the hot compressed air with the injected fuel oil,
thereby bringing about more complete combustion and uniform cylinder pressure
45. Why should not the engine be cranked with the air cleaner off?
If the engine backfires with the air cleaner off, it would cause fire in the engine compartment
46. What is fuel filter?
Fuel filter is a part of the fuel pump fitted to prevent dirt in fuel from entering the pump of
47. What is canister oil filter?
Canister oil filter is that which uses a replaceable filter element inside a permanent metal canister.
This has a reusable steel shell with a replaceable cartridge or element inside
48. What is air lock?
Air trapped in the pipeline which prevents the flow of fuel is said to be air lock
49. What is meant by air pollution?
Exhaust gases let out by automobiles cause problems to people and mater. The substances that
produce harmful effect on human beings and the environment are known as pollutants
50. What are the pollutants emitted by an automobiles?
Nitrogen oxides (NOx), soot, carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (CH), aldehydes, cancer
producing substances and components of sulphur and lead are the pollutants emitted automobiles
1. What is carburetor?
It is a device for atomizing and vaporizing the fuel and mixing it with the air in varying
proportions to suit the changing conditions of SI engines
2. What are the advantages of petrol injection?
(a) High power
(b) Low specific fuel consumption
(c) No need of induction heating
(d) Free from icing trouble
3. What are the classifications of battery?
(a) Lead acid battery
(b) Alkaline battery
(1) Nickel iron type
(2) Nickel cadmium type
(c) Zinc air battery
4. What are the chemicals used in battery?
(a) Sponge leads (Solid)
(b) Lead oxide (Paste)
(c) Sulfuric acid (Liquid)
5. What are the types of drive arrangements?
(a) Inertia drive
(1) Bendix drive
(2) Folo-Tru drive
(b) Over running clutch
6. Differentiate the battery ignition system and magneto ignition system