Grade 2 Fractions
Grade 2 Fractions
Grade 2 Fractions
Year 2 Maths
Australian Curriculum: Fractions and Decimals
Recognise and interpret common uses of halves, quarters and eighths of shapes and collections
(ACMNA033 )
RESOURCES: Newspaper, cut out shapes, maths books, white shapes to cut out
Learning styles:
Students turn and talk to person next to them about this picture.
Then discuss as a class. What’s happening? What’s the difference
between the two sandwiches? Discuss what a fraction is.
30 mins Activity:
Teacher models first.
Students create fractions out of paper shapes (squares, circles,
hearts etc, prepared by teacher) by folding them in half. They
categorise the fractions and glue examples of fractions on one side
and glue examples of shapes that are not fractions (not divided
evenly) on the other side.
Extension: Cut out white shapes and fold into fractions. Colour in
a fraction, stick it in maths book and label, numerically.
Learning styles: