SW 122-Filipino Personality & Social Work Final Requirement
SW 122-Filipino Personality & Social Work Final Requirement
SW 122-Filipino Personality & Social Work Final Requirement
This is a case of a girl who named Paula, she was raised by her parents who are extremely
strict Baptist that never spared the rod when disciplining her. Paula was physically abused by
her mother who submerged her hands in boiling water. She is also sexually abused by her
father regularly throughout her childhood and adult life. When her father caught her kissing a
boy, he told Paula that if she desired love and affection, she would have get it from him and
forced her to have intercourse with him. When Paula turned fifteen the abused become violent.
In therapy, she recalled an incident which her father dragged her into hid bedroom, she is also
tied and raped while their neighbor is watching, and her father let the neighbor to raped her.
Paula’s subsequent relationships with men were also very unhealthy. She began taking night
classes at a local University while working as a secretary when she was thirty-eight years old.
Because of his work she failed to come in class for her third exam. He Professor asked Paula
about missing the exam, she had no idea where she was that day. When she wrote a paper
about being sexually abused by her father, the Professor referred her to a Psychologist for a
Dr. Orsaldo was Paula’s therapist, originally diagnosed Paula as having borderline personality
disorder due to her patter of highly fluctuating mood states, apparent alcohol abuse and highly
violate personal relationships. So according to Jung theory a core pattern of emotion, memories,
perceptions and wishes in the personal unconscious organized around a common theme, such
as power or status. The person with a complex is generally not aware of its influence although
other people may easily observe its effects.
Dr. Orsaldo ha just concluded a hypnosis session in an effort to help Paula regain her memory,
because she complained of an intense headache. After a while, she did not know where she
was and claimed that her name is Sherry. But it was later discovered in therapy that “Sherry”
was created in order to protect Paula from suffering. Paula has neurosis, the emotional trauma
of her father’s sexual assaults affecting her personality.
In Karen Daniel Sen Horney’s theory, mental problems arise from environmental factors specific
to time and culture. She also believed that, “Cultural conditions influence personality conflicts
rather than the demand of id, ego and superego.” That’s why Sherry was aware of the other
alter within Paula. Sherry was very concerned for a fourth personality name Caroline. Caroline
was only five years old but she was depressed when Dr. Orsaldo was able to speak to
Caroline, he noticed that she had completely different voice from the other personality and the
reason is she was too afraid to betray her parents, so Caroline was rarely ever summoned
during therapy.
Several months later, Paula came to Dr. Orsaldo with new concern. She kept finding one of her
father’s loaded gun., every time she found the gun she’ll return it back. Stealing a loaded gun
was out of Paula’s trait. So Dr. Orsaldo decided to hypnotize Paula to see if there were any
more alters that he had not spoken. A fifth personality named Heather stole Paula’s father’s gun
in order to kill herself. Having a suicidal alter put the pressure on Dr. Orsaldo to be more
aggressive in initiating the integration of the alters. Maybe Heater has deepest level of the
psyche containing the accumulation of inherited experiences and pre-human species. She has
the files of all of her personal experiences in the personal unconscious
Dr. Orsaldo doin his best, she asked Paula to read Sybil, a well-known book about a woman
with dissociative identity disorder. Dr. Orsaldo showed a videotape of a therapy session in which
he was able .to speak to all of her alters but Paula did not accept what she saw on the
videotape. But eventually she gave in, accepted he disorder and agreed to cooperate with Dr.
Orsaldo’s plan to integrate her alters. To Freud, we are driven by internal and external forces of
which we are unaware in which we can exercise little rational control.
Dr. Orsaldo tried to make the alters face the sexual abuse that Sherry endured by Paula’s
father., but this technique was unsuccessful. Both Paula and Sherry cried uncontrollably when
confronted with the rape. So in this case, Jung’s theory must applied because according to him
the physical principle of the conservation of energy to psychic events. He also stated that
energy expended in bringing out some condition is not lost but rather is shifted to another
personality. Thus, if the psychic value in particular area are weakens or disappears, that energy
transferred else where in the psyche.
It also applies Freud’s theory of Socio-behavioral Theories of Personality, it is where our
personality formed on the basis of the unique relationships we have as children with various
people and objects. So, in Paula’s case her parents never spared the rod in disciplining her and
the ae not in a good relationship. We develop a personal set of character attributes, a consistent
pattern of behavior that defines each of us an individual. Therefore, Karen’s theory and Freud’s
theory is applicable in this case.