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Citizen Science A New Direction in Canine Behavior Research

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Behavioural Processes 110 (2015) 125–132

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Behavioural Processes
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Citizen science: A new direction in canine behavior research

Julie Hecht a,∗ , Eleanor Spicer Rice b
Julie Hecht, Department of Psychology, The Graduate Center, City University of New York, 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016, USA
Eleanor Spicer Rice, Verdant Word, 304 Brooks Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27607, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Researchers increasingly rely on members of the public to contribute to scientific projects—from col-
Available online 4 November 2014 lecting or identifying, to analyzing and disseminating data. The “citizen science” model proves useful to
many thematically distinctive fields, like ornithology, astronomy, and phenology. The recent formaliza-
Keywords: tion of citizen science projects addresses technical issues related to volunteer participation—like data
Cognition quality—so that citizen scientists can make longstanding, meaningful contributions to scientific projects.
Data quality
Since the late 1990s, canine science research has relied with greater frequency on the participation of
the general public, particularly dog owners. These researchers do not typically consider the methods and
Public participation
technical issues that those conducting citizen science projects embrace and continue to investigate. As
more canine science studies rely on public input, an in-depth knowledge of the benefits and challenges of
citizen science can help produce relevant, high-quality data while increasing the general public’s under-
standing of canine behavior and cognition as well as the scientific process. We examine the benefits
and challenges of current citizen science models in an effort to enhance canine citizen science project
preparation, execution, and dissemination.
This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Canine Behavior.
© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction on outreach and experience-based science education (Silvertown,

People have observed the natural world since before recorded Citizen science can provide researchers with myriad benefits,
time. For centuries, professional scientists and the general public including the ability to sample large spatial scales; use large quan-
alike have asked scientific questions, collected data, and analyzed tities of citizen resources to collect labor-intensive data; gather data
and explained findings (Miller-Rushing et al., 2012). The term on private land; and examine data over long periods of time (Cohn,
‘citizen science’ increased in usage toward the end of the 20th 2008; Dickinson et al., 2010). With increasing Internet access and
century to describe formalized public participation in scientific technological advances, projects can readily engage volunteers on
inquiry and research (Bonney, 1996; Bonney et al., 2009a). Citi- a global level (Bonney et al., 2014).
zen science encompasses the range of activities that generate new Additionally, partnerships between scientists and the general
scientific knowledge or understanding as a result of participation public can enhance the public’s understanding and appreciation of
by members of the public, “often in collaboration with or under the scientific process, the natural world, and advocacy for research
the direction of professional scientists and scientific institutions” (Cohn, 2008). Some citizen science projects focus heavily or entirely
(OED, 2014). The term can be conceptualized broadly, to describe on public learning outcomes like knowledge acquisition and atti-
any type of public participation in scientific inquiry, or it can be tude or behavioral change. Leaders in the field of participatory
used narrowly to suggest something more involved than simple science hope that citizen science practitioners not only consider
participation, such as explicit data collection or analysis by vol- public learning engagement, but also explicitly measure and test
unteers (Bonney et al., 2014). Citizen science has flourished in for learning outcomes (Bonney et al., 2009a).
recent years, in part due to the need for large-scale datasets, the Citizen science projects are increasing in number and
public’s increased access to technology and associated increases appear across disciplines, from population genetics (e.g., https://
in communication capabilities, and funding agencies’ emphasis genographic.nationalgeographic.com/) to ornithology (e.g., http://
nestwatch.org/), quantum physics (e.g., http://scienceathome.
org/), astronomy (e.g., http://stardustathome.ssl.berkeley.edu/),
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 608 509 2223. and entomology (e.g., http://schoolofants.org/), among oth-
E-mail address: dogspies@gmail.com (J. Hecht). ers. Fields like zoology, ecology, phenology, entomology, and

0376-6357/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
126 J. Hecht, E. Spicer Rice / Behavioural Processes 110 (2015) 125–132

meteorology also rely more and more on public participation The majority of citizen science projects are contributory, although
(Bonney et al., 2014). For particular areas of research, citizen science projects can become increasingly collaborative if researchers build
can be instrumental. For example, public participants provide ecol- in flexibility. Projects vary in their objectives—such as data col-
ogists with important geospatial data on species presence, absence, lection and hypothesis-testing, conservation and public interest,
distribution, and abundance (Dickinson et al., 2010; Hochachka or improving science literacy—and objectives often shape project
et al., 2012) and offer “many eyes” to locate rare organisms or track design. With the growth in scope, complexity, and sheer number
species (Dickinson et al., 2012). Given the desired scope and scale of citizen science projects, field-wide self-audits have led to an
of ecological pursuits, ecologists could not perform comprehensive increased emphasis on reviewing and fine-tuning citizen science
surveys or scans without public assistance. approaches (Bonney et al., 2014).
Nonetheless, volunteer participation in scientific research poses
challenges. For example, public participation projects are often 2.1. Project preparation and participant motivation
subject to questions of quality assurance, a topic that garners
considerable attention from leading citizen science practitioners Citizen science projects can benefit from interdisciplinary sci-
(Bonney et al., 2014). entific teams (Bonney et al., 2009b). Team-approach proponents
Canine science is a growing field with contributors from many argue that, depending on the nature of the project, one disci-
disciplines incorporating a variety of methodological approaches. pline might not have all the necessary skills required. Accordingly,
Contributors come from fields like psychology, ethology, veteri- veteran citizen science practitioners stress the need for interdis-
nary behavior and medicine, animal sheltering, anthrozoology, ciplinary relationships to cover project planning and development
genetics, ecology, archeology, and evolutionary biology, among as well as data management and cyber-infrastructure (Newman
others. While some researchers examine the thoughts, percep- et al., 2011). Protocols should be designed with institutional and
tions, or actions of companion dog owners (McMillan et al., 2011; federal regulations in mind and possess well-defined data acqui-
Voith et al., 1992), others investigate behavioral underpinnings sition methods with easily-understood, process-driven protocols
of the dog–human relationship (Cooper et al., 2003; Topál et al., that produce clear and useful data (Bonney et al., 2009b).
1998). Further, other researchers may collect biological samples to Obtaining a relevant sample of participants can be difficult, as
assess dog stress-related behavior and physiology (Denham et al., the very nature of citizen science can attract one subset of the popu-
2014; Dreschel and Granger, 2005), while others explore intraspe- lation while excluding another (Ess and Sudweeks, 2001; Newman
cific social behaviors (Bekoff, 2001; Horowitz, 2009). The common et al., 2012). For example, collecting data using a smartphone appli-
denominator throughout is the use of domestic dogs—often com- cation reduces the population to those who can afford smartphones
panion dogs—and researchers can work as de facto citizen science or those who embrace smartphone technology, potentially exclud-
facilitators. ing members of the public who cannot afford or have not adopted
Although existing public participation platforms provide useful the technology. This does not mean, of course, that citizen science
roadmaps, little is currently known about the unique challenges projects cannot rely on smartphones. However, if relevant conclu-
facing canine-based citizen science projects. Additionally, canine sions depend on thorough representation of, for example, age or
researchers are not necessarily familiar with models of citizen education level, these groups must be considered and drawn into
science projects and the potential strengths and limitations of project design.
each. Here, we examine several benefits and challenges in cur- A further consideration in successful project design is partici-
rent canine citizen science projects and provide recommendations pant tracking. Tracking participant performance, or choosing not to,
for developing and implementing future projects. The potential of can impact data quality. For example, studies may decide whether
public participation projects depends on understanding their chal- each participant can contribute once or provide multiple contrib-
lenges. In particular, we review ways to enhance data quality and utions over time. In the latter, participant training or tracking can
project success while supporting participant learning and science enable researchers to assess and identify over-representative data
education. To inform our analysis of canine-focused projects, we from a subject whose assessments are inaccurate or could introduce
elucidate strengths and weaknesses currently evident in citizen bias that skews results (Bird et al., 2014).
science projects generally. This analysis can fortify and expand Projects should also consider participant motivation—how
the scope, validity, and rigor of canine citizen science projects much can researchers ask of volunteers? If researchers ask too
while encouraging meaningful connections between professional much, it is possible citizens will provide unfinished or non-
researchers and the general public. comprehensive data. For example, Delaney et al. (2008) found that
participants were particularly unlikely to provide all the informa-
tion requested when data collection was overly challenging. This
2. Citizen science design and implementation phenomenon affects project design and data collection (e.g., online
surveys that save input after every question so that even incomplete
Citizen science projects are generally placed in one of three surveys can provide data), as well as order of information sought
categories: contributory, collaborative, or co-created (Bonney et al., (e.g., lead with more important queries so that if participants do
2009a). In contributory projects, professional researchers act as resign, relevant data can be acquired prior to resignation).
experiment architects, setting up the full project design, while cit- Citizen science projects utilize a variety of participant moti-
izens provide data by direct contribution or through passive use vation and reward strategies. Feedback and engagement prove
of citizen resources, such as online access to idle computer mem- more successful than ‘altruistic’ rewards like emphasizing that
ory (the Skynet). Collaborative projects, on the other hand, offer participant data is instrumental for scientific research and that
the public a more hands-on experience of experiment design and volunteers can play a large role in advancing science (Hochachka
analysis; scientists design the project, and citizens not only con- et al., 2012). For example, eBird (http://ebird.org/content/ebird/) a
tribute data but also help sharpen experimental design, analyze citizen science project that engages global participants to collect
data, and circulate experimental results. The category representing data points on birds, reported that participation increased sub-
the greatest level of partnership and involvement between profes- stantially when participants were able to track their bird records,
sional researchers and the general public, co-created, allows the sort their data, share their list with others, and visualize their data
public to not only work with scientists to design the project, but (Hochachka et al., 2012; Sullivan et al., 2009). Competitive ele-
also to participate actively in all stages of the scientific process. ments can also increase participation, as eBird provides information
J. Hecht, E. Spicer Rice / Behavioural Processes 110 (2015) 125–132 127

on relative status of participation, such as the number of species designers should be wary of the product of bias when designing
a participant has seen. Foldit (http://fold.it/portal/) also uses a studies and interpreting the resulting data.
competitive approach. The online computer gaming framework
recognizes ‘players’ with high scores accredited to their contrib- 2.2.4. Data screening and quality control
utions to protein-folding puzzles (Khatib et al., 2011). Overall, Even with an easy-to-execute protocol and a large sample size,
direct engagement seems more effective than ideological or altru- researchers can take steps to improve data quality through data
istic engagement. screening and a quality-control procedure for data filtering and
validation (Bonter and Cooper, 2012). Citizen science data contrib-
2.2. Data quality, acquisition, and analysis utors are a broad and plastic group, and projects should incorporate
an initial or ongoing refining process to account for sampling errors.
Citizen science projects often attract questions about data qual- For example, researchers should consider subsampling contribu-
ity, and datasets have been described as “coarse” (Bonney et al., tor populations to determine uneven effort and identify and filter
2009b). A common concern is that participants have a wide range out repetitive contribution errors (Wiggins et al., 2011). A properly
of skills, backgrounds and dedications that could generate “lesser- designed data filter can flag issues, and subsampling the population
quality” data. However, the potential for amassing large datasets can allow for issues to be quickly identified and checked before they
in citizen science projects could dilute the negative impact of more negatively impact data quality.
variable data (Bonney et al., 2009b). Researchers should be mindful of what type of assurances to
To ensure that data obtained in citizen science projects are apply to the data. Gardiner et al. (2012) suggests that data can be
high-quality, researchers should outline clearly defined methods. collected through direct or verified citizen science, where the former
Researchers should also incorporate data-validation procedures to lacks verification, and in the latter, only data exposed to expert
reinforce project methodology (Bonter and Cooper, 2012; Newman confirmation are analyzed. Both differ from traditional research
et al., 2012). Below are common data-quality challenges and poten- approaches that tend to be more costly and have the longest lag
tial solutions that project designers often consider. time between data collection and dissemination but typically are
considered more accurate. On the other hand, citizen science can be
2.2.1. Decreased precision much less expensive and generate more data quickly, but, depend-
When the general public, with a collectively unfocused knowl- ing on the type of data collected and the assurances placed on
edge base, contributes data to a project, precision might decrease. the data (whether in direct or verified projects), accuracy might
For example, requesting novices to contribute species identifica- decrease (Gardiner et al., 2012).
tion can result in identification errors (Bird et al., 2014). Increased Citizen science practitioners have begun cataloguing statistical
sample size could decrease precision errors in a dataset. tools, techniques and approaches useful for addressing challenges
offered by citizen science datasets. Bird et al. (2014) suggest that
2.2.2. Sampling error GLM, GLMM, GAMM, and mixed-effects trees, among others, can be
Mistakes introduced during data collection occur when useful in addressing error and bias in datasets. For example, a study
observers differ in their ability to “detect, identify and quantify” the used a GLM approach when finding that “volunteers that were more
requested data (Bird et al., 2014). As with precision errors, increas- confident performed better at species identifications,” and another
ing contribution quantity can offset sampling error, but researchers study incorporated the same approach to account for divers’ over-
can also help overcome this error by providing clear definitions and estimation of fish size (Bird et al., 2014). Citizen science projects can
instructions of what is to be sampled. For example, photographic look to other datasets with similar challenges, like meta-analyses.
guidelines or online ‘help’ resources can reduce sampling error.
Simple, easy-to-follow sampling techniques can further reduce 2.3. Participant outcomes
error. Exploration of possible volunteer responses through pilot
studies and participant training are also key factors in obtaining Citizen science projects have the potential to benefit partici-
a higher-quality dataset (Edgar and Stuart-Smith, 2009). pants. Effects can be evaluated by assessing participant scientific
knowledge, science literacy, or, in some cases, project-associated
2.2.3. Bias attitude change, but not many studies explicitly track these effects.
When designing citizen science projects, each field should iden- Brossard et al. (2005) found that participants in The Birdhouse
tify the possible areas of bias, examine how such biases could Network, a project through the Cornell Lab of Ornithology where
potentially affect datasets, and explore ways to minimize or ward participants provided specific data from nest boxes, showed post-
against it (Cooper et al., 2007; Yu et al., 2012). Bias can come in participation increased knowledge of bird biology, but they did not
many different forms, such as species under-detection or “non- change reported attitudes toward science or the environment, or
random distribution of effort” (Bird et al., 2014). Bias could even their understanding of the scientific process. These and other find-
stem from observer type. In an unexpected example, moderately ings suggest that citizen science has the potential to impart basic
skilled observers were better at identifying birds from their calls fact-based knowledge but broad-scale changes—such as an under-
than expert observers, who tended to claim incorrectly that they standing of the scientific process or changes in attitudes towards
identified rare species (Farmer et al., 2012). Divers were found to science—might not be apparent, relevant to participating commu-
incorrectly estimate fish size when underwater (Edgar et al., 2004). nities, or easily measurable (Jordan et al., 2011). It is also plausible
In another study, volunteers who were asked to characterize crabs that studies do not explicitly (or successfully) impart such content
as invasive or native improved their performance with age and to participants. By constructing anticipated impacts and measuring
education level (Delaney et al., 2008). Piloting can minimize bias realized impacts, researchers can potentially improve the scope of
by increasing awareness of project-specific issues, pre-determining citizen science participant outcomes (Bonney et al., 2009a).
relevant participant perceptions, providing specific training, or cal-
ibrating data prior to analysis. Because increasing sample size can 3. Citizen science in canine behavior research
reduce these risks but also has its own challenges, it is often sug-
gested that “citizen science data will show general phenomena or Canis familiaris research has grown considerably since the late
patterns that must be examined further with smaller, more focused 1990s, and the field relies more and more on nonscientists, includ-
studies” (Bonney et al., 2009b). Overall, researchers and project ing both the general public as well as dog owners specifically
128 J. Hecht, E. Spicer Rice / Behavioural Processes 110 (2015) 125–132

(Bensky et al., 2013). This reliance on nonscientists stems in part 3.1.2. Model 1: Challenges
from the intricate and intertwining lives of dogs and people. In Relying on raw data interpreted and reported by the public cre-
many parts of the world, dogs sleep in peoples’ beds and are ates challenges, particularly for data quality. For example, reports
perceived as companions, family members, and in some cases fel- on the number of dogs present at a dog park might be more
low workers (Hart, 1996; Miklósi, 2007). Importantly, the general accurate than owner reports about dog behavior at the dog park
public expresses interest in studies on canine behavior and cogni- (Jackson, 2012). Researchers can consider the type of data being
tion (Morell, 2009), and recent dog cognition studies rely heavily on requested and the necessary steps to enhance data quality, such
companion dogs volunteered by their owners (Bensky et al., 2013). as emphasizing participant training, incorporating reliability pilot
Given their ubiquity and peoples’ connectedness with and interest testing, assessing participant understanding of key concepts, or
in dogs, studies involving domestic dogs are ripe for inclusion in adding smart filters and flagging questionable data (Bonney et al.,
citizen science protocols. 2009b). For example, Dognition® offers a potentially useful FAQ
Citizen science projects are not uniform in form or content, and section (http://support.dognition.com/knowledgebase), although
selecting a project layout can be difficult. Here, we present three it is unclear whether the focus is on helping subscribers com-
current citizen science models for canine researcher consideration, plete tests or on promoting data quality and inter-participant
along with potential benefits and challenges to each. Most canine consistency. NestWatch participants become certified NestWatch-
citizen science projects to date are contributory, although, if infra- ers prior to participation. Ideally, project designers consider the
structure allows, researchers could engage in more collaborative, type of data that participants are being asked to produce and devise
or even co-created projects. ways to instruct them in best collecting it.
Citizen science projects customarily institute data-quality
checks, a practice of particular relevance for canine science projects
relying on volunteer-interpreted data. For example, Hauser et al.
3.1. Model 1: Citizen-driven data acquisition
(2011) found that trained experimenters and handlers both made
errors in procedure execution during pointing experiments. While
In this model, volunteers collect and provide data, and
it was not explicitly examined whether dog behavior differed in
researchers receive volunteer-interpreted data but do not inter-
trials with errors compared to trials without unforced errors, it is
act with the raw data. For example, Otter Spotter (http://www.
worth considering whether participant-collected data could be rid-
riverotterecology.org/) is a project in the San Francisco Bay Area
dled with such issues, and if so, how they affect entire datasets. For
where people help researchers monitor the status and ecology of
example, many studies find that subtle owner or handler behavior
river otters, reporting location, date, and time of sighting, as well
can affect dog in-test behavior (Cook et al., 2014; Horn et al., 2013;
as sex and age characteristics and behaviors displayed. Researchers
Prato-Previde et al., 2008).
receive volunteers’ reports but lack direct access to the actual otters
Model 1 projects can take steps to differentiate between typ-
observed. Participants of NestWatch, through The Cornell Lab of
ical and atypical data. Canine behavior and cognition studies led
Ornithology (http://nestwatch.org/), provide researchers with data
by trained experimenters readily flag data that are outside what
on bird reproductive biology, such as eggs laid, hatched, and sur-
is expected. For example, in two-way forced-choice tasks, where
viving. In this model of citizen engagement, events might be too
dogs make a choice to approach one of two items, dogs who dis-
fleeting to provide researchers with recordable visual data. This
play a side-bias—going right or left every time, independent of
model is common among contributory citizen science projects.
condition—are typically noted and dropped from analysis (Ward
While heavily used in other areas of citizen science, few
and Smuts, 2007; Cook et al., 2014). Testing for this or similar pos-
canine projects to date have embraced this model. One exam-
sibilities is important, particularly if raw video footage is not made
ple is Dognition® (https://www.dognition.com/), a project where
available to researchers.
dog owners subscribe by financial membership to access and
Projects requiring participants to look at dog behavior—whether
run a series of pre-set tests with their dog. Like Otter Spotter
reporting on specific actions or global body movements—should
and NestWatch, Dognition® receives participant-interpreted data;
acknowledge that the general public is susceptible to reporting
researchers do not see the experiments being performed and
and interpretation errors. Williams et al. (2012) found that vol-
instead receive owner reports. The tests gather measurements on
unteer behavioral data collected on captive otters differed from
a number of different cognitive domains, and Dognition® aims
a trained experimenter’s results because volunteers did not fol-
to receive data on a much larger scale than what is customarily
low the directions or report within the sampling period. On the
achieved (Zimmer, 2013).
other hand, primary-aged children instructed in Greylag goose
behavioral observation performed on par with professional biol-
ogists (Didone et al., 2012). In canine research, members of
3.1.1. Model 1: Benefits the public may differ in their interpretation of and attention to
This form of citizen science has the potential to increase both cit- dog behavior, sometimes based on their experiences with dogs
izen and academic knowledge of canine science questions as well as (Wan et al., 2012). When considering behavior-sampling tech-
reach dog populations outside the immediate area of the research niques in citizen science, certain sampling methods could be
institution. Under this model, volunteers report their findings or more or less difficult for observers to follow (Martin and Bateson,
observations directly to researchers, and as in other contributory 2007).
projects, volunteers can report on a wide variety of topics not eas- Finally, when researchers do not have access to raw visual data
ily or readily accessed by researchers, for example feral or stray from video or photographs, citizen science projects could be more
populations in remote areas, specific breeds, or topics related to conservative in what volunteers are asked to provide. For exam-
ontogeny. Under this model, volunteers can report on fleeting ple, it might be better to ask for simple information like count
events or occurrences (Dickinson et al., 2012). Skilled volunteers in data, rather than relying on volunteers to report accurately on com-
other areas of citizen science have been shown to produce findings plex dog behaviors or perform difficult protocols. If the requested
similar to those provided by experts (Delaney et al., 2008; Edgar and data is too complex, creating filters or flagging data to discriminate
Stuart-Smith, 2009), and depending on the task—and with proper high-quality from poor-quality data could be difficult or impossi-
guidance—citizen scientists might provide valid, accurate, and reli- ble. Projects lacking such validation procedures could emphasize
able data. proper training or even participant screening.
J. Hecht, E. Spicer Rice / Behavioural Processes 110 (2015) 125–132 129

3.2. Model 2: Citizens provide unanalyzed raw data Model 2 projects can raise the question of selection bias. Not
everyone is willing or able to capture and provide raw data, whether
In this model, volunteers provide raw data, and researchers it be sharing dog biological samples or accessing technology to
analyze it. These types of projects are versatile in appearance share pre-recorded videos (Ess and Sudweeks, 2001; Newman et al.,
and scope, and raw data could take the form of audio or 2012). Participants might not constitute a representative sample,
video footage, photos, or biological samples, among other things. although this question has not received explicit investigation in
For example, Project: Play With Your Dog, organized by the either lab- or more citizen science-based approaches to canine sci-
Horowitz Dog Cognition Lab, requested that owners provide a ence. On the other hand, submissions received through both Model
short video of a person and dog playing together (Horowitz and 1 and 2 designs have the potential to reach participants who might
Hecht, 2014). Participants generated the raw data per researcher not participate in typical lab-based canine studies, or reach mem-
instructions, uploaded the video to a secure website (view- bers of the public with differing social or cultural backgrounds
able only to researchers), and could contribute a photo of their (Horowitz and Hecht, 2014).
dog to a public ‘Wall of Contributors.’ Participants have also Additionally, providing participants with direct feedback or
provided researchers investigating activity and impulsivity with employing engagement strategies might be challenging because
dog buccal smears for DNA analysis (Wan et al., 2013). This there could be a delay between data receipt and data analysis
study shares similarities with Sampling Your Home’s Microbes by researchers. Alternate strategies for participant engagement,
(http://homes.yourwildlife.org/), a project where volunteers swab such as a voluntary ‘Wall of Contributors,’ could be useful. Finally,
specific regions of their homes and send back the swabs for analy- providing researchers with raw data in the form of video or
sis (Dunn et al., 2013). Additionally, the Impulsivity Project through photographs could raise questions, particularly those related to
the University of Lincoln collects DNA samples from dog saliva to participant privacy.
investigate factors contributing to aggressive impulsivity in dogs
(http://www.uoldogtemperament.co.uk/dogpersonality/). Owners
complete a Dog Impulsivity Assessment Scale (DIAS) (Wright et al.,
2011), and both low- and high-scoring dogs contribute to DNA 3.3. Model 3: Researchers provide content, and citizens analyze
In this final model of public participation, researchers provide
3.2.1. Model 2: Benefits content that volunteers evaluate. This model lends itself to a
Researchers gain direct access to participant-acquired data for plethora of project formats and has included projects where par-
analysis. Participants could provide raw footage (whether audio or ticipants tag wildlife in photos (Snapshot Serengeti, http://www.
video) of dogs in real-life scenarios that researchers do not gener- snapshotserengeti.org/), map neurons in the brain (Eyewire,
ally have access to. Like many citizen science studies that access https://eyewire.org/signup), and play puzzles that contribute to
various spatial and temporal environments, participants can cap- genetic disease research (Phylo, http://phylo.cs.mcgill.ca/#!/EN).
ture raw data and share it with researchers for direct analysis. With In canine science projects, the applications are equally var-
the expansion of accessible technology and the increase in places ied. For example, the public has described the emotional
that people and dogs traverse, citizen scientists could capture dogs content of dog behavior (Wan et al., 2012), and they have
in a number of different environmental conditions, from animal- characterized general sounds (http://www.inflab.bme.hu/∼viktor/
assisted therapy visits and dog training classes to dog skydiving or soundrating/index.html) (Faragó and Marx, 2014) as well as canid
mountain climbing. As in Ákos et al. (2014), volunteers could place vocalizations (http://howlcoder.appspot.com/).
cameras and tracking devices on their dogs to provide researchers
with data on dog social relationships and underlying movement
of social groups. The public could capture dog–dog interactions or 3.3.1. Model 3: Benefits
dog behavioral development in real time via live streaming or other In this model, researchers essentially increase their manpower
video devices. In these instances, citizen scientists collect the data by relying on volunteer assistance to code or find patterns in data
while researchers analyze and assess it essentially as if they had (e.g., Eyewire, Snapshot Serengeti, and The Canid Howl Project).
collected it themselves. Other projects solicit participants’ non-expert opinions, such as
Nelson and Fijn (2013) describe YouTube as a fruitful arena describing dog emotional state from video footage. Depending
for animal behavior research, particularly to access uncommon or on the project, this type of public involvement could provide
novel behaviors. Burn (2011) relied on YouTube videos to inves- researchers with more time to analyze and disseminate data if
tigate human response to dog tail chasing, selecting videos that volunteers are able to process it.
met particular criteria along with control videos matched for breed.
So as to not capture only the novel or exceptional, researchers
could also request specific content be shared with researchers on
YouTube or on other video sharing websites. By receiving visual 3.3.2. Model 3: Challenges
data from participants, researchers have greater flexibility in data Challenges will vary depending on the requested task. Partic-
analysis and acquisition (Martin and Bateson, 2007). ipant training and knowledge testing are imperative to project
success, particularly if there are “right” or “wrong” answers, as in
3.2.2. Model 2: Challenges Snapshot Serengeti where participants tag wildlife in photos.
In Model 2 projects, researchers have the potential to collect To overcome such challenges, quality checks can isolate vol-
a larger amount of data. However, researchers will need time to unteers who have a desired level of accuracy and precision in
analyze results and to be prepared for incomplete data or par- their work. This sort of participant tracking allows testing for
ticipants who do not follow directions. Depending on participant inter- and intra-observer reliability in volunteers (Burghardt et al.,
interest and project infrastructure, projects might need to accom- 2012). Researchers could also build measures of confidence into
modate many more participants than expected. To address these datasets, for example conducting inter-observer reliability on a pre-
challenges, project managers could not only establish explicit stan- determined subset. As mentioned earlier, volunteer registration
dards for data inclusion, but also incentivize participants to follow and tracking could assist this type of project in detecting whether
instructions. a repeated user is skewing the data.
130 J. Hecht, E. Spicer Rice / Behavioural Processes 110 (2015) 125–132

4. Canine citizen science: a public partnership models are considerable, they have yet to drive the canine science
literature forward.
4.1. Exploring current practices
4.2. Responsibilities to participants
Currently, most researchers studying domestic dogs do not
rely on purpose-bred dogs, as was typical of prior studies (Scott Attempted citizen science projects might not always accom-
and Fuller, 1965). Although 21st-century researchers do investi- plish the goals of breaking down barriers and opening sci-
gate shelter dogs, village dogs, and feral populations (e.g., Boitani entific experiences to non-professionals. Conflating research
et al., 1996; Ortolani et al., 2009; Udell et al., 2010), companion and a business model is one potential pitfall. For example,
dogs housed and fed by owners increasingly act as study partici- Dognition® describes itself as “a leading example of ‘citi-
pants. Cooperation and interest from nonscientists, particularly dog zen science’ - research developed by leading scientists that
owners, greatly benefit these research programs. Canine science can be conducted by everyone, not just people with Ph.D.s”
studies are often lab-based and conducted “in-house” by research (https://www.dognition.com/explore-the-science). It is the only
groups around the globe (see Bensky et al., 2013) as well as by example in this field of a for-profit product—with researcher
veterinary practitioners (Voith et al., 1992). affiliations—that charges a fee to access interactive games to play
Lab-based researchers often maintain websites where owners with their dogs. Variations on this issue appear in other contexts.
can register their dog and be contacted to participate in While entrance fees are not common for citizen science projects,
studies (e.g., New York City: http://bit.ly/1w3ZDpT, Vienna: some require gear for participation, such as a computer, binocu-
http://bit.ly/11d7fK7 and Lexington, KY: http://bit.ly/1FxNNr3). lars, or a headlamp. Participants in The Birdhouse Network paid
The role of the owner in experiments ranges from totally absent to participate in authentic research about bird biology, and they
to a passive handler or active participant (Miklósi, 2007). These received nest boxes and detailed scientific protocols so partici-
researcher-guided studies provide a more controlled but less tra- pant findings could contribute to peer-reviewed articles (Cooper
ditional approach to citizen science. Owners supply dogs as subjects et al., 2006). Some citizen science volunteers participate through
but are not involved in collecting or interpreting data. Rather, ecotourism or volunteer tourism; for example, Earthwatch par-
owner participants can better be described as facilitating research. ticipants pay to join global expeditions and act as field assistants
In some cases, owners complete questionnaires and might be contributing to research. Earthwatch participants are trained in the
study subjects themselves (e.g., Jones and Josephs, 2006; Kis et al., specifics of their data collection—which are exposed to reliability
2012). While owner contributions are valued highly, the lab-based checks—and participant data have contributed to policy develop-
approach typically omits participant benefits and learning out- ment (Brightsmith et al., 2008; Crabbe, 2012). Citizen science has
comes, two notable aspects of citizen science. Lab-based studies been described as “an activity that is potentially available to all,
incorporating dogs and their owners are more similar to infant not just a privileged few” (Silvertown, 2009), and questions remain
studies where parents facilitate research by bringing their child for about the ethics of attaching a “citizen science” label to fee-based
testing and possibly participating in the experiment themselves. products.
In paradigms where participants facilitate research, appreciation In addition, citizen science projects should provide experi-
is often extended during the post-study debriefing as well as in ences that retain the hallmarks of scientific merit (Dickinson et al.,
Acknowledgement sections. Regardless, these types of studies dif- 2012). Projects need not necessarily strive for publication in peer-
fer in form and content from the models of citizen science described reviewed journals, but projects should be accurate representations
in Section 3. of the scientific endeavor. The Dognition® test battery reifies exper-
Questionnaire-based studies are also common in canine science imental paradigms that are being modified and debated in the
and raise similar considerations. Participants stem from a vari- literature, such as studies relating to concepts like empathy (e.g.,
ety of populations such as university students (e.g., Fratkin and Custance and Mayer, 2012; Joly-Mascheroni et al., 2008) and rea-
Baker, 2013), members of the general public (King et al., 2009), soning (e.g., Agnetta et al., 2000; Erdőhegyi et al., 2007). The science
or a subset of the public, like dog owners (e.g., Voith et al., 1992; of dog cognition is still in its early stages. Packaging ongoing
Hsu and Serpell, 2003). Interestingly, questionnaire studies, like research as conclusive could give participants a false sense of the
the Monash Canine Personality Questionnaire-Revised (MCPQ-R) true meanings of their individual “results,” as well as the import of
and the Canine Behavioral Assessment and Research Questionnaire their participation.
(C-BARQ) can share similarities with Model 1-type projects where While participants and researchers can both benefit from
researchers receive owner reports of dog behavior without direct engagement strategies, projects should not sacrifice science bona
verification, but testing of instrument reliability and validity is pos- fides. Gamification and data visualization techniques incentivize
sible (Hsu and Serpell, 2003; Ley et al., 2009). Generally speaking, participation but can be taken to extremes. For instance, Dognition®
questionnaire participants facilitate research but are somewhat participants receive dog “cognitive profiles” based on a person’s
outside the realm of citizen science participants contributing their report of dog in-test performance. Reports are based on games
efforts. said to measure empathy, communication, cunning, memory, and
To date, most published canine science studies stem from lab- or reasoning; based on performance in these five dimensions, dogs
questionnaire-based paradigms. While contributions from people, are placed into one of nine profiles, such as Ace, Maverick, and
their dogs, and members of the general public are instrumen- Charmer. These “profiles” might have entertainment value but are
tal, they do not necessarily embody traditional aspects of citizen not derived from empirical studies. By contrast, there are numerous
science, like “collecting, categorizing, transcribing, or analyzing sci- empirical studies characterizing dog temperament and personal-
entific data” (Bonney et al., 2014). Given the dearth of published ity; these studies include reports of accuracy (Gosling et al., 2003),
canine projects relying on public participatory models, the success cross-situational stability (Svartberg et al., 2005) as well as reli-
of citizen science over more traditional lab- or questionnaire-based ability and validity (Hsu and Serpell, 2003). Importantly, studies to
approaches remains to be seen. In other fields, citizen science date have not produced individualized dog profiles derived from
approaches prove essential. For example, Cooper et al. (2014) found “cognitive game” performance. A major part of citizen science
that citizen scientists reporting on migratory birds have been inte- is connecting “authentic scientific research with science educa-
gral to research into phenological shifts and, thereby, global climate tion” (Dickinson et al., 2012), raising the question whether it is
change. Although the potential benefits of canine citizen science appropriate to provide participants with profiles not derived from
J. Hecht, E. Spicer Rice / Behavioural Processes 110 (2015) 125–132 131

published studies and that read more like anthropomorphic astro- suggestions from Mia Cobb and Alexandra Horowitz. Many thanks
logical charts. to Monique Udell for including this topic in the Special Issue:
Canine Behavior.
4.3. Canine citizen science: future considerations
While citizen science projects could rely on the public to act
Agnetta, B., Hare, B., Tomasello, M., 2000. Cues to food locations that domestic dogs
as willing workhorses, active public engagement at multiple, sub- (Canis familiaris) of different ages do and do not use. Anim. Cogn. 3, 107–112.
stantive levels remains a major focus of the field (Bonney et al., Ákos, Z., Beck, R., Nagy, M., Vicsek, T., Kubinyi, E., 2014. Leadership and path char-
2014). The undercurrent of citizen science focuses on including acteristics during walks are linked to dominance order and individual traits in
dogs. PLoS Comput. Biol. 10 (1), e1003446.
nonscientists in knowledge-acquisition while also increasing par- Bekoff, M., 2001. Observations of scent-marking and discriminating self from oth-
ticipant understanding of scientific objectives and processes, not ers by a domestic dog (Canis familiaris): tales of displaced yellow snow. Behav.
simply as generators or analyzers of data. Canine-focused projects Process. 55, 75–79.
Bensky, M.K., Gosling, S.D., Sinn, D.L., 2013. The world from a dog’s point of view: a
embracing public participation models could provide opportunities
review and synthesis of dog cognition research. Adv. Stud. Behav. 45, 209–406.
for learning about dog behavior, dog bite prevention, dog biology, Bird, T.J., Bates, A.E., Lefcheck, J.S., Hill, N.A., Thomson, R.J., Edgar, G.J., Stuart-Smith,
and cognition, as well as indicators of good welfare. R.D., Wotherspoon, S., Krkosek, M., Stuart-Smith, J.F., Pecl, G.T., Barrett, N.,
Frusher, S., 2014. Statistical solutions for error and bias in global citizen science
While citizen science projects have the potential to add useful,
datasets. Biol. Conserv. 173, 144–154.
novel data to canine research, there are currently few published Boitani, L., Francisci, F., Ciucci, P., Andreoli, G., 1996. Population biology and ecology
studies in this field that have embraced traditional citizen science of feral dogs in central Italy. In: Serpell, J. (Ed.), The Domestic Dog its Evolution,
approaches. Canine researchers evaluating citizen science mod- Behaviour and Interactions with People. Cambridge University Press, UK, pp.
els could consider unique ways to involve the public that expand Bonney, R., 1996. Citizen science: a lab tradition. Living Bird 15, 7–15.
beyond typical lab- or questionnaire-based approaches. Bonney, R., Ballard, H., Jordan, R., McCallie, E., Phillips, T., Shirk, J., Wilderman, C.C.,
Data quality remain a notable concern, and researchers should 2009a. Defining the Field and Assessing its Potential for Informal Science Educa-
tion. A CAISE Inquiry Group Report. Center for Advancement of Informal Science
acknowledge and address possible pitfalls, error, and bias in Education (CAISE), Washington, DC.
datasets. Self-audits and self-checks play a large role in citizen Bonney, R., Cooper, C.B., Dickinson, J., Kelling, S., Phillips, T., Rosenberg, K.V., Shirk, J.,
science projects. Animal behavior researchers recently critically 2009b. Citizen science: a developing tool for expanding science knowledge and
scientific literacy. BioScience 59, 977–984.
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field, noting that the practice of inter-observer reliability is imple- Parrish, J.K., 2014. Next steps for citizen science. Science 343, 1436–1437.
mented considerably more frequently in infant behavior journals Bonter, D.N., Cooper, C.B., 2012. Data validation in citizen science: a case study from
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than animal behavior journals (Burghardt et al., 2012). This phe-
Brightsmith, D.J., Stronza, A., Holle, K., 2008. Ecotourism, conservation biology,
nomenon warrants similar attention when gathering and collecting and volunteer tourism: a mutually beneficial triumvirate. Biol. Cons. 141,
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increasingly easy thanks to aggregating websites like Citizen Sci- Zachau, C.E., Freeberg, T.M., 2012. Minimizing observer bias in behavioral stud-
ence Central: http://www.birds.cornell.edu/citscitoolkit/, CitSci: ies: a review and recommendations. Ethology 118, 511–517.
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