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Simulation Length Can Be Reduced or We Can Modify Simulation Approach by Selecting Fewer Components.)

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Kinematics of regular waves:

* Stokes 5th kinematics:

Determine the horizontal particle speed versus depth under the wave crest based on the
old and new recommendation of Stokes 5th order wave profile. Determine also the
horizontal fluid acceleration versus depth for the wave phase with maximum horizontal
acceleration for the two Stokes 5th implementations.

* Linear wave approximation:

Determine the horizontal particle speed and horizontal particle acceleration using linear
wave theory and various approximations in order to estimate kinematics above the
mean free surface (direct extrapolation above free surface, constant value above
surface and Wheeler stretching.

3. Estimate the 10-2 – annual probability base shear of the pile structure using the various
kinematics models of 2) above. Select 3 diameters: drag dominated case, inertia
dominated case and a case with similar contributions from both terms.

4. Establish a simulation tool for Gaussian - and second order surface processes and second
order wave induced kinematics. Verify kinematics by comparing with Stokes 5 th results
for some Stokes 5th like events in the simulated process. It is recommended that the
Stansberg approach is applied for the kinematics. The length of the simulation must be
decided in view of the times it takes to execute the simulations.

5. Kinematics of irregular waves:

For the irregular wave investigation, one can focus on the drag dominated. This means
that we can assume that we can assume that the 0.01 – annual probability quasi-static
loads/load effects are rather well approximated by the values found for the wave event
with a crest height equal to c0.01.

* Linear theory: Do a number (20) of 3-hour time domain simulations. Identify the wave
event with a crest height corresponding to an exceedance probability of 0.1 for this sea
state. If the Gaussian sea state were a correct assumption, this would be a good estimate
for the 10-2 annual probability crest height. Estimate the particle speed under the wave
crest the selected wave event. (If simulation length 3 hours takes too long time,
simulation length can be reduced or we can modify simulation approach by selecting
fewer components.)


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