ADLC Science 8 - Fresh & Saltwater Systems PDF
ADLC Science 8 - Fresh & Saltwater Systems PDF
ADLC Science 8 - Fresh & Saltwater Systems PDF
Grade Eight Science
W3 - Lesson 3B:
Water in its Various States Affects
Earth’s Landforms and Climate
By the end of this lesson, you should
• describe how the movement of tectonic plates affects the Earth’s surface
erosion - the wearing away and tsunami - very large ocean wave
movement of rock fragments and usually produced by underwater
soil earthquakes
Preview/Review Concepts W3 - Lesson 3B Science Grade 8
Did you know that less than 1% of all the water in the world
is suitable to drink? Canada is one of the few countries in
the world where fresh water is in a great supply.
Tides are created by the gravitational force of the moon and its
location around the world at various times of day. The moon’s
gravity pulls the water towards itself. The location of the moon over
time can be predicted, so tides can be predicted. This movement
of water on the shoreline causes land formations to appear and
disappear depending on whether it is a high tide or a low tide.
During high tide the water level is at its highest; during low tide
the water levels are at their lowest.
Activity 1
3. If water did not carry sand, silt, or clay, what landforms would
not occur?
Activity 2
Developed by Alberta Distance Learning Centre .......................................................................................................... 3
Science Grade 8 Preview/Review Concepts W3 - Lesson 3B
Glaciers are large bodies of ice that move across the earth’s surface,
changing the shape of the land. As the temperature increases, the
glacier melts. Sediments, ranging from large boulders to small
pebbles are left behind. This type of erosion is found in mountain
valleys where the valley walls are a distinctive u shape as opposed
to a v shape, indicating the erosion was caused by streams and
rivers. Glacial erosion can also occur over entire continents. Glacial
melt waters can also change the shape of the land by carrying and
depositing sediment.
Activity 3
3. Glaciers are snow that is compressed to ice. Identify and define at least three features
that glaciers have left on the landscape.
Tectonics Plates
Other makers of landforms are the tectonics plates that fit together to make the earth’s
crust. These plates are in constant motion. As these plates move apart and together, so
does the earth’s crust. Some areas are enlarged while other areas vanish completely. One
result of this constant motion is the formation of volcanoes and mountain ranges, both
underwater and on land.
Activity 4
Activity 5
Read and understand the above and then answer the following questions.
Activity 6
Take a container such as a plastic pop bottle and fill it with water.
Put the cap on. Place the pop bottle in a larger container such as
an ice cream bucket and place them in the freezer. Leave them
overnight. What happened to the pop bottle?
Science Grade 8
Version 5
Preview/Review W3 - Lesson 4
The Alberta Distance Learning Centre has an Internet site that you may find useful. The address is as follows:
The use of the Internet is optional. Exploring the electronic information superhighway can be educational and entertaining. However, be
aware that these computer networks are not censored. Students may unintentionally or purposely find articles on the Internet that may
be offensive or inappropriate. As well, the sources of information are not always cited and the content may not be accurate. Therefore,
students may wish to confirm facts with a second source.
Preview/Review Concepts
Grade Eight Science
W3 - Lesson 4:
Adaptations to Aquatic
By the end of this lesson, you should
Activity 1
Most freshwater organisms cannot live in salt water. The salt in the
water actually draws fluid out of their organs and kills them. Some
species have adapted. Certain salmon species spend part of their
lives in the ocean and part in freshwater rivers. The explanation of
this adaptation goes back to the time when there were continental
glaciers in North America. These glaciers covered the lakes and
rivers causing the fish to move, in this case, to the ocean such as the
Bering Strait Refuga (a refuge for fish). Those fish that survived
adapted back to fresh water, such as many of the trout species did,
and some adapted to using both fresh and salt water as part of their
life cycles.
Activity 2
Activity 3
Science Grade 8
Version 5
Preview/Review W3 - Lesson 5
The Alberta Distance Learning Centre has an Internet site that you may find useful. The address is as follows:
The use of the Internet is optional. Exploring the electronic information superhighway can be educational and entertaining. However, be
aware that these computer networks are not censored. Students may unintentionally or purposely find articles on the Internet that may
be offensive or inappropriate. As well, the sources of information are not always cited and the content may not be accurate. Therefore,
students may wish to confirm facts with a second source.
Preview/Review Concepts
Grade Eight Science
W3 - Lesson 5:
Water Quality
By the end of this lesson, you should
effluent - fluid that flows into a body water quality - the purity of a
of water from human activity sample of water
Water Quality
Water quality refers to the level of impurities in the water and the
amount of life it will support. In Alberta, many lakes, rivers, and
streams are monitored regularly to ensure that the water quality is
suitable for living organisms. This quality of water can be affected
by both natural and artificial means.
Fish also have a problem with high turbidity because fish may not
see their predators and food supply in murky water. High levels of
suspended sediment could also clog gills.
Fresh water species have difficulty living in salt water due to the
high levels of salts. Salt water species have a struggle to survive in
fresh water because of the low levels of salts.
Flow rate can affect water quality and the type of species capable
of surviving in a particular body of water. The faster the water is
flowing, the fewer the organisms able to survive the turbulence
of the water. Most game species of fish such as trout require
pea-sized gravel to lay their eggs in streams and rivers. The
flowing water provides oxygen to those eggs and removes
sediments from the gravel. If the flow rate is too
low, the suspended load of sediments in the water
deposits onto the pea gravel, and cover the eggs
with silt. This prevents oxygen from getting to
the eggs, preventing them from hatching.
Clearing along the river wall allows the snow to melt away quickly,
causing a week or two of flooding and then very little runoff for the
remainder of the year.
Man has used artificial means to help control the water levels by
building dams on some major rivers for the purpose of irrigation or
flood control. These dams provide a constant flow of water at the
spillway. This is good for fish species that are down river, but it
interferes with migration of fish.
Activity 1
Read and understand the previous paragraphs and pages 386 and
388 in Science in Action 8. Then, answer the following questions.
Acid rain is also a factor that reduces water quality and can
destroy all aquatic life in a lake. Many industries burn coal.
Electricity in Alberta is mostly produced by coal-burning plants.
When coal and other high sulfur fuel are burned, pollutants such
as sulfur are released into the atmosphere. These pollutants
combine with water vapor to turn rain slightly acidic. When acid
rain gets into a watersystem where there is no base to counteract
it, pH levels drop. Organisms need a specific pH range for survival.
Above or below that, the organism is harmed or killed.
Activity 2
2. What do you suggest could be done to bring lakes that have been
killed by acid rain back to normal?
Activity 3
Read and understand the above readings and pages 400 to 401.
Then answer the following questions.
1. The Bow River has some of the best trout fishing in Alberta. This
river supplies the people of Calgary with all their water needs.
This includes both industrial and residential water. Most people
who fish the Bow River do not eat the fish they catch. Why do you
think the fish are returned to the river?