National Conference On Energy and Chemicals From Biomass (NCECB)
National Conference On Energy and Chemicals From Biomass (NCECB)
National Conference On Energy and Chemicals From Biomass (NCECB)
National Conference on
Dr. R. Sridar, Associate Professor, Chem. Engg.
Advisory Committee Dr. S. Sundaramoorthy, Professor, Chem. Engg., PEC
Members Dr. K. Subbarayudu, Professor, Mech. Engg., PEC
Dr. T. Senthilvelan, Professor, Mech. Engg., PEC
Dr. A. Selvaraju, Professor, Mech. Engg., PEC
Energy and Chemicals from Biomass (NCECB)
Dr. N. Alagumurthi, Professor, Mech. Engg., PEC 10-10-2019 and 11-10-2019
Dr. G. Chandrasekhar, Professor, Chem. Engg., PEC
Dr. M. Pugazhvadivu, Professor, Mech. Engg., PEC
Dr. P. Mathiazhagan, Professor, Mech. Engg., PEC Sponsored by
Dr. AV. Raviprakash, Professor, Mech. Engg., PEC
Dr. S. Rajagopan, Professor, Chemistry, PEC All India Council for Technical Education
Dr. G.S.Gunasegarane, Assoc. Prof., Mech. Engg., PEC
Dr. M. Venkata Ramanan, Professor, Anna University
Dr. M. Premalatha, Professor, NIT, Tiruchirappalli
Dr. R. Vinu, Assoc. Professor, IIT Madras
Dr. B. Saravanan, Asst. Professor, IIT Hyderabad
Dr. R. Thirumaleswara Naik, Asst. Professor, IISc, Bangalore
The college is an autonomous institution funded by Government of Puducherry and is
affiliated to Pondicherry University which is a Central University of Government of
India. The college is situated on East Coast Road facing Bay of Bengal at about 12 km
north of Puducherry. PEC is an AICTE recognized Minor QIP Centre for doing M. Tech
and Ph. D. It is also an AICTE recognized research institute offering National Doctoral
Fellowship for doing Ph. D. The college is also receiving funds from AICTE, DST,
MNRE, etc. of Government of India, through several projects undertaken by the
faculty. More information about the college is available at
The URL of the conference is and it will be updated periodically.
The participants may contact any one of the organizing secretaries for any additional Organized by
Department of Mechanical Engineering &
Dr. L. Kumararaja, Dr. R. Sridar,
Organizing Secretary – I, Department of Chemical Engineering,
Organizing Secretary – II,
Pondicherry Engineering College,
National Conference on Energy and National Conference on Energy and
Chemicals from Biomass (NCECB), Chemicals from Biomass (NCECB), Pillaichavady,
Department of Mechanical Engg., Department of Chemical Engg., Puducherry – 605 014
Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry Engineering College, and
Pillaichavady, Pillaichavady,
Puducherry – 605 014. Puducherry – 605 014. Publishing :
Email: Email:
Mobile: 9486008622 Mobile: 81899 79972, 98947 57209
INTRODUCTION indexing databases namely, Web of Science, Scopus, Inspec, Chemical Abstracts
Energy is an important ingredient in the development of any country. India imports Service, etc. Besides, the authors of selected papers will be contacted after the
petroleum to an extent of 80 % of its total requirement. It implies that oil prices and oil conference for extending / revising / editing as per the journal’s requirements for
availability are not under our control and such a kind of dependence on imports leads to
publication in a widely indexed, UGC approved journal without any additional cost.
energy insecurity. In this context, renewable sources of energy especially bioenergy
gains significance. Besides, biomass is a storehouse of various chemicals. Much
advancement has taken place in the utilization of biomass for deriving energy as well as Atleast one of the authors of the paper must register for presenting the paper. The
chemicals. registration fee per paper for various categories of authors is as follows:
The NCECB is expected to bring together professionals who will show-case the progress From 26-9-2019 to
Till 25-9-2019
achieved by them in the field of biomass research. The conference will have (i) plenary Category of authors 30-9-2019
sessions of eminent professors from IITs, IISc, NITs, Anna University, etc., (ii) oral (Rs.)
presentations by the researchers / professionals working in this field, and (iii) exhibition. From industry 4500 6000
Govt. departments/organizations 3500 5000
CALL FOR PAPERS and faculty from academia
Technical papers reporting original research, case studies, review papers are invited for Research scholars and PG students 2500 4000
oral presentation in the following topics:
The participants who wish to attend the conference as listeners should pay a registration
v Biomass resource assessment, types of biomass, properties, drying, briquetting,
fee of Rs.2000. The registration fee covers registration kit, refreshments, lunch, attending
v Vegetable oil, transesterification, biodiesel,
v Thermo-chemical processes- combustion, gasification, pyrolysis,
all the sessions, certificate. The registration fee can be paid in the form of crossed DD
v Bio-chemical processes-anaerobic digestion, fermentation, drawn in favour of 'The Principal, Pondicherry Engineering College - NCECB' payable at
v Biohydrogen, syngas, Fischer Tropsch synthesis, Puducherry or through NEFT in the following bank account. Please mention paper No. on
v Phenolic compounds, sugars, solvents, oxy-chemicals, the backside of DD or in the NEFT Receipt.
v Biorefining,
Account Name The Principal, Pondicherry Engineering College - NCECB
v Manufacture of charcoal, activated carbon, electrode grade carbon,
v Bioenergy conversion devices like furnaces, engines, turbines, Account Number 8441101056253
v Machineries for biomass processing, etc. Bank Canara Bank
Any other work, directly or indirectly connected with the above topics of the conference, Bank Branch Pondicherry Engineering College Branch
will also be considered. IFSC Code CNRB0008441
The authors are requested to send an abstract not exceeding 2 pages as per the template
MICR Code 605015004
‘Template-abstract.docx’ by email to on or before 5-8-2019. After
screening, the ‘Corresponding author’ will be intimated by email on 10-8-2019, if the Registration can be done either (i) by sending by post the Registration Form along with the
abstract is selected. The author should then prepare the full length paper between 4 and DD, or (ii) by sending by post the Registration Form along with a copy of Bank Receipt for
6 pages long following the AIP Publishing's ethical standards as described at NEFT Payment, or (iii) by sending via email the scanned copies of Registration Form and
the Bank Receipt for NEFT Payment. The blank Registration Form can be downloaded, using their template available at
from the conference website. and submit the same by email to on or before 31-8-2019. The paper will be peer reviewed and the ACCOMMODATION
reviewer’s comments will be passed on to the ‘Corresponding author’ on or before A limited number of participants can be accommodated in the students’ hostels depending
15-9-2019 for implementation in the final paper. The final camera-ready paper between 4 upon availability on self payment basis. A plenty of hotels are available at reasonable tariff
at nearby Auroville or at Puducherry.
and 6 pages long and prepared following the AIP Publishing's guidelines should be
submitted along with a signed copy of 'License to Publish Agreement' by email to IMPORTANT DATES on or before 25-9-2019. The templates, license, conference Last date for abstract submission : 05-8-2019
brochure, etc. can also be downloaded from the conference website Intimation about selection of abstracts : 10-8-2019
PUBLICATION Last date for full length paper submission : 31-8-2019
All the papers presented in person at the NCECB will be published in full length form as a Intimation about reviewer’s comments : 15-9-2019
single volume in AIP Conference Proceedings which is being published by AIP Last date for final camera-ready paper submission : 25-9-2019
Publishing, Melville, New York, USA. The volume will be published with ISBN and each Last date for early bird Registration : 25-9-2019
paper in the Proceedings will have a DOI and will be available online as open-access in Last date for late registration : 30-9-2019
perpetuity. The AIP Conference Proceedings is indexed in leading abstracting and Dates of National Conference : 10-10-2019 and 11-10-2019
(attach proof)