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Advisory Committee Organizing Committee

Coordinator: Dr. C. S. Mathpati

Prof. A. B. Pandit, Vice Chancellor, ICT, Mumbai
Co-coordinator: Dr. V. H. Dalvi

AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Prof. V. K. Rathod, Head, Department of Members: Dr. S. V. Jadhav
Chemical Engineering, ICT, Mumbai Dr. M. D. Yadav
One-Week Faculty Development Dr. Y. H. Shinde
Dr. M. P. Badve
Programme 2023-24
on Eminent Speakers
Sustainability in Chemical Engineering Keynote Address
Prof. A. B. Pandit Mr. Vinayak Marathe
Vice Chancellor, ICT, Mumbai Ex. Senior VP, Reliance Industries

Prof. G. D. Yadav Dr Sachin Mandavgane

Emeritus Professor, Department of Chemical Head, Department of Chemical Engineering,
Engineering, ICT, Mumbai VNIT, Nagpur
Prof. V. G. Gaikar Prof. P. R. Gogate
BPCL Professor of Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering,
ICT, Mumbai ICT, Mumbai

Prof V. K. Rathod Prof. P. D. Vaidya

Head, Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering,
ICT, Mumbai ICT, Mumbai
Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT),
Dr Anand Ghosalkar Dr. Vaibhav Tidke
Mumbai Chief Scientist, Praj Industries, Pune CEO, S4S Technologies
December 11−16, 2023
About Institute of Chemical Technology
Our endeavors, extending well beyond the confines of It encompasses various aspects aimed at
Established on October 1, 1933 as University
the classroom, is to enhance public welfare and our minimizing the negative impacts of chemical
Department of Chemical Technology (popularly called
attempts to dissipate knowledge will spread across a engineering activities on the environment, human
UDCT) of the University of Bombay (now Mumbai),
greater multi- and cross-disciplinary platform to conduct health, and society while ensuring long-term
with the noble intention of advancing India’s
research, discovery, technology development, service to viability. Key areas of focus in this FDP on
knowledge reserves in chemical science and
industry and entrepreneurship, in consonance with sustainability in chemical engineering include
technology, the Institute has grown to become a
India’s aspirations to be a welfare state. Green chemistry, Life cycle assessment, Resource
premier (deemed) university devoted to education,
efficiency, Waste minimization and Valorization,
training, research and industrial collaboration in Dept. of Chemical Engg., ICT Process Intensification and Carbon Capture and
chemical engineering, chemical technology, applied
The Department of Chemical Engineering of ICT is one of Utilization. The participants will learn from
chemistry, pharmacy, biotechnology and bio-
the leading Chemical Engineering Departments in the renowned experts about various sustainable
processing. Due to its size and spread of activities, it
Country maintaining high standards in teaching, research practices in chemical process industries. In
was converted into University Institute of Chemical
and industrial liaising. The Department graduates 75-80 addition, the participants will be assisted by a deep
Technology (UICT) on January 26, 2002 and under
B. Chem. Engg., 45-50 Masters students and 25-30 Ph.D. thought process for the sustainability so that they
TEQIP of the World Bank it was granted full autonomy
students every year. At present Department has more will they will train their students. Revamping the
in 2004. Upon strong recommendation of the UGC
than 50 Ph.D. students working on various research overall mindset to train future researchers and
through a peer review process, the autonomous
problems keeping in tune with present day needs. scientists. The expert talks will help the participants
institute status was finally converted into a Deemed-
Major thrust areas: to understand and implement necessary
to-be-University by the Ministry of Human Resource
•Development of Novel Reactors, Reactions and sustainable practices at their institutions. The
Development (MHRD), Government of India, on
Separation Processes overall purpose of the FDP is to induce the faculties
September 12, 2008.
•Computational Fluid Dynamics for Multiphase Systems of the colleges towards sustainability.
Based on its stellar performance over the years, the
Government of Maharashtra granted ICT the Elite •Analysis of Multiphase Phenomena
Status and Centre of Excellence in the State •Novel Catalytic Materials and Processes Who Should Attend?
Assembly on April 20, 2012. In November 2017, •Green Technology
National Assessment and Accreditation Council •Biotechnology Faculty members of Higher Education Institutions
(NAAC) Committee visited ICT and graded with A++ •Cavitation Phenomena, Sonochemistry (HEIs) in various disciplines of Science, and
CGPA of 3.77 out of 4. Technology are encouraged to apply for this FDP.
About the FDP
On March 2018, ICT for the first time ICT crossed the
confines of Maharashtra when the Institute Sustainability in chemical engineering refers to the Contact Details
inaugurated the “ICT Mumbai Indian Oil Odisha integration of environmentally friendly and socially
Coordinator E-mail: cs.mathpati@ictmumbai.edu.in
Campus” at Bhubaneswar on March 18, 2018. On responsible practices into the design, development,
For Registration related queries: Dr Manish Yadav
May 4, 2018, ICT officially established its third production, and operation of chemical processes and
E-mail: md.yadav@ictmumbai.edu.in
campus at Marathwada Jalna. products.

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