ISE II Reading Writing STUDENTS
ISE II Reading Writing STUDENTS
ISE II Reading Writing STUDENTS
Student Worksheet
Task 1 – Long Reading:
Emotional Intelligence
Read the text below and answer the questions.
Emotional Intelligence
1. In a famous experiment, a group of four year-olds were left alone with
candy and they were told that they could not eat any until the adult
returned. Years later, when the children were grown-ups, the
researchers did a follow-up to the experiment. It turned out that
children who resisted the temptation became more successful later in
life. Traditionally, psychologists described intelligence in terms of
problem-solving and memory. This test shows the importance of
another kind of intelligence, so-called emotional intelligence. IQ tests
are only one way to see how successful someone may become in life.
Social and emotional abilities seem even more important.
2. Emotional intelligence is a buzz word that is often heard. So, what
does it really mean? The term ‘emotional intelligence’ was coined in
1990. Emotional intelligence has to do with knowing when to express
emotions and knowing when to control them. Empathy is a particularly
important part of emotional intelligence. This is basically the ability to
recognise other people’s emotions.
3. It is necessary though to make a distinction between emotional
intelligence and emotional competence. Let me illustrate this with an
example. We already mentioned empathy as the ability to understand
what someone else is feeling. Emotional competence would then mean
transforming this into a skill. Empathy can actually be used to
influence other people’s behavior. Obviously we are talking about
influence in a positive manner as opposed to manipulation.
4. Emotional intelligence is important for a successful performance at
work but how can it be promoted? First and foremost, the
competencies that are important are different from job to job, so it is
essential to know what these are for your field. Self-awareness is here
the core competence to develop. So employees should learn how their
feelings and behavior affect themselves and others. After that, look at
the individual and try to find out if they have the necessary social
skills for a particular job. Then, share this information with the
individual and when doing so, try to be as clear as possible. Always
conduct feedback in a constructive manner because then it is more
likely to be taken on board. Another advantage of constructive
criticism is that it minimizes defensiveness.
5. Hiring competent trainers is key. Good trainers have empathy and are
genuinely caring. They should adopt a step-by-step approach because
a change in behaviour is more likely to happen if it is manageable and
achievable. Trainers should provide ongoing feedback and help
develop the skill of self-reflection. If there is no follow-up training,
then the whole process is likely not to be taken seriously.
Reading & Writing
A. Read the text quickly. Choose the best title for each paragraph
from A-F below and write the letter in the box. There is one
more title than you need.
Titles Paragraph
A. Turning emotional intelligence into a skill
B. What different words can be found for the following words and
phrases in the headings?
1. turning:
2. in the workplace:
3. cognitive intelligence:
4. emotional intelligence:
5. choosing the right people:
6. its true meaning:
Reading & Writing
A. Read the text quickly. What are the three Rs of the environment?
B. Read the text again. Are the statements True, False or Not Given?
1. The author suggests borrowing certain items rather than buying them.
2. According to the author, shoe boxes can be very useful to store things.
Student Worksheet
Task 2 – Multi-text Reading:
National Customs
Wedding Customs
(Insert image of wedding)
There are a great number of traditional wedding customs across the world
and they are all equally fascinating. Of course, not everyone follows them
nowadays but it is interesting to learn about them.
Text B
Birthday Celebrations
(Insert image of birthday party)
In many countries in Europe, people often have two birthdays – one for the
name of the saint they are named after and their own. In Mexico, the piñata
is popular at birthdays. A piñata is a form made of papier-mâché filled with
sweets and chocolates, moved around to be chased and broken open by
guests using a stick. In Vietnam, everyone celebrates their birthday on the
New Year as it is considered unlucky to celebrate the actual birthday.
Reading & Writing
Text C
In the Czech Republic, some people believe the custom of placing fish
scales under the dinner plates or table cloth at the Christmas dinner table
is said to bring wealth to the home. Some people apparently carry a fish
scale in the wallet to generate money.
Some Turkish people believe that if the first customer throws silver coins
onto the floor of a business, it will attract more people.
Some Indian shop-owners will not let the first window-shopper of the day
leave without buying something, even if it is only a button or a pin, as it
is considered unlucky for the rest of the day.
Other people in India and Pakistan kiss money and press it against their
eyes for good luck.
Text D
In this part there are four short texts for you to read and 15 questions for
you to answer.
As you read each text, decide which text each question refers to. Choose
one letter – A, B, C or D – and write it in boxes 1-5. You can use any
letter more than once.
Choose the 5 statements from A-H below that are TRUE according to the
information given in the texts above. Write the letters of the TRUE
statements in the boxes provided (in any order).
B. Certain types of flora are believed to be dangerous.
C. Parts of a fish are considered to be good luck by some
Summary Notes:
Wedding and birthday customs:
Vocabulary development
Basil is said to prevent bad luck and illness.
Four-leaf clovers are considered to be lucky
Purify the atmosphere by burning (14) ___________________.
Garlic is used to keep away (15) ______________ and evil spirits.
Reading & Writing
Extension Activities
Task A: Similar meanings
Find synonyms from the texts for these words:
1 modern A traditional
2 lent B
3 trainee, novice C
4 poverty, penury D
5 disliked E
6 pollute F
7 attract G
8 harm H
Task C: Grammar
Complete these sentences using the correct from of the verb in brackets:
2. exchange B. safe
4. secure D. To stop
Use something belonging to another
5. wealth E.
person with permission
6. prevent F. To give and take something in return
Task B – Antonyms:
Find the words in the box which have the opposite meaning in the list.
There are two extra words which you will not need.
1. keep away
2. harm
3. dull
4. lucky
5. expert
Task C – Grammar
Choose the correct word in brackets to complete the sentence.
1. In Vietnam, everyone _____________ (celebrated; celebrate; is
celebrating) their birthday on the New Year as it is ___________
(consider; considering; considered) unlucky to celebrate their actual
2. Some Indian shop-owners will not _______ (letting; be letting; let)
the first window-shopper of the day leave without buying something, even
if it ___ (be; are; is) only a button or a pin, as it is considered unlucky
for the rest of the day.
3. Pine needles are sometimes _______ (burning; burn; burnt) with
juniper and cedar to ___________ (purifies; purify; purified) the
Reading & Writing
Student Worksheet
Task 2 – Multi-text Reading:
A. Read the four texts and decide which text each question refers
to – A, B, C or D.
Which text
B. Read the text again. Tick () the five statements from 1-8
below that are true according to the information given in the
four texts.
Statements ?
Some deal well with this perhaps because of being bullied as a child
Ch. Bale and Ch. Rock didn’t use (4) ………………………… in response to
their bullies
Lady Gaga wants to give hope to her fans and B. Snow started a (5)
………………………… to end bullying
Reading & Writing
Reading Text
D. Actor and singer Selena Gomez was bullied all the way through
elementary and middle school. She said that it was her energy and
focus that made her a target. Ultimately, the experience has made her
a stronger person. A similar story we hear from colleague singer
Rihanna. She also got bullied in school but now she is even grateful as
the teasing has made her tough. Extravagant pop star Lady Gaga
went even further as she actively uses her experience of being bullied
to reach out to her fans and this way tries to give them hope. Singer
and actor Brittany Snow also used her negative experience for
something positive by setting up a non-profit organization that seeks
to put an end to bullying.
Reading & Writing
Student Worksheet
Task 3 – Reading into Writing:
Endangered Animals
Task 1
Read the questions below. Then read the texts below and find the
answers. If there is no information given, put NI (No
Leopards are graceful and powerful big cats closely related to lions, tigers,
and jaguars. The leopard is so strong and comfortable in trees that it
often pulls what its kills up into the trees. Leopards can also hunt from
trees, where their spotted coats look like leaves. They hunt at night and
go after other animals like antelope, deer, and pigs, hiding and walking
slowly and silently in tall grass. When human settlements are present,
leopards often attack dogs and, occasionally, people.
Text 2
Blue Whale
10,000-25,000 individuals
Balaenoptera musculus
Close to 200 tons
80-100 feet
The blue whale is the largest animal on the planet, weighing as much as
200 tons (approximately 33 elephants). The blue whale has a heart the
size of a Volkswagen Beetle. Its stomach can hold one ton of krill and it
needs to eat about four tons of krill each day. They are the loudest
animals on Earth and are even louder than a jet engine. Their calls reach
188 decibels, while a jet reaches 140 decibels. Their low frequency
whistle can be heard for hundreds of miles and is probably used to attract
other blue whales.
Text 3
The giant panda has a huge appetite for bamboo. Pandas will sometimes
eat birds or rodents as well.
There are only about 1,000 giant pandas left in the wild. Perhaps 100
pandas live in zoos, where they are always among the most popular
attractions. Much of what we know about pandas comes from the study of
these zoo animals, because there are so few of their wild cousins.
Text 4
Habitat loss Areas where they live will become
hotter and drier. Elephants will not
be able to find enough food and this
will threaten the survival of the
baby calves.
Human contact Humans are taking over elephant
habitats. Poaching for ivory is
becoming more common.
Behaviour Form deep family bonds. They live
in groups, (herds), led by the oldest
and largest female.
Extremely intelligent. Long
memories. Show signs of joy, anger
and sadness.
New discovery Elephants can communicate in
messages that travel over the
ground for long distances. Other
elephants get the messages
through their feet and trunks.
Reading & Writing
reason - believe
Task 3
Your school/ work-place has decided to support a Charity for one of the
animals you have read about. Write an email in the box below.
Write to the Charity Committee saying which animal you want to support
and why. Write about why you do not want to support the other animals.
Use the sentences you wrote before to help you with your email.
To : Charity Committee
Reading & Writing
Model Answer
I’d prefer to support a Charity for Leopards. Leopards are amazing and
beautiful animals. They can run extremely fast, are wonderful hunters and
manage to catch smaller animals by hiding in the trees at night. They are
powerful. I’d rather support leopards because they are related to animals
like lions and tigers and only sometimes hurt people. They can survive in
water and eat fish, so I think it is easy to help them.
Barbara Plum
Original Sources:
Reading & Writing
Student Worksheet
Task 3 – Reading into Writing:
Family Business
Text A
Family businesses today are a very important part of the economy as they
account for 65% of all private enterprises and for 40% of all private sector
employment. But how successful are they?
It is claimed that family businesses are more effective than other businesses
because they are more concerned with the long-term future of the company as
they want to transfer the business to the next generation. They also would like
to extend the family’s reputation locally, nationally, or even internationally.
There is usually little disagreement as to the financial benefits each family
member should take from the business.
However, there are drawbacks to family enterprises too. The head of the family
business may want to give relatives a chance when there are other people
outside the family who are better qualified to do the job. It is also rare for more
than one family member to have the required skills to drive the business in an
increasingly competitive environment.
Reading & Writing
Text B
Cathy We could never get away from work. Some people say
they couldn’t work with families, but I couldn’t work
without them.
Adam @ Ling
Text C
I should sleep now as it’s already 1am. I’ve just realised I spent 3 hours
researching stuff for tomorrow!
Text D
Read questions 1-5 first and then read Texts A, B, C and D below
the questions.
As you read each text, decide which text each question refers to. Choose
one letter - A, B, C or D - and write it in boxes 1-5. You can use any
letter more than once.
Which text
Questions 6-10
Choose the 5 statements from A-H below that are TRUE according
to the information given in the texts. Write the letters of the TRUE
statements in the boxes provided (in any order).
A. Family businesses employ more people than other types True Statement
of businesses.
E. The diary writer doesn’t believe that she would have had
the idea for a business if her friend Sandy hadn’t had a
F. The diary writer was surprised how quickly the time had gone.
Questions 11-15
The Summary Notes below contain information from the texts. Find a
suitable word or a phrase in the texts to complete the missing
information in gaps 11-15. Write your answers in the spaces provided and
you can use up to 3 words.
Often only one family member who is the real driving force behind
the company
You have just heard a family friend wants to leave the family business.
Write an email of 150-180 words to him/her trying to persuade him/her
not to leave the family business. (Remember to use information from
all four texts to help you write your answer).
Preparation activities for ISE II Reading & Writing
B. An essay question
Look at the essay question below.
Write an essay (150–180 words) for the school magazine about the advantages and disadvantages of
using mobile phones. Give your opinion about whether there are more advantages than disadvantages.
E. Common expressions
Here are some expressions used for expressing advantages and disadvantages:
Decide which expressions can be used for advantages, and which ones are used for disadvantages. Write
them in the box.
Advantages Disadvantages
Paragraph 3
In the next paragraph you should discuss the disadvantages of using mobile phones. For example, ‘One
disadvantage of having a mobile phone is that you might become addicted to using it and you use it too
much, so you stop talking to people and instead play games on your phone or use social media.’
Now you write a paragraph about the disadvantages of using mobile phones. Write three disadvantages.
Begin like this ‘One disadvantage of using a mobile phone is that...’ Try to use some of the expressions
you learned in section E.
Preparation activities for ISE II Reading & Writing
G. Linking expressions
Now here are some linking expressions. What is a linking expression? What does ‘link’ mean? Decide
together or look it up in a dictionary.
Link means
Here are some common linking expressions:
Write three sentences explaining the advantages of using mobile phones with your best ideas. Use a
common expression from the box on the previous page, and a linking expression from the box above.
You have 10 minutes to do this.
Now write three sentences explaining the disadvantages of using mobile phones with your best ideas.
Use a common expression from the box on the previous page, and a linking expression from the box
above. You have 10 minutes to do this.
H. The conclusion
Paragraph 4
The final paragraph should be a short conclusion stating both the advantages and disadvantages of
mobile phones and giving your opinion.
For example: ‘In conclusion there are both advantages and disadvantages to using mobile phones. In
my opinion the advantages outweigh the disadvantages and they are essential for our lives today, we
could not live without them.’ What do you think outweigh means?
Now we are going to work on a conclusion to your essay. Begin like this: ‘In conclusion, there are both
advantages and disadvantages to using mobile phones. In my opinion...’
Preparation activities for ISE II Reading & Writing
E. Common expressions
A good point, a positive aspect, an argument in favour of
A negative effect, the downside, a drawback, an objection to, a negative aspect, a criticism of
Model essay
There are a number of advantages to using mobile phones. In this essay I will discuss both the
advantages and the disadvantages and give my opinion.
An argument in favour of using mobile phones is that you can contact anyone at any time. A common
example of this is when you are going to be late and you can tell people about it so they are not kept
waiting. Another positive aspect is that we are all better informed as we can check the internet whenever
we want.
On the other hand, there are various drawbacks of using mobile phones. One is that people can no
longer have so much privacy, so, they may be busy with something important but their phone rings and
disturbs everybody. A further objection is that people use them so much they become addicted, this is
a problem.
In conclusion, there are both advantages and disadvantages to using mobile phones. In my opinion the
advantages outweigh the disadvantages and they are absolutely vital for our lives today, we simply
could not live without them.
Reading & Writing
Student Worksheet
Task 4 – Extended Writing:
The Role of Music in my Culture
Task A: Mind-map
It is fairly safe to say that music is part of every culture. However, the
importance of music varies from culture to culture. This essay looks at
the role music has to play in my own culture.
Body – paragraph 1
What role does music play in your culture?
Is there a preference for singing, dancing, performing, …?
On what occasions do people in your culture listen to music?
What genres are popular?
Body – paragraph 2
How does music affect people?
How important is music for young people?
How important is music for older people?
Other information?
How important is music in your culture?
Reading & Writing
1. additionally:
2. also:
3. furthermore:
4. in addition:
5. moreover:
1. in conclusion:
2. to conclude:
3. in summary:
4. to sum up:
Reading & Writing
Task C: Checklist
Read your partner’s text and complete the checklist. Circle either
Y (Yes) or N (No).
My partner has written a main body paragraph.
My partner has included 2/3 linking words.
My partner has written a conclusion.
My partner has written a total of 250 words.