Chapter Ii
Chapter Ii
Chapter Ii
Identifying Learners'
Training Requirements
Learning Outcomes
Direction: Test I. Multiple Choice Direction: Choose the letter and encircle the correct answer.
Now that you have established the training gap of the learner, you are now ready to prepare the
session plan. In preparing session plan, it is essential to understand the structure of Training
Training Regulation (TR) is a TESDA promulgated document that serves as basis for which the
competency-based curriculum, instructional materials and competency assessment tools are
developed. This document represents specific qualification. How the competencies in this
qualification can be gained, assessed and be given recognition is detailed in this promulgated
All training institution who wants to offer TVET program are required to register under Unified
TVET Program Registration and Accreditation System (UTPRAS) either With Training
Regulation (WTR) or No Training Regulation (NTR) to adhere in competency-based training
With Training Regulation (WTR) is described as programs that have appropriate promulgated
Training Regulations; examples of WTR program are Computer System Servicing, Food and
Beverage Service to name some. No Training Regulations (NTR) refers to the programs that
include skills which are not covered yet by any promulgated Training Regulations; example of
NTR program is those of interior designing
Competency Standards
Unit of Competency (or Unit Title) is a component of the competency standards stating a
specific key function or role in a particular job or occupation; it is the smallest component of
achievement that can be assessed and certified under the PTQF.
Unit Descriptor outlines what is done in the workplace. It clarifies scope and intent of
Performance Criteria are evaluative statements that specify what is to be assessed and the
required level of performance
Required Skills (formerly known as Underpinning Skills) refers to the list of the skills
needed to achieve the elements and performance criteria in the unit of competency. It includes
generic and industry specific skills.
Range of Variables describes the circumstances or context in which the work is to be
Evidence Guide is a component of the unit of competency that defines or identifies the
evidences required to determine the competence of the individual. It provides information on:
The CBC specifies the outcomes which are consistent with the requirements of the workplace as
agreed through the industry or community consultations.
When competency standards do not exist, curriculum developers need to clearly define the
learning outcomes to be attained. The standard of performance required must be appropriate to
industry and occupational needs through the industry/enterprise or specified client group
Course Title refers to the name of the program to be offered. It is usually derived from
the qualification title of the training regulations or it takes the qualification title of the training
regulations if the program is designed to cover the entire qualification2.
Nominal Duration refers to the estimated training period usually expressed in hours
wherein the learner is expected to complete the whole training program.
Course Description refers to the brief statement of scope, coverage and delimitation of
the course.
Entry Requirements refers to the minimum and “must” qualifications of a trainee to a
training program that will ensure effective and efficient training.
Course Structure is a course matrix, and includes details on module title, learning
outcomes and nominal hours per unit of competency.
Unit of Competency is a component of the competency standard stating a specific key
function or role in a particular job or occupation serving as a basis for training an individual to
gain specific knowledge, skills and attitude needed to satisfy the special demands or
requirements of a particular situation.
Module Title is the name of the module derived from the unit of competency.
Learning Outcomes are the set of knowledge, skills and/or competencies an individual
has acquired and/or is able to demonstrate after completion of a learning process – formal,
non-formal or informal 3.
Nominal Hours refers to the estimated training period usually expressed in hours
wherein the learner is expected to complete a particular training module of program 2.
Resource is the part where recommended tools, equipment and materials to be used are
Assessment Methods refers to the ways of collecting evidence and when evidence
should be collected1.
Course Delivery refers to the classroom teaching methodologies that can be applied for
the entire module instruction.
Trainer’s Qualification refers to the identified minimum experience and competencies
the trainer for the course must possess.
Module of Instruction
Module of Instruction is the description of training requirements for every unit of competency.
A unit of competency can make one or more modules of training. This part of the CBC is used as
point of reference in preparing session plan.
Unit Title is a learning outcome statement which describes the area of competency
related to the content of work. (e.g. Maintain Computer Systems)
Nominal Duration refers to the estimated training period wherein the learner is expected
to complete a particular training module of program 1. (Procedures Manual on Program
Assessment Criteria is the standards used to guide learning and to assess learner
achievement and/or to evaluate and certify competence 2.
Contents are the topics and activities which make up what is learned by an individual or
group of learners during a learning process 3.
Learning Insights
Post Test
Direction: Test I. Multiple Choice Direction: Choose the letter and encircle the correct
1. Refers to the technique/s used to gather different types of evidences.
a. Assessment Criteria
b. Nominal Duration
c. Assessment Methods
d. Course Delivery
2. Identifies the industry where the job is classified (e.g. Information and Communication
a. Industry Sector
b. Nominal Duration
c. Qualification
d. Course Delivery
3. Is the overall planning document for the assessment process and includes a range of
information to
Guide trainer on the method of assessment to use and its scope.
a. Industry Sector
b. Nominal Duration
c. Assessment Plan
d. Course Delivery
4. Refers to the estimated training period usually expressed in hours wherein the learner is
expected to
complete a particular training module of program
a. Module Title
b. Nominal Duration
c. Entry requirement
d. Nominal Hours
5. Refers to the ways of collecting evidence and when evidence should be collected
a. Resource
b. Nominal Duration
c. Assessment Method
d. Self-Assessment Guide
6. Refers to the identified minimum experience and competencies the trainer for the course must
a. Trainers Qualification
b. Nominal Duration
c. Assessment Method
d. Self-Assessment Guide
7. Refers to the classroom teaching methodologies that can be applied for the entire module
a. Trainers Qualification
b. Nominal Duration
c. Assessment Method
d. Course Delivery
8. Is the description of training requirements for every unit of competency. A unit of competency
can make one or more modules of training. This part of the CBC is used as point of reference
in preparing session plan.
a. Module Descriptors
b. Nominal Duration
c. Module Instruction
d. Course Delivery
9. Outcomes refers to the consolidated statements of desired end result to be attained after each
a. Module Descriptors
b. Nominal Duration
c. Summary of Learning
d. Course Delivery
10. Is the standards used to guide learning and to assess learner achievement and/or to evaluate
and Certify competence
a. Assessment Criteria
b. Nominal Duration
c. Summary of Learning
d. Course Delivery
11. Are the topics and activities which make up what is learned by an individual or group of
learners during a learning process
a. Assessment Criteria
b. Nominal Duration
c. Contents
d. Course Delivery
12. Outlines situation and context under which learners will be assessed.
a. Assessment Criteria
b. Nominal Duration
c. Conditions
d. Course Delivery
13. Refer to the list of methods to be used in a particular session
a. Methodologies
b. Nominal Duration
c. Training
d. Assessment methods
14. Is a framework or guide for the subsequent detailed development of competencies, associated
Methodologies, training and assessment resources.
a. Plan training Session
b. Competency Based Curriculum
c. National TVET Trainers
d. Curriculum guide
15. Is based on competency standards set by the industry or recognized industry sector. Learning
system is Driven by competencies written to the industry standards.
a. Session Plan
b. Competency Based Curriculum
c. Course design
d. Syllabus
16. Refers to the name of the program to be offered. It is usually derived from the qualification
title of the training regulations or it takes the qualification title of the training regulations if
the program is designed to cover the entire qualification2.
a. Course Title
b. Competency Based Curriculum
c. Course design
d. Syllabus
17. Is a course matrix, and includes details on module title, learning outcomes and nominal hours
per unit of competency.
a. Module Title
b. Course Structure
c. Course design
d. Unit of Competency
18.Are the set of knowledge, skills and/or competencies an individual has acquired and/or is
able to demonstrate after completion of a learning process – formal, non-formal or informal
a. Learning Out comes
b. Course Structure
c. Course design
d. Unit of Competency
19. Refers to the minimum and “must” qualifications of a trainee to a training program that will
ensure effective and efficient training.
a. Course Description
b. Course Structure
c. Entry requirement
d. Unit of Competency
20. Is the name of the module derived from the unit of competency?
a. Module Title
b. Nominal Duration
c. Entry requirement
d. Unit of Competency