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Connection: Ministry Training Event

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The Chalice

A publication of First Christian Church of Edmond, OK

Vol. 3 No. 3 January 27, 2011

Ministry Training Event

By Rev. Chris Shorow, Senior Minister
I know a many volunteers, that much food, all
great church those donations? As I told him, it takes
in another commitment, hard work and careful
state full of planning. By the way, thanks to all those
committed who make that happen!
Christians. A great opportunity for training our
They have saints in the church is coming up soon
a healthy through our Regional Church. The 2011 Each year we hold a bean dinner to support
worship Leadership Training School is happening on
our bi-annual student International Affairs
attendance Saturday, February 5 at the First Christian
Seminar (IAS) trip. The purpose of the IAS
and some Church in OKC (yes, the big domed church
experience is to expose students to a larger
very committed members. However, I off of Broadway Extension. That day will
world view, and Christian responsiblity.
heard one of the members complaining that offer a myriad of classes designed to train
So every other year we take a group of
they were frustrated because there were so our members in planning and implementing
many meaningful ministries they could be great ministry. From youth and children’s students to Washington D.C. and New York
doing as a church, but were not. It sounds ministry workshops, to training for elders City.
like they needed a challenge. A challenge and deacons, outreach, stewardship, While we are not traveling in 2011, we
to do more ministry, reaching out in Christ’s movies, puppets and Biblical studies, there continue to need to raise money in order
name. But how? is something for about any interest in the to accommodate the potential number of
Great ministry doesn’t just happen. church. More information and a listing students eligible for the trip in 2012. Due
It takes planning and hard work. And of the classes is available on the Regional to the generous donations of our church
people coming together to get the job done. church website, okdisciples.org. community, traditionally the Bean Dinner
Another member of a church in Oklahoma The good news is that the event is has raised between $600 and $1900.
City called me and wanted to talk about free to members of our church. We paid So please come eat beans, cornbread
Breakfast on Boulevard. He wanted to a church fee, so just mention you are from and slaw this Sunday, January 30! You will
start something like it at his church. After FCC Edmond, and the welcome will be be part of sustaining a very special event in
I spoke glowingly of all the things going extended to you. Let’s keep doing great the life of the students of First Christian of
on at BOB, he was overwhelmed. How ministry together. Edmond!
could we possibly get all that going? That

n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n

Would you like to serve the church by:

n Serving coffee?
n Helping to plan and implement fellowship events?

n Helping NEW members become part of our church?

If so, contact Julie Bunton at juliebunton@cox.net or Amanda Stuke at
amstuke@fsamail.com and join the Membership Ministry!
January 30, 2011 4:00 p.m.Fellowship Hall
Class Parent
Each year during the weeks leading up to Easter we hold a “Pastors’ Class” for
students in 5th grade (and any 6th graders who have not completed the course).
This course aquaints young people with the basic traditions of our church, the
Information history of our denomination and origins of our faith. Through participation in
Pastor’s Class, they will prepare for Baptism, while deeping their understanding of
Meeting God and strengthening their relationship with Christ. 6th grade students who have
not already taken Pastor’s Class.
Please contact Anna Lisa Stanley for more information at 341-3544 or

Join Our Intergenerational/Family Mission Trip

To Inman Christian Center San Antonio, TX March 12-16, 2011
Sponsored by FCC Edmond Outreach Ministry Team
Save The Date!
The Inman Christian Center’s mission is to create and offer social services and education Golf Tournament
programs for children and families in need that will give support and encouragement
to participants in their efforts to meet their needs, pursue and achieve their goals and Friday, May 13
offer their contribution to the wider community. Cost is $50 per person (children must
be accompanied by and adult), which includes transportation, lodging, food, and a day Kickingbird Golf
adventure to Sea World. Food while at Sea World, and at least one dinner “on the town”
is NOT included in the trip fee. Registration deadline is February 20. Contact Greg Course
Bunton at 341-3544 or gbunton@fccedmond.org for more information.

Join With Disciples From Across

the State for

Training School
Saturday, February 5,
8:30 am-1pm
First Christian Church
3700 N. Walker, Oklahoma City

Leadership Training School 2011

will offer a wide variety of classes designed
for laity and pastors seeking personal
enrichment, enhanced leadership skills and
motivation for their personal faith journey.

Download a complete listing of curriculum

and workshop from
Prayers of the People Happy Birthday!
1/30 Patsy Corrigan, Matthew Hall,
Joan Grant, St. Anthony’s (Bob Grant’s wife & Mike Grant’s
1/31 Carl Hutton, Doyle O’Hagan, Kyle
mom); Teddi Long-Owen, Mercy
Polk, Judy Ware
THOSE IN NEED OF PRAYER Virginia O’Niel, Bob Earl, Jeri Brigham, Mary Lou Womble, 2/1 Channing Crull, Walter Jackson,
Jeff Stephens, Larry Griffin, Mary Foreman, Wayne Wilson (Tracy Turner’s dad), Kay Tom Noles, Jennifer Schmitz
Burks, Rose Marie McKee, Bart Rodr, Eric Koegel, Ralph Eastwood (Jackie Stafford’s dad), 2/2 Harold Adams, Dylan Cummings,
Ann Douthitt (Duke Douthitt’s mom), Sharon Luton (Susan Black’s cousin), Ed Berry,
Caleb Ritchie, Callie Schmitz
Hank Thomas (Randy Thomas’ brother)
2/3 Hayden Fuller, Larry Griffin, Avery
OUR SYMPATHY AND PRAYERS To Gary & Madelynn Bartley in the passing of Hendricks, Lucas Peterson
Madelynn’s father, John Street, on January 25. Services scheduled for Saturday, January 29 2/4 Jennifer McGrew, Madison
at 11am at Chapel Hill United Methodist Church, OKC. O’Meara, Angie Percival, Dennis
2/5 Lu Cunningham, Christi Eischeid,
Discover First Christian - A Place To Connect! Nancy Gaines, Colby Smith
Thinking about joining First Christian? Want to find ways you can get connected and
make a difference? Join us at 10am Sunday, February 6 in Fellowship Hall/West for
Discover First Christian, where you will meet some of our staff, and learn more about
our mission and ministries. Contact Pastoral Assistant Iris Jordan at 341-3544 or
ijordan@fccedmond.org to sign up or for more information.

Summer Internship Program

College Students Encouraged To Apply!
The Summer Internship Program is open to our college students who grew up at First
Christian Church of Edmond and participated in our Student Ministries. The purpose Youth Super Bowl
of the internship is as follows:
1. To provide our college students the opportunity to give back to the
Sub Sale!
Church and Student Ministry that nurtured them as teenagers. Get Your Order in Today!
2. To provide the opportunity to be a positive role model to our Enjoy Subs for the
teenagers and in the life of our Student Ministry. Super Bowl on Feb. 6th!
3. To provide the opportunity for our college students to flex their
leadership muscles in a positive environment. Want an easy and delicious SuperBowl
Interested? Fill out the online application at www.fccedmond.org/internship by meal? Purchase SUB sandwiches from our
Wednesday, April 6. Interns will be selected and notified by Wednesday, April 20. Student Ministry team! Place your order
Questions? Contact Rev. Greg Bunton, Associate Minister of Student Ministries at for 6-inch submarine sandwich at $6 each,
gbunton@fccedmond.org or 341-3544, ext. 13 available for pick up the morning of the
big game. Choose from ham, turkey, roast
beef, cheese and all the fixings. You also
On February 6, 130 million people all over the world will receive a bag of chips, canned soda and
a yummy homemade brownie! Proceeds
tune in to the Super Bowl football game. There will be
from the sales will support ongoing youth
parties with abundantfood. At the same time, there will
mission trips and the youth room remodel.
be people worrying about clothing their families, looking
Thanks for supporting our youth team!
for shelter and hoping for a warm meal. The Cornerstone Two ways to order -
Class invites you to demonstrate God’s love by loving our online at www.fccedmond.org/subsales
neighbors with a simple, but significant act of sharing and or fill out a form in person at the SubSales
charing for others through the Souper Bowl of Caring! Members of the class will be holding table in the rotunda.
soup pots at the church to collect money for those who are hungry and hurting. In 2010, As always, the support and prayers
over 13,000 groups participated in the Souper Bowl of Caring, generating over $10 million. from the church family are instrumental
We will donate our entire Souper Bowl of Caring collection to Breakfast on Boulevard. in all the youth endeavors. It’s teamwork
that makes for a winning team!
Travel With The Classics - Feb. 22!
All aboard! We’ll travel via the Heartland
Flyer train, enjoying the scenery and Nancy’s

Worship Original Fried Pies and coffee in route to

Ardmore. A motor coach will transport us to
at First Christian the Chickasaw Cultural Center in Sulpher.
8:15, 9 & 11am This world-class destination is devoted to sharing and celebrating Chickasaw history and culture.
Not your ordinary musuem, their “displays-under-glass” format will give you and up close and
personal connnection with the Chickasaw culture. A delicious traditional American Indian lunch
January 30, 2011 is included in your tour price. Also included is a mid-afternoon tour of the Bedre’ Chocolate
Message: Rev. Chris Shorow
Factory. Owned by the Chickasaw Nation, Bedre’ means “better” and the name says it all!
Scripture: Romans 14:1-4
Price is $79 per person, includes transportation, all meals and attractions indicated. For more
information and reservations call Winnie Hall at 341-4279 or Ellen Chitwood at 341-2859.
February 6, 2011
Message: Rev. Chris Shorow
Scripture: Matthew 25:31-46
Now Hiring Wedding Coordinator
This person works with individuals requesting use of First Christian Church facilities for a
The Chalice CONNECTION wedding. S/he will work with the Business Administrator, other church committees as appropriate,
Shelley Regan, Editor and the officiating clergy to coordinate, direct, and facilitate the requested wedding and any
sregan@fccedmond.org related events. Tasks include meeting with bride to discuss fees, plans, policies, coordinate
Read News Online schedules for deliveries and photographers, ensure fees are paid timely, coordinate use of church
@ fccedmond.org/news owned appointments, and other details as described in the job description. To inquire about
Submit Articles to the wedding coordinator position, and obtain a copy of the job description, contact Business
news@fccedmond.org Administrator Karla Mahan at 341-3544, or kmahan@fccedmond.org

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