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Pathways: Lenten Study Explores The Gates in The Bible

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A publication of Trinity Presbyterian Church

2125 Tower Drive Woodbury, MN 55125

February 2012

(651) 738-0045

Lenten Study Explores the Gates in the Bible

Gates as metaphors for modern Christian beliefs and practices
During six Wednesdays in Lent beginning Feb 29, 6:30 7:30, in the library, Pastor Hanson will once again be teaching our denominations Bible Study for 2012. This group study will be based on the book Open to Me the Gates, by Gradye Parsons. Parsons is Stated Clerk of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and has written a daily study on how gates are conceptually used throughout the Bible. Physical gates, (places of entry), found in both Old and New Testament stories are often metaphors for modern Christian beliefs and practices, such as justice and equality. One reviewer said this, Gradye Parsons uses the vivid image of city gates to picture key passages on the path of discipleship. The path that leads first to God, and then through and with God, into the world to our neighbor. I highly recommend it. Books are $8.00, one per household is all thats needed. Sign up in Welcome Room. The birth of Christ, as expressed in the Christmas pageant, remains with us throughout the year.

Ash Wednesday Service Feb. 22, 7:00 p.m. Trinity Sanctuary Prayers, music, a message, candlesA special time to begin your Lenten journey.

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Trinity Celebrates a Year in Review

Consistency plus new ideas resulted in a solid twelve months
Gary Hanson, Minister Thank you , dear members, for your role at Trinity Presbyterian Church. Our journey through 2011was presented to the membership in our Annual Report and included these highlights

many volunteer laborers who helped on this project. We look forward to a patio addition along the West wing sometime soon. In addition, our building was spruced up with repair work and painting, and both the Honor Gardens new benches and pathways and the south lawns fire pit were developed through the Eagle Scout projects of Josh Anderson and Lars Espe.

Our staff has been intact for several years now, each performing well.

We were blessed with the addition of 14 new members, plus and 10 confirmands; we look forward to the gifts and talents that these individuals will bring to our congregation.

Fellowship opportunities continued to be important. Sunday coffee hours, tailgating before the Twins Game, the outdoor worship service and picnic, a bonfire pit event, Almighty Slugger softball games, and the Trinity book club, to name a few. In addition, numerous special events and the well-attended member brunches that Beth and I hosted during Lent all added to the warmth and friendliness of our congregation.

Outstanding adult education classes continued on Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM and Wednesday evenings during our Trinity Alive! program. In addition, there have been small group opportunities for Bible study and discussion groups throughout the year.

Some took international mission trips, notably Stephanie Schenck and Sue Bergeron to Mexico and Joe Pendal to Niger. These individuals remain wonderful examples to all of us to consider such mission opportunities for ourselves.

The music program continuously blessed our congregation, culminating in a delightful Cantata/ Christmas Pageant in mid December. The deeply meaningful Christmas Eve and Christmas Sunday services wrapped up our moving and spiritual worship throughout the year. Jean Blanck and Betty Lidell passed away and

The Trinity land-

scape changed considerably most notably with the addition of our 2nd Rain Garden. Special thanks to the

we bid farewell to several families who moved out of state. Financial challenges will continue in 12 as our economy sets itself back on course yet all in all, 11 was a good year for Trinity and I feel privileged to be with you on the journey. In Christ, Gary

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The Shared Ministry team greets you with Joy!

Low key but important committee helps members find their calling
As we begin this new year, Trinitys Shared Ministry Team, Susan Jamison, Brad Wright, and I, encourage you to serve our Lord and Savior with joy. There are many who are already involved in some kind of service/ministry and that is wonderful! For those of you who would like to become more involved, now is a good time to begin. If you would like assistance in your search for service, let us help. We are available for questions: call, email or chat with us at church. No matter what the task, whether it is ushering, greeting, cooking for Trinity events or Family Place, at work, tutoring, working in the Honor Garden, greeting a newcomer - all are part of our ministry to others. Knowing our Lord is JOY beyond understanding. Sharing our joy is one of the best ways to express our faith and show our love for others. Blessings and JOY! Jane Willison 651-739-2674 tcdarryl@yahoo.com Tom Lehman is an example of someone who uses his time and talent in a variety of ways at Trinity. Along with faithful worship attendance, hes been an Elder, usher, organizes social events and has provided pro bono legal support.

Ye Olde Yankee Swap, 2012 Version

Eating, laughing, exchanging goofy gifts part of the annual frivolity!
Barb Freeman, Roger Punt, Jane Willison and Jay Wilkinson admired their new treasures.

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Christian Education An Umbrella Organization

Joe Pendal, Director, Christian Education As Christian Ed Director I am blessed with many fulfilling and meaningful responsibilities. Even the most mundane is just as fulfilling, just as important, as the more visible and exciting aspects simply because they are part of the larger whole. CE is sort of like those old Travelers commercials where the English Gentleman floated on the crook of a huge umbrella. Travelers it suggests offers a multitude of services for its customers. So does CE minus the mega-huge red umbrella. And like Travelers butleresque spokesperson, the CE committee needs plenty of support. Besides the greatest way of supporting CE programs (attending them), various projects and programs only happen because of volunteers. Heres a sampling: Teachers: we have Sunday School for PreK-6th grade, with three committed teachers (ideal and loving) for the school year each would benefit greatly by having a partner; TrinityALIVE! on Wednesdays has three committed teachers (masterful, by the way) for grades PreK -6th they could also use a partner. Then there are our Adult classes on Sunday as we prepare the schedule every few months or so, we would love to have volunteers willing to take on a subject in which they are interested and have a special knowledge same for Wednesday Nights. TrinityALIVE!: more participants are welcome theres always room for more at our tables but we need someone to welcome and check in our participants as they arrive; and we are looking for more help in the kitchen before and after dinner. HEREs THE BIGGIE: Junior Church for some time now weve been looking for volunteers to lead Junior Church during Worship Service. Junior Church is the period from after the Childrens Message to the end of service during which the kids potty-trained to six have an opportunity to engage in an age appropriate activity. We have a small core of folks whose children have outgrown the program, but who are happy to volunteer we are seeking parents whose children are in the program to volunteer once every seven weeks or so. The church library is another ministry that needs attention. CE wants to take it on and make it a useful resource for the congregation. There are plenty of good books, tapes and DVDs available. We simply dont have the personnel to keep in the condition it deserves. I would love to work with an individual or two on making the library more than a back room with nice furniture and convenient open space to leave something that has nowhere else to go. Please consider joining this umbrella organization. Faith education is a major undertaking for our church, and truly it is an important thing to engage irrespective of how much or how little you know about the ins and outs of Christianity and Presbyterian tradition. Give me a call send me an email stop by to talk. We can do and learn so much together. Joe

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Say Cheese on Sunday, February 26

New church directory underway, a tool to put names with faces!
Ever wanted to be in pictures? Now you can! Back by popular demand, Trinity is publishing a new pictorial directory and wed like everyone to be part of it. On Sunday, February 26th, wear your Sunday best and your picture will be taken. Theres no sign upCome to Fellowship Hall after the Sunday service and Trinitys own Katharine Upson and Susan Jamison will be set up and ready to take everyones photo. If you cant be at church that morning and would like to be included, sign up for a time to have your photo taken on the evening of Wednesday, March 7th from 5:00 8:00 p.m. If there are more than one in your household but everyone isnt available, of course, its great to have entire families pictured in the directory, but the most important part is to place faces with names in order to build stronger connection within our church family. So come one, come all....even if your whole family unit isnt available. No hidden costs, no fine print, no shipping and handling charges, and no order taking that morning...just shutters clicking away! BUT, we need your participation to make this project a success! For planning purposes, please stop by the table in the Welcome Room and cross your name off to let us know you ARE coming. Thank you, Don Breckle on behalf of Trinitys Communication Committee.

Trinity Contacts
Buildings & Grounds Mike Schenck 739-3727 Christian Education Sara Finn 714-9510 Robyn Gizzi 731-9844 Clerk of Session Bruce Williams 731-8233 Marketing/Communications Don Breckle 739-5429

Mission & Action Bob Anderson 578-9367 Moderator of Deacons Brad Wright 501-1037 Newsletter Beth R. Hanson 501-1820 brhanson@comcast.net Nominating Gretchen White 337-0159

Nursery Coordinator Katy Gavin 304-0515 Pastoral Care/Prayer Chain Dee Lindblom 738-0045 dee@trinitywoodbury.org Personnel Bruce Williams 731-8233 Special Events Barb Freeman 731-1220 Stewardship & Finance Brian Fisher 578-9827 Worship Debi Espe 730-6805

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Lent: a Time to Devote to Prayer and Introspection

Dee Lindblom, Pastoral Care Coordinator
In a couple of weeks, we will embark on the liturgical season of Lent, 40 days spent dwelling in a spiritual desert.. Lent is a time devoted to individual prayer and introspection. We enter willingly into a private wilderness in the midst of our busy lives to listen for the word of God. This year in particular, I am drawn to the desert, wishing to intentionally refocus on the gospel call to recognize injustice, to name the evil that it is, and to free people from political, social, and material oppression. I am distressed by the acts of human brutality and the disproportion of global resources that are so far removed from the world as God intended it to be. We remember that Jesus spent 40 days of introspection and renewal in the desert in preparation for his ministry of love and service. We recall that Jesus fasted, prayed and when physically weak from hunger, was tempted by Satan. Jesus replied to Satan, One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. (Mt. 4:4) Notice that Jesus did not tell his tempter, One doesnt need bread one needs only the word of God. Jesus recognized the need for both, and his ministry demonstrated that time and time again. Jesus provided fish and loaves for a hungry audience of 5,000 on a grassy mountainside, and praised the Good Samaritan for tending the wounds of a stranger. What he preached was that taking care of the basic needs--the bread--of others was a holy duty. And those who didnt feed the hungry, clothe the naked, or care for the sick and imprisoned were failing to fulfill their religious obligations. Just as clearly as Jesus told people to believe and preach the Word of God, he instructed them to take care of one anothers physical

We remember that Jesus spent 40 days of introspection and renewal in the desert in preparation for his ministry of love and service.. . . What he preached was that taking care of the basic

needs--the bread-- needs. There are far too many of our brothof others was a holy ers and sisters today who are hungry and desduty. perate, and according to Jesus, it is our responsibility to rectify this affront to Gods will. I pray that this Lenten season, I might emerge from my personal wilderness better prepared to address the needs and anguish of others. I hope that each of you will enter the Lenten desert with a specific quest, and leave with clarity and purpose. Blessings, Dee

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Our Denominational Per Capita Funding Empowers Presbyterians in a Multitude of Ways

Per capita funding is how Presbyterians mutually share the costs of coming together to discern the Spirits leading for the future. It is also how Presbyterians:

Per capita is a fundamental way in which all of the nearly 11,000 congregations and governing bodies of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) are connected and participate in the work of the wider church. Because it is rooted in the connectional and covenantal nature of the Presbyterian Church, as affirmed by the ordination vows taken by teaching and ruling elders, per capita could be called the Presbyterian Covenant Community Fund. In Twin Cities Area Presbytery, the Per Capita Apportionment for 2012 is $31.63 per active member. Each congregation is required to contribute this full amount to the Presbytery which will retain its share and distribute agreed-upon shares to the Synod of Lakes and Prairies and General Assembly. Please do your part by making an offering of this amount to the church for each active member in your family in addition to your regular giving. Envelopes will be provided in Sunday bulletins or on the Welcome Room table. Thank you.

are trained to become better elders and ministers. It is how Presbyterians discern Gods call in their lives.

participate in the life of the wider church by serving on General Assembly and Presbytery committees and commissions.

participate in the life of the Church universal as we commit ourselves to bear witness to the good news of reconciliation with God, with others, and with all creation.

keeps the lights on, phones connected, and web sites running so that Presbyterians have access to more resources than local congregations can provide, and share the work of calling pastors, promoting Presbyterian related colleges and campus ministries, and staying prepared to respond to disasters.

Trinitys Facebook Address:

Trinity Presbyterian Church of Woodbury, Minnesota. http://www.facebook.com/#!/TrinityWoodbury


On behalf of the students and staff at John A. Johnson Elementary...

I want to thank you for the donation of winter gear for our students. The adult community has already had the pleasure of giving students brand new gloves, mittens, hats, & scarves that are theirs to keep! JAJ students know that the staff and their families want them to succeed. Because of your generous donation, our students know that other adults in the community, even those they do not know personally, care about them. Having the necessary winter gear makes it easier to come to school on chilly winter mornings. Additionally, the parents of our students are very appreciative of donations that help their children. JAJ is a school that includes several Community Partners: a medical clinic, a childrens dental clinic, the East Side Family Center, East Side Learning Center, Goodwill/Easter Seals, a Wilder therapist, and the YMCA East. Multiple resources afford our students, their families, and residents on the East Side of Saint Paul an opportunity to receive support and reduce barriers that might hinder success.Thank you again! Sincerely, Melissa Lehmann, Principal

Parish Personals

Our sympathies to Kim Gram, whose mother passed away recently. Congratulations to Kate and Mark Keiper on the birth of their daughter, Lara Bernadine, who was born on January 15.

Trinity Sunday Scholl students learn by acting out scripture. Recently they have produced short plays about John baptizing Jesus and another about Jesus coming out of the wilderness to being his public ministry.

MN FoodShare in March: Be the Hero, Fight Hunger

The 2012 Minnesota FoodShare Campaign is just around the corner! In March, Trinity will join the Be the Hero, Fight Hunger campaign to aid our local foodshelf, the Christian Cupboard. This campaign is the only statewide grassroots effort where every dollar given goes to local food shelves to fight hunger. How important is this effort? Two facts should motivate each of us: From 2008-2010 visits to food shelves in the 9 county metro area increased 97%, with suburban poverty rates outpacing the core cities. And, in 2010, 39% of food shelf visits were for children under 18 and 9% were for the elderly.


Presentations Designed to Take the Fear Out of Aging

Faith-Based Health & Wellness Network plans two free events
In February, the Faith-Based Health & Wellness Network (www.fbhw-mn.org) will be offering two presentations of interest to those 55 years of age or so and older..... Both programs are FREE but please call 651-738-0045 to register . ercise), Advanced TherEx Rehab Specialists offer a new model for treatment of chronic pain. Participants will identify methods to decrease the risk of falls and learn the rationale for new treatments in handling chronic pain. A limited number of free balance screenings will be offered.

Tactics to Relieve Pain and Reduce Falls Monday, Feb. 6, 7:00 pm

Trinity Presbyterian Church, 2125 Tower Drive, Woodbury Presenter: Jan Hanson, PT and founder, Advanced TherEx Rehab Specialists Jan Hanson understands that experiencing pain daily can have a serious effect on a persons well-being. As opposed to the standard models for treatment of chronic pain (pharmacologic, psychological, surgery, and traditional physical rehabilitation that focuses on ex-

Everything You Need to Know about Senior Care ResourcesBut Are Afraid or Dont Know What to Ask! Thursday, Feb. 23, 6:30 pm
Stonecrest Senior Living 8723 Promenade Lane, Woodbury As the need for elder care grows, more and more adult children find themselves navigating the complex maze of available services. Come hear a panel of professionals answer your questions: an Elder Law Attorney, a Home Care Consultant, a Housing Expert, a Realtor, and a Funeral Pre-Planning Specialist.

December Financial Summary

Trinity Presbyterian Program Financial Summary
Month Actual Total Program Donations Total Program Expenditures Donations Less Expenses YTD Actual $25,747.20 $22,404.75 $3,342.45

Yr. Budget $263,140.24 $262,079.75 $1,060.49

$249,649.80 $247,909.19 $1,740.61

Building Fund Donations Building Mortgage Payment Mortgage Balance

$8,691.09 $6,691.00 $710,575.98

$77,850.36 $80,292.00


The Time is Now to Consider Transitions for Seniors

Pro-active steps will help prepare for future
The Faith-Based Health & Wellness Network (www.fbhw-mn.org) Are you caring for an aging parent, or anticipate doing so in the near future? Or beginning to think about your own needs as you age? Gathering information and taking proactive steps now will ease the way later. One of the most difficult decisions to make involves housing options and preferences--staying in own home with some changes or help, assisted living, retirement communities, shared housing, nursing home. Moving out of the home may best meet the needs of the individual and can certainly provide better opportunities for socialization, stimulation, improved nutrition and exerciseall important aspects of thriving as we age. However, in reality moving is difficult for everyone, and it is more so for older adults. Over the past two decades, increasing attention has been paid to Relocation Stress Syndrome (RSS), also known as transfer trauma. RSS is a formal nursing diagnosis characterized by a combination of physiologic and psychologic disturbances that occur as a result of transferring a person from one environment to another. Symptoms of Relocation Stress Syndrome include: exhaustion, sleep disturbances, anxiety, grief and loss, depression and disorienIt is important to note that although initial studies on Relocation Stress Syndrome focused on outcomes of individuals moved to nursing homes and assisted living facilities without their involvement or consent, RSS can affect even those who have chosen to move.

tation. These symptoms may be exacerbated by dementia, mild cognitive impairment, poor physical health, frailty, lack of a support system, and sensory impairment. Suggestions to minimize Relocation Stress Syndrome include: Involving the individual in the decision and planning process. Providing an opportunity to ask questions and discuss concerns. Honoring the individuals preferences, allowing him/her to maintain control. Safeguarding the individuals personal possessions. Involving the individual in setting up the new residence, resembling (as much as possible) the old home. Helping the individual become acclimated.


February at Trinity

1Trinity ALIVE 2Elder Friends 5:10 PreK-6 10 am-1:30 pm class 5:45 Dinner 6:30 Adult class 6:40 Youth Bible Study Choir 7:30pm 8Trinity ALIVE 5:10 PreK-6 class 5:45 Dinner 6:30 Adult class 6:40 Youth Bible Study Choir 7:30pm 15 Trinity ALIVE 5:10 PreK-6 class 5:45 Dinner 6:30 Adult class 6:40 Youth Study Choir 7:30pm 22 Trinity ALIVE Dinner @ 6 pm Ash Wednesday Service 7 pm

4 Mens Breakfast 8 am

5Education 9 am Worship w/Communion 10 am Youth Class 11am

6 Tactics to Relieve Pain and Reduce Falls 7 pmTrinity 13

9 Elder Friends 10 am-1:30 pm B & G 6:30 pm Worship 6:30 pm S & F 7:30 pm 16 Elder Friends 10 am-1:30 pm


11 Game Night for all Ages 7 pm At Church

12Education9 Worship 10 am Youth Class 11am 3:30 Skating at Hansons (see below) 19Education 9 am Worship 10 am Youth Class 11am



18 Mens Breakfast 8 am

TLC 11:30 am

CE 7 pm 23Elder Friends 10 am-1:30 pm Session 7 pm Elder Care Panel: 6:30 pm - Stonecrest

Urban Immersion Retreat (youth)

Urban Immersion Retreat



24 Lunch Bunch 11:30am


Deacons 6:30p 26Education 9 am Worship 10 am CHURCH PHOTOS Fourth Sunday Family Place 3 pm

Choir 7:30pm 29 Trinity ALIVE 5:10 PreK-6 class 5:45 Dinner 6:30 Adult class 6:40 Youth Bible Study Choir 7:30pm



Ice Skating & Chili Supper at the Hansons Sunday, Feb 123:30PM
3:30Meet at the Evergreen West rinks, 1033 Tamberwood Trail 5:00Skaters & non skaters invited to the Hansons for dinner (8201 Somerset Rd.). Sign up in Welcome Room to bring chili, breads, salad or dessert.

Yankee Swap diners

February Birthdays
1 2 5 6 10 13 14 Amy McKenna Joan Nichols Gary Willms Beth Hanson Mark Keiper Cole Sawyer Dan Freeman Ewan Ha Nate Andersen Jessica Pendal Kirk Breen Jane Dahlquist Sandy Strand 27 28 20 21 22 23 26 19 Cheryl Mosisa Sara Vlcek Andra Zerbe Terry Lewis Kevin Andersen Roxanne Willms Nathan Green Matt McKenna Tara Johnson Roger Punt

Director of Christian Rev. Gary Hanson Home: 651.501.1820 Cell: 651.373.1821

Education Joe Pendal joewriteslot@gmail.com 651.436.3435 Choir Director Neal Strand Child Care Attendants Tori Ruckle Cate Lewis Custodians Jeff Lindblom Karen Patraw

Pastoral Care Coordinator/ Administrator Dee Lindblom M-F 8:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Cell: 651.353.6724

Church Musician Joyce Piper

Trinity Presbyterian 2125 Tower Drive Woodbury MN 55125

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