Spring Congregational Clean Up Day! Sunday School Celebration!
Spring Congregational Clean Up Day! Sunday School Celebration!
Spring Congregational Clean Up Day! Sunday School Celebration!
Please welcome Lois warmly as she transitions into the position here at GLC. We know she will On Tuesday, April 17th we wel- do good work. Lois has expericomed Lois Blattenbauer into ence in office work and is an our office to help us in this time active member of our congregaof transition as our interim of- tion. Youll find her most fice manager. Wednesdays at worship with Lois will work 12-16 hours per her husband Scott and at most youth events with her daughters week (and sometimes more) and will keep office hours Tues- Samantha and Madison. day, Wednesday and Thursday Thanks Lois! Were glad you are from 12-4 in the month of May. here!
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Council Minutes
Glyndon Lutheran Church Council Meeting April 11th, 2012 Members Present: Jeff Wallin, Pam Rudolf, Joan Stenerson, Kris Johnson, Carrie Smith, Calvin Carlson, Pastor Jeni, Wanda Peterson and Cindy Henriksen Devotion/Check-in/GLC Mission Statement Secretarys Report: Correction: Jeff Wallin was not present at last council meeting. Remainder of report read and passed Treasures Report: Esther reported on items Read and Passed Pastors Report: With Holy Week and Easter, a busier month than normal. Things continue to go well. Here are the nuts and bolts: Visits: I made numerous visits to the hospital this month to visit two members multiple times. I made 3 home visits this month. I had many visits in my office with members, including 2 couples for pre-marriage counseling. I visited Eventide this month. I visited with two people over two meals in town. Worship: I was present and presided at all worship services this month. I preached at all worship services except for Maundy Thursday. I wrote/organized the liturgies for Holy Week, Easter and Sundays in Lent. I have set up our organ rotation through August. Congregational Life: I continue to teach 7th Graders the story of our faith. I taught 5th graders how to make Communion Bread during Holy Week. I met with 7-10 people to discuss redesigning our gathering space, a conversation we will continue in the months ahead. I have been working with the properties team to get some work done around the church building, including a new sump pump, a cement pour, and meeting with contractors to fix the hallway between the education wing and the sanctuary. I attended Stewardship workday and Esther Circle Family Ministers Report: It has been a busy month for me with the normal programming plus Synod obligations. Here is an overview. I continue to teach the 8th graders during Confirmation release time, lead the area Youth Workers lunch, write/ organize the Sunday/Wednesday School lessons and find teachers, attend Esther Circle and Stewardship Work Day. I walked with the 5th graders through their First Communion instruction and assisted Pastor Jeni in the bread baking. March 30th-April 1st was the Synods Senior High Youth Gathering. This required a lot of my time this past month, with organizing all of the aspects of the gathering. This is part of my 1/5s time with the Synod Office.
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March 2012
Funds Available (as of April 15, 2012) General Fund Designated Funds: Food Pantry Sunday School Memorials Missions Adult Education Childrens Ministry Mission Possible Bucket Youth Bible Camp Properties Team Improvements $ 2,653.92 $ $ $ $ $ $ 265.24 290.83 85.00 33.00 617.11 (to be paid out) 232.81 $ 2,038.00
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Youth Notes
Bible Camp
Registration Forms are in the Pathway Brochures in the Narthex, there are also some brochures in the office. Please send registration directly to Pathways. You may also register on line at www.pathwaysbiblecamps.com. Credit Card payment required for those registering on-line.
Vacation Bible School this year. Pathways comes to Glyndon Lutheran For those who are in Kindergarten this year through 6th grade! June 25th-29th
Pathways sends teams of staff members, spreading lots of laughter, excitement and energy for Christ to us! The team pairs up with members from your congregation to provide a unique ministry filled with games, worships, arts & crafts, Bible experiences, field trips and much more! Cost is $40 (a $20 nonrefundable deposit is due at the time of registration). Registrations can be found in the Narthex or email Kris.
Elementary Classic
4th & 5th grade Camp for all kids entering 4th & 5th grade, will be August 5-10th. You will enjoy playing in Gods beautiful creation, worshipping, camping out, and hanging out with your friends and counselor! You will also get a chance to experience our low ropes course! Grow in your faith and make memories at camp this year.
August 13th 16th 6:00 pm-8:00 pm and we will be diving into storys in the Bible about water; by hearing the story, playing games, singing songs, making crafts and having snacks! If you know anyone who is interested in attending or helping (you need to be in 7th grade or older) please contact Kris kjohnson@glyndonlutheran.org Needs for Day Camp (Kindergarteners 5th grade June 25th-28th 9:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m.) and Vacation Bible School (3 year olds through Kindergarteners August 13th-16th 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.) Helpers (7th grade and up) You can help one day, all week, or any combi nation thereof Goldfish Crackers Rice Krispie Treats Fruit Snacks Handi-Snacks (cheese and cracker treats) Freezie pops If you would be willing to donate your time or an item above please contact the office (office@glyndonlutheran.org or 498-2368)
Confirmation Camp
GLC pays for 1/2 of the required Confirmation camp fees (the first time only). Camp dates this summer are July 29- August 3. If these dates have conflicts contact Kris (kjohnson@glyndonlutheran.org) Camp fees$325. 00 GLC pays $162.50 Parents pay $162.50 ($100.00 of which is due with Registration) Your balance (of 62.50 for first timers) for summer programs are due by June 1st at Pathways office.
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Please keep Tyler Palya & Trisha Baker in your prayers as they serve their country in Iraq and Kuwait.
Almighty God, we commend to your gracious care and keeping all the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad. Defend them day by day with your heavenly grace; strengthen them in trials and temptations; give courage to face perils that surround them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.
Betsy Anderson, Pelican Rapids MN Iris Barta, Senior Apartments on Riverside Drive Margaret Kingren, Eventide Orville Muhle, Eventide Lloyd Olson, Emmanuel Assisted Living Detroit Lakes LeRoy Muhle, Arbor Park Village
May Birthdays
1 3 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 19 20 22 Dylan Cummings, Jamie Langset Lily Burnside, Kevin Pavola Tyler Budke, Shirley Taves Kolden Cullen, Michael Kinnen Danielle Peterson Logan Fischer, Kevin Kuehl, Chase Peterson Brad Bolin, Hunter Leach Donald Lein, Steven Pavola Susan Gruchalla, Carol Langlie, Jarret Ripperger Michael Rude Brett Messerschmidt, Shirley Nappe, Dylan Taves Virginia Langei, Mikenzie Vinje Elisha Cullen, Jeremy Gieseke, Mark Powell Jennifer Askelson, Rebecca Browning, Darcy Hoban, Hunter Rosenfeldt Bailey Fuchs Tucker Browning, Roxanne Lofgren 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 Lorraine Muhle, Jace Olstad, Arluene Seter Rebecca Orvik Bradley Nelson, Daniel Skolness Mikah Lizotte Ragina Degroat, Pam Rudolf, Brian Thompson Erin Busta, Hunter Crompton, Debra Kinnen Thomas Tollefson Bradley Lee, Jeremy Richards, Darlene Sandal Tracy Fischer, Cayla Olson
Happy Birthday!
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The touch of Gods love and grace, literally. Thanks be to God, and thanks be to all of you in many parts of the Body of Christ who added to the thousands of hours of prayers for these students of Tonicho Elementary and Junior High Schools in Kamaishi City, Iwate Prefecture, northern Japan. The anniversary of March 11 has come and gone. Your further prayers become invisible skeins that silently continue to touch these courageous young persons with the Love and blessing of the Lord. ~So that they also can then be blessed to be a blessing. (And on it goes, the Kingdom of God.) Jim and Carol Sack
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Stewardship Workday
May 1st
Esther Circle May 17 at 1:00 p.m. Hostess: Arluene Seter Bible Study: Pat Hemmah Mary CircleMay 15 at 7:30 p.m. Hostess: Nona Palya Bible Study: Geri Hanson
Deb Tollefson
Shirley Nappe
Comm. Asst.
Ushers & Rob & Shelli Coffee Staiger Servers Wendy Blair
Volunteers still needed, sign up in the office if you can lend a hand! office@glyndonlutheran.org or 218-498-2368. Thank you for serving! Together we are the body of Christ.
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May 2012
Sun Mon
5 10:00 Congregational Cleanup Day 12
Kris is on Sabbatical leave for the month of May. Please keep Her in your prayers! 6 7
9:00 Worship 3:20 Girl Scouts 1:00 Staff Mtg 10:15 Last day of Sunday School 11:00 Congregational Cleanup Day
13 14 15
Synod Assembly
16 17 1:00 Esther Circle 18
9:00 Worship
3:20 Girl Scouts 1:00 Staff Mtg 5:30 Meal 7:30 Mary Circle 6:30 Worship
9:00 Worship
9:00 Worship
Glyndon Lutheran Church is a Christ-centered community church, nurturing the faith of all generations.
Please check the bulletin boards and calendar on the website to sign up for serving opportunities (teaching, ushering, acolyting, stewardship workday, reading, communion stewards, etc.)