APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University Thiruvananthapuram: Examination
APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University Thiruvananthapuram: Examination
APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University Thiruvananthapuram: Examination
U.O.No. 1225/2020/KTU Thiruvananthapuram, Dated: 01.09.2020
Vide paper read 1st. orders have been issued fixing an amount of ₹200/- each as fees for
Provisional Certificates & Consolidated Grade Cards and ₹ 500/- for Degree
Certificate for both UG & PG courses (for 2020 pass out batches onwards)
and assured to provide digitally signed provisional certificates and consolidated grade
cards (for 2020 pass out batches onwards) in the respective student login.
It was also ordered fixing Rs.300/- as fee for various certificates like Medium of
instruction certificate, Certificate stating that Semester/Trimester Grade Reports
downloaded from the portal can be compared with the Consolidated Grade Card and
genuineness confirmed by the Institutions concerned, on their own, Bonafide certificate,
Certificate explaining the Grading system, CGPA to Percentage Conversion Certificate &
other Certificates.
In the light of the above, the Hon'ble Vice Chancellor examined the matter in detail and
directed to issue the following:-
1. Since the University is unable to provide digitally signed certificates in student login
before September, and In the light of GO read 2nd above, it would be inappropriate to
collect any additional fee as per UO cited. Since University had not collected any fees for
Provisional Certificates and Grade cards last year, status quo need to be maintained this
year too. Accordingly, like last year, n o additional fees will be collected from students for
Provisional Certificates and Grade Cards this AY 2020-2021 too. Hence, digitally
signed Provisional Certificates & Grade Cards will not be made available in the students
login ID until further orders. These Certificates (Provisional/Grade Cards) will be printed
and disbursed in the same manner like last year.
2. The increase in fees/introduction of new fees suggested in the UO No. 971/2020 dated
09.07.2020 will not be made applicable this AY and stand modified accordingly. The
amount remitted by students, if any, consequent to the issuance of UO dated 09.07.2020
till the date shall not be refunded or adjusted towards any other purpose.
Kiron K R *
Controller of Examinations (In
to:- 1.All statutory Officers/All sections in KTU.
2.JD (IT) for necessary action)
* This is a computer system (Digital File) generated letter. Hence there is no need for a physical