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Studies On The Chemical and Sensory Properties of Jam From Osmotically Dehydrated Pineapple Slices

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Studies on the Chemical and Sensory Properties of Jam from Osmotically

Dehydrated Pineapple Slices

Article  in  Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology · August 2013

DOI: 10.9734/BJAST/2013/3718

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1 author:

Beatrice Fasogbon
Federal Institute of Industrial Research Oshodi Lagos Nigeria


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British Journal of Applied Science & Technology
3(4): 1327-1335, 2013

SCIENCEDOMAIN international

Studies on the Chemical and Sensory

Properties of Jam from Osmotically Dehydrated
Pineapple Slices
Beatrice M. Fasogbon1*, Saka O. Gbadamosi1 and Kehinde A. Taiwo1
Department of Food Science and Technology, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration between all authors. Authors SOG and KAT
designed the study, while author BMF collected the samples, performed the statistical
analysis, wrote the protocol, wrote the first draft of the manuscript and managed literature
searches. Authors BMF, SOG and KAT managed the analyses of the study and literature
searches. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Received 14 March 2013
Research Article Accepted 16 July 2013
Published 14 August 2013


Dried fruits have limited food use, this study explored the food utilization potential of
dehydrated pineapple slices. The influence of 50 °Brix sugar and 47:3 % w/w sugar/salt
solutions on the quality of jam produced were investigated. Pineapple slices were
osmotically dehydrated (4 hr), oven dried (60 ℃ 27 hr), and rehydrated at 90 ℃ for 15
min and at room temperature (RT) for 6 hr. Jams were made from dried pineapple slices
(with or without osmotic dehydration), fresh pineapple and compared with commercial
pineapple jam. Chemical and sensory properties of the jam were conducted. Osmotic
dehydration contributed to the titratable acidity values, rehydration temperature had no
significant (P<0.05) effect on total soluble solid of the samples dehydrated in sugar/salt
solution, also the moisture content increased as the rehydration temperature was
increased. Osmotic dehydration of fruits prior to drying had effect on the retention of the
vitamin C and protected reducing sugar from being lost. Panelist revealed that jam
samples produced from pineapple dehydrated in sugar solution and rehydrated at room
temperature were most preferred. The results suggest that surplus fruits can be
preserved by osmotic dehydration followed by oven drying for later use in jam production.


*Corresponding author: E-mail: tjwonderus@yahoo.com;

British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 3(4): 1327-1335, 2013

Keywords: Pineapple; Nigeria; osmotic dehydration; rehydration; dried fruits; jam; physico-
chemical and Sensory evaluation.


Nigeria is the largest producer of pineapple in Africa and the eighth largest in the world with
a total production of 810,332 metric tons per year [1]. About 70% of the pineapple is
consumed fresh in the producing countries [2]. The fruit has high sugar content and is rich in
vitamins A and C [3]. About 20 - 40% of wastage has been recorded annually in Nigeria [4]
because the fruits are prone to spoilage and poor preservation facilities; hence there is a
need for the preservation of pineapple to reduce wastage.

Sun drying is the cheapest and most common technique employed in the preservation of
many agricultural materials in Nigeria, but this result in a product of poor quality.
Conventional oven drying yields products of leathery texture and dark colour. The use of
osmotic dehydration in combination with oven drying has been suggested to improve product
quality with a high content of naturally occurring vitamins and microelements [5,6].

Osmotic dehydration entails the partial removal of water from food in a higher osmotic
pressure solution. Mass transfer rate during osmotic dehydration depends on factors such as
temperature, concentration of the osmotic medium, size and geometry of the sample,
sample to solution ratio and the degree of agitation. Pretreatment has been reported to
enhance the mass transfer kinetics during osmotic dehydration [7].

Jam processing is one of the most important methods of fruit preservation. Jam differs from
each other in the raw materials used, processing methods and additives [8]. Commercially,
jams are prepared by concentrating the mix using thermal treatment at normal or reduced
pressure, which results in a thick or gelled consistency. It also ensures destruction of fruit
enzymes, pectin from the fruit and concentrates the product to a point where its acidity and
reduced water activity are self-preserving [9]. Many studies have been undertaken to reduce
nutrient losses during jam making. [9] reported reduced mineral losses in jam made from
osmo-dehydrated kiwi fruits. The low temperature involved in the osmotic dehydration
process prior to jam formulation has been reported to result in products with higher overall
quality [9]. [10] reported the production of acceptable jam products from osmo-dehydrated
cashew apple.

This research was aimed at investigating the influence of different osmotic conditions on the
characteristics of dried pineapple slices and to explore the utilization potential of
osmodehydrated pineapple slices in jam production in order to increase the use of dried
fruits which until now has remained grossly underutilized in Nigeria. In this study, the
chemical and sensory properties of the jam samples were reported.

British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 3(4): 1327-1335, 2013


2.1 Collection of Materials

Fresh pineapple fruits (smooth cayenne) were procured from a local market in Ile-Ife. The
pure table sugar (raffinade grade), NaCl, gelling agent (Fine pectin) and acidity agent (M &B
citric acid) were purchased from Fortel Chemical Laboratory in Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria.

2.2 Osmotic Treatment

Pineapple fruit was rinsed with potable water, peeled and sliced into a uniform diameter (40
± 0.1 mm) and thickness (5 ± 0.2 mm) using a corer and vernier caliper. Slices were placed
in a beaker containing the osmotic solution (aqueous sugar solution of 50 Brix and
sugar/salt solution of 47:3 % w/w) and maintained at 40 ℃ for 4 hr in a thermostatically
controlled water bath (SW22, Julabo USA). The ratio of fruit pieces to that of the medium
was maintained at 1:10 in order to ensure that the concentration of the osmotic solution did
not change significantly during the experiment [10]. Samples were gently blotted with tissue
paper before weighing and drying [11].

2.3 Convective Air Drying and Rehydration Process

Osmotically dehydrated pineapple slices were dried in hot air oven (MRC Oven/Incubator,
Model DP/DK 500/600/800, MRC Ltd. Hahystadnit) at 60 ℃ for 27 h to obtain dried products
which were kept in sealed polythene bags and stored in a cupboard at room temperature
until used. The samples were rehydrated at two different conditions in glass beakers
containing distilled water at 90 ℃ for 15 min and at room temperature (27± 2℃) for 6 h using
the method of [12]. Excess water was blotted carefully from the samples using paper towel
and weighed before further processing into jam.

2.4 Jam Production

Operating conditions were determined from preliminary studies. The rehydrated fruit
samples were blended using a laboratory blender (Twister mixer and grinder, Gazab KA,
Kanchan Internation Ltd. Dabhel, Duman - 396210), the ratio of water to that of crushed
pineapple was 18:34 g/g. Sugar (65%) was added to the crushed pineapple (34.2%)
followed by the addition of 0.4% citric acid and 0.4% pectin [10]. The resultant mixture was
heated between 80 ℃ and 100 ℃ until it set between 22 – 23 min. The jam samples were
hot-filled into sterilized jars, sealed and rapidly cooled under running water to minimize
thermal stress. The products were stored under refrigeration condition for further analysis
[10]. Jam samples were also produced from fresh and dried non-osmodehyrated samples.

2.5 Chemical Analysis

Titratable acidity (TTA), pH, total soluble solid (° Brix) vitamin C content, moisture content,
reducing sugar and total sugar were determined using methods described by [13].

British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 3(4): 1327-1335, 2013

2.6 Sensory Evaluation

Each jam sample was coded and served in a clean plate with white bread to 16 untrained
panelists (but consumers of jam). Quality attributes of jam made from fresh pineapple slices
and commercial jam samples were compared with those jam made from osmo-dehydrated
fruits and dried non-osmodehyrated samples. The samples were assessed for
aroma/flavour, colour, taste, texture/spread ability and general acceptability using a five point
hedonic scale where five represents 'like extremely' and 1 represents 'dislike extremely’.

2.7 Statistical Analysis

All analyses were carried out in triplicates. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted on
the mean values to determine significant differences among samples followed by mean
separation using Duncan Multiple Range Test [14]. Tests were done in triplicates.


The results of the chemical composition of the jam samples are presented in Table 1. The
observed titratable acidity (TTA) of the jam samples dehydrated in sugar/salt medium and
rehydrated at RT had the highest TTA value (1.88 ± 0.01 g/100g) while the samples
dehydrated in sugar medium and rehydrated at 90ºC had the least TTA(1.35 ± 0.30 g/100g).
This result suggests that low temperature rehydration process resulted in increased TTA of
the OD jam samples, which were significantly ( <0.05) different from those rehydrated at
high temperature. Effect of the osmotic solutions used showed that the presence of salt
(NaCl) in the sugar/salt mix increased the percent TTA compared to that of jam produced
from samples dehydrated in sugar solution.

Results of pH showed that jam produced from samples dehydrated in sugar/salt solution had
lower pH values (3.41-3.64) compared to those produced from samples dehydrated in sugar
solution (3.75-3.79). Jam produced from dried non-osmotically dehydrated slices exhibited
lower acidity (pH 3.83) when compared with those produced from osmotically dehydrated
samples. The higher TTA and lower pH values exhibited by jams produced from pineapple
slices dehydrated in sugar/salt solution may preserve the jam better than those produced
from sugar dehydration. Results of pH obtained in this study are within range of values
reported by [9] for kiwi jam and orange marmalade where pH values are between 3.04 and

Temperature of rehydration had no significant (P>0.05) effect on total soluble solid (TSS) of
the OD jam samples. Jam made from pineapple fruits dehydrated in sugar solution had 70 –
72 °Brix while those osmotically dehydrated in sugar/salt had 62 °Brix. These values are
comparable to those reported by [9] for kiwi jam and orange marmalade (32.1 – 68.4 °Brix).
The TSS value of the sugar jam samples (70 -72 °Brix) are also comparable with the values
reported by [10] for osmotically dehydrated cashew jam where TSS value obtained is 68
°Brix. Effect of osmotic solutions on the total soluble solids showed that the jam samples
made from fruits dehydrated in sugar solution had the highest °Brix. Sugar influences the
shelf-life of jam products decisively through the soluble solid content [15].

Results of the moisture content (MC) of jam produced from samples dehydrated in sugar/salt
solutions and rehydrated at 90 ℃ and RT had the least MC (13.28 and 9.64 g/100g
respectively), indicating a harder gel compared to commercial jam with a MC of 29.83 %.

British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 3(4): 1327-1335, 2013

Among the jam samples made from osmotically dehydrated fruits, jam from sugar-OD
sample rehydrated at 90 ℃ had the highest MC (20.42 g/100g). It is expected that the lower
MC will deter microbial proliferation. The MC of samples rehydrated at 90 ℃ was higher than
those rehydrated at room temperature. The MC values obtained in this study are within
literature values for jam reported by [16] where the values are 28.6 - 30.1%. MC affects the
gel strength, as moisture content decrease the gel becomes increasingly firmer. Higher gel
strength indicates the presence of higher amount of Ca thereby affecting the rheological
and sensory property such as spread-ability and these explains the reason why samples
with low moisture content may have poor spreading ability [15].

Among the osmotically dehydrated pineapple jams, jam produced from sugar/salt OD
samples and rehydrated at room temperature had the highest vitamin C content while the
jam produced from samples dehydrated in sugar solution and rehydrated at room
temperature had the least value. Commercial jam had a vitamin C value of 18.40 mg/100g
while those produced from dried non-osmotically dehydrated slices and rehydrated at 90 ℃
had the least vitamin C content had 13.33 mg/100g. Jam samples still retained greater
percentage (13.33 – 15.96 mg/100g) of vitamin C content despite all the processes the
pineapple slices were subjected to when compared with the vitamin C content of the fresh
pineapple slice (18 mg/100g), this suggests that osmotic dehydration of fruits prior to drying
had significant effect on the retention of the vitamin C of the fruits. The trend shows that the
value of vitamin C decreased at higher rehydration temperature except for sugar jam
samples which had higher vitamin C values when rehydrated at 90 ℃. The loss in vitamin C
at low temperature rehydration may be due to the fact that vitamin C is water soluble and
may have leached into the rehydration medium at longer periods (15 minute for 90 ℃ and 6
hrs for RT).

Results of the reducing sugar in Fig. 1 showed that OD jam samples had significantly
( <0.05) higher reducing sugar values (11.10 – 12.27 %) compared to the dried non-OD
samples which had low sugar value in the range 6.43 – 6.45 %. The values for reducing
sugar for osmotically dehydrated samples were lower compared to the fresh and commercial
jam samples (15.81 and 18.27 % respectively). This suggests that osmotic dehydration had
preservative effect on reducing sugar. It is probable that reducing sugar present in the jam
samples prevents crystallization during boiling because the sugar added partly gets
converted into invert sugar [15]. The values observed are within literature (15.9 – 23.5 %,
[16]). Total sugar in the jam showed the same trend as the reducing sugar (Fig. 1), and the
results showed that jam produced from osmotically dehydrated samples had low (27.57 –
30.68 %) total sugar compared to values reported by Winus (2011) 65.3 – 66.2 %. The total
sugar was very low for jam samples made from non OD samples (16.08 – 16.85 %) which
was about half the total sugar of jam made from OD samples (27.57 – 30.68 %). The total
sugar of the jam made from fresh pineapple fruit (39.53 %) was greater than that made from
non OD fruits (16.08 – 16.85 %) which suggest that the sugar in the non OD fruits may have
been lost during drying. The result suggests that osmotic dehydration could lower the total
sugar content of the jam made from OD samples when compared to commercial and fresh
pineapple jam. In addition, persons desiring jam of reduced sugar can benefit from using jam
from OD fruits.

British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 3(4): 1327-1335, 2013

Table 1. Chemical composition of the various jam samples

Samples code TTA M.C Vitamin C Total soluble pH

(g/100g) (g/100g) (mg/100g) Solid (° Brix)
No OD @ 90 ℃ 1.41±0.31bc 15.62±0.50e 13.33±0.03f 70.00±0.00 3.83±0.02b
No OD @ RT 1.36±0.35c 15.30±0.06e 14.63±0.00d 60.00±0.00 3.83±0.00b
Sugar @ 90 ℃ 1.35±0.30c 20.42±0.22c 14.62±0.02d 70.00±0.00 3.75±0.01d
Sugar@ RT 1.38±0.06bc 16.36±0.35d 14.34±0.03e 72.00±0.00 3.79±0.02c
Sugar/salt @ 90℃ 1.83±0.01a 13.28±0.16f 14.52±0.19d 62.00±0.00 3.64±0.01e
Sugar/salt @ RT 1.88±0.01a 9.64±0.31g 15.96±0.00c 62.00±0.00 3.41±0.01f
Fresh 1.38±0.06bc 21.64±0.20b 17.29±0.00b 64.00±0.00 3.95±0.02a
Commercial 1.43±0.01b 29.83±0.38a 18.40±0.19a 62.00±0.00 3.73±0.02d

Fig. 1. Values of reducing sugar and total sugar

The value for soluble solids is an indicator of the fruit content of the jam which helps prevent
the growth of mould and yeast. The degree brix for the samples ranged between 62 and 70.
Interestingly, jam made from dried non OD fruits had the highest values of 70 °brix, this is
not unexpected as the dried fruit was sugar free. The results showed that osmotic
dehydration significantly reduced the loss of sugars (reducing and total sugar) and vitamin C
in the samples compared to jam produced from dried non-osmotically dehydrated samples.

Results of the data on sensory evaluation of the jam samples presented in Table 2 revealed
that both osmotic solution and rehydration temperature had significant ( > 0.05) influence
on all the sensory attributes measured. The panelists scored jam samples obtained by
rehydrating samples at RT higher in colour for both media used than those produced from
samples rehydrated at 90 ℃ suggesting that osmotic dehydration improved colour of jam
produced from osmotically dehydrated pineapple slices. This agrees with the result of [9]
who reported that osmotic dehydration of fruits prior to formulation seemed to preserve the
colour of the final product better in kiwi jam and orange marmalades. It is probable that
colour additives were used in the commercial samples.

British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 3(4): 1327-1335, 2013

Two of the samples rehydrated at 90 ℃ (jam sample produced from fruits dehydrated in
sugar and jam produced from dried non-OD pineapple slices) were significantly ( < 0.05)
different in colour from the other samples. The dark colour of the jam sample rehydrated at
90 ℃ may be attributed to browning reactions.

Table 2. Mean sensory scores of jams made from pineapple slices

Samples code Colour Flavor Texture Taste Overall acceptability

No OD @ 90 ℃ 3.00b 3.44a 3.56abc 4.13ab 3.56bc
No OD @ RT 3.69a 3.31a 3.31ab 3.88abc 3.69abc
Sugar @ 90 ℃ 2.31c 3.06a 2.50cd 3.19c 2.56d
Sugar@ RT 3.88a 3.13a 2.75bcd 3.44bc 3.50bc
Sugar/salt @ 90℃ 3.75a 3.50a 3.00bc 3.50abc 3.31c
Sugar/salt @ RT 3.81a 3.31a 1.94d 3.38bc 3.13cd
Fresh 3.75a 3.63a 3.94a 3.31c 4.06ab
Commercial 4.31a 3.75a 3.63ab 4.25a 4.25a
*Means with the same alphabets within a column are not significantly different from each other at
( < 0.05).

No significant difference ( < 0.05) in the flavor of jam scored, but jam from fruit slices
dehydrated in sugar solution had lower values in flavor compared to all other samples. Jam
produced from fruits dehydrated in sugar/salt solution had the highest score which was
however lower compared to the sensory scores obtained for jam prepared from fresh
pineapple and commercial jam samples. Panelists tested for spreading ability of the jam
samples as an indicator of texture. The texture of jam made from osmotically dehydrated
fruits had lower scores compared to the jam samples made from dried non-OD samples,
fresh pineapple slices and commercial jam samples. This may be as a result of the low
moisture content of the non-OD samples (Table 2) and also may be due to the presence of
the solutes absorbed during osmotic dehydration which cause hardening of the samples.
The least score was recorded for jam produced from samples dehydrated in sugar/salt
solution and rehydrated at room temperature.

The taste of the osmotically dehydrated samples received lower scores compared to
samples without OD and the commercial jam samples. The highest score among the
osmotically dehydrated sample (3.5) was obtained from the jam prepared from samples
dehydrated in sugar/salt OD and rehydrated at 90ºC while the least score was the jam
prepared from samples dehydrated in sugar solution and rehydrated at 90℃. Osmotic
dehydration did not improve the taste of the jam samples.

The panelists adjudged the commercial jam as the most preferred, but among the
osmotically dehydrated jam samples, jam made from samples dehydrated in sugar and
rehydrated at room temperature was best accepted. Jam samples from osmotically
dehydrated fruits has the least overall acceptability compared with jam samples from the
fresh, or non OD fruits. It should be noted that although jam samples from OD fruits were the
least preferred, these samples had overall acceptability scores above 2.50 indicating some
measure of acceptability but requiring further improvement.

The overall acceptability of the sensory attributes of the OD samples revealed that sugar/salt
OD samples were highly scored at 90℃ than sugar OD samples for colour but reverse is the
case at RT. No significant different ( < 0.05) in the flavor, but the least score are samples
OD in sugar at both temperatures considered. For texture, samples OD in sugar/salt

British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 3(4): 1327-1335, 2013

rehydrated at RT had the least value than samples OD in sugar but reverse is the case at
90℃, the same result was revealed in terms of taste and overall acceptability. Overall
acceptability showed that jam samples dehydrated in sugar/salt solution and rehydrated at
90℃ scored high in colour, flavor, texture, taste and overall acceptability.


This study demonstrated the potential use of osmotically dehydrated pineapple fruit in jam
production. The results of the chemical composition of the jam samples were comparable to
that of the commercial jam and also within literature ranges. Although osmotic dehydration
improved the colour of dried slices, colour of jam samples need improvement except for
pineapple slices dehydrated in sugar/salt solution and rehydrated at 90℃. Jam produced
from pineapple slices osmotically dehydrated in 50 ° Brix and rehydrated at RT had the best
overall acceptability. Osmotically dehydrating pineapple and processing into jam later will
help reduce post harvest losses of fruits during harvest or glut and also reveal the utilization
potential of dried fruits.


Authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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© 2013 Fasogbon et al.; This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
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