Madd As Silah - Handout
Madd As Silah - Handout
Madd As Silah - Handout
This category of lengthening is specific to the letter ه- possessive pronoun ( ھﺎ اﻟﻜﻨﺎﯾﺔha’
al-kinayah) which is an extra letter هadded to the basic makeup of a word to indicate a
singular male in third person. The letter a possessive pronoun ( هha ’al-kinayah) should carry
a dhammah or a kasrah.
This definition therefore excludes the original letter ( هpart of the original makeup of the
The extent of its lengthening under the recitation of Hafs: Two vowel counts unless it is
followed by a hamzah in which case it must be lengthened for four or five vowel counts (this
is further explained below).
The reason why it is known as the ‘connective lengthening’ (madd as-silah): It is applied to
the letter a possessive pronoun ( هha ’al-kinayah) only when continuing recitation.
1. The Minor connective lengthening ( اﻟﻤﺪ اﻟﺼﻠﺔ اﻟﺼﻐﺮىmadd as-silah al-Sughra): If the o
possessive pronoun ( هha ’al-kinayah) is situated between two letters carrying a vowel
and the letter that follows is not a hamzah then it should be lengthened into waw
maddiyyah if it is carrying dammah or into ya maddiyyah if it is carrying a kasrah.
َرََّبهُ ۥ كَان َٰمالَهُ ۥ َيَتزَكَّى
2. The Major connective lengthening ( اﻟﻤﺪ اﻟﺼﻠﺔ اﻟﻜﺒﺮىmadd as-silah al-kubra): If the
possessive pronoun ( هha ’al-kinayah) is situated between two letters carrying a vowel
and the letter that follows is a hamzah then it should be lengthened to 4/5 counts
(Further explained under the topic - Madd due to Hamzah)
There are two exceptions to this rule:
Here, there is madd of pronoun ha’ even though all the conditions are not met.
Here, there is no madd of pronoun ha’ even though all the conditions are met.