Design & Fabrication of Organic Fertilizer Manufacturing Machine
Design & Fabrication of Organic Fertilizer Manufacturing Machine
Design & Fabrication of Organic Fertilizer Manufacturing Machine
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Abstract - The use of organic fertilizer forms the backbone 2. PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION
& basic necessity of a poor farmer. The traditional methods of
using chemical fertilizers are not sufficient & satisfactory for Nowadays most of the farmers are using chemical fertilizers
increasing productivity of crop and to maintain the fertility of for their crops. Due to this the productivity of crops as well as
soil. Whereas the chemical fertilizers are more costly in the fertility of soil is decreasing day by day. Also, the prices of
market, so it becomes difficult for poor farmers to purchase it. these chemical fertilizers are more to farmers.
Organic fertilizer manufacturing machine solves these Thus, it brings to our knowledge that the traditional methods
problems. The raw material is introduced in hopper and are not sufficient and satisfactory for agriculture. Due to
further it is mixed with the help of stirrer. This mixture is then these, some major problems are identified & to over-come
passed to another large sized agitation vessel where it is kept these problems some idea or concepts are developed and
for decomposition for about 24 hours. When this mixture is adopted. Following are the problems:-
completely decomposed further through filtration fertilizer is 1) There is no more scope for organic farming which is
separated. In this way, this machine prepares fertilizer within required.
24 hours. A fertilizer manufacturing machine serves for 2) The machines available for preparing organic fertilizers
various problems like moving from one place to another, are costly which farmers cannot afford to buy.
requires less space & is less bulky as compared to the existing 3) Available machines are fuel consuming and operates at
bulky machines. It also helps the farmers to start small high power consumption which indirectly increases the cost.
business thereby making them self-dependent. Design & 4) Available machines are very bulky.
development of the machine is done taking into consideration
various needs of farmers. 3. PROBLEM FORMULATION
Key Words: Organic fertilizer, Productivity, agitation, The aim is to design & develop a low cost liquid fertilizer
Decomposition, filtration, Design preparing machine which will help farmers to fertilize their
land by their self-prepared organic fertilizer i.e. compost
1. INTRODUCTION instead of buying costly and harmful chemical fertilizers
which decrease the nutritive value of soil. We are going to
As India is developing country about 70% population lies in design and fabricate such a machine that will eliminate most
rural region. These people in rural region are dependent on of the problems of farmers such as high cost of machine,
agriculture as their main occupation. It is very essential to more floor space requirement, high power consumption,
develop modern techniques to increase the productivity. requirement of electricity which is not possible in rural
While implementing modern technology some factors should areas. So the machine will be designed & developed to
also be considered such as: - the agricultural equipments reduce the human effort by introducing proper gearing
should be provided to farmers at feasible rates, etc. In this mechanism, to make use without electricity manually
era, agitation is one of the most fundamental operations in thereby helping to earn more profit to farmers.
industries like paper, food, cosmetic, chemical, bio-chemical
and pharmaceutical applications. 3.1 Concept
Our project is, to design and manufacture a machine which
will be used for producing organic fertilizers for farmers The motto to introduce this low cost machine is to
without any use of electricity. These organic fertilizers will increase the productivity of crops so that the farmers can get
increase the productivity and quality of crops than any other more profit and also maintain the fertility of soil. The concept
conventional means, which are obviously harmful for human of the work is,
health, environment, land etc. Parts used for manufacturing 1) Observe the previous methods & to identify the important
such a machine are agitator, hopper, collector tank, bevel process variables.
gear pairs, pulleys, flat belt drive and paddling mechanism. 2) Quantify the important method.
3) Investigate all areas of farming methods.
4) Develop a prototype system which could control over all
of the process
5) Produce a specification for a low cost system.
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1348
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 02 | Feb -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
6) Refined design of the machine & fabricate the machine, as 5. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
this plays a major role in rural area.
Considering the above points we design the organic fertilizer The main research of any scientific investigation is to draw
preparing machine which helps in replacing the conventional useful conclusion in light of objective of study. In order to get
farming methods. the meaningful conclusion, it is essential for investigator to
adopt appropriate method and procedure, keeping this in
3.2 Objective view, to explain the methodology adopted, and to fulfil the
objective of study. This chapter gives the detail report of the
The Main Objectives Behind this project is:- project.
1) To prepare organic fertilizer to farmers at feasible rates. As seen earlier, some projects are automatically operated
2) To make the machine portable so as to be easily movable (motorized) based. Existing project will be modified by
at any place. making it as paddle operated (manual). Another problem is
3) To reduce the power consumption. that for paddling more efforts are required for humans which
4) To make the machine in such a way that it can be used become difficult for them. This problem will be removed by
without electricity also. using the proper gearing mechanism wherever required to
5) To reduce the floor space required. reduce human effort. Issues like heavy weight, power
6) To make available the machine at low cost so as to make it
consumption, floor space, cost, etc in the existing machines
affordable to the farmers.
will be satisfied to a great extent by reducing the weight of
7) To make sustainable use of agricultural & rural waste.
8) To increase the efficiency. machine, reduced power consumption, less floor space,
9) To make the farmers self dependent for their everlasting curtailment in cost, etc. As paddling (manual) operation is
requirement of fertilizers. opted, farmers especially who lives in rural areas where there
is problem of electricity can use this machine. The approach
will be synthesis, design, development & testing of the
4. WORKING PRINCIPLE machine. By keeping these points in our mind, we think of
making such a machine, which is reliable to every farmer and
The schematic diagram of the machine is as shown in fig 1. is easy in its maintenance. The new and small scale farmers
The mixture is introduced in a small agitation vessel through or business man can start their business as well as be self
hopper and is mixed with the help of stirrer. The mixture dependent for their everlasting need of fertilizers instead of
contains cow dung, jaggery, leaves and some amount of
totally depending on the chemical fertilizers which hampers
different pulses like toor, moong etc. The mixture is stirred
the fertility of soil and also the productivity. Research
well for its strong bonding in that vessel. Then it is fed to
agitator by means of gravity and about 100 to 150 liters of methodology deals with design & fabrication of all
water is added to it. In agitator, the whole mixture is kept for components which are to be used in the machine with
24 hours for decomposition. In that span of time the stirrer is required modification. Firstly synthesis of all the problems
operated periodically for some time. Later the solid left over which are related with project is to be done. After that, the
which is called as slurry is separated and the part which is design of complete machine & then regarding development is
remaining is in liquid state which can be used as fertilizer for to be done on fertilizer preparing machine. Parameters will
agriculture. This process is called as filtration. The left over be selected according to the objectives. The various
slurry can be further used for conventional or non- instruments used for fabrication of machine are to be
conventional means such as biogas preparation, direct mentioned. 2D & 3D diagrams of components, assembled
fertilizers to plants or it can be reused for fertilizer machine and line diagrams are to be created with labelling.
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1349
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 02 | Feb -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1350