Recurring Invoices:-: Step1:-Define The Recurring Invoice Special Calendar Navigation:-Setup Calendar Special Calendar
Recurring Invoices:-: Step1:-Define The Recurring Invoice Special Calendar Navigation:-Setup Calendar Special Calendar
Recurring Invoices:-: Step1:-Define The Recurring Invoice Special Calendar Navigation:-Setup Calendar Special Calendar
recurring invoices.
(2).Skelton Distribution set:-Under Skelton distribution set we will enter only accounting
information at the time of Distribution set creation but amount will be entered at the time invoice
Step2:- Define the Skelton Distribution Set
Navigation:-Setup>Invoice>Distribution Sets
Billed “10”
Withholding Tax:-Withholding Tax Invoice will be created automatically by System. To make
the tax amount to the Income tax Authority.
Verify the withholding Tax group, By default it will retrieve from the supplier.
Validate the Invoice
After validate the Invoice, system will create the withholding Tax amount.
Step7:-Query the Withholding Tax Invoice.
See the above withholding Tax Invoice, which system has created automatically.
Retainage Invoice:-Holding some of the payment amount from the supplier is called a
Retainage Invoice.
Step1:-Enter Retainage Account at Financial Options Level.
Navigation:-Setup>Options>Financial Options
Step5:-Verify the Pay on Receipt program has created Invoice at Invoice workbench
Click on the “F11”
Enter the Invoice Number
Click on the “Ctr+F11”
Step1:-Enable the “Create Debit Memo from RTS Transactions” at supplier level.
Navigation:-Supplier >Entry
Click on the “Invoice Management”
Click on the “Self Billing”
Enable the “Create Debit Memo from RTS Transactions”