Goa Institute of Management: 1. Course Description
Goa Institute of Management: 1. Course Description
Goa Institute of Management: 1. Course Description
email: anubhav.am@gim.ac.in
Marketing Research is the process of identifying solutions for problems related to marketing.
This process involves identifying the problem in its correctness, formulating research design
to systematically collect, record, analyze, and interpret the data that can help to solve the
problem for decision makers involved in marketing, and business improvement. The
students will get to understand the design and execution of marketing research projects that
are used by businesses to achieve their objectives.
• Marketing research process
• Marketing research design
• Testing of hypotheses
• Data analysis with IBM SPSS and IBM AMOS
• Univariate data analysis techniques
• Multivariate data analysis techniques
The course will be delivered using a mix of lectures, discussion, workshop mode multivariate
analysis demonstration with real life marketing research data, and hands-on practise of the
same using IBM SPSS and IBM AMOS software.
Real life marketing research data will be provided. Also, additional reading materials and
annotated software procedure, output, and interpretation will be provided.
Students also need to work in teams for a live term project using both qualitative and
quantitative techniques of marketing research so as to apply the theoretical learnings to real
world marketing dilemma.
IBM SPSS is required for this course. GIM provides free licenses to students. Please install it
in your laptop and make sure it works before coming to the class. For instructions please
visit the GIM IT Office.
S. Unit of
Evaluation Item Weightage Time CLO Tested
No. Evaluation
check on the
Term Research research
Project & progress;
1 Team 30% None
Presentation Project
and Team
Any time after
2 Quiz 1 Individual 10% None
10th Session
Any time after
3 Quiz 2 Individual 10% None
18th Session
Any time after
4 Assignment I Individual 5% None
10th Session
Any time after
5 Assignment II Individual 5% None
18th Session
Research Design
Measurement in MR
Preparing for Data Collection
20 – Multivariate Data Mathematical models, computer
IBM AMOS (Trial version to
21 Analysis Techniques in algorithms, and statistical
be downloaded from:
MR: (8.) Structural methods that fit networks of
Equation Modeling constructs to data en/marketplace/structural-
(SEM)(A)(Covariance equation-modeling-
Based) Confirmatory Factor Analysis sem/purchase#product-
(CFA): Testing the header-top
Measurement Model
(30 Days Trial Version)
Same as above
22 – Multivariate Data Testing the Structural Model IBM AMOS
23 Analysis Techniques in
MR: (9.) Structural Same as above
Equation Modeling
(B) (Covariance
24 Ethics in MR To recognize the ethical issues
MR, Report Writing, associated with MR
Project Discussion and
Wrap-up Term Project discussions
2. Multivariate Data Analysis (6/ed.), Authors: Joseph F. Hair, William C. Black, Barry J. Babin,
Rolph E. Anderson and Ronald L. Tatham, Publisher: Pearson Education.
Additional Readings
Research Design
Assael, Henry, and John Keon (1982), "Non-Sampling vs. Sampling Errors in Survey Research",
Journal of Marketing, 46, 114-123.
Greenbaum, Thomas L. (1998), The Handbook for Focus Group Research, Sage Publications.
Kerlinger, Fred N. (1986), Foundations of Behavioral Research, 3rd edition, Holt, Rinehart &
Stewart, David, and Michael A. Kamins (1993), Secondary Research: Information, Sources and
Methods, Applied Social Research Methods, Volume 4, Sage Publications.
Bearden, William O., Richard Netemeyer, and Mary F. Mobley (1993), Handbook of Marketing
Scales: Multi-Item Measures for Marketing and Consumer Behavior Research, Sage Publications.
Bohrnstedt, G.W. (1970), "Reliability and Validity Assessment in Attitude Measurement", Chapter 3
in Attitude Measurement, ed. G.F. Summers, Rand McNally.
Campbell, D.T., and Fiske, D.W. (1959), "Convergent and Discriminant Validation by the
MultitraitMultimethod Matrix", Psychological Bulletin, 56, pp. 81-105.
Thurstone, L.L. (1927), "The Law of Comparative Judgement", Psychological Review, Vol. 34, pp.
Torgerson, W.S. (1958), Theory and Method of Scaling, Wiley & Sons.
Dillon, W.R, and M. Goldstein (1984), Multivariate Analysis: Methods and Applications, Wiley &
Elrod, Terry, Louviere, J.J., and Davey, K.K. (1992), "An Empirical Comparison of Ratings-Based
and Choice-Based Conjoint Models", Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. XXIX, pp.368-377.
Morrison, D.G. (1969) "On the Interpretation of Discriminant Analysis", Journal of Marketing
Research, pp. 156-163.
Stewart, David W. (1981), "The Application and Misapplication of Factor Analysis in Marketing
Research", Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. XVIII, pp. 51-62.
Tabachnik, Barbara G., and Fidell, L.S. (1983), Using Multivariate Statistics, Harper & Row.
Faculty Bio
Dr. Anubhav A. Mishra is an Associate Professor at the Goa Institute of Mnagement. Previously, he
has taught at the T. A. Pai Management Institute (TAPMI; AACSB and AMBA Accredited), ICFAI
Business School (IBS; AACSB Accredited) and Amrita School of Business (ASB; AACSB
Accredited). He was also associated with the Reliance Telecom Ltd. He has qualified for the UGC
NET (2012) and completed the Management Teacher’s Program.
His research focuses on the role of consumer psychology with strategic marketing implications in
the field of branding, retailing, spatial and numerical processing, and consumption experiences. His
work has been published/forthcoming in the Journal of Consumer Behavior (ABDC Journal Ranking
'A'), Journal of Brand Management (ABDC Journal Ranking 'A'), Journal of Strategic Marketing (ABDC
Journal Ranking 'A'), Journal of Consumer Marketing (ABDC Journal Ranking 'A'), International Review of
Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research (ABDC Journal Ranking 'B'), Journal of Global Marketing
(ABDC Journal Ranking 'B') and International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society. Till date, his
research has been cited 213 times including in class leading journals like the Journal of Marketing
(ABDC Journal Ranking 'A*'), Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (ABDC Journal Ranking 'A*'),
and Journal of Business Ethics (FT50).
He teaches Marketing Research, Product and Brand Management, Retailing Management, Customer
Relationship Management, Marketing Management and Advanced Marketing Management. He has
written a book and presented papers at many international and national conferences. He has
conducted 16 MDP/FDPs.
Ph.D., M. Phil., M.B.A., M.Com.
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