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JSUM306 Marketing Research - VU - UG-Prof .Ratan Kumar

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Course Outline

Name of Course Course Code

Marketing Research JSUM306


1.1 Course Faculty

Faculty Dr. Ratan Kumar

1.2 Level
Tick applicable Level

Foundation Core Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Practice

- - - -  -

1.3 Course Weight

Indicate the credit point weighting of this Course.

Course credit points


1.4 Course workload

Directed Learning
Timetabled Hours Hours (learning on Total Hours
one’s own)
45 45 90

1.5 Delivery mode

Tick all applicable delivery modes for the subject:
✘ Face to face on site
E-learning (online)
Blended (provide details)

1.6 Pre-requisites required for the Course, if any

Yes ✘ No
If YES, provide details of the prerequisite(s) below:
Marketing Management
1.7 Other resource requirements
Do students require access to specialist facilities and/or equipment for this subject (for
example, special computer access, and physical education equipment)? For example,
Yes ✘ No
If YES, provide details of specialist facilities and/or equipment below.

Computer with SPSS Package Installed

1.8. Linkage to Career Goals

Please describe the relevance to an area in brief (one short para). Include the relevance of the course
for a career, e.g., Applicable for all students irrespective of the area of major/minor, applicable for a
career in Marketing, applicable for a career in HR and marketing etc.

Understanding the consumer’s needs and behaviour are vital for a company to succeed and hence it
relies up on marketing research. Marketing research not only helps the company in what to produce,
but also tells in how to present it to the consumer. Marketing research plays a crucial role in several
major business decisions ranging from designing the product to pricing and promotion. India having
diverse cultural background and becoming market for global players, throws lot of opportunities.
Market research is a fantastic base for a business career as one can experience a wide range of sectors.
once you have cut your teeth in it; your options are potentially limitless.
Applicable to all career tracks as the course covers the nuances of research methodology and statistical
analysis for decision making.

1.9. Alignment with Learning Goals and Learning Objectives

Aligned to:

CLG 4: Problem Solving LO 4.1 Problem Framing, LO 4.2 Evaluation of Alternatives, LO4.3
Feasible Solution
CLG 5: Analytical skill LO5.1 Extract relevant Information, LO5.2 Visualisation of Situation
LO5.3 Articulation of the Situation
GLG 6: Functional Knowledge, LO 6.1: Knowledge of Business Function

Where Assessed:

End term
1.10. Linkage to Multiple Intelligences

Tick all applicable options


✘ Logical-Mathematical

Spatial Visual






1.11. Linkage to IDEAS Framework

Tick all applicable options


Design Thinking

Entrepreneurial Attitude


✘ Solutioning


2.1 Learning Outcomes for the Course

Learning outcomes for Course (Use Bloom’s Taxonomy as applicable)

 Understanding management decision problems and marketing research problems.

 Understanding various research designs.
 Identifying which specific tools & techniques are useful for gathering data to the research
 Carrying out appropriate statistical test for testing hypothesis.
 Providing solutions to marketing research problems.
2.2 Assessment
Assessment task
Type * When assessed. Weight
– Session/Week

Class Participation & Quiz Continuous 15%

Application Exercises Continuous 15%

Project Work & Presentation End Term (Before Exam) 10%

Mid-term exam Mid-Course 20%

Coursera Courses: 10 May 2024 No weightage.

Quantitative Research | Coursera

End Term Exam End of Course 40%

Coursera Course: End of Course No weightage.

https://www.coursera.org/learn/market- Certificate is
research mandatory to be
eligible for end
term exam

Total 100%
Session Wise Details
Module 1: Introduction to Marketing Research
Learning Objectives
Understanding Management Decision Problem and MR problem

1 Background: Classroom Lectures, Textbook -Chapter 1

-What is Market Discussion
-Importance and
Use of MR
-Why conduct MR
-When to conduct
market research
-MR Process
-Threats to MR
-Types of MR and
external MR firms
-Qualities of
Research Manager
-Top 10 MR
activities and
-Potential problems
in MR
2 Defining marketing Classroom Lectures, Textbook -Chapter 1
research problem Discussion
and developing

Module 2: Research Design Formulation

Learning Objectives
Developing a research design
Developing instrument for data collection
Understanding sampling techniques

3 Exploratory Classroom Lectures, Textbook -Chapter 3,4, and 5

Research Design Discussion

4 Descriptive & Classroom Lectures, Textbook -Chapter 6 & 7

Causal Research Discussion

5 Questionnaire Classroom Lectures, Textbook -Chapter 8,9, and 10

Design and scaling Discussion

6 Sampling design Classroom Lectures, Textbook -Chapter 11 & 12

and procedures Discussion

7 Application Exercise 1
Module-3: Data Analysis
Learning Objectives
Formulation hypothesis for marketing research problem
Selecting appropriate Statistical test for testing the hypothesis

8 Hypothesis testing Classroom Lectures, Article: “A Critical Assessment of

Discussion Null Hypothesis
Significance Testing in
Communication Research”
Application Exercise on Hypothesis testing

10 Comparison of Classroom Discussion and Textbook -Chapter 15

means using t-tests Hands-on training using

Application Exercise on performing t-tests

12 Analysis of Classroom Discussion and Textbook -Chapter 16

Variance Hands-on training using

13 Application Exercise on ANOVA

14 Regression Analysis Classroom Discussion and Textbook -Chapter 17

Hands-on training using

Application Exercise on Regression Analysis

17 Factor Analysis Classroom Discussion and Textbook -Chapter 19

Hands-on training using

18-19 Application Exercise on Factor Analysis

20 Nonparametric Classroom Discussion and Lecture notes

Tests Hands-on training using
Application Exercise on Nonparametric test

22 Report preparation Classroom Lectures, Textbook -Chapter 23

and presentation Discussion

23-24 Capstone Exercise

Prescribed Text
 Naresh K. Malhotra, Satyabhusan Dash (2019), “Marketing Research”, 7 th Edition, Pearson India

Reference Text
 Aaker, David A, Day, George, Leone, Robert P (2016)., Marketing Research, 11 th Edition, 2011,
Wiley India
 Zikmund, William G. Babin, Barry J, (2009), Essentials of Marketing & Research, South western

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