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SPE/IADC 52810 Best Completion Practices

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SPE/IADC 52810

Best Completion Practices

William Q. Dyson, SPE, Schlumberger Oilfield Services; Earl Coludrovich, SPE; Rachael Creech; John C. Weldy, SPE,
Texaco Exploration and Production; Michael Fruge, SPE; Marlon Guidry, SPE, Schlumberger Oilfield Services
IADC Members

Copyright 1999, SPE/IADC Drilling Conference

Figure 1 titled “Single, Flowing Completions,” depicts each of
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 1999 SPE/IADC Drilling Conference held in the completion types discussed in this paper; it also contains
Amsterdam, Holland, 9–11 March 1999.
some completion guidelines and decision aids. An Alliance
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE/IADC Program Committee following
review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the Process Improvement Team (APIT) designed this schematic as
paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers or the
International Association of Drilling Contractors and are subject to correction by the author(s).
a reference for basic decisions concerning completions. The
The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of the SPE or IADC, their APIT’s purpose is to implement process improvements, reduce
officers, or members. Papers presented at the SPE/IADC meetings are subject to publication
review by Editorial Committees of the SPE and IADC. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or completion costs and increase overall efficiency by merging
storage of any part of this paper for commercial purposes without the written consent of the
Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to
the knowledge and experience of operating and service
an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must company personnel; the completion practices outlined in this
contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write
Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435. paper are focused toward this goal.

Abstract It should be noted that all of the completion types discussed in

Over one hundred Gulf of Mexico completions have been this paper are flowing, and have only a single tubing string.
analyzed over a period of two years, resulting in the best Some completions such as cased hole horizontal, furan resin
practices, as outlined in this paper. The completions have been consolidation and screenless frac packs did not exist in the set
categorized into ten different types, and optimized methods for of wells examined, so they have been omitted from discussion.
implementing each type are listed. Completion engineers,
production engineers, rig foremen and many service company Common Decisions
personnel have contributed to Best Completion Practices. The In the Gulf of Mexico it is common to encounter multiple pay
work, however, has mainly been driven by an Alliance Process sands with commercial potential in a single well. This can
Improvement Team (APIT) composed of the authors, thus prove very helpful to the economics of a newly drilled well,
shared visions and solutions are the means by which common but increased planning is required to provide the operator with
completion objectives have been reached. an optimal completion.

Introduction A number of different completion configurations exist for

The number of possible completion configurations for oil and wells with multiple pay zones; sometimes only minor changes
gas wells is infinite; nevertheless this paper endeavors to are made for different well conditions. Once it has been
classify completions into three basic categories: non-sand determined whether sand control and fracturing are necessary,
control, sand control and horizontal. This classification is the process of equipment selection can begin. Pertinent
based on experience from over one hundred Gulf of Mexico reservoir information is also necessary to determine working
wells. Several conventions are adopted in order to define these pressures for equipment. The completions discussed below
three major completion categories: (1) a non-sand control can be greatly affected by the lack of a satisfactory primary
completion is any non-horizontal completion without a gravel cement job across the pay intervals. Methods to handle
pack screen, (2) a sand control completion is any non- secondary cementing will be mentioned at the end of the
horizontal completion with a gravel pack screen, and (3) a discussion on completion types.
horizontal completion is one with deviation greater than
eighty-five degrees. For example, a well with seventy-degree Nodal analyses and economic evaluations are performed to
deviation and no gravel pack screen would be termed non-sand determine whether to complete and produce multiple zones
control. Within these three categories there are ten individual simultaneously or independently. Mechanically, it is less risky
completion types, which are diagrammed in Figure 1 (located to produce the lowest zone to its economic limit and then
in the appendix). recomplete in the upper zone. However, because it is more
economical, the upper zone is often selected as the initial

completion. In this case, a sliding sleeve, or some other type Type 4 – Multiple Packers with Plug Back(s) – This type of
of isolation device which can be operated with slickline or completion is used when two productive zones that are
coiled tubing, can be used. The major disadvantage in separated by a significant distance need to be completed. The
producing the upper zone first is reliance on isolation devices difference between Type 4 and Type 3 is that two additional
that can later fail. Sand production, corrosive well fluids, or packers are required for Type 4. This configuration allows
the inability to operate the device can lead to costly block squeeze perforations to be isolated between the two
remediation. On the other hand, this type of completion is packers. Placing a plug in the tubing between the lowest two
more economical because it affords future access to a lower packers is the easiest way to perform the plug back to the
zone. 9 upper zone.

Non-Sand Control Completions Perforating – Both tubing- and wireline-conveyed perforating

Within the context of this paper a non-sand control completion methods are used in non-sand control completions, but the
is one that has less than eighty-five degrees deviation, and wireline-conveyed option is more common and more
does not require sand control screens. These completions are economical, as it does not require a rig. Shot density, entrance
generally confined to land, inland waters or deep, consolidated hole diameter, and perforation tunnel length should be
offshore reservoirs. considered in order to prevent sand production in non sand
control completions. Large diameter, deep penetrating charges
Type 1 – Open Hole Single – There are many variations of in densities greater than six shots per foot (twelve shots per
open hole single completions, but this type is not often used in foot preferred) can prevent or defer sand production. This
the Gulf Coast because of poor consolidation of many of the technique allows the production of marginally economic zones
formations. However, open hole single completions should not not suitable for sand control completions.
be eliminated from consideration, as they are inexpensive and
quite versatile. However for well consolidated formations, Tubing-conveyed guns may be used as zone length increases.
open hole single completions should be considered because of For long zones, which would require multiple wireline trips,
their low cost and versatility. tubing conveyed perforating (TCP) is likely the best option.
Another benefit of TCP is that it allows significantly higher
Type 2 – Cased Hole Single – Unlike open hole completions, underbalance pressures than the wireline method. Perforating
cased hole single completions guarantee hole stability. underbalanced is important in order to create open, undamaged
Furthermore, a successful primary cement job will isolate the perforations so that productivity is not hampered, but it creates
productive interval from water zones. This type of completion the added risk of sticking the guns in the hole. Using an
is typical of land and inland waters wells, but it is also found exploding firing head to drop the guns upon detonation can
offshore when sand control is not required. Cased hole single minimize this risk. This technique works very well when the
completions are more expensive than open hole completions guns are run in the hole below the production packer.
due to the cost of production casing, but they are still relatively
inexpensive due to the limited hardware and number of Other factors to be considered are shot density and phasing.
services required for their installation. Aside from the cost of Many times zero degree phasing and low shot densities are
setting production casing, completion costs include tubing, sufficient, but when there are heterogeneities such as
nipples, packer, fluids and perforating (normally done with anisotropy or laminations that require higher shot densities,
wireline). Shallow dry gas wells (1,400 to 3,000 feet) may TCP is the method of choice. However, when fracture
frequently be produced in this manner, whereas oil zones at stimulation is to be performed, wireline-conveyed methods are
similar depths require sand control. most often used because fracturing sufficiently addresses the
heterogeneities. 1,2
Type 3 – Single Packer with Plug Back(s) – The cost and
mechanics of this completion type are essentially the same as Fracturing – The second and third completion types described
the previous one. The difference between the two is that Type above may be candidates for a fracture stimulation that is
3 allows for a future plug back to a secondary zone located pumped down the production tubing. Wells that are to be
between the primary zone and the production packer. Multiple fractured should be designed so that (1) a permanent, seal bore
wireline plug backs (WLPB’s) can be performed under a type packer is used, and (2) the production seal assembly has
single packer as long as the zones are reasonably close adequate length to accommodate shrinkage during fracturing.
together, and meet the same conditions as the primary zone, One additional concern is the tubing size: 2 7/8 inch tubing is
such as not requiring sand-control or artificial lift. In some generally the smallest size that can accommodate a fracture
cases, WLPB’s can be performed with a single packer even treatment, but the pump rate is limited to about twenty barrels
when there are large distances between zones. per minute.

Sand Control Completions single selective completions is their dependence on a sliding

There are many completion types commonly considered to be sleeves.
sand control completions; only those with sand control screens
are addressed here. Four major types of sand control Type 7 – Single Selective with Multiple Options – The single
completions are defined below, and their relative strengths and selective with multiple options is perhaps the most common
weaknesses are discussed. Issues such as sand control pumping completion in the Gulf of Mexico offshore. This configuration
techniques and perforating techniques are discussed later in allows for great versatility and minimizes the need for rig
this section. While sand control can significantly increase workovers, but its success depends on the reliability of more
completion costs, the life of the completion is also greatly mechanical components than the types discussed above. Great
increased. Proper hardware selection insures completion care must be taken in the design of these completions to insure
reliability. Some general rules, which contributed to the their prolonged success.
success of the studied wells, include:
Type 8 - Stacked Selective – This is the most complex of the
1) Maintain 0.85 inch minimum standoff from gravel pack single tubing completions and is often avoided for this reason.
screen to casing inner diameter. It requires the use of no fewer than three gravel pack packers,
2) Use ninety feet of blank above gravel pack screen and usually a sump packer. These completions are quite
whenever possible. expensive and require several weeks to install, but these
3) Keep draw down pressure less than 1000 psi for gravel drawbacks are offset by the ability to produce three or more
packs and 500 psi for non-sand control completions. zones without a single workover. Usually these are installed in
4) Restress gravel packs at pressures ranging from 1000 to marginally economic zones, and where future workover costs
1500 psi. can be prohibitively high, such as offshore. If significant
5) Insure that gravel pack assembly inner diameter is at least reserves exist, performing a future workover to produce uphole
1.875 inches. zones is more attractive than the mechanical risk of a complex
6) Test cement squeezes to within 80% of fracture gradient. completion.
7) Allow no more than 10 feet between the bottom
perforation and the top of sump packer or bridge plug. Perforating – High shot density guns (casing guns with twelve
8) Always use P-110 grade pipe in order minimize the risk of shots per foot or more) using big-hole perforating charges are
blank pipe collapse. commonly used to maximize completion efficiency.
Underbalanced perforating is the best technique for removing
Type 5 – Single Gravel Pack Completion –The most basic debris from the perforation tunnels; consequently, it
and least likely to fail sand control completion, the single contributes greatly to the productivity of the completion.6
gravel pack is widely used, but is limited by the need for a rig Debris can mix with the gravel pack sand, reducing the its
workover if other zones are to be produced. This completion permeability. However, often it is not possible to perforate at
type may have a sump packer or a bridge plug below the the optimum underbalance pressure due to the following
gravel pack screen. A sump packer should be used (1) if an limitations: (1) the danger of casing collapse, (2) the
open sump is required in order to accommodate production production of large quantities of formation sand, (3) the
logging tools, or (2) to allow debris to fall through the potential for sticking the pipe or guns, and (4) movement of
completion. Bridge plugs or cement retainers (if squeeze the perforating packer.8
cementing is necessary) are generally used in conjunction with
a bull plugged lower screen. This method saves time and TCP systems offer the benefits of longer gun length and
money during completion operations, but does not allow greater underbalance pressures, but they are prone to sticking.
complete evaluation of the perforated interval with production Care must be taken in gun selection to insure annular clearance
logging tools. (usually one-half to one inch) for two reasons. (1) The
clearance is necessary should guns become stuck and require
Type 6 – Single Selective – This type of completion is gravel fishing. (2) Entrance hole diameter is highly sensitive the
packed with an internal sliding sleeve, which allows a non- annular clearance. This problem is magnified in deviated
sand control completion to be produced through the gravel wells where the gun system lies on the bottom of the hole
packed completion. However, if the sliding sleeve fails, causing an absence of perforations in the upper portion of the
secondary reserves may be lost if a rig workover cannot be hole.
justified. For this reason, the zone with larger reserves is
generally produced first. A single selective completion differs Another concern in deviated wells is the cleaning of the
from a single gravel pack in two ways: (1) the presence of a perforation tunnels on the lower side of the hole. Gravity
productive zone below the primary completion, and (2) a prevents removal of the debris and thus the tunnels cannot be
sliding sleeve that allows the production of a secondary zone properly gravel packed. This makes them suseptible to
after depletion of the primary zone. A major limitation of collapse which drastically reduces the productivity of the

completion. Perforation cleaning is also hampered by the method is also applied to gravel packs using completion
presence of the guns, so for the above reasons, perforating the brines, commonly referred to as high rate water packs
lower portion of the hole in deviated zones is often avoided. (HRWP).
Furthermore, the upper portion of the hole in deviated zones is
sometimes not perforated due to the difficulty of placing Most current sand control pumping techniques fall into one of
gravel pack sand in the perforation tunnels in this portion of the above categories. Frac packs are almost always considered
the hole. This perforating method also minimizes the to be the best method unless (1) the reserves do not justify the
possibility of water production through an inadequate cement expense, (2) there is excessive zone length in a highly deviated
sheath on the lower side of the hole. well, or (3) there is significant risk of connecting a nearby
water sand with the frac pack.
Single Trip Perforating and Gravel Packing –The practice of
single trip perforating and gravel packing involves combining Remedial Cementing – In circumstances where the primary
the tools and hardware necessary for both perforating and cement job does not meet acceptable standards, secondary
gravel packing, and running them into the hole simultaneously. cementing techniques are sometimes necessary. The most
This method saves many hours of rig time, and prevents large common method is a “block squeeze.” Cement block squeezes
fluid losses after perforating. 7, 11 These two benefits lower are performed in an effort to isolate productive zones and
completion cost and enhance well productivity; they should be prevent extraneous water production. They can also
used whenever possible. Some factors that limit the use of substantially drive up the cost of the initial completion.
single trip perforating and gravel packing systems are Determining whether a block squeeze is necessary is usually
inadequate sump space for perforating guns, productive zones left up to the completion engineer based on his interpretation
beneath the zone of interest, and old perforations above the of the cement bond log. In the past, if there was doubt about
zone of interest.4 (The term “single trip perforating and gravel the interpretation, a block squeeze was usually performed. To
packing” does not imply that frac packing is not an option with prevent an excessive number of block squeezes, thereby
these systems.) reducing costs, the APIT recommends the following guidelines
for sufficient bond:12
Sand Control Pumping Techniques – The sand control
completion types discussed above require pumping, normally 1) 5 feet of 60% bond in 5 inch casing
one the following techniques: (1) a gravel pack using a mildly 2) 6 feet of 60% bond in 5 ½ inch casing
viscous carrier fluid, (2) a high rate water pack (HRWP) using 3) 10 feet of 60% bond in 7 inch casing
a completion brine carrier fluid, or (3) a frac pack, which uses 4) 12 feet of 60% bond in 7 5/8 inch casing
a highly viscous carrier fluid.
These guidelines promote a “lean forward” approach to
Frac packs generally provide good completion efficiency with reducing the number of block squeezes, resulting in three main
a slightly negative skin. They minimize the mobility of fine benefits, significantly reduced completion costs, less rig time
grained sediments, and thus reduce the necessity for future and elimination of complications resulting from the squeezes.
acid treatments.5 Drawback of frac packs are that they
sometimes require long clean up periods and they can foul the Horizontal Completions
production facilities with guar gel. These problems can be A horizontal completion offers several advantages over a high
minimized by using visco elastic surfactant (VES) fluids. The angle or vertical completion: (1) it can eliminate water or gas
viscosity of VES fluids is broken upon contact with coning problems, (2) it increases the area open to flow thus
hydrocarbons, thus causing less proppant pack damage, and reducing reservoir fluid velocities and fine grained sediment
providing faster well clean up. mobility, and (3) it may allow for more efficient reservoir
drainage.3 These benefits make horizontal wells very
Another common use of VES fluids is in gravel packing. They attractive, but there are also limitations, including increased
can be used effectively to reduce pumping costs when the drilling and completion cost, poor completion reliability and
alternative carrier fluid is heavy completion brine. This VES very limited intervention options. In order to optimize
method is the middle ground between frac packs and gravel completion design, it is necessary to compare the costs and
packs using completion brine. Since they are slightly viscous, benefits of several viable completion options.
VES fluids allow typical proppant concentrations of three to
four PPA, and proppant placement is usually at least 150 For discussion purposes, horizontal completions have been
pounds of proppant per foot of perforations. Normally, pump divided into two main types, supported and unsupported open
rates are about 8 barrels per minute (BPM). These treatments hole. In supported completions, the support is in the form of a
are pumped in the circulating position with the annulus closed. slotted liner or a shrouded screen. A shrouded screen refers to
Near the end of the treatment, 25% of the pump rate is allowed the open hole version of the shunt tube technology where
to return through the annulus to insure a good pack. This integral joints of perforated casing and gravel pack screen are

made up and run in the hole simultaneously. It should be noted common. It is imperative have sufficient to incorporate these
that screen alone is not considered adequate support for the changes both from a cost and equipment standpoint. Wells
borehole. with deviations greater than sixty-five degrees may require
additional planning since equipment such as electric line
Type 9 - Open Hole Unsupported – This type of horizontal cannot be used. In these wells, the number of trips should be
open hole completion may be without screen, or it may have minimized whenever possible to avoid increased cost and
any type of sand control screen with or without a gravel pack. reduce the chance sticking. Logging and slickline work should
This type of completion is divided into three sub-categories: be minimized or eliminated.
barefoot, screened, and gravel packed. Barefoot completions
are those without screen or gravel pack, and are the least Completions with multiple pay zones require more equipment
expensive of horizontal completions, but they are limited to and hardware (packers, gravel pack settings, etc.) than single
competent rock that does not produce sand. Screened and zone completions. Because of the difficulty and expense of
gravel packed completions are effective in controlling sand removing this equipment, designs should attempt to minimize
production, and reduce the migration of fine grained sediment risk whenever feasible. Sliding sleeves have less chance of
into the wellbore. It should be noted that none of the horizontal failure if not relied upon to produce upper sands prior to lower
completion types discussed above are recommended in sands. Another danger lies in using unproven technology and
formations with poor hole stability. Experience has shown that equipment with inadequate caution. However, the rewards of
open hole, unsupported horizontal completions fail if they are using new systems such as single trip perforating and gravel
placed in formations with an unstable borehole. packing have been well worth the risk. The overall goal in
multiple zone completion design should be to achieve a
Type 10 - Open Hole Supported – If the competency or trouble-free completion that will provide a production outlet
stability of the hole is questionable, an alternative horizontal for the life of all zones in the well.
completion is the open hole supported type, in which
mechanical borehole support, in the form of a slotted liner or The importance of post-completion bottom hole pressure data
shrouded screen, is added. In one field where seven horizontal can not be overemphasized. Tracking completion performance
wells were completed, six were Type 9 and one was Type 10. and determining the extent of formation stimulation or damage
After slightly more than one year of production, all but two of is essential in designing and developing new completion
the unsupported variety had failed. The supported well was, in procedures. However, without drawdown and buildup test
fact, the most trouble-free horizontal in the field. data, the validity and efficiency of these methods cannot be
accurately assessed.10
Note that the supported, horizontal completion type does not
include cemented, cased hole horizontal completions. These
have been omitted from this discussion because none existed
in the wells that were studied.

Summary and Recommendations

For competent formations, non sand control completions are
best because of fewer components, little risk and low
installation cost. In poorly consolidated formations, sand
control completions are required. Since they are more prone to
failure and intervention is expensive, mechanical risk should
be minimized. Horizontal completions are the best alternative
in reservoirs where a fluid interface such as an oil-water
contact is present and the vertical and horizontal permeability
are similar.

Communication and flexibility are keys to designing and

performing the optimum completions. This communication
should begin long in advance of the drilling phase of the well.
Expected flowrates should be identified by the production
engineers and confirmed with the geologist’s data. Nodal
analyses should be performed over the entire range of possible
outcomes, and the most likely production tubing size should be
selected. The actual reservoir often differs from initial
expectations, so changes to the completion design are

Acknowledgements Control Methods Before and After Treatments to

The authors would like to thank the previous members of the Maximize Well Productivity and Cost Effectiveness” SPE
Completion APIT , especially R. J. “Buddy” Domangue for his 39460, Presented at the SPE International Symposium on
efforts in drafting the original schematic entitled “Single, Formation Damage Control, Lafayette, LA; February
Flowing Completions.” This work was the basis and 1998.
inspiration for “Best Completion Practices”.
12. Texaco-Schlumberger, New Orleans Completion APIT
References Update; Third Quarter 1997.
1. Behrman, L.A, Nolte, K.G. “Perforating Requirements for
Fracture Stimulation” SPE 39453. Presented at the SPE
International Symposium on Formation Damage Control,
Lafayette, LA; February 1998.

2. Economides, M.J., Nolte, K.G.: Reservoir Stimulation,

Schlumberger Educational Services, Houston, TX, 1987.

3. Milne, A.; Horizontal Well Completion and Stimulation

Technology, Dowell Schlumberger, Houston, TX, 1991.

4. Jones, R.H., Bolin, T.D. “New Single Trip Single Trip

Perforating and Gravel Pack Procedure with Advanced
Stimulation Design Reduces Formation Damage in High
Permeability Reservoirs: Case Histories.” SPE 39434
Presented at the SPE International Symposium on
Formation Damage Control, Lafayette, LA; February

5. Toffanin, E. et al: “Frac Packing Using Conventional and

Alternative Path Technology: SPE 39478 Presented at the
SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage
Control, Lafayette, LA; February 1998.

6. McLeod, H.O.: “The Effect of Perforating and Perforation

Cleaning on Gravel Packed Well Performance.” SPE
39456 Presented at the SPE International Symposium on
Formation Damage Control, Lafayette, LA; February

7. Palthe, P.V.W. et al A Novel Technique for Single-

Selective Sand Control Completions Cuts Completion
Costs in Half: Method Development and a Case History
from the Gulf of Mexico” SPE 50650 Presented at the
EUROPEC Conference, Den Haag, The Netherlands;
October, 1998.

8. Tariq, S.M.: “New, Generated Criteria for Determining

the Level of Underbalance for Obtaining Clean
Perforations” SPE 38635.

9. Cramer, D.D.: “Knowledge of State-of-Art Techniques

Important” Oil and Gas Journal (Aug 22, 1988) PP 41-47.

10. McLeod, H.O., Pashen, M.A.: “Well Completion Audits

to Evaluate Gravel Packing Procedures” SPE 31088
11. Parlar, M. et al: “Guidelines for Selection of Fluid Loss


Non Sand Control Completion

Best Sand Control Completion
Completions Horizontal Completion
Best Practices Completion
Best Practices
• Perforate through tubing using wireline conveyed strip guns Bestslotted
• Use Practices
liner or shrouded screens where hole stability is a concern
• If• TCP
Perforate through
techniques tubing
are used,using wireline
run guns conveyed
in hole strip gunstubing and packer
with production • Use slotted linertooraddress
shrouded screens where holegrained
is a concern
• If up
TCP • Use gravel packs stop migration of fine
• Set fortechniques
wireline plugaredown
used,orrun guns in
wireline hole
plug withwhenever
back production tubing and packer
possible • Use gravel packs to address stop migration
• Set2 up • Use these completions to prevent water or gasofconing
fine grained sediment
in suitable
• Use 7/8for wireline
inch tubingplug
as adown or wireline
minimum plug backoperations
when fracturing whenever possible
are expected • Use these completions to prevent water or gas coning in suitable
• Use 2 7/8 inch tubing as a minimum when fracturing operations are expected
Limitations Development Plan reservoirs
• May produce formation sand Development Plan reservoirs
• May produce formation • Poor hole stability can cause catastrophic completion failure
• Reserves may not justify asand
rig workover
• Reserves may not justify a rig workover • If• the
Poor hole stability
completion fails,can cause
it may becatastrophic
necessary tocompletion
sidetrack thefailure
• If the and
• Drilling completion
completionfails,ofit these
may be necessary
wells can be to sidetrack
quite the well
Sand Control Completion • Drilling and completion of these wells can be quite expensive
Best Control Completion
1 - Open Hole Single Best Practices
• Combine pipe trips when possible: one trip perforating and gravel pack.
1 - Open Hole Single • Combine
• Perforate pipe trips
balanced orwhen possible:
overbalance one frac
when trip perforating and
packing (can gravel
use wire pack.
• Perforate
• Perforate TCPbalanced or overbalance
under-balanced when
if not frac frac packing (can use wire line).
packing. Stable Bore Hole?
Secondary zones in well? • Perforate
• Frac pack toTCP under-balanced
reduce the mobility ofif fine
not frac packing.
grained sediment Stable Bore Hole?
Secondary zones in well? • Frac pack to reduce the mobility of fine grained sediment
no yes
no Limitations
• Take care to avoid sticking guns when perforating under-balanced.
• Take carereliability
• Completion to avoid sticking
may relyguns when sleeves
on sliding perforating under-balanced.
• Completion reliability may rely on sliding sleeves
no 9 - Supported Open Hole 10 - Unsupported Open Hole
9 - Supported Open Hole 10 - Unsupported Open Hole
Secondary zones in well?
Secondary zones in well? - good bore hole support - no bore hole support
- can be naked open hole 5 - Single Gravel Pack - may have screen inside liner - may have screen in open hole
- may use a screen, slotted liner 5 - Single Gravel Pack no yes - may or may not be gravel - may or may not be gravel
- may be gravel packed packed packed
open hole
yes open hole

2 - Cased Hole Single

2 - Cased Hole Single

Large distance between Slotted liner or shrouded screen

Gravel pack screen
Large and
Primary distance between
Primary and Secondary? no
sleeve Producing zones from bottom to top is standard Considerations for Sand Control Pumping
zone of - may use sump packer or bridge plug Producing
practice, zones from
but sliding sleevesbottom to top
enable anyiszone
to be 1) Considerations for Sand
Frac packs are preferable Control
to gravel Pumping
packs except when:
but However,
sliding sleeves enablerisk
zone tobebe 1) Frac packs
• reserves do not are preferable
justify the expense to gravel packs except when:
interest { produced
evaluated first.toHowever,
producingmechanical risk should
up-hole reserves be
• reserves
• there
• there
• there
do not justify
is excessive
is excessive
is significant zone
the expense
zone length in a highly deviated well
length in aahighly
of connecting waterdeviated
sand well
lower ones. Itprior to producing
is likely up-hole
that the zone withreserves
more before
lower ones.
recoverable It is likely
reserves willthat
be the zone with
produced first.more 2) •Frac
is significant
minimize riskthe
of connecting
mobility ofafine
water sand
grain sediment
- can do through tubing gravel pack
recoverable reserves will be produced first. 2) Frac packs
and minimize
the need the mobility
for future of fine grain sediment
acid treatments
no yes and the need for future acid treatments
3) VES fracturing fluids can be used on frac packs to minimize
3) VESflowfracturing fluids canand
back problems be proppant
used on frac
packpacks to minimize
flow back
4) Slightly viscous VESproblems
Fluids canand be
used inpack
4) Slightly
heavy viscous VES Fluids
completion brinescan be used
on gravel in place of
3 - Single Packer Plug Back 4 - Multiple Packer Plug Back heavy completion brines on gravel packs
3 - Single Packer Plug Back 4 - Multiple Packer Plug Back

6 - Single Selective 7 - Single Selective with Multiple Options 8 - Stacked Selective

6 - Single Selective 7 - Single Selective with Multiple Options 8 - Stacked Selective

May or may not Tubingless, packerless, monobore,

} secondary
sliding }
need screens
upper zone
dual and coiledpackerless,
tubing completions
and coiled tubing completions
sleeve not depicted.
primary zone with Spacer assembly required
sliding sleeve
} secondary
} primary
sump packer sliding

} primary
} potential non sump packer
This diagram was originally prepared by
R. This
J. Domangue
diagram was
R. J. by
of Texaco,
the Texaco-Schlumberger
was by
of Texaco, and was
- limited access to primary zone gravel packed zone
} non gravel packed } potential non
revised byAPIT
52810 Best
the Texaco-Schlumberger
for presentation with
APIT for presentation
Completion Practices.
SPE 52810 Best Completion Practices.
- can do through tubing plug back zone gravel-packed completion

Figure 1- Single, Flowing Completions

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