SPE/IADC 52810 Best Completion Practices
SPE/IADC 52810 Best Completion Practices
SPE/IADC 52810 Best Completion Practices
completion. In this case, a sliding sleeve, or some other type Type 4 – Multiple Packers with Plug Back(s) – This type of
of isolation device which can be operated with slickline or completion is used when two productive zones that are
coiled tubing, can be used. The major disadvantage in separated by a significant distance need to be completed. The
producing the upper zone first is reliance on isolation devices difference between Type 4 and Type 3 is that two additional
that can later fail. Sand production, corrosive well fluids, or packers are required for Type 4. This configuration allows
the inability to operate the device can lead to costly block squeeze perforations to be isolated between the two
remediation. On the other hand, this type of completion is packers. Placing a plug in the tubing between the lowest two
more economical because it affords future access to a lower packers is the easiest way to perform the plug back to the
zone. 9 upper zone.
completion. Perforation cleaning is also hampered by the method is also applied to gravel packs using completion
presence of the guns, so for the above reasons, perforating the brines, commonly referred to as high rate water packs
lower portion of the hole in deviated zones is often avoided. (HRWP).
Furthermore, the upper portion of the hole in deviated zones is
sometimes not perforated due to the difficulty of placing Most current sand control pumping techniques fall into one of
gravel pack sand in the perforation tunnels in this portion of the above categories. Frac packs are almost always considered
the hole. This perforating method also minimizes the to be the best method unless (1) the reserves do not justify the
possibility of water production through an inadequate cement expense, (2) there is excessive zone length in a highly deviated
sheath on the lower side of the hole. well, or (3) there is significant risk of connecting a nearby
water sand with the frac pack.
Single Trip Perforating and Gravel Packing –The practice of
single trip perforating and gravel packing involves combining Remedial Cementing – In circumstances where the primary
the tools and hardware necessary for both perforating and cement job does not meet acceptable standards, secondary
gravel packing, and running them into the hole simultaneously. cementing techniques are sometimes necessary. The most
This method saves many hours of rig time, and prevents large common method is a “block squeeze.” Cement block squeezes
fluid losses after perforating. 7, 11 These two benefits lower are performed in an effort to isolate productive zones and
completion cost and enhance well productivity; they should be prevent extraneous water production. They can also
used whenever possible. Some factors that limit the use of substantially drive up the cost of the initial completion.
single trip perforating and gravel packing systems are Determining whether a block squeeze is necessary is usually
inadequate sump space for perforating guns, productive zones left up to the completion engineer based on his interpretation
beneath the zone of interest, and old perforations above the of the cement bond log. In the past, if there was doubt about
zone of interest.4 (The term “single trip perforating and gravel the interpretation, a block squeeze was usually performed. To
packing” does not imply that frac packing is not an option with prevent an excessive number of block squeezes, thereby
these systems.) reducing costs, the APIT recommends the following guidelines
for sufficient bond:12
Sand Control Pumping Techniques – The sand control
completion types discussed above require pumping, normally 1) 5 feet of 60% bond in 5 inch casing
one the following techniques: (1) a gravel pack using a mildly 2) 6 feet of 60% bond in 5 ½ inch casing
viscous carrier fluid, (2) a high rate water pack (HRWP) using 3) 10 feet of 60% bond in 7 inch casing
a completion brine carrier fluid, or (3) a frac pack, which uses 4) 12 feet of 60% bond in 7 5/8 inch casing
a highly viscous carrier fluid.
These guidelines promote a “lean forward” approach to
Frac packs generally provide good completion efficiency with reducing the number of block squeezes, resulting in three main
a slightly negative skin. They minimize the mobility of fine benefits, significantly reduced completion costs, less rig time
grained sediments, and thus reduce the necessity for future and elimination of complications resulting from the squeezes.
acid treatments.5 Drawback of frac packs are that they
sometimes require long clean up periods and they can foul the Horizontal Completions
production facilities with guar gel. These problems can be A horizontal completion offers several advantages over a high
minimized by using visco elastic surfactant (VES) fluids. The angle or vertical completion: (1) it can eliminate water or gas
viscosity of VES fluids is broken upon contact with coning problems, (2) it increases the area open to flow thus
hydrocarbons, thus causing less proppant pack damage, and reducing reservoir fluid velocities and fine grained sediment
providing faster well clean up. mobility, and (3) it may allow for more efficient reservoir
drainage.3 These benefits make horizontal wells very
Another common use of VES fluids is in gravel packing. They attractive, but there are also limitations, including increased
can be used effectively to reduce pumping costs when the drilling and completion cost, poor completion reliability and
alternative carrier fluid is heavy completion brine. This VES very limited intervention options. In order to optimize
method is the middle ground between frac packs and gravel completion design, it is necessary to compare the costs and
packs using completion brine. Since they are slightly viscous, benefits of several viable completion options.
VES fluids allow typical proppant concentrations of three to
four PPA, and proppant placement is usually at least 150 For discussion purposes, horizontal completions have been
pounds of proppant per foot of perforations. Normally, pump divided into two main types, supported and unsupported open
rates are about 8 barrels per minute (BPM). These treatments hole. In supported completions, the support is in the form of a
are pumped in the circulating position with the annulus closed. slotted liner or a shrouded screen. A shrouded screen refers to
Near the end of the treatment, 25% of the pump rate is allowed the open hole version of the shunt tube technology where
to return through the annulus to insure a good pack. This integral joints of perforated casing and gravel pack screen are
made up and run in the hole simultaneously. It should be noted common. It is imperative have sufficient to incorporate these
that screen alone is not considered adequate support for the changes both from a cost and equipment standpoint. Wells
borehole. with deviations greater than sixty-five degrees may require
additional planning since equipment such as electric line
Type 9 - Open Hole Unsupported – This type of horizontal cannot be used. In these wells, the number of trips should be
open hole completion may be without screen, or it may have minimized whenever possible to avoid increased cost and
any type of sand control screen with or without a gravel pack. reduce the chance sticking. Logging and slickline work should
This type of completion is divided into three sub-categories: be minimized or eliminated.
barefoot, screened, and gravel packed. Barefoot completions
are those without screen or gravel pack, and are the least Completions with multiple pay zones require more equipment
expensive of horizontal completions, but they are limited to and hardware (packers, gravel pack settings, etc.) than single
competent rock that does not produce sand. Screened and zone completions. Because of the difficulty and expense of
gravel packed completions are effective in controlling sand removing this equipment, designs should attempt to minimize
production, and reduce the migration of fine grained sediment risk whenever feasible. Sliding sleeves have less chance of
into the wellbore. It should be noted that none of the horizontal failure if not relied upon to produce upper sands prior to lower
completion types discussed above are recommended in sands. Another danger lies in using unproven technology and
formations with poor hole stability. Experience has shown that equipment with inadequate caution. However, the rewards of
open hole, unsupported horizontal completions fail if they are using new systems such as single trip perforating and gravel
placed in formations with an unstable borehole. packing have been well worth the risk. The overall goal in
multiple zone completion design should be to achieve a
Type 10 - Open Hole Supported – If the competency or trouble-free completion that will provide a production outlet
stability of the hole is questionable, an alternative horizontal for the life of all zones in the well.
completion is the open hole supported type, in which
mechanical borehole support, in the form of a slotted liner or The importance of post-completion bottom hole pressure data
shrouded screen, is added. In one field where seven horizontal can not be overemphasized. Tracking completion performance
wells were completed, six were Type 9 and one was Type 10. and determining the extent of formation stimulation or damage
After slightly more than one year of production, all but two of is essential in designing and developing new completion
the unsupported variety had failed. The supported well was, in procedures. However, without drawdown and buildup test
fact, the most trouble-free horizontal in the field. data, the validity and efficiency of these methods cannot be
accurately assessed.10
Note that the supported, horizontal completion type does not
include cemented, cased hole horizontal completions. These
have been omitted from this discussion because none existed
in the wells that were studied.
} primary
} potential non sump packer
This diagram was originally prepared by
R. This
J. Domangue
diagram was
R. J. by
of Texaco,
the Texaco-Schlumberger
was by
of Texaco, and was
- limited access to primary zone gravel packed zone
} non gravel packed } potential non
revised byAPIT
52810 Best
the Texaco-Schlumberger
for presentation with
APIT for presentation
Completion Practices.
SPE 52810 Best Completion Practices.
- can do through tubing plug back zone gravel-packed completion