Structural Behaviour of Composite Dowels in Thin UHPC Elements
Structural Behaviour of Composite Dowels in Thin UHPC Elements
Structural Behaviour of Composite Dowels in Thin UHPC Elements
132 © Ernst & Sohn Verlag für Architektur und technische Wissenschaften GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin · Steel Construction 9 (2016), No. 2
T. Lechner/S. Gehrlein/O. Fischer · Structural behaviour of composite dowels in thin UHPC elements
The experimental investigations with push-out tests were Fig. 2. Geometry and dimensions of push-out specimen
designed to check the ductility behaviour and failure loads
for small CL-strips in thin UHPC elements with and with- specimens were equipped with stirrups (∅ 6 mm between
out conventional bar reinforcement. Another main objec- each steel dowel) and longitudinal bars (∅ 6 mm), while the
tive of this research was to determine the steel and con- others were plain fibre-reinforced concrete without conven-
crete failure mechanisms that can occur when filigree tional bar reinforcement. The detailed parameters investi-
UHPC members are used. gated and the results obtained within this series are summa-
rized in Table 2. Two push-out specimens were produced
4.1 Test setup and tested for each setup. The results in Table 2 are mean
values for the load and minimum values for the character-
Due to the special shear behaviour of CL-strips in thin istic ductility duk, which was evaluated according to EC 4
UHPC elements, the first push-out tests were designed to [9].
analyse the factors influencing concrete failure and the In all tests a brittle failure occurred after the splitting
second test series focused on steel failure. The geometry tensile strength was reached. Only for POCL 1 (with rein-
and dimensions of the push-out specimens are shown in forcement) was a satisfactory ductility reached. It can be
Fig. 2. The composite dowels have a height of 40 mm and seen from Fig. 3 that the thinner the UHPC panel and the
a longitudinal distance ex = 100 mm between the steel higher the shear capacity of the steel, the more brittle was
dowels. The compressive strength of the UHPC was be- the load-deformation behaviour. Consequently, specimens
tween 130 and 198 MPa for a 150 mm high cube. Defor- with a steel thickness of 10 mm are more brittle than those
mation-controlled loading allowed the measurement of the with only 5 mm CL-strips (Table 2). But, in addition, they
post-failure behaviour even when a brittle failure occurred. reach a significantly higher maximum load.
The slip d between the shear connectors and the UHPC In order to achieve a ductile steel failure, the shear
members was measured with displacement transducers. strength of the CL-strip was reduced by using thin steel
with a low yield strength. Table 3 shows the test pro-
4.2 Results gramme and the results for specimens where steel failure
occurred. The use of conventional bar reinforcement and
The influence of the concrete compressive strength fc,cube,150, the reduction in concrete thickness had only a minor influ-
the yield strength of the CL-strip fy,CL, the thickness of the ence on the loadbearing capacity and all these specimens
steel tCL and the UHPC panel tUHPC as well as the fibre ra- showed a pronounced ductility (see Table 3 and Fig. 4)
tio were studied in the first test series. Furthermore, some with a characteristic ductility duk > 6 mm.
Table 2. Test programme and results for push-out specimens with concrete failure
Test Parameter Results
fc,cube,150 fy,CL tCL tUHPC Fibre ratio Stirrups/ max. load duk
[MPa] [MPa] [mm] [mm] [% p.V.] bars [kN] [mm]
POCL-1 136 438 5 60 2.5 w 645 6.1
POCL-2 144 438 5 60 2.5 w/o 578 1.7
POCL-3 160 438 5 50 2.5 w/o 590 1.1
POCL-4 159 438 5 40 2.5 w/o 577 1.3
POCL-5 137 384 10 60 2.5 w 1013 2.5
POCL-6 143 384 10 60 2.5 w/o 901 0.8
POCL-7 148 384 10 50 2.5 w/o 878 1.0
POCL-8 138 384 10 40 2.5 w/o 798 0.6
POCL-9 146 384 10 60 0.9 w/o 891 0.6
Table 3. Test programme and results for push-out specimens with steel failure
Test Parameter Results
fc,cube,150 fy,CL tCL tUHPC Fibre ratio Stirrups/ max. load duk
[MPa] [MPa] [mm] [mm] [% p.V.] bars [kN] [mm]
POCL-24 164 176 3 60 2.5 w/o 331 21.5
POCL-26 164 176 3 40 2.5 w/o 294 14.3
POCL-32 177 280 5 60 2.5 w 554 17.6
POCL-33 183 280 5 60 2.5 w/o 532 10.5
POCL-35 183 280 5 40 2.5 w/o 498 7.2
POCL-40 198 387 3 40 2.5 w/o 365 8.6
POCL-41 198 387 3 60 2.5 w/o 391 15.4
Fig. 3. Load-slip diagram for push-out tests with concrete Fig. 4. Load-slip diagram for push-out tests with steel fail-
failure and 10 mm thick steel dowels ure and 3 or 5 mm thick steel dowels
4.3 Evaluation where factor bel = 0.25, which was derived from FE analy-
ses and experimental testing of CL strips in normal-
The results of the push-out tests were evaluated by comparing strength concrete. The distance between two steel teeth
the experimental results Pexp with the theoretical, character- ex = 100 mm and tCL and fy,CL are given in Table 3.
istic values for steel and concrete failure. For steel failure, the The Pexp/Ppl,k ratio is plotted against the correspond-
German technical approval [1] gives the following formula: ing shear strength fy,CL × tCL in Fig. 5 (left). For low values
of shear strength especially, the experimental results are
Ppl,k = βel ⋅ e x ⋅ t CL ⋅ fy,CL (1) much higher than the theoretical values and even push-out
specimens with pure concrete failure reached higher loads mation behaviour for beams with complete and partial
than expected by applying Eq. (1). It seems obvious that shear connections. Furthermore, the maximum shear and
Eq. (1) is conservative but not very economical for thin bending capacity of UHPC composite beams with external
composite dowels in UHPC elements. Obviously, factor bel reinforcement were evaluated with these four-point bend-
has to be chosen bigger than 0.25 in the case of a strong ing tests. The following section gives a brief overview over
concrete where no pulverization occurs under pressure in these experiments, whereas the detailed test setup, test pro-
the contact area. gramme and results are described in [11].
No design formulas are given for splitting failure in [1]
because splitting is prevented by transverse reinforcement 5.1 Test setup, test programme and results
and a minimum concrete thickness. In [10] the splitting
failure is described by the following equation: The test programme consisted of 12 T-beams with compos-
ite dowels as external reinforcement. All beams had a span
1 0.4A d + 0.6e x ⋅ co of 3.0 m and were tested under four-point bending. The
Pc,splitting = ⋅ ⋅ fct,UHPC (2) beam height was 48 cm for two beams and 32 cm for the
0.3 t CL
1 − remaining 10 beams. A typical cross-section, the dimen-
UHPC sions and the test setup are shown in Figs. 6 and 7. It
should be mentioned that the UHPC web thickness was
where Ad is the area between two steel teeth (~2310 mm²) chosen to be 60 mm for all but one beam, where a web
and co the concrete cover above the CL-strip. Since the thickness of only 40 mm (in combination with a 3 mm
cracks in the concrete appeared about 20 mm above steel dowel) was used.
the composite dowels, this value was chosen for co. The The most important parameters varied during the
concrete tensile strength fct was evaluated in direct tensile tests were CL-strip thickness and steel grade. The maxi-
tests to be lower than 8 MPa. The results of the push-out mum shear capacity as well as the ductility of the com-
specimen Pexp are compared with the theoretical values posite dowels is dependent on these parameters. There-
Pc,splitting in Fig. 5 (right). POCL-5/6/7/8/9 (tCL = 10 mm) fore, they have a strong influence on the value of partial
in particular show resistances to splitting that are signifi- shear, which in turn influences the overall behaviour of
cantly higher than predicted values, whereas the results the composite beams. Whereas beams with a full shear
from POCL-1/2/3/4 (tCL = 5 mm) are close to the theoret- interaction fail by a cross-sectional failure such as bend-
ical values. ing or shear failure of the UHPC web, composite beams
Hence, it can be stated that improvements to both with a partial shear interaction fail primarily by shear
formulas are necessary for this special type of application failure of the composite dowels.
so that design is not only conservative but also economi- Another parameter that had an influence on the fail-
cal. These formulas will be derived after some additional ure mechanism (shear or bending) was the conventional
push-out tests are carried out. Meanwhile, the experimen- reinforcement (longitudinal bars and stirrups, ∅6/10). A
tal research on beams and columns was planned with the brittle shear failure occurred for a beam without reinforce-
results from the push-out tests. ment and complete shear connection. The same beam with
reinforcement failed in a very ductile way by yielding of
5 Composite beams the external reinforcement.
All beams were equipped with displacement transduc-
After the shear capacity of composite dowels was deter- ers to measure the relative displacement between the
mined with the help of push-out tests, beam experiments UHPC and the external reinforcement. Strain gauges were
were designed and performed to evaluate the behaviour of used at the steel dowels to evaluate the load distribution
composite dowels as external reinforcement for beams. Ex- over the length of the beam and at cross-sections B and M
perimental investigations on UHPC composite beams to measure the strain distribution at the designated
were necessary to obtain information about the load-defor- cross-sections.
Fig. 7. Test setup and dimensions of UHPC T-beam with a height of 320 mm