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93213-00052 June 2009 FOREWORD To ensure good machine performance, reduce failures or problems, and prolong the service life of each component, itis necessary to operate the machine as is directed in the Operator and Maintenance Manual. To effectively diagnose and repair the machine, itis important to follow the guidelines laid out in this Shop Manual. Troubleshooting Measurement for Performance Check Note: For General Information and Function & Structure, refer to the 90ZIV-2 Shop Manual (93213-00042). For Disassembly & Reassembly and Service Standard, refer to the 90ZIV-2 Shop Manual (93213-00062) For the engine, refer to the engine Shop Manual provided by the engine manufacturer. ‘The purpose of this manual is to provide information on the product and the correct maintenance and repair meth- ods. Please read this manual to ensure correct troubleshooting and good repair service. This manual will be periodically reviewed and revised for more satisfactory content. If you have any opinion or requests, please inform us. Oo) Safety Precautions The most important point in providing repair service is safety. To ensure safety, observe the general cautions described below. @This manual is intended for properly trained and equipped service technicians. @Any work on the machine must be performed by the trained personnel only. @Carefully read this manual to thoroughly understand the operation method before you operate or repair the machine. @Be sure to wear appropriate clothes and protectors, such as safety boots, hard hat and goggles. @Piace the machine on a level and solid ground, and place chocks against the wheels to prevent movement. @Remove the cable from the battery before starting the service work, and attach a "DO NOT OPERATE! tag to the steering wheel. @Be sure to release the internal pressure before you remove a pipe, such as the hydraulic oil, air, or engine coolant Pipe. @8e sure to apply the articulation stopper before starting work, @While supporting the bottom of the chassis using a jack, be sure to support the chassis using the blocks. @When the boom or bucket is raised or when a units lifted by a crane, be sure to place a stand or adequate cribbing Under the unit to prevent unexpected dropping, @Do not start to work in an enclosed area if adequate ventilation is not provided. @To remove a heavy unit (20kg or more), be sure to use a crane or other lifting tool. @.ust ater stopping operation, be careful not to directly touch a hot component. You may get burned. @Contact tre manufacturer's local dealer for tre servicing and changing. @Always store the tools in good condition, and use them propery. @kcep the work area clean. Clean up spills immediately @Avoid the use of flammable solvents and cleaners. (@When working outdoors keep work areas, ladders, steps, decks and work platforms clear of snow, ioe, and mud, @Use safe work platforms to reach higher areas of the machine. (2) Safety Symbols ‘An accident may occur if you disregard safety rules. In this manual, several expressions are used according to levels of danger for inspection and repair work as shown below. Read the work procedures and cautions described in this manual, and take preventive measures against possible problems before starting service work. rsa} This danger symbol identifies special warni which, if not strictly observed, will result injury. PNG This warning symbol identifies special warnings or proce- dures which, if not strictly observed, could result in death or serious injury. This caution symbol identifies special instructions or proce- dures which, if not strictly observed, may result in minor or moderate injury. i$ or procedures death or serious IMPORTANT This important symbol identifies special instructions or procedures which, if not correctly followed, may result in serious machine damage. We cannot predict all possible accidents or incidents that may occur during service work. Therefore, an accident that is not specifically mentioned in this manual may occur. To protect yourself from all accidents, be careful when doing service work. (ay Symbols For safe and effective service work, the following symbols are used for notes and useful information in this manual. Item Description ‘Shows the condition or procedure that will be Reference) | cefulor efficient in doing service work. ‘Shows the weight of a part or unit. The weight Weight | SR0UMd be considered in selecting wire rope or ‘oPt | cable for slinging work or determining the working posture, | ‘Shows the tightening torque of a section that |Tightening| should be carefully tightened during assembly Torque work. ‘Shows the type of coating or adhesive and the coating section, Oilor | Shows the oil or water supply port and the refill water supply | mount ‘Shows the oil or water drain port and the drain Drainage a“ amount. SS |< N= | Coating ae IMPORTANT. If the specified conditions are not satisfied or the specified procedure Is not observed, there is a strong possibility that the product will be damaged or the performance of the product will be reduced. ‘The message shows the preventive measures. (4) Safety Precautions Unexpected operation of the machine may cause an accident resulting in injury or death. Therefore, to provide repair service during engine running, be sure to observe the following items: ‘Park the machine on level ground. ‘Apply the parking brake. “Brace the tires with chocks to prevent accidental movement. | *Determine the signals between the service | technicians. | *Prohibit any person dangerous areas. + Near articulation area of the machine + Under the machine + Around the engine + In front of or behind the machine Standing under the boom or bucket during service work is dangerous. An accident resulting in injury or death may be caused. To prevent such an accident: | * Lock the boom and bucket control levers in the cab. | *Remove the starter key. Hang a “DO NOT OPERATE!” tag on the steering wheel. ‘Securely brace the boom / attachment in the raised position. from walking into Be careful, injury may occur if high pressure oil sprays out. To prevent such an accident, before removing the plug from the pressure measurement port, be sure to: Release the residual pressure from the pipe. * Open the cap of the hydraulic oil tank. Do not enter the articulation area of the machine if the engine is operating. An accident resulting in jury or death may occur. To enter the articulation area, be sure to stop the | engine, and remove the starter key. In addition, hang a “DO NOT START THE ENGINE!” tag on the steering wheel Unexpected operation of the machine may cause an accident resulting in injury or death. To crawl under the machine, be sure to stop the engine, and brace the tires with the chocks to prevent them from rotation. Give signals to the person in the cab during the work. Do not touch the fan or V-belt of the engine or a high-temperature section if the engine is running. ‘An accident resulting in injury may occur. Be sure to stop the engine before you open the side cover of the engine room. () TROUBLESHOOTING -: MEASUREMENT FOR PERFORMANCE CHECK:-- TROUBLESHOOTING 01 Cautions Regarding Troubleshooting 01-3 How to Use Quick Troubleshooting Table-=-----~ eceenneeeneee OH Safety Precautions -----~ Quick Troubleshooting Table Torque Converter and Transmission Group Machine does not move in any shift lever position “01-6 2. Machine does not move at a certain shit lever position ~ “01-7 (or Machine moves only in a certain shift lever position) 3. Machine moves at the neutral position 1-8 (Example: Machine moves forward at the neutral position) 4, Large shock at starting or changing speeds / direction:-----------01 -9 5. Large time lag at starting or changing speed / direction--------- 01 - 10 6. Lowpower- -O1- 11 (Detective torque converter or transmission) 7. Torque converter oil is overheating --++-+-s--+ oe OL 12 8 Machine moves reverse when starting to limb up on a slope using inching brake s--:s--s--sssessere- OF 13 9. Automatic speed change is not possible: o1-14 10. Power up switch does not work:-++-++--~ 01-15 Hydraulic Group 1. Boom andor bucket do not move 01-16 2. Boom and/or bucket have low power, or move too slowly =----- 01 = 17 3, Excessive cylinder drift ++ sessremeeeeseeens OF 19 4, Boom and/or bucket are spongy: o1-21 (Holding bucket against the ground is not possible) 5. Bucket positioner (kick-out) does not work: 01-22 6. Steering is not possible or hard to steer 01-23 7. Machine sways, or has a shock during steering -~ 01-24 8, Abnormal noise in hydraulic system 01-25 9. Others 01-26 Brake Group 1 geen Brake does not work well (In the worst case, the brake does not work at all) «+++ 01-27 Brake is dragging when released--. 01-28 Brake oil level lowers too much ~~ a 01-29 Stepping on the brake pedal sounds the buzzer-~ Air pressure does not rise, or too slow in rising (Pressure indicated on the pressure gauge is too low) Parking brake does not work: secon OF 82 (or: Releasing the brake is not possible) 01-30 01-31 Electrical Group 1 2, 3. 4. Engine hard to start or will not start “01-33 Engine will not stop even if the starter switch is turned to “OFF” (or: Starting the engine is not possible) 01-34 Instrument panel does not indicate properly == 01-35 Breaker of the transmission controller is turned off---+---++++ 01 = 36 01-2 Cautions Regarding Troubleshooting @ Important points The important points for troubleshooting is to carefully read the operation manual and shop ‘manual to get enough information on the operation, circuits, structure, and function of each component. If you have enough knowledge of each component and system, you can easily determine the cause of the problem. ‘There may be various causes for each problem, therefore experience will be needed to determine Which is the actual cause of the problem. It is necessary to know the normal operation of each component. In addition, itis also important to know the abnormal condition when a problem occurs. This chapter shows various examples of past problems, and describes possible causes and remedies for each problem @ Before starting troubleshooting To prevent incorrect diagnosis, tlk with the persons concerned, particularly with the operator, to get enough information on the problem. If possible, check the machine by repeating the symptom. If the problem cannot be repeated, do not provide any repair service. For instance, assume that the operator complains that the boom power is low, and the rim-pull is also low. In this case, there are two possible causes; low hydraulic power and low rim-pull. The remedies against both causes are much different from each other. It you hastily determine the wrong cause without checking the actual condition of the problem, it will take too much time and expense to solve the problem. As a result, you will not be trusted by the user. 01-3, The following questions will be helpful in determining of the cause. Answer the questions to prevent an incorrect diagnosis. 1. Did the problem occur suddenly? 2. When did the operator notice the problem? 3. s there any past problem that may be the cause of this problem? 4.When the problem occurred, what kind of work was the operator doing? 5. Has the machine had the same kind of problem before? 6.Has the machine been repaired or inspected recently? 7. Does the machine have any other problem? @ Troubleshooting © Check before determination of cause ‘A problem may be caused by poor daily maintenance, such as lack of grease, low or improper oil or a clogged filter. Be Sure to check the machine for oil level, appearance, unpleasant ‘odor, etc. to prevent time loss due to other unnecessary tests. © Inspection procedure ‘As a rule, check the easy-to-be-repaired system first (excluding the cases where the cause can be easily determined based on the past experiences). This machine is controlled by electrical, hydraulic, and mechanical systems. The most easy-to- be-repaired system is the electrical system. Check the electrical system first. If no problem is detected in the electrical system, check the hydraulic system, and then the mechanical system. How to Use Quick Troubleshooting Table To immediately determine the cause of the problem without disassembling parts, use the quick troubleshooting table. From the problem explained by the user and the check points written in the table, you can immediately determine the cause of the problem. @ How to use quick troubleshooting table (1) According to the problem explained by the user, ‘open the quick troubleshooting table to the page where the corresponding problem is described. (2) Check the machine according to the “Symptoms/check point” field in the table. Start {rom the most easily checked point. (8) Operate the machine, and write the check marks *Y" in the corresponding circles * © * if the problem occurs. (4) Generally, the possible cause that has many check marks will be the actual cause. If two or more possible causes have several check marks, check each possible cause to prevent an incorrect diagnosis. In this case, start from the most easily checked item. 01-4 Safety Precautions PGRN) Unexpected operation of the machine may cause an accident resu injury or death. Therefore, to provide repair service during engine running, be sure to observe the following items: Park the machine on level ground. * Apply the parking brake. *Brace the tires with chocks to prevent accidental movement. *Determine the signals between the service technicians. *Prohibit any person from entering dangerous areas. | + Near articulation area of the machine + Under the machine | + Around the engine In front of or behind the machine A WARNING Standing under the boom or bucket during service work is dangerous. An accident resulting in injury or death may be caused. To prevent such an accident: * Lock the boom and bucket control levers in the cab. ‘+ Remove the starter key. *Hang a “DO NOT OPERATE!” tag on the steering wheel. * Securely brace the boom / attachment in the ed posi cee Be careful, injury may occur if high pressure oil sprays out. To prevent such an accident, before removing the plug from the pressure measurement port, be sure to: Release the residual pressure from the pipe. Open the cap of the hydraulic oil tan! into A WARNING Do not enter the articulation area of the machine if is operating. An accident resulting in Injury or death may occur. To enter the articulation area, be sure to stop the , and remove the starter key. In addition, hang a “DO NOT START THE ENGINE!” tag on the steering wheel. A WARNING Unexpected operation of the machine may cause an accident resulting in injury or death. To crawl under the machine, be sure to stop the engine, and brace the tires with the chocks to prevent them from rotation. Give signals to the person in the cab during the work. PTY Do not touch the fan or V-belt of the engine or a high-temperature section if the engine is running. injury may occur. Be sure to stop the engine before you open the side cover of the engine room. Avoid high temperature components even when Torque Converter and Transmission Group 902 IV~2 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING 01 Torque Converter and Transmission Group 1, Machine does not move in any shift lever Check before starting work (1) Check thatthe parking brake is released (2) Check the torque converter oil level. Is turned ON, the breaker will be & z sl | 3 (2) Check the use of the controle system. zlel3l | | 8 (4) Check that the circuit protector of the controllers | '8]5/=|S| | on #/8/3/s| | |g) A (6) Check the 70A fusible link £/5/3/2 3 7 (the 70A fusible links of, no electrical creuts |S/8/2/3/z| (Ely. a will operate except horn circuit and hazard slglzje 8 s/o 3 flasher [opt.).) a/slElE Ss Sigis 3 | 2/8) 5/ 2/5] 8) 8 2 egegeeeie F5 §/2/2/8\3/5|k/ 58/88 Bel elo Fi sla) sglals ERB/E siE/E SSE /3|2 58\3 Zale o| 85 |5|8 3/e/e/f GF sss | 83 $|8/8 2/5/28] 28/5/83 3/8/8)5/2/2/8/=3 | ala z/5/S/E/5\s\2| 8 |5|5 Possible cause SFP le OlalF) Ge lala Solution ‘Air drawn into suction ine of the torque converter pump|O|O|O| |_| O[O]_|Tatening hose bana Defective torque converter pump lo] [oO lo Pump replacement ‘Damaged torque converter joo) | Disassembiyarepair Sticking clutch pressure regulator valve o Disassembiyéropair Matfunctioning trimmer solenoid valve lo I Disassembiyéropair Matfunetioning inching ewitch [1 [wth replacement | Detective controller [Tt [[ Jecontrotier replacement | ‘Short circuited clutch solenoid valve or wiring Repairing cable Foaueey ‘suction line — pinched, plugged, or internally | Replace hose 01-6 Torque Corverter and Transmission Group 90zv-2 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING 01 2. Machine does not move at a certain shift T] J ] aT | lever position 2 | i (OR: Machine moves only in a certain shift i ; alsié |. lever position) ga teig| ite) ge ei elalaSie|s/#| |als A WARNING 23 BS|ZIE\E Ela BB Machine may move unexpectedly during A ABBE testing causing injury or death. Hag iiess Meili Ez + Block the machine securely. ale 9/2) S/8)s) 52/3) sls|ile ‘Always stay clear of the articulation | | 2/2 3 = § 9 5/2 8/8/28) 3 # area and wheels when the engine Is || S./ 7g palgeSigifais|i : running. ells 2/5 /S/2iale)g/gls| ils Sle/g/S)el8 8/2) e/4/i\s\8/8/2 ela|é Heeesa stig Pies tes: aia) Pees ga Pelagia: 3|s/3|2/3|$/8 32/8 |S/Sis/8 PUR 8/3/92 halelg els 2 s/B/5/2/33 22/2 /8|5|2\8 Bel elelS\2 8) 8 2/8] zi sisi QEsldiggiss 2/82 |3/8 E8|i ABA elgigis/9 83/2 9 a/8/3/4|2 /o/3\2|\8/3\s/a/2|3/2/3 3/3/5/8/8/3\2 32/3/5814) Possible cause SLRIF |e |@/ 80/6) 2/8/) a) 21 Solution Clutch sipping lo [TT] [Besson Seized dutch | [o] Bisson Clutch cloaks internally o| | |Beesenti Collof etch soleneld valve i detective jo Selo aie Hamess of clutch solencid valve disconnected 3 Repair cable Ciutch colenold valve etching in OFF postion lo vol | Soot vas | Clutch solenoid vv sing in ON poston 6 LT fel Sona ae Shift lever switch sticking in ON (regardless of postion) | oo emcee ‘Shift lever switch sticking in OFF (regardless of position)| O lo} Jojo oO (ope Damaged clutch solenoid valve diode ,) TT] ° a Defective contter LL | [eel * Refer to “operation error preventive function” | ** °F or gwite is stuck in the “ON” postin. é e O17 ‘Torque Converter and Transmission Group 90z Iv -2 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING 01 3. Machine moves at the neutral position Be & (Example: Machine moves forward at the He a neutral position) a5 | z 28 Eo Check before starting work £2. lg (1). Cheek that the ground is level ge gis] |e ie el |e Baya ale] |sg) slaje 2/8 |g) | | | 2/e/8 (2|s| |z2 gls/ég/s2|_| 22! | | Ele) 25 |8\ 5/2 Se Sla|e8/Fg/8)58 Hea sHbes geieikgss| | 2\23[z|4 5) = 3/52 /B\5\2\ Be gape 8 2 2) 22 )8/3/8) 55 glee elgciee | Possible cause 55868863 | | tsorren Seized dutch on forward io* joo | | fo | [geese ant Maifunetoning frward solenoid valve Bic 1] Solenoid vave (Sticking at ON positon)" | roolacoment Defective contreller(malfunctioned after outputting "F")* iO Controller replacement Defective shit lever(switch stuckin F*positony* [O| 00, O | Shit ovr replacement * The same possible cause but involving the reverse clutch or circuit could occur with the opposite symptoms. © Remarks 01-8 ‘Torque Converter and Transm g0z v—2 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING 01 4, Large shock at starting or changing ‘speeds /direction gs F 5 ali lee ELI] | 8) 22 38 ol |> Hess lee 283 slo 52S ge 28 Slggee 22 52 i 23/8/52 |E/5|_lolgié alesse 3822813 ElSSldlg |2 ge slsis aleee gear gels Geez: 23 8/5, |g isis bf £/5/2/ 8. |G) s/S|E|5 5 #/S/£8/3\s|s/2\2/5 Be 3/8 3/5/8 B5/8)29/8/§ ead gies) e2|2 85 2/2\8 ss eeeas ees BE 83 \el5|8/3 22 Possible cause FLT FF ["|2/5)9| [setetion Malfunctioning control vaive or regulator valve o| [0 | Disassembly&repair ‘Malfunctioning control vaive or trimmer plug lol [oO I Disassombiy&repair Malfunctoning rimmer solenoid valve Solna vae (detective coil ete.) - jo} [ol © [replacement [ Detective trimmer ccat of convoter ol for Controle replacement Damaged or won luc disk lo A eso ant “Timmer solenoid valves stekng (closed) jol Jol o | Desseria, con.o | Timmer solenoid vavewingis deeomessd. | 14, gig) [Resimecterrepair improperly connected, or defoctve LI force *In some cases, due to seizing or contamination, the solenoid valve spool may not move by pressing, = Remarks 01-9 ‘Torque Converter and Transmission Group 902 IV—2 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING 01 1 5. Large time lag at starting or changing | ‘speed /direction Ss | gl | lg lala | ls ge a 1 |} ggie| |e | z] |e e2| [8 8] BS 8a 8 =| |€sis/s = B)o/8ls 55 8 2 sjssesge? 2 82 gle/ggisle|= |2\g/3/8 ale a Els?) |2 : B83 3(ZiP/ols 2 8 2|> Siglaigisle |g 82 2 weisla|s\s /5\2\8\8 BSgsis 2 |e 2/3|8 ig 3/8/8\Ealaleie@ Essjslse esse Foaip aoe S23 8aselee23 iors Defector converter pump oS Deseenjarpa Mafuneionng control vate or regulator valve jo Dsassonbidrpar Mehr wel er aT Io <_< Broken or non-resilient control valve spring 0) | Spring replacement Matfuncioning immer elenoi valve spool vcssemboe (sticking open) io Di: bly&repair Defective immer creutofconroler O Conve roplacoment Internally leaked clutch ol 0} 0 a aunevonng inching pressure ch Sch pace Restricted suction line-pinched, internally defective OO) Replace hose 01-10 ‘Torque Converter and Transmission Group gz v~2 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING 01 6. Low power (Defective torque converter or | transmission) . Check before starting work 3) \ Is (1) Cheek the parking brake and foot brake for ss 32 dragging. | /el3 age (2) Check the torque converter ol level. 8} o|/8\a\z/s/3) 3/8 ' (8) Check nat no unusuaload is appiedtome | | 8/8/3918 15/8 )/8 B/2| | o/s hydraulic line(like excessive pilot pressure). 5/85 82s ale 4/8) [3/8 (@) Stop onthe accelerator pedal, and check thatthe ||) 8 2 83 5/8 2/8) [Se link of the engine governor operates at full 5|/S|£/8) 2/35 3 2/8] 3/8 gle|s|s)8is\g size) [2 orcte erElSleg glee 33 52 Sega seg g28).8 5 vecigssgeday geisessoss58 3/88 /2/8/8|5)e\a\5 eee sees ge 33 gg f 2255 22338 ges sasek 3 sislS/o/8/3/Slelslale|s gig 18/8/6 8/8|2|3|8/f\s Possible cause SAFE FP @/ole ei’ sorarion Air drawn into suction line of torque converter lo lof Jo] | Jofo] [Raster sueon tose Broken torque converter turbine and pump lo | FEM iowa ‘Torque converter internal pressure too low 7 0} cI Regulator valve check Seized clutch ° jlo} JO] TM soassombly and FT isassory and Clutch sipping ol | lo TT] (mms Intermaly leaking clutch ol o |o | Fad omen od Restricted suction line-pinched, internally defective 0} 2 0/0] [Replace hose * Ifthe seized clutch is Forward or Reverse clutch o1tt Torque Converter and Transmission Group 90Z IV-2 TROUBLESHOOTING 01 7. Torque converter oil is overheating ] 3} | | : 7 ; 2| |F i Check before starting work 8 |g i (1) Check he torque converter ol level 3! (8) || |g] | iF Oil level too high, 3) lols % i, (2) Checkthe engine coolant for overheat. z 53/3\8 : \a (8) Checktre pressures — adusttospecticaton, 8) | | 5/8 /8 i a5 a) | zgis|é| \algiigel2 Sls 2s siileais 2/2) |sle|Sieig| |S) E/e/ 82/3 8/8) /5/s/3/8/8) /3/2/5/8|4|® ee esse sea e BI >| ais $ B15 0 ais Sze giggles Fiegi3 Elg)siels/2/2 8 8 8/3 3|2/5 2/2 lg) 8|2|/6|5/3|a|s\e|8 13/8 2/S|e|3/2/8is)6|§ 8/8/2\3 alSs/f sls 2/882 5132/2 ee ela Slelelglslevs itis Bs eseeeseres. & gees eesebazsie Possible cause elo ee ee ldlaie 5/62)! asin ‘Air drawn into suction line of torque converter ol iO agen hose TT TIC dlsassembh Internaly torque converter leakage lol. | | rsremar Damaged torque converter | Te geese Se ns reer Seized clutch ololo reer | Clutch slipping o|ojo | andrea Scale deposited in water tne of torque converter cooler ° Cooler eanng Restricted suction ine-pinched, internally defective ofoy | Replace hose rong oh viscosty is us | Ropiace ‘Wrong of viscoaty ts used | wipoper i ] Tete Service or parking brake dragging | lolo ae perater is using too high gear for oad Tain operr Incorrect indication of gauge (no alarm) O| | Testreplace | gauss orsonde ‘Alarm switch defective (gauge in green zone) t T_[O) [Replace switch Contanation in ol coe (ol ie) oll | Engine APM too low/ Engine power 00 low I 01-12 90zV- 2 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING 01 8. Machine moves reverse when starting to iB climb up on a slope using inching brake 4g | | | = | a | 2 | S | | | Ele 32 ule 3/8 Sié Ar A | e|2 | als z | 8 3 Possible cause ion | Solution Large time lag in clutch engagement | | | a! Delay in resetting inching pressure switch ° l l Switch replacement 01-13 Torque Converter and Transmission Group 90zv-2 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING 01 9, Automatic speed change is not possible Check before starting work (1) Manually change the speed from 1st speed to 3rd speed. If manual speed change is. Impossible, refer to “Machine does not move at a certain shift lever postion.” ‘Symptoms//check point Possible cause "1~4" do not flicker or light when MIC is moving ‘Speed is fixed to 2nd speed, and automatic speed change Is not possible ‘Speed Is fixed to Srd speed, and Is not increased to 4th speed ‘Speed Is properly increased on a downward slope ‘Actual speed increase or reduction does not correspond with the set speed ‘One or more planetaries are excessively hov/parking brake Is hot or discolored Controller input LED "SPIT" is on Controller LED's | [Setution (© | Controlier input LED *D* indicator does nat light Defecive sit iver"A postion or defecive wna |) Shove placement controller | __ [er repairing wie Damaged speed sensor or disconnected sensor o | |e eee ‘Speed sensor signal output error or improperly T ‘Sensor repacement adjusted speed sensor _ elo} ole} orreadusinent Defective controller mm) Controls piacere Low speed{engine output power too low) lO | [inspectonarepair Parking or service brakes dragging ololo. ° |__| Repair brabe circuit ‘Automatic mode by passed by jumper wre at controler 1 “Man/Auto” connector O° LI jumper wire 01-14 Torque Converter and Transmission Group 90z v~2 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING 01 10. Power up switch does not work a ] ] & |e | | | 3 2 2 || Check before starting work Bog (1) Check that the power up switch is being used £5 | only atthe 2nd forwarditeverse speed positon. g |e | Atother postions, shiting down isnot possibie. | «| $ : | (2) Check the fuses. ale |= \ | 3/2 = | S| 2, 5|8 | 88] | ele [28 | a \a3 | @ 98 53/35 es 8 Possible cause 62/68 Solution Detective switch o Switch replacement Disconnected switch or wring © | Real wire Defective controller ott Centor replacement 01-15 Hydraulic Group Hydraulic Group 90zV-2 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING 01 1. Boom and/or bucket do not move i 3 3 g8 Eig) |g) | | (gis Check before starting work 2 |g [8 ale (1) Check the cil level. = lel | gig (2) Check that the loading control lock lever is fully 2 |s| 5 ge8 released. z zs) |8 Beg (8) Check that the pilot valve fiter is not clogged. 2 oes 2 s88 3 235) [8 2/5\§ 8] |g 5lg) | sb 8 a] |e)e2\g) |) | |gigis 8] [5/52 /3) |8] | /Belsis 2! lglfele| |F S3|8 Al8 8/35 22/8 2/8 S\blg 5 35|£2/8 2/3 3/8 als l2/8 agepgeae2 iii gsjge ges ases2 es 8/2/82 SE ge 8ig= Slee 3/8/82 Sialgls $|sigig|s Eg 28 22a cegess og| Ee lglel2 25 E\e 2\3 2elsessss3 $8 5\s2 slsle2le\eiels/2/clelg ele aa) 88|a\2\2 22 £\oa2 2 Possible cause emia I Solution Broken pump dive shaft lo! o| jo} | es | Interaly damaged steering pump lol | 0 Jo oO] Peeesemby | internally damaged main pump ° Jo} Jo jo] Biecemby Internally damaged pilot pump ° ojo) | jo}eeassenoy B | Oit leakage fiom main rei valve ° lo} jo £8 | i teakage fom overioad relief valve 0 |o | 2 | mupie contol vave plunge sticking o lo Puno Detective plot raliet valve ‘olo| aeasiere Internally damaged cylinder lo] o O° eae * Exchange of the overload relief valve means thatthe valves should be changed between the rod and bottom sides. ie 01-16 Hydraulic Group 90zv-2 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING 01 2. Boom and/or bucket have low power, or ] ig 2 move too slowly | le 6 (SIN 90N2 - 1001 ~ 1300, 90N3 - 1001 ~1100 ) \ ls 2 Check before starting work | |3 g (1) Check the oil level. , 1% 5 (2) Check thatthe loading control lock lover is fully g 4 release ¢ jz} | | z (@) Step on the accelerator pedal, and check thatthe |B] | |B/8) | |S 2 lever of the engine governor operates at full rH He] e Z stroke, Measure/Adjust High Idle (H) Speed. |B] =) | 8) 8 g § (4) Check thatthemachine doesnot moveitthe |S /8| |8/8! (3/2 z shit vert the wansmissionisatthenewral =| E/® /8/5 6 5 | B poston. Dragging/seized ches resucopower | 2/8 $18 3B E/E |B | || available to hyéraulics. &/8/2/3/2 g/2 28 /5/_|s| 23 2 (6) Check that the machine rolls rely in neutral. 5 3|g 8|2 g22 alge g-|3 ive brakes, saree or parking, drag reduces | |g 8/8 3/2 8) 28/2/3188 5 | the power availble to hydraulics when the gee gee 22 25225 ‘machine is moving. (Static testing will show gle § gle) 2s S/6/s| 55/2 normal hydraule power and speed.) B8)2 lg 5/22 S gle 26/8 (6) Check that the pilot valve fiter isnot clogged. 2] p/2/2|8/8| 28 |8/2 : BE\E 3|5|s|3|=/> o2|s/2/8| 22 le se B|5> sf |s\2\$ 23 le 8) s\s|2/2| 8£|s/5|8/2 ed sa 8038) 85 2 e838 |f oe Internally damaged steering pump jo | ° oe Internally damaged main pump [ool | 0} eee Oil leakage trom main relief valve ‘o}o| Oo} aeapeaea Oil leakage from overioad relief valve for bucket bottom| | - Disassembl sce o} | je ° Erode Internally damaged cylinder 0} |o| besa Co ged cyl repair Oil leakage trom reducing valve of pilot relief valve | jo] 0 ealane War vp ee Oils cold, wrong ol viscosity (too tick) lo} Jo} | fence Suction side airleak-clamp, hose, o-ings lo} Jo} lo} | 0 Jo] Stes pair ‘Suction line pinched or internally defective jo} fo} ° fe) ested 017 Hydraulic Group 90z IV ~ 2 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING 01 2. Boom and/or bucket have low power, or £7] move too slowly 5 | (SIN 90N2 - 1301 ~, 90N3- 1101 ~ ) gz Check before starting work & (1) Check the oil level. | 2 (2) Check that the loading control lock lever is fully al | reseed, z : Z (8) ‘Stop on the accelerator pedal, and check that the | '& \8 \2 lever of the engine governor operates at full % a 2 2 stroke. Measur/Adjust High dle (HI) Speed. «| 2/2) | 8/8 § | (4) Check that the machine does not move if the SB) [8 8 § shit lever ofthe tansmission is attheneual | [5/8 3 a positon. Dragging/seized clutches reduce power | &/8 $5) t j os \_| avaliable to hydraulics. &/g/8is/2|2/8| |=| 83/2 (5) Check that the machine rolls freely in neutral. BE BSlslgigleis- 3 the brakes, service or parking, drag it reduces a/s\zi2 sigisif 225 the power available to hydraulics when the 3/8/Z/8 8/8 2) i kPa. ¢ Air line setting (5.4 +8 kgf/cm) Precoure: 834 + 30kPa : Slay vb eating procera en 160 20K Low presi slam eich aatng prose aaa rv chameme | Exggeepees [_27s0068 473gH/or) 70=10s00 : 1500 min 0+ 637kPa (6.5kgf / cor?) 90+ 10sec ies Ps presure te sary (0st Jen) apant enpig, umber ano_| (jeemorsio sure) shen sop te enon eae iiay to oi ames ormere | Siow Beda pptcaions | Si9p on ako pedal and release, and check the number Ss ee Shek wale depassr aa sted on oF 3356 ‘i oe, Declutch jine: Maximum sf Inchir lal: Quick release em or less POX. Deciich | Engine: Maximum sped ching pea: ike ‘Semork ego Eng oo 10-457 ave a tamperaire war? Engine outlet temperature (°C) (72-81 ¥) above air temperature batsrees “orasconner | Spin | Tempers drncetemeen an fengine sat Ht radistor iit and outlet ("C) eae ed | | Temperature irene een Hydraulle of | Sabietor init and outlet (C) ad 03-3,

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