MOSFET Small Signal Analysy and Biasing
MOSFET Small Signal Analysy and Biasing
MOSFET Small Signal Analysy and Biasing
Once the Q-point is established and the small-signal parameters are determined, we can
find the small signal parameters of the amplifiers (see Fig. 1) in response to a small-signal
voltage vgs.
For a small AC signal, the DC supply offers zero impedance; VDD and VGS can be short-
circuited. That is, one side of RD is connected to the ground. The small-signal AC equivalent
circuit of the amplifier is shown in Fig. 2a. Replacing the transistor by its transconductance
model, the small-signal AC equivalent circuit is shown in Fig. 2b.
From Fig. 2b, the small-signal input resistance can be found from
Thevenin’s equivalent output resistance of the circuit, looking from the output side for the
condition vgs = 0, can be found from
The transconductance of the amplifier Gmo, which is the same as the transconductance of
the transistor, is
We can write the small-signal output voltage vo as
Therefore, for obtaining a large voltage gain, the gmRD product must be made large and the
DC biasing drain current ID should be small. This will require both a large DC supply voltage
VDD and a large value of resistance RD. Figure 2[c and d] shows the equivalent voltage and
transconductance amplifiers of the circuit in Fig. 2a.
It is necessary to bias a MOSFET at a stable operating point so that the biasing point does
not change significantly with changes in the transistor parameters. Once the gate-to-source
voltage vGS has been set at a specified value, the MOS drain current iD is then fixed. The
drain-to-source voltage vDS is dependent on iD. Table 1 shows the parameters if their values
are positive (+) or negative (-) quantities, and transfer characteristics for various types of
In the ohmic (or triode) region, iD = Kn[2(vGS - Vt )vDS - vDS2], where vDS < (vGS - Vt )
for n-channel and vDS > (vGS - Vt) for p-channel.
In the saturation region, iD = Kn(vGS - Vt )2, where vDS ≥ (vGS - Vt) for n-channel and
vDS ≤ (vGS - Vt ) for p-channel. Note: Vp ≈ Vt.
Since the input gate is isolated electrically from the drain or source terminals, the gate
voltage vG can be set to any specified desired value independently of iD, vDS and vSR. The
drain current depends on the gate-to-source voltage vGS, which is the difference between
the gate voltage vG and the source (or substrate) voltage vSR. That is, vGS = vG - vSR. We can
also write vGS = vG for vSR = 0, and vGS = - vSR for vG = 0. Therefore, we can bias a MOSFET at
a specific vGS by different biasing arrangements as shown in Fig. 3. Although there are many
types of biasing circuits, we will consider the following types, which are most commonly
used (see Fig.3):
NOTE: In the derivations of the drain currents for these biasing circuits, we will assume that
MOSFETs operate in the saturation region and follow the relationship between iD and vGS:
iD = Kn(vGS - Vt)2.
The most common biasing circuit, which can implement the four arrangements in Fig. 3 if
we select appropriate values of R1, R2, RD, RSR, VDD and VSS, is shown in Fig. 4a. The value of
vGS can be adjusted by using a potential divider consisting of R1 and R2 as given by
Using KVL in the gate-to-source loop, and the same drain current iD flows through the source
terminal, we get
which gives the biasing load line as given by
The intersection of the biasing load line described by Eq. (9) with the transfer characteristic
gives the operating point as shown in Fig. 4b. Figure 4b also describes the input-output
relationship. vGS relates to iD which in turn relates to vDS (output voltage) of the MOSFET.
a) Biasing circuit for n-channel MOSFET b) Biasing load line for n-channel MOSFET
Using KVL in the drain and the source loop in Fig. 4a, we can write
This is the equation of a straight line and represents the load line, as shown in Fig.5a. The
intersection of the drain-to-source load line described by Eq. 11 with the MOS characteristic
gives the operating point, defined by (VGS, VDS, ID).