Module 3, Earth Science 11
Module 3, Earth Science 11
Module 3, Earth Science 11
The large gap between Mars and Jupiter Populated by thousands of small rocky
bodies asteroids, Some asteroids are irregular in shape, like boulders and the larger
ones are spherical. They in size from grains of sand to hundreds Of kilometer in
diameter. The largest is Ceres, which has a diameter of 750 kilometers. Asteroids are
thought to have fail@ to become a planet during the formation of the solar system.
Many asteroids circle the sun, others do not Hermes is the closest asteroid to the Earth.
Vesta is the only asteroid which can be seen by the naked eyes. Asteroids which are
smaller than a few hundred kilometers are called meteoroids.
c.) Comets
The term comet was derived from the Greek word meaning "long-haired". It is
small body of rock, iron, ice, and gases that orbit the sun in elliptical orbits. It is
composed of a nucleus which looks like a dirty snowball called coma and a long tail of
vaporized gases (water, ammonia, methane, and carbon dioxide), dust and debris.
Comets are the most spectacular bodies in the solar system. They are visible only when
they are within the orbits of Saturn. Comets appear big as they approach the sun
because solar energy vaporizes the frozen gases. The glowing head, coma, varies
greatly. Some are as big as the sun, others the size of Jupiter. Inside the coma is a small
glowing nucleus with a diameter of a few kilometers. The tail points away from the sun
in a slightly curved manner. This is due to solar winds.
A comet revolves around the sun in either the Kuiper belt or Oort cloud. The
Kuiper belt is an area outside the orbit of Pluto. Oort cloud is a sphere beyond the orbit
of Uranus. Because comets follow a path, we can see them from time to time. Halley's
comet appears every 76 years. Other examples of comets include Halebopp,
Schwassmann, and Wachmann. Kopff and Oterma, Linear and Shoemaker Levy 9 which
hit the planet Jupiter.
The Sun
Upon rising in the morning we immediately look for the sun. It makes our day
complete and beautiful. Our planned activities for the day will surely be achieved. We all
welcome sunrise and enjoy sunset. It is our source of radiant energy which reaches us in
the form of sunlight.
The sun is a glowing ball of gas-like material, called plasma. It is about 864,000
miles in diameter and 93 million miles away. It is our principal source of heat. Without
this source, life on earth would cease. We are able to see, hear, laugh and love only
because every second 4-1/2 million tons of mass in the sun is converted to radiant
energy which hits us. This is the energy of thermonuclear fusion that takes place in the
interior of the sun, where hydrogen nuclei are being crushed together to form helium.
This solar conversion of hydrogen to helium has been going on since 5 billion years ago
and is expected to continue for another 5 billion years.
The visible surface of the sun is called the _photosphere. This surface is what we
see and there the diameter of the sun is taken. Above the photosphere is the reversing
layer which is the lower level of the sun's atmosphere. Several thousand miles above it
extends the chromosphere or color sphere. The chromosphere is the region of
prominences which is visible during a solar eclipse. Beyond the chromosphere, hundreds
of thousands of miles, is the corona, a crown of light seen during a solar eclipse.
Sunspots are created by strong magnetic fields, typically twice the size of the earth. The
solar wind powers the aurora borealis on earth and produces the tails of the comets.
Our Moon
Our moon As one of the largest in the solar system. It has a diameter of 346 000
km. Its gravitational pull is 1/6 of the Earth, the moon began with a molten surface,
cooled too rapidly for plate motion, formed an igneous crust thicker than the Earth's
and underwent intense meteoroid bombardment early in its evolution.
Three billion years ago, the moon was formed by bombardment and volcanic
activity filled with lava to produce a surface. It is too little to have an atmosphere and so
the eroding agents have been meteoroid impacts.
From the Earth we always see the same side of the moon. The familiar facial
features of the "man in the moon" are always turned towards us on Earth. The moon
rotates slowly, about once every 27 days. The rotational rate matches the rate at which it
revolves around the Earth and this explains why the same side of the moon is always
facing the Earth.
Because the moon rotates on its axis and revolves around the Earth, we have the
moon's phases, changes in its visible shape that occur in monthly cycles. The first half of
the moon cycle begins with the new moon (totally dark) and climaxes with the full
moon. The new moon phase when the sun, moon, and Earth are lined up with the moon
in the middle. The new moon is not visible to us because the side of the moon facing
the Earth is dark. The moon's illuminated side is the side we cannot see. During the next
seven days, more and more of the moon's side exposed to our view is illuminated. At
the first quarter the angle between the sun, moon, and Earth is 90 degrees. At this point
we see half the sunlit portion of the moon. During the next week, more and more of the
sunlit portion is exposed to us. This is the waxing gibbous phase. We see a full moon,
the side of the moon facing us is completely illuminated. The cycle reverses during the
following two weeks as we see less and less of the sunlit side. One complete cycle takes
about 29-1/2 days.
A solar eclipse occurs when the moon's shadow falls on the Earth. The lining up
of the Earth, moon, and sun produces a lunar eclipse, when the moon passes into the
shadow of the Earth. All solar eclipses involve a new moon, all lunar eclipses involve a
full moon.
The Stars
Astronomers divide the night sky into groups of stars called constellations.
Birth of Stars
Life of Stars
The life span of a star depends on the rate at which it burns its fuel, Our sun has
an expected life span of some billion years. Hydrogen fusion in stars more massive than
the sun occurs at a more furious rate, hence these stars are very bright and have a
relatively short life. In low mass stars hydrogen fusion occurs at a rate much slower than
the rate of the sun, and these stars are dimmer and live longer.
Death of Stars
All luminous stars "burn" nuclear fuel. A star's life begins when it ignites its
nuclear fuel, and it ends when its nuclear fires go out. The first ignition in a star core is
the fusion of hydrogen to helium, a step that may last frdrn a few million to a hundred
billion years, depending on the star's mass. The cores of both solar mass stars and those
having mass lower than the sun are not hot enough to fuse carbon, and, lacking a
source of nuclear energy, they shrink.
Black Holes
A very massive star that undergoes gravitational collapse leaves a black hole. The
collapsed star is black because the gravitational force is so enormous that light cannot
Along with an increase in gravitational field, the _increased speed from the surface of
the collapsing star increases. If our sun were to collapse to a radius of 3 kilometers, the
escape speed from its surface would exceed the speed of light, and so nothing — not
even light could escape. The sun would be invisible. It would be a black hole.
Black holes have three properties — mass, charge, and angular momentum. Contrary to
stories about black holes, they are non-aggressive and don't reach out and swallow
innocent people and other objects at a distance. The gravitational field is so strong that
nothing, not even light, can escape.
Challenge Yourself
1. In a typewriting paper draw the position of comets, asteroids meteors, and meteorites
in the solar system. Label them properly.
Identify the term that is being described in each item
1, What M is the meteor in outer space?
D. Put a check (V) on the blank before each item if the statement is true and a cross if
the statement is false.
E. Shade the circles properly to form the different phases of the moon.
G. Rearrange the processes in the life cycle of' a star by numbering from 1-5 with
as the first process, 2 as second, etc.
Learning Outcomes
1. Explain that the Earth consists of four subsystems, across whose boundaries matter
and energy flow
2. Discuss the different methods (relative and absolute datings) in determining the age
of stratified rocks
3. Elaborate how relative and absolute datings are used to determine the subdivisions of
geologic time
4. Justify how marker fossils are used to define and identify subdivisions of the geologic
time scale
6. Interpret from the geologic time scale the history of 'the Earth
5. Describe the layers of the Earth
6. Recognize the uniqueness of the Earthy being the only planet with properties
necessary to support life.
The Earth's history is recorded in the rocks of the crust. Scientists used an
assumption called uniformitarianism in order to relate what we know about present-day
processes to past events — the present is the key to the past. Uniformitarianism states
that the natural laws we know today have been constant over the geologic past.
1. Original horizontality
Layers of sediments are deposited evenly, with each new layer laid down nearly
horizontally over older sediment.
2. Superposition
In an unreformed sequence of sedimentary rocks, each layer is older than the one above
and younger than the one below.
3. Cross-cutting
An igneous intrusion or fault that cuts through preexisting rock is younger than the rock
which it cuts.
4. Inclusion
Inclusions are pieces of one rock type contained within another. Any inclusion is older
than the rock containing it.
The geologic time scale was developed through the use of relative dating, and
specific dates were applied to it via radiometric dating. The geologic time scale is
divided into three eras — the Paleozoic (time of ancient life), the Mesozoic (time of
middle life), and the Cenozoic (time of recent life.) Each era is further divided into
periods and further into epochs. The largest span of time, the time period Preceding the
Paleozoic is known as the Precambrian (the time of hidden life).
The era ranges from about 4.6 billion years ago, when the Earth formed, to about
544 million years ago, when abundant microscopic life appeared. Most of the rocks in
this early part Of Earth's history have been extensively eroded away, metamorphosed,
obscured by overlying strata or recycled into the Earth's interior.
The Earth's earliest gases were hypothesized to be swept into space by solar
wind. As the planet slowly cooled, a more sustaining atmosphere was formed. Gases
brought to the surface by volcanic processes created both a primitive atmosphere and
an ocean. The first atmosphere was rich in water vapor but very poor in free oxygen. The
first simple organisms were plants. During mid-Precambrian, organisms such as blue
green algae developed a simple version of photosynthesis. Photosynthetic organisms
require carbon dioxide to utilize the sun's energy. They keep the carbon dioxide and
expel oxygen. With the release of free oxygen a primitive ozone layer began to develop
which reduced the amount of harmful ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth.
The most common Precambrian fossils are stromatolites. These are not remains
of actual organisms, rather indirect pieces of evidence of algae. Many of the
Precambrian fossils were preserved in hard, dense chemical sedimentary rock known as
chert. Fossils of plants date from middle Precambrian, but fossils of animals date in the
late Precambrian. Towards the end of this period, fossil records revealed that diverse
and complete multi-ceiled organisms existed.
Cambrian period
Almost all marine organisms came into existence as evidenced by abundant fossils. A
most important event is the development of organisms having the ability to secret
calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate for the formation of shells.
Ordovician Period
All major groups of animals that could be preserved as fossils had appeared. This
period marks the earliest appearance of vertebrates — the jawless fish known as the
Silurian period
The Silurian brought about the emergence of terrestrial life, the earliest being the
terrestrial plants with well-developed circulatory system (vascular plants). As plants
move ashore so did other terrestrial organisms. Air-breathing scorpions and millipedes
were common during the period.
Devonian period
This period is known as the "age of fishes" Lowland forests of seed ferns, scale
trees and true ferns flourished. Sharks and bony fishes developed. Today the lung fishes
and coelacanth, a "living fossil" have such internal nostrils and breathe in a similar way.
The first amphibians made their appearance, although able to live on land, they need to
return to water to lay their eggs.
Carboniferous period
Warm, moist climate conditions contributed to lash vegetation and dense
swampy forests. Insects under rapid evolution led to such diverse forms of giant
cockroaches and dragonflies. The evolution of the first reptiles took place with the
development of the amniotic egg, a porous shell containing a membrane that provided
an environment for an embryo.
Permian period
The reptiles were well-suited to their environment that they ruled the Earth for
200 million years. The two major groups of reptiles — diapsids and synapsids
dominated this period. Diapsids gave rise to the dinosaurs. Synapsids gave rise to
Earth as a System
To fully understand our planet we must learn how its individual components
(land, water, air, and life forms) are interconnected. Earth as a system is composed of
numerous interacting parts or subsystems. Earth system science attempts to integrate
the knowledge from traditional sciences — geology, atmospheric science, chemistry,
biology, and so on. Earth is just a small part of a larger system known as the solar
Earth system has a nearly endless array of subsystems in which matter is recycled
over and over again. hydrologic cycle represents the unending circulation of Earth's
water among the hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere and geosphere. Water enters the
atmosphere by evaporation from the surface and by transpiration from plants. Water
vapor condenses in the atmosphere to form clouds, which in turn produce precipitation
that falls back to Earth.
Earth Subsystems
The physical environment of our Earth is traditionally divided into three major
spheres: the water portion, the hydrosphere, the gaseous envelop, the atmosphere, and
the solid part, the geosphere.
a.) Hydrosphere
The hydrosphere is a dynamic mass of water that is continuously moving,
evaporating from the oceans to the atmosphere, precipitating to the land, and retuming
to the ocean. The global ocean is the most prominent feature of the hydrosphere,
blanketing nearly 71 percent of Earth's surface to an average depth of about 3,800
meters. It accounts for about 97 percent of Earth's water. The hydrosphere also includes
the fresh water found in streams, lakes, and glaciers as well as that found underground.
In addition to providing fresh water for life, these streams, glaciers and groundwater are
responsible for sculpting and creating many of our landforms.
B Atmosphere
It is a very shallow layer. One half lies below an altitude of 5.6 kilometers, and 90
percent occurs within 16 kilometers of Earth's surface. This thin blanket of air provides
us with air that we breathe. It also protects us from the sun's dangerous ultraviolet
radiation. The energy exchanges that continually occur between the atmosphere and
Earth's surface and between the atmosphere and space produce our weather and
c.) Geosphere
The geosphere extends from the surface to the center of the planet, a depth of
6,400 kilometers, being the largest of the four spheres. Most surface features give us a
clue of the dynamic processes occurring at the Earth's interior. Soil, the thin layer of
material on the surface, supports the growth of plants. It contains the solid portion, a
mixture of weathered rock and organic matter from decayed plants and animals. Air and
water also occupy the open spaces between solid particles.
d.) Biosphere
The biosphere includes all life on Earth. Ocean life is concentrated in the sunlit
waters of the sea. Most life is on the surface, with tree roots and borrowing animals
reaching a few meters underground. Flying insects and birds reach a kilometer above.
Some varieties of life forms are adapted to extreme temperature and darkness. On land,
some bacteria thrive in rocks as deep as 4 'kilometers and in boiling hot springs. Air
currents can carry microorganisms many kilometers into the atmosphere. Plants and
animals depend on the physical environment for the basics of life; likewise, they help
and maintain balance in the ecosystem through countless ecological interactions.
a) Crust
The crust is the thin, topmost layer of the Earth. It is said that the crust is divided
into two layers: sial and sima. The sial is the uppermost layer whose name is derived
from the first two letters of the two most abundant elements found in it, silicon (Si) and
aluminum (Al). The sima is the lower crust made up mostly of silicon (Si) and magnesium
(Mg). The earth's thin rocky crust is of two different types—continental crust and
oceanic crust. The continental crust averages about 35 kilometers thick and exceeds 70
kilometers in mountainous regions. The oceanic crust is roughly 7 kilometers thick and is
composed of the dark igneous rock basalt. The upper crust has a composition of granitic
rock. Continental rock has an average density of about 2.7 g/cm3. The rocks of oceanic
crust are younger and denser. Separating the crust and the Earth's second layer is a
boundary called Mohorovicic discontinuity or simply Moho discovered by a Croatian
scientist, Andrija Mohorovicic in 1909.
b.) Mantle
More than 82 percent of Earth's volume is contained in the mantle, a solid rocky
shell that extends to a depth of nearly 2,900 kilometers. The dominant rock type in the
uppermost mantle is the peridotite, which is richer in the metals magnesium and iron.
The upper mantle extends from the crust mantle boundary to a depth of about 600
kilometers. The top portion of the upper mantle is part of the stiff lithosphere and
beneath it is the asthenosphere which is also the source of volcanic magma. The top
portion of this layer has a temperature/pressure regime that results in a small amount of
melting. The rocks of the lithosphere get progressively hotter and weaker with
increasing depth. At the depth of the uppermost asthenosphere, the rocks are close
enough to their melting temperature. The lower mantle is at the top of the core, at a
depth of 2,900 kilometers. Because of an increase in pressure the mantle gradually
strengthens with depth. A boundary called Gutenberg discontinuity separates the
mantle and the Earth's third layer. It was discovered by a German seismologist, Beno
Gutenberg in 1914.
C ) Core
The composition of the core is an iron-nickel alloy with minor amounts of
oxygen, silicon, and sulfur elements that readily form compounds with iron. The core is
divided into two regions. The outer core is a liquid layer 2,200 kilometers thick. It is the
movement of this zone that generates of (Earth's magnetic field. The inner core is a
sphere with a radius of 1,216 kilometers. The iron in the inner core is solid due to the
immense pressures that exist in the center of the planet.
Our Earth is the only place in the universe that can support life. It is a modest-
sized planet that orbits an average sized star, the sun: Life on Earth is ubiquitous; it is
found in boiling mudpots and hot springs, in the deep oceans and even under the
Antarctic ice sheet. Many continental areas are too steep, too high, or too cold for
humans to inhabit. Yet, Earth is so hospitable to life.
Our planet has molten metallic core which enables to hold a magnetic field. This
magnetic field prevents lethal cosmic rays from showering its surface and stripping
Earth's atmosphere: It has liquid water and an active water cycle exist. Earth's proximity
to a modest-size star, the sun, allowed enough time for the evolution of humans. Earth's
primitive atmosphere was composed mostly of water vapor and carbon dioxide without
free oxygen. Fortunately, microorganisms evolved that released oxygen into the
atmosphere by the process of photosynthesis. About 2.2 billion years ago an
atmosphere with free oxygen came into existence. The oxygen rich atmosphere that
makes higher life forms possible developed.
Challenge Your Self
1. Slice an apple into two.
2. Observe closely the compositions of the apple.
3. Relate the compositions of the apple to the layers Of the Earth.
4. Draw the sliced apple and label it using the layers of the Earth,
a. What are the thickest and the thinnest parts of the apple? How would you relate each
to the layers of the Earth?
b. What can you conclude from this activity?
B. Identify the term described in each item. Write your answer on the blank before each
E. Make an illustration showing the Earth's subsystems. Describe briefly each subsystem.
F. Watch the movies "Jurassic Park l" (1993), "Jurassic Park Il" (1997), and "Jurassic Park
Ill" (2001). Describe the dinosaurs physically and behaviorally as seen in the movie.
H. Examine how unique Earth is together with its perfect position in the solar system
that enables it to support life. Report your synopsis in the class.
Gloria G. Salandanan, Ruben E. Faltado III, Merly B. Lopez, EARTH AND LIFE SCIENCES for
Senior High school (core subject), LORI MAR Publishing, pp. 16-35