Solar System: By, Manjunath D Nayak Viii B' Roll No. 17
Solar System: By, Manjunath D Nayak Viii B' Roll No. 17
Solar System: By, Manjunath D Nayak Viii B' Roll No. 17
Jupiter is by far the largest planet in our Solar System. The
Earth could fit inside Jupiter more than 1000 times. Jupiter
is a very stormy planet. There are storms found throughout
the atmosphere, and most of the storms seem to never end.
The many different cloud formations and storms in the
atmosphere also make Jupiter a very colorful planet.
Jupiter's great red spot, visible in the picture above to the
right, is where a giant storm has been raging for at least
300 years. This red spot is also called "The Eye of Jupiter"
because of its shape. This storm's super hurricane winds
blow across an area larger than the Earth.
It is considered a gas giant because it does not have a solid surface. Under
its atmosphere is a large liquid ocean of hydrogen and water. What lies in
between that ocean and the atmosphere? Actually, there is no in between.
The atmosphere slowly gets thicker and thicker until it becomes part of
the ocean. In other words, Jupiter's ocean has no surface on which you
could float a boat. The sky becomes the ocean.
In the early 1600's an Astronomer named Galileo Galilee looked at the sky
for the first time using a telescope. He was the first scientist to ever use a
telescope to study outer space. When he looked at Jupiter, he discovered
four moons. Today we know that Jupiter actually has 28 moons. Only
four of its moons are big enough to be seen through the small type of
telescope that Galileo was using. Today we call these four large moons
the Galilean moons.
Rings of Jupiter are faint and are only able to be
viewed when Jupiter passes in front of the Sun. This
is because the light from the Sun lights them up for us
to see here on Earth. There are three rings in all. They
are named Gossamer, Main and Halo.
Jupiter has 50 official moons and 12 provisional
(unofficial) moons. The four largest and most well-
known were discovered by Galileo in the year 1610.
Their names are Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.
Some of the other moons are Adrastea, Ananke,
Carme, Elara, Himalia, Leda, Lysithea, Metis,
Pasiphae, Sinope, and Thebe.
In many ways, Saturn is similar to Jupiter, but it is much smaller. It is the
second largest planet in our Solar System and it is a gas giant like Jupiter.
Under the clouds of methane, hydrogen and helium, the sky gradually
turns into liquid until it becomes a giant ocean of liquid chemicals. Saturn
is the least dense planet in our Solar System.
It is made up of mostly hydrogen and helium, which are the two lightest
elements in the universe and thus make Saturn the lightest planet that we
know of. This is why you wouldn't weigh as much on Saturn as you think
you would because of its size. And because Saturn is so light, it does not
have as much gravity. Interestingly, it is believed Saturn would actually be
able to float in water because the hydrogen and helium that make up the
planet are so lightweight.
Because Saturn is such a lightweight planet and it spins so fast, Saturn is
not perfectly round like most of the other planets. Like Jupiter, Saturn is
wider in the middle and more narrow near its top and bottom.
Saturn is most well-known for its rings. However, it is not the only
planet with rings. Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune also have rings. Saturn is
a favorite object for many observers. Its beautiful rings are 169,800
miles wide (approx 273,266 km). But the rings are amazingly thin. If
you turned the rings on their side, they would be able to fit between the
goal posts on a football field. The rings are split into categories, Ring A
Ring B, Ring C, Ring D, Ring E, Ring F and Ring G, totaling 7 in all.
The rings are not solid but rather are made up of particles of ice, dust
and rocks. The rings are held in place around Saturn by the moons that
also orbit this large planet. The gravity of these moons also cause the
gaps that are seen in between the rings.
Saturn has 53 official moons and 9 provisional (unofficial) moons. The
most well-known of Saturn's moons is probably Titan. It is the second
largest moon in the Solar System next to Jupiter's Ganymede. Titan is
Like Jupiter and Saturn, Uranus is a gas giant. But Uranus is a little different. Unlike
all the other planets and most of the moons in our Solar System, Uranus spins on its
side. It is believed that long ago a very large object smashed into this planet. The crash
was so powerful that it completely changed the direction of Uranus' planetary rotation.
However, a more recent theory is that the extreme tilt of Uranus' axis may have been
caused by a large moon that was slowly pulled away from the planet by another large
planet long ago when our Solar System was still new.
It is thought that the gravitational pull of this moon moving away from Uranus may
have caused it to tilt on its side. Like Saturn, the thick atmosphere of Uranus is made
up of methane, hydrogen and helium. But Uranus is an extremely cold planet. It has
been called the "ice giant." It is believed that Uranus is made up of rock and ice and
has a large rocky core. Because of the tremendous planetary pressure of Uranus, there
could possibly be trillions of large diamonds in or on the surface of this planet.
Scientists also believe that on the surface of Uranus there may be a huge ocean. And,
interestingly, it is thought that the temperature of this ocean may be extremely hot,
maybe even as hot as 5000 degrees Fahrenheit (2760 Celsius).
Pluto was the only planet to be named by a kid. After the planet was
discovered in 1930, an 11-year-old girl who lived in Oxford, England,
by the name of Venetia Burney, suggested that this new planet needed
to be named after the Roman god of the underworld. Venetia's
grandfather sent this suggestion to the Lowell Observatory and the
name was accepted.Pluto is smaller than 7 of the moons in the Solar
It is about two-thirds smaller than Earth's moon. Because it is so
small, many scientists don't consider it a planet at all. In 1999, a group
of scientists attempted to re-classify Pluto as a comet. On August 24,
2006, Pluto's status was officially changed from planet to dwarf
For decades, children have been taught in school that there are
nine planets in our Solar System. However, with this change,
there are now only eight planets. Also because of this change,
there is a new category of small planets known as plutoids.
The only spacecraft to get somewhat close to Pluto was the
Hubble Space Telescope. Hubble was able to take pictures of
Pluto and its moons for scientists to study. Little is known
about Pluto and its moons because it is so far away
Pluto has 3 moons. The largest is named Charon. Charon is
only slightly smaller than its parent Pluto. For this reason,
Pluto and Charon are often called a double system. The Earth
and its moon, Luna, are sometimes considered double planets.
Pluto's two other moons are called Hydra and Nix.
of Eris, Pluto, Makemake, Haumea,Sedna, Orc
us 2007 OR10, Quaoar, and Earth.
What are asteroids?
An asteroid is a large rock in outer space. Some, like Ceres, can be very large, while
others are as small as a grain of sand. Due to their smaller size, asteroids do not have
enough gravity to pull themselves into the shape of a ball. Astronomers group
asteroids into different categories based on the way they reflect sunlight.
The asteroid belt is divided into an inner belt and an outer belt. The inner belt which is
made up of asteroids that are within 250 million miles of the Sun contains asteroids
that are made of metals.
The outer belt, which includes asteroids 250 million miles beyond the Sun, consists of
rocky asteroids. These asteroids appear darker than the asteroids of the inner belt, and
are rich in carbon.
Where did the Asteroid Belt come from?
Asteroids are left over materials from the formation of the Solar System. These
materials were never incorporated into a planet because of their proximity to Jupiter's
strong gravity.