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Basesoftware and operating software ___________________


SINUMERIK Operate (IM9) 1
Run MyScreens (BE2) 2
NCU operating system (IM7) 3
Basesoftware and operating ___________________
PCU-Basesoftware (IM8) 4
PCU Base Software (IM10) 5
Commissioning Manual
Appendix A

Valid for

SINUMERIK 840D sl/840DE sl

CNC software V4.5 SP2
SINUMERIK Operate V4.5 SP2

Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.

indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will
be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to
property damage.
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions.
Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and
avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:

Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended
or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and
maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible
ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.

All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication
may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software
described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the
information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent

Siemens AG Order number: 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 Copyright © Siemens AG 2006 - 2013.

Industry Sector Ⓟ 04/2013 Technical data subject to change All rights reserved
Postfach 48 48

SINUMERIK documentation
The SINUMERIK documentation is organized in the following categories:
● General documentation
● User documentation
● Manufacturer/service documentation

Additional information
You can find information on the following topics at www.siemens.com/motioncontrol/docu:
● Ordering documentation/overview of documentation
● Additional links to download documents
● Using documentation online (find and search in manuals/information)
Please send any questions about the technical documentation (e.g. suggestions for
improvement, corrections) to the following address:

My Documentation Manager (MDM)

Under the following link you will find information to individually compile OEM-specific
machine documentation based on the Siemens content:

For information about the range of training courses, refer under:
● www.siemens.com/sitrain
SITRAIN - Siemens training for products, systems and solutions in automation technology
● www.siemens.com/sinutrain
SinuTrain - training software for SINUMERIK

You can find Frequently Asked Questions in the Service&Support pages under Product
Support. http://support.automation.siemens.com

Basesoftware and operating software

Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 3

You can find information on SINUMERIK under the following link:

Target group
This documentation is intended for commissioning personnel.
The plant or system is readily assembled and wired. For the
following steps, e.g. configuring the individual components,
the Commissioning Manual contains all necessary information or at least references.

The intended target group can use the Commissioning Manual to test and commission the
system or the plant correctly and safely.
Utilization phase: Setup and commissioning phase

Standard scope
This documentation only describes the functionality of the standard version. Additions or
revisions made by the machine manufacturer are documented by the machine manufacturer.
Other functions not described in this documentation might be executable in the control. This
does not, however, represent an obligation to supply such functions with a new control or
when servicing.
For the sake of simplicity, this documentation does not contain all detailed information about
all types of the product and cannot cover every conceivable case of installation, operation, or

Technical Support
You will find telephone numbers for other countries for technical support in the Internet under

Basesoftware and operating software

4 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1

CompactFlash Cards
● Do not remove the memory card while it is being accessed. This can lead to damage of
the memory card and the SINUMERIK as well as the data on the memory card.
● Insert the memory card carefully and the right way round into the memory card slot
(observe indicators such as arrow or similar). This way you avoid mechanical damage to
the memory card or the device.
● Only use memory cards that have been approved by Siemens for use with SINUMERIK.
Even though SINUMERIK follows general industry standards for memory cards, it is
possible that memory cards from some manufacturers will not function perfectly in this
device or are not completely compatible with it (you can obtain information on
compatibility from the memory card manufacturer or supplier).
● For further information on handling CompactFlash cards, please refer to the NCU

Basesoftware and operating software

Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 5

Basesoftware and operating software

6 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
SINUMERIK Operate (IM9) System overview 1

Principles of start-up 2

Licensing 3
Creating drive connections 4
SINUMERIK Operate (IM9) ___________________
Channel menu 5

General settings 6
Commissioning Manual
Machine and setting data 7

Customizing the "Machine"
operating area 8

Simulation and simultaneous
recording 9

Spindle functions 10

Drive system 11

Tool management 12

Configuring alarms 13

Collision avoidance 14
Valid for

Control: Data backup 15

SINUMERIK 840D sl/840DE sl

Configuring the network 16
CNC software V4.5 SP2
SINUMERIK Operate V4.5 SP2
Configuring operator panels 17
6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 Continued on next page
Siemens AG Order number: 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 Copyright © Siemens AG 2006 - 2013.
Industry Sector Ⓟ 04/2013 Technical data subject to change All rights reserved
Postfach 48 48

Service and diagnostics 18

OEM-specific online help 19

SINUMERIK Integrate -
SINUMERIK Operate (IM9) Safety Integrated 21

Configuring cycles 22
Commissioning Manual
Additional language 23
SINUMERIK Operate on

HT 8 25
List of
abbreviations/acronyms A
Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.

indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will
be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to
property damage.
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions.
Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and
avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:

Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended
or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and
maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible
ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.

All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication
may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software
described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the
information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent

Siemens AG Order number: 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 Copyright © Siemens AG 2006 - 2013.

Industry Sector Ⓟ 04/2013 Technical data subject to change All rights reserved
Postfach 48 48
Table of contents

1 System overview ................................................................................................................................... 15

1.1 System overview ..........................................................................................................................15
1.2 System requirements ...................................................................................................................16
2 Principles of start-up ............................................................................................................................. 17
2.1 Data structure of SINUMERIK Operate .......................................................................................17
2.2 Editing files ...................................................................................................................................20
2.2.1 Editing the file at the controller .....................................................................................................20
2.2.2 Editing a file externally .................................................................................................................23
3 Licensing .............................................................................................................................................. 25
3.1 Determining the license requirement ...........................................................................................27
3.2 Exporting the license requirement ...............................................................................................28
3.3 Reading in the license key ...........................................................................................................29
4 Creating drive connections .................................................................................................................... 31
4.1 Setting up drives ..........................................................................................................................31
4.2 File "logdrive.ini"...........................................................................................................................34
5 Channel menu ...................................................................................................................................... 39
5.1 Configuring a channel menu ........................................................................................................39
5.2 Constraints ...................................................................................................................................40
5.3 General structure of the channel menu .......................................................................................40
5.4 Defining channel groups in the "netnames.ini" file .......................................................................42
5.5 Configuring operating stations in the "config.ini" file ....................................................................43
5.6 Example: Settings for 1:N ............................................................................................................45
5.7 Distribution via job lists in the case of 1:N ...................................................................................47
6 General settings .................................................................................................................................... 51
6.1 Changing the language ................................................................................................................51
6.2 Set date/time ................................................................................................................................52
6.3 Configuring Caps Lock .................................................................................................................55
6.4 Activating/deactivating the virtual keyboard .................................................................................55
6.5 Defining the access rights for the "HMI restart" softkey...............................................................55
6.6 Darken screen ..............................................................................................................................56
6.7 Inserting a user-specific run up screen ........................................................................................56
6.8 Switching EXTCALL off ................................................................................................................57


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 5
Table of contents

6.9 Access levels .............................................................................................................................. 57

6.9.1 Definition of access levels ........................................................................................................... 57
6.9.2 Modifying the access levels password ........................................................................................ 58
6.9.3 Access levels for programs ......................................................................................................... 59
6.9.4 Access rights for files .................................................................................................................. 62
6.9.5 Access levels for softkeys ........................................................................................................... 62
6.9.6 This is how you define new access levels for softkeys ............................................................... 63
6.10 HMI monitor ................................................................................................................................. 65
6.11 Program selection ....................................................................................................................... 66
6.11.1 Displaying the softkey ................................................................................................................. 66
7 Machine and setting data ...................................................................................................................... 69
7.1 Machine and setting data ............................................................................................................ 69
7.2 Displaying/editing machine data ................................................................................................. 69
7.3 Displaying/editing display machine data ..................................................................................... 72
7.4 Displaying/editing setting data .................................................................................................... 73
7.5 Displaying/editing drive parameters ............................................................................................ 74
7.6 Machine data display filter........................................................................................................... 76
7.7 Editing machine data and drive parameters ............................................................................... 78
7.7.1 Editing hexadecimal values......................................................................................................... 78
7.7.2 Editing BICO values .................................................................................................................... 79
7.7.3 Editing enum values .................................................................................................................... 79
7.8 Searching for data ....................................................................................................................... 80
7.9 Managing data ............................................................................................................................ 81
7.10 User views ................................................................................................................................... 84
7.10.1 Creating a user view ................................................................................................................... 85
7.10.2 Editing the user view ................................................................................................................... 86
7.10.3 Deleting a user view .................................................................................................................... 88
7.11 Plain texts for machine and setting data ..................................................................................... 89
8 Customizing the "Machine" operating area ............................................................................................ 91
8.1 Setting the font size of the actual value display .......................................................................... 91
8.2 Inserting a user-specific logo ...................................................................................................... 92
8.3 Configuring the display of the G-code groups............................................................................. 92
8.4 Configuring the channel operational message............................................................................ 94
8.5 Deactivating program test ........................................................................................................... 97
8.6 Activating the "Teach In" function ............................................................................................... 97
8.7 Block search ................................................................................................................................ 99
8.7.1 Activating block search mode ..................................................................................................... 99
8.7.2 Accelerated block search for execution from external ................................................................ 99
8.8 Multi-channel support ................................................................................................................ 100
8.9 Manual machine ........................................................................................................................ 101


6 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Table of contents

8.10 User status display (OEM) .........................................................................................................104

9 Simulation and simultaneous recording ............................................................................................... 109
9.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................109
9.2 Configuring the simulation .........................................................................................................111
9.3 Reset NCK data for the simulation.............................................................................................114
9.4 Configuring the simultaneous recording ....................................................................................114
9.5 Clamping a blank .......................................................................................................................116
10 Spindle functions................................................................................................................................. 119
10.1 Spindle control ...........................................................................................................................119
10.2 Analog spindle............................................................................................................................121
10.3 Leadscrew error compensation..................................................................................................121
11 Drive system ....................................................................................................................................... 123
11.1 Commissioning of drives ............................................................................................................123
12 Tool management ............................................................................................................................... 125
12.1 Machine data for tool management ...........................................................................................125
12.1.1 Settings with/without magazine management ...........................................................................125
12.1.2 Configuring the access levels of the tool management .............................................................127
12.1.3 Additional settings ......................................................................................................................128
12.2 Configuring the user interface ....................................................................................................131
12.2.1 General settings .........................................................................................................................133
12.2.2 Configure the tool lists ...............................................................................................................139 Tool parameter identifiers ..........................................................................................................143 Cutting parameter identifiers ......................................................................................................145 Monitoring parameter identifiers ................................................................................................148 Grinding parameter identifiers....................................................................................................148 Magazine location parameter identifiers ....................................................................................149 Magazine location adapter parameter identifiers .......................................................................150 Multitool parameter identifiers ....................................................................................................150 Multitool location parameter identifiers ......................................................................................152
12.2.3 Configure the list parameters .....................................................................................................153
12.2.4 List of tool types .........................................................................................................................157
12.2.5 Configure tool types ...................................................................................................................159
12.2.6 Configuring the "More data" window ..........................................................................................161
12.2.7 Configure the "New tool - favorites" window ..............................................................................162
12.2.8 Configuring the "New Tool" window ...........................................................................................163
12.2.9 Configuring default values for new tools ....................................................................................164
12.2.10 Configuring the "Details" window ...............................................................................................168
12.2.11 Assigning a name for magazines and magazine locations ........................................................168
12.2.12 Assigning a name for magazine location types .........................................................................170
12.2.13 Assignment of magazines to channels ......................................................................................171
12.2.14 Coolant and tool-specific functions ............................................................................................173
12.2.15 Reason for the tool change when reactivating...........................................................................176
12.2.16 Configure the code carrier connection .......................................................................................180
12.3 Creating OEM texts ....................................................................................................................182


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 7
Table of contents

12.3.1 Identifiers of the standard texts ................................................................................................. 183

12.3.2 Examples of OEM texts ............................................................................................................. 186
12.4 Examples................................................................................................................................... 188
12.4.1 Example: Configuring an OEM tool list ..................................................................................... 188 Adapting the configuration file ................................................................................................... 188 Adaptation of the customer text file ........................................................................................... 190
12.4.2 Example: Configuring magazine location types with names ..................................................... 192 Adapting the configuration file ................................................................................................... 192 Adaptation of the customer text file ........................................................................................... 194
13 Configuring alarms ...............................................................................................................................197
13.1 Creating alarm and message texts via the user interface ......................................................... 197
13.2 Configuring alarm and message texts via alarm text files ........................................................ 199
13.2.1 Creating in-house alarm texts ................................................................................................... 200
13.2.2 Creating texts for indexed alarm parameters ............................................................................ 202
13.2.3 Creating part program message texts ....................................................................................... 205
13.2.4 Changing alarm attributes ......................................................................................................... 208
13.2.5 Replacing standard alarm texts ................................................................................................ 213
13.2.6 Range of alarms ........................................................................................................................ 217
13.2.7 Parameter specifications in alarm texts .................................................................................... 218
13.2.8 Opening error file ...................................................................................................................... 219
13.3 Configuring an alarm log ........................................................................................................... 220
13.3.1 Setting alarm logs from the user interface ................................................................................ 221
13.3.2 Loading alarm log via configuration file ..................................................................................... 222
13.4 PLC alarms with parameters ..................................................................................................... 226
13.4.1 Definition of a parameter of the octet string data type .............................................................. 227
13.4.2 Definition of the language-dependent formatting ...................................................................... 229
13.5 Deactivating a warning .............................................................................................................. 231
14 Collision avoidance ..............................................................................................................................233
14.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 233
14.2 General sequence ..................................................................................................................... 235
14.3 Set collision avoidance.............................................................................................................. 235
14.4 Graphic machine model editor .................................................................................................. 237
14.5 Editing the machine model ........................................................................................................ 238
14.6 Changing and adapting the machine model view ..................................................................... 240
14.6.1 Enlarging or reducing the machine graphic .............................................................................. 240
14.6.2 Changing the section of the machine graphic ........................................................................... 241
14.6.3 Rotating and shifting the machine graphics .............................................................................. 241
14.6.4 Various machine model views .................................................................................................. 243
14.6.5 Displaying protection area elements for collision avoidance .................................................... 244
14.7 Creating a kinematic structure .................................................................................................. 245
14.7.1 Kinematic elements ................................................................................................................... 245 Creating a kinematic chain element .......................................................................................... 245 Kinematic rotation and parallel kinematic rotation .................................................................... 246 Linear axis and parallel linear axis ............................................................................................ 247 Rotary axis and parallel rotary axis ........................................................................................... 247


8 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Table of contents Offset and parallel offset ............................................................................................................248

14.7.2 Protection areas .........................................................................................................................249 Creating protection areas ...........................................................................................................249 Tool protection area ...................................................................................................................250 Machine protection area ............................................................................................................252
14.7.3 Protection area elements ...........................................................................................................253 Creating protection area elements .............................................................................................253 Frame and parallel frame protection area element ....................................................................254 Box and parallel box protection area elements ..........................................................................255 Sphere and parallel sphere protection area elements ...............................................................257 Cylinder and parallel cylinder protection area element ..............................................................259 File and parallel 3D file protection area element .......................................................................261
14.7.4 Collision pair...............................................................................................................................263 Creating a collision pair ..............................................................................................................263 Collision pair...............................................................................................................................264
14.8 Collision avoidance example .....................................................................................................265
14.8.1 Fundamentals ............................................................................................................................265
14.8.2 Create machine model example ................................................................................................268 Creating kinematic elements......................................................................................................268 Creating machine protection areas ............................................................................................270 Creating a tool protection area...................................................................................................274 Creating collision pairs ...............................................................................................................275
15 Data backup........................................................................................................................................ 277
15.1 Creating a start-up archive .........................................................................................................278
15.2 Reading-in a start-up archive .....................................................................................................280
15.3 Backing up the hardware configuration .....................................................................................282
15.4 Creating an archive with original data ........................................................................................282
15.5 Reading in an archive with original data ....................................................................................285
15.6 Generating the complete archive ...............................................................................................285
15.7 Serial interface (V24 / RS232) ...................................................................................................286
15.7.1 Reading-in and reading-out archives .........................................................................................286
15.7.2 Setting interface parameters ......................................................................................................288
15.8 Backing up setup data ...............................................................................................................289
15.9 Network settings.........................................................................................................................290
16 Configuring the network ...................................................................................................................... 293
16.1 Displaying the network overview................................................................................................293
16.2 Settings of the system network ..................................................................................................294
16.3 Settings of the factory network...................................................................................................297
16.4 Saving network settings .............................................................................................................299
17 Configuring operator panels ................................................................................................................ 301
17.1 Displaying the available operator panels ...................................................................................301
17.2 Configuring VNC connections ....................................................................................................302


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Table of contents

17.3 T:M:N configuration ................................................................................................................... 304

18 Service and diagnostics .......................................................................................................................305
18.1 NC/PLC variables ...................................................................................................................... 305
18.1.1 Displaying and editing PLC and NC variables .......................................................................... 305
18.1.2 Saving and loading screen forms .............................................................................................. 309
18.2 Displaying the Service overview ............................................................................................... 309
18.2.1 Selecting axes ........................................................................................................................... 311
18.2.2 Service axis ............................................................................................................................... 312
18.2.3 Service axis: Parameters .......................................................................................................... 313
18.2.4 Service drive ............................................................................................................................. 317
18.2.5 Service drive: Parameters ......................................................................................................... 317
18.3 System utilization ...................................................................................................................... 325
18.4 Displaying the time required for synchronized actions ............................................................. 326
18.5 Creating screenshots ................................................................................................................ 326
18.6 Machine identity ........................................................................................................................ 327
18.6.1 Entering machine-specific information ...................................................................................... 328
18.6.2 Creating a selection file ............................................................................................................. 329
18.6.3 Reading in a selection file ......................................................................................................... 331
18.6.4 Save information ....................................................................................................................... 332
18.6.5 Adding hardware components .................................................................................................. 334
18.6.6 Configuration data ..................................................................................................................... 336
18.7 Logbook..................................................................................................................................... 336
18.7.1 1. Documenting startup ............................................................................................................. 337
18.7.2 2. Defining start-up .................................................................................................................... 337
18.7.3 Making a logbook entry ............................................................................................................. 338
18.8 Action log................................................................................................................................... 340
18.8.1 Setting the action log ................................................................................................................. 340
18.8.2 Displaying the log file ................................................................................................................ 342
18.8.3 Searching in the log files ........................................................................................................... 343
18.8.4 Storing a log .............................................................................................................................. 344
18.8.5 Structure of a log file ................................................................................................................. 345
18.8.6 Advanced settings ..................................................................................................................... 347
18.9 HMI trace ................................................................................................................................... 348
18.10 PROFIBUS diagnosis ................................................................................................................ 349
18.10.1 Displaying details for DP slaves ................................................................................................ 351
18.11 Station-related network diagnostics .......................................................................................... 352
18.11.1 Displaying network adapters ..................................................................................................... 352
18.11.2 Error analysis ............................................................................................................................ 354 Performing error diagnostics ................................................................................................ 354 MCP/EKS as network participant cannot be accessed ....................................................... 354 HMI on the PCU cannot establish a network connection to the NC .................................... 355 TCU cannot establish a network connection to the HMI ...................................................... 360 The TCU cannot establish a network connection to the assigned PCU .............................. 361
18.11.3 Configuring TCP/IP diagnostics ................................................................................................ 363
18.11.4 Ethernet network diagnostics .................................................................................................... 367 Diagnostics of the network and DHCP server ..................................................................... 367


10 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Table of contents Accessible nodes ..................................................................................................................368

18.12 Drive system ..............................................................................................................................371
18.12.1 Displaying drive states ...............................................................................................................371
18.12.2 Displaying details of the drive objects ........................................................................................372
18.13 Remote diagnostics ...................................................................................................................374
18.13.1 Adapting remote diagnostics......................................................................................................374
18.13.2 Remote diagnostics via Teleservice adapter IE at X127 ...........................................................375
18.13.3 PLC control for remote access...................................................................................................379
18.14 Trace ..........................................................................................................................................379
18.14.1 General procedure .....................................................................................................................380
18.14.2 Trace session .............................................................................................................................381 Creating a session file...........................................................................................................381 Saving the trace file ..............................................................................................................382 Load trace session file ..........................................................................................................383
18.14.3 Variable for Trace.......................................................................................................................384 Variables filter/search ...........................................................................................................384 Selecting attributes of a variable ...........................................................................................386 Displaying details of a variable .............................................................................................389
18.14.4 Trace settings.............................................................................................................................390 Trace options ........................................................................................................................390 Setting-up a trace..................................................................................................................391 Starting the trace...................................................................................................................392
18.14.5 Evaluate a trace .........................................................................................................................393 Setting trace views ................................................................................................................393 Selecting a variable...............................................................................................................394 Scaling the display ................................................................................................................395 Zooming the display ..............................................................................................................396 Position the cursor ................................................................................................................397 Acquiring measured values ..................................................................................................398
18.15 PROFIBUS/PROFINET and AS-i bus diagnostics .....................................................................399
18.15.1 PROFIBUS/PROFINET .............................................................................................................399
18.15.2 Displaying PROFIBUS/PROFINET diagnostics .........................................................................400
18.15.3 Configuring the AS-i bus ............................................................................................................402
18.15.4 Displaying AS-i bus diagnostics .................................................................................................404
18.16 Spindle diagnostics ....................................................................................................................405
18.16.1 Evaluation of the status signals .................................................................................................405
18.16.2 Fetch temperatures ....................................................................................................................407
18.16.3 Fetch speed, torque and power .................................................................................................408
18.16.4 Checking the clamping system ..................................................................................................408
18.16.5 Fetching the logistics data .........................................................................................................410
19 OEM-specific online help..................................................................................................................... 411
19.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................411
19.2 Generating HTML files ...............................................................................................................412
19.3 Generating the help book ...........................................................................................................415
19.4 Integrating the online help in SINUMERIK Operate...................................................................417
19.5 Saving help files .........................................................................................................................419


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 11
Table of contents

19.6 Generating online help for user alarms and machine data ....................................................... 419
19.7 Example: This is how you create an online help for NC/PLC variables .................................... 423
19.8 Example: This is how you create a programming online help .................................................. 425
20 SINUMERIK Integrate - AMB, AMC, AMM ............................................................................................429
21 Safety Integrated .................................................................................................................................431
21.1 Displaying machine data and parameters ................................................................................. 431
21.1.1 View of the axes ........................................................................................................................ 431
21.1.2 General machine data for Safety Integrated ............................................................................. 432
21.1.3 Axis-specific machine data in Safety Integrated ....................................................................... 433
21.1.4 Drive machine data in Safety Integrated ................................................................................... 434
21.1.5 Copying and confirming Safety Integrated data ........................................................................ 435
21.1.6 Activating/deactivating start-up mode ....................................................................................... 436
21.1.7 Displaying the Safety-Integrated settings ................................................................................. 437
21.2 Safety Integrated diagnostics .................................................................................................... 438
21.2.1 Status display for NCK Safety Integrated ................................................................................. 438
21.2.2 Display SGE/SGA signals ......................................................................................................... 440
21.2.3 Display SPL signals .................................................................................................................. 441
21.2.4 Displaying Safety Integrated checksums .................................................................................. 442
21.2.5 Safety Integrated Basic Functions (Drive) ................................................................................ 443
21.2.6 Safety Integrated fail-safe I/O ................................................................................................... 444
21.2.7 Displaying cam signals .............................................................................................................. 445
21.2.8 Displaying SI communication data ............................................................................................ 446
21.2.9 SI communication send connections ........................................................................................ 447
21.2.10 SI communication receive connections ..................................................................................... 448
22 Configuring cycles................................................................................................................................451
22.1 Activating turning/milling/drilling technologies........................................................................... 451
22.2 Technology cycles for drilling .................................................................................................... 455
22.3 Manufacturer cycles .................................................................................................................. 457
22.3.1 Manufacturer cycles .................................................................................................................. 457
22.3.2 Extending the PROG_EVENT standard cycle .......................................................................... 458
22.3.3 Manufacturer cycle for tool change CUST_T and CUST_M6 ................................................... 459
22.3.4 CUST_TECHCYC.SPF manufacturer cycle.............................................................................. 460
22.3.5 CUST_MULTICHAN user cycle ................................................................................................ 463
22.4 Milling ........................................................................................................................................ 463
22.4.1 Technology cycles for milling .................................................................................................... 463
22.4.2 Cylinder surface transformation (TRACYL) .............................................................................. 465
22.5 Turning ...................................................................................................................................... 469
22.5.1 Setting up cycles for turning ...................................................................................................... 469
22.5.2 Setting up a counterspindle....................................................................................................... 473
22.5.3 Technology cycles for turning ................................................................................................... 476
22.5.4 Axis configuration of a lathe ...................................................................................................... 480
22.5.5 Cylinder surface transformation (TRACYL) .............................................................................. 482
22.5.6 End face machining (TRANSMIT) ............................................................................................. 485
22.5.7 Inclined Y axis (TRAANG)......................................................................................................... 488
22.6 Swiveling ................................................................................................................................... 491
22.6.1 Technology cycles for swiveling ................................................................................................ 491


12 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Table of contents

22.6.2 CYCLE800 checklist for the identification of the machine kinematics .......................................499
22.6.3 Commissioning of the kinematic chain (swivel data record) ......................................................500
22.6.4 Examples of machine kinematics for the commissioning of the Swivel function .......................509
22.6.5 Manufacturer cycle CUST_800.SPF ..........................................................................................518
22.6.6 CYCLE996 measure workpiece kinematics ...............................................................................525
22.7 High-speed machining ...............................................................................................................527
22.7.1 High speed settings: Configuring CYCLE832 ............................................................................527
22.7.2 Manufacturer cycle CUST_832.SPF ..........................................................................................529
22.8 Measuring cycles and functions .................................................................................................531
22.8.1 Measuring cycles and measurement functions, general ...........................................................531
22.8.2 Manufacturer and user cycle CUST_MEACYC.SPF .................................................................535
22.8.3 Measuring in JOG mode ............................................................................................................537 Measuring workpieces in milling ................................................................................................540 Measuring tools in milling ...........................................................................................................542 Measuring tools for turning ........................................................................................................547 Measuring behind the turning center .........................................................................................548 Measuring without electronic probe in JOG ...............................................................................549
22.8.4 Measuring in AUTOMATIC mode ..............................................................................................550 Workpiece measurement, general .............................................................................................552 Workpiece measurement in milling ............................................................................................554 Tool measurement in milling ......................................................................................................555 Measuring workpieces in turning ...............................................................................................562 Measuring tools for turning ........................................................................................................563
22.9 Milling with ShopMill ...................................................................................................................564
22.9.1 Setting-up ShopMill cycles for milling ........................................................................................564
22.9.2 Cylinder surface transformation in ShopMill ..............................................................................566
22.9.3 ShopMill cycles for multiple clamping ........................................................................................567
22.10 Turning with ShopTurn ...............................................................................................................569
22.10.1 Setting-up ShopTurn cycles for turning .....................................................................................569
22.10.2 Setting up the counterspindle under ShopTurn .........................................................................571
22.10.3 Drilling centered under ShopTurn ..............................................................................................573
22.10.4 Cylinder surface transformation (TRACYL) under ShopTurn ....................................................574
22.10.5 Face end machining (TRANSMIT) under ShopTurn ..................................................................575
22.10.6 Inclined Y axis (TRAANG) under ShopTurn ..............................................................................576
22.11 Compare cycles version .............................................................................................................578
22.11.1 Display cycles version ................................................................................................................578
22.11.2 Specify cycles version ................................................................................................................580
23 Additional language ............................................................................................................................ 583
23.1 Installing additional languages ...................................................................................................583
23.2 Supported languages .................................................................................................................584
24 SINUMERIK Operate on PC/PCU ....................................................................................................... 585
24.1 Link OEMFrame application.......................................................................................................585
24.2 Using interactive or silent installation versions ..........................................................................590
24.3 Setting the IP address of the NCU .............................................................................................591
24.4 SINUMERIK Operate exiting......................................................................................................592


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 13
Table of contents

25 HT 8 ....................................................................................................................................................593
25.1 Configuring the traversing keys ................................................................................................ 593
25.2 Configuring user-specific key labeling ...................................................................................... 598
25.3 Configuring the function display at user-specific keys (U keys)................................................ 600
A List of abbreviations/acronyms .............................................................................................................603
Index ...................................................................................................................................................605


14 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
System overview 1
1.1 System overview

The SINUMERIK Operate V4.x operating software is an integral component of the CNC
software V4.x and can therefore run on an NCU 7x0.3. The NCU's CompactFlash card is the
standard data carrier of the CNC software.
The SINUMERIK Operate operating software is started automatically when the NCU
software boots and in the delivery state offers its standard functional scope, which depends
on the actual NC and PLC configuration.

The SINUMERIK Operate operating software is supplied on DVD and must then be installed
on the hard disk of the PCU. The operating software is automatically started when the
controller boots.

The SINUMERIK Operate operating software is supplied on DVD and can be installed in a
freely selectable directory.
The following sections describe the expansions and adaptations that the machine
manufacturer can make using the SINUMERIK Operate operating software.

For a description of the commissioning procedure for the SINUMERIK 840D sl controller,
please refer to the following documentation:
Commissioning Manual "IBN CNC: NCK, PLC, drive Commissioning Manual".


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 15
System overview
1.2 System requirements

1.2 System requirements

It is a requirement that all system components be fully mounted, installed and configured.
Commissioning of the NC and PLC must have been completed. The PLC is in the "Run"
● USB keyboard: Handles text input with upper- and lower-case letters.
● Storage medium, e.g. USB FlashDrive and/or network connection: Handles data
exchange with an external PC/PG.

When you load user data with a USB FlashDrive, the data size must not be larger than 4

SINUMERIK Operate under Windows

You require the following software if you use SINUMERIK Operate under Windows:
● PCU 50.5: WinXP PCU basic software as of V1.2
● PC: Windows XP SP3 / Windows 7 operating system

Additional programs
● TextPad text editor: Used for the external creation and editing of XML and INI files in
Windows. The program is available on the Internet at: http://www.textpad.com/
● WinSCP: Enables protected data transfer between different computers (NCU - PC). The
program is available on the Internet at: http://winscp.net/eng/docs/lang:de
● RCS Commander: Permits the remote maintenance for machines with the SINUMERIK
Operate operating software from a standard Windows PC.
● As of V4.5, the RCS Commander provides a special conversion function to transfer alarm
texts of HMI Advanced or HMI Embedded to SINUMERIK Operate.
● System Network Center (SNC): Sets up the Ethernet connection of one or more TCUs to

A detailed description of the structure and commissioning of the system network with
controller and operator components is provided in the following description:
SINUMERIK 840D sl/840Di sl Operator Components and Networking


16 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Principles of start-up 2
2.1 Data structure of SINUMERIK Operate
For SINUMERIK Operate, all files are saved on the CompactFlash card (NCU) or on the
hard disk (PCU) or DVD (PC).
The file system is at the uppermost level:
● On the NCU in the "/System CF-Card/" directory
● On the PCU in the "F:\hmisl\" directory
● On the PC, the drive can be freely selected, e.g. "C:\Programs\siemens\sinumerik
The directory structure comprises the following directories:
● addon
● compat (only PC/PCU)
● oem
● siemens
● user
These directories have essentially an identical structure.

The files in the “siemens” directory represent the original status and cannot be modified!

Files, whose contents can be supplemented or modified, are available as templates

(specimen files) in the following directories:

Files Directory
Configuration files /siemens/sinumerik/hmi/template/cfg
Text files /siemens/sinumerik/hmi/template/lng

Before making any changes/supplements, these files should be copied into the /cfg or /lng in
/oem/sinumerik/hmi/, /addon/sinumerik/hmi/ or /user/sinumerik/hmi/ directories.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 17
Principles of start-up
2.1 Data structure of SINUMERIK Operate

The section of the directory structure relevant for SINUMERIK Operate is shown below:

siemens directory
/appl // applications (operating areas)
/base // basis system components
/cfg // all configuration files
/data // version data
/hlp // online help files
/hlps // online help files, zipped and version files
/ico // symbol files
/Ico640 // icons in resolution 640x480
/ico800 // icons in resolution 800x600
/ico1024 // icons in resolution 1024x768
/ico1280 // icons in resolution 1280x1024
/ico1600 // icons in resolution 1600x1240
/lng // text files
/lngs // text files zipped and versions files
/ace // ACE/TAO
/qt // Qt
/proj // EasyScreen configuring
/template // various templates
/cfg // templates for configuration files
/ing // templates for text files
/tmpp // storage, temporary data
/sys_cache/hmi // various log files

compat directory
/compat // files for integrating the OEMFrame applications


18 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Principles of start-up
2.1 Data structure of SINUMERIK Operate

addon directory
/appl // applications (operating areas)
/cfg // configuration files
/data // version data
/hlp // online help files, zipped and version files
/ico // symbol files
/Ico640 // icons in resolution 640x480
/ico800 // icons in resolution 800x600
/ico1024 // icons in resolution 1024x768
/ico1280 // icons in resolution 1280x1024
/ico1600 // icons in resolution 1600x1240
/lng // text files
/lngs // text files zipped and versions files
/proj // EasyScreen configuring
/template // various templates

oem directory
/data // version data
/archive // manufacturer archive
/appl // applications (operating areas)
/cfg // configuration files
/data // version data
/hlp // online help files
/hlps // online help files, zipped and version files
/ico // symbol files
/Ico640 // icons in resolution 640x480
/ico800 // icons in resolution 800x600
/ico1024 // icons in resolution 1024x768
/ico1280 // icons in resolution 1280x1024
/ico1600 // icons in resolution 1600x1240
/lng // text files
/lngs // text files zipped and versions files
/proj // EasyScreen configuring
/template // various templates


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 19
Principles of start-up
2.2 Editing files

user directory
/data // version data
/archive // user-specific archive
/prog // user-specific programs
/cfg // configuration files
/data // version data
/hlp // online help files
/ico // symbol files
/Ico640 // icons in resolution 640x480
/ico800 // icons in resolution 800x600
/ico1024 // icons in resolution 1024x768
/ico1280 // icons in resolution 1280x1024
/ico1600 // icons in resolution 1600x1240
/lng // text files
/proj // EasyScreen configuring
/log // log files
/md // machine data views
/proj // EasyScreen configuring

2.2 Editing files

2.2.1 Editing the file at the controller

Use can use a copy of the sample file in order to make specific adjustments. Template files
are available in the following directories:
/siemens/sinumerik/hmi/template/cfg and /siemens/sinumerik/hmi/template/lng
Save the sample file in the "user" or "oem" directory - in the appropriate folder.

As soon as the file is in the user-specific directory, the entries of this file have priority over
the Siemens file. If an entry is missing in a user-specific file, the corresponding entry from
the Siemens file is used instead.
You need to restart the operating software for the settings made in the file to take effect.


20 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Principles of start-up
2.2 Editing files

● If you copy files, you require access level 1 (manufacturer).
● When assigning a new file name, ensure that only files with a maximum name length of
49 characters can be managed.

Copying / pasting / opening a file

1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the "System data" softkey.

The data tree is displayed.
3. For instance, on the NCU directory, "System CF card", under "siemens"
open the required directory (e.g. /sinumerik/hmi/template/cfg).
4. Position the cursor on the desired file.
5. Press the "Copy" softkey.

6. For instance, on the NCU in the "System CF card" directory, under

"oem" or "user" open the required directory (e.g. /sinumerik/hmi/cfg), in
which the copied file should be saved.
7. Press the "Paste" softkey.
If a file of the same name already exists, you receive a message. You
can overwrite or rename the file.
8. Press the "OK" softkey.

9. You can open the selected file in the editor by pressing the "Open"

- OR -
Press the <INPUT> key.

- OR -
Double-click the highlighted file.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 21
Principles of start-up
2.2 Editing files

Rename file

1. Select the required file.

2. Press the ">>" and "Properties" softkeys.
The "Properties of..." window opens.
The following data is displayed:
• Path:
• Name:
• Creation date and time:
• Date of change and time:
3. To change the file name, place the cursor in the "Name" entry field and
overwrite the name. Date of change and time are simultaneously
4. Press the "OK" softkey to save the new name.

Cut-out/delete file

1. Select the required file.

2. Press the "Cut" softkey.
The file is copied into the buffer and at the same time deleted from the
previous directory.
As the file is located in the buffer, you can also insert the file into
another directory.
- OR -
2. Press the ">>" and "Delete" softkeys.
You receive an alarm and you can delete the file by pressing the "OK"
Press the "Cancel" softkey to cancel the delete operation.

Displaying the file in the preview window

1. Select the required file.

2. Press the ">>" and "Preview window" softkeys.
The preview window is displayed in the lower area of the window
together with the file contents.

Press the "Preview window" softkey again to close the window.


22 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Principles of start-up
2.2 Editing files

2.2.2 Editing a file externally

To create or edit an XML file on an external PC with Windows, use a text editor that supports
the required "UTF-8" coding, e.g. "TextPad".
This means that you can enter or directly insert all characters of the unicode system without
rewriting them using the keyboard.
If files with a different coding are saved, the special characters are not correctly displayed in
the editor. In SINUMERIK Operate, there is no automatic conversion into the UTF-8 coding!!

Saving the XML file in UTF-8 coding

1. Select the "Save As" dialog box.
2. Set the character set to "UTF-8".

Entering comments in an XML file

If you are entering comments to explain a program, you must keep the following in mind:
● A comment always begins with the sequence: <!--
● A comment ends with the character string: -->

<!-- Work offset: -->

In the comment itself, you can never use two minus signs one right after the other!

Special characters
If you use characters in the text where the syntax of XML is of significance, then these must
specifically formatted:

Special Notation
& &amp;
' &apos;
< &lt;
> &gt;
" &quot;

Comments in an ini file

If you enter a comment in an ini file, start the comment line with a semicolon.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 23
Principles of start-up
2.2 Editing files

Copy file
Using the "WinSCP" or "RCS Commander" program, copy the file from an external computer
to the NCU via a network connection – or in the opposite direction from the NCU to an
external PC.
For a detailed description, see the following sub-book:

NCU Operating System (IM7): Backing up and restoring data and WinSCP and PuTTY
service tools

See also
Configuring alarm and message texts via alarm text files (Page 199)


24 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Licensing 3
Licenses are required for the activated options. When you purchase licenses you receive a
"license key" that contains all options requiring a license and which is only valid for your
CompactFlash card.

If you wish to set or reset the options for a machine, you require at least access level 3
You can only license options for a machine from this access level and higher.

General information

Serial number of the Permanently defined serial number of the CompactFlash card
CompactFlash card
Hardware type Control data
Machine name/No. Displays the data that is saved in machine data
Only with access level 1 (manufacturer) can a display field be edited.
License key Information about options that require a license


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the menu forward key.

3. Press the "Licenses" softkey.

The "Licensing" window appears and you can select the following
with the vertical softkeys:
• Determining the license requirement
– Overview
– All options
– Missing licenses
• Exporting licensing requirements
• Entering or reading in "License key"


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 25

License database
The licenses are purchased via the Internet. There are two ways to access the license
database administered by Siemens A&D:
● Web License Manager
● Automation License Manager
For a detailed description, please refer to the following documentation:

CNC Commissioning Manual: NCK, PLC, drive: Licensing

Deactivate options
When importing old archives from other HMI systems, it can occur that options are set which
are no longer required in the actual system – however, these are subject to the license

Order number Option

6FC5800-0AP04-0YB0 Machining step programming
6FC5800-0AP11-0YB0 Manual machine
6FC5800-0AP15-0YB0 ShopTurn HMI/ShopMill HMI for SINUMERIK 840Di sl incl. HMI-Advanced
6FC5800-0AP20-0YB0 3D simulation of the finished part
6FC5800-0AP21-0YB0 Simulation, milling (2D dynamic; 3D static)
6FC5800-0AP23-0YB0 Simultaneous recording, ShopMill (real-time simulation)
6FC5800-0AP24-0YB0 Simultaneous recording, ShopTurn (real-time simulation)


26 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
3.1 Determining the license requirement

3.1 Determining the license requirement


1. Press the "All options" softkey to list all the options that can be selected
for this controller.

- OR -
Press the "Missing lic./opt." softkey.
You receive an overview of all options that
• are not adequately licensed
• are licensed, but which were not set
2. Activate or deactivate the required options in the "Set" column:
• Activate checkbox or
• Enter the number of options
Options shown red are activated, however, not yet licensed or not
licensed in adequate number.
- OR -
Press the "Set option according to license" softkey to activate all of the
options contained in the license key.
You obtain a confirmation prompt that you must confirm with "OK".
3. To activate new selected options, press the "Reset (po)" softkey. A
safety prompt appears.
For several options, you will have to also restart SINUMERIK Operate.
Corresponding prompts will appear in the user response line.
4. Press the "OK" softkey to trigger a warm restart.
- OR -
Press the "Cancel" softkey to cancel the process.

Searching for options

You have the possibility of finding options using the search function.

1. The window "Licensing: All Options" or "Licensing: Non-licensed

Options" is open.
2. Press the "Search" softkey and enter the required option in the search
The cursor is positioned on the first entry that corresponds to the search
3. Press the "Continue search" softkey if the term that was found is not the
option that you were looking for.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 27
3.2 Exporting the license requirement

Additional search option

Press the "Go to beginning" softkey to start the search at the first option.

Press the "Go to end" softkey to start the search at the last option.

Use of non-licensed options
Before licensing options, you can also activate them temporarily without the license keys and
use them for test purposes. In this case, the controller displays alarm 8080 periodically; this
indicates that the option use has not yet been assigned the required license.

3.2 Exporting the license requirement

After you have determined the license requirement, you can export the data via the set-up
external storage locations.


1. Press the "Export license requirement" softkey.

A small window opens listing the set-up storage locations.
2. Select "USB" for example, if you export the licenses on a USB
If you use the Automation License Manager (expansion module from
V1.2 SP1 and later), it is not permissible that the data are in a
3. Press the "OK" softkey.
The set options, the options which are not set but are licensed options,
the license requirement and the license key are stored in an Alm file.
This file is used by the "automation license manager" as the basis for


28 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
3.3 Reading in the license key

Transferring a license requirement

The license information is transferred electronically with the "automation license manager".
A detailed description of the license management is provided in the following documentation:

CNC Commissioning Manual: NCK, PLC, drive: Licensing

3.3 Reading in the license key

The newly purchased license key can be loaded to the controller as follows:
● Enter license key manually
● Read in license key electronically


1. Press the "Licenses" softkey.

- OR -
Press the "Overview" softkey.
The "Licensing" window opens.
2. If you receive the license key via the "Web License Manager", enter the
license key manually in the field "You can enter a new license key here".
3. Press the <INPUT> key.
If the license key is valid, the message "License key set" is displayed.

- OR -
If you receive the license key via the "Automation License Manager",
press the "Read in license key" softkey.
... Open the appropriate storage location (e.g. USB) with "OK".
The matching .alm file is detected automatically and the license key is
read in.

If several matching .alm files are in the directory, they will be offered to
you in a subsequent selection dialog box.
Select the desired file.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 29
3.3 Reading in the license key


30 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Creating drive connections 4
Up to eight connections to so-called logical drives (data carriers) can be configured. These
drives can be accessed in the "Program manager" and "Startup" operating areas.
The following logical drives can be set up:
● USB interface
● CompactFlash card of the NCU, only for SINUMERIK Operate in the NCU
● Network drives
● Local hard disk of the PCU, only for SINUMERIK Operate on the PCU

Software option
In order to use the CompactFlash card as data carrier, you require the "Additional
HMI user memory on CF card of the NCU" option (not for SINUMERIK Operate on
PCU or PC).

The USB interfaces of the NCU are not available for SINUMERIK Operate and therefore
cannot be configured.

4.1 Setting up drives

The "Set Up Drives" window is available in the "Start-up" operating area for configuration.

The created configuration data is stored in the "logdrive.ini" file. This file is located in the
/user/sinumerik/hmi/cfg directory.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 31
Creating drive connections
4.1 Setting up drives

General information

Entry Meaning
Type No drive No drive defined.
USB local Access to the USB memory medium is only realized via
the TCU to which it is connected.
USB drives are automatically identified if the memory
medium is inserted when SINUMERIK Operate powers-
USB global All of the TCUs in the plant network can access the USB
memory medium.
- USB global is not possible under Windows!
NW Windows/Linux Network drive
Local drive Local drive
Hard disk or user memory on the CompactFlash card.
FTP Access to an external FTP server.
Connection Front USB interface that is located at the front of the operator
X203/X204 USB interface X203/X204 that is located at the rear of the
operator panel.
X204 For SIMATIC Thin Client the USB interface is X204.
Device Names of the TCU to which the USB storage medium is
connected, e.g. tcu1. The NCU must already know the
TCU name.
Partition Partition number on the USB memory medium, e.g. 1.
If a USB hub is used, specify the USB port of the hub.
Port Interface for the FTP connection. The default port is 21.
Disconnect After a disconnect timeout, the FTP connection is
disconnected. The timeout can be between 1 and 150 s.
10 s is the default setting.
Path • Start direct directory of the data carrier that is
connected via the local drive.
• Network path to a directory that has been released in
the network. This path must always start with "//", e.g.
Access level Assign access rights to the connections: From access
level 7 (keyswitch position 0) to access level 1
The particular assigned access level applies to all
operating areas.
Softkey text 2 lines are available as labeling text for the softkey. %n is
accepted as a line separator.
If the first line is too long, then it is automatically
separated into several lines.
If a blank is present, then this is used as line separator.
Softkey icon No icon No icon is displayed on the softkey.


32 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Creating drive connections
4.1 Setting up drives

Entry Meaning
sk_usb_front.png The icon file name displayed on the softkey.



Text file slpmdialog File for softkey dependent on the language. If nothing is
Text context SlPmDialog specified in the input fields, the text appears on the
softkey as was specified in the input field "Softkey text".
If your own text files are saved, then the text ID, which is
used to search for the text file, is specified in the "Softkey
text" input field.
User name Enter the user name and the corresponding password for
Password which the directory is enabled on the server. The
password is displayed in encoded form as string of "*"
characters and is stored in the "logdrive.ini" file.

Error messages

Error message Meaning

Error occurred when closing a connection. An existing drive was not able to be deactivated.
Error occurred when establishing a connection. Drive connection was not able to be established.
Error occurred while establishing a connection: Drive connection was not able to be established.
Incorrect entry or no authorization.
Incorrect data The entered data is either incorrect or
Function not available The function is not supported with the current
software release.
Unknown error - error code:%1 Error was not able to be assigned.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 33
Creating drive connections
4.2 File "logdrive.ini"


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the "HMI" and "Log. drive" softkeys.

The "Set Up Drives" window opens.

3. Select the data for the corresponding drive or enter the necessary data.
4. Press the "Activate drive" softkey.
The drive is activated.
The operating system now checks the entered data and whether the
connection is established. An OK message is output in the dialog line if
an error is not identified.
The drive can be accessed.
- OR -
If the operating system identifies an error, then you receive an error
Press the "OK" softkey.
You then return to the "Set Up Drives" window. Check and correct your
entries and re-activate the drive.
If you press the "OK" softkey, the modified data is accepted without any
feedback message. You do not receive any message about a successful
or unsuccessful connection.
If you press the "Cancel" softkey, then all of the data that has not been
activated is rejected.

4.2 File "logdrive.ini"

Configurations of drives in the "Logical Drives" window are saved in the "logdrive.ini" file.

Structure of the "logdrive.ini" file

● You define all logical drives in section [CONNECTIONS].
● You can enter the number of the logical drives next to "ConnectionNum".


34 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Creating drive connections
4.2 File "logdrive.ini"

The following setting options are available for each logical drive:
(The "X" at the end stands for the number of drive connections respectively.)

Logical path of the drive, e.g. //my computer/my path
Type of connection
Softkey position on the horizontal softkey bar.
• Index 1-8 is the first ETC level,
• Index 9-16 second level, etc.
Network connection type, e.g. NFS, SMBFS
File name of the icon displayed on the softkey.
User name (for network drives).
Password belonging to UsernameX
Access authorizations for the program manager and system data
AccessServicesX areas.

Drive paths
Use the following syntax to identify the drive paths:

Logical drive Description

//NC/<nc-directory> Current NC
/card/user/sinumerik/data Local drive on the CompactFlash card
//TCU/<tcu-name>/<interface>, <partition-number> Global TCU-USB drive
<interface>: FRONT, X203, X204 Global TCU-USB drive with partition
specification (default: 1st partition)
//ACTTCU/<interface>,<partition-number> Local TCU-USB drive with partition
//<computer name/<share name><computer name>: External network drives (WinXP)
DNS name or IP address
//computer name/DNS name or IP address Network drive

Sample structure of the logdrive.ini

Standard configuration

Syntax Meaning
ConnectionNum=1 1. Connection
Connection1=//ACTTCU/FRONT,1 USB storage medium on the current TCU
SK_Connection1=SL_PM_SK_LOCAL_TCU_USB Softkey labels
SoftkeyIndex1=3 Softkey is displayed on the horizontal bar as 3rd
softkey from the left.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 35
Creating drive connections
4.2 File "logdrive.ini"

Syntax Meaning
SoftkeyTextContext1=SlPmLogicalDrives Softkey labels
SoftkeyTextFile1=slpmdialog Softkey labels
SoftkeyPicture1=sk_usb_front.png The icon "sk_usb_front.png" is displayed.
AccessProgram1=7 The softkey is visible as of access level 7
(keyswitch position 0) in the program manager.

Configuring NFS drive

Syntax Meaning
Connection2=//ef35161c/testshare Connection to release "testshare" on computer
NetDriveType2=nfs with an NFS network drive
SK_Connection2=LW_NFS Softkey inscription is "LW_NFS"
SoftkeyIndex2=4 Softkey is displayed on the horizontal bar as 4th
softkey from the left.

In addition, the NFS share for the client computer must be released on the NFS server.

Configuring SMB drive

Syntax Meaning
Connection3=//ef36557c/public Connection to the computer ef36557c
NetDriveType3=smbfs with an SMB network drive
Username3=test User name
Password3= Passwd02 Password (encrypted)
SK_Connection3=LW_SMBFS Softkey inscription is "SMBFS"
SoftkeyIndex3=9 Softkey is displayed on the 2nd horizontal bar as
1st softkey from the left.

In addition, you must set up an account on the Windows computer and release the directory
(//ef36557c/public) for this account:
1. Properties/Release/Authorizations/Add...
2. Properties/Security/Add...
If the network drive is to be write-accessed from SINUMERIK Operate, then the specified
Windows user (in the example, "test") must have write authorization for the directory
released under Windows.

Access to a Novell network is not allowed.


36 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Creating drive connections
4.2 File "logdrive.ini"

Configuring a USB drive

Syntax Meaning
Connection4=//TCU/TCU2/X203 USB interface X203 configured
SK_Connection4=X203 Softkey inscription is "X203"
SoftkeyIndex3=10 Softkey is displayed on the 2nd horizontal bar as 2nd
softkey from the left


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 37
Creating drive connections
4.2 File "logdrive.ini"


38 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Channel menu 5
5.1 Configuring a channel menu

The channel menu is activated for display via the channel switchover key.

The channel menu is used to switchover the NC channel displayed in the

SINUMERIK Operate or more precisely at the operator station. If a channel menu has been
configured, when the channel switchover key is pressed, the channel menu for the channel
switchover is displayed to make the appropriate operator action. If there is no channel menu,
then the channel switchover key results in the HMI display advancing to the next NC

The configuration is made in the "netnames.ini" file for the operating software, as well as in
the particular "config.ini" files for the individual operator stations.
To configure the data for the operator stations (entries in the "config.ini" files), instead of
directly editing in the "config.ini" file, we recommend that you use the "System Network
Center (SNC)" program.
The "netnames.ini" file must be generated using an editor.

The "netnames.ini" file is stored for SINUMERIK Operate in the following directory:
/oem/sinumerik/hmi/cfg or /user/sinumerik/hmi/cfg
The "config.ini" file is located in the relevant directory:
● On the NCU:
/user/common/tcu/<TCU name>/common/tcu/config.ini
● On the PCU:
F:\user_base\common\tcu\<TCU name>\common/tcu/config.ini
For <TCU name>, the TCU name of the operator station should be used that was assigned
at the system when a TCU powered-up for the first time. If you work with the "System
Network Center (SNC)" tool, then these file paths are of no significance.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 39
Channel menu
5.2 Constraints

Using the channel menu

● For a system comprising several operator stations and several NCUs within the
framework of operator unit management, if the NC channels of several NCKs are
operated from one operator station.
● For a simple system with many NC channels, as an alternative to the standard
mechanism, the channel switchover can be made using the channel switchover key.
The basic philosophy of the channel menu is to provide - in a selection menu - the operator
with a view of the NC channels of all NCUs that are to be operated with the channel menu. In
conjunction with this, a logical grouping/structuring is introduced using the so-called channel
groups. The desired NC channel can be directly selected using the selection menu. Without
a channel menu, when pressing the channel switchover key, the NC channels must be
scrolled through consecutively until the desired NC channel has been selected. An operator
station can only be switched over across NCUs using the channel menu.

5.2 Constraints
● Only one SINUMERIK Operate on a PCU/ PC may be permanently connected to one
NCK. It is not possible to switch over to another NCK.
● SINUMERIK Operate of an NCU can only operate with its own NCK and cannot be
switched over to another NCU.

5.3 General structure of the channel menu

For the channel menu, a logical view is defined across all of the channels of all NCKs
involved; this logical view is structured in channel groups and this in turn in specific NC
A channel group list is defined for the channel menu in order to be able to switch over
operation. A channel group list comprises one or several channel groups. In turn, a channel
group comprises one or several NC channels.
In the channel menu, the channel groups can be selected using the horizontal softkeys.
The channels of a selected channel group can be selected with the vertical softkeys.


40 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Channel menu
5.4 Defining channel groups in the "netnames.ini" file

A certain NC channel of a specific NCU is always a switchover target that can be selected. A
switchover to another channel triggered via the channel menu can implicitly mean switchover
to another NCU.

In a system, for example, a channel group can correspond to a machining station, the
channels contained in it, machining units.
Up to 32 channel groups each with up to 8 channels can be configured in a channel menu.

Configuring the total structure

For a system, the total structure of the channel menu is configured in the "netnames.ini" file.
The configuring in the "netnames.ini" file includes all switchover targets that are used at the
system. This configuration must be saved or distributed in a standard form across all
SINUMERIK Operate systems that provide the channel menu.
An individual channel menu for the operating station is configured for each operating station
in the particular "config.ini" file.

Two-stage procedure
1. In the first stage, all channel groups that are used in the system are defined in the
"netnames.ini" file, irrespective of the actual operating stations.
2. In the second stage, the version of the channel menu for the specific operating station is
defined in the "config.ini" files belonging to the station.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 41
Channel menu
5.4 Defining channel groups in the "netnames.ini" file

5.4 Defining channel groups in the "netnames.ini" file

Defining channel groups

All channel groups that are used at the system are defined in the "netnames.ini" file.
Independent of the specific operator stations.
A separate section [CH_GRP_x] (1 <= x <= 32) should be created for every channel group.
The entries required for a channel group are as follows:
● The text to be displayed in the channel for the channel group at the corresponding
horizontal softkey.
● The list of jump destinations summarized in this channel group, i.e. NC channels. The
jump destinations are defined in a consecutively numbered list with the following entries:
– Membery.Target: Jump destination
– Membery.Text: Softkey text to be displayed in the channel menu (1 <= y <= 8).

"netnames.ini" file
A channel group, e.g. channel group 1 is therefore specified as follows:

[CH_GRP_1] ; Name of the channel group; the notation

; must follow this scheme. The groups are
; consecutively numbered at the last
; position.
Text = Process1 ; Softkey text for the channel group for
; display in the channel menu (horizontal
; softkey) switchover designation 1 of the
; channel group.
Member1.Target = ; Computer name (host name) or the IP
[<HMI>.]<NC>.#<channel ; address of the computer on which the HMI
number> ; to be selected runs (NCU or PCU):
; <HMI> = <IP address or name of the HMI
; host (PC/PCU)>
; <HMI> can be omitted if the HMI runs
; locally on the NCU
; <NC> = <IP address or name of the NC>
; Alternatively, the machine name can also
; be specified from the mmc.ini.
; Using ".#Channel number", optionally the
; NC channel can be specified that should
; be taken when switching over.


42 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Channel menu
5.5 Configuring operating stations in the "config.ini" file

Member<No>.Text = NCU730_K1 ; Softkey text for the display in the

; channel menu (vertical softkey). If, for
; "Target" a channel number is specified,
; then instead of a text, using the fixed
; value "$MC_CHAN_NAME", it can also be
; defined that the text to be displayed
; should be the channel name defined in
; the NCK machine data.
Member2.Target =
Member2.Text ; Same as for the vertical softkey 2

5.5 Configuring operating stations in the "config.ini" file

The version of the channel menu is individually defined for the operator stations in the
"config.ini" files belonging to the station. The data defined in the "netnames.ini" file is used.
Here, the channel groups are assigned a softkey in the channel menu.

"config.ini" file
● The data is defined in section [T2M2N].
● The references CH_GRP_xx of the softkeys refer to the channel groups which are defined
in the "netnames.ini" file. This notation is binding.
● SKx in this case, designates the xth horizontal softkey in the channel menu.






"System Network Center" tool (SNC)

The operator stations can be configured in a transparent way using various windows with the
aid of the "SNC" tool.

Calling SNC
● For the NCU, the program is also included on the CompactFlash card and is called with
"sc start snc" using the service command.
● For the PCU, the program is on the hard disk and can be started from the user interface
using an icon.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 43
Channel menu
5.5 Configuring operating stations in the "config.ini" file

Configuring with SNC

1. The operator stations are listed via the "OPs" tab.
2. The "Set/Modify properties for "TCU"" is opened after selecting an OP and pressing the
"Properties" button.
3. The softkey assignment is displayed after selecting the checkbox "Configuration of T:M:N
enabled". The desired channel group can now be assigned to the softkey for this operator

The PCU must not change the NCK with which it is connected during the switchover. With
the switchover, it can only initiate a channel switchover on this NCU.

The section [T2M2N] can also be created in the "netnames.ini" file instead of in the
"config.ini" file. This setting then applies for all TCUs that are not configured via config.ini
For SINUMERIK Operate on PC, this procedure is required because it is not possible to
access the "config.ini" file.


44 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Channel menu
5.6 Example: Settings for 1:N

5.6 Example: Settings for 1:N

1:N configuration
For a 1:N configuration the following requirements apply:
● A PCU with SINUMERIK Operate can be connected to a maximum of four NCUs.
● SINUMERIK Operate must be switched off on all NCUs.
● The following configuration files must be adapted:
This is illustrated in the following sections using an example with 1 PCU and 2 NCUs.

Example mmc.ini

NcddeMachineNames=net, NCU840D_1, NCU840D_2




Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 45
Channel menu
5.6 Example: Settings for 1:N

Example netnames.ini

; netnames.ini - EXAMPLE -
; This is an example of a netnames.ini for 1:N NCU-switching in
; a configuration of 3 NCU and a PCU50.
owner = HMI

; ChanMenu
[chan HMI]
ShowChanMenu = true

;Correlation from channel-group to horizontal softkeys
; -> see config.ini of the TCU
;The section [T2M2N] can also be created in the netnames.ini file
;instead of config.ini file. This configuration applies to all TCU,
;which are not configured by their config.ini.
SK1 = CH_GRP_1
SK2 = CH_GRP_2


Text = 1. NCU
Member1.Target =
Member1.Text = NCU1%nKanal 1

Member2.Target =
Member2.Text = NCU1%nKanal 2

Text = 2. NCU
Member1.Target =
Member1.Text = NCU2%nKanal 1

Member2.Target =
Member2.Text = NCU2%nKanal 2

For switching over an MCP with the operating software, the PLC block FB9 must not be used
(FB9 must not be active). If necessary, the MCP must be switched over in the PLC user


46 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Channel menu
5.7 Distribution via job lists in the case of 1:N

In the OB100 (call for FB1), set MCP1BusAdr to 255 and MCP1Stop to "true".
In the OB1, scan the "MMCBTSSready" (DB10.DBX108.3) signal. If this is set, write the
MCP address from DB19.DBB123 (MCP index) to the DB7.DBB27 before removing the MCP
stop bit DB7.DBX62.1. The MCP is now active.
If the "MMCBTSSready" (DB10.DBX108.3) is removed again (operating software switches to
another NCU), the MCP stop bit DB7.DBX62.1 will have to be reset.

5.7 Distribution via job lists in the case of 1:N

Simplified selection of programs

The function is only available in a group of several NCUs ands must be enabled in the
"systemconfiguration.ini " configuration file:


The sources are located on the local drive of the PCU or the PC.
The distribution of the programs is done by selecting a job list which is located in a
workpiece. The job list may contain COPY and SELECT instructions:
; Copy A.MPF to NCU1:


; Copy B.MPF to NCU2:


; Copy all subprograms to all NCUs:


; Select A.MPF on NCU1 in channel 1.


; Select B.MPF on NCU2 in channel 2.


1. If a distributed job list is active during the selection, all distributed programs on the NCU
are deleted without confirmation. If the workpiece on the NCUs is empty, it will be deleted
2. The programs are copied to the corresponding workpieces of the relevant NCU.
3. Existing programs are overwritten without any message.
4. Following a change in a distributed program on the local drive, the modified programs
using the Editor are copied to the corresponding NCU.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 47
Channel menu
5.7 Distribution via job lists in the case of 1:N

Sample structure

/user/sinumerik/data/ NCU1 NCU2


/user/sinumerik/data/ NCU1 NCU2


Supplementary conditions
Special behavior:
● Distributed programs are retained during a restart of the operating software.
● On the local drive, distributed programs can neither be deleted nor renamed nor
overwritten using copy/move.
● Changes of distributed programs on the NCU are lost, if they are not manually saved.
● The program correction in the machine is not offered.
● When creating a commissioning archive, all data of the local drive is also automatically


48 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Channel menu
5.7 Distribution via job lists in the case of 1:N

● In the event of changes of distributed programs on the local drive using the Editor, it
should be noted that only the channel states are monitored on the NCU currently
connected. If the program is still interrupted or active on another NCU, it cannot be
correctly distributed after the change.
● The display of the active block, the marking of the block search as well as the read-only
handling of the program opened in the Editor are executed only for the active programs of
the currently connected NCU.
● In the Editor, programs are always opened in the context of the currently connected NCU.
This can lead to a faulty step recognition with distributed programs.
● In the current block display in the "Machine" operating area, you can display only the
active/distributed programs of the currently connected NCU.
● The simulation of job lists via several machines is not possible.
● If distributeJoblist=true is configured in the systemconfiguration.ini file, then part or
subprograms can no longer be selected via the "Program Manager" operating area.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 49
Channel menu
5.7 Distribution via job lists in the case of 1:N


50 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
General settings 6
6.1 Changing the language
The operating software is available as standard in 6 languages.

Selecting a language
You can define the language selection mode using the following machine data.

MD9100 $MM_CHANGE_LANGUAGE_MODE Language selection mode

=1 The user-interface language is specified via the "Language Selection" window (default

1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the "Change language" softkey.

The small "Language Selection" window opens. The language most
recently set is highlighted.

3. Switch the cursor to the required language.

4. Press the <INPUT> key.

- OR -
Press the "OK" softkey.
The operating software switches to the language selected.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 51
General settings
6.2 Set date/time

Defining two languages

MD9100 $MM_CHANGE_LANGUAGE_MODE Language selection mode

=2 Selection of two languages. During operation, the "Change language" softkey can be used
to toggle between these languages.

1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the "HMI" softkey.

3. Press the ">>" softkey.

4. Press the "Language selection" softkey.

The "Language selection" window opens.
All the installed languages are displayed in the fields "First language"
and "Second language".
5. Select a language in each of these.
6. Press the <INPUT> key.

- OR -
Press the "OK" softkey.

During operation, you can switch between the two languages by

pressing the "Change language" softkey.

6.2 Set date/time

You have the possibility of manually setting the date and time for the NCU (PLC and Linux)
or PCU(PC (Windows). In so doing, you can select from various display formats.


52 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
General settings
6.2 Set date/time

Formats of the date display

Formats Example
d.M.yy 3.1.09
dd.MM.yy 03.01.09
dd.MM.yyyy 03.01.2009
d/M/yy 3/01/09
dd/MM/yy 03/01/09
dd/MM/yyyy 03/01/2009
M/d/yy 1/3/09
MM/dd/yy 01/03/09
MM/dd/yyyy 01/03/2009
yyyy/MM/dd 2009/01/03

The following applies:

Date Description of the entry

d Single or double digit day of the month (1 - 31).
dd Double digit day of the month, with leading zero (01 - 31).
M Single or double digit month of the year (1 - 12).
MM Double digit month of the year, with leading zero (01 - 12).
yy Double digit year (00 - 99).
yyyy Four-digit year (e.g. 2009).

Time display formats

Formats Example Hour system

H:m:s AP 1:2:4 PM 24 hour system, with display of "AM" / "PM"
h:m:s ap 1:2:8 pm 12 hour system, with display of "am" / "pm"
HH:mm:ss AP 13:02:08 PM 24 hour system, with display of "AM" / "PM"
hh:mm:ss ap 01:02:09 pm 12 hour system, with display of "am" / "pm"
H:mm:ss AP 1:02:09 PM 24 hour system, with display of "AM" / "PM"
h:mm:ss ap 1:02:09 pm 12 hour system, with display of "am" / "pm"
h:mm:ss 13:02:09 24 hour system
hh:mm:ss 13:12:04 24 hour system


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 53
General settings
6.2 Set date/time

The following applies:

Time symbol: Description of the entry

h Single or double digit hour (0 - 23 or 1 - 12 for am/pm).
hh Double digit hour, with leading zero (00 - 23 or 01 - 12 for am/pm).
H Single or double digit hour (0 - 23 for AM/PM).
HH Double digit hour, with leading zero (00 - 23 for AM/PM).
m Single or double digit minute (0 - 59).
mm Double digit minute, with leading zero (00 - 59).
s Single or double digit second (0 - 59).
ss Double digit second, with leading zero (00 - 59).
AP Display of the time of day: AM or am = before midday or
PM or pm = after midday


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the "HMI" softkey.

3. Press the "Date/Time" softkey.

The "Set Date and Time" window opens.
4. Select the required formats for the date and time with the <SELECT>
key in the "Format" field.

5. For SINUMERIK Operate in the NCU: In the entry fields after "new"
enter the actual date and time.
For SINUMERIK Operate on PCU/PC: In the entry fields after "new NCU
+ PCU" enter the actual date and time.
6. Confirm the entry with the "OK" softkey.
The new date and time details are accepted and output in the fields
"actual NCU" and "actual PCU".


54 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
General settings
6.3 Configuring Caps Lock

6.3 Configuring Caps Lock

The "CAPSLOCK on" function ensures that text entered via an external keyboard is always
entered in upper case and not in lower case.
The key behavior is set using the following display machine data.


=0 CAPSLOCK off (default value)

If the machine data is changed, the system must be rebooted.

6.4 Activating/deactivating the virtual keyboard

The virtual keyboard is configured in the file "slguiconfig.ini".

1. Copy the "slguiconfig.ini" file from the folder
2. Paste the copy of the file into the following directory:
/oem/sinumerik/hmi/cfg or /user/sinumerik/hmi/cfg.
3. Open the file in the editor.
4. To activate or deactivate the keyboard, make the following settings:
– Activating the virtual keyboard:
In the section [TouchPanel], EnableTouch = true
In the section [Keyboard], EnableVirtualKeyBoard = true
– Deactivating the virtual keyboard:
In the section [TouchPanel], EnableTouch = true
In the section [Keyboard], EnableVirtualKeyBoard = false
5. Double click in the input field to display the keyboard.

6.5 Defining the access rights for the "HMI restart" softkey

Displaying the machine data

Using the following display machine data, set the access rights from which access level the
"HMI restart" softkey is displayed.
For SINUMERIK Operate on PC or PCU, the "EXIT" softkey is displayed.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 55
General settings
6.6 Darken screen

MD9110_$MM_ACESS_HMI_EXIT Access level of the "EXIT" softkey

=1 Access level 1 (manufacturer), default value

6.6 Darken screen

Defining the time until the screen is darkened

The duration (in minutes), after which the screen is automatically darkened if no keyboard
key is pressed, can be specified using the display machine data

Influence of screen darkening on the service life
To extend its service life, the recommended duration for darkening a screen is 60 minutes.
If you significantly reduce the duration, i.e. the screen is switched dark too often, this tends
to shorten the screen service life.

Interface signal
The screen is darkened by setting an interface signal.

DB 19 byte Signals to the operator panel front (PLC → HMI)

DBB0 Bit 1 Bit 0
Darken screen Brighten screen

The following applies when actively darkening the screen using the interface signal:
● It is no longer possible to light up the screen again from the keyboard.
● The first keystroke on the operator panel already triggers an operator action.

In order to prevent accidental operator actions via the interface signal when the screen is
darkened, we recommend disabling the keyboard at the same time.

6.7 Inserting a user-specific run up screen

OEM-specific run up screen

You can replace the Siemens run up screen by your own run up screen.


56 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
General settings
6.8 Switching EXTCALL off

1. Call your own run up screen "splash.png".

The file name must not contain any lower case letters.

2. Save your own run up screen in one of the following directories:

/user/sinumerik/hmi/ico/ico640 or
/oem/sinumerik/hmi/ico/ico640 or

The size of the screen is of no significance. A resolution of 640x480 pixels is always set.

6.8 Switching EXTCALL off

It is possible to access files located on network drives from a part program using the
EXTCALL command.
EXTCALL must be switched off, when in certain configurations two SINUMERIK Operate are
connected to one NCU.

Processing EXTCALL calls is switched-on or switched-off using the following display
machine data.

=0 Switch off call processing
=1 Switch on call editing (default value)

6.9 Access levels

6.9.1 Definition of access levels

Access to programs, data and functions is protected in a user-oriented hierarchical system of
seven access levels. These are divided into
● Three password levels for manufacturer, service and users
● Four keyswitch positions for users


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 57
General settings
6.9 Access levels

There are access levels 1 to 7 (see table below); where

● 1 is the highest and
● 7 is the lowest level.

Table 6- 1 Access level concept

Access level Protected by Area

1 Password: SUNRISE (default value) Manufacturer
2 Password: EVENING (default value) Service
3 Password: CUSTOMER (default value) User
4 Keyswitch 3 Programmer, machine setter
5 Keyswitch 2 Qualified operator
6 Keyswitch 1 Trained operator
7 Keyswitch 0 Semi-skilled operator

6.9.2 Modifying the access levels password

You can activate the access levels protected with passwords from the user interface.
The following options are available for editing the passwords:
● Set new password
● Change password
● Delete password

Setting the password

1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the "Password" softkey.

3. Press the "Set password" softkey.

The "Set Password" window opens.

4. Enter one of the possible default passwords and press the "OK"
softkey to confirm the entry.
A permissible password is set and the valid access level is
displayed. Invalid passwords will be rejected.


58 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
General settings
6.9 Access levels

Change password
You must change the standard passwords to obtain a secure access protection.

1. Press the "Change password" softkey.

The "Change Password" window opens.

2. Select the area (e.g. user) for which you want to assign a new
3. Enter the new password in the input fields "New password" and
"Repeat password."
4. Press the "OK" softkey to confirm your entry.
A new, valid password is only accepted if the two terms entered are

Delete password

Press the "Delete password" softkey. The access authorization is


Access authorization is not automatically deleted at POWER ON.
When a general NCK reset is performed, the passwords are reset to the default passwords.

6.9.3 Access levels for programs

Access levels can be allocated to protect information; they can also be used to prevent
unauthorized operation or deliberate damage to the control system or machine.
With access authorization levels to files and directories, it can be defined as to which users
are authorized to execute which operations on a directory or a file in a file system.
Operations in this sense include:
● Reading the contents of a file (READ), copying the file or placing the file in an archive.
● Changing the contents of a file (WRITE) or deleting the file.
● Executing a file (EXECUTE).
● Listing and displaying a file in a directory (SHOW).
● Creating a file in a directory.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 59
General settings
6.9 Access levels

● Displaying or reading the contents of a directory.

● Creating or deleting a directory.

Description of functions
The individual allocation of access rights acts, in the passive NCK file system, on the
following directories:
● Part programs
● Subprograms
● Manufacturer cycle directory
● User cycle directory
● Workpieces directory
● Workpiece directories
Further, the function acts on the files of the main program type (*.mpf) and subprograms or
cycle (*.spf).
In addition, the technique can be expanded to include the following directories on the local
● Part programs
● Subprograms
● Workpieces directory
● Workpiece directories

Working via remote access
When working via remote access (e.g. WinSCP or RCS Commander) the same access
rights apply for editing or saving files and directories as directly at the controller.

Access rights via machine data

The following machine data is still available to globally allocate access rights:
Default setting = 4 (access level: User)

Effect of access rights
The more restrictive setting is always effective both when individual access rights have been
allocated and when settings have been made via


60 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
General settings
6.9 Access levels

Settings in the slfsfileattributes.ini file

The slfsfileattributes.ini file is available as a template in the following directory:
The values from 0 ... 7 correspond to the access levels that, for example, also apply to the
password. The 4-digit numbers designate the sequence according to the following rights:

Significance from left to right: R W X S

R READ Reading files and directories
W WRITE Changing, deleting or creating files and directories
X EXECUTE Executes program: For files, for directories, always 7
S SHOW Outputs a list of files and directories

Copy the slfsfileattributes.ini file into one of the following directories:

../oem/sinumerik/hmi/cfg or ../user/sinumerik/hmi/cfg
The operating software must be restarted in order that the changes become effective.

The paths are composed of the data type identifiers. In the following example,
"\wks.dir\*.wpd\*.mpf" comprises the data type for workpiece directories "wks.dir" the
workpieces "*.wpd" and the part programs "*.mpf".
For all workpieces, 7777 is defined as default setting for new part programs.
All entries are in the section [ACCESSMASKS] and have the following form:


\wks.dir\*.wpd\*.mpf = 7777
\mpf.dir\*.mpf = 6577
\cus.dir\*.spf = 6577

See also
Definition of access levels (Page 57)


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 61
General settings
6.9 Access levels

6.9.4 Access rights for files

Changing access rights

Access rights for execution, writing, listing and reading are displayed in the "Properties"
● Execute: is used for the selection for execution.
● Write: controls the changing and deletion of a file or a directory.
For NC files, you have the option to set the access rights from keyswitch 0 to the current
access level, to be set separately for each file.
If an access level is higher than the current access level, it cannot be changed.
For external files (e.g. on a local drive), the access rights are displayed to you only if settings
have been executed for these files by the machine manufacturer. They cannot be changed
via the "Properties" window.

Settings for the access rights to directories and files
Via the configuration file and MD51050, access rights of the directories and file types of the
NC memory and user memory (local drive) can be changed and pre-assigned.

Configuration file slfsfileattributes.ini

The access rights defined in the configuration file slfsfileattributes.ini and in MD51050
become valid in the NC when creating new files and can then be changed individually in the
Program Manager with the "Properties" function. The access rights are an individual attribute
of each file in the NC.
The access rights defined in the configuration file slfsfileattributes.ini and MD51050 become
valid for external data on the CompactFlash Card of the NCU, or on the hard disk of the
PCU/PC immediately for all the specified directories and file types, and cannot be changed
through operation. The access rights can only be set globally for external data.

6.9.5 Access levels for softkeys

The display and operation of softkeys can be suppressed by both the OEM as well as the
user. This allows the operating software to be specifically adapted to the required functional
scope and therefore be configured as transparently as possible.
This means that the functional scope of the system is restricted, to prevent access to
functions in the operating software, or to restrict the possibility of operator errors.


62 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
General settings
6.9 Access levels

Access hierarchy
A new access level can only be allocated for those softkeys that are also visible and can be
used in the actual access level.
Example: If a softkey is only accessible with the "Manufacturer" access level, then the
access level cannot be changed by an operator with access level "Key-operated switch
setting 3".

In order to guarantee that the system remains stable and operable, certain softkeys are
excluded from the access level change, e.g. the "Customize softkeys" softkey itself, in order
that the undo path is not cut-off or the softkey "<< Back" to the vertical softkey bar.
The following softkeys cannot be hidden or the access level changed:
● All "OK" softkeys
● All "Cancel" softkeys
● All "Accept" softkeys
● All "<<" Back and ">>" Continue softkeys
The access level for softkeys in the cycle dialog boxes can also be changed; this does not
apply to softkeys in Easy Screen dialog boxes.

Software upgrade
As all changes of the access levels for softkeys are described using the softkey ID, they still
remain valid after a software upgrade, which may have resulted in softkeys being shifted.

Softkeys, where access is already protected by machine data - for example MD51045
$MNS_ACCESS_TEACH_IN - are only protected by the allocated access level after a new
one has been allocated. The machine data is no longer evaluated.
All of the softkeys hidden using this mechanism can be temporarily displayed again using the
access rights specified by the system. This is done using the "Show all softkeys" softkey.
The softkey is deactivated as long as no softkeys have been allocated new access levels:
This setting remains effective until the system is rebooted.

6.9.6 This is how you define new access levels for softkeys

General sequence
In order to assign a new access level to a softkey, proceed as follows:
● Activate the adaptation mode.
● Change the access level of a softkey.
● Accept the changes and confirm.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 63
General settings
6.9 Access levels

Access to the "Customize softkeys" is protected using a general MD51073
$MNS_ACCESS_SET_SOFTKEY_ACCESS. This machine data is pre-assigned access
level 3, i.e. the function is available from "Service" password and higher. In order that an
operator with "User" access level can use this function, this machine data should be set to a
value > 3.
An external mouse is required in order to make changes.

Changing the access level of a softkey

1. In the "Start-up" operating area, select the "HMI" menu.
2. On the expansion bar ">>" select the "Customize softkeys" softkey.
You can obtain precise information about the procedure in the following dialog.
1. Confirm with "OK", in order to activate the "Customize the softkey access levels active"
mode. A table is displayed.
2. Select an operating area.
3. Place the mouse cursor on a softkey and using the right-hand mouse key call the context
menu "Define access level", in order to define a new access level for this softkey.
– The displayed access level is the default setting.
– A softkey is practically made invisible with "Always hide".
– You can reset the additionally allocated access level using "Original setting". This
selection is only listed after an individual access level was set.
4. In order to accept changes, return to the "Start-up" operating area and there, press the
"Close customizing" softkey. This means that you exit the "Customize the softkey access
levels active" mode.
If you acknowledge the following query with "OK", then the changes are accepted and
become effective once the system has rebooted.
5. If the changes to a softkey are not to be applied, select the line and press the "Original
setting" softkey. This means that in the "New access level" column, the "Original setting"
identifier is entered, which functions in the same way as deletion. This entry is no longer
available following a system restart. "


64 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
General settings
6.10 HMI monitor

The following access levels were changed:

Softkey New access level

SISuMainScreenMenuHu::0::3 Manufacturer
SIMaJogMillMenuHU::jogHuMore::6 User
SISuPaUserDataMenu::::4 Service

Once selected, the identifier and position of the softkey are transferred to the "Softkey" column.

When the changes have been accepted, a configuration file with the "slsoftkeyaccess.xml"
name is created and is saved in the file system under the following path:
../user/sinumerik/hmi/cfg. Files can also be saved in the /oem path, which are evaluated
when the system boots. The following priority applies: oem < user.

Editing the file "slsoftkeyaccess.xml"
In order to avoid errors in the xml syntax and for the softkey identifier the
"slsoftkeyaccess.xml" file may only be edited via the operating software as described above,
and not directly in the file system under "System data". It is possible that the complete file or
individual entries for softkeys can no longer be interpreted.

6.10 HMI monitor

The HMI monitor is a data area in a freely-selectable user-specific PLC data block.

Configuring HMI monitors

The PLC address of the HMI monitor is configured using the following display machine data:

MD9032 $MM_HMI_MONITOR Determining the PLC data for HMI monitor

Byte 0 Saves the PLC-ID of the active operating area.
Byte 2 Saves the PLC-ID of the window that is currently selected.
Byte 3

The machine data is a string and is interpreted as a pointer to a PLC data area with specified
byte offset, e.g. DB60.DBB10. The PLC data area encompasses 8 bytes of the PLC. The
start address must have an even byte offset (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, etc.).


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 65
General settings
6.11 Program selection

DB60.DBB10 for data block 60, byte 10
Reserves the bytes 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 as HMI monitor
DB60.DBB10: PLC-ID of the active operating area
DB60.DBW12: PLC-ID of the window that is currently selected

When using the HMI monitor, the corresponding variables in the PLC user interface –
DB19.DBB21 and DB19.DBW24 – are no longer supplied.
This means that either the user interface or the HMI monitor can be used – but not both

6.11 Program selection

6.11.1 Displaying the softkey

The softkeys on the user interface for calling the program lists are activated via general
configuration machine data.

Configuring a softkey

0 No softkey
1 The "Prog. list" softkey is displayed

0 No softkey
1 The "MANUFACTURER" softkey is displayed


66 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
General settings
6.11 Program selection

To create program lists, you require the following authorization:
● "Program manager" operating area: Access level 3 (password: User) or
● "Start-up" operating area: Access level 1 (password: Manufacturer).

Program lists
You can create a program list by combining desired programs from the NC data, e.g.
workpieces, part programs and subprograms. These programs can then be selected by the
PLC for execution.

Program lists Directory

plc_proglist_user.ppl /user/sinumerik/hmi/plc/programlist
plc_proglist_manufacturer.ppl /oem/sinumerik/hmi/plc/programlist


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area if you have the authorization for
access level 1 (password: Manufacturer).

- OR -
Select the "Program manager" operating area if you have the
authorization for access level 3 (password: User).

2. Press the menu forward key and the "Prog. list" softkey.
The "Program List" window opens.

3. Press the "Manufacturer" softkey if you want to create a program list

that can be used for all machines of a certain series.

4. Place the cursor in the desired line (program number).

5. Press the "Select program" softkey.
The "Programs" window opens. The data tree of the NC memory with
the directories "Workpieces", "Part programs" and "Subprograms" is


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 67
General settings
6.11 Program selection

6. Place the cursor on the desired program and press the "OK" softkey.
The selected program is inserted in the first line of the list together with
its path.
- OR -
Enter the program name directly in the list.
If you are making entries manually, check that the path is correct (e.g.
If required, the extension (.MPF) is added.
A syntax check is not performed.
With workpieces, make sure that there is a main program or a job list
with the same name in the workpiece itself.
7. To remove a program from the list, place the cursor on the appropriate
line and press the "Delete" softkey.

- OR -
To delete all programs from the program list, press the "Delete all"


68 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Machine and setting data 7
7.1 Machine and setting data


Prefix Number ranges Machine/setting data Storage in range

$MM 9000 - 9999 Display machine data Display MD
$MNS 51000 - 51299 General configuration machine data General MD
51300 - 51999 General cycle machine data
$MCS 52000 - 52299 Channel-specific configuration machine data Channel MD
52300 - 52999 Channel-specific cycle machine data
$MAS 53000 - 53299 Axis-specific configuration machine data Axis MD
53300 - 53999 Axis-specific cycle machine data
$SNS 54000 - 54299 General configuration setting data General SD
54300 - 54999 General cycle setting data
$SCS 55000 - 55299 Channel-specific configuration setting data Channel SD
55300 - 55999 Channel-specific cycle setting data
$SAS 56000 - 56299 Axis-specific configuration setting data Axis SD
56300 - 56999 Axis-specific cycle setting data

You can find a detailed description of the machine and setting data in the following
● List Manual (book 1)

7.2 Displaying/editing machine data

You can access the following machine data in the "Start-up" operating area.
● General machine data ($MN) and general configuration machine data ($MNS)
● Channel-specific machine data ($MC) and channel-specific configuration machine data
● Axis-specific machine data ($MA) and axis-specific configuration machine data ($MAS)
● Drive-specific machine data ($M_)
● Machine data control unit: Drive parameters


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 69
Machine and setting data
7.2 Displaying/editing machine data

● Machine data feed-in: Drive parameters

● I/O component parameters: Drive parameters
● Communication parameters (CULINK, DMC): Drive parameters

The display of the machine data / drive parameters depends on the configuration of your
Access authorization to the machine data operating area can be controlled by keyswitch
position or password.
Read-access to machine data is possible as of access level 4 (keyswitch 3).
Machine data can be changed with access level 1 (manufacturer).

Incorrect parameterization
Changes in the machine data have a considerable influence on the machine. Incorrect
configuration of the parameters can endanger human life and cause damage to the

Information about machine data

The following information is displayed from left to right:
● Machine data number, with array index if applicable
● Machine data name
● Machine data value
● Machine data unit
● Effective

If the machine data does not use units, the corresponding column is empty. If the data is not
available, the hash symbol "#" is displayed instead of the value. If the value ends in an "H", it
is a hexadecimal value.

The physical units of machine data are displayed on the right-hand side of the input field.
For each machine data item, an activation type can be read in the column on the right.

so Immediately active: No action required

cf Configuration: "Set MD to active (cf)" softkey
re Reset: <Reset> key on the machine control panel
po POWER ON: "Reset(po)" softkey


70 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Machine and setting data
7.2 Displaying/editing machine data


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the "Mach. data" softkey. Additional softkeys for the individual
machine data areas are displayed.

3. Press the "General MD", "Channel MD", or "Axis MD" softkey.

The window opens and the selected machine data is displayed.

4. Place the cursor on a machine data item.

5. Position the cursor on the entry to be modified and enter the required
6. Depending on the activation type, there are two ways of activating the
Press the "Activate MD (cf)" softkey. The value is applied.

- OR -
Press the "Reset (po)" softkey.
A safety prompt appears.
7. Press the "OK" softkey to trigger a warm restart.

- OR -
Press the "Cancel" softkey if you do not want to apply the settings.

Axis selection
If several components are available for the area selected (e.g. "Axis MD"), you can choose
from the following options:

1. Press the "Axis +" or "Axis -" softkey.

The values of the next (+) and the previous (-) axes are displayed.

- OR -


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 71
Machine and setting data
7.3 Displaying/editing display machine data

Press the "Direct selection..." softkey.

The "Axis Direct Selection" window opens.
2. Select the required axis directly from those available in the drop-down
list box.
3. Press the "OK" softkey to save the setting.

- OR -
Press the "Cancel" softkey to reject the settings.

7.3 Displaying/editing display machine data

You can access the display machine data via the user interface in the "Start-up" operating


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the "Mach. data" softkey.

3. Press the menu forward key.

Further softkeys are displayed.

4. Press the "Display MD" softkey.

The display machine data appears.
5. Position the cursor on the entry to be modified and enter the required
6. Press the "Reset (po)" softkey.
A safety prompt appears.
7. Press the "OK" softkey to trigger a warm restart.

- OR -
Press the "Cancel" softkey if you do not want to apply the settings.


72 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Machine and setting data
7.4 Displaying/editing setting data

7.4 Displaying/editing setting data

You can access the following setting data via the user interface in the "Startup" operating
● General setting data
● Channel-specific setting data
● Axis-specific setting data


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the "Mach. data" softkey.

3. Press the menu forward key.

The softkeys "General SD", "Channel SD", and "Axis SD" are displayed.

4. Press the relevant softkey to display a particular setting data area.

The window opens and the selected setting data is displayed.

5. Place the cursor on the desired setting data and position the cursor on
the entry to be changed. Enter the desired value.
6. Depending on the activation type, there are two ways of activating the
Press the "Activate MD (cf)" softkey.

- OR -
Press the "Reset (po)" softkey.
A safety prompt appears.
7. Press the "OK" softkey to trigger a warm restart.

- OR -
Press the "Cancel" softkey if you do not want to apply the settings.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 73
Machine and setting data
7.5 Displaying/editing drive parameters

Axis/channel selection
If several components are available for the area selected (e.g. "Axis SD" or "Channel SD"),
you can choose from the following options:

1. Press the "Axis +" or "Axis -" or "Channel +" or "Channel -" softkey.
The values of the next (+) and the previous axis/channel (-) are

- OR -
Press the "Direct selection..." softkey.
The "Direct Selection" window opens.
2. Select the required axis directly from those available in the drop-down
list box.
3. Press the "OK" softkey to save the setting.

- OR -
Press the "Cancel" softkey to reject the setting.

7.5 Displaying/editing drive parameters

The "Control Unit MD", "Infeed MD" and "Drive MD" softkeys as well as the "I/O comp. MD"
and "Comm MD" on the menu forward key are available to display and edit drive parameters.
A separate list display is provided for each of these areas in which you can view and edit
drive data.

Settings for drive parameters are protected with access level 2 (service).
The lists of the drive parameters are visible with access level 4 (keyswitch 3).
Please refer to the following documentation for information on commissioning the drive:

CNC Commissioning Manual: NCK, PLC, drives


74 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Machine and setting data
7.5 Displaying/editing drive parameters


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the "Mach. data" softkey.

The "Control unit parameters", "Supply MD" and "Drive MD" softkeys
are displayed.
3. Press the softkey of an area to show its parameters.
4. Place the cursor on the desired parameter.
5. Position the cursor on the entry to be modified and enter the required
6. In order to activate the settings, you have the option of saving or
carrying out a reset.
Press the "Save/reset" softkey.
7. Press the "Save" softkey.
You are prompted "What do you wish to save?"
You can make the following selection per softkey:
• Actual drive object
• Drive unit
• Drive system
- OR -
Press the "Reset (po)" softkey.
You are prompted as to whether you wish to initiate a warm restart for
the NCK and the complete drive system.
Confirm the prompt with the "Yes" softkey.

Reject the warm restart with the "No" softkey.

Extended reset
If you wish to carry out a warm restart only for specific objects or specific areas, then
additional softkeys are available for this purpose.

Press the "Extended reset" softkey.

You are prompted to enter for which objects you wish to initiate a warm
You can make a selection with the following softkeys:
Only the NCK is restarted.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 75
Machine and setting data
7.6 Machine data display filter

All of the control units and the NCK in the system are restarted. This
softkey corresponds to the "Reset (po)" softkey if you confirm the
prompt with "Yes".
All of the control units and the NCK in the system as well as the
operator software are restarted.

Hiding the expanded softkey bar

The "Extended reset" softkey is defined in the "slsuconfig.ini" file. If the softkey is not to be
displayed, proceed as follows:
1. Copy the "slsuconfig.ini" file from the /siemens/sinumerik/hmi/template/cfg/ directory.
2. Insert the file into the following directory:
3. Open the file and in the section
[Softkeys] and enter
AdvancedReset = 0

7.6 Machine data display filter

Through the use of the machine data display filter, it is possible to reduce the number of
displayed machine data relating to a certain area, e.g. general machine data, for special

Machine data areas

Display filters are available for the following machine data areas:
● General machine data
● Channel-specific machine data
● Axis-specific machine data
● Drive machine data
● Display machine data

Filter options
It is possible to limit the machine data display using the following filtering methods:
● According to indices
● According to display groups
● According to expert parameters


76 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Machine and setting data
7.6 Machine data display filter

Indices from ... to

The index filter refers to the machine data arrays. On the display, this machine data can be
identified by the field index attached to the machine data string.
Example: 10000[ index]AXCONF_MACHAX_NAME_TAB
If the index filter is activated, machine data arrays are only displayed in the specified index

Display groups
A display group contains machine data within a machine data area that belongs to the same

To find out which display group a machine data item belongs to, refer to the "Display filter"
parameter associated with the description of the machine data element in question.
References: List Manual (book 1)

Select/deselect display groups to increase or decrease the number of machine data items
displayed for the current machine data area.

Display expert parameters

If the "Display expert parameters" filter is disabled, only the machine data in a machine data
area that is required for the basic functionality of the NC is displayed.


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the "Mach. data" softkey.

3. Press the softkey of a particular data area, e.g. "General MD".

The list of general machine data is displayed.
4. Press the "Display options" softkey.
The "Display Options: ..." window ..." for the selected machine data
5. Select the required filter options (according to display groups, indices or
expert parameters) by activating the checkboxes.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 77
Machine and setting data
7.7 Editing machine data and drive parameters

6. Press the "Select all" softkey to activate all display groups.

- OR -
Press the "Deselect all" softkey.
All checkmarks are removed and you can select individual display

7.7 Editing machine data and drive parameters

7.7.1 Editing hexadecimal values

You can use a bit editor to enter the required values for machine data in hexadecimal format.


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the "Mach. data" softkey and select the required machine data
area (e.g. general machine data).

3. Position the cursor on the entry to be edited.

4. Press the <SELECT> or <INSERT> key.
The "Bit Editor" window opens.
All bits of the machine data item that have a description text are

5. If you activate the "Display all bits" checkbox, all bits regardless of their
data type (8, 16 or 32 bits) are displayed. Activate the relevant bit.
6. Press the "OK" softkey. The setting is checked and an error message
may be output.
The window closes and you return to the machine data overview.
The new value is displayed in hexadecimal format.


78 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Machine and setting data
7.7 Editing machine data and drive parameters

7.7.2 Editing BICO values

You can use the BICO editor to enter BICO values for drive parameters.

BICO values can also be entered by copying and inserting or also directly entered the field.


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the "Mach. data" softkey.

3. Press the "Control unit MD" softkey and select a BICO parameter, e.g.

4. Position the cursor on the entry to be changed, e.g. BICO 63.2091.0

5. Press the <SELECT> or <INSERT> key.
The "BICO Editor" window opens.

6. Complete the "Drive object number", "Parameter number", "Bit/Index"

and "Parameter value (hex)" fields.

The BICO editor also opens if you enter a value other than 0 or 1 for the value to be

7.7.3 Editing enum values

For drive parameters, you have the option of editing enum elements (e.g. r2, p3, p4, p97
etc.) using a selection list.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 79
Machine and setting data
7.8 Searching for data


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the "Mach. data" softkey.

3. Select the desired drive parameter area, e.g. "Control unit MD".

4. Select the desired parameter, e.g. "p3" and position the cursor at the
entry to be changed, e.g. "[1] Display, Si...".
5. Press the <SELECT> or <INSERT> key.
A window containing a list of all defined enum values and their
descriptions opens.

6. You can select a value from the list.

- OR
You can also directly enter the value as decimal number into the
brackets [ ].

7.8 Searching for data

You can search for specific machine, setting and display machine data.

Search strategies
● When a digit or a digit with an index is entered, an exact search for this parameter is
Example: If "9" is entered > p9 will be found (but not p99)
● When text is entered, a full-text search is performed: i.e. the term is sought in the relevant
table and in the status bar.


80 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Machine and setting data
7.9 Managing data


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the "Mach. data" softkey.

3. Select an area by pressing the relevant softkey.

4. Press the "Search..." softkey and enter the required text or digit in the
search screen.
The cursor is positioned on the first entry that corresponds to the search
5. Press the "Continue search" softkey if this machine, setting or display
machine data item is not the one you are looking for.

Additional search option

Press the "Go to start" softkey to start the search at the first data.

Press the "Go to end" softkey to start the search at the last data.

7.9 Managing data

The "Manage data" function is used to simplify the commissioning and permits the transfer,
backup, loading and comparing of machine, setting, compensation and drive data at the file
level. The files are saved in the .tea ASCII format.
The "Manage data" softkey is visible as of access level "Service" (= 2).


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 81
Machine and setting data
7.9 Managing data

The following option fields are available in the "Transfer Machine Data" window:
● Transfer data within the controller
Only those controller objects are listed that are currently available in the controller.
● Save data to a file
Additional files with the extensions .acx and .log are created for the SINAMICS
– Files with the extension .acx contain the parameter descriptions for the selected drive
– The log file may also contain the warnings and errors that occurred during the
conversion from .acx to .tea.
● Load data from a file

An NCK and drive reset is only triggered automatically for drive objects after loading. A
reset must be triggered manually for all other controller objects.

● Compare data
Several files (.tea) and/or controller objects (axis, channel, servo, infeed, etc. ) can be
compared at the same time. An online comparison of constantly changing data is not
possible because the values are saved temporarily at the time of the comparison.
Up to eight elements can be taken into the list of the data to be compared.


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the "Mach. data" softkey.

The "Manage data" softkey is available in each machine data area,
except in "User views".
- OR -
Press the "System data" softkey and select the HMI data/Data
backups/IB data directory.

3. Press the "Manage data" softkey.

The "Transfer Machine Data" window opens.
4. Activate the required option filed and press "OK".


82 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Machine and setting data
7.9 Managing data

Transfer data within the controller

5. Position the cursor on a controller object and confirm with "OK".

6. In the window that opens, select the target controller object and confirm
with "OK".

Save data to a file

5. Position the cursor on a controller object and confirm with "OK".

6. The "Save Under: Select Archive" window opens and the appropriate
storage location is preselected.
If required, press the "New directory" softkey to generate a new
subdirectory. Enter the required name in the "New Directory" window
and confirm with "OK".
7. In the "New File" window, enter the required name for the file to be
saved and confirm with "OK".

The stored files can be found in the data tree of the "System data" in the
HMI data/Data backups/IB data directory.
Load data from a file
5. The "Load Trace: Select File" window opens.
Position the cursor on a .tea file that is located either in the IB data
directory or on a USB-FlashDrive and confirm with "OK".

Please note: If the source and target drive object numbers differ when
loading drive data, you must adapt individual parameters. To do this,
press the "Adapt" softkey and edit the parameter values in the window
that appears.
Compare data
5. In the "Compare Data - Controller" window, select an element to be
compared from the tree structure of the control objects.

- OR -
Press the "File" softkey to select a .tea file to be compared from the tree
structure of the files.

6. Press the "Add to list" softkey.

The list of the data to be compared is displayed in the lower part of the
window and the selected element is added.
7. Press the "Delete from list" softkey to remove individual elements from
the comparison list.

- OR -
Deactivate the checkbox of the selected element in the list of the data to
be compared.
8. When at least two elements are listed, the "Compare" softkey is
enabled. Press this softkey to perform the comparison.


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Machine and setting data
7.10 User views

7.10 User views

In the "User Views" window you can create and adapt all machine data relevant to a
particular functionality. Machine data is individually collated to simplify the user's task.
You can include additional comments when creating and/or editing user views.

Importing user views (compatibility)
If you have already created user views in HMI-Advanced, copy the *.klb files to
/user/sinumerik/hmi/template/user_views to use them in SINUMERIK Operate.

Display in the the "Parameter" operating area

Proceed as follows to show user views also in the "Parameters" operating area:
1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.
2. Press the "Machine data" softkey.
3. Press the "User views" softkey.
4. Press the "Manage view” softkey.
5. Press the "New view" softkey.
6. Activate the checkbox "Display parameter / use setting data", if you also wish to display
the new user view in the "Parameter" → "Setting data" → "Data lists".
7. Enter a name for the user view.
8. Confirm with "OK".


84 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Machine and setting data
7.10 User views

7.10.1 Creating a user view


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area and press the "Mach. data"

2. Press the softkeys "User views",

"Manage view" and

"New view".
The "New View" window opens.
3. Enter the desired view name.
Press the "OK" softkey.
If a user view already exists with the same name, you receive a safety
prompt as to whether the existing view should be overwritten.
4. Press the "Enter data" softkey.
The "Insert data" selection box opens.
5. Open the selection list with the <INSERT> key, select a machine data
area and press the <INPUT> key.

Select a machine data item with the cursor keys or using the "Find"


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 85
Machine and setting data
7.10 User views

6. Press the "Insert before line" or "Insert after line" softkey to insert the
selected machine data at the required position in the user view.

You can navigate in the open user view with the mouse and select a
line without closing the list box.
7. Press the "Back" softkey to close the list box and return to the user
view you want to edit.
Your entries are automatically stored.
8. Press the "Insert text" softkey to insert any text in the open user view.
The "Insert Text" input window opens.
9. Enter a text and explanatory description for the text and press the
"Insert before line" or "Insert after line" softkey to accept the text.

10. Press the "Back" softkey to save your entries and return to the user
view you are editing.

Selecting a particular machine data item

You can use the Search dialog box to look for a particular data item.

7.10.2 Editing the user view

Depending on the row you have selected, you can use the "Properties" softkey to change
comments and, in the case of machine data, the data source (channel, axis, drive unit) and
view the description and, if required, change.
● Machine data
Depending on the data type you can select either a fixed or a variable data source for
machine data.
The entry "variable(*)" means that when you can select another data source (channel,
axis, drive unit) with vertical softkeys 1- 3 (+, - and direct selection) the value displayed
changes to refer to the data source currently selected.
Alternately, you can select a fixed data source so that the displayed value does not
change when you select a different data source.
● Comment texts
Text and description


86 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Machine and setting data
7.10 User views


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area and press the "Mach. data" softkey.

2. Press the "User views" softkey.

The "User Views" window opens.
3. Press the "Edit view” softkey. Additional softkeys to edit the user view
are listed.

4. Press the "Insert data" softkey if you wish to enter another data item.

5. Select a machine data item with the cursor keys.

6. Press the "Up" or "Down" softkeys to move the selected row.

- OR -
Press the "Delete line" softkey to remove the selected line from the
view. The data item is removed without a prompt.

- OR -
Press the "Properties" softkey to view the texts for comments and, if
required, change.
The "Properties" window is opened. For machine data, depending on
the setting, the description or the machine data is displayed in the lower
left-hand window.
7. Press the "Back" softkey to save your changes.


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Machine and setting data
7.10 User views

Selecting a particular machine data item

You can use the Search dialog box to look for a particular data item.

Press the "Go to start" softkey to start the search at the first entry.

Press the "Go to end" softkey to start the search at the last entry.

Press the "Continue search" softkey if the data found during the search
does not match up with what you are looking for.

7.10.3 Deleting a user view


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. press the "Machine data" softkey.

3. Press the "User views" softkey.

4. Press the "Manage view” softkey.

5. Select the desired view from the selection list.

6. Press the "Delete view" softkey.

With the final confirmation prompt you will be requested to confirm

with either "Yes" or cancel with "No".
The "User views" dialog is then redisplayed.

Just like before, as an alternative, it is possible to delete a user view under "System data"
under the following path: ../user/sinumerik/hmi/template/user_views


88 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Machine and setting data
7.11 Plain texts for machine and setting data

7.11 Plain texts for machine and setting data

Application-specific and language-dependent plain texts can be configured for machine and
setting data depending on the version [Index].

Displaying the plain texts

You set the display of the plain texts using the following display machine data:

MD9900 $MM_MD_TEXT_SWITCH Plain texts instead of MD identifier

=1 Plain text is displayed in the table
=0 Plain text is displayed in the dialog line


File Machine/setting data

nctea_xxx.txt General machine/setting data
chtea_xxx.txt Channel-specific machine/setting data
axtea_xxx.txt Axis-specific machine/setting data
hmitea_xxx.txt Display machine data

For "xxx" the specified language code must be used, e.g. "deu" for German, "eng" for
English, etc.
Supported languages (Page 584)
Ensure that the file names are written in lower case letters.

1. Depending on the machine or setting data for which you wish to change the plain text,
create the corresponding file, e.g. "nctea_xxx.txt".
2. Save the file with the UTF-8 coding in order that umlauts and special characters are
correctly displayed in SINUMERIK Operate.
3. Place the file in SINUMERIK Operate in the following directory:
System CF card/user/sinumerik/hmi/Ing or
System CF card/oem/sinumerik/hmi/Ing or
System CF card/addon/sinumerik/hmi/Ing

The files are searched through in the sequence of the directories "user", "oem" and
"addon". The first file that is found is evaluated. If, e.g. text files are available in the "user"
and "oem" directories, the files are evaluated in the "user" directory.


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Machine and setting data
7.11 Plain texts for machine and setting data

If a machine data item has different indices and you do not specify an index for the plain text,
the same plain text appears for all the indices of the machine data item.
The parameters and indices must be sorted in an ascending order.

Example of a file with German texts

14510 Mein Integer-Text für PLC_MD 14510

14510[1] Mein Integer-Text für MD 14510[1]

14512[1] Mein Text für HEX-Datum 14512[1]

Result in the display

The plain text is displayed in the table or in the diagnostics line in the operating area
"Startup", "General MD".

Machine data Text

14510 My integer text for PLC_MD 14510
14510[1] My integer text for MD 14510[1]
14512[1] My text in HEX data 14512[1]


90 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Customizing the "Machine" operating area 8
Automatic changeover
The circumstances under which an automatic changeover is made into the "Machine"
operating area are set in MD51040 $MNS_SWITCH_TO_MACHINE_MASK.

MD51040 $MNS_SWITCH_TO_MACHINE_MASK 0 (default setting)

Bit 0 = 1 For program selection in the Program Manager, an automatic change is not made into
the Machine operating area.
Bit 1 = 1 For program selection in the Program Manager, an automatic change is not made into
the Machine operating area.
When changing over the operating mode via the machine control panel, an automatic
change is not made into the Machine operating area.
Bit 2 = 1 For program selection in the Program operating area, an automatic change is not made
into the Machine operating area.
Bit 3 = 1 When selecting a program/executing a program in the Program operating area, the
block search is not automatically started.

8.1 Setting the font size of the actual value display

Setting font size

The actual values for the machine coordinate system or workpiece coordinate system can be
displayed in two different font sizes in the "Machine" operating area.
Using a channel machine data item, you can set how many axes should be displayed in a
larger font.

MD52010 $MCS_DISP_NUM_AXIS_BIG_FONT Number of actual values with a large

=3 Number of actual values with a larger font (default setting)


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Customizing the "Machine" operating area
8.2 Inserting a user-specific logo

8.2 Inserting a user-specific logo

OEM-specific logo
The Siemens logo is visible in the header of the "Machine" operating area.
You can replace the Siemens logo with your own logo.
1. Name your own logo "logo.png".

The file name must not contain any lower case letters.

2. Save your own logo depending on the bitmap size, in one of the directories:
/oem/sinumerik/hmi/ico or /user/sinumerik/hmi/ico

Directory Bitmap size

/Ico640 122 x 19
/Ico800 160 x 24
/Ico1024 199 x 30

8.3 Configuring the display of the G-code groups

The "G-functions" pane is visible in the "Machine" operating area.
Up to a maximum of 16 G-code groups are displayed in this pane. Configure the
"slmagcodeconfig.ini" file accordingly to determine which G-code groups should be
displayed, and where.

Configuring G-code groups

Section Meaning
Selected G groups This area is intended for operation of the controller in Siemens mode.
Selected G groups ISO This area is intended for operation of the controller in ISO mode.

Enter the G-code group and position as follows:

SelectedGGroupN = M
N Position where G-code group M will be displayed.
If you want to leave a position empty, omit the number (M), e.g. "SelectedGGroup1 = "
M The number of the G-code group to be displayed at position N


92 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Customizing the "Machine" operating area
8.3 Configuring the display of the G-code groups

Structure of the file

[Selected G-Groups]
SelectedGGroup1 = 1
SelectedGGroup2 = 2
SelectedGGroup3 = 3
SelectedGGroup4 = 4
SelectedGGroup5 = 5
SelectedGGroup6 = 6
SelectedGGroup7 = 7
SelectedGGroup8 = 8
SelectedGGroup9 = 9
SelectedGGroup10 = 11
SelectedGGroup12 = 12
SelectedGGroup13 = 13
SelectedGGroup14 = 14
SelectedGGroup15 = 15
SelectedGGroup16 = 16
[Selected G-Groups ISO-Mode]
... (as with section for Siemens)

1. Copy the "slmagcodeconfig.ini" file from the folder
2. Place the file in the following directory: /oem/sinumerik/hmi/cfg or /user/sinumerik/hmi/cfg.
As soon as the file is located in the user-specific directory, the entries for this file take
precedence over the Siemens file. If an entry is missing in a user-specific file, the
corresponding entry from the Siemens file is used instead.
3. Open the file and enter the number of the G code in question at the required position
"SelectedGGroup1 = 5".
I.e. the 5th G code group will be displayed at the 1st position.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 93
Customizing the "Machine" operating area
8.4 Configuring the channel operational message

8.4 Configuring the channel operational message

The channel operational messages are displayed in the third line of the header in the
"Machine" operating area. There are two types of channel operational messages:
1. Channel operational messages that require an operator action to continue a program, e.g.
feed enable missing, M01 active.
The channel operational messages are identified by exclamation marks.
2. Channel operational messages that do not require an operator action to continue a
program. A stop condition is active for a length of time (>1 s) and is interrupted by the
program processing, e.g. dwell time active, waiting for tool change.
The channel operational message is identified by a clock icon and disappears after a
certain time.

The settings for this are specified in the "slmahdconfig.ini" file.

Configuring the channel operational message

Section Meaning
CondStopIcons Specification of an icon that is to be displayed with a certain channel operational
If no icon is specified for a certain channel operational message, then the icon
specified for "DefaultIcon" is displayed.
CondDelayTime Specification of how long (in milliseconds) a certain message must be present
before it is displayed.
• If no time is specified for a certain channel operational message, then the
time specified at "CondDelayTime" is used.
• If the channel operational message is to be displayed immediately, "0" must
be specified as time.

1. Copy the "slmahdconfig.ini" file from the /siemens/sinumerik/hmi/template/cfg directory.
2. Place the file in the following directory: /oem/sinumerik/hmi/cfg or /user/sinumerik/hmi/cfg.
3. Open the file and make the required settings.


94 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Customizing the "Machine" operating area
8.4 Configuring the channel operational message

"slmahdconfig.ini" file

Standard configuration

Default icon = condwait.png
1 = condstop.png ; No NC ready
2 = condstop.png ; No mode group ready
3 = condstop.png ; EMERGENCY STOP active
4 = condstop.png ; Alarm with stop active
5 = condstop.png ; M0/M1 active
6 = condstop.png ; Block in SBL mode terminated
7 = condstop.png ; NC stop active
8 = condstop.png ; Read-in enable missing
9 = condstop.png ; Feed enable missing
10 = condwait.png ; Dwell time active
11 = condwait.png ; Aux. function acknowledgment missing
12 = condstop.png ; Axis enable missing
13 = condwait.png ; Exact stop not reached
14 = condwait.png ; Waiting for positioning axis
15 = condwait.png ; Waiting for spindle
15 = condwait.png ; Waiting for other channel
17 = condstop.png ; Waiting for feedrate override
18 = condstop.png ; Error in NC block
19 = condstop.png ; Waiting for external NC blocks
20 = condwait.png ; Waiting for synchronized action
21 = condwait.png ; Block search active
22 = condstop.png ; Spindle enable missing
23 = condstop.png ; Axis feedrate override
24 = condwait.png ; Waiting for tool change acknowledgment
25 = condwait.png ; Gear step change
26 = condwait.png ; Waiting for position control
27 = condwait.png ; Waiting for thread cut
28 = condwait.png ; Reserved
29 = condwait.png ; Waiting for punching
30 = condwait.png ; Waiting for safe operation
31 = condwait.png ; No channel ready
32 = condstop.png ; Oscillation active
33 = condwait.png ; Axis replacement active
34 = condwait.png ; Axis container rotation
35 = condwait.png ; AXCT: Following axis active
36 = condwait.png ; AXCT: Leading axis active
37 = condwait.png ; AXCT: Follow-up active
38 = condwait.png ; AXCT: Internal status change
39 = condwait.png ; AXCT: Axis/spindle disable
40 = condwait.png ; AXCT: Corr. motion active
41 = condwait.png ; AXCT: Axis replacement active
42 = condwait.png ; AXCT: Axis interpolator active
43 = condwait.png ; Waiting for compile cycle
44 = condwait.png ; Access to system variable
45 = condstop.png ; Search target found
46 = condwait.png ; Rapid retraction started
47 = condwait.png ; AXCT: Wait for spindle stop
48 = condwait.png ; Machine data match
49 = condwait.png ; Axis replacement: Axis coupled
50 = condwait.png ; Axis replacement: Liftfast active
51 = condwait.png ; Axis replacement: New config active
52 = condwait.png ; Axis replacement: AXCTSW active
53 = condwait.png ; Axis replacement: Waitp active
54 = condwait.png ; Axis in another channel
55 = condwait.png ; Axis replacement: Axis is PLC axis
56 = condwait.png ; Axis replacement: Axis is oscillating axis
57 = condwait.png ; Axis replacement: Axis is Jog axis
58 = condwait.png ; Axis replacement: Command axis


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Customizing the "Machine" operating area
8.4 Configuring the channel operational message

58 = condwait.png ; Axis replacement: Axis is OEM axis

60 = condwait.png ; Coupled following axis
61 = condwait.png ; Coupled-motion following axis
62 = condwait.png ; Coupled slave axis
63 = condstop.png ; Stop at cycle end M0
64 = condstop.png ; Stop at cycle end M1
65 = condwait.png ; Wait: Axis is at fixed stop
66 = condwait.png ; Master-slave switchover active
67 = condwait.png ; Axis replacement: Axis is single axis
68 = condstop.png ; Stop: Target reached after block search
69 = condwait.png ; Synchronism: Synchronous spindle
70 = condwait.png ; Deactivation position synch. spindle
71 = condwait.png ; Waiting for transformer axis enable
72 = condstop.png ; Waiting because of possible collision
73 = condstop.png ; Jog: Position reached
74 = condstop.png ; Jog: Direction blocked
75 = condwait.png ; Brake request
76 = condwait.png ; Wait: G4 still: U
77 = condstop.png ; Axial feed disable from PLC
78 = condstop.png ; Waiting for axial feed enable
79 = condwait.png ; Axial feed disable from SYNACT
80 = condwait.png ; Waiting for master spindle speed
81 = condwait.png ; Waiting for parameter set change
82 = condwait.png ; Waiting for end of motion before transformation change
83 = condwait.png
84 = condwait.png
85 = condwait.png

Default delay time = 1000
1 = 0 ; No NC ready
2 = 0 ; No mode group ready
3 = 0 ; EMERGENCY STOP active
4 = 0 ; Alarm with stop active
5 = 0 ; M0/M1 active
6 = 0 ; Block in SBL mode terminated
7 = 0 ; NC stop active
8 = 0 ; Read-in enable missing
9 = 0 ; Feed enable missing
10 = 0 ; Dwell time active
12 = 0 ; Axis enable missing
16 = 0 ; Waiting for other channel
17 = 0 ; Waiting for feedrate override
18 = 0 ; Error in NC block
19 = 0 ; Waiting for external NC blocks
22 = 0 ; Spindle enable missing
23 = 0 ; Axis feedrate override
32 = 0 ; Oscillation active
45 = 0 ; Search target found
76 = 0 ; Wait: G64 still U


96 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Customizing the "Machine" operating area
8.5 Deactivating program test

8.5 Deactivating program test

There are several program test options to test and run-in a part program that are executed
using the "Program Test" function.
This function is active as standard. You can select the program test in the "Machine"
operating area, in the "Program control" window and using the "PRT" check box.

Deactivating the program test

You can deactivate the program test using the following configuration machine data. "PRT"
is no longer displayed in the status line.

MD51039 $MNS_PROGRAM_CONTROL_MODE_MASK Options for machine - program

Bit 0 = 0 Function program test not available

The test option is described in the following documentation:

Function Manual, Basic Functions, Mode Group, Channel, Program Operation, Reset
Behavior (K1)

8.6 Activating the "Teach In" function

Activate TEACH IN
The TEACH IN function is activated in part via the general configuration machine data.


Bit 0 = 1 The "Teach progr." softkey is displayed. The approached position is accepted into the
program with the "Accept" softkey, default value.
Bit 1 = 1 The acceptance of the teach-in block can be blocked by the PLC.
DB19.DBX13.0 = 0 Block is accepted
DB19.DBX13.0 = 1 Block is not accepted

Access to the function still depends on access rights.

MD51045 $MNS_ACCESS_TEACH_IN Protection level TEACH IN

=7 The protection level for the execution of traversing movements to MDA buffer / part
program for TEACH IN is specified, default value.


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Customizing the "Machine" operating area
8.6 Activating the "Teach In" function

MD51050 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_PROGRAM Protection level write part program

=7 The protection level for writing part programs is specified, default value.

Set the channel-specific machine data:

MD20700 $MC_REFP_NC_START_LOCK NC-Start disable without reference point


Activating TEACH IN
1. Set the machine data and initiate a reset.
2. Now change into the "AUTO" and "MDA" operating mode.
3. Select the TEACH IN machine function.
4. Press the "Teach prog." softkey.

TEACH IN not active

If the "Prog. teach in" softkey is not active, the reasons can be as follows:
● The program is not in the stop, reset or interrupt state.
● Not all of the axes that require referencing are referenced.

Accept STAT and TU

If you wish to accept the joint position of the machine and the rotary axes in the traversing
block, then activate the "STAT" and "TU" checkboxes.
In order that the checkboxes are displayed, set the following general configuration machine

MD51032 $MNS_STAT_DISPLAY_BASE Numerical basis for display of the joint position

=1 Display, joint position STAT

MD51033 $MNS_TU_DISPLAY_BASE Numerical basis, display of the rotary axes TU

=1 Display of the rotary axes position TU


98 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Customizing the "Machine" operating area
8.7 Block search

8.7 Block search

8.7.1 Activating block search mode

Block search mode settings

The following machine data can be used to set the possible variants for the block search with
G-code programming:

MD51028 $MNS_BLOCK_SEARCH_MODE_MASK Bit mask for the available search modes

Bit 0 = 1 Block search with calculation, without approach
Bit 1 = 1 Block search with calculation, with approach
Bit 4 = 1 Block search without calculation
Bit 5 = 1 Block search with test run

The following machine data can be used to set the possible variants for the block search in a
JobShop program (ShopMill, ShopTurn):

MD51024 $MNS_BLOCK_SEARCH_MODE_MASK_JS Bit mask for the available search modes

(ShopMill, ShopTurn, single-channel)
Bit 0 = 1 Block search with calculation, without approach (default setting)
Bit 1 = 1 Block search with calculation, with approach
Bit 3 = 1 Skip EXTCALL programs
Bit 5 = 1 Block search with test run

The "Block search mode" softkey is only displayed, if, in the machine data MD51024 and
MD51028, more than one version for the block search has been defined; for example "Block
search with calculation without approach" and "Block search with calculation with approach".
When so doing, take into account that the search versions set active in the "Block search
mode" window are also referred to the program.

8.7.2 Accelerated block search for execution from external

The accelerated block search function allows you to run the part program forward until you
reach the block you require.


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Customizing the "Machine" operating area
8.8 Multi-channel support

If you activate the "Skip EXCALL" function, then you must set the following general
configuration machine data:

MD51028 $MNS_BLOCK_SEARCH_MODE_MASK Bit mask for the available search modes

Bit 3 = 1 (33H to 3BH)

For an external main program, a block search without calculation is always a fast block
search. Only the blocks from the search position are loaded.

8.8 Multi-channel support

In the "Machine" operating area, a dual channel view is possible for any two channels (2
from n) of a mode group.
Using the multi-channel editor, for a multi-channel machine, you can open, change or
generate programs simultaneously that are independent of one another from a time
perspective. In this case, the programs involved are displayed next to one another in the
Further, you have the option of simulating the programs before they are actually processed
at your control.
In addition, you can align the programs according to synchronization points.

● Multi-channel data only involve machines where the first technology is turning.
● For multi-channel machine, the following data must be the same for all channels:
– Measurement unit
– Work offset (e.g. G54)
– Z value of the work offset (optional)
– Blank
– Speed limitation
● Further, the following JobShop-specific data must be the same for all channels:
– Retraction plane (one each for the main and counterspindle)
– Tailstock (one each for the main and counterspindle)
– Tool change point (one each for the main and counterspindle)
– Safety clearance
– Climbing/ and conventional


100 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Customizing the "Machine" operating area
8.9 Manual machine

Creating a multi-channel program

For multi-channel machining, you require a job list with the following data:
● Program names
● Program type
● G code
● ShopTurn program
● Channel assignment

Software option
You require the "ShopMill/ShopTurn" option to generate and edit
ShopTurn/ShopMill programs.
After you have created a job list, in the "multi-channel data" parameter screen, you can
combine the data from the G code and JobShop, which is then saved as cycle call in the job
list. The "multi-channel data" parameter screen is displayed as soon as at least one
ShopTurn program is contained in a job list.

Only programming G code programs

If the job list only contains G code programs, then you can deactivate the "multi-channel
data" function. To do this, set the following machine data:

MD51228 $MNS_FUNCTION_MASK_TECH Cross-technology function mask

Bit 0 G code programming without multi-channel data
= 1 Multi-channel data are not listed for job lists that only contain G code programs. The
"multi-channel data" softkey is not displayed.

8.9 Manual machine

General Information
"Manual machine" allows you to work with large cycles in manual mode without having to
write programs especially for this purpose.

Software option
You require the following software option in order to use this function:


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 101
Customizing the "Machine" operating area
8.9 Manual machine


MD52212 $MCS_FUNCTION_MASK_TECH Cross-technology function mask

Bit 8 Manual machine (ShopMill/ShopTurn)


MD52214 $MCS_FUNCTION_MASK_MILL Milling function screen

Bit 5 Enable spindle control, tool spindle
= 0 via the NC/PLC interface
= 1 via the user interface
Bit 6 Enable spindle control, rotating spindle
= 0 via the NC/PLC interface
= 1 via the user interface

MD52218 $MCS_FUNCTION_MASK_TURN Turning function screen

Bit 3 Enable spindle control, main spindle
= 0 via the NC/PLC interface
= 1 via the user interface
Bit 4 Enable spindle control, counterspindle
= 0 via the NC/PLC interface
= 1 via the user interface
Bit 5 Enable spindle control, tool spindle
= 0 via the NC/PLC interface
= 1 via the user interface

SD43200 $SA_SPIND_S Speed for spindle start using NC/PLC

interface signal; value outputs using
the operating software
SD43202 $SA_SPIND_CONSTCUT_S Cutting speed for spindle start using
NC/PLC interface signal; value
outputs using the operating software
SD43206 $SA_SPIND_SPEED_TYPE Spindle speed pipe for spindle start
using NC/PLC interface signal; value
outputs using the operating software


102 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Customizing the "Machine" operating area
8.9 Manual machine

Additional parameter assignments

We recommend the following additional parameter assignments:

MD11346 $MN_HANDWH_TRUE_DISTANCE = 3 Handwheel path or velocity
MD11602 $MN_ASUP_START_MASK bit 0, 3 =1 Ignore stop conditions for ASUB
MD20150 $MC_G_CODE_RESET_VALUE [7] = 2 Delete position of the G groups; run-
up G54 active
MD20624 $MC_HANDWH_CHAN_STOP_COND = 0xFFFF Definition of the behavior of traveling
with handwheel, channel-specific
MD32084 HANDWH_STOP_COND = 0x7FF Behavior, handwheel travel
MD52212 FUNCTION_MASK_TECH Bit 9 = 1 Function screen form across
technologies; work offset via softkey

Working area limits

MD28600 $MC_MM_NUM_WORKAREA_CS_GROUPS > 0 Number of coordinate system-specific
working area limits
MD20150 $MC_GCODE_RESET_VALUES[59] = 2 Delete position of the G groups;
activate working area limits of the

SD42600 $SC_JOG_FEED_PER_REV_SOURCE = -3 Revolutional feedrate control in JOG
SD43300 $SA_ASSIGN_FEED_PER_REV_SOURCE [X Revolutional feedrate for positioning
axis] = -3 axis X
SD43300 $SA_ASSIGN_FEED_PER_REV_SOURCE [Z Revolutional feedrate for positioning
axis] = -3 axis Z

Ensure that the axis-specific setting data SD43300

● Operating:
Operating Manual, Turning/Milling, Chapter "Working with a manual machine"
● Programming:
Programming Manual, Fundamentals; Chapter "Working area limit"


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 103
Customizing the "Machine" operating area
8.10 User status display (OEM)

8.10 User status display (OEM)

User icons can be displayed in the Machine operating area in the second line in the header.
In this case, the program name is displayed in the right-hand field of the third line in the
header. Active hold conditions hide the program name.
The display of the user icons is controlled via PLC bits. The icons are provided in the form of
PNG files and stored resolution-specifically in the file system at:
/user/sinumerik/hmi/ico/ico640, etc. Maximum 16 positions are available in the header to
display the user icons.

The user icons are configured in the slmahdconfig.ini file in Section [UserIcons]. The
following data is required:
● The start address of the PLC double word with the bits to control the display of the user
● For each bit used, the file name of the icon and the position at which the icon should be
Alternatively, you can use the following parameters for the definition:
This means that 32 bits are available with UI_0 (highest bit) to UI_31 (lowest bit).
⇒ UI_0 = DB80DBX3.0 and UI_31 = DB80.DBX0.7
This means that 256 bits are available with UI_0 (highest bit) to UI_255 (lowest bit).
Example: USER_ICON_BASE256=DB19.DBB80
⇒ UI_0 = DB19.DBX111.0 and UI_255 = DB19.DBX80.7

; set the start byte of the PLC double word that displays the icons (DB19.DBD80)
UI_0 = icon1.png,4
; show icon1.png on position 4 if bit 0 (DB19.DBX83.0) is set
UI_1 = icon2.png,6
; show icon2.png on position 6 if bit 1 (DB19.DBX83.1) is set


104 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Customizing the "Machine" operating area
8.10 User status display (OEM)

With a non-unique selection (bits for multiple identifiers whose image is to be displayed at
the same position):
The image with the lower identifier number is superimposed with the image with the higher
identifier number for the same position. Non-unique selection can also be used with less
than 16 active selection bits. The PLC can deliberately use this superimposition to overlay
less important displays (with lower identifier numbers) with important displays (high identifier

If two HMI applications are assigned to one NC/PLC unit (M:N), the PLC must first determine
from the interface which of the HMI interfaces is active. Icons can be requested by the PLC
for the active HMI application only.

Possible applications
With a unique selection, a maximum of 16 bits are set simultaneously in the four selection
bytes for each of the different positions.
● 32 alternative images for a position, each selected with a different bit (currently only one
active selection bit)
● Two alternative images for each of the permissible 16 positions, each position requires
two of the 32 selection bits (maximum 16 active selection bits at any one time)
● Combination thereof with a maximum total of 32 images for the maximum 16 positions
(maximum of 16 active selection bits at any one time)
● More than 16 selection bits.

Configuring OEM texts

Machine manufacturers can display their own texts in the program directory and program
name lines. These texts cannot include % parameters as is possible in user texts. The lines
are divided into <OEM_NUMBER_TEXTFIELD> areas according to the entry in
The data is provided in a user data block. The number of the data block and the exact offset
are declared in the HEADER.INI file. The following entries are available in the [OEMTextInfo]
section for this purpose:


OEM_NUMBER_TEXTFIELD = 1 ; maximum of 3 text fields per line



Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 105
Customizing the "Machine" operating area
8.10 User status display (OEM)

The interface in the user DB has the following format:

Start-DBB byte Bit0=1: there is something to do

or All bits=1: job is acknowledged by HMI
Start-DBB +18 byte All bits=0: PLC can write to interface again.
Start-DBB +1 word Offset for text from alpu_xx.com to be displayed;
or 700 000 is the base address and is always summed internally.
Start-DBB +19 word All bits=0: Delete line
Start-DBB + 3 string
or String containing a maximum of 12 characters
Start DBB+20 double Word

The first parameter contains an offset for a text number with a base of 700,000 (user PLC
texts). If this parameter = 0, the corresponding line is deleted. The second parameter
contains a maximum 12-character string. Unless empty, this text is output instead of the user
PLC text.
The parameters must be written from "back to front" in the PLC, i.e. all parameters must be
initialized before the first byte is set. The data for the next line is located exactly 18 bytes
after the start byte. The lines are output from left to right; a maximum of three output fields
per line are provided (i.e. a total of six fields are possible).
A hotlink to the first byte for each line is set up in the operating software. If a change occurs
in that byte, the operating software responds. If the operating software displayed the data, it
writes a -1 to the first variable. The operating software is informed about this change by
means of the hotlink, whereupon it writes a 0 to this variable.
The HMI itself does not have to react to this change. The PLC can only write data to the
interface again if the variable is set to 0. This mechanism ensures that the operating
software knows about all parameter changes.

Configuring OEM icons

OEM icons indicating the machine state can be output in the field provided for the program
control display (e.g. SBL, M01, etc.). If OEM icons are defined, the elements for the program
control display are hidden.
The icon names are identified in the HEADER.INI configuration file, similar to user icons:


OI_0= <name.png>, <position>


OI_31= <name.png>, <position>


106 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Customizing the "Machine" operating area
8.10 User status display (OEM)

Here, <name> is the file name of the bit map and <Position> is the output position (from 1 to
16) in the display line. Multiple bit maps can be output at the same position. If more than one
bit map is active simultaneously at the same position, the bit map with the highest screen
number is displayed.
The output is controlled by means of a PLC double word. This double word is declared in the
next section in the HEADER.INI file:



Each bit in this double word represents exactly one OEM icon corresponding to the screen
number. Thus, if bit 0 is set, bit map OI_0 is displayed. If a bit is reset, the associated bit map
is deleted.
A maximum of 16 icons can be displayed, enabling a total of 16 display positions. Empty
positions need not be specified.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 107
Customizing the "Machine" operating area
8.10 User status display (OEM)


108 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Simulation and simultaneous recording 9
9.1 Overview

Simulation is supported with its own program interpreter (SNCK) and a separate simulation-
data environment in SINUMERIK Operate. The SNCK considers the complete syntax of the
SINUMERIK controller family, including the possibility of incorporating special user options
on the machine by comparing data with the NCK environment. The simulation data can be
matched statically as required with the NCK environment (initialization data, macros, user
data, tool data, machining cycles) or also dynamically when tool data or machining cycles
are changed.
Machining simulations, with emphasis on the drilling, milling and turning technologies, can be
performed in the workpiece coordinate system for certain machine kinematics on the user
interface of the controller:
● The simulation of the finished part is performed with the real NC data.
● The NC data is automatically compared at each change of the part program.
● The simulation allows a dynamic representation of the machining, even for active 5-axis
transformation (TRAORI) and swiveled planes.
● Simulation of up to four machining channels for turning machines with B axis.
● Intelligent determination of the block times and the program execution time.
● Very fast graphical representation through the continuous refinement of the workpiece.
● Optimum resolution for each selected picture area.
● Any sections are possible.
● In parallel to the machining of one workpiece, the machining of another workpiece can be
simulated (as of NCU 720.x).
● 3D simulation 1 (option): In addition, the simulation can be extended to 3D
representation. This extension also applies to the simultaneous recording.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 109
Simulation and simultaneous recording
9.1 Overview

● Very fast simulation result, this means, however, low dynamic resolution.
● For complex representations, fine recording is too slow or does not run for very complex
● The simulation cannot be used for compile cycles with special kinematics.
● Blank CAD data cannot be imported (for example, for castings).
● Couplings cannot be simulated (coupled motion, axial master-value coupling, electronic
– Coupled motion: TRAILON(<following axis>, <leading axis>, <coupling factor>)
– Axial master-value coupling: LEADON(Faxis, LAxis, curve table n) actual-value and
setpoint coupling
– Electronic gearbox: EGDEF(FA, LA1, coupl.1, LA2, coupl.2, ... LA5, coupl.5), EGON,
● Synchronization with axis replacement (GET, GETD) cannot be simulated. This means a
time estimate is also not possible!
● If parallel processing is performed in channel 1 and channel 2 (revolutional feed with
spindle from 2nd channel), the program execution in the simulation does not match that
of the automatic program (simultaneous recording).
● The representation of the workpiece is incorrect for swiveled planes (CYCLE800).

Simultaneous recording
During machining, the tool paths can be simultaneously recorded on the display of the
controller in a three-side view or 3D view. Workpiece graphics and views correspond to the
graphic simulation.

To prevent an incomplete representation, you must activate the simultaneous recording prior
to the NC start.


110 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Simulation and simultaneous recording
9.2 Configuring the simulation

9.2 Configuring the simulation

Displaying machining operations

Turning technology
● Conventional turning with two geometry axes
● Three spindles: Main spindle, counterspindle, tool spindle
● Counterspindle slides, tailstock as NC axis
● B axis: Aligning turning tools in the tool spindle

Milling on turning machines

● Milling with geometry axes: TRANSMIT, TRACYL, TRAANG

Milling technology
● Milling with five axes: Swivel/TRAORI
● Swivel head change

Configuring the simulation

Set the turning or milling technology and the corresponding coordinate system in the channel
via the following channel-specific machine data:
Turning technology:

MD52200 $MCS_TECHNOLOGY Technology

=1 Turning technology

MD52000 $MCS_DISP_COORDINATE_SYSTEM Position of the coordinate system

= 34 (example)

Milling technology:

MD52200 $MCS_TECHNOLOGY Technology

=2 Milling technology

MD52000 $MCS_DISP_COORDINATE_SYSTEM Position of the coordinate system

= 0 (example)


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 111
Simulation and simultaneous recording
9.2 Configuring the simulation

Meaning of the axes

MD52206 $MCS_AXIS_USAGE[n] Meaning of the axes in the channel

[n] channel axis number
=0 No special meaning
=1 Tool spindle (driven tool)
=2 Auxiliary spindle (driven tool)
=3 Main spindle (turning)
=4 C axis of the main spindle (turning)
=5 Counterspindle (turning)
=6 C axis of the counterspindle (turning)
=7 Linear axis of the counterspindle (turning)
=8 Tailstock (turning)
=9 Back rest (turning)

Enter the direction of rotation for the rotary axes that are not configured in a toolholder or a
5-axis transformation via the following channel-specific machine data.

MD52207 $MCS_AXIS_USAGE_ATTRIB[n] Attributes of the axes

[n] channel axis number
Bit 0 Rotation around 1st geometry axis (for rotary axes)
Bit 1 Rotation around 2nd geometry axis (for rotary axes)
Bit 2 Rotation around 3rd geometry axis (for rotary axes)
Bit 3 Reversal of direction of rotation (for rotary axes)

MD52290 $MCS_SIM_DISPLAY_CONFIG Position of the status display of the channel in the

This MD only acts on OP019.
Bit 0 Upper left-hand corner
Bit 1 Upper right-hand corner
Bit 2 Lower left-hand corner
Bit 3 Lower right-hand corner


112 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Simulation and simultaneous recording
9.2 Configuring the simulation

In the channel-specific machine data, for at least one geometry axis per channel enter a
value other than 0.0, e.g. 0.001. If the value is 0.0, the system assumes that this parameter
has still not been set.

MD53230 $MCS_SIM_START_POSITION Axis position when starting the simulation

Simulation is only possible if a value not equal to 0 has been set for at least one geometry axis.

Software option
You require the following option for further simulation settings:
"3D simulation 1 (finished part)".

Program start in the simulation
If MD22622 $MCS_DISABLE_PLC_START is set in a channel, then the channel is not
automatically started in the simulation. It can then only be started from another channel
using the part program command "START".

Alarm display in the simulation
Alarms are output in the simulation exactly the same way as alarms in the normal program
execution, but no more than five alarms are displayed (above the graphic, to distinguish
them from the machine alarms).
If a different error signaling behavior (e.g. syntax error) occurs between simultaneous
recording and simulation, then, for example, the reason can be due to the hardware access
operations in the programming. The simulation does not access the hardware, however,
internally it reads the input with 0 and is then exited. On the other hand, for simultaneous
recording, an alarm is output.

Deactivating simulation
The following machine data must be set to deactivate the simulation:

MD51226 $MNS_FUNCTION_MASK_SIM Simulation function screen

Bit 1 = 1 Deactivating simulation


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 113
Simulation and simultaneous recording
9.3 Reset NCK data for the simulation

9.3 Reset NCK data for the simulation

If an alarm, designated with the Power On symbol occurs during simulation, then you must
reset the simulation and then reload again.


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the "HMI" softkey.

3. Press the ">>" and "Simulation general reset" softkeys.

The "NOTICE! Power On Reset" window is opened and you receive a
confirmation prompt: "Do you really want to completely initialize the
simulation again?"

4. Press the "OK" softkey.

A general reset of the simulation is initiated with a complete data
alignment with the real NCK.

If you read-in an archive into the NCK, the general reset is automatically initiated.

9.4 Configuring the simultaneous recording

Configuring the simultaneous recording

Software option
For the "Simultaneous recording" function, you require the option:
"Simultaneous recording (real-time simulation)".

Software option
You require the "ShopMill/ShopTurn" option to display the tailstock


114 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Simulation and simultaneous recording
9.4 Configuring the simultaneous recording

Activating the tailstock display

1. Make the tailstock visible through selection in the program.
2. Specify the tailstock dimensions: In the operating area, select "Parameters" → "Setting
data" → "Spindle chuck data". Enter parameters "ZR" and "XR" for the tailstock length and
tailstock diameter.
The tailstock dimensions are written into the following machine data:

MD52218 $MCS_FUNCTION_MASK_TURN Turning function screen

Bit 2 = 1 Tailstock enable:
The tailstock becomes visible if selected in the "tailstock" program.

MD53240 $MAS_ SPINDLE_PARAMETER[i] Spindle chuck data in mm

[0]: Chuck dimension
[1]: Stop dimension
[2]: Jaw dimensions

MD53241 $MAS_ SPINDLE_CHUCK_TYPE Spindle jaw type

0 = clamp from the outside
1 = clamp from the inside

MD53242 $MAS_TAILSTOCK_PARAMETER[i] Tailstock data in mm

[0]: Tailstock dimension
[1]: Tailstock length

Activating the machining time display

Timers are provided as system variables in the Program runtime function. While the NCK-
specific timers are always activated (for time measurements since the last controller power-
up), the channel-specific timers must be started via the following channel-specific machine

MD27860 $MC_PROCESS_TIMERMODE Activating the program runtime measurement.

Bit 0 = 1 The measurement of the total runtime for all part programs is active
Bit 1 = 1 The measurement of the actual program runtime is active ($AC_CYCLE_TIME).
Bit 4 = 1 Measurement also during active dry run feedrate.
Bit 5 = 1 Measurement during program test.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 115
Simulation and simultaneous recording
9.5 Clamping a blank

9.5 Clamping a blank

The blank clamping function allows you to select the clamping location for the blank
(unmachined part).

● The machine must provide several clamping options.
● In order that for simulation/simultaneous recording, the rotary axes are displayed at the
correct location, their positions in the machine coordinate system must be specified using
the following machine data:

MD53220 $MAS_AXIS_MCS_POSITION[n] Position of the axis in the MCS

[n] 0 = X, 1 = Y, 2 = Z

Set the following channel-specific machine data:

MD52207 $MCS_USAGE_ATTRIB[n] Attribute of the axes in the channel

[n] channel axis number
Bit 0 Rotation around 1st geometry axis (for rotary axes)
Bit 1 Rotation around 2nd geometry axis (for rotary axes)
Bit 2 Rotation around 3rd geometry axis (for rotary axes)
Bit 8 List rotary axis for blank clamping (on milling machines)

MD52214 $MCS_FUNCTION_MASK_MILL Milling function screen

Bit 1 List fixed table for blank clamping (on milling machines)


116 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Simulation and simultaneous recording
9.5 Clamping a blank

In the program header, a blank can be optionally set to A, B, C and table clamping:

Clamping View Machine data

A axis MD52207 $MCS_USAGE_ATTRIB bit 0 and bit 8 = 1

B axis MD52207 $MCS_USAGE_ATTRIB bit 1 and bit 8 = 1

C axis MD52207 $MCS_USAGE_ATTRIB bit 2 and bit 8 = 1

Table MD52214 $MCS_FUNCTION_MASK_MILL bit 1 = 1

Operating Manual, Milling
● Chapter "Create ShopMill program" > "Program header"
● Chapter "Create ShopMill program" > "Change program settings"


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 117
Simulation and simultaneous recording
9.5 Clamping a blank


118 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Spindle functions 10
10.1 Spindle control

For a detailed description to configure the spindle, see
Function Manual Basic Machine: Spindles (S1)

End of program
The following M functions are used for the end of program:

M function from Main program end Spindle continues

MD10714 $MN_M_NO_FCT_EOP to run
M2, M30 End of main program and return jump to Spindle stops
beginning of program
M17 End of subprogram and return jump into Spindle continues
the main program to run

If machine data MD10714 $MN_M_NO_FCT_EOP is not equal to zero, then a distinction is

made between M2 / M30 (program end of an NC program) and the M function set in

MD10714 $MN_M_NO_FCT_EOP = 32 means "M32" for the program end of a program
generated in the "JOG" or "MDA" operating mode.
Among other things, this functionality is required in order to continuously start the spindle in
manual operation (e.g. for scratching).

Configuring keys
If you implement a manual control using the keys on the machine control panel, then this is
realized via the following interface signals in the spindle data block:

DB3x.DBX30.0 Spindle stop

DB3x.DBX30.1 Spindle start clockwise rotation
DB3x.DBX30.2 Spindle start, counter-clockwise rotation


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 119
Spindle functions
10.1 Spindle control

The spindle can be started and stopped in the following state:

DB21.DBX35.7= 1 Channel in reset state

DB21.DBX35.6 = 1 Channel state interrupted
DB21.DBX35.3 = 1 Program state interrupted

If the spindle must be stopped when the program is running, then set the interface signal
DB3x.DBX4.3, "Feed stop/spindle stop" in the user PLC.

Additional settings:

MD11450 $MN_SEARCH_RUN_MODE Search run parameterization

Bit 1 = 1 Automatic ASUB start after output of the action blocks (see also
MD11620 $MN_PROG_EVENT_NAME). Alarm 10208 is not output until the ASUB is

Direction of rotation (only for ShopTurn)

In the ShopTurn user interface, ensure that the direction of rotation of the spindle and C axis
is correctly displayed and when programming ShopTurn functions, that the correct direction
of rotation is executed. You must base these settings on the actual direction of rotation of the
spindle/C axis on the machine.
● If you use the functions cylinder surface transformation and face machining, then a
precondition is that the function was correctly commissioned.
See Cylinder surface transformation (TRACYL) under ShopTurn (Page 574)
● The direction of rotation of the spindle/C axis for the M function M3 that is displayed in the
ShopTurn interface is defined in part using machine data:
See: Defining the direction of rotation in Section: Setting-up ShopTurn cycles for turning
(Page 569)
● The spindle direction of rotation (M3/ M4) is assigned to the positive direction of rotation
of the C axis via the interface signal DB3n.DBX17.6. The bit defines whether M3 and C+
rotate in the same direction (= 0) or in opposite directions (= 1). The corresponding
setting options can be found in the following sections:
– Direction of rotation of counter-spindle Setting up the counterspindle under ShopTurn
(Page 571)
– Direction of rotation of main spindle Setting-up ShopTurn cycles for turning (Page 569)


120 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Spindle functions
10.2 Analog spindle

10.2 Analog spindle

Machine axis index for analog spindle

For a spindle which is not assigned to any drive (FD, MSD, SLM), the power display can be
controlled via the PLC.
In order that the operating software identifies the spindle as analog spindle, enter the axis
index of the analog spindle in the following machine data:

MD51068 $MNS_SPIND_DRIVELOAD_FROM_PLC1 Machine axis index spindle 1

Utilization display from the PLC
Machine axis index of a spindle (analog) that draws the data for the utilization display in
the T,F,S window from the PLC (DB19.DBB6).

MD51069 $MNS_SPIND_DRIVELOAD_FROM_PLC2 Machine axis index spindle 2

Utilization display from the PLC
Machine axis index of a spindle (analog) that draws the data for the utilization display in
the T,F,S window from the PLC (DB19.DBB7).

10.3 Leadscrew error compensation

Instead of transferring the compensation data via the part program or INI file to the NC, you
can enter and check the compensation data for all axes or change the configuration in an
input screen.
Finally, the changed data is activated in the NC in one step. The machine data required
when activating is set automatically.


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area and press the "NC" softkey.

2. Press the "Leadscrew error" softkey.

The "Values of the Compensation Tables" window opens and displays
the default compensation tables for an axis or, if no compensation
values are available, the measuring system used.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 121
Spindle functions
10.3 Leadscrew error compensation

3. Press the "Axis +" or "Axis -" softkey to select the desired axis.

- OR -
Press the "Select axis" softkey.
The "Axis Direct Selection" window opens. Position the cursor on the
desired axis and confirm with "OK".

4. Press the "Configuration" softkey to edit the compensation values for a

selected axis.
The "Configuration of the Compensation Tables" window opens.
5. Enter the following:
• Type of compensation: EEC or CEC.
• Start position, end position and interpolation point spacing.
• Only for EEC:
Used measuring system - if several measuring systems are
available, select the desired system from the selection menu.
• Only for CEC:
– Compensation table (-): Index of the table in the negative
– Compensation table (+): Index of the table in the positive
6. Confirm your entries with the "Activate" softkey.
A dialog box to carry out a NC warm restart is then displayed to activate
the compensation. Confirm with "OK".
The "Values of the Compensation Tables" window opens.
7. Enter the desired compensation values for each interpolation point.
8. Press the "Activate" softkey again to transfer the compensation values
to the NC.

Extended Functions (K3) Function Manual


122 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Drive system 11
11.1 Commissioning of drives

Once commissioning of the PLC has been completed, you can carry out commissioning of
the SINAMICS drives via the user interface of SINUMERIK Operate.

1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the "Drive system" softkey.

The "Drive system overview" window opens.
A message is output whether the drive system has already been
commissioned or not.

The procedure for commissioning the SINAMICS drives is described in the following
CNC Commissioning Manual: NCK, PLC, drive


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Drive system
11.1 Commissioning of drives


124 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Tool management 12
12.1 Machine data for tool management

12.1.1 Settings with/without magazine management

Setting without magazine management

Make the following settings if you are commissioning the tool management without NC
magazine management:

MD18080 $MN_MM_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK Memory for the tool management is

reserved step-by-step (SRAM).
= 02H
Bit 1 Provide monitoring data.

MD20310 $MC_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK Activating the tool management

= 02H
Bit 1 Monitoring functions of tool management active.

MD17530 $MN_TOOL_DATA_CHANGE_COUNTER Marking the changed tool data for HMI.

= 1FH
Bit 0 Tool status change.
Bit 1 Tool remaining unit quantity change.
Bit 2 Tool data change service.
Bit 3 Magazine data in the change service.
Bit 4 ISO data in the change service.

MD28450 $MC_MM_TOOL_DATA_CHG_BUFF_SIZE Buffer for changing tool data (DRAM).

= 100 Number of entries in the buffer for the OPI change service for tool data. Dynamic memory
is used. This buffer is only created if either bit 2 or bit 3 is set in


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Tool management
12.1 Machine data for tool management

Bit 25 Enables the tool monitoring function without magazine management.

Setting with magazine management

Make the following settings if you are commissioning the tool management with NC
magazine management:

MD18080 $MN_MM_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK Memory for the tool management is

reserved step-by-step (SRAM).
= 03H
Bit 0 Provide tool management data.
Bit 1 Provide monitoring data.

MD20310 $MC_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK Activating the tool management

= 03H
Bit 0 Magazine management active.
Bit 1 Monitoring functions of tool management active.

MD17530 $MN_TOOL_DATA_CHANGE_COUNTER Marking the changed tool data for HMI.

= 1FH
Bit 0 Tool status change.
Bit 1 Tool remaining unit quantity change.
Bit 2 Tool data change service.
Bit 3 Magazine data in the change service.
Bit 4 ISO data in the change service.

MD28450 $MC_MM_TOOL_DATA_CHG_BUFF_SIZE Buffer for changing tool data (DRAM).

= 100 Number of entries in the buffer for the OPI change service for tool data. Dynamic memory
is used. This buffer is only created if either bit 2 or bit 3 is set in

= 10H
Bit 4 Enables the tool monitoring function with magazine management.


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Tool management
12.1 Machine data for tool management

12.1.2 Configuring the access levels of the tool management

Access levels for selected parameters

MD51199 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_TM_GRIND Access level, write TM grinding data.

MD51200 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_TM_GEO Access level, write TM geometry data.
MD51201 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_TM_WEAR Access level, write TM wear data.
MD51202 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_TM_WEAR_DELTA Access level, restricted writing of tool
wear values.
MD51203 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_TM_SC Access level, write TM additive offsets.
MD51204 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_TM_EC Access level, write TM operating
MD51205 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_TM_SUPVIS Access level, write TM monitoring
MD51206 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_TM_ASSDNO Access level, write TM unique D
MD51207 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_TM_WGROUP Access level, write TM wear groups
(magazine location / magazine).
MD51208 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_TM_ADAPT Access level, write TM tool adapter
geometry data.
MD51209 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_TM_NAME Access level, write TM tool name and
MD51210 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_TM_TYPE Access level, write TM tool type.

The access level of individual parameters can be overlaid through settings in the
<PARAMETERCONFIGURATION> tag, "Access level" entry (see SectionConfigure the list
parameters (Page 153)).

Access levels for the "Further Details" window

MD51198 $MNS_ACCESS_READ_TM_ALL_PARAM Protection level, TM details - read all

Depending on the machine data, the
"Further details" softkey is either
hidden or displayed.
MD51215 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_TM_ALL_PARAM Access level, TM details - write all

Access levels for certain functions of the tool management

MD51216 $MNS_ACCESS_TM_TOOL_CREATE Access level, TM, create tool.

MD51217 $MNS_ACCESS_TM_TOOL_DELETE Access level, TM, delete tool.
MD51218 $MNS_ACCESS_TM_TOOL_LOAD Access level, TM, load tool.
MD51219 $MNS_ACCESS_TM_TOOL_UNLOAD Access level, TM, unload tool.
MD51220 $MNS_ACCESS_TM_TOOL_MOVE Access level, TM, move tool.


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Tool management
12.1 Machine data for tool management

MD51221 $MNS_ACCESS_TM_TOOL_REACTIVATE Access level, TM, reactivate tool.

MD51222 $MNS_ACCESS_TM_TOOL_MEASURE Access level, TM, measure tool.
MD51223 $MNS_ACCESS_TM_TOOLEDGE_CREATE Access level, TM, create tool cutting
MD51224 $MNS_ACCESS_TM_TOOLEDGE_DELETE Access level, TM, delete tool cutting
MD51225 $MNS_ACCESS_TM_MAGAZINE_POS Access level, TM, position magazine.

12.1.3 Additional settings

Additional settings
You can enable further functions on the user interface via the following machine data /
setting data:

Bit 0 Creating tool at the magazine location is not permitted.
Bit 1 Load/unload lock if the machine is not in the reset state.
Bit 2 Load/unload lock for EMERGENCY OFF.
Bit 3 Loading/unloading or relocating tool in/out of spindle locked.
Bit 4 Tool loaded directly into spindle.
Bit 5 Using the grinding configuration file.
Bit 6 Relocating a tool in/out of spindle is permitted despite lock (see bit 3).
Bit 7 Tool is created using the number.
Bit 8 Hide tool relocation.
Bit 9 Hide magazine positioning.
Bit 10 Reactivate tool with magazine positioning.
Bit 11 Reactivate tool in all monitoring types.
Bit 12 Hide reactivating tool.

Bit 0 Diameter display for rotating tools.
Cutting edge parameters 6 (tool nose radius) and 15 (wear radius) are not displayed as a
radius value, but as a diameter value for the following tool types: Types 100 to 299, 580,
710, 711, 712, 713, 714 and 725.
Cutting edge parameter 7 (outside radius) is not displayed as a radius value, but as a
diameter value for the following tool types: Types 140 and 714.
Bit 1 M4 is the standard direction of rotation for all turning tools. When creating turning tools,
the direction of rotation is pre-assigned with M4.
Bit 2 A name is not suggested when creating a tool.
Bit 3 Input lock, tool name and tool type for loaded tools. For loaded tools, the tool name and
the tool type can no longer be changed.
Bit 4 Input lock for loaded tools if the channel is not in the reset state.


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Tool management
12.1 Machine data for tool management

Bit 5 Tool wear entries are added: Wear data is entered in addition to the already existing wear
Bit 6 Only numerical entries are permitted in the "Tool identifier".
Bit 7 Hide tool monitoring parameters. The tool monitoring parameters are hidden in the user
Bit 8 Diameter display for face axis - geometry. The geometry value of the transverse axis is
displayed as a diameter value, if a transverse axis is defined in MD20100
$DIAMETER_AX_DEF and SD42940 $TOOL_LENGTH_CONST is set to 18 and
SD42950 $TOOL_LENGTH_TYPE is set to 2.
Bit 9 Diameter display for face axis - wear. The wear value of the transverse axis is displayed
as a diameter value, if a transverse axis is defined in MD20100 $DIAMETER_AX_DEF
and SD42940 $TOOL_LENGTH_CONST is set to 18 and SD42950
$TOOL_LENGTH_TYPE is set to 2.
Bit 10 Enable tool load/relocate to buffer storage locations. The magazine number can be
entered into the load dialog box. It is therefore possible to access the buffer storage via
magazine number 9998.
Bit 11 Creating new tools at gripper locations is blocked.
Bit 12 Measuring tools are not unloaded with the "Unload all" function.

The setting data SD54215 $TM_FUNCTION_MASK_SET and the machine data MD20360
$TOOL_PARAMETER_DEF_MASK have the following dependencies:

Dependency Description Recommendation

SD54215 ⇔ MD20360
Bit 9 ⇔ Bit 0 If bit 0 is set in MD20360, then SD54215 It is recommended that the setting MD20360
bit 9 has no effect because the NC bit 0 and bit 1 not be used.
already returns the linear wear value of Instead, use SD4215 bit 9 and bit 8.
the transverse axis as a diameter value. MD20360 bit 0 and bit 1 are effective only for
Bit 8 ⇔ Bit 1 If bit 1 is set in MD20360, then SD54215 turning and grinding tools. This setting
bit 8 has no effect because the NC therefore cannot be used on a turning/milling
already returns the linear geometry value machine because the linear component of the
of the transverse axis as a diameter transverse axis applies for turning tools in the
value. diameter and for milling tools in the radius.
When the setting data is used, only the
display goes to diameter, the internal value in
the NC remains at radius.
Bit 0 ⇔ Bit 11 If bit 11 is set in MD20360, then SD54215 It is recommended that the setting MD20360
bit 0 has no effect with regard to cutting bit 11 and bit 12 not be used.
edge parameter 6 (tool nose radius) Instead, set bit 0 in SD54215.
because the NC already returns the tool MD20360 bit 11 and bit 12 apply to all tool
nose radius as a diameter value. types, i.e. also to turning tools. This setting
Bit 0 ⇔ Bit 12 If bit 12 is set in MD20360, then SD54215 therefore cannot be used on a turning/milling
bit 0 has no effect with regard to cutting machine because the tool nose radius of a
edge parameter 15 (wear radius) because turning tool should never be specified in the
the NC already returns the wear radius as diameter.
a diameter value. When the setting data is used, only the
display goes to diameter, the internal value in
the NC remains at radius.


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Tool management
12.1 Machine data for tool management

Enabling the multitool function

Bit The multitool function is available.
10 = 1

Enabling the graphic tool and magazine display function

MD52271 $MCS_TM_MAG_PLACE_DISTANCE Distance between individual magazine

locations in the unit of measurement of
the basic NC system.
>0 The tools and magazine locations are displayed graphically.
=0 The tools and magazine locations are not displayed graphically.

Supplementary conditions:
● MD52200 $MCS_TECHNOLOGY = 2 (milling) and
● Multitool function is not enabled.

Default settings for unloading/loading and relocating

MD52272 $MCS_TM_TOOL_LOAD_DEFAULT_MAG Default magazine for loading tools.

MD52273 $MCS_TM_TOOL_MOVE_DEFAULT_MAG Default magazine for relocating tools.
MD52274 $MCS_TM_TOOL_LOAD_STATION Number of loading station.

Input limits for wear input

MD51212 $MNS_TM_WRITE_WEAR_ABS_LIMIT Maximum value of the tool wear.

MD51213 $MNS_TM_WRITE_WEAR_DELTA_LIMIT Maximum differential value of restricted tool
wear input.
MD51214 $MNS_TM_WRITE_LIMIT_MASK Range of validity of the restricted tool wear


130 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Tool management
12.2 Configuring the user interface

Setting the manual tool function

MD22562 $MC_TOOL_CHANGE_ERROR_MODE Response when errors occur at tool

Bit 1 = 1 Manual tools can be loaded.
Bit 2 = 1 Active D No. > 0 and active T No. = 0 generate an alarm message.
Active D No. > 0 and active D No. = 0 generate an alarm message.

If, in machine data MD22562 $MC_TOOL_CHANGE_ERROR_MODE bit 2 = 1, then you
have the option, using a correction selection (D No.) in the program, to stop the machine
until the PLC signals that the tool change has been completed. To do this, in machine data
MD20270 $MC_CUTTING_EDGE_DEFAULT must be set to = 0.

12.2 Configuring the user interface

Configurable settings
The following settings can be configured:
● General settings
● Configure the tool lists
● Configure the list parameters
● Configure tool types
● Configure the "Additional Data" window
● Configure the "New Tool - Favorites" window
● Configuring the "New Tool" window
● Configuring default values for new tools
● Configuring the "Details" window
● Assigning names for magazines and magazine locations
● Assigning a name for magazine location types
● Assign magazines to channels
● Coolant and tool-specific functions
● Reason for the tool change when reactivating
● Configuring the code carrier connection
The following sections explain how you configure these adaptations.


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12.2 Configuring the user interface

Requirement for grinding technology

Set the "Universal" technology and set:
MD52270 $MN_TM_FUNCTION_MASK bit 5 = 1.
Only the grinding tool types can be then selected on the user interface.

1. Open the directory: /siemens/sinumerik/hmi/template/cfg
2. Copy the "oem_sltmlistconfig.xml" template file

Other template for the grinding technology
The "sltmaddgrindinglistconfig.xml" template is used to expand a turning configuration by
adding grinding tools. Copy the file from the directory:

3. Copy the file to the directory /oem/sinumerik/hmi/cfg

OR: /user/sinumerik/hmi/cfg
4. Change the file name according to the set technology:

File name Technology

sltmlistconfig.xml Milling technology
sltmturninglistconfig.xml Turning technology
sltmplclistconfig.xml PLC tool management "TRANSLINE 2000"
sltmgrindinglistconfig.xml Grinding technology

5. Remove the comments of the example in the template to create your specific


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Tool management
12.2 Configuring the user interface

Configuration examples
Examples for all possible configurations are provided in the template oem_sltmlistconfig.xml,
which are described individually in the following sections:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

<!-- ************************************************************-->
<!-- enter your configuration behind this comment -->
<!-- ************************************************************** -->

Configuration examples

<!-- ************************************************************** -->

<!-- enter your configuration ahead this comment -->
<!-- ************************************************************** -->

Enter your configuration using the following xml identifiers:

Identifier <tag> for the following setting:

<SETTINGS> General settings (Page 133)
<LISTCONFIGURATION> Configure the tool lists (Page 139)
<PARAMETERCONFIGURATION> Configure the list parameters (Page 153)
<TOOLTYPECONFIGURATION> Configure tool types (Page 159)
<MOREDATACONFIGURATION> Configuring the "More data" window (Page 161)
<NEWTOOLFAVORITECONFIGURATION> Configure the "New tool - favorites" window
(Page 162)
<NEWTOOLCONFIGURATION> Configuring the "New Tool" window (Page 163)
<NEWTOOLDEFAULTVALUECONFIGURATION> Configuring default values for new tools (Page 164)
<DETAILSCONFIGURATION> Configuring the "Details" window (Page 168)
<MAGAZINEPLACENAMECONFIGURATION> Assigning a name for magazines and magazine
locations (Page 168)
<PLACETYPECONFIGURATION> Assigning a name for magazine location types
(Page 170)
<CHANNELMAGAZINEASSIGNMENT> Assignment of magazines to channels (Page 171)
<TOOLCHANGEREASON> Reason for the tool change when reactivating
(Page 176)
<IDENTCONNECTIONCONFIGURATION> Configure the code carrier connection (Page 180)

12.2.1 General settings

The general settings for the tool management user interface are stored in the <SETTINGS>


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Tool management
12.2 Configuring the user interface

Entries Meaning
ReactivateWithMagPos True - reactivate with positioning of the tool to the tool
magazine loading point.
False - default setting, reactivate without positioning the
tool magazine.
ReactivateAllMonitorModes True - the actual values of all the monitoring types set in
the NC are reset.
False - default setting, actual value of the active
monitoring type is reset.
ReactivateEnabled True - default setting, reactivation is enabled.
False - reactivation is disabled.
CreateNewToolDialog True - the "New Tool" window is displayed. In this
window, you can specify the tool name and the size of
the tool (oversized tool) before actually creating the tool.
Other input options can be defined by configuring the
"New tool" window.
False - default setting, the "New Tool" window is not
displayed. Once the name has been entered, the tool will
be created directly in the tool list.
CreateNewMultiToolDialog True - default setting, the "New Multitool" window is
displayed. In this window, you can configure the
following before actually creating the multitool:
• Multitool names
• Number of multitool locations
• Type of clearance input
• Value of the location clearance for each multitool
False - the "New Multitool" window is not displayed.
Once the name has been entered, the multitool will be
created directly in the tool list.
MagazineSelectionDialog True - a dialog box displaying the buffer, tool magazine
and NC memory is displayed. A mark can be added to or
removed from each of these elements to indicate
whether that element appears in the list display. The "Go
to" softkey can be used to select an element directly in
the list display.
False - no dialog box for magazine selection. The
system switches between the buffer, the tool magazines
and the NC memory.
If there is no MagazineSelectionDialog entry in the
<Settings> tag, the dialog box is automatically
displayed with more than one tool magazine (excluding
the system magazine) when magazine configuration is
taking place. If there is only one tool magazine, the
switchover function is used.
NewToolFavoritesOnly Refers to the "New tool" function.
True - only those tool types that are configured as
favorites are listed.
False - default setting, all tool types are listed.


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12.2 Configuring the user interface

Entries Meaning
SortationInFirstEtcLevel True - the "Sorting" function is placed at the first softkey
level. The "Continue" function is omitted.
False - default setting, sorting at all softkey levels.
ToolBufferOnceOnTop True - default setting, buffer is displayed at the start of
the list.
False - buffer is displayed for each magazine. Only
those locations are displayed that are assigned to the
UnloadToolFromLoadPlaceEnabled True - a tool at the load position can be removed from
the load position using the "Unload" softkey.
False - default setting. The "Unload" softkey is not
displayed for a tool at the load position.
AutoHNumberDisplayEnabled Column of the cutting parameter "IsoHNoDPH - ISO H
number" depending on the machine configuration.
True - default setting, the column is automatically
False - the column is not automatically displayed.
AutoUniqueDNumberDisplayEnabled Column of the cutting edge parameter "UniqueDNo"
depending on the machine configuration.
True - default setting, the column is automatically
False - the column is not automatically displayed.
AccessLevelDeleteAllDNos The following entry specifies the access level as of
which the "Delete all D numbers delete" function is
Default setting: Access level 3 (user) - relevant only
when the "Unique D number" setting has been made.
MagazineNumberOfDCheckAndActivate Magazine number to which the D check (check for
unique D number) and Activate (activation of a wear
group) are to be applied.
Default setting: -2
Significance: All magazines that are connected to a
toolholder or a spindle.
AutoFixedPlaceDisplayEnabled Column of the tool parameter "ToolStateFixed" - tool
status - tool is fixed-location coded and acts dependent
on the magazine configuration.
True - default setting, the column is automatically
hidden, if all of the configured magazines are fixed
location coded.
False - the column is not automatically hidden.
MagPlaceAdapterDisplayEnabled Columns of the magazine location adapter parameters
are displayed in the "Magazine" window.
False - default setting, parameters are not displayed.
AdaptTransDataViewEnabled The magazine location adapter transformed display of
the cutting edge parameters is enabled. It can be
switched on and off in the settings dialog of the tool lists.
False - default setting, the magazine location adapter
transformed display of the cutting edge parameters is
not enabled.


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12.2 Configuring the user interface

Entries Meaning
ActiveCompensationsEnabled The "Working offsets" function is enabled. This function
depends on the machine configuration. Unique D
number, magazine location adapter and magazine
management must be set.
False - default setting, the "Working offsets" function is
not enabled.
M2NLockEnabled Locking of an M to N switchover while a function of the
tool management is being executed.
True - default setting, switchover is locked.
AccessLevelWriteDetailsAllParameter The following entry specifies the access level as of
which write access applies in the "Details - All
Parameters" window.
Default setting: Access level 7 (keyswitch position 0) -
can be overlaid through the setting in MD51215.
AccessLevelReadDetailsAllParameter The following entry specifies the access level as of
which the "Further details" function is offered in the
"Details" dialog.
Default setting: Access level 7 (keyswitch position 0) -
can be overlaid through the setting in MD51198.
FixNumberOfMultiToolPlaces Multitools are created with a fixed number of multitool
locations. There is no prompt when you create the
FixKindOfDistInMultiTools Multitools are created with a fixed type of clearance input
of the multitool locations. There is no prompt when you
create the multitool.
Possible input value: 3 - clearance of the multitool
locations as an angle.
DlDisplayMode • DisplayDistributed - default setting, the setup offsets
EC are displayed in the tool list and the additive
offsets SC are displayed in the tool wear list.
• EcInWearList - the setup offsets EC are displayed in
the tool wear list and the additive offsets SC are not
CombinedToolMonitoring Specifies the combined monitoring types offered in the
toggle field:
• Time/Count - tool life and workpiece count
• Time/Wear - tool life and wear monitoring
• Count/Wear - workpiece count and wear monitoring
• Time/Count/Wear - tool life, workpiece count and
wear monitoring


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12.2 Configuring the user interface

Entries Meaning
FiltersCombinedWithOr Defines the filter criteria, which are linked in the filter
window using a logical OR. The default setting for all the
filter criteria is a logical AND. The possible entries are:
• "StandBy" - for tools that are ready for use
• "Active" - for tools with active identifier
• "Locked" - for locked tools
• "Prewarn" - for the prewarning limit
• "RemainingPieces" - for the remaining unit quantity
• "RemainingTime" - for the remaining tool time
• "MarkedToUnload" - for the unload identifier
• "MarkedToLoad" - for the load identifier
MagazineMoveMessage True - "Magazine movement running" or "Magazine
movement ended" message is displayed.
False - default setting, message is not displayed.
ToolLoadErrorMessage Refers to the output of the fault message due to a
negative PLC.
True - default setting, the fault message is displayed.
False - the fault message is not displayed.

The following settings refer to markings in the lists:

True - marking is displayed.
False - marking is not displayed (default setting).
If several markings apply to one location, the most important information is displayed. For
instance, if a tool is locked, and at the same time, the "Tool position" and the "Reference
direction holder angle" for this tool do not match, then a red cross is displayed for locked.
The yellow triangle for the conflict cannot be seen.

Entries Meaning
ShowSymbolActivePlace Marking of the magazine location at the machining position.
True - default setting applies for the "Revolver" magazine
False - setting for all other magazine types.
ShowSymbolActiveMultiToolPlace Marking of the multitool location at the machining position.
Is only displayed when the multitool is located in the spindle
or the toolholder.
True - default setting.
ShowSymbolLoadPlace Selection of the magazine location at the loading position.
True - default setting applies for all magazine types (except
Revolver is true).
False - setting for the "Revolver" magazine type.
ShowSymbolChangeInSpindlePlace Marking of the magazine location at the change position.
True - default setting applies for all magazine types (except
Revolver is true).
False - setting for the "Revolver" magazine type.


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12.2 Configuring the user interface

Entries Meaning
ShowSymbolActiveTool Marking of the active tool.
False - default setting.
ShowSymbolProgrammedTool Marking of the follow-on tool.
True - default setting.
ShowSymbolActiveDNo Marking of the active cutting edge.
False - default setting.
ShowSymbolActiveDNoInTool Marking of the active tool by marking the active cutting
True - default setting for configuration without magazine
False - setting for configuration with magazine
ShowSymbolAcitveDlNo Marking of the active DL number.
True - default setting.
ShowConflictPositionAndDirection Marking of a conflict; tool position and cutting direction do
not match.
True - default setting.
ShowConflictActiveToolWarning Marking of a conflict; revolver magazine type and the active
tool are not at the the machining position.
True - default setting.
ShowSymbolActiveIsoHNoL1 Marking of the active H number for length 1 in the ISO tool
true: Default setting.
ShowSymbolActiveIsoHNoL2 Marking of the active H number for length 2 in the ISO tool
True - default setting.
ShowSymbolActiveIsoHNoL3 Marking of the active H number for length 3 in the ISO tool
True - default setting.
ShowSymbolActiveIsoDNo Marking of the active D number in the ISO tool list.
True - default setting.
ShowSymbolActiveIsoHDNo Marking of the active HD number in the ISO tool list.
True - default setting.


<ReactivateWithMagPos value="false" type="bool" />
<MagazineMoveMessage value="false" type="bool" />
<CreateNewToolDialog value="true" type="bool" />
<MagazineSelectionDialog value="false" type="bool" />
<AccessLevelWriteDetailsAllParameter value="4" type="int" />


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12.2 Configuring the user interface

12.2.2 Configure the tool lists

The entries used for configuring the following list views are located in the
● "Tool List" window, identifier <SlTmToollistForm>, see the 1st example.
● "Tool Wear" window, <SlTmToolwearForm> identifier
● "Magazine" window, <SlTmToolmagazinForm> identifier
● "Tool Data OEM" window, <SlTmTooloemForm>identifier
This window is hidden in the default configuration. The window is only displayed when
you enable it with <Enabled>, see the 2nd example.
● "Tool Selection" window, <SlTmToolselectionForm> identifier: In order to select a tool this
window can be displayed in the program input screen.

Entry Meaning
Enabled True - window is displayed.
False - window is hidden.
CAPTION Definition of the list name.
See 1st example: "Tool list" appears on the user interface for the
COLUMNX Column selection: X stands for the column number.
TOOLTYPE_ALL The column setting applies to all tool types.
TOOLTYPE_XXX The column setting applies to a particular tool type. XXX stands for the
number of the tool type.
EMPTY_MAG_PLACE The column setting applies to an empty magazine location. Empty
magazine locations appear in a list sorted according to magazine.
Item Identifier of the list parameter.
See example: The column in which the magazine number and
magazine location are displayed is created for the
"ToolInMagInPlace" identifier.
Tool parameter identifiers (Page 143)
Cutting parameter identifiers (Page 145)
Monitoring parameter identifiers (Page 148)
Magazine location parameter identifiers (Page 149)
DELETE_COLUMN Delete column.
INSERT_COLUMN Insert column.


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12.2 Configuring the user interface

Independent of their programming, the entries are effective in the following sequence:

Example 1: Configuring the magazine list - magazine location and tool location type

The columns of the list configuration cannot be taken from the display in the user interface in
all cases because some columns are automatically inserted and therefore not included in the
count of the configuration.

Variant 1
Column 10 and column 11 are overwritten. If column 10 and column 11 do not exist, the new
columns will be added to the existing columns.

<!-- **** Magazine list *** -->
<!-- **** Column 10 *** -->
<!-- **** For all tool types *** -->
<!-- **** Display magazine location type *** -->
<Item value="MagPlaceType" type="QString" />
<!-- **** Column 11 *** -->
<!-- **** For all tool types *** -->


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12.2 Configuring the user interface

<!-- **** Display tool location type *** -->

<Item value="ToolPlaceSpec" type="QString" />
<!-- **** For all multitools *** -->
<!-- **** Display for all multitool location types *** -->
<Item value="MultiToolPlaceSpec" type="QString" />

Variant 2
The new columns are inserted in the standard configuration between the "Magazine location
locked" and "Oversized tool" columns.

<!-- **** Magazine list *** -->
<!-- **** Insert column *** -->
<!-- **** Column 7 *** -->
<!-- **** For all tool types *** -->
<!-- **** Display magazine location type *** -->
<Item value="MagPlaceType" type="QString" />
<!-- **** Column 8 *** -->
<!-- **** For all tool types *** -->
<!-- **** Display tool location type *** -->
<Item value="ToolPlaceSpec" type="QString" />
<!-- **** For all multitools *** -->
<!-- **** Display for all multitool location types *** -->
<Item value="MultiToolPlaceSpec" type="QString" />


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Tool management
12.2 Configuring the user interface

Example 2: Configuring the magazine list - "Oversized tool" column is deleted

The columns of the list configuration cannot be taken from the display in the user interface in
all cases because some columns are automatically inserted and therefore not included in the
count of the configuration.

<!-- **** Magazine list *** -->
<!-- **** Delete column 7 *** -->

Example 3: Enabling the OEM tool data list

<Enabled value="true" type="bool" />


142 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Tool management
12.2 Configuring the user interface

● The "OEM Tool Data" window is displayed. It automatically displays the columns shown
in the figure.
● The new "OEM tools" softkey appears and can be operated. Tool parameter identifiers

Tool parameters
For the tool parameters, the following identifiers are used in the configuration file:

Identifier Parameter or property System variable *)

Empty Empty field -
ToolNo Number of the tool -
AdaptNo Adapter number assignment $TC_MPP8
DuploNo Duplo number $TC_TP1
DuploNoRW Duplo number, read and write access $TC_TP1
NumCuttEdges Number of cutting edges of tool $P_TOOLND
ToolIdent Tool name $TC_TP2
ToolIdentRO Tool name, read only access $TC_TP2
ToolInfo Tool information $TC_TP11
ToolInMag Magazine in which the tool is located $A_TOOLMN
ToolInPlace Magazine location containing the tool $A_TOOLMLN


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12.2 Configuring the user interface

Identifier Parameter or property System variable *)

ToolInMagInPlace Magazine number/Magazine location $A_TOOLMN /
ToolMonTCW Type of tool monitoring, tool life, workpiece $TC_TP9
count and wear. If wear monitoring has not
been enabled via the machine data, this
parameter is handled like ToolMonTC.
ToolMonTC Type of tool monitoring, tool life and workpiece $TC_TP9
ToolPlaceSpec Location type $TC_TP7
ToolPlaceSpecIdent Location type, if it is to be displayed as text. $TC_TP7
The precondition is that the text for the location
type was configured.
ToolSearch Tool search type for replacement tools $TC_TP10
ToolMyMag Owner magazine of the tool $A_MYMN
ToolMyPlace Owner magazine location of the tool $A_MYMLN
ToolSizeLeft Tool size left in half locations $TC_TP3
ToolSizeRight Tool size right in half locations $TC_TP4
ToolSizeUpper Tool size upper in half locations $TC_TP5
ToolSizeDown Tool size lower in half locations $TC_TP6
ToolOverSize Tool size as fixed setting - two half locations $TC_TP3 -
left, two half locations right, one half location $TC_TP6
top, one half location bottom
ToolState Tool status in the hexadecimal notation $TC_TP8
ToolStateActiv Tool status - tool active $TC_TP8, Bit0
ToolStateEnabled Tool status - tool released $TC_TP8, Bit1
ToolStateLocked Tool status - tool locked $TC_TP8, Bit2
ToolStateLockedRO Tool status - tool locked, only read access $TC_TP8, Bit2
ToolStateMeasured Tool status - tool measured $TC_TP8, Bit3
ToolStatePrewarn Tool status - tool has reached prewarning limit $TC_TP8, Bit4
ToolStatePrewarnRO Tool status - tool has reached prewarning limit, $TC_TP8, Bit4
only read access
ToolStateInChange Tool status - tool is being changed $TC_TP8, Bit5
ToolStateFixed Tool status - tool fixed place coded $TC_TP8, Bit6
ToolStateUsed Tool status - tool was in use $TC_TP8, Bit7
ToolStateAutoReturn Tool status - automatic return $TC_TP8
ToolStateIgnoreLocked Tool status - do not observe locked $TC_TP8, Bit9
ToolStateMarkedToUnload Tool status - tool is marked to unload $TC_TP8, Bit10
ToolStateMarkedToLoad Tool status - tool is marked to load $TC_TP8, Bit11
ToolStatePermanent Tool status - tool is permanent $TC_TP8, Bit12
ToolState1To1Exchange Tool status - one to one replacement $TC_TP8, Bit14
ToolStateHandTool Tool status - manual tool $TC_TP8, Bit15
ToolProtAreaFile File name of the tool description which is $TC_TP_PROTA
required to define the protection zone
ToolMaxVelo Maximum speed $TC_TP_MAX_


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12.2 Configuring the user interface

Identifier Parameter or property System variable *)

ToolMaxAcc Maximum acceleration $TC_TP_MAX_
ToolInMultiTool Multitool in which the tool is located $A_TOOLMTN
ToolInMultiToolPlace Multitool location containing the tool $A_TOOLMTLN
ToolMyMultiTool Owner multitool of the tool $A_MYMTN
ToolMyMultiToolPlace Owner multitool location of the tool $A_MYMTLN
ToolAlarmIsExtended PLC tool status - function "extended alarm" -
ToolAlarmLimit PLC tool status - alarm limit reached -
ToolExtAlarmLimit PLC tool status - limit "extended alarm" -
ToolUser_1, ... ToolUser_10 OEM tool parameters 1 to 10 $TC_TPC1, ...
ToolAppl_1, ... ToolAppl_10 Siemens application tool parameters 1 to 10 $TC_TPCS1, ...
*) Parameter corresponds to the system variable or the system variable is the basis for this

Tool name "ToolIdent"
The maximum length of tool names is 31 ASCII characters.
The number of characters is reduced for Asian characters or Unicode characters.
The following special characters are not permitted: | # " Cutting parameter identifiers

For the cutting parameters, the following identifiers are used in the configuration file:

Identifier Parameter or property System variable *)

EdgeNo D number -
EdgeNoIdx Cutting edge number -
ToolType Tool type, cutting parameter 1 $TC_DP1
CuttEdgePos Cutting edge position, cutting parameter 2 $TC_DP2
GeoLength1 Length 1, cutting parameter 3 $TC_DP3
GeoLengthGeoAx1 Length of geometry axis 1, cutting parameter 3, e.g. $TC_DP3
length X
GeoLength Length, cutting parameter 3 $TC_DP3
GeoLength2 Length 2, cutting parameter 4 $TC_DP4
GeoLengthGeoAx3 Length of geometry axis 3, cutting parameter 4, e.g. $TC_DP4
length Z
GeoLength3 Length 3, cutting parameter 5 $TC_DP5


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12.2 Configuring the user interface

Identifier Parameter or property System variable *)

GeoLengthGeoAx2 Length of geometry axis 2, cutting parameter 5, e.g. $TC_DP5
length Y
GeoRadius Radius, cutting parameter 6 $TC_DP6
GeoCornerRadius Corner radius, cutting parameter 7 $TC_DP7
GeoOutsideRadius Outside radius, cutting parameter 7 $TC_DP7
GeoBoomLength Cantilever length, cutting parameter 7 $TC_DP7
GeoLength4 Length 4, cutting parameter 8 $TC_DP8
PlateLength Cutting tip length, cutting parameter 8 $TC_DP8
GeoLength5 Length 5, cutting parameter 9 $TC_DP9
GeoWidth Width, cutting parameter 9 $TC_DP9
PlateWidth Cutting tip width, cutting parameter 9 $TC_DP9
GeoPitch Thread pitch, cutting parameter 9 $TC_DP9
BoreRadius Hole radius, cutting parameter 9 $TC_DP9
GeoAngle1 Angle 1, cutting parameter 10 $TC_DP10
HolderAngle Holder angle, cutting parameter 10 $TC_DP10
CorrectionAngle Correction angle to align the probe, cutting $TC_DP10
parameter 10
GeoAngle2 Angle 2, cutting parameter 11 $TC_DP11
AngleConicalMillTool Angle conical mill tools, cutting parameter 11 $TC_DP11
CuttDirection Reference direction holder angle, cutting $TC_DP11
parameter 11
WearLength1 Wear length 1, cutting parameter 12 $TC_DP12
WearLengthGeoAx1 Wear length of geometry axis 1, cutting parameter 12, $TC_DP12
e.g. Δ length X
WearLength Wear length, cutting parameter 12 $TC_DP12
WearLength2 Wear length 2, cutting parameter 13 $TC_DP13
WearLengthGeoAx3 Wear length of geometry axis 3, cutting parameter 13, $TC_DP13
e.g. Δ length Z
WearLength3 Wear length 3, cutting parameter 14 $TC_DP14
WearLengthGeoAx2 Wear length of geometry axis 2, cutting parameter 14, $TC_DP14
e.g. Δ length Y
WearRadius Wear radius, cutting parameter 15 $TC_DP15
WearCornerRadius Wear corner radius, cutting parameter 16 $TC_DP16
WearLength4 Wear length 4, cutting parameter 17 $TC_DP17
WearLength5 Wear length 5, cutting parameter 18 $TC_DP18
WearAngle1 Wear angle 1, cutting parameter 19 $TC_DP19
WearAngle2 Wear angle 2, cutting parameter 20 $TC_DP20
AdaptLength1 Adapter length 1, cutting parameter 21 $TC_DP21
AdaptLengthGeoAx1 Adapter length of geometry axis 1, cutting parameter $TC_DP21
21, e.g. adapter length X
AdaptLength Adapter length, cutting parameter 21 $TC_DP21
AdaptLength2 Adapter length 2, cutting parameter 22 $TC_DP22
AdaptLengthGeoAx3 Adapter length of geometry axis 3, cutting parameter $TC_DP22
22, e.g. adapter length Z


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Identifier Parameter or property System variable *)

AdaptLength3 Adapter length 3, cutting parameter 23 $TC_DP23
AdaptLengthGeoAx2 Adapter length of geometry axis 2, cutting parameter $TC_DP23
23, e.g. adapter length Y
ReliefAngle Relief angle, cutting parameter 24 $TC_DP24
PlateAngle Cutting tip angle, combination of cutting parameter 24 $TC_DP24 and
and cutting parameter 10 $TC_DP10
NoseAngle Nose angle, cutting parameter 24 $TC_DP24
CuttRate Cutting rate, cutting parameter 25 $TC_DP25
SpindleDirection For rotating tools, direction of rotation of the tool $TC_DP25 bit8 and
spindle. For turning tools, direction of rotation of the bit9
main spindle
Coolant1 Coolant 1 $TC_DP25 Bit10
Coolant2 Coolant 2 $TC_DP25 Bit11
MFunction1 M function 1 $TC_DP25 Bit0
MFunction2 M function 2 $TC_DP25 Bit1
MFunction3 M function 3 $TC_DP25 Bit2
MFunction4 M function 4 $TC_DP25 Bit3
IsoHNoDPH ISO H number $TC_DPH
OrientNo Cutting orientation $TC_DPV
OrientV1 Cutting orientation vector 1 $TC_DPV3
OrientV2 Cutting orientation vector 2 $TC_DPV4
OrientV3 Cutting orientation vector 3 $TC_DPV5
OrientVGeoAx1 Cutting orientation vector of geometry axis 1, cutting $TC_DPVN3
orientation parameter 3, e.g. vector X
OrientVGeoAx3 Cutting orientation vector of geometry axis 3, cutting $TC_DPVN4
orientation parameter 4, e.g. vector Z
OrientVGeoAx2 Cutting orientation vector of geometry axis 2, cutting $TC_DPVN5
orientation parameter 5, e.g. vector Y
TeethCount Number of teeth, cutting parameter 34 $TC_DP34
UniqueDNo Unique D number $TC_DPCE
EdgeUser_1, ..., OEM cutting parameters 1 to 10 $TC_DPC1, ...
EdgeUser_10, $TC_DPC10
EdgeAppl_1, ..., Siemens application cutting parameters 1 to 10 $TC_DPCS1, ...
EdgeAppl_10x $TC_DPCS10
*) Parameter corresponds to the system variable or the system variable is the basis for this


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Tool management
12.2 Configuring the user interface Monitoring parameter identifiers

For the monitoring parameters, the following identifiers are used in the configuration file:

Identifier Parameter or property System variable *)

SupWarning Warning limits, taking the current monitoring type -
into consideration
SupRemaining Actual value, taking the current monitoring type -
into consideration
SupDesired Setpoint, taking the current monitoring type into -
SupWarningTime Tool life warning limit $TC_MOP1
SupRemainingTime Tool life actual value $TC_MOP2
SupWarningPieces Prewarning limit for workpiece count $TC_MOP3
SupRemainingPieces Actual value for workpiece count $TC_MOP4
SupDesiredTime Setpoint for tool life $TC_MOP11
SupDesiredPieces Setpoint for workpiece count $TC_MOP13
SupWarningWear Prewarning limit for wear $TC_MOP5
SupRemainingWear Actual value for wear $TC_MOP6
SupDesiredWear Setpoint for wear $TC_MOP15
SupExtendedAlarm PLC tool management: Extended alarm -
SupWarningPiecesIncrem PLC tool management: Prewarning limit for $TC_MOP13 -
ental workpiece count $TC_MOP3
SupActualPieces PLC tool management: Actual value for workpiece $TC_MOP13 -
count $TC_MOP4
EdgeSupUser_1, ... OEM cutting edge monitoring parameters 1 to 10 $TC_MOPC1, ...
EdgeSupUser_10 $TC_MOPC10
EdgeSupAppl_1, ... Siemens application cutting edge monitoring $TC_MOPCS1, ...
EdgeSupAppl_10 parameters 1 to 10 $TC_MOPCS10
*) Parameter corresponds to the system variable or the system variable is the basis for this
parameter. Grinding parameter identifiers

For grinding parameters, the following identifiers are used in the configuration file:

Identifier/parameter Meaning System variable *)

GrindingSpindleNo Spindle number $TC_TPG1
GrindingConnectionRule Chaining rule $TC_TPG2
MinimalDiscRadius Minimum grinding wheel radius $TC_TPG3
ActualDiscRadius Actual grinding wheel radius (read access -
MinimalDiscWidth Minimum grinding wheel width $TC_TPG4
ActualDiscWidth Actual grinding wheel width $TC_TPG5
MaximalDiscSpeed Maximum grinding wheel speed $TC_TPG6


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12.2 Configuring the user interface

Identifier/parameter Meaning System variable *)

MaximalDiscPeripheralVelocity Maximum grinding wheel peripheral $TC_TPG7
AngleBevelDisc Angle of inclined wheel $TC_TPG8
ParamForRadiusCalculation Parameters to calculate the radius $TC_TPG9
*) Parameter corresponds to the system variable or the system variable is the basis for this

The following parameters are assigned to the cutting edges of the grinding tool:

Identifier/parameter Meaning
GrindingMonitoring Grinding-specific tool monitoring
GrindingUseBaseLength Taking into account the basis dimension when calculating
the grinding wheel radius Magazine location parameter identifiers

For the magazine location parameters, the following identifiers are used in the configuration

Identifier Parameter or property System variable *)

MagPlaceKind Location kind $TC_MPP1
MagPlaceType Location type $TC_MPP2
MagPlaceTypeIdent Location type as text $TC_MPP2
MagPlaceTNo Tool number of the tool in this location $TC_MPP6
MagPlaceWatchNeighbour Consider adjacent location $TC_MPP3
MagPlaceStateLocked Magazine location locked $TC_MPP4, Bit0
MagPlaceStateEmpty Magazine location free $TC_MPP4, Bit1
MagPlaceStateResInterMag Reserved for tool in buffer $TC_MPP4, Bit2
MagPlaceStateResLoadTool Reserved for tool to be loaded $TC_MPP4, Bit3
MagPlaceStateOccupiedLeft Magazine location occupied, left half location $TC_MPP4, Bit4
MagPlaceStateOccupiedRight Magazine location occupied, right half $TC_MPP4, Bit5
MagPlaceStateOccupiedUpper Magazine location occupied, upper half $TC_MPP4, Bit6
MagPlaceStateOccupiedDown Magazine location occupied, lower half $TC_MPP4, Bit7
MagPlaceStateReservedLeft Magazine location reserved, left half location $TC_MPP4, Bit8
MagPlaceStateReservedRight Magazine location reserved, right half $TC_MPP4, Bit9
MagPlaceStateReservedUpper Magazine location reserved, upper half $TC_MPP4, Bit10
MagPlaceStateReservedDown Magazine location reserved, lower half $TC_MPP4, Bit11


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12.2 Configuring the user interface

Identifier Parameter or property System variable *)

MagPlaceMagazineNo Magazine number -
MagPlaceTypeIdx Type index $TC_MPP5
MagPlaceWearGroup Wear group number $TC_MPP5
MagPlaceAdaptNo Adapter number $TC_MPP7
MagPlaceNo Magazine location number -
MagNoMagPlaceNo Magazine number/Magazine location -
MagPlaceUser_1, ... OEM magazine location parameters 1 to 10 $TC_MPPC1, ...
MagPlaceUser_10 $TC_MPPC10
MagPlaceAppl_1, ... Siemens magazine location parameters 1 to $TC_MPPCS1, ...
MagPlaceAppl_10 10 $TC_MPPCS10

Parameter corresponds to the system variable or the system variable is the basis for this

parameter. Magazine location adapter parameter identifiers

The following identifiers are used in the configuration file for the magazine location adapter

Identifier Parameter or property System variable *)

MagPlaceAdapterLength1 Magazine location adapter length 1 $TC_ADPT1
MagPlaceAdapterLengthGeoAx1 Magazine location adapter geometry axis $TC_ADPT1
MagPlaceAdapterLength2 Magazine location adapter length 2 $TC_ADPT2
MagPlaceAdapterLengthGeoAx3 Magazine location adapter geometry axis $TC_ADPT2
MagPlaceAdapterLength3 Magazine location adapter length 3 $TC_ADPT3
MagPlaceAdapterLengthGeoAx2 Magazine location adapter geometry axis $TC_ADPT3
MagPlaceAdapterTrafoNo Magazine location adapter transformation $TC_ADPT4
*) Parameter corresponds to the system variable or the system variable is the basis for this
parameter. Multitool parameter identifiers

For the multitool parameters, the following identifiers are used in the configuration file:

Identifier Parameter or property System variable *)

MultiToolNo Number of the multitool -
MultiToolNumberOfPlaces Number of multitool locations $TC_MTPN
MultiToolNumberOfPlacesRO Number of multitool locations, only read $TC_MTPN
MultiToolIdent Name of the multitool $TC_MTP2


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12.2 Configuring the user interface

Identifier Parameter or property System variable *)

MultiToolInMag Magazine in which the multitool is located $A_TOOLMN
MultiToolInPlace Magazine location containing the multitool $A_TOOLMLN
MultiToolInMagInPlace Magazine number/Magazine location $A_TOOLMN /
MultiToolMyMag Owner magazine of the multitool $A_MYMN
MultiToolMyPlace Owner magazine location of the multitool $A_MYMLN
MultiToolPlaceSpec Location type $TC_MTP7
MultiToolPlaceSpecIdent Location type as text $TC_MTP7
MultiToolSizeLeft Multitool size to the left in half locations $TC_MTP3
MultiToolSizeRight Multitool size to the right in half locations $TC_MTP4
MultiToolSizeUpper Multitool size to the top in half locations $TC_MTP5
MultiToolSizeDown Multitool size to the bottom in half $TC_MTP6
MultiToolOverSize Multitool size as fixed setting - two half $TC_MTP3 -
locations left, two half locations right, one $TC_MTP6
half location top, one half location bottom
MultiToolPosition Multitool position $TC_MTP_POS
MultiToolProtAreaFile File name of the multitool description $TC_MTP_PROTA
which is required to determine the
protection zone
MultiToolKindOfDist Type of distance input of the multitool $TC_MTP_KD
MultiToolKindOfDistRO Type of distance input of the multitool $TC_MTP_KD
locations, only read access
MultiToolDistAngle Type of distance input of the multitool $TC_MTP_KD
locations as an angle
MultiToolState Multitool status in the hexadecimal $TC_MTP8
MultiToolStateEnabled Multitool status - multitool released $TC_MTP8, Bit1
MultiToolStateLocked Multitool status - multitool locked $TC_MTP8, Bit2
MultiToolStateLockedRO Multitool status - multitool locked, only $TC_MTP8, Bit2
read access
MultiToolStateInChange Multitool status - multitool is being $TC_MTP8, Bit5
MultiToolStateFixed Multitool status - multitool fixed location $TC_MTP8, Bit6
MultiToolStateUsed Multitool status - multitool was in use $TC_MTP8, Bit7
MultiToolStateAutoReturn Multitool status - automatic return $TC_MTP8, Bit8
MultiToolStateIgnoreLocked Multitool status - do not observe locked $TC_MTP8, Bit9
MultiToolStateMarkedToUnload Multitool status - multitool is selected to be $TC_MTP8, Bit10
MultiToolStateMarkedToLoad Multitool status - multitool is selected to be $TC_MTP8, Bit11
MultiToolStatePermanent Multitool status - multitool is a master tool $TC_MTP8, Bit12
MultiToolState1To1Exchange Multitool status - one to one replacement $TC_MTP8, Bit14


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12.2 Configuring the user interface

Identifier Parameter or property System variable *)

MultiToolStateHandTool Multitool status - manual tool $TC_MTP8, Bit15
MultiToolStateLockMtIfToolLock Multitool status - multitool is locked if a $TC_MTP8, Bit16
tool is locked in multitool
MultiToolUser_1, ... OEM multitool parameters 1 to 10 $TC_MTPC1, ...
MultiToolUser_10 $TC_MTPC10
MultiToolAppl_1, ... Siemens application multitool parameters $TC_MTPCS1, ...
MultiToolAppl_10 1 to 10 $TC_MTPCS10
*) Parameter corresponds to the system variable or the system variable is the basis for this

parameter. Multitool location parameter identifiers

For the multitool location parameters, the following identifiers are used in the configuration

Identifier Parameter or property System variable *)

MultiToolDist Multitool location distance taking into account -
the actual type of distance input of the multitool
MultiToolDistLength Multitool location distance, length $TC_MTPPL
MultiToolDistAngle Multitool location distance angle, angle $TC_MTPPA
MultiToolPlaceType Location type $TC_MTPP2
MultiToolPlaceTypeIdent Location type as text $TC_MTPP2
MultiToolPlaceState Multitool status in the hexadecimal notation $TC_MTPP4
MultiToolPlaceStateLocked Multitool location locked $TC_MTPP4, Bit0
MultiToolPlaceStateEmpty Multitool location empty $TC_MTPP4, Bit1
MultiToolPlaceTNo Tool number of the tool in this multitool location $TC_MTPP6
MultiToolPlaceAdaptNo Adapter number $TC_MTPP7
MultiToolPlaceNo Multitool location number -
MultiToolPlaceUser_1, … OEM multitool location parameters 1 to 10 $TC_MTPPC1, …
MultiToolPlaceUser_10 $TC_MTPPC10
MultiToolPlaceAppl_1, … Siemens application multitool location $TC_MTPPCS1, …
MultiToolPlaceAppl_10 parameters 1 to 10 $TC_MTPPCS10

Parameter corresponds to the system variable or the system variable is the basis for this



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12.2 Configuring the user interface

12.2.3 Configure the list parameters

In the <PARAMETERCONFIGURATION> tag, you have the following options:
1. Changing list parameters.
2. Creating new list parameters based on an existing parameter.

Changing list parameters

You can change all the parameters included in the system apart from the ISO parameters.
Tool parameter identifiers (Page 143)
Cutting parameter identifiers (Page 145)
Monitoring parameter identifiers (Page 148)
Grinding parameter identifiers (Page 148)
Magazine location parameter identifiers (Page 149)
Magazine location adapter parameter identifiers (Page 150)
Multitool parameter identifiers (Page 150)
Multitool location parameter identifiers (Page 152)

Entries Meaning
HeadLine Column header. Text entered is displayed as a header.
Example: Text "Radius" is displayed as a header (default).
Tooltip Text that is displayed in the tooltip.
Example: Text "Geometry radius" is displayed in the tooltip (default).
ShortText Text if the parameter is displayed in the "More Data" window.
Example: Text "Rad." is displayed in the "More Data" window (default).
DetailsText Text, if the parameter is displayed in the "Details" window.
Example: Text "Radius" is displayed in the "Details" window (default).
Width Column width in pixels in relation to a 640 x 480 resolution.
See example below: The default column width is changed to 53 pixels.
DisplayMode Values that the parameter is displayed with.
See example below: The default setting is changed to "DoubleMode".
The following values can also be accepted:
AnyMode All characters
IntegerMode Integers
UnsignedIntegerMode Unsigned integers
DoubleMode Values with decimal places
The number of decimal places is specified in


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12.2 Configuring the user interface

Entries Meaning
UnsignedDoubleMode Unsigned values with decimal places
The number of decimal places is specified in
Length Specified length
Angle Specified angle
LinearFeedPerTime Linear feed in mm/minute
LinearFeedPerRevolution Linear feed in mm/revolution
LinearFeedPerTooth Linear feed in mm/tooth
RevolutionSpeed Speed
ConstantCuttingSpeed Constant cutting rate
DecimalPlaces Number of decimal places if "DoubleMode" or "UnsignedDoubleMode" is
selected in the DisplayMode.
See example: Two decimal places are entered.
ItemType Field types in which a value is displayed.
TextField Input/output field for values and texts
TextFieldReadOnly Output field for values and texts
CheckBox Input/output field for states
CheckBoxReadOnly Output field for states
BitMask Bit mask for the display of a bit from a value. The bit mask is entered as integer
value. Bit 0 → 1, Bit 1 → 2, Bit 2 → 4
AccessLevel Value for the access level that is used for these parameters in the user interface.
Value range 1 to 7
UpperLimit Upper input limit for these parameters in the user interface.
Only applies for numerically entered parameters.
LowerLimit Lower input limit for these parameters in the user interface.
Only applies for numerically entered parameters.

In the following example, the <GeoRadius> parameter is used.
Only enter the modified data.

<Width value="53" type="int" />
<DisplayMode value="DoubleMode" type="QString" />
<DecimalPlaces value="2" type="int" />


154 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
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12.2 Configuring the user interface

Configuring new list parameters based on an existing list parameter.

Assign a new parameter name and enter only the changed data:

Entries Meaning
Assign new parameter name
See 1st example: Text "NewGeoRadius"
Base Name of the parameter on which the new parameter is based.
See 1st example: "GeoRadius" parameter is used as a template.
Also enter only the changed data here. All other data is taken from the existing
See 1st example: Column width changed to 46 pixels. Number of decimal places
changed to 1.

1. Example

<Base value="GeoRadius" type="QString" />
<Width value="46" type="int" />
<DisplayMode value="DoubleMode" type="QString" />
<DecimalPlaces value="1" type="int" />

2. Example

Entries Meaning
Assign new cutting edge parameter name
The name is "EdgeUser_1_Bit0" in the following example.
Base Name of the parameter on which the new parameter is based.
In the following example, the "EdgeUser_1" parameter is used as template.
Also enter only the changed data here. All other data is taken from the existing
cutting edge parameter.
The following entries are changed:
Field type: Input/output field for states
Value output: All characters
Bit mask: Bit 0
Column width changed to 17 pixels.
Header changed to "TM_HL_EDGE_USER_1_Bit0"
Text in the tooltip changed to "TM_TT_EDGE_USER_1_Bit0"


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12.2 Configuring the user interface

<Base value="EdgeUser_1" type="QString" />
<ItemType value="CheckBox" type="QString" />
<DisplayMode value="AnyMode" type="QString" />
<BitMask value="1" type="int" />
<Width value="17" type="int" />
<HeadLine value="TM_HL_EDGE_USER_1_Bit0" type="QString" />
<ToolTip value="TM_TT_EDGE_USER_1_Bit0" type="QString" />


156 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Tool management
12.2 Configuring the user interface

12.2.4 List of tool types

Coding of tool types for milling tools

Group with type 1xy (milling tool):

100 Milling tool according to CLDATA (DIN 66215)

110 Ballhead cutter (cylindrical die milling tool)
111 Ballhead cutter (tapered die milling tool)
120 End mill (without corner rounding)
121 End mill (with corner rounding)
130 Angle head cutter (without corner rounding)
131 Angle head cutter (with corner rounding)
140 Facing cutter
145 Thread cutter
150 Side mill
151 Saw
155 Bevel cutter (without corner rounding)
156 Bevel cutter (with corner rounding)
157 Tapered die-sinking cutter
160 Drill and thread milling cutter

Coding of tool types for drills

Group type 2xy (drills):

200 Twist drill

205 Solid drill
210 Boring bar
220 Center drill
230 Countersink
231 Counterbore
240 Tap regular thread
241 Tap fine thread
242 Tap Whitworth thread
250 Reamer


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12.2 Configuring the user interface

Coding of tool types for grinding tools

Group type 4xy (grinding tools):

400 Grinding wheel circumference

410 Face grinding wheel
490 Dresser

Grinding tool types 401, 402, 403 as well as 411, 412, 413 are not listed as tool types that
can be selected. The grinding-specific tool monitoring - taking into account the basis
dimension when calculating the grinding wheel radius - is set using dedicated parameters.
These parameters act on the tool types in the usual form.

Coding of tool types for turning tools

Group type 5xy (turning tools):

500 Roughing tool

510 Finishing tool
520 Plunge cutter
530 Parting tool
540 Threading tool
550 Steel profile
560 Rotary drill (ECOCUT)
580 Orientated probe
585 Calibration tool

Coding of tool types for special tools

Group type 7xy (special tools):

700 Slotting saw

710 3D probe
711 Edge probe
712 Mono probe
713 L probe
714 Star probe
725 Calibration tool
730 Stop
731 Spindle sleeves
732 End support
900 Auxiliary tools


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12.2 Configuring the user interface

12.2.5 Configure tool types

The entries used for configuring the tool types are located in the

Entries Meaning
TOOLTYPE_XXX XXX stands for the number of the tool type.
For the assignment of the tool type and number, please refer to Section "List
of tool types (Page 157)".
Tooltype Number (XXX) of the tool type
Name Text identifier of the tool name. The tool name is displayed in the following
• "New Tool - Favorites"
• "New Tool - Milling Cutter 100 - 199"
• "New Tool - Drill 200 - 299"
• "New Tool - Special and Auxiliary Tools 700 - 900"
See example: For the text identifier "TM_PAR_SHANK_END_CUTTER", the name
"End mill" appears on the user interface.
Shortname Text identifier of the tool name. Tool name is displayed in the tool list.
See example: For the text identifier "TM_PPTT_SHANK_END_CUTTER", the name
"MILLING CUTTER" appears on the user interface.
Tooltip Text identifier of the tool name. This tool name is displayed in the tooltip.
See example: For the text identifier "TM_TTTT_SHANK_END_CUTTER", the name
"End mill" appears on the user interface.
Icon9 - for milling Icon representing the tool type.
technology The icons are displayed in the following windows:
• "Tool List" in the "Type" column
• "New Tool - Favorites" in the "Tool position" column
• "New Tool - Milling Cutter 100 - 199" in the "Tool position" column
• "New Tool - Drill 200 - 299" in the "Tool position" column
• "New Tool - Special Tool 700 - 900 in the "Tool position" column.
The icons are in ".png" format. They are stored according to image resolution
in the following directories:
/oem/sinumerik/hmi/ico/ico640, or ico800, or ico1024
/user/sinumerik/hmi/ico/ico640, or ico800, or ico1024
IconX - for turning Icon representing the tool type (see Icon9 - for milling technology)
technology Special feature - tool positions are supported in turning technology.
X is for the tool position represented by the icon. Position 9 is an undefined
position represented by a cross.
Iconorder Order in which the tool positions, represented by icons, are switched.


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<Tooltype value="120" type="uint" />
<Name value="TM_PAR_SHANK_END_CUTTER" type="QString" />
<Shortname value="TM_PPTT_SHANK_END_CUTTER" type="QString" />
<Tooltip value="TM_TTTT_SHANK_END_CUTTER" type="QString" />
<Icon9 value="to_poly_shank_end_cutter_down.png" type="QString" />


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12.2.6 Configuring the "More data" window

The entries used for configuring the "Additional Data" window are located in the
<MOREDATACONFIGURATION> tag. Various data items can be displayed for each tool
type in a number of rows and columns. Each data item to be displayed is specified by
entering a list parameter:
Tool parameter identifiers (Page 143)
Cutting parameter identifiers (Page 145)
Monitoring parameter identifiers (Page 148)
A brief description of the parameter then appears (ShortText), with the value itself beside it.
Configure the list parameters (Page 153).
If another description text is required in the "More Data" window, a text can also be entered
in a row or column. In the window, the width of the text is made to conform to that of the brief
description and value of a parameter.
Any number of rows and columns can be created. A scrollbar appears when the window
reaches a certain size.

Entries Meaning
TOOLTYPE_XXX Number of the tool type.
See example: Tool type 111 = Ball end mill (tapered die-sinking cutter).
ROWX_COLY Particular rowX_columnY.
If there is no entry after rowX and columnY, this field remains blank.
See example: In the "More Data" window, the first row is blank.
Item The following entries are possible:
• Parameter identifier
• Text
See example:
The header "Corner radius" appears in the second row of the window.
The text "Radius" and an input field for the value appear in the third row of the
The fourth row is blank.


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<Item value="TM_DGL_CORNER_RADIUS" type="QString" />
<Item value="GeoCornerRadius" type="QString" />

12.2.7 Configure the "New tool - favorites" window

In the tag <NEWTOOLFAVORITECONFIGURATION> you define the tool types that are
most frequently used. The specified tool types are displayed in the "New Tool - Favorites"

Entries Meaning
StaticTooltypes Numbers of tool types Enter the individual numbers, separated by blanks.
The following section describes the assignment of the tool type and
number: List of tool types (Page 157)


<StaticTooltypes value="120 140 200 220 710 711" type="QString"/>


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12.2.8 Configuring the "New Tool" window

You use the "New Tool" dialog to supply a new tool with specific tool data before creating the
tool or before loading the tool to a magazine location. These are typically the tool size and/or
the tool location type because these parameters can no longer be changed when the tool is
loaded. It is also useful to display the tool type and the tool names in this window.
Specify the parameters in the <NEWTOOLCONFIGURATION> tag that are to be displayed
in the "New Tool" dialog.

The number of parameters is limited by the size of the window.

Entries Meaning
ItemX Entry of the identifier of the tool parameter. "X" specifies the order in which the
parameters are displayed in the window.
The identifier of the tool parameter can be found in Chapter:
Tool parameter identifiers (Page 143)


<!-- The standard field "oversized tool" is removed and replaced by the fields -->
<!-- "tool location type", "tool size left" and "tool size right" -->
<!-- -->
<Item2 value="ToolPlaceSpec" type="QString"/>
<Item3 value="ToolSizeLeft" type="QString"/>
<Item4 value="ToolSizeRight" type="QString"/>


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12.2.9 Configuring default values for new tools

In the <NEWTOOLDEFAULTVALUECONFIGURATION> tag, you can specify default values
for tools that you create via the user interface. These values can be configured depending on
the tool type and, if required, also depending on the cutting edge position:

Entries Meaning
TOOLTYPE_ALL The parameter setting applies to all tool types.
TOOLTYPE_XXX The parameter setting applies to a specific tool type. XXX stands for the
number of the tool type.
CUTTEDGEPOS_XXX The parameter setting applies to a specific cutting edge position. XXX
stands for the number of the cutting edge position.
Default Default value of the parameter.


<!-- Initialize geometry length 1 for all tool types to 70.0 -->
<Default value="70.0" type="double" />
<!-- Initialize tip angle of the twist drill to 120.0 -->
<Default value="120.0" type="double" />
<!-- Initialize plate angle of the roughing tool to 82.0 -->
<Default value="82.0" type="double" />
<!-- Initialize holder angle of the roughing tool depending on the cutting edge
position -->
<Default value="93.0" type="double" />
<Default value="93.0" type="double" />


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<Default value="93.0" type="double" />
<Default value="93.0" type="double" />
<Default value="49.0" type="double" />
<Default value="49.0" type="double" />
<Default value="49.0" type="double" />
<Default value="49.0" type="double" />
<!-- Initialize coolant 2 of the plunge cutter to switched on -->
<Default value="true" type="bool" />

Default values when creating new tools

System variables Default value

Tool size
Size on left $TC_TP3 1
Size on right $TC_TP4 1
Size above $TC_TP5 1
Size below $TC_TP6 1
Magazine location type of the tool
Created outside of the magazine $TC_TP7 1
Created in a magazine location $TC_TP7 Location type of the magazine location
Tool status
released $TC_TP8 2

The following combinations between the cutting-edge position and the cutting direction result
dependent on the tool type. When creating the new tool, the operator selects a combination
in the "New Tool - Favorites" window.


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Tool type $TC_DP1 Default values

Cutting edge $TC_DP2 Cutting direction $TC_DP11
Type 500 roughing tool 1 4
Type 510 finishing tool 2 3
Type 560 rotary drill 3 3
4 4
5 1
6 3
7 1
8 3
Type 520 plunge cutter 1 2
Type 530 cut-off tool 1 4
Grinding tool types 4 4
3 1
4 1
2 3
3 3
2 2
Type 540 threading tool 5 2
5 1
8 3
8 4
6 3
6 4
7 2
7 1

If the ShopMill/ShopTurn option is set, the direction of spindle rotation is preassigned:

Tool type $TC_DP1 Default value $TC_DP25 Direction of spindle rotation

Measuring tools
Type 580/585/710/712/713/725 Bit 8 = 0 Spindle stop
Bit 9 = 0
Turning tools dependent on SD54215 TM_FUNCTION_MASK_SET bit 1
SD54215 bit 1 = 0 Bit 8 = 1 Spindle right
Bit 9 = 0
SD54215 bit 1 = 1 Bit 8 = 0 Spindle left
Bit 9 = 1
Special tools
Type 730/731/732 Bit 8 = 0 Spindle stop
Bit 9 = 0


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Tool type $TC_DP1 Default value $TC_DP25 Direction of spindle rotation

All other tool types
- Bit 8 = 1 Spindle right
Bit 9 = 0

Tool type $TC_DP1 Default value $TC_DP25 for switching direction

Type 712 mono probe Bit 17 = 1
Bit 20 = 1
Type 713 L probe Bit 17 = 1
Bit 21 = 1
Type 714 star probe Bit 16 = 1
Bit 17 = 1
Bit 18 = 1
Bit 19 = 1

Tool type $TC_DP1 Default value $TC_DP24 for tip angle

Type 200 twist drill 118
Type 220 centering tool 90

The plate angle rather than the clearance angle is displayed on the screen:
plate angle = 180 - holder angle - clearance angle

Tool type Default values

$TC_DP1 Cutting edge position Holder angle Clearance angle
$TC_DP2 $TC_DP10 $TC_DP24
Type 500 roughing tool 1 to 4 95 5
5 to 8 50 50
Type 510 finishing tool 1 to 4 93 32
5 to 8 62.5 62.5
Type 560 rotary drill - 90 2

Tool type $TC_DP1 Unit of Default value $TC_DP8 for plate length
Type 500 roughing tool metric 11
Type 510 finishing tool inch 0.4

For all grinding tools, the parameter for calculating the radius:
$TC_TPG9 = 3 (corresponds to length 1) applies


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12.2.10 Configuring the "Details" window

In the tag <DETAILSCONFIGURATION> you can make the settings at the "Detail" window:

Entries Meaning
ShowToolNumber The tool number is displayed in the upper right field of the "Detail"
UseAxisNameInLength The tool lengths are displayed with axis identifiers, e.g. length X instead
of length 1.
If no data is specified, then the setting is taken from the tool lists.
ShowBaseLength The basis length is displayed in the "Detail" window (AdaptLength1,
AdaptLength2 and AdaptLength3).
If no data is specified, then the setting is taken from the tool lists.
ShowYAxis The Y axis is displayed in the "Detail" window.
If no data is specified, then the setting is taken from the tool lists.


<ShowToolNumber value="true" type="bool" />

12.2.11 Assigning a name for magazines and magazine locations

The entries to assign dedicated magazine location names are located in the
<MAGAZINEPLACENAMECONFIGURATION> tag. Magazine locations can be displayed
with texts. Instead of the identifier, e.g. 1/5 for the first magazine, location five, the configured
text is then output in the tool lists.

Entries Meaning
MAGAZINE_XXX XXX stands for the magazine number.
PLACE_XXX XXX stands for the location number.
Name Text identifier of the magazine location.


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<Name value="TM_SPECIAL_MAG_PLACE_1" type="QString" />
<Name value="TM_SPECIAL_MAG_PLACE_2" type="QString" />

Name for a magazine

Dedicated texts can also be allocated for magazines. The text or the text identifier is entered
into the magazine configuration file (ini file) of the NC. The system variable for the magazine
name is $TC_MAP2[magNo]. The magazine name is displayed at the top right in the tool


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Magazine 1 should have the name "main magazine".
$TC_MAP2[1]="main magazine"

If the "main magazine" text is to be output language-dependent, then the language-

dependent texts for the text identifier "main magazine" must be created.

See also
Please refer to the following section for the procedure to create language-dependent text:
Creating OEM texts (Page 182)

12.2.12 Assigning a name for magazine location types

You can find entries to allocate your own location type identifiers in the tag
<PLACETYPECONFIGURATION>. Magazines and magazine location types can be
displayed with texts in the tool lists. Instead of identifier 2, e.g. for location type 2, the
configured text is then output in the tool lists.

Entries Meaning
PLACETYPEXXX XXX stands for the number of the location type
Text Text identifier of the location type
Tooltip Tooltip text identifier of the location type


<Text value="TM_PLACETYPE_1" type="QString" />
<Tooltip value="TM_TT_PLACETYPE_1" type="QString" />
<Text value="TM_PLACETYPE_2" type="QString" />
<Tooltip value="TM_TT_PLACETYPE_2" type="QString" />
<Text value="TM_PLACETYPE_3" type="QString" />
<Tooltip value="TM_TT_PLACETYPE_3" type="QString" />


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See also
Please refer to the following section for the procedure to create language-dependent text:
Creating OEM texts (Page 182)

12.2.13 Assignment of magazines to channels

Turning technology has been set: Name of the associated configuration file

Assignment between magazine and channel

With this setting, magazines can be assigned to channels. This makes sense if the machine
is configured so that several channels are assigned to one tool area (TOA area). If each
magazine is then only used in one channel, here it is possible to specify this assignment
between the magazine and channel.


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As a consequence of this configuration, the tool icons are output with reference to their
position depending on the channel. Every channel can be assigned a position using the
channel machine data MD52000 MCS_DISP_COORDINATE_SYSTEM. If a tool is at a
magazine location which is assigned a channel via this configuration, then the tool icon is
output depending on this position that has been set.
This setting option is only available for turning. This can be especially helpful if, on a multi-
channel machine, a magazine is used before the turning center and another magazine after
the turning center. This means that the tools can be entered into the tool list in a position
visible for the operator.

Entries to assign magazines to channels are in the <CHANNELMAGAZINEASSIGNMENT>

Entries Meaning
CHANNELNO_XXX XXX stands for the channel number.
MAGAZINES Number of the magazines that are assigned to the channel.

The following assignment between magazine and channel should apply:

Magazine 1-3 Channel 1

Magazine 4 Channel 2
Magazine 5 Channel 3
Magazine 6 Channel 4

<Magazines value="1 2 3" type="QString" />
<Magazines value="4" type="QString" />
<Magazines value="5" type="QString" />
<Magazines value="6" type="QString" />


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12.2.14 Coolant and tool-specific functions

Assigning coolant (ShopMill/ShopTurn)

In the tool management of ShopMill/ShopTurn, you can assign coolant and tool-specific
functions to each tool. These are activated when the tool is changed. You assign the coolant
to the corresponding machine functions (M functions) using the following machine data:

MD52230 $MCS_M_CODE_ALL_COOLANTS_OFF M code for all coolants OFF

MD52231 $MCS_M_CODE_COOLANT_1_ON M code for coolant 1 ON
MD52232 $MCS_M_CODE_COOLANT_2_ON M code for coolant 2 ON
MD52233 $MCS_M_CODE_COOLANT_1_AND_2_ON M code for both coolants ON

Tool-specific functions (ShopMill)

Tool-specific functions 1 ... 4 are intended for other M functions that can be activated for a
tool, for example, third coolant, speed monitoring, tool breakage, etc.
Up to eight M functions can be programmed for the activation or deactivation of the tool-
specific functions. Definition is realized using the following machine data:

MD52281 $MCS_TOOL_MCODE_FUNC_ON[0...3] M code for tool-specific function ON


MD52282 $MCS_TOOL_MCODE_FUNC_OFF[0...3] M code for tool-specific function OFF


The M functions for the tool-specific functions are executed by the ShopMill cycles at the tool
change. If the checkbox is activated, the corresponding M code is generated from MD52281.
If the checkbox is not activated, the corresponding M code is generated from MD52282.
If you do not want to automatically execute additional M commands at the tool change, then
set the associated machine data to -1 for the M commands of this tool-specific function. This
also hides the associated fields in the tool list.
The default value of the machine data is -1 so that no M values are output for the
corresponding functions.

Technical procedure
The M functions for the tool-specific functions are generated by the ShopMill cycles in a set
(up to four M commands are possible).
The number and also the sequence of the M commands are dependent on the settings of the
machine data (MD52281 to MD52282) and the programming.
If M functions less than 100 are used, the number and sequence of the M commands has no
significance. They are located in the user PLC in the decoded area (DB21.DBB194 to
DB21.DBB206), independent of the number and the sequence when programming.


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However, if M functions from 100 and higher are used, then you must decode these yourself
in the user PLC. In this case, you must take into consideration the number and sequence (M
function 1 to M function 4).

JOG mode
In the JOG mode, no coolant and tool-specific functions are output to the interface. For a tool
change in the JOG mode, these functions can be initiated by the operator using the keys on
the machine control panel (implementation via the PLC user program).

Example: Machine data settings



As a result, fields 1 to 4 of the tool-specific functions are displayed in the tool list.
The following fields are activated:

Tool-specific function 1: On
Tool-specific function 2: Off
Tool-specific function 3: Off
Tool-specific function 4: Off
The M functions M90, M95 and M97 are generated by the ShopMill cycles at the tool change.

You can change the texts for "Coolant 1/2 on/off" and "Tool-spec. fct. 1, ..." (see Section
Identifiers of the standard texts (Page 183)). So that the texts between the tool list and
program area machine functions match, please note the following section.

Creating user-specific texts for the "Machine Functions" window.

If you require an additional possibility of switching on or switching off coolant and tool-
specific functions, then you can program this in the "Program" operating area using the input
window "Machine Functions". You can create the texts and the tooltips for the tool-specific
functions which are used in this window.
Define the texts for the M functions in the file "slstepforms_xxx.ts".


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If you require the texts in additional languages, then you must create a separate file for each
language. The names of the files only differ by the language code "xxx" (Supported
languages (Page 584)). Use only the specified language codes.

File "slstepforms_xxx.ts "

Tag Meaning
source Text identifier for label: SlStepLabels
A maximum of up to four M functions can be defined:
Text identifier for tooltip: SlStepToolTip
There are 3 tooltips for every machine function x (1 - 4):
T_TT_USER_MACHINE_FUNC_x: Standard tooltip if the machine function was not
T_TT_USER_MACHINE_FUNC_x _ON: Tooltip when the machine function is
T_TT_USER_MACHINE_FUNC_x_OFF: Tooltip for deactivated machine function
translation Text, which is displayed at the user interface.
Label texts: You can only enter texts on one line. The "lines" entry is not applicable.
Tooltip: You can enter multi-line texts. A line break is set using the "%n" character.
chars Text length
The maximum text length is 30 characters.
lines Number of lines
The maximum number of lines is three.
remark Own comment - entry is not displayed at the user interface.

1. You can copy the sample file "oem_slstepforms_deu.ts" from the following directory:
2. Save or create the file in the /oem/sinumerik/hmi/lng or /user/sinumerik/hmi/lng directory.
3. Change the file name to "slstepforms_deu.ts".
If you require texts for additional languages, then a separate file must be created for each
language. Save the file with the appropriate language code in the file name.
4. Open the file and define the texts in the <message> and </message> areas.
5. Restart the system.
The file must still be converted into a binary format in order that the texts are displayed
during the program runtime. This data is only converted during power up.


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Example of a file "slstepforms_deu.ts"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<translation>tool-specific function 1</translation>
<!-- tooltips of user machine function 1-->
<translation>User%nMachine functions 1</translation>

12.2.15 Reason for the tool change when reactivating


Software option
You require the "MC Information System TDI Statistic" option for this function

When reactivating a tool, you have the option of specifying the reason for the tool change,
e.g. to use this information for statistical purposes. The "Reason for Tool Change" selection
window is opened after pressing the "Reactivate" softkey. In a checkbox, you can select the
reason for the tool change. The tool change is entered in a tool parameter to be configured
or in a local variable of the SlCap service.


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Tool change reasons

You can adapt or expand the tool change reasons as required. The operating software
provides the following pre-defined texts for the configuration:

Text identifier Text

TM_DGL_DESIRED_PIECES_ELAPSED Unit quantity setpoint (desired pieces) elapsed
TM_DGL_CUTTING_EDGE_DAMAGE Cutting edge damage

You configure the function in the <TOOLCHANGEREASON> tag:

Parameter Designation
Enabled true - "Reason for tool change" selection window is displayed when
false - default value, selection window is not displayed.
OnlyOneReasonAllowed It is only permissible to select one tool change reason.
UseCapLocalParameter The reason for the tool change is entered into a local variable of the
SlCap service.
REASONXXX XXX stands for an internal number. The numbers for the tool change
reason must be clear and unique.
Text Text identifier of the tool change reason.
Parameter Parameter identifier of the parameter in which it is entered whether the
tool change reason was selected.
BitMask Bit mask to enter the reason for the change in the local variable of the
SlCap service. The bit mask is entered as integer value. Bit 0 → 1,
bit 1 → 2, bit 2 → 4

Local variable of the SICap service

The identifier of the local variables is called "/Hmi/ToolEdgeReplacementReason". The
variable is the string type.
The table below lists the most important arguments and their significance:

Argument Meaning
datetime Data and time of the event
containerNo Number of the management area
toaNo Number of the To area
toolNo Tool number


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Argument Meaning
edgeNo Cutting edge number
toolIdent Tool name
toolDuplo Replacement tool number
ncuName Name of the NCU
reactivationReason Reason for tool change
monitoringMode Monitoring type
remainingBefore Remaining unit quantity/tool lifetime before reactivation

Example 1
The following example uses the texts for the tool change reason, already prepared in the
operating software. In this example, the tool change reason is stored in parameters that still
have to be configured, e.g. the OEM tool data 1, bit 1 and following.

<Enabled value="true" type="bool" />
<Text value="TM_DGL_DESIRED_PIECES_ELAPSED" type="QString" />
<Parameter value="ToolUser_1_Bit1" type="QString" />
<Text value="TM_DGL_TOOL_BREAKAGE" type="QString" />
<Parameter value="ToolUser_1_Bit2" type="QString" />
<Text value="TM_DGL_CUTTING_EDGE_DAMAGE" type="QString" />
<Parameter value="ToolUser_1_Bit3" type="QString" />
<Text value="TM_DGL_PREMATURE_WEAR" type="QString" />
<Parameter value="ToolUser_1_Bit4" type="QString" />
<Text value="TM_DGL_TYPE_REEQUIPPING" type="QString" />
<Parameter value="ToolUser_1_Bit5" type="QString" />
<Text value="TM_DGL_TOOL_TRIAL" type="QString" />
<Parameter value="ToolUser_1_Bit6" type="QString" />
<Text value="TM_DGL_PREVENTIVE_CHANGE" type="QString" />
<Parameter value="ToolUser_1_Bit7" type="QString" />


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Example 2
Also in this example, the prepared texts for the reason for the change are used. It is only
permitted to enter one reason for the change as a valid entry. The reason for the tool change
is saved in the local variable of the SlCap service.

<Enabled value="true" type="bool" />
<OnlyOneReasonAllowed value="true" type="bool" />
<UseCapLocalParameter value="true" type="bool" />
<Text value="TM_DGL_DESIRED_PIECES_ELAPSED" type="QString" />
<BitMask value="1" type="int" />
<Text value="TM_DGL_TOOL_BREAKAGE" type="QString" />
<BitMask value="2" type="int" />
<Text value="TM_DGL_CUTTING_EDGE_DAMAGE" type="QString" />
<BitMask value="4" type="int" />
<Text value="TM_DGL_PREMATURE_WEAR" type="QString" />
<BitMask value="8" type="int" />
<Text value="TM_DGL_TYPE_REEQUIPPING" type="QString" />
<BitMask value="16" type="int" />
<Text value="TM_DGL_TOOL_TRIAL" type="QString" />
<BitMask value="32" type="int" />
<Text value="TM_DGL_PREVENTIVE_CHANGE" type="QString" />
<BitMask value="64" type="int" />


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See also
For configuring new parameters, see Configure the list parameters (Page 153).

12.2.16 Configure the code carrier connection


Software option
You require the "MC Information System TDI Ident Connection" option for this

The entries used for configuring the code carrier connection in the tool list of the user
interface are located in the <IDENTCONNECTIONCONFIGURATION> tag. The code carrier
connection is implemented via TDI Ident Connection.
The following functions in the tool list are available:


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1. Creating tools for the code carrier:

Figure 12-1 New tool for the code carrier

The data for the code carrier tool is read and displayed in the "New Tool" window. Click
OK to create the tool in the NC and to initialize it with the code carrier data.
2. Unloading tools on the code carrier:
The tool is unloaded and the data of the tool is written to the code carrier. The tool can
also be deleted using a setting (see below).
3. Deleting the tool on the code carrier:
The tool is unloaded and the data of the tool is written to the code carrier. The tool is then
deleted from the NC. Using a setting (see below), the "On code carrier" softkey can also
be hidden for deleting a tool.
The following settings can be made:

Entries Meaning
Enabled true - code carrier connection is offered.
false - code carrier connection is not offered.
ShowInternalMessage true - internal messages for error analysis are also displayed.
false - default setting, no internal messages are displayed.
UnloadWithDelete true - the tool is deleted when unloaded to the code carrier. The "On
code carrier" function is not offered for "Delete tool".
false - default setting, the tool is only unloaded for "unload to code
carrier" and remains in the NC memory.


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Tool management
12.3 Creating OEM texts

Entries Meaning
OnlyInLoadStation true - default setting, on the one hand, only loaded tools are stored "on
code carrier", on the other hand, new tools "from code carrier" can be
created only directly in the magazine.
false - tools can be created independently of the "from code carrier"
magazine slot or deleted "on code carrier".
CreateNewToolWithDialog true - default setting, before creating the tool for code carrier, the tool
data is displayed in the "New tool" window.
false - the tool is created directly in the tool list.


<Enabled value="true" type="bool" />
<ShowInternalMessage value="false" type="bool" />
<UnloadWithDelete value="false" type="bool" />
<OnlyInLoadStation value="true" type="bool" />
<CreateNewToolWithDialog value="true" type="bool" />

For further information about tool management, please refer to:
Function Manual MCIS TDI Ident Connection

12.3 Creating OEM texts

This section describes how you create OEM texts in a particular language.
The texts are created in the "sltmlistdialog_xxx.ts" file.
A dedicated file must be created for each language. The file names differ by the language
code (Supported languages (Page 584)). For "xxx", set the appropriate language code.


182 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Tool management
12.3 Creating OEM texts

Creating texts
All OEM texts from the previous sections, such as the tooltip, can be made language-
dependent by using the OEM text as text identifier under the "source" tag. The translation of
the text in the particular language is entered under the "translation" tag.

Entries Meaning
source Text identifier
See 1st example: Single-line text with new text identifier "MY_NEW_TEXT".
See 2nd example: Double-line text with new text identifier
translation Text, which is displayed on the user interface.
You can enter single and multi-line texts. "%n" is used to indicate a line break.
See 1st example: Single-line text "My new text" is displayed.
See 2nd example: Double-line text "My new - text" is displayed.
chars Text length
See 1st example: Text length of 30 characters is specified.
See 2nd example: Text length of 10 characters per line is specified.
lines Number of lines
See 2nd example: The number of rows is 2.
remark Own comments - are not displayed.

1. You can copy the sample file "oem_sltmlistdialog_eng.ts" from the following directory:
2. Save the file in the /oem/sinumerik/hmi/lng or /user/sinumerik/hmi/lng directory.
3. Change the file name to "sltmlistdialog_eng.ts".
If you wish to create texts for additional languages, then a separate file must be created
for each language. Save the file with the appropriate language code in the file name.
4. Open the file and define the texts in the <message> and </message> areas.
5. Restart the system.
The file must still be converted into a binary format in order that the texts are displayed
during the program runtime. This data is only converted during power up.

12.3.1 Identifiers of the standard texts

Identifiers of the standard texts

With the help of the identifiers, you can change the standard texts of OEM parameters,
coolants and tool-specific functions. This applies to the column header in the tool lists, the
tooltip and, if available, also the designation in the detail displays.


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12.3 Creating OEM texts

A list of the identifiers is provided below:

Identifiers of OEM tool parameters

"ToolUser_1" to "ToolUser_10"
"ToolAppl_1" to "ToolAppl_10"

Column heading Tooltip

TM_HL_TOOL_USER_1 to ...10 TM_TT_TOOL_USER_1 to ...10
TM_HL_TOOL_APPL_1 to ...10 TM_TT_TOOL_APPL_1 to ...10

Tool details Tool details - all parameters


Identifiers of the OEM cutting edge parameters

"EdgeUser_1" to "EdgeUser_10"
"EdgeAppl_1" to "EdgeAppl_10"

Column heading Tooltip

TM_HL_EDGE_USER_1 to ...10 TM_TT_EDGE_USER_1 to ...10
TM_HL_EDGE_APPL_1 to ...10 TM_TT_EDGE_APPL_1 to ...10

Tool details Tool details - all parameters


Identifiers of the OEM monitoring parameters

"EdgeSupUser_1" to "EdgeSupUser_10"
"EdgeSupAppl_1" to "EdgeSupAppl_10"

Column heading Tooltip



184 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Tool management
12.3 Creating OEM texts

Tool details Tool details - all parameters


Identifiers of OEM multitool parameters

"MultiToolUser_1" to "MultiToolUser_10"
"MultiToolAppl_1" to "MultiToolAppl_10"

Column heading Tooltip


Tool details Tool details - all parameters


Identifiers of the OEM magazine location parameters

"MagPlaceUser_1" to "MagPlaceUser_10"
"MagPlaceAppl_1" to "MagPlaceAppl_10"

Column heading Tooltip


Identifiers of OEM multitool location parameters

"MtPlaceUser_1" to "MtPlaceUser_10"
"MtPlaceAppl_1" to "MtPlaceAppl_10"

Column heading Tooltip


Identifiers of the coolant and tool-specific functions

"Coolant1" and "Coolant2"
"MFunction1" to "MFunction4"


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 185
Tool management
12.3 Creating OEM texts

Column heading Tooltip

No column TM_TT_STATE_COOL_1 and ...2
TM_HL_MFCT1 to ...4 TM_TT_MFCT1 to ...4

12.3.2 Examples of OEM texts

Example 1 with a single-line and double-line text

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<!-- Definition of OEM texts
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<!-- enter your text behind this comment -->
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<!-- 1st example of a single-line text -->
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<!-- <message>
<translation>My new text</translation>
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<!-- 2nd example of a double-spaced text -->
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<!-- <message>
<translation>My new%n text</translation>
<remark>My comment to the text</remark>
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<!-- enter your text ahead of this comment -->
<!-- ************************************************************ -->


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12.3 Creating OEM texts

Example 2
A new parameter is configured in the following example from Section Configure the list
parameters (Page 153):

<Base value="EdgeUser_1" type="QString" />
<ItemType value="CheckBox" type="QString" />
<DisplayMode value="AnyMode" type="QString" />
<BitMask value="1" type="int" />
<Width value="17" type="int" />
<HeadLine value="TM_HL_EDGE_USER_1_Bit0" type="QString" />
<ToolTip value="TM_TT_EDGE_USER_1_Bit0" type="QString" />

The two texts under HeadLine and ToolTip should be output depending on the language. To
do this, the two text identifiers must be included in the sltmlistdialog_xxx.ts file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<!-- Definition of OEM texts
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<!-- enter your text behind this comment -->
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<!-- Translate the text for the headline -->
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<translation>heavy %n tool</translation>


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Tool management
12.4 Examples

<!-- ************************************************************ -->

<!-- Translate the text for the tooltip -->
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<translation>heavy tool</translation>
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<!-- enter your text ahead of this comment -->
<!-- ************************************************************ -->

12.4 Examples

12.4.1 Example: Configuring an OEM tool list Adapting the configuration file

The following excerpt shows the contents of the configuration file:
● Milling technology: sltmlistconfig.xml
● Turning technology: sltmturninglistconfig.xml
The file in this example is stored in the "user/sinumerik/hmi/cfg" directory.
This example describes a configuration of the OEM tool list.
● OEM tool parameter 1 is displayed in column 6.
● A new "Coolant 3" parameter is inserted in column 7 that displays bit 0 from OEM tool
parameter 2.
● OEM cutting edge parameter 1 is displayed in column 8.


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Tool management
12.4 Examples

"sltmlistconfig.xml" or "sltmturninglistconfig.xml" file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

<!-- **** Identifier for the configuration of the lists *** -->
<!-- **** OEM tool list *** -->
<!-- **** Enabling the OEM tool list *** -->
<Enabled value="true" type="bool" />
<!-- **** Columns 1 to 5 have already been assigned default values. *** -->
<!-- **** Column 6 *** -->
<!-- **** For all tool types *** -->
<!-- **** Display OEM tool parameter 1 *** -->
<Item value="ToolUser_1" type="QString" />
<!-- **** Column 7 *** -->
<!-- **** For all tool types *** -->
<!-- **** Priority tool, own parameter *** -->
<!-- **** Display OEM tool parameter 2 bit 0 *** -->
<Item value="PriorTool" type="QString" />
<!-- **** Column 8 *** -->
<!-- **** For all tool types *** -->
<!-- **** Display OEM cutting edge parameter 1 *** -->
<Item value="EdgeUser_1" type="QString" />
<!-- **** Identifier for the configuration of own parameter *** -->
<!-- **** Change OEM tool parameter 1 *** -->
<!-- **** Column width *** -->
<Width value="36" type="int" />


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Tool management
12.4 Examples

<!-- **** Type change to unsigned integer *** -->

<DisplayMode value="UnsignedIntegerMode" type="QString" />
<!-- **** Identifier of own parameter *** -->
<!-- **** Priority tool *** -->
<!-- ** New parameter is based on OEM tool parameter 2**-->
<Base value="ToolUser_2" type="QString" />
<!-- **** Bit 0 is evaluated *** -->
<BitMask value="1" type="int" />
<!-- **** Text identifier of the headline *** -->
<HeadLine value="TMO_HL_PRIOR_TOOL" type="QString" />
<!-- **** Text identifier of the tooltip *** -->
<ToolTip value="TMO_TT_PRIOR_TOOL" type="QString" />
<!-- **** Column width *** -->
<!-- **** Recommended widths 640x480 - 19 pixels *** -->
<!-- **** 800x600 - 21, 1024x768 - 17 *** -->
<Width value="19" type="int" />
<!-- **** Display item of the parameter *** -->
<ItemType value="CheckBox" type="QString" />
</CONFIGURATION> Adaptation of the customer text file

The following excerpt shows the contents of the "sltmlistdialog_eng.ts" customer text file.
The file in this example is stored in the "user/sinumerik/hmi/lng" directory.

"sltmlistdialog_eng.ts" file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<!-- ************************************************************** -->

<!-- Definition of OEM texts -->
<!-- ************************************************************** -->

<!-- ************************************************************** -->

<!-- Enter your text behind this comment -->
<!-- ************************************************************** -->


190 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
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12.4 Examples

<!-- **** OEM tool parameter 1 headline *** -->

<!-- **** Weight *** -->
<!-- **** Text identifier *** -->
<!-- **** Text that is output *** -->
<!-- **** Comment only for the translator *** -->
<remark>priority tool</remark>
<!-- **** Maximum line length in characters *** -->
<!-- **** only for the translator *** -->
<!-- **** Number of possible lines *** -->
<!-- **** only for the translator *** -->
<!-- **** OEM tool parameter 1 tooltip *** -->
<!-- **** Weight *** -->
<translation>weight of the tool</translation>
<!-- **** Headline for own parameter *** -->
<!-- **** Priority tool *** -->
<remark>priority tool</remark>
<!-- **** Tooltip for own parameter *** -->
<!-- **** Priority tool *** -->
<translation>priority tool, %nuse tool preferably< /translation>
<!-- **** OEM cutting edge parameter 1 headline *** -->
<!-- **** Maximum tool width *** -->


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12.4 Examples

<!-- **** OEM cutting edge parameter 1 tooltip *** -->
<!-- **** Maximum tool width *** -->
<translation>maximum width%nof the tool%noverall</translation>

<!-- ************************************************************** -->

<!-- Enter your text ahead of this comment -->
<!-- ************************************************************** -->


12.4.2 Example: Configuring magazine location types with names Adapting the configuration file

The following excerpt shows the contents of the configuration file:
● Milling technology: sltmlistconfig.xml
● Turning technology: sltmturninglistconfig.xml
The file in this example is stored in the "user/sinumerik/hmi/cfg" directory.
This example describes a configuration of the location types in the magazine list.
In this example, the magazine location type and the tool location type are to be displayed as
a toggle field with plain texts.
The assignment of the parameters to the columns of the list is made in the
"LISTCONFIGURATION" area. The magazine location type is displayed in column 10. The
tool location type is displayed in column 11.
The texts to the location types are assigned in the "PLACETYPECONFIGURATION" area.
The number of the location type is the number at the end of the "PLACETYPE" identifier.
A text identifier for a toggle box entry and a text identifier for a tooltip can be stored for each
location type.


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Tool management
12.4 Examples

"sltmlistconfig.xml" or "sltmturninglistconfig.xml" file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

<!-- **** Configuration of the lists *** -->
<!-- **** Magazine list *** -->
<!-- **** Column 10 *** -->
<!-- **** For all tool types *** -->
<!-- **** Display magazine location type *** -->
<Item value="MagPlaceTypeIdent" type="QString" />
<!-- **** Column 11 *** -->
<!-- **** For all tool types *** -->
<!-- **** Display tool location type *** -->
<Item value="ToolPlaceSpecIdent" type="QString" />
<!-- **** For all multitools *** -->
<!-- **** Display for all multitool location types *** -->
<Item value="MultiToolPlaceSpecIdent" type="QString" />
<!-- **** Configuration of the magazine location types *** -->
<!-- **** Magazine location type 1 *** -->
<!-- **** Text identifier of the toggle box entry *** -->
<Text value="TMMP_ITEM_NORMAL_TOOL" type="QString" />
<!-- **** Text identifier of the tooltip *** -->
<Tooltip value="TMMP_TT_NORMAL_TOOL" type="QString" />
<!-- **** Magazine location type 2 *** -->
<Text value="TMMP_ITEM_HEAVY_TOOL" type="QString" />
<Tooltip value="TMMP_TT_HEAVY_TOOL" type="QString" />


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Tool management
12.4 Examples

<!-- **** Magazine location type 3 *** -->

<Text value="TMMP_ITEM_BIG_TOOL" type="QString" />
<Tooltip value="TMMP_TT_BIG_TOOL" type="QString" />
<!-- **** Magazine location type 4 *** -->
<Text value="TMMP_ITEM_SENSITIVE_TOOL" type="QString" />
<Tooltip value="TMMP_TT_SENSITIVE_TOOL" type="QString" />
</CONFIGURATION> Adaptation of the customer text file

The following excerpt shows the contents of the "sltmlistdialog_eng.ts" customer text file.
The file in this example is stored in the "user/sinumerik/hmi/lng" directory.

"sltmlistdialog_eng.ts" file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<!-- ************************************************************** -->

<!-- Definition of OEM texts -->
<!-- ************************************************************** -->

<!-- ************************************************************** -->

<!-- Enter your text behind this comment -->
<!-- ************************************************************** -->
<!-- **** Magazine location type 1 item *** -->
<!-- **** Normal tool *** -->
<!-- **** Text identifier *** -->
<!-- **** Text that is output *** -->
<!-- **** Maximum line length in characters *** -->
<!-- **** only for the translator *** -->


194 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
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12.4 Examples

<!-- **** Magazine location type 1 tooltip *** -->

<!-- **** Normal tool *** -->
<translation>normal tool,%nno restrictions</translation>
<!-- **** Magazine location type 2 item *** -->
<!-- **** Heavy tool *** -->
<!-- **** Magazine location type 2 tooltip *** -->
<!-- **** Heavy tool *** -->
<translation>heavy tool</translation>
<!-- **** Magazine location type 3 item *** -->
<!-- **** Big tool *** -->
<!-- **** Magazine location type 3 tooltip *** -->
<!-- **** Big tool *** -->
<translation>big tool</translation>
<!-- **** Magazine location type 4 item *** -->
<!-- **** Sensitive tool *** -->


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12.4 Examples

<!-- **** Magazine location type 4 tooltip *** -->

<!-- **** Sensitive tool *** -->
<translation>Notice: Tool can%nbe destroyed easily</translation>

<!-- ************************************************************** -->

<!-- Enter your text ahead of this comment -->
<!-- ************************************************************** -->



196 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring alarms 13
13.1 Creating alarm and message texts via the user interface
From the user interface, you can create and edit your alarm and message texts from the part
program. In turn, the alarm and message texts are saved corresponding to their number in
various text files.

The text files are created in the directory:


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the "HMI" softkey.

3. Press the "Alarm texts" softkey.

The "Select File" window opens and offers the user-specific text files.
4. Select the desired file and press the "OK" softkey.
The window, e.g. "Edit Alarm Texts (User PLC Alarm Texts) German"
5. Enter the desired alarm number in the "Number" column.
Enter the desired alarm text in the "Alarm text" column.
Select the desired font color in the "Color" column.
In the column "PopUp" with "yes" or "no", select whether the alarm
text should be displayed in a window that requires acknowledgment -
or not.
- AND / OR -
Press the "Insert line" softkey.
A new line is inserted above your cursor.

- OR
Press the "Delete line" softkey to delete the selected line.


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Configuring alarms
13.1 Creating alarm and message texts via the user interface

6. Press the "Search" softkey.

The "Search" window opens.
Enter the desired alarm text or the alarm number in the "Text" field.
Activate the "Case sensitive" checkbox if a distinction must be made
between upper- and lower-case letters when entering text.
- OR
Press the "Search and replace" softkey.
The "Search and Replace" window opens.
Enter the search term in the "Text" field. Enter the replacing term in
the "Replace with" field.
7. Position the cursor in the "Direction" field. Using the <SELECT> key,
select the search direction (forwards, backwards).

8. Press the "OK" softkey to start search or search and replace.

Press the "Cancel" softkey if you wish to interrupt the action.

9. If you have entered the alarms with the help texts, press the "OK"
You will receive the message "The alarm texts have been saved and

Restart SINUMERIK Operate

You must restart SINUMERIK Operate in order that the "color" and "PopUp" attributes take
effect. Modified alarm texts, however, take effect immediately.

Further search options

The cursor jumps to the first entry of the selected alarm text file.

The cursor jumps to the last entry of the selected alarm text file.


198 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring alarms
13.2 Configuring alarm and message texts via alarm text files

Creating search directories

In order that a search can be made for alarm files in subdirectories other than the existing
/lng directory, you have the following option:

1. Copy the "systemconfiguration.ini" configuration file from the following

2. Store the file in the following directory:
3. Create any subdirectory under /hmi, e.g. /oem_dir.
4. Create the following section in the configuration file
5. Restart SINUMERIK Operate.
When searching, the subdirectory is now also taking into account.

Foreign language alarm and message texts

If you create foreign language alarm and message texts, change over into the desired
language. All text files are automatically allocated the language code corresponding to the
user interface language that has been selected. For instance, if you create alarm texts in the
English user interface, then the text file is assigned the "eng" language code.

See also
Range of alarms (Page 217)

13.2 Configuring alarm and message texts via alarm text files
You have the option of creating customized alarm and message texts using alarm text files
and adapting these.
The alarm texts are set up in standard format (".ts" format) by SINUMERIK Operate. The
".ts" format is XML-based.
You can create and edit these files not only with SINUMERIK Operate, but also externally on
a PC.

If you wish to edit alarm text files on a PC, use an editor supporting UTF-8 coding.


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Configuring alarms
13.2 Configuring alarm and message texts via alarm text files

Creating and editing alarm texts

● Creating your own alarm texts
● Creating texts for indexed alarm parameters
● Creating part program message texts
● Changing alarm attributes
● Replacing standard alarm texts
● Converting alarm texts

13.2.1 Creating in-house alarm texts

Creating an alarm text file

1. You can copy a sample file "oem_alarms_eng.ts" from the following directory:
2. Save or create the file in the /oem/sinumerik/hmi/lng or
/user/sinumerik/hmi/lng directory. Create a separate file for each country language that is
3. Assign a unique name to the file, e.g. "my_alarms_eng.ts". You can freely select the file
names with the exception of the language code and the extension.
The file name always ends with the language code of the particular language and always
has the ".ts" extension. For example "my_alarms_deu.ts" for German or
"my_alarms_eng.ts" for English.

Creating alarm texts

1. Open the "my_alarms_eng.ts" file.
2. For each alarm text, you must insert your own area in the file that is marked using the
<message> tag.
3. The <name> tag contains the context names. Normally, you should not change the
specified name "slaeconv".
4. The <source> tag contains the alarm number and the name of the alarm source (source
URL). In the example "700000" is the alarm number and "/PLC/PMC" is the name of the
alarm source. The possible alarm sources can be found in the tables in Section Range of
alarms (Page 217).
5. The <translation> tag contains the alarm text.


200 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring alarms
13.2 Configuring alarm and message texts via alarm text files


<translation>First OEM alarm text</translation>
<translation>Second OEM alarm text</translation>

Registering the alarm text file

You still have to register your alarm text file so that the system knows your alarm texts during
the program runtime:
1. You can copy a sample configuration file "oem_slaesvcadapconf.xml" from the following
directory: /siemens/sinumerik/hmi/template/cfg
2. Save the file in the directory /oem/sinumerik/hmi/cfg or
3. Assign the name "slaesvcadapconf.xml" to the file.
4. Open the file and in the <BaseNames> tag, enter the file name of the alarm text file
without language code and file extension, e.g. "my_alarms", as "value".
The registration of your alarm text file starts, for example, with the name

The names of the <BaseNames> tag can be freely selected. They must be unique in the
system and must not clash with names used by Siemens.
The "Siemens_BaseName_01" name is reserved for Siemens.

Several alarm text files can also be registered. To do this, use names such as
"OEM_BaseName_02", "OEM_BaseName_03", etc.


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Configuring alarms
13.2 Configuring alarm and message texts via alarm text files


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

<!-- Configuration of the Solutionline Alarm & Event Service Adapter -->
<OEM_BaseName_01 type="QString" value="my_alarms"/>

Restart SINUMERIK Operate

The files must still be converted into a binary format so that the alarm texts can be displayed
during the program runtime. This data is only converted during power up.
To do this, restart SINUMERIK Operate. In the same directory where the .ts files are located,
files with the same name are created with the ".qm" file extension.
The result of the conversion is written to the "alarmtext_conversion.log" or
"oem_text_conversion.log" file. Errors that occur during the conversion, such as syntax
errors in a parameter file, are also written to the file.
This file is located in the "/user/sinumerik/hmi/log" directory.

The conversion is only made if the .ts file is newer than the associated .qm file.

13.2.2 Creating texts for indexed alarm parameters

If a string, the so-called "Index identifier", is specified in the alarm text in pointed brackets
after a space holder (e.g. "%1&lt;OEM&gt;"), the parameter itself is not inserted in the alarm
text, but a text from another alarm text file, a so-called index text file. In this case, the alarm
parameter value serves as index in order to select the text in the index file. The index text
can, in turn, include parameters, also index parameters.

Explanation for the "Index identifier" string
• "&lt;" ≙ opening pointed bracket "<"
• "&gt;" ≙ closing pointed bracket ">"


202 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring alarms
13.2 Configuring alarm and message texts via alarm text files

Creating an index text file

1. You can copy a sample index text file "oem_indexparams_eng.ts" from the following
directory: /siemens/sinumerik/hmi/template/lng
2. Save or create the file in the /oem/sinumerik/hmi/lng or
/user/sinumerik/hmi/lng directory. Create a separate file for each country language that is
3. Assign a unique name to the file, e.g. "my_indextexts_eng.ts". You can freely select the
file names with the exception of the language code and the extension.
The file name always ends with the language code of the particular language and always
has the ".ts" extension. For instance, "my_indextexts_deu.ts" for German or
"my_indextexts_eng.ts" for English.

Creating index texts

1. Open the "my_indextexts_eng.ts" file.
2. In the <name> tag, enter a name that you have selected, e.g. "my_context".
3. For each index text, a separate area must be inserted between the <message> and
</message> tags.
4. The <source> tag contains the alarm parameter value, e.g. the values "1" and "2".
5. The <translation> tag includes the index text that is displayed if the alarm parameter
involved has the value specified between <source> and </source>.


<translation>First OEM parameter text</translation
<translation>Second OEM parameter text</translation


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 203
Configuring alarms
13.2 Configuring alarm and message texts via alarm text files

Registering an index text file

You still have to register your index text file so that the system knows your index texts during
the program runtime. The registration is made in the "slaesvcadapconf.xml" file.
1. Open the file "slaesvcadapconf.xml" already created for the alarm texts
/oem/sinumerik/hmi/cfg or /user/sinumerik/hmi/cfg directory.
2. Remove the lines "<!-- Start of comment" and "End of comment -->".
3. Enter the so-called identifier, e.g. <Identifier type="QString" value="OEM"/>. The index
identifier is always specified in pointed brackets next to the parameter specification in the
alarm text, e.g. "%1&lt;OEM&gt;".
4. Enter the BaseName of the index text file, e.g.
<BaseName type="QString" value="my_indextexts"/>.
5. Enter the context name that you selected, e.g.
<ContextName type="QString" value="my_context"/>.
6. You can also use several different indices. Then, in this case, a dedicated section must
be created for every index between the <IndexTexts> and </IndexTexts> tags. The tags
for these sections are called, e.g.
<OEM_IndexText_01>, <OEM_IndexText_02>, <OEM_IndexText_03>, etc.
The tags <IndexText_01> to <IndexText_99> are reserved for Siemens.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

<!- Configuration of the Solutionline Alarm & Event Service Adapter ->
<!-- The following narrated part of the configuration is used only when
'Indexparameters' (e.g. '%1&lt;OEM&gt;') are used within OEM alarm texts. In
this case the value of the parameter is used as an index into an additional text
list to reference another text which is placed into the alarm text instead of
the original parameter value. -->
<Identifier type="QString" value="OEM"/>
<BaseName type="QString" value="my_indextexts"/>
<ContextName type="QString" value="my_context"/>
<MetaTextID type="QString" value="%ParamValue%"/>


204 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring alarms
13.2 Configuring alarm and message texts via alarm text files

Restart SINUMERIK Operate

The files must still be converted into a binary format so that the alarm texts can be displayed
during the program runtime. This data is only converted during power up.
To do this, restart SINUMERIK Operate. In the same directory where the .ts files are located,
files with the same name are created with the ".qm" file extension.
The result of the conversion is written to the "alarmtext_conversion.log" or
"oem_text_conversion.log" file. Errors that occur during the conversion, such as syntax
errors in a parameter file, are also written to the file.
This file is saved in the /user/sinumerik/hmi/log directory.

The conversion is only made if the .ts file is newer than the associated .qm file.

13.2.3 Creating part program message texts

Message texts from the part program

In order to output message texts from the part program, use the MSG instruction in the part
program. The message texts are referenced via the number after the "$ character, e.g.
MSG("$4711"). You can configure channel-specific message texts for each NC channel.

Creating message texts

1. You can copy a sample message text file "oem_pp_messages_eng.ts" from the following
directory: /siemens/sinumerik/hmi/template/lng
2. Save or create the file in the /oem/sinumerik/hmi/lng or
/user/sinumerik/hmi/lng directory. Create a separate file for each country language that is
3. Assign a unique name to the file, e.g. "my_msgs_eng.ts". You can freely select the file
names with the exception of the language code and the extension.
The file name always ends with the language code of the particular language and always
has the ".ts" extension. For instance, "my_msgs_deu.ts" for German or "my_msgs_eng.ts"
for English.
4. Open the "oem_msgs_eng.ts" file and in the <name> tag enter the "partprogmsg01"
character string. This is the default for the part program message texts from all channels.
5. For each message text, a separate area must be inserted between the <message> and
</message> tags.
6. The <source> tag contains the number from the MSG command in the part program.
7. The <translation> tag contains the message text.


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Configuring alarms
13.2 Configuring alarm and message texts via alarm text files


<translation>part program message No. 4711</translation

Registering the message text file

You still have to declare your message text file so that the system knows your message texts
during the program runtime.
1. You can copy a sample configuration file "oem_slaesvcadapconf.xml" from the following
directory: /siemens/sinumerik/hmi/template/cfg
2. Save or create the file in the /oem/sinumerik/hmi/cfg or
/user/sinumerik/hmi/cfg directory.
3. Change the name to "slaesvcadapconf.xml".
4. Open the file and in the <BaseNames> tag enter the file name of the message text file
without language code and file extension, e.g. "my_msgs", as "value". The registration of
your message text file starts, for example, with the name "OEM_BaseName_01".

The names of the <BaseNames> tag can be freely selected. They must be unique in the
system and must not clash with names used by Siemens.
The "Siemens_BaseName_01" name is reserved for Siemens.

Several message text files can also be registered. To do this, use names such as
"OEM_BaseName_02", "OEM_BaseName_03", etc.


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Configuring alarms
13.2 Configuring alarm and message texts via alarm text files


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

<!-- Configuration of the Solutionline Alarm & Event Service Adapter -->
<OEM_BaseName_01 type="QString" value="my_msgs"/>

Message texts for several channels

It is possible to assign different message texts the same message number, e.g. the number
4711 in different NC channels. This means, different message texts are output depending on
the channel in which the part program is executed.
1. Open the "oem_msgs_eng.ts" file in the editor.
2. Change the text between the two <name> and </name> tags from "partprogmsg01" into
"partprogmsgXY", whereby "XY" should be replaced by the particular channel number,
e.g. "partprogmsg02" for channel 2.
3. Now open the "slaesvcconf.xml" configuration file.
4. Enter the respective NC channel in the <Connections> tag. Only use the XML tags from
the following table to specify the NC channel.

NC XML tag ContextName

1 PartprogramMessageChannel_01 partprogmsg01
2 PartprogramMessageChannel_02 partprogmsg02
3 PartprogramMessageChannel_03 partprogmsg03
4 PartprogramMessageChannel_04 partprogmsg04
5 PartprogramMessageChannel_05 partprogmsg05
6 PartprogramMessageChannel_06 partprogmsg06
7 PartprogramMessageChannel_07 partprogmsg07
8 PartprogramMessageChannel_08 partprogmsg08
9 PartprogramMessageChannel_09 partprogmsg09
10 PartprogramMessageChannel_10 Partprogmsg10


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Configuring alarms
13.2 Configuring alarm and message texts via alarm text files


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

<!-- Configuration of the Solutionline Alarm & Event Service Adapter -->
<ContextName type="QString" value="partprogmsg02"/>

Restart SINUMERIK Operate

The files must still be converted into a binary format so that the alarm texts can be displayed
during the program runtime. This data is only converted during power up.
To do this, restart SINUMERIK Operate. In the same directory where the .ts files are located,
files with the same name are created with the ".qm" file extension.
The result of the conversion is written to the "alarmtext_conversion.log" or
"oem_text_conversion.log" file. Errors that occur during the conversion, such as syntax
errors in a parameter file, are also written to the file.
This file is saved in the /user/sinumerik/hmi/log directory.

The conversion is only made if the .ts file is newer than the associated .qm file.

13.2.4 Changing alarm attributes

Color types of the alarms

You can individually change the colors of the alarms and messages displayed in the
message line.
You can change the following for each alarm number and alarm source:
● Font color of the alarm/message text
● Background color of the alarm/message text
● Font color of the alarm number
● Background color of the alarm number


208 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring alarms
13.2 Configuring alarm and message texts via alarm text files

Create alarm attribute file

1. You can copy a sample alarm attribute file "oem_slaedatabase.xml" from the directory:
2. Save the file in the directory /oem/sinumerik/hmi/cfg/ or
3. Assign a unique name to the file, e.g. " muster_slaedatabase.xml ".
The file name can be freely selected; however, it must only contain lower-case letters.

Defining alarm colors

1. Open the file "muster_slaedatabase.xml" in the editor.
2. First, enter which alarm colors you generally wish to change.
To do this, create a separate section <Attribute> for each alarm color that you wish to
change in the <Attributes> area.
3. Enter the attribute name of the alarm color to be changed in the <Attribute AttrName=…>
tag. You can change the following colors:
– Font color of the alarm/message text = TEXTCOLOR
– Background color of the alarm/message text = TEXTBACKGROUNDCOLOR
– Font color of the alarm number = NUMBERCOLOR
– Background color of the alarm number = NUMBERBACKGROUNDCOLOR
4. Alarm sources are defined in the <Sources> area for whose alarms the alarm colors are
to be changed, e.g. the alarm sources "/HMI" and "/PLC/PMC".

If you insert further alarm sources, make sure that the alarm number is always assigned
to the correct alarm source.
The possible values for source ID and URL can be found in the table in Section Range of
alarms (Page 217).

5. In the <Alarms> tag, create a separate sub-area for each alarm or for an alarm number


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Configuring alarms
13.2 Configuring alarm and message texts via alarm text files

6. Enter the alarm number in the <Alarm AlarmID= "..." > tag, or enter the alarm number
range in the <Range FromAlarmID="..." ToAlarmID= "..."> tag.
7. Enter the required color values in the following tags:
The attributes of the color values are defined by specifying an RGB value:
– An RGB value always starts with the "#" character.
– The individual color values R, G and B are represented by double-digit hexadecimal
numbers. Syntax: "#RRGGBB", e.g. "#FF9A00".

Note the order in the XML configuration file for the assignment of the colors to alarm number

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE SlAeAlarmAttributes>
<SlAeAlarmAttributes Version="">
<Type TypeName="Condition" TypeID="32">
<Category Version="1.0" CatID="1">
<CatDescr>Alarms of the SINUMERIK 840D sl.</CatDescr>
<Attribute AttrName="TEXTCOLOR" AttrID="5003" AttrDataType="10">
Text color of an alarm used when displayed within the header panel.
<Attribute AttrName="TEXTBACKGROUNDCOLOR" AttrID="5004" AttrDataType="10">
Background color of an alarm used when displayed within the header
<Attribute AttrName="NUMBERCOLOR" AttrID="5005" AttrDataType="10">
Text color of an alarm used when displayed within the header panel.


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13.2 Configuring alarm and message texts via alarm text files

<Attribute AttrName=" NUMBERBACKGROUNDCOLOR " AttrID="5006"

<AttrDescr> Background color of an alarm used when displayed within the
header panel.
<Source> CatLink="1" SourceID="10000" SourceURL="/HMI">
<Alarm AlarmID="130000">
<Source> CatLink="1" SourceID="51" SourceURL="/PLC/PMC">
<Range FromAlarmID="700100" ToAlarmID="700199">
<Alarm AlarmID="700000">


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 211
Configuring alarms
13.2 Configuring alarm and message texts via alarm text files

Registering the alarm attribute file

The alarm attribute file with the color definitions must be registered in order that the alarm
colors can be assigned to the alarms during the program runtime:
1. You can copy a sample configuration file "oem_slaesvcconf.xml" from the following
directory: /siemens/sinumerik/hmi/template/cfg
2. Save or create the file in the /oem/sinumerik/hmi/cfg or
/user/sinumerik/hmi/cfg directory.
3. Name the file "slaesvcconf.xml".
4. Open the file and in the <DataBases> tag enter, for example, the file name of the alarm
attribute file without language code and file extension, e.g. "muster_slaedatabase", as
"value". The registration of your alarm attribute file starts, for example, with the name

The names of the <DataBases> tag can be freely selected. They must be unique in the
system and must not clash with names used by Siemens.
The "Siemens_DataBase_01" name is reserved for Siemens.

If you register additional alarm attribute files, i.e. you wish to include them in the
configuration file, use names such as "OEM_DataBase_02", "OEM_DataBase_03", etc.

Restart SINUMERIK Operate

The files still have to be converted into a binary format in order that the alarm colors become
effective during the program runtime. This data is only converted during power up.
To do this, restart SINUMERIK Operate. A file with the same name is created with the ".hmi"
file extension, e.g. "sample_slaedatabase.hmi" in the same directory in which the alarm
attribute file is also located.
The result of the conversion is written to the file "oem_ae_database_conversion.log". This file
is located in the "/user/sinumerik/hmi/log" directory.

The conversion is only carried out if the XML file is newer than the associated hmi file.


212 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring alarms
13.2 Configuring alarm and message texts via alarm text files

13.2.5 Replacing standard alarm texts

You can replace alarm texts of the standard SINUMERIK Operate with own alarm texts.

Creating an alarm text file

1. You can copy a sample alarm text file "oem_alarms_eng.ts" from the following directory:
2. Save or create the file in the /oem/sinumerik/hmi/lng or
/user/sinumerik/hmi/lng directory. Create a separate file for each country language that is
3. Assign the file a user-specific name, e.g. "my_nck_alarms_eng.ts". You can freely select
the file names with the exception of the language code and the extension.
The file name always ends with the language code of the particular language and always
has the ".ts" extension. For example "my_nck_alarms_deu.ts" for German or
"my_nck_alarms_eng.ts" for English.

Creating alarm texts

1. Open the "my_nck_alarms_eng.ts" file.
2. A separate area must be inserted for each alarm text, marked by the <message> tag.
3. The <name> tag contains the context names. Change the name and ensure that the
name is unique in the system, e.g. "myNckAlarms".

The name for the <name> tag can always be freely selected. However, the name must
not clash with the "slaeconv" name used by Siemens.

4. The <source> tag contains the alarm number of the standard alarm, e.g. 10000.
5. The <translation> tag contains the actual alarm text, e.g. "OEM alarm text example for
NCK alarm 10.000".


<translation> OEM alarm text example for NCK alarm 10.000</translation>


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 213
Configuring alarms
13.2 Configuring alarm and message texts via alarm text files

Registering the alarm text file

You still have to register your alarm text file so that the system knows your alarm texts during
the program runtime:
1. You can copy a sample configuration file "oem_slaesvcadapconf.xml" from the following
directory: /siemens/sinumerik/hmi/template/cfg
2. Save or create the file in the /oem/sinumerik/hmi/cfg or
/user/sinumerik/hmi/cfg directory.
3. Assign the name "slaesvcadapconf.xml" to the file.
4. Open the file and in the <BaseNames> tag enter the file name of your alarm text file
without language code and file extension, e.g. "my_nck_alarms", as "value". The
registration of your alarm text file starts, for example, with the name

The names of the <BaseNames> tag can be freely selected. They must be unique in the
system and must not clash with names used by Siemens.
The "Siemens_BaseName_01" name is reserved for Siemens.

Several alarm text files can also be registered. To do this, use names such as
"OEM_BaseName_02", "OEM_BaseName_03", etc.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

<!-- Configuration of the Solutionline Alarm & Event Service Adapter -->
<OEM_BaseName_01 type="QString" value="my_nck_alarms"/>

Replacing standard alarm texts

You still have to define which standard alarm texts should be replaced by your alarm texts so
that during the program runtime, the original alarm text is replaced by your alarm text.
1. Create a new alarm attribute file (see Changing alarm attributes (Page 208)) in the
/oem/sinumerik/hmi/cfg or /user/sinumerik/hmi/cfg directory. The file name can be freely
selected, e.g. "my_nck_alarms_db.xml".
2. Open the file.
3. The file always comprises the two areas <Types> and <Sources>.
4. The <sources> tag includes the reference, assigned to an alarm source, e.g. "\NCK", to
the associated alarm text.


214 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring alarms
13.2 Configuring alarm and message texts via alarm text files

5. Link the contents of the <context> <name> tags with the contents of the <message>
<source> tags from your alarm text file.
– <context> <name> = the context name that you assigned
– <message> <source> = the number of the alarm whose text is to be replaced.
E.g. enter the following link in the alarm attribute file: <MSGTEXT>myNckAlarms Ι
Make sure that the context name and the alarm number are separated by the pipe
character "Ι".
6. If you include an additional NCK alarm, copy the range from <Alarms> to </Alarms> and
adapt the alarm number.
7. If you include an additional alarm from another number range (e.g. PLC alarm), copy the
range <Sources> to </Sources> and then adapt the SourceID and SourceURL as well as
the alarm number.
You can take the corresponding SourceID and SourceURL from the table in Section
Range of alarms (Page 217).

A dedicated link must be created for each standard alarm for which the text is to be replaced.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE SlAeAlarmAttributes>
<SlAeAlarmAttributes Version="">
<Type TypeName="Condition" TypeID="32">
<Category Version="1.0" CatID="1">
<CatDescr>Alarms of the Sinumerik 810/840 D(i).</CatDescr>
<Source CatLink="1" SourceID="0" SourceURL="/NCK">
<Alarm AlarmID="10000">


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 215
Configuring alarms
13.2 Configuring alarm and message texts via alarm text files

Registering the alarm attribute file

The alarm attribute file still has to be registered in order that the standard alarm texts are
replaced during the program runtime:
1. You can copy a sample configuration file "oem_slaesvcconf.xml" from the following
directory: /siemens/sinumerik/hmi/template/cfg
2. Save or create the file in the /oem/sinumerik/hmi/cfg or
/user/sinumerik/hmi/cfg directory.
3. Change the name to "slaesvcconf.xml".
4. Open the file and in the <DataBases> tag enter the name of the alarm attribute file, e.g.
<OEM_DataBase_01 type="QString" value="my_nck_alarms_db">

The names of the <DataBases> tag can be freely selected. They must be unique in the
system and must not clash with names used by Siemens.
The <Siemens_DataBase_01> tag name is reserved for Siemens.

If you register additional alarm attribute files, i.e. you wish to include them in the
configuration file, use the names <OEM_DataBase_02>, <OEM_DataBase_03>, etc.

Restart SINUMERIK Operate

The files with the alarm texts and the attribute file still have to be converted into a binary
format in order that the alarm texts can be displayed during the program runtime. This data is
only converted during power up.
To do this, restart SINUMERIK Operate. In the same directory where the .ts files or the alarm
attribute file are located, files with the same name are created with the ".qm" and .hmi file
The result of the conversion is written to the "alarmtext_conversion.log" or
"oem_text_conversion.log" file. Errors that occur during the conversion, such as syntax
errors in a parameter file, are also written to the file.
This file is located in the "/user/sinumerik/hmi/log" directory.

The conversion is only made if the .ts file is newer than the associated .qm file.


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Configuring alarms
13.2 Configuring alarm and message texts via alarm text files

13.2.6 Range of alarms

Number ranges of alarms

Numerical range Description SourceID SourceURL

000.000 – 009.999 General alarms 0 (standard /NCK
010.000 – 019.999 Channel alarms NCU) //configuration-
020.000 – 029.999 Axis/spindle alarms 100 spec. designation>//NCK
(1st NCU)
030.000 – 039.999 Functional alarms General ...
040.000 – 059.999 Reserved 9999
060.000 – 064.999 Siemens cycle alarms (99th NCU)

065.000 – 069.999 Cycle alarms user

070.000 – 079.999 Compile cycles
Manufacturer and OEM
080.000 – 084.999 Siemens cycles
message texts
085.000 – 089.999 User cycles message
090.000 – 099.999 Reserved
100.000 – 129.999 System 10.000 /HMI
130.000 – 139.999 OEM
140.000 – 199.999 Reserved
200.000 – 299.999 SINAMICS drive 0 /NCK
300.000 – 399.999 Drive and I/O alarms
400.000 – 499.999 General alarms 51 /PLC/PMC
500.000 – 599.999 Channel alarms
600.000 – 699.000 Axis/spindle alarms
700.000 – 799.999 User area
800.000 – 899.999 Sequencers/graphs
810.000 – 810.009 System error messages 50 /PLC/DiagBuffer
150 (1st //<configuration-spec.
NCU) Designation>/PLC/
900.001 – 965.999 HMI PRO sl Runtime 0 /NCK
966.000 – 999.999 Reserved 0 /NCK

SourceIDs 1 ... 10
The SourceIDs 1 ... 10 have the following relationship:

SourceID SourceURL
1 /NCK/Channel#1/Partprogram
2 /NCK/Channel#2/Partprogram


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 217
Configuring alarms
13.2 Configuring alarm and message texts via alarm text files

SourceID SourceURL
3 /NCK/Channel#3/Partprogram
4 /NCK/Channel#4/Partprogram
5 /NCK/Channel#5/Partprogram
6 /NCK/Channel#6/Partprogram
7 /NCK/Channel#7/Partprogram
8 /NCK/Channel#8/Partprogram
9 /NCK/Channel#9/Partprogram
10 /NCK/Channel#10/Partprogram

13.2.7 Parameter specifications in alarm texts

Alarm texts can contain alarm parameters (accompanying values) that specify the cause of
an alarm in more detail. These parameters are usually numerical values that are transmitted
from an alarm source when the alarm is signaled along with the other alarm data.
How the parameters are incorporated into the alarm text is specified via place holders
(parameter specifications) in the language-specific alarm texts, e.g. "Channel %1 Axis %2 in
machine data %3 defined for several channels".
When an alarm occurs, the text is replaced by the corresponding parameters, e.g. "Channel
5 Axis A3 in machine data 4711 defined for several channels".

Standard parameter specifications

The following table shows the standard parameter specifications:

Table 13- 1 Standard parameter specifications

Parameter Description
%1 First parameter from the alarm data of the alarm source.
%2 Second parameter from the alarm data of the alarm source.
%3 Third parameter from the alarm data of the alarm source.
%4 Fourth parameter from the alarm data of the alarm source.
%5 Fifth parameter from the alarm data of the alarm source.
Only for NCK alarms:
First part (up to the separator) of the fourth parameter from the alarm data of the
alarm source.
%7 Seventh parameter from the alarm data of the alarm source
Only for NCK alarms:
Third part (between the 2nd and 3rd separator) of the fourth parameter from the
alarm data of the alarm source.


218 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring alarms
13.2 Configuring alarm and message texts via alarm text files

Parameter Description
%8 Eighth parameter from the alarm data of the alarm source
Only for NCK alarms:
Fourth part (between the 3rd and 4th separator) of the fourth parameter from the
alarm data of the alarm source.
%9 Ninth parameter from the alarm data of the alarm source.
%0 Tenth parameter from the alarm data of the alarm source.
%Z As for %1, in the case of S7-HiGraph alarms the step number of the graph is shown.
%K Specially for PLC alarms:
Second digit of the decimal alarm ID: 123456, corresponds to channel number (0 =
channel 10).
%A Specially for PLC alarms:
Third and fourth digit of the decimal alarm ID: 123456, corresponds to the axis
%N Specially for PLC alarms:
Fifth and sixth digit of the decimal alarm ID: 123456, corresponds to the signal

13.2.8 Opening error file

The errors that occur during the conversion are written to the "alarmtext_conversion.log" or
"oem_text_conversion.log" file.
File loc.: /user/sinumerik/hmi/log

Opening the error file

1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the "System data" softkey.

3. Open the "System CF card" folder.

4. Open the storage directory and select the required file.
5. To open the error file, press the "Open" softkey.

- OR -
Press the <INPUT> key.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 219
Configuring alarms
13.3 Configuring an alarm log

13.3 Configuring an alarm log

Per default, the alarm log contains all alarms and messages - with their incoming and
outgoing time stamps - in chronological order since the last boot. The exceptions are
messages from the NC part program (msg command).
Contrary to the "Alarm List" or "Messages" window, all of the alarms or messages that are no
longer active when the log is displayed are also displayed (historical alarm events).

Specify the number of results

The alarm log is organized as a ring buffer: When the maximum size is exceeded, the oldest
entries are overwritten by the new alarm events. Each incoming or outgoing time stamp
represents a separate event.

Persistent storage (permanent storage)

If required, the alarm log can be set up as a persistent log that also contains alarm events
from before the last time it was switched on. This means that the log is then either time
controlled or for each alarm event, is backed-up in an internal binary format in the file
Depending on the hardware being used, for the NCU, the alarm log is saved on the
CompactFlash card or for the PC/PCU, on the hard disk.

If the alarm log is written to the CompactFlash card for persistent storage, then only a limited
number of write cycles is possible. Therefore, ensure that the storage is only performed
when there is a justifiable need!
The alarm log is not saved in the default configuration.

Configuring an alarm log

● Via the operator software in the "Diagnostics" operating area
● Via the "slaesvcconf.xml" configuration file


220 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring alarms
13.3 Configuring an alarm log

13.3.1 Setting alarm logs from the user interface


1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the "Alarm log" and "Settings" softkeys.

3. Enter a number in the "Number of entries" field to change the maximum

number of administered incoming and outgoing events.
The alarm log is organized as a ring buffer: When the maximum size is
exceeded, the oldest entries are overwritten by the new alarm events.
Each incoming or outgoing time stamp represents a separate event.
You can specify a value between 0 and 32000. Default value is 500.
4. In the "Write mode file" field, under the following entry, select:
• "off", the changes are not logged (default setting)
• "for each event", each alarm event immediately initiates that the
alarm log is backed-up (persistent save).
• "time controlled" if the alarm log is to be backed-up again after a
certain time. An additional input field called "Time interval" appears in
which you can specify a time in seconds.
You receive a warning if you only save to a CompactFlash card.

Limited number of write cycles
Depending on the type of hardware used, the alarm log is either written to the hard disk or to
a CompactFlash card.
The CompactFlash card, in particular only has a limited number of write cycles. Make sure
you undo the setting "on every event" if you no longer require storage of the alarm log.

Restart SINUMERIK Operate

The made settings take effect only after a restart of the operating software. To do this, restart


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 221
Configuring alarms
13.3 Configuring an alarm log

13.3.2 Loading alarm log via configuration file

Creating the configuration file

Adjustments are made in file "slaesvcconf.xml". Copy a sample configuration file
"oem_alarmprot_slaesvcconf.xml" from the following directory:
1. Save or create the file in the /oem/sinumerik/hmi/cfg or
/user/sinumerik/hmi/cfg directory.
2. Assign the name "slaesvcconf.xml" to the file.
3. Open the file and enter the number of events to be output in the tag <Records type .../>.
The preset value is 500. The maximum number depends on the storage medium (hard
disk or CompactFlash card).
4. Enter the backup mode in the <DiskCare type="int" value="-1"/> tag. The following values
are possible:
-1: There is no backup of the alarm log (default setting).
0: Each alarm event triggers an immediate backup of the alarm log (persistency backup).
>0: Rhythm of the log saving in seconds: When there is a change, the log is time-
triggered saved every n > 0 seconds (persistency backup).
5. You adapt the filter for the entry type in the <Filter> tag. Please observe the following:
– An alarm event is only entered in the log when it satisfies the filter criterion.
– If several filters are specified in succession, they are linked by a logical OR.
– Several filters must be combined in series with the keyword AND for an AND

Each incoming or outgoing event of an alarm or message requires a separate entry, even
when they belong to the same alarm or message.
Acknowledgement events are also contained in the alarm log. You require such entries even
when these are presently not recognizable in the alarm log.

Filter properties
A filter consists of the following three elements <identification> <relation> <value>.

Entry <identification> Description

AlarmID Alarm number
SourceID Default values for SourceID and SourceURL can be found in the table in
SourceURL Section Range of alarms (Page 217).

<Attribute name> Arbitrary alarm attribute from the "slaedatabase.xml" file, such as


222 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring alarms
13.3 Configuring an alarm log

Entry <relation> Description

EQUAL Equal to
NOT Not equal to
LOWER Less than
HIGHER Greater than

Entry <value> Description

Numbers -
Character strings -

Cancel criteria

Cancel Alarm source Description

criterion (Source)
0 /HMI Alarms that are canceled by the HMI.
1 /NCK Alarms that are canceled by power-on of the NCU.
2 Conditions are canceled by a hardware reset of the NCU.
3 Conditions are deleted by a "CANCEL" command to the NCU.
4 Conditions are canceled by the NCK itself.
5 Conditions are canceled by an "NC Start" command on the NCU.
6 Conditions are canceled by a reset of the mode group (BAG).
7 Conditions are canceled by an "NC Reset" command on the
8 /PLC PLC messages of the FB15 (basic program).
9 PLC alarms of the FB15 (basic program).
10 Dialog alarms of the HMI that are canceled by the "Recall" key [^].
11 Reserved
12 S7-PDiag, S7-Graph, S7-HiGraph or other Alarm_S(Q) alarms of
the PLC (SFC17/18) with alarm state "not acknowledged"
13 S7-PDiag, S7-Graph, S7-HiGraph or other Alarm_S(Q) alarms of
the PLC (SFC17/18) with alarm state "acknowledged".
14 /NCK Drive alarms via NCK.
15 /NCK Part program messages.


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Configuring alarms
13.3 Configuring an alarm log

Log all alarms with a ClearInfo not equal to 15, i.e. no part program messages:

<Siemens_Filter_01 type="QString" value="CLEARINFO NOT 15" />

Log all alarms with the SourceURL "/NCK" or "/HMI":

<Filter_01 type="QString" value="SourceURL EQUAL /NCK" />
<Filter_02 type="QString" value="SourceURL EQUAL /HMI" />

In the <FilePath> tag, adapt the path and file name for the file in which the alarm log is
stored persistently:

<FilePath type="QString" value="$(HMI_INSTALL_DIR)user/sinumerik/hmi/
log/alarm log/slaepp " />


224 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring alarms
13.3 Configuring an alarm log

● Path
Environment variables can also be incorporated in the path, e.g. for the installation
directory: $(HMI_INSTALL_DIR).
● File name:
A 3-digit number and the file extension "hmi" are automatically added to the specified file
name during operation, e.g. "slaepp_123.xml". The number is automatically increased
– The file has reached the maximum size (DiskCare = 0), or
– The specified period has elapsed (DiskCare > 0).
Older files are deleted.

The CompactFlash card only allows a limited number of write cycles! Therefore,
ensure that the storage is only performed when there is a justifiable need! The alarm
log is not saved in the default configuration.

Example: Switching off existing filters

To switch off the existing Siemens filter - without overwriting the filter - proceed as follows:
1. An "empty" filter switches off all previously set filters.
Knowledge of the filter designation is not required.
2. For the effect of the filters, the order in which they are set is important:
siemens → addon → oem → user
Example of the filtering of alarms 700000 to 700200:

<Filter_00 type="QString" value="" />
<Filter_01 type="QString" value="CLEARINFO NOT 15 AND AlarmID LOWER
<Filter_02 type="QString" value="CLEARINFO NOT 15 AND AlarmID HIGHER

For the changes to the protocol settings to take effect, restart SINUMERIK Operate.


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Configuring alarms
13.4 PLC alarms with parameters

13.4 PLC alarms with parameters

For alarms that are triggered via the PLC blocks SFC17 and SFC18, a parameter can be
transferred each time the block is called. If the "Octet string" data type is selected, up to 12
bytes can be transferred.
With an appropriate configuration of the operating software, a maximum of 12 bytes can be
interpreted, e.g. also as an array of bytes or as a structure with any order of simple data
types. In this way, several parameters can be displayed in the alarm text.
A parameter description must be stored for each alarm in the operating software. Two
aspects must be taken into account with this parameter description:
● How the parameter has to be interpreted correctly (data type and, if necessary, length)
● How the parameter has to be prepared for display (string or number, decimal,
hexadecimal, binary, etc.)
Point 1 is irrespective of the language selected for the display, point 2 can be different
depending on the national language.
The possible parameter descriptions are therefore divided into a language-independent
parameter statement and a language-dependent format statement and stored in the
following directories:

• Parameter statement: /oem/sinumerik/hmi/cfg/ or /user/sinumerik/hmi/cfg/

• Format statement: /oem/sinumerik/hmi/lng or /user/sinumerik/hmi/lng

The names of the files can be freely selected. The parameter statement is added to the
configured data of the relevant alarm in the database in the form of the alarm attribute
"HMIPROPARAMDESCR2". Because of the language dependency, the format statement is
part of the alarm text.


226 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring alarms
13.4 PLC alarms with parameters

13.4.1 Definition of a parameter of the octet string data type

Parameter statement
The parameter statement describes how one or more parameters can be defined with the
maximum 12-bytes long octet string supplied with the alarm PDU.

The following syntax applies for the parameter statement:

<Parameter directive ext> ::= [% <Parameter description> ]

<Parameter description ext> ::= <No. of the associated value><Element
<No. of the associated value> ::= Always 1 (reserved for future applications)
<Offset> ::= Data type-dependent offset of the parameter within
the associated value:
• BOOL data type (B):
Bit offset within the associated value
• All except for BOOL data type (Y, W, X, I, D, C,
Byte offset within the associated value

Element type Data type

Y BYTE (8-bit, unsigned)
W WORD (16-bit, unsigned)
X DWORD (32-bit, unsigned)
I INTEGER (16-bit, signed)
D INTEGER (32-bit, signed)
B BOOL (1-bit)
C CHAR (8-bit)
R REAL (32-bit)


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Configuring alarms
13.4 PLC alarms with parameters


%1W0%1W2 → 1st parameter: 1st associated value, WORD at byte

offset 0
2nd parameter: 1st associated value, WORD at byte
offset 2
%1Y0%1Y1%1W2 → 1st parameter: 1st associated value, BYTE at byte
offset 0
2nd parameter: 1st associated value, BYTE at byte
offset 1
3rd parameter: 1st associated value, WORD at byte
offset 2
%1B0%1B1%1B2%1B3%1I1 → 1st parameter: 1st associated value, BOOL at bit
offset 0
2nd parameter: 1st associated value, BOOL at bit
offset 1
3rd parameter: 1st associated value, BOOL at bit
offset 2
4th parameter: 1st associated value, BOOL at bit
offset 3
5th parameter: 1st associated value, INTEGER (16-
bit, signed) at byte offset 1

Example of an alarm attribute file (how to create an alarm attribute file, see Changing alarm
attributes (Page 208)):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<SlAeAlarmAttributes Version="">
<Type TypeID="32" TypeName="Condition">
<Category CatID="1" Version="1.0">
<CatDescr>Alarms of the SINUMERIK 840D sl.</CatDescr>
<Attribute AttrName="MSGTEXT" AttrID="-1" AttrDataType="10"/>
<Attribute AttrName="HMIPROPARAMDESCR2" AttrID="5012" AttrDataType="10"/>
<Source CatLink="1" SourceID="51" SourceURL="/PLC/PMC">


228 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring alarms
13.4 PLC alarms with parameters

<!-- Alarm 700000 with three BYTE parameters -->

<Alarm AlarmID="700000">
<!-- Alarm 700001 with three WORD parameters -->
<Alarm AlarmID="700001">
<!-- Alarm 700002 with three 16-bit INTEGER parameters -->
<Alarm AlarmID="700002">
<!-- Alarm 700003 with four parameters: BYTE -> WORD -> 32-bit INTEGER -> BYTE -->
<Alarm AlarmID="700003">

13.4.2 Definition of the language-dependent formatting

Format statement
The format statement is part of the alarm text and is used as a placeholder for a parameters
to be displayed.

The following syntax applies for the format statement:

<Format directive> ::= @ <No. of the parameter description><Format specification> @

%[i]x ::= Hexadecimal number with i digits
%[i]u ::= Decimal number without sign with i digits
%[i]d ::= Decimal number with sign with i digits (incl. sign)


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Configuring alarms
13.4 PLC alarms with parameters

%[i]b ::= Binary number with i digits

%[i][.y]f ::= Fixed-point number: Signed value of the form [-]xxx.yyyy, where i
specifies the total number of digits including sign and decimal point
and y specifies the number of digits after the decimal point. Missing
digits both before and after the decimal point are filled with 0. If
there are more places after the decimal point than permitted by y,
this is rounded off.
If the optional digit specification i is not specified, then only the number of digits is used
required to completely display the number. The same applies when the number of digits
specified by i is not sufficient to completely display the number including sign, i.e. i is then
The number contained in the format statement does not relate to the position of the
associated value in the alarm PDU, but to the position of the parameter description in the
parameter statement. Any number of format statements can be present in an alarm text.


@1%b@ → Value from the first parameter description to be displayed as a binary

number, e.g. "1011011"
@2%8X@ → Value from the second parameter description to be displayed as a
hexadecimal number with eight digits, missing digits are filled with 0, e.g.
@1%7.2f@ → Value from the first parameter description to be displayed as a fixed point
number with seven digits (incl. sign and decimal point) and two digits after
the decimal point, missing digits are filled with 0, e.g. "-012.34"

Example of an alarm text file (how you create alarm texts, see Creating in-house alarm texts
(Page 200)):

<translation>Text with three BYTE parameters: @1%X@, @2%u@, @3%b@</translation>
<translation>Text with three WORD parameters: @1%X@, @2%u@, @3%b@</translation>


230 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring alarms
13.5 Deactivating a warning

<translation>Text with three 16-bit INTEGER parameters: @1%X@, @2%u@, @3%b@</translation>
<translation>Text with four parameters: @1%X@, @2%u@, @3%r@, @4%b@</translation>

13.5 Deactivating a warning

Generally, alarms/messages are not used without alarm texts. If the alarm text is missing,
the warning "No text available" is output.
To deactivate the warning, add the <ControlFlags> area to your "slaesvcadapconf.xml"
configuration file.
You can copy this area from the original file. The "slaesvcadapconf.xml" file is in the
following directory: /siemens/sinumerik/hmi/base

In the <MissingTextWarning type="bool" value="FALSE"/> tag, deactivate/activate the

Entry Meaning
TRUE The warning is displayed.
FALSE The warning is deactivated.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

<MissingTextWarning type="bool" value="FALSE"/>


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Configuring alarms
13.5 Deactivating a warning


232 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Collision avoidance 14
14.1 Overview
With the aid of collision avoidance, you can avoid collisions and therefore major damage
during the machining of a workpiece or when creating programs.

Software option
You require the "Collision avoidance (machine, working area)" software option in
order to use this function.

Machine manufacturer
Please refer to the machine manufacturer's specifications.

Collision avoidance is based on a machine model. The kinematics of the machine are
described as a kinematic chain. For machine parts, which are to be protected, protection
areas are attached to these chains. The geometry of the protection areas is defined using
protection area elements. The control then knows how they move in the machine coordinate
system depending on the position of the machine axes. You then subsequently define the
collision pairs, i.e. two protection areas, which are monitored with respect to one another.
The "Collision avoidance" function regularly calculates the clearance from these protection
areas. When two protection areas approach one another, and a specific safety clearance is
reached, an alarm is displayed and before the corresponding traversing block, the program
is stopped and/or the traversing motion is stopped.

Data of the machine model

The machine model data are entered into the system variables.

Commissioning a machine model
You required access level 1 (manufacturer) for creating and editing a machine model.

The collision monitoring is only valid for single-channel machines


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Collision avoidance
14.1 Overview

Referenced axes
The positions of the axes in the machine area must be known so that the protection areas
can be monitored. For this reason, the collision avoidance is only active after the referencing.

No complete machine protection
Incomplete models, (e.g. machine parts, workpieces that have not been modelled or new
objects in the working area), are not monitored and can therefore cause collisions.

Collision detection
The detection of a risk of collision is controlled via the following criteria:
● Collision tolerance
The collision tolerance defines the accuracy of the tool modeling. You must note that an
increase in the accuracy reduces the performance.
● Safety clearance
The safety clearance sets the minimum clearance that must exist.
For better visualization, you can assign different colors to the various model parts. If there is
a risk of a collision, at least one collision pair is highlighted in color.
During simultaneous recording, the active machine model is shown in addition to the
simultaneous recording graphic.

More detailed explanations on the collision avoidance can be found in the following
Function Manual, Special Functions (FB3):
● Section: "Kinematic chain (K7)"
● Section: "Geometric machine modeling (K8)"
● Section: "Collision avoidance (K9)"
● Section: "NC/PLC interface signals (Z3)" > "Collision avoidance (K9)"


234 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Collision avoidance
14.2 General sequence

14.2 General sequence

The following steps are required to create a machine model:
● Activating the option
● Setting machine data
● Create kinematic structure (with kinematic elements)
● Creating protection areas
● Creating protection area elements
● Define collision pairs

14.3 Set collision avoidance

Enable function
Set the following machine data item in order to enable the function:

MD19830 $ON_COLLISION_MASK Functional scope of the collision avoidance

Bit 0 Collision avoidance (machine, tool)

Parameter assignment

No. Identifier Meaning

MD10619 $MN_COLLISION_TOLERANCE Collision tolerance
MD10622 $MN_COLLISION_SAFETY_DIST Safety clearance
MD18896 $MN_MM_MAXNUM_3D_COLLISION Memory location for the collision avoidance
MD18880 $MM_MAXNUM_KIN_CHAIN_ELEM Maximum number of elements for kinematic
MD18885 $MN_ROOT_KIN_ELEM_NAME Name of the first element in the kinematic chain
MD18890 $MN_MM_MAXNUM_3D_PROT_AREAS Maximum number of protection areas
MD18892 $MN_MM_MAXNUM_3D_PROT_AREA_ELEM Maximum number of protection area elements
MD18893 $MN_MM_MAXNUM_3D_T_PROT_ELEM Maximum number of tool protection area
MD18897 $MN_MM_MAXNUM_3D_INTERFACE_IN Maximum number of NC/PLC interface signals for
the preactivation of protection areas
MD18895 $MN_MM_MAXNUM_3D_FACETS Maximum number of triangles for protection
MD18894 $MN_MM_MAXNUM_3D_FACETS_INTERN Maximum number of triangles for automatic tool
protection areas


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Collision avoidance
14.3 Set collision avoidance

No. Identifier Meaning

MD18899 $MN_PROT_AREA_TOOL_MASK Creation mode for automatic tool protection areas
MD51160 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_CA_MACH_JOG Write protection level, collision monitoring
machine jog
MD51161 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_CA_MACH_AUTO Write protection level, collision monitoring
machine automatic
MD51162 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_CA_TOOL Write protection level collision monitoring tool

If a specific safety clearance has been set for a collision pair via the system variable
$NP_SAFETY_DIST, this has priority over the NC-specific safety clearance set in the
MD10622 $MN_COLLISION_SAFETY_DIST machine data.

NC/PLC interface signals

Signal Meaning
DB10.DBX58.0 - 7 Collision avoidance: Deactivate protection area group
DB10.DBX234.0 - DBX241.7 Collision avoidance: Activate protection area

The $NP_BIT_NO protection area can be assigned to an arbitrary bit number of the
DB10.DBX234.0 - DBX241.7 interface signals.
The following setting is precondition: $NP_INIT_STAT == "P" (preactivated or PLC-

Detailed machine data:
List Manual (book 1), Section "Detailed description of the machine and setting data"


236 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Collision avoidance
14.4 Graphic machine model editor

14.4 Graphic machine model editor

This is how you create the machine model from the user interface in a graphic editor that has
2 areas:
● Tree view
In the "Tree" window, model the machine model based on the kinematic chain and
allocated protection areas.
● Graphic view
You also have the option of activating a graphic view.
In the "Graphic" window, you can view and check the result of the machine modeling in
the various views, and, for example, simultaneously correct in the tree view.
Elements that are selected in the tree are highlighted in color in the graphic view.


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the softkeys "NC" and "Machine model".

The "Tree" window opens.

The "Tree" window opens.

The following folders are available in the tree view:
• Active data
• Examples
• Network/USB
3. Press the "Graphic" softkey in order to use the graphic view.

The "Graphic" window opens in the right half of the editor.

The machine model created in the tree view is displayed in three
4. By pressing the active softkey "Graphic" or "Tree" again, you display
the graphic view or the tree view.


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Collision avoidance
14.5 Editing the machine model

14.5 Editing the machine model

Functions are available in the tree view of the graphic editor, similar to those in the program
editor; these simplify creating and editing a machine model.


Copying/cutting/pasting elements
If you want to create a kinematic or protection area element that is similar to an already
existing element, then you can save time if you copy the element and insert it at a different
position. You have the option, for example of also copying inactive subtrees into the active

Copying/cutting and pasting elements

1. Position the cursor on the desired element.
2. Press the "Copy" softkey.

- OR -
Press the "Cut" softkey.

3. Position the cursor at the required position and press the "Paste"

4. Press the "OK" softkey if you wish to attach the element to the chain as
the next element.
The element is inserted and the name is automatically extended by a
long underscore and incremented.
You have the option of changing the name of the element in the
associated input window.
- OR -
Press the "Parallel" softkey if you want to insert the element parallel to
the selected element.
The “Parallel” softkey is not available for protection areas.

Inserting the same element
If you insert the same element, then this is automatically inserted in front of the selected


238 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Collision avoidance
14.6 Changing and adapting the machine model view

Deleting elements
1. Place the cursor on the desired element and press the "Delete element"

2. Press the "OK" softkey to confirm the deletion.

The selected object is removed.
All subsequent elements are moved into the "Free elements" folder.
- OR -
If the selected element is linked with additional elements, which are also
to be deleted, then press the "With successors" softkey.

Deleting a machine model
If you select the "Active data" folder in the tree view, and press the "Delete elements"
softkey, and confirm the subsequent prompt with "OK", the machine model is deleted with all
elements and protection areas.
If you do not wish to remove the STL files, then cancel delete with "No" to the prompt "3D

Activating the machine model

Each time that an element of the collision model is entered or changed, then the collision
model is automatically activated. If the collision model is incorrect, an error message is
output and the incorrect element has a pink background. The "Activate data" softkeys
becomes active, and you can use this to again initiate possibly acknowledged alarms for the
collision model.

1. Press the "Activate data" softkey.

All of the error messages are displayed again, and you have the option
of specifically resolving these by modifying the data.


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Collision avoidance
14.6 Changing and adapting the machine model view

14.6 Changing and adapting the machine model view

14.6.1 Enlarging or reducing the machine graphic

● You are in the graphic machine model editor.
● The "Graphic" and "Autozoom" softkeys are active.


1. Position the cursor in the graphic.

2. Press the "Zoom +" softkey if you wish to enlarge the size of the

- OR -
Press the "Zoom -" softkey if you wish to reduce the size of the section.

- OR -
Press the "Auto zoom" softkeys if you wish to automatically adapt the
segment to the size of the window.
The automatic scaling function takes into account the largest expansion
of the model.

Selected section
The selected sections and size changes are kept as long as the program is selected.

Mouse operation
Using the mouse wheel, you have the option of shifting the model in the graphic view.


240 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Collision avoidance
14.6 Changing and adapting the machine model view

14.6.2 Changing the section of the machine graphic

Use the magnifying glass if you would like to move, enlarge or reduce the size of the section
when viewing the machine model, e.g. to view details and to subsequently display the
complete model.
Using the magnifying glass, you can define your own section and then enlarge or reduce its

● You are in the graphic machine model editor.
● The "Graphic" and "Autozoom" softkeys are active.


1. Position the cursor in the graphic.

2. Press the "Zoom" softkey.
A magnifying glass in the shape of a rectangular frame appears.
3. Press the "Magnify +" or <+> softkey to enlarge the frame.

- OR -
Press the "Magnify -" or <-> softkey to reduce the frame.

- OR -
Press one of the cursor keys to move the frame up, down, left or right.

4. Press the "Accept" softkey to accept the section.

14.6.3 Rotating and shifting the machine graphics

You have the option of rotating and shifting the position of the machine graphics so that you
can view the model from all sides.

● You are in the graphic machine model editor.
● The "Graphic" and "Autozoom" softkeys are active.


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Collision avoidance
14.6 Changing and adapting the machine model view


1. Position the cursor in the graphic.

2. Press the "Rotate view" softkey.

3. Press the "Arrow right", "Arrow left", "Arrow up", "Arrow down", "Arrow
clockwise" or "Arrow counter-clockwise" softkeys to change the position
of the machine model.


- OR -
Press the keys >Cursor right>, <Cursor left>, <Cursor top> or <Cursor
bottom>, to shift the machine model.

- OR -
Keep the <Shift> key pressed and rotate the machine model in the
desired direction using the appropriate cursor keys.

Working with a mouse
Using a mouse, you have the option of rotating and shifting the model in the graphic view.
• Move the model with the left-hand mouse key pressed to shift the model.
• Move the model with the right-hand mouse key pressed to rotate the model.


242 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Collision avoidance
14.6 Changing and adapting the machine model view

14.6.4 Various machine model views

For the graphic display of the machine model, you can choose between various views. This
allows you to always optimally view the actual machining situation.
The following views are available:
● From the front
View parallel to the Y axis
● Side view
View parallel to the X axis
● Top view
View parallel to the Z axis

● You are in the graphic machine model editor.
● The "Graphic" and "Autozoom" softkeys are active.


1. Position the cursor in the graphic

2. Press the ">>" and "Views" softkeys.

2. Press the "From front" softkey if you wish to view the machine model
from the front.

- OR -
Press the "Side view" softkey if you wish to view the machine model
from the side.

- OR -
Press the "Top view" softkey if you wish to view the machine model from
the top.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 243
Collision avoidance
14.6 Changing and adapting the machine model view

14.6.5 Displaying protection area elements for collision avoidance

In the graphic display, you can select between the following display types:
● Display model
In the graphic display of the machine model, all elements are displayed where the
"Display" or "Display+monitoring" setting was selected for element value "Use".
● Monitoring model
In the graphic display of the machine model, all elements are displayed where the
"Monitoring" or "Display+monitoring" setting was selected for element value "Use".
Both display versions can be simultaneously selected.

● You are in the graphic machine model editor.
● The "Graphic" and "Autozoom" softkeys are active.


1. Position the cursor in the graphic

2. Press the ">>" softkey.

The machine model with all display and monitoring elements is

displayed in the graphics window.

3. By deselecting, i.e. by pressing the corresponding softkey again, you

can display and hide the display elements and monitoring elements.
Setting the detail level
If, for protection elements, different detail levels are specified, then
softkeys are available that you can use to change the detail level.
1. Press the "Detail level +" softkey to display the next higher detail level.

- OR -
Press the "Detail level -" softkey to display the next lower detail level.

One of the two display versions is always active!


244 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Collision avoidance
14.7 Creating a kinematic structure

14.7 Creating a kinematic structure

14.7.1 Kinematic elements Creating a kinematic chain element

An exact kinematic description of the machine is required in order to be able to detect
To do this, you describe the kinematic sequence of the linear and rotary axes as well as the
position and direction in relationship to the world coordinate system (ROOT). This informs
the control, for example, whether the Y axis is moved by the X axis or vice versa.

Kinematic elements
The following elements are available to create the kinematic chain:
● Rotation and parallel rotation
● Linear axis and parallel linear axis
● Rotary axis and parallel rotary axis
● Offset and parallel offset

World coordinate system

To uniquely describe the kinematic structure of a machine, all elements of the kinematic
chain are referred to the world coordinate system.
You have the option of freely selecting the origin and orientation of the world coordinate
system. However, it is recommended that you orientate the world coordinate system so that
the coordinate axes are arranged in the positive traversing direction of the machine linear
main axes.

● The option is set.
● The machine data are set.


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Collision avoidance
14.7 Creating a kinematic structure


Defining a ROOT element

1. Machine data 16800 $MN_ROOT_KIN_ELEM_NAME contains the
name of the ROOT element. This defines the start of the kinematic
All subsequent, parameterized elements and subchains that are
connected with this element are part of the currently effective kinematic
2. Switch to the graphic machine model editor.

3. Position the cursor to the "Active data" folder and press the "New
element" and "Kinematic element" softkeys.

The "New kinematic element" selection window opens.

4. For example, select the "Offset" element and press the "OK" softkey.
The "Offset" window is opened to define the shift vector.
The first element of the kinematic chain can be an offset, a rotation, a
linear axis or also a rotation axis.
5. Press the "OK" softkey to insert the element.

Attaching additional kinematic elements

Depending on your machine, you can attach any number of elements or
branch off subchains.

See also
Kinematic rotation and parallel kinematic rotation (Page 246)
Linear axis and parallel linear axis (Page 247)
Rotary axis and parallel rotary axis (Page 247)
Offset and parallel offset (Page 248) Kinematic rotation and parallel kinematic rotation

You can define fixed rotation of a subsequent element in the "Rotation" window.

Display in the tree topology

Kinematic rotations are identified by this symbol in the tree topology.


246 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
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14.7 Creating a kinematic structure

Element values

Parameter Meaning
Name Designation, which is displayed in the tree structure.
Rotary axis (X) X component of the vector, around which the system rotates.
Rotary axis (Y) Y component of the vector, around which the system rotates.
Rotary axis (Z) Z component of the vector, around which the system rotates.
Angle of rotation Angle, around which the system rotates in the direction of the rotation

See also
Creating a kinematic chain element (Page 245) Linear axis and parallel linear axis

You define the position and orientation of the axes, whose traversing motion describes a
straight line, in the "Linear axis" window.

Display in the tree topology

Dynamic linear axes are identified by this symbol in the tree topology.

Element values

Parameter Meaning
Name Designation, which is displayed in the tree structure.
Axis (X) X component of the direction vector
Axis (Y) Y component of the direction vector
Axis (Z) Z component of the direction vector
Axis name Specification of the axis identifier (see MD 10000)
Axis offset Additive offset between the actual position of the axis, and the value
used by the collision monitoring.

See also
Creating a kinematic chain element (Page 245) Rotary axis and parallel rotary axis

In the "Rotation axis" window, you define a rotary axis, whose traversing motion describes a
circle or arc. This means that you change the orientation of the subsequent elements.


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14.7 Creating a kinematic structure

Display in the tree topology

Dynamic rotation axes are identified by this symbol in the tree topology.

Element values

Parameter Meaning
Name Designation, which is displayed in the tree structure.
Rotary axis (X) X component of the vector, around which the system rotates.
Rotary axis (Y) Y component of the vector, around which the system rotates.
Rotary axis (Z) Z component of the vector, around which the system rotates.
Axis name Specification of the axis identifier (see MD 10000)
Axis offset Additive offset between the actual position of the axis, and the value
used by the collision monitoring.

See also
Creating a kinematic chain element (Page 245) Offset and parallel offset

In the "Offset" window you define fixed linear offsets of the subsequent elements, which are
linked with this element.

Display in the tree topology

Static offset vectors are designated by this symbol in the tree topology.

Element values

Parameter Meaning
Name Designation, which is displayed in the tree structure.
Offset (X) X component of the direction vector.
Offset (Y) Y component of the direction vector.
Offset (Z) Z component of the direction vector.

See also
Creating a kinematic chain element (Page 245)


248 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
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14.7 Creating a kinematic structure

14.7.2 Protection areas Creating protection areas

● At locations where there are machine components, e.g. table or spindle in the machining
area, machine protection areas are defined.
● At the positions where tools can be in the collision space, tool protection areas
(e.g. for a turning tool of the cutting part, i.e. the cutting edge) are created and defined.

Tool carriers are not modeled
Tool carriers, clamping or cutting edge holders are not emulated in the machine modeling
and are not checked for collision.

● The option is set
● Machine data are set
● A kinematic chain has been created


1. Position the cursor at the kinematic chain element to which you wish to
attach a protection area.
2. Press the "New element" softkey.

3. Press the "Collision element" softkey.

The "New Collision Element" selection window opens.
4. Select "Machine protection area" if you wish to model a machine part.
- OR -
Select "Tool protection area" if you wish to model a tool part.
5. Press the "OK" softkey to insert the element.
The "machine protection area" or "tool protection area" window opens.
6. Enter the desired values and press the "OK" softkey to confirm your


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Collision avoidance
14.7 Creating a kinematic structure

Attach additional protection areas

You have the option of attaching as many protection areas as you
require, corresponding to your machine.

See also
Tool protection area (Page 250)
Machine protection area (Page 252) Tool protection area

Parameterize model use in the "Tool protection area" window.
You define from where the control retrieves data to generate the machine model.
Further, you define the parameters to monitor and display the element.
For a protection area, the protection area element is automatically taken from the tool
management data. For instance, if you define a tool protection area for a tool in the spindle,
then for a tool change (M6), a new tool protection area element is created with the data of
the new tool.

Attaching a tool protection area
"Frame" type tool protection area elements may be attached to tool protection areas.

Display in the tree topology

Tool protection areas are identified by this symbol in the tree topology.


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14.7 Creating a kinematic structure

Element values

Parameter Meaning
Name Designation, which is displayed in the tree structure.
Color Selection of the color

Detail level Defines from which detail level the protection area or the protection
area elements are displayed on the user interface.
• Lowest detail level: 0
• Highest detail level: 3
PLC bit Only for pre-activation
• -1

Not activated
• 0 - 63

Activation of the collision avoidance is controlled using the bit

entered here.

The maximum number of PLC bits depends on MD18897. It can

be a maximum of 64.

Activation • Activates the collision avoidance for the protection area.

• Deactivated

Deactivates the collision avoidance for the protection area.

• Preactivated

Activation of the collision avoidance is controlled using the bit

entered into the "PLC bit".
TO unit Specifies the TO area in which the magazine and tool data are saved.
Magazine When magazine management is active:
Specifies the magazine number in which the tool or magazine location
is located (e.g. for spindle 9998).
Location • Without magazine management: 1
• For revolvers: Number of the magazine location

See also
Creating protection areas (Page 249)


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 251
Collision avoidance
14.7 Creating a kinematic structure Machine protection area

In the "Machine protection area" window, you model the machine parts, for example, a table.
You define the parameters to monitor and display the element.

Display in the tree topology

Machine protection areas are identified by this symbol in the tree topology.

Element values

Parameter Meaning
Name Designation, which is displayed in the tree structure.
Color Selection of the color

Detail level Defines from which detail level the protection area or the protection
area elements are displayed on the user interface.
• Lowest detail level: 0
• Highest detail level: 3
PLC bit Only for pre-activation
• -1

Not activated
• 0 - 63

Activation of the collision avoidance is controlled using the bit

entered here.

The maximum number of PLC bits depends on MD18897. It can

be a maximum of 64.
Activation • Activated

Activates the collision avoidance for the protection area.

• Deactivated

Deactivates the collision avoidance for the protection area.

• Preactivated

Activation of the collision avoidance is controlled using the bit

entered into the "PLC bit".

See also
Creating a kinematic chain element (Page 245)
Creating protection areas (Page 249)


252 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
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14.7 Creating a kinematic structure

14.7.3 Protection area elements Creating protection area elements

To protect machine parts and tools, model a protection area with the following basic bodies:
● Frame or parallel frame
● Box or parallel box
● Sphere or parallel sphere
● Cylinder or parallel cylinder
● File or parallel 3D file

Parallel protection area elements
You have the possibility of creating two protection area elements in parallel in a hierarchic
level of the tree structure. This means that parallel elements have the previous element as
the same origin.
To create two elements in parallel with one another at one level, use a "parallel" element.
If you create an additional protection area element, then this is shifted into the next level.

● A kinematic chain has been created
● The cursor is on a protection area (machine or tool protection area) or at a protection
area element.


1. Press the "New element" softkey.

2. The "New Collision Element" selection window opens.

3. Select the required basic form (e.g. box to model a table) and press the
"OK" softkey.
The corresponding window to enter the element values opens.
4. Define the values and press the "OK" softkey to confirm the entries.

Attaching additional protection area elements

You have the option of attaching as many protection area elements as
you require, corresponding to your machine.


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14.7 Creating a kinematic structure

See also
Frame and parallel frame protection area element (Page 254)
Box and parallel box protection area elements (Page 255)
Sphere and parallel sphere protection area elements (Page 257)
File and parallel 3D file protection area element (Page 261)
Cylinder and parallel cylinder protection area element (Page 259) Frame and parallel frame protection area element

You define a coordinate system transformation that will take effect for the following
protection area elements in the "Frame" window.
With elements of this type, you define, for example, additional work offsets or rotations
between protection area elements.

A work offset or coordinate rotation affects all the following protection area elements.

Display in the tree topology

Coordinate system transformations are identified by this symbol in the tree


Element values

Parameter Meaning
Name Designation, which is displayed in the tree structure.
Offset (X) X component of the direction vector
Offset (Y) Y component of the direction vector
Offset (Z) Z component of the direction vector
Rotary axis (X) X component of the rotation vector
Rotary axis (Y) Y component of the rotation vector
Rotary axis (Z) Z component of the rotation vector
Angle of rotation The value by which the system rotates around the rotation vector.

See also
Creating protection area elements (Page 253)


254 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Collision avoidance
14.7 Creating a kinematic structure Box and parallel box protection area elements

You can specify the values for the display or collision monitoring of a box-shaped protection
area element in the "Box" window.

V1 Sum of the offset and rotation between this element and the root element.
V2 Offsets and rotation from the parameters of this element.

Display in the tree topology

Box-shaped protection area elements are identified by this symbol in the tree

Element values

Parameter Meaning
Name Designation, which is displayed in the tree structure.
Selection of the color for the protection area element.
• Activate the checkbox "from protection area", if the color of the
associated tool and/or machine protection area should be applied.

Deactivate the checkbox "from protection area" in order to select

any color.
• Select the required color from the selection list.


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14.7 Creating a kinematic structure

Parameter Meaning
Detail level Defines from which detail level the protection area or the protection
area elements are displayed on the user interface.
• Activate the checkbox "from protection area", if the detail level of
the associated tool and/or machine protection area should be

Deactivate the check box "from protection area", if you wish to

define your own detail level for the element.
• Enter the desired level of detail:
– Lowest detail level: 0
– Highest detail level: 3

Use • Display

The protection area element is shown in the graphic view.

The element is only visible if the "Display model" softkey is active.

The element is not monitored for collision.
• Monitoring

The protection area element is used for the collision avoidance.

The element is only visible if the "Monit. model" softkey is active.

• Display + monitoring

The protection area element is used for display in the graphic view
and for collision avoidance.

The element is visible in both display versions.

Length (X) Length of the cube in the X direction.
Width (Y) Width of the cube in the Y direction.
Height (Z) Height of the cube in the 
Z direction.
Offset (X) X component of the direction vector.
Offset (Y) X component of the direction vector.
Offset (Z) X component of the direction vector.
Rotary axis (X) X component of the rotation vector.
Rotary axis (Y) Y component of the rotation vector.
Rotary axis (Z) Z component of the rotation vector.
Angle of rotation The value by which the system rotates around the rotation vector.

See also
Creating protection area elements (Page 253)


256 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Collision avoidance
14.7 Creating a kinematic structure Sphere and parallel sphere protection area elements

You can specify the dimensions and position as well as values for the display and collision
monitoring of a sphere-shaped protection area element in the "Sphere" window.

V1 Sum of the offset and rotation between this element and the root element.
V2 Offsets and rotation from the parameters of this element.

Display in the tree topology

Sphere-shaped protection area elements are identified by this symbol in the

tree topology.

Element values

Parameter Meaning
Name Designation, which is displayed in the tree structure.
Color Selection of the color for the protection area element.
• Activate the checkbox "from protection area", if the color of the
associated tool and/or machine protection area should be applied.

Deactivate the checkbox "from protection area" in order to select

any color.
• Select the required color from the selection list.


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14.7 Creating a kinematic structure

Parameter Meaning
Detail level Defines from which detail level the protection area or the protection
area elements are displayed on the user interface.
• Activate the checkbox "from protection area", if the detail level of
the associated tool and/or machine protection area should be

Deactivate the check box "from protection area", if you wish to

define your own detail level for the element.
• Enter the desired level of detail:
– Lowest detail level: 0
– Highest detail level: 3
Use • Display

The protection area element is shown in the graphic view.

The element is only visible if the "Display model" softkey is active.

The element is not monitored for collision.
• Monitoring

The protection area element is used for the collision avoidance.

The element is only visible if the "Monit. model" softkey is active.

• Display + monitoring

The protection area element is used for display in the graphic view
and for collision avoidance.

The element is visible in both display versions.

Radius Specification of the radius
Offset (X) X component of the direction vector.
Offset (Y) Y component of the direction vector.
Offset (Z) Z component of the direction vector.
Rotary axis (X) X component of the rotation vector.
Rotary axis (Y) Y component of the rotation vector.
Rotary axis (Z) Z component of the rotation vector.
Angle of rotation The value by which the system rotates around the rotation vector.

See also
Creating protection area elements (Page 253)
File and parallel 3D file protection area element (Page 261)


258 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Collision avoidance
14.7 Creating a kinematic structure Cylinder and parallel cylinder protection area element

You can specify the dimensions and position as well as values for the display and collision
monitoring of a cylindrical protection area element in the "Cylinder" window.

V1 Sum of the offset and rotation between this element and the root element.
V2 Offsets and rotation from the parameters of this element.

Display in the tree topology

Cylinder-shaped protection area elements are identified by this symbol in the

tree topology.

Element values

Parameter Meaning
Name Designation, which is displayed in the tree structure.
Color Selection of the color for the protection area element.
• Activate the checkbox "from protection area", if the color of the
associated tool and/or machine protection area should be applied.

Deactivate the checkbox "from protection area" in order to select

any color.
• Select the required color from the selection list.


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Collision avoidance
14.7 Creating a kinematic structure

Parameter Meaning
Detail level Defines from which detail level the protection area or the protection
area elements are displayed on the user interface.
• Activate the checkbox "from protection area", if the detail level of
the associated tool and/or machine protection area should be

Deactivate the check box "from protection area", if you wish to

define your own detail level for the element.
• Enter the desired level of detail:
– Lowest detail level: 0
– Highest detail level: 3
Use • Display

The protection area element is shown in the graphic view.

The element is only visible if the "Display model" softkey is active.

The element is not monitored for collision.
• Monitoring

The protection area element is used for the collision avoidance.

The element is only visible if the "Monit. model" softkey is active.

• Display + monitoring

The protection area element is used for display in the graphic view
and for collision avoidance.

The element is visible in both display versions.

Height (Z) Height of the cylinder in the 
Z direction.
Radius Specification of the radius
Offset (X) X component of the direction vector.
Offset (Y) Y component of the direction vector.
Offset (Z) Z component of the direction vector.
Rotary axis (X) X component of the rotation vector.
Rotary axis (Y) Y component of the rotation vector.
Rotary axis (Z) Z component of the rotation vector.
Angle of rotation The value by which the system rotates around the rotation vector.

See also
Creating protection area elements (Page 253)


260 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Collision avoidance
14.7 Creating a kinematic structure File and parallel 3D file protection area element

You can specify the dimensions and position as well as values for the display and collision
monitoring of a sphere-shaped protection area element in the "Sphere" window.
The file used here contains a grid of triangular areas in the STL format, with which you can
display bodies with complicated shapes.

Coordinate origin
The coordinate origin of the file does not have to match the coordinate system of the
You align the coordinate system using offsets and rotations.

V1 Sum of the offset and rotation between this element and the root element.
V2 Offsets and rotation from the parameters of this element.

Display in the tree topology

STL files are identified by this symbol in the tree topology.


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14.7 Creating a kinematic structure

Element values

Parameter Meaning
Name Designation, which is displayed in the tree structure.
Color Selection of the color for the protection area element.
• Activate the checkbox "from protection area", if the color of the
associated tool and/or machine protection area should be applied.

Deactivate the checkbox "from protection area" in order to select

any color.
• Select the required color from the selection list.
Detail level Defines from which detail level the protection area or the protection
area elements are displayed on the user interface.
• Activate the checkbox "from protection area", if the detail level of
the associated tool and/or machine protection area should be

Deactivate the check box "from protection area", if you wish to

define your own detail level for the element.
• Enter the desired level of detail:
– Lowest detail level: 0
– Highest detail level: 3
Use • Display

The protection area element is shown in the graphic view.

The element is only visible if the "Display model" softkey is active.

The element is not monitored for collision.
• Monitoring

The protection area element is used for the collision avoidance.

The element is only visible if the "Monit. model" softkey is active.

• Display + monitoring

The protection area element is used for display in the graphic view
and for collision avoidance.

The element is visible in both display versions.

File name Name of the file with the description of the protection area element in
STL format.


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14.7 Creating a kinematic structure

Parameter Meaning
Offset (X) X component of the direction vector.
Offset (Y) Y component of the direction vector.
Offset (Z) Z component of the direction vector.
Rotary axis (X) X component of the rotation vector.
Rotary axis (Y) Y component of the rotation vector.
Rotary axis (Z) Z component of the rotation vector.
Angle of rotation The value by which the system rotates around the rotation vector.

See also
Creating protection area elements (Page 253)
Sphere and parallel sphere protection area elements (Page 257)

14.7.4 Collision pair Creating a collision pair

Using collision pairs, you define the two protection areas, which should mutually monitor
themselves regarding collision.

A kinematic chain has been created and includes valid protection areas.


1. Position the cursor in the tree view on the "Collision groups" folder.
The "New collision element" selection window opens.
2. Select "Collision pair" and press the "OK" softkey.

3. Enter the values and press the "OK" softkey to confirm the entries.

See also
Collision pair (Page 264)


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 263
Collision avoidance
14.7 Creating a kinematic structure Collision pair

In the "Collision pair" window you define the protection areas, which should mutually monitor
themselves regarding collision. Further, you select a safety clearance here.

Display in the tree topology

Collision pairs are identified by this symbol in the tree topology.

Element values

Parameter Meaning
1. Area Designation of the first protection area that is to be monitored.
2. Area Designation of the second protection area that is to be monitored.
Safety clearance Defining the safety clearance:
• 0

For the safety clearance, the value that has been defined in
MD10622 is taken.
• >0

The value that you entered here is used for the safety clearance.

In order that the defined protection areas are checked for collision, they must be activated
and the collision avoidance activated.

See also
Creating a collision pair (Page 263)


264 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Collision avoidance
14.8 Collision avoidance example

14.8 Collision avoidance example

14.8.1 Fundamentals

General Information
The following example contains the machine model elements of a simple 3-axis milling
machine for a simplified kinematic chain.

Machine model elements

The following elements are defined for the example of the 3-axis milling machine:

Element Color Direction of movement

Table Green X, Y
Z axis Gray Z
Column Gray None
Tool holder Blue Z
Tool (when used) red Z
Machine zero None None


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 265
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14.8 Collision avoidance example

Each machine-model element has a defined geometry and an offset vector to the element
center starting with the machine zero:

The following offset vectors are defined for the example of the 3-axis milling machine:

Element Offset vector

Tool holder Vtool = (0; 0; 25)
Z axis VZA = (0; 200; 130)
Column VS = (0; 570; 350)
Table VT = (100; 50; -25)


266 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
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14.8 Collision avoidance example

Structure of the geometric machine modeling

The kinematic chain begins with the first offset kinematic element that represents the
machine zero. The other kinematic elements form the linear axes X, Y and parallel Z. The
protection area is used to define the basic bodies of the machine and tools. The movable
protection areas are linked with the associated linear axis; the unmovable protection area is
linked with the offset.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 267
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14.8 Collision avoidance example

14.8.2 Create machine model example Creating kinematic elements


1. Mark the "Active data" folder and press the "New element" softkey.
A selection window with kinematic elements opens.
2. Select the "Offset" kinematic element and press the "OK" softkey.
The appropriate input window for the element values opens in the lower
part of the tree view.
3. Enter the required values:
Name: ROOT
Offset (X): 0
Offset (Y): 0
Offset (Z): 0
4. Press the "OK" softkey to save the values.

- OR -
Press the "Cancel" softkey to close the input window.

Linear axis X under offset

1. Mark the "ROOT" kinematic element and press the "New element"
A selection window with kinematic elements opens.
2. Select the "Linear axis" kinematic element and press the "OK" softkey.
The appropriate input window for the element values opens in the lower
part of the tree view.
3. Enter the required values:
Name: X axis
Axis (X): 1
Axis (Y): 0
Axis (Z): 0
Axis name: X1
Axis offset: 0


268 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
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14.8 Collision avoidance example

4. Press the "OK" softkey to save the values.

- OR -
Press the "Cancel" softkey to close the input window.

Linear axis Y under linear axis X

1. Mark the "X axis" kinematic element and press the "New element"
A selection window with kinematic elements opens.
2. Select the "Linear axis" kinematic element and press the "OK" softkey.
The appropriate input window for the element values opens in the lower
part of the tree view.
3. Enter the required values:
Name: Y axis
Axis (X): 0
Axis (Y): 1
Axis (Z): 0
Axis name: Y1
Axis offset: 0
4. Press the "OK" softkey to save the values.

- OR -
Press the "Cancel" softkey to close the input window.

Linear axis Z parallel to linear axis X

1. Mark the "X axis" kinematic element and press the "New element"
A selection window with kinematic elements opens.
2. Select the "Parallel linear axis" kinematic element and press the "OK"
The appropriate input window for the element values opens in the lower
part of the tree view.


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14.8 Collision avoidance example

3. Enter the required values:

Name: Z axis
Axis (X): 0
Axis (Y): 0
Axis (Z): 1
Axis name: Z1
Axis offset: 0
4. Press the "OK" softkey to save the values.

- OR -
Press the "Cancel" softkey to close the input window. Creating machine protection areas

Stand under offset

1. Mark the "ROOT" kinematic element and press the "New element"

2. Press the "Collision element" softkey.

3. In the "New collision element" window, select the collision element

"Machine protection area" and press the "OK" softkey.

4. Enter the following values:

Name: Stand
Color: Gray
Details level: 0
PLC bit: -1
Activation: Activated
5. Press the "OK" softkey to save the values.


270 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Collision avoidance
14.8 Collision avoidance example

Box element under stand

1. Mark the "Stand" machine protection area and press the "New element"

3. Select the "Box" protection area element and press the "OK" softkey.

4. Enter the following values:

Name: SBE stands
Color: From protection area
Details level: From protection area
Application: Display
Length (X): 160
Width (Y): 140
Height (Z): 800
Offset (X): 0
Offset (Y): 570
Offset (Z): 350
5. Press the "OK" softkey to save the values.

Table under linear axis Y

1. Mark the "Y axis" kinematic element and press the "New element"

2. Press the "Collision element" softkey.

3. Select the "Machine protection area" collision element and press the
"OK" softkey.

4. Enter the following values:

Name: Table
Color: Green
PLC bit: -1
Details level: 0
Activation: Activated
5. Press the "OK" softkey to save the values.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 271
Collision avoidance
14.8 Collision avoidance example

Box element under table

1. Mark the "Table" machine protection area and press the "New element"

3. Select the "Box" protection area element and press the "OK" softkey.

4. Enter the following values:

Name: SBE table
Color: From protection area
Details level: From protection area
Application: Display and monitoring
Length (X): 200
Width (Y): 100
Height (Z): 50
Offset (X): 100
Offset (Y): 50
Offset (Z): -25
5. Press the "OK" softkey to save the values.

Z axis under linear axis Z

1. Mark the "Z axis" kinematic element and press the "New element"

2. Press the "Collision element" softkey.

3. Select the "Machine protection area" collision element and press the
"OK" softkey.

4. Enter the following values:

Name: Z axis
Color: Gray
Details level: 0
PLC bit: -1
Activation: Activated
5. Press the "OK" softkey to save the values.


272 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Collision avoidance
14.8 Collision avoidance example

Box element under Z axis

1. Select the "Z axis" machine protection area and press the "New
element" softkey.

3. Select the "Box" protection area element and press the "OK" softkey.

4. Enter the following values:

Name: SBE-Z axis
Color: From protection area
Details level: From protection area
Application: Display and monitoring
Length (X): 160
Width (Y): 600
Height (Z): 160
Offset (X): 0
Offset (Y): 200
Offset (Z): 130
5. Press the "OK" softkey to save the values.

Tool holder under linear axis Z

1. Mark the "Z axis" kinematic element and press the "New element"

2. Press the "Collision element" softkey.

3. Select the "Machine protection area" collision element and press the
"OK" softkey.

4. Enter the following values:

Name: Tool holder
Color: Blue
Details level: 0
PLC bit: -1
Activation: Activated
5. Press the "OK" softkey to save the values.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 273
Collision avoidance
14.8 Collision avoidance example

Cylinder element under tool holder

1. Mark the "Tool holder" machine protection area and press the "New
element" softkey.

3. Select the "Cylinder" protection area element and press the "OK"

4. Enter the following values:

Name: SBE tool holder
Color: From protection area
Details level: From protection area
Application: Display and monitoring
Height (Z): 50
Radius: 60
Offset (X): 0
Offset (Y): 0
Offset (Z): 25
5. Press the "OK" softkey to save the values. Creating a tool protection area

Tool under linear axis Z

1. Mark the "Z axis" kinematic element and press the "New element"

2. Press the "Collision element" softkey.

3. In the selection box, select "Tool protection area" collision element and
press the "OK" softkey.


274 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Collision avoidance
14.8 Collision avoidance example

4. Enter the following values:

Name: T
Color: red
Details level: 0
PLC bit: -1
Activation: Activated
TO unit: 1
Magazine: 9998
Location: 1
5. Press the "OK" softkey to save the values. Creating collision pairs

Tool/table collision pair

1. Mark the "Collision groups" folder and press the "New element" softkey.
A selection window for the collision element opens.
2. Select the "Collision pair" collision element and press the "OK" softkey.
The appropriate input window for the element values opens in the lower
part of the tree view.
3. Enter the required values:
1st range: T
2nd range: Table
4. Press the "OK" softkey to save the values.

- OR -
Press the "Cancel" softkey to close the input window.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 275
Collision avoidance
14.8 Collision avoidance example

Tool holder / table collision pair

1. Mark the "Collision groups" folder and press the "New element" softkey.
A selection window for the collision element opens.
2. Select the "Collision pair" collision element and press the "OK" softkey.
The appropriate input window for the element values opens in the lower
part of the tree view.
3. Enter the required values:
1st range: Tool holder
2nd range: Table
4. Press the "OK" softkey to save the values.

- OR -
Press the "Cancel" softkey to close the input window.


276 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Data backup 15
Data backup
The following times are recommended for performing a data backup:
● After a start-up
● After changing machine-specific settings
● after replacing a hardware component
● For a software upgrade
● Before the activation of memory-configuring machine data

A start-up archive is saved as a file of the type ".arc" (archive). If required, archives can
be processed using the SinuCom commissioning and service tool SinuCom ARC.

There are various ways of creating and reloading archives via the SINUMERIK Operate user
● Data can be selected specifically in the data tree and backed up using the "System data"
● The "Start-up archive" softkey offers the following selection:
– Create and read-in a start-up archive
– Create PLC hardware upgrade archive (only SDBs)
– Creating and reading in archive of original status

Storage locations
Archives can be stored in the following directories:
● CompactFlash card at: System CF-Card/user/sinumerik/data/archive or System CF-
● PCU: F:hmisl\user\sinumerik\data\archive or \oem\sinumerik\data\archive
● All configured logical drives (USB, network drives)

USB FlashDrive
USB FlashDrives are not suitable as persistent memory media.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 277
Data backup
15.1 Creating a start-up archive

15.1 Creating a start-up archive

A start-up archive can be generated, for example, after the controller has been
commissioned. To do this, control components can be saved individually or jointly. It is also
possible to transfer the backed-up data to other controllers so that they can be updated to
the same status.

You require at least access level 2 (service).

Data of the control components

Control components Data

NC data Machine data
Setting data
Option data
Global (GUD) and local (LUD) user data
Tool and magazine data
Protection zone data
R parameters
Zero offsets
Workpieces, global part programs and subprograms
Standard and user cycles
Definitions and macros
With compensation • QEC - quadrant error compensation
• CEC - operation/angularity compensation
• EEC - leadscrew pitch / encoder error compensation
It only makes sense to archive machine-specific compensation
data if the start-up file is reloaded into the same controller.
with compile cycles Compile cycles (*.elf) are displayed, if compile cycles are
PLC data OB (organization blocks)
FB (function blocks)
SFB (system function blocks)
FC (functions)
SFC (system functions)
DB (data blocks)
SDB (system data blocks)
Drive data Archiving the drive data, either in the binary or ASCII format.
HMI data, all


278 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Data backup
15.1 Creating a start-up archive

Control components Data

HMI data, selection: If data is available, you must set the tick in order to activate the
Texts User texts, alarm texts
Templates Individual templates, workpiece templates
Applications HMI applications, OEM applications
Configurations Configurations
Configuration Configuration, incl. display machine data
Help Help files
Version data Version data
Logs Error logs
Program lists Program lists
Dictionaries Dictionaries
Data backups Files located in the data tree of the "System data" in the "HMI data
/ data backups" directory.
Programs on local drive Programs contained in the user memory area of the CompactFlash
Comment Entry field for possible comments regarding the start-up archive.
Created by Entry field for the creator as well as creation date of the start-up


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the menu forward key.

3. Press the "Start-up archive" softkey.

The "Start-up" window opens.
4. Activate "Create a start-up archive" and press the "OK" softkey.
The "Create Start-up Archive" window opens.
5. Select the desired control components.
6. When required, enter a comment as well as your name and the date of
7. Press the "OK" softkey.
The "Generate Archive: Select Storage Location" window opens.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 279
Data backup
15.2 Reading-in a start-up archive

8. Position the cursor at the required storage location, press the "Search"
softkey and enter the required search term in the search dialog. Then
press the "OK" softkey if you wish to search for a certain directory or
Note: The placeholders "*" (replaces any character string) and "?"
(replaces any character) make it easier for you to perform a search.
- OR -
Select the required storage location, press the "New directory" softkey,
enter the required name in the "New Directory" window and press the
"OK" softkey in order to create a directory.

9. Press the "OK" softkey.

The "Generate Archive: Name" window opens.
10. Enter the required name and press the "OK" softkey.
An archive file with the ARC format type is stored in the selected

15.2 Reading-in a start-up archive

To prevent the NCU from shutting down unintentionally, you must disable all energy saving
profiles before you read in a start-up archive. For more detailed information about the energy
saving profiles topic, see:
Operating Manuals for SINUMERIK Operate, "Ctrl-Energy" section.


1. Select the "Startup" operating area.

Press the menu forward key.

2. Press the "Start-up archive" softkey.


280 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Data backup
15.2 Reading-in a start-up archive

3. Activate "Read-in a start-up archive" and press the "OK" softkey.

The "Select Start-up Archive" window opens.
4. Select a storage location and position the cursor at the required start-up
archive (ARC).
- OR -
Select the required storage location, press the "Search" softkey and
enter the required search term. Then press the "OK" softkey if you wish
to search for a certain directory, subdirectory or start-up archive.

5. Press the "OK" softkey.

The "Read-in Start-up Archive" window opens.
You obtain an overview with path details, version information, name of
the archive, etc., as well as a list of the archived components.
Remove the tick of a checkbox to exclude a component from the read-in
6. Press the "OK" softkey to download the selected archive file.
The "Read-in Archive" window opens and a progress message box
appears for the read-in process.
7. Press the "Overwrite all" softkey if you wish to overwrite the existing

- OR -
Press the "No overwriting" softkey if you wish to keep existing files.

- OR -
Press the "Skip" softkey if you only wish to overwrite certain files.
You will then obtain a "Read error log for archive" in which the skipped
or overwritten files are listed.
8. Press the "Cancel" softkey to cancel the read-in process.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 281
Data backup
15.3 Backing up the hardware configuration

15.3 Backing up the hardware configuration

The hardware is configured via the system data blocks (SDB) and only these are stored in
the archive.


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

Press the menu forward key.

2. Press the "Start-up archive" softkey.

The "Start-up" window opens.
3. Activate "Create PLC hardware upgrade archive (SDBs only)" and press
the "OK" softkey.
The "Create PLC hardware upgrade archive (SDBs only): Select
Storage Location" window opens.
4. Select the desired storage location in the displayed data tree.
- OR -
Press the "New directory" softkey to create a separate directory.
The "New Directory" window opens.
5. Enter the required name and press the "OK" softkey.
The directory is created below the created folder.
6. Press the "OK" softkey.
The "Generate Archive: Name" window opens.
The file type of the archive is ARC and is displayed in the window. Enter
the desired name and press the "OK" softkey.
The archive is generated and stored in the selected directory.

15.4 Creating an archive with original data

You can select this type of start-up in order to save the original status of the controller. The
files are archived in the "original.arc" file.
The file is stored on the CompactFlash card in the Archives/Manufacturer directory.
If there is no "original.arc" file in the directory, it is recommended that an archive be
generated from the data of the original controller state as delivered.
As for "Create start-up", control components can be saved individually or jointly.


282 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Data backup
15.4 Creating an archive with original data

In order to save NC data, you require the access level 2 (service).
To back up programs/workpieces, you need access level 6 (keyswitch position 1).

Data of the control components

Control components Data

NC data Machine data
Setting data
Option data
Global (GUD) and local (LUD) user data
Tool and magazine data
Protection zone data
R parameters
Zero offsets
Compensation data
Workpieces, global part programs and subprograms
Standard and user cycles
Definitions and macros
With compensation • QEC - quadrant error compensation
• CEC - operation/angularity compensation
• EEC - leadscrew pitch / encoder error compensation
• It only makes sense to archive machine-specific compensation
data if the series start-up file is reloaded into the same
with compile cycles Compile cycles (*.elf) are displayed, if compile cycles are
PLC data OB (organization blocks)
FB (function blocks)
SFB (system function blocks)
FC (functions)
SFC (system functions)
DB (data blocks)
SDB (system data blocks)
HMI data, all
HMI data, selection:
Cycle storage Definitions and cycles
Texts User texts, alarm texts
Templates Individual templates, workpiece templates
Applications HMI applications, OEM applications
Configurations Configurations
Configuration Configuration, incl. display machine data
Help Help files


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 283
Data backup
15.4 Creating an archive with original data

Control components Data

Version data Version data
Logs Error logs
User views Individually compiled tables with selected machine and setting
Dictionaries Dictionaries
Programs on local drive Programs contained in the user memory area of the CompactFlash


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the menu forward key.

3. Press the "Start-up archive" softkey.

The "Start-up" window opens.
4. Activate the "Create archive of original status" checkbox and press the
"OK" softkey.
The "Create Start-up for Original Status" window opens.
5. Select the desired control components.
6. When required, enter a comment into the field as well as your name and
the date of creation - and then press the "OK" softkey.
A warning is output if an "original.arc" archive file already exists.
7. Press the "OK" softkey to overwrite the file.
A new archive file is generated and stored in the Archives/Manufacturer
- OR -
Press the "Cancel" softkey so that the existing file is not overwritten.


284 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Data backup
15.5 Reading in an archive with original data

15.5 Reading in an archive with original data

The data of the original controller state is stored in the "original.arc" file. If you want to
restore the controller to the as-delivered state, you can read in the original data archive.

You require access level 3 (user).


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the menu forward key.

3. Press the "Start-up archive" softkey.

The "Start-up" window opens.
4. Activate the "Read in archive of original status" checkbox and press the
"OK" softkey.
SINUMERIK Operate automatically accesses the "original.arc" file.
A window opens prompting whether you want to perform a start-up.
5. Press the "OK" softkey.
The read-in process is started and a progress message box is displayed
in the window.
Any errors that occur are then displayed in the "Write Error Log for
Archive" window.

15.6 Generating the complete archive

You have the option of generating an archive of the complete data of your control on an
external storage medium that you can provide to Technical Support for diagnostic purposes.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 285
Data backup
15.7 Serial interface (V24 / RS232)

1. Insert the storage medium in the USB port.
2. Press the key combination <Ctrl> + <Alt> + S.
All data required for diagnostics are compiled in an archive. Operator control is not
possible while the archive is being generated.
3. You will receive a message once archiving has been completed.
The system assigns an archive name and this is: CompletArchiv<Date>_<Time>.arc.
The dialog box is closed and you can re-operate the control.

15.7 Serial interface (V24 / RS232)

15.7.1 Reading-in and reading-out archives

Availability of the RS-232-C serial interface

You have the option of reading-out and reading-in archives in the "Program manager"
operating area as well as in the "Start-up" operating area via the RS-232-C serial interface.
● SINUMERIK Operate on the NCU:
The softkeys for the RS-232-C are available as soon as an option module is connected
and the slot is occupied.
● SINUMERIK Operate on the PCU:
The softkeys for the RS-232-C are always available.

Reading-out archives
The files to be sent (directories or individual files) are zipped in an archive (*.ARC). If you
send an archive (*.arc), this is sent directly without being additionally zipped. If you have
selected an archive (*.arc) together with an additional file (e.g. directory), then these are
zipped into a new archive and are then sent.

Reading-in archives
Only archives can be read-in via the RS-232-C. These are transferred and then
subsequently unzipped.

Start-up archive
If you read in a start-up archive via the RS-232-C, then this is immediately activated.


286 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Data backup
15.7 Serial interface (V24 / RS232)

Externally processing the punched tape format

If you wish to externally process an archive, then generate this in the punched tape format.
Using the SinuCom commissioning and service tool SinuCom ARC, you can process the
archive in the binary format and in the commissioning archive.


1. Select the "Program manager" operating area, and press the

"NC" or "Local drive" softkey.


- OR -
Select the "Start-up" operating area and press the "System data"

Reading-out archives
2. Select the directories or the files that you wish to send via RS-
3. Press the ">>" and "Archive" softkeys.

4. Press the "RS-232-C send" softkey.

- OR -
Reading in an archive
Press the "RS-232-C receive" softkey if you wish to read-in files
via RS-232-C.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 287
Data backup
15.7 Serial interface (V24 / RS232)

15.7.2 Setting interface parameters


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the "System data" softkey.

3. Press the ">>" and "Archive" softkeys.

4. Select the "RS-232-C settings" softkey.

The "Interface: RS-232-C" window is opened and the interface
settings are displayed.
5. Press the "Details" softkey if you wish to view and process
additional settings for the interface.

RS-232-C settings

Parameter Meaning
Protocol The following protocol is supported for transfer via the RS-232-C:
Transfer It is also possible to use a secure protocol for data transfer (ZMODEM
• Normal (default setting)
• Secure
For the selected interface, secure data transfer is set in conjunction
with handshake RTS/CTS.
Baud rate Transfer rate: Transfer rates of up to 115 kbaud can be selected. The
baud rate that can be used depends on the connected device, the
cable length and the general electrical conditions.
• 110
• ....
• 19200 (default setting)
• ...
• 115200


288 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Data backup
15.8 Backing up setup data

Parameter Meaning
Archive format • Punched tape
• Binary format (PC format)
RS-232-C settings (details)
Interface • COM1
• COM2 only relevant for SINUMERIK Operate on PC
Parity Parity bits are used for error detection: The parity bits are added to the
coded characters to make the number of positions set to "1" an uneven
number (uneven parity) or to an even number (even parity).
• None (default setting)
• Odd
• Even
Stop bits Number of stop bits for asynchronous data transfer.
• 1 (default setting)
• 2
Data bits Number of data bits for asynchronous data transfer.
• 5 bits
• ...
• 8 bits (default setting))
XON (hex) Only for punched tape format
XOFF (hex) Only for punched tape format
End of data transfer (hex) Only for punched tape format
Stop with end of data transfer character
The default setting for the end of data transfer character is (HEX) 1A.
Time monitoring (sec) Time monitoring
For data transfer problems or at the end of data transfer (without end
of data transfer character) data transfer is interrupted after the
specified number of seconds.
The time monitoring is controlled by a time generator (clock) that is
started with the first character and is reset with each transferred
character. The time monitoring can be set (seconds).

15.8 Backing up setup data

Setting for "Backup setup data"

The "Backup setup data" function should only be used if MD11280 $MN_WPD_INI_MODE is
set to 1 (default setting). Otherwise, when the NC is started for the first time after selecting
the part program, a file with the same name with the ".ini" extension would be automatically


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 289
Data backup
15.9 Network settings

Machine data:

Processing mode of ini files in the workpiece directory
= 1 When the NC is started for the first time, after the workpiece selection, ini files with the name
of the selected part program and the following extensions are executed:
CEC Sag compensation (Cross Error Compensation)
GUD User data (Global User Data)
PRO Protection zones
RPA R parameters
SEA Value assignments (Setting Data Active)
TMA Magazine data (Tool Magazine Active)
TOA Tool offsets (Tool Offset Active)
UFR Work offsets (User Frame)

15.9 Network settings

By default, the network settings cannot be backed up. The archiving of the network settings
must be enabled:
1. Copy the "slpmconfig.ini" file from the /siemens/sinumerik/hmi/template/cfg directory.
2. Store the file in the /oem/sinumerik/hmi/cfg or /user/sinumerik/hmi/cfg directory.
3. Open the file and enter the following for [SeriesSetup]:
4. Restart SINUMERIK Operate.

This setting also affects the creation of a complete standard archive using Ctrl+Alt+S or


290 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Data backup
15.9 Network settings

● The leases files are not saved:
– /system/etc/udhcpd-eth0.leases
– /system/etc/udhcpd-ibn0.leases
● A configuration in the system network must be based on the DNS name rather than IP

Basic procedure
● Backup of network settings
After activation, the network settings can also be backed up when a commissioning
archive is created when a check mark is set, see Creating a start-up archive (Page 278).
● Importing network settings
The saved archives can be imported in the same manner as a commissioning archive,
see Reading-in a start-up archive (Page 280).

Importing network settings for replacement components
Disconnect the replacement components from the system network before you import the
saved network settings.

Only the NCU settings are saved with the HMI on the NCU. The following data is backed up:
● /user/system/etc/basesys.ini
● /user/common/tcu (complete directory)
The network settings of an NCU can be backed up and read only from an HMI on the
PC/PG. This means the NC address in mmc.ini on the PC/PG is always


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 291
Data backup
15.9 Network settings

PCU and, if applicable, NCU settings saved with the HMI on the PCU. The following data is
backed up:
– /user/system/etc/basesys.ini
– mmc.ini for SINUMERIK Operate
● NCU (when present as master)
– /user/system/etc/basesys.ini
– /user/common/tcu (complete directory)
The following archives are created: Archivename_pcu.arc and Archivename_ncu.arc

Importing an archive for a configuration with NCU as master (DHCP) and PCU (on_low):
1. Import the archive for Archivename_pcu.arc on a PCU with SINUMERIK Operate.
2. Depending on the replaced parts of the NCU, note the following:
– If the NCU was not replaced, the system restarts.
– The NCU has been replaced, Archivename_ncu.arc must be imported via the X127
interface with a separate HMI.


292 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring the network 16
16.1 Displaying the network overview
All the available interfaces and their network settings are listed in the Overview of the
Network Settings window. For example, the IP addresses, subnet masks and MAC
addresses for the company and system network are displayed here. You have the option of
editing the settings.


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the "Menu forward" key.

3. Press the "Network" softkey.

The "Overview of the Network Settings" window opens.

4. Press the "Change" softkey to edit settings.

See also
Settings of the system network (Page 294)
Settings of the factory network (Page 297)
Saving network settings (Page 299)


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 293
Configuring the network
16.2 Settings of the system network

16.2 Settings of the system network

The configuration for the DHCP server, the routing, active protocols, for DNS servers and
other properties of the system network is performed in the Settings of the System Network

Setting Description
DHCP activated Activates or deactivates the DHCP mode for the
system network. This automatically assigns IP
addresses to the nodes in the system network.
DHCP server synchronization mode Activates or deactivates the DHCP server
synchronization mode. If this setting is active,
then the DHCP servers synchronize themselves
in the system network (X120) so that only one of
them actively assigns addresses. This makes it
possible to operate multiple NCUs or PCUs
concurrently without having to adjust the network
The DHCP servers that are not active go into
"standby" mode; in this mode they regularly get
the current address data and TCU data from the
active server so that if the active server fails a
standby server can take over the active role
without data loss.
• The Master priority setting influences the
synchronization so that the server with the
"Master" setting is always the active server (it
must be active in the network).
Deterministically the same control is then
always the DHCP server and the current
address and TCU data can be found there.
Master priority must only be set for a single
DHCP server in the system network.
• The settings Low priority and High priority can
be used to specify which DHCP server is to
be preferably used as active server. A DHCP
server with low priority is then only used as
active server when a server with high priority
cannot be found in the network.
Default: High priority
DHCP address range Specifies the range for DHCP addresses. The
range starts at the address specified at Start and
ends at the address entered at End. The resulting
range of numbers has the following default
Start address = first address in the system
End address = start address + 10 or + 2 (if less
than 16 addresses are available)


294 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring the network
16.2 Settings of the system network

Setting Description
Timeout when waiting for master Specifies a maximum waiting time (in seconds)
for the response of the master server (see DHCP
server synchronization mode). After this time
elapses, the server itself becomes the active
This additional pause makes it possible for the
intended DHCP master to become the active
DHCP server without displacement even if it is
shortly switched on thereafter, or takes longer to
boot than other controls.
Default: 120 seconds
Host name Assigns the DHCP server a fixed host name. In
this way, the server can also be addressed via
the host name and not only via the IP address.
Because the host name is also used as DNS
name, it must satisfy the corresponding
requirements of the RFC:
• ASCII letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9) and '-'
• maximum 63 characters
DNS domain This is used to specify the Top Level Domain
(TLD) name used in the system network. The
DNS server of the NCU assigns names to the
devices in the system network in this zone. Name
requests for all other zones are forwarded to an
external name server in the company network.
The "local" default setting recommended by the
RFC1035 is used for local networks, to avoid
conflicts with globally defined domain names. As
a rule, this default setting is sufficient.
PN station name A separate machine name can be defined here
for PROFINET purposes. This is used at the
ERTEC interface (when available), transferred to
the ERTEC system program and also used by
DCP at this network interface.
Station name This string is used for the SINUMERIK-specific
OID mcSinumerikMIB.mcSinumerikMiscStation.
The value is the name of a station to which the
device belongs. Devices with the same station
name can therefore be identified as belonging
together. This is for information purposes only.
Location This string is used for the standard OID SNMPv2-
MIB::sysLocation. If required, a location can be
specified here which can be called with an SNMP
client. This is for information purposes only.
Contact person This string is used for the standard OID SNMPv2-
MIB::sysContact. If required, a contact address
can be specified here which can be called with an
SNMP client. This is for information purposes


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 295
Configuring the network
16.2 Settings of the system network

Setting Description
Function This string is used for the Siemens Industry-
specific OID
If required, a function designation can be
specified here which can be called with an SNMP
client. This is for information purposes only.
Fixed domain Defines an additional DNS domain name (suffix
for DNS queries). This is of especial interest
when the DHCP server is switched off at the
X120 because this cannot set the "local" domain,
but it is required for some DNS queries (e.g. for
machine control panels).
Fixed DNS servers Specifies up to three DNS servers that are to be
used by the DHCP server. This is of especial
interest when the DHCP server is switched off at
the X120 because this is also a DNS server or
determines DNS servers in the network.
• Routing X120/X127 -> X130 Specifies whether the routing of packets from the
system network (X120) and/or service connection
X127 to the company network (X130) is active:
• Enabled: Activates the routing for X120 and
• Disabled: Deactivates the routing for X120
and X127
• X127: Activates only the routing from X127 to
the company network
• X120: Activates only the routing from the
system network to the company network

• Routing X127 -> X120 Activates or deactivates the NAT routing of

packets from the service connection X127 to the
system network (X120).
• Routing X120 -> X127 Activates or deactivates the routing of packets
from the system network (X120) to the service
connection X127. This is normally prohibited by
the firewall.
Note that there is no NAT and the sender must
ensure that packets to the PG or service PC at
X127 with address 192.168.215.x actually reach
the NCU to which the device is connected.
Active protocols Specifies which protocols are to be used in the
system network. DCP (Discovery and Basic
Configuration Protocol) and LLDP (Link Layer
Discovery Protocol) are available for selection.
The appropriate active protocol is also used for
the service connection X127 at the NCU.


296 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring the network
16.3 Settings of the factory network


1. The network overview is open.

2. Press the "System network" softkey.

The "Settings of the System Network" window opens.

3. Press the "Change" softkey to edit settings.

16.3 Settings of the factory network

The configuration for the network interface, active protocols and firewall exceptions of the
company network are performed in the Settings of the Factory Network window.

Setting Description
Gateway If this value is not empty, the host specified there
is used as the default gateway, which means that
all IP packets that cannot be directly assigned are
sent here for routing.
DNS server If DNS name servers are specified here
(maximum three), then they must be used to
resolve symbolic host names, i.e. at most of the
points where an IP address is expected, a
computer name can also be used instead.
The name server setting is also sent to your
DHCP client (TCU, PG) via the DHCP server of
the NCU, so that this can also work with symbolic
Time server Here you can specify up to three NTP servers
(UDP/123) that can be used by the NTPD on the
NCU for time synchronization.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 297
Configuring the network
16.3 Settings of the factory network

Setting Description
Host name Here you can define a name for the local host.
This manually assigned name takes priority over
all other names.
The host name is determined in the following
• This entry (identical to the host name from the
basesys.ini file)
• A name received from the DHCP server
(reverse DNS lookup, i.e. which name
belongs to the received IP address)
• A default name ("NONAME_...")
Because the host name is also used as DNS
name, it must satisfy the corresponding
requirements of the RFC:
• ASCII letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9) and '-'
• maximum 63 characters
Active protocols Specifies which protocols are to be used in the
company network. DCP (Discovery and Basic
Configuration Protocol) and LLDP (Link Layer
Discovery Protocol) are available for selection.
Firewall exceptions You can specify ports here that are to be enabled
in the external network interface. Port TCP/22
(SSH protocol) is always enabled.
• S7 communication (TCP/102) Port for the S7 communication

• VNC access (TCP/5900) Port for the VNC access

• Additional ports Any further ports can be enabled here. The entry
starts with the protocol name (TCP or UDP),
followed by a slash '/' and the port number of the
service to be enabled. Several entries are
separated by a space.
Example (enabling of the VNC servers):
TCP/5900 TCP/5904 TCP/5905

Security risk
Note that opening the ports in the firewall can represent a security risk. Only enable the
ports that you actually require.
Note that every accessible service can have security gaps.


298 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring the network
16.4 Saving network settings


1. The network overview is open.

2. Press the "Company network" softkey.

The "Settings of the Company Network" window opens.
3. Press the "Change" softkey to edit settings.

16.4 Saving network settings

The settings made in the NCU can be saved as a file.
A target folder in which the network configuration is to be saved, or an existing file that is to
be overwritten with the new settings, can be selected in the Save Network Settings: Select
Archive window.


1. The network overview is open and you have made network settings.

2. Press the "Save NCU settings" softkey.

The "Save Network Settings: Select Archive" window opens.
3. Select the folder in which the network configuration is be stored. If a file
is already available, it will be overwritten.
- OR -
Press the "New directory" softkey to create a new directory.
- OR -
Press the "Find" softkey, for example, to find the storage location of the
network configuration file.

4. Press the "Find next" softkey if the file found during the search does not
correspond to the required configuration file.

5. Press the "Cancel" softkey to reject the settings.

- OR -
Press the "OK" softkey to save the network configuration.


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Configuring the network
16.4 Saving network settings


300 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring operator panels 17
17.1 Displaying the available operator panels
A list with all the available operator panels is displayed in the upper part of the Available
Operator Panels ... window. One line corresponds to one operator panel and contains the
following information:

Column Description
Consecutive number to identify the operator panel
Status Status of the operator panel:

: The operator panel is available on the bus.

: The operator panel is not available on the bus.

HW Information on the hardware of the operator panel
Possible values are unknown (no information available), NCU, PCU, PPU, TCU (all
TCU including HT 8, etc.).
Default value: Unknown
Name Name of the operator panel
MCP DIP switch position for the machine control panel
The values can be freely selected from 1 to 254 (0 means that the last active machine
control panel is retained, 255 means that a machine control panel is not being used).
Default value: 192
DCK Availability of direct control keys
Active: The TCU has direct control keys
Inactive: The TCU has no direct control keys
TCU Index for the TCU (Thin Client Unit)
The value is freely configurable from 0 to 255 and is used for identification in the PLC.
EKS DIP switch position for the chip reader for access levels (Electronic Key System)
Possible values range from 1 to 255. The value 0 means that an EKS is not used.
Virtual Use of a virtual keyboard
keyboard Possible values are "Never", "Always" and "Auto", whereby "Auto" is set as default

The information of the operator panels is read-only and cannot be changed in the OPs


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 301
Configuring operator panels
17.2 Configuring VNC connections

Update of the overview

When switching to the OPs window, a search for available operator controls is performed
automatically. This is also possible later via the Reload or Cancel cache softkey. The latter
action results in a completely new scan during which already available operator controls are
deleted from the local cache. New operator controls and data are sought during a reload.
The active DHCP server that contains the data for the operator panels can be a different
NCU, but also the local NCU itself. Irrespective of this, a copy of the data is stored and used
on the local NCU.


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the "OPs" softkey.

The "OPs" window is opened.

All the presently available operating elements are displayed.
3. Press the "New display" softkey to refresh the overview.
A search is performed for new operator controls and data.
4. Press the "Reload OP data" softkey to start a completely new search.
Already available operator controls are deleted from the buffer during
this search.

17.2 Configuring VNC connections

A list of the available VNC connections is displayed in the lower part of the "Available
Operator Panels ..." window. It contains the following information:

Column Description
Consecutive number to identify the VNC connection
VNC server IP address or name of the NC
Displacement Specifies whether it is possible that the TCU will be displaced by other nodes.
/Priority Displacement priority: Specifies the priority which influences whether the TCU will
be displaced by other nodes.
The possible values lie between 0 and 10. The smaller the value, the faster the TCU
will be displaced. If the displacement is blocked, the priority will be ignored.


302 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring operator panels
17.2 Configuring VNC connections

Column Description
Start Specifies whether the TCU is to be started active, i.e. as operator panel.
/Priority Start-up priority: Specifies the priority of the TCU connection to be used.
Any value greater than 0 is permitted. The larger the value, the lower the connection
Display area Specifies which HMI screen is displayed when activating the TCU.
Channel Specifies which channel is displayed when activating the TCU.

Editing the list of VNC connections

1. The "Available Operator Panels ..." window is open.

2. Press the "Change" softkey.

The information on the VNC connections can be edited.
- OR -
3. Press the "Add" softkey to establish a new VNC connection.

- OR -
4. Press the "Remove" softkey to remove a selected VNC connection from
the list.

- OR -
5. Press the "Move up" or "Move down" softkey to move a VNC
connection within the list.

6. Make the required change and press the "OK" softkey.

- OR -
Press the "Cancel" softkey to cancel the changes.

See also
Displaying the available operator panels (Page 301)


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 303
Configuring operator panels
17.3 T:M:N configuration

17.3 T:M:N configuration

By T:M:N configuration we mean a grouping of t operating stations (TCUs with MCP), m HMI
systems and n NCK systems, in which the operating stations can be freely switched to the
various HMI systems in order to operate. In a two-stage process, the switchover targets for
each operating station are individually configured in a channel menu.
From the point of view of the HMI, T:M:N operation is active if a channel menu is configured.
Available switchover targets are defined directly via the address of the HMI and optionally via
an NC channel, which must be assumed on switchover from the HMI. These switchover
targets can be combined into so-called channel groups. Channel groups are displayed on
horizontal softkeys in the channel menu, the switchover targets themselves (HMI, NC
channel) are displayed on the vertical softkeys assigned to a channel group.

Linking of softkeys to channel groups

A list for the linking of the HMI softkeys to configured channel groups is displayed in the
lower part of the window. The channel groups can in turn contain switchover targets that
execute functions of the operator panel, for example. Up to 32 softkeys (SK_1 to SK_32) can
be linked to a specific channel group (e.g. CH_GRP_0).


1. The "Available Operator Panels ..." window is open.

2. Select the required operator panel and press the "T:M:N" softkey
A list for the linking of the HMI softkeys to configured channel groups is
displayed in the lower part of the window.
3. Press the "Change" softkey.
The list can be edited.
4. Make the required change and press the "OK" softkey.

- OR -
Press the "Cancel" softkey to cancel the changes.

See also
Displaying the available operator panels (Page 301)


304 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Service and diagnostics 18
18.1 NC/PLC variables

18.1.1 Displaying and editing PLC and NC variables

The "NC/PLC Variables" window allows NC system variables and PLC variables to be
monitored and changed.
You receive the following list in which you can enter the desired NC/PLC variables in order to
display the actual values.
● Variable
Address for NC/PLC variable.
Incorrect variables have a red background and are displayed with a # character in the
value column.
● Comment
Any comment on the variable.
The columns can be displayed and hidden.
● Format
Specify the format in which the variable is to be displayed.
The format can be specified (e.g. floating point).
● Value
Displays the actual value of the NC/PLC variables.

PLC variables
Inputs Input bit (Ex), input byte (EBx), input word (EWx), input double word (EDx)
Outputs Output bit (Ax), output byte (ABx), output word (AWx), output double word
Bit memory Memory bit (Mx), memory byte (MBx), memory word (MWx), memory
double word (MDx)
Times Time (Tx)
Counters Counter (Cx)
Data Data block (DBx): Data bit (DBXx), data byte (DBBx), data word (DBWx),
data double word (DBDx)


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 305
Service and diagnostics
18.1 NC/PLC variables

B Binary
H Hexadecimal
D Decimal without sign
+/-D Decimal with sign
F Floating point (for double words)
A ASCII character

Notation for variables

● PLC variables
● NC variables
– NC system variables - notation
– User variables/GUDs - notation
– OPI - notation

NC system variables and PLC variables
• System variables can be dependent on the channel. When the channel is switched over,
the values from the corresponding channel are displayed.
• For user variables (GUDs) it is not necessary to make a specification according to global
or channel-specific GUDs. The indices of GUD arrays are, just like NC variables in the
system variable syntax, 0-based; this means that the first element starts with the index 0.
• Using the tooltip, for NC system variables, you can display the OPI notation (with the
exception of GUDs).


306 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Service and diagnostics
18.1 NC/PLC variables

Changing PLC variables

Changes can only be made to the PLC variables with the appropriate password.

Incorrect parameterization
Changes in the states of NC/PLC variables have a major impact on the machine. Incorrect
configuration of the parameters can endanger human life and cause damage to the

Changing and deleting values

1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the "NC/PLC variables" softkey.

The "NC/PLC Variables" window opens.

3. Position the cursor in the "Variable" column and enter the required
4. Press the <INPUT> key.
The operand is displayed with the value.

5. Press the "Details" softkey.

The "NC/PLC Variables: Details" window opens. The information for
"Variable", "Comment" and "Value" is displayed in full length.
6. Position the cursor in the "Format" field and choose the required format
with <SELECT>.

7. Press the "Display comments" softkey.

The "Comments" column is displayed. You have the option of creating
comments or editing existing comments.
Press the "Display comments" softkey once again to hide the column.

8. Press the "Change" softkey if you would like to edit the value.
The "Value" column can be edited.
9. Press the "Insert variable" softkey if you wish to select a variable from a
list of all existing variables and insert this.
The "Select Variable" window opens.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 307
Service and diagnostics
18.1 NC/PLC variables

10. Press the "Filter/search" softkey to restrict the display of variables (e.g.
to mode group variables) using the "Filter" selection box and/or select
the desired variable using the "Search" input box.
Press the "Delete all" softkey if you would like to delete the entries for
the operands.

11. Press the "OK" softkey to confirm the changes or the deletion.

- OR -
Press the "Cancel" softkey to cancel the changes.

"Filter/Search" when inserting variables
The start value for "Filter/Search" of variables differs.
For example, to insert the variable $R[0], set "Filter/Search":
• The start value is 0, if you filter according to "System variables".
• The start value is 1, if you filter according to "All (no filter)". In this case, all signals are
displayed and shown in the OPI notation.

Changing operands
Depending on the type of operand, you can increment or decrement the address by 1 place
at a time using the "Operand +" and "Operand -" softkeys.

Axis names as index
For axis names, the softkeys "Operand +" and "Operand -" do not act as index, e.g. for

Result: DB97.DBX2.6
Result: $AA_IM[2]
Result: MB200
Result: /Channel/Parameter/R[u1,2]


308 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Service and diagnostics
18.2 Displaying the Service overview

18.1.2 Saving and loading screen forms

You have the option of saving the configurations of the variables made in the "NC/PLC
variables" window in a screen form that you reload again when required.

Editing screen forms

If you change a screen form that has been loaded, then this is marked using with * after the
screen form name.
The name of a screen form is kept in the display after switching-off.


1. You have entered values for the desired variables in the "NC/PLC
variables" window.
2. Press the ">>" softkey.

3. Press the "Save screen" softkey.

The "Save screen: Select archiving" window opens.
4. Position the cursor on the template folder for variable screen forms in
which your actual screen form should be saved and press the "OK"
The "Save screen: Name" window opens.
5. Enter the name for the file and press the "OK" softkey.
A message in the status line informs you that the screen form was
saved in the specified folder.
If a file with the same name already exists, they you will receive a
6. Press the "Load screen" softkey.
The "Load screen" window opens and displays the sample folder for the
variable screen forms.
7. Select the desired file and press the "OK" softkey.
You return to the variable view. The list of all of the predefined NC and
PLC variables is displayed.

18.2 Displaying the Service overview

Status displays
The status of each machine axis is displayed in the "Service Overview" window.
Information for up to 31 machine axes can be displayed. A column for each available axis is
created for this purpose.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 309
Service and diagnostics
18.2 Displaying the Service overview

Display icon Meaning

Green The axis is behaving normally.

Yellow The axis is not ready.

Red An alarm is pending for this axis.

Gray The axis is not affected.

- Dash No drive assigned to axis.

# Special Error when reading the data, e.g. if data is not available.

Enable displays
From NC: On/Off1
From NC: Off2
From NC: Off 3
From the drive: Operation enabled
From the infeed: Enable operation
Pulse enable NC
Speed controller enable NC
Enable pulses
Drive ready
Heat sink temperature
Power section in i2t limiting
Motor temperature
Measuring system 1 active
Measuring system 2 active


310 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Service and diagnostics
18.2 Displaying the Service overview


1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the menu forward key.

New horizontal softkeys are displayed.

3. Press the "Axis diagn." softkey.

The "Service Overview" window opens.

18.2.1 Selecting axes

To display certain enables and statuses of machine axes, you can arrange a selection of all
the axes that are available in any order you wish.

1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the menu forward key.

New horizontal softkeys are displayed.

3. Press the "Axis diagn." softkey.

The "Service Overview" window opens.
4. Press the "Change overview" softkey.
A new softkey bar is displayed.

5. If you want to display the information relating to the axes that are active,
press the "Active axes" softkey. This will display the axes to which a real
drive is assigned.
- OR -
Press the "All axes" softkey if you want the information for all axes to be
displayed. This will display all the axes that are defined in at least one
- OR -
Press the "Change selection" softkey if you want to make a new axis
selection to be displayed.
The "Change Selection" window opens and the previous axis list is


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 311
Service and diagnostics
18.2 Displaying the Service overview

6. Enter the required axes.

The axes entered must be separated by blanks.
7. Press the "OK" softkey to confirm your selection.

8. If you press the "Select. axes" softkey, the axes configured with
"Change selection" will be displayed.

9. If you click the "Back" softkey, you will return to the "Service Overview"
main screen.

18.2.2 Service axis

Displaying axis data

The following information is displayed in the "Service Axis/Spindle" window:
● Check of the setpoint branch (e.g. programmed position setpoint, speed setpoint, spindle
speed setpoint)
● Check of the actual value branch (e.g. actual position value, measuring system ½, actual
speed value)
● Optimization of the position control loop of the axis (e.g. following error, control deviation,
servo gain factor)
● Check of the entire control loop of the axis (e. g. through position setpoint / actual-value
comparison and speed setpoint / actual-value comparison)
● Check of hardware errors (e.g. by checking the encoder: If the axis is moved
mechanically, the actual position value must change)
● Setting and check of the axis monitoring functions.


1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the menu forward key.

New horizontal softkeys are displayed.

3. Press the "Axis diagnostics" softkey.

The "Service Overview" window opens.
4. Press the "Service axis" softkey.
The "Service Axis/Spindle" window opens.


312 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Service and diagnostics
18.2 Displaying the Service overview

5. Press the "Axis +" or "Axis -" softkey to scroll the axes forward or

- OR -
Press the "Axis selection" softkey.
The "Axis Direct Selection" window opens.
Select the required axis directly from those available in the drop-down
list box.
6. Confirm the selection with "OK."
The values of the axis are displayed.

18.2.3 Service axis: Parameters

Axis parameters

Parameters Meaning
Following error The difference between the position setpoint and the actual position value of the
active measuring system 1 or 2.
Unit: mm, inches or degrees
System deviation The difference between the position setpoint at the position controller input and
the actual position value of the active measuring system 1 or 2.
Unit: mm, inches or degrees
Contour deviation (axial) The actual contour deviation is displayed with this value (variations of the
following error caused by equalization operations on the speed controller due to
load changes).
The contour deviation results from the difference between an actual position pre-
calculated from the position setpoint and the actual position value of active
measuring system 1 or 2.
Unit: mm, inches or degrees
Servo gain factor (calculated) The servo gain factor in the display is calculated by the NC according to the
following equation:

Velocity setpoint = setpoint currently being output to the axis/spindle.

Active measuring system Here, it is displayed whether measuring system 1 or 2 is active.


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Service and diagnostics
18.2 Displaying the Service overview

Parameters Meaning
Actual position value measuring system The actual position of the axis measured via measuring system 1/2.
1 The position is displayed in the machine coordinate system (no zero offsets or
Actual position value measuring system tool offsets taken into account).
2 Unit: mm, inches or degrees
Position setpoint Specified position transferred from the interpolator to the position control
Unit: mm, inches or degrees
Absolute compensation value Display of the absolute compensation value for measuring system 1 or 2.
measuring system 1 The compensation value consists of the sum of backlash and leadscrew error
Absolute compensation value compensation for the actual axis position.
measuring system 2 Unit: mm, inches or degrees
Compensation, sag + temperature Display of the compensation value calculated for the current axis position based
on the total of the sag and temperature compensations.
Unit: mm, inches or degrees
Actual speed value, active encoder The pulses supplied by the encoder are evaluated by the NC and displayed.
Unit: %
100% means maximum speed.
Speed setpoint, drive Speed setpoint transferred to the drive (= speed setpoint from position controller
and feedforward control)
Unit: %
100% means maximum speed setpoint.
Programmed spindle speed setpoint Speed setpoint programmed by the user.
Unit: rpm
For example: Input: S1000; display: 1000 rpm
Display applies to spindles only.
Spindle speed setpoint current Current active speed setpoint with correct sign, including calculated
compensation value and any active speed limitation (specified by setting or
machine data).
Unit: rpm
Display applies to spindles only.
Position offset to the The currently valid position offset value is displayed here (relative to the actual
leading axis / spindle actual value value) if a position offset (angular offset between the following and leading
spindle) has been programmed within the synchronous spindle functionality.
Unit: mm, inches, degrees
Position offset to the The currently valid position offset value is displayed here (relative to the setpoint)
leading axis / spindle setpoint if a position offset (angular offset between the following and leading spindle) has
been programmed within the synchronous spindle functionality.
Unit: mm, inches, degrees
Override The effective correction factor of the feed or spindle correction switch is
Unit: %
Current gear stage Display of the current actual gear stage.
With axes, this is only displayed if a spindle is assigned to the axis. The display
corresponds to the NC/PLC interface signal:
DB31, ... DBX16.0-2 (actual gear stage)
Parameter set (axis) Displays which of the six parameter sets of the position controller is active.


314 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
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18.2 Displaying the Service overview

Parameters Meaning
Controller mode Display of the current controller state:
• Position control
• Speed control
• Hold
• Parking
• Follow-up
• Braking
Feedforward control mode Indicates whether and if so, which mode of the dynamic feedforward control for
the axis is active:
• Inactive
• Velocity

The velocity-dependent speed feedforward control is active.

• Torque

The acceleration-dependent torque feedforward control is active (in

combination with the speed feedforward control)
"Referenced" state Status display for reference point approach (axis):
• Curr. MS need not be ref.ed

(active measuring system does not require referencing)

• Curr. meas. system ref'd
• Curr. meas. syst. m. be ref

(active measuring system requires referencing)

The display depends on the settings in the machine data:
The display corresponds to the NC/PLC interface signal:
DB31, ... DBX60.4 and 60.5 (referenced/synchronized 1 or 2)


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 315
Service and diagnostics
18.2 Displaying the Service overview

Parameters Meaning
QEC state Indicates whether and if so, which method of the quadrant error compensation
(QEC) is active for the axis:
• Inactive
• Neural QEC learning active
• Conventional QEC active
• Conventional QEC w. adapt. comp. value act.

(conventional QEC with adaptation of the compensation value active)

• Neural QEC active
• Neural QEC w. ad. meas. time val. act.

(neural QEC active with adaptation of the measuring time active)

• Neural QEC w. ad. dec. time comp. val. act.
• (neural QEC with adaptation of decay time of compensation value active)
• Neural QEC w. ad. meas. time + dec. time comp. val. act.

(neural QEC active w. adapt. of measuring time and decay time of

compensation value active)
"Travel to fixed stop" state Indicates whether or not the axis has fulfilled the conditions for "Fixed stop
reached" when the "Travel to fixed stop" function is active (IS
DB31, ... DBX62.5):
• Normal control

("Travel to fixed stop" function not activated)

• Fixed stop reached
• Failed
Torque limitation value Indicates the value programmed via FXST[x] or SD43510
$SA_FIXED_STOP_TORQUE or the value defined via MD37010
$MA_FIXED_STOP_TORQUE_DEF for the clamping torque for "Travel to fixed
Unit: % of maximum torque

Function Manual Basic Functions:
● Various NC/PLC interface signals and functions (A2)
● Travel to fixed stop (F1)
● Velocities, Setpoint/Actual Value Systems, Closed-Loop Control (G2)
● Reference point approach (R1)
Function Manual Expansion Functions:
● Compensations (K3)
● Synchronous Spindles (S3)


316 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Service and diagnostics
18.2 Displaying the Service overview

18.2.4 Service drive

Display drive and motor data

The "Service Drive" window displays important information about the status of the motors
and drive modules, such as motor temperature and DC-link voltage.


1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the menu forward key.

A switch is made to a new softkey bar.

3. Press the "Axis diagnostics" softkey.

The "Service Overview" window opens.
4. Press the "Service drive" softkey.
The "Service Drive" window opens.
5. Press the "Drive +" or "Drive -" softkey to scroll forward or backward.

- OR -
Press the "Drive selection" softkey.
The "Drive Direct Selection:" window opens.
Select the desired drive directly from the selection list.
6. Confirm the selection with "OK."
The drive data is displayed.

18.2.5 Service drive: Parameters

The individual status displays, warnings, messages, etc. that are displayed in the "Service
Drive" window are explained in the following.
Further information about the interface signals can be found in the following documentation:
Function Manual, Basic Functions (A2, Z1)


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 317
Service and diagnostics
18.2 Displaying the Service overview

Further information about the drive parameters can be found in the following documentation:
List Manual, SINAMICS S120/S150 (Servo)

PLC pulse enable

The display, whether the pulse enable from the PLC is available for the drive corresponds to
the interface signal:
DB31, ... DBX21.7 "Pulse enable".

Status Meaning Display

1 Pulse enable for this drive is activated by the PLC. Yes
0 The pulses for the drive module are disabled from the PLC. No

Speed controller enable NC

The display, whether the speed controller enable from the NC is available for the drive
corresponds to the interface signal:
DB31, ... DBX61.6 "Speed controller active".

Status Meaning Display

1 Speed controller enable from the NC present. Yes
0 Speed controller enable from the NC not present. No

Rampup function generator quick stop

The status display for the ramp-function generator quick stop corresponds to the interface
DB31, ... DBX92.1 "Ramp-function generator disable active".

Status Meaning Display

1 Ramp-up function generator quick stop is active. The drive is stopped Yes
without a ramp function with speed setpoint = 0 and without pulse
0 Ramp-up function generator quick stop is not active for the drive. No


318 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
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18.2 Displaying the Service overview

Pulses enabled
The message whether the pulses have been enabled for the drive corresponds to the
interface signal:
DB31, ... DBX93.7 "Pulses enabled".

Status Meaning Display

1 The drive module pulses are enabled. The axis/spindle can now be Yes
0 The drive module pulses are suppressed. The axis/spindle can therefore No
not be traversed.

Drive ready
The display of the current status of the selected drive corresponds to the interface signal:
DB31, ... DBX93.5 "Drive ready".

Status Meaning Display

1 The drive is ready. Yes
0 The drive is not ready. No

Ramp-up phase
The display of the current ramp-up phase of the selected drive corresponds to the drive
r0002 "Drive operating display".

Number of faulty signs-of-life

Display of communications errors detected in hardware between NC and drive.

If the display shows a value other than "0", please contact your Siemens regional office!

SC1 drive alarm message

Displays (yes/no) whether messages of status class 1 are active. Status class 1 messages
are alarms with the following properties:
● They lead to internal responses (e.g. regenerative braking, immediate pulse suppression)
● They are modal.
This is a group message. For details on the actually pending drive alarms, please refer to the
"Drive System Diagnostics" window, see Service drive.


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18.2 Displaying the Service overview

DC-link voltage, smoothed

The display of the smoothed actual value of the DC-link voltage of the selected drive
corresponds to the drive parameter:
r0026 "DC-link voltage smoothed".
Unit: Volts

Speed setpoint, smoothed

The display of the smoothed speed setpoint - measured according to the setpoint limitation
for the P component of the speed controller - corresponds to the drive parameter:
r1438 "Speed controller speed setpoint".
Unit: rpm

Actual speed value

The display of the smoothed actual value of the motor speed corresponds to the drive
r0021 "Actual speed value smoothed".
Unit: rpm

Actual current value, smoothed

The display of the smoothed actual current value corresponds to the drive parameter:
r0078[1] "Actual current value, torque-generating".
Unit: A

Motor temperature
The display of the current temperature in the motor corresponds to the drive parameter:
r0035 "Motor temperature"
Unit: °C

Integrator disabling
The display as to whether the integrator of the speed controller is active, corresponds to the
interface signal:
DB31, ... DBX93.6 "n-controller integrator disabled".

Status Meaning Display

1 The requested shutdown of the speed controller integrator is active in the Yes
drive. The speed controller has been switched over from the PI to P control
0 The integrator of the speed controller is enabled. The speed controller No
functions as a PI controller.


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18.2 Displaying the Service overview

Parking axis
Displays (yes/no) whether it is a parking axis/spindle.

With parking axes/spindles, all encoder-specific monitoring and evaluation functions are
switched off. This allows the encoder to be withdrawn without initiating an alarm.

Specified drive data set

The display (default: DDS0) of which of the eight drive parameter sets is to be activated by
the PLC corresponds to the interface signal:
DB31, ... DBX21.0 to 21.2 "Drive parameter set selection A, B, C".
More detailed information on working with the drive and motor data sets can be found in:
Commissioning Manual, IBN CNC: NCK, PLC, Drive

Actual drive data set

The display (default: DDS0) of which of the eight drive parameter sets is currently active
corresponds to the interface signal:
DB31, ... DBX93.0 to 93.2 "Active drive parameter set A, B, C".

Specified motor data set

The display (MDS0...3) of which motor data set is to be activated by the PLC corresponds to
the interface signal:
DB31, ... DBX21.3 to 21.4 "Motor selection A, B".
The following assignment applies:

Motor data set Coding

MDS0 0 0
MDS1 0 1
MDS2 1 0
MDS3 1 1

Actual motor data set

The display (MDS0...3) of which motor data set is currently active corresponds to the
interface signal:
DB31, ... DBX93.3 to 93.4 "Active motor A, B".

Operating mode
The display of the control type of a drive corresponds to the drive parameter:
p1300[0…n] "Open-loop/closed-loop control mode".


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18.2 Displaying the Service overview

Depending on "n", the following "values" are displayed:

n Display
20 Speed control (without encoder)
21 Speed control (with encoder)
23 Torque control (with encoder)

Position actual value measuring system 1/2

The actual position of the axis as measured via measuring system 1/2. The position is
displayed in the machine coordinate system (no zero offsets or tool offsets included).
Unit: mm, inches or degrees

Heat sink temperature

The display of whether the heat sink temperature is OK corresponds to the interface signal:
DB31, ... DBX94.1 "Heat sink temperature prewarning".

Status Meaning Display

1 The drive signals a "Heat sink temperature prewarning" to the PLC. Overtemper
0 The drive module heat sink temperature pre-warning has not responded. OK

Motor temperature
The display of whether the motor temperature is OK corresponds to the interface signal:
DB31, ... DBX94.0 "Motor temperature prewarning".

Status Meaning Display

1 The motor temperature has exceeded the warning threshold configured in Overtemper
the drive. ature
0 The motor temperature is below the warning threshold. OK


322 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
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18.2 Displaying the Service overview

Ramp-up function completed

The status display of the drive as to whether the ramp-up has been completed corresponds
to the interface signal:
DB31, ... DBX94.2 "Ramp-up completed".

Status Meaning Display

1 The actual speed value has reached the speed tolerance band specified Yes
via p2164 after a new speed setpoint specification and has not left the band
for the duration of p2166.
0 The ramp-up procedure is still active after the speed setpoint has been No

Torque lower than threshold setting

The status display of the drive as to whether the threshold torque has been undershot
corresponds to the interface signal:
DB31, ... DBX94.3 "|Md| < Mdx".

Status Meaning Display

1 The current torque utilization lies below the torque utilization threshold set Yes
in p2194. The drive signals the PLC that the torque setpoint |Md| does not
exceed the threshold torque Mdx.
0 The torque setpoint |Md| is larger than the threshold torque Mdx. This signal No
can be used to determine whether the motor is overloaded.

Speed lower than minimum setting

The status display of the drive as to whether the minimum speed has been undershot
corresponds to the interface signal:
DB31, ... DBX94.4 "|nact| < nmin".

Status Meaning Display

1 The actual speed value |nact| is less than the threshold minimum speed nmin Yes
set in p2161.
0 The actual speed value is greater than the threshold minimum speed. No


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 323
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18.2 Displaying the Service overview

Speed lower than threshold setting

The status display of the drive as to whether the threshold speed has been undershot
corresponds to the interface signal:
DB31, ... DBX94.5 "|nact| < nx".

Status Meaning Display

1 The actual speed value |nact| is less than the threshold speed nx set in Yes
0 The actual speed value is greater than the set threshold speed. No

Actual speed = set speed

The status display of the drive as to whether the actual speed value matches the speed
setpoint corresponds to the interface signal:
DB31, ... DBX94.6 "|nact| < nset".

Status Meaning Display

1 The speed deviation between the setpoint and actual value is within the Yes
tolerance specified in p2163.
0 The speed deviation between setpoint and actual value is outside the No
specified tolerance.

Diagnostics for alarms

This information is also provided as a diagnostic tool for diagnosing the causes of alarms
such as:
● Drive fault:
⇒ SC1 drive alarm message is set.
⇒ Check specified drive data set, specified motor data set, DC-link voltage.
● Alarm 25040 "Standstill monitoring",
Alarm 25050 "Contour monitoring",
Alarm 25060 "Speed setpoint limitation",
Alarm 25080 "Positioning monitoring"
⇒ the drive enable may be missing (PLC pulse enable not present); this results in the
display Pulses enabled = No.
● Motor temperature = exceeded
⇒ check the current motor temperature.
For information on the behavior of the NC controller in response to individual alarms and the
remedy, please refer to:
Diagnostic Manual

See also
Displaying drive states (Page 371)


324 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Service and diagnostics
18.3 System utilization

18.3 System utilization

For the NC areas you can display the system resources (utilization display) currently being
● Runtime for the position controller, interpolator and pre-processing are displayed
● Time required for synchronized actions

Machine manufacturer
Please observe the machine manufacturer's data for the display of the time required
for synchronized actions.

● Position controller and interpolator NC load

● Interpolator buffer level


1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the menu forward key.

New horizontal softkeys are displayed.

3. Press the "System utilization" softkey.

The "System Utilization" window appears.
You can track the dynamic utilization display.
4. Press the "Stop" softkey to stop the display update.

5. Press the "Start" softkey to refresh the values.


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18.4 Displaying the time required for synchronized actions

18.4 Displaying the time required for synchronized actions

General machine data

If you wish to display the utilization evaluation across synchronized actions in the operating
area "Diagnostics", "System utilization", then set the general machine data as follows:

MD11510_$MN_IPO_MAX_LOAD Maximum permissible IPO load

>0 The time required for synchronized actions is activated and the line "Time required for
synchronized actions" is displayed with the actual values.
=0 Display deactivated (default value)

18.5 Creating screenshots

You can create screenshots of the current user interface.
Each screenshot is saved as a file and stored in the following folder:


Ctrl + P Press the <Ctrl+P> key combination.

A screenshot of the current user interface is created in .png format.
The file names assigned by the system run in ascending order from
"SCR_SAVE_0001.png" to "SCR_SAVE_9999". You can create up to 9,999

Copy file

1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the "System data" softkey and open the specified folder.

As you cannot open screenshots in SINUMERIK Operate, you must

copy the files to a Windows PC either via "WinSCP" or via a USB-
You can open the files using a graphics program, e.g. "Office Picture


326 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Service and diagnostics
18.6 Machine identity

18.6 Machine identity

You can store important information about the machine electronically that until now has only
been available on paper for the end user notification administration (EUNA). If service is
required, these entries can be viewed using remote diagnostics, or can be directly
transferred to EUNA via the drives that have been set up.
You can store the following data for each machine:
● Machine type
● Machine number
● Manufacturer information
● Dealer information
● End user information
● Component list of the control technology that has been installed
● Logbook entries for changes to the machine
You enter the machine information and address information in the "identSNAPSHOT"
window. The information can be either manually entered or using selection files.

Machine information

Entries Meaning
Machine No. The unique machine number (serial number of the CompactFlash card) is
displayed in the header. This number serves as information only and cannot
be changed.
Machine name The manufacturer assigns a unique machine number in this field which is
stored in machine data MD17400 $MN_OEM_GLOBAL_INFO.
Note: The machine name is a mandatory field. No data can be stored until this
field is completed.
Machine type Machine type.

Address information
Under Addresses you can enter the following data for the manufacturer/manufacturer's
regional office, dealer and end customer:
● Customer number
● Manufacturer name and, if required, Branch name / Dealer name / End user name
● Street, Postal code/ZIP code, Location, Country (can be selected from a selection list),
● Address of contact: Name, Phone, Fax, E-mail, URL


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 327
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18.6 Machine identity

18.6.1 Entering machine-specific information

You must have the following access rights to be able to enter or change machine-specific

Access level 1 (manufacturer)

Access level 2 (service)

Access level 3 (user)


1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the "Version" softkey.

It takes some time to call the version display. While the version data is
being determined a progress message box and the appropriate text are
displayed in the dialog line.
3. Press the "Logbook" and "Change" softkeys.
The "IdentSNAPSHOT" window opens.

4. Press the "Manufacturer" softkey if you want to acquire and store

manufacturer-specific data.
If you press the "Manufacturer" softkey again, it changes to
"Manufacturer branch".
- OR / AND -
Press the "Manufacturer branch" softkey if you want to acquire and
store address data of the manufacturer branch.
Pressing the softkey once again changes it back to "Manufacturer".
- OR / AND -
Press the "Dealer" softkey if you want to acquire and store dealer-
specific data.

- OR / AND -


328 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
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18.6 Machine identity

Press the "End user" softkey if you want to acquire and store user-
specific data.

5. Enter the address data in the following text fields.

- OR -
If selection files exist, all unique information will automatically be set to
valid for the system when you press the "OK" softkey. The entries are
stored in the operating software.

See also
1. Documenting startup (Page 337)
2. Defining start-up (Page 337)
Making a logbook entry (Page 338)

18.6.2 Creating a selection file

Using the selection files, you can prepare the machine information and address information
and transfer it into the controller. This means that it does not have to be manually entered.

Selection files
You can store the following selection files in the controller:
● "dealer.xml" for dealer data
● "ma_types.xml" for machine types
● "oem.xml" for manufacturer data
● "oemsubs.xml" for manufacturer data of a regional office
● "user.xml" for end user data

Templates for selection files are available under the directory
/HMI-data/templates/examples/machine identity.
In future, EUNA data will also be available, which you can store in the controller. This
therefore ensures that the address information is clear.


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18.6 Machine identity


1. Select the "Startup" operating area.

2. Press the "System data" softkey.

3. Copy the files from the folder

/HMI-data/templates/examples/machine identity to a data carrier.

4. Copy the files to your PC to edit them.

5. After processing, copy the data to a data storage medium so that these
can then be transferred to the control system.
6. Insert the copies into the folder
HMI-data/Templates/Manufacturer/Machine identity or use the "Import
data" softkey.
The addresses or machine types are displayed in drop-down list boxes.
When you select a list, the data stored for that address is automatically
entered in the input fields.

Entering dealer data

You can acquire the address data of any number of dealers in file "dealer.xml". If you wish to
enter additional dealers, for each dealer, copy the area <Dealer> to <Dealer>.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ZIP code></ZIP code>

You can list the address data of any number of manufacturers in the "oem.xml" file. If you
wish to enter additional manufacturers (OEMS), for each dealer, copy the area
<Manufacturer> to </Manufacturer>.


330 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
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18.6 Machine identity

You can list the address data of any number of OEM regional offices in the "oemsubs.xml"
file. If you wish to enter additional regional offices, copy the area <Manufacturer-Subsidiary>
to </Manufacturer-Subsidiary>.
You can list the address data of any number of users in the "user.xml" file. If you wish to
enter additional users, copy the area <User> to </User>.

Example of file "ma_types.xml"

You can acquire the available machine types in file "ma_types.xml".

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<Type>LC 80</Type>
<Type>LC 82</Type>
<Type>LC 120</Type>
<Type>LC 122</Type>
<Type>LC 150</Type

18.6.3 Reading in a selection file

You can directly read-in your selection files into the controller. Depending on the
configuration, files can be selected and imported from a local drive, network drive or USB.
The data are then automatically copied into the following folder:

Selection files
This procedure applies for the following selection files:

File Information
ma_types.xml Machine types
dealer.xml Dealer's data
oem.xml Manufacturer's data
oemsubs.xml Manufacturer's data of a regional office
user.xml End customer data


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18.6 Machine identity


1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the "Version" softkey.

It takes some time to call the version display. The progress of the data
determination is displayed in the dialog line.
3 Press the "Logbook" and "Change" softkeys.

4. Press the "Import data" softkey.

The "Read-in Selection Files: Select File(s)" window opens.

5. Select the appropriate drive and the required file(s).

6. Press the "OK" softkey.
The file is automatically copied to the correct location in the system.

Effectiveness of the selection file
A file selection (e.g. oem.xml) only becomes effective if you have still not saved any files in
this area (e.g. manufacturer). Use the "Import data" softkey to make a new selection. You
can then select a different address. The selection list disappears again when you save. You
also have the option to delete all of the fields of the area that have been filled, and confirm
this using the "OK" softkey.

See also
Creating a selection file (Page 329)

18.6.4 Save information

All the machine-specific information of the control is combined in a configuration via the user
interface. You can save machine-specific information on the drives that have been set-up.


332 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
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18.6 Machine identity


1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the "Version" softkey.

It takes some time to call the version display. While the version data is
being determined a progress message box and the appropriate text are
displayed in the dialog line.
3. Press the "Save" softkey.
The "Save Version Information: Select Archive" window opens. The
following storage locations are offered depending on the configuration:
• Local drive
• Network drives
• Version data (archive: Data tree in the "HMI data" directory)
4. Then press the "New directory" softkey if you wish to create your own

5. Press the "OK" softkey. The directory is created.

6. Press the "OK" softkey again to confirm the storage location.

The "Save Version Information: Name" window opens. The following

options are available:
• In the "Name:" text field, the file name is pre-assigned with <Machine
name/no.>+<CF-card number>. "_config.xml" or "_version.txt" is
automatically attached to the file names.
• In text field "Comment", you can add a comment that is stored with
the configuration data.
Select the following data via a checkbox:
• Version data (.TXT): Output of pure version data in text format.
• Configuration data (.XML): Output of configuration data in XML
format. The configuration file contains the data you entered under
Machine identity, the license requirements, the version information
and the logbook entries.
7. Press the "OK" softkey to start the data transfer.


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18.6 Machine identity

18.6.5 Adding hardware components

Most of the hardware components supplied by Siemens are already electronically acquired.
You can add further hardware components.
You can view and supplement the hardware components in the version screen at the user
All of the hardware components are listed in the version display and in the configuration

You require access level 2 (service) to add more hardware components.

Entering additional components

If new hardware components are added, they must be assigned to the appropriate
categories. The "Select component" drop-down list box offers the following categories in the
"Add HW Comp." window:

Operator Panel
PLC-peripheral devices

You record the following data in the "Enter Additional Components (Configuration Data)"

Entries Meaning
Name Hardware designation
Version Version of the program
Order No.[MLFB] Order number
Serial number Serial number
Number Number of components


334 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
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18.6 Machine identity


1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the "Version" softkey.

It takes some time to call the version display. While the version data is
being determined a progress message box and the appropriate text are
displayed in the dialog line.
3. Select the "Hardware" area and press the "Details" softkey. The
"Version Data / Hardware" window opens.
The "Add HW comp." softkey appears.
4. Press the "Add HW comp." softkey.
The "Select component type" drop-down list box opens.
5. Select a category under which you would like to store the hardware
The "Enter Additional Hardware Components" input window opens.
6. Enter additional hardware components via the keyboard.
- OR -
If you are using a CSV file (CSV = Comma Separated Values), for
example a EUNA parts list, you can also read in the data.
Select the storage location where the CSV file is located.
Select the file and press "OK".
The data is transferred from the CSV file into the table. It is read-in
according to the CSV format of the EUNA parts list. For each
component, quantity, MLFB, name and serial number are entered. The
version is not saved and is not transferred.
7. Press the "OK" softkey.
The data is written to the "versions.xml" configuration file and is
therefore electronically acquired.
All hardware components are displayed in the "Version Data /
Hardware" window.
The manually entered components are assigned a "+", e.g. Cable+.


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18.7 Logbook

18.6.6 Configuration data

The machine-specific information is stored in the configuration data. This file saved in the
XML format provides the basis for further processing in EUNA.
● The data can be read by remote diagnostics.
● The data can also be transferred directly to EUNA, e.g. via network or USB FlashDrive.

Configuration data
The configuration data includes:
● Machine-specific data that is stored in the "Machine identity" dialog box
● Hardware/software versions that are stored in the "Versions" dialog box
● Options requiring licenses, which are stored in the "Licensing" dialog box
● Logbook, whose entries are stored in the "Logbook" dialog box

Storage path
Depending on how the drives have been configured, the configuration data can be stored in
the available directories.

See also
Machine identity (Page 327)
Adding hardware components (Page 334)
Licensing (Page 25)
Logbook (Page 336)

18.7 Logbook
The logbook provides an electronic machine history.
The time and date of commissioning is recorded in the logbook, and if the machine is
serviced, this can also be logged electronically. This helps to optimize the service.
Stored entries cannot be changed or deleted.


336 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
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18.7 Logbook

18.7.1 1. Documenting startup

As a minimum, the machine name/No., the customer No. and the country where the
manufacturer is located must be entered into the machine identity.


1. The machine-specific information data are entered.

2. Start-up (commission) the machine.

3. Press the "1st startup completed" softkey.
The "1.SETUP" entry is displayed in the "Machine logbook" window
together with the time and date.

2. Perform commissioning
On completion of first commissioning, you will be prompted to perform the 2nd
If the 2nd commissioning is not performed, then you will be prompted at regular intervals to
complete the 2nd commissioning.

See also
Entering machine-specific information (Page 328)

18.7.2 2. Defining start-up

As a minimum, the country of the end customer must be entered into the machine identity.


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18.7 Logbook


The machine-specific information data are entered.

2. Start-up (commission) the machine.

3. Press the "2nd startup completed" softkey.
The "2.SETUP" entry is displayed in the "Machine logbook" window
together with the time and date.

Registering the machine identity in EUNA
After completion of the 2nd commissioning, you are prompted to send the machine identity to
the EUNA database via the Internet.

See also
Entering machine-specific information (Page 328)

18.7.3 Making a logbook entry

Using the "New logbook entry" window to make a new entry into the logbook.
Enter your name, company and department and a brief description of the measure taken or a
description of the fault.

If you wish to make line breaks in the "fault diagnostics/measure" field, use the key
combination <ALT> + <INPUT>.

The date and entry number are automatically added.

Sorting the entries

The logbook entries are displayed numbered in the "machine logbook" window.
More recent entries are always added at the top in the display.


338 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Service and diagnostics
18.8 Action log


1. The logbook is opened.

2. Press the "New entry" softkey.
The "New logbook entry" window opens.
3. Enter the required data and press the "OK" softkey.
You return to the "Machine logbook" window and the entry is displayed
below the machine identity data.

Deleting logbook entries
Up to the end of the 2nd commissioning, you have the option to delete the logbook entries
up to the time of the first commissioning using the "Clean up" softkey.

Searching for a logbook entry

You have the option for searching for specific entries using the search function.

1. The "Machine logbook" window is opened.

2. Press the "Search..." softkey and enter the desired term in the search
form. You can make a search according to date/time, company
name/department or according to fault diagnostics/measure.
The cursor is positioned on the first entry that corresponds to the search
3. Press the "Continue search" softkey if the entry found is not the one that
you are looking for.

Additional search option

Press the "Go to Beginning" softkey to start the search at the latest

Press the "Go to End" softkey to start the search at the oldest entry.


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18.8 Action log

18.8 Action log

18.8.1 Setting the action log

In the "Action Log Settings" window you specify whether the operating sequences are to be
Here, you select which control actions should be logged, so that operator actions and
sequences can be tracked and understood at a later date.
When the action log is active, you can display recorded traces in the system data using the
following files:
● "actual_actionlog.com", actual action log report
● "actual_crashlog.com", crashlog backup

Data that can be logged

Logging on Logging is activated or deactivated.

Alarm status change Incoming and outgoing alarms are logged.
Keyboard actions All actions on the operator panel front and on an external
keyboard are logged.
Channel status change NC/PLC states are logged via the information channel status. If
this information can be obtained in a timely manner, in many
cases these states can be used to verify the operation of the
machine control panel.
Window switchover The form and dialog names (assigned by the programmer) are
logged each time a window is opened or closed.
Writing NCK/PLC data The writing of NCK and PLC variables is logged.
File access Copying to the NC is logged.
Function calls in the NCK Some program calls, for example, ASUB, are logged.
(PI service)
Curr. program status Additional information for particular events is activated. For
important alarms that require NC stop, NC start, or NC reset,
actual values and the current block are recorded for example.
The program ascertains which channel and which spindle are
used for the additional information.


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18.8 Action log

Write interval file Settings for updating files:

• "automatic": The action log saves the information to an internal
buffer. If the buffer is full the entries are written to the CF card.
The entries may be lost when the controller is switched off.
• "after every event": All entries are backed up directly, this
prevents data loss due to a power failure or similar.
Notice: As CF cards only permit a limited number of write
accesses, this setting is not recommended for normal
• "time-controlled": New entries are backed-up for a particular
length of time. An additional input field appears in which you
can specify a time in seconds.
Save log as file for The alarm numbers for which a "crash log" is generated are
alarm(s) specified. The alarms are entered separated by a comma.

Generating a crashlog file

The "actual_crashlog.com" is a backup file of the actual log when a critical event occurs (for
example, emergency stop alarm).
The file is then no longer stored in the ring buffer of the action log and can no longer be
overwritten with new entries.
The entries in the crash log file are only overwritten when yet another critical events occurs.
At the beginning, the file has no entries and is only written to after the following events:
● Interface signal DB19.DBX0.6 "Save teleprinter log" changes from 0 to 1.
● The alarm entered in the "Save log as file for alarm(s)" entry field is output.
Interface signal

DB19 (PLC → HMI)

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB00 Save
action log


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18.8 Action log


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the "HMI", "Diagnostics", and "Action log" softkeys

The "Action Log Settings" window opens.

3. Activate the "Logging on" checkbox to activate the action log.

4. Check the relevant checkbox if you want to acquire particular events in
the action log.

See also
Displaying the log file (Page 342)

18.8.2 Displaying the log file

Loggable data that was logged when the action log function was active is displayed in the
"Action Log File" window.

Log files
The actual data can be displayed using the following files:
● "actual_actionlog.com"
● "actual_crashlog.com"


342 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
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18.8 Action log


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the "System data" softkey.

The data tree is displayed.
You will find the saved files in the HMI data folder under /logs/action log.
3. Select the desired com file and press the "Open" softkey or double-click
the file.
4. Press the "Display new" softkey to update the display of events in the
log (actual_actionlog.com).
The entries made since the log file was called up are displayed.

18.8.3 Searching in the log files

You can search for specific events in the log.

The relevant log file is open.


1. Press the "Search" softkey.

A new vertical softkey bar appears. The "Search" window opens at the
same time.
2. Enter the desired search term in the "Text" field.
3. Position the cursor in the "Direction" field and choose the search
direction (forward, backward) with the <SELECT> key.

4. Press the "OK" softkey to start the search.

If the text you are searching for is found, the corresponding line is
Press the "Continue search" softkey to continue the search, as

- OR -
Press the "Cancel" softkey when you want to cancel the search.


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18.8 Action log

Additional search option

1. Press the "Go to End" softkey to scroll to the end of a large log. You get
to the oldest entry of the recording.

2. Press the "Go to Beginning" software to return quickly to the most

recent log entry.

18.8.4 Storing a log

You can store the displayed log in any directory you select. It is stored as a binary file as well
as ASCII file. You can ready an ASCII file with any editor.
The following logs are generated:
● action.com (binary file)
● action.log (ASCII file)
● crash.com (binary file)
● crash.log (ASCII file)

The relevant log file is open.


1. Press the "Save Log" softkey.

The "Please Select the Target Directory" window opens in which you
can select a storage location.
2. Press the "New Directory" softkey if you want to create a new folder in
one of the listed directories.

3. Press the "OK" softkey.

The "Save Log" softkey is only available for files that have not yet been saved.


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18.8 Action log

18.8.5 Structure of a log file

Content of the log file

The following data are recorded for every logged event:

HMI version NCK version

System Entry keyword Date/time
Entry text

Entry Description
HMI and NCK version output
HMI Keystrokes, window change
NCK Write variables, PI services
MSG Alarm entries
USR Entries generated by the machine manufacturer for the user
ERR Action log error, e.g. log file not found
Entry keyword:
HMI_START Entry of an HMI boot
HMI_EXIT Entry of an HMI shutdown
PLC_CRASH Entry of a PLC crash
KEY_PRESSED Entry of a keystroke
KEY_HOLD Entry of a key hold
KEY_RELEASED Entry of a key released
ALARM_ON Entry of an incoming alarm event See below
ALARM_OFF Entry of an alarm going event "Alarm display"
ALARM_ACK Entry of an alarm acknowledgement event
OPEN_WINDOW Entry of a window opening
CHN_STATE_CHANGED Entry of a channel status change
OPMODE_CHANGED Entry of an operating mode change
TOOL_CHANGED Entry of a tool change
OVERRIDE_CHANGED Entry of override changes
DOM_CMD Entry of a download to the NC
PI_CMD Entry of a PI service
WRITE_VAR Entry of a write to NCK/PLC variable
AREA_CHANGED Entry of an area changeover
NC_CONNECTION Entry of an coming/going NC connection
USER User entry via the OEM interface
ACTIVATED Action log was activated


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18.8 Action log

Entry Description
DEACTIVATED Action log was deactivated
INTERNAL Internal action log entry
Date/time Date and time of the event
For HMI_Start, PLC_Crash or date change since the last
entry, the intermediate period between the entry keyword and
date is designated with an "-".
Entry text Event data are written in plain text.
DETAILS If additional information regarding an entry is know, e.g. a
recorded IPO trace.


NCK WRITE_VAR 18.02.2009 09:40:12

ncu1.local wrote variable: DB19.DBW24 = 0
HMI KEY_PRESSED 18.02.2009 09:40:12
Key up: "Return" (1000004/ 0)
HMI HMI_START ---------------------------- 18.02.2009 09:34:15
HMI started.

Alarm display

MSG ALARM Date/time

No. Deletion criterion Text

Entry Description
Date/time Data and time of the event
No. Alarm number
Deletion criterion: Information as to how the alarm was acknowledged
AUTOMATIC Automatic acknowledgement
POWER ON Acknowledgment using PowerOn
RESET Acknowledgement using NCK reset
NC START Acknowledgement using NC start
NC RESET Acknowledgement using NC reset
ALARM CANCEL Acknowledgement using Alarm Cancel key
RECALL Acknowledgement using the Recall key
HMI Acknowledgment using HMI
PLC Acknowledge using PLC
Text Display of the English alarm text
DETAILS If additional information regarding an entry is known.


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18.8 Action log


MSG ALARM_ON 20.02.2009 14:25:37

8020 POWER ON : Option 'activation of more than 1 channels' not
Mode: JOG Program: canceled Channel: interrupted
Program-Level information:
Level Program running: Invoc Offset
1 /_N_MPF0 0 0

18.8.6 Advanced settings

You define the size of the log file of the action log in the "actlog.ini" configuration file.

1. You can copy a sample configuration file "actlog.ini" from the following directory:
2. Save or create the file in the /oem/sinumerik/hmi/cfg or
/user/sinumerik/hmi/cfg directory.
3. Open the file and after "; ActionLogSize=", enter the file size (in bytes).

"actlog.ini" configuration file

Template for the configuration of Action Log

; To activate the settings remove the

; commentary ';' at the beginning of the line


;To change the path of the internal action log file use the following setting


;To change the size of the internal action log file use the following setting


;To change the path of the internal crash log file use the following setting



Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 347
Service and diagnostics
18.9 HMI trace

18.9 HMI trace

Creating an HMI trace

The "HMI trace" function is available for extended diagnostics of the operating software. The
prerequisite is at least access level 3 (user).
Procedure to create an HMI trace file:
1. An expert of the Service & Support Center provides a sltrc_keybitset.ini file. Copy the
sltrc_keybitset.ini file to a USB memory medium and load the file on the controller or
operator panel.
2. In the operating area, select "Start-up" → "HMI" → "Diagnostics >" → "HMI trace".
3. Select the INI file on the USB memory medium with the "Load configuration" softkey.
4. Start the trace by activating the checkbox or from any place on the user interface with the
following key combination:
<Alt> + <T> on the operator panel
<Alt> + <Shift> + <T> on an external keyboard
The following icon is displayed at the top right in the header to show that a trace is active:

5. On the user interface, repeat the operating sequence whose cause is to be clarified.
6. Stop the trace by deactivating the checkbox or from any place on the user interface with
the following key combination:
<Ctrl> + <T> on the operator panel
<Ctrl> + <Shift> + <T> on an external keyboard
7. A sltrc.out output file is generated which you can copy to the storage medium with the
"Export data" softkey.
8. Send the sltrc.out file for analysis back to the Service & Support Center.

On completion of the analysis, it is recommended to delete all files under the following path:

"Extended" softkey
The other options in this dialog support suitably qualified service engineers in the analysis of
the system and evaluation of the HMI trace.


348 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
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18.10 PROFIBUS diagnosis

18.10 PROFIBUS diagnosis

Display the PROFIBUS status for diagnostic purposes during the configuration or when
errors occur. This diagnostics window is only intended for information purposes. You cannot
modify them.

PROFIBUS connections
● DP1 X126
● DP2 X136
● DP integrated

Display Meaning/information
Configuration ok Status of the configuration
Green: DP master has ramped up
Red: Incorrect response / no communication
Bus status POWER ON: Status after the controller is switched on.
OFFLINE: Basic initialization has been performed.
STOP: Start in accordance with the hardware configuration (SDB).
CLEAR: PROFIBUS slaves have been parameterized and configured in
accordance with the hardware configuration (SDB) and taken into the
cyclic data exchange with zero output data.
OPERATE: Cyclic data exchange with the PROFIBUS slaves running.
ERROR: A fatal error had been detected (e.g. invalid or faulty SDB)
Bus configuration
S7 Subnet ID S7 Subnet ID of the PROFIBUS subnet
Baudrate in MBd Transmission rate
Cycle time in msec Configured bus-cycle time; also defines the position controller cycle at
the same time
Sync. Component (TDX) Configured period for the cyclic data exchange within a PROFIBUS DP
in msec cycle
PROFIBUS diagnostics/slaves
Slave no. (DP address) Configured DP address of the DP slave
Assignment Information whether the DP slave is assigned to the NC or to the PLC
NC: e.g. one or more drives controlled by the NC.
PLC: e.g. I/O peripherals or an axis controlled by the PLC.
NC/PLC (for DP integrated)
active on the bus Information whether the DP slave is identified on the bus
Green: DP slave has been detected on the PROFIBUS DP and the
data exchange is working error-free with the assigned component (NC
and/or PLC)
Red: Incorrect response / no communication


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18.10 PROFIBUS diagnosis

Display Meaning/information
Synchr. with NC Information whether the DP slave is running synchronously to NC on the
Green: DP slave runs synchronously to NC on the PROFIBUS DP, i.e.
there is an isochronous data exchange.
Red: Incorrect response / no communication
Gray: DP slave is not assigned to the NC, but to the PLC
Number of slots Number of configured slots within the DP slave

Further information about the configuration of the properties of the network interface for
PROFIBUS can be found in the following:
CNC Commissioning Manual: NCK, PLC, Drives, SINUMERIK 840D sl, SINAMICS S120


1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the menu forward key and the "Bus TCP/IP" softkey.
The "PROFIBUS Diagnostics" window is opened.

3. If several PROFIBUS connections have been configured, press the

"Bus -" or "Bus +" softkey to select the desired configuration.

- OR -
Press the "Select bus" softkey and in the list that is displayed, select the
required configuration.

Press the "OK" softkey.


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18.10.1 Displaying details for DP slaves

Further information about the slots of a selected DP slave is displayed here.

Display Meaning/information
Slave no. ..... The DP slaves selected in the PROFIBUS Diagnostics / Slaves pane with
information on the NC or PLC assignment,
No. Slot number within the DP slave
I/O address I/O address in the I/O address space of the PLC assigned to this slot.
For NC axes, the setpoint and the actual value must always be
configured on the same I/O address.
Logical drive no. Drive number specified in the NC machine date for the axis.
Length (bytes) Length of the I/O area reserved for the slot in the STEP7 I/O address
Type Specification, whether the slot is input, output or diagnostic slot. If the slot
is assigned to an NC axis, then the output is always denoted as setpoint
value and the input always as actual value.
Machine axis Display of the name defined in the machine data for this slot. If the slot is
not assigned to any NC axis, <No NC-axis> is shown.
Message frame type If a telegram type has not been assigned in the NC machine data, the
telegram type is not occupied (-).
State Current state of slot. Displayed only for NC axes.
Green: Slot used by NC, communication active.
Red: Slot used by NC, communication currently not active.
Gray: No NC axis.


1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the menu forward key and the "Bus TCP/IP" softkey.
The "PROFIBUS Diagnostics" window is opened.

3. Select the PROFIBUS configuration for which you want to display

4. Press the "Details" softkey.
The "PROFIBUS Diagnostics ... - Details" window is opened.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 351
Service and diagnostics
18.11 Station-related network diagnostics

18.11 Station-related network diagnostics

Using the station-related network diagnostics, you have the possibility of identifying faulty or
incorrectly parameterized components or those components that have not been connected.
You obtain an overview of all of the components belonging to the system network:
If components are either faulty or absent (or unavailable), they will be marked as such in this

Error analysis
You have the option of initiating a fault analysis for the components involved. You obtain the
result of a such a diagnostics in the form of a fault message. The possible fault states and
causes are described in this fault message together with how to resolve the fault.

18.11.1 Displaying network adapters

The actual network adapters (system network X120, company network X130 or system
network ETH2 and company network ETH1) and their availability are displayed in a tree-like
structure in the "TCP/IP diagnostics" window.

Displaying the components

The following components are displayed in the window:
● The control is displayed at the topmost level.
● System network (X120 / ETH2) with configured operator stations with IP address
– Operator panels with IP address
– Machine control panels
● Company network (X130 / ETH1) with
– Operator panels with IP address
– Machine control panels


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Components that cannot be accessed

If a component cannot be accessed, then it is marked using this symbol.

Input rights
Operator panels, which have input rights, have a green background.

Detailed view
You have the option to display the following information about a selected component.
● IP address
● SW version
● MCP index from the configuration
● TCU index from the configuration
● DNS name
● Resolution
● IP address
● DNS name
● MCP index from the configuration
● MCP index requested from HMI
● MCP index requested from PLC


1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the menu forward key and the "Bus TCP/IP" softkey.

3. Press the "TCP/IP diagnostics” softkey.

The "TCP/IP Diagnostics" window is opened and displays the current
availability of the network connections.
4. Position the cursor on the component for which you wish to display the
detailed information.


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18.11 Station-related network diagnostics

5. Press the "Details" softkey to display all available parameters of the

configured network connections.

6. Press the "Details" softkey to hide the detailed display.

7. Press the "Return" softkey in order to exit the "TCP/IP diagnostics"

window and return to the "PROFIBUS diagnostics" window.

18.11.2 Error analysis Performing error diagnostics

Error analysis only functions for a PCU.


1. The "TCP/IP Diagnostics" window opens.

2. Position the cursor on the component that is marked as having an
error (NCU).

3. Press the "Error analysis" softkey.

The corresponding error message is displayed. MCP/EKS as network participant cannot be accessed

Error Possible error causes and remedies

The MCP/EKS cannot be accessed as network participant.
Error cause 1
There is no physical network connection.
Notice: The display only refers to the circumstance that the direct connection from MCP/EKS
to the next connection nodes has not been established, i.e.
• The Ethernet cable is not directly inserted at the MCP/EKS,
• The Ethernet cable is not inserted at the direct connection partner or the partner is not
available (e.g. MCP),
• The Ethernet cable connected to the MCP/EKS is defective.
Establish the physical network connection (check the plug-in connections, replace the cable,
check the connection partner).


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Error Possible error causes and remedies

Error cause 2
The physical network connection does not exist after the next connection node to the system
network. There is no physical connection from the MCP/ECS to the computer with the active
DHCP server. The cables are either defective, have not been inserted or switches have not
been closed. Switches can also be located on the MCP or distribution box.
Establish the physical network connection (check the plug-in connections, replace the cable,
check the connection partner).
Once the connection has been established, the TCU continues to boot.
The MCP/EKS cannot be accessed as network participant. There is a physical network connection to the system network.
Cause of the error
No active DHCP server is found in the system network. Possible causes:
• Only a single computer has been configured in the system network with active DHCP
server - and this computer is not available. The system network is not operated with
synchronizing DHCP servers.
• No computer has been configured in the system network with active DHCP server. DHCP
operation is disabled on all potential computers (NCU, PCU). This is a configuration error.
• In the system network, there is no NCU or PCU computer available that has DHCP
operation activated on it and could be a server.
In the system network, configure a computer that is available as DHCP server. HMI on the PCU cannot establish a network connection to the NC

Error Error cause 1 Remedy

HMI displays alarm 120202 The IP address of the target NCK/PLC From the HMI, correct the target address for
"Wait for connection to set on the PCU is incorrect. NCK/PLC and restart the PCU.
NC/PLC" and/or no values
(only '#').

Error Error cause 2.1 Remedy

HMI displays alarm 120202 The PCU has an IP address that does not Correctly set the network settings for the
"Wait for connection to belong to the network or has an invalid IP system network in the Windows service
NC/PLC" and/or no values address. mode (set the fixed specified IP address and
(only '#'). The TCU support is deactivated on the PCU subnet mask for the system network, use the
(= DHCP is disabled) and the PCU either addressing mode, fixed IP address).
operates with a permanently set IP address Execute the following actions using the
that does not belong to the network, or with "System Network Center" program:
the standard Windows DHCP client to
• Connect the DHCP service to the
dynamically retrieve addresses. This is a
interface for the system network
configuration error.
• Set the DHCP mode (TCU support,
DHCP SyncMode, address range of the
addresses that can be assigned)
• Initiate DHCP clear


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18.11 Station-related network diagnostics

Error Error cause 2.2 Remedy

HMI displays alarm 120202 The PCU has an IP address that does not Correctly set the network settings for the
"Wait for connection to belong to the network or has an invalid IP system network in the Windows service
NC/PLC" and/or no values address. mode (set the fixed specified IP address and
(only '#'). The TCU support is activated on the PCU (= subnet mask for the system network, use the
DHCP is enabled) and the PCU is active addressing mode, fixed IP address).
DHCP-/DNS server (either as a result of the Execute the following actions using the
DHCP SyncMode ON_MASTER or as a "System Network Center" program:
result of the Sync priority - just the same as
• Connect the DHCP service to the
the other server candidates and random
interface for the system network
selection) - or the PCU is a DHCP client. As
a result of a software error or the actual • Set the DHCP mode (TCU support,
network configuration, the PCU cannot DHCP SyncMode, address range of the
obtain a valid IP address (e.g. '0 address'). addresses that can be assigned)
• Initiate DHCP clear

In addition, at the station with DHCP master

clear should be initiated.

Error Error cause 2.3 Remedy

HMI displays alarm 120202 The PCU has an IP address that does not Correctly set the network settings for the
"Wait for connection to belong to the network or has an invalid IP system network in the Windows service
NC/PLC" and/or no values address. mode (set the fixed specified IP address and
(only '#'). The TCU support is activated on the PCU (= subnet mask for the system network, use the
DHCP is enabled) and the PCU is active addressing mode, fixed IP address).
DHCP-/DNS server (either as a result of the Execute the following actions using the
DHCP SyncMode ON_MASTER or as a "System Network Center" program:
result of the Sync priority - just the same as
• Connect the DHCP service to the
the other server candidates and random
interface for the system network
selection). The PCU is set with an incorrect
IP address and an incorrect IP range for the • Set the DHCP mode (TCU support,
IP addresses that can be dynamically DHCP SyncMode, address range of the
allocated. The PCU possibly changed from addresses that can be assigned)
DHCP standby to active server as the
• Initiate DHCP clear
computer with DHCP MASTER has failed or
been switched-off.
In addition, at the station with DHCP master
clear should be initiated.


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Error Error cause 2.4 Remedy

HMI displays alarm 120202 The PCU has an IP address that does not Correctly set the network settings for the
"Wait for connection to belong to the network or has an invalid IP system network in the Windows service
NC/PLC" and/or no values address. mode (set the fixed specified IP address and
(only '#'). TCU boot support is activated on the PCU (= subnet mask for the system network, use the
DHCP is enabled) and the PCU is the addressing mode, fixed IP address).
standby DHCP/DNS server (i.e. in the role of Execute the following actions using the
the DHCP client). An additional active DHCP "System Network Center" program:
server was switched into the system network
• Connect the DHCP service to the
while operational; this active DNCP server
interface for the system network
also has an incorrect address range. This is
a configuration error. • Set the DHCP mode (TCU support,
DHCP SyncMode, address range of the
addresses that can be assigned)
• Initiate DHCP clear

In addition, at the station with DHCP master

clear should be initiated.
Switch the complete system off and on again.

Error Possible error causes and remedies

HMI displays alarm 120202 "Wait for connection to NC/PLC" and/or no values (only '#').
Error cause 3.1
The NCU has an IP address that does not match the network or has an invalid IP address.
The NCU does not participate in DHCP operation and runs with a permanently set IP
address that is incorrect and does not match the system network.
Remedy 3.1
Connect the service PG to the NCU via X127. Log into Linux via WinSCP or Putty. Using
the service command 'sc show ip -eth0', display the actual settings - and check these. If the
cause of the error is confirmed, then the NCU must be reparameterized.
Perform the service commands and settings:
• sc enable DHCPSvr –X120 or the equivalent sc enable DHCPSvr –eth0 to activate
DHCP operation
• sc enable DHCPSync –X120 -LOW|HIGH|MASTER or equivalent sc enable DHCPSync
–eth0 -LOW|HIGH|MASTER to set the DHCP synchronization mode of this NCU
Enter the following entries correctly in the /user/system/etc/basesys.ini file
; With InternalIP and InternalNetMask (both must be set together),
; you can change the address on the internal/TCU/automation/system net.

; This is the range of dynamic IPs given out by the DHCP server
; Defaults should be sensible
The values in green should be set corresponding to the overall system.
Then restart the NCU.


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18.11 Station-related network diagnostics

Error Possible error causes and remedies

Error cause 3.2
The NCU has an IP address that does not match the network or has an invalid IP address.
The NCU participates in DHCP operation and the NCU is an active DHCP/DNS server
(either as a result of the DHCP SyncMode ON_MASTER or as a result of the Sync priority -
just the same as the other server candidates and random selection). The NCU is set with an
incorrect IP address and an incorrect IP range for the IP addresses that can be dynamically
allocated. The NCU possibly changed from DHCP standby to active server as the computer
with DHCP MASTER has failed/has been switched-off.
Remedy 3.2
The same as for remedy 3.1
Error cause 3.3
The NCU has an IP address that does not match the network or has an invalid IP address.
The NCU participates in DHCP operation and operates with the incorrect IP address. After
the NCU booted, an additional component that is already operational (NCU or PCU) with
active DHCP server was connected to the network. An additional active DHCP server was
switched into the system network while operational; this active DNCP server has an
incorrect address range. This is a configuration error.
Remedy 3.3
The same as for remedy 3.1
HMI displays alarm 120202 "Wait for connection to NC/PLC" and/or no values (only '#').
Error cause 4.1
The NCU has a valid IP address in the system network, however, not the required IP
The NCU does not participate in DHCP operation and operates with a permanently set
target address that is different from that saved in MMC.INI in the system network - however,
this is a valid address. This is a configuration error.
Remedy 4.1
Connect the service PG to the NCU via X127. Log into Linux via WinSCP or Putty.
If the set NCU mode (no DHCP) is to be kept, the fixed IP address of the NCU must be
Correctly enter the following entries into the file /user/system/etc/basesys.ini
; With InternalIP and InternalNetMask (both must be set together),
; you can change the address on the internal/TCU/automation/system net.
Then restart the NCU.
Error cause 4.2
The NCU has a valid IP address in the system network, however, not the required IP
The NCU does not participate in DHCP operation and operates with a permanently set
target address that is different from that saved in MMC.INI in the system network - however,
this is a valid address. This is a configuration error.
Remedy 4.2
The same as for remedy 4.1
Error cause 4.3


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18.11 Station-related network diagnostics

Error Possible error causes and remedies

The NCU has a valid IP address in the system network, however, not the required IP
The NCU participates in DHCP operation and was not able to obtain the corresponding
required IP with the target address saved in the MMC.INI; this is the reason that it was
dynamically allocated an address. A reason for this could be that the required IP was
configured twice in the system network, or the required IP is not in the reserved range, but
is located in the dynamic address range. This is a configuration error.
Remedy 4.3
The same as for remedy 4.1
Error cause 4.4
The NCU has a valid IP address in the system network, however, not the required IP
The NCU participates in DHCP operation as DHCP client and has a required IP that has
been set but which does not match the system network. For instance, this situation occurs if
a network address was used in the system network other than the default network address,
but it was forgotten to change over the required IP of the NCU to this address range. The
NCU is allocated an IP address that matches the system network from the dynamically
allocated range, but which is different from its 'old' required IP that was not changed over.
Up to and including SW 2.4.1, in this situation, the NCU cannot be addressed in the system
network. The reason for this is that it has internally established its firewall regarding the
required IP that was entered for it, which does not match the system network - which is why
it does not respond at X120.
Remedy 4.4
The same as for remedy 4.1
HMI displays alarm 120202 "Wait for connection to NC/PLC" and/or no values (only '#').
Error cause 5.1
There is no physical connection.
Possible error causes include:
• A switch is not closed/has failed; this can also be the switch of an MCP
• The cable connection has become loose (poor contact)
• An incorrect cable was used (crossover/not crossover)
• A cable being used as data link is defective

Remedy 5.1
Establish a physical connection.


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18.11 Station-related network diagnostics TCU cannot establish a network connection to the HMI

Error Possible error causes and remedies

When booting, TCU signals 'ERROR: Network connection not established'.
Cause of the error
There is no physical connection.
Notice: The display only refers to the situation where the direct connection of the TCU to the
next connection nodes has not been established, i.e.
• The Ethernet cable is not directly inserted at the TCU,
• The Ethernet cable is not inserted at the direct connection partner or the partner is not
available (e.g. MCP),
• The Ethernet cable at the TCU is defective.
Establish the physical network connection (check the plug-in connections, replace the cable,
check the connection partner).
Once the connection has been established, the TCU continues to boot.
When the TCU boots, it signals 'connection established – no DHCPServer available'.
Cause of the error
The physical network connection does not exist after the next connection node to the system
network. There is no physical connection from the TCU to the computer with the active DHCP
server. The cables are either defective, have not been inserted or switches have not been
closed. Switches can also be located on the MCP or distribution box.
Establish the physical network connection (check the plug-in connections, replace the cable,
check the connection partner).
Once the connection has been established, the TCU continues to boot.
When the TCU boots, it signals 'connection established – no DHCPServer available'. There is a physical network
connection to the system network.
Cause of the error
No active DHCP server is found in the system network.
Possible error causes include:
• Only a single computer has been configured in the system network with active DHCP
server - and this computer is not available. The system network is not operated with
synchronizing DHCP servers.
• No computer has been configured in the system network with active DHCP server. DHCP
operation is disabled on all potential computers (NCU, PCU). This is a configuration error.
• In the system network, there is no NCU or PCU computer available that has DHCP
operation activated on it and could be a server.
In the system network, configure a computer that is available as DHCP server.
After it has booted, the TCU displays 'Waiting for HMI'. (The TCU cannot establish its connection to the HMI.)
Error cause 1
The connection to the HMI has not been established - neither the connection configured in
config.ini nor the default connection. An incorrect address for the HMI connection after booting
has been set in the config.ini file.


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18.11 Station-related network diagnostics

Error Possible error causes and remedies

Correct the configuration using the "System Network Center" program. The TCU automatically
Error cause 2
The connection to the HMI has not been established - neither the connection configured in
config.ini nor the default connection. The computer, to which the TCU should connect after
booting according to the configuration in config.ini, cannot be reached because the computer
is not switched on/is not available.
Switch off the computer (NCU or PCU) and switch on again.
Error cause 3
The connection to the HMI has not been established - neither the connection configured in
config.ini nor the default connection. The HMI on the computer, to which the TCU should
connect after booting according to the configuration in config.ini, cannot be reached because
the HMI is deactivated.
Activate the HMI on the NCU using the service command sc enable HMI.
Error cause 4
The connection to the HMI has not been established - neither the connection configured in
config.ini nor the default connection. The HMI on the computer, to which the TCU should
connect after booting according to the configuration in config.ini, cannot be reached because
the HMI has either not start or has crashed due to a software error.
Switch off the computer (NCU or PCU) and switch on again. The TCU cannot establish a network connection to the assigned PCU

Error Possible error causes and remedies

The PCU does not have the IP address specified in the configuration, but an address from the IP range of the system
network that can be dynamically allocated. In this error case, the TCU cannot reach its configured PCU for display.
Error cause 1
IP address assigned twice
The PCU has a default IP address which is also configured for another NCU/PCU. This means
that an IP address has been assigned twice and therefore there is a system configuration
The PCU is not an active DHCP server (otherwise, it would have the required IP), however, it
is operated in the synchronizing DHCP mode. As the address requested from the PCU has
already been assigned, the PCU is allocated an address from the dynamic address range via


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18.11 Station-related network diagnostics

Error Possible error causes and remedies

A decision has to be made which computer should keep the IP address that has been
assigned twice. If it is the PCU, then
• on the PCU, under network settings, this address should be again set as fixed IP address
in the system network,
• at the NCU/PCU which runs in the DHCP synchronization mode ON_MASTER, a 'Clear
DHCP' should be executed (for an NCU sc command sc clear dhcp –X120, for a PCU
using the "System Network Center" program).
• at the computer, which uses the IP address assigned twice as second computer, the IP
address should be re-configured. Notice: If this is a PCU, then it should be linked to this
new address using the "System Network Center" program (this is the first screen in the

If the PCU is to change its address, then on the PCU

• under network settings, the new address should be set as fixed IP address in the system
• linked to this new address using the "System Network Center" program (first screen in the
• at the NCU/PCU, which runs in the DHCP synchronization mode ON_MASTER, a 'Clear
DHCP' should be executed (for an NCU using the sc command, for a PCU, using the
"System Network Center" program).
Restart the system.
Error cause 2
This was preceded by replacing the PCU hardware.
As a result of the hardware replacement, in spite of the same settings of the new PCU, the
requested (set) IP address is still internally reserved for the previous hardware as this is an
inherent feature of the system. The PCU is either active or non-active DHCP server, however,
is operated in the synchronizing DHCP mode. As the address requested from the PCU is still
reserved, the PCU is allocated an address from the dynamic address range via DHCP.
Perform the following steps:
• Under network settings, on the PCU, set the required address again as fixed IP address in
the system network.
• At the NCU/PCU, which runs in the DHCP synchronization mode ON_MASTER or is active
DHCP server, execute a 'Clear DHCP' (for an NCU using the sc command sc clear dhcp –
X120, for a PCU, using the "System Network Center" program).
• Restart the system.
Error cause 3
An address that does not belong to the network has been configured for the PCU.
An address has been configured for the PCU, which does not match the network address in
the system network, and is therefore dynamically assigned an IP address from the active
server via DHCP. The PCU is not an active DHCP server, but is operated in the synchronizing
DHCP mode.


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Error Possible error causes and remedies

Perform the following steps:
• Under network settings, on the PCU, set the required address again as fixed IP address in
the system network.
• On the PCU, using the "System Network Center" program, link the DHCP service to this
new address (first screen in the "System Network Center" program), if required, adapt the
other DHCP settings (dynamic address range).
• At the NCU/PCU, which runs in the DHCP synchronization mode ON_MASTER or is active
DHCP server, execute a 'Clear DHCP' (for an NCU using the sc command sc clear dhcp –
X120, for a PCU, using the "System Network Center" program).
• Restart the system.

18.11.3 Configuring TCP/IP diagnostics

The configuration of the network adapter is displayed in the "TCP/IP Configuration" window.

System network
On the system network, process data communication and image transmission of the
components are executed with the operating software for the display units (TCUs).
A TCU and NCU are connected to the system network via Ethernet interface X120.
A PCU is connected via the ETH2 Ethernet adapter.

Company network
The company network is used, for example, to access the network drives.
An NCU is connected to the company network via Ethernet interface X130.
A PCU is connected via the ETH1 Ethernet adapter.

Availability of the network connections

Network adapter connection

White Network cable inserted

Red Network cable not inserted


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The availability describes the percentage of faulty packages compared to all the sent and
received packages.
Problems in the company network (e.g. logical drives that cannot be accessed, double IP
address, etc.) as well as settling time during power up can result in fluctuations in availability.
Green Greater than 95%

Yellow 50 - 95%

Red Less than 50%

Details of the network connections

• Computer name
• DNS name
Computer name of the controller as stored at the DNS server (Domain Name Service).
• MAC address
Physical address of the network adapter


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• Address type
Information about the configuration of the network adapter in the configuration file
– DHCP: DHCP is active for this network adapter.
The information behind the hyphen "-" specifies the DHCP mode of operation:
off - DHCP is deactivated for this adapter
Client - a DHCP client that receives an IP address and further data from a server, is
running on the interface
Server - the NCU provides a DHCP server on this interface that supplies clients on
this network with IPs
Synced Server - a protocol is active with which several NCUs synchronize with each
other. This ensures that always only one of these NCUs functions as DHCP server
and, for example, no double IP addresses
are assigned.
If a network adapter operates as "Synced Server", the "State of sync. DHCP server"
line displays additional information.
If no changes have been made for the network adapters in the configuration file, then
"Default" is also output.
– Manual
The settings IP address, subnet mask, DNS server 1, DNS server 2 and gateway are
configured in the "basesys.ini".

In the "Change" mode, either "Manual" or "DHCP" can be selected (only for company
network, X130).
• IP address assigned
Current IP address of the network adapter.
• Subnet mask assigned
• DHCP server
IP address of the network adapter (for address type "DHCP").
• State, DHCP server
State of the synch. DHCP server:
– Active (actual NCU is active in the group of all NCUs in the "Synced Server" mode and
transfers the IP addresses);
– Standby (NCU is not active, if the active server fails, this NCU could take over the task
of the server).
• Mode, DHCP synchron.
Priority of the synch. DHCP server:
Low, High, Master


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• DNS server 1, DNS server 2

Domain Name Server
• Gateway
• Note
All information that is not available is marked in the relevant table line with a hyphen "-".

Modifiable parameters
The following parameters of the company network adapter (X130) can be set by selecting
the "Address type":
● Address type
● IP address
● Subnet mask
● DNS server 1 and 2
● Gateway (applies for system and company network)

Address types
The values for the settable parameters IP address, subnet mask, DNS server 1, DNS
server 2 and gateway are defined automatically by the DHCP server, in accordance with
the entry in the "basesys.ini".
● Manual
The values for the settable parameters IP address, subnet mask, DNS server 1, DNS
server 2 and gateway can be specified manually; these are then stored in the

For additional information about network configuration, please refer to the following
SINUMERIK 840D sl, Operator Components and Networking (IM5)


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18.11 Station-related network diagnostics


1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the menu forward key and the "Bus TCP/IP" softkey.

3. Press the "TCP/IP diagnostics" and TCP/IP Config." softkeys.

The "TCP/IP Configuration" window opens.

4. Press the "Modify" softkey to change specific parameters.

The fields that can be edited have a white background.
5. Enter the desired changes and press the "OK" softkey to confirm the

6. Press the "New display" softkey to refresh the display.

18.11.4 Ethernet network diagnostics Diagnostics of the network and DHCP server

In order to more effectively influence the commissioning, press the "Network diagnostics"
softkey to easily represent the data and availability of each network node on the Ethernet.
The results display of this scan process delivers, among other things, the following
● Component identification of the hardware
● TCP/IP address / MAC address
● DHCP server detection
● Status of the nodes
This gives you the option to test whether the current topology matches the reference


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1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the "Menu forward" key and the "Bus TCP/IP" softkey.

3. Press the "TCP/IP diagnostics" softkey.

The "TCP/IP Diagnostics" window opens and displays the current
availability of the network connections.
4. Press the "Network diagnostics" softkey to browse your networks.
The "Network Status" window opens and displays the addresses of the
HMI (X120) system network, the PN (X150) system network and the
(X130) company network.
The corresponding fields in the window remain empty for non-
accessible networks.
5. Press the "New display" softkey to refresh the display.

- OR -
Press the "DHCP server" softkey to fetch information and query the
status of the DHCP server.
The "DHCP Server" window opens.
For each active DHCP server, the status, the role (priority), the MAC
address, the TCU version and the lease version are displayed in tabular
form in the upper part of the window. The required IP with the
associated address area appears in the lower part of the window. Any
differing data is displayed in red. Accessible nodes

By actuating the "Accessible nodes" softkey in the network, the list of accessible nodes on
X120 and, if necessary, on X150, is created and displayed. The list content can be
compared as current topology with a reference topology.

Although handheld terminals and EKS identification systems are not determined for the list of
accessible nodes, they can be added as additional nodes to the topology.


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1. The "Network Status" window opens.

2. Press the "Accessible nodes" softkey.
The "Accessible Nodes" window opens.
The IP address, HW-Id/type and location are displayed in tabular form
for each node.
3. Press the "Sort" softkey.

4. Press the "By name", "By IP", "By type" or "By location" softkeys to sort
the display.

- OR -
If further information is provided for a selected node, press the "Details"
softkey to open the Web user interface.
Note: The installed operating software must be located in the same
network as the device to be displayed. If necessary, this is achieved by
the assignment of a second IP address (alias).
The "Details" window opens.
Press the "Zoom +" or "Zoom -" softkey until the desired display size is

Additional nodes

3. Press the "Additional nodes" softkey to search for nodes that are not
listed under "Accessible nodes".
The "Search for Additional Nodes" window opens. If necessary, change
the address range and confirm with "OK".
The found nodes are appended in the table; the HW-Id/type, Location,
Contact and Description fields can then be edited and, by activating the
checkbox, added to the first column, and, with a subsequent save,
added to the reference topology.


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3. Press the "Compare" softkey to compare the current list of nodes either
with the previously saved manufacturer topology, a reference topology
or a saved topology in the .xml format.
The "Compare with" window opens. Position the cursor on the desired
option box and confirm with "OK".
Deviations during the comparison are identified by being color-highlighted:
● Red: missing or non-accessible components compared with the reference topology.
● Pink: components that deviate in their attribute values compared with the reference
● Blue: new components not contained in the reference topology.


3. Press the "Save" softkey to save the current topology.

The "Save as" window opens.
4. Position the cursor on the desired option box, specify a file name and
possibly a comment, and confirm with "OK".

Manufacturer topology and reference topology can be created with access level 3 (user) or
higher and are always saved on the active DHCP server.

Default storage locations:

● Current topology (.xml or .csv):
The following storage locations are offered depending on the configuration:
– Network topology (storage location: HMI-data / data backups)
– Local drive
– Network drives
In CSV format, ";" is preset as a separator; it can be changed in sldgconfig.xml
● Reference topology:
● Manufacturer topology:


370 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
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18.12 Drive system

18.12 Drive system

18.12.1 Displaying drive states

Status display
The "Drive System Diagnostics" window displays the status information about the drive units
and the associated drive objects. The status symbols have the following meaning:

Display icon Meaning

Green The drive object is in (cyclic) operation, without any detected
Yellow The drive object has detected a less serious problem, i.e. a
warning is pending, for example, or enables are missing.
Red This drive object has detected a serious problem, for
example, an alarm is pending.
Gray The drive status could not be determined for this drive object.

# Special Error when reading the data.



1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the menu forward key and the "Drive system" softkey.

3. The "Drive System Diagnostics" window opens.

The name of the selected drive object is displayed in the window title.
Press the "Drive object +" or "Drive object -" softkey.
The next (+) or previous (-) drive object is selected.

- OR -
Press the "Select drive unit" softkey.
The "Select Drive Unit" window opens.
4. Select the desired drive unit via the drop-down list box and press "OK"
to confirm the selection.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 371
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18.12 Drive system

See also
Displaying details of the drive objects (Page 372)

18.12.2 Displaying details of the drive objects

Drive system diagnostics - details

The following information is displayed for the drive objects:
● Status display (r0002)
– The status display (parameter r0002) of the drive object is displayed.
● Missing enable signals (r0046)
– The enable signals are diagnosed except for the drive objects that do not have enable
signals (e.g. Control Unit). Missing enables are shown in a pane below the displays.
● Commissioning parameter filter
– (p0009) – control unit
The value of the "Device commissioning parameter filter" control unit parameter
(p0009) is displayed.
– (p0010) – further drive object
The value of the "Drive object commissioning parameter filter" parameter (p0010) is
● Current fault
The alarm number of the actual drive object fault is displayed or "No fault present", when
no drive object fault is pending.
You obtain an overview of the pending faults with the following data in an additional
– Alarm number
– Time: Date and time
– Alarm text
● Current warning
The number of the current drive object warning is displayed or "No warning present",
when no drive object warning is pending.
You obtain an overview of the pending alarms with the following data in an additional
– Alarm number
– Time: Date and time
– Alarm text


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18.12 Drive system

Meaning of the symbols

Display icon Meaning

Green The relevant value of the drive object signals no problem detected.

Yellow The relevant value of the drive object signals a less serious
problem, i.e. a warning is pending, for example, or enables are
Red The relevant value of the drive object signals a a serious problem,
for example, an alarm is pending.
Gray The drive status could not be determined for this drive object.

# Special characters Error when reading the data.


1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the menu forward key and the "Drive system" softkey.

The "Drive System Diagnostics" window opens.

3. Select the drive object for which you want to display further details.
4. Press the "Details" softkey.
The "Drive System Diagnostics - Details " window opens.
The name of the drive object is displayed in the window header.
Press the "Faults" softkey.
The "Drive Unit Faults" window opens that shows an overview of the
faults that have been output.
Press the "Alarms" softkey.
The "Drive Unit Alarms" window opens that shows an overview of the
alarms that have been output.
You can display the pending SI messages if Safety Integrated is
integrated in your controller.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 373
Service and diagnostics
18.13 Remote diagnostics

18.13 Remote diagnostics

18.13.1 Adapting remote diagnostics

Depending on the operating mode, the initiative for remote diagnostics comes from the
service provider or from the controller.
If the initiative comes from the controller, the "Request remote diagnostics" softkey is set-up.
The display of the "Request remote diagnostics" softkey is defined in the "tcu.ini" file under
the [PINGSERVICE] section.
● Variable PingServiceMode
0 = disable
1 = enable

In additional variables of this section, the data for the request telegram for service should be
● Variable PingServerIP
IP address of the service provider to which the request telegram should be sent, e.g.
PingServerIP =
● Variable PingTransmissionData
A text that should be sent out as data content in the request telegram,
e.g. PingTransmissionData = help at machine 35
● Variable PingTransmissionPeriod
The length in minutes that the telegram should be sent,
e.g. PingTransmissionPeriod = 5
● Variable PingTransmissionInterval
Duration in seconds after which send is repeated,
e.g. PingTransmissionInterval = 15
● Variable PingServerPor
Port number of the Ping service with the manufacturer,
e.g. PingServerPort=6201


374 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
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18.13 Remote diagnostics

18.13.2 Remote diagnostics via Teleservice adapter IE at X127

The following settings must be made for remote diagnostics via modem using a Teleservice
adapters IE (TS Adapter) that is connected at X127:

Settings in the TS Adapter required

● IP address of the adapter:, subnet mask
● IP address of the caller:
These two addresses are also stored as standard in the "tcu.ini" file. If other addresses
are used, the entries "X127ModemIP" and "X127RemoteAccessIP" must be appropriately
changed in the "tcu.ini" file.
● Enable the ports for the services for S7 communication, http, HTTPS, SSH as well as
VNC (port 5900) in the firewall.

Connecting the modem for remote diagnostics

Figure 18-1 Basic system with SINUMERIK Operate on NCU (and operating station with TCU)

With the previously mentioned settings and the default values, in this configuration, remote
diagnostics via TS Adapter is possible without any additional changes having to be made.


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18.13 Remote diagnostics

Figure 18-2 Basic system with SINUMERIK Operate on PCU

With the previously mentioned settings and the default values, in this configuration, remote
diagnostics via TS Adapter is possible without any additional changes having to be made.
When operating a SINUMERIK Operate on a PCU, the SINUMERIK Operate in the NCU
must be switched off.


376 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
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18.13 Remote diagnostics

Figure 18-3 System with several NCUs and a fixed modem

The "MC Information System RCS Host" option only has to be set for the NCU to which the
TS Adapter is connected at the X127 interface. Modem access can only be permitted by
making the appropriate entries at the SINUMERIK Operate in this NCU and the "Request
remote control" function executed. If modem access is permitted, then the service PC
implicitly has access to all other NCUs and their operating software. On the other hand, the
operating screens to control the remote access can be used and set at each station
(SINUMERIK Operate in the NCU) individually for the station in conjunction with the relevant
local PLC.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 377
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18.13 Remote diagnostics

Figure 18-4 System with several NCUs, several PCUs and a fixed modem

The "MC Information System RCS Host" option only has to be set for the NCU to which the
TS Adapter is connected at the X127 interface. Modem access can only be permitted by
making the appropriate entries at the SINUMERIK Operate on the PCU that is assigned to
this NCU and the "Request remote control" function executed. If modem access is permitted,
then the service PC implicitly has access via the plant or system network to all other NCUs
and PCUs and their operating software. The operating screens to control the remote access
can be individually used and set at each station (SINUMERIK Operate in the NCU) for the
station in conjunction with the relevant local PLC.


378 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Service and diagnostics
18.14 Trace

18.13.3 PLC control for remote access

In the PLC user program, you can control external viewers using the following settings.

DB19.DBX1.0 PLCExtViewerReject
Value =0 =1
Meaning Permit remote control No remote control
DB19.DBX1.1 PLCExtViewerMode
Value =0 =1 ignored
Meaning Operating rights for remote Only monitoring for -
control remote control
Result Operating rights for remote Only monitoring for No remote control
control remote control

18.14 Trace
The trace provides you with an oscilloscope function that allows the following data (signals)
to be graphically displayed:
● General NCK data
● PLC data

Trace session
The function is used for troubleshooting and resolving faults as well as to analyze the
machine and process performance. In a session, data (signals) are recorded briefly before
and after an event.

Graphic display
The recorded data are optically displayed in the form of curves, the so-called characteristics
You have the option of individually setting the recording type.

Saving and downloading data

You can store the recorded data in an XML file. The saved file can then be re-loaded so that
it can be evaluated at a later time.

Recording fundamentals: Signals (data)

Signals (data) specify what is to be recorded:
● NC variables (axis data, drive data, channel data etc.)
● PLC data


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 379
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18.14 Trace

Cyclic events
Interpolation clock cycle (IPO clock cycle)
PLC cycle OB1
Position control clock cycle (servo clock cycle)

Non-cyclic events

Starting a session
● Recording using a trigger
● Manually starting and stopping a trace

Analyzing the result

The following functions are available to analyze the result:
● Scaling characteristic graphs
● Zooming characteristic graphs
● Defining a characteristic range using markers

18.14.1 General procedure

● Create a trace session file as follows:
– Select the variable and define its representation type.
– Set the graphics window, and the save mode
– Set the trigger property to define the start and end of recording
● Save the recording and its associated properties that have been set
● Analyze the result by making the settings for the display in order to view additional details
(e.g. zoom in, scroll, select section, etc.)


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See also
Variable for Trace (Page 384)
Trace settings (Page 390)
Trace options (Page 390)
Setting-up a trace (Page 391)
Saving the trace file (Page 382)
Evaluate a trace (Page 393)

18.14.2 Trace session Creating a session file


1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the menu forward key.

3. Press the "Trace" softkey.

4. Press the "Load trace" and "New" softkeys.

The "New Session" window opens in which the "Session" name is
recommended. The file format is automatically specified as ".xml".

5. Supplement the file name or enter a new file name and press the "OK"
You return to the "Select Variables: ...." ...." window.
The name of the session that has been newly created is displayed in
the header.

See also
Variables filter/search (Page 384)


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 381
Service and diagnostics
18.14 Trace Saving the trace file

There are two options of saving a trace session:
● Variables and settings: Only the variables and the settings are saved.
● Variables, settings and recorded values: The variables, settings and the recorded values
are saved.


1. You have edited an active trace session.

2. Press the "Store trace" softkey.

The "Save Trace: Session ... " window opens and offers the following
storage options.
3. Activate the corresponding checkbox and press the "OK" softkey.
The "Store Trace" window opens and specifies the file name in the
"Name of trace file:" entry field. The file format is automatically specified
as ".xml" and cannot be changed.
4. Press the "OK" softkey to save the session file.
If the session file already exists, then you obtain a corresponding
confirmation prompt.
5. Press the "OK" softkey if you wish to overwrite the existing session files.
- OR -
Press the "Save as" softkey if you do not wish to overwrite the existing
session file.
A new name is suggested but you can specify a name yourself.
- OR -
Press the "Change directory" softkey if you wish to store the session file
in a directory other than in the standard "Trace" directory.
The data tree opens and you can select between the configured drives.
Then press the "New directory" softkey if you wish to create a new
The "New Directory" window opens in which you can assign a directory
Press the "OK" softkey.
The "Store Trace" window opens in which the names of the target
directory and the session file are displayed.
You can change the name of the session file.
6. To save the session file, press the "OK" softkey one more time.

- OR -
If the session file with this name already exists, then you obtain a
corresponding confirmation prompt.


382 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
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18.14 Trace Load trace session file

You have the option of loading already saved session data, to restart them or to display the
trace that has been recorded.

Settings Meaning
Variables, settings You can restart a trace session that has already been created.
Variables, settings and recorded You can view the result of a trace session, change the
values variable and if required, restart.

A session file of recorded traces is available.


1. You have selected the "Trace" function.

2. Press the "Load trace" softkey.

The "Load Session File: Please Select File" window opens.
3. Select the desired session file from the appropriate directory, e.g.
"Trace", and press the "Display trace" softkey.
The "Load trace: session..." is opened.
4. Select the checkbox "Variables, settings", if you wish to immediately
start the trace session.
5. Press the "OK" softkey and the "Start trace" softkey to restart the trace.

- OR -
Select the checkbox "Variables, settings and recorded values", if you
wish to display the trace session.
Press the "OK" softkey.
The data of the selected session are loaded displayed in the "Trace"


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18.14 Trace

18.14.3 Variable for Trace Variables filter/search

Selection of variables
To limit the selection of variables, set a filter and/or enter an initial value for the search. The
following filters are available for selection:

Drive parameters Displaying the drive parameters
System variables Displays the system variables
Axis Display of NC, axis and channel signals as well as signals of the
Channel mode group in the OPI notation.

Mode groups
Servo Displays the servo-trace signals
PLC Displays the PLC signals
PLC alarms Displays the manufacturer-specific PLC alarm signals
All (no filter) Displays all signals without filter: NC, axis and channel setting data
as well as signals of the mode group in the OPI notation.

"Filter/Search" when inserting variables
The start value for "Filter/Search" of variables differs.
For example, to insert the variable $R[0], set "Filter/Search":
• The start value is 0, if you filter according to "System variables".
• The start value is 1, if you filter according to "All (no filter)". In this case, all signals are
displayed and shown in the OPI notation.

For a trace session, in the window "Selected Variables for Trace: Session ... " set the
variables whose signals are to be traced.

1. In the "Select variables for trace: Session..." window, a trace session is


2. Position the cursor in the "Variable" column in an empty line.

- OR -
Position the cursor in the "Variable" column on a variable that you wish
to replace by another.


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18.14 Trace

3. Press the "Insert variable" softkey.

The "Select Variable" window opens.
When selecting a "Drive parameter", firstly select the drive object (DO)
and then insert the desired parameter from the list of corresponding
4. Press the "Filter/search" softkey to start a specific search.
In the "Filter" selection box, select a variable area.
- OR -
Directly enter the variable into the "Search" entry field.
The cursor jumps to the term that is found.
Press the "Delete search" softkey if you wish to terminate the search.

5. Press the "Add" softkey to enter the required variable into a trace
The "Variable Attributes" window opens and you can select the
appropriate value (e.g. channel data, drive bus no.) from a combobox.
- OR -
Press the "Replace" softkey to replace an already selected version by
another one.

6. Press the "OK" softkey to add or replace the variable.

Each variable is automatically allocated a reference number, which is
displayed in the upper section of the window. This number is opened
automatically allocated. If a version is removed, then the following
variables are re-numbered.
7. Now, select the desired settings for display, such as color, pen, qty.
event etc.

Editing variables of a trace session

Function Meaning
Ctrl + X Press the key combination or open the shortcut menu in order to
or right-click, shortcut menu "Cut" cut out a variable.
Ctrl + C Press the key combination or open the shortcut menu in order to
or right-click, shortcut menu copy a variable.
Ctrl + V Press the key combination or open the shortcut menu in order to
or right-click, shortcut menu insert a variable.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 385
Service and diagnostics
18.14 Trace Selecting attributes of a variable

For a trace session, select the variables and assign the corresponding attributes:

Column Meaning
Variable Address of the variables

Attributes Meaning
Comment • Name of the selected variables
• A general description for the variables.
Color Color selection, the representation of the characteristic graphs.
When creating a variable, the next color from the available palette is
automatically used.
Pen Line type selection to display the characteristic graphs.
• No line
• Solid line
• Dashed line
• Dash-dot line
• Dash-dot-dot line
• Dotted line
• Stepped line XY
• Stepped line YX
• "* line" (line made up of * symbols)
• + line
• X line
Qty. Defines whether the characteristic of the variables is displayed in the "Trace"
window. If the checkbox is not selected, then no characteristic graphs are
Events Event selection which triggers that the signal is traced:


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18.14 Trace

Attributes Meaning
• Interpolation clock cycle (IPO clock cycle)
• Interpolation cycle (IPO2)
• Position control clock cycle (servo clock cycle)
• PLC cycle OB1
• Drive trace rate
• Start geometry axis/direction change
• Stop geometry axis
• Machine axis start / direction change
• Machine axis stop
• NC start (program runs)
• NC start (program ran)
• Start of the data recording

• Block start, type 1 or block end (all program levels, without intermediate
• Block start, type 2 or block end (all program levels, with intermediate
• Block start, type 3 or block end (all main programs, without intermediate
• Block start or block end, block search (all program levels, without
intermediate blocks)
• Geo axis start / direction change (2nd event)
• Geo axis stop (2nd event)
• Block start, type 2 (2nd event: all program levels, without intermediate
• Block end, type 2 (2nd event: all program levels, with intermediate blocks)
• Block start, block advance, type 1 (2nd event)
• OEM test event 1 (non-cyclic, block advance)
• OEM test event 2 (non-cyclic, main run)

• Activate/deactivate synchronized action

• Synchronized action initiated (condition fulfilled)
• Signaled alarm
• Cancel softkey pressed
• Program level change
• Block end (Interpreter)
• Trace end (last event!)
• Start trace


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18.14 Trace

Attributes Meaning
• WRTPR part program command
• WRTPR part program command (block search)
• Tool change
• Cutting edge change
• Tool change (block search)
• Cutting edge (block search)
• Start trigger initiated
• Stop trigger initiated
• Block end (block advance)
• Block end (2nd event: Block search)
• WRTPR part program command (block advance)
• Tool change (block advance)
• Cutting edge (block advance)
Event channel This means that the channel can be defined in SINUMERIK in which a
specific event occurs. For events which are not channel-specific, the field
remains empty.
Bit mask In the case of an integer variable, a bit mask can be specified in this field. For
a bit mask, the particular signal value is AND'ed before being displayed. After
the mask has been applied, all of the selected bits are moved to the right so
that it looks as if the bit or the bits all start with bit zero.
This means, if all bits with the exception of bit 7 have been masked, then the
integer number that would have been obtained would either have a value of 0
or 1, however, not 0 or 128.
If all of the bits with the exception of bit 7 and 0 have been masked, the
resulting integer number would either have the value 0, 1, 2 or 3, however, not
0, 1, 128 or 129.
Decimal places This setting is used to define how many places to the right of the decimal
point are displayed at the axis identifiers.
Coord. axis The coordinate axes are displayed to the left or right in the graphic window or
there is no display.
Display Y Value input or 0
Scale factor Defines the scale.
Units Displays the measurement unit, e.g. mm/min. The system specifies this and it
cannot be changed.


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18.14 Trace Displaying details of a variable

You can display the most important information and settings of the display at a glance in the
detail window, i.e. you do not have to use the scroll bar for example to get to the "Event"

Displayed information
● Variable address
● Comment with a description of the variables
● Events
● Channel, axis, access level, mode group, etc.
● Smaller graphic display with the event; when this event occurs the characteristic graphs
are recorded as well as their settings, such as color, line type, etc.


1. You are in the "Select Variables for Trace: ..." window. ...".

2. Position the cursor to the required variable.

3. Press the "Details" softkey.
A subscreen with the most important information as well as the graphic
display is shown in the lower half of the window.
Press the "Details" softkey again to display the subscreen.


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18.14 Trace

18.14.4 Trace settings Trace options

You define the following properties of a trace session in the "Trace - Options" window.
● Setting the graphic window
– Displaying main grid lines: You define whether a horizontal grid is displayed and in
which color.
– Displaying grid sub-lines: You define whether a vertical grid should be displayed and
in which color.
– Background: You select the background color of the graphic window.
● Defining storage options
– Activate the "Confirm file overwrite" checkbox in order to receive a confirmation
prompt each time that a trace session is to be overwritten.
– If the checkbox is deactivated, the trace session is overwritten without a confirmation


1. You are in the "Select Variables for Trace: ..." window. ..." and a trace
session has been selected.

2. Press the "Options" softkey.

The "Trace - Options" window is opened.
3. Select the desired settings and press the "OK" softkey in order to
accept the settings.


390 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Service and diagnostics
18.14 Trace Setting-up a trace

In the "Trace - Settings" window, you define the condition for the start and end of a trace
session and the memory size.

Settings Meaning
Starting the trace
Using the Start Trace The session is activated by pressing the "Start trace" softkey.
Setting the trigger condition for recording.
Variable The session is activated using a variable. The variable is selected from a
list using the "Insert variable" softkey.
Relation and value After the session has been activated, this defines at which value the trace
recording is initiated.
The following values are listed in a combo box:
= =, ≠, >, >=, <, <=, ascending, descending, changed.
Editing data
Data is acquired Defines whether the recorded data are saved on the CompactFlash card
or in the NC work memory.
For "NCK", the recorded data are saved on the NCU until the recording is
stopped. Only then is the session file saved on the CompactFlash card.
For "On hard drive", the trace unloads the data to the CompactFlash card
while recording. As a consequence, more signals can be processed.
Overwrite at memory limit Defines from which memory limit the data is overwritten (ring buffer).
Exiting the trace
Using the Stop Trace The trace session is stopped by pressing the "Stop trace" softkey.
If the time has expired Defines the time period which after it has expired, the trace recording is
You can select from the following time periods:
Milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days
If the memory is full The trace session is exited if the specified data quantity (Kbytes) is
Setting the trigger condition to exit the trace
Variable The session is deactivated using a variable. The variable is selected from
a list using the "Insert variable" softkey.
Relation and value After the session has been activated, this defines at which value the trace
recording is exited.
The following values are listed in a combo box:
= =, ≠, >, >=, <, <=, ascending, descending, changed.
Run-on time (in sec.) This defines how long the trace still runs after the session has been
Overwrite at memory limit Defines from which memory limit the data is overwritten (ring buffer).


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18.14 Trace


1. You are in the "Select Variables for Trace: ..." window. ..." and the
variable of a trace session has been selected.

2. Press the "Settings" softkey.

The "Trace Settings" window opens.
3. Select the desired settings and enter the values.
4. Press the "OK" softkey.
The settings are saved. Starting the trace

In the "Trace" window, you obtain the curve with the data of the variables selected for a trace
The diagram comprises two Cartesian coordinates:
● Time axis
The horizontal x axis supplies the time values.
● Value axis
The vertical y axis displays the resolution fineness (amplitude).

Recording the trace session

● Manually starting and stopping a trace
● Starting and stopping recording using a trigger


1. You have listed the desired variables for a trace section.

2. Press the "Display trace" softkey.

The "Trace" window is opened. The recording is loaded and the
procedure is displayed in progress window.
3. Press the "Start trace" softkey if you wish to immediately start

- OR -
The recording is triggered by the trigger condition.
4. If you wish to manually end the recording, press the "Stop trace"

- OR -
The recording is stopped by the trigger condition.


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18.14 Trace

18.14.5 Evaluate a trace Setting trace views

In order to permit a precise evaluation of the recorded signals, you have the option to edit
the view as well as the display of the characteristic graphs:
● Selection/legend
– Show legend: In addition to the graphic display, the variable data are displayed as
comment, numbered and in color.
– Make a selection: You define which variables are displayed in the graphic window.
● Scale
– Specify scaling factors for minimum and maximum X and Y value
● Zoom
– Increasing or decreasing the section
● Cursors: The cursor display provides functions that allow one, two or both curves to be
precisely measured.
– Cursor A
– Cursor B
– Both cursors
– Snap to curve: The cursor precisely moves along the curve
– Point mode: Cursor jumps directly to various values.
– High point mode: The cursor jumps from one peak value to the next.
– Low point mode: Cursor jumps to the lowest values.

The "Trace" graphic window is opened and the trace has been recorded.


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18.14 Trace

Editing curves

You jump from <TAB> one variable to the next using the <TAB> key.

You jump back using the <Ctrl> and <TAB> keys.

With the cursor keys, you select marks, move to individual values and
can define a zoom range. Selecting a variable

You have the option of displaying the selected variables as legend and to make a selection
using a checkbox.

Numbering the variables
Axis identifier
Comment of the variables

Displaying a legend and selecting a variable

1. A recording is opened in the "Trace" graphics window.

2. Press the "Legend / selection" softkey.

The graphic window is halved. The variables are displayed as comment
and with checkbox in the left-hand section of the window.
3. Activate or deactivate the required variable using the checkbox to
display it as curve.
4. Press the softkey again to hide the legend area again.


394 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
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18.14 Trace Scaling the display

The scaling allows you to make a precise measurement of selected variables from the X time
axis as well as from the Y value axis. You have the option of saving the larger or smaller
display in a user-defined way

Setting Meaning
X minimum or Highest or lowest value of the X time axis. The values are used for recording
X maximum when the trace is started again.
Fixed scale, X axis Values of the X time axis are kept.
Strip chart recorder mode The values of the X time axis are used while
Y minimum or Defining the highest or lowest value of the Y value axis (amplitude).
Y maximum
Offset or Defining the rms values (mean values) of the amplitudes.
resolution The scale is changed by a factor of 10.

Scaling the time and value axis

1. A recording is opened in the "Trace" graphics window.

2. Press the "Scale" softkey in order to scale the display.

The "Select X-Y Scaling" input window opens and the values of the X
time axis are displayed.

3. Press the "X time axis" softkey again if you wish to hide the values.

- OR -
Press the "Y selected curves" softkey to display the values of the Y
value axis.

Press the softkey again if you wish to hide the values.

- OR -
You have selected both axes.
4. Press the "Scale +" or "Scale -" softkey until the desired scaling is

- OR -
Enter the scaling values directly into the input window and select the
appropriate property.


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18.14 Trace

5. Press the "Scale" softkey to save the settings.

- OR -
Press the "Adapt selected" softkey to display the selected characteristic
graphs in the full graphic window.

Press the "Fit one" softkey to display the selected characteristic graphs
in the full graphic window. Zooming the display

Using the zoom function, you have the option of viewing selected sections of curves in detail.
After you have defined an area or a section, you can increase or decrease the size of it
(zoom in or zoom out).


1. A recording is opened in the "Trace" graphics window.

2. Press the "Zoom" softkey if you wish to zoom-in or zoom-out on the

characteristic graphs.

3. The "X time axis" or "Y value axis" softkey is selected.

4. Press the "Adapt individually" or "Adapt all" softkey if you wish to display
all selected characteristic graphs in a separate area positioned one
above the other.

- OR -
Press the "Adapt together" softkey if you wish to adapt all of the
characteristic graphs to the graphic window.
As all of the curves fill the complete window area, they are displayed
superimposed on one another.
- OR -
Press the "Individually adapt X" softkey if you wish to normalize the X
time axis only in the graphic window.

- OR -


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Press the "Individually adapt Y" or "Adapt all" softkey if you only wish to
scale the Y value axis in the graphic window.

- OR -
Press the "Adapt Y together" softkey if you wish to adapt the value axis
of all characteristic graphs to the graphic window.
As all curves fill the complete window area, they are displayed
5. Press the "Zoom +" or "Zoom -" softkey until the desired display size is

Zoom in/zoom out area

Press the "Zoom area" softkey to define a specific section.
A frame is displayed.
Press the "Zoom +" or "Zoom -" softkey to change the frame step-by-

Press the "OK" softkey to display the zoom area. Position the cursor

Using the cursor, you have the option of determining the precise values from a defined
section. To do this, the cursor is positioned directly on the curve.


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18.14 Trace


1. A recording is opened in the "Trace" graphics window.

2. Press the "Cursor A" softkey.

The reference number, color of the variables and the color of the
coordinate crossing point are displayed on the softkey.
3. Position "(A)" at the position on the curve where you wish to start the
The coordinates are specified in a tooltip and in the status line.

4. Press the "Cursor B" softkey.

The reference number, color of the variables as well as the color of the
coordinate crossing point are also displayed on this softkey.
Position "(B)" at the position on the curve where you wish to end the

5. Press the "Both cursors" softkey to display the area between A and B.
The coordinates of A and B as well as the difference "Δ" are displayed in
the status line.
Press the active "Cursor A" and "Cursor B" softkeys again to deselect
the position.
When re-selected, the positions are reset.

Press the "Crop to screen" softkey to display the area, defined by

"Cursor A" and "Cursor B", in the complete graphic window.

Press the "Snap to waveform" softkey to move the cursor along the
curve step-by-step. Acquiring measured values

You have the option of directly determining the following values of a curve:
● Peak-to-peak value
● Peak-to-valley value


398 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
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18.15 PROFIBUS/PROFINET and AS-i bus diagnostics


A recording is opened in the "Trace" graphics window.

Press the "Point Mode" softkey to continuously move the cursor along
the curve.

Press the "Peak Mode" softkey to position the cursor at the highest

Press the "Valley Mode" softkey to position the cursor at the lowest

If you press the "Peaks" softkey, the cursor only goes to the peak-peak

If you press the "Minimum" softkey, the cursor only goes to the peak-
valley values.

18.15 PROFIBUS/PROFINET and AS-i bus diagnostics

With the PROFIBUS/PROFINET diagnostics, you obtain a quick overview from which, when
required, you can call status and detailed information for external DP master systems and
PROFINET IO systems.

Precondition for detailed diagnostics

When using HMI PRO RT, the diagnostics can be extended by additional information (e.g.
module and Order No.). This data involves offline data, which can be extracted from the
associated Step7 project.
● You can create offline data using the HMIPRO CS program.
● You transfer data to the control using the HMIPRO program.

Software option
For faulted modules, in order that in addition to the status information, detailed
information can also be displayed, you now require the following option:
"Operating software SW HMI PRO sl RT".


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18.15 PROFIBUS/PROFINET and AS-i bus diagnostics

In order that detailed information can be displayed for PROFINET-IO systems, the PLC block
FB_SL_COM from the HMI PRO block library must be used. Use DB449 as the associated
instance DB.

Detailed information for DP master systems is also available without using FB_SL_COM.

Diagnostics information from the DP master systems

You can configure the following versions:
1. Software option not available and HMIPRO offline data not available
2. Software option available and HMIPRO offline data not available
3. Software option available and HMIPRO offline data available

18.15.2 Displaying PROFIBUS/PROFINET diagnostics

Diagnostics information from the DP master systems

From the user interface, you can display the fieldbus diagnostics known from HMIPRO. The
module state is displayed using diagnostic symbols.
The following diagnostics information is displayed depending on the particular version that
you have configured:

Information for all versions

Status Module has a fault

Module has failed

Module is OK

Module is suppressed (this is only possible with HMI PRO RT)

PROFIBUS address PROFIBUS address data

Additional information for the second version

or channel diagnostics
Device diagnostics For Siemens DP/DP coupler and diagnostics repeater


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18.15 PROFIBUS/PROFINET and AS-i bus diagnostics

Additional diagnostic information for the third version

Name Module designation from the HMI offline data
Name Module name from the HMI offline data
Order no. Order number of the module from the HMI offline data
IP address IP address of the module from HMI offline data (only for
Graphic display of the complete hardware configuration in a dedicated window


1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the "Menu forward" key twice and the "PB/PN diag." softkey.
The "PROFIBUS/PROFINET Diagnostics" window opens.

3. Select the required DP master system.

The complete diagnostics information is displayed.

4. Press the "Available devices" softkey to display the diagnostics data

of the available modules.

- OR -
Press the "Suppressed devices" softkey to display the diagnostics
data of the suppressed modules.

- OR -
Press the "Failed devices" softkey to display the diagnostics data of
the failed modules.

- OR -
Press the "Faulty devices" softkey to display the diagnostics data of
the faulty modules.


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18.15 PROFIBUS/PROFINET and AS-i bus diagnostics

18.15.3 Configuring the AS-i bus

You obtain a fast overview of the existing AS-Interface network using the AS-Interface (AS-i)
diagnostics. Permanent monitoring and an error search function provide you with the
following information:
● Status flags acc. to the AS-i specification
● States of the AS-i slaves

● For AS-i diagnostics, it is absolutely necessary to use the FB_SL_COM PLC block from
the HMI PRO block library.
● The configuration file "sltlprodiaghmi.ini" must be available.

AS-i components
The following AS-i components are supported:

CP142-2 (Type ID 1)
CP343-2 (Type ID 2)
DP/AS-i link (Type ID 3)
DP/AS-i link 20E (Type ID 4)
DP-AS-i link Advanced (Type ID 6)

Diagnostic information
All of the AS-i components to be diagnosed must be parameterized in the "sltlprodiaghmi.ini"
configuration file.

Entry Description
ComboCount=x Number of entries (x) in the selection list
[SKO_Index0] 1. Entry
DiagType= 6 Type ID of the AS-i component (refer above)
TypeSection=DP-AS-i-Link- Designation of the AS-i component, which should be
Advanced 1 output in the selection list
Logical_Address=43 E address of the AS-i component from the hardware
RequestDB=449 Instance DB of the function block "FB_SL_COM"
being used


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18.15 PROFIBUS/PROFINET and AS-i bus diagnostics

Example of the "sltlprodiaghmi.ini" with 5 components




DiagType= 1





DiagType= 2





DiagType= 3





DiagType= 4





DiagType= 6





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18.15 PROFIBUS/PROFINET and AS-i bus diagnostics

1. Copy the "sltlprodiaghmi.ini" file from the /siemens/sinumerik/hmi/template/cfg directory.
2. Place the file in the directory: /oem/sinumerik/hmi/cfg or /user/sinumerik/hmi/cfg.
If the file is already available in the directory, then just supplement this by the
corresponding entries.
3. Open the file and enter the corresponding data of the AS-i components.
4. Save and close the file.
The diagnostics information is displayed on the user interface.

18.15.4 Displaying AS-i bus diagnostics

Diagnostics information from AS-i components

Using the user interface, you have the option of displaying information about the networking
of binary sensors and actuators (AS-i).

Software option
Additional error counter can be displayed for the component DP-AS-i Link
Advanced if the option "Operating SW HMI PRO sl RT" is set.

Diagnostic information

Flags acc. to the AS-i specification Description

Offline Offline operating state
Internal Internal operating state
EEPROM o.k. Internal EEPROM okay
Auto-Addr.progr. enabled Automatic address assignment enabled
I/O fault Peripheral fault present
Master Power On - Start Starting after Master Power On
Offline ready Offline phase completed
AS-i cable voltage too low AS-i cable voltage too low
CP in normal operation CP in normal operation
Operating mode Operating mode state
Auto.-Addr.progr. executed Automatic address assignment executed
Auto-Addr.progr. possible Automatic address assignment possible
AS-i slave with addr.=0 available Slave with address 0 available
Reference config. = actual config. Target configuration equal to actual configuration


404 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Service and diagnostics
18.16 Spindle diagnostics

State Marking
Slave OK Green
Slave fault Red
Slave is available, but not configured Yellow


1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the menu forward key twice and the "AS-i diag." softkey.
The "Diagnostics AS-Interface" window is opened.

3. Select the required DP AS-interface.

The complete diagnostics information is displayed.
The values in italics indicate an error counter > 0.

18.16 Spindle diagnostics

18.16.1 Evaluation of the status signals

Software option
For the "Spindle diagnostics" you require the "S-Monitor" option.

Main spindle drives are monitored with various status signals. The DRIVE-CLiQ connection
at the spindle can be used to evaluate these signals in the drive. For a more effective
diagnosis of the spindle operating states, the status signals are evaluated and the following
information displayed on the user interface:
● Operating hours
● Temperatures
● Speed/power
● Logistics data


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 405
Service and diagnostics
18.16 Spindle diagnostics

● A spindle has an SMI24:
r0459, bit 14 = 1.
● Drive telegram 139 is configured for the spindle.
● The spindle functionality for the machine axis is present, when:
The value corresponds to the spindle number.

For further information, refer to the following documentation:
Basic Functions (S1), Function Manual; Section "Spindle with SMI24"


1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the menu forward key twice.

3. Press the "Spindle diag." softkey to obtain a data overview.

The "S1 Spindle Diagnostics" window opens.

If several spindles are in operation, select the desired spindle using the "Spindle +" or
"Spindle -" softkey.


406 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Service and diagnostics
18.16 Spindle diagnostics

Data overview
The "S1 Spindle Diagnostics" window shows the following information:

Parameter Value
Operating hours h
• Spindle under control
• Spindle under speed
Number of clamping cycles (tool change)
Motor temperature °C
Clamping system (sensor 1) V
Piston free (sensor 4)
Shaft in the change position (sensor 5)
Load classification *) %
Nominal residual use *) h
Maximum speed rpm
*) If at least one collision was detected, "Load classification" and "Nominal residual use" will be
grayed-out because they no longer display any reliable values.

18.16.2 Fetch temperatures

To ensure a full temperature protection, a diagnosis of the temperatures can also be
performed at low speeds or standstill. Which temperatures are displayed depends on the
number and the mounting location (e.g. S6) of the used sensors, for example:
● Motor temperature (KTY84)
● Winding, full motor protection (PTC)
● S6, e.g. bearing temperature (KTY)


1. The "S1 Spindle Diagnostics" window is open.

2. Press the "Temperatures" softkey.
The "S1 Temperatures" window opens and displays the acquired data.
3. Press the "Histogram" softkey to track the temperature change of a
sensor over a certain period.

- OR -
Press the "Back" softkey to return to the data overview.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 407
Service and diagnostics
18.16 Spindle diagnostics

18.16.3 Fetch speed, torque and power

To check the loads on the spindle, the speed, torque, and power are acquired in a histogram
as function of the operating hours. The color coding indicates the following states:
● Light green: low load
● Green: rated load
● Yellow: high load
● Orange: critical load


1. The "S1 Spindle Diagnostics" window is open.

2. Press the "Speed/power" softkey.
The "S1 Speed/Power" window opens and displays in a histogram the
acquired data.
3. Press the "Back" softkey to return to the data overview.

Possible conclusions
● The speed histogram is an indication of the load on the bearings and rotary gland caused
by the speed.
● The speed histogram is an indication of the load on the bearings caused by the stock
removal forces. The relationship between torque and radial force changes, however,
depending on the tool diameter (lever arm), the milling arc (superimposition of the cutting
forces of the individual cutting edges) and the cutting force coefficients (the stock removal
consists of cutting force force, infeed force and passive force - only the cutting force is
acquired via the torque).
● The power histogram provides an indication of the potential for a process optimization.
The power histogram also allows an estimate whether the loads caused by speed and
torque are superimposed over time and thus accumulated.

18.16.4 Checking the clamping system

The diagnosis of the clamping system offers the following capabilities:
● Fast and robust detection of the clamped states
● Monitoring of the clamping task and the clamping system


408 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Service and diagnostics
18.16 Spindle diagnostics

The sensors in the motor provide information about the clamping device and the orientation
of the tool in the spindle:

Sensor Meaning
S1 Clamped state Released
Clamped with tool
Clamped without tool
S4 Piston free
S5 Shaft in the change position


1. The "S1 Spindle Diagnostics" window is open.

2. Press the "Clamping system" softkey.
The "S1 Clamping System" window opens and displays the acquired
data. The clamping state is displayed as a histogram.
Speed limitation
3. Press the "Speed limitation" softkey to change the limit values for the
speeds of the clamped states.
The "S1 Speed Limitations" window opens.
4. Press the "Change" softkey to enter the the desired speed limitations
depending on the clamped state and confirm with "OK".

- OR -
3. Press the "Cycle counter diagnostics" softkey to fetch the clamping
times and perform a diagnosis of the clamping system.
The "S1 Cycle Counter and Diagnostics" window opens and displays
the acquired data.
- OR -
3. Press the "Back" softkey to return to the data overview.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 409
Service and diagnostics
18.16 Spindle diagnostics

18.16.5 Fetching the logistics data

The following manufacturer characteristics of the spindle can be fetched via DRIVE-CLiQ:
● Manufacturer identification
● Drawing number
● Serial number
● Date of manufacture
● Service date and service information (1 ... 4):
Can be fetched only with "Service" access level.


1. The "S1 Spindle Diagnostics" window is open.

2. Press the "Logistics data" softkey.
The "S1 Logistics Data" window opens and displays the acquired data.
3. Press the "Back" softkey to return to the data overview.


410 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
OEM-specific online help 19
19.1 Overview
In addition to the existing extensive online help, you also have the option of generating a
manufacturer-specific online help and then linking this into SINUMERIK Operate.
This online help is generated in the HTML format, i.e. it comprises HTML documents that are
linked with one another. The subject being searched for is called in a separate window from
a contents or index directory. Similar to a document browser (e.g. Windows Explorer), a list
of possible selections is displayed in the left-hand half of the window and when you click on
the required subject, the explanation is displayed in the right hand half of the window.
Context sensitive selection of online help pages is not possible.

1. Generating HTML files
2. Generating a help book
3. Integrating the online help in SINUMERIK Operate
4. Saving help files

Other application cases

Online help for the following OEM-specific expansions can be created and used to
supplement the SINUMERIK Operate online help system:
● Online help for cycles and/or M functions of the machine manufacturer which extend the
programming options for SINUMERIK control systems. This online help is called in just
the same way as the SINUMERIK Operate online help "Programming".
● Online help for OEM-specific variables of the machine manufacturer. This online help is
called from the variable view of SINUMERIK Operate.

Programming online help

You can use the "SINUMERIK HMI programming package sl" for additional options for
configuring the online help. Using this programming package, it is possible to develop high-
level language applications in the C++ programming language for SINUMERIK Operate on
the NCU 7x0.

The "SINUMERIK HMI programming package sl" must be ordered separately as a software
option. The associated documentation is provided together with the programming package.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 411
OEM-specific online help
19.2 Generating HTML files

19.2 Generating HTML files

Generating help files in the HTML format. It is possible to save all information in a single
HTML file or to distribute the information over several HTML files.
You can assign the file names yourself, however, you must observe the following:
● References within HTML files should always be specified with relative paths. Only then
can it be ensured that the references function in precisely the same way on both the
development computer as well as on the target system.
● If jumps are to be made to certain points within an HTML file per link, then so-called
anchors must be defined for this purpose.
Example of an HTML anchor:
<a name="myAnchor">This is an anchor</a>

● The contents of HTML documents must be saved with the UTF-8 coding. Only then is it
guaranteed that the HTML documents are correctly displayed in all of the country
languages supported by SINUMERIK Operate.
● The following sub-sets of the HTML functional scope are supported:

HTML tags

Tag Description Comment

a Anchor or link Supported attributes: href and name
address Address
b Bold
big Larger font
blockquote Indented paragraph
body Document body Supported attributes: bgcolor (#RRGGBB)
br Line break
center Centered paragraph
cite Inline citation Same effect as tag i
code Code Same effect as tag tt
dd Definition data
dfn Definition Same effect as tag i
div Document division The standard block attributes are supported
dl Definition list The standard block attributes are supported
dt Definition term The standard block attributes are supported
em Emphasized Same effect as tag i
font Font size, family, color Supported attributes: size, face, and color (#RRGGBB)
h1 Level 1 heading The standard block attributes are supported
h2 Level 2 heading The standard block attributes are supported
h3 Level 3 heading The standard block attributes are supported
h4 Level 4 heading The standard block attributes are supported
h5 Level 5 heading The standard block attributes are supported
h6 Level 6 heading The standard block attributes are supported


412 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
OEM-specific online help
19.2 Generating HTML files

Tag Description Comment

head Document header
hr Horizontal line Supported attributes: width (can be specified as absolute or
relative value)
html HTML document
i Italic
img Image Supported attributes: src, width, height
kbd User-entered text
meta Meta-information
li List item
nobr Non-breakable text
ol Ordered list The standard attributes for lists are supported
p Paragraph The standard block attributes are supported (default setting:
pre Preformated text
s Strikethrough
samp Sample code Same effect as tag tt
small Small font
span Grouped elements
strong Strong Same effect as tag b
sub Subscript
sup Superscript
table Table Supported attributes: border, bgcolor (#RRGGBB),
cellspacing, cellpadding, width (absolute or relative), height
tbody Table body No effect
td Table data cell The standard attributes for table cells are supported
tfoot Table footer No effect
th Table header cell The standard attributes for table cells are supported
thead Table header This is used to print tables that extend over several pages
title Document title
tr Table row Supported attributes: bgcolor (#RRGGBB)
tt Typewrite font
u Underlined
ul Unordered list The standard attributes for lists are supported
var Variable Same effect as tag tt

Block attributes
The following attributes are supported by the tags div, dl, dt, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p:
● align (left, right, center, justify)
● dir (ltr, rtl)


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 413
OEM-specific online help
19.2 Generating HTML files

Standard attributes for lists

The following attributes are supported by tags ol and ul:
● type (1, a, A, square, disc, circle)

Standard attributes for tables

The following attributes are supported by tags td and th:
● width (absolute, relative, no-value)
● bgcolor (#RRGGBB)
● colspan
● rowspan
● align (left, right, center, justify)
● valign (top, middle, bottom)

CSS properties
The following table includes the supported CSS functional scope:

Property Values Description

background-color <color> Background color for elements
background-image <uri> Background image for elements
color <color> Foreground color for text
text-indent <length>px Indent the first line of a paragraph in pixels
white-space normal | pre | nowrap | Defines how whitespace characters are handled in
pre-wrap HTML documents
margin-top <length>px Width of the upper edge of the paragraph in pixels
margin-bottom <length>px Width of the lower edge of the paragraph in pixels
margin-left <length>px Length of the left hand edge of the paragraph in
margin-right <length>px Width of the righthand edge of the paragraph in
vertical-align baseline | sub | super | Vertical alignment for text (in tables, only the
middle | top | bottom values middle, top and bottom are supported)
border-color <color> Border color for text tables
border-style none | dotted | dashed | Border style for text tables
dot-dash | dot-dot-dash |
solid | double | groove |
ridge | inset | outset
background [ <'background-color'> || Short notation for background property
<'background-image'> ]
page-break-before [ auto | always ] Page break before a paragraph/table
page-break-after [ auto | always ] Page break after a paragraph/table
background-image <uri> Background image for elements


414 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
OEM-specific online help
19.3 Generating the help book

Supported CSS selectors

All CSS 2.1 selector classes are supported with the exception of so-called pseudo selector
classes such as :first-child, :visited and :hover.

19.3 Generating the help book

The help book is an XML file in which the structure of the online help is defined. In this file,
you define:
● HTML documents
● Contents and subject index

Syntax for the help book

Tag Number Meaning

HMI_SL_HELP 1 Root element of the XML document
I-BOOK Identifies a help book. The name can be freely selected under the
I constraint that no name predefined by the system is used (such as
I sinumerik_alarm_plc_pmc).
I In the example, the name of the help book is "hmi_myhelp"
I +
I ref Identifies the HTML document that is displayed as the
I entry page for the help book.
I title Title of the help book that is displayed in the table of
I contents.
helpdir Directory that contains the online help of the help book.
I-ENTRY Section of the online help
II Attributes:
II ref Identifies the HTML document that is displayed as entry
II * page for the section.
II title Title of the section that is displayed in the table of
II contents.
II-INDEX_ENTRY Subject (keyword) to be displayed
II Attributes:
II ref Identifies the HTML document that is jumped to for this
* subject index entry.
II title Title of the subject that is displayed in the subject index.

The following applies for the "Number" column:

* means 0 or more
+ means 1 or more


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 415
OEM-specific online help
19.3 Generating the help book

Example for a help book

In the following example, the structure of a help book with the "My Help" name is described.
Further, it forms the basis for the table of contents and subject index.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<HMI_SL_HELP language="en-US">
<BOOK ref="index.html" title="My Help" helpdir="hmi_myhelp">
<ENTRY ref="section_1.html" title="Section 1">
<INDEX_ENTRY ref="section_1html#Keyword_1" title="Keyword_1"/>
<INDEX_ENTRY ref="section_1.html#Keyword_2" title="Keyword_2"/>
<ENTRY ref="section_2.html" title="Section 2">
<INDEX_ENTRY ref="section_2.html#Keyword_3" title="Keyword_3"/>
<ENTRY ref="section_3.html" title="Section 3">
<ENTRY ref="section_31.html" title="Section 31">
INDEX_ENTRY ref="section_31.html#test" title="test;section31"/>
<ENTRY ref="section_32.html" title="Section 32">
INDEX_ENTRY ref="section_32.html#test" title="test;section32"/>

The book comprises three sections, whereby the third section has two subsections. The
various subject words (keywords) are defined within the section.


416 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
OEM-specific online help
19.4 Integrating the online help in SINUMERIK Operate

You have the following three options to format the subject index:
1. Single entry:
<INDEX_ENTRY ...title="index"/>

2. Two two-stage entry, whereby each title has a main and a subentry. Separate the entries
from one another using a comma.
<INDEX_ENTRY ...title="mainIndex_1,subIndex_1 with mainIndex_1"/>

3. Two-stage entry, whereby the first title is the main entry and the second title is the
subentry. Separate the entries from one another using a semicolon.
<INDEX_ENTRY ...title="mainIndex_2;subIndex_2 without mainIndex_1"/>

19.4 Integrating the online help in SINUMERIK Operate

If you wish to integrate the generated help book into the online help system of
SINUMERIK Operate, then you require the "slhlp.xml" file.

Format description of the "slhlp.xml"

Tag Number Meaning

CONFIGURATION 1 Root element of the XML document. Designates that this
involves a configuration file.
I-OnlineHelpFiles 1 Introduces the section about the online help books.
II-<help_book> * Introduces the section of a help book.
III-EntriesFile File name of the help book with the list of contents and
III subject (keyword) entries.
III Attributes:
III value Name of the XML file
III type Data type of the value (QString)

III-Technology Specifies the technology that applies to the help book.

III "All" applies to all technologies.
III If the help book applies to several technologies, then the
III technologies are listed separated by comma.
III 0, 1
Possible values:
All, Universal, Milling, Turning, Grinding, Stroking, Punching
III Attributes:
III value Technology data
type Data type of the value (QString)


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 417
OEM-specific online help
19.4 Integrating the online help in SINUMERIK Operate

Tag Number Meaning

III -DisableSearch Disable the subject (keyword) search for the help book.
III Attributes:
0, 1 value true, false
III type type, data type of the value (bool)
III-DisableFullTextSearch Disable the full text search for the help book.
III Attributes:
III value true, false
0, 1
III type type, data type of the value (bool)

III-DisableIndex Disable the subject index for the help book.

III Attributes:
0, 1 value true, false
III type type, data type of the value (bool)
III-DisableContent Disable the table of contents for the help book.
III 0, 1 Attributes:
III value true, false
III type type, data type of the value (bool)

III-DefaultLanguage Abbreviation for the language that should be displayed if the

III actual country language is available for the help book.
III Attributes:
0, 1
III value chs, deu, eng, esp, fra, ita, ...
type Data type of the value (QString)

The following applies for the "Number" column:

* means 0 or more

Example of a file "slhlp.xml"

The help book "hmi_myhelp.xml" is made known to SINUMERIK Operate in the following
The subject index has not been activated for the help book.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

<EntriesFile value="hmi_myhelp.xml" type="QString"/>
<DisableIndex value="frue" type="bool"/>


418 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
OEM-specific online help
19.5 Saving help files

19.5 Saving help files

Saving help files in the target system

1. Open the /oem/sinumerik/him/hlp directory and create a new folder for the required
language. For this purpose, use the specified language code.
It is mandatory that the folder names are written in lower-case letters.
For instance, if you are integrating a help function for German and English, then create
the "deu" and "eng" folders.
2. Place the help book, e.g. "hmi_myhelp.xml" in the "deu" and "eng" folders.
3. Copy the help files into the directories, e.g. /oem/sinumerik/him/hlp/deu/hmi_myhelp for
German and /oem/sinumerik/him/hlp/eng/hmi_myhelp for English help files.
4. Place the configuration file "slhlp.xml" into the directory /oem/sinumerik/hmi/cfg.
5. Restart the HMI.

When displaying the list of contents and subject index of a help book, the help files are
saved in the binary format (slhlp_<Hilfe-Buch_*.hmi) under the directory
/siemens/sinumerik/sys_cache/hmi/hlp for faster use. If you change the help book, you
must always delete these files.

See also
Supported languages (Page 584)

19.6 Generating online help for user alarms and machine data
You have the option to create a dedicated online help for user-specific PLC alarms. These
can be opened context-sensitive from the alarm list when the alarms occur.
The help texts for the user-specific PLC alarms are realized in the HTML file

Creating an HTML file

1. Create the HTML file in the following directory:
/oem/sinumerik/hmi/hlp/<lng>/sinumerik_alarm_plc_pmc/ or
<lng> stands for the language code, e.g. deu, eng, etc. If you create a language directory,
use the language code from the table in Section Supported languages (Page 584)
2. Assign the "sinumerik_alarm_oem_plc_pmc.html" name to the file. If you create help texts
for several languages, then create the corresponding number of HTML files with precisely
these names. This file name must not be changed and is applicable for all languages.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 419
OEM-specific online help
19.6 Generating online help for user alarms and machine data

3. Place the files in the corresponding language directories. For instance, place the file for
the German help text in the following directory:
4. Delete the file "slhlp_sinumerik_alarm_plc_pmc_*.hmi" in the
/siemens/sinumerik/sys_cache/hmi//hlp directory and restart the operating software.

"sinumerik_alarm_oem_plc_pmc.html" file

Entry Meaning
<a name="AlarmNr">AlarmNr</a> Hyperlink to the alarm number
<b> .....</b> Help text for the corresponding alarm
<td width="85%">......</td> Text that is displayed after the "Explanation" or "Remedy"

The alarm number is used as HTML anchor.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD

HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
- <html>
- <body>
- <table>
- <tr>
- <td width="15%">
<b><a name="510000">510000</a></b>
- <td width="85%">
<b>This is the help for user alarm 510000</b>
- <tr>
- <td valign="top" width="15%">
<td width="85%"> This is the explanation of user alarm 510000.</td>
- <tr>
<td valign="top" width="15%"><b>Remedy:</b></td>
<td width="85%">Eliminate reason for alarm. </td>



420 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
OEM-specific online help
19.6 Generating online help for user alarms and machine data

Distribute the online help for user alarms over several HTML files
You have the option of distributing the online help for user alarms over several HTML files.
1. Create an XML file with the name "sinumerik_alarm_plc_pmc.xml" in the following
directory: /oem/sinumerik/hmi/hlp/<lng>/ or /user/sinumerik/hmi/hlp/<lng>/
<lng> stands for the language code, e.g. deu, eng, etc. When you create a language
directory, use the language code from the table in Section Supported languages
(Page 584)
2. Open the XML file and in the tag <NUM_AREAS> enter the number ranges of the alarms
and the corresponding HTML files.
3. Store the HTML files, specified in the XML file, in the following directory:
/oem/sinumerik/hmi/hlp/<lng>/sinumerik_alarm_plc_pmc or
/user/sinumerik/hmi/hlp/<lng>/sinumerik_alarm_plc_pmc file

Example: Creating an XML file

Entry Meaning
<BOOK> Help book
<NUM_AREAS> Number ranges of the alarms and the reference to the particular HTML

In the following example are the online helps for the

alarms from 500000 to 599999 in the HTML file "sinumerik_alarm_oem_1.html",
the alarms from 600000 to 699999 in the HTML file "sinumerik_alarm_oem_2.html",
the alarms from 700000 to 799999 in the HTML file "sinumerik_alarm_oem_3.html",
the alarms from 800000 to 899999 in the HTML file "sinumerik_alarm_oem_4.html".

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>

<NUM_AREA from="500000" to="599999" ref="sinumerik_alarm_oem_1.html"
<NUM_AREA from="600000" to="699999" ref="sinumerik_alarm_oem_2.html"
<NUM_AREA from="700000" to="799999" ref="sinumerik_alarm_oem_3.html"
<NUM_AREA from="800000" to="899999" ref="sinumerik_alarm_oem_4.html"


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 421
OEM-specific online help
19.6 Generating online help for user alarms and machine data

Replacing the standard online help

You have the option of generating your own online help for the HMI, NC and PLC alarms as
well as machine data. This means that you can replace the standard online help by your own
online help.
You can call your own online help directly at the controller using the INFO key. Instead of the
standard online help, your own online help is displayed.
Directory for HTML files

Area Directory
PLC alarms /oem/sinumerik/hmi/hlp/<lng>/sinumerik_alarm_plc_pmc/ or
HMI alarms /oem/sinumerik/hmi/hlp/<lng>/sinumerik_alarm_hmi/ or
NC alarms /oem/sinumerik/hmi/hlp/<lng>/sinumerik_alarm_nck/ or
NC MD /oem/sinumerik/hmi/hlp/<lng>/sinumerik_md_nck/
Channel MD /oem/sinumerik/hmi/hlp/<lng>/sinumerik_md_chan/
Axis MD /oem/sinumerik/hmi/hlp/<lng>/sinumerik_md_axis/

<lng> stands for the language code, e.g. deu, eng, etc. Only use the language codes from
the table in SectionSupported languages (Page 584)
1. Create the corresponding directory, refer to the table "Directory for HTML files".
2. Generate the help file and as file names, use the alarm/machine data number as well as
the extension ".html". If you create help texts for several languages, then create the
corresponding number of HTML files with precisely these names and then create the file
in the corresponding language directory.

● Your own German online help for the PLC Alarm 510000:
● Your own German online help for the NC machine data 14510 $MN_USER_DATA_INT:


422 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
OEM-specific online help
19.7 Example: This is how you create an online help for NC/PLC variables

19.7 Example: This is how you create an online help for NC/PLC variables

In order to create context-sensitive online help for NC/PLC variables or system variables as
shown in the following example, the descriptive texts are managed in language-dependent
html files.

Figure 19-1 Example: Online help for user variables

Structure of the online help

The following files are required for the online help:

File Meaning
sldgvarviewhelp.ini Configuration file to manage an html file or several html
<lng>/<name>1.html The contents of all html files of the online help are
language-dependent and are saved in the relevant
. . .
language directory <lng>.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 423
OEM-specific online help
19.7 Example: This is how you create an online help for NC/PLC variables

Structure of the configuration file

The file is independent of any language and is structured as follows:

/BAG/STATE/OPMODE = var1_help.html#var1
$AA_IM[X1] = var1_help.html
$R[1] = var1_help.html#var2
/Channel/Parameter/R[u1,1] = var2_help.html#var2
DB2.DBX180.0 = var2_help.html#var1
GUD/MyVar[2] = var2_help.html

The html files can be generated with any html editor. A definition is provided in the
configuration file as to which html files belong to the online help.
The description can comprise one or several html files: For example, one html file for each
variable or several identical variables in one file.

1. Copy the configuration file to the following directory:

2. Copy the html files to one of the following directories:



<lng> stands for the language code.


424 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
OEM-specific online help
19.8 Example: This is how you create a programming online help

3. Delete all files in the directory:


The settings become effective only after restarting the system.

19.8 Example: This is how you create a programming online help

Create the following files:
● Configuration file "prog_help.ini"



● Configuration file for the help book "slhlp.xml" (optional)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

<EntriesFile value="hmi_prog_help.xml" type="QString"/>
<DisableIndex value="true" type="bool"/>


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 425
OEM-specific online help
19.8 Example: This is how you create a programming online help

● Configuration file for the help book "hmi_prog_help.xml" (optional)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<HMI_SL_HELP language="en-US">
<BOOK ref="index.html" title="OEM_CYCLES" helpdir="hmi_prog_help">
<ENTRY ref="cycle1_help.html" title="Cycle1"></ENTRY>
<ENTRY ref="cycle2_help.html" title="Cycle2"></ENTRY>
<ENTRY ref="cycle3_help.html" title="Cycle3"></ENTRY>
<ENTRY ref="cycle4_help.html" title="Cycle4"></ENTRY>
<ENTRY ref="cycle_help.html" title="OEM_Cycles"></ENTRY>

● Language-dependent file "<prog_help_eng>.ts": this filename is permanently specified.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>

<translation>short description for cycle 1</translation>
<translation>short description for cycle 2</translation>
<translation>short description for cycle 3</translation>


426 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
OEM-specific online help
19.8 Example: This is how you create a programming online help

Saving help files in the target system

1. Copy the configuration file "prog.ini" to the following directory:

2. Copy the file "slhlp.xml" to the help book in the following directory:

3. Create a directory for the desired language of the online help under the following
path: /oem/sinumerik/hmi/hlp/<lng> and copy the hmi_prog_help.xml file there
Use the specified language code from the list of language codes for file names. The
directory names must be written in lower case.
4. Copy the language-dependent prog_help_<lng>.ts file for the Product Brief to the
following path: /oem/sinumerik/hmi/<lng>/prog_help_<lng>.ts
5. Copy the html files with the description of the OEM cycles to the following directory:

The settings become effective only after restarting the system.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 427
OEM-specific online help
19.8 Example: This is how you create a programming online help


428 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
SINUMERIK Integrate - AMB, AMC, AMM 20
To start the "SINUMERIK Integrate - AMB, AMC, AMM" software, configure a softkey using a
display machine data. To do this you require, as a minimum, authorization for access level 3

Configuring a softkey

=1 The "SINUMERIK integrate" softkey is displayed on the extended user interface bar.

Information on the software can be found in the following documentation:
Function Manual SINUMERIK Integrate - AMB, AMC, AMM


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 429


430 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Safety Integrated 21
21.1 Displaying machine data and parameters

21.1.1 View of the axes

You can display the Safety Integrated axes in the "Machine Configuration" window.

Copying and confirming Safety Integrated data

You can copy and confirm Safety Integrated data.

Activating and deactivating the start-up of the Safety Integrated drives

You have the possibility of activating and deactivating Safety Integrated drives.
The Safety commissioning mode in the drives is activated.

Further information is available in the Safety Integrated 840D sl Function Manual


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the menu forward key and the "Safety" softkey.

The "Machine Configuration Safety Axes" window opens.

All of the safety axes are displayed.

3. Press the "All axes" softkey if you wish to display all of the axes.

The "All Axes Machine Configuration" window opens and the "All axes"
softkey changes into "Safety axes".
4. Press the "Safety axes" softkey in order to return to the view of the
safety axes.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 431
Safety Integrated
21.1 Displaying machine data and parameters

See also
Copying and confirming Safety Integrated data (Page 435)
Activating/deactivating start-up mode (Page 436)
Displaying the Safety-Integrated settings (Page 437)

21.1.2 General machine data for Safety Integrated

The general machine data is listed in the "Selection of General MD" window and can be
edited, copied and confirmed.

Changes as well as copying and confirming are effective for all axes and the general
machine data.

Screen view
The machine data display is split into two halves:
● In the upper part of the screen view, the machine data that are important for
commissioning are displayed; however, they do not involve Safety Integrated machine
● Safety Integrated machine data are displayed in the lower part of the screen view.

Changing the screen view

1. Press the "MD selection" to change into the full screen view.
The selection of general machine data is displayed over the complete
2. Press the "SI-MD" softkey.
The general safety integrated machine data are displayed over the full
3. Press the "SI + MD selection" softkey.
You return to the common view split in two of the general machine data
and the Safety Integrated machine data.


432 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Safety Integrated
21.1 Displaying machine data and parameters

Searching for machine data

1. Press the "Search" softkey, enter the machine data number being
searched for in the window that opens or a character string that is being
searched for an press the "OK" softkey.

2. Press the "Continue search" softkey if the text position found does not
correspond to the required machine data.

3. Press the "Go to start" or "Go to end" softkey to set the cursor to the
beginning or to the end of the displayed data.

4. Press the "Search" softkey if you wish to change the search term.

21.1.3 Axis-specific machine data in Safety Integrated

The axis machine data is listed in the "Axis MD" window and can be changed.

Copying and confirming Safety Integrated data for certain axes

Select the desired axis using the "Axis +" or "Axis -" softkey for which the Safety Integrated
data is to be copied and confirmed.

Screen view
The machine data display is split into two halves:
● In the upper part of the screen view, the machine data that are important for
commissioning are displayed; however, they do not involve Safety Integrated machine
● Safety Integrated machine data are displayed in the lower part of the screen view.

Changing the screen view

1. Press the "MD selection" to change into the full screen view.
The selection of Axis MD is displayed over the complete screen.
2. Press the "SI-MD" softkey.
The Safety Integrated Axis MD are displayed over the complete screen.
3. Press the "SI + MD selection" softkey.
You return to the common view split in two of the general machine data
and the Safety Integrated machine data.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 433
Safety Integrated
21.1 Displaying machine data and parameters

Searching for machine data

1. Press the "Search" softkey, enter the machine data number being
searched for in the window that opens or a character string that is being
searched for an press the "OK" softkey.

2. Press the "Continue search" softkey if the text position found does not
correspond to the required machine data.

3. Press the "Go to start" or "Go to end" softkey to set the cursor to the
beginning or to the end of the displayed data.

4. Press the "Search" softkey if you wish to change the search term.

21.1.4 Drive machine data in Safety Integrated

The drive machine data is listed in the "Selection of Drive MD" window and can be changed.

Activating or deactivating the startup mode

Use the "Drive +" or "Drive -" softkey to select the drive that you want to switch to startup

Searching for machine data

1. Press the "Search" softkey, enter the machine data number being
searched for in the window that opens or a character string that is being
searched for an press the "OK" softkey.

2. Press the "Continue search" softkey if the text position found does not
correspond to the required machine data.

3. Press the "Go to start" or "Go to end" softkey to set the cursor to the
beginning or to the end of the displayed data.

4. Press the "Search" softkey if you wish to change the search term.


434 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Safety Integrated
21.1 Displaying machine data and parameters

21.1.5 Copying and confirming Safety Integrated data

All the NC machine data relevant for the SI functions is transferred to the corresponding
drive parameters.
The SI machine data or drive parameters to define the encoder mounting arrangement must
be separately entered for the NCK and drive. These are not copied

Certain NCK machine data is not copied into the drive parameters.

When confirming the data, the actual checksum is saved in the reference checksum.

The data is saved for all safety axes.


The "Machine configuration" window is open.


Copying Safety Integrated data

1. Press the "Copy SI data" and "OK" softkeys. Safety-oriented NCK
machine data is copied into the drive parameters.

2. Press the "Axis MD" softkey and select an axis using the "Axis +" or
"Axis -" softkey if you wish to copy axis-specific machine data and
safety data.

3 Press the "Reset (po)" and "OK" softkeys.

The control and the drives restart (warm restart).


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 435
Safety Integrated
21.1 Displaying machine data and parameters

Confirming Safety Integrated data

4. Press the "Confirm SI data" and "OK" softkeys.
The correctness of the values is confirmed and the current checksum
The drive data is saved automatically

21.1.6 Activating/deactivating start-up mode

For the start-up of the Safety Integrated drives, the drive parameter p0010 is switched to
startup mode (p0010=95).
Value "0" is entered in drive parameter p0010 to exit the start-up mode. Beforehand, the
CRC in p9798 and p9898 are confirmed. The start-up state can be exited with or without
At the same time, you can set the drive PROFIsafe address.


1. Select the "Startup" operating area.

2. Press the menu forward key and the "Safety" softkey.

3. Press the "Drive MD" softkey and select the desired drive using the
"Drive +" or "Drive -" softkey.

- OR -

Press the "View axes" softkey.


436 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Safety Integrated
21.1 Displaying machine data and parameters

4. Press the "Deactivate dr. start-up" softkey.

A prompt is displayed.
5. Press the "OK" softkey to continue with the start-up.
A prompt is displayed whether you want to set the PROFISafe address
for the selected drive.
6. Press the "Yes" softkey.
Already existing settings of parameter p9810 are overwritten and the
drive parameter p0010 is switched to the start-up mode.
- OR -
Press the "No" softkey.
The existing settings of parameter p9810 are retained and the drive
parameter p0010 is switched to the start-up mode.
7. Press the "Deactivate dr. start-up" softkey.

21.1.7 Displaying the Safety-Integrated settings

The following configured values can be displayed in the "Safety Integrated Settings" window:
● Safe operating stop and safely limited speed (SBH/SG)
● Safe software end position for software limit switches (SE)
● Safe cams (SN)

You can use the softkeys to scroll between the Safety Integrated axes.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 437
Safety Integrated
21.2 Safety Integrated diagnostics


1. Select the "Startup" operating area.

2. Press the menu advance key and the "Safety" softkey.

3. Press the "View settings" softkey.

The "Safety Integrated Settings" window opens.
The configured limits for safe operating stop (SBH) and safely limited
speed (SG) are displayed.
4. Press the "Show safe limit pos." softkey if you wish to display the
configured directions and limits of the software limit switches (SE).

5. Press the "Show Safe Cams" softkey if you wish to display the positions
and assignments of the safe cams (SN).

See also
View of the axes (Page 431)

21.2 Safety Integrated diagnostics

21.2.1 Status display for NCK Safety Integrated

The status display shows signals or values with NCK and drive information for a selected


438 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Safety Integrated
21.2 Safety Integrated diagnostics

Available signals
● Safe actual position
● Position deviation NCK/drive
● "Safe operating stop" monitoring active
● "Safe velocity" monitoring active
● Active SV step
● Active SV correction factor
● Safe actual velocity limit
● Set velocity limit
● Current velocity difference
● Maximum velocity difference
● Active safe software limit switch
● Active gear ratio (step)
● Active stop
● Currently requested external stop
● Stop F code value
● Pulses enabled
● Traversing inhibit, stop in other axis


1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the menu forward key and the "Safety" softkey.

3. Press the "SI status" softkeys.

The "Safety Integrated Status (NCK)" window appears.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 439
Safety Integrated
21.2 Safety Integrated diagnostics

4. Press the "Axis +" or "Axis -" softkey.

The values of the next or the previous axis are displayed.
... - OR -

Press the "Axis selection" softkey and select the desired axis directly
from the displayed list of available axes.

21.2.2 Display SGE/SGA signals

Safety-related inputs and outputs

Safe input signals, NCK Bit15...0
Safe input signals, drive Bit15...0
Safe input signals, NCK, Bit 16...31
Safe input signals, drive, Bit 16...31
Safe output signals, NCK Bit15...0
Safe output signals, drive Bit15...0
Safe output signals, NCK, Bit 16...31
Safe output signals, drive, Bit 16...31


1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the menu forward key and the "Safety" softkey.

3. Press the "SGE/SGA" softkey to display the safety-related input and

output signals.
The "Safety Integrated SGE/SGA" window appears.


440 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Safety Integrated
21.2 Safety Integrated diagnostics

4. Press the "Axis +" or "Axis -" softkey.

The values of the next or the previous axis are displayed.

- OR -

Press the "Axis selection" softkey and select the desired axis directly
from the displayed list of available axes.

21.2.3 Display SPL signals

Safe programmable logic

$A_INSE (P) $A_INSE (P) - corresponds to simultaneous selection of:
$A_INSE (upper line, origin of the NCK) and
$A_INSEP (lower line, origin of the PLC)
$A_OUTSE (P) comp. $A_INSE (P)
$A_INSI (P) comp. $A_INSE (P)
$A_OUTSI (P) comp. $A_INSE (P)
$A_MARKERSI (P) comp. $A_INSE (P)
$A_PLCSIIN comp. $A_INSE (P)

Bit Selection of an 8-bit area of the selected signal.

Available signals/values
DCC fill level
DCC status
DCC control word
SPL booting state
SPL started up
SPL interfaces have been parameterized
SPL program file SAFE.SPL loaded
NCK and PLC state
Interrupt for PLC start should be assigned
Interrupt has been assigned for PLC start
Interrupt processing for SPL start called
Interrupt processing for SPL start terminated
SPL start implemented using PROG_EVENT mechanism
SPL started via AUTO start


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 441
Safety Integrated
21.2 Safety Integrated diagnostics

SPL processing completed, end of program reached.

NCK data cross-checking (DCC) has been started
PLC data cross-checking has been started
Cyclic SPL checksum test active
All SPL protective mechanisms active


1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the menu forward key and the "Safety" softkey.

3. Press the "SPL" softkey to display the safe programmable logic signals.
The "Safety Integrated SPL" window is opened

21.2.4 Displaying Safety Integrated checksums

You obtain the following information areas in the "SI Configuration" window:
● Overview of the settings of the Safety Integrated option
● Tables indicate the checksum for the actual Safety Integrated configuration.

Safety Integrated options

The overview of the Safety Integrated options includes the number of the Safety Integrated
axes configured as well as an overview of the active Safety Integrated options.

Safety Integrated checksum area

The following checksums are displayed for the overview of the Safety Integrated checksum
● Checksum for the "SAFE.SPF" program
● General checksums
● Checksum for NCK and drive for each axis and the corresponding drive, for which the
Safety Integrated has been enabled.
You receive information about the time of the last change of the checksum in the NCK.


442 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Safety Integrated
21.2 Safety Integrated diagnostics


1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the menu forward key and the "Safety" softkey.

3. Press the "SI checksum" softkey.

The "SI Configuration" window opens.
4. Press the "Axis +" or "Axis -" softkey.
The values of the next or the previous axis are displayed.
- OR -

Press the "Axis selection" softkey and select the desired axis directly
from the displayed list of available axes.

21.2.5 Safety Integrated Basic Functions (Drive)

Supported functions
The following Safety Integrated functions (Safety Integrated Basic Functions) are available:
These functions are available in the standard drive version.
● Safe Torque Off (STO)
STO is a safety function that prevents the drive from restarting unexpectedly in
accordance with EN 60204-1.
● Safe Stop 1 (SS1, time controlled)
The SS1 function is based on the “Safe Torque Off” function. This means that a Category
1 stop in accordance with EN 60204-1 can be implemented.
● Safe Brake Control (SBC)
The SBC function permits the safe control of a holding brake.

Safety Integrated Basic Functions
When a drive object that has Safety Integrated functions released is switched to "Parking"
state, the Safety Integrated software responds by activating STO without generating a
separate message.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 443
Safety Integrated
21.2 Safety Integrated diagnostics

The functions are described in: Function Manual, Safety Integrated


1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the menu forward key and the "Safety" softkey.

3. Press the "SI status" softkey.

The "SI status" window is opened.
4. Press the "Display drive status" softkey to display the status of safe

5. Press the "Drive +" or "Drive -" softkey.

The parameters are displayed for the next or previous drive object.
- OR -

6. Press the "Drive selection" softkey and in the drop-down list that
appears, directly select the desired drive object.

21.2.6 Safety Integrated fail-safe I/O

Fail-safe I/O modules ("fail-safe modules")

The "SI I/O" display provides a summary of the configuration and status of the PROFIsafe
I/O. The following signals are displayed:
● Fail-safe master address
● Parameterized PROFIsafe cycle time
● Maximum occurring PROFIsafe cycle time
● Modular PROFIsafe I/O interface
● Number of active I/O modules
● Number of passive I/O modules


444 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Safety Integrated
21.2 Safety Integrated diagnostics


1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the menu forward key and the "Safety" softkey.

3. Press the "SI I/O" softkey.

The "SI I/O" window is opened and the status of the signals is
Press the "Fail-safe modules" softkey to display the status of the fail-
safe modules and their PROFIsafe address.
4. Press the "Details" softkey to display further information on this fail-safe

21.2.7 Displaying cam signals

The signals of the cam SGA are displayed in the "Cam SGA" window.
Cam synchronization is executed between NCK and PLC at the cam SGA.


1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the "Menu forward" key and then the "Safety" softkey.

3. Press the "Output cam SGA" softkey.

The "Cam SGA" window opens.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 445
Safety Integrated
21.2 Safety Integrated diagnostics

4. Press the "Axis +" or "Axis -" softkey.

The values of the next or the previous axis are displayed.

- OR -

Press the "Axis selection" softkey and select the desired axis directly
from the displayed list of available axes.

21.2.8 Displaying SI communication data

Signals and values for the following communication data are displayed in the "SI
Communication (General)" window:
● Parameterized CPU-CPU communication clock cycle status
● Actual CPU-CPU communication clock cycle status
● Maximum CPU-CPU communication clock cycle
● Number of active send data connections (F_SENDDP)
● Number of active receive data connections (F_RECVDP)


1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the "Menu forward" key and then the "Safety" softkey.

3. Press the "SI communication" softkey.

The "SI Communication (General)" window opens.


446 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Safety Integrated
21.2 Safety Integrated diagnostics

21.2.9 SI communication send connections

The configuration as well as the status of F_SENDDP are displayed in the SI communication
(send)" window.

Displayed signals
The following signals of the selected connection are displayed:
● CPU-CPU communication ID
● Logical base address
● Connection number
● Maximum parameterized communication time
● Actual communication time
● Maximum communication time
● Error reaction
Error reactions that can be set:
– [0] "Alarm 27350 + STOP D/E"
– [1] "Alarm 27350"
– [2] "Alarm 27351 (self clearing)"
– [3] "No reaction"
● Error
● Diagnostics error code
● Substitute values active
● Actual communication data
● Driver state
Status display:
– [0] "Not initialized"
– [1] "Establish communication after booting"
– [2] "Establish communication after error"
– [3] "Wait for checkback signals SN=1"
– [4] "Receiver waits for user acknowledgement"
– [5] "Normal operation"


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 447
Safety Integrated
21.2 Safety Integrated diagnostics


1. The "SI communication (general)" window with the communication data

is opened.
2. Press the "Send connection" softkey.
The "SI communication (send)" window is opened.
3. Press the "Connection +" or "Connection -" softkey to select the
connection whose data you wish to display.

4. Press the "Display SPL connection" softkey in order to display

additional details, e.g. connection data that has been set.
The softkey is only available if send connections have been configured.
5. Press the "Display connection" softkey to return to the window with the
send connections of the selected connection.

21.2.10 SI communication receive connections

The configuration as well as the status of F_ RECVDP are displayed in the SI
communication (receive)" window.

Displayed signals
The following signals of the selected connection are displayed:
● CPU-CPU communication ID
● Logical base address
● Connection number
● Maximum parameterized communication time
● Actual communication time
● Maximum communication time
● Error reaction
Error reactions that can be set:
– [0] "Alarm 27350 + STOP D/E"
– [1] "Alarm 27350"
– [2] "Alarm 27351 (self clearing)"
– [3] "No reaction"
● Error
● Diagnostics error code
● Substitute values active


448 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Safety Integrated
21.2 Safety Integrated diagnostics

● Substitute values
● Actual communication data
● Driver state
Status display:
– [0] "Not initialized"
– [1] "Establish communication after booting"
– [2] "Establish communication after error"
– [3] "Wait for checkback signals SN=1"
– [4] "Receiver waits for user acknowledgement"
– [5] "Normal operation"
● Request user acknowledgement
● Sender in the deactivated safety mode


1. The "SI communication (general)" window with the communication data

is opened.
2. Press the "Receive connection" softkey.
The "SI communication (send)" window is opened.
3. Press the "Connection +" or "Connection -" softkey to select the
connection whose data you wish to display.

4. Press the "Display SPL connection " softkey to display additional

details, e.g. connection data that has been set.
The softkey is only available if send connections have been configured.
5. Press the "Display connection" softkey to return to the window with the
receive connections of the selected connection.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 449
Safety Integrated
21.2 Safety Integrated diagnostics


450 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring cycles 22
22.1 Activating turning/milling/drilling technologies
The cycles are automatically loaded when the controller boots (Power On).
The configuration is realized using cycle machine data and cycle setting data. In so doing, a
differentiation is made between the following data:
● General cycle machine data
● Channel-specific cycle machine data
● Axis-specific cycle machine data
● General cycle setting data
● Channel-specific cycle setting data
● Axis-specific cycle setting data

Precondition for memory configuration

To ensure that the cycles run correctly, the following standard setting must be checked:

MD28082 $MC_MM_SYSTEM_FRAME_MASK System frames (SRAM)

Bit 5 System frame for cycles
=1 Default setting

Adapting the user interface

The softkey display for the selection of the cycle support in the program editor is set using
the following channel-specific configuration machine data:

MD52200 $MCS_TECHNOLOGY Technology

=1 Setting for turning
=2 Setting for milling


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 451
Configuring cycles
22.1 Activating turning/milling/drilling technologies

Setting the coordinate system

MD52000 $MCS_DISP_COORDINATE_SYSTEM Position of the coordinate system

=0 Default setting
With this machine data you adapt the position of the coordinate system to the machine. This change
also automatically influences the following settings:
• Help screens
• Sequence graphics
• Simulation
• Input fields with circle direction data

The following settings can be selected for the coordinate system:


452 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring cycles
22.1 Activating turning/milling/drilling technologies

Meaning of the axes

MD52206 $MCS_AXIS_USAGE[n] Meaning of the axes in the channel

[n] channel axis number
=0 No special meaning
=1 Tool spindle (driven tool)
=2 Auxiliary spindle (driven tool)
=3 Main spindle (turning)
=4 Separate C axis of the main spindle (turning)
=5 Counterspindle (turning)
=6 Separate C axis of the counterspindle (turning)
=7 Linear axis of the counterspindle (turning)
=8 Tailstock (turning)
=9 Back rest (turning)
= 10 B axis (turning)

Defining the direction of rotation

Enter the direction of rotation for the rotary axes that are not configured in a toolholder or a
5-axis transformation via the following channel-specific machine data.

MD52207 $MCS_USAGE_ATTRIB[n] Attribute of the axes in the channel

[n] channel axis number
Bit 0 Rotation around 1st geometry axis (for rotary axes)
Bit 1 Rotation around 2nd geometry axis (for rotary axes)
Bit 2 Rotation around the 3rd geometry axis (for rotary axes)
Bit 3 Direction of rotation is counter-clockwise (for rotary axis / C axis).
Bit 4 Displayed direction of rotation of the spindle/C axis for the M function M3 is counter-
Bit 5 Inverts M3 / M4 (for spindles)
This bit must be set analog to PLC bit DBnn.DBX17.6!
(nn = 31 + Machine axis index)
Bit 6 Display rotary axis as offset target for measurement
Bit 7 List rotary axis in the position pattern
Bit 8 List rotary axis to accept blank (on milling machines)
Bit 9 Spindle is not SPOS-capable


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Configuring cycles
22.1 Activating turning/milling/drilling technologies

Additional settings

MD52201 $MCS_TECHNOLOGY_EXTENSION Technology extension for combined

machines with several technologies
=1 Additional settings for turning
=2 Additional settings for turning,
e.g. lathe with milling technology

MD52005 $MCS_DISP_PLANE_MILL Plane selection G17, G18, G19

=0 Milling: Plane selection in the cycle support when programming under "programGUIDE G
= 17 G17 plane (default value)
= 18 G18 plane
= 19 G19 plane

MD52006 $MCS_DISP_PLANE_TURN Plane selection G17, G18, G19

= 18 G18 plane (permanently set)

MD52212 $MCS_FUNCTION_MASK_TECH Cross-technology function mask

Bit 0 Enable swivel
= 0 Swivel plane, swivel tool not enabled
= 1 Swivel plane, swivel tool enabled
Bit 1 No optimized travel along software limit switches
= 0 No optimized travel along software limit switches
= 1 Optimized travel along software limit switches
Bit 5 The cycle for SERUPRO (CYCLE207) is called in the block search cycle

MD52240 $MCS_NAME_TOOL_CHANGE_PROG Tool change program for G code steps

= Program name The associated program is called for tool change.

See also
Technology cycles for swiveling (Page 491)


454 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring cycles
22.2 Technology cycles for drilling

22.2 Technology cycles for drilling

Drilling technology
You can set drilling technology using the following channel-specific configuration machine
data and channel-specific cycle setting data.

MD52216 $MCS_FUNCTION_MASK_DRILL Drilling function mask

Bit 0 Tapping cycle CYCLE84, technology input fields
= 0 Hide input fields
= 1 Display input fields
Bit 1 Tapping cycle CYCLE840, technology input fields
= 0 Hide input fields
= 1 Display input fields

SD55216 $SCS_FUNCTION_MASK_DRILL_SET Drilling function mask

Bit 1 Boring CYCLE86: Take into account the rotation of the tool plane when positioning the
Spindle direction of rotation M3/ M4 and direction of rotation of the rotary axes must be set
according to DIN. For SPOS=0, the tool cutting edge points in the + direction of the 1st
axis of the plane (for G17, to X+).
= 0 Do not take into account the rotation of the tool plane when positioning the spindle
= 1 Take into account the rotation of the tool plane when positioning the spindle (SPOS).
Bit 2 Boring CYCLE86: When positioning the spindle, take into account swiveled table
kinematics (tool carrier)
= 0 When positioning the spindle, do not take into account the components of the swiveled
table kinematics (swiveling with CYCLE800, tool carrier).
Only the rotary axis of the machine kinematics that rotates the workpiece is taken into
account. In the initial state of the kinematics, this rotary axis must be orientated parallel to
the tool axis.
e.g. rotary axis C rotation around Z (for G17) rotary axis vector of the swivel data set
V2xyz = 0 , 0 , -1.
= 1 When positioning the spindle, take into account the components of the swiveled table
kinematics (swiveling with CYCLE800, tool carrier).
Bit 3 Tapping CYCLE84: Monitoring of the machine data
MD31060 $MA_DRIVE_AX_RATIO_NUMERA of the spindle
Bit 4 Tapping CYCLE84, set monitoring of the machine data
MD31060 $MA_DRIVE_AX_RATIO_NUMERA of the spindle
= 0 No monitoring
= 1 Monitoring


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Configuring cycles
22.2 Technology cycles for drilling

Bit 6 Boring CYCLE86: Adapt the spindle position to the tool orientation
Tool orientation can be realized using TOOLCARR or TRAORI before the cycle is called.
= 1 Bits 1 and 2 are no longer effective.
Bit 7 Boring CYCLE86: Adapt the direction of retraction travel in the plane to the active
= 0 Retraction in the plane is realized as programmed.
= 1 When mirroring is active, the direction when retracting in the plane is adapted in the cycle
to the active mirroring.

Tapping (CYCLE84 and CYCLE840)

If the technology screens are hidden using the channel-specific configuration machine data
MD52216 $MCS_FUNCTION_MASK_DRILL, then the settings in the following channel-
specific cycle setting data are effective:

SD55481 $SCS_DRILL_TAPPING_SET_GG12[0] Exact stop response

=0 Exact stop response as before the cycle call (default value).
=1 G601
=2 G602
=3 G603

SD55482 $SCS_DRILL_TAPPING_SET_GG21[0] Acceleration behavior

=0 Acceleration behavior as before the cycle call (default value).

SD55483 $SCS_DRILL_TAPPING_SET_GG24[0] Feedforward control

=0 Precontrol, the same as before the cycle call (default value).

For settings under ShopTurn, please refer to Chapter Drilling centered under ShopTurn
(Page 573)

Tapping (CYCLE84)

SD55484 $SCS_DRILL_TAPPING_SET_MC[0] Spindle operation for MCALL

=0 For MCALL, reactivate spindle operation (default value).
=1 For MCALL, remain in position controlled spindle operation.


456 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring cycles
22.3 Manufacturer cycles

22.3 Manufacturer cycles

22.3.1 Manufacturer cycles

The following cycles are also available in the cycle package for individual adaptation:

CUST_TECHCYC.SPF Manufacturer cycle for the adaptation of technology cycles.

CUST_800.SPF Manufacturer cycle for the adaptation of the swivel plane and the swivel
tool functions (CYCLE800), see Chapter "Manufacturer cycle
CUST_800.SPF (Page 518)".
CUST_832.SPF Manufacturer cycle for the adaptation of the high speed settings
function (CYCLE832)", see Chapter Manufacturer cycle
CUST_832.SPF (Page 529)".
CUST_MEACYC.SPF Manufacturer cycle for the adaptation of the measuring functions, see
Chapter "Manufacturer and user cycle CUST_MEACYC.SPF
(Page 535)".
PROG_EVENT.SPF Standard cycle to support the following functions:
• Block search when milling or turning is activated
• Block search and swivel plane
• Block search and align / advance tool
Observe MD52212 $MCS_FUNCTION_MASK_TECH bit 3 and bit 5.
CUST_T Cycle is used to track the T preparation after SERUPRO.
CUST_M6 Cycle is used to track the tool change after SERUPRO.
CUST_MULTICHAN Manufacturer cycle for lathes with several channels
CUST_CLAMP Manufacturer's cycle for clamping elements

Copying manufacturer cycles

1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the "System data" softkey.

3. Open the directory NC data/Cycles/Standard cycles and select the

manufacturer cycles.


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Configuring cycles
22.3 Manufacturer cycles

4. Press the "Copy" softkey and open the NC data/Cycles/Manufacturer

cycles directory.

5. Press the "Paste" softkey.

The cycles are available for you to individually adapt them.

When upgrading the software, please refer to the upgrade instructions.

22.3.2 Extending the PROG_EVENT standard cycle

If you wish to extend the functionality of the PROG_EVENT, then you must not copy this into
the manufacturer cycles directory, but you must create two new manufacturer cycles. Use
the names CYCPE1MA.SPF or CYCPE_MA.SPF names for the manufacturer cycles.
For the manufacturer cycles CYCPE1MA.SPF or CYCPE_MA.SPF, the corresponding
jump markers are prepared at the beginning and at the end of PROG_EVENT.SPF.
If the CYCPE1MA.SPF and CYCPE_MA.SPF manufacturer cycles are created in the NC, the
program correspondingly branches from PROG_EVENT to the manufacturer cycles.


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the "System data" softkey.

3. Select the directory /NC data/Cycles/Manufacturer cycles

4. Press the "New" softkey.
The "New G Code Program" window opens.
5. Assign the name CYCPE1MA or CYCPE_MA.
Only use these names.
6 Press the "OK" softkey.
The cycle has been created and you can now adapt it.


458 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring cycles
22.3 Manufacturer cycles

22.3.3 Manufacturer cycle for tool change CUST_T and CUST_M6

The two cycles are used to track the T preparation (CUST_T) and the tool change
(CUST_M6) according to SERUPRO. In so doing, depending on the specific toolholder, the
following is output:
● Last programmed change
● Last programmed preparation

The cycles can only be used when tool management is active.

The two cycles are called in the "SERUPRO-END-ASUB", which also provides the two
transfer parameters.

Parameter Meaning
_THnr Toolholder or master spindle number that was programmed for the change or the
_MTHnr Number of the active toolholder or master spindle at the time of programming.

The cycles themselves do not contain and "machine logic". Pure data operations are
The active toolholder or the master spindle is saved.
Using the transfer parameter, the situation at the time of the T or M6 programming is
determined. This situation is established, T and/or M06 output or a branch is made into the
manufacturer cycles. After the output of T and M06 or after returning from the manufacturer
cycles, the toolholder, saved at the beginning, is reactivated.
A change cycle can then only be called without any restriction, if the corresponding queries
such as program test, block search,...exist.


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Configuring cycles
22.3 Manufacturer cycles

T replacement cycle
If a T replacement cycle is being used, then the following note must be observed:

The CUST_T cycle uses the language command TCA (ToolChangeAbsolut) for the T call
and therefore also has the possibility of inserting tools that have been disabled. However,
this language command cannot be substituted.
The following must be observed if working at a machine with T replacement:
• The T preparation cycle must be explicitly called at the specified position.
• If the call is realized using the CUST_T cycle, then the parameter evaluation
($C_TS_PROG, …) is skipped.
Alternatively, the original TCA language command can be reprogrammed.

For more information, please refer to the Function Manual, Basic Functions, Chapter:

22.3.4 CUST_TECHCYC.SPF manufacturer cycle

For technological cycles, the CUST_TECHCYC cycle is called from ShopMill and ShopTurn
cycles, if the machine builder must make certain adaptations to a specific machine (e.g.
activate specific M commands). For instance, this may be necessary in order to retract or
extend part catchers when cutting off parts on lathes or to position a spindle for clamping
(only in JobShop).
The CUST_TECHCYC.SPF cycle can be used to program and execute the necessary


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Configuring cycles
22.3 Manufacturer cycles

Adapt manufacturer cycle CUST_TECHCYC.SPF

You can execute the following actions with the aid of the _MODE parameter:

Marker Action
_M1 Main spindle: Changeover to C axis mode
_M2 Changeover to spindle mode
_M3 Clamp C axis
_M4 Release C axis clamping
_M5 Rinse chuck
_M6 Close chuck
_M7 Open chuck when spindle is stationary
_M8 Open chuck when spindle is rotating
_M9 Flush chuck

_M11 Tool spindle: Changeover to C axis mode

_M12 Changeover to spindle mode
_M13 Clamp C axis
_M14 Release C axis clamping

_M21 Counterspindle: Changeover to C axis mode

_M22 Changeover to spindle mode
_M23 Clamp C axis
_M24 Release C axis clamping
_M25 Rinse chuck
_M26 Close chuck
_M27 Open chuck when spindle is stationary
_M28 Open chuck when spindle is rotating
_M29 Rinse chuck off

_M30 4. Position axis after block search (e.g. counterspindle, tailstock, back rest)

_M41 Engage driven tool

_M42 Disengage driven tool

_M61 Changeover to turning

_M62 Changeover to peripheral surface machining C
_M63 Changeover to face machining C
_M64 Changeover to peripheral surface machining Y
_M65 Changeover to face machining Y
_M66 Changeover to face machining B (swivel)
_M67 Deselection of the face machining B (swivel)
_M68 After block search to ST block before swivel


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Configuring cycles
22.3 Manufacturer cycles

Marker Action
_M100 Drawer: Position before cut-off
_M101 Open during cut-off
_M102 Close after cut-off
_M103 Cut-off completed

_M110 Tool change

_M111 After end of tool change cycle (with tool change)
_M112 Before tool change on retraction plane
_M113 Before cutting edge reselection
_M114 After end of tool change cycle (without tool change)

_M120 Definition: Coupling of counterspindle / main spindle

_M121 After COUPOF switch off position control
_M122 Definition: Coupling, main/counterspindle
_M123 After COUPOF switch off position control
_M125 Changeover to main spindle
_M126 Changeover to counterspindle

_M131 Start of program (ShopTurn program)

_M132 End of program header (ShopTurn program)
_M135 End of program loop (ShopTurn program)
_M136 End of program (ShopTurn program)

_M140 Block search Before tool change

_M141 After tool change
_M142 After tool change (new tool from ShopTurn)

_M150 2-channel stock Leading channel before Balance Cutting

_M151 removal: Leading channel after Balance Cutting
_M152 Following channel before Balance Cutting
_M153 Following channel after Balance Cutting
_M154 Start machining in the leading channel
_M155 End machining in the leading channel
_M156 Start machining in the following channel
_M157 Start machining in the following channel


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22.4 Milling

Marker Action
_M160 Start multichannel programming
_M170 Start block with spindle
_M171 End block with spindle

_M300 Boring CYCLE86

Adapt the spindle to the tool position (SD55216 $SCS_FUNCTION_MASK_DRILL_SET
bit 6 = 1)

22.3.5 CUST_MULTICHAN user cycle

The CUST_MULTICHAN cycle is used for multi-channel programming at lathes. It is called at
the start of the block when programming with blocks.
In the cycle, e.g. the master spindle is set to the spindle specified at the start of the block.
The return value (= 1) can be used to control whether the complete block is skipped.


Parameter Meaning
_S_NR Spindle number to which the master spindle is set.
_RET Return value
= 0 The block is executed corresponding to the run-in mode.
= 1 The entire block is skipped.

22.4 Milling

22.4.1 Technology cycles for milling

Milling function screen

SD52214 $SCS_function_MASK_MILL Milling function screen

Bit 0 Enable cylinder surface transformation (ShopMill)
Bit 1 List table to accept blank (on milling machines)
(This bit only has to be set, if the machine has a rotary axis and a fixed table for accepting
the blank.)


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22.4 Milling

Bit 2 reserved
Bit 3 Enable machining inside/outside
Bit 4 Enable spindle clamping (C axis)
Bit 5 Enable spindle control of the tool spindle via user interface
Bit 6 Enable spindle control of the lathe spindle via user interface

SD55214 $SCS_FUNCTION_MASK_MILL_SET Milling function screen

Bit 0 Basic setting, milling in climbing.
Bit 2 Depth calculation of the milling cycles, with or without safety clearance.
= 0 Depth calculation of the milling cycles is performed between the reference plane + safety
clearance and the depth.
= 1 Depth calculation is performed without including the safety clearance.
Bit 2 is effective in the following milling cycles: CYCLE61, CYCLE71, CYCLE76, CYCLE77,

Contour milling (CYCLE63)

SD55460 $SCS_MILL_CONT_INITIAL_RAD_FIN Finishing approach circle radius

The radius of the approach circle during
the finishing of contour pockets is affected.
=0 The radius is selected so that at the starting point the safety clearance to the finishing
allowance is maintained (default value).
>0 The radius is selected so that at the starting point the value of this channel-specific setting
data to the finishing allowance is maintained.

Multiple edge (CYCLE79), circular position pattern (HOLES2), circumferential groove (SLOT2)

SD55230 $SCS_CIRCLE_RAPID_FEED Rapid feed in mm/min for positioning on a circular

path between the circumferential grooves or the
contour elements.
= 10000


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Configuring cycles
22.4 Milling

22.4.2 Cylinder surface transformation (TRACYL)

Software option
You require the following software option in order to use this function:
"Transmit and peripheral surface transformation".

● There must be at least one rotary axis at the machine.
● The milling tool must be radially oriented to the cylinder to be machined.

The following groove machining operations can be performed with the Cylinder surface
transformation functions:
● Longitudinal grooves on cylindrical bodies
● Transverse grooves on cylindrical objects
● Grooves with any path on cylindrical bodies
The path of the grooves is programmed with reference to the unwrapped, level surface of the
cylinder. Programming can be realized using straight line/circle, drilling or milling cycles or
contour milling (free contour programming).
There are two variants of cylinder surface transformation, i.e.
1. with groove side offset (ON)
2. without groove side offset (OFF)

Figure 22-1 Grooves with and without groove side offset


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Configuring cycles
22.4 Milling

Example: Milling machine with the XYZ-AC axis configuration

Example of an axis configuration on the following machine:

Axis configuration

X 1. axis of the machining plane parallel to the rotary axis

Y 2. axis of the machining plane
Z Infeed axis (tool axis) perpendicular (radial) to the rotary axis
A Rotary axis
C Working spindle

Figure 22-2 Machining slots on a cylinder surface with X-A-Z kinematics

You must configure two data records with the following machine data for the machine
illustrated above:

MD20070 $MC_AXCONF_MACHAX_USED[4] Machine axis number valid in channel

=5 Number of channel axes

MD20080 $MC_AXCONF_CHANAX_NAME_TAB[ ] Name of channel axis in the channel

[0] = XC Channel axis XC, corresponds to channel axis 1
[1] = YC Channel axis YC, corresponds to channel axis 2
[2] = ZC Channel axis ZC, corresponds to channel axis 3
[3] = A Channel axis A, corresponds to channel axis 4
[4] = C Channel axis C, corresponds to channel axis 5


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Configuring cycles
22.4 Milling

MD28082 $MC_MM_SYSTEMFRAME_MASK System frames (SRAM)

= 21H Default setting
Bit 0 = 1 System frame for actual value setting and scratching
Bit 5 = 1 System frame for cycles
Bit 6 = 1 System frame for transformations

General settings for the transformation

MD10602 $MN_FRAME_GEOAX_CHANGE_MODE Frames when switching over geometry

=1 The actual total frame (zero offsets) is recalculated when switching over geometry axes
(selecting - deselecting TRACYL).

Data set for the 1st transformation in the channel

MD24100 $MC_TRAFO_TYPE_1 Definition of transformation 1 in the

= 512 Transformer type (512 = cylinder surface transformation without groove side offset)

MD24110 $MC_TRAFO_AXES_IN_1 Axis assignment for the 1st

transformation in the channel
[0] = 3 Channel axis: Infeed axis (tool axis) perpendicular (radial) to the rotary axis Z
[1] = 4 Channel axis: Rotary axis A
[2] = 1 Channel axis: 1st axis of the machining plane parallel to the rotary axis X
[3] = 2 Channel axis: 2nd axis of the machining plane Y

MD24120 $MC_TRAFO_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB_1 Assignment of the geometry axes to

channel axes for transformation 1.
[0] = 1 Channel axis: 1st geometry axis X
[1] = 4 Channel axis: 2nd geometry axis A
[2] = 3 Channel axis: 3rd geometry axis Z

=0 Offset of rotary axis for the 1st TRACYL transformation.

=1 Axial offset of rotary axis for the 1st TRACYL transformation.


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22.4 Milling

=1 Sign of the rotary axis for the 1st TRACYL transformation.

[0] = 0 Vector of basis tool for the 1st TRACYL transformation in XYZ
[1] = 0
[2] = 0

Data set for the 2nd transformation in the channel

= 513 Transformer type (513 = cylinder surface transformation with groove side offset)

[0] = 3 Channel axis: Infeed axis perpendicular (radial) to rotary axis Z
[1] = 4 Channel axis: Rotary axis A
[2] = 1 Channel axis: 1st axis of the machining plane parallel to the rotary axis X
[3] = 2 Channel axis: 2nd axis of the machining plane Y

[0] = 1 Channel axis: 1st geometry axis X
[1] = 4 Channel axis: 2nd geometry axis A
[2] = 3 Channel axis: 3rd geometry axis Z

=0 Offset of rotary axis for the 2nd TRACYL transformation

=1 Offset of rotary axis for the 2nd TRACYL transformation

=1 Sign of rotary axis for the 2nd TRACYL transformation


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22.5 Turning

[0] = 0 Vector of basis tool for the 2nd TRACYL transformation in XYZ
[1] = 0
[2] = 0

Data records for transformations
For both data records, you can use any transformations from all available transformations
(MD24100 $MC_TRAFO_TYPE_1, MD24200 $MC_TRAFO_TYPE_2, etc.). The two data
records need not be directly next to each other.
However, the 1st data record must always be used for "Cylinder surface transformation
without groove side offset" (= 512) and the 2nd data record for "Cylinder surface
transformation with groove side offset" (=513).

22.5 Turning

22.5.1 Setting up cycles for turning

Setting the coordinate system

MD52000 $MCS_DISP_COORDINATE_SYSTEM Position of the coordinate system

=0 Default setting

0: Vertical lathe (carousel-type lathe)
19: Horizontal lathe, machining in front of the turning center
34: Horizontal lathe, machining behind the turning center (inclined bed lathe)
A detailed description of the MD52000 is provided in Section: "Activating
turning/milling/drilling technologies (Page 451)".

Turning function screen

Enable various functions under the Turning function mask in the following channel-specific
configuration machine data.


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Configuring cycles
22.5 Turning

MD52218 $MCS_FUNCTION_MASK_TURN Turning function screen

Bit 0 Enable zoom under manual for tool measurement
Bit 1 Enable part catcher for cut-off
Bit 2 Enable tailstock
Bit 3 Enable spindle control of main spindle via user interface
Bit 4 Enable spindle control of the counterspindle control via user interface
Bit 5 Enable spindle control of the tool spindle via user interface
Bit 6 Enable balance cutting for two-channel stock removal
Bit 7 Retraction when cutting along the contour with G1
Bit 8 Enter the spindle chuck data in the program
Bit 9 Additional input of the tailstock data in the program
Bit 12 Deactivate thread synchronization
Bit 13 Cutting along the contour with CYCLE95 (828D programGUIDE without Advanced

Meaning of the axes

You set the meaning of the axes in machine data MD52206 $MCS_AXIS_USAGE[n].

MD52206 $MCS_AXIS_USAGE[n] Meaning of the axes in the channel

[n] channel axis number

A detailed description of MD52206 is provided in Chapter "Activating turning/milling/drilling

technologies (Page 451)

Traversing direction
In order that the user interface and cycles know in which direction the spindles and rotary
axes rotate, the following settings must be made.
You set the direction of rotation of an NC rotary axis via MD32100 $MA_AX_MOTION_DIR.

MD32100 $MA_AX_MOTION_DIR Traversing direction

-1 Direction reversal
0, 1 No direction reversal

Defining the direction of rotation

In order to ensure that the rotational direction of the spindle and C axis is correctly displayed
on the user interface and when programming, the correct direction of rotation is executed,
you must make several settings that are coordinated with one another. You must base these
settings on the actual direction of rotation of the spindle/C axis on the machine.


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22.5 Turning

You specify the settings in the following machine data:

MD52207 $MCS_AXIS_USAGE_ATTRIB[n] Attributes of the axes

[n] channel axis number
Bit 3 Displayed positive direction of rotation is counter-clockwise (for rotary axes)
The view must be from the inside of the machine (operator's view) to the axis of rotation.
Bit 4 Displayed direction of rotation for M3 is counter-clockwise (for spindles)
This bit can be set from the operator's view or according to DIN 66025.
Bit 5 Direction of rotation for M3 corresponds to minus rotary axis (for spindles)
This bit must be set analogous to PLC bit DBn.DBX17.6!

As a result, the following setting options are obtained for the main spindle:

Main spindle direction of rotation 52207[n] 52207[n] 52207[n] DB3n.

bit 3 = bit 4 = *) bit 5 = DBX17.6

0 0 0 0

0 1 1 1

1 1 0 0

1 0 1 1


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22.5 Turning

MD52207[n] bit 4 = *)
Bit 4 can be set from the operator's view (values as specified) or according to DIN ("0" and
"1" are then interchanged).

To define the reference point for moving the counterspindle, you must first communicate the
dimensions of the counterspindle. You can either enter the dimensions in the following axis-
specific cycle machine data or in the menu "Parameter" -> Setting data -> Spindle chuck
data" Changes to the machine data are automatically accepted in the menu and vice versa.

MD53240 $MAS_SPINDLE_PARAMETER[ ] Spindle chuck data

[0] Chuck dimensions
[1] Stop dimensions
[2] Jaw dimensions

MD53241 $MAS_SPINDLE_CHUCK_TYPE[ ] Spindle jaw type

=0 Clamping, outer
=1 Clamping, inner

Additional settings
The M code, e.g. M34 or M1 = 34 for the spindle chuck is defined in the following machine
data. The manufacturer cycle CUST_TECHCYC.SPF also takes the M functions from the
following machine data:

MD52250 $MCS_M_CODE_CHUCK_OPEN[ ] M code for open chuck with

stationary spindle
[0] Main spindle
[1] Counterspindle

MD52251 $MCS_M_CODE_CHUCK_CLOSE_OPEN_ROT[ ] M code for open chuck with spindle

[0] Main spindle
[1] Counterspindle


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22.5 Turning

MD52252 $MCS_M_CODE_CHUCK_CLOSE[ ] M code for close chuck

[0] Main spindle
[1] Counterspindle

MD52253 $MCS_M_CODE_TAILSTOCK_FORWARD[ ] M code for quill forward

[0] Quill opposite the main spindle

MD52254 $MCS_M_TAILSTOCK_BACKWARD[ ] M code for quill back

[0] Quill opposite the main spindle
[1] Quill opposite the main spindle

Rounding the contour

SD55582 $SCS_TURN_CONT_TRACE_ANGLE Contour turning: Minimum angle for

rounding on the contour
=5 Specifies the angle between the cutting edge and contour, above which for contour turning,
the contour is rounded in order to remove residual material (default value).

22.5.2 Setting up a counterspindle

Software option
You require the following software options in order to use the counterspindle on
your machine:
• "Travel to fixed stop with Force Control"
• "Synchronous spindle/multi-edge turning"

If your turning machine has a counterspindle, you can machine workpieces using turning,
drilling and milling functions on the front and rear faces without reclamping the workpiece
Before machining the rear face, the counterspindle must grip the workpiece, pull it out of the
main spindle, and position it at the new machining position.


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Configuring cycles
22.5 Turning

Meaning of the axes

MD52206 $MCS_AXIS_USAGE[n] Meaning of the axes in the channel

[n] channel axis number

A detailed description of MD52006 is provided in Chapter "Activating turning/milling/drilling

technologies (Page 451)".

Traversing direction
In order that the user interface and cycles know in which direction the spindles and rotary
axes rotate, the following settings must be made.
You set the direction of rotation of an NC rotary axis via MD32100 $MA_AX_MOTION_DIR.

MD32100 $MA_AX_MOTION_DIR Traversing direction

-1 Direction reversal
0, 1 No direction reversal

Defining the direction of rotation

You set the directions of rotation for the user interface in the following machine data:

MD52207 $MCS_AXIS_USAGE_ATTRIB[n] Attributes of the axes in the channel

[n] channel axis number
Bit 3 Displayed positive direction of rotation is counter-clockwise (for rotary axes)
The view must be from the inside of the machine (operator's view) to the axis of rotation.
Bit 4 Displayed direction of rotation for M3 is counter-clockwise (for spindles)
This bit can be set from the operator's view or according to DIN.
Bit 5 Direction of rotation for M3 corresponds to minus rotary axis (for spindles)
This bit must be set analogous to PLC bit DBn.DBX17.6!


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As a result, the following setting options are obtained for the counterspindle:

Counterspindle direction of rotation 52207[n] 52207[n] 52207[n] DB3n.

bit 3 = bit 4 = *) bit 5 = DBX17.6

1 1 0 0

1 0 1 1

0 0 0 0

0 1 1 1

MD52207[n] bit 4 = *)
Bit 4 can be set from the operator's view (values as specified) or according to DIN ("0" and
"1" are then interchanged).
The display must be the same for the main spindle and the counterspindle ("from operator's
view" or "according to DIN").


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To define the reference point for moving the counterspindle, you must first announce the
dimensions of the counterspindle. You can either enter the dimensions in the following axis-
specific cycle machine data or in the menu "Parameter". → "Setting data" → "Spindle chuck
data". Changes to the machine data are automatically accepted in the menu and vice versa.

MD53240 $MAS_SPINDLE_PARAMETER[ ] Spindle chuck data

[0] Chuck dimensions
[1] Stop dimensions
[2] Jaw dimensions

MD52241 $MCS_SPINDLE_CHUCK_TYPE Spindle jaw type

=0 Clamping, outer
=1 Clamping, inner

22.5.3 Technology cycles for turning

Thread-cutting (CYCLE99)
To correctly machine the thread, it is necessary to set the machine data MD52207
$MCS_AXIS_USAGE_ATTRIB[n] with bit 3, see Chapter: Setting up a counterspindle
(Page 473).

Contour groovingCYCLE930, contour turning CYCLE950, stock removal at corner CYCLE951,

contour turning CYCLE952

SD55500 $SCS_TURN_FIN_FEED_PERCENT Enter the finishing feedrate for complete

machining, roughing and finishing. The
percentage of the value corresponds to that
entered under parameter F (feedrate).
= 100 100% finishing feedrate

SD55510 $SCS_TURN_GROOVE_DWELL_TIME Dwell time, which is necessary between

grooving and retracting for grooving
technology. Tool clearance time during
grooving at the base.
=>0 Dwell time in seconds
=<0 Dwell time in spindle revolutions


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SD55580 $SCS_TURN_CONT_RELEASE_ANGLE Angle, through which the tool is lifted from

the contour for contour turning, roughing.
= 45 Retraction angle of 45 degrees

SD55581 $SCS_TURN_CONT_RELEASE_DIST Amount, by which the tool is lifted when

roughing a contour taking into account the
retraction angle SD55580
This also applies to stock removal,
grooving and plunge turning.
=1 1 mm or 1 inch retraction distance

SD55582 $SCS_TURN_CONT_TRACE_ANGLE The angle between cutting edge and

contour as of which rounding is performed
on the contour during contour turning in
order to remove residual material.
If the angle of the residual material is
greater than that specified in the setting
data, the tool will round the contour.
=5 5 degree angle


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SD55583 $SCS_TURN_CONT_VARIABLE_DEPTH Percentage of the changing cutting depth

when turning a contour
You can select changing the cutting depth
for stock removal and for removing residual
= 20 20% variable cutting depth

SD55584 $SCS_TURN_CONT_BLANK_OFFSET Safety clearance when avoiding obstacles,

to avoid collisions during approach or
retraction from the machining.
This also applies to stock removal,
grooving and plunge turning.
=1 1 mm or 1 inch blank allowance

SD55585 $SCS_TURN_CONT_INTERRUPT_TIME Time for the feedrate interruption for

contour turning.
This also applies to stock removal,
grooving and plunge turning.
=>0 Interruption time in seconds
=<0 Interruption time in revolutions
=0 No interruption

The channel-specific cycle setting data SD55585 is only evaluated if

SD55586 $SCS_TURN_CONT_INTER_RETRACTION Retraction distance for contour turning

for feedrate interruption.
This also applies to stock removal,
grooving and plunge turning.
=>0 Retraction distance at feed interruption
SD55585 $SCS_TURN_CONT_INTERRUPT_TIME has no effect.
=0 No retraction distance


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SD55587 $SCS_TURN_CONT_MIN_REST_MAT_AX1 Limit value during contour turning for

removal of residual material in the
direction of axis 1 (for G18 Z).
This also applies to residual machining
– stock removal, grooving and plunge
50 The roughing step for residual machining is not executed, if the material to be removed is
less than 50% of the finishing allowance. The material is only removed when finishing.

Example: If the SD is set to 50% and the final machining allowance is 0.5 mm, any residual material
less than 0.25 mm is not removed with the residual machining – but is removed during finishing. If
during a machining step, less residual material is present than defined in the SD, the error
message "No material present" is issued. This means that this residual material roughing step can
be omitted because no machining is performed.

SD55588 $SCS_TURN_CONT_MIN_REST_MAT_AX2 Limit value during contour turning for

removal of residual material in the
direction of axis 2 (for G18 X).
This also applies to residual machining
– stock removal, grooving and plunge
50 The roughing step for residual machining is not executed, if the material to be removed is
less than 50% of the finishing allowance. The material is only removed when finishing.

As the tool bends during plunge turning, the tool cannot travel right up to the contour during
stock removal. The lateral distance to the last cut by which the next cut is shortened is
specified in the following channel-specific cycle setting data.

SD55595 $SCS_TURN_CONT_TOOL_BEND_RETR Retraction distance because of tool

0.1 0.1 mm or 0.1 inch retraction distance


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a Distance to the last cut, SD55595

b Retraction between plunge-cutting and stock removal, SD55596

As the tool bends during plunge turning, the tool would make an excessively deep cut during
stock removal. The retraction distance of the tool between plunge-cutting and stock removal
is specified in the following channel-specific cycle setting data:

SD55596 $SCS_TURN_CONT_TURN_RETRACTION Retraction depth before turning

= 0.1 0.1 mm or 0.1 inch retraction depth

22.5.4 Axis configuration of a lathe

General configuration
If driven milling tools are available on a lathe, then the following functions can also be set-up
on this machine:
● Cylinder surface transformation (TRACYL) (Page 482)
● End face machining (TRANSMIT) (Page 485)


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Lathe with X and Z axes, main and tool spindle

For example, for a lathe with X and Z axes, main spindle (C1) and tool spindle (WZ), you can
configure the following channel-specific machine data:

MD20080 $MC_AXCONF_CHANAX_NAME_TAB[ ] Channel axis name in the channel

[0] = XC Channel axis XC
[1] = ZC Channel axis ZC
[2] = C1 Main spindle C1
[3] = WZ Tool spindle WZ

Lathe with X and Z axes, main and tool spindle and counterspindle
For example, for a lathe with X and Z axes, main spindle (C1), tool spindle (WZ) and
counterspindle (C2), you can configure the following machine data:

MD20080 $MC_AXCONF_CHANAX_NAME_TAB[ ] Channel axis name in the channel

[0] = XC Channel axis XC
[1] = ZC Channel axis ZC
[2] = C1 Main spindle C1
[3] = WZ Tool spindle WZ
[5] = C2 Counterspindle C2

Lathe with X and Z axes, main and tool spindle and Y axis
For example, for a lathe with X, Z and Y axes, main spindle (C1) and tool spindle (WZ), you
can configure the following machine data:

MD20080 $MC_AXCONF_CHANAX_NAME_TAB[ ] Channel axis name in the channel

[0] = XC Channel axis XC
[1] = ZC Channel axis ZC
[2] = C1 Main spindle C1
[3] = WZ Tool spindle WZ
[5] = YC Channel axis YC


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22.5.5 Cylinder surface transformation (TRACYL)

Software option
You require the following software option in order to use this function:
"Transmit and peripheral surface transformation"

Using the cylinder surface transformation function (TRACYL), you can machine the
peripheral surface of a turned part.

Setting up
General settings for cylinder transformation

MD10602 $MN_FRAME_GEOAX_CHANGE_MODE Frames when switching over geometry

=1 The actual total frame (work offsets) and when switching over geometry axes (selecting -
deselecting TRACYL) is recalculated.

MD24040 $MC_FRAME_ADAPT_MODE Adapting the active frames

Bit 0 = 0
Bit 1 = 0
Bit 2 = 0

Bit 6 = 1 Configuration of channel-specific system frames, which are included in the channel

When setting up the functions, you can take the following channel-specific machine data into

MD24300 $MC_TRAFO_TYPE_3 Cylinder surface transformation, main

spindle: Transformation 3
= 512 Without groove side offset (without Y axis)
= 513 With groove side offset (with Y axis):
= 514 With groove side offset and Y offset


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MD24400 $MC_TRAFO_TYPE_4 Cylinder surface transformation,

counterspindle: Transformation 4
= 512 Without groove side offset (without Y axis)
= 513 With groove side offset (with Y axis)
= 514 With groove side offset and Y offset

You must also set up other machine data for each of the individual transformations.

Cylinder surface transformation without groove side offset

MD24300 $MC_TRAFO_TYPE_3 Definition of the 3rd transformation in the

= 512 TRACYL main spindle.

MD24310 $MC_TRAFO_AXES_IN_3[ ] Axis assignment for transformation 3

[0] = 1 Perpendicular to the rotary axis XC
[1] = 3 Rotary axis (main spindle) C1
[2] = 2 Parallel to the rotary axis ZC

MD24320 $MC_TRAFO_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB_3[ ] Assignment of geometry axes to channel

axes for transformation 3.
[0] = 1 1. channel axis X
[1] = 3 2. channel axis Y
[2] = 2 3. channel axis Z

MD24800 $MC_TRACYL_ROT_AX_OFFSET_1 Offset of the rotary axis for the 1st TRACYL

MD24805 $MC_TRACYL_ROT_AX_FRAME_1 Axial offset of the rotary axis is taken into

account during TRACYL.


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MD24810 $MC_TRACYL_ROT_SIGN_IS_PLUS_1 Sign of the rotary axis for the 1st TRACYL

MD24820 $MC_TRACYL_BASE_TOOL_1[ ] Vector of the basis tool for the 1st TRACYL
[0] = 0
[1] = 0
[2] = 0

Cylinder surface transformation with groove side offset

MD24300 $MC_TRAFO_TYPE_3 Definition of the 3rd transformation in the

= 513 TRACYL main spindle

MD24310 $MC_TRAFO_AXES_IN_3[ ] Axis assignment for transformation 3

[0] = 1 Perpendicular to the rotary axis XC
[1] = 3 Rotary axis (main spindle) C1
[2] = 2 Parallel to the rotary axis ZC
[3] = 6 Parallel to the cylinder surface and perpendicular to the rotary axis ZC

MD24320 $MC_TRAFO_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB_3[ ] Assignment of geometry axes to channel

axes for transformation 3.
[0] = 1 1. channel axis X
[1] = 3 2. channel axis Y
[2] = 2 3. channel axis Z

MD24800 $MC_TRACYL_ROT_AX_OFFSET_1 Offset of the rotary axis for the 1st TRACYL

MD24805 $MC_TRACYL_ROT_AX_FRAME_1 Axial offset of the rotary axis is taken into

account during TRACYL.


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MD24810 $MC_TRACYL_ROT_SIGN_IS_PLUS_1 Sign of the rotary axis for the 1st TRACYL

MD24820 $MC_TRACYL_BASE_TOOL_1[ ] Vector of the basis tool for the 1st TRACYL
[0] = 0
[1] = 0
[2] = 0

22.5.6 End face machining (TRANSMIT)

Software option
You require the following software option in order to use this function:
"Transmit and peripheral surface transformation"

Using the end face machining function (TRANSMIT), you can machine the end face of a
turned part.

Setting up
For general settings for transformations, please refer to Chapter "Cylinder surface
transformation (TRACYL) (Page 482)".
You can make additional settings in the following channel-specific machine data:

MD24100 $MC_TRAFO_TYPE_1 End face machining, main spindle:

Transformation 1
= 256 Machining without Y axis
= 257 Machining with Y axis

MD24200 $MC_TRAFO_TYPE_2 End face machining, counterspindle:

Transformation 2
= 256 Machining without Y axis
= 257 Machining with Y axis


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MD24110 $MC_TRAFO_AXES_IN_1[ ] Axis assignment for the 1st

transformation in the channel
[0] = 1 Perpendicular to the rotary axis XC
[1] = 3 Rotary axis (main spindle) C1
[2] = 2 Parallel to the rotary axis ZC

MD24120 $MC_TRAFO_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB_1[ ] Assignment of the geometry axes to

channel axes for transformation 1
[0] = 1 1. channel axis X
[1] = 3 2. channel axis Y
[2] = 2 3. channel axis Z

=0 Offset of the rotary axis for the 1st TRANSMIT transformation.

=2 Axial offset of the rotary axis is taken into account during TRANSMIT 1.

=0 Sign of the rotary axis for the 1st TRANSMIT transformation.

=1 Limitation of working range in front of / behind the pole, 1st TRANSMIT.

MD24920 $MC_TRANSMIT_BASE_TOOL_1[ ] Vector of the basis tool for the 1st

TRANSMIT transformation.
[0] = 0
[1] = 0
[2] = 0

TRANSMIT with real Y axis

= 257 Definition of transformation 1 in the channel: TRANSMIT main spindle.


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MD24110 $MC_TRAFO_AXES_IN_1[ ] Axis assignment for the 1st

transformation in the channel.
[0] = 1 Perpendicular to the rotary axis XC
[1] = 3 Rotary axis C1
[2] = 2 Parallel to the rotary axis ZC

MD24120 $MC_TRAFO_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB_1[ ] Assignment of the geometry axes to

channel axes for transformation 1.
[0] = 1 1. channel axis X
[1] = 3 2. channel axis Y
[2] = 2 3. channel axis Z

=0 Offset of the rotary axis for the 1st TRANSMIT transformation.

=2 Axial offset of the rotary axis is taken into account during TRANSMIT 1.

=0 Sign of the rotary axis for the 1st TRANSMIT transformation.

=1 Limitation of working range in front of / behind the pole, 1st TRANSMIT.

MD24920 $MC_TRANSMIT_BASE_TOOL_1[ ] Vector of the basis tool for the 1st

TRANSMIT transformation.
[0] = 0
[1] = 0
[2] = 0

Additional information on face end machining is provided in:
Function Manual, Extended Functions; Kinematic Transformation (M1): TRANSMIT


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22.5.7 Inclined Y axis (TRAANG)

Software option
You require the following software option in order to use the inclined Y axis
function on your machine:
"Inclined axis"

If your lathe has an inclined Y axis (i.e. this axis is not perpendicular to axes X and Z), you
can still completely program machining operations in Cartesian coordinates. The control
uses the inclined axis function (TRAANG) to transform the Cartesian coordinates to the
motion of the inclined axis.

Setting up
You still have to set up the inclined axis function (TRAANG) via machine data.

Function Manual, Extended Functions; Kinematic Transformations (M1): TRAANG

For example, for a turning machine with X and Z axes and inclined Y axis, main spindle (C)
and tool spindle (WZ), you must configure the following machine data:

MD20050 $MC_AXCONF_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB[ ] Assignment of geometry axis to channel

[0] = 1 1. real geometry axis X axis.
[1] = 0 2. real geometry axis, Y axis not available.
[2] = 2 3. real geometry axis, Z axis.

Bit 0 = 1 TRAANG is retained after ramp-up.
Bit 7 = 0

Bit 7 = 1 TRAANG is retained after "Cycle start".


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=1 Allow automatic geometry axis change.

=5 TRAANG always active after reset.

Bit 0 = 1 TRAANG runs in the background (persistent) and is not shown on the user interface.

=5 Channel axis YC = 5th machine axis.

MD20080 $MC_AXCONF_CHANAX_NAME_TAB[ ] Name of channel axis in the channel.

[0] = XC 1. channel axis XC
[1] = ZC 2. channel axis ZC
[2] = C 3. channel axis C
[3] = WZ 4. channel axis WZ
[4] = YC 5. channel axis YC

Data set for inclined axis:

= 1024 Transformation 5: TRAANG

MD24432 $MC_TRAFO_AXES_IN_5[ ] Axis assignment for transformation 5.

[0] = 5 1. transformation axis = channel axis, YC
[1] = 1 2. transformation axis = channel axis, XC
[2] = 2 3. transformation axis = channel axis, ZC

MD24434 $MC_TRAFO_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB_5[ ] Assignment of geometry axes to channel

axes for transformation 5.
[0] = 1 1. axis = channel axis, XC
[1] = 5 2. axis = channel axis, YC
[2] = 2 3. axis = channel axis, ZC


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=0 Tool handling with active transformation 5.

= 55 Angle between 1st and 2nd transformer axis. Data record for linking (TRACON) of end
face machining on main spindle (TRANSMIT) and inclined axis (TRAANG).

Data record for linking (TRACON) of end face machining on main spindle (TRANSMIT) and
inclined axis (TRAANG):

= 8192 Type of transformation that is available as sixth in the channel.

MD24444 $MC_TRAFO_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB_6[ ] Assignment of geometry axes to channel

axes for transformation 6.
[0] = 1 1. axis = channel axis, XC
[1] = 3 2. axis = channel axis, YC
[2] = 2 3. axis = channel axis, ZC

MD24995 $MC_TRACON_CHAIN_1[ ] Transformation linking

[0] = 1 Number of the TRANSMIT transformation (main spindle) for linking.
[1] = 5 Number of the TRAANG transformation for linking. Data set for linking (TRACON) of
cylinder surface transformation on main spindle (TRACYL) and inclined axis (TRAANG).


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22.6 Swiveling

Data record for linking (TRACON) of cylinder surface transformation on main spindle
(TRACYL) and inclined axis (TRAANG):

= 8192 Type of transformation 7 in the TRACON channel.

MD24454 $MC_TRAFO_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB_7[ ] Assignment of geometry axes to channel

axes for transformation 7.
[0] = 1 1. axis = channel axis, XC
[1] = 3 2. axis = channel axis, YC
[2] = 2 3. axis = channel axis, ZC

MD24996 $MC_TRACON_CHAIN_2[ ] Transformation linking

[0] = 3 Number of the TRACYL transformation (main spindle) for linking.
[1] = 5 Number of the TRAANG transformation for linking.

22.6 Swiveling

22.6.1 Technology cycles for swiveling

The commissioning of the kinematic chain of the machine is a mandatory requirement for
correct swiveling functionality (CYCLE800). The kinematic chain is stored in the tool
parameters $TC_CARR1 to $TC_CARR65.

The vectors of the kinematic chain can be determined with the "Measure kinematics"
measuring function (CYCLE996).

To activate the swivel function, there must at least one toolholder that can be oriented
(swivel data set) in the NCK and the workpiece, tool and rotary table reference system
frames must be activated:

MD18088 $MN_MM_NUM_TOOL_CARRIER Maximum number of definable toolholders



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22.6 Swiveling

MD28082 $MC_MM_SYSTEM_FRAME_MASK System frames (SRAM)

= 3DH
Bit 2 = 1 TCARR and PAROT
Bit 3 = 1 TAROT and TOFRAME
Bit 4 = 1 Workpiece reference points
Bit 5 = 1 System frame for cycles

Changing machine data MD18088 and MD28082 causes the buffered memory to be
After changing the machine data, a series start-up file must be generated and downloaded,
otherwise, it can be assumed that data will be lost.

To change machine data, you require the following authorization: Access level 1

Current information:
● "siemensd.txt" file in the supplied software (standard cycles) or
● Description of Functions Basic Functions; Tool Offset (W1): Inclined surface machining
with 3 + 2 axes
● Programming Manual, measuring cycles: CYCLE996

Activating the swivel function

The swivel function is enabled on the user interface via the following channel-machine data:

MD52212 $MCS_FUNCTION_MASK_TECH Cross-technology function mask

Bit 0 = 1 Enable swivel

Configuring input screens

You can configure the input screen for swiveling using the following channel-specific cycle
setting data. The setting data is effective for all of the declared swivel data sets.

SD55221 $SCS_FUNKTION_MASK_SWIVEL_SET Function screen, swiveling CYCLE800

Bit 0 Input field "No swiveling"
= 0 Hide
= 1 Display


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22.6 Swiveling

Bit 1 Select text when retracting "Z, ZY" or "Fixed position 1/2"
= 0 Display text Z = "Z", display text Z, XY = "Z,XY"
= 1 Display text Z = "Fixed point 1", Display text Z, XY = "Fixed point 2".
If you wish to modify the retraction version "Z" or "Z, XY" via the manufacturer cycle
CUST_800.SPF, the neutral text "Fixed point 1" and "Fixed point 2" can be displayed.
Bit 2 Select, permit "deselection" of the swivel data set
= 0 If deselection is not permitted, the "Swivel data set" (TC) selection field is not displayed
in the "Swivel" input screen.
= 1 Deselection permitted
see also swivel data set parameter $TC_CARR37
Bit 3 Displays the active swivel plane under swivel in JOG. The setting in the swivel function
screen acts on all swivel data sets.
Bit 4 Positioning in the basic position (pole position) of the kinematics
= 0 Evaluation of the input values in pole position of the machine kinematics
= 1 Compatibility
Bit 6 Do not list swivel mode "direct" under swivel in JOG

Additional settings
For the swivel function, set the following machine data as a minimum to the following -
although this deviates from the default value:

=1 The actual total frame (zero offsets) is recalculated when switching over geometry axes
(selecting/deselecting TRAORI).

MD11450 $MN_SEARCH_RUN_MODE Settings, block search

Bit 1 = 1 Activate PROG_EVENT.SPF after block search. This means that for a block search, the
rotary axes of the active swivel data set are pre-positioned.

Declare swivel data sets

For the swivel function, swivel data sets must created in the NCK and declared in the
following machine data.

MD18088 $MN_MM_NUM_TOOL_CARRIER Maximum number of definable toolholders

that can be oriented.
Number of swivel data sets

If several channels are declared in the NCU, the number of swivel data sets is split up, taking
MD28085 $MN_MM_LINK_TOA_UNIT into account.


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22.6 Swiveling

Number of channels = 2
Assignment of the TO areas: MD28085 $MN_MM_LINK_TOA_UNIT= 2, this results in two
swivel data sets per channel.

Using angular tools

Angular tools are created and managed in the NC with tool type 130. The tool lengths are
entered in the tool of tool type 130. If an angular tool is also used on a swiveled machining
plane (CYCLE800), the basic tool orientation must be enabled with
MD18114 $MM_ENABLE_TOOL_ORIENT = 2. This enables a direction vector to be
transferred to the tool in the tool parameters $TC_DPV3[n] to $TC_DPV5[n]. The TOROT
(G17), TOROTY (G18), and TOROTX (G19) commands must be programmed for the tool
change so that the basic tool orientation is updated.
n = internal tool number

MD18114 $MM_ENABLE_TOOL_ORIENT Assign orientation to cutting edges.

Basic tool orientation
=0 No basic tool orientation active
=2 Basic tool orientation active
Used for angular tools and swiveling

MD20110 $MC_RESET_MODE_MASK Initial control setting for RESET and end of

part program
Bit 14 = 1 Calculation of the basis and system frames, example: 4041H.

MD20112 $MC_START_MODE_MASK Basic control setting for START and part


MD20126 $MC_TOOL_CARRIER_RESET_VALUE Active toolholder at RESET

=0 No active toolholder on RESET
= > 0 (n) Toolholder with number n active at RESET
MD20126 is written to in CYCLE800
CYCLE800() corresponds to deselect toolholder (MD20126 = 0)


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MD20150 $MC_GCODE_RESET_VALUES[ ] Delete position, G group.

[41] = 1 Delete position, G group 42 on TCOABS
[51] = 2 Delete position, G group 52 on PAROT
[52] = 1 Delete position, G group 53 on TOROTOF
[52] = > 1 Delete position, G group 53 on TOROT, TOROTY or TOROTX
Used for machine kinematics, types "T" and "M"
See parameter $TC_CARR34

If, after a RESET from the NC, a frame must be calculated in the tool direction, then
MD20150 $MC_GCODE_RESET_VALUES[52] can be set to a value > 1.
• Machine kinematics with Hirth gearing
• Angular tool with basic tool orientation

Note on kinematics (swivel head / mixed kinematics) with Hirth tooth system:
Depending on the active plane (G17,G18,G19), the TOROT command (or TOROTX,
TOROTY) is programmed in the NCU (G group 53) to calculate the compensating frame for
the Hirth gearing system in CYCLE800. If the Hirth gearing causes the programmed rotation
to deviate from the possible positions of the rotary axes, a $P_TOOLFRAME compensating
frame is created for swivel head and mixed kinematics (see HMI active ZO/details tool
If the compensating frame must be retained after RESET or end of part program, enter the
following value in the channel-specific machine data:

MD20150 $MC_GCODE_RESET_VALUES[52] Reset behavior of G groups

=2 For G17 (TOROT)
=3 For G18 (TOROTY)
=4 For G19 (TOROTX)

MD20196 $MC_TOCARR_ROTAX_MODE Rotary axis mode for toolholders with

orientation capability
Bit 0 = 1 Swivel data set with a rotary axis
used for a rotary table with C axis
Bit 1 = 1 Swivel data set with two rotary axes
used for standard swiveling


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MD20360 $MC_TOOL_PARAMETER_DEF_MASK Tool parameter setting

Bit 10 = 1 Orientation vector remains at T0 or D0 (no tool)
Used for machine kinematics, types "T" and "M"
See parameter $TC_CARR34

MD21186 $MC_TOCARR_ROT_OFFSET_FROM_FR Offset of the rotary axes for a tool holder

with orientation capability from the zero
offset of the rotary axis.
=0 In CYCLE800, the WCS is recalculated when there is a value in the zero offset (ZO)
of the rotary axes.
If values are entered in the zero offset of the rotary axes of the active swivel data set,
the basic position of the swivel data set and therefore also the basic position of the
WCS can change.
=1 A value in the ZO of the rotary axes acts as offset of the tool holder that has
orientation capability. The Work remains unchanged.

MD21186 may not be rewritten in a program with call CYCLE800.

If several swivel data sets are declared per channel, and if machine functions need to be
activated on changeover between swivel heads or tables, an M command can be issued in
the PLC program on switchover to another swivel data set.

MD22530 $MC_TOCARR_CHANGE_M_CODE M code for swivel data set change

=0 No swivel data set change
<0 M code + number of the swivel data set for the swivel data set change


Number of swivel data sets in channel 1 =2

Programming swivel data set 1 (TCARR=1) = M801
Programming swivel data set 2 (TCARR=2) = M802

With the output of the M commands, the PLC can limit or invert the spindle speed or clamp
or release the rotary axes, for example.

Setting the workpiece, tool and rotary table reference

Using the following machine data, you can set the workpiece, tool and rotary table reference
system frames or you can influence the behavior of the system frames.
Application: System frames can be active after Reset or Power On, in order to retract a drill
from a swiveled position without causing a collision, for example.


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MD24006 $MC_CHSFRAME_RESET_MASK Active system frames after RESET

Bit 4 System frame workpiece reference
= 0 Not active
= 1 Remains active

MD24007 $MC_CHSFRAME_RESET_CLEAR_MASK Clear system frames after RESET

Bit 4 System frame workpiece reference
= 0 Do not delete
= 1 Delete

When used for measuring or swiveling in JOG, the workpiece reference must be active on
RESET and not cleared (cascaded measuring).

MD24006 $MC_CHSFRAME_RESET_MASK Active system frames after RESET

Bit 4 = 1 System frame for workpiece reference remains active after RESET

MD24007 $MC_CHSFRAME_RESET_CLEAR_MASK Clear system frames after RESET

Bit 4 = 0 Do not clear system frame workpiece reference after RESET

MD24008 $MC_CHSFRAME_POWERON_MASK Reset system frames after power on.

Bit 2 System frame rotary table reference (PAROT)
= 0 Do not reset
= 1 Reset
Bit 3 System frame tool reference (TOROT,..)
= 0 Do not reset
= 1 Reset
Bit 4 System frame workpiece reference
= 0 Do not reset
= 1 Reset

MD24080 $MC_USER_FRAME_POWERON_MASK Settings for settable frames.

Bit 0
= 0 Settable zero offset via power on not active.
=1 Last active settable zero offset remains active after power on if


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Application: Zero offset G5xx, including all rotations, should remain active after Power On.

MD28082 $MC_MM_SYSTEM_FRAME_MASK Setting-up system frames (SRAM)

Bit 2 = 1 Rotary table reference ($P_PARTFRAME)
Bit 3 = 1 Tool reference ($P_TOOLFRAME)
Bit 4 = 1 Workpiece reference ($P_WPFRAME)

MD28083 $MC_MM_SYSTEM_DATAFRAME_MASK Setting-up data management, system

frames (SRAM)
Bit 2 = 1 Rotary table reference ($P_PARTFRAME)
Bit 3 = 1 Tool reference ($P_TOOLFRAME)
Bit 4 = 1 Workpiece reference ($P_WPFRAME)

MD28085 $MC_MM_LINK_TOA_UNIT Assigning a TO unit to a channel

If several channels are set-up, then the following can be set in the machine data:
The number of toolholders (see MD18088) on the TO unit per channel.
- OR
Assigning all of the set toolholders to a channel.

Axial machine data for the modulo rotary axes of the swivel data set

MD30455 $MA_MISC_FUNCTION_MASK Axis functions

Bit 0 Modulo rotary axis programming
= 0 No modulo rotary axis programming (e.g. 0 to 359.999 degrees)
= 1 Modulo rotary axis programming (e.g. -180 to 180 degrees)
Bit 2 Positioning, rotary axis
= 0 As programmed
= 1 Along the shortest path
Application: With the setting bit 2=1, the rotary axis C travels along the shortest path for
G90 with DC. Additional information can be taken from the Section "Manufacturer cycle
CUST_800.SPF"Manufacturer cycle CUST_800.SPF (Page 518)

MD32010 $MA_JOG_VELO_RAPID[AX] Rapid traverse in JOG

AX = axis name Rotary and machine axes that should
travel for swiveling in JOG.
= 10000 Rapid traverse in JOG mode for swivel in JOG


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SD42980 $SC_TOFRAME_MODE Setting, frame definition for TOROT,

= 2000 Swivel (default value)

SD42974 $SC_TOCARR_FINE_CORRECTION Fine offset TCARR (swivel data set)

=0 No fine offset of the swivel data set vectors
=1 Fine offset of the swivel data set vectors
The parameters of the swivel data set from $TC_CARR41[n] n…number of the swivel data
set and higher apply

Swiveling in the JOG mode

Cycle alarms 62186 and 62187 can be hidden or displayed using the following cycle
machine data:

MD55410 $MC_MILL_SWIVEL_ALARM_MASK Activate fault evaluation CYCLE800

Bit 0 Activates fault 61186
= 0 Hide fault 61186 "Active zero offset G%4 and base (base reference) contains rotations"
(default setting).
= 1 Display fault 61186
Bit 1 Activate fault 61187
= 0 Hide fault 61187 "Active base and base reference (G500) contain rotations" (default
= 1 Display fault 61187

22.6.2 CYCLE800 checklist for the identification of the machine kinematics

Identification of the machine kinematics (kinematic chain) according to DIN 66217 or ISO
This checklist does not claim to be complete.

● Do the three linear axes of the machine that are active for the transformation form an
orthogonal coordinate system? Geometry axes XYZ
● How many swivel kinematics does the machine have?
Combinations of two (or one) rotary axis and the three linear axes are always formed.
● Which kinematics type is it?
Swivel head, swivel table or mixed kinematics of swivel head and swivel table.


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● What are the names of the rotary axes of the kinematics?

Manual rotary axes are permitted and do not have to be declared in the NC.
● What is the 1st or 2nd rotary axis of a swivel data set?
Rule: Rotary axis 2 is based on rotary axis 1. With mixed kinematics, rotary axis 1 is
always the axis for the tool orientation.
● Is the traversing direction of the linear axes and the rotary axes correct? Right-hand rule
Rule: If the linear axis or the rotary axis moves the workpiece, the direction of motion of
the axis and also the sign of the rotary axis vector change.
● What is the initial setting of the kinematics?
This defines the tool orientation and the plane G17, G18, G19.
● Which rotary axis rotates around which axis of the coordinate system or the machine axis
This defines the rotary axis vectors of the kinematics.
Example 1:
Head kinematics. Rotary axis 2 rotates around axis Y → rotary axis vector V2xyz = 0,1,0
Example 2:
Table kinematics. Rotary axis 1 rotates around axis X → rotary axis vector V1xyz = -1,0,0

22.6.3 Commissioning of the kinematic chain (swivel data record)

Swivel data set

You must create a swivel data set for every swivel head, swivel table or each combination of
Swivel data sets can be declared in several channels (see machine data).
A swivel data set comprises the parameters $TC_CARR1[n] to $TC_CARR65[n]
n = number of the swivel data set.
The parameters of the swivel data set ($TC_CARR1[n] to $TC_CARR65[n]) can be read-in
and read-out in the startup operating area. Programming with appropriate value assignment
is also possible in an NC program (manufacturer cycle). The parameters of the swivel data
set are immediately effective after the program has started.

You can find additional information in:
● Function Manual Basic Functions; Tool Offset (W1)
● Function Manual Special Functions; Multiple Transformations (F2)


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Offset vectors I1 to I4

The vectors always contain three components, which represent the reference to the machine
axes (X, Y, Z). The positions in the kinematic chain are measured by the machine
manufacturer; they are always relevant with respect to a swivel head / swivel table (swivel
data set). Offset vectors I1 to I4 refer to the non-swiveled state of the rotary axes (machine
kinematics basic setting).
The machine kinematics used do not need to be fully implemented. However, be aware that
the traversing range in the swivel planes may be restricted. If machine kinematics are to be
implemented with just one rotary axis, this must always be declared as the 1st rotary axis.

$TC_CARR1[n], $TC_CARR2[n], $TC_CARR3[n] Offset vector I1xyz

$TC_CARR4[n], $TC_CARR5[n], $TC_CARR6[n] Offset vector I2xyz
$TC_CARR15[n], $TC_CARR16[n], $TC_CARR17[n] Offset vector I3xyz
$TC_CARR18[n], $TC_CARR19[n], $TC_CARR20[n] Offset vector I4xyz

Rotary axis vectors V1 and V2

$TC_CARR7[n], $TC_CARR8[n], $TC_CARR9[n] Rotary axis vector V1xyz

$TC_CARR10[n], $TC_CARR11[n], $TC_CARR12[n] Rotary axis vector V2xyz

Kinematic types $TC_CARR23[n]

● Swivel head (type T)
● Swivel table (type P)
● Swivel head + swivel table (type M)

Swivel head (type T) Swivel table (type P) Swivel head + swivel table (type M)

Offset vector I1 Offset vector I2 Offset vector I1

Rotary axis vector V1 Rotary axis vector V1 Rotary axis vector V1
Offset vector I2 Offset vector I3 Offset vector I2
Rotary axis vector V2 Rotary axis vector V2 Offset vector I3
Offset vector I3 Offset vector I4 Rotary axis vector V2
Offset vector I4


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Offset vectors I1 to I4 $TC_CARR1[n] ... $TC_CARR20[n]

The vectors always contain three components, which represent the reference to the machine
axes (X, Y, Z). The positions in the kinematic chain are measured by the machine
manufacturer; they are always relevant with respect to a swivel head/swivel table (swivel
data record).
Offset vectors I1 to I4 refer to the non-swiveled state of the rotary axes (basic setting:
machine kinematics). The machine kinematics used do not need to be fully implemented.
However, be aware that the traversing range in the swivel planes may be restricted. If
machine kinematics are to be implemented with just one rotary axis, this must always be
declared as the 1st rotary axis.
Manually adjustable rotary axes (manual mode) are possible with and without measuring
systems and can be used with "plain machines".
Swivel head
● I3 distance from the tool adapter to the pivot point/intersection of the 2nd rotary axis
● I2 distance from the pivot point/intersection of the 2nd rotary axis to the pivot
point/intersection of the 1st rotary axis
● I1 closure of the I1=-(I2+I3) vector chain, if the swivel head cannot be changed
Swivel table
● I2 distance from the machine reference point to the pivot point/intersection of the 1st
rotary axis
● I3 distance from the pivot point/intersection of the 1st rotary axis to the pivot
point/intersection of the 2nd rotary axis (or to the reference point of the tool adapter)
● I4 closure of the I4=-(I2+I3) vector chain, if the swivel table cannot be changed
Swivel head/swivel table (mixed kinematics)
● I2 distance from the tool adapter to the pivot point/intersection of the 1st rotary axis
● I1 closure of the I1=-I2 vector chain, if the swivel head cannot be changed.
● I3 distance from the machine reference point to the pivot point/intersection of the 2nd
rotary axis (or to the reference point of the tool adapter)
● I4 closure of the I4=-I3 vector chain, if the swivel table cannot be changed.
The offset vectors do not have to point to the pivot point of the rotary axes. The important
thing is that they point to a point on the direction of rotation (intersection).


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The sign of the offset vectors (I1 to I4) and the rotary axis vectors (V1, V2) result from the
specifications of the axis directions according to ISO 841-2001 or DIN 66217 (right-hand
rule). In the case of machine kinematics that move the workpiece (rotary table), the axis
direction is reversed.

Interrelation of TOOLCARRIER ⇔ 5-axis transformation (transformer type 24, 40, 56):
For 5-axis transformation, transformer type 72 in MD24100: $MC_TRAFO_TYPE_1 can be
In the case of transformer type 72, the vectors of the TOOLCARRIER in MD24582:
$MC_TRAFO5_TCARR_NO_1 are used.

Swivel head (swivel-mounted tool)

$TC_CARR23[1]="T" MD24100: $MC_TRAFO_TYPE_1=24
I1 $TC_CARR1...3[n] MD24500: $MC_TRAFO5_PART_OFFSET_1[0...2]
I2 $TC_CARR4...6[n] MD24560: $MC_TRAFO5_JOINT_OFFSET_1[0...2]
I3 $TC_CARR15...17[n] MD24550: $MC_TRAFO5_BASE_TOOL_1 [0...2]
Closure of the I1=-(I2+I3) vector chain; for fixed-mounted machine kinematics

Swivel table (swivel-mounted workpiece)

$TC_CARR23[1]="P" MD24100: $MC_TRAFO_TYPE_1=40
I2 $TC_CARR4...6[n] MD24550: $MC_TRAFO5_BASE_TOOL_1 [0..2]
I3 $TC_CARR15...17[n] MD24558: $MC_TRAFO5_JOINT_OFFSET_1 [0...2]
I4 $TC_CARR18...20[n] MD24500: $MC_TRAFO5_PART_OFFSET_1 [0...2]
Closure of the I4=-(I2+I3) vector chain; for fixed-mounted machine kinematics

Swivel head + swivel table (swivel-mounted tool + workpiece)

$TC_CARR23[1]="M" MD24100: $MC_TRAFO_TYPE_1=56
I1 $TC_CARR1...3[n] MD24560: $MC_TRAFO5_JOINT_OFFSET_1 [0...2]
I2 $TC_CARR4...6[n] MD24550: $MC_TRAFO5_BASE_TOOL_1 [0...2]
I3 $TC_CARR15...17[n] MD24558: $MC_TRAFO5_JOINT_OFFSET_PART_1[0...2]
I4 $TC_CARR18...20[n] MD24500: $MC_TRAFO5_PART_OFFSET_1 [0...2]
Closure of the I1=-I2 I4=-I3 vector chain; for fixed-mounted machine kinematics

Rotary axis vectors V1, V2

V1 $TC_CARR7..9[n] MD24570: $MC_TRAFO5_AXIS1_1[0..2]
V2 $TC_CARR10..12[n] MD24572: $MC_TRAFO5_AXIS2_1[0..2]


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22.6 Swiveling

Name of swivel data record

If several swivel data records are declared in each NC channel, then a name is assigned to
each swivel data set. No name needs to be specified if the swivel-mounted tool carrier is not
exchangeable (i.e. one swivel data set per channel).

The name of the swivel data set may only contain characters that are permissible for NC
programming: A...Z, 0...9 and _ !

Figure 22-3 Dialog to input parameters for the swivel data set

$TC_CARR34[n] Name of the swivel data set

Name, rotary axes

The following identifiers should be preferably chosen for the names of the rotary axes:
● Rotary axis rotates around machine axis X → A
● Rotary axis rotates around machine axis Y → B
● Rotary axis rotates around machine axis Z → C


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For automatic rotary axes, the channel names of the corresponding NC rotary axes must be
entered (see $TC_CARR37[n] TENS and HUNDREDS position: Automatic mode). For
manual (manually adjustable) and semi-automatic rotary axes, you can use any axis
identifier (up to six letters or numbers).

Figure 22-4 Dialog to input parameters for the rotary axis

$TC_CARR35[n] Name of rotary axis 1

$TC_CARR36[n] Name of rotary axis 2

System variable $TC_CARR37[n]

In the operating area "Program" → "Miscellaneous", the following softkeys are assigned to
the swivel function:

Milling technology Turning technology

"Swivel plane" "Swivel plane"
"Advance milling tool" "Swivel tool" → "Align turning tool"
→ "Align milling tool"
→ "Advance milling tool"

The "Align turning tool" and "Align milling tool"softkeys are only displayed if the "B-axis kinematics"
function was activated (refer to the following table).


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Significance of the decimal places:

In order that a value can be displayed in the input / selection boxes of the dialog for
swiveling, the following display versions can be set:

$TC_CARR37[n] Display variants of the input screens for CYCLE800

Decimal place Meaning
ONES Selects the swivel mode
0 = Axis-by-axis
1 = Axis-by-axis + projection angle
2 = Axis-by-axis + projection angle + solid angle
3 = Axis-by-axis + direct
4 = Axis-by-axis + projection angle + direct
5 = Axis-by-axis + projection angle + solid angle + direct
TENS Rotary axis 1
0 = Automatic
1 = Manual
2 = Semi-automatic
HUNDREDS Rotary axis 2
0 = Automatic
1 = Manual
2 = Semi-automatic
THOUSANDS Selection field, direction: Direction selection of the rotary axes
0 = No display of the direction reference for kinematics that only have one
solution. Direction selection (_DIR) Minus is generated in the cycle call
3 = Direction reference, rotary axis 1, direction selection Minus in the basic setting
of the kinematics.
4 = Direction reference, rotary axis 2, direction selection Minus in the basic setting
of the kinematics.
5 = No display of the direction reference for kinematics that only have one
solution. Direction selection (_DIR) Plus is generated in the cycle call
8 = Direction reference, rotary axis 1, direction selection Plus in the basic setting
of the kinematics.
9 = Direction reference, rotary axis 2, direction selection Plus in the basic setting
of the kinematics.
The values 1, 2, 6 and 7 are not permitted.
TEN THOUSANDS Selection field, correction of the tool tip or B axis kinematics
0 = No display of the correction of the tool tip input field.
1 = Correction of tool tip by means of TRAORI.
2 = No correction of tool tip + B axis kinematics turning technology.
3 = Correction of tool tip + B axis kinematics turning technology.
The Correction of tool tip function requires the "5-axis transformation
(TRAORI)" option.


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$TC_CARR37[n] Display variants of the input screens for CYCLE800

Decimal place Meaning
ONE MILLION TEN Selection field, retraction
00 = No retraction
01 = Retraction Z
02 = Retraction Z, XY
03 = Retraction Z or Z, XY
04 = Maximum retraction in tool direction
08 = Incremental retraction in tool direction
15 = Retraction Z or Z, XY or
in maximum tool direction or in incremental tool direction
$TC_CARR38[n] Retraction position X
$TC_CARR39[n] Retraction position Y
$TC_CARR40[n] Retraction position Z
HUNDRED MILLION Swivel data set enabled
Setting swivel data set change
Automatic or manual tool change is only required for ShopMill or ShopTurn (→ See also:
CUST_800.spf, markers _M2 to _M13).
A swivel data set must be "enabled" in each case (value ≥ 4).
0 = Swivel data set not enabled
4 = Swivel data set enabled
automatic swivel data set and tool change
5 = Swivel data set enabled
automatic swivel data set change and manual tool change
6 = Swivel data set enabled
manual swivel data set change and automatic tool change
7 = Swivel data set enabled
manual swivel data set and tool change

Retracting the geometry axes before swiveling

The type of retraction is modified in the manufacturer cycle CUST_800.SPF.
For further information on this, see Chapter Manufacturer cycle CUST_800.SPF (Page 518)

When traversing the tool axes, the following must be taken into account:
Retract the tool axis in such a way that the tool and workpiece cannot collide when swiveled.


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The ONE MILLION and TEN MILLION positions of the system variable $TC_CARR37[n]
define which retraction versions are displayed in the input mask:
● Retraction of axis Z
● Retract axes Z, XY
● Retract in the tool direction, maximum or incremental
Retracting axis Z or retracting axes Z, XY is realized as an absolute machine position at the
values of parameters $TC_CARR38[n] to $TC_CARR40[n].

Figure 22-5 Dialog to select the type of retraction

$TC_CARR38[n] Retraction position X

$TC_CARR39[n] Retraction position Y
$TC_CARR40[n] Retraction position Z

Fine offsets of offset vectors

$TC_CARR41[n] to $TC_CARR60[n]

Assignment of base vectors to the fine offset vectors:

I1 $TC_CARR1..3[n] to $TC_CARR41..43[n]
I2 $TC_CARR4..6[n] to $TC_CARR44..46[n]


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I3 $TC_CARR15..17[n] to $TC_CARR55..57[n]
I4 $TC_CARR18..20[n] to $TC_CARR58..60[n]

The fine offsets are activated by the following setting data:

SD42974 $SC_TOCARR_FINE_CORR Fine offset TCARR on/off

=0 When activating a tool carrier that can be oriented, the fine offset values are not taken
into account.
=1 When activating a tool carrier that can be orientated, the fine offset values are taken into

The fine offsets act in addition to the corresponding base vectors when the Swivel function
CYCLE800 or the NC function TCARR=n is called.

22.6.4 Examples of machine kinematics for the commissioning of the Swivel function

Example 1: Swivel head 1 "HEAD_1"

• Rotary axis 1(C) (manual) around

• Rotary axis 2(A) (manual) around
• Manually adjustable changeable
swivel head (manual)
Vectors relate to the kinematics basic
setting (drawing not true-to-scale)


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22.6 Swiveling

Table 22- 1 Commissioning softkey "Swivel", Kinematics (Example 1)

Kinematics Swivel head HEAD_1

Retract Z
Offset vector I1 0.000 0.030 -63.000
Rotary axis vector V1 0.000 0.000 1.000
Offset vector I2 0.000 0.000 40.000
Rotary axis vector V2 1.000 0.000 0.000
Offset vector I3 0.000 -0.030 23.000

Display version
Swivel mode Axis-by-axis
Direction reference Rotary axis 2
Correct tool No

Rotary axes
Rotary axis 1 C Mode Manual
Angular range 0.000 360.000
Rotary axis 2 A Mode Manual
Angular range -15.000 100.000

Example 2: Swivel head 2 "HEAD_2"

Rotary axis vector V1: Rotary axis B rotates around Y

Rotary axis vector V2: Rotary axis C rotates around Y and around Z
Offset vector I1: Closure of vector chain with fixed-mounted swivel head
Offset vector I2: Distance between pivot point of rotary axis 1 and pivot point of
rotary axis 2
Offset vector I3: Distance between reference point of tool and pivot point of rotary
axis 2
Cardanic swivel head (manually adjustable) with Hirth tooth system
Vectors relate to the basic setting of the kinematics
If the swivel head is fixed-mounted, the vector chain is closed (see l1)


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Table 22- 2 Commissioning softkey "Swivel", Kinematics (Example 2)

Kinematics Swivel head HEAD_2

Retract Z Tool direction Max.+inc.
Offset vector I1 0.000 -172.000 -265.800
Rotary axis vector V1 0.000 1.000 0.000
Offset vector I2 0.000 172.000 172.000
Rotary axis vector V2 0.000 1.0001) 1.0001)
Offset vector I3 0.000 0.000 93.800

Display version
Swivel mode Axis-by-axis
Direction reference Rotary axis 2

Rotary axes
Rotary axis 1 B Mode Manual
Angular range 0.000 360.000
Kinematics offset 0.000
Hirth gearing Yes Angular grid 1.000
Rotary axis 2 C Mode Manual
Angular range 0.000 180.000
Kinematics offset 0.000


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The reference point of the pivot point of rotary axes 1 and 2 can be offset on the line of
rotation and does not have to coincide with the mechanical pivot point.

1) Calculation of rotary axis vector V2: 45 degree angle

V2Y= sin(45)= 0.7071
V2z= cos(45)= 0.7071
V2Y and V2z can be normalized to 1.

Example 3: Cardanic table "TABLE_45"

Vectors relate to the basic setting of the kinematics

Rotary axis vector V1: Rotary axis B rotates around Y and

around Z.
Rotary axis vector V2 Rotary axis C rotates around Z.
Offset vector I2: Distance from the reference point of
the machine to the pivot
point/intersection of rotary axis 1
Offset vector I3: Distance between pivot
point/intersection of rotary axis 1 and
pivot point/intersection of rotary axis 2
Offset vector I4: Closure of vector chain I4=-(I2+I3)

Side view of the

Spindle (tool adapter)
is positioned on a
block dimension
above the top edge of
the table (rotary axis
C) or the center of the
A measuring rod in
the spindle is used to
determine the turning
center of rotary axis


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Kinematics Swivel table TABLE_45

Offset vector I2 0.000 -100.000 -20.000
Rotary axis vector V1 0.000 -1.0001) 1.0001)
Offset vector I3 0.000 0.000 -30.000
Rotary axis vector V2 0.000 0.000 -1.000
Offset vector I4 0.000 100.000 50.000

Display version
Swivel mode Axis-by-axis
Direction reference Rotary axis 2
Correct tool No

Rotary axes
Rotary axis 1 B Mode Auto
Angular range 0.000 180.000
Rotary axis 2 C Mode Auto
Angular range 0.000 360.000

1) Calculation of rotary axis vector V1: β = -45 degrees

V1Y= sin(-45)= -0.7071
V1z= cos(-45)= 0.7071
V1Y and V1z can be normalized to -1 and 1.


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22.6 Swiveling

Example 4: Swivel head/rotary table "MIXED_45"

Vectors relate to the basic setting of the kinematics

Rotary axis vector V1: Rotary axis B rotates around Y and

around Z.
Rotary axis vector V2: Rotary axis C rotates around Z.
Offset vector I2: Distance from the reference point of
the tool adapter to the pivot
point/intersection of
rotary axis 1
Offset vector I1: Closure of vector chain l1=-I2
Offset vector I3: Distance from the reference point of
the machine to the pivot
point/intersection of rotary axis 2
Offset vector I4: Closure of vector chain l4=-I3

Side view of the


Spindle (tool adapter) is positioned on a block dimension above the top edge of the table
(rotary axis C) or the center of the table. A measuring rod in the spindle is used to determine
the turning center of rotary axis C.


514 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring cycles
22.6 Swiveling

Table 22- 3 Commissioning softkey "Swivel", Kinematics (Example 4)

Kinematics Mixed kinematics MIXED_45

Offset vector I1 0.000 0.000 -30.600
Rotary axis vector V1 0.000 1.0001) 1.0001)
Offset vector I2 0.000 0.000 30.600
Offset vector I3 300.000 150.000 0.000
Rotary axis vector V2 0.000 0.000 -1.000
Offset vector I4 -300.000 -150.000 0.000

Display version
Swivel mode Axis-by-axis
Direction Rotary axis 1
Correct tool yes

Rotary axes
Rotary axis 1 B Mode Auto
Angular range 0.000 180.000
Rotary axis 2 C Mode Auto
Angular range 0.000 360.000

1) Calculation of rotary axis vector V1: β = 45 degrees

V1Y= sin(45)= -0.7071
V1z= cos(45)= 0.7071
V1Y and V1z can be normalized to 1.

Example 5: Swivel table "TABLE_5"

Vectors relate to the basic setting of the kinematics

Rotary axis vector V1: Rotary axis A rotates around X.

Rotary axis vector V2: Rotary axis C rotates around Z.
Offset vector I2: Distance from the reference point of
the machine to the pivot
point/intersection of rotary axis 1
Offset vector I3: Distance from the pivot point of rotary
axis 1 to the pivot point/intersection of
rotary axis 2
Offset vector I4: Closure of vector chain I4=-(I2+I3)


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Configuring cycles
22.6 Swiveling

Side view of the machine

from the X direction
Spindle (tool adapter) is
positioned on a block
dimension above the top
edge of the table (rotary axis
C) or the center of the table.
A measuring rod in the
spindle is used to determine
the turning center of rotary
axis C.

Side view of the

machine from the
Y direction


516 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring cycles
22.6 Swiveling

Table 22- 4 Commissioning softkey "Swivel", Kinematics (Example 5)

Kinematics Swivel table TABLE_5

Offset vector I2 260.000 200.000 0.000
Rotary axis vector V1 -1.000 0.000 0.000
Offset vector I3 0.000 0.020 20.400
Rotary axis vector V2 0.000 0.000 -1.000
Offset vector I4 -260.000 -200.020 -20.400

Display version
Swivel mode Axis-by-axis
Direction Rotary axis 1
Correct tool No

Rotary axes
Rotary axis 1 A Mode Auto
Angular range -90.000 90.000
Rotary axis 2 C Mode Auto
Angular range 0.000 360.000

Example 6: Setting-up a lathe with B axis

For lathes with an additional rotary axis B, the tool can be aligned or swiveled on the X/Z
plane. If your machine has a counterspindle, you can, for example, machine with a tool
alternating between the main spindle and counterspindle.
You require the following swivel data sets to use the "Align tool" and "Swivel plane"
● Swivel data set 1 for aligning and swiveling tools on the main spindle and counterspindle
(turning, face Y/C, surface Y/C).
● Swivel data set 2 for machining inclined surfaces when milling on the main spindle (face
● Swivel data set 3 for machining inclined surfaces when milling on the counterspindle (face
When commissioning the "B-axis kinematics turning technology" in parameter
$TC_CARR37[n], the TEN THOUSANDS position must be set to 2 or 3 in swivel data set 1.
This is the reason why in the program editor "Swivel tool → align turning or milling tool" is
listed for swivel data set 1.
See also: Selection box "B-axis kinematics" (Page 500) in the "Dialog to input parameters
for the swivel data set"


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 517
Configuring cycles
22.6 Swiveling

Example 7: Configuring a milling machine with B axis for turning.

You can configure a milling machine with a B axis (rotation around Y) so that turning is
The following example refers to a milling machine with a rotary axis around Y (B), a rotary
axis around Z (C) and a main spindle (SP) in the tool direction Z (G17).
You require the following swivel data sets to use the "Align tool" and "Swivel plane"
● Swivel data set 1 for "Swiveling in the plane" when milling.
Mixed kinematics: Rotary axis 1: B-axis, rotary axis 2: C axis
● Swivel data set 2 for the "Swivel tool - align tool" when turning
Swivel head: Rotary axis 1: B-axis, rotary axis 2: Spindle SP
When milling, the SP spindle is the master spindle. Rotary axis C is declared as the master
spindle in rotational operation, e.g. SETMS(2).
When commissioning the "B-axis kinematics turning technology" in parameter
$TC_CARR37[n], the TEN THOUSANDS position must be set to 2 or 3 in swivel data set 2.
This is the reason why in the program editor "Swivel tool → align turning or milling tool" is
listed for swivel data set 2.
See also: Selection box "B-axis kinematics" (Page 500) in the "Dialog to input parameters
for the swivel data set"

Description of Functions, Basic Functions; Tool Offset (W1), Parameter CUTMOD:
● The CUTMOD NC function is activated when data set 2 is called in the NC program
(CYCLE800 align turning tool). This means that the cutting edge position or the tool
reference point is updated corresponding to the tool orientation:
● When calling a swivel data set for rotational operation in the NC program (CYCLE800
align tool), the CUTMOD NC function is activated. The cutting edge position, tool angle,
cut direction and tool reference point are thus calculated in accordance with the current
tool orientation following the "Align tool" function.

22.6.5 Manufacturer cycle CUST_800.SPF

During swiveling, all axis positions are approached using the CUST_800.SPF cycle. The call
is exclusively made from the swivel cycle CYCLE800 or from the cycles
E_TCARR (ShopMill) or F_TCARR (ShopTurn).


518 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring cycles
22.6 Swiveling

In cycle CUST_800.SPF, the function markers (_M2: to _M59) are prepared and
documented. Also refer to the following "Structogram CYCLE800"

If you modify the CUST_800, ensure that the G commands of the G groups used are
restored at the end of the CUST_800 (versions S_G_1 to S_G_%!).


_MODE A jump is made to markers _M2 to _M59

_TC1 Number of the swivel head/table
_A1 Angle of rotary axis 1
_A2 Angle of rotary axis 2
_TC2 Feed evaluation in percent (%) for swiveling in JOG mode and number of the new
swivel head/table when replaced in ShopMill
_T_POS Incremental position during retraction in the incremental tool direction (see marker
_M44, _M45)

Retract prior to swiveling

If the CUST_800.SPF cycle is not modified, the Z axis (marker _M41) or the Z axis followed
by the X, Y axes (marker _M42) are first traversed in the Machine to the positions when
retracting prior to swiveling. The freely available position values are specified in the system
variables $TC_CARR38[n] to $TC_CARR40[n]. When retracting, the active tool cutting edge
is deselected (D0) and is reselected after retraction.
If retraction in the tool direction had been declared, the tool axis is retracted to the software
end position (maximum in tool direction) or by an incremental distance away from the tool in
the tool direction. The tool lengths are taken into account accordingly.


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Configuring cycles
22.6 Swiveling

Figure 22-6 Structure (coarse) of swivel cycles


520 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring cycles
22.6 Swiveling

CYCLE800 structured chart

Sequence in AUTOMATIC mode

Figure 22-7 Structure: CYCLE800.SPF / CUST_800.SPF


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 521
Configuring cycles
22.6 Swiveling

Figure 22-8 Structure: E_TCARR.SPF (F_TCARR.SPF) / CUST_800.SPF


522 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring cycles
22.6 Swiveling

Note on markers _M2 to _M13

When the swivel data set or tool is changed, the linear axes are recovered using the last
retraction mode (modal).
If this behavior is not desired in milling/turning, the corresponding calls must be commented
out with a semicolon (;). The E_SWIV_H or F_SWIV_H cycle is called in milling/turning (see
markers _M2 to _M9) in the CUST_800.SPF manufacturer cycle.
Parameter E_SWIV_H (Par1, Par2, Par3)
● Par1: Number of swivel data set (_TC1)
● Par2: Angle of 1st rotary axis
● Par3: Angle of 2nd rotary axis

Modification examples
If the rotary axes (swivel head/table) are not to be positioned during swivel data change / tool
change, the call of the E_SWIV_H cycle can be commented out at the relevant markers. If
the rotary axes are to move to a certain position, an angle value can be transferred to
parameters Par 2, Par 3.

Note on markers _M14, _M15

Depending on the values of the retraction plane and the programmed swivel plane, it is
possible that the linear axes now also travel the swiveled retraction plane while running up
from the current position to the software limit switches after a block search. To avoid this
problem, marker _M14 in the CUST_800.SPF is called after swiveling. The E_SP_RP(30)
cycle preset there runs up to the milling retraction plane, whereby travel may be along the
software limit switches. An appropriate retraction after block search can be set at marker

Note on the marker _M16

If for a swivel data set change or when de-selecting the swivel data set, you wish to traverse
the rotary axes to zero, the syntax of the _M16 marker can be modified accordingly, e.g.
activate block N8006 E_SWIV_H(_TC1,0,0).

Note on markers _M20 to _M31

Markers _M20 to _M31 are distinguished by machine kinematics with two rotary axes or one
rotary axis. A distinction is also made between automatic rotary axes (known to the NCU)
and manual (semi-automatic) rotary axes. There is only ever one valid marker for swiveling
with the active swivel data set.

Note on marker _M35

Run through _M35 for block search and a swivel data set with manual rotary axes.


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Configuring cycles
22.6 Swiveling

Note on marker _M40

This marker is called before the calculation and activation of the Toollcarrier function as user
initialization. This makes it possible for special kinematics, to calculate or rewrite the current
vectors of the active swivel data set.
Boring mill application example: For parallel axes, the vector in the Z direction can be
updated with the actual value of the W axis.
A STOPRE is integrated for this marker.
The manufacturer can test as to whether this STOPRE for marker M40 in CUST_800.spf
complies with his functional requirements. In this case, you must weigh up between velocity
(without STOPRE) and functionality for interrupt conditions (RESET) for a swivel plane. This
also depends on the type of machine kinematics.

Note on markers _M41 to _M45

The retraction strategy prior to swiveling the rotary axes can be modified at the markers
_M41 to _M45.

Note on marker _M46

Retraction before swiveling after a block search can be set at marker _M46. Variable
_E_VER is 1 if it is a milling technology program.

Note on markers _M57 to _M59

Markers _M57 to _M59 are used for swiveling in JOG mode and active 5-axis transformation

Note on "Correct tool"

“Correct tool” requires that a 5-axis transformation is set up which is equivalent to the
corresponding swivel data set. The programming section for "Correct tool" is integrated in
the markers _M20, _M21, _M22 and _M30. The first 5-axis transformation is called with

Note on tool change + swivel

In general, the swivel (CYCLE800) and tool change functions for a machine are independent
of each other. Thus, the swiveled work plane can be retained in a technological sequence
with multiple tools, e.g. centering, drilling, tapping.
If the rotary axes of the active swivel data set are involved in the mechanical sequence of the
tool change or have to be retracted, this must be taken into account in the tool change
program. After the tool change, the rotary axis positions are approached as prior to the tool
change. If linear axes (geometry axes) are also involved in the tool change, the rotations in
the NC (swivel frame) must not be deleted. Rather, the linear axes can be positioned as
machine axes using the G153 or SUPA commands.


524 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring cycles
22.6 Swiveling

Note on swiveling without active tool compensation

If swiveling the rotary axes without active tool cutting edge (D0) is not possible, then you can
adapt this in cycle CUST_800.SPF:


MSG ("no tool cutting edge active")






22.6.6 CYCLE996 measure workpiece kinematics

With the Measure kinematics function, it is possible to calculate the geometric vectors used
to define the 5-axis transformation (TRAORI and TCARR) by measuring the position of the
ball in space.
The measurement is essentially carried out by means of workpiece probes, which scan three
positions of a measuring ball on each rotary axis. The ball positions can be defined in
accordance with user specifications so that they correspond to the geometric ratios on the
machine. The only way of setting the ball positions is to reposition the rotary axis that is to be
measured in each case.
Aside from the basic mechanics of the machine, no specific knowledge is required to use
CYCLE996. No dimension drawings or machine location diagrams are necessary to carry
out measuring.

Application range
The measure kinematics function (CYCLE996) can be used to determine the data that is
relevant to transformations in the case of kinematic transformations that involve rotary axes


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 525
Configuring cycles
22.6 Swiveling

● Redetermination of swivel data sets
– Commissioning the machine
– Use of swivel-mounted workholders as TCARR
● Checking swivel data sets
– Service following collisions
– Checking the kinematics during the machining process
Kinematics with manual axes (manually adjustable rotary tables, swivel-mounted
workholders) can be measured in the same way as kinematics with NC-controlled rotary
When CYCLE996 is started, a swivel data set with basic data (for kinematics type) must be
parameterized. The measurement itself must be carried out without an active kinematic
If, in the setting data SD55740 $MNS_MEA_FUNCTION_MASK bit 7 is set, then depending
on the setting, the kinematics can be measured based on the calculated or based on the
rotary axis vectors saved in the swivel data set.

The following requirements must be met in order to use CYCLE996 (Measure kinematics):
● SIEMENS measuring cycles package is installed
● Workpiece probe is calibrated
● Calibration ball is mounted
● oriented tool carrier is set up (MD18088 MM_NUM_TOOL_CARRIER > 0)
● The basic geometry of the machine (X, Y, Z) is rectangular and referenced
The right angle refers to the workpiece spindle and should be preferably checked using a
test mandrel.
● Defined position of the rotary axes involved in the transformation
● Defined traverse directions in compliance with the standard of all axes involved in the
transformation according to ISO 841-2001 and/or DIN 66217 (righthand rule)
● defined size of the protocol file (MD11420 $MN_LEN_PROTOCOL_FILE ≥ 100)
The precise procedure when measuring and programming, including examples, is described
in the following manual:

Programming Manual, Measuring Cycles: CYCLE996


526 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring cycles
22.7 High-speed machining

22.7 High-speed machining

22.7.1 High speed settings: Configuring CYCLE832

The High Speed Settings function (CYCLE832) is used to preset data for the machining of
sculptured surfaces so that optimum machining is possible. The call of CYCLE832 contains
three parameters:
● Tolerance
● Machining type (technology)
● Input of the orientation tolerance
The 3rd parameter is significant only for machines with multi-axis orientation
transformation (TRAORI). By default, it is assigned the value 1.

Software option
You require the software option in order to use this function:
"Advanced Surface"

Tolerance / orientation tolerance

The tolerance value for the linear axes (geometry axes) is transferred to the CNC with the
NC command CTOL. CTOL = root(3) * tolerance value.
Tolerance value = 0: Tolerance value (CTOL) is loaded from the following SDs:

SD55446 $SCS_MILL_TOL_VALUE_ROUGH Tolerance value for roughing CYCLE832

SD55447 $SCS_MILL_TOL_VALUE_SEMIFIN Tolerance value for semi-finishing CYCLE832
SD55448 $SCS_MILL_TOL_VALUE_FINISH Tolerance value for finishing CYCLE832

Example: CYCLE832(0,_ROUGH,1) → tolerance value from SD55446 is used.

If rotary axes are involved in the machining (multi-axis transformation), the tolerance value is
transferred to the CNC with the NC command OTOL.


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22.7 High-speed machining

There are 2 options available for this:

1. Direct entry of the orientation tolerance OTOL
To enter the orientation tolerance in the input screen for CYCLE832, bit 1 =1 must be set
in the
2. Tolerance is transferred with a factor on the NC command OTOL
Machining types: _ROUGH, _SEMIFIN, _FINISH
This factor can be set in the following channel-specific setting data for each machining

SD55441 $SCS_MILL_TOL_FACTOR_ROUGH Factor, tolerance of the rotary axes for

roughing of the G group 59.
SD55442 $SCS_MILL_TOL_FACTOR_SEMIFIN Factor, tolerance of the rotary axes for
roughing-finishing of the G group 59.
SD55443 $SCS_MILL_TOL_FACTOR_FINISH Factor, tolerance of the rotary axes for
finishing of the G group 59.
= 10

For machines for which the orientation tolerance is not significant, the cycle setting data
SD55441 to 55443 can be set to a value of 0. No orientation tolerance is then calculated in
CYCLE832 (OTOL= -1).

Machining type and technology G group 59

The machining types of the technology G group 59 are permanently assigned in CYCLE832
or in CUST_832.SPF:

Machining type Plain text Technology G group 59 Field index

Deselection _OFF DYNNORM 0
Rough-finishing _SEMIFIN DYNSEMIFIN 3
Semi-finishing *) _ORI_SEMIFIN DYNSEMIFIN 3
*) With entry of an orientation tolerance


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22.7 High-speed machining

Dynamic parameters can be adapted to the respective machining operation with the
technology G groups. Using the commands of technology G group 59, the value of the
following channel and axis-specific machine data is activated using the corresponding array

MD20600 $MC_MAX_PATH_JERK[0..4] Path dependent maximum jerk.

MD20602 $MC_CURV_EFFECT_ON_PATH_ACCEL[0..4] Influence of path curvature on
path dynamic response.
MD20603 $MC_CURV_EFFECT_ON_PATH_JERK[0..4] Influence of path curvature on
path jerk.
MD32300 $MA_MAX_AX_ACCEL[0..4] Maximum axis acceleration.
MD32310 $MA_MAX_ACCEL_OVL_FACTOR[0..4] Overload factor for axial velocity
MD32431 $MA_ MAX_AX_JERK[0..4] Maximum axial jerk for path
MD32432 $MA_PATH_TRANS_JERK_LIM[0..4] Maximum axial jerk at the block
transition in continuous-path

During the optimization of the machine axes, the values (note array index) of the specified
machine data must be set correctly.

Machining type, deselection

When CYCLE832 is deselected, the G groups are programmed for the settings during the
program run time; these settings are declared in machine data
MD20150 $MC_GCODE_RESET_VALUES[ ]. This involves the G groups 1, 4, 10, 12, 21,
24, 30, 45, 59, 61.
The contour and orientation tolerance is deactivated (CTOL=-1, OTOL=-1).

22.7.2 Manufacturer cycle CUST_832.SPF

In contrast to the settings (G functions) by CYCLE832.SPF, these settings can be modified
in the manufacturer cycle CUST_832.SPF.


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22.7 High-speed machining

The following markers are prepared in CUST_832.SPF:

_M_NORM: For deselection _OFF CYCLE832

_M_FINISH: For finishing _FINISH and _ORI_FINISH
_M_SEMIFINISH: For semi-finishing _SEMIFIN and _ORI_SEMIFIN
_M_ROUGH: For roughing _ROUGH and _ORI_ROUGH
The following G functions are programmed in CUST_832.SPF:
Dependent on the machining type:
The programming of FGREF () is useful when machining with active multi-axis
transformation (e.g. TRAORI). In this case, in CUST_832.SPF, variable _FGREF is pre-
assigned a value of 10 mm. This value can also be modified. In CYCLE832.SPF, the value
of variable _FGREF is written to the rotary axes involved in the machining, which are
declared as orientation axis of a 5-axis transformation, using the FGREF(rotary axis)
command. When G70/G700 is active, the value from _FGREF is converted into inches
before writing to the command FGREF.

Take into account more than three rotary axes (orientation axes) in CYCLE832
In CYCLE832, a maximum of three rotary axes of the orientation transformation (TRAORI)
are taken into account for FGREF. If more than three rotary axes are declared per channel
for the orientation transformation, you can write the value to FGREF using the following
syntax in the CUST_832:
C = rotary axis 1 (axis is taken into account by CYCLE832)
AA = rotary axis 4
In the manufacturer cycle CUST_832.SPF, parameter _MOTOL is available for the
evaluation of the "Multi-axis programming yes/no".

_MOTOL=0 No multi-axis programming

_MOTOL=1 Multi-axis programming where the orientation tolerance is


530 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring cycles
22.8 Measuring cycles and functions

With the following setting data, additional G functions can be programmed in

CUST_832.SPF for using multi-axis programming:

SD55220 $SCS_FUNCTION_MASK_MILL_TOL_SET Function screen form, high speed settings

Bit 1 Orientation tolerance (OTOL) as a factor of the tolerance (CTOL) or directly entered

Using _MOTOL in CUST_832.SPF for the marker for finishing:

IF _MOTOL==1 ; if multi-axis programming
ELSE ; no multi-axis programming

22.8 Measuring cycles and functions

22.8.1 Measuring cycles and measurement functions, general

Two types of electronic probes are used for measuring:
● Probe to measure the workpiece
● Probe to measure the tool
The electronic probe must be connected to the NCU 7x0.
The electronic probe is only called probe in the following document

NCU, Digital Inputs/Outputs Device Manual


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 531
Configuring cycles
22.8 Measuring cycles and functions

Setting the switching behavior

You set the electrical polarity of the connected probe using the following general machine

MD13200 $MN_MEAS_PROBE_LOW_ACTIVE Polarity change of the probe

=0 Probe in the non-deflected state, 0 V default value
Probe in the deflected state, 24 V
=1 Probe in the non-deflected state, 24 V
Probe in the deflected state, 0 V

MD13210 $MN_MEAS_TYPE Measuring type for distributed drives

=0 Default value

Testing the probe function

You can test the switching function of the probe by manually deflecting it and checking the
following PLC interface signals:

DB 10
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Probe actuated
DBB107 Probe 2 Probe 1

To test the switching behavior and the measured value transfer, use an NC test program
with, for example, the following NC commands:

MEAS Measurement with deletion of distance-to-go

$AC_MEA[n] Check the switching operation, n = measurement input number
$AA_MW[axis name] Measured value of the axes in workpiece coordinates
$AA_MM[axis name] Measured value of the axes in machine coordinates

Example of a test program

Program code Comment

$PATH=/_N_MPF_DIR ;Testing program probe connection
N00 DEF INT MTSIGNAL ;Bit memory to check the switching state
N05 G17 G54 T="3D_Taster" D1 ;Select tool geometry for probe
N10 M06 ;Activate tool
N15 G0 G90 X0 F150 ;Starting position and meas. velocity


532 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
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22.8 Measuring cycles and functions

Program code Comment

N20 MEAS=1 G1 X100 ;Measurement at measuring input 1 in the
X axis
N30 MTSIGNAL=$AC_MEA[1] ;Switching operation at the 1st measuring
input completed, ;YES / NO
N35 IF MTSIGNAL == 0 GOTOF _FEHL1 ;evaluation of signal
N40 R1=$AA_MM[X] ;Save measured value in machine
coordinates at R1
N45 R2=$AA_MW[X] ;Save measured value in workpiece
coordinates at R2
N50 M0 ;Check measured value in R1/R2
N55 M30
N60 _FEHL1: MSG ("Probe does not
N65 M0
N70 M30

General function settings for measuring cycles

MD51740 $MNS_MEA_FUNCTION_MASK Measuring cycles function mask

Bit 0 Activate calibration status monitoring – workpiece measurement for measuring in
Bit 1 Length reference for workpiece probe, milling technology
= 0 Tool length L1, referred to the center of the probe sphere
= 1 Tool length L1, referred to the sphere circumference of the probe sphere
Bit 2 Support of tool carriers that can be orientated for workpiece measurement with correction
in a tool
Bit 3 Correction of the probe position for workpiece measurement
Bit 4 Workpiece probe is permanently attached to the machine and cannot be positioned
Bit 15 Workpiece measurement, traverse measuring block with path behavior G60 with exact
stop at the end of the block

After changing this machine data, the probe must be re-calibrated.


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Configuring cycles
22.8 Measuring cycles and functions

MD52740 $MCS_MEA_FUNCTION_MASK Measuring cycles function mask

Bit 0 Measuring input, workpiece probe
= 0 Workpiece probe at the CNC measuring input 1, active - default
= 1 Workpiece probe at the CNC measuring input 2, active
Bit 1 Workpiece measurement, functional behavior of a third geometry axis (Y axis) when
turning, based on the machining plane G18!
Bit 16 Measuring input, tool probe
= 0 Tool probe at the CNC measuring input 1, active
= 1 Workpiece probe at the CNC measuring input 2, active - default

MD54740 $SNS_MEA_FUNCTION_MASK Measuring cycles function mask

Bit 0 Repeat measurement, workpiece measurement after exceeding a dimensional difference
(parameter _TDIF) and or confidence range (parameter _TSA)
Bit 1 Repeat measurement workpiece measurement with alarm and cycle stop at M0
Bit 2 Workpiece measurement: M0 for tolerance alarms 62304 oversize, 62305 undersize,
62306 permissible dimensional difference exceeded
Bit 3 Accept calibrated workpiece probe radius in the tool data.
Bit 4 For turning-milling technology, the calibration/measuring plane is different.
Bit 16 Repeat measurement, tool measurement after a dimensional difference has been fallen
below (parameter _TDIF) and or confidence range (parameter _TSA)
Bit 17 Repeat measurement tool measurement with alarm and cycle stop at M0
Bit 18 Workpiece measurement: M0, after the permissible dimensional difference has been
Bit 19 Tool measurement, milling tool: Spindle speed reduction at the last probing

MD55740 $SCS_MEA_FUNCTION_MASK Measuring cycles function mask

Bit 0 Collision monitoring using workpiece probe for intermediate positioning
Bit 1 Coupling the spindle alignment with coordinate rotation in the active plane, for workpiece
measurement with multiprobe in the automatic mode
Bit 2 Direction of rotation of the spindle positioning for workpiece measurement regarding active
coupling of the spindle alignment with coordinate rotation in the active plane
Bit 3 For workpiece measurement, number of repeat measurements if the probe does not
Bit 4 Measuring feed rate for workpiece measurement
Bit 5 Retraction velocity from the measuring point for workpiece measurement
Bit 6 Workpiece measurement, probe activation/deactivation when positioning the spindle
Bit 7 Measure kinematics, scaling basis for the orientation vectors
Bit 8 Measure kinematics, measurement with active TRAORI or TCARR (CYCLE 800)


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22.8 Measuring cycles and functions

Bit 14 Coupling the spindle alignment with coordinate rotation around the infeed axis, for
workpiece measurement with multiprobe in the JOG mode
Bit 15 Workpiece measurement calibration in the bore with known or unknown center point,
measuring in JOG
Bit 16 Collision monitoring for tool measurement
Bit 17 For tool measurement, number of repeat measurements if the probe does not switch
Bit 18 Measuring feed rate for tool measurement
Bit 19 Retraction velocity from the measuring point for tool measurement

22.8.2 Manufacturer and user cycle CUST_MEACYC.SPF

The CUST_MEACYC.SPF is part of the measuring cycle functionality. It is called in every
measuring cycle before and after executing the measurement task. The
CUST_MEACYC.SPF acts in the same way when measuring in the JOG mode and
measuring in the AUTOMATIC mode.
You can use the CUST_MEACYC.SPF to program and execute sequences that are
necessary before and/or after a measurement (e.g. activating/deactivating a probe).


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Configuring cycles
22.8 Measuring cycles and functions

CUST_MEACYC structogram
Sequence in the AUTOMATIC mode, using measure bore as example, CYCLE977 with
probe type 712.

Figure 22-9 Structure: CYCLE977 / CUST_MEACYC


536 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring cycles
22.8 Measuring cycles and functions

22.8.3 Measuring in JOG mode

You have already made the settings from the previous section "Measuring cycles and
measurement functions, general (Page 531)".

Workpiece measurement

For milling:
● The probe has been inserted in the tool spindle.
● The probe has been selected in the tool list as type 7xx (probe).
● The probe is activated as tool in the current NC channel.

Tool measurement
To measure tools, an appropriate probe must be located in the machine space so that this
can be reliably and safely reached with a tool in the spindle.
The following tool types are supported with measure tool:
● Milling technology: Tool types 1xx and 2xx
● Turning technology: Tool type 5xx, 1xx, 2xx
For the specified tool types, the tool lengths and the tool radii can be measured.

Setting general data

SD54782 $SNS_J_MEA_FUNCTION_MASK_TOOL Settings for the input screen, measuring

in JOG, tool measurement.
Bit 2 = 1 Activates the "Enable automatic tool measuring" function.
Bit 3 = 1 Selects the tool probe calibration data field, enable.
Bit 10 = 1 Selects the single cutting edge measurement (tooth breakage check).
Bit 11 = 1 Selects spindle reversal when calibrating in the plane


Measuring in JOG: Approach direction in the plane to the tool probe
-2 Negative direction, 2nd measuring axis
-1 Negative direction, 1st measuring axis (default setting)
1 Positive direction, 1st measuring axis

2 Positive direction, 2nd measuring axis


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22.8 Measuring cycles and functions

MD52750 $MCS_J_MEA_FIXPOINT Z value for measurement with respect to

a fixed point
MD52751 $MCS_J_MEA_MAGN_GLAS_POS Zoom-in position for tool measurement
[0] Position in the 1st axis
[1] Position in the 2nd axis

Checking and setting the general machine data

MD11450 $MN_SEARCH_RUN_MODE Programming search.

Bit 1 = 1 Automatic ASUB start after output of the action blocks (see also
MD11620 $MN_PROG_EVENT_NAME). Alarm 10208 is not output until the ASUB is

MD11604 $MN_ASUP_START_PRIO_LEVEL Priorities from which ASUP_START_MASK is

= 1 - 64 Priorities for ASUP_START_MASK.

Setting channel-specific machine data

MD20050 $MC_AXCONF_GEOAX_ASIGN_TAB[ ] Assignment, geometry axis to channel axis.

[0] For measuring in JOG mode, all of the geometry axes must be available. Preferably
[1] XYZ.


MD20110 $MC_RESET_MODE_MASK Defines the basic control settings after reset /

TP end,
= 4045H Minimum value
Bit 0 = 1 Basic control setting after power on and reset.
Bit 2 = 1
Bit 6 = 1
Bit 14 = 1

MD20112 $MC_START_MODE_MASK Definition of the basic control setting after part

program start.
= 400H Minimum value
Bit 6 = 0 Definition of the basic control setting after NC start.


538 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring cycles
22.8 Measuring cycles and functions

MD20310 $MC_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK Activates tool manager functions

= 4002H Minimum value
Bit 1 = 1 Tool manager and monitoring functions active
Bit 14 = 1 Automatic tool change for RESET and Start.

MD28082 $MC_SYSTEM_FRAME_MASK System frames (SRAM).

Bit 0 = 0 Do not setup system frames for actual value setting and scratching.
Bit 0 = 1 Setup system frames for actual value setting and scratching.

The following channel-specific machine data is only effective if the system frame actual value
setting and scratching is set up using the above mentioned machine data
MD28082 $MC_SYSTEM_FRAME_MASK, bit 0 = 0.

MD24006 $MC_CHSFRAME_RESET_MASK Active system frames after reset.

Bit 0 = 1 Reset response of the system frames or actual value setting.

MD24007 $MC_CHSFRAME_RESET_CLEAR_MASK Clear system frames on reset.

Bit 0 = 0 Clear response of the system frames on reset.

If you create the conditions described in this section and you have set and checked the
machine setting data, then in JOG mode, you can measure a workpiece using a workpiece
probe at a milling machine!
In JOG mode, you can measure a tool using a tool probe at a milling machine or lathe!

A description is provided in the following chapters as to which settings you can make in order
to adapt measuring to the specific requirements of your particular machine.


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Configuring cycles
22.8 Measuring cycles and functions Measuring workpieces in milling

Measuring in the "Machine" operating area can be appropriately adapted to the specific
requirements using the following channel-specific general machine data and channel-specific
cycle setting data.

General configuration machine data

SD55630 $SCS_MEA_FEED_MEASURE Calibrating the measuring feedrate for

the workpiece probe and measuring the
300 Default value

Measuring feedrate for workpiece measuring
All measuring cycles use the value saved in SD54611 as the measuring feedrate value
following calibration of the workpiece probe. A different measuring feedrate can be assigned
for each calibration field [n].
When calibrating the probe, either the measuring feedrate from SD55630
$SCS_MEA_FEED_MEASURE is used, or the measuring feedrate can be overwritten in the
input screen when calibrating. To do this, SD54760 $SNS_MEA_FUNCTION_MASK_PIECE
bit 4 must be set to 1.

MD52207 $MCS_AXIS_USAGE_ATTRIB[n] Attributes of the axes

[n] channel axis number
Bit 6 Request rotary axis as offset target for measuring.
= 0 Default value
=1 Rotary axis is displayed as correction target in the "Measuring in JOG" window.

MD51751 $MNS_J_MEA_M_DIST_MANUELL Measuring path in mm, before and after the

measuring point.
= 10 Default value

MD51757 $MNS_J_MEA_COLL_MONIT_FEED Position feedrate in mm/min, in the working

plane for active collision monitoring.
= 1000 Default value


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22.8 Measuring cycles and functions

MD51758 $MNS_J_MEA_COLL_MONIT_POS_FEED Position feedrate in mm/min, in the infeed

axis for active collision monitoring.
= 1000 Default value

MD51770 $MNS_J_MEA_CAL_RING_DIAM[n] Pre-assignment of the calibration diameter

in mm specifically for the calibration data
= -1 Default value

MD51772 $MNS_J_MEA_CAL_HEIGHT_FEEDAX[n] Pre-assignment of the calibration height

in mm, in the infeed axis, specific for the
calibration data sets.
= -99999 Default value

General cycle setting data

SD54780 $SNS_J_MEA_FUNCTION_MASK_PIECE Configuration of the input screens for

measuring in the "Machine" operating
area in the JOG operating mode.
= 512 Default value
Bit 2 = 1 Activates measurements with an electronic probe.
Bit 3 = 1 Selects the probe calibration data, enable.
Bit 6 = 1 Selects ZO offset in the basis reference (SETFRAME), enable.
Bit 7 = 1 Selects ZO offset in the channel-specific basic frame, enable.
Bit 8 = 1 Selects ZO offset in the global basic frame, enable.
Bit 9 = 1 Selects ZO offset in adjustable frames, enable.


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Configuring cycles
22.8 Measuring cycles and functions Measuring tools in milling

Measuring feedrate for tool measurement in JOG and AUTOMATIC

SD55628 $SCS_MEA_TP_FEED_MEASURE Calibrate measuring feedrate for

tool probe and tool measurement
with stationary spindle.
= 300 Default value

Measuring feedrate for tool measuring
All measuring cycles use the value saved in SD54636 or SD54651 as the measuring
feedrate after the tool probe has been calibrated. A different measuring feedrate can be
assigned for each calibration field [n].
When calibrating the probe, either the measuring feedrate from
SD55628 SCS_MEA_TP_FEED_MEASURE is used, or the measuring feedrate can be
overwritten in the input screen when calibrating. To do this,
SD54762 $SNS_MEA_FUNCTION_MASK_TOOL bit 4 must be set to 1.

In the following setting data, index [k] stands for the number of the current data field (probe
number -1) of the probe.

SD54633 $SNS_MEA_TP_TYPE[k] Probe type, cube/disk

=0 Cube (default value)
= 101 Disk in XY, working plane G17
= 201 Disk in ZX, working plane G18
= 301 Disk in YZ, working plane G19

The following setting data is used to define in which axes and directions it is possible to
calibrate a tool probe.

SD54632 $SNS_MEA_T_PROBE_ALLOW_AX_DIR[k] Axes and directions for "calibration"

= 133 Default value

Decimal place
ONES 1. Axis
=0 axis not possible
=1 only minus direction
=2 only plus direction
=3 both directions


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Configuring cycles
22.8 Measuring cycles and functions

Decimal place
TENS 2. Axis
=0 axis not possible
=1 only minus direction
=2 only plus direction
=3 both directions
=0 axis not possible
=1 only minus direction
=2 only plus direction
=3 both directions

If the general setting data SD54632 $SNS_MEA_T_PROBE_ALLOW_AX_DIR[k] has the
value 123, the tool probe is calibrated as follows in the G17 plane:
● X in both directions
● Y only in plus direction
● Z only in minus direction

SD54631 $MNS_MEA_T_PROBE_DIAM_LENGTH[k] Effective diameter of the tool probe

for length measurement.
=0 Default value

General cycle machine/setting data for tool probe

MD51780 $MNS_J_MEA_T_PROBE_DIAM_RAD[k] Effective diameter of the tool probe

for radius measurement.
=0 Default value

SD54634 $SNS_MEA_TP_CAL_MEASURE_DEPTH[n] Distance between the tool probe

upper edge and the milling tool
lower edge.
=2 Default value

MD51752 $MNS_J_MEA_M_DIST_TOOL_LENGTH Measuring path to measure the tool

=2 Default value


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Configuring cycles
22.8 Measuring cycles and functions

MD51753 $MNS_J_MEA_M_DIST_TOOL_RADIUS Measuring path to measure the tool

=1 Default value

MD51786 $MNS_J_MEA_T_PROBE_MEASURE_DIST Measuring path to calibrate the probe

or for measurements with stationary
= 10 Default value

General cycle setting data when measuring with rotating spindle

SD54670 $SNS_MEA_CM_MAX_PERI_SPEED[0] Maximum permissible peripheral

speed of the tool to be measured.
= 100 Default value

SD54671 $SNS_MEA_CM_MAX_REVOLUTIONS[0] Maximum permissible tool speed of

the tool to be measured. The speed is
automatically reduced when
= 1000 Default value

SD54672 $SNS_MEA_CM_MAX_FEEDRATE[0] Maximum permissible feedrate to

probe the tool to be measured at the
= 20 Default value

SD54673 SNS_MEA_CM_MIN_FEEDRATE[0] Minimum feedrate for the first probing

of the tool to be measured at the
probe. The avoids excessively small
feedrates for large tool radii.
=1 Default value


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Configuring cycles
22.8 Measuring cycles and functions

SD54674 $SNS_MEA_CM_SPIND_ROT_DIR[0] Spindle direction of rotation to

measure tools.
=4 Spindle rotation the same as M4 (default value)

If the spindle is already rotating when the measuring cycle is called, this direction of rotation
remains independent of the setting of this data.

SD54675 $SNS_MEA_CM_FEEDFACTOR_1[0] Feedrate factor 1

= 10 Default value
=0 Only single probing with the feedrate calculated by the cycle. However, as a minimum, the
value from SD54673[0] $SNS_MEA_CM_MIN_FEEDRATE.
>= 1 First probing with feedrate. However, as a minimum with the value from

SD54676 $SNS_MEA_CM_FEEDFACTOR_2[0] Feedrate factor 2

=0 Second probing with the feedrate calculated by the measuring cycle. This is only effective
for SD54673[0] $SNS_MEA_CM_FEEDFACTOR_1 > 0, default value
>= 1 Second probing with the feedrate from SD54673[0] $SNS_MEA_CM_MIN_FEEDRATE
feedrate factor 2.
Third probing with the calculated feedrate.

Feedrate factor 2 should be less than feedrate factor 1.

SD54677 $SNS_MEA_CM_MEASURING_ACCURACY[0] Specified measuring accuracy.

The value of this parameter always
refers to the last probing of the tool
at the probe!
= 0.005 Default value

SD54692 $SNS_MEA_T_CIRCULAR_ARC_DIST Arc distance for the single cutting edge

measurement of the radius.
= 0.25 *) Default value


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 545
Configuring cycles
22.8 Measuring cycles and functions

SD54693 $SNS_MEA_T_MAX_STEPS Maximum number of probe contacts

for single cutting edge measurement
of the radius.
= 10 *) Default value
*) If the value = 0, then the "highest point on the longest cutting edge" is not sought, but the
measured value of the contact with the rotating spindle taken.

r Effective radius of the tool

b Arc distance = SD54692
n Maximum number of probe contacts = SD54693
① 1. Measuring point

Figure 22-10 Single cutting edge measurement

General cycle setting data for correction using the correction tables when forming measurements with
rotating spindle.

SD54691 $SNS_MEA_T_PROBE_OFFSET Activate the measuring result

=0 No data, default value
=1 Correction in the cycle. This is only effective if
=2 Correction using user-defined correction table

SD54689 $SNS_MEA_T_PROBE_MANUFACTURER Activates pre-configured

compensation tables for several tool
probe models (customer-specific)
=0 No data, default value
=1 TT130 (Heidenhain)
=2 TS27R (Renishaw)


546 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring cycles
22.8 Measuring cycles and functions Measuring tools for turning

Measuring feedrate for tool measurement in turning operation

SD55628 $SCS_MEA_TP_FEED_MEASURE Calibrate measuring feedrate for

tool probe and tool measurement
with stationary spindle.
= 300 Default value

Measuring feedrate for tool measuring
All measuring cycles use the value saved in SD54636 or SD54651 as the measuring
feedrate after the tool probe has been calibrated. A different measuring feedrate can be
assigned for each calibration field [n].
When calibrating the probe, either the measuring feedrate from SD55628 is used, or the
measuring feedrate can be overwritten in the input screen when calibrating. To do this,
SD54762 $SNS_MEA_FUNCTION_MASK_TOOL bit 4 must be set to 1.

General cycle machine/setting data for measuring path/feedrate

SD42950 $SC_TOOL_LENGTH_TYP Assignment of the tool length offset

independent of tool type.
=0 Measuring turning tools, type 5xx (default value)
=2 Measuring turning tools, type 5xx, drilling and milling tools, type 1xx, 2xx

MD51786 $MNS_J_MEA_T_PROBE_MEASURE_DIST Measuring path to calibrate the

probe or for measurements with
stationary spindle.
= 10 Default value

SD55628 $SCS_MEA_TP_FEED_MEASURE Feedrate for the calibration of a tool

probe with stationary spindle.
= 300 Default value


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 547
Configuring cycles
22.8 Measuring cycles and functions

Calibrating tool probes

Use the following general cycle machine data to set the access level as of which the
"Calibrate probe" softkey is displayed. This requires that the automatic tool measurement is
enabled using the setting data SD54782 (bit 2 = 1).

MD51070 $MNS_ACCESS_CAL_TOOL_PROBE Calibrate tool probe access level.

=7 Access rights: Access level 7 (keyswitch 0)
=4 Read access rights: Access level 4 (keyswitch 3), default value
=3 Write access: Access level 3 (user) Measuring behind the turning center

Working with two toolholders

It is possible to work on a single turning machine with two toolholders, both of which are
mounted on an X axis. The toolholders may be revolvers, multifix, or a combination of both.
Since both tool adapters are mounted on the same axis, it is only ever possible to work with
one tool at a time. The workpiece is located between the two tool adapters.
All tools have the same reference point (on toolholder 1) irrespective of which toolholder they
are on. For this reason, the tool lengths of the second toolholder are always longer than the
tools on the first toolholder. The main machining is performed in the negative X axis

If there are a large number of old G code programs that were programmed without mirroring
of the X axis, you should consider setting mirroring for G code programs.

If the corresponding mode of operation of the second toolholder (with mirroring of the X axis)
is also to be used for G code programs, then additional settings must be configured.
To automatically activate the mirroring when loading tools to the second toolholder, the
following T replacement must be set:


548 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring cycles
22.8 Measuring cycles and functions

If the required mirroring is also to be automatically activated when programming the

TRANSMIT command, the TRANSMIT command must be replaced by a subprogram (e.g. in
the manufacturer directory):








In the status display, TRANSM is now displayed instead of TRANSMIT. Measuring without electronic probe in JOG

Measure workpiece
For manual measuring functions in the JOG operating mode, for which a rotating spindle is
required, the following applies:
● The channel state must be reset at the instant in time that the measured value is
● The spindle can be moved or positioned either using the T,S,M menu or using the bits in
● The following preconditions apply when using the DB3x.DBB30 technology functions with
fixed speed:

Setting the machine data

MD10709 $MN_PROG_SD_POWERON_INIT_TAB [0] = 0 setting data to be initialized
MD35035 $MA_SPIND_FUNCTION_MASK Bit 4=0 Spindle functions
Bit 5=1
SD43200 $SA_SPIND_S Speed setting value

The entry in SD43200 $SA_SPIND_S is kept at power on.
With these settings, the spindle velocity for manual operation, which is set in SD41200
$SN_JOG_SPIND_SET_VELO, is no longer effective.


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Configuring cycles
22.8 Measuring cycles and functions

22.8.4 Measuring in AUTOMATIC mode


Software option
In order to use the "Measuring in AUTOMATIC" function, you require the software
option: "Measuring cycles"
You have already made the settings from Chapter "Measuring cycles and measurement
functions, general (Page 531)".

Workpiece measurement
Sequence in milling technology:
1. The probe has been selected in the tool list as type 7xx (probe).
2. The probe has been inserted in the tool spindle.
3. Probe is activated in the actual NC channel.

Sequence in turning technology:

1. Tool type 580 (3D probe, turning) is selected.
2. Tool is activated in the actual NC channel.

Tool measurement
To measure tools, an appropriate probe must be located in the machine space so that this
can be reliably and safely reached with a tool in the spindle.
The following tool types are supported with measure tool:
● Milling technology: Tool types 1xx and 2xx
● Turning technology: Tool type 5xx, 1xx, 2xx
For the specified tool types, the tool lengths and the tool radii can be measured.

Channel-specific cycle setting data

Using the following channel-specific cycle setting data, you can adapt the workpiece and tool
measuring in the "Program" operating area to specific requirements. As a general rule, no
changes are required.

SD55613 $SCS_MEA_RESULT_DISPLAY Selects the screen display of the

measuring result
=0 No screen display of the measuring result (default value).
=1 Screen display of the measuring result is displayed for 8 seconds.


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22.8 Measuring cycles and functions

=3 The measuring cycle stops an internal machine data, the measuring result is statically
displayed on the screen!
Continue with NC start, the measuring result screen is deselected.
=4 The measuring result is only displayed on the screen for cycle alarms 61303, 61304, 61305,
Continue with NC start, the measuring result display on the screen is deselected.

SD55623 $SCS_MEA_EMPIRIC_VALUE[n] Empirical values

=0 Default value

SD55618 $SCS_MEA_SIM_ENABLE Measuring cycle simulation

=0 When calling measuring cycles in conjunction with SINUMERIK Operate, ShopMill or
ShopTurn simulation, the measuring cycles are skipped, default value.
=1 Default setting:
When calling measuring cycles in conjunction with SINUMERIK Operate, ShopMill or
ShopTurn simulation, the measuring cycles are run through. However, no corrections are
performed and there is no logging. There is no screen display of the measuring result.

Configuring input screens for measuring cycles in the program editor

Using the following setting data, you configure the display screen and the correction options
when making measurements in the AUTOMATIC mode:
● SD54760 $SNS_MEA_FUNCTION_MASK_PIECE measure workpiece: Measuring cycles
in the milling area, see Chapter "Workpiece measurement, general (Page 552)"
● SD54762 $SNS_MEA_FUNCTION_MASK_TOOL measure tool: Measuring cycles in the
milling area, see Chapter "Tool measurement in milling (Page 555)"

If you have created the prerequisites described in this chapter and you have set and
checked the machine/setting data, you can perform measurements at the machine with a
workpiece or tool probe in the AUTOMATIC mode!

If you wish to set-up workpiece measurement on a lathe, then additional settings are
required. Refer to the Chapter "Measuring workpieces in turning (Page 562)" for the settings.
If you wish to set-up tool measurement using a tool probe, then you must also make
additional settings. Please refer to the Chapters "Measuring tools for turning (Page 563)" or
"Tool measurement in milling (Page 555)" for the settings.
A description is provided in the following chapters as to which settings you can make in order
to adapt measuring to the specific requirements of your particular machine.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 551
Configuring cycles
22.8 Measuring cycles and functions Workpiece measurement, general

Using the following general and channel-specific cycle setting data, you can appropriately
adapt workpiece measurement to the specific requirements in the "Program" operating area.

You have already made the settings from the following section:
See also: Measuring cycles and measurement functions, general (Page 531)

General cycle setting data

SD54760 $SNS_MEA_FUNCTION_MASK_PIECE Settings for the input screen, measuring

cycles in AUTOMATIC, workpiece
Bit 1 Display select softkey 3D measurement
Bit 3 Enable probe calibration field to be selected
Bit 4 Select calibration input measuring feed 1)
Bit 6 Enable WO to be selected in the basis reference (SETFRAME)
Bit 7 Enable WO to be selected in the channel-specific basis frame
Bit 8 Enable WO to be selected in the basis frame
Bit 9 Enable WO to be selected in the adjustable frame
Bit 10 Enable WO, coarse and fine, to be selected
Bit 11 Select tool offset, geometry and wear
Bit 12 Select tool offset, not inverted and inverted
Bit 13 Select tool offset L1, R or L1, L2, L3 R
Bit 14 Select tool offset, zero offset (_TZL)
Bit 15 Select tool offset, dimensional difference monitoring (_TDIF)
Bit 16 Select workpiece measurement with spindle reversal
Bit 17 Select align workpiece probe in the switching direction
Bit 18 Select number of measurements (_NMSP)
Bit 19 Select offset with mean value generation (_TMV) 1)
Bit 20 Select experience values (_EVNUM)
Bit 21 Select total setting-up offset
Bit 22 Select calibration to unknown or to known center point
Bit 24 Select calibration with/without position deviation
Bit 25 Select zero offset when measuring the angulation of the spindle


552 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring cycles
22.8 Measuring cycles and functions

Channel-specific cycle setting data

SD55630 $SCS_MEA_FEED_MEASURE Measuring feedrate [mm/rev]

= 300 Measuring feedrate when calibrating the workpiece probe

Measuring feedrate for workpiece measuring
All measuring cycles use the value saved in SD54611 $SNS_MEA_WP_FEED[n] as
measuring feedrate after the tool probe has been calibrated.
A different measuring feedrate can be assigned for each calibration field [n].
When calibrating the probe, either the measuring feedrate from SD55630
$SCS_MEA_FEED__MEASURE is used, or the measuring feedrate can be overwritten in the
input screen when calibrating. To do this, SD54760 MEA_FUNCTION_MASK_PIECE bit 4
must be set to 1.

SD55632 $SCS_MEA_FEED_RAPID_IN_PERCENT Percentage reduction

= 50 Default value of the percentage reduction of the rapid traverse velocity for internal cycle
intermediate positioning without collision monitoring.
The setting of the channel-specific cycle setting data

SD55634 $SCS_MEA_FEED_PLANE_VALUE Feedrate of the intermediate positioning

in the working plane with active collision
= 1000 Default value

SD55636 $SCS_MEA_FEED_FEEDAX_VALUE Feedrate of the intermediate positioning

in the infeed axis with active collision
= 1000 Default value

SD55638 $SCS_MEA_FEED_FAST_MEASURE Fast measuring feedrate

= 900 Default value

SD55640 $SCS_MEA_FEED_CIRCLE Feedrate with circle programming

= 1000 Default value


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 553
Configuring cycles
22.8 Measuring cycles and functions

SD55642 $SCS_MEA_EDGE_SAVE_ANG Safety angle when measuring a corner

=0 Degrees

This angle is added to the angle that the user entered between the workpiece reference edge and the
1st axis of the active coordinate system in a positive direction, and refers to the corner
measurement in the automatic mode (CYCLE961).
The angle that the user enters has the designation "α0" in the parameterizing screen form, corner
measurement. For compatibility programs, the designation is _STA1.
For compatibility programs, $SCS_MEA_EDGE_SAVE_ANG should be set = 10. Workpiece measurement in milling

Measuring in the "Program" operating area can be adapted corresponding to the specific
requirements using the channel-specific cycle setting data.


SD55625 $SCS_MEA_AVERAGE_VALUE[n] Number of mean values.

=0 Default value

The following cycle setting data are written to by the measuring cycles with the "Calibrate
probe" measuring function. User parameterization is not necessary here. However, after the
probe has been calibrated, you can check these values and if required, evaluate the probe
quality, e.g. for position deviations, no values > 0.1 mm should be reached. Otherwise, the
probe must be mechanically readjusted.
The measuring feedrate at the time of calibration is used for all subsequent applications of
the measuring cycles.

Observe the manufacturer's instructions for the probe.

SD54600 $SNS_MEA_WP_BALL_DIAM[n] Effective diameter of the probe ball of the

workpiece probe.
SD54601 $SNS_MEA_WP_TRIG_MINUS_DIR_AX1[n] Trigger point, minus direction,
1st measuring axis in the plane.
SD54602 $SNS_MEA_WP_TRIG_PLUS_DIR_AX1[n] Trigger point, plus direction,
1st measuring axis in the plane.
SD54603 $SNS_MEA_WP_TRIG_MINUS_DIR_AX2[n] Trigger point, minus direction,
2nd measuring axis in the plane.


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22.8 Measuring cycles and functions

SD54604 $SNS_MEA_WP_TRIG_PLUS_DIR_AX2[n] Trigger point, plus direction,

2nd measuring axis in the plane.
SD54605 $SNS_MEA_WP_TRIG_MINUS_DIR_AX3[n] Trigger point, minus direction,
3rd measuring axis in the tool direction.
SD54606 $SNS_MEA_WP_TRIG_PLUS_DIR_AX3[n] Trigger point, plus direction,
3rd measuring axis opposite to the tool
direction. In the default case = 0.
SD54607 $SNS_MEA_WP_POS_DEV_AX1[n] Position deviation,
1st measuring axis in the plane.
SD54608 $SNS_MEA_WP_POS_DEV_AX2[n] Position deviation,
2nd measuring axis in the plane.
SD54609 $SNS_MEA_WP_STATUS_RT Calibration status of the axis positions
SD54610 $SNS_MEA_WP_STATUS_GEN[n] Calibration status
SD54611 $SNS_MEA_WP_FEED[n] Measuring feedrate when calibrating Tool measurement in milling


SD54633 $SNS_MEA_FUNCTION_MASK_TOOL Setting for the input screen, measuring

cycles in the automatic mode, tool
Bit 3 Setting for the input screen, measuring cycles in the automatic mode, tool measurement,
enable tool probe calibration data field to be selected
Bit 4 Select calibration input measuring feed (VMS) 1)
Bit 5 Select input feedrate and spindle speeds when probing
Bit 7 Select measurement in MCS and WCS
Bit 8 Select measurement, absolute and incremental
Bit 9 Select tool offset, geometry and wear
Bit 10 Select individual cutting edge measurement
Bit 11 Selects spindle reversal when calibrating in the plane
Bit 12 Select number of measurements (_NMSP)
Bit 13 Select experience values (_EVNUM)
1) Input, measurement feedrate is valid for AUTOMATIC and JOG


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 555
Configuring cycles
22.8 Measuring cycles and functions

Calibration data of the tool probe, referred to the machine coordinate system
Before calibration is started, the position of the tool probe in the machine coordinate system
(MCS) must be entered into the following general cycle setting data. In this case, the
reference point is the outer diameter or the tool length of the active tool in the spindle. If
there is no tool in the spindle, the reference points are the spindle center point and the tool
reference point at the spindle.

Calibrate probe
If you have calibrated the tool probe in JOG mode, then the calibration data have already
been correctly entered in: SD54632 $SNS_MEA_TP_AX_DIR_AUTO_CAL[k]
Index [k] stands for the number of the actual data field (probe number -1).

SD54625 $SNS_MEA_TP_TRIG_MINUS_DIR_AX1[k] Trigger point of the 1st measuring axis

in the negative direction.
SD54626 $SNS_MEA_TP_TRIG_PLUS_DIR_AX1[k] Trigger point of the 1st measuring axis
in the positive direction.
SD54627 $SNS_MEA_TP_TRIG_MINUS_DIR_AX2[k] Trigger point of the 2nd measuring axis
in the negative direction.
SD54628 $SNS_MEA_TP_TRIG_PLUS_DIR_AX2[k] Trigger point of the 2nd measuring axis
in the positive direction.
SD54629 $SNS_MEA_TP_TRIG_MINUS_DIR_AX3[k] Trigger point of the 3rd measuring axis
in the negative direction.
SD54630 $SNS_MEA_TP_TRIG_PLUS_DIR_AX3[k] Trigger point of the 3rd measuring axis
in the positive direction.
SD54631 $SNS_MEA_TP_EDGE_DISK_SIZE[k] Tool probe, edge length / disk diameter.
SD54632 $SNS_MEA_TP_AX_DIR_AUTO_CAL[k] Axes and directions for calibrating in
SD54634 $SNS_MEA_TP_CAL_MEASURE_DEPTH[k] Distance between the upper edge of the
tool probe and lower edge of the tool
(calibration depth, measuring depth for
milling radius).
SD54635 $SNS_MEA_TPW_STATUS_GEN[k] Calibration status
SD54636 $SNS_MEA_TPW_FEED[k] Measuring feedrate when calibrating

The general cycle setting data SD54632 $SNS_MEA_TP_AX_DIR_AUTO_CAL, is used to

define in which axes and directions it is possible to calibrate the tool probe.


556 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring cycles
22.8 Measuring cycles and functions

Decimal place
ONES 1st axis
=0 axis not possible
=1 only minus direction
=2 only plus direction
=3 both directions
TENS 2nd axis
=0 axis not possible
=1 only minus direction
=2 only plus direction
=3 both directions
HUNDREDS 3rd axis
=0 axis not possible
=1 only minus direction
=2 only plus direction
=3 both directions

If the general cycle machine data SD54632 $SNS_MEA_TP_AX_DIR_AUTO_CAL has the
value 123, the tool probe is calibrated as follows in the G17 plane:
● X in both directions
● Y only in plus direction
● Z only in minus direction

SD54633 $SNS_MEA_TP_TYPE[k] Probe version

=0 Cube, default value.
= 101 Disk in XY, working plane G17.
= 201 Disk in ZX, working plane G18.
= 301 Disk in YZ, working plane G19.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 557
Configuring cycles
22.8 Measuring cycles and functions

Calibration data of the tool probe referred to the workpiece coordinate system
Before calibration is started, the position of the tool probe in the workpiece coordinate
system (WCS) must be roughly entered into the following general cycle setting data. In this
case, the reference point is the outer diameter or the tool length of the active tool in the
spindle. If there is no tool in the spindle, the reference points are the spindle center point and
the tool reference point at the spindle.

When measuring tools, ensure that the data of the adjustable work offset or the basic
reference always correspond to the data when calibrating (measuring in WCS!).
Always make measurements and calibrate with the same adjustable work offset.

SD54640 $SNS_MEA_TPW_TRIG_MINUS_DIR_AX1[k] Trigger point of the 1st measuring axis

in the negative direction.
SD54641 $SNS_MEA_TPW_TRIG_PLUS_DIR_AX1[k] Trigger point of the 1st measuring axis
in the positive direction.
SD54642 $SNS_MEA_TPW_TRIG_MINUS_DIR_AX2[k] Trigger point of the 2nd measuring
axis in the negative direction.
SD54643 $SNS_MEA_TPW_TRIG_PLUS_DIR_AX2[k] Trigger point of the 2nd measuring
axis in the positive direction.
SD54644 $SNS_MEA_TPW_TRIG_MINUS_DIR_AX3[k] Trigger point of the 3rd measuring axis
in the negative direction.
SD54645 $SNS_MEA_TPW_TRIG_PLUS_DIR_AX3[k] Trigger point of the 3rd measuring axis
in the positive direction.
SD54646 $SNS_MEA_TPW_EDGE_DISK_SIZE[k] Tool probe, edge length / disk
SD54647 $SNS_MEA_TPW_AX_DIR_AUTO_CAL[k] Automatic calibration of tool probe,
enable axes/directions
SD54648 $SNS_MEA_TPW_TYPE[k] Probe version
=0 Cube (default value)
= 101 Disk in XY, working plane G17.
= 201 Disk in ZX, working plane G18.
= 301 Disk in YZ, working plane G19.
SD54649 $SNS_MEA_TPW_CAL_MEASURE_DEPTH[k] Distance between the upper edge of
the tool probe and lower edge of the
tool (calibration depth, measuring
depth for milling radius).
SD54650 $SNS_MEA_TPW_STATUS_GEN[k] Calibration status
SD54651 $SNS_MEA_TPW_FEED[k] Measuring feedrate when calibrating

The following general cycle setting data SD54647 $SNS_MEA_TPW_AX_DIR_AUTO_CAL is

used to define in which axes and directions it is possible to calibrate a tool probe.


558 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring cycles
22.8 Measuring cycles and functions

Decimal place
ONES 1. Axis
=0 axis not possible
=1 only minus direction
=2 only plus direction
=3 both directions
TENS 2. Axis
=0 axis not possible
=1 only minus direction
=2 only plus direction
=3 both directions
=0 axis not possible
=1 only minus direction
=2 only plus direction
=3 both directions

If the general cycle machine data SD54647 $SNS_MEA_TPW_AX_DIR_AUTO_CAL has the
value 123, the tool probe is calibrated as follows in the G17 plane:
● X in both directions
● Y only in plus direction
● Z only in minus direction

Monitoring when measuring with a rotating spindle

SD54670 $SNS_MEA_CM_MAX_PERI_SPEED[0] Maximum permissible peripheral

speed of the tool to be measured.
= 100 Default value

SD54671 $SNS_MEA_CM_MAX_REVOLUTIONS[0] Maximum permissible tool speed of

the tool to be measured. The speed is
automatically reduced when
= 1000 Default value


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Configuring cycles
22.8 Measuring cycles and functions

SD54672 $SNS_MEA_CM_MAX_FEEDRATE[0] Maximum permissible feedrate to

probe the tool to be measured at the
= 20 Default value

SD54673 $SNS_MEA_CM_MIN_FEEDRATE[0] Minimum feedrate for the first probing

of the tool to be measured at the
probe. The avoids excessively small
feedrates for large tool radii.
=1 Default value

SD54674 $SNS_MEA_CM_SPIND_ROT_DIR[0] Spindle direction of rotation to

measure tools.
4 = M4 Default value

If the spindle is already rotating when the measuring cycle is called, this direction of rotation
remains independent of the setting of this data.

SD54675 $SNS_MEA_CM_FEEDFACTOR_1[0] Feedrate factor 1

= 10 Default value
=0 Only single probing with the feedrate calculated by the cycle. However, as a minimum, the
value from SD54673[0] $SNS_MEA_CM_MIN_FEEDRATE.
=≥1 First probing with feedrate. However, as a minimum with the value from

SD54676 $SNS_MEA_CM_FEEDFACTOR_2[0] Feedrate factor 2

=0 Second probing with the feedrate calculated by the cycle. This is only effective for
SD54673 $SNS_MEA_CM_FEEDFACTOR_1[0] > 0, default value.
=≥1 Second probing with the calculated feedrate from
SD54673 $SNS_MEA_CM_MIN_FEEDRATE[0] feedrate factor 2.
Third probing with the calculated feedrate.

Feedrate factor 2 should be less than feedrate factor 1.


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Configuring cycles
22.8 Measuring cycles and functions

SD54677 $SNS_MEA_CM_MEASURING_ACCURACY[0] Specified measuring accuracy.

The value of this parameter always
refers to the last probing of the tool
at the probe.
= 0.005 Default value

Measurement with rotating spindle: Measured value correction using correction tables

SD54691 $SNS_MEA_T_PROBE_OFFSET Activates the measuring result

=0 No data, default value
=1 Correction in the cycle. This is only effective if
=2 Correction using user-defined correction table

SD54689 $SNS_MEA_T_PROBE_MANUFACTURER Activate pre-configured compensation

tables for several tool probe models
=0 No data, default value
=1 TT130 (Heidenhain)
=2 TS27R (Renishaw)

Correction values for users

If the general cycle setting data SD54691 $SNS_MEA_T_PROBE_OFFSET= 2, the following
settings apply:

SD54695 to SD54700 Correction values for radius See the subsequent general cycle
measurement. setting data.
SD54705 to SD54710 Correction values for length See the subsequent general cycle
measurement. setting data.

SD54695 $SNS_MEA_RESULT_OFFSET_TAB_RAD1[n] Radius measurement

SD54705 $SNS_MEA_RESULT_OFFSET_TAB_LEN1[n] Length measurement
=0 0
=1 1. Radius
=2 2. Radius
=3 3. Radius
=4 4. Radius


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 561
Configuring cycles
22.8 Measuring cycles and functions Measuring workpieces in turning

General settings for turning

MD52740 $MNS_MEA_FUNCTION_MASK Measuring cycles function mask

Bit 1 Workpiece measurement, measuring in the third geometry axis (Y, when turning
= 0 The measuring cycles do not support a third geometry axis (Y axis)!
=1 Setpoint input and parameterization (SETVAL, _TUL, _TLL, SZO) refer to the third geometry
axis (Y axis). The correction of the tool length or work offset is however realized in the
second geometry axis (X axis, ordinate) active components (i.e. measure in Y and correct in
X). The correction target can be influenced using parameter _KNUM!
Bit 16 Tool probe measuring input

Calibration data of the tool probe, referred to the machine coordinate system
Before calibration is started, the position of the tool probe in the machine coordinate system
(MCS) must be entered into the following general cycle setting data.

SD54615 $SNS_MEA_CAL_EDGE_BASE_AX1[n] Calibration slot base referred to the 1st

measuring axis.
SD54617 $SNS_MEA_CAL_EDGE_PLUS_DIR_AX1[n] Calibration slot edge in the positive
direction of the 1st measuring axis.
SD54618 $SNS_MEA_CAL_EDGE_MINUS_DIR_AX1[n] Calibration slot edge in the negative
direction of the 1st measuring axis.
SD54619 $SNS_MEA_CAL_EDGE_BASE_AX2[n] Calibration slot base referred to the 2nd
measuring axis.
SD54620 $SNS_MEA_CAL_EDGE_UPPERE_AX2[n] Upper calibration slot edge referred to
the 2nd measuring axis.
SD54621 $SNS_MEA_CAL_EDGE_PLUS_DIR_AX2[n] Calibration slot edge in the positive
direction of the 2nd measuring axis.
SD54622 $SNS_MEA_CAL_EDGE_MINUS_DIR_AX2[n] Calibration slot edge in the negative
direction of the 2nd measuring axis.

For a standard lathe with axes X and Z (G18), axis Z is the 1st measuring axis and axis X is
the 2nd measuring axis.


562 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring cycles
22.8 Measuring cycles and functions Measuring tools for turning

Calibration data of the tool probe referred to the machine coordinate system
If you wish to calibrate the tool probe in the machine coordinate system, then the position of
the tool probe in the machine coordinate system must be entered into the following general
cycle setting data.

SD54625 $SNS_MEA_TP_TRIG_MINUS_DIR_AX1[k] Trigger point in minus direction of the

1st measuring axis (for G18 Z)
SD54626 $SNS_MEA_TP_TRIG_PLUS_DIR_AX1[k] Trigger point in plus direction of the 1st
measuring axis (for G18 Z)
SD54627 $SNS_MEA_TP_TRIG_MINUS_DIR_AX2[k] Trigger point in minus direction of the
2nd measuring axis (for G18 X).
SD54628 $SNS_MEA_TP_TRIG_PLUS_DIR_AX2[k] Trigger point in plus direction of the 2nd
measuring axis (for G18 X).

Calibration data of the tool probe referred to the workpiece coordinate system
If you wish to calibrate the tool probe in the workpiece coordinate system, then the position
of the tool probe in the workpiece coordinate system must be entered into the following
general cycle setting data. In this case, the reference point is the outer diameter or the tool
length of the active tool in the spindle.
Index [k] stands for the number of the actual data field (probe number -1).

SD54640 $SNS_MEA_TPW_TRIG_MINUS_DIR_AX1[k] Trigger point minus direction of the 1st

measuring axis (for G18 Z).
SD54641 $SNS_MEA_TPW_TRIG_PLUS_DIR_AX1[k] Trigger point plus direction of the 1st
measuring axis (for G18 Z).
SD54642 $SNS_MEA_TPW_TRIG_MINUS_DIR_AX2[k] Trigger point minus direction of the
2nd measuring axis (for G18 X).
SD54643 $SNS_MEA_TPW_TRIG_PLUS_DIR_AX2[k] Trigger point plus direction of the 2nd
measuring axis (for G18 X).

Tool measurement using the "Orientable toolholder" or "Swivel tool" function

If the general cycle machine data MD52740 $MNS_MEA_FUNCTION_MASK, bit 16 = 1,
then the following setting applies:

MD51618 $MNS_MEA_CM_ROT_AX_POS_TOL Tolerance parameter for rotary axis

= 0,5 Default value

The real angular position of rotary axes can deviate from that programmed (exact stop fine
window) This deviation depends on the position control properties of the axis. The maximum
deviation that can be expected at a specific axis should be entered into the parameter. When
the tolerance is exceeded, Alarm 61442 is output - "Toolholder not parallel to the geometry


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 563
Configuring cycles
22.9 Milling with ShopMill

22.9 Milling with ShopMill

All of the MD and SD settings of the standard cycles can be found in Chapter "Configuring
cycles (Page 451)", and are also applicable for milling under ShopMill and turning under

22.9.1 Setting-up ShopMill cycles for milling

Load ShopMill cycles for milling

When the control boots, the ShopMill cycles are automatically loaded into the following
directory: ../siemens/sinumerik/cycles/sm/prog

Setting the coordinate system

MD52000 $MCS_DISP_COORDINATE_SYSTEM Position of the coordinate system


=0 for vertical milling machines
=16 for horizontal milling machines, boring mill
A detailed description of the MD52000 is provided in Section:
Activating turning/milling/drilling technologies (Page 451)
For plane selection when milling, appropriately set the following machine data:

MD52005 $MCS_DISP_PLANE_MILL Plane selection for milling

= 17
=0 In the cycle support
= 17 G17 (default value)
= 18 G18
= 19 G19

Simulation and simultaneous recording

In order that simulation and simultaneous recording are displayed without any errors, set the
machine data as described in the following section:
Configuring the simulation (Page 111)


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Configuring cycles
22.9 Milling with ShopMill

Defining the direction of rotation

In order that the direction of rotation is correctly displayed in the ShopMill user interface, and
when programming ShopMill functions, the correct direction of rotation is executed, you must
make some settings that are coordinated with one another. You must align these settings to
the actual direction of rotation of the axis at the machine.

MD52207 $MCS_USAGE_ATTRIB[n] Attribute of the axes in the channel

[n] channel axis number
Bit 4 Displayed direction of rotation for M3 is counter-clockwise (for spindles)
Bit 5 Direction of rotation M3 corresponds to rotary axis minus (for spindles)
This bit must be set analog to PLC bit DBnn.DBX17.6!

Additional channel-specific machine data

MD52229 $MCS_ENABLE_QUICK_M_CODES Enable fast M commands

Bit 0 Coolant OFF (default value)
Bit 1 Coolant 1 ON
Bit 2 Coolant 2 ON
Bit 3 Coolants 1 and 2 ON

MD52230 $MCS_M_CODE_ALL_COOLANTS_OFF M code for all coolants Off

=9 You define the M function to switch off the coolant that is output when the tool is changed.

MD52231 $MCS_M_CODE_COOLANT_1_ON M code for coolant 1 On

=8 You define the M function for coolant 1 that is output when the tool is changed.

MD52232 $MCS_M_CODE_COOLANT_2_ON M code for coolant 2 On

=7 You define the M function for coolant 2 that is output when the tool is changed.

MD52233 $MCS_M_CODE_COOLANT_1_AND_2_ON M code for both coolants On

= -1 You define the M function for coolant 1 and 2 that is output when the tool is changed.


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Configuring cycles
22.9 Milling with ShopMill

MD52281 $MCS_TOOL_MCODE_FUNC_ON[ ] M code for tool-specific function ON

= -1 M function is not output.
If both M commands of a function "= -1", the corresponding field is not displayed on the
[0] M code for tool-specific function 1 ON
[1] M code for tool-specific function 2 ON
[2] M code for tool-specific function 3 ON
[3] M code for tool-specific function 4 ON

MD52282 $MCS_TOOL_MCODE_FUNC_OFF[ ] M code for tool-specific function OFF

= -1 M function is output.
If both M commands of a function "= -1", the corresponding field is displayed on the
[0] M code for tool-specific function 1 OFF
[1] M code for tool-specific function 2 OFF
[2] M code for tool-specific function 3 OFF
[3] M code for tool-specific function 4 OFF

Channel-specific cycle setting data

SD55212 $SCS_FUNCTION_MASK_TECH_SET Cross-technology function screen

Bit 0 Tool preselection active.
The next tool is prepared directly after a tool change.
Note: For a revolver, the setting data must be set to "0".
Bit 1 Automatic calculation of the thread depth for metric threads.
Bit 2 Take the thread diameter and thread depth from the table.

22.9.2 Cylinder surface transformation in ShopMill

Software options
You require the following software option in order to use this function:
"Transmit and peripheral surface transformation".

● There must be at least one rotary axis at the machine.
● The milling tool must be radially oriented to the cylinder to be machined.


566 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring cycles
22.9 Milling with ShopMill

The following groove machining operations can be performed with the Cylinder surface
transformation functions:
● Longitudinal grooves on cylindrical bodies
● Transverse grooves on cylindrical objects
● Grooves with any path on cylindrical bodies
The path of the slots is programmed with reference to the flattened,plane cylinder surface.
The programming can be performed using straight line / circle, drilling or milling cycles or
contour milling (free contour programming).

Setting up
In addition, set the following channel-specific configuration machine data in ShopMill:

MD52214 $MCS_FUNCTION_MASK_MILL ShopMill function screen

= 1H
Bit 0 Enable cylinder surface transformation for milling in ShopMill

22.9.3 ShopMill cycles for multiple clamping

Software options
You require the following software option in order to use this function:

The Multiple clamping function provides optimized tool change over several workpiece
clampings. On the one hand, this reduces downtimes and, on the other, eliminates tool
change times because a tool performs as many machining operations as possible in all
clampings before the next tool change is initiated.
You can either execute the same program several times for the clampings or you can select
different programs. If you are using large-area fixture plates on your machine, you do not
have to set up anything else.
In the case of rotating clamping devices, on the other hand, you must adapt a cycle to match
the features of the clamping device so as to ensure that the next workpiece can be turned to
the machining position after machining of the previous one (or for multiple clamping devices
even while the current workpiece is being machined).


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Configuring cycles
22.9 Milling with ShopMill

Procedure for setting up

1. Change the CLAMP.SPF cycle which is stored in the cycle/sc/prog/templates_deu or
cycle/sc/prog/templates_eng directory.
2. Copy the cycle into the user or manufacturer directory.

A rotating clamping device (reversible clamping device) is used with four clampings. The
respective clampings can be machined by positioning rotary axis A:

Clamping 1: A = 0°
Clamping 2: A = 90°
Clamping 3: A = 180°
Clamping 4: A = 270°

Figure 22-11 Rotating clamping device (reversible clamping device)

The cycle CLAMP.SPF must be adapted as follows:


DEF INT _NV ; Auxiliary variable



IF _ACT==1

G0 A=DC(0)


568 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring cycles
22.10 Turning with ShopTurn


IF _ACT==2

G0 A=DC(90)


IF _ACT==3

G0 A=DC(180)


IF _ACT==4

G0 A=DC(270)



_NV=_NPV+_ACT ; Calculate current zero offset

N10 G[8]=_NV ; There must not be a calculation here

22.10 Turning with ShopTurn

All of the MD and SD settings of the standard cycles can be found in Chapter "Configuring
cycles (Page 451)", and are also applicable for milling under ShopMill and turning under

22.10.1 Setting-up ShopTurn cycles for turning

MD52210 $MCS_FUNCTION_MASK_DISP Function mask display

Bit 0 = 1 Dimension system for programs always in the basic system (default setting)
Bit 1 = 1 Face view when turning (default setting)
Bit 4 = 1 Display follow-on tool in the T,F,S window


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Configuring cycles
22.10 Turning with ShopTurn

MD52212 $MCS_FUNCTION_MASK_TECH Cross-technology function mask

Bit 2 Approach logic for stepped drill
Bit 3 Block search cycle for ShopMill / ShopTurn
= 0 The E__ASUP or F_S_ASUP cycles are not called in the block search cycle
= 1 The E__ASUP (under ShopMill) or F_S_ASUP (under ShopTurn) cycles are not called
in the block search cycle PROG_EVENT.SPF
Bit 4 Approach logic using the cycle
Bit 5 The cycle for SERUPRO (CYCLE207) is called in the block search cycle
Bit 6 Work offset value WO cannot be entered
Bit 7 Identification of the end of tool lives in the program (ShopMill / ShopTurn)
Bit 8 Manual machine (ShopMill/ShopTurn)
Bit 9 Selection/deselection of the work offset using softkey
Bit 11 Deactivate position check for drilling and milling tools

MD52214 $MCS_FUNCTION_MASK_MILL Milling function screen

Bit 3 "Inner/rear" machining is enabled in the ShopTurn screens which themselves define the
machining plane.
Bit 4 If you have implemented the "Clamp/release spindle" function using the manufacturer
cycle CUST_TECHCYC.SPF, then using this machine data, you can activate the
"Clamp/release spindle" parameter in the drilling and milling screens.
= 0 The "Clamp/release spindle" parameter is not displayed in the drilling and milling
ShopTurn automatically clamps the spindle if it makes sense for the particular
machining operation.
= 1 The "Clamp/release spindle" parameter is displayed in the drilling and milling screens.
You decide for which machining operation the spindle should be clamped.

MD52218 $MCS_FUNCTION_MASK_TURN Turning function screen

Bit 2 Enable tailstock
Bit 5 Enable spindle control of the tool spindle via user interface
Bit 6 Enable Balance Cutting for two-channel stock removal

MD52229 $MCS_ENABLE_QUICK_M_CODES Enable quick M commands

Bit 0 Coolant OFF
Bit 1 Coolant 1 ON
Bit 2 Coolant 2 ON
Bit 3 Coolants 1 and 2 ON


570 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring cycles
22.10 Turning with ShopTurn

MD52230 $MCS_M_CODE_ALL_COOLANTS_OFF M code for all coolants off

=9 This machine data is used to define the M function for switching off the coolant; which is
output when the tool is changed.

MD52231 $MCS_M_CODE_COOLANT_1_ON M code for coolant 1 on

=8 This machine data is used to define the M function for coolant 1, which is output when the
tool is changed.

MD52232 $MCS_M_CODE_COOLANT_2_ON M code for coolant 2 on

=7 This machine data is used to define the M function for coolant 2, which is output when the
tool is changed.

MD52233 $MCS_M_CODE_COOLANT_1_AND_2_ON M code for both coolants on

= -1 This machine data is used to define the M function for coolant 1 and 2, which is output
when the tool is changed.

SD55505 $SCS_TURN_ROUGH_O_RELEASE_DIST Retraction distance for stock

removal during external machining
=1 Specifies the distance, by which the tool is retracted from the contour when removing
stock from an outer corner. This does not apply to stock removal at a contour (default
= -1 The distance is internally defined.

SD55506 $SCS_TURN_ROUGH_'I_RELEASE_DIST Retraction distance for stock

removal during internal machining
= 0.5 Specifies the distance, by which the tool is retracted from the contour when removing
stock from an internal corner. This does not apply to stock removal at a contour (default
= -1 The distance is internally defined.

22.10.2 Setting up the counterspindle under ShopTurn

Software option
You require the following software options in order to use the counterspindle on
your machine:
• "Travel to fixed stop with Force Control"
• "Synchronous spindle/multi-edge turning"


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 571
Configuring cycles
22.10 Turning with ShopTurn

The position to which the counterspindle travels when the program starts is defined in the
following channel-specific cycle setting data:

SD55232 $SCS_SUB_SPINDLE_REL_POS Retraction position Z for counterspindle

The following channel-specific setting data become effective when traveling to the fixed stop:

SD55550 $SCS_TURN_FIXED_STOP_DIST Distance for travel to fixed stop.

SD55551 $SCS_TURN_FIXED_STOP_FEED Feedrate for travel to fixed stop.
SD55552 $SCS_TURN_FIXED_STOP_FORCE Force for travel to fixed stop in %.

Between traveling to the fixed stop and gripping, the counterspindle can retract a short
distance to counteract compressive stress in the workpiece.

SD55553 $SCS_TURN_FIXED_STOP_RETRACTION Retraction distance before clamping

after fixed stop.

After gripping you can cut off the workpiece. Before doing so, the counterspindle can retract
a short distance with the workpiece to exert tensile stress on the workpiece. This relieves
pressure on the tool when cutting off.

SD55543 $SCS_TURN_PART_OFF_RETRACTION Retraction distance before cut-off.

After parting, you can carry out a cut-off check and for turning, use the "Travel to fixed stop"
function. You can activate/deactivate the cut-off check using the channel-specific cycle
setting data:

SD55540 $SCS_TURN_PART_OFF_CTRL_DIST Distance for cut-off check.

SD55541 $SCS_TURN_PART_OFF_CTRL_FEED Feedrate for cut-off check.
SD55542 $SCS_TURN_PART_OFF_CTRL_FORCE Force for cut-off check in %.

The cut-off is successful when travel to fixed stop fails. The following alarms are output:

Alarm Alarm text

20091 Axis %1 has not reached the fixed stop.
20094 Axis %1 end stop has been aborted.


572 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring cycles
22.10 Turning with ShopTurn

You can switch off the alarm display using the following machine data:

MD37050 $MA_FIXED_STOP_ALARM_MASK Enabling the fixed stop alarms.

=2 Suppressing alarms 20091 and 20094.

You can set this machine data axis-specifically in the "Machine Data" window in the "Tool
zero" operating area.
If, however, the specified force is reached during the cut-off check (i.e. travel to fixed stop is
successful), alarm 61255 "Error during cut-off: Tool break?" is issued.

The "Travel to fixed stop" function can also be used when gripping the spindle (see above). If
travel to fixed stop does not succeed when gripping, an alarm will of course also be issued.
Instead of alarms 20091 and 20094, the alarm 61254 "Error during travel to fixed stop" will
be issued.

Machine manufacturer cycle

If you perform one of the following actions, you must adapt the machine manufacturer cycle
● Switch between spindle and C axis mode for the main spindle or counterspindle.
● Open, close, flush chuck (main spindle / counterspindle).
● Change default settings for the coupling of the main spindle and counterspindle.
Please refer to the following section for the procedure:
Setting-up ShopTurn cycles for turning (Page 569)

22.10.3 Drilling centered under ShopTurn

If the technology screens are hidden using the channel-specific configuration machine data
MD52216 $MCS_FUNCTION_MASK_DRILL, then the settings in the following channel-
specific cycle setting data are effective.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 573
Configuring cycles
22.10 Turning with ShopTurn

Tapping centered (CYCLE84)

SD55481 $SCS_DRILL_TAPPING_SET_GG12[1] Exact stop response

=0 Exact stop response as before the cycle call (default value).
=1 G601
=2 G602
=3 G603

SD55482 $SCS_DRILL_TAPPING_SET_GG21[1] Acceleration behavior

=0 Acceleration behavior as before the cycle call (default value).

SD55483 $SCS_DRILL_TAPPING_SET_GG24[1] Feedforward control

=0 Precontrol, the same as before the cycle call (default value).

22.10.4 Cylinder surface transformation (TRACYL) under ShopTurn

Software option
You require the following software option in order to use this function:
"Transmit and peripheral surface transformation"

If you wish to use the function cylinder surface transformation (TRACYL) under ShopTurn,
please take the settings from Chapter:
Cylinder surface transformation (TRACYL) (Page 465)


574 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring cycles
22.10 Turning with ShopTurn

Setting up
In addition, set the following channel-specific configuration machine data:

MD52214 $MCS_FUNCTION_MASK_MILL Milling function masks (screens).

Bit 3 Enable "internal / rear" machining in ShopTurn masks (screens) that define the
machining plane themselves.
Bit 4 If you have implemented the "Clamp/release spindle" function using the machine
manufacturer cycle CUST_TECHCYC.SPF, then using this machine data, you can
activate the "Clamp/release spindle" parameter in the drilling and milling screens.
= 0 The "Clamp/release spindle" parameter is not displayed in the drilling and milling
ShopTurn automatically clamps the spindle if it makes sense for the particular
machining operation.
= 1 The "Clamp/release spindle" parameter is displayed in the drilling and milling screens.
The operator decides for which machining operation the spindle should be clamped.

Additional information on cylinder surface transformation is provided in:
840D sl Programming Manual Job Planning: Cylinder surface transformation

22.10.5 Face end machining (TRANSMIT) under ShopTurn

Software option
You require the following software option in order to use this function:
"Transmit and peripheral surface transformation"

If you wish to use the end face machining function under ShopTurn, please proceed as
described in Chapter End face machining (TRANSMIT) (Page 485).


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 575
Configuring cycles
22.10 Turning with ShopTurn

Setting up
In addition, set the following channel-specific configuration machine data:

MD52214 $MCS_FUNCTION_MASK_MILL Function screens, ShopTurn.

Bit 3 Enable "internal / rear" machining in ShopTurn masks (screens) that define the machining
plane themselves.
Bit 4 If you have implemented the "Clamp/release spindle" function using the machine
manufacturer cycle CUST_TECHCYC.SPF, then using this machine data, you can
activate the "Clamp/release spindle" parameter in the drilling and milling screens.
= 0 The "Clamp/release spindle" parameter is not displayed in the drilling and milling screens.
ShopTurn automatically clamps the spindle if it makes sense for the particular machining
= 1 The "Clamp/release spindle" parameter is displayed in the drilling and milling screens. The
operator decides for which machining operation the spindle should be clamped.


The face end machining is automatically integrated in the cycles, with the exception of the
straight line and circle.
You can select the functions for these two cycles in the "Program" operating area at "Straight
line" and "Circle".

Additional information on face end machining is provided in:
Function Manual, Extended Functions; Kinematic Transformation (M1): TRANSMIT

22.10.6 Inclined Y axis (TRAANG) under ShopTurn

Software option
You require the following software option in order to use the inclined Y axis
function on your machine:
"Inclined axis"


576 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring cycles
22.10 Turning with ShopTurn

If you wish to use the inclined Y axis function under ShopTurn, please first make the settings
from Chapter Inclined Y axis (TRAANG) (Page 488).

Once the inclined axis function has been set up in the user interface, it is automatically
integrated in the cycles. This means that for machining with inclined axis, you can select
"Face Y" or "Surface Y" in the machining plane screens and enter Cartesian coordinates.

You will find additional information on the inclined Y axis function in:
840D sl Programming Manual Job Planning: Inclined axis (TRAANG)


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 577
Configuring cycles
22.11 Compare cycles version

22.11 Compare cycles version

22.11.1 Display cycles version

If cycles have version details, you can display them in the version screen.

The version details are included in the cycles files in the following form:

;VERSION: ;DATE: 2012-11-30


578 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring cycles
22.11 Compare cycles version


1. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

2. Press the "Version" softkey.

It takes some time to call the version display. While the version data is
being determined a progress message box and the appropriate text are
displayed in the dialog line.
3. Select the "OEM applications /manufacturer cycles" areas and press
the "Details" softkey.
The "Manufacturer Cycles" window opens.
The "Planned-actual comparison" softkey is selected by default.

See also
Save information (Page 332)
Logbook (Page 336)


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 579
Configuring cycles
22.11 Compare cycles version

22.11.2 Specify cycles version

You have the possibility to compare a required cycles version with the existing cycles version
in the version view.

File overview
The following files are required:

Name Path Meaning

versions.xml /siemens/sinumerik/hmi/data/version/oem/cma Version file
versions.xml /oem/ Version path file


580 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring cycles
22.11 Compare cycles version

Adapting the version file

The cycles version specification requires a manual adaptation of the version file.
1. Copy the "versions.xml" sample file from the following directory:
2. Store the sample file in its own directory under /oem, e.g. /oem/sinumerik/cycles
3. Open the file.
4. Enter the planned version for the cycles files in the <info> tag with "defaultFileVersion"
and the details for the complete version in the <Version> tag.
5. Close the file to save the changes.


<info defaultFileType=" *.spf *.cpf" defaultFileVersion=""

linkname="CMA" linkpath="//NC/CMA.DIR" EffDirOrder="CUS CMA">
<Name>Manufacturer cycles</Name>

Adapting the version path file

The cycles version specification requires that the path details are entered manually in the
version path file.
1. Open the versions.xml file under /oem
2. Replace the standard path in the <Path> tag for the "Manufacturers Cycles" with your
own path for the version file.
3. Close the file to save the changes.


<Name>Manufacturer Cycles</Name>


<Name>Manufacturer Cycles</Name>


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 581
Configuring cycles
22.11 Compare cycles version


582 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Additional language 23
23.1 Installing additional languages

Additional languages
In addition to the already existing standard languages, additional user interface languages
are available on a separate DVD.
The integrated online help is either displayed in the relevant language of the country or in
Refer to the following chapter for the languages that are available for the user interface:
Supported languages (Page 584)

● After the installation, approx. 256 MB memory must be available on the CompactFlash
● Language extension software "hmi_sl_language_xxx_02.".
xxx = language code, y = internal version ID
Is supplied on the language extension DVD.

Installing a language
Install the language the same as for a commissioning archive (ARC). For the procedure,
please refer to the following Chapter: Reading-in a start-up archive (Page 280)


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 583
Additional language
23.2 Supported languages

23.2 Supported languages

Table 23- 1 Supported languages

Language Language code Standard languages

Chinese (simplified) chs X
Chinese (traditional) cht
Danish dan
German deu X
English eng X
Finnish fin
French fra X
Indonesian ind
Italian ita X
Japanese jpn
Korean kor
Malaysian msl
Dutch nld
Polish plk
Portuguese ptb
Romanian rom
Russian rus
Swedish sve
Slovenian slv
Slovakian sky
Spanish esp X
Thai tha
Czech csy
Turkish trk
Hungarian hun
Vietnamese vit


584 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
SINUMERIK Operate on PC/PCU 24
24.1 Link OEMFrame application

Integrating an OEM application

The following files should be adapted and created in order to integrate an OEMFrame
application into the operating software:
● Configuration file systemconfiguration.ini
The operating software is started and controlled from the system manager; the system
manager also controls the OEMFrame applications. The system manager is configured
using the "systemconfiguration.ini" configuration file.
● Configuring the start softkey
In order to start an OEMFrame application from the operating software, configure a
softkey on the expansion bar of the operating area.
● Configuration file "slamconfig.ini"
In order to configure the softkey position with text and/or symbol for the OEMFrame
application, generate the "slamconfig.ini" file.
● Save the language-dependent text for a softkey in the file mytext_<Ing>.ts.

"systemconfiguration.ini" file
In order to integrate an OEMFrame application into the operating software, copy the
"systemconfiguration.ini" configuration file and place it in one of the two directories:
<Installation path>/user/sinumerik/hmi/cfg
<Installation path>/oem/sinumerik/hmi/cfg
All of the processes to be managed by the system manager, as well as the applications that
are to be integrated as OEMFrame applications are in the [processes] section.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 585
24.1 Link OEMFrame application

Value Meaning
process Symbolic name of the OEMFrame application. This is required to configure the
operating areas.
cmdline Command line which is transferred to the "oemframe.exe" process when starting.
oemframe For OEMFrame applications, always set to "true".
windowname Window name of the OEMFrame application - should be determined with
"findwindow.exe" or "spy++.exe".
classname Class name of the OEMFrame application - should be determined with
"findwindow.exe" or "spy++.exe".
deferred true: OEMFrame application is not started when SINUMERIK Operate powers
up, but only when selected for the first time.

In the following example, the two Windows applications "notepad.exe" and "calc.exe" are
configured as OEMFrame applications.

PROC600= process:=notepadOEM,cmdline:="notepad.exe mytext1.txt", oemframe:=true,

deferred:=true, windowname:="mytext1.txt - Notepad", classname:="Notepad"

PROC601= process:=calcOEM, cmdline:="calc.exe" oemframe:=true,


Section [areas]
The SINUMERIK Operate operating areas are configured in this section.

Value Meaning
name Symbolic name for the operating area.
process Name of the OEMFrame application according to section [processes].

Permissible number range
In the "processes" and "areas" sections, the number range 500-999 is reserved for OEM
customers. If you use numbers less than 500, then it is possible that Siemens basis
components will be overwritten!


586 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
24.1 Link OEMFrame application


AREA600= name:=AreaOEM, process:=notepadOEM

AREA601= name:=AreaCalc, process:=calcOEM

Only OEMFrame applications are supported that do not use any of the programming
interfaces of SINUMERIK Operate.

Section [miscellaneous]
You can make various settings in this section. Generally, only the start operating area is

Key Value
startuparea Name of the start operating area


startuparea = AreaOEM

Configuring the operating area menu

The operating area menu is intended for switching over the operating areas configured in the
"systemconfiguration.ini" configuration file. A softkey for selecting the appropriate operating
area is provided on the horizontal softkey bar for each operating area configured.
The operating area displays the names of the operating areas from the
"systemconfiguration.ini" configuration file as the text on the operating area softkeys. The
system automatically searches for a free softkey on the horizontal softkey bar for each
operating area.

Configuring additional settings

In order to configure the following settings you require the "slamconfig.ini" configuration file:
● Assigning a softkey position to a specific operating area.
● Creating a language-dependent text for the softkey.
● Displaying a symbol for the operating area on the softkey.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 587
24.1 Link OEMFrame application

Creating the "slamconfig.ini" configuration file

Copy the "slamconfig.ini" and place the file in the same directory in which the
"systemconfiguration.ini" file is located:
<Installation path>/user/sinumerik/hmi/cfg
<Installation path>/oem/sinumerik/hmi/cfg

"slamconfig.ini" file
In the "slamconfig.ini" configuration file, for every operating area, you can create a section
that was configured in the "systemconfiguration.ini" file. The section must bear the
configured name of the appropriate operating area, e.g. AreaOEM.

Value Meaning
TextId Text ID for a foreign-language text which will be displayed as the softkey label.
TextContext Context of the foreign-language text.
TextFile Name of the text file which includes the context and the foreign-language text.
Graphic Name of an image file which will be used as an icon for the softkey.
SoftkeyPosition Fixed softkey position of the area softkey. In this case, softkey positions 1 to 8
are located on the 1st horizontal bar and softkey positions 9 to 16 on the 2nd
horizontal bar, etc.
AccessLevel Access level from which the softkey will be displayed. If this value is not
specified, the access level 7 (keyswitch position 0) is set.

The softkey for the "AreaOEM" operating area with the following properties is configured in
the following example:
● The softkey displays the text which has been stored in the "mytext_<lng>.ts" text file
under the context "mycontext" with the "MY_AREA" TextID.
● The "mypicture.png" icon is displayed on the softkey.
● The softkey is located at position 7 in the operating area menu.
● The softkey with access level 5 (keyswitch position 2) is displayed.

; Text-ID of a language dependent text

TextId = MY_AREA

; File name of the text file which contains the Text-ID

TextFile = mytext

; Context in the text file to which the Text-ID is assigned to

TextContext = mycontext

; File name of an icon shown on the area softkey


588 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
24.1 Link OEMFrame application

Picture = mypicture.png

; Position of the area softkey on area menu,

; If no position is specified, an empty position is searched

SoftkeyPosition = 7

; Access level of the area softkey

AccessLevel = 5

Operating area position 7 is reserved for OEM customers.

Labeling text for the softkey

Storage path:
<Installation path>/user/sinumerik/hmi/lng
<Installation path>/oem/sinumerik/hmi/lng
The XML identifiers have the following meanings:

Attribute Description
context Context within the text file.
Each file must have at least one context.
name Name of the context.
message Text translation.
There must be at least one message per context.
source Text identifier.
translation Translated text.
remark Text comment (optional).
chars Maximum possible length of the text in characters. If nothing is specified,
the text can have any length (optional).
lines Maximum number of lines available for display. If nothing is specified, the
number of lines is unlimited (optional).

Structure of the language-dependent ts file that contains the labeling text for the softkey:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 589
24.2 Using interactive or silent installation versions

<translation>Text, which is displayed on the softkey</translation>
<remark>Remark (optional)</remark>

<lng> stands for the language code.

24.2 Using interactive or silent installation versions

General Information
If you install SINUMERIK Operate using PC/PCU, then the execution is realized using an
MSI setup. The following installation versions are available, which you can use in the
interactive or silent mode using the appropriate Windows command line:
● SINUMERIK Operate complete installation
● SINUMERIK Operate base installation with auxiliary files
● SINUMERIK Operate base installation without auxiliary files

You control setup execution using command line arguments. The interactive mode /v allows
you to transfer parameter strings to setup.exe. If you wish to run setup without user
interaction, then you can extend the parameter string with the silent mode /qn.
Place the parameter string in inverted commas. If you use several parameters in the string,
separate these using spaces.
If you do not specify any arguments when calling setup.exe, then the complete installation is
run in the interactive mode.

Do not put any spaces between /v and the parameter string.

If you want a progress display in the silent mode, then instead of specifying /qn you can also
specify /qb!.


590 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
24.3 Setting the IP address of the NCU

Interactive installation versions

setup.exe Complete installation in the interactive mode

setup.exe /v"BASEONLY=1" Base installation in the interactive mode with help
setup.exe /v"BASEONLY=1 HELPFILES=0" Base installation in the interactive mode without
help files

Silent installation versions

setup.exe /v"/qn" Complete installation in the silent mode

setup.exe /s /v"/qn" (/s suppresses all of the setup messages)
setup.exe /v"/qn BASEONLY=1" Base installation in the silent mode with help files
setup.exe /s /v"/qn BASEONLY=1" (/s suppresses all of the setup messages)
setup.exe /v"/qn BASEONLY=1 HELPFILE Base installation in the silent mode without help
S=0" files
setup.exe /s /v"/qn BASEONLY=1 HELPF (/s suppresses all of the setup messages)

Additional parameter assignments

Installation path
If you install the PC version of SINUMERIK Operate, then you can additionally specify the
installation path:
setup.exe /s /v"/qn INSTALLDIR=C:\Programme\testdir"
For spaces in the path:
setup.exe /s /v"/qn INSTALLDIR=\"C:\Program Files\testdir\""

Exit code
You can identify a successful installation or errors based on the exit code of the setup.exe

Exit code == 0 No error

Exit code <> 0 Error

Log file
During the installation you can generate a log file with /L:
setup.exe /s /v"/qb! /L*vx log.txt"

24.3 Setting the IP address of the NCU

From the user interface of the SINUMERIK Operate, you can set the IP address of the NCU
with which it should connect.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 591
24.4 SINUMERIK Operate exiting


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the "HMI" softkey and the ">>" softkey.

Press the vertical softkey "NCU connection".

The "NCU Connection" window opens.
Enter the IP address of the NCU into the input field.
3. Press the "OK" softkey to confirm the data.

24.4 SINUMERIK Operate exiting


1. Press the <MENU SELECT> key on the operator panel.

Activate the <M> symbol on the touch panel.

External keyboard: Press the <F10> key.

2. Press the menu forward key.
External keyboard: Press the <Shift> + <F9> keys.
3. Press the "EXIT" softkey.
External keyboard: Press <F8>
• on the PCU to terminate SINUMERIK Operate and the Windows
• If you started SINUMERIK Operate operating software on the PCU
in the service mode, then only the operating software is exited.
• On the PC itself, only SINUMERIK Operate is exited.


592 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
HT 8 25
25.1 Configuring the traversing keys
The traversing keys of the HT 8 are not labeled as their type of action is not predefined. The
labeling of the traversing keys should adapt dynamically to the type of action of the keys. To
recognize the type of action of the traversing keys, they are shown within the display in the
vertical softkey area.
The menu of the traversing keys consists of two vertical rows each with eight keys so that up
to 16 texts can be configured. The top and bottom traversing key row remain empty and can
be assigned other functions.
The following data can be displayed:
● Machine axis name
● Alias name for machine axis
● Any language-dependent text
● Symbol
The following user-specific files are required. You can use the sample files as template:

File Meaning
"sljkconfig.ini" configuration file File in which the traversing keys are configured.
Text file "oem_sljk_xxx.ts" File for labeling traversing keys in a foreign language, xxx =
language code

"sljkconfig.ini" configuration file

Entries Meaning
[State_1] Labeling type - changed via the PLC.
ParamText_x_y Text of the traversing key that is made up of parameters.
Two-line labeling is possible, whereby max. five characters are possible per line.
x: Specifies the position of the key within the row (2 to 7).
y: Specifies the key row (1 or 2).
%m1 The machine axis name of the first axis is referenced and displayed as
text. The current active axis number is read out from data block DB10.
The name from the machine data is determined via this index.
%n Defines the position in the text for the line break.
%a1 The alias axis name of the first axis is referenced and displayed as text.
The current active axis number is read out from data block DB10. The
name from the "oem_sljk_eng.ts" text file is determined via this index.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 593
HT 8
25.1 Configuring the traversing keys

Entries Meaning
TextId_x_y Text of the traversing key that is read from the text file (target language text).
Picture_x_y File name of the icon to be displayed.
The files with the icons must be located in the following directories:
/oem/sinumerik/hmi/ico and
depending on the resolution of the subdirectories:

1. Copy the "sljkconfig.ini" configuration file from the folder
2. Place the copy into the folder /oem/sinumerik/hmi/cfg
or /user/sinumerik/hmi/cfg
3. Open the copy in the Editor and define the traversing key labeling.

Example of a "sljkconfig.ini" configuration file

12 axes are defined in the example, with text for softkey 1 and softkey 2, as well as an image
on softkey 3 and softkey 4.

FileType = INI

; A few examples for further configuration options

; Alias names of machine-axes (%a1, %a2, etc.), from oem_sljk_deu.ts (example)


TextId_1_1 = OEM_JK_TEXT_1

TextId_1_2 = OEM_JK_TEXT_2

ParamText_2_1 = %a1%n-

ParamText_2_2 = %a1%n+

ParamText_3_1 = %a2%n-

ParamText_3_2 = %a2%n+

ParamText_4_1 = %a3%n-

ParamText_4_2 = %a3%n+

ParamText_5_1 = %a4%n-

ParamText_5_2 = %a4%n+

ParamText_6_1 = %a5%n-


594 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
HT 8
25.1 Configuring the traversing keys

ParamText_6_2 = %a5%n+

ParamText_7_1 = %a6%n-

ParamText_7_2 = %a6%n+

Picture_8_1 = AlarmCancel.png

Picture_8_2 = AlarmNCReset.png

"oem_sljk_eng.ts" text file

Entries Meaning
name Freely selectable name of the text context.
In the text file template, the name of the text context is "SIJkLabels" and stands for
the traversing key labeling (solution line jog key labels). This identifier is already
stored in the configuration file.
source Traversing key identifier of the respective axis. This text ID is referenced in the
"sljkconfig.ini" configuration file with the "TextId_2_1".
The text IDs for the alias names (JK_AXISNAME_2 to JK_AXISNAME_7) must not be
translation Input of the foreign language text for the axis specified in <source>.

Language code in file names "xxx"

Language Language code

German deu
English eng
French fra
Spanish esp
Italian ita
Chinese chs

1. You can copy the sample file " oem_sljk_deu.ts" from the following directory:
2. Store or create the file in the /oem/sinumerik/hmi/lng or
/user/sinumerik/hmi/lng directory.
3. Give the file a name, e.g. for German texts: "sljk_deu.ts".
If you wish to set-up the labeling for additional languages, a separate file must be created
for each language. Save the file with the appropriate language code in the file name. To
do this, use the language codes specified above.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 595
HT 8
25.1 Configuring the traversing keys

4. Open the file and in the <message> and </message> area, define the labeling.
5. Restart the HMI.
In order that the labeling is displayed during the program runtime, the file must be
converted into a binary format. This conversion is only executed when the HMI powers

Example of a text file "sljk_deu.ts"

12 axes are defined in the example, with text for softkey 1 (SF1) and softkey 2 (SF2):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<!-- Alias names for machine axis (%a1, %a2, etc.) -->
<!-- Do not change the text ID (JK AXISNAME 1, etc.) -->


596 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
HT 8
25.1 Configuring the traversing keys

<!-- User defined language dependent text (example) -->

See also
Supported languages (Page 584)


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 597
HT 8
25.2 Configuring user-specific key labeling

25.2 Configuring user-specific key labeling

Labeling the keys for the HT 8

The texts of the CPF menu (CPF: Control Panel Function) for the HT 8 can be labeled with
your own texts in the particular language of the country.
The texts are created in the "slck_xxx.ts" file.
"xxx" = language code for the corresponding language-specific labeling.
You can create and edit this file using the HMI or also externally on a PC.

If you wish to create or edit the file on a PC, use an editor that supports UTF-8 coding.

Language code in file names "xxx"

Language Language code

German deu
English eng
French fra
Spanish esp
Italian ita
Chinese chs

Creating key labeling

Tag Meaning
source Designation for the user softkey. "SK_USERKEY1" to "SK_USERKEY16" are
possible, whereby the names may not be changed.
comment User-specific description of the key assignment.
translation Text that should be shown on the key.
• A maximum of 10 characters are possible per line.
• 2-line labeling is possible, whereby the line break is set using "%n".
remark Remark for key assignment.
chars Number of characters. A maximum of 10 characters per line are possible.
lines Number of lines. 2 lines are possible.


598 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
HT 8
25.2 Configuring user-specific key labeling

1. You can copy the sample file " oem_slck_deu.ts" from the following directory:
2. Store or create the file in the /oem/sinumerik/hmi/lng or
/user/sinumerik/hmi/lng directory.
3. Give the file a name, e.g. for German texts: "slck_deu.ts".
If you wish to create the key labeling for additional languages, then a separate file must
be created for each language. Save the file with the appropriate language code in the file
name. To do this, use the language codes specified above.
4. Open the file and in the <message> and </message> area, define the key labeling.
5. Restart the HMI.
In order that the key labeling is displayed during the program runtime, the file must be
converted into a binary format. This conversion is only executed when the HMI powers

Example of a key label

<remark>User key 1</remark>


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 599
HT 8
25.3 Configuring the function display at user-specific keys (U keys)

<remark>User key 2</remark>


See also
Range of alarms (Page 217)

25.3 Configuring the function display at user-specific keys (U keys)

Active functions can be displayed at the configurable user keys via the PLC. For instance,
small LEDs can be emulated on the softkeys.
You configure the function in the "slckcpf.ini" file.

Interface signals
The PLC bits are in the output image of the PLC-HT 8 interface and are analog to those in
the input image.

Signals to the MCP1 (or MCP2)

Interface PLC → HT 8
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
AB n + 1 U4 U3 U2 U1
AB n + 4 U9 U10 U11 U12 U13 U14 U15 U16
AB n + 5 U8 U7 U6 U5


600 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
HT 8
25.3 Configuring the function display at user-specific keys (U keys)

Adapt the display in the "slckcpf.ini" file

Section Description
UserKeyLEDIcon Name of the icon file.
Standard entry: led_green.png
OFF Deactivates the icon display.
PRESSED Displays the active functions by pressing
down the softkey.
UserKeyLEDIconAlignment Specifies the position of the icon.
Standard position: AlignLeft | AlignTop
Horizontal and vertical alignments can be combined. The two
names are separated by the "|" character.
The following alignments are possible:
AlignLeft Left
AlignRight Right
AlignHCenter Horizontal, center
AlignTop Top
AlignBottom Bottom
AlignVCenter Vertical, center
UserKeyLEDMap Specifies the start address of the output image.
Entries can be made in the following form: "DBx.DBBy", "ABx",
Default setting: The start address is determined using
DB7 MCP1Out (or MCP2Out).
U1LED ... U16LED The status bit address can be defined - different from the
VarIncLED output image - using these entries.
SBLLED Note: The offsets from the HT 8 output image, for one or
WCSLED several softkeys, are not taken into consideration.
showVarIncLED true When the increment mode is active, the icon is also
displayed on the "[VAR]" softkey.
false The icon is not displayed.
showSBLLED true When the SingleBlock mode is active, then the icon
is also displayed on the "Single Block" softkey.
false The icon is not displayed.
showWCSLED true When the SingleBlock mode is active, then the icon
is also displayed on the "Single Block" softkey.
false The icon is not displayed.

1. You can copy the sample file "slckcpf.ini" from the following directory:
2. Store the file in the /oem/sinumerik/hmi/cfg or /user/sinumerik/hmi/cfg directory.
3. If you use your own icon, then locate it together with the corresponding resolution for
HT 8 directory: /oem/sinumerik/hmi/ico/ico640 or /user/sinumerik/hmi/ico/ico640.
4. Open the file and make the appropriate settings.


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 601
HT 8
25.3 Configuring the function display at user-specific keys (U keys)

Sample file "slckcpf.ini"

Template for the configuration of the

; HT8 control panel function menu

; To activate the settings remove the

; commentary ';' at the beginning of the line

;; Display settings of the user key softkey leds


; Filename of the LED icon

;UserKeyLEDIcon = led_green.png

; Alignment of the LED icon

;UserKeyLEDIconAlignment= AlignLeft | AlignTop

; Use following led map start address instead of calculating DB7.MCP1Out

;UserKeyLEDMap = AB0

; Use the following settings to use this status bits instead of the led map for a
specific sk




;VarIncLED = DB11.DBX8.5



; Show a LED for the var inc sk

;showVarIncLED = true

; Show a LED for the var single block sk

;showSBLLED = true

; Show a LED for the var wcs/mcs sk

;showWCSLED = true


602 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
List of abbreviations/acronyms A
Abbreviation Meaning
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange:
American coding standard for the exchange of information
BAG Mode group
OPI Operator Panel Interface
CNC Computerized Numerical Control: Computerized numerical control
CEC Cross Error Compensation: Sag compensation
DCP Discovery and basic Configuration Protocol: ProfiNet protocol
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DIN Deutsche Industrie Norm
DNS Domain Name System
DIR Directory: Directory
DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory
ERTEC Enhanced Real Time Ethernet Controller
ESR Extended Stop and Retract
ETC ETC key ">"; Softkey bar extension in the same menu
FRAME Data block (FRAME)
FIFO First In - First Out: Method of storing/retrieving data in/from a memory.
GUD Global User Data: Global user data
MSD Main Spindle Drive
HSC High Speed Cutting: High-speed machining
INC Increment: Incremental dimension
INI Initializing Data: Initializing data
IP Internet Protocol
IPO Interpolator
ISO International Standard Organization
JOG Jogging: Setup mode
LED Light Emitting Diode: Light emitting diode
LLDP Link Layer Discovery Protocol
LUD Local User Data: Local user data
MAC Media Access Control
MB Megabyte
MD Machine data
MDA Manual Data Automatic: Manual input
MCS Machine Coordinate System
MLFB Maschinenlesbare Fabrikatbezeichnung
MPF Main Program File: NC part program (main program)


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 603
List of abbreviations/acronyms

Abbreviation Meaning
MCP Machine Control Panel: Machine control panel
NC Numerical Control: Numerical control
NCK Numerical Control Kernel: NC kernel with block preparation, traversing range, etc.
NCU Numerical Control Unit: NCK hardware unit
NFS Network File System
NTP Network Time Protocol
ZO Zero offset
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OID Object Identifier: Information identifier
OP Operator Panel
PCU Programmable Control Unit
PI service Program Invocation Services
PG Programming device
PLC Programmable Logic Control
RFC Request for Comments
REF REFerence point approach function
REPOS REPOSition function
ROV Rapid Override: Input correction
RPA R-Parameter Active: Memory area in NCK for R- NCK for R parameter numbers
SBL Single Block: Single block
SD Setting Data
SDB System Data Block
SEA Setting Data Active: Identifier (file type) for setting data
SK Softkey
SMB Server Message Block
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SPF Sub Program File: Subroutines
SRAM Static Random Access Memory: Static RAM (non-volatile)
SSH Secure Shell: Network protocol
SW Software
SYF System Files: System files
TCU Thin Client Unit
TEA Testing Data Active: Identifier for machine data
TMA Tool Magazine Active: Magazine data
TO Tool Offset: Tool offset
TOA Tool Offset Active: Identifier (file type) for tool offsets
UDP User Datagram Protocol: Network protocol
UFR User frame
VNC Virtual Network Computing
FD Feed Drive
WCS Workpiece Coordinate System
TM Tool Management


604 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1

Registering the file, 201

Replacing, 213
Replacing standard alarm texts, 213
3 Select font color, 197
Standard parameter specification, 218
3D file Supported languages, 584
Protection area elements, 261 alarmtext_conversion.log, 202, 205, 208, 216, 219
3D simulation, 113 Analog spindle, 121
Creating, 280
A Reading in, 281
Access levels, 58 AS-i
Access right Components, 402
Effect, 60 Configure diagnostics, 404
Global, 60 Diagnostics, 402
individual, 60 Axis selection, 311
Remote access, 60 Axis-specific machine data, 69
Action log Axis-specific setting data, 73
actlog.ini, 347
Log file, 345
Open log file, 342 B
Saving log file, 344 Backing up setup data, 289
Search for events, 343 Box
Setting the log size, 347 Protection area element, 255
Settings, 340
action.com, 344
action.log, 344 C
Activate keyboard, 55
actlog.ini, 347 Channel menu
Actual value window Configuring, 39
Setting font size, 91 Configuring operator stations, 43
actual_actionlog.com, 340 Configuring the total structure, 41
actual_crashlog.com, 340 Defining channel groups, 42
Adapt tool measurement Channel operational message, 94
Examples when milling, 557 Standard configuration, 95
for turning, 563 Channel-specific machine data, 69
when milling, 556 Channel-specific setting data, 73
Adapt workpiece measurement, 552 Checksum, 442
Alarm log Circular position pattern, 464
Filter properties, 222 Circumferential groove, 464
Settings, 221 Clamped state, 409
Alarm number ranges, 217 Clamping
Alarm texts Example, 117
Changing colors, 208 Setting up function, 116
Create file, 200 Collision avoidance, 233
Creating, 197, 200 Changing the section, 241
Creating foreign-language texts, 199 Creating a machine model, 237
Deactivating a warning, 231 Creating a tool protection area, 274


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 605

Creating collision pairs, 275 Cutting edge parameters

Creating kinematic elements, 268 Identifiers, 145
Creating machine protection areas, 270 OEM identifier, 184
Enable function, 235 Cycle alarms, 499
Fundamentals example, 265 CYCLE63, 464
Parameter assignment, 235 CYCLE79, 464
Collision element CYCLE800
Creating, 249 Structogram, 521
Collision pair CYCLE832, 527
Creating, 263 CYCLE84, 456, 574
Comment input CYCLE840, 456
ini file, 23 CYCLE930, 476
XML file, 23 CYCLE950, 476
Commissioning archive CYCLE951, 476
Creating, 290 CYCLE952, 476
Commissioning the drive system, 123 CYCLE99, 476
config.ini, 43 CYCLE996, 525
Configuring OEM icons, 106 Cycles version
Configuring OEM texts, 105 Define, 580
Configuring operator stations, 43 Displaying, 579
Configuring the tool change reason, 176 Cylinder
Contour grooving, 476 Protection area elements, 259
Contour milling, 464 Cylinder surface transformation
Contour turning, 476 Milling, examples, 466
Coolant ShopMill, 567
Assigning, 173 under milling, 465
Identifier, 185 under ShopTurn, 574
Coordinate system under turning, 482
MD52000, 452 with groove side offset, 484
crash.com, 344 without groove side correction, 483
crash.log, 344
Collision pair, 263 D
Creating a machine model
Data backup, 277
Collision avoidance, 237
Creating online help
Selecting the format,
Creating a directory, 422
HTML_Creating file, 419
Deactivate keyboard, 55
Replacing the standard online help,
dealer.xml, 330
XML_Creating file, 421
Defining channel groups, 42
CSV file, 335
DHCP server detection, 367
CUST_800.SPF, 457
CUST_832.SPF, 457, 529
AS-i, 404
Ethernet/PROFINET network,
CUST_M6, 457, 459
Fail-safe modules, 444
HMI trace, 348
Structogram, 536
Direction of rotation
Counterspindle, 474
Main spindle, 470
CUST_T, 457, 459
Directory structure, 17
Display filter
Aligning, 461
Machine data, 76


606 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1

Display groups, 77 External editing, 23

Display machine data, 72 insert, 21
Search, 80 Open, 21
Displaying AS-i, 404 Protection area elements, 261
Drilling, 455 Renaming, 22
Drive Frame
Configuring a USB drive, 37 Protection area element, 254
Configuring NFS drive, 36 Full temperature protection, 407
Configuring SMB drive, 36
Error messages, 33
Logical drive, 31 G
Setting up, 31
G code groups
Syntax of the drive paths, 35
Configuring the display, 92
Drive parameters
G code program, 548
Display/change, 74
G group 59, 528
for machine data, 69
General machine data, 69
Drive system
General setting data, 73
Diagnostics, 371
Generating a crashlog file, 341
Diagnostics - details, 372
Generating an archive for the Hotline, 285
Drive-specific machine data, 69
Grinding parameters
Identifiers, 148
Editing an xml file, 23 H
Editing enum values, 79
Hardware components
Entering BICO values, 79
Adding, 335
Error analysis, 354
Entering, 334
Error file of the alarms, 219
HEAD_1, 509
HEAD_2, 510
Diagnostics, 367
High-Speed Settings, 527
EUNA, 327
Hirth gearing, 495
EXIT, 592
HMI monitor, 65
Displaying the softkey, 55
Expert parameters, 77
HMI restart
Displaying the softkey, 55
switch off and on again, 57
HMI trace, 348
Extended reset, 75
HOLES2, 464
HT 8
Activating, deactivating the virtual keyboard, 55
Configuring the traversing keys, 593
Face end machining Key labeling, 598
under ShopTurn, 575 LED display on user keys, 600
under turning, 485 oem_sljk_deu.ts, 595
Fail-safe I/O modules, 444 slguiconfig.ini, 55
fast block search, 99 sljkconfig.ini, 593
Copy, 21
Copying with WinSCP, 24 I
Cut, 22
Delete, 22
Coolant, 185
Displaying in preview window, 22
Cutting edge parameters, 145


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 607

Grinding parameters, 148 L

Magazine location adapter parameters, 150
Magazine location parameters, 149
Defining the selection mode, 51
Monitoring parameters, 148
Language code, 584
Multitool location parameter, 152
License key
Multitool parameters, 150
Entering, 29
OEM cutting edge parameter, 184
Reading in, 29
OEM magazine location parameters, 185
License requirement
OEM monitoring parameters, 184
Exporting, 28
OEM multitool parameters, 185
Transferring, 29
OEM tool parameters, 184
Licenses, 25
Tool parameters, 143
Linear axis
Tool-specific functions, 185
Kinematic elements, 247
identSNAPSHOT, 327
List parameters
Inclined Y axis
Changing, 153
under ShopTurn, 577
Creating new, 155
under turning, 488
Log file
Index text file for alarms
Action log, 345
Create file, 203
Logbook, 336
Creating texts, 203
Documenting startups, 337
Registering, 204
Entry search, 339
Inserting a run up screen, 56
Importing selection files, 331
Machine identity, 327
Interactive, 591
Making an entry, 338
silent, 591
Output, 332
Installing an additional language, 583
Examples, 35
Structure, 34
Setting, 55 M
Kinematic chain element
ma_types.xml, 331
Creating, 245
Machine data
Kinematic elements
Axis selection, 71
Kinematic rotation, 246
Configuring plain texts, 89
Linear axis, 247
Display filter, 76
Offset, 248
Displaying, 69
Parallel kinematic rotation, 246
Editing enum values, 79
Parallel linear axis, 247
Editing hexadecimal values, 78
Parallel offset, 248
Entering BICO values, 79
Parallel rotary axis, 247
Information, 70
Rotary axis, 247
Overview, 69
Kinematic rotation
Searching, 80
Kinematic element, 246
Machine function, defining texts, 174
Machine identity, 327
Check list, 499
Machine model, 233
Examples, commissioning, 509
Machine operating area, 91
measured, 525
Machine protection area, 252
Swivel data set, 500
Machine-specific information
with Hirth gearing, 495
Creating a selection file, 329
Entering, 328


608 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1

Save, 332 O
Magazine location adapter parameters
oem.xml, 330
Identifiers, 150
oem_ae_database_conversion.log, 212
Magazine location parameters
oem_alarms_eng.ts, 200
Identifiers, 149
oem_indextexts_eng.ts, 203
OEM identifier, 185
oem_slaedatabase.xml, 209
Managing data, 81
oem_slaesvcadapconf.xml, 201
Manual machine
oem_slck_deu.ts, 599
Activating the function, 102
oem_sljk_deu.ts, 595
Parameter assignment, 102
oem_text_conversion.log, 202, 219
Message texts
oemsubs.xml, 331
Creating, 205
creating for several channels, 207
Kinematic elements, 248
Part program, 205
Operating state, 309
Operator panels
Cylinder surface transformation, 465
Configuring, 301
Displaying softkeys, 451
Examples, setting-up a milling machine, 466
TRANSMIT and peripheral surface
Settings under ShopMill, 565
transformation, 566
Tool measurement, 542
Orientable toolholder, 563
Workpiece measurement, 540, 554
MIXED_45, 514
Monitoring parameters
Identifiers, 148
OEM identifier, 184 Parallel box
Multiple clamping of different workpieces (option), 567 Protection area element, 255
Multiple edge, 464 Parallel cylinder
Multitool location parameter Protection area elements, 259
Identifiers, 152 Parallel frame
Multitool parameters Protection area element, 254
Identifiers, 150 Parallel linear axis
OEM identifier, 185 Kinematic elements, 247
Parallel offset
Kinematic elements, 248
N Parallel sphere
Protection area elements, 257
NC/PLC variables
Changing, 307
Changing, 59
Displaying, 305
Delete, 59
NCU connection
Set, 58
setting - under PCU, 592
Performing a start-up
setting - under Windows, 592
Reading in original status, 285
netnames.ini, 42
HMI monitor, 65
Configuring, 293
PLC hardware upgrade archive
Network adapter, 353
Creating, 282
Configuring, 363
Network diagnostics, 352
Example of a test program, 532
Number ranges of alarms, 217
Testing the function, 532
to measure a tool, 531
to measure the workpiece, 531


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 609

PROFIBUS Receive connections, 448

Connections, 349 Safe programmable logic, 441
DP slaves, 351 Safety-related inputs and outputs, 440
PROFIBUS/PROFINET diagnostics, 399, 400 Send connections, 447
PROG_EVENT.SPF, 349, 457 Status display, 438
Extend, 458 SBC Safe Brake Control, 443
Program list Screen
Configuring a softkey, 66 darken screen, 56
Creating, 67 Time until the screen is darkened, 56
Program test Screenshots
activate, 97 Copy, 326
deactivate, 97 Creating, 326
Programming G code programs, 101 Open, 326
Protection area element Search mode
Creating, 253 Configuring, 99
Frame, 254 Searching
Parallel frame, 254 Display machine data, 80
Protection area elements Logbook entry, 339
3D file, 261 Machine data, 80
Box, 255 Setting data, 80
Cylinder, 259 Service axis
File, 261 Display, 312
Parallel box, 255 Parameter description, 313
Parallel cylinder, 259 Service drive
Parallel sphere, 257 Display, 317
Sphere, 257 Parameter description, 317
Service overview
Axes, 311
R Display, 309
Setting data
RCS Commander, 16
Axis selection, 74
Remote diagnostics
Channel selection, 74
Adapting, 374
Displaying, 73
Replacing standard alarm texts
Overview, 69
Create file, 213
Search, 80
Creating texts, 213
Setting up a counterspindle
Registering the alarm text file, 214
ShopTurn, 473
Replacing the logo, 92
Setting-up a lathe with milling tools, 480
Setting-up measuring in JOG, 537
Extended, 75
SGE/SGA signals, 440
Rotary axis
Kinematic elements, 247
Settings for milling, 565
Rotary axis vectors
Tool-specific functions, 173
V1, 501
ShopMill function
V2, 501
Cylinder surface transformation, 567
Cylinder surface transformation, 574
Face end machining, 575
Safety Integrated Inclined Y axis, 577
Cam signals, 445 Setting up a counterspindle, 473
Checksums, 442 Settings for turning, 470
Communication data, 446 Tapping, 574


610 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1

Simulation, 109 System utilization, 325

Configuring milling, 111
Configuring turning, 111
Deactivate, 113 T
Reset, 114
TABLE_45, 512
Restrictions, 110
TABLE_5, 515
Simultaneous recording, 110
Activating the machining time, 115
Option, 114
Configuring, 114
Tapping, 456
Option, 114
ShopTurn, 574
slaesvcadapconf.xml, 201, 204, 206, 214, 231
slaesvcconf.xml, 207, 216
slckcpf.ini, 602
Drilling, 455
slhlp.xml, 417
Milling, 463
slmagcodeconfig.ini, 92
Swiveling, 491
SLOT2, 464
Turning, 476
sltlprodiaghmi.ini, 402, 403
Template files, 20
TextPad, 16
Original setting,
Thread-cutting, 476
Access level, 64
Selecting the format,
Source ID, 217
Source URL, 217
Time required for synchronized actions, activating the
Specify the IP address of the NCU, 591
display, 326
Tool list
Protection area elements, 257
List views, 139
Spindle analog, 121
Tool management
Spindle control, 119
Enable functions, 128
Spindle diagnostics, 405
Enabling the multitool, 130
Spindle load, 408
Graphical tool/magazine display, 130
SS1 Safe Stop 1, 443
Manual tool, 131
Standard parameter specifications of alarm texts, 218
MD settings, 125
Starting SINUMERIK Operate
MD settings for diameter / cutting edge radius, 128
NCU, 15
Milling technology, 132
PCU, 15
under Windows, 15
Tool wear, 130
Start-up archive
Turning technology, 132
Creating, 278
With magazine management, 126
Reading in, 280
Without magazine management, 125
Station-related network diagnostics, 352
Tool measurement
Status display
under milling, 542
Inserting a logo, 92
under turning, 547
Status display with icons, 104
Tool parameters
STO Safe Torque Off, 443
Identifiers, 143
Stock removal, corner, 476
OEM identifier, 184
Tool types
activate, 492
Drill, 157
Commission kinematic chain, 500
Grinding tools, 158
Configuring input screens, 492
Milling tool, 157
Creating angled tools, 494
Special tools, 158
Declare data sets, 493
Turning tools, 158
System Network Center, 43
Toolholder, 548


Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 611

Tool-specific functions Technology cycles, 476

Identifier, Tool measurement, 547
Topologies, 368 Workpiece measurement, 562
under ShopTurn, 577
under turning, 488 U
USB FlashDrive, 16
Changing the scale, 395
USB keyboard, 16
Creating a session, 381
User view
Cursor A/B positioning, 397
Creating, 85
Define zoom area, 397
Delete, 88
Defining the memory limit,
Editing, 86
Display peak-to-peak value, 398
Importing, 84
Display peak-to-valley value, 398
user.xml, 331
Displaying variable details, 389
Using angular tools, 494
Editing a session, 385
Editing graphic display, 393
Filter/search, 384
Insert variable, 385
Load session, 383 Variable screen forms, 309
Overview, 379
Replace variable, 385
Save session, 382 W
Selecting a variable, 384, 394
WinSCP, 16, 24
Sequence, 380
Workpiece measurement
Session, 384
under milling, 540, 554
Setting grid lines, 390
under turning, 562
Setting the memory mode, 390
Setting the trigger, 391
Start recording, 392
Starting a session, 383
Stop recording, 392
Variable attributes, 386
Zooming characteristic graphs, 396
under ShopTurn, 574
under turning, 482
Settings for milling, 467
under ShopTurn, 575
under turning, 485
with Y axis, 486
TRANSMIT command, 549
Cylinder surface transformation, 482
Displaying softkeys, 451
Examples, setting-up a lathe, 481
Face end machining, 485
Inclined Y axis, 488
Settings under ShopTurn, 470


612 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
 SINUMERIK Integrate ___________________
Introduction 1
Run MyScreens (BE2) ___________________
Getting Started 2

Fundamentals 3
Dialogs 4
SINUMERIK 840D sl/828D
SINUMERIK Integrate ___________________
Variables 5
Run MyScreens (BE2)
Programming commands 6
Programming Manual
Graphic and logic elements 7

"Custom" operating area 8

Dialog selection 9

Reference lists A

Valid for:

CNC software V4.5 SP2

SINUMERIK Operate V4.5 SP2

Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.

indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be
used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions. Qualified
personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding
potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:

Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or
approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and
maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible
ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.

All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication
may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described.
Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in
this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.

Siemens AG Order number: 6FC5397-1DP40-4BA1 Copyright © Siemens AG 2009 - 2013.

Industry Sector Ⓟ 03/2013 Technical data subject to change All rights reserved
Postfach 48 48
Table of contents

1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................ 7
2 Getting Started .......................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................9
2.2 Example .........................................................................................................................................9
2.2.1 Task description .............................................................................................................................9
2.2.2 Creating the configuration file ......................................................................................................12
2.2.3 Saving the configuration file in the OEM directory.......................................................................15
2.2.4 Creating the online help ...............................................................................................................15
2.2.5 Saving the online help in the OEM directory................................................................................16
2.2.6 Copying easyscreen.ini into the OEM directory...........................................................................17
2.2.7 Registering the COM file in easyscreen.ini..................................................................................17
2.2.8 Testing the project .......................................................................................................................17
3 Fundamentals.......................................................................................................................................... 19
3.1 Structure of configuration file .......................................................................................................19
3.2 Structure of the menu tree ...........................................................................................................21
3.3 Defining start softkeys..................................................................................................................22
3.3.1 Functions for start softkeys ..........................................................................................................25
3.4 Troubleshooting (log book) ..........................................................................................................26
3.5 Notes for personnel changing over to Run MyScreens ...............................................................28
4 Dialogs..................................................................................................................................................... 29
4.1 Structure and elements of a dialog ..............................................................................................29
4.1.1 Defining a dialog ..........................................................................................................................29
4.1.2 Defining dialog properties ............................................................................................................31
4.1.3 Defining dialog elements..............................................................................................................35
4.1.4 Example Opening the Dialog .......................................................................................................37
4.1.5 Defining dialogs with multiple columns ........................................................................................39
4.1.6 Using display images/graphics ....................................................................................................39
4.2 Defining softkey menus................................................................................................................40
4.2.1 Changing softkey properties during runtime ................................................................................44
4.2.2 Language-dependent text ............................................................................................................46
4.3 Configuring the online help ..........................................................................................................47
5 Variables.................................................................................................................................................. 49
5.1 Defining variables ........................................................................................................................49
5.2 Application examples ...................................................................................................................51
5.3 Example 1: Assigning the variable type, texts, help display, colors, tooltips...............................52
5.4 Example 2: Assigning the Variable Type, Limits, Attributes, Short Text Position properties ......54

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Table of contents

5.5 Example 3: Assigning the Variable Type, Default, System or User Variable, Input/Output
Field Position properties.............................................................................................................. 55
5.6 Examples relating to toggle field and image display................................................................... 56
5.7 Variable parameters.................................................................................................................... 57
5.8 Details on the variable type......................................................................................................... 60
5.9 Details on the toggle field............................................................................................................ 63
5.10 Details on the default setting....................................................................................................... 65
5.11 Details on the position of the short text, position of the input/output field................................... 66
5.12 Use of strings .............................................................................................................................. 66
5.13 CURPOS variable ....................................................................................................................... 68
5.14 CURVER variable ....................................................................................................................... 68
5.15 ENTRY variable .......................................................................................................................... 69
5.16 ERR variable ............................................................................................................................... 70
5.17 FILE_ERR variable...................................................................................................................... 71
5.18 FOC variable ............................................................................................................................... 72
5.19 S_CHAN variable ........................................................................................................................ 73
6 Programming commands......................................................................................................................... 75
6.1 Operators .................................................................................................................................... 75
6.1.1 Mathematical operators............................................................................................................... 75
6.1.2 Bit operators................................................................................................................................ 78
6.2 Methods....................................................................................................................................... 79
6.2.1 CHANGE ..................................................................................................................................... 80
6.2.2 FOCUS........................................................................................................................................ 81
6.2.3 LOAD........................................................................................................................................... 82
6.2.4 LOAD GRID ................................................................................................................................ 83
6.2.5 UNLOAD ..................................................................................................................................... 84
6.2.6 OUTPUT...................................................................................................................................... 85
6.2.7 PRESS ........................................................................................................................................ 86
6.2.8 Example Version management with OUTPUT blocks ................................................................ 87
6.3 Functions..................................................................................................................................... 88
6.3.1 Define block (//B)......................................................................................................................... 89
6.3.2 Subprogram call (CALL).............................................................................................................. 90
6.3.3 Check Variable (CVAR) .............................................................................................................. 91
6.3.4 Copy Program file function (CP) ................................................................................................. 92
6.3.5 Delete Program file function (DP) ............................................................................................... 94
6.3.6 Exist Program file function (EP) .................................................................................................. 95
6.3.7 Move Program file function (MP) ................................................................................................ 97
6.3.8 Select Program file function (SP)................................................................................................ 98
6.3.9 Dialog line (DLGL)....................................................................................................................... 99
6.3.10 Evaluate (EVAL)........................................................................................................................ 100
6.3.11 Exit dialog (EXIT) ...................................................................................................................... 101
6.3.12 Exit Loading Softkey (EXITLS) ................................................................................................. 103
6.3.13 Function (FCT) .......................................................................................................................... 104

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6.3.14 Generate code (GC) ..................................................................................................................106

6.3.15 Load Array (LA)..........................................................................................................................109
6.3.16 Load Block (LB) .........................................................................................................................110
6.3.17 Load Mask (LM) .........................................................................................................................111
6.3.18 Load Softkey (LS) ......................................................................................................................112
6.3.19 Read NC/PLC (RNP), Write NC/PLC (WNP).............................................................................113
6.3.20 Multiple Read NC PLC (MRNP).................................................................................................114
6.3.21 Register (REG)...........................................................................................................................116
6.3.22 RETURN ....................................................................................................................................118
6.3.23 Recompile ..................................................................................................................................119
6.3.24 Recompile without comment......................................................................................................120
6.3.25 Search Forward, Search Backward (SF, SB) ............................................................................123
6.3.26 STRING functions ......................................................................................................................124
6.3.27 PI services..................................................................................................................................128
7 Graphic and logic elements ................................................................................................................... 131
7.1 Line and rectangle .....................................................................................................................131
7.2 Defining an array........................................................................................................................132
7.2.1 Accessing the value of an array element...................................................................................134
7.2.2 Example Access to an array element ........................................................................................136
7.2.3 Scanning the status of an array element ...................................................................................138
7.3 Table grid (grid)..........................................................................................................................139
7.3.1 Defining table grids ....................................................................................................................140
7.3.2 Defining columns .......................................................................................................................141
7.3.3 Focus control in the table grid....................................................................................................143
7.4 Custom widgets..........................................................................................................................144
7.4.1 Defining custom widgets ............................................................................................................144
7.4.2 Structure of the custom widget library .......................................................................................144
7.4.3 Structure of the custom widget interface ...................................................................................145
7.4.4 Interaction between custom widget and dialog..........................................................................147
8 "Custom" operating area........................................................................................................................ 149
8.1 How to activate the "Custom" operating area ............................................................................149
8.2 How to configure the "Custom" softkey .....................................................................................150
8.3 How to configure the "Custom" operating area..........................................................................151
8.4 Programming example for the "Custom" area ...........................................................................152
9 Dialog selection ..................................................................................................................................... 157
9.1 Dialog selection using PLC softkeys..........................................................................................157
9.2 Dialog selection using PLC hard keys .......................................................................................158
9.3 Dialog selection via NC..............................................................................................................161

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Table of contents

A Reference lists ....................................................................................................................................... 163

A.1 Lists of start softkeys................................................................................................................. 163
A.1.1 List of start softkeys for turning ................................................................................................. 163
A.1.2 List of start softkeys for milling .................................................................................................. 166
A.2 List of colors .............................................................................................................................. 168
A.3 List of language codes used in file names ................................................................................ 169
A.4 List of accessible system variables........................................................................................... 170
Glossary ................................................................................................................................................ 171
Index...................................................................................................................................................... 175

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Introduction 1
"Run MyScreens" can be used to create user interfaces that display functional expansions
designed by the machine manufacturer or user, or to implement your own layout.
Preconfigured user interfaces supplied by Siemens or the machine manufacturer can be
modified or replaced.
Part programs, for example, can be edited on user interfaces created by users. Dialogs can
be created directly on the control system.
"Run MyScreens" is implemented with an interpreter and configuration files that describe the
user interfaces.
"Run MyScreens" is configured using ASCII files: These configuration files contain the
description of the user interface. The syntax that must be applied in creating these files is
described in the following chapters.

Basic configuration
The "Run MyScreens" function enables machine manufacturers to configure their own
dialogs. Even with the basic configuration, it is possible to configure 5 dialogs in the operator
menu tree or for customer-specific cycle dialogs.

Software option
To expand the number of dialogs, you require the following Software option:
"SINUMERIK Integrate Run MyScreens" (6FC5800-0AP64-0YB0)

Supplementary Conditions
The following conditions must be met:
● It is only possible to switch between dialogs within a single operating area.
● User, setting and machine data can be processed in the dialogs.
● User variables may not have the same names as system or PLC variables (also see List
Manual System Variables /PGAsl/).
● The dialogs activated by the PLC form a separate operating area (similar to measuring
cycle screens).

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● UTF8-capable editor (e.g. WordPad)
● A graphics program is needed to create graphics/display images.

You can implement the following functions:

Display dialogs containing the • Softkeys

following elements:
• Variables
• Texts and Help texts
• Graphics and Help displays
Open dialogs by: • Pressing the (start) softkeys
• Selection from the PLC/NC
Restructure dialogs dynamically: • Edit and delete softkeys
• Define and design variable fields
• Insert, exchange and delete display texts (language-
dependent or independent)
• Insert, exchange and delete graphics
Initiate operations in response to • Displaying dialogs
the following actions:
• Input values (variables)
• Select a softkey
• Exiting dialogs
Data exchange between dialogs
Variables • Read (NC, PLC and user variables)
• Write (NC, PLC and user variables)
• Combine with mathematical, comparison or logic operators
Execute functions: • Subroutines
• File functions
• PI services
Apply protection levels according
to user classes

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Getting Started 2
2.1 Introduction
Using the following example, you get to know the steps necessary to insert your own dialogs
into the SINUMERIK Operate user interface using Run MySreens. You also learn how to
create your own dialogs, insert context-sensitive help screens and help calls, define softkeys
and how you can navigate between the dialogs.

When using HMI Operate in the NCU, note that all file names are written in lower case letters
(com, png, txt) on the CF card. This is required because of Linux.
On the PCU, you can write file names either in upper case or lower case letters.

2.2 Example

2.2.1 Task description

You will create two dialogs in the example. R parameters that can be written to (0 and 1) and
geometry axis names (input fields) are displayed in the first dialog. The corresponding help
screens are linked in for the two R parameters. A context-sensitive help is linked in for the
geometry axes.

Dialog 1: Display of R parameters and channel MD

Figure 2-1 Dialog 1: R parameters with context-sensitive help screens

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Getting Started
2.2 Example

Figure 2-2 Dialog 1: Geometry axis names with a context sensitive online help

Dialog 2: Axis values WCS and MCS

MCS and WCS values are displayed in the second dialog.

Figure 2-3 Dialog 2: Display of axis values

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Getting Started
2.2 Example

The first dialog is called using the "START" softkey in the machine operating area in the
AUTO mode. The horizontal SK6 softkey is used.

Figure 2-4 Start softkey „START“ in the machine operating area, AUTO mode

Using the "NEXT" softkey you can call the second dialog from the first dialog, and using the
"EXIT“ softkey, you can return to the root screen of the operating area (see diagram above).
Using the "EXIT" softkey, you can return to the root screen of the operating area from the
second dialog (see the diagram above).

The necessary steps are described in the following chapters:
1. Creating the configuration file (COM file)
2. Saving the configuration file in the OEM directory
3. Creating the online help
4. Saving the online help in the OEM directory
5. Copying easyscreen.ini into the OEM directory
6. Registering the COM file in easyscreen.ini
7. Testing the project

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Getting Started
2.2 Example

2.2.2 Creating the configuration file

Content of the configuration file

Using a UTF8-capable editor, create the configuration file ma_auto.com for the two dialogs.

; start identifier, start softkey

; start softkey only text
; start softkey with language-dependent text and png

; press method
; LM or LS function
lm("screen form1")
; LM, specifying a com file
;LM("screen form1","test.com")
; end identifier of start softkey

; Definition dialog 1 with header and screen for R parameter 0

//M(Maske1/"Display R parameters and channel MD"/"mz961_01.png")
; Definition of variables
def var1 = (R2///,"R parameter 0"///"$R[0]"/200,50,150/400,50,100,)
; with help screen
def var2 = (R2///,"R parameter 1"//"mz961_02.png"/"$R[1]"/200,70,150/400,70,100)
; with online help
def achs_nam1 = (s///,"geometry axis
; with online help
def achs_nam2 = (s///,"geometry axis
def achs_nam3 = (s///,"geometry axis name[2]"////200,140,150/400,140,100)

; Softkey definition in the dialog


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Getting Started
2.2 Example


; Definition LOAD block

; read value with RNP
; Output of a dialog line
DLGL("Value from R2: = " << RNP("$R[2]"))
; writing WNP to a value

; press method
; Load an additional dialog
lm("screen form2")
; End identifier press method

; press method
; Exit the dialog
; End identifier press method
; End identifier dialog 1

; Definition of dialog 2 with header and screen

//M(Maske2/"Axis values WCS-MCS"/"mz961_01.png")
; Definition of variables
def TEXT1 = (I///,"WKS"/WR0,fs2///200,30,120/,,1)
def Var1 = (R3///,"1st axis $AA_IW[AX1]"/WR1//"$AA_IW[AX1]"/200,70,150/400,70,100)
def Var2 = (R3///,"2nd axis $AA_IW[AX2]"/WR1//"$AA_IW[AX2]"/200,90,150/400,90,100)
def TEXT2 = (I///,"MCS"/WR0,fs2///200,120,120/,,1)

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Getting Started
2.2 Example

def var3 = (R2///,"1st axis $AA_IM[AX1]"/WR1//"$AA_IM[AX1]"/200,160,150/400,160,100)

def var4 = (R2///,"2nd axis $AA_IM[AX2]"/WR1//"$AA_IM[AX2]"/200,180,150/400,180,100)
def var5 = (R3///,"$P_UIFR G54 AX1"///"$P_UIFR[1,AX1,TR]"/200,200,150/400,200,100)

; Softkey definition in the dialog


; Change method
; Function PI_START
; End identifier change method

; press method
; Return to the calling mask
lm("screen form1")
; End identifier press method

; press method
; Exit the dialog to the standard application
; End identifier press method
; Dialog end identifier

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Getting Started
2.2 Example

2.2.3 Saving the configuration file in the OEM directory

Storage path
Save the configuration file ma_auto.com under the following path:

2.2.4 Creating the online help

Content of the online help

Create the HTML file sinumerik_md_1.html. The calls are made via name="9006" and
name=9009". The help file is not commented, as this manual does not discuss creating online
help. Notes regarding the integration of online help are provided in Chapter Configuring the
online help (Page 47).

<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset="UTF-

<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td><a
<td colspan="3">DISPLAY_SWITCH_OFF_INTERVAL</td>
<td colspan="3">Time for the screensaver</td>
<td>POWER ON</td></tr>
<td colspan="6">This machine data is used to define the time in minutes after
which the screensaver is automatically <br />
activated, if in the meantime, no key was actuated on the keyboard.<br />
For the value of 0, the automatic screensaver is deactivated.<br />
Note:<br />
The automatic screensaver is only activated if the NST screen dark = 0.<br />
corresponding with:<br />
NST screen dark (DB19, ... DBX0.1)</td>
<tr><td>-</td><td colspan="5">&nbsp;</td>
<tr><td width="16*">System</td><td width="16*">Dimension</td><td
width="16*">Default value</td><td width="16*">Minimum value</td><td width="16*">Maximum
value</td><td width="16*">Protection</td></tr><tr><td>-</td><td>

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Getting Started
2.2 Example


<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td><a

<td colspan="3">KEYBOARD_STATE</td>
<td colspan="3">Keyboard shift response when powering up</td>
<td>POWER ON</td></tr>
<td colspan="3">This machine data is used to define the shift response (SW-
CAPSLOCK).<br />
Basic configuration for the shift response of the keyboard<br />
0: SW-CAPSLOCK off<br />
2: SW-CAPSLOCK ein</td></tr>
<tr><td>-</td><td colspan="5">&nbsp;</td>
<tr><td width="16*">System</td><td width="16*">Dimension</td><td
width="16*">Standard value</td><td width="16*">Minimum value</td><td width="16*">Maximum
value</td><td width="16*">Protection</td></tr><tr><td>-</td><td>



2.2.5 Saving the online help in the OEM directory

Storage path
Save the HTML file sinumerik_md_1.html for the German help under the following path:
You must create a folder for additional languages (e.g.: chs, eng, esp, fra, ita …).
A list of language codes is provided in the Appendix.

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Getting Started
2.2 Example

2.2.6 Copying easyscreen.ini into the OEM directory

Storage path
Copy the file easyscreen.ini from the directory

to the directory

2.2.7 Registering the COM file in easyscreen.ini

Adaptation in easyscreen.ini
Make the following change in the easyscreen.ini in the OEM directory. You have thus
registered the ma_auto.com configuration file.



;< OEM Softkey on horizontal Machine-Automatic Menu >

;< SOFTKEY position="6" >


StartFile03 = area := AreaMachine, dialog := SlMachine, menu :=

SlMaAutoMenuHU, startfile := ma_auto.com

2.2.8 Testing the project

Testing the dialog call

In the machine operating area, change to the AUTO mode. Click on the "START" softkey.
If "Run MyScreens" detects errors when interpreting the configuration files, these errors will
be written to the easyscreen_log.txt ASCII file (see Chapter Troubleshooting (log book)
(Page 26))..

Testing context sensitive help screens and online help

Test the context sensitive help screens and the online help. If errors occur, then check the
paths where files have been saved.

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Getting Started
2.2 Example

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Fundamentals 3
3.1 Structure of configuration file

The defining data for new user interfaces are stored in configuration files. These files are
automatically interpreted and the result displayed on the screen. Configuration files are not
stored in the software supplied and must be set up by the user.
An ASCII editor (e.g. notepad or the integrated editor of the user interface) is used to create
configuration files. The description can also be explained using comments. A ";" is inserted
as comment character before every explanation.

COM files can also always be saved as ASCII files.
If texts, e.g. for softkey labels are entered into the configuration directly and not via the text
ID (for reading from the language files), then the COM files must be saved as UTF-8,
otherwise the text will not be correctly displayed.
However, keywords - also in an UTF8-coded COM file - may only comprise characters that
are contained in the ASCII character set. Otherwise the interpretation and therefore the
display of the screen forms/dialogs cannot be guaranteed.
Language files are always saved as UTF-8, as they only contain text.

When using HMI Operate in the NCU, note that all file names are written in lower case letters
(com, png, txt) on the CF card. This is required because of Linux.
On the PCU, you can write file names either in upper case or lower case letters.

Each HMI application has permanent start softkeys, which can be used to access newly
generated dialogs.
In the event of "Load a screen form" (LM) or a "Load softkey menu" (LS) call in a
configuration file, a new file name containing the object called can be specified. This makes
it possible to structure the configuration, e.g., all functions in one operating level in a
separate configuration file.

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3.1 Structure of configuration file

Structure of the configuration file

A configuration file consists of the following elements:
1. Description of the start softkeys
2. Definition of dialogs
3. Definition of variables
4. Description of the blocks
5. Definition of a softkey menu

The specified sequence in the configuration file must be maintained.


//S (START) ; Definition of the start softkey (optional)

//M (.....) ; Definition of the dialog
DEF ..... ; Definition of variables
LOAD ; Description of the blocks
//S (...) ; Definition of a softkey menu

Storage location for configuration files

The configuration files are located in the /user/sinumerik/hmi/proj directory and also
correspondingly saved in the add_on and oem directories.

Converting texts from other HMI applications

Procedure to convert a text file with code page coding to text-coding UTF-8:
1. Open the text file on a PG/PC in a text editor.
2. When saving, set the UTF-8 coding
The read-in mechanism via code page code is still supported.

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3.2 Structure of the menu tree

3.2 Structure of the menu tree

Menu tree principle

Several interlinked dialogs create a menu tree. A link exists if you can switch from one dialog
to another. You can use the newly defined horizontal/vertical softkeys in this dialog to call the
preceding or any other dialog.
A menu tree can be created behind each start softkey:

Figure 3-1 Menu tree

Start softkeys
One or more softkeys (start softkeys), which are used to initiate your own operating
sequences, are defined in the configuration files specified in easyscreen.ini.
The loading of a dedicated dialog is associated with a softkey definition or another softkey
menu. These are then used to perform the subsequent actions.
Pressing the start softkey loads the assigned dialog. This will also activate the softkeys
associated with the dialog. Variables will be output to the standard positions unless specific
positions have been configured.

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3.3 Defining start softkeys

Reverting to the standard application

You can exit the newly created user interfaces and return to the standard application.
You can use the <RECALL> key to close new user interfaces if you have not configured this
key for any other task.

Calling dialogs in the PLC user program
Dialogs can be selected from the PLC as well as via softkeys: An interface signal is available
in DB19.DBB10 for signal exchange between the PLC → HMI.

3.3 Defining start softkeys

Dialog-independent softkey
Start softkeys are dialog-independent softkeys which are not called from a dialog, but which
have been configured before the first new dialog. In order to access the start dialog or a start
softkey menu, the start softkey must be defined.

The definition block for a start softkey is structured as follows:

//S(Start) ; start identifier of start softkey

HS1=(...) ; defining the start softkey: horizontal SK 1
PRESS(HS1) ; method
LM... ; LM or LS function
END_PRESS ; end of method
//END ; end identifier of start softkey

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3.3 Defining start softkeys

Permissible positions for start softkeys

The following positions for "Run MyScreens" start softkeys are permissible in the operating

Operating area Position

Machine HSK6
Parameter HSK7
Program HSK6 and HSK15
Measuring cycles: HSK13 and HSK14
Program manager HSK2-8 and HSK12-16, if not assigned to drives.
Diagnostics HSK7
Commissioning HSK7

Start softkeys are configured in special files. The names of these files are stated in the
easyscreen.ini file. They usually have a name which is specific to an operating area (e.g.
startup.com for the Startup area). This does not apply to the machine operating area, where
there are a number of files specific to operating modes (ma_jog.com, ma_auto.com).
The softkey menu with the start softkeys is called "Start". Existing configurations for start
softkeys can still be used. The function whereby start softkeys are merged with the softkeys
for the respective HMI application (operating area) in the start softkey menu is not supported.
This means that until the first dialog call is made - in other words, the time at which full
functionality becomes available (e.g. execution of PRESS blocks) - menus or softkey menus
can only be replaced by others in their entirety.
Menus for standard applications are given the "easyscreenmode" menu property as part of
their XML configuration. This indicates whether the menu involved permits the use of
"Run MyScreens" start softkeys (= easyscreen) or not (= off):

<SCREEN name="SlEasyScreenTest">
<FORM ... >
<MENU name="menu_horiz" softkeybar="hu" easyscreenmode="easyscreen" />
<MENU name="menu_vert" softkeybar="vr" easyscreenmode="off" />

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3.3 Defining start softkeys

Separate start softkey menus can be defined for horizontal and vertical menus. The "MENU"
attribute is used for this purpose.
If a new menu is displayed in an HMI application and this menu permits the use of start
softkeys in accordance with the configuration (easyscreenmode = "easyscreen"), a search
will first be performed for the "MENU" attribute in the configuration of the start softkey menu:
● If a configuration for a start softkey menu with the "MENU" attribute is found and if the
"MENU" attribute contains the name of the menu that is currently being displayed (in the
example: "menu_horiz"), then this start softkey menu is displayed.
Only the horizontal softkeys are taken into account here, as the "menu_horiz" menu
involves a horizontal menu bar.
● Where there is no menu-specific softkey menu for a particular menu (i.e. the "MENU"
attribute is not available), the default start softkey menu will be loaded.


Template for configurations

A detailed description of all permissible positions for start softkeys and their configuration is
located in the easyscreen.ini file in the following directory:

This file is used as a template for your own configurations.

See also
Lists of start softkeys (Page 163)

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3.3 Defining start softkeys

3.3.1 Functions for start softkeys

Functions for dialog-independent softkeys

Only certain functions can be initiated with start softkeys.
The following functions are permitted:
● The LM function can be used to load another dialog: LM("Identifier"[,"File"])
● The LS function can be used to display another softkey menu: LS("Identifier"[, "File"][,
● You can use the "EXIT" function to exit newly configured user interfaces and return to the
standard application.
● You can use the "EXITLS" function to exit the current user interface and load a defined
softkey menu.

PRESS method
The softkey is defined within the definition block and the "LM" or "LS" function is assigned in
the PRESS method.
If the start softkey definition is designated as a comment (semicolon (;) at beginning of line)
or the configuration file removed, the start softkey will not function.

//S(Start) ; Start identifier

HS6=("1st screen form") ; horizontal SK 6 labeled "1st screen form"
PRESS(HS6) ; PRESS method for horizontal SK 6
LM("Screen form1") ; Load screen form1 function, where screen form 1
must be defined within the same file.
END_PRESS ; End of PRESS method
HS7=("2nd screen form") ; horizontal SK 7 labeled "2nd screen form"
PRESS(HS7) ; PRESS method for horizontal SK 7
LM("Screen form2") ; Load screen form2 function, where screen form2
must be defined within the same file.
END_PRESS ; End of PRESS method
//END ; End identifier of entry block

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3.4 Troubleshooting (log book)


HS1 = ("new softkey menu")

HS2=("no function")
LS("Menu1") ; load new softkey bar
PRESS (HS2) ; empty PRESS method

Various configurations of the start softkeys

Various configurations of the start softkeys are merged. In this case, initially the name of the
file to be interpreted is read-out of easyscreen.ini. A search is made for files with the .com
extension in the following directories:
● /user/sinumerik/hmi/proj/
● /oem/sinumerik/hmi/proj/
● /addon/sinumerik/hmi/proj/
● /siemens/sinumerik/hmi/proj/
The configurations included for the start softkeys are now merged to form a configuration,
i.e. the individual softkeys are compared. If there are two or more configurations for a
softkey, the higher order is always transferred into the merge version.
Softkey menus or dialogs that are possibly included are ignored. If a softkey has a command
without file information e.g. LM ("test"), as the required softkey menu or dialog is contained
in the same file, then the corresponding file name is supplemented in the internal merge
version so that in this case, no changes are required. The merge configuration contained is
then subsequently displayed.

3.4 Troubleshooting (log book)

If "Run MyScreens" detects errors when interpreting the configuration files, these errors will
be written to the easyscreen_log.txt ASCII file. The file will be deleted each time the user
interface is restarted.
The file indicates:
● The action during which an error occurred
● The line and column number of the first faulty character
● The entire faulty line of the configuration file

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3.4 Troubleshooting (log book)

Saving easyscreen-log.txt
The file easyscreen_log.txt is saved in the following directory:

The system does not start to interpret syntax until the start softkey has been defined and a
dialog with start and end identifiers as well as a definition line has been configured.

HS6=("1st screen")

DEF Var1=(R)
DEF VAR2 = (R)
VAR1 = VAR2 + 1 ; Error message in log book, as VAR2 has no value

; The right entry would be,

for example:
DEF Var1=(R)
DEF VAR2 = (R)

VAR2 = 7
VAR1 = VAR2 + 1 ;

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3.5 Notes for personnel changing over to Run MyScreens

3.5 Notes for personnel changing over to Run MyScreens

When using HMI Operate in the NCU, note that all file names are saved in lower case letters
on the CF card (com, png, txt).

Image files
Image files must be saved in the PNG format (xxx.png).
The data must be saved, e.g. for OEM modifications, under

Adapting the configuration file

Check your configuration files regarding the following points:
● Compare the start softkeys with the currently permissible softkeys (see the list of start
softkeys in the Appendix) and if required, adapt them.
● Rename the integrated image files corresponding to the "Image files" point above.
The data must be saved, e.g. for OEM modifications, under

Adapting the help files

All help files must be saved in UTF8. Check your existing files, and resave them accordingly
with a suitable editor.
The HTML files are saved in the following directory, e.g. for German.


You must create directories for additional languages corresponding to the language
identifiers (see the Appendix).

Checking the Run MyScreens license

Check whether the number of dialogs that you have entered exceeds the basic scope of a
maximum of 5 dialogs.
To increase the number of dialogs, you require the following software option:
"SINUMERIK Integrate Run MyScreens" (6FC5800-0AP64-0YB0)

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Dialogs 4
4.1 Structure and elements of a dialog

4.1.1 Defining a dialog

A dialog is part of a user interface consisting of a display line, dialog elements and/or
graphics, an output line for messages and 8 horizontal and 8 vertical softkeys.
Dialog elements are:
● Variables
– Limits/toggle field
– Default setting of variables
● Help display
● Texts
● Attributes
● System or user variable
● Position of short text
● Position of input/output field
● Colors

Dialog properties:
● Header
● Graphic
● Dimension
● System or user variable
● Graphic position
● Attributes

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4.1 Structure and elements of a dialog

① Machine status display ("header")

② Dialog element
③ 8 vertical softkeys
④ 8 horizontal softkeys
⑤ Output of diagnostic messages
⑥ Graphic
⑦ Dialog
⑧ Header line of the dialog with header and long text
Figure 4-1 Structure of the dialog

The definition of a dialog (definition block) is basically structured as follows:

Definition block Comment Chapter reference

//M... ;Dialog start identifier
DEF Var1=... ;Variables See chapter "Variables"
HS1=(...) ;Softkeys See chapter "Softkey menus"
PRESS(HS1) ;Method start identifier
END_PRESS ;Actions See chapter "Methods"
;Method end identifier
//END ;Dialog end identifier

Within the dialog definition block, various variables that appear as dialog elements in the
dialog, as well as horizontal and vertical softkeys, are defined first. Different types of actions
are then configured in methods.

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4.1 Structure and elements of a dialog

4.1.2 Defining dialog properties

The properties of the dialog are defined in the start identifier line of the dialog.

① Machine status display ("header")

② Graphic
③ Dialog
④ Header line of the dialog with header and long text

Figure 4-2 Dialog properties

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4.1 Structure and elements of a dialog


Syntax: //M(Identifier/[Header]/[Graphic]/[Dimension]/[System or user variable]/[Graphic

Description: Defines a dialog
Parameters: Identifier Name of the dialog
Header Dialog header as text or call for text (e.g. $85011) from a
language-specific text file.
Graphic Graphics file with path in double quotation marks
Dimension Position and size of the dialog in pixels (distance from left-
hand side, distance from right-hand side, width, height), in
relation to the upper left-hand corner of the screen. The
entries are separated by a comma.
System or user System or user variable to which the current cursor position
variable is assigned. The NC or PLC can be provided with the cursor
position via the system or user variable. The first variable
has the index 1. The order corresponds to the configuration
order of the variables.
Graphic position Position of the graphic in pixels (distance from left-hand side,
distance from right-hand side), in relation to the upper left-
hand corner of the dialog. The minimum clearance from the
top is 18 pixels. The entries are separated by a comma.
Attributes The specifications of the attributes are separated by a
Possible attributes are:
CMx Column mode: Column alignment
CM0 Default setting: The column distribution is carried out
separately for each line.
CM1 The column distribution of the line with the most columns
applies to all lines.
CB CHANGE block: Response when dialog is opened: cb
attributes specified for a variable in a variables definition
take priority over the default setting in the dialog definition.
CB0 Default setting: All CHANGE blocks associated with the
dialog are processed when it is opened.
CB1 CHANGE blocks are then only processed if the relevant
value changes.

Accessing the dialog properties

Read and write access to the following dialog properties is permitted within methods (e.g.
PRESS block).
● Hd = Header
● Hlp = Help display
● Var = System or user variable

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4.1 Structure and elements of a dialog


Figure 4-3 "Example 2: showing graphic"

HS7=("Example", se1, ac7)


//M(Mask2/"Example 2 : showing graphic"/"example.png")

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4.1 Structure and elements of a dialog


Hd= "new Header"

See also
Programming example for the "Custom" area (Page 152)

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4.1 Structure and elements of a dialog

4.1.3 Defining dialog elements

Dialog element
The term "dialog element" refers to the visible part of a variable, i.e., short text, graphics text,
input/output field and unit text. Dialog elements fill lines in the main body of the dialog. One
or more dialog elements can be defined for each line.

Variable properties
All variables are valid in the active dialog only. Properties are assigned to a variable when it
is defined. The values of dialog properties can be accessed within methods (e.g. a PRESS

① Header line of the dialog with header and long text

② Dialog element
③ Short text
④ Input/output field
⑤ Graphic text
⑥ Text for units
⑦ Main body of the dialog

Figure 4-4 Elements of a dialog

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4.1 Structure and elements of a dialog

Programming - Overview
The single parameters to be separated by commas are enclosed in round parentheses:

DEF Identifier = Identifier = Name of variable

Variable type
/[Limit values or toggle field]
/[Texts (Long text, Short text|Image, Graphic text, Units text)]
/[Help display]
/[System or user variable]
/[Position of short text]
/[Position of I/O field(Left, Top, Width, Height)]
/[online help] (Page 47)

See also
Variable parameters (Page 57)

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4.1 Structure and elements of a dialog

4.1.4 Example Opening the Dialog

The new "Example" dialog is called via the "Example" start softkey from the "Startup"
operating area:

Figure 4-5 Example: Calling a new dialog

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4.1 Structure and elements of a dialog

HS7=("Example", ac7, se1)


... ; Methods

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4.1 Structure and elements of a dialog

4.1.5 Defining dialogs with multiple columns

Multiple variables can also be represented in a dialog on one line. In this case, the variables
are all defined in the configuration file on a single definition line.
DEF VAR11 = (S///"Var11"), VAR12 = (I///"Var12")

To make individual variables in the configuration file more legible, the definition lines can be
wrapped after every variables definition and following comma.
The key word "DEF" always indicates the beginning of a new line:
DEF Tnr1=(I//1/"","T ",""/wr1///,,10/20,,50),





DEF Tnr2=(I//2/"","T ",""/wr1///,,10/20,,50),






When configuring multi-column dialogs, please observe that a large number of columns
might slow down the system!

4.1.6 Using display images/graphics

Use of graphics
There are two display categories:
● Display images/graphics in the graphic area
● Help displays illustrating, for example, individual variables, which are superimposed in the
graphic area.
● More Help displays can be configured instead of short text or an input/output field, which
you position where you like.

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4.2 Defining softkey menus

Storage locations
The image matching the resolution of the connected monitor is searched for in the
associated resolution directories in the following sequence:


If the image is not displayed or not found, copy it into one of the following directories for a
resolution of 640 x 480 pixels:


With the different panel resolutions, the images are positioned proportionally.

4.2 Defining softkey menus

The term softkey menu is used to refer to all the horizontal and vertical softkeys displayed on
a screen form. In addition to the existing softkey menus, it is possible to define other menus,
which partially or completely overwrite the existing menus.
The names of the softkeys are predefined. Not all softkeys need to be assigned.
HSx x 1 - 8, Horizontal softkeys 1 to 8
VSy y 1 - 8, Vertical softkeys 1 to 8
The definition of a softkey menu (softkey menu definition block) is basically structured as

Definition block Comment Chapter reference

//S... ;Start identifier of softkey menu
HSx=... ;Define softkeys
PRESS(HSx) ;Method start identifier See chapter "Methods"
END_PRESS ;Actions
;Method end identifier
//END ;End identifier of softkey menu

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4.2 Defining softkey menus

Properties are assigned to softkeys during definition of the softkey menu.


Syntax: //S(Identifier) ;Start identifier of softkey menu

//END ;End identifier of softkey menu
Description: Defines softkey menu
Parameters: Identifier Name of softkey menu
Text or image file name
Syntax: SK = (Text[, Access level][, Status])
Description: Define softkey
Parameters: SK Softkey, e.g. HS1 to HS8, VS1 to VS8
Text Enter text
Display file name "\\my_pic.png"
or via separate text file $85199, e.g. with the following
text in the (language-specific) text file: 85100 0 0
The size of image which can be displayed on a softkey
depends on the OP used:
OP 08: 640 x 480 mm → 25 x 25 pixels
OP 010: 640 x 480 mm → 25 x 25 pixels
OP 012: 800 X 600 mm → 30 x 30 pixels
OP 015: 1024 X 768 mm → 40 x 40 pixels
OP 019: 1280 x 1024 mm → 72 x 72 pixels
Access level ac0 to ac7 (ac7: default)
Status se1: visible (default)
se2: disabled (gray text)
se3: displayed (last softkey used)

Enter %n in the softkey text to create a line break.
A maximum of 2 lines with 9 characters each are available.

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4.2 Defining softkey menus

Assigning access level

Operators can only access information on this and lower access levels. The meanings of the
different access levels are as follows: ac0 is the highest access level and ac7 the lowest.

Security level Locked by Range

ac0 Reserved for Siemens
ac1 Password Machine manufacturer
ac2 Password Service
ac3 Password User
ac4 Keylock switch position 3 Programmer, machine setter
ac5 Keylock switch position 2 Qualified operator
ac6 Keylock switch position 1 Trained operator
ac7 Keylock switch position 0 Semi-skilled operator


//S(Menu1) ; Start identifier of softkey menu

HS1=("NEW", ac6, se2) ; Define softkey HS1, assign the label "NEW",
protection level 6, and the status "disabled"
HS2=("\\image1.png") ; Assign a softkey to the graphic

VS1=("sub screen form")

VS2=($85011, ac7, se2) ; Define softkey VS2, assign the text from the
language file, protection level 1, and the status
VS3=("Cancel", ac1, se3) ; Define softkey VS3, assign the label "Cancel",
protection level 1 and the status "highlighted".
VS4=("OK", ac6, se1) ; Define softkey VS4, assign the label "OK",
protection level 6 and the status "visible"
VS5=(SOFTKEY_CANCEL,,se1) ; Define cancel standard softkey VS5 and assign
the status "visible"
VS6=(SOFTKEY_OK,,se1) ; Define OK standard softkey VS6 and assign the
status "visible"
VS7=(["\\image1.png","OEM ; Define softkey VS7, assign an image, assign the
text"],,se1) label "OEM Text" and the status "visible"
VS8=(["\\bild1.png", ; Define softkey VS8, assign an image, assign text
$83533],,se1) from language file and the status "visible"

PRESS(HS1) ; Method start identifier

HS1.st="Calculate" ; Assign a label text to the softkey
END_PRESS ; Method end identifier

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4.2 Defining softkey menus

PRESS(RECALL) ; Method start identifier

LM("Screen form21") ; Load dialog
END_PRESS ; Method end identifier
//END ; End identifier of softkey menu

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4.2 Defining softkey menus

4.2.1 Changing softkey properties during runtime

The softkey properties Text, Access Level and Status can be changed in the methods during


Syntax: SK.st = "Text" ;Softkey with label

SK.ac = Access level ;Softkey with security level
SK.se = Status ; Softkey with status
Description: Assign properties
Parameters: Text Label text in inverted commas
Access level Range of values: 0 ... 7
Status 1: visible and operator-controllable
2: disabled (gray text)
3: displayed (last softkey used)


Figure 4-6 Example 3: Graphics and softkeys

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4.2 Defining softkey menus

HS7=("Example", ac7, se1)



//M(Maske3/"Example 2: showing graphic"/"example.png")

VS5=(["\\sp_ok_small.png","OEM Text"],,SE1)

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4.2 Defining softkey menus

4.2.2 Language-dependent text

Language-dependent texts are used for:
● Softkey labels
● Headings
● Help texts
● Any other texts
The language-dependent texts for dialogs are stored in text files.
The text files are stored in the following directories:
● /user/sinumerik/hmi/lng/
● /oem/sinumerik/hmi/lng/
● /addon/sinumerik/hmi/lng/

The text files must be saved in the same way as the project files.
/user/sinumerik/hmi/lng/[text file]
/user/sinumerik/hmi/proj/[configuration file]

alsc.txt Contains the language-dependent texts for the Siemens standard cycles
almc.txt Contains the language-dependent texts for the manufacturer cycles
aluc.txt Language-dependent user texts
The text files used during program runtime are specified in the easyscreen.ini file:


LngFile01 = alsc.txt ;->alsc<_xxx>.txt (e.g. alsc_eng.txt)

LngFile02 = user.txt ;->user<_xxx>.txt (e.g.: user_eng.txt)

In this instance, the user.txt file has been chosen as an example of a text file. The name can
always be freely selected. Depending on the language of the texts within the file, the relevant
language code must be added using the following syntax. An underscore followed by the
relevant language identifier is added after the name e.g. user_eng.txt.

See also
List of language codes used in file names (Page 169)

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4.3 Configuring the online help

Format of text files

The text files must be saved in UTF-8 format.
If, for example, you use Notepad to generate text files, select "File" → "Save As" and choose
UTF-8 encoding.

Format of a text entry

Syntax: 8xxxx 0 0 "Text"

Description: Assignment between text number and text in the file
Parameters: xxxx 5000 to 9899 Text identification number range reserved for
users. You must assign unique numbers.
"text" Text that appears in dialog
%n Control characters in the text for creating a line

Parameters 2 and 3 are separated by blanks and act as control characters for alarm text
output. To ensure that the text format is identical to that of the alarm texts, these two
parameters must always be set to zero.
Examples of alarms:
85000 0 0 "Retraction plane"

85001 0 0 "Drilling depth"

85002 0 0 "Pitch"

85003 0 0 "Pocket radius"

4.3 Configuring the online help

Online help
An online help for the configured dialogs and elements can be created in the HTML format.
The syntax and procedure for the online help is essentially the same as for SINUMERIK
If an online help is configured for an input field, then the standard screens of the online help
are used to display the user-specific online help:
DEF RFP=(R//1/,"RFP","RFP"///////"sinumerik_md_1.html","9006")

As a result of LINUX, the HTML file must be written in lower case letters!

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4.3 Configuring the online help

The HTML file is saved in the following directory, e.g. for German.

You must create directories for additional languages corresponding to the language
identifiers (see the Appendix).

Commissioning Manual "Base software and operating software" (IM9), Chapter "OEM-
specific online help"

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Variables 5
5.1 Defining variables

Variable value
The most basic property of a variable is its value.
The value of variables can be assigned by means of:
● Default settings when defining variables
● Assignment to a system or user variable
● A method


Syntax: Identifier.val = Variable value

Identifier = Variable value
Description: Variable value val (value)
Parameters: Identifier: Name of the variable
Variable value: Value of variable
Example: VAR3 = VAR4 + SIN(VAR5)

Variable status
The "Variable status" property can be used to scan a variable for valid content during
runtime. This property can be read and written with the value FALSE = 0.


Syntax: Identifier.vld
Description: Variable status vld (validation)
Parameters: Identifier: Name of the variable
The result of the scan can be:
FALSE = invalid value
TRUE = valid value
Example: IF VAR1.VLD == FALSE
VAR1 = 84

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5.1 Defining variables

Variable: Changing properties

The variables are assigned a new value in the notation Identifier.Property = Value when a
change is made. The expression to the right of the equality sign is evaluated and assigned to
the variable or variable property.

Identifier.ac = Access level (ac: access level)

Identifier.al = Text alignment (al: alignment)
Identifier.bc = Background color (bc: back color)
Identifier.fc = Foreground color (fc: front color)
Identifier.fs = Font size (fs: font size)
Identifier.gt = Graphic text (gt: graphic text)
Identifier.hlp = Help display (hlp: help)
Identifier.htx = Help text (htx: help text)
Identifier.li = Limit (li: limit)
Identifier.lt = long text (lt: long text)
Identifier.max = MAX limits (max: maximum)
Identifier.min = MIN limits (min: minimum)
Identifier.st = short text (st: short text)
Identifier .typ = Variable type (typ: type)
Identifier.ut = Unit text (ut: unit text)
Identifier.val = Variable value (val: value)
Identifier.var = System or user variable (var: variable)
Identifier.vld = Variable status (vld: validation)
Identifier.wr = Input mode (wr: write)

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5.2 Application examples

5.2 Application examples

Help variables
Help variables are internal arithmetic variables. Arithmetic variables are defined like other
variables, but have no other properties apart from variable value and status, i.e. Help
variables are not visible in the dialog. Help variables are of the VARIANT type.


Syntax: DEF Identifier

Description: Internal arithmetic variables of the VARIANT type
Parameters: Identifier: Name of Help variables

Example: DEF OTTO ;Definition of a Help variable

Syntax: Identifier.val = Help variable value

Identifier = Help variable value
Description: A value is assigned to a Help variable in a method.
Parameters: Identifier: Name of help variables
Help variable value: Content of the Help variables


OTTO = "Test" ; The value "Test" is assigned to help variable Otto.
OTTO = REG[9].VAL ; The value of the register is assigned to help variable Otto

Calculation with variables

Variables are calculated every time you exit an IO field (by pressing the ENTER or TOGGLE
key). The calculation is configured in a CHANGE method that is processed every time the
value changes.
You can scan the variable status to ascertain the validity of the value of the variable, e.g.,
VAR1 = 84

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5.3 Example 1: Assigning the variable type, texts, help display, colors, tooltips

Addressing system variables indirectly

A system variable can also be addressed indirectly, i.e., as a function of another variable:


WEG.VAR="$AA_DTBW["<<AXIS<<"]" ;Address axis address via variable


Changing softkey labels

HS3.st = "New Text" ;Change softkey label

5.3 Example 1: Assigning the variable type, texts, help display, colors,

Example 1a
Assigning the Variable type, Texts, Help display, and Colors properties

DEF Var1 = (R///,"Actual value",,"mm"//"Var1.png"////8,2)

Variable Type: REAL
Limits or entry in the toggle field: None
Default setting: None
Long text: None
Short text: Actual
Graphic text: none
Unit text: mm
Attributes: None
Help screen: Var1.png
System or user variable: None
Position of short text: No data, i.e. default position
Position of input/output field: No data, i.e. default position
Foreground color: 8
Background color: 2

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5.3 Example 1: Assigning the variable type, texts, help display, colors, tooltips

Example 1b
Assigning tooltips

DEF Var2 = (I//5/"","value","",""," Tooltiptext"/wr2///20,250,50)

Variable type: INTEGER
Limits or entry in the toggle field: None
Default setting: 5
Short text: Value (possible language text ID)
Tooltip: Tooltip text
Input mode Reading and writing
Help screen: none
Position of short text:
Distance from left 20
Distance from top 250
Width: 50
Colors: No data, i.e. default setting

See also
Variable parameters (Page 57)

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5.4 Example 2: Assigning the Variable Type, Limits, Attributes, Short Text Position properties

5.4 Example 2: Assigning the Variable Type, Limits, Attributes, Short

Text Position properties

Example 2
Assigning the Variable Type, Limits, Attributes, Short Text Position properties

DEF Var2 = (I/0,10///wr1,al1///,,300)

Variable type: INTEGER
Limits or toggle field entries: MIN: 0
MAX: 10
Default setting: None
Texts: none
Input mode read-only
Alignment of short text Right-justified
Help screen: none
System or user variable: None
Position of short text:
Distance from left None
Distance from top None, i.e., default distance from top left
Width: 300
Position of input/output field: No data, i.e. default position
Colors: No data, i.e. default setting
Help: None

See also
Variable parameters (Page 57)

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5.5 Example 3: Assigning the Variable Type, Default, System or User Variable, Input/Output Field Position properties

5.5 Example 3: Assigning the Variable Type, Default, System or User

Variable, Input/Output Field Position properties

Example 3
Assigning the Variable Type, Default, System or User Variable, Input/Output Field Position

DEF Var3 = (R//10////"$R[1]"//300,10,200//)

Variable type: REAL
Limits or toggle field entries: none
Default setting: 10
Texts: none
Attributes: None
Help screen: none
System or user variable: $R[1] (R-Parameter 1)
Position of short text: Default position in relation to input/output field
Position of input/output field:
Distance from left 300
Distance from top 10
Width: 200
Colors: No data, i.e. default setting

See also
Variable parameters (Page 57)

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5.6 Examples relating to toggle field and image display

5.6 Examples relating to toggle field and image display

Example 4
Various entries in the toggle field:

Limits or toggle field entries:

DEF Var1 = (I/* 0,1,2,3)
DEF Var2 = (S/* "In", "Out")
DEF Var3 = (B/* 1="In", 0="Out") ;1 and 0 are values, "In" and "Out" are displayed.
DEF Var4 = (R/* ARR1) ;ARR1 is the name of an array.

Example 5
Displaying an image instead of a short text: The size and position of the image is defined
under "Position of IO field (left, top, width, height)".

DEF VAR6= (V///,"\\image1.png" ////160,40,50,50)

Variable type: VARIANT
Limits or entries in the toggle field: None
Default setting: None
Short text: image1.png
Attributes: None
Help screen: none
System or user variable: None
Position of short text:
Distance from left: 160
Distance from the top: 40
Width: 50
Height: 50
Position of input/output field: No details
Colors: No data, i.e. default setting

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5.7 Variable parameters

5.7 Variable parameters

Parameter overview
The following overview provides a brief explanation of the variable parameters. Subsequent
chapters contain a more detailed description.

Parameter Description
Variable type (Page 60) The variable type must be specified.
R[x]: REAL (+ digit for the decimal place)
S[x]: STRING (+ digit for string length)
C: CHARACTER (individual character)
Limits (Page 54) Limit value MIN, limit value MAX
Default setting: Empty
The limit values are separated by a comma. Limits can be specified for types I, C and R
in decimal formats or as characters in the form "A", "F".
Default setting (Page 65) If no default setting has been configured and no system or user variable has been
assigned to the variable, the first element of the toggle field is assigned. If no toggle field
has been defined, there is no default setting, which means the status of the variable is
"not calculated".
Default setting: No default
Toggle field (Page 63) List with predetermined entries in the IO field: The list is initiated by a *; the entries are
separated by a comma. The entries can be assigned a value.
For the toggle field, the entry for the limit is interpreted as a list. If only one * is entered,
a variable toggle field is created.
Default setting: None
Texts (Page 52) The sequence is specified. Instead of a short text, an image can also be displayed.
Default setting: Empty
Long text: Text in the display line
Short text: Name of the dialog element
Graphic text: Text refers to the terms in the graphics
Unit text: Unit of the dialog element
Tooltips (Page 52) Serve as brief information in a screen form configuration for
the display and toggle fields. The information is configured via
plain text and language text ID.

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5.7 Variable parameters

Parameter Description
Attributes (Page 54) The attributes influence the following properties:
• Input mode
• Access level
• Alignment of short text
• Font size
• Limits
• Response when dialog is opened in terms of CHANGE block
The attributes are separated by commas and appear in any order. The attributes are not
valid for toggle fields. A definition can be made for each component.
Input mode wr0: IO field invisible, short text visible
wr1: Read (no focus possible for input)
wr2: Read and write (line appears in white)
wr3: wr1 with focus
wr4: All variable elements invisible, no focus possible
wr5: The value entered is saved immediately on every keystroke (in
contrast to wr2, where it is only saved when the field is exited or
RETURN is pressed).
Default setting: wr2
Access level Empty: Can always be written
ac0...ac7: Protection levels
If the access level is not adequate, then the first line is displayed in
gray, default setting: ac7
Alignment of al0: Left-justified
short text al1: Right-justified
al2: centered
Default setting: al0
Font size fs1: Default font size (8 pt.)
fs2: Double font size
Default setting: fs1
The clearances between the lines is defined. With the default font
size, 16 lines will fit into the dialog. Graphics and unit text can only be
configured in the default font size.
Limits Consequently, it is possible to check whether the values of the
variable are within the MIN and MAX limits specified.
Default setting: Determined by specified limits
li0: No check
li1: Check with respect to min.
li2: Check with respect to max.
li3: Check with respect to min. and max.
Behavior when cb attributes specified for a variable in a variables definition take
opening priority over the cb default setting in the dialog definition. Multiple
attributes are separated by commas.

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5.7 Variable parameters

Parameter Description
cb0: The CHANGE block defined for this variable is edited when the
dialog is opened (default setting). Multiple attributes are separated by
cb1: The CHANGE block defined for this variable is then only processed if
the value of the variable changes.
Help display (Page 52) Help display file: Name of the png file
Default setting: Empty
The name of the Help display file appears in double quotation marks. The display
appears automatically (instead of the previous graphic) if the cursor is positioned on this
System or user variable System or user data from the NC/PLC can be assigned to the variable. The system or
(Page 55) user variable appears in double quotation marks.
Reference: List Manual System Variables, /PGAsl/
Position of short text (Page 66) Position of short text (distance from left, distance from top, width)
The positions are entered in pixels and relate to the upper left-hand corner of the main
body of the dialog. The entries are separated by commas.
Position of input/output field Position of input/output field (distance from left, distance from top, width, height)
(Page 66) The positions are entered in pixels and relate to the upper left-hand corner of the main
body of the dialog. The entries are separated by commas. If this position changes, the
positions of the short text, graphic text and unit text also change.
Colors (Page 52) Foreground color, background color: The colors are separated by a comma. Color
settings are only relevant to the input/output field; colors cannot be specified for the
other texts.
Range of values: 1...10
Default setting: Foreground color: Black, background color: white
The default colors of the input/output field are determined by the Write mode:
"wr" indicates write mode.

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5.8 Details on the variable type

5.8 Details on the variable type

Variable type INTEGER

The following extensions for determining the display in the input/output field and the memory
utilization are possible for the "INTEGER" type:
2nd character in the extension data type

Display format
B Binary
D Decimal signed
H hexadecimal
No data Decimal signed

3rd and/or 4th character in the extension data type

Memory utilization
B Byte
W Word
D Double Word
BU Byte, Unsigned
WU Word, Unsigned
DU Double word, Unsigned

Sequence of characters in the INTEGER data type

1. "I" Basic INTEGER designation
2. Display format
3. Memory utilization
4. "U" Unsigned

Valid INTEGER type specifications:

IB Integer variable 32 bits in binary notation
IBD Integer variable 32 bits in binary notation
IBW Integer variable 16 bits in binary notation
IBB Integer variable 8 bits in binary notation
I Integer variable 32 bits in decimal notation signed
IDD Integer variable 32 bits in decimal notation signed
IDW Integer variable 16 bits in decimal notation signed
IDB Integer variable 8 bits in decimal notation signed
IDDU Integer variable 32 bits in decimal notation unsigned

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5.8 Details on the variable type

Valid INTEGER type specifications:

IDWU Integer variable 16 bits in decimal notation unsigned
IDBU Integer variable 8 bits in decimal notation unsigned
IH Integer variable 32 bits in hexadecimal notation
IHDU Integer variable 32 bits in hexadecimal notation
IHWU Integer variable 16 bits in hexadecimal notation
IHBU Integer variable 8 bits in hexadecimal notation

VARIANT variable type

The VARIANT variable type is determined by the data type of the last value assignment. It
can be scanned using the ISNUM or ISSTR functions. The VARIANT type is mainly suited to
the purpose of writing either variable names or numerical values to the NC code.

The data type of variables can be checked:

Syntax: ISNUM (VAR)

Parameters: VAR Name of the variable whose data type is to be checked.
The result of the scan can be:
FALSE = not a numerical variable (data type = STRING)
TRUE = numerical variable (data type = REAL)

Syntax: ISSTR (VAR)

Parameters: VAR Name of the variable whose data type is to
be checked.
The result of the scan can be:
FALSE = numerical variable (data type = REAL)
TRUE = not a numerical variable (data type =
Example: IF ISNUM(VAR1) == TRUE

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5.8 Details on the variable type

The display mode of variables can be changed:

● For INTEGER, the display type can be changed.

B Binary
D Decimal signed
H hexadecimal
With the addition of U for Unsigned

● For REAL data types, only the number of places after the decimal point can be changed.
Changing the type is illegal and generates an error message in the easyscreen_log.txt.
Var1.typ = "IBW"

Var2.typ = "R3"

Numerical formats
Numbers can be represented in either binary, decimal, hexadecimal or exponential notation:

Binary B01110110
decimal 123.45
hexadecimal HF1A9
exponential -1.23EX-3
VAR1 = HF1A9
REG[0]= B01110110
DEF VAR7 = (R//-1.23EX-3)

When codes are generated with the "GC" function, only numerical values in decimal or
exponential notation are evaluated, but not those in binary or hexadecimal notation.

See also
Variable parameters (Page 57)

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5.9 Details on the toggle field

5.9 Details on the toggle field

The toggle field extension function can be used to display texts (entries in toggle field) as a
function of NC/PLC variables. A variable, which makes use of a toggle field extension, is


Syntax: DEF identifier =(variable type /+ $text number | *

value="\\image"[,value="\\image2.png"][, ...]
/[Texts(Long text, Short text, Graphic text, Units text)]
/[Help display]
/[System or user variable]
/[Position of short text]
/[Position input/output field(Left, Top, Width, Height)]
Description: When the dialog is opened, the content of text number $85015 is displayed in the
IO field. Default value 15 is entered in system variable DB90.DBB5. If the value
saved in system variable DB90.DBB5 changes, the displayed text number
$(85000 + <DB90.DBB5>) is recalculated in response to every change.
Parameters: Variable type Type of variables specified in the system or user variable
Text number Number (basis) of the language-specific text valid as the
basis number.
System or user System or user variable (offset) via which the final text
variable number (basis + offset) is displayed.
Example: DEF VAR1=(IB/+ $85000/15////"DB90.DBB5")

Variable toggle field

It is possible to assign a variable toggle field to a dialog element, i.e., when the toggle key is
pressed, a value configured in a CHANGE method is assigned to the variable.
An asterisk * is entered in the Limits or Toggle Field property to identify a variable toggle field
when a variable is defined.
Example: DEF VAR1=(S/*)

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5.9 Details on the toggle field

Toggle-field-dependent displays
The toggle field is overlaid with graphics, which change depending on the value of the
memory byte. If the value of the memory byte is 1, "image1.png" will appear. If it is 2,
"image2.png" will appear.
DEF VAR1=(IDB/*1="\\image1.png",


The size and position of the image is defined under "Position of IO field (left, top, width,

See also
Variable parameters (Page 57)

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5.10 Details on the default setting

5.10 Details on the default setting

A variable can assume various states depending on whether a default value, or a system or
user variable, or both, is assigned to the variable field (input/output field or toggle field), (not
calculated:. toggling is only possible if a valid value has been assigned to the variable).

Scope of the default settings

If... Then...
Field type Default setting System or user variable Reaction of field type
I/O field yes yes Write default value to system or user variable
No yes Use system or user variable as default value
Fault yes Not calculated, system or user variable is not written
yes No Default setting
No No Not calculated
Fault No Not calculated
yes Fault Not calculated
No Fault Not calculated
Fault Fault Not calculated
Toggle yes yes Write default value to system or user variable
No yes Use system or user variable as default value
Fault yes Not calculated,
system or user variable not written/used
Yes No Default setting
No No Default = first toggle field element
Fault No Not calculated
Yes Fault Not calculated
No Fault Not calculated
Fault Fault Not calculated

See also
Variable parameters (Page 57)

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5.11 Details on the position of the short text, position of the input/output field

5.11 Details on the position of the short text, position of the input/output

The short text and graphic text, as well as the input/output field and unit text, are each
treated like a unit, i.e., position settings for short text apply to the graphic text and settings for
the input/output field and to unit text.

The configured position entry overwrites the default value, i.e., only one value can be
changed. If no position settings have been configured for subsequent screen form elements,
then the position settings for the preceding screen form element are applied.
If no positions have been specified for any dialog elements, the default setting is applied. By
default, the column width for the short text and input/output field is calculated for each line
based on the number of columns and maximum line width, i.e.,column width = maximum line
width/number of columns.
The width of the graphics and unit text is predefined and optimized to suit the requirements
of programming support. If graphics or unit text has been configured, the width of the short
text or I/O field is reduced accordingly.
The order of short text and I/O field can be reversed by position settings.

See also
Variable parameters (Page 57)

5.12 Use of strings

Strings can be used as part of the configuration. These allow text to be displayed
dynamically or different texts to be chained for the purpose of code generation.

The following rules must be observed with regard to string variables:
● Logic operations are processed from left to right.
● Nested expressions are solved from the inside outwards.
● No distinction is made between uppercase and lowercase type.
● String variables are generally displayed left justified.
Strings can be deleted simply by assigning a blank string.
Strings can be appended after the equality sign using the operator "<<". Quotation marks (")
in the string are represented by two successive quotation mark symbols. Strings can be
checked for equality in IF instructions.

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5.12 Use of strings

Default settings for the following examples:
VAR1.VAL = "This is an"

VAR8.VAL = 4

VAR14.VAL = 15

VAR2.VAL = "Error"

$85001 = "This is an"

$85002 = "Alarm text"

Editing strings:
● Chaining of strings:
VAR12.VAL = VAR1 << " Error." ;Result: "This is an error"

● Deleting a variable:
VAR10.VAL = "" ;Result: Blank string

● Setting a variable with a text variable:

VAR11.VAL = VAR1.VAL ;Result: "This is an"

● Data type matching:

VAR13.VAL ="This is the " << (VAR14 - VAR8) << ". error"

;Result: "This is the 11th error"

● Treatment of numerical values:

VAR13.VAL = "Error" << VAR14.VAL << ": " << $85001 << $85002

;Result: "Error 15: "This is an alarm text"

IF VAR15 == "Error" ;Strings in IF statement

VAR16 = 18.1234

;Result: VAR16 equals 18.1234,

;if VAR15 equals "Error".


● Quotation marks within a string:

VAR2="Hello, this is a " Test""

;Result: Hello, this is a " Test"

● System or user-variable strings dependent on variable content:

VAR2.Var = "$R[" << VAR8 << "]" ;Result: $R[4]

See also
STRING functions (Page 124)

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5.13 CURPOS variable

5.13 CURPOS variable

Using the CURPOS variable, it is possible to display or manipulate the position of the cursor
in the active input field of the current dialog. The variable indicates how many characters are
located in front of the cursor. If the cursor is located at the start of the input field, then
CURPOS assumes the value of 0. If the value of CURPOS is changed, then the cursor is
positioned at the appropriate location in the input field.
In order to be able to respond to changes in the variable value, it is possible to monitor for
changes using a CHANGE block. If the value of CURPOS changes, then a jump is made to
the CHANGE block and the instructions contained there are executed.

5.14 CURVER variable

The CURVER (CURrent VERsion) property allows the programming to be adapted in order
to handle different versions. The CURVER variable is read-only.

Even if previously recompiled with an older version, the code is automatically generated with
the most recent version. The "GC" command always generates the most recent version. An
additional identifier indicating the generated version is inserted in the user comment of the
generated code in versions > 0.

The most recent dialog with all its variables is always displayed.
● Variables used previously may not be changed.
● New variables are inserted in the existing (cycle) programming in arbitrary order.
● It is not permissible to delete variables from a dialog from one version to the next.
● The dialog must contain all variables of all versions.


(IF CURVER==1 ...) ; When the code is recompiled, CURVER is

automatically assigned the version of the
recompiled code.

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5.15 ENTRY variable

5.15 ENTRY variable

The ENTRY variable can be used to check by what method a dialog has been called.


Syntax: ENTRY
Description: The ENTRY variable is a read only variable.
Return Value: The result of the scan can be:
0 = No programming support
1 = Programming support (the dialog was called by programming support)
2 = Programming support + default setting from the previous dialog (sub-
3 = Programming support + recompilation
4 = Programming support + recompilation with generated comments, with
# sign
5 = Programming support + recompilation with generated comments,
without # sign


DLGL("The dialog was not called during programming")
DLGL("The dialog was called during programming")

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5.16 ERR variable

5.16 ERR variable

Variable ERR can be used to check whether the preceding lines have been executed


Syntax: ERR
Description: The ERR variable is read-only.
Return value: The result of the scan can be:
FALSE = previous line was executed error-free
TRUE = previous line was not executed error-free


VAR4 = Thread[VAR1,"CDM",3] ; Output value from array

IF ERR == TRUE ; Query whether value has been found in
VAR5 = "Error accessing array"
; If the value has not been found in the
array, the value "Error accessing array" is
assigned to the variables.
VAR5 = "All OK" ; If the value has been found in the array,
the value "All OK" is assigned to the

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5.17 FILE_ERR variable

5.17 FILE_ERR variable

Variable FILE_ERR can be used to check whether the preceding GC or CP command has
been executed correctly.

Syntax: FILE_ERR
Description: The FILE_ERR variable is read-only.
Return value: Possible results are:
0 = Operation okay
1 = Drive/path not available
2 = Path/file access error
3 = Drive not ready
4 = Incorrect file name
5 = File is already open
6 = Access denied
7 = Target path not available or not permitted
8 = Copy source same as target
10 = Internal error: FILE_ERR = 10 means that the error cannot be
classified in the other categories.

; Copy from source.mpf to
IF FILE_ERR > 0 ; Query whether error has occurred
IF FILE_ERR == 1 ; Query specific error numbers and
output associated error text
VAR5 = "Drive/path not available"
VAR5 = "Path/file access error"
VAR5 = "incorrect file name"
VAR5 = "All OK" ; If no errors have occurred in CP
(or GC), "All OK" is output

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5.18 FOC variable

5.18 FOC variable

With the variable FOC, the input focus (current active input/output field) is controlled in a
dialog. The reaction of the cursor left, right, up, down as well as PGUP, PGDN are

The FOC function must not be initiated as a result of a navigation event. The cursor position
may only be changed in softkey PRESS blocks, CHANGE blocks, ...
The FOC function cannot be applied to variables with input mode wr = 0 and wr = 4 or to
Help variables.


Syntax: FOC
Description: The variable can be read and written.
Return value: Read The result is the name of the variable to which the FOC
function has been applied.
Write It is possible to assign either a string or a numerical value. A
string is interpreted as a variable name and a numerical
value as a variable index.


IF FOC == "Var1" ; Read focus

REG[1] = Var1
REG[1] = Var2

FOC = "Var1" ; The input focus is assigned to variable 1.

FOC = 3 ; The input focus is assigned to the 3rd dialog
element with WR ≥ 2.

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5.19 S_CHAN variable

5.19 S_CHAN variable

The S_CHAN variable can be used to determine the number of the current channel for
display or evaluation purposes.

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5.19 S_CHAN variable

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Programming commands 6
6.1 Operators

The following operators can be used when programming:
● Mathematical operators
● Relational operators
● Logic (Boolean) operators
● Bit operators
● Trigonometric functions

6.1.1 Mathematical operators


Mathematical operators Identifier

+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
MOD Modulo operation
() Parentheses
AND AND operator
OR OR operator
NOT NOT operator
ROUND Round off numbers with decimal places

Example: VAR1.VAL = 45 * (4 + 3)

The ROUND operator is used to round off numbers with up to 12 decimal places during
execution of a dialog configuration. The variable fields cannot accept the decimal places in
the display.

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Programming commands
6.1 Operators

ROUND is controlled by the user with two parameters:
VAR1 = 5,2328543

VAR2 = ROUND( VAR1, 4 )

Result: VAR2 = 5,2339

VAR1 contains the number to be rounded. The parameter “4” indicates the number of
decimal places in the result, which is placed in VAR2.

Trigonometric functions

Trigonometric functions Identifier

SIN(x) Sine of x
COS(x) Cosine of x
TAN(x) Tangent of x
ATAN(x, y) Arc tangent of x/y
SQRT(x) Square root of x
ABS(x) Absolute value of x
SDEG(x) Conversion to degrees
SRAD(x) Conversion to radian

The functions operate with radian measure. The functions SDEG() and SRAD() can be used
for conversion.

Example: VAR1.VAL = SQRT(2)


PI 3.14159265358979323846

Example: VAR1.VAL = PI

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Programming commands
6.1 Operators

Relational operators

Relational operators
== Equal to
<> Not equal to
> Greater than
< Less than
>= Greater than or equal to
<= Less than or equal to

IF VAR1.VAL == 1



The nesting depth is unlimited.

Condition with a command: IF

Condition with two commands: IF

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Programming commands
6.1 Operators

6.1.2 Bit operators


Bit operators Identifier

BOR Bit-serial OR
BXOR Bit-serial XOR
BAND Bit-serial AND
BNOT Bit-serial NOT
SHL Shift bits to left
SHR Shift bits to right

SHL operator
Bits are shifted to the left using the SHL (SHIFT LEFT) operator. You can specify both the
value to be shifted and the number of shift increments directly or via a variable. If the limit of
the data format is reached, the bits are shifted beyond the limit without displaying an error


Syntax: variable = value SHLincrement

Description: Shift Left
Parameters: value value to be shifted
increment number of shift increments


VAR01 = 16 SHL 2 ; Result = 64
VAR02 = VAR02 SHL VAR04 ; Convert content of VAR02 to 32-bit unsigned
, and
shift content to left by number of bits specified in
VAR04. Then convert 32-bit value back to format of
variable VAR02.

SHR operator
Bits are shifted to the RIGHT using the SHR (SHIFT RIGHT) function. You can specify both
the value to be shifted and the number of shift increments directly or via a variable. If the limit
of the data format is reached, the bits are shifted beyond the limit without displaying an error

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Programming commands
6.2 Methods


Syntax: variable = value SHRincrement

Description: Shift Right
Parameters: value value to be shifted
increment number of shift increments


VAR01 = 16 SHR 2 ; Result = 4
VAR02 = VAR02 SHR VAR04 ; Convert content of VAR02 to 32-bit unsigned
and shift content to right by number of bits
specified in VAR04. Then convert 32-bit value back
to format of variable VAR02.

6.2 Methods

Various types of event (exit input field, actuate softkey) can initiate specific actions in dialogs
and dialog-dependent softkey menus (softkey menus that are called from a newly configured
dialog). These actions are configured in methods.
The following table shows the basic principle used to program a method:

Definition block Comment Chapter reference

PRESS(HS1) ;Method start identifier
LM... ;Functions See chapter "Functions"
Var1.st = ... ;Changing properties see chapter "Softkey menu"
and chapter "Dialog elements"
Var2 = Var3 + Var4 ;Calculation with variables See chapter "Defining variables"
END_PRESS ;Method end identifier

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Programming commands
6.2 Methods

6.2.1 CHANGE

CHANGE methods are executed if a variable value changes, i.e., variable calculations that
are performed as soon as a variable value changes are configured within a CHANGE
There are two types of CHANGE method, i.e., element-specific and global:
● The element-specific CHANGE method is executed if the value of a specified variable
changes. If a system or user variable is assigned to a variable, cyclic updating of the
variable value can be configured in a CHANGE method.
● The global CHANGE method is executed if the value of any variable changes and no
element-specific CHANGE method has been configured.

"Element-specific" programming

Syntax: CHANGE(Identifier)
Description: Changes the value of a specific variable
Parameters: Identifier Name of the variable


DEF VAR1=(I//////"DB20.DBB1") ; A system variable is assigned to Var1

IF VAR1.Val <> 1
VAR1.st="Tool OK!" ; If the value of the system variable ≠ 1, the
short text of the variable states: Tool OK!
VAR1.st="Attention: Error!" ; If the value of the system variable = 1, the
short text of the variable states: Attention:

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"Global" programming

Syntax: CHANGE()
Description: Changes any variable value
Parameters: - None -


EXIT ; If any of the variable values change, the
dialog will be terminated.

6.2.2 FOCUS

The FOCUS method is executed if the focus (cursor) is positioned on another field in the
The FOCUS method must not be initiated as a result of a navigation event. The cursor
position may only be changed in softkey PRESS blocks, CHANGE blocks. The response of
cursor movements is predefined.

Within the FOCUS block, it is not possible to select a different variable, nor can a new dialog
be loaded.


Syntax: FOCUS
Description: Positions the cursor
Parameters: - None -

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DLGL("The focus has been placed on variable" << FOC << ".)

6.2.3 LOAD

The LOAD method is executed after the variable and softkey definitions (DEF Var1= ...,
HS1= ...) have been interpreted. At this time, the dialog is not yet displayed.


Syntax: LOAD
Description: Download
Parameters: - None -


LOAD ; Start identifier

Screen form1.Hd = $85111 ; Assign text for dialog header from language file
VAR1.Min = 0 ; Assign MIN variable limit
VAR1.Max = 1000 ; Assign MAX variable limit
END_LOAD ; End code

See also
Line and rectangle (Page 131)

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The table description can be made available dynamically within the LOAD block using the
LG method.
In order to assign a table using the LG method, the variable must have already been defined
as a grid variable and cross-referenced to an existing, valid table.


Syntax: LG (Grid name, Variable name [,File name])

Description: Loads a table
Parameters: Grid name Name of the table (grid) in inverted commas
Variable name Name of the variable to which the table is to be assigned,
in inverted commas
File name Name of the file in which the table (grid) is defined, in
inverted commas. Only needs to be specified if the table
is not defined within the file that also contains the
definition of the variable



Content of GRID2.COM:

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6.2.5 UNLOAD

The UNLOAD method is executed before a dialog is unloaded.


Syntax: UNLOAD
Description: Unload
Parameters: - None -


REG[1] = VAR1 ; Save variable in register

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6.2.6 OUTPUT

The OUTPUT method is executed if the "GC" function is called. Variables and Help variables
are configured as an NC code in an OUTPUT method. The individual elements in a code line
are linked by means of blanks.

The NC code can be generated in an extra file by means of file functions and transferred to
the NC.


Syntax: OUTPUT (Identifier)

Description: Outputs variables in the NC program.
Parameters: Identifier Name of OUTPUT method

Block numbers and skip identifiers

The OUTPUT block must not contain line numbers or skip identifiers if you wish to keep the
line numbers and hide markings directly set with active program support in the parts program
in case of recompilations.
Editor changes in the parts program produce the following response:

Condition Response
Number of blocks remains unchanged. Block numbers are retained.
Number of blocks is reduced. The highest block numbers are canceled.
Number of blocks is increased. New blocks are not numbered.


"CYCLE82(" Var1.val "," Var2.val "," Var3.val ","Var4.val "," Var5.val ","
Var6.val ")"

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6.2.7 PRESS

The PRESS method is executed when the corresponding softkey is pressed.


Syntax: PRESS(softkey)
Identifiers: Pressing a softkey
Parameters: Softkey Name of softkey: HS1 - HS8 and VS1 - VS8
PU Page Up Screen up
PD Page Down Screen down
SL Scroll left Cursor left
SR Scroll right Cursor right
SU Scroll up Cursor up
SD Scroll down Cursor down


HS1 = ("another softkey menu")

HS2=("no function")
LS("Menu1") ; load another softkey menu
Var2 = Var3 + Var1

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6.2.8 Example Version management with OUTPUT blocks

Additional variables can be added to existing dialogs when expanding the user interface. A
version identifier in parentheses is appended to the additional variables in the definition
following the variable name: (0 = Original, is not written), 1 = Version 1, 2 = Version 2, etc.

DEF var100=(R//1) ; Original, corresponds to Version 0

DEF var101(1)=(S//"Hello") ; Expansion with effect from Version 1

When writing the OUTPUT block, you can specify which variables are written, with reference
to a particular version identifier.

OUTPUT(NC1) ; Only the variables of the original version are

made available in the OUTPUT block.
OUTPUT(NC1,1) ; The variables of the original version and the
expansions with version identifier 1 are made
available in the OUTPUT block

The OUTPUT block for the original version does not need a version identifier, however you
can specify it with 0. OUTPUT(NC1) is equivalent to OUTPUT(NC1,0). Version identifier n in
the OUTPUT block includes all variables of the originals 0, 1, 2, ... up to and including n.

Programming with version identifier

//M(XXX) ; Version 0 (default)

DEF var100=(R//1)
DEF var101=(S//"Hello")


; ************ Version 1, extended definition ***************

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DEF var100=(R//1)
DEF var101=(S//"Hello")
DEF var102(1)=(V//"HUGO")

OUTPUT(NC1) ; Original and the new version in addition


OUTPUT(NC1,1) ; Version 1
var100","var101"," var102

6.3 Functions

A variety of functions are available in dialogs and dialog-dependent softkey menus. These
can be activated by specific events (exit input field, actuate softkey) and configured in

Repeatedly used configuring instructions or others, which define the process for a particular
operation can be configured in subprograms. Subprograms can be loaded into the main
program or other subprograms at any time and executed as often as necessary, i.e., the
instructions they contain do not need to be configured repeatedly. The definition blocks of
the dialogs/softkey menu constitute a main program.

External functions
Additional, user-specific functions can be integrated by means of external functions. The
external functions are stored in a DLL file and identified by an entry in the definition lines of
the configuration file.

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6.3 Functions

PI services
The PI_SERVICE function can be used to start PI Services (Program Invocation Services)
from the PLC in the NC area.

See also
Function (FCT) (Page 104)
PI services (Page 128)

6.3.1 Define block (//B)

In the program file, subprograms are identified by the block identifier //B and terminated with
//END. Several subprograms can be defined under each block identifier.

The variables used in the subprogram must be defined in the dialog in which the subprogram
is called.

A block is structured in the following way:

Syntax: //B(Block name)

Description: Defines a subprogram
Parameters: Block name Name of block identifier
Identifier Name of subprogram

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//B(PROG1) ; Block start

SUB(UP1) ; Start of subprogram
REG[0] = 5 ; Assign value 5 to register 0

END_SUB ; End of subprogram
SUB(UP2) ; Start of subprogram
IF VAR1.val=="Otto"
END_SUB ; End of subprogram
//END ; Block end

6.3.2 Subprogram call (CALL)

The CALL function can be used to call a loaded subprogram from any point in a method.
Subprogram nesting is supported, i.e., you can call a subprogram from another subprogram.


Syntax: CALL("Identifier")
Description: Subroutine call
Parameters: Identifier Name of subprogram



VAR1 = ...
VAR2 = ...
LB("PROG1") ; Load block

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CALL("UP1") ; Call subroutine and execute

6.3.3 Check Variable (CVAR)

You can use the CVAR (CheckVariable) function to run a scan to ascertain whether all or
only certain variables or Help variables in a screen form are error-free.
It may be useful to check if variables contain a valid value before an NC code with the GC
A variable is error-free if the state of the variable Identifier.vld = 1.


Syntax: CVAR(VarN)
Description: Checks variables for valid content
Parameters: VarN List of variables to be checked.
Up to 29 variables, each separated by a comma, can be
checked. A character length of 500 must not be exceeded.
The result of the scan can be:
1 = TRUE (all variables have valid content)
0 = FALSE (at least one variable has invalid content)

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IF CVAR == TRUE ; Check all variables

VS8.SE = 1 ; If all variables are error-free, softkey VS8
is visible
VS8.SE = 2 ; If a variable has an invalid value, softkey
VS8 is disabled


; Check variables VAR1 and VAR2
DLGL ("VAR1 and VAR2 are OK")
; If the values of VAR1 and VAR2 are error-
free, "VAR1 and VAR2 are OK" appears in the
dialog line
DLGL ("VAR1 and VAR2 are not OK")
; If the values of VAR1 and VAR2 are invalid,
"VAR1 and VAR2 are not OK" appears in the
dialog line

6.3.4 Copy Program file function (CP)

The CP (Copy Program) function copies files within the HMI file system or within the NC file


Syntax: CP("Source file", "Target file")

Description: Copies a file
Parameters: Source file Complete path to the source file
Target file Complete path data of the target file

The return value can be used to query whether the function was successful:

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Application with return value:

CP("//NC/MPF.DIR/HOHO.MPF", ; xyz must exist

Application without return value:

CP("//NC/MPF.DIR/HOHO.MPF", ; xyz must exist

See also
Support of FILE_ERR: FILE_ERR variable (Page 71)

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6.3.5 Delete Program file function (DP)

The DP (Delete Program) function deletes a file from the passive HMI or active NC file


Syntax: DP("File")
Description: Delete file
Parameters: File Complete path name of file to be deleted

The following data management syntax is used for this function:

• with return value


VAR1 = 0 File was deleted.

VAR1 = 1 File was not deleted.
• Without return value:


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6.3.6 Exist Program file function (EP)

The EP (Exist Program) function checks whether a particular NC program is stored on the
specified path in the NC or HMI file system.


Syntax: EP("File")
Description: Checks the existence of the NC program
Parameters: File Complete path to the file in the NC or HMI file system
Return value: Name of a variable to which the result of the scan should be assigned.
The result of the scan can be:
• M = file is located in the HMI file system.
• N = file is located in the NC file system.
• Empty string = the file neither exists on the HMI nor on the

The EP function can handle the new syntax and the old logic (with adapted Syntax).
The file is directly addressed using a qualifying name:

CF_CARD: /MPF.DIR/XYZ.MPF (points to /user/sinumerik/data/prog)
LOC: (corresponds to CF_CARD)

New syntax:


; with return value:
; VAR1 = 0 File exists.
; VAR1 = 1 File does not exist.

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Old syntax:

;with return value:
; VAR1 = M File is located in the HMI file system.
; VAR1 = N File is located in the NC file system.
; VAR1 = B File is located in the HMI and NC file


EP("\MPF.DIR\CFI.MPF", VAR1) ; Check whether file CFI.MPF exists in

the HMI file system.
IF VAR1 == "M"
DLGL("File is located in the HMI file
IF VAR1 == "N"
DLGL("File is located in the NC file
DLGL("File is located neither in the
HMI nor in the NC file system")

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6.3.7 Move Program file function (MP)

The MP (Move Program) function copies files within the HMI file system or within the NC file


Syntax: MP("source", "target")


Description: Move file

Parameters: Source file Complete path data
Target file Complete path data


MP("//NC/MPF.DIR/123.MPF","//NC/MPF.DIR/ASLAN.MPF",VAR3) // full paths

MP("//NC/MPF.DIR/123.MPF","//NC/MPF.DIR",VAR3) // target without file names
MP("//NC/MPF.DIR/123.MPF",VAR0,VAR3) // target via variable
MP(VAR4,VAR0,VAR3) // source and target via variable
MP("CF_CARD:/mpf.dir/myprog.mdf","//NC/MPF.DIR/123.MPF",VAR3) // from CF card in NC
MP("//NC/MPF.DIR/HOHO.MPF","CF_CARD:/xyz/123.mpf",VAR3) // from NC in CF card
MP("USB:/mpf.dir/myprog.mdf","//NC/MPF.DIR",VAR3)// // from USB to NC

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6.3.8 Select Program file function (SP)

The SP (Select Program) function selects a file in the active NC file system for execution,
i.e., the file must be loaded into the NC beforehand.


Syntax: SP("File")
Identifiers: Selecting a program
Parameters: "File" Complete path name of NC file

The following data management syntax is used for this function:

• with return value


VAR1 = 0 File was loaded.

VAR1 = 1 File was not loaded without return value
• Without return value:

//M(TestGC/"Code generation:")
DEF VAR1 = (R//1)
DEF VAR2 = (R//2)
VAR1 = 123
VAR2 = -6
"Cycle123(" VAR1 "," VAR2 ")"
GC("CODE1",D_NAME) ; Write code from the OUTPUT method to file

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//M(TestGC/"Code generation:")
MP("CF_CARD:/MPF.DIR/MESSEN.MPF","//NC/MPF.DIR") ; Load file into NC
SP("\MPF.DIR\MESSEN.MPF") ; Select file

6.3.9 Dialog line (DLGL)

It is possible to configure short texts (messages or input tips) for output in the dialog line of
the dialog in response to certain situations.
Possible number of characters in the default font size: approx. 50


Syntax: DLGL("String")
Description: Outputs text in the dialog line
Parameters: String Text, which is displayed in the dialog line


IF Var1 > Var2

DLGL("Value too large!") ; The text "Value too large!" appears in the dialog
line if variable1 > variable2.

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6.3.10 Evaluate (EVAL)

The EVAL function evaluates a transferred expression and then executes it. With this
function, expressions can be programmed during runtime. This can be useful, for example,
for indexed access operations to variables.


Syntax: EVAL(exp)
Description: Evaluates an expression
Parameters: exp Logic expression


REG[7] = EVAL("VAR"<<REG[5]) ; The expression in parentheses produces VAR3 if
the value of REG[5] is equal to 3. The value of
VAR3 is, therefore, assigned to REG[7].
IF REG[5] == 1
REG[7] = VAR1
IF REG[5] == 2
REG[7] = VAR2
IF REG[5] == 3
REG[7] = VAR3
IF REG[5] == 4
REG[7] = VAR4

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6.3.11 Exit dialog (EXIT)

The EXIT function is used to exit a dialog and return to the master dialog. If no master dialog
is found, you will exit the newly configured user interfaces and return to the standard

Programming (without parameters)

Syntax: EXIT
Description: Exits a dialog
Parameters: - None -



If the current dialog has been called with a transfer variable, the value of the variables can
be changed and transferred to the output dialog.
The variable values are each assigned to the variables transferred from the output dialog to
the subsequent dialog using the "LM" function. Up to 20 variable values, each separated by
a comma, can be transferred.

The sequence of variables or variable values must be the same as the sequence of transfer
values programmed for the LM function to preclude assignment errors. Any unspecified
variable values will not be changed when the transfer is made. The modified transfer
variables are immediately valid in the output dialog on execution of the LM function.

Programming with a transfer variable

Syntax: EXIT[(VARx)]
Description: Exits dialog and transfers one or more variables
Parameters: VARx Label variables

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//M(Screen form1)

; Interrupt screen form1 and open screen
form2. Transfer variables POSX, POSY and
DIAMETER in doing this.
DLGL("Screen form2 ended") ; After returning from screen form2, the
following text appears in the dialog line of
screen form1: Screen form2 ended.

//M(Screen form2)

; Exit screen form2 and return to screen
form1 in the line after LM. In doing this,
assign the value 5 to the variable POSX and
the value of the CALCULATED_DIAMETER variable
to the DIAMETER variable. The variable POSY
retains its current value.

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6.3.12 Exit Loading Softkey (EXITLS)

You can use the EXITLS function to exit the current user interface and load a defined softkey


Syntax: EXITLS("Softkey menu"[, "Path"])

Description: Exits dialog and loads a softkey menu
Parameters: Softkey menu Name of the softkey menu to be loaded
Path name Directory path of the softkey menu to be loaded



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6.3.13 Function (FCT)

The external functions are stored in a DLL file and identified by an entry in the definition lines
of the configuration file.

The external function must have at least one return parameter.


Syntax: FCTFunction name = ("File"/Type of return/Types of permanent

parameters/Types of variable parameters)
FCT InitConnection = ("c:\tmp\xyz.dll"/I/R,I,S/I,S)
Description: An external function can e.g. be called in the LOAD block or in the PRESS
Parameters: Function name Name of external function
File Complete path to DLL file
Type of return Data type of the return value
Type of fixed Value parameter
Type of variable Reference parameter
The data types are separated by commas.

The external function can e.g. be called in the LOAD block or in the PRESS block.

RET = InitConnection(VAR1,13,"Servus",VAR2,VAR17)


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Structure of the external function

The external function must take into account a certain, specific signature:

Syntax: external "C" dllexport void InitConnection (ExtFctStructPtr FctRet,

ExtFctStructPtr FctPar, char cNrFctPar)
Description: DLL export, only when implemented in Windows
Specified and transfer parameters are strictly defined. The actual call
parameters are transferred using the transferred structures.
Parameters: cNrFctPar Number of call parameters = number of structure
elements in FctPar
FctPar Pointer to a field of structure elements, which contain
the particular call parameter with data type.
FctRet Pointer to a structure for the function value return with
data type.

Definition of the transfer structure

char b;
short int i;
double r;
char* s;
typedef struct ExtFctStructTag
char cTyp;
union CFI_VARIANT value;
typedef struct ExtFct* ExtFctStructPtr;

If the external function is to be developed independently of the platform (Windows, Linux),

then it is not permissible to use the keyword __declspec(dllexport). This keyword is only
required under Windows. For instance, the following macro can be used under Qt:

#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
#define MY_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define MY_EXPORT

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The function is declared as follows:

extern "C" MY_EXPORT void InitConnection

(ExtFctStructPtr FctRet, ExtFctStructPtr FctPar,char cNrFctPar)

If the screens, configured with "Run MyScreens", are used on the NCU and PCU/PC, then
the extension of the binary file must be omitted:
FCT InitConnection = ("xyz"/I/R,I,S/I,S)

When the absolute path information is omitted, "Run MyScreens", first searches for the
binary file in the configured directory.

6.3.14 Generate code (GC)

The GC (Generate Code) function generates NC code from the OUTPUT method.


Syntax: GC("Identifier"[,"Target file"][,Opt],[Append])

Description: Generate an NC code
Parameters: Identifier Name of OUTPUT block from which code is generated
Target file Path name of target file for HMI or NC file system
If the target file is not specified (only possible within
programming support system), the code will be written to the
location of the cursor within the file that is currently open.
Opt Option for generating comments
0: (Default setting) Generate code with comment for the
purpose of recompilability.
1: Do not create comments in the generated code.
Note: This code cannot be recompiled (see also Recompile
without comment (Page 120)).
Append This parameter is only relevant if a target file is specified.
0: (Default setting) If the file already exists, the old content is
1: If the file already exists, the new code is written at the start
of the file.
2: If the file already exists, the new code is written at the end of
the file.

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//M(TestGC/"Code generation:")
DEF VAR1 = (R//1)
DEF VAR2 = (R//2)
VAR1 = 123
VAR2 = -6
"Cycle123(" VAR1 "," VAR2 ")"

GC("CODE1",D_NAME) ; Write code from OUTPUT method to file
Cycle123(123, -6)

● No entry for target file:
The GC function can only be used in the Programming Support system and writes the NC
code to the file currently open in the Editor. Recompilation of the NC code is possible. If
the GC function is configured without a target file being specified under
"Run MyScreens", an error message is output when it is executed.
● Entry for target file:
The code generated from the OUTPUT block is transferred to the target file. If the target
file does not already exist, it is set up in the NC file system. If the target file is stored in
the HMI file system, it is stored on the hard disk. User comment lines (information
required to recompile code) are not set up, i.e. the code cannot be recompiled.

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Special considerations for target file specification

In principle, there are two different ways of specifying a target file:
● NC notation: /_N_MPF_DIR/_N_MY_FILE_MPF
The file is created in the MPF directory on the NC.
● DOS notation: d:\abc\my_file.txt or \\RemoteRechner\files\my_file.txt
The file is written to the specified directory on the hard disk or on the specified PC,
provided that the directory is available on the hard disk or on a remote PC.

Invalid variables generate a blank string in generated NC code and an error message in
the log book when they are read.

Special features of recompilation

The GC function cannot be called in sub-dialogs because variables originating from master
dialogs can be used in sub-dialogs. These variables would not, however, be available in
response to a direct call.
When generated code is processed manually with the Editor, the number of characters for
values created by the code generation program must not be changed. Changing these
values would make it impossible to recompile the code.
1. Recompile
2. Make change using the configured dialog. (e. g., 99 → 101)
3. GC

See also
Recompile (Page 119)

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6.3.15 Load Array (LA)

The LA (Load Array) function can be used to load an array from another file.


Syntax: LA(Identifier [, File])

Description: Loads array from file
Parameters: Identifier Name of array to be loaded
File File in which the array is defined

If an array in the current configuration file must be replaced by an array from another
configuration file, then both arrays must have the same name.


; Extract from file maske.com

DEF VAR2 = (S/*ARR5/"Out"/,"Toggle field")
LA("ARR5","arrayext.com") ; Load array ARR5 from file arrayext.com
VAR2 = ARR5[0] ; "Above"/"Below"/"Right"/"Left" appears in the VAR2
toggle field
instead of "Out/In"
; Extract from file arrayext.com

Please note that a valid value must be assigned to a variable after the LA function has been
used to assign another array to the toggle field of the variable.

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6.3.16 Load Block (LB)

The LB (Load Block) function can be used to load blocks containing subprograms during
runtime. LB should be configured in a LOAD method so that the loaded subprograms can be
called at any time.

Subprograms can also be defined directly in a dialog so that they do not have to be loaded.


Syntax: LB("Block name"[,"File"])

Description: Loads subprogram during runtime
Parameters: Block name Name of block identifier
File Path name of configuration file
Default setting = Current configuration file


LB("PROG1") ; Block "PROG1" is searched for in the current
configuration file and then loaded.
LB("PROG2","XY.COM") ; Block "PROG2" is searched for in the configuration file
XY.COM and then loaded.

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6.3.17 Load Mask (LM)

The LM function can be used to load a new dialog.

Master dialog / sub-dialog

A dialog, which calls another dialog, but is not ended itself, is referred to as a master dialog.
A dialog that is called by a master dialog is referred to as a sub-dialog.


Syntax: LM("Identifier"[,"File"] [,MSx [, VARx] ] )

Description: Load dialog
Parameters: Identifier Name of the dialog to be loaded
File Path name (HMI file system or NC file system) of the
configuration file; default setting: Current configuration file
MSx Mode of dialog change
0: (Default setting) The current dialog is rejected, the new dialog
is loaded and displayed. EXIT will send you back to the
standard application. You can use the MSx parameter to
determine whether or not the current dialog should be
terminated when changing dialogs. If the current dialog is
retained, variables can be transferred to the new dialog.
The advantage of the MSx parameter is that the dialogs do not
always need to be reinitialized when they are changed.
Instead, the data and layout of the current dialog are retained
and data transfer is made easier.
1: The current master dialog is interrupted when the LM function
is initiated. The new sub-dialog is loaded and displayed. EXIT
will end the sub-dialog and return to the point at which the
master dialog was interrupted.
In the master dialog, the UNLOAD block is not processed
during the interruption.
VARx Precondition: MS1
List of variables, which can be transferred from the master
dialog to the sub-dialog. Up to 20 variables, each separated by
a comma, can be transferred.

Parameter VARx transfers only the value of the variable in each case, i.e. variables can be
read and written in the sub-dialog, but are not visible in it. Variables can be returned from the
sub-dialog to the master dialog by means of the EXIT function.

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; Interrupt screen form1 and open screen
form2: Variables POSX, POSY and DIAMETER are
transferred in doing this.
DLGL("Screen form2 ended") ; After returning from screen form2, the
following text appears in the dialog line of
screen form1: Screen form2 ended.

6.3.18 Load Softkey (LS)

The LS function can be used to display another softkey menu.


Syntax: LS("Identifier"[, "File"][, Merge])

Description: Displays softkey menu
Parameters: Identifier Name of softkey menu
File Path (HMI file system or NC file system) to the configuration
Default setting: Current configuration file
0: All existing softkeys are deleted; the newly configured
softkeys are entered.
1: Default
Only the newly configured softkeys overwrite the available
softkeys. The other softkeys (= softkeys of the HMI
application) are kept with their functionality and text.


LS("Menu2",,0) ; Menu2 overwrites the existing softkey menu, the softkeys
that are displayed are deleted.

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As long as the interpreter has not displayed a dialog, i.e., no LM function has yet been
processed, only one LS or one LM command, but no other action, can be configured in the
PRESS method of the definition block for the start softkey and the softkey menu.
The LS and LM functions may only be called within a softkey PRESS block and will not react
if navigation keys are pressed (PU, PD, SL, SR, SU, SD).

6.3.19 Read NC/PLC (RNP), Write NC/PLC (WNP)

The RNP (Read NC PLC) command can be used to read NC or PLC variables or machine


Syntax: RNP ("System or user variable", value)

Description: Reads NC or PLC variable or machine data
Parameters: System or user Name of NC or PLC variable
Value Value that is to be written to the system or user
If the value is a String type, it must be written in double
quotation marks.


VAR2=RNP("$AA_IN[2]") ; Read NC variable

The WNP (Write NC PLC) command can be used to write NC or PLC variables or machine
NC/PLC variables are accessed anew every time the WNP function is executed, i.e.,
NC/PLC access is always executed in a CHANGE method. It is advisable to use this option
in cases where a system or user variable changes value frequently. If an NC/PLC variable is
to be accessed only once, then it must be configured in a LOAD or UNLOAD method.

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Syntax: WNP("System or user variable", value)

Description: Writes NC or PLC variable or machine data
Parameters: System or user variable Name of NC or PLC variable
Value Value that is to be written to the system or user
If the value is a String type, it must be written in
double quotation marks.


WNP("DB20.DBB1",1) ; Write PLC variable

6.3.20 Multiple Read NC PLC (MRNP)

This MRNP command can be used to transfer several system or OPI variables in a single
register access. This access method is significantly faster than reading via individual access
attempts. The system or OPI variables must be included within an MRNP command of the
same area.
The areas of the system or OPI variables are organized as follows:
● General NC data ($MN..., $SN.., /nck/...)
● Channel-specific NC data ($MC..., $SC.., /channel/...)
● PLC data (DB..., MB.., /plc/...)
● Axis-specific NC data on the same axis ($MA..., $SA..)


Syntax: MRNP(Variable name 1*Variable name 2[* ...], Register index)

Description: Reads several variables
Parameters: In the variable names, "*" is the separator. The values are transferred to
register REG[Register index] and those following in the order that the variable
names appear in the command.
The following therefore applies:
The value of the first variable is located in REG[Register index].
The value of the second variable is located in REG[Register index + 1], etc.

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It should be noted that the number of registers is restricted and the list of variables cannot
exceed 500 characters.


MRNP("$R[0]*$R[1]*$R[2]*$R[3]",1) ;The values of variables $R[0] to $R[3] are

written to REG[1] to REG[4].

Reading display machine data:

Display machine data can be read with RNP ($MM...) within the LOAD block.
General read/write access to display machine data is not possible using "Run MyScreens".

User variables may not have the same names as system or PLC variables.

NC variable
All machine data, setting data and R parameters are available, but only certain system
variables (see also: List of accessible system variables (Page 170)).
All global and channel-specific user variables (GUDs) can be accessed. However, local and
program-global user variables cannot be processed.

Machine data
Global machine data $MN_...
Axis-specific machine data $MA_...
Channel-specific machine data $MC_...

Setting data
Global setting data $SN_...
Axis-specific setting data $SA_...
Channel-specific setting data $SC_...

System variables
R parameter 1 $R[1]

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PLC variable
All PLC data are available.

PLC data
Byte y bit z of data block x DBx.DBXy.z
Byte y of data block x DBx.DBBy
Word y of data block x DBx.DBWy
Double word y v. of data block x DBx.DBDy
Real y of data block x DBx.DBRy
Flag byte x bit y Mx.y
Flag byte x MBx
Flag word x MWx
Flag double word x MDx
Input byte x bit y Ix.y or Ex.y
Input byte x IBx or EBx
Input word x IWx or EWx
Input double word x IDx or EDx
Output byte x bit y Qx.y or Ax.y
Output byte x QBx or ABx
Output word x QWx or AWx
Output double word x QDx or ADx
String y with length z from data block x DBx.DBSy.z

6.3.21 Register (REG)

Register description
Registers are needed in order to exchange data between different dialogs. Registers are
assigned to each dialog. These are created when the first dialog is loaded and assigned the
value 0 or a blank string.

Registers may not be used directly in OUTPUT blocks for generating NC code.

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Syntax: REG[x]
Description: Defines register
Parameters: x Register index with x = 0...19;
Registers with x ≥ 20 have already been assigned by Siemens.

Description of register value

The assignment of values to registers is configured in a method.

If a new dialog is generated from an existing dialog by means of the LM function, register
content is automatically transferred to the new dialog at the same time and is available for
further calculations in the second dialog.


Syntax: Identifier.val = Register value

Identifier = Register value
Parameters: Identifier Name of register
Register value Value of register


REG[0] = VAR1 ; Assign value of variable 1 to register 0

REG[9].VAL = 84 ; Assign value 84 to register 9
; These registers can then be assigned to local variables
again in a method in the next dialog.
VAR2 = REG[0]

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Description of register status

The Status property can be used to scan a register for valid content.
One possible use for the register scan function is to ensure that a value is written to a
register only if the relevant dialog is a "master dialog".


Syntax: Identifier.vld
Description: Status is a read-only property.
Parameters: Identifier Name of register
Return value: The result of the scan can be:
FALSE = invalid value
TRUE = valid value


IF REG[15].VLD == FALSE ; Scan validity of register value

REG[15] = 84
VAR1 = REG[9].VLD ; Assign the value of the REG[9] status request to Var1.

6.3.22 RETURN

The RETURN function can be used to prematurely terminate execution of the current
subprogram and to return to the branch point of the last CALL command.
If no RETURN command is configured in the subprogram, the subprogram will run to the end
before returning to the branch point.


Syntax: RETURN
Description: Returns to the branch point
Parameters: - None -

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//B(PROG1) ; Block start

SUB(UP2) ; Start of subprogram
IF VAR1.val=="Otto"
RETURN ; If the variable value = Otto, the value "Hans" is
assigned to the variable, and the subprogram ends at this
VAR1.val="Otto" ; If the variable value ≠ Otto, the value "Otto" is
assigned to the variable.
END_SUB ; End of subprogram
//END ; Block end

6.3.23 Recompile

In the programming support system, it is possible to recompile NC code that has been
generated with the GC function and to display the variable values in the input/output field of
the associated entry dialog again.

Variables from the NC code are transferred to the dialog. At the same time, the variable
values from the NC code are compared with the calculated variable values from the
configuration file. If the values do not coincide, an error message is written to the log book
because values have been changed during NC code generation.
If the NC code contains the same variable several times, it is evaluated at the point where it
last occurs during recompilation. A warning is also written to the log book.
Variables not utilized in NC code during code generation are stored as user comment. The
term "user comment" refers to all information required to recompile codes. User comment
must not be altered.

The block consisting of NC code and user comment can be recompiled only if it starts at the
beginning of a line.

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The programm contains the following NC code:

DEF VAR1=(I//101)
"X" VAR1 " Y200"
"X" VAR1 " Y0"

The following code is then stored in the parts program:

X101 Y200
X101 Y0

The Editor reads the following during recompilation:

X101 Y200
X222 Y0 ; The value for X has been changed in the part program (X101 →

The following value is displayed for VAR1 in the input dialog: VAR1 = 222

See also
Generate code (GC) (Page 106)

6.3.24 Recompile without comment

In the programming support system, it is possible to recompile without comments the NC
code that has been generated with the GC function and to display the variable values in the
input/output field of the associated entry dialog again.

The GC command can be executed in the following way in order to suppress comment lines
that are generated for standard code generation:


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Normally, the resulting code cannot be recompiled. The following steps are required in order
to be able to recompile the cycle calls generated in this way:
● Expanding the easyscreen.ini
Section [RECOMPILE_INFO_FILES] will be introduced into the easyscreen.ini file. In this
section, all ini files are listed that contain descriptions for cycles recompiled without


IniFile01 = cycles1.ini

IniFile02 = cycles2.ini

Several ini files can be specified, whose names can be freely selected.
● Creating an ini file for a cycle description
The ini file with the cycle descriptions is stored under /user or /oem in the directory
/sinumerik/hmi/cfg. A separate section is required for each cycle. The section name
corresponds to the name of the cycle:


Mname = TestGC

Dname = testgc.com

OUTPUT = Code1

Anzp = 3

Version = 0

Code_type = 1

Icon = cycle123.png

Desc_Text = This is describing text

Mname Screen form name

Dname Name of the file in which the screen is defined
OUTPUT Name of the respective output block
Anzp Number of parameters of the screen to be recompiled (all with
DEF-created variables, also help variables)
Version (optional) version specification for cycle

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Icon (optional) icon for display in the machining step program, format
Screen size for corresponding resolution:
640 X 480 mm → 16 x 16 pixels
800 X 600 mm → 20 x 20 pixels
1024 X 768 mm → 26 x 26 pixels
1280 X 1024 mm → 26 x 26 pixels
1280 X 768 mm → 26 x 26 pixels
File loc.: /sinumerik/hmi/ico/ico<resolution>
Note:For resolutions of 1280, the folder for 1024 x 768 mm used
(only suitable for machining step programs).
Desc_Text (optional) Explanation text for display in the machining step
program, max. length of 17 character string (only suitable for
machining step programs)


//M(TestGC/"Code generation:")
DEF VAR1 = (R//1)
DEF VAR2 = (R//2)
VAR1 = 123
VAR2 = -6
"Cycle123(" VAR1 "," VAR2 ")"

GC("CODE1",D_NAME) ;Write NC code from OUTPUT method to
Cycle123(123, -6)

See also
Generate code (GC) (Page 106)

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6.3.25 Search Forward, Search Backward (SF, SB)

The SF, SB (Search Forward, Search Backward) function is used to search for a string from
the current cursor position in the NC program currently selected in the Editor and to output
its value.


Syntax: SF("String")
Identifiers: Search Forward: Search forward from the current cursor position
Syntax: SB("String")
Identifiers: Search Backward: Search backward from the current cursor position
Parameters: String Text to be found

Rules governing text search

● A blank must be inserted before and after the search concept unit, consisting of search
string and its value, in the currently selected NC program.
● The system does not search for concepts within comment text or other strings.
● The value to be output must be a numerical expression. Expressions in the form of
"X1=4+5" are not recognized.
● The system recognizes hexadecimal constants in the form of X1='HFFFF', binary
constants in the form of X1='B10010' and exponential components in the form of X1='-
● The value of a string can be output if it contains the following between string and value:
– Nothing
– Blanks
– Equality sign

The following notations are possible:

X100 Y200 ; The variable Abc is assigned the value 200

Abc = SB("Y")
X100 Y 200 ; The variable Abc is assigned the value 200
Abc = SB("Y")
X100 Y=200 ; The variable Abc is assigned the value 200
Abc = SB("Y")

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6.3.26 STRING functions

The following functions enable strings to be processed:
● Determine length of string
● Find a character in a string
● Extract substring from left
● Extract substring from right
● Extract substring from mid-string
● Replace substring

LEN function: Length of a string

Syntax: LEN(string | varname)

Description: Determines the number of characters in a string
Parameters: string Every valid string expression. NULL is output if string
is blank.
varname Any valid declared variable name
Only one of the two parameters is allowed.



VAR02=LEN(VAR01) ; Result = 5

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INSTR function: Search for character in string

Syntax: INSTR(Start, String1, String2 [,Direction])

Description: Searches for characters
Parameters: Start Starting position for searching from string1 into string2.
Enter 0 to start searching at the beginning of string2.
String1 Character that is being searched for.
String2 Chain of characters in which the search is being made
Direction (optional) Direction in which the search is being made
0: From left to right (default setting)
1: From right to left
0 is returned if string1 does not occur in string2.



VAR02=INST(1,"/",VAR01) ; Result = 6

LEFT Function: String from left

Syntax: LEFT(string, length)

Description: LEFT returns a string containing the specified number of characters starting
from the left-hand side of a string.
Parameters: string Character string or variable with the string to be processed
length Number of characters that are to be read out


VAR02=LEFT(VAR01,5) ; Result = "HELLO"

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RIGHT function: String from right

Syntax: RIGHT(string, length)

Description: RIGHT returns a string containing the specified number of characters starting
from the right-hand side of a string.
Parameters: string Character string or variable with the string to be processed
length Number of characters that are to be read out


VAR02=LEFT(VAR01,4) ; Result = "WORLD"

MIDS function: String from mid-string

Syntax: MIDS(string, start [, length])

Description: MIDS returns a string containing the specified number of characters starting at
the specified position in the string.
Parameters: string Character string or variable with the string to be processed
start Start from where characters are to be read in the string
length Number of characters that are to be read out


VAR02=LEFT(VAR01,4,4) ; Result = "LO/W"

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REPLACE Function: Replacing characters

Syntax: REPLACE( string, FindString, ReplaceString [, start [, count ] ] )

Description: The REPLACE function replaces a character/string in a string with another
Parameters: string String in which FindString is to be replaced with
FindString String to be replaced
ReplaceString Replacement string (is used instead of the FindString)
start Starting position for search and replace operations
count Number of characters that are to be searched from the
starting position after the FindString.
Return value:
string = Blank string Copy of string
FindString = Blank string Copy of string
ReplaceString = Blank string Copy of string, in which all occurrences of
FindString are deleted
start > Len(String) Blank string
count = 0 Copy of string

See also
Use of strings (Page 66)

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6.3.27 PI services

The PI_SERVICE function can be used to start PI Services (Program Invocation Services)
from the PLC in the NC area.

General programming

Syntax: PI_SERVICE (service, n parameters)

Description: Executes PI service
Parameters: Service PI service identifier
n parameters List of n parameters of PI Service.
Individual parameters are separated by commas.



Starting OEM services

The PI_START command executes a PI service based on OEM documentation.


Syntax: PI_START("Transfer string")

Description: Executes PI service
Parameters: "Transfer string" Unlike the OEM documentation, the transfer string
should be entered in inverted commas.

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Channel-dependent PI Services always refer to the current channel.
PI services of the tool functions (TO area) always refer to the TO area that is assigned to the
current channel.

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Graphic and logic elements 7
7.1 Line and rectangle

Lines and rectangles are configured in the LOAD block:
● Lines are first drawn, then the rectangles and finally the configured control fields or
● Transparent rectangles are created by setting the fill color to the system background

LINE element

Syntax: LINE (x1,y1,x2,y2,f,s)

Description: Defining a line
Parameters: x1 Start point x-coordinate
y1 Start point y-coordinate
x2 End point x-coordinate
y2 End point y-coordinate
f Color of the line
s Line style:
1 = solid
2 = dashed
3 = dotted
4 = dashed and dotted

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7.2 Defining an array

RECT element

Syntax: RECT (x,y,w,h,f1,f2,s)

Description: Defining a rectangle
Parameters: x x-coordinate, top left
y y-coordinate, top left
w Width
h Height
f1 Color of the border
f2 Fill color
s Border style:
1 = solid
2 = dashed
3 = dotted
4 = dashed and dotted

See also
LOAD (Page 82)

7.2 Defining an array

An array can be used to organize data of the same data type stored in the memory in such a
way that it is possible to access the data via an index.

Arrays can be one- or two-dimensional. A one-dimensional array is treated like a two-
dimensional array with just one line or column.
Arrays have start identifier //A and end identifier //END. The number of lines and columns is
optional. An array is structured in the following way:

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Syntax: //A(Identifier)
Description: Defines array
Parameters: Identifier Name of array
a, b, c, d Values of array
Values of the STRING type must be enclosed in double
quotation marks.


//A(Thread) ; Size/lead/core diameter

(0.3 / 0.075 / 0.202)
(0.4 / 0.1 / 0.270)
(0.5 / 0.125 / 0.338)
(0.6 / 0.15 / 0.406)
(0.8 / 0.2 / 0.540)
(1.0 / 0.25 / 0.676)
(1.2 / 0.25 / 0.676)
(1.4 / 0.3 / 1.010)
(1.7 / 0.35 / 1.246)

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7.2 Defining an array

7.2.1 Accessing the value of an array element

The value of an array access operation can be transferred with property Value (identifier.val).
The line index (line number of the array) and the column index (column number of the array)
each begin at 0. If a line index or column index is outside the array, the value 0 or a blank
string is output and the ERR variable is set to TRUE. Variable ERR is also set to TRUE if a
search concept cannot be found.


Syntax: Identifier [Z,[M[,C]]].val or

Identifier [Z,[M[,C]]]
Description: Access to one-dimensional array with only one column
Syntax: Identifier [S,[M[,C]]].val] or
Identifier [S,[M[,C]]] or
Description: Access to one-dimensional array with only one line
Syntax: Identifier [Z,S,[M[,C]]].val or
Identifier [Z,S,[M[,C]]]
Description: Access to two-dimensional array
Parameters: Identifier: Name of array
Z: Line value (line index or search concept)

S: Column value (column index or search concept)

M: Access mode
0 Direct
1 Searches the line, column directly
2 Searches the column, line directly
3 Searches
4 Searches line index
5 Searches column index
C: Compare mode
0 Search concept must be located in the range of
values of the line or column.
1 Search concept must be located exactly.
VAR1 = MET_G[REG[3],1,0].VAL ;Assign Var1 a value from array

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7.2 Defining an array

Access mode
● "Direct" access mode
With "Direct" access mode (M = 0), the array is accessed with the line index in Z and the
column index in S. Compare mode C is not evaluated.
● "Search" access mode
In the case of access mode M = 1, 2 or 3, the search always commences in line 0 or
column 0.

Mode M Line value Z Column value S Output value

0 Line index Column index Value from line Z and
column S
1 Search concept: Column index of column Value from line found and
Search in column 0 from which value is read column S
2 Line index of line from Search concept: Value from line Z and
which return value is read Search in line 0 column found
3 Search concept: Search concept: Value from line and column
Search in column 0 Search in line 0 found
4 Search concept: Column index of search Line index
Search in column S column
5 Line index of search line. Search concept: Column index
Search in line Z

Compare mode
When compare mode C = 0 is used, the content of the search line or search column must be
sorted in ascending order. If the search concept is smaller than the first element or greater
than the last, the value 0 or a blank string is output and the error variable ERR is set to
When compare mode C = 1 is used, the search concept must be present in the search line
or search column. If the search concept cannot be found, the value 0 or a blank string is
output and the error variable ERR is set to TRUE.

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7.2 Defining an array

7.2.2 Example Access to an array element

Two arrays are defined below. These are the basis for the following examples:

(0.3 / 0.075 / 0.202)
(0.4 / 0.1 / 0.270)
(0.5 / 0.125 / 0.338)
(0.6 / 0.15 / 0.406)
(0.8 / 0.2 / 0.540)
(1.0 / 0.25 / 0.676)
(1.2 / 0.25 / 0.676)
(1.4 / 0.3 / 1.010)
(1.7 / 0.35 / 1.246)

("DES" / "PTCH" / "CDM" )
(0.3 / 0.075 / 0.202 )
(0.4 / 0.1 / 0.270 )
(0.5 / 0.125 / 0.338 )
(0.6 / 0.15 / 0.406 )
(0.8 / 0.2 / 0.540 )
(1.0 / 0.25 / 0.676 )
(1.2 / 0.25 / 0.676 )
(1.4 / 0.3 / 1.010 )
(1.7 / 0.35 / 1.246 )

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Graphic and logic elements
7.2 Defining an array

● Access mode example 1:
The search concept is in Z. This key is always sought in column 0. The value from
column S is output with the line index of the concept found.
VAR1 = Thread[0.5,1,1] ;VAR1 has the value 0.125

Search for value 0.5 in column 0 of "Thread" array and output the value found in column 1
of the same line.
● Access mode example 2:
The search concept is in S. This concept is always searched for in line 0. The value from
line Z is output with the column index of the concept found:
VAR1 = ARRAY2[3,"PTCH",2] ;VAR1 has the value 0.125

Search for column containing "PTCH" in line 0 of array "Array2". Output the value from
the column found and the line with index 3.
● Access mode example 3:
A search concept is in each of Z and S. The line index is searched for in column 0 with
the concept in Z and the column index in line 0 with the concept in S. The value from the
array is output with the line index and column index found:
VAR1 = ARRAY2[0.6,"PTCH",3] ;VAR1 has the value 0.15

Search for the line with the content 0.6 in column 0 of array "Array2", search for the
column with the content "STG" in line 0 of Array2. Transfer the value from the line and
column found to VAR1.
● Access mode example 4:
The search concept is in Z. S contains the column index of the column in which concept
is being searched for. The line index of the concept found is output:
VAR1 = Thread[0.125,1,4] ;VAR1 has the value 2

Search for value 0.125 in column 1 of array "Thread" and transfer the line index of the
value found to VAR1.
● Access mode example 5:
Z contains the line index of line in which concept is being searched for. The search
concept is in S. The column index of the concept found is output:
VAR1 = Thread[4,0.2,5,1] ;VAR1 has the value 1

Search in line 4 of the "Thread" array for the value 0.2 and transfer the column index of
the value found to VAR1. Comparison mode 1 was selected because the values of line 4
are not sorted in ascending order.

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Graphic and logic elements
7.2 Defining an array

7.2.3 Scanning the status of an array element

The Status property can be used to run a scan to find out whether an array access operation
is supplying a valid value.


Syntax: Identifier [Z, S, [M[,C]]].vld

Description: Status is a read-only property.
Parameters: Identifier Name of array
Return Value: FALSE =invalid value
TRUE =valid value


DEF MPIT = (R///"MPIT",,"MPIT",""/wr3)

DEF PIT = (R///"PIT",,"PIT",""/wr3)
MPIT = 0.6
REG[4] = PIT
REG[1] = "OK"
REG[1] = "ERROR"

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Graphic and logic elements
7.3 Table grid (grid)

7.3 Table grid (grid)

In contrast to the array, the values of a table grid (grid) are continually updated. This involves
a tabular representation of the values of system variables that can be addressed using one
block in one channel.

A variables definition is assigned to the table-elements definition via a table identifier:
● The variables definition determines the values to be displayed and the definition of table
elements determines the appearance and arrangement on the screen window. The table
grid takes the properties of the IO fields from the variables definition line.
● The visible area of the grid is determined by the width and height of the I/O field. Any
lines or columns than cannot be seen can be displayed by scrolling horizontally and

Table identifiers
Identifiers of a table containing NCK/PLC values of the same type, which can be addressed
via a channel block. The table identifier is differentiated from limits or toggle fields by the
addition of a % sign in front of it. The file containing the table description can be specified by
adding a comma after the identifier and then inserting the name of the file.

System or user variable

This parameter remains empty for table grids, because the column definition lines contain
detailed information about the variables to be displayed. The table description can be
provided in a dynamic format.

The variables definition will contain a reference to a table description:

DEF Identifier = Identifier = Name of variable

Variable type
/[Limits or toggle field or table identifier]
/[Texts (Long text, Short text|Image, Graphic text, Units text)]
/[Help display]
/[System or user variable]
/[Position of short text]
/[Position input/output field(Left, Top, Width, Height)]

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Graphic and logic elements
7.3 Table grid (grid)

See also
Variable parameters (Page 57)

7.3.1 Defining table grids

The table block comprises:
● Header
● 1 to n column descriptions


Syntax: //G(Table identifier/Table type/Number of lines/

[Fixed line attribute],[Fixed column attribute])
Description: Defines table grids
Parameters: Table identifiers The table identifier is used without a leading % sign. It can
only be used once in a dialog.
Table type 0 (default) Table for PLC or user data (NCK-
and channel-specific data)
1 and others, reserved
No. of lines Number of lines including header
The fixed line or fixed column is not scrolled. The number
of columns is the number of columns configured.
Fixed line attribute 1: Active
0: Not active
Fixed column 1: Active
attribute 0: Not active

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Graphic and logic elements
7.3 Table grid (grid)

7.3.2 Defining columns

For table grids, it is advisable to use variables with an index. For PLC or NC variables, the
index number with one or more indices is of significance.
The values displayed in a grid can be modified directly by the end user within the restrictions
of the rights granted by the attributes and within any defined limits.


Syntax: (Type/Limits/Empty/Long text,column header/Attributes/Help display/

System or user variable/Column width/Offset1, Offset2, Offset3)
Description: Defines columns
Parameters: Similar to variables
Type Data type
Limits Limit value MIN, limit value MAX
Long text, column
Help display
System or user As variable, PLC or NC variables should be entered in
variable double quotation marks.
Column width Entry in pixels.
Offset The increment sizes to increment each index in order
to fill the column are specified in the assigned offset
• Offset1: Step width for the 1st index
• Offset2: Step width for the 2nd index
• Offset3: Step width for the 3rd index

Variable of type STRING

If the variable is a STRING type, then the length must be specified in the type, e.g.:

The column definition for the CHAN variable, therefore, starts, e.g. (S16/... ).

Column header from text file

The column header can be entered as text or text numbers ($8xxxx) and is not scrolled.

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Graphic and logic elements
7.3 Table grid (grid)

Modifying column properties

The column properties, which can be modified dynamically (written) are:
● Limits (min,max),
● Column header (st),
● Attributes (wr, ac and li),
● Help display (hlp) and
● OPI-Variable (var).
Column properties are modified via the variable identifier in the definition line and the column
index (starting at 1).
Example: VAR1[1].st="Column 1"

Column properties cannot be read in the LOAD block.

The wr, ac and li attributes can be specified for column definitions.

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Graphic and logic elements
7.3 Table grid (grid)

7.3.3 Focus control in the table grid

The Row and Col properties can be used to set and calculate the focus within a table:
● Identifier.Row
● Identifier.Col

Each cell in a table has the Val and Vld properties.
In order to read and write cell properties, a line and column index must be specified in
addition to the variable identifiers from the definition list.

Syntax: Identifier[Line index, column index].val or

Identifier[Line index, column index]
Description: Val properties
Syntax: Identifier[Line index, column index].vld
Description: Vld properties


If the line and column indices are not specified, the indices of the focused cell apply. This
corresponds to:
Var1.Row =2



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Graphic and logic elements
7.4 Custom widgets

7.4 Custom widgets

7.4.1 Defining custom widgets

User-specific display elements are configured in the dialog using a custom widget.

Software option
In order to use custom widgets in dialog boxes, you require the following additional
software option:
"SINUMERIK Integrate Run MyHMI /3GL" (6FC5800-0AP60-0YB0)


Definition: DEF (name)

Syntax: (W///"","(library name).(class name)"/////a,b,c,d);
Description: W Defining custom widgets
Parameters: Name Custom widget name, freely selectable
Library name Can be freely selected, name of the dll (Windows) or
(Linux) library file
Class name Freely selectable, name of the class function from the
previously named library
a, b, c, d Position and size of the configuration

A custom widget is defined in the dialog configuration in the following way:
DEF Cus = (W///"","slestestcustomwidget.SlEsTestCustomWidget"/////20,20,250,100);

7.4.2 Structure of the custom widget library

Essentially, the custom widget library contains a defined class. The name of this class must
be specified in the dialog configuration in addition to the library names. Starting from library
names, "Run MyScreens" accesses a dll file with the same name, e.g.:

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Graphic and logic elements
7.4 Custom widgets

The class definition of the dll file should look like this:


class SLESTESTCUSTOMWIDGET_EXPORT SlEsTestCustomWidget : public QWidget


7.4.3 Structure of the custom widget interface

The library is supplemented by an interface in order to display the custom widget in the
dialog. This contains macro definitions with which "Run MyScreens" initiates the custom
widget. The interface is available in the form of a cpp file. The file name can be freely
selected, e.g.:

The interface is defined as follows:

#include "slestestcustomwidget.h" ; The header file for the relevant custom

widgets is inserted at the beginning of the
//Makros ; Macro definitions are not changed
WIDGET_CLASS_EXPORT(SlEsTestCustomWi ; The relevant custom widget is declared at
dget) the end of the file

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Graphic and logic elements
7.4 Custom widgets

Content of the file sleswidgetfactory.cpp for a custom widget with the class name

#include <Qt/qglobal.h>
#include "slestestcustomwidget.h"


#ifndef Q_EXTERN_C
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define Q_EXTERN_C extern "C"
#define Q_EXTERN_C extern

#define SL_ES_FCT_NAME(PLUGIN) sl_es_create_ ##PLUGIN

{ \
return i; \

#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
# ifdef Q_CC_BOR
Q_EXTERN_C __declspec(dllexport) void* \
__stdcall SL_ES_FCT_NAME(PLUGIN) (QWidget* pParent) \
# else
Q_EXTERN_C __declspec(dllexport) void* SL_ES_FCT_NAME(PLUGIN) \
(QWidget* pParent) \
# endif
Q_EXTERN_C void* SL_ES_FCT_NAME(PLUGIN) (QWidget* pParent) \

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Graphic and logic elements
7.4 Custom widgets


// FOR OEM USER - please declare here your widget classes for export


7.4.4 Interaction between custom widget and dialog

Custom widgets interact with dialog boxes and can display values or manipulate them. Data
is therefore exchanged for the following conditions:

Condition Direction
When starting or recompiling a dialog Dialog → custom widget
When executing the GC command for generating cycle calls Custom widget → Dialog

The following definitions are necessary for the interaction:
Expansion of the dialog configuration

Definition: DEF (variable)

Syntax: ((type)//5/"","(variable)",""/wr2/)
Variable type: Type Standard input field (no grid or toggle) with any data
type (no W)
Parameters: Variable Any designation of a variable for data exchange
Input mode: wr2 Reading and writing

DEF CUSVAR1 = (R//5/"","CUSVAR1",""/wr2/)

Expansion of the class definition

In the class definition of the custom widgets, a QProperty must be created whose name is
identical to the selected variable of the dialog configuration, e.g.:
Q_PROPERTY(double CUSVAR1 READ cusVar1 WRITE setCusVar1);

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Graphic and logic elements
7.4 Custom widgets

The class definition of the dll file should look like this:


class SLESTESTCUSTOMWIDGET_EXPORT SlEsTestCustomWidget : public QWidget

Q_PROPERTY(double CUSVAR1 READ cusVar1 WRITE setCusVar1);

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"Custom" operating area 8
8.1 How to activate the "Custom" operating area

Activating the "Custom" operating area

The "Custom" operating area is not activated on delivery.
1. First copy the slamconfig.ini. file from the /siemens/sinumerik/hmi/templates/cfg into the
directory /oem/sinumerik/hmi/cfg
or correspondingly into /addon/sinumerik/hmi/cfg or /user/sinumerik/hmi/cfg.
2. To activate the "Custom" operating area, the following must be entered:



After activation is complete, the softkey for the "Custom" operating area can be found in the
main menu (F10) on the menu continuation bar on the HSK4 (= default).
The "Custom" operating area displays an empty window covering the entire operating area,
with a configurable header. All horizontal and vertical softkeys can be configured.

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"Custom" operating area
8.2 How to configure the "Custom" softkey

8.2 How to configure the "Custom" softkey

Configuring the softkey for the "Custom" operating area

The labeling and position of the softkey for the "Custom" operating area are configured in the
slamconfig.ini file.
The following options are available for configuring the start softkey:
1. To replace a softkey label with a language-dependent text, the following must be entered
in the [Custom] section:




In this example, the softkey shows the language-dependent text which was saved with
the text ID "MY_TEXT_ID" in text file mytextfile_xxx.qm under "MyContext" (xxx stands for
language code).
2. To replace a softkey label with a language-neutral text, the following must be entered in
the [Custom] section:




In this example, the softkey for the "Custom" operating area displays the text "HELLO" for
every language.

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"Custom" operating area
8.3 How to configure the "Custom" operating area

3. An icon can also be displayed on the softkey in addition to the text.

To do this, the following must be entered in the [Custom] section:


The softkey then displays the icon from the file mypicture.png. Graphics and bitmaps are
stored at the following path: /oem/sinumerik/hmi/ico/ico<Resolution>. The directory that
corresponds to the display resolution must be used.
4. The position of the softkey can also be set. The following entry in the [Custom] section
can be used to make this setting:


The default is position 12. This corresponds to the HSK4 on the menu continuation bar of
the operating area's menu. Positions 1 - 8 correspond to HSK1 to HSK8 on the menu bar,
positions 9 - 16 to HSK1 to HSK8 on the menu continuation bar.

8.3 How to configure the "Custom" operating area

Configuring the softkey for the "Custom" operating area

You need the easyscreen.ini and custom.ini files to configure the operating area. Templates
for both these files are available in the /siemens/sinumerik/hmi/templates/cfg directory.
1. First copy the files to the /oem/sinumerik/hmi/cfg directory and make your changes from
2. File easyscreen.ini already contains a definition line for the "Custom" operating area:

;StartFile02 = area := Custom, dialog := SlEsCustomDialog, startfile := custom.com

The ";" at the start of the line represents the comment character. This means the line is
commented out and, as such, not active. To change this, the ";" must be deleted.
The "startfile" attribute in this line is used to define that the entry will refer to the
custom.com project file when the "Custom" operating area is selected.
3. You create the custom.com project file in the /oem/sinumerik/hmi/proj directory. This
contains the relevant configuration, which is created in the same way as the aeditor.com
file of the "Program" operating area. The configured start softkeys are then displayed in
the "Custom" operating area.

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"Custom" operating area
8.4 Programming example for the "Custom" area

4. You configure the language-neutral text for the title bar of the dialog in the custom.ini file.
The following entry is available in the template for this purpose:


You can replace this text with a customized one.

5. The template contains the following entry for configuring a start screen for the "Custom"
operating area:


Logo.png is the name of the start screen which appears on the "Custom" operating area's
start dialog. Here you can display a company logo, for example, or another image. The
file should be saved in the directory for the corresponding resolution under:
/oem/sinumerik/hmi/ico/ …

8.4 Programming example for the "Custom" area


Figure 8-1 Example with "Start example" softkey

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"Custom" operating area
8.4 Programming example for the "Custom" area

Figure 8-2 Example with bitmap and text fields

File overview
The following files are required:
● custom.com
● easyscreen.ini

Content of the custom.com file:

The graphic file mcp.png integrated in the example is also only a sample file. If you wish to
use this programming example in your application, you must replace the graphic by one of
your own graphics.

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"Custom" operating area
8.4 Programming example for the "Custom" area

HS7=("Start example", se1, ac7)
//M(Maske4/"Example: MCP"/"mcp.png")
DEF byte=(I/0/0/"Input byte=0 (default)","Byte number:",""/wr1,li1///380,40,100/480,40,50)
DEF Feed=(IBB//0/"","Feed override",""/wr1//"EB3"/20,180,100/130,180,100), Axistop=(B//0/"","Feed
DEF Spin=(IBB//0/"","Spindle override",""/wr1//"EB0"/20,210,100/130,210,100),
spinstop=(B//0/"","Spindle stop",""/wr1//"E2.4"/280,210,100/380,210,50/100)
DEF custom1=(IBB//0/""," User keys 1",""/wr1//"EB7.7"/20,240,100/130,240,100)
DEF custom2=(IBB//0/"","User keys 2",""/wr1//"EB7.5"/20,270,100/130,270,100)

HS1=("Input byte", SE1, AC4)

VS7=("Cancel", SE1, AC7)
VS8=("OK", SE1, AC7)



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"Custom" operating area
8.4 Programming example for the "Custom" area




CHANGE(Axis stop)
IF Axistop==0

CHANGE(Spin stop)
IF Spinstop==0

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"Custom" operating area
8.4 Programming example for the "Custom" area

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Dialog selection 9
9.1 Dialog selection using PLC softkeys

Description of the procedure:
● The systemconfiguration.ini contains a section [keyconfiguration]. The entry specifies an
action for a special PLC softkey.
● A number is given as an action. A "Run MyScreens" call is involved if the number is
greater than or equal to 100.
● A section for defining the action to be performed must be created in the easyscreen.ini
file. The name of the section is based on the name of the operating area and the dialog
name (see entry under [keyconfiguration] → Area:=..., Dialog:=...) → [<Area>_<Dialog>]
→ e.g. [AreaParameter_SlPaDialog].
● The action numbers (which were given in the systemconfiguration.ini → see Action:=...)
are defined in this section. There are two commands involved:
1. LS("Softkey menu1","param.com") ... Loading a softkey menu
2. LM("Screen form1","param.com") ... Loading a screen form

Selecting softkey menus via PLC softkeys

"Run MyScreens" makes it possible to select "Run MyScreens" softkey menus and
"Run MyScreens" dialogs via PLC softkeys. This can only be done if the "action" attribute to
be specified when configuring the relevant PLC softkeys has a value greater than or equal to
PLC softkeys are configured in the file systemconfiguration.ini in the section


KEY75.1 = Area:=area, Dialog:=dialog, Screen:=screen, Action:= 100,

The LM and LS commands to be executed upon activation of the relevant PLC softkeys are
configured in the easyscreen.ini file. The names of the sections that are used for the purpose
of configuration are structured as follows:

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Dialog selection
9.2 Dialog selection using PLC hard keys

[areaname_dialogname] The first part of the name "areaname" refers to the operating
area and the second part "dialogname" designates the dialog
to which the commands configured in this section apply.
The names given in the systemconfiguration.ini file for the
operating area and dialog should be used. The dialog does not
have to be specified.
This is particularly true for operating areas which are only
[AreaParameter_SlPaDialog] implemented by means of a single dialog. Please refer to the
100.screen1 = LS("Softkey1","param.com") example on the left.
101.screen3 = LM("Screen If "screen1" is displayed in the AreaParameter operating area
form1","param.com") implemented by the SlPaDialog dialog, the
"LS("Softkey1","param.com")" command will be executed
when the "action" with the value 100 occurs.
action.screen=Command Both the "action" and "screen" attributes clearly indicate when
the specified command will be executed.
The "screen" information is optional.
The following commands are permissible:
LM (LoadMask)
LS (LoadSoftkeys)

9.2 Dialog selection using PLC hard keys

The following functions can be initiated in the operating software by the PLC:
● Selecting an operating area
● Selecting certain scenarios within operating areas
● Executing functions configured at softkeys

Hard keys
All keys - also the PLC keys - are subsequently referred to as hard keys. A maximum of 254
hard keys can be defined. The following allocation applies:

Key number Application

Key 1 - key 9 Keys on the operator panel front
Key 10 - key 49 Reserved
Key 50 - key 254 PLC keys:
Key 50 – key 81 reserved for OEMs
Key 255 Pre-assigned by control information.

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Dialog selection
9.2 Dialog selection using PLC hard keys

Hard keys 1 - 9 are preassigned as follows:

Key designation Action / effect

HK1 Position Selects "Machine" operating area, last dialog
HK2 Program Selects "Program" operating area, last dialog or last program
HK3 Offset Selects "Parameter" operating area, last dialog
HK4 Program Manager No function
HK5 Alarm Selects diagnostics operating area, "Alarm list" dialog

The configuring is realized in the systemconfiguration.ini configuration file in the section
[keyconfiguration]. Each line defines what is known as a hard key event. A hard key event is
the n-th actuation of a specific hard key. For example, the second and third actuation of a
specific hard key can result in different responses.
The entries in the systemconfiguration.ini configuration file can be overwritten with user-
specific settings. The \user\sinumerik\hmi\cfg and \oem\sinumerik\hmi\cfg directories are
available for this purpose.
The lines for configuring the hard key events have the following structure:

KEYx.n = Area:=area, Dialog:=dialog, Screen:=screen, Forms:=form, Menus:=menu,

Action:=menu.action, Cmdline:=cmdline
KEYx.n = Area:=area, Dialog:=dialog, Cmdline:=cmdline, Action:= action

x: Number of the hard key, range of values: 1 – 254

n: Event number – corresponds to the nth actuation of the hard key, value range: 0 – 9

The PLC user program must fulfill the following requirement:
Only one hard key is processed. As a consequence, a new request can only be set if the
operating software has acknowledged the previous request. If the PLC user program derives
the hard key from an MCP key, it must provide sufficient buffer storage of the key(s) to
ensure that no fast keystrokes are lost.

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Dialog selection
9.2 Dialog selection using PLC hard keys

PLC interface
An area to select a hard key is provided in the PLC interface. The area is in
DB1900.DBB5003. Here, the PLC can directly specify a key value of between 50 and 254.
Acknowledgment by the operating software takes place in two steps. This procedure is
necessary so that the operating software can correctly identify two separate events if the
same key code is entered twice consecutively. In the first step, control information 255 is
written to byte DB1900.DBB5003. This defined virtual key activation enables the HMI to
identify every PLC key sequence uniquely. The control information is of no significance to
the PLC user program and must not be changed. In the second step, the actual
acknowledgment takes place with respect to the PLC by clearing DB1900.DBB5003. From
this point in time, the PLC user program can specify a new hard key. In parallel, the actual
hard key request is processed in the operating software.

Selecting the "Machine" operating area:
1. PLC user program

2. Configuration file


; PLC hard keys (KEY50-KEY254)

KEY50.0 = area:=AreaMachine, dialog:=SlMachine
KEY51.0 = area:=AreaProgramEdit
KEY52.0 = area:=AreaParameter
KEY53.0 = area:=AreaProgramManager
KEY54.0 = area:=AreaDiagnosis, dialog:=SlDgDialog,
cmdline:="-slGfwHmiScreen SlDgAeAlarmsScreen"
KEY55.0 = area:=Custom
KEY56.0 = area:=AreaStartup
KEY57.0 = area:=AreaStartup, dialog:=SlSuMDDialog

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Dialog selection
9.3 Dialog selection via NC

9.3 Dialog selection via NC

MMC command in HMI Operate

You can use MMC commands as described in the following:
1. Definition of MMC commands
The following is available in the standard systemconfiguration.ini file. Combinations:
address:=MCYCLES --> command:=LM
address:=CYCLES --> command:=PICTURE_ON
This distinction is necessary in order to differentiate between measuring cycles and other
cycles. This means that:
– LM is always applicable for measuring cycles, PICTURE_ON, always for non-
measuring cycles
– It is not permissible that newly defined MMC commands are designated
2. Run MyScreens - license
All the dialogs opened by Run MyScreen, with the exception of measuring cycles, fall
under the Run MyScreens license, which means that without license, only a limited
number of dialogs can be used.
Example call with test.com (Run MyScreen):
g0 f50

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Dialog selection
9.3 Dialog selection via NC

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162 Programming Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-4BA1
Reference lists A
A.1 Lists of start softkeys

A.1.1 List of start softkeys for turning

Program operating area for turning


Edit Drilling Turning Contour Milling Miscellaneous Simulation NC select
-- Straight-line -- -- Measure Measure tool OEM --
circle workpiece
(only for

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Reference lists
A.1 Lists of start softkeys

The following tables list the possible start softkeys for turning technology. Assignments of
individual start softkeys can differ depending on the particular system. The specified OEM
softkeys are permitted for "Run MyScreens".
programGUIDE (G-Code) start softkeys:

Drilling Turning Contour turning Milling Miscellaneous

VSK1 Centering Stock Contour -- Face Contour Settings High
removal milling speed
VSK2 Drilling Groove Stock removal -- Pocket Path Swivel plane Parallel
reaming axes
VSK3 Deep-hole Undercut Stock removal -- Multi-edge Predrilling Swivel tool --
drilling residual spigot
VSK4 Boring Thread Grooving -- Groove Pocket -- --
VSK5 Thread Parting Grooving -- Thread Pocket -- --
residual milling res. mat.
VSK6 OEM -- Plunge- -- Engraving Spigot Subprogram --
VSK7 Positions OEM Plunge OEM OEM Spigot res. -- OEM
turning mat.
VSK8 Repeat -- >> << Contour << >> <<
position. milling

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Reference lists
A.1 Lists of start softkeys

ShopTurn start softkeys:

Drilling Turning Contour turning Milling Miscellaneous

VSK1 Drilling Stock New contour -- Face New Settings High Tool
centered removal milling contour speed
VSK2 Centering Groove Stock -- Pocket Path Swivel Parallel Straight line
removal plane axes
VSK3 Drilling Undercut Stock -- Multi-edge Predrilling Swivel tool Repeat Circle center
reaming removal spigot progr. point
VSK4 Deep-hole Thread Grooving -- Groove Pocket Counterspi -- Circle radius
drilling ndle
VSK5 Thread Parting Grooving -- Thread Pocket Transforma -- Polar
residual milling res. mat. tions
VSK6 OEM -- Plunge- -- Engraving Spigot Subprogra -- Approach/retr
turning m act
VSK7 Positions OEM Plunge OEM OEM Spigot res. -- OEM --
turning mat.
VSK8 Repeat -- >> << Contour << >> << --
position. milling

See also
Defining start softkeys (Page 22)

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Reference lists
A.1 Lists of start softkeys

A.1.2 List of start softkeys for milling

Program operating area when milling


Edit Drilling Milling Contour Turning Miscellaneous Simulation NC select
milling (only for G
-- Straight-line -- -- Measure Measure tool OEM --
circle workpiece
(only for

The following tables list the possible start softkeys for milling technology. Assignments of
individual start softkeys can differ depending on the particular system. The specified OEM
softkeys are permitted for "Run MyScreens".
programGUIDE (G-Code) start softkeys:

Drilling Milling Contour milling Turning Miscellaneous

VSK1 Centering Face milling Contour -- Stock Contour Settings --
VSK2 Drilling Pocket Path -- Groove Stock Swivel plane Parallel
reaming removal axes
VSK3 Deep-hole Multi-edge Predrilling -- Undercut Stock Swivel tool --
drilling spigot removal
VSK4 Boring Groove Pocket -- Thread Grooving High speed --
VSK5 Thread Thread Pocket res. -- Parting Grooving -- --
milling mat. residual
VSK6 OEM Engraving Spigot -- -- Plunge- Subprogram --
VSK7 Positions OEM Spigot res. OEM OEM Plunge -- OEM
mat. turning
VSK8 Repeat -- >> << Contour << >> <<
position. turning

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166 Programming Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-4BA1
Reference lists
A.1 Lists of start softkeys

ShopMill start softkeys:

Drilling Milling Contour milling Miscellaneous Straight line circle

VSK1 Centering Face milling New contour -- Settings -- Tool
VSK2 Drilling Pocket Path -- Swivel plane Parallel axes Straight line
VSK3 Deep-hole Multi-edge Predrilling -- Swivel tool Repeat progr. Circle center
drilling spigot point
VSK4 Boring Groove Pocket -- High speed -- Circle radius
VSK5 Thread Thread Pocket res. mat. -- Transformation -- Helix
milling s
VSK6 OEM Engraving Spigot -- Subprogram -- Polar
VSK7 Positions OEM Spigot res. mat. OEM -- OEM --
VSK8 Repeat -- >> << >> << --

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Reference lists
A.2 List of colors

A.2 List of colors

System colors
A uniform color table is available for configuring dialogs (subset of the respective standard
colors). The color of an element (text, input field, background, etc.) can be selected from the
following options (between 0 and 128).

Index Pictogram Color Color description

1 black

2 orange

3 Dark green

4 Light gray

5 Dark gray

6 Blue

7 Red

8 brown

9 yellow

10 White

128 orange System color active field

129 Light gray Background color

130 Blue Header color (active)

131 black Header font color (active)

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Reference lists
A.3 List of language codes used in file names

A.3 List of language codes used in file names

Supported languages
Standard languages:

Language Abbreviation in file name

Chinese simplified chs
German deu
English eng
French fra
Italian ita
Spanish esp

Other languages:

Language Abbreviation in file name

Chinese traditional cht
Danish dan
Finnish fin
Japanese jpn
Korean kor
Dutch nld
Polish plk
Portuguese (Brazil) ptb
Romanian rom
Russian rus
Swedish sve
Slovakian sky
Czech csy
Turkish trk
Hungarian hun

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Reference lists
A.4 List of accessible system variables

A.4 List of accessible system variables

List Manual System Variables/PGAsl/

See also
Multiple Read NC PLC (MRNP) (Page 114)

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170 Programming Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-4BA1

Access level
Graduated system of authorization, which makes the accessibility and utilization of functions
on the operator interface dependent on the authorization rights of the user.

An array can be used to organize data of a standard data type stored in the memory in such
a way that it is possible to access the data via an index.

Characteristic that assigns specific → Properties to an object (→ Dialog or → Variable).

Column index
Column number of an array

Configuration file
File, which contains definitions and instructions that determine the appearance of → Dialogs
and their → Functions.

Definition lines
Program section in which → Variables and softkeys are defined

Display of the → User interface
● Dialog-dependent softkey menu
Softkey menu, which is called from a newly configured dialog.
● Dialog-independent softkeys
Softkeys, which are not called from a dialog, i.e., start softkey and softkey menus, which
the user configures before the first, new dialog.

ASCII Editor with which characters can be entered in a file and edited.

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Any action, which initiates execution of a → Method: Input of characters, actuation of
softkeys, etc.

Reload unit for → Configuration file

Help variable
Internal arithmetic variable to which no → Properties can be assigned and is not, therefore,
visible in the → Dialog.

6 keys on OP 010, OP 010C and SINUMERIK keyboards with hotkey blocks. Pressing the
keys selects an operating area directly. As an option, 2 additional keys can be configured as

Input/output field
Also I/O field: for inputting or outputting variable values.

The interpreter automatically converts the defined code from the → Configuration file into a
→ Dialog and controls its use.

Line index
Row number of an array

Menu tree
A group of interlinked → Dialogs

Programmed sequence of operations executed when a corresponding → Event occurs.

Parameters are variable elements of the programming syntax and are replaced by other
words/symbols in the → Configuration file.

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PI service
Function which, on an NC, executes a clearly defined operation. PI services can be called
from the PLC and the HMI system.

PLC hard key

PLC hard keys are provided via the PLC interface of the HMI software, just like hotkeys. The
functions, which can be triggered via the user interface, can be configured.
They take the form of MCP keys or evaluations of PLC signal logic operations in the PLC
user program. For this reason, they are referred to as "virtual keys".

Programming support
Provision of → Dialogs to assist programmers in writing → Parts programs with "higher-level"

Characteristics of an object (e.g of a → Variable)

NC code sections can be generated in a → Part program from input fields in → Dialogs in the
→ Programming support system. Recompilation is the reverse operation. The input fields
used to generate a selected section of NC code are retrieved from the NC code and
displayed in the original dialog.

A program formulated in the NC language, which specifies motion sequences for axes and
various special actions.

Simulation of a → Parts program run without movement of the actual machine axes.

Softkey labels
Text/image on the screen, which is assigned to a softkey.

Softkey menu
All horizontal or all vertical softkeys

Start softkey
Softkey with which the first newly created → Dialog is started.

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Toggle field
A list of values in the → Input/output field; check with toggle field: The value input in a field
must be the same as one of the listed values.

User variable
Variables defined by the user in the → Parts program or data block.

Designation of a memory location, which can be displayed in a → Dialog by assigning
→ Properties and in which input data and the results of arithmetic operations can be entered.

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A File
Copy, 92
Access level, 42
Delete, 94
Moving, 97
Language code, 169
Focus control, 143
Foreground color, 59
Access mode, 134
Column index, 134
CALL (Subprogram call), 90
Compare mode, 134
CP (Copy Program), 92
Definition, 132
CVAR (Check Variable), 91
Element, 134
DLGL (Dialog line), 99
Line index, 134
DP (Delete Program), 94
Status, 138
EP (Exist Program), 95
Attributes, 58
EVAL (Evaluate), 100
EXIT, 101
EXITLS (EXIT Loading Softkey), 103
FCT, 104
Background color, 59 GC (Generate code), 106
INSTR (String), 125
LA (Load Array), 109
C LB (Load Block), 110
LEFT (strings), 125
Colors, 59
LEN (string), 124
Conditions, 77
LM (Load Mask), 111
Configuration file, 20
LS (Load Softkey), 112
Configuring PLC softkeys, 157
MIDS (strings), 126
Constants, 76
MP (Move Program), 97
Custom widget
MRNP (Multiple Read NC PLC), 114
Definition, 144
Overview, 88
Interaction, 147
Interface, 145
Library, 144
Recompile NC code, 119
Recompile without comment, 120
REPLACE (strings), 127
RETURN (Back), 118
Default setting, 57 RIGHT (strings), 126
Defines softkey menu, 41 RNP (Read NC PLC Variable), 113
Dialog SB (Search Backward), 123
Definition, 29 SF (Search Forward), 123
Definition block, 30 SP (Select Program), 98
Multiple columns, 39 WNP (Write NC PLC Variable), 113
Properties, 31
Dialog change mode, 111
Dialog element, 35
DLL file, 104

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Generate an NC code, 106 PI services, 89
Graphic text, 57 PLC variable
Grid → Table grid, 139 Read, 113
Write, 113
H Input/output field, 59, 66
Short text, 59, 66
Help display, 59
Help variable, 51
I RECT (defining a rectangle), 132
Image as short text, 56
Exchanging data, 116
Input mode, 58
Status, 118
Value, 117
Relational operators, 77
Language code, 169
Limits, 57 S
LINE (define line), 131
Short text, 57
Long text, 57
Assign properties, 41
Properties, 44
Start softkey, 21, 22
Machining step support, 120 Strings, 66
Master dialog, 111 Sub-dialog, 111
Menu tree, 21 Subprogram, 88
Method Block identifier, 89
CHANGE, 80 Call, 90
LOAD, 82 cancel, 118
LOAD GRID, 83 Variable, 89
OUTPUT, 85 System colors, 168
Overview, 79 System variable, 52, 59
Table grid
Defines columns, 141
NC variable Definition, 139
Read, 113 Programming, 140
Write, 113 Text, 57
Numerical format, 62 Text for units, 57
Toggle field, 57, 63
Tooltips, 57
O Trigonometric functions, 76
Online help, 47
Bit, 78
Mathematical, 75 User variable, 59

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calculating, 51
Change property, 50
Check, 91
End, 101
ERR, 70
FOC, 72
Parameter, 57
S_CHAN, 73
Variable status, 49
Variable type, 57
Variable value, 49

Write mode, 59

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178 Programming Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-4BA1
 NCU operating system (IM7) System settings 1
Configuring the system 2

Service and diagnostics 3

NCU operating system (IM7)

Commissioning Manual

Valid for:

CNC software for 840D sl/ 840DE sl Version 4.5 SP2

Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
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graded according to the degree of danger.

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property damage.
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The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
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Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and
avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:

Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
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We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software
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Siemens AG Order number: 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 Copyright © Siemens AG 2006 - 2013.

Industry Sector Ⓟ 12/2012 Technical data subject to change All rights reserved
Postfach 48 48
Table of contents

1 System settings ......................................................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Delivery condition of the system ....................................................................................................5
1.2 Meaning of switch positions ...........................................................................................................7
1.3 System booting ..............................................................................................................................8
1.4 Displays during system booting .....................................................................................................9
2 Configuring the system ............................................................................................................................ 13
2.1 Ethernet interfaces of the NCU ....................................................................................................13
2.2 How to determine the IP address of the NCU..............................................................................14
2.3 Configuration file "basesys.ini".....................................................................................................15
2.3.1 Section [ExternalInterface]...........................................................................................................16
2.3.2 Section [InternalInterface] ............................................................................................................18
2.3.3 Section [IBNInterface] ..................................................................................................................22
2.3.4 Section [SNMP]............................................................................................................................23
2.3.5 Section [DCP]...............................................................................................................................24
2.3.6 Section [LLDP] .............................................................................................................................25
2.3.7 Section [LinuxBase] .....................................................................................................................26
2.3.8 Example: Configuration file 'basesys.ini'......................................................................................29
2.4 Service Commands......................................................................................................................35
2.4.1 Using service commands.............................................................................................................35
2.4.2 Syntax for the Actions ..................................................................................................................36
2.4.3 Generic elements.........................................................................................................................37
2.5 Description of the actions.............................................................................................................39
2.5.1 Help..............................................................................................................................................39
2.5.2 Check-cf .......................................................................................................................................40
2.5.3 Clear.............................................................................................................................................40
2.5.4 Closeport......................................................................................................................................41
2.5.5 Connect........................................................................................................................................41
2.5.6 Disable .........................................................................................................................................43
2.5.7 Disconnect ...................................................................................................................................44
2.5.8 Distribute ......................................................................................................................................44
2.5.9 Enable ..........................................................................................................................................45
2.5.10 Openport ......................................................................................................................................47
2.5.11 Port status ....................................................................................................................................48
2.5.12 Restart..........................................................................................................................................48
2.5.13 Restore.........................................................................................................................................49
2.5.14 Save .............................................................................................................................................50
2.5.15 Show ............................................................................................................................................52
2.5.16 Start, Stop ....................................................................................................................................56

NCU operating system (IM7)

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Table of contents

3 Service and diagnostics ........................................................................................................................... 59

3.1 Creating a service system........................................................................................................... 59
3.1.1 How do you create a service system for the NCU? .................................................................... 59
3.1.2 This is how you operate the service system ............................................................................... 61
3.1.3 Diagnostics functions .................................................................................................................. 62
3.1.4 This is how you connect to a network drive ................................................................................ 64
3.2 Backup license ............................................................................................................................ 65
3.2.1 This is how you backup the license key...................................................................................... 66
3.3 Backup data via the service menu .............................................................................................. 68
3.3.1 This is how you backup user data............................................................................................... 68
3.3.2 This is how you restore user data ............................................................................................... 70
3.3.3 This is how you create a complete backup of the CompactFlash Card...................................... 71
3.3.4 This is how you install a complete system backup ..................................................................... 73
3.4 Backing up data via the service shell.......................................................................................... 75
3.4.1 This is how you save data on a service system.......................................................................... 75
3.4.2 This is how you restore data from the service system................................................................ 76
3.4.3 This is how you save data on a network drive ............................................................................ 76
3.4.4 This is how you restore data from the network drive .................................................................. 78
3.5 Updating the software ................................................................................................................. 80
3.5.1 This is how you update the firmware .......................................................................................... 80
3.5.2 This is how you update the software........................................................................................... 82
3.6 System diagnostics ..................................................................................................................... 84
3.6.1 Performing system diagnostics ................................................................................................... 84
3.6.2 This is how you change the system settings............................................................................... 86
3.6.3 This is how you check the CompactFlash Card.......................................................................... 87
3.6.4 Calling the VNC Viewer............................................................................................................... 89
3.6.5 WinSCP and PuTTY ................................................................................................................... 91
A Appendix.................................................................................................................................................. 93
A.1 Abbreviations .............................................................................................................................. 93
Glossary .................................................................................................................................................. 95
Index........................................................................................................................................................ 97

NCU operating system (IM7)

4 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
System settings 1
1.1 Delivery condition of the system

Scope of validity
This document is valid for all systems that are supplied with Linux as operating system on
the CompactFlash Card, such as all NCUs of the type NCU 7x0.

Directory on the CompactFlash card

A Linux partition as well as a FAT partition are available on the CompactFlash Card. The
memory space of the CompactFlash Card is occupied mainly by the Linux-EXT3 partition
containing the system software and the user data. A 2MB large FAT partition still exists but
only for internal administration purposes.
When the system is in operation, the following directories (this is a selection and not a
complete list) are available in the EXT3 partition on the CompactFlash Card:

Directory Use
/siemens Reserved for Siemens system software
/addon Reserved for Siemens add-on software
/oem Additional software and configurations of the machine manufacturer
/user • Storage of user data
• Configuring the HMI application
• Data that are created when commissioning the system using the HMI
/system Linux operating system
/user/system/etc File basesys.ini (modifications possible)
/user/common/tcu TCU configuration files
/var/log/messages System log file (same as event.log under Windows)

Files in the directory under /user always have priority over files with the same name in the
directory /oem → /addon → /siemens.

NCU operating system (IM7)

Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 5
System settings
1.1 Delivery condition of the system

Partitioning of the memory

The memory of the CompactFlash Card is purely logically partitioned, i.e. the user can in
principle assign the memory up to the end of the physical limit. An alarm under LINUX is
triggered if less than 4 MB free memory is available.

Directory 1 GB card 8 GB card

/oem 100 MB 1 GB
/user 256 MB 2 GB

Preset users
The following users have already been set up:

Users Access level Target group

Operator Key switch position 0 Operators, users
Operator1 Key switch position 1 Operators, users
Operator2 Key switch position 2 Operators, users
Operator3 Key switch position 3 Operators, users
user Password: CUSTOMER Operators, users
service Password: EVENING Service personnel
manufact Password: SUNRISE Machine manufacturer

NCU operating system (IM7)

6 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
System settings
1.2 Meaning of switch positions

1.2 Meaning of switch positions

The NCU has two twist buttons in the lower section of the front panel.

NCK commissioning switch


PLC mode switch 3/&

Rotary switch SVC/NCK

The switch positions have the following significance:

Switch position Operating mode of the NCK

0 Normal boot-up NCK
1 NCK boot-up with default values (= memory reset)
2 The NCK (and PLC) starts up with the data that was saved at the last
7 Debug mode (NCK is not started.)
8 IP address of the NCU is displayed on the seven-segment display.
All others Not relevant

PLC twist button

The switch positions have the same significance as for a SIMATIC S7-CPU:

Switch position Operating mode of the PLC

1 RUN (protected mode)
3 Memory reset (MRES)
All others Not relevant

NCU operating system (IM7)

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System settings
1.3 System booting

1.3 System booting

To ensure unproblematic booting of the NCU, the CompactFlash Card must be inserted.
When the NCU is booting up, visual information on the current operating system is provided
using the following displays:
● The RDY-LED flashes slowly orange when the CF card is accessed.
● During booting, the 7-segment display outputs different codes that indicate, for example,
when the BIOS is started, when the CompactFlash Card is accessed, etc.

When the booting has been completed successfully, the following is displayed:
● The PLC LED lights up green.
● The 7-segment display shows "6." with a flashing dot.
● The RDY-LED lights up green. All other LEDs are not illuminated.

Performing a reset operation

The reset button is located behind the blanking plate of the NCU.
A reset operation resets the entire system and requires a system restart. This is comparable
to a "Power On reset" except that the 24 V power supply does not have to be switched off.

Booting for servicing purposes

For service or diagnosis purposes, the NCU can be booted from a service system, the
Emergency Boot System.

See also
How do you create a service system for the NCU? (Page 59)

NCU operating system (IM7)

8 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
System settings
1.4 Displays during system booting

1.4 Displays during system booting

Behavior of the LEDs when booting

Of the LEDs on the front panel of the NCU, only the RDY LED and its status is important
when booting up the NCU.

LED: LED designations: State/phase 7-segment display

Orange Orange BIOS boot Post codes, see table: Load
Slowly flashing Set by PLC/option module Booting up the kernel 1
orange (0.5 Hz) Phase 2: Initialization of the
Slowly flashing Set by PLC/option module Booting the basic system See table: Load operating
orange/green Phase 3: Initialization of the system
(0.5 Hz) basic system
OFF Set by PLC/option module NRK/NCK outputs See table: NRK/NCK outputs
green/red flashing Set by PLC/option module Basic system shutdown OFF
0.5 Hz)
red Set by PLC/option module Kernel shutdown OFF
red (5 Hz) Set by PLC/option module SINAMICS fault ---

SINAMICS faults and alarms, also see: SINAMICS S120/S150 List Manual (LH1)


7-segment Meaning
00 Before loading the Master Boot Record (MBR) from the CompactFlash Card
01 Before starting the Master Boot Record (MBR) codes
02 Master Boot Record (MBR) code started
03 Second stage of the boot loader started, before reading the configuration file
04 Before loading the kernel
05 Before starting the kernel

NCU operating system (IM7)

Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 9
System settings
1.4 Displays during system booting

Booting the basic system

7-segment display Meaning

1 (begin) Basis initializations
2 (prepfs) Cleaning up and preparing the file system
3 (hostname, loopback) The name is set and the loopback interface configured.
4 (syslog) Starting the system logging
Starting the CFS class 1, provide the network interfaces.
5 (network) Initializing the network interfaces and the firewall
6 (NCU:rtai, TCU:tcuconfig) Starting the time server (ntpd)
7 (lsh) Starting the SSH server (if required, generate a host key if still not
8 (NCU:ftpd, TCU:mtouch) Starting the FTP server
9 (NCU:tcuservices, Starting the TCU services (TFTP, VNC)

NRK/NCK outputs

7-segment Meaning
1 Not applicable.
2 Not applicable.
3 Debugger was initialized.
4 NRK operating system was successfully activated.
5 NRK operating system has booted, init task is being processed (→ the application
6 Initialization was successfully performed; the control is in cyclic operation.
with flashing point: The control is in cyclic operation and the cycles are active.
F Internal error: Can only be read via additional diagnostics.
1 or 2 CompactFlash Card and SRAM data do not match. To resolve this problem, a
general reset is required by booting with switch position 1 or 2.
Lxx=yyy Internal error when starting NCK, "xx" is the line number in the mcsystem.ini, "yyy"
is a unique error code for the code position.

NCU operating system (IM7)

10 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
System settings
1.4 Displays during system booting

System error

LED: LED designations: Meaning 7-segment



Rapidly flashing Set by PLC/option module Permanent error:
red (2Hz) The system is stopped. see the following
Rapidly flashing Set by PLC/option module Temporary error: table
red/orange (2 Hz) The system may continue to run with
restricted functions.

7-segment Meaning
Permanent error:
C "crash": The operating system crashes (this approximately corresponds to a Blue
Screen for Windows); details can be found in the system log file.
P "partition": Error when repartitioning
Temporary error:
E "error": A read or write error has occurred on the CompactFlash Card (an additional
point is displayed for a write error). It is possible that the CompactFlash Card is
defective and should be replaced.
F "full": The CompactFlash Card is too full, so it is probable that not all of the services
will be able to be successfully started.
When booting, this error is displayed for 1 minute; the system then continues to
boot, however, it can be assumed that problems will occur.

NCU operating system (IM7)

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System settings
1.4 Displays during system booting

NCU operating system (IM7)

12 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring the system 2
2.1 Ethernet interfaces of the NCU

Supplementary conditions
For the operation of an NCU:
● No more than one NCU may be operated as a DHCP server on the system network.
● An external mouse is recommended when using the System Network Center.

Configuration of the interfaces

The following connections can be established via the Ethernet interfaces:

Interface Labeling Interna Terminal settings

l name
Ethernet IE1/OP X120 (Eth 2) Connection to the system network with preset IP address with subnet screen form
and active DHCP server for SINUMERIK
Ethernet IE2/NET X130 (Eth 1) Connection to company network as standard DHCP
Ethernet X127 (Ibn 0) Service terminal with fixed IP address and
fixed subnet screen form with active
DHCP server

Network interface
The network interface is an interface that enables network communication. These are the
Ethernet interfaces on the NCU.

VNC (Virtual Network Computing)

Virtual Network Computing is a software that displays the screen contents of a remote
computer, with a running VNC server, on a local computer, with a running VNC viewer, and
in return sends keyboard and mouse movements of the local computer to the remote

NCU operating system (IM7)

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Configuring the system
2.2 How to determine the IP address of the NCU

2.2 How to determine the IP address of the NCU

NCU in the system network (X120)

On X120, the NCU is pre-selected as required: No settings are necessary.

NCU in the company network (X130)

On X130, the NCU is set to the address reference via DHCP. If the company network has a
DHCP server no further settings are required.

Example: Determining the IP address

There are several possibilities for determining the IP address that the NCU obtained on the
company network, and these possibilities are listed below:
● If the NCU boots in switch position 8, it shows the IP address on X130 on the 7-segment
● Once the NCU has booted successfully, open a service shell on the TCU and execute the
following command to obtain the desired information:

If the company network has no available DHCP server or if this cannot be used, you are
given the option to set a fixed address for the NCU on X130 (in accordance with the
addresses already used on the company network).
The following command displays the IP address at X130:

In order to change network settings, for example the IP address at X130 and X120,
SINUMERIK Operate dialogs are available in the diagnostics operating area.

See also
Generic elements (Page 37)

NCU operating system (IM7)

14 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring the system
2.3 Configuration file "basesys.ini"

2.3 Configuration file "basesys.ini"

Storage path
For a Linux basic system the original file can be found on the CompactFlash Card under the
path /system/usr/etc. OEM versions are stored under /oem/system/etc, as well as user
versions under /user/system/etc.
The following additional options are available to make settings in the basesys.ini file:
● In SINUMERIK Operate, the values of the individual variables can be viewed and
changed in the "Commissioning" operating area.
● The "System Network Center" program, is called with the "sc start snc" command. To
operate it, you will need a mouse.

Settings are made in the basesys.ini file that specify the behavior of the system in the
To edit the basesys.ini file:
● Comments are introduced by ';' or '#' at the beginning of the line, and span the width of
the line. Empty lines are also handled as comments.
● The sections that start with a "[NAME]" line are ignored by the basic system itself, but are
sometimes used by the HMI.
● Variable definitions are written in the form "NAME=VALUE". Blanks are permitted around
the '=' character. The value may also be enclosed in double quotation marks, but this is

Suitable editors for Linux
In most Linux system files, lines may only be ended with LF, and not with CRLF as in
Windows. Please take note of this when selecting an editor. The HMI application editor
under "Commissioning” is suitable.
In the Linux operating system, the UNIX editor vi is available.
Please take note that the Linux operating system is case-sensitive.

Commissioning Manual "SINUMERIK Operate" (IM9)
“Operator Components and Networking” Manual

NCU operating system (IM7)

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Configuring the system
2.3 Configuration file "basesys.ini"

2.3.1 Section [ExternalInterface]

In this section, the parameters and settings for the external Ethernet interface are defined.
For an NCU7x0, this is X130 (Eth1). If the external interface is in DHCP mode, i.e. the value
of ExternalIP is empty or not defined, then all parameters listed here, with the exception of
"DHCPClientID", are accepted by the DHCP server as long as the server provides a value
for the parameter.

If this variable is set to 1, the X130 interface to the company network is not initialized and is
thus not available.

Value: Empty, 0 or 1
Default: Empty

If ExternalIP is not empty, the fixed IP address specified there is used on the company
network interface. The ExternalNetMask then also needs to be set, as well as the gateway,
name servers, host name, and domain if required.
If ExternalIP is not set or is empty, a DHCP client is started on the interface.

Value: IP address
Default: Empty

ExternalNetMask must be set together with ExternalIP, in order to define the size of the

Value: Subnet mask

Default: Empty

If the value of gateway is not empty, the host specified there is used as the default gateway,
which means that all IP packages that cannot be directly assigned are sent here for routing.
If no gateway is specified, only the networks that are directly connected are accessible.

Value: IP address
Default: Empty

NCU operating system (IM7)

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Configuring the system
2.3 Configuration file "basesys.ini"

If DNS name servers are specified here, then these must be used to resolve symbolic host
names, i.e. at most of the points where an IP address is expected, a computer name can
also be used instead.
The name server setting is also sent to your DHCP client (TCU, PG) via the DHCP server of
the NCU, so that this can also work with symbolic names.

Value: List of IP addresses (separated by a space)

Default: Empty

Here you can specify a list of NTP servers (Network Time Protocol) that can be used by the
NTPD on the NCU for time synchronization. The status of NTPD is output in the system
logfile /var/log/messages.

Value: List of IP addresses (separated by a space)

Default: Empty

Here you can define a name for the local host. This manually assigned name takes priority
over all other names.
The host name is determined in the following order:
● Host name from the basesys.ini file, if set
● A name received from the DHCP server (if DHCP client mode and a name have been
supplied), the result of a reverse DNS lookup, i.e. which name belongs to the IP received
(if nameservers are defined)
● A default name ("NONAME_...")
Because the host name is also used as DNS name it must satisfy the corresponding
requirements of the RFC:
● ASCII letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9) and '-'
● max. 63 characters

Value: Name
Default: Empty

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Configuring the system
2.3 Configuration file "basesys.ini"

These variables can be used to configure the DNS domain. The effect is that names in this
domain can be resolved without qualification (e.g. if the domain is "test.local", you can also
specify the name "computer1.test.local" as "computer1").

Value: Name
Default: Empty

With these variables, you can influence which ClientID the DHCP client presents to its
server. This ID can be used by the server to assign certain parameters to the client, for
example a static IP address.
Usually, the MAC address of the Ethernet interface is used for this purpose. This is also the
default setting. Alternatively, you can also use the host name ("@NAME"), which must then
be defined in the basesys.ini, in order to be recognized before the DHCP request. It is also
possible to use an arbitrary string for ClientID.

Value: @MAC, @CFID, @NAME or any string

Default: @MAC

2.3.2 Section [InternalInterface]

In the section [InternalInterface] the data is specified for synchronization of the DHCP server
in the system network.

If this variable is set to 1, the X120 interface to the plant network is not initialized and is thus
not available.

Value: Empty, 0 or 1
Default: Empty

NCU operating system (IM7)

18 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring the system
2.3 Configuration file "basesys.ini"

Use this variable to set the fixed IP address in the system network. InternalIP should always
be used together with InternalNetMask.

Value: IP address

Specifies the subnet mask for InternallP and should always be used together with it.

Value: Subnet mask


Use this variable to define an additional alias IP address for the interface of the system
network (X120); this is practical in certain application cases.

Value: IP address
Default: Empty
InternalIP_Alias should always be used together with InternalNetMask_Alias.

This variable specifies the subnet mask for InternallP_Alias and should always be used
together with it.

Value: Subnet mask

Default: Empty

If this variable is set to zero, then the start of the DHCP server on the system network X120
is prevented.

Value: Empty, 0 or 1
Default: Empty

NCU operating system (IM7)

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Configuring the system
2.3 Configuration file "basesys.ini"

If this variable is not set on "OFF" then the DHCP servers synchronize themselves in the
system network (X120) so that only one of them actively assigns addresses. This makes it
possible to operate multiple NCUs or PCUs concurrently without having to adjust the network


Default: ON_HIGH
The DHCP servers that are not active go into "standby" mode; in this mode they regularly get
the current address data and TCU data from the active server so that if the active server fails
a standby server can take over the active role without data loss.
● With the ON_MASTER setting instead of ON_HIGH you can influence the
synchronization in such a manner that the server with the "Master" setting is always the
active server (for this it must be active on the network). This means that in the normal
situation deterministically the same controller is always the DHCP server and you can find
the actual address data (/var/etc/udhcp-eth0.leases) and the TCU data
/user/common/tcu/etc.) there. ON_MASTER should only be set for a single DHCP server
in the system network; there should not be multiple masters.
● The ON_LOW setting assigns the DHCP server a lower priority than normal. It then
becomes the active server if no server with ON_HIGH or ON_MASTER is found in the

Compatibility with earlier versions
The priority level "ON_LOW" is used automatically if the DHCP server is switched off.
Although such an NCU does have a (standby) DHCP server and keeps a backup of the
lease data, normally, however, it does not become an active server.

With the two variables InternalDynRangeStart and InternalDynRangeEnd, you can explicitly
specify the range of IP address assigned by the DHCP server. The number band of the
presetting should normally suffice.

Value: IP address
Default: First address in the system network + 10 or +2 (if ≤ 16 addresses)


Value: IP address
Default: Last address in the system network - 15 or -1 (if ≤ 16 addresses)

NCU operating system (IM7)

20 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring the system
2.3 Configuration file "basesys.ini"

If a synchronizing DHCP server has once seen a master server in the past, then it waits for
synchronization until the time specified here elapses before it becomes the active server.
This additional pause makes it possible for the intended DHCP master to become the active
DHCP server without displacement even if it is shortly switched on thereafter, or takes longer
to boot than other controllers.

Value: Time in seconds

Default: 120

This is used to specify the Top Level Domain (TLD) name that is used in the system
network. The DNS server of the NCU assigns names to the devices in the system network in
this zone. Name requests for all other zones are forwarded to an external name server in the
company network.
As presetting the "local" recommended by the RFC1035 is used for local networks, to avoid
conflicts with globally defined domain names.
Recommendation: The preset should be maintained.

Value: Domain name (letters, numbers, '-', '_', max. 63 characters)

Default: local

The default setting permits that a machine can access a company network from the system
via the control using the NAT routing (= "Network Address Translation"). In this case, the
NCU converts the source address of the packages to its own address, and handles the
response packages in the inverse way.
If this variable is set to zero, the NAT routing of the NCU from the internal interfaces eth0
=X120 and ibn0 =X127 to the external network on eth1 =X130 is prevented. In order that the
NAT routing is not simultaneously shut down for both internal networks, using the values
"X120" or "X127", the system network or the commissioning network is selectively shut

Value: empty, 0, 1, X120 or X127

Default: Empty

NCU operating system (IM7)

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Configuring the system
2.3 Configuration file "basesys.ini"

2.3.3 Section [IBNInterface]

The settings in this section affect interface X127.

If this variable is set to 1 then this prevents the start of the DHCP server at the
commissioning interface X127.

Value: Empty, 0 or 1
Default: Empty

If this variable is set to 0, then the commissioning interface X127 is not initialized and is thus
not available.

Value: Empty, 0 or 1
Default: Empty

If this variable is set to 1, it is possible to transmit packages from the system network (X120)
to X127. A firewall usually prevents this.
It is important to remember that there is no NAT involved, and the sender is responsible for
ensuring (with a suitable routing entry, for example) that packages sent to the PG or service
PC on X127 with the address 192.168.215.x only reach the NCU to which the device is

Value: Empty, 0 or 1
Default: Empty

If this variable is set to 1, the NAT transfer of packages from the service connection X127 to
the system network (X120) is deactivated.

Value: Empty, 0 or 1
Default: Empty

NCU operating system (IM7)

22 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring the system
2.3 Configuration file "basesys.ini"

2.3.4 Section [SNMP]

Character strings delivered via SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) are entered
here. This is a way of giving out information.

This string is used for the standard OID SNMPv2-MIB::sysLocation. It is possible to specify a
location here, which can be subsequently called with an SNMP client.

Value: Any character string

Default: Empty

This string is used for the standard OID SNMPv2-MIB::sysContact. It is possible to specify a
contact address here, which can be subsequently called with an SNMP client.

Value: Any character string

Default: Empty

This string is used for the Siemens-specific OID
automationSystemIdent.automationLocationTag. It is possible to specify an additional
location here, which can be subsequently called with an SNMP client. This is similar to
SNMPLocation in terms of the MIB description, although it is intended for entries relating to

Value: Any character string

Default: Empty

This string is used for the Siemens-specific OID
automationSystemIdent.automationFunctionTag. It is possible to specify a function
designation here, which can be subsequently called with an SNMP client.

Value: Any character string

Default: Empty

NCU operating system (IM7)

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Configuring the system
2.3 Configuration file "basesys.ini"

This string is used for the SINUMERIK -specific OID
mcSinumerikMIB.mcSinumerikMiscStation. The value is the name of a station to which the
device belongs. Devices with the same station name are therefore identified as being

Value: Any character string

Default: Empty

See also
Example: Configuration file 'basesys.ini' (Page 29)

2.3.5 Section [DCP]

The parameters in this section define the properties of the DCP protocol (Discovery and
Basic Configuration Protocol) e.g. that are used in the menu item "Accessible participants" of
STEP 7 is used.

This can be used to switch-on and switch-off the DCP in the system network (X120); for the
NCU, the value is also used for X127.

Value: 0 or 1
Default: 1

This can be used to switch-on and switch-off the DCP in the company network (X130).

Value: 0 or 1
Default: 0

NCU operating system (IM7)

24 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring the system
2.3 Configuration file "basesys.ini"

2.3.6 Section [LLDP]

The parameters in this section define the properties of the LLDP protocol (Link Layer
Discovery Protocol), which is used by several applications for network diagnostics.

This can be used to switch-on and switch-off LLDP in the system network (X120); for the
NCU, the value is also used for X127.

Value: 0 or 1
Default: 1

This can be used to switch-on and switch-off LLDP in the company network (X130).

Value: 0 or 1
Default: 0

Using this parameter, additional information in the LLDP packages are enabled at
X120/X127, which are normally not included.

Value: Numerical value from 0 ... 15

Default: 0

The value is a bit field, i.e. the total value is obtained as a sum (total) of the specified
numbers, if the corresponding information is to be sent:

1: port description
2: system name
4: system description
8: capabilities

NCU operating system (IM7)

Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 25
Configuring the system
2.3 Configuration file "basesys.ini"

Using this parameter, additional information in the LLDP packages is enabled at X130, which
are normally not included.

Value: Numerical value from 0 ... 15

Default: 0

The value corresponds to parameter InternalLldpTLVsTxEnabled.

2.3.7 Section [LinuxBase]

Additional setting possibilities of the Linux system are combined in this section.

Synchronizing the time

There are two different cases:
● If there is an external NTP server to act as a time server (entered in the basesys.ini file or
via DHCP), then the PLC clock is synchronized via the Linux clock.
● If there is no external time server, the PLC clock will be the master for the Linux clock:

With "memory reset" the time of the PLC clock remains intact and is not reset.
If the PLC is switched on in switch position 3 "MRES" then the time will be reset. In this
case the valid time is taken over from the Linux system and does not need to be reset.

The time zone set here is used by the system to convert UTC time (Universal Time
Coordinated) into local time. The time zone is sent to all applications via the environment
variable "TZ", and is taken into account by the libc function localtime().
The time zone influences all time entries in the basic system, particularly for the command
"date", for "ls -l", and in the system log file /var/log/messages.

Value: Time zone description (see syntax and examples)

Default: UTC

NCU operating system (IM7)

26 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring the system
2.3 Configuration file "basesys.ini"

If the control is to synchronize with one of the listed time zones, the examples in the table
can simply be copied.

Zones with daylight saving time/standard time:

Europe: WET0WEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0
USA: EST5EDT,M4.1.0,M10.5.0
Zones without daylight saving time/standard time:
China: CST-8
Japan: JST-9

Syntax for the time zone description

In order to synchronize with a different time zone, the following syntax applies:
tz offset dst,Mmwd,Mmwd

Syntax (obligatory):
tz offset Time zone and difference from UTC:
West of the zero meridian, the difference must be added; east of the zero
meridian, the difference should be subtracted.
Syntax (optional, only if there is daylight saving time):
dst,Mmwd,Mmwd Daylight saving time zone with beginning and end
m (1 ≤ m ≤ 12) m: Month
w (1 ≤ w ≤ 5) w: Week of the month, i.e. w = 5 is the last week of the month
d (0 ≤ d ≤ 6) d: Day of the week (from 0 = Sunday to 6 = Saturday)

The size of the system logfile /var/log/messages can be restricted with the help of this
variable. By entering "Zero", the logfile has no size limitations.
The specified limit is no hard limit for reasons of efficiency but rather a sort of limit value. If
the logfile reaches a limit value times factor 1.5, then it is reduced to around 75% of the limit
value. A check is carried out every two minutes maximum to see if the file has become too

Value: Size in KB
Default: 100 KB

NCU operating system (IM7)

Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 27
Configuring the system
2.3 Configuration file "basesys.ini"

Here you can specify a list of the ports which is to be enabled in the firewall of the external
network interface. For example TCP/102 (S7 communication) is always enabled. Logfile is
"TCP" or "UDP", the port is the (numerical) port number of the service to be enabled. Several
entries are separated by a space.

Value: List of logfile/port pairs

Default: Empty

Security risk
Note that opening the ports in the firewall can represent a security risk. Only enable the
ports that you actually require.
Note that every accessible service can have security gaps.

Using this variable, you can suppress mounting and starting of certain subsystems (CFS
systems). Several subsystem names, too, can be specified - separated by blanks.

Value: List of CFS names (separated by a space)

Default: Empty
The names can either be simple CFS basic names (e.g. "nck") - ignoring all CFS systems
with this name - or you specify an absolute path (e.g. /siemens/sinumerik/nck) referring
specifically to this CFS system.
It is also possible to set "DisableSubsystems=all" whereby not a single CFS system can be
mounted or started any more.

If this variable is set to 1, then the NTPD server (Network Time Protocol Daemon) for the
time synchronization is not started and the time of day is not synchronized.

Value: 0 or 1
Default: 0

NCU operating system (IM7)

28 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring the system
2.3 Configuration file "basesys.ini"

If this variable is set to 1, synchronization of the system time with the PLC time (in both
directions) will not be executed.

Value: 0 or 1
Default: 0

If this variable is set as equal to 1, a logfile for processes is created and stored under
/var/tmp. The protocol file contains a memory print of the process that has crashed or that
has terminated.

Value: Empty, 0 or 1
Default: 0

If this variable is set to 1, when booting, the USB interface at the front of the TCU is checked
to identify any storage medium. If, when checking the update packages, type *.usz files
created with Create MyConfig are found, then the installation of these update packages is
With the default setting zero, this check is skipped in order to save time.

Value: 0 or 1
Default: 0

2.3.8 Example: Configuration file 'basesys.ini'

Configuration file basesys.ini

The following defaults are applied to the template_basesys.ini file which is supplied in the
directory /siemens/system/etc.:
; ------------------------------------------------------------------

; Default Linux basesystem configuration

; ------------------------------------------------------------------

; section ID is for Windows compatibility and is ignored ;)


NCU operating system (IM7)

Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 29
Configuring the system
2.3 Configuration file "basesys.ini"

; If DisableCompanyNet is set to 1, the whole interface will

; be disabled.


; If ExternalIP is set, you can force the external Ethernet

; interface to use a fixed IP address etc. instead of using DHCP

; if a Hostname is set, it even overrides one received by DHCP


; if ExternalIP is empty (default), DHCP is used with the following

; ClientID the default is "@MAC" to use the MAC address,

; alternatives are "@NAME" to use the hostname (Hostname above)

; "@CFID" to use the ID of the CF card if one is available

; (like on X120), or any other arbitrary string



; If DisableSysNet is set to 1, the whole interface will

; be disabled


; With InternalIP and InternalNetMask (both must be set together), you

; can change the address on the internal/TCU/automation/system net.


; These two can define an alias IP for X120.


; This defines a "name of station" for ProfiNet (ERTEC interface)

; for use with DCP, default is the normal hostname.

; Please be careful if a PN-Name can also be set by other means,

; for example by NCU-Link. Usually it is not needed to define

; a name here.


; Setting EnableDHCPD_SysNet to 0 suppresses that a DHCP server is started on

; that interface

NCU operating system (IM7)

30 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring the system
2.3 Configuration file "basesys.ini"


; Set synchronization of all DHCP servers in the

; system/TCU network (X120). Possible values are:

; OFF,

; or ON_LOW (low priority),

; or ON or ON_HIGH (normal priority),

; or ON_MASTER (highest priority),

; or ON_CLIENT_SYNC (starts DHCP client only, synchronization active),

; or ON_CLIENT_NO_SYNC (starts DHCP client only, synchronization

; inactive),

; ON_MASTER is used to make this machine deterministically the

; DHCP master server, but should be used only for one server

; in the network.


; This is the range of dynamic IPs given out by the DHCP server

; Defaults should be sensible


; If once a DHCP master was seen, the DHCP server waits this many seconds

; for the master to show up before trying to become the active server


; DNS domain name used for names in system/TCU network

; (default is "local" to conform with RFC)


; FixedDomain and FixedNameservers can be used to define a DNS domain and

; nameservers, if the DHCP/DNS server on system network is disabled



; If DisableNATRouting is set to 1, the NCU won't forward

; from TCU or IBN net

; (X120 anad X127, resp.) to external net (X130).

NCU operating system (IM7)

Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 31
Configuring the system
2.3 Configuration file "basesys.ini"

; If set to "X120" or "X127", forwarding will only be

; disabled from that interface.



; If DisableIBNNet is set to 1, the whole interface will be disabled


; Setting EnableDHCPD_IBNNet to 0 suppresses that a DHCP server is started on

; that interface


; If DisableIBNForwarding is set to 1, the NCU won't do NAT routing

; from IBN network (X127) to system network (X120).


; If EnableSysNetToIBNForwarding is set to 1, the NCU forwards packets from

; X120 to X127. (Please note that the sending host must be able to route

; the packets to the NCU by its own means, the NCU just accepts and forwards

; packets to 192.168.215.x with this setting.)



; The following variables define strings which are delivered on

; certain SNMP requests.

; SNMPLocation and SNMPContact are reported for the standard OIDs

; SNMPv2-MIB::sysLocation and SNMPv2-MIB::sysContact, resp.

; SNMPAutLocation and SNMPFunction are used in the Siemens A&D specific

; AUTOMATION-SYSTEM-MIB as automationSystemIdent.automationLocationTag

; and automationSystemIdent.automationFunctionTag, resp.

SNMPLocation="not specified"

SNMPContact="not specified"

SNMPAutLocation="not specified"

SNMPLocation="not specified"

NCU operating system (IM7)

32 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuring the system
2.3 Configuration file "basesys.ini"



; These variables en/disable the DCP protocol on X120/X127

; and X130, resp.




; These variables en/disable the LLDP protocol on X120/X127

; and X130, resp.




; Keep size of /var/log/messages around this value

; (not followed exactly for performance reasons)


; Protocol/Port pairs to open in the firewall

; (e.g., TCP/5900, UDP/514, ...)

;FirewallOpenPorts="TCP/5900 TCP/102"

; If there is only one Ethernet interface, it's used by

; default as an external (company) network. Alternatively,

; usage as automation net (TCU boot support etc.) is possible

; by setting NetworkModel to "automation". (Only NCU, Service

; and PCU20A variants!)


; DisableSubsystems can be used to skip certain CFSes (= subsystems)

; a list of multiple names (separated by spaces) is possible

; a simple name means all CFSes with this name, an absolute path

; (e.g.,/siemens/sinumerik/nck) exactly this one CFS with

; the special value "ALL", all subsystems can be disabled


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2.3 Configuration file "basesys.ini"

; Directory for OEM netboot files (served by tftp to diskless clients)


; Properties of local time zone: names, offset, start and end day

; Some examples:

; Europe: WET0WEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0; CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0; EET-

2EEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0; USA: EST5EDT,M4.1.0,M10.5.0; CST6CDT,M4.1.0,M10.5.0;
MST7MDT,M4.1.0,M10.5.0; PST8PDT,M4.1.0,M10.5.0; China: CST-8; Japan: JST-

; If DisablePLCTimeSync is set, no time synchronization with

; PLC will happen


; Set to 1 to enable coredumps in /var/tmp


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2.4 Service Commands

2.4 Service Commands

2.4.1 Using service commands

The service command 'sc' is a tool used for performing a range of service tasks on a
SINUMERIK NCU. The required action is written in the command line after the 'sc', e.g.: sc
This action produces a list of all actions with a short description. After the action, further
parameters or options can follow.
'sc' is available in both the NCU basic system and the service system (mostly in the form of a
USB memory.) However, some actions are only useful in one of the two systems
(NCU/Service). This is noted for each action.

See also
The most important terms and abbreviations are explained in the glossary.

Privilege levels
The 'sc' command can execute its actions using more privileges than are normally granted to
the calling user. For example, starting or stopping subsystems requires root privileges, but
'sc' allows every user who belongs to the ‘service’ group to do this.
Each action of 'sc' is assigned a “privilege level”. This is a user group to which the user must
belong in order to execute the action. As the groups are hierarchically nested, members of
“higher” groups can also use the action in question. For example, the group 'manufact' is
above 'service', which means that members of the group 'manufact' can call all actions that
require the privilege level 'service'.
The privilege level that the caller requires is noted for each individual action. The possible
levels are (in ascending order):
● none
● operator
● user
● service
● manufact
An action with the privilege level 'user' can also always be executed by members of the
groups 'service' and 'manufact'. Actions with privilege level ‘none’ can be called by all users.
If a user does not have the required privileges, the following error message is output:
Action 'ACTION' needs at least GROUP privilege level.

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2.4 Service Commands

2.4.2 Syntax for the Actions

'sc' in the command line is essentially not case-sensitive.
The following entries are therefore interpreted as identical:
sc help show
SC help SHOW
sc HeLp sHoW
In some cases, however, upper/lower case can make a difference, for example in file or user
names. This is avoided wherever possible.
The conventions used are as follows:
● Names completely in upper case represent objects to be used depending on the
Example: sc help ACTION

In this case, ACTION is to be replaced by the action for which you want a description. If
written in lower case, however, the entry should be entered as specified.
● Square brackets indicate optional entries.
Example: sc help [ACTION]

In this case the specification of an action is optional, which means that you can enter an
action, but do not have to. Square brackets may also be nested:
In this case, USERNAME and DOMAIN are both optional, but you can only enter a
DOMAIN if you have also entered the USERNAME.
● Alternatives are separated with '|'.
Example: sc start all|system|SUBSYSTEM

This means that any of the following commands applies:

sc start all

sc start system

sc start SUBSYSTEM

In the latter case, SUBSYSTEM in upper case can be replaced by a concrete subsystem

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2.4 Service Commands

● As a shortened form, alternatives can also be written in square brackets:

sc save [-full|-user] ...

Here you can use the option "-full" or "-user", or none at all.
● Options that begin with '-' can always be entered in any order.
For example, the notation could be interpreted to mean that "-force" must come after "-
full" or "-user", but this is not necessarily the case:
sc save [-full|-user] [-force] FILENAME

2.4.3 Generic elements

This sections describes the syntax elements that are used by several actions.

Permitted interface designations

The names of network interfaces are used by "sc show ip" and "sc enable DHCPSvr", for
As the input of an interface is optional, it is always introduced by a '−' character. The '−' is
followed by the actual name. In most cases, multiple names are possible for the same
Accepted names are:

System network port: "X120", "eth2", "tcu", "internal"

Company network port: "X130", "eth1", "factory", "extern
IBN port: "X127", "ibn0", "pg"

Permitted subsystem designations

Subsystem names are entered when using "sc enable" and "sc start", for example. In most
cases, the name of the subsystem is simply the name of the corresponding CFS, without the
path and without the extension ".cfs". For example, for the CFS /siemens/sinumerik/nck.cfs,
the relevant subsystem name is simply "nck".
It is also possible to use absolute paths (beginning with /) in a subsystem name. In the
example above, you could also use "/siemens/sinumerik/nck" as a subsystem name. The
difference between names with and without a specified path is that without the path, all CFS
with this name are included, but if the path is specified, only this exact CFS is meant.

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2.4 Service Commands

A subsystem is a CFS that not only contains a collection of files, but also executes a
program, for example, at runtime. To do this, the CFS contains a script that is used to control
the starting and stopping of this program.
For this reason, only administrators are permitted to set up NFS file systems, and NFS is
usually only implemented in uniformly administrated environments. Exported file systems on
the server are addressed directly on the server via their path.

CFS (Compressed File System)

A CFS (file extension ".cfs") is a compressed file system, similar to a zip file. It contains files
and subdirectories that look like normal files on the controller at runtime. Files and directories
contained in a CFS cannot be changed. They are decompressed at runtime as required.

NFS (Network File System)

NFS is the most common protocol for remote file systems in the world of Unix, and is also
available for Windows. NFS is closely based on the Unix privilege model – each time a file is
accessed, a UID and GID are supplied which the server then uses to decide whether the
operation is permitted. The server relies on the client to provide the correct IDs.

Remote File System

A file system that is contacted over the network. The files are physically located on another
computer in the network (the "server"), but appear locally the same as all other files.
Operations performed on these files are sent via the network to the server, instead of being
executed directly on a local storage medium (such as a hard drive or CompactFlash Card).
As a server usually exports more than one file system, a name for the required file system
must also be entered in addition to the name of the server.

SMB (Server Message Block)

SMB is the underlying protocol of MS Windows file systems (also known as drives, releases,
shares, etc.). SMB connections are always active in the context of a specific user, who must
be known to the server. Exported file systems have a name (release name), by which they
can be addressed. The client does not need to know the concrete path on the server.

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2.5 Description of the actions

2.5 Description of the actions

2.5.1 Help


Syntax: sc help [Action]

Alternative names: -h, --help
Privilege level: none
The call of "sc help" without any additional action outputs a list of possible actions with a
short description. If you enter an additional action, you receive a more detailed description
for this action.
sc help

All actions:

help [ACTION]

Print help about a specific or list all actions


Reboot the machine

enable hmi|nck|SUBSYSTEM...


Enable HMI, NCK, or any other subsystem


sc help enable

enable hmi|nck|SUBSYSTEM...


Enable subsystem(s), like 'hmi', 'nck', and so on. A subsystem name

is the name of the CFS containing it, without the '.cfs' extension.

This enables all CFSs with that name, but you can also use a full

path (e.g. /siemens/sinumerik/nck) to enable just a specific CFS.

Another form is to enable the DHCP server on a network interface,

for example 'enable DHCPSvr -X120'.

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2.5 Description of the actions

2.5.2 Check-cf


Syntax: sc check-df
Alternative names: checkcf
Privilege level: user
With this action, the CF card is checked reading to see whether it contains defective sectors.
If errors occur, this is noted in the file /var/log/messages.

2.5.3 Clear

Various actions can be performed with the "clear" command; only the "clear dhcp" command
is relevant here.

clear dhcp

Syntax: sc clear dhcp [-INTERFACE]

Alternative names: ---
Privilege level: service
This command clears any state of the DHCP server at the specified interface (default setting
is the system network) and resets it to its initial state. This means that the Lease data is
deleted: all IP addresses are re-assigned in the network and the server forgets having ever
seen a master server.
This action is only appropriate on a machine on which the active DHCP server runs.

The clearing of the Lease data does not delete the entire file, but only the data contained
therein. This action also increments the version number, so that available standby DHCP
servers can also perform the deletion.

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2.5 Description of the actions

2.5.4 Closeport


Syntax: sc closeport ID
Alternative names: ---
Privilege level: service

Mode of operation
This command closes a port in the firewall opened previously with the "sc openport"
command. This is only necessary when the port is to be closed manually before the time set
with "sc openport" expires. Otherwise the port is closed automatically when the port service
life expires.
ON parameter is the ID number of the firewall rule output by "sc openport".

2.5.5 Connect


Syntax: sc connect [-ro] SERVER:/PATH [MOUNTPOINT]

sc connect [-ro] [-public] //[USERNAME[/DOMAIN]
Alternative names: mount
Authorization level: none
This action makes a remote file system on a server available on the controller. This is
enabled by linking the remote file system to a local directory, known as the "MOUNTPOINT".
The files offered by the server are then visible under this directory.

Password protection
Note that when entering this command, the password appears on the screen in plain text
according to the specified syntax.
For path names, use the slash “/” and not the backslash “\”.

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2.5 Description of the actions

Supported file systems

Two types of remote file system are supported: Windows SMB and Unix NFS. These two
systems have completely different characteristics, particularly in terms of user administration:
● In Windows SMB, you connect to the server as a particular user that the server must
recognize. Via this connection, you then access the files as this user, independently of
which local user triggers the action.
This feature means that in SMB systems, you already have to enter a user name, if
necessary its domain, and a password at the time that the connection is established.
● In NFS servers, the connection itself does not require a particular user to be entered.
Instead, for each file operation, the user who wants to carry out the operation must log on
to the server. The server then decides whether or not to permit this. Users are entered
using a user ID and group ID, not with names. The server must therefore recognize the
corresponding IDs (or permit access for all users.)
Another type of remote file system that is supported are USB memory devices exported
from TCUs (USB Flash Drive). Since these are integrated using NFS, the entries for
server and path are similar to those for NFS. However, the TCU names are administrated
differently, and the USB memory devices have specific paths that do not physically exist.

Notation of the remote file system

For SMB and NFS/TCU, the file system is entered using different notations:

The fixed share is: //SERVER/SHARE
The server name can of course also be a numeric IP address. SHARE is the name of the
release on the server. Note that the character '$', which often occurs in this type of name,
must be preceded by a backslash ('\') in the command line. Otherwise, the system tries to
expand a variable.
A user name can also be entered in front of the server name, separated with a '@' character.
If necessary, the user name can also be extended by adding '/' followed by the Windows
domain to which it belongs. The password belonging to this user is normally queried
interactively, so that it is not visible on the screen. ´
For some applications, however, it may be necessary to write the password on the command
line. (For example, programs started from WinSCP cannot read from the keyboard.) In this
case, you can append an additional '%' character, followed by the password. If this contains
any special characters that are interpreted by the shell (<, >, &, ;, ", ', $, (, ), |), you should
shield these by preceding them with a backslash. Commas in SMB passwords cannot be

In NFS, entering the user is not required, which just leaves the two components SERVER
and PATH. As before, SERVER is the name of the file server. In contrast to SMB, PATH is a
path name that exists on the server, and not an arbitrarily assigned name.
The command "sc show drives SERVER" shows the file systems offered by a particular
server in the correct notation. For SMB, if required, the user name etc. still need to be added.

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2.5 Description of the actions

After the entry of the remote file system, you can also specify the required directory
('MOUNTPOINT') in which the remote files will become visible locally. This should be an
empty directory to which you have write access. If MOUNTPOINT is omitted, 'sc' itself
generates a suitable directory. The name is /tmp/drvNN (numbered consecutively), and is
displayed when the connection is successful.
The option "-ro" connects the remote file system in read-only mode, which means that you
can only read and do not have write access. This can be useful if you want to exclude
changes that originate from the controller, or if the server only allows read-only connections.
As explained above, an SMB file system is connected as the specified user. To prevent a
third user from executing file operations on the controller in the name of the connected user,
the local directory can normally only be accessed by the latter (and all members of the same
However, if you do want to make the remote directory available to further local users, you
can use the option "-public" to make the MOUNTPOINT belong to the "operator" group, and
this access is therefore guaranteed.

2.5.6 Disable


Syntax: sc disable hmi|nck|SUBSYSTEM ...

sc disable DHCPSvr -INTERFACE
sc disable DHCPSync [-X120]
sc disable IPAlias [-X120]
sc disable usb [-MINUTES] all | HOSTS
Alternative names: ---
Authorization level: service

The "sc disable" command switches the specified subsystems off. These subsystems are
then not loaded again at the next restart. You can also switch several subsystems off with a
single "disable" command. "hmi", "nck" or any other subsystem names can be used for the

The "sc disable" command acts on the parameters in the file basesys.ini, which is in the
following directory: card/user/system/etc/basesys.ini

"sc disable IPAlias" deactivates the second alias IP address for the X120 network interface.

See also
Parameters "InternalIP_Alias" and "InternalNetMask_Alias" in the "basesys.ini" file.

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2.5 Description of the actions

Specific subsystems
The name "DHCPSvr" is a special case. This does not switch a normal subsystem on or off,
but specifies whether or not a DHCP server should be started on a network interface. The
interface is entered in the standard form.
The synchronization of the DHCP server is switched on and off with "DHCPSync". The
synchronization is only possible in the system network.
The commands "sc enable" and "sc disable" function by changing certain variables in the file
/user/system/etc/basesys.ini. In subsystems, this variable is "DisableSubsystems", in
USB memory devices are inhibited with "sc disable USB": Specifically, the devices of USB
class "storage" are involved, i.e. input devices can still be operated at the USB interface.
● If a time is not specified [-MINUTES], than a permanent inhibit is set. When a time is
specified, the inhibit is specified in minutes.
● The inhibit can refer to all network participants of the plant network or a list with host
names or IP addresses can be specified, for which the inhibit is valid.

2.5.7 Disconnect


Syntax: sc disconnect MOUNTPOINT

sc disconnect all
Alternative names: umount, unmount
Privilege level: user
The action "disconnect" terminates the connection to a remote file system previously
connected using "connect“. If the MOUNTPOINT has been automatically created by 'sc', the
corresponding directory is also deleted again.
The variant "sc disconnect -all" can be used to remove all existing SMB and NFS file

2.5.8 Distribute


Syntax: sc distribute [parameter]

Alternative names: dist
Privilege level: service

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2.5 Description of the actions

This command distributes TCU data to other machines in the system network. Only the
parameter "tcudata" is relevant here.

distribute tcudata

Syntax: sc distribute tcudata

Alternative names: ---
Privilege level: service
This command informs the active DHCP server that TCU data in /user/common/tcu has been
manually changed. The server can then distribute this data to the standby servers.
It is recommended that the version file in /user/common/tcu be changed manually as this is
only read in once by the DHCP server at the start. An incrementing of the version would then
only take effect at a restart.

This command can be performed on any machine in the system network, not only on the
active server. A message is always sent to the active server.

2.5.9 Enable


Syntax: sc enable hmi|nck|SUBSYSTEM ...

sc enable DHCPSvr -INTERFACE
sc enable DHCPSync [-X120] [-PRIORITY]
sc enable IPAlias [-X120] IPADDR[/NETMASK]
sc enable usb [-MINUTES] all | HOSTS
Alternative names: ---
Authorization level: service

The "sc enable" command switches on the specified subsystems such that these are also
activated when a subsystem is started. You can also switch several subsystems on with a
single "enable" command. "hmi", "nck" or any other subsystem names can be used for the

The "sc enable" command acts on the parameters in the file basesys.ini, which is located in
the following directory: card/user/system/etc/basesys.ini

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2.5 Description of the actions

"sc enable IPAlias" defines a second alias IP address for a network interface. This is only
supported for X120. The IP address itself has the usual notation with four numbers
separated by decimal points. If not specified, the subnet screen form can be determined from
the class (A/B/C) of the IP or determined explicitly. The CIDR notation (number of bits of the
network section) is also possible.

See also
Parameters "InternalIP_Alias" and "InternalNetMask_Alias" in the "basesys.ini" file.

Specific subsystems
The name "DHCPSvr" is a special case. This does not switch a normal subsystem on or off,
but specifies whether or not a DHCP server should be started on a network interface. The
interface is entered in the standard form.
The commands "sc enable" and "sc disable" function by changing certain variables in the file
/user/system/etc/basesys.ini. In subsystems, this variable is "DisableSubsystems", in
With "sc enable usb" USB storage devices at permanently inhibited USB interfaces or at
specific host names or IP addresses will be released again.

DHCP synchronization
The synchronization of the DHCP server is switched on and off with "DHCPSync". The
synchronization is only possible in the system network (X120). A priority can also be
specified. -LOW, -HIGH or -MASTER.
The priorities have the following effect for the synchronization of the DHCP server:
● MASTER: The computer node will become an active DHCP server. If several servers
have been configured in the system network, this computer has the highest priority.
● HIGH: The computer node belongs to the server candidates with high priority, i.e. if no
server with "MASTER" priority becomes active, then a computer with "HIGH" priority can
be the active server.
● LOW: The computer node belongs to the server candidates with low priority, i.e. if no
server with "MASTER" priority or "HIGH" priority becomes active, then a computer with
"LOW" priority can be the active server.

Recommended settings are:
• DHCP operation and DHCP synchronization are switched on in the system network.
• Exactly one NCU is set as DHCP server.
• Maximum of two computers are candidates with "HIGH" priority.
• All other components are set as DHCP clients or candidates with "LOW" priority.

See also
Parameter "SyncModeDHCPD_SysNet" in the "basesys.ini" file.

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2.5 Description of the actions

2.5.10 Openport


Syntax: sc openport [-MINUTES] PROTO/PORT SOURCE ...

Alternative names: ---
Authorization level: service

Mode of operation
This command opens a port in the firewall to the company network (X130) for a certain time.
The default time is 15 minutes, but this can be changed with the -MINUTES option. The
maximum possible time is 60 minutes.
The port to be opened is specified in the form "PROTO/PORTNR". The protocol can be
either "tcp" or "udp". This is followed by the specification of the hosts from which the port
should be accessible. Several forms are possible here:
● A single IP address: ""
● A host name (if this can be resolved via DNS), e.g. "server"
● An IP area with network screen form specification, e.g. ""
● An IP area with specification of the valid bits, e.g. ""
If the specification of the source host is completely missing, this is normally acknowledged
with an error message. However, an exception is when the "sc openport" command is
entered in a shell opened via SSH. The permitted host is taken from the environment
variable $SSH_CLIENT that contains the IP of the SSH client.
If the opening was successful, an ID number is output in a status message:
sc: Port tcp/25 is open, rule ID is 6620

This ID can be used with "sc closeport" to manually close the port earlier.

Security risk
Note that opening the ports in the firewall can represent a security risk. Only enable the
ports that you actually require.
Note that every accessible service can have security gaps.

See also
Parameter "FirewallOpenPorts" in the "basesys.ini" file.

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2.5 Description of the actions

2.5.11 Port status


Syntax: sc portstatus [-x127] PORTSPEC SOURCE

Alternative names: ---
Authorization level: service

Mode of operation
The command "sc portstatus" can be used to query whether a certain port in the firewall has
been opened. Option "-x127" must be specified if X127 is intended as the firewall instead of
X130. The port specification looks exactly the same as it does for "sc openport", e.g.
"tcp/102". However, at this point, no names are permitted and the specified source-IP must
be unique.
The following status is output:
● "Port not open" with exit status 1.
● "Port is open (rule ID is <N>)." and exit status 0.
The ID is also supplied which you must specify for "sc closeport".

2.5.12 Restart


Syntax: sc restart all|system|network| [!]SUBSYSTEM

Alternative names: reboot
Authorization level: service
With the action "sc restart" the specified subsystems are first stopped and then restarted with
the following secondary condition: Dependent subsystems are also restarted with a restart.

'hmi', 'nck' or any other subsystem names can be used for the subsystems. Several
subsystems can also be specified one after the other, which are then started or stopped –
including all of the required dependencies. It is also possible to start and stop all subsystems
with the exception of those specified. To do this you write an exclamation mark "!" in front of
the list.

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2.5 Description of the actions

"all", "system" and "network" are special values for the subsystem:
● "all" stops and starts all available subsystems.
● On the other hand, "sc restart system" initiates a system restart (reboot)
● "network" can only be specified in conjunction with "restart". "sc restart network"
reinitializes the network, e.g. after settings have been changed in basesys.ini.

# stop all subsystems:
$ sc stop all
# only stop HMI:
$ sc stop hmi
# start HMI and NCK:
$ sc start hmi nck
# start all subsystems except NCK
$ sc start ! nck

2.5.13 Restore


Syntax: sc restore [-full|-addon|-addon+|-oem|-oem+|-user]

[-force] [-nodelete] [-update] [-restart] FILENAME
Alternative names: ---
Authorization level: user
A backup created using "sc save" can be restored to the controller using "sc restore".

Mode of operation
As for "sc save", a restore is only possible from the service system or if subsystems are
stopped. If “sc restore" reports an error, for example that the restore will cause running
subsystems to crash, you can use the option "-force" to force the operation – just as for “sc
Normally, "sc restore" deletes the whole target area before the backup is restored (complete
CompactFlash card for full backup, /user in user data backups). This means that no files not
included in the backup are subsequently available.

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2.5 Description of the actions

Archive and backup files larger than 4GB

If a backup is to be restored with "sc restore" - consisting of several archive files - only the
first file of the backup must be specified in the FILENAME parameter. Once the end of the
file has been reached, other parts will be searched automatically.
Decisive when determining the continuation files is the format of the file name which was
transferred during calling, i.e. when calling "sc restore /tmp/backup.01of02.tgz", and after
reaching the end of "/tmp/backup.01of02.tgz" the search is on for the next file
"/tmp/backup.02of02.tgz". When calling "sc restore /tmp/backup.1of2.tgz", file
"/tmp/backup.2of2.tgz is expected correspondingly as a second part of the backup.

If no further options are specified, the archive should represent a full backup and this should
be restored in full. The status of all files is therefore the same after the "restore" as it was at
the time of the backup.
● The -full option additionally forces the partition and the file system to be recreated on the
CF card. This is, however, only possible from a service system. -full is necessary if the
partition table and/or file system is missing or damaged.
● However, if you want to restore the backup files without losing any files that have been
created in the meantime, you can use the option "-nodelete" to prevent these from being
deleted. "-nodelete" is not executed together with "-full", as when the file system is
recreated, all files are essentially deleted.
● The options -addon, -oem, -user, -addon+ and -oem+ also allow you to unpack only parts
of an archive.
● The -update option is used for loading software updates supplied by Siemens. The -
restart option can also be useful with -update. If user-defined system files are changed
when loading an archive, a restart or reinitialization is necessary. In such cases, "sc
restore" outputs a message to that effect at the end of the operation. The -restart option
causes the required action to be performed automatically.

2.5.14 Save


Syntax: sc save [-full|-addon|-addon+|-oem|-oem+|-user]

[-force] [-update] FILENAME
Alternative names: backup
Authorization level: user
The call of "sc help" without any additional action outputs a list of possible actions with a
brief description. If you enter an additional action, you receive a more detailed description for
this action.

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2.5 Description of the actions

The action "Save" or “Backup” creates a backup of the CF card in FILENAME. If the action is
used from a service system, the backup receives the files of the underlying controller, not of
the service system itself.

Archive and backup files larger than 4GB

If the Backup is written on a FAT32 target file system, no file size of more than 4GB is
permitted, then the Backup is divided into several files, which are correspondingly smaller
than this threshold value.
In the target file names, which are indicated during the call of"sc save", an indication is given
in this case which part of a number of backups it is and of how many files it consists: The call
of "sc save /tmp/backup.tgz" thus generates, for example, the files "/tmp/backup.01of02.tgz "
and "/tmp/backup.02of02.tgz ".

The following options are used for selecting which directories of the file system are to be
written to the archive:

-full: complete backup (default): all files of the controller, incl. Boot Loader
-addon: only /addon directory
-oem: only /oem directory
-user: only /user directory (user data)
-addon+: /addon, /oem and /user
-oem+: /oem and /user

If "sc save" is used directly on the controller and the subsystems are running, this may lead
to inconsistencies between saved files, because they can still change during the backup
process. Therefore, in this case “sc save" normally ends in an error message to inform you
that subsystems are still running.
● If you want to create a backup anyway, you can use the -force option. "sc save" still
issues a warning, but the process continues. If "sc save" is started from the service
system, no subsystems of the controller are running and "-force" is not necessary.
● The -update option writes an Img-D control file to the archive. This makes it possible to
use the archive at a later date via "sc restore -update".
sc save -user /tmp/drv01/backup.tgz

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2.5 Description of the actions

2.5.15 Show


Syntax: sc show ip [-INTERFACE]

Alternative names: ----
Authorization level: none
In the "sc show" command, various displays are grouped together showing the status of the

show ip

Syntax: sc show ip [-INTERFACE]

Authorization level: none
This command displays the IP address data of network interfaces. You have the option to
enter a specific interface. If no particular interface is specified, the data for all existing
interfaces is displayed, as well as the Default Gateway.
sc show ip
X120 (system network, eth0):
configured: (default)
current : IP= Netmask=
DNS Name : ncu1.local
DNS suffix: local
DHCP : synced server, prio=high, active
Statistics: RX=0.0MB (0.00% errors), TX=0.2MB (0.00% errors)
X130 (company network, eth1):
configured: DHCP
current : IP=111.222.333.64 Netmask=
DNS Name : name.test.siemens.de
Nameserver: 111.222.333.12 111.222.333.13 111.222.333.14
DNS suffix: test.siemens.de
DHCP : client (server: 111.222.333.221)
Statistics: RX=1.2MB (0.00% errors), TX=0.0MB (0.00% errors)
X127 (engineering network, ibn0):
current : IP= Netmask=
DNS Name : ncu-ibn
DHCP : server
Statistics: RX=0.0MB (0.00% errors), TX=0.0MB (0.00% errors)
Default gateway: 111.222.333.1 (via eth1)
Used nameserver:
Used DNS suffix: test.siemens.de local

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2.5 Description of the actions

The following data is displayed for each interface:

● Name: the name of the connection socket (X1_ _), together with the name used by the
operating system in brackets (ethN or ibnN).
● "configured": the IP address configured in the basesys.ini (variables
ExternalIP/ExternalNetMask for X130, InternalIP/Internal-NetMask for X120), or
"(default)" if nothing is configured in the basesys.ini, or "DHCP" if the address was
sourced via DHCP.
● "current": the currently set IP address together with the network screen form and MAC
address of the interface.
● "DNS Name": Result of a DNS reverse lookup on the current IP address.
● "Nameserver": Here the list of DNS servers is output which are related to this interface
(receive e.g. DHCP via this interface).
● "DNS Suffix": DNS search suffix related to this interface.
● "DHCP": Indication is given here if a DHCP client or server is running for this interface. In
the case of a client, the server where the IP address comes from is displayed, too. A
DHCP server on X120 can additionally be synchronized on the system network. Then the
information is displayed if this is the active server or if it is in standby mode.
● "Statistics": Total amount of data received or sent via this interface, and the percentage of
faulty packages.
When all interfaces are displayed, the default gateway is also output, i.e. the address of a
router to which all packages are sent that cannot reach their destination directly via a local
The default gateway is therefore a piece of data that applies to all interfaces and of which
there is only one instance. However, there is one interface via which it must be possible to
address the default gateway. This is displayed in brackets after the address.

show drives

Syntax: sc show drives SERVER

Authorization level: none
"sc show drives" shows the available remote file systems for a particular server. The server
name SERVER can be an NFS server or a "TCU", which represents any USB media that are
connected to a TCU. For details of possible server names and entering a user name (often
required for SMB), see the description of the "sc connect" command.

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Configuring the system
2.5 Description of the actions

sc show drives someuser/somedomain@somepc # Windows-Server

Password: *******




sc show drives someserver # NFS-Server



sc show drives TCU # TCU USB-Medien



All the available remote file systems of the relevant server are listed in the notation that is
expected by "sc connect".
● In NFS file systems, the server name is always first, followed by a colon and then the
export path.
● A USB memory on a TCU is a special form of NFS, and therefore also has the same
notation as an NFS file system. The specified path exists - but not physically - on the
TCU, but is converted there to USB by the NFS server.

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Configuring the system
2.5 Description of the actions

show net

Syntax: sc show net [-xml] [-hw|-tco|-sw|-swfull|-loc|-panel|

-dhcp|-switch|-all] [HOSTS...]
Authorization level: none
The "sc show net" command displays the devices in the system network and gives additional
information on these devices.
As both these functions rely on SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), only those
devices able to use SNMP will be found. SNMP as from version 2.6 is available for Linux-
based devices, for all other devices (e.g. MCP) this depends on the respective software
version. If a simple call is made, without any additional options, a list of the devices found will
appear showing the relevant IP address, DNS name (if known), and a short description
(module name).

The various switches, which can also be combined, allow additional information to be output
on the devices found:
● Unless additional options are involved, the output format for "sc show net" is designed to
be displayed on the screen. The alternative XML format is preferable, however, if further
machine-based processing is required. This can be selected via the -xml option (this
option must be the first one!).
● If the command line contains nothing after the switches, "sc show net" will search the
entire system network by broadcast for devices able to use SNMP. This search takes
time, however, and in the case of larger systems, the volume of information output may
be considerable. In view of this, a list of IP addresses or (DNS) names can be specified to
ensure a better overview. This will limit the search process and only the named devices
will be included.

-hw Information on hardware, such as the MLFB, serial number, hardware ID,
hardware version, SRM version, manufacturer, and the serial number of the
CF card. Some devices have two of these hardware blocks (the second one
being intended for an integrated device).
The PLC in the NCU and the TACO in the OP on an TCU are two such
-tco Operating state data: switching counter, operating hours counter, quantity of
data written to the CF card, number of times maximum temperature
-loc Location data: location, function, and contact details for the device (if
configured there)
-sw Displays brief details of the software installed, just the version of the overall
status (or of the basic system, if this is all that is installed)
-swfull Displays all the installed software components. These are represented
hierarchically in the form of a tree. The following is provided for each
component: information on the version, internal version (if different), target
version (if different), version details, and the installation path.

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Configuring the system
2.5 Description of the actions

-panel: Displays panel-specific data: size and color depth of the display,
MCP/TCU/DCK/EKS index, and the VNC server currently represented
-dhcp Data on a synchronizing DHCP server: operating state (off/standby/active),
priority, versions of the .leases file and TCU data, and the range for
dynamically assigned IP addresses
-switch Displays the settings of rotary switches on the device, e.g. the NC and PLC
switches of an NCU or the DIPFIX of an HT 8
-all Equivalent to all the switches above

The data and information read out here are automatically written to the EUNA file (End User
Notification Administration), and saved on the respective device.

2.5.16 Start, Stop


Syntax: sc start all|system|SUBSYSTEM

sc start all|system|SUBSYSTEM
Alternative names: ---
Privilege level: service

These two actions start or stop individual or all subsystems. Since these actions have a
direct influence on the runtime behavior, they are only available directly on the PLC, but not
in the service system (with the exception of "sc stop system"). The subsystems of the
underlying PLC do not run here, and can therefore not be controlled.

Only "all" and "system" function, but not arbitrary subsystems.
Both of these actions have only been implemented to a restricted extent.

Subsystem names
"hmi", "nck", or any other names, can be used for the subsystems. Multiple subsystems can
also be specified in a row, which are then started and stopped in this order.
"all" and "system" are special values for the subsystem:
● "all" starts or stops all available subsystems.
● "sc stop system" similarly stops all subsystems, but also the basic system with the PLC.
● "start system" is identical to "start all" and exists mainly for reasons of symmetry.

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2.5 Description of the actions

start snc

Syntax: sc start snc

Alternative names: ---
Privilege level: service

This command starts the "System Network Center". To operate it, you will need a mouse.
The "System Network Center" you can end with "Exit". If you do not wish to end the "System
Network Center", then switch to the HMI with the following key combination:
<Recall> + <MENU SELECT> (Area switchover key) or
<F9> + <F10> on an external keyboard

A description of the settings in the "System Network Center" is provided in the Operating
Components and Networking Manual.

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Configuring the system
2.5 Description of the actions

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Service and diagnostics 3
3.1 Creating a service system

To backup user data or the complete CompactFlash Card, proceed as follows:
● Creating a service system.
● Backing up the license
● Backup: Data backup on USB storage medium or on a network drive.
● System diagnostics
– Output network settings
– Changing the network settings
– Starting the VNC Viewer
To restore the user data or the complete CompactFlash Card, proceed as follows:
● Restore/Recover: Restore the data from USB storage medium or from network drive.
● Carry out software update.
● Carry out firmware update.

3.1.1 How do you create a service system for the NCU?

In case service is needed, create a portable "Emergency Boot System" (EBS) on a USB
memory. Thus you can start the booting of the NCU from the service system in order to carry
out various service tasks, such as data backup or updates, in a service shell.
Two partitions are created on the service system:
● A Linux partition that is not displayed under Windows.
● An FAT partition, to backup files or save software updates.
The FAT partition can be read and written to under Linux as well as from a Windows
system. The FAT partition can be addressed under the path/data in a command shell
under Linux.

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Service and diagnostics
3.1 Creating a service system

Scope of delivery
To create a service system on a USB storage medium, the following files are included on
● an executable file installdisk.exe
● an image file for USB-FlashDrive
● a file with the latest information siemensd.txt / siemense.txt

It is better to use SIMATIC PC USB-FlashDrive.

To create the service system, you need administrator rights.
All data already on the USB storage medium will be deleted.
The transfer is optimized for USB 2.0; therefore, the transmission to the USB storage
medium takes longer when using USB 1.1 than USB 2.0

Proceed as follows
To create a service system on a USB storage medium:
1. Copy the service system onto a local hard disk of your PG/PC.
2. Connect the USB storage medium to the USB interface of the PG/PC.
3. Determine in Windows Explorer which drive letter the USB storage medium was
assigned, e.g. H:
4. Open a DOS shell and change to the directory in which the files for the service system
are stored.
5. In the DOS shell, enter the following command:
installdisk ––verbose ––blocksize 1m linuxbase.img h:

Result: The image is transferred to the USB storage medium.

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Service and diagnostics
3.1 Creating a service system

3.1.2 This is how you operate the service system

Connecting-up the service system

1. Connect the USB storage medium to the USB interface X125 or X135 of the NCU.
2. Switch-off the system and then switch on again.
3. Press the "Reset" button.
The service system is unzipped from the USB storage medium when the NCU boots for
the first time: Only then can the USB storage medium be used as service system and the
entire storage capacity is available.

Operating the service system

Keys and softkeys to navigate in the service system:

Softkey Key on OP External Description

HSK1 <F1> Moves the cursor down a row

HSK2 <F2> Moves the cursor up a row

Page HSK3 <F3> Moves the cursor down a page

Page HSK4 <F4> Moves the cursor up a page

Char HSK5 <F5> Inserts text or digits

Char HSK6 <F6> Inserts text or digits

VSK7 <Shift> + <F7> Cancel / Return


VSK8 <Shift> + <F8> OK / Confirm


--- Pos1 Moves the cursor to the top row

--- End Moves the cursor to the bottom row

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Service and diagnostics
3.1 Creating a service system

Operation on touch panels
No touch operation is supported by the service system
• SINUMERIK OP019: An external keyboard is required for text input (connected via USB).
• SIMATIC Thin Client Here, you can activate the integrated keyboard.

3.1.3 Diagnostics functions

Functions of the service menu

The following functions for service and diagnostics are available on the service system:

Figure 3-1 Service menu

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62 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Service and diagnostics
3.1 Creating a service system

Overview of the main menu:

Main menu Description Reference to chapter/manual

Firmware Update Update BIOS: This is how you update the firmware
(Page 80)
• CBE30 Bootloader
VNC Viewer Start a VNC Viewer Calling the VNC Viewer (Page 89)
Diagnosis Starting a diagnostic function to display Performing system diagnostics
network-connection data and data on the (Page 84)
system CompactFlash Card.
Backup NCU Software and Data Backup system and user data on the USB Backup data via the service menu
FlashDrive or network drive. (Page 68)
Update NCU Software and Data Upgrade the system from the USB This is how you update the software
FlashDrive or network drive. (Page 82)
Restore NCU Software and Data Restore system and user data from the Backup data via the service menu
USB storage medium or network drive. (Page 68)
Modify NCU Settings • Change network settings This is how you change the system
settings (Page 86)
• Activate/deactivate HMI
• Restore delivery condition of the
following components:
– Drive
Service Shell A Service Shell is opened in order to input Backing up data via the service shell
service commands. (Page 75)
Service Commands (Page 35)

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Service and diagnostics
3.1 Creating a service system

3.1.4 This is how you connect to a network drive

Connecting network drives

1. Select "Connect to network drive".
2. Enter the complete path name of the network drive.
3. Register yourself with a user name with access authorization to this drive.
Note the syntax of the examples specified:

Figure 3-2 Connecting network drives

4. Confirm with "Ok". You are then prompted to enter a password.

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Service and diagnostics
3.2 Backup license

3.2 Backup license

Validity of the license key

The license key corresponds to the serial number of the CompactFlash Card. If the
CompactFlash Card is replaced for a SINUMERIK 840D sl, the license key loses its validity
and the system is no longer ready for operation.
This situation can occur for a defective hardware of the system CompactFlash Card.

For the following cases, backup the license key of the CompactFlash Card on a USB storage
medium or on a network drive:
● Software update without license key
● System software error without defective hardware

Replacement CompactFlash Card
The following data are required in order to obtain a valid license key after replacing the
system CompactFlash Card: The serial number of the defective and the new
CompactFlash Card.

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Service and diagnostics
3.2 Backup license

3.2.1 This is how you backup the license key

Backing up the license key on a USB storage medium

1. In the main menu, select the menu item "Backup NCU Software and Data".
The following menu is displayed:

Figure 3-3 Backing up licenses

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Service and diagnostics
3.2 Backup license

2. Select the menu item "Backup license key to USB memory stick".
The following menu is displayed:

Figure 3-4 Save license key

The license key is backed up in the specified directory together with the serial number of the
CompactFlash Card.

See also
The procedure is essentially the same as for "Backup license key to network drive". In
addition, you connect to a network drive:
This is how you connect to a network drive (Page 64)

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Service and diagnostics
3.3 Backup data via the service menu

3.3 Backup data via the service menu

3.3.1 This is how you backup user data

Backing up and restoring user data

1. In the main menu, select the menu item "Backup NCU Software and Data".
2. Select "Backup user data to USB memory stick" and confirm with "Ok".
3. Enter a complete file name - as shown in the example:

Figure 3-5 Entering a file name

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Service and diagnostics
3.3 Backup data via the service menu

4. Confirm with "Ok". The following message is output after the operation has been
successfully completed:

Figure 3-6 Operation completed

Backup file ≥ 4GB
For a backup file ≥ 4GB, the space on the FAT partition of the service system (with 8GB)
is no longer sufficient. For this reason, backup files of this size are partitioned (see also:
sc save/sc restore) or they can be saved on a network drive.

See also
The procedure for "Backup user data to network drive" is analog. In addition, you connect to
a network drive:
This is how you connect to a network drive (Page 64)

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Service and diagnostics
3.3 Backup data via the service menu

3.3.2 This is how you restore user data

Restoring user data

1. In the main menu, select the menu item "Restore NCU Software and Data".
The following menu is displayed:

Figure 3-7 Restoring user data

2. Select "Restore user data from USB memory stick" and confirm with "Ok".
The list of the tgz files available on the USB storage medium are displayed.
3. Select the appropriate tgz file and confirm with "Ok".
A message is output after the operation has been successfully completed.

See also
The procedure for "Restore user data from network drive" is essentially the same. In
addition, you connect to a network drive:
This is how you connect to a network drive (Page 64)

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Service and diagnostics
3.3 Backup data via the service menu

3.3.3 This is how you create a complete backup of the CompactFlash Card

Creating a complete backup

1. In the main menu, select the menu item "Backup NCU Software and Data".
The following menu is displayed:

Figure 3-8 Backup up

2. Select "Backup complete CF card to USB memory stick" and confirm with "OK".

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Service and diagnostics
3.3 Backup data via the service menu

3. Enter a complete file name - as specified in the example.

4. Confirm with "OK". This can take several minutes.
The operation is displayed:

Figure 3-9 Backing up ...

A message is output after the operation has been successfully completed.

See also
The procedure for "Backup complete CF card to network drive" is essentially the same. In
addition, you connect to a network drive:
This is how you connect to a network drive (Page 64)

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Service and diagnostics
3.3 Backup data via the service menu

3.3.4 This is how you install a complete system backup

Installing the complete backup

With this menu item, a complete backup of the data from the service system or from a
network drive is installed on the CompactFlash Card, i.e. this backup includes both the
system software as well as also the user data.

This procedure corresponds to formatting the CompactFlash Card and all of the existing
data are overwritten.

Installing the complete backup

1. In the main menu, select the menu item "Restore NCU Software and Data".
The following menu is displayed:

Figure 3-10 Restore system

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Service and diagnostics
3.3 Backup data via the service menu

2. Select the menu item "Recover system from USB memory stick (reformat CF card)" and
confirm with "Ok".
The list of the tgz files available on the USB storage medium are displayed.
3. Select the appropriate tgz file and confirm with "Ok".
A message is output after the operation has been successfully completed.

The system must be restarted in order that the new data become effective.

See also
The procedure for "Recover system from network drive (reformat CF card)" is essentially the
same. In addition, you connect to a network drive:
This is how you connect to a network drive (Page 64)

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Service and diagnostics
3.4 Backing up data via the service shell

3.4 Backing up data via the service shell

Backing up and restoring using a service shell

To call a service shell, depending on the configuration, the following possibilities are

Configuration of NCU with TCU: the service shell is called under Linux.
Configuring the NCU with PCU 50 or programming device (PG).
A service shell can be called under:
• on the NCU under Linux
• on the PCU/PG using the VNC Viewer (system network or company network)
• on the PCU/PG using WinSCP (system network or company network)

3.4.1 This is how you save data on a service system

Proceed as follows
To back up the complete system:
1. Connect the service system to a USB interface (X125 or X135) of the NCU and press the
reset button.
Alternatively, you can switch the NCU off, connect the service system, and switch the
NCU on again.
Result: The NCU boots from the service system.
2. In the main menu, select the menu item "Service Shell".
3. Log on as a service technician using the user name "manufact" and password
4. Using the command "sc backup" you can create the backup file "backup01.tgz".
The directory /data on the service system is provided for backup files. The complete path
should be specified.
5. Choose –full, to backup all data on the CompactFlash Card, or –user, if you only want to
backup user data.
Example: sc backup –full /data/backup01.tgz

A backup file of the complete CompactFlash Card is created under /data on the service
system on the USB storage medium.

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Service and diagnostics
3.4 Backing up data via the service shell

3.4.2 This is how you restore data from the service system

Proceed as follows
To restore the complete system:
1. Connect the service system to a USB interface (X125 or X135) of the NCU and press the
reset button.
Alternatively, you can switch the NCU off, connect the service system, and switch the
NCU on again.
Result: The NCU boots from the service system and the main menu is displayed.
2. In the main menu, select the menu item "Service Shell".
3. Log on as a service technician using the user name "manufact" and password
4. With the command "sc restore" you can write the backup file "backup01" from the service
system back to the CompactFlash Card in the NCU. The complete path should be
Example: sc restore /data/backup01.tgz

The system state stored in the file "backup01" is restored on the NCU.

If access to the system data on the CompactFlash Card is not possible because the
CompactFlash Card is defective or empty, you can only log in as user "admin" with the
password "SUNRISE" and no longer as the user "manufact".

3.4.3 This is how you save data on a network drive

Proceed as follows:
● Connect the service system.
● "Service Shell" open.
● Establish a connection to a network drive.
● Create a backup file.

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3.4 Backing up data via the service shell

Scenario I: Start Command Shell under Linux

1. Connect the service system to the USB interface X125 or X135 of the NCU.
2. In the main menu, select the menu item "Service Shell".
3. Log on as a service technician using the user name "manufact" and password
4. Use the command "sc connect" to connect the network drive:
sc connect //username%password@server/share /tmp/backup

Please enter here the user name and the password for the network drive that is to be
connected to.
5. Using the command "sc save", create the backup file "backup01".
Choose –full, to backup all data on the CompactFlash Card, or –user, if you only want to
backup user data in the directory /user.
Example: sc save –full /tmp/backup/backup01

A backup file of the complete CompactFlash Card is created under the specified path on
the network drive.

Scenario II: Start the command shell with WinSCP on the programming device:
1. Start WinSCP and enter the following data in the log-on window:
– IP address of the NCU (or, if required, host name)
– User name "manufact" with password "SUNRISE".
2. Select in the menu "Commands" → "Open Terminal".
3. Execute the data backup using the commands described in steps 4 to 6 from scenario I.

Scenario II: Start the command shell using the VNC Viewer on the programming device
1. Start the VNC Viewer and connect to the NCU using the IP address (or where relevant,
using the host name)
2. Log on under the "manufact" user name with the password "SUNRISE".
3. To restore the data, enter the corresponding commands as described under steps 3 to 5
in scenario I.

NCU operating system (IM7)

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Service and diagnostics
3.4 Backing up data via the service shell

3.4.4 This is how you restore data from the network drive

Proceed as follows:
● Connect the service system.
● "Service Shell" open.
● Establish a connection to a network drive.
● Restore the data.

Scenario I: Start command shell under Linux

1. Connect the service system to the USB interface X125 or X135 of the NCU.
2. In the main menu, select the menu item "Service Shell".
3. Log on as a service technician using the user name "manufact" and password
4. Use the command "sc connect" to connect the network drive:
sc connect //username%password@server/share /tmp/backup

5. Please enter here the user name and the password for the network drive that is to be
connected to.
To completely restore the system (system data and user data), enter the following: sc
restore –full backup01

Result: The whole system is overwritten by the backup data.

6. To restore user data only, enter the following command:
sc restore –user backup01

Result: The user data are written back again.

All subsystems are then restarted: sc start all

The system state stored in the file "backup01.tgz" is restored on the NCU.

Scenario II: Start the command shell with WinSCP on the programming device:
1. Start WinSCP and enter the following data in the log-on window:
– IP address of the NCU (or, if required, host name)
– User name "manufact" with password "SUNRISE".
2. Select in the menu "Commands" → "Open Terminal".
3. To restore the data, enter the corresponding commands as described under steps 3 to 5
in scenario I.

NCU operating system (IM7)

78 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Service and diagnostics
3.4 Backing up data via the service shell

Scenario II: Start the command shell using the VNC Viewer on the programming device
1. Start the VNC Viewer and connect to the NCU using the IP address (or where relevant,
using the host name)
2. Log on under the "manufact" user name with the password "SUNRISE".
3. To restore the data, enter the corresponding commands as described under steps 3 to 5
in scenario I.

NCU operating system (IM7)

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Service and diagnostics
3.5 Updating the software

3.5 Updating the software

3.5.1 This is how you update the firmware

Firmware Update
When service is required, it may be necessary for a service technician to install a BIOS
update. Siemens provides the corresponding update file. Possible formats include: *.img or
*.rom or *.bin. Or, the update file is already supplied on the service system, then step 1 is
1. Copy the update file to the FAT partition of the service system.
2. Connect the service system to interface X125 or X135 of the NCU.
3. Switch on the system.
4. In the main menu, select the menu item "Firmware Update".
The following menu is displayed:

Figure 3-11 Firmware update

NCU operating system (IM7)

80 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Service and diagnostics
3.5 Updating the software

5. Select "BIOS Update" and follow the next instructions.

The BIOS version installed on the NCU and the update files available in the service
system are output:

Figure 3-12 Select the updates

6. Select the update file and confirm with "OK".

A "Restart" is then required.

Fall back strategy
Before the BIOS update is installed, a backup of the installed BIOS version is saved on
the service system.
For safety reasons, only files can be selected that are suitable and are appropriate for
this NCU.

Update other components

The following rules must be observed for the additional updates:
● The procedure to update the PLC-BIOS Update is essentially the same as the procedure
for BIOS Update.
● FPGA Update: for NCU7x0.3
● CBE30 Bootloader Update: for CBE30 and CBE30-2 (option module)

NCU operating system (IM7)

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Service and diagnostics
3.5 Updating the software

3.5.2 This is how you update the software

Update / Recover
The following options are available:
● Update the software from the service system or from the network drive.
● Completely restore the CompactFlash Card with the system software from the service
system or from the network drive (Recover system ...).

Updating the software

1. In the main menu, select the menu item "Update NCU Software and Data".
The following menu is displayed:

Figure 3-13 Software update

2. Select the menu item "Update system software from USB memory stick".
The list of the tgz files available on the USB storage medium are displayed.

NCU operating system (IM7)

82 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Service and diagnostics
3.5 Updating the software

3. In order to check which software version contains the tgz file, first select the tgz file, then
press "Show version".
The following information is output:

Figure 3-14 Version information

4. Select the appropriate tgz file and confirm with "Ok".

A message is output after the update has been successfully completed.

The system must be restarted in order that the new data become effective.

See also
The procedure for "Update system software from network drive" is essentially the same. In
addition, you connect to a network drive: This is how you connect to a network drive
(Page 64)
For a complete backup of the system: This is how you install a complete system backup
(Page 73)

NCU operating system (IM7)

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Service and diagnostics
3.6 System diagnostics

3.6 System diagnostics

3.6.1 Performing system diagnostics

Overview of diagnostic functions

The following diagnostic functions to display network settings are included in this menu:

Figure 3-15 Diagnostics functions

System diagnosis Description

Show all network settings Connection data of all Ethernet interfaces is displayed.
Show network settings X120 The connection data of interface X120 is displayed.
(system network)
Show network settings X127 The connection data of interface X127 is displayed.
(engineering network)
Show network settings X130 The connection data of interface X130 is displayed.
(factory network)

NCU operating system (IM7)

84 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Service and diagnostics
3.6 System diagnostics

System diagnosis Description

Show card identification The following data of the system CompactFlash Card is
• Serial number
• System software version
• Hardware version (NCU)
Check card integrity Checking the CompactFlash Card system

Example: Connection data of all Ethernet interfaces of the NCU:

Figure 3-16 NCU: Interfaces

See also
This is how you check the CompactFlash Card (Page 87)

NCU operating system (IM7)

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Service and diagnostics
3.6 System diagnostics

3.6.2 This is how you change the system settings

Modify NCU Settings

You can change the following system settings in this menu:

Figure 3-17 Changing system settings

Menu item Description

Change network settings Changing network settings of the NCU.
Disable internal HMI (currently enabled) Activating/deactivating an HMI task
Reset HMI data to factory defaults Restoring the delivery condition of HMI data.
Reset NC data to factory defaults Restoring the delivery condition of NC data.
Reset PLC data to factory defaults Restoring the delivery condition of PLC data.
Reset DRIVE data to factory defaults Restoring the delivery condition of drive data.

NCU operating system (IM7)

86 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Service and diagnostics
3.6 System diagnostics

Reset ... data to factory defaults
The selected data are reset to the state when delivered, therefore overwriting all of the
previous specific commissioning settings that have been made.

3.6.3 This is how you check the CompactFlash Card

Displaying identification data

1. In the main menu, select the menu item "Diagnosis".
The following menu is displayed:

Figure 3-18 System diagnostics

NCU operating system (IM7)

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Service and diagnostics
3.6 System diagnostics

2. Select the menu item "Show card identification".

The following data for identification are output:

Figure 3-19 Identification

NCU operating system (IM7)

88 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Service and diagnostics
3.6 System diagnostics

3. Select the menu item "Check card integritiy".

The CompactFlash Card is checked for errors:

Figure 3-20 Check

This procedure can take several minutes.

3.6.4 Calling the VNC Viewer

The VNC Viewer is used to connect directly with a VNC Server and, for example, to operate
an HMI application.
Furthermore, it enables you to call up a list of all the network devices, thereby obtaining an
overview of the system network.

NCU operating system (IM7)

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Service and diagnostics
3.6 System diagnostics

Starting the VNC Viewer

1. In the main menu, select the menu item "VNC Viewer".
The following menu is displayed:

Figure 3-21 VNC Viewer

2. To start the VNC Viewer, enter the following connection data:

– Server name, e.g. IP address or DNS.
– The password is optional and can also be left empty.
– The following assignment applies to the "Session number":

Number Meaning
Session 0 HMI-Applikation
Session 4 Command Shell
Session 5 System logfile
Session 6 System Network Center (SNC)

NCU operating system (IM7)

90 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Service and diagnostics
3.6 System diagnostics

3.6.5 WinSCP and PuTTY

The programs WinSCP and PuTTY are freely-available open source programs for Windows.
WinSCP is intended especially for transferring files from and to Linux systems, PuTTY for
the remote operation of a command shell.
● WinSCP can be downloaded via the following link: http://winscp.net/eng/download.php
(http://winscp.net/eng/download.php) (Installation Package).
WinSCP also offers a "command shell" that is limited so that commands can be issued,
but no callbacks can be answered.
● PuTTY, by contrast, offers a complete command shell.
PuTTY web page: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty
With both programs, a service technician can log onto the NCU and carry out service tasks.
The username ‘manufact’ with the password ‘SUNRISE’ is available for the Siemens service

Starting WinSCP
WinSCP is started from Windows after the service technician has logged onto the NCU with
which he is connected using the corresponding authorization (e.g. as user "manufact" with
password "SUNRISE").
From the "Commands“ menu, select ”Open terminal” to open a command shell. There you
can carry out the service commands in the usual way.

NCU operating system (IM7)

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Service and diagnostics
3.6 System diagnostics

NCU operating system (IM7)

92 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Appendix A
A.1 Abbreviations

CF CompactFlash card: Memory card

CFS Cluster File System
DCK Direct Control Keys: Direct control keys
DCP Discovery and Basic Configuration Protocol
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol: Dynamic assignment of an IP address and other configuration
parameters on a computer in a network
DNS Domain Name System: Conversion of domain names into IP addresses
EBS Emergency Boot System
EKS Electronic Key System: System to check the identity of a user (authentication system)
EUNA End User Notification Administration
HMI Human Machine Interface: Operator interface
IRT Isochronous Realtime (Ethernet)
LLDP Link Layer Discovery Protocol: multi-vendor Layer 2 Protocol defined in accordance with the IEEE-
802.1AB standard, allows information to be exchanged between devices.
MAC Media Access Control: The MAC address is a 48-bit Ethernet ID.
MCP Machine Control Panel: Machine control panel
MPI Multi-Point Interface: Multiple interface
MUI Multilanguage User Interface
NAT Network Address Translation
NCK Numerical Control Kernel: NC kernel with block preparation, travel range, etc.
NCU Numerical Control Unit: NCK hardware unit
NRT Non-Realtime (Ethernet)
NTFS New Technology File System
NTP Network Time Protocol: Standard for synchronizing clocks in the entire network
NTPD NTP Daemon:
Utility that runs in the background and does not have to be started by the user.
PCU PC Unit: Computer unit
PDEV Physical device
PG Programming device
PLC Programmable Logic Control: Programmable logic controller
RAM Random Access Memory: Program memory which can be read and written into
RDY Ready: The system is ready to operate.
RFC Remote Function Call
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol (network protocol for monitoring and controlling network elements
such as routers, servers, switches, and printers from a central station).
SSD Solid State Drive
SSH Secure Shell: Protocol for an encrypted network connection with a remote device

NCU operating system (IM7)

Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 93
A.1 Abbreviations

TCU Thin Client Unit

TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol: Very simple data transmission protocol
UDP User Datagram Protocol: NTP is mostly processed via UDP.
USB Universal Serial Bus
UPS Uninterruptible power supply
UTC Universal Time, Coordinated: Coordinated Universal Time (previously: Greenwich Mean Time)
VNC Virtual Network Computing

NCU operating system (IM7)

94 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1

CFS (Compressed File System)

A CFS (file extension ".cfs") is a compressed file system, similar to a zip file. It contains files
and subdirectories that look like normal files on the controller at runtime. Files and directories
contained in a CFS cannot be changed. They are decompressed at runtime as required.

Network interface
The network interface is an interface that enables network communication. These are the
Ethernet interfaces on the NCU.

NFS (Network File System)

NFS is the most common protocol for remote file systems in the world of Unix, and is also
available for Windows. NFS is closely based on the Unix privilege model – each time a file is
accessed, a UID and GID are supplied which the server then uses to decide whether the
operation is permitted. The server relies on the client to provide the correct IDs.

Remote File System

A file system that is contacted over the network. The files are physically located on another
computer in the network (the "server"), but appear locally the same as all other files.
Operations performed on these files are sent via the network to the server, instead of being
executed directly on a local storage medium (such as a hard drive or CompactFlash Card).
As a server usually exports more than one file system, a name for the required file system
must also be entered in addition to the name of the server.

SMB (Server Message Block)

SMB is the underlying protocol of MS Windows file systems (also known as drives, releases,
shares, etc.). SMB connections are always active in the context of a specific user, who must
be known to the server. Exported file systems have a name (release name), by which they
can be addressed. The client does not need to know the concrete path on the server.

A subsystem is a CFS that not only contains a collection of files, but also executes a
program, for example, at runtime. To do this, the CFS contains a script that is used to control
the starting and stopping of this program.
For this reason, only administrators are permitted to set up NFS file systems, and NFS is
usually only implemented in uniformly administrated environments. Exported file systems on
the server are addressed directly on the server via their path.

NCU operating system (IM7)

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VNC (Virtual Network Computing)

Virtual Network Computing is a software that displays the screen contents of a remote
computer, with a running VNC server, on a local computer, with a running VNC viewer, and
in return sends keyboard and mouse movements of the local computer to the remote

NCU operating system (IM7)

96 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1

LogFileLimit, 27
Nameservers, 17
SNMPAutLocation, 23
7 SNMPContact, 23
SNMPFunction, 23
7-segment display, 9 SNMPLocation, 23
SNMPStation, 24
SyncModeDHCPD_SysNet, 20
A Timeservers, 17
Applications, 59 Timezone, 26

basesys.ini, 15 CFS (Compressed File System), 38
CheckTCUforUpdatePackage, 29 Coding switches, 7
DHCPClientID, 18 Command
DHCPDNoMasterWait, 21 Backup, 50
DisableCompanyNet, 16 Check-cf, 40
DisableIBNForwarding, 22 Closeport, 41
DisableIBNNet, 22 Connect, 41
DisableNATRouting, 21 Disable, 43
DisableNTPTimeSync, 28 Disconnect, 44
DisablePLCTimeSync, 29 Enable, 45
DisableSubsystems, 28 Help, 39
DisableSysNet, 18 Openport, 47
Domain, 18 Port status, 48
EnableCoreDumps, 29 Reboot, 48
EnableDHCP_IBNNet, 22 Restart, 48
EnableDHCPD_SysNet, 19 Restore, 49
EnableSysNetToIBNForwarding, 22 Save, 50
ExternalDcpEnabled, 24 Show, 52
ExternalIP, 16 Start, 56
ExternalLldpEnabled, 25 Stop, 56
ExternalLldpTLVsTxEnabled, 26 CompactFlash Card
ExternalNetMask, 16 Memory partitioning, 6
FirewallOpenPort, 28 Partitions, 5
Gateway, 16
Host name, 17
InternalDcpEnabled, 24 D
InternalDNSDomain, 21 data
InternalDynRangeEnd, 20 Restoring, 78
InternalDynRangeStart, 20 DHCP synchronization, 46
InternalIP, 19
InternalIP_Alias, 19
InternalLldpEnabled, 25 E
InternalLldpTLVsTxEnabled, 25
InternalNetMask, 19 Emergency Boot System, 59
InternalNetMask_Alias, 19 Ethernet interfaces, 13

NCU operating system (IM7)

Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 97

I Creating for the NCU, 60

Restoring data, 76
Service Tool WinSCP, 91
Ethernet, 37
SMB (Server Message Block), 38
NCU, 13
Subnet mask, 14
IP address
Subsystem, 38
Display, 14
Designation, 37
DHCP, 46
Load operating system, 9 Diagnostics, 9
Log file, 5, 29
System error, 11
NCK commissioning switch, 7
NCU booting, 8
Network drive, 64 Time zone, 26
Network interface, 13
NFS (Network File System), 38
BIOS, 80
PLC mode switch, 7 Firmware, 80
Privilege, 35 User group, 35
Users (default setting), 6

Remote File System, 38
Replacement part, 65 VNC (Virtual Network Computing), 13
Button, 8
Execute, 8 W
WinSCP, 91
[DCP], 24
[ExternalInterface], 16
[IBNInterface], 22
[InternalInterface], 18
[LinuxBase], 26
[LLDP], 25
[SNMP], 23
Service command
Application, 35
Rights, 35
Syntax, 36
Service menu, 62
Service system
Backing up data, 75

NCU operating system (IM7)

98 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
 PCU-Basesoftware (IM8) ___________________
Commissioning the system 1

Configuring the system 2

Install software and updates 3
Backing up and restoring
data 4
PCU-Basesoftware (IM8) ___________________
Service and diagnostics 5

List of Abbreviations A
Commissioning Manual

Valid for:

SINUMERIK PCU 50.3 with PCU-Basesoftware V8.6 SP3

SINUMERIK PCU 50.5 with PCU-Basesoftware V5XP1.3

Legal information
Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.

indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.

with a safety alert symbol, indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.

without a safety alert symbol, indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that an unintended result or situation can occur if the relevant information is not taken into account.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will
be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to
property damage.
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions.
Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and
avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:

Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended
or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and
maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible
ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.

All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication
may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software
described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the
information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent

Siemens AG Order number: 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA0 Copyright © Siemens AG 2012.

Industry Sector Ⓟ 11/2011 Technical data subject to change All rights reserved
Postfach 48 48
Table of contents

1 Commissioning the system ........................................................................................................................ 5

1.1 Delivery condition of the system ....................................................................................................5
1.1.1 Hard disk partitions ........................................................................................................................6
1.1.2 System features .............................................................................................................................8
1.2 User administration ......................................................................................................................10
1.2.1 Which users are set up? ..............................................................................................................10
1.2.2 User settings ................................................................................................................................12
1.2.3 This is how you create a new user ..............................................................................................18
1.2.4 This is how you administer users.................................................................................................20
1.3 Boot up behavior of the PCU .......................................................................................................21
1.3.1 Dialogs when booting...................................................................................................................21
1.3.2 Boot up of the PCU: no HMI program installed............................................................................24
1.3.3 Boot up of the PCU: HMI program already installed....................................................................25
1.3.4 Setting the screen resolution .......................................................................................................27
1.4 BIOS settings for PCU 50.3 .........................................................................................................30
1.5 BIOS settings for PCU 50.5 .........................................................................................................35
2 Configuring the system ............................................................................................................................ 41
2.1 System settings............................................................................................................................41
2.1.1 How to change the name of the PCU ..........................................................................................41
2.1.2 This is how you set the IP address of the PCU ...........................................................................42
2.1.3 How to add the PCU to a domain ................................................................................................43
2.1.4 How to connect an external monitor ............................................................................................44
2.1.5 This is how you switch off the USB interfaces. ............................................................................45
2.2 Configuring a customized operator interface ...............................................................................46
2.2.1 How to select the language for the Windows system ..................................................................46
2.2.2 Displaying the boot screen...........................................................................................................49
2.2.3 Changing the background of the service desktop........................................................................49
2.3 Customized settings during boot up ............................................................................................50
2.3.1 Configuring key filters for an HMI program ..................................................................................50
2.3.2 Saving service desktop settings...................................................................................................53
2.3.3 Starting programs during boot up ................................................................................................54
2.3.4 Starting OEM programs ...............................................................................................................55
2.3.5 Starting applications in service mode ..........................................................................................55
2.4 PCU with SITOP UPS module .....................................................................................................56
2.4.1 Starting and configuring the SITOP monitor ................................................................................57
2.4.2 Configuration of the SITOP UPS module ....................................................................................59
2.4.3 Configuration for exiting the operating software ..........................................................................61
3 Install software and updates .................................................................................................................... 63
3.1 Installing SINUMERIK products ...................................................................................................63
3.2 Installation via service desktop ....................................................................................................64

PCU-Basesoftware (IM8)
Commissioning Manual, 02/2012, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA0 3
Table of contents

3.3 How to install and authorize SIMATIC STEP 7........................................................................... 67

3.4 How to install additional languages under Windows XP (DVD).................................................. 69
4 Backing up and restoring data ................................................................................................................. 71
4.1 Backing up and restoring data .................................................................................................... 71
4.1.1 How to create a service system for PCU .................................................................................... 71
4.1.2 Starting ServiceCenter Backup Restore ..................................................................................... 73
4.1.3 Select service task ...................................................................................................................... 75
4.1.4 How to backup and restore local partitions ................................................................................. 77
4.1.5 How to backup and restore the hard disk ................................................................................... 78
4.1.6 Restoring system data from "Emergency Image" ....................................................................... 79
4.2 Operating the service PC or the PG on the network................................................................... 81
4.2.1 Requirements.............................................................................................................................. 81
4.2.2 How to connect a PC/PG to a PCU within the system network .................................................. 84
4.2.3 How to connect a PC/PG to an NCU within the company network............................................. 88
4.3 Commissioning a replacement hard disk .................................................................................... 91
5 Service and diagnostics ........................................................................................................................... 93
5.1 PCU Hardware Diagnostics ........................................................................................................ 93
5.2 Evaluation of the 7-segment display ........................................................................................... 94
5.3 Setting of the service switch (PCU 50.5 only)............................................................................. 96
5.4 Enabling/disabling error log during boot up ................................................................................ 97
5.5 How to search for stations within the system network ................................................................ 98
A List of Abbreviations .............................................................................................................................. 105
A.1 Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................ 105
Index...................................................................................................................................................... 107

PCU-Basesoftware (IM8)
4 Commissioning Manual, 02/2012, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA0
Commissioning the system 1
1.1 Delivery condition of the system

The PCU has onboard interfaces for communicating via Ethernet, MPI and PROFIBUS DP.
The integrated free slots remain free for other tasks. The PCU is equipped with the
Windows XP ProEmbSys operating system and for data backup tasks with the Symantec
Ghost software.
● Four USB ports (USB 2.0) offer points where a keyboard, mouse and other peripheral
devices can be connected.
● For CF cards, there is a covered slot.
● Two internal PCI slots are available for specific expansions.
For commissioning:
● Two 7-segment displays and two LEDs are integrated for diagnostic purposes. They
indicate the current operating status and display the BIOS error codes during boot up.
● If the PCU is to be operated without an operator panel front, a monitor and an additional
keyboard will also be required:
– For diagnostics when booting the PCU
– When installing a replacement hard disk
(alternatively, the hard disk can also be installed externally).
References: Operator Components and Networking Manual

Supplied software on the PCU

The software installed on delivery of the PCU includes the components below, among

MS Windows XP Professional SP3

Internet Explorer V 6.0
MPI driver (PCU 50.3 and PCU 50.5-C) V
Symantec Ghost (default setting) V 8.2 (incl. Ghost Explorer)
TCU Support V 8.6
(is already installed and available on the hard disk under
D:\Updates, if it must be re-installed.)

PCU-Basesoftware (IM8)
Commissioning Manual, 02/2012, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA0 5
Commissioning the system
1.1 Delivery condition of the system

Documentation for all Ghost tools is supplied on the PCU’s hard disk under E:\TOOLS.

For the system component versions contained in the PCU Basesoftware, see the
C:\BaseVers.txt file.

1.1.1 Hard disk partitions

Memory segmentation
The hard disk of the PCU 50.3 has 40 GB of storage capacity and is segmented into a
primary partition C and an expanded partition with the three logical drives D, E and F which
operate with NTFS file access.

(0(5*(1&< & 
703 '  6<67(0 (  86(5 ) 

*% *% *%

Figure 1-1 Division of the hard disk

The PCU 50.5 is equipped with a solid state drive (SSD) with NTFS file access, which is also
segmented to provide a primary partition C and an expanded partition with the three logical
drives D, E and F. The SSD is available with 32 GB and 40 GB storage capacity.

(0(5*(1&< &
703 ' 6<67(0 ( 86(5 )

*% *% *%

Figure 1-2 Segmentation of the SSD with 32 GB

Partitioning of the SSD with 40 GB is identical to that for partitioning of the hard disk.

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Commissioning the system
1.1 Delivery condition of the system

Depending on the order, the operating software can already be installed when the unit is
shipped. It is installed subsequently by the customer the first time the system is booted up.
For reasons of data security, the operating software and the Windows XP system software
are distributed over the different hard disk partitions.

Content of the partitions

The individual partitions are intended for the following data or already contain this data:

EMERGENCY (C:) Reserved for service tasks under WinPE 2005.

TMP (D:) Used for storing Ghost images (e.g. of the status on delivery) and local
backup images.
Contains the installation directory where the software to be installed is
first copied to from a remote PG/PC prior to the actual installation
SYSTEM (E:) Reserved for the Windows XP software.
The Windows XP software is available on the recovery media CD via
network, for example to install drivers or updates as and when needed
later on.
USER (F:) For installing user programs.
Applications such as HMI system software (incl. data storage and
temporary data), STEP 7, OEM applications for HMI or customer-
specific applications should only be installed here.


All of the applications must be exclusively installed on USER (F:) even if these applications
have a different drive set as the default drive in their installation path.
The partition names EMERGENCY, TMP, SYSTEM, USER must not be changed;
otherwise the "ServiceCenter" will no longer function.

See also
Installing SINUMERIK products (Page 63)
Starting ServiceCenter Backup Restore (Page 73)

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Commissioning the system
1.1 Delivery condition of the system

1.1.2 System features

Configuration of the operating system

For safety reasons, Windows XP has been preset as follows:
● The Autorun function is deactivated.
● Automatic Windows Update is deactivated.
● Monitoring and alerts for antivirus software and automatic update are deactivated.
● Links used to call up Internet Explorer from the service desktop and the start menu are
● Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is possible for calls that are not connected.
● The firewall settings are activated on the network card Eth 1 and deactivated on Eth 2.

Changes to Windows services

Other default settings:

Windows services: Start-up type:

Computer Browser Manual (Not started)
Error Reporting Service Disabled
Portable Media Serial Number Manual (Not started)
SSDP Discovery Service Disabled
Universal Plug and Play Host Disabled
Web Client Manual (Not started)
Wireless Zero Configuration Manual (Not started)

Name of the PCU

Upon delivery of the system, a unique computer name is generated which can be read out
under: "Start" → "Settings" → "Control Panel" → "System", "Computer Name" tab.

Pre-configuration of the PCU

The PCU has two Ethernet interfaces with default settings suitable to connect to
SINUMERIK solution line:

Eth 1 is preset as a default DHCP client for connection to a

company network.
Eth 2 is preset as a SINUMERIK DHCP server for connection to a
system network. Eth 2 is preset to the fixed IP address

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1.1 Delivery condition of the system

See also
This is how you set the IP address of the PCU (Page 42)
References: Operator Components and Networking Manual

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Commissioning the system
1.2 User administration

1.2 User administration

1.2.1 Which users are set up?

Preset users
Each user is from one user type and belongs to one user group. The user types are
implemented under Windows in user groups with various user rights.
Upon delivery of the system, the following users are defined at the factory:
● The "operator"
In terms of type, the "operator" is classed as an HMI user and belongs to the operators'
user group (operator.group). These operators have limited user rights under Windows.
● The "user"
In terms of type, the "user" is classed as an HMI user and belongs to the operators' user
group (user.group). These operators have extended user rights under Windows.
● The "auduser".
The "auduser" is an HMI service user type of user and belongs to the system
administrators' user group. The system administrators have the user rights of a local
administrator under Windows.

User name Password User type Windows user User Rights User group
operator operator HMI (operator.group) operator.group Restricted Operator
user CUSTOMER HMI (user.group) user.group "Power User" Operator
auduser SUNRISE HMI+Service Administrators local System administrators
siemens ***** --- --- --- System administrators

The individual user types differ in the following areas:

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1.2 User administration

User type Area of activity

HMI (operator.group) • Boot up of the PCU
• Operating the HMI program
• Windows Desktop
HMI (user.group) • Boot up of the PCU
• Operating the HMI program
• Windows desktop
HMI+Service • Boot up of the PCU
• Operating the HMI program
• Service Desktop

Service Desktop
The service desktop provides the HMI+Service user with a Windows desktop, which is
expanded to include tools and functions for service tasks, such as manage users, install
software, save/restore data, check system integrity, etc.

Windows desktop
The HMI user is able to use a Windows desktop which can be expanded to suit his or her
individual needs.

Starting ServiceCenter Users

Using this link on the service desktop, you can start ServiceCenter Users as an HMI+Service
user. In ServiceCenter Users, the boot behavior of the PCU as well as settings for the HMI
program and desktop are set globally for all users and individually for specific users.
The users are managed in the "ServiceCenter Users", so that the commissioner/service
technician no longer has to make corresponding settings directly in the registry.

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1.2 User administration

1.2.2 User settings

"Global Settings"
In the ServiceCenter Users, as HMI service user, you set parameters under "Global
Settings" for the system behavior:
● When the PCU is booting up
● When the HMI program is starting
● With reference to the desktop

The following diagrams show, as an example, an application with the
SINUMERIK Operate software installed.

Using ServiceCenter Users

● Use "Exit" to quit ServiceCenter Users.
● If you press the "Reboot" button, the system immediately reboots (without prior

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Commissioning the system
1.2 User administration

"Startup (1)" tab

Figure 1-3 Global Settings: Startup (1) tab

Table 1- 1 The default is marked in "bold".

Startup (1) tab Option Effect

Bitmaps folder: F:\hmisl\siemens\sinumerik Directory with boot screens
\hmi\ico\ ...
Default bitmap folder: F:\hmisl\siemens\sinumerik Directory containing default boot screens
Enable: "yes" Authorization is in place to install user
software during booting.
"no" No installation authorization
Logon dialog: "yes" Display "Installing Logon" dialog.
"no" Do not display "Installing Logon" dialog.
Veto Dialog: "no" For pending installation during the boot up:
No prompting, the installation begins

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1.2 User administration

Startup (1) tab Option Effect

"yes" For pending installation during the boot up:
Prompt asking whether to install.
Authentication: "manual" Authentication of an HMI+Service user in
the "Installing Logon" dialog is undertaken
"EKS" Authentication of an HMI+Service user in
the "Installing Logon" dialog involves EKS.
The "Installing Logon" dialog appears if
authentication by EKS has failed in the
"manual+EKS" Authentication of an HMI+Service user in
the "Installing Logon" dialog either involves
EKS or is performed manually.

"Startup (2)" tab

Figure 1-4 "Startup (2)" tab

Table 1- 2 The default is marked in "bold".

Startup (2) tab Option Effect

Keys, filtering
Enable "yes" Key filtering is activated.
"no" Key filtering not activated.
Filter file E:\WINDOWS\System.ini Select the file with filter settings
Desktop Logon

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1.2 User administration

Startup (2) tab Option Effect

Start dialog: "yes" Display "Desktop Access" dialog
"no" Do not display "Desktop Access" dialog
Logon Dialog: "yes" Display "Desktop Logon" dialog.
"no" Do not display "Desktop Logon" dialog.
Default password map: "no" The password must be entered exactly as
"yes" The password is not case-sensitive.
Authentication: "manual" Authentication with user name and
password (manual)
"EKS" Authentication with EKS
"manual+EKS" Either authentication with user name and
password or with EKS

"HMI" tab

Figure 1-5 "HMI" tab

Table 1- 3 The default is marked in "bold".

"HMI" tab Option Effect

Keys Filtering
Enable "yes" Key filtering is activated.
"no" Key filtering not activated.
Filter file E:\WINDOWS\System.ini Select the file with filter settings

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1.2 User administration

"HMI" tab Option Effect

Start: "yes" The HMI program is started.
"no" The HMI program is not started.
File: F:\hmisl\siemens\sinumerik\ Select the HMI program
Task bar autohide: "no" HMI program: Hide start task bar
"yes" HMI program: Show start task bar
Task bar on top: "no" HMI program: Start task bar in the
"yes" HMI program: Start task bar always visible

"Desktop (1)" tab

Figure 1-6 "Desktop (1)" tab

Table 1- 4 The default is marked in "bold".

"Desktop (1)" tab Option Effect

Enable: "no" Desktop not displayed
(Default: for HMI user)
"yes" Displaying the desktop
(Default: only for HMI+Service user)
Icons Autoshow Tools: "no" Do not display links on the desktop.
"yes" Display links on the desktop.

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1.2 User administration

"Desktop (1)" tab Option Effect

Startmenu "no" Do not display programs in the "Start menu"
Autoshow Tools:
"yes" Display programs in the "Start menu".
Bitmaps folder: (none) Directory with background screens for the desktop
Default bitmap folder: (none) Directory with default background screens for the
Task bar
Autohide: "no" Desktop: Hide start task bar
"yes" Desktop: Show start task bar
On Top: "no" Desktop: Start task bar in the background
"yes" Desktop: Start task bar always visible

"Desktop (2)" tab

Figure 1-7 SCU "Desktop (2)" tab

Table 1- 5 The default is marked in "bold".

"Desktop (2)" tab Option Effect

Keys, filtering
Enable "yes" Key filtering is activated.
"no" Key filtering not activated.
Filter file E:\WINDOWS\System2.ini Select the file with filter settings

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1.2 User administration

Principle of passing on
The settings made under "Global Settings" are passed on to individual users. The settings
which are passed on can still be adapted to suit each user.

Example: Specific user settings

The settings under "Global Settings" are inherited by all users:
1. Left-click the user in the "Users" list.
2. After entering the password, you can adapt the settings as required.
The settings that cannot be changed are displayed with a gray background.

Figure 1-8 Specific settings for the "HMI (user.group)" user

1.2.3 This is how you create a new user

Creating new users


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1.2 User administration

1. Click on "New User" button.

2. Enter a user name.
3. Assign a user type, e.g. "HMI", and a user group to the user.
The Windows user group is only active locally on the PCU.

Figure 1-9 ServiceCenter Users: New user

4. Confirm with "Apply".

5. You will then be asked to specify a password.
6. After confirming with "OK", the new user is created and displayed in the list under

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1.2 User administration

Adding new users from a domain

If the PCU is a member of a domain, users already existing in this domain can be added as
HMI users or HMI+Service users:
1. Click on the "New User" button.
2. To do this, select the corresponding entry in the "Domain" list and a user from the "Name"
3. Assign a user type and a user group to the user.
The Windows user group is only active locally on the PCU.

See also
How to add the PCU to a domain (Page 43)

1.2.4 This is how you administer users

As an HMI+Service user, you can execute the following tasks in the Users ServiceCenter:
● Change user names.
● Delete users.

Change the user name

1. Left or right-click the user who you wish to rename in the list.
2. To change the user name, select "Rename" from the pop-up menu.
3. Enter a new name and confirm with OK.

Deleting a user
To delete a user again, follow these steps:
1. Left or right-click the user who you wish to delete in the list.
2. To delete the user, select "Delete" from the short-cut menu using righthand mouse key.
Result: The user is deleted after confirming the confirmation prompt.

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1.3 Boot up behavior of the PCU

1.3 Boot up behavior of the PCU

1.3.1 Dialogs when booting

Selection when booting up

The following dialogs are shown during boot up:
● "Installing Logon" dialog.
This dialog is displayed if an "Install" directory is found on a bootable storage medium
(e.g. USB-FlashDrive) when booting up.

Figure 1-10 Installing Logon

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1.3 Boot up behavior of the PCU

● "Desktop Access" dialog

– This dialog is displayed if either no HMI program is installed, the installation has been
skipped or the start of the HMI program has been deactivated during ramp-up.
Displaying this dialog can be suppressed through configuration in the global or user
settings. "Desktop" is then selected as the default.

Figure 1-11 Desktop Access (example without HMI program)

If an HMI program is installed, the "Start HMI" button is also available in the "Desktop
Access" dialog.

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1.3 Boot up behavior of the PCU

● "Desktop Logon" dialog

The "Desktop Logon" dialog enables the user to log on to the desktop. This dialog also
– If no valid user data has been provided by the authentication system (EKS).
– If authentication on the "Startup(1)" tab is set to "manual".

Figure 1-12 Desktop Logon (with authentication: "manual")


Setting the access level via EKS:

• If an EKS unit is active, i.e., the key is inserted and can be evaluated, then the
key information for the EKS unit alone determines the active access level. The
access level in the HMI program cannot be changed when EKS is active.
• If the key is withdrawn from the active EKS unit, i.e. the EKS unit becomes
inactive, the system adopts the current access level as determined by the key
• If changing the operating right amongst the operating stations, the EKS unit of the
new active operating station is authoritative. If no EKS unit is assigned there, the
effect is the same as for an inactive EKS unit.
• The key information is evaluated by the HMI. Once an access level has been
determined from the key information, HMI adopts this access level and also sets it
in the NCK: The last access level set always applies to the system.

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Commissioning the system
1.3 Boot up behavior of the PCU

1.3.2 Boot up of the PCU: no HMI program installed

No HMI program is installed during the PCU boot up.

Ramp-up phase








Figure 1-13 PCU bootup diagram (without HMI program)

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1.3 Boot up behavior of the PCU

● If installation programs are present in directory D:\Install, you will be prompted during the
first boot up as to whether the installation procedure should be started. After installation is
completed, you need to restart the system.
The installation can also be skipped and carried out later. To do this, use the HMI
Explorer (Installation via service desktop (Page 64)).
● "Desktop", "ServiceCenter Users" or "Shutdown" can be selected in the dialog
"Desktop Access".
– When selecting "Desktop", the "Desktop Logon" dialog is opened.
– When selecting "ServiceCenter Users", the "Installing Logon" dialog is opened.

When booting the PCU for the first time, the user can only log on as 'auduser'.

1.3.3 Boot up of the PCU: HMI program already installed

There is already an HMI program installed.

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1.3 Boot up behavior of the PCU

Ramp-up phase






Figure 1-14 PCU bootup diagram (HMI program installed)

● If the HMI program is already installed, the PCU boots up and the HMI program is started
● During the boot up, there is a time interval for pressing key <3> when the version
information appears on the lower right of the background screen. Then the
"Installing Logon" dialog opens.
● To carry out service tasks, you will have to log on as a service user.
The following input options are available:
– Manual logon to a domain using user name and password.
– Logon using EKS: A key and valid user data for authentication must be provided for
this. If valid user data is not available via the EKS, the "Desktop Logon" dialog is
displayed along with user name and password.
– Both options can be selected.

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1.3 Boot up behavior of the PCU

1.3.4 Setting the screen resolution

The system behavior during boot up for the screen resolution is set in the file tcu.ini. You will
find the delivery status for tcu.ini in E:\siemens\system\etc.
Modified tcu.ini files are saved in F:\addon_base\..., F:\oem_base\..., F:\user_base\...
Reference: Operator Components Manual, "Networking" chapter

Set the resolution when booting up the PCU

The following options are available in the # RESOLUTION section in the tcu.ini:
1 = AUTO_OP_1 (default)
2 = AUTO_OP_2
3 = AUTO_MON_1
4 = AUTO_MON_2
5 = 640X480
6 = 800X600
7 = 1024X768
8 = 1280X1024

The meanings of the settings are as follows:

Settings Meaning
SYSTEM The resolution is not specially set; i.e., the resolution last used in the
system is active, e.g., the resolution which had been set manually in the
Control Panel.
AUTO_OP_1 Default:
During boot up, the resolution is automatically set ("PCU panel" has priority)
in accordance with the following scenarios:
Example 1: There is a PCU panel (irrespective of whether there is a PCU monitor and
TCU panels)
[in active TCU mode:
The following additional condition applies: PCU is activated (with dynamic
resolution switching enabled)]:
The resolution is set to the max. resolution of the PCU panel
(max. 1280x1024).

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1.3 Boot up behavior of the PCU

Settings Meaning
Example 2: There is no PCU panel, however there is a PCU monitor (irrespective of
whether there are any TCU panels):
[in active TCU mode:
The following additional condition applies: PCU is activated (with dynamic
resolution switching enabled)]:
The resolution is not specially set; i.e., the resolution last used in the
system is active, e.g., the resolution which had been set manually in the
Control Panel.
(Different to AUTO_OP_2 !)
AUTO_OP_2 Like AUTO_OP_1, except:
Example 2: There is no PCU panel, however there is a PCU monitor
(irrespective of whether there are any TCU panels):
[in active TCU mode:
The following additional condition applies: PCU is activated (with dynamic
resolution switching enabled)]:
The resolution is set to the max. resolution of the PCU monitor, reduced to
the next lowest SINUMERIK resolution. The SINUMERIK resolutions are
640x480, 800x600, 1024x768 and 1280x1024.
Example: In the case of a PCU monitor with a max. resolution of 1440x900,
the SINUMERIK resolution setting is 1280x1024.
AUTO_MON_1 During boot up, the resolution is automatically set ("PCU monitor" has
priority) in accordance with the following scenarios:
Example 1: There is a PCU monitor (irrespective of whether there is a PCU panel and
TCU panels)
[in active TCU mode:
The following additional condition applies: PCU is activated (with dynamic
resolution switching enabled)]:
The resolution is set to the max. resolution of the PCU monitor, reduced to
the next lowest SINUMERIK resolution. The SINUMERIK resolutions are
640x480, 800x600, 1024x768 and 1280x1024.
Example: In the case of a PCU monitor with a max. resolution of 1440x900,
the SINUMERIK resolution setting is 1280x1024.
If there is a PCU panel, the display there is panned if the max. resolution of
the PCU panel is lower than the max. resolution of the PCU monitor.
Example 2: There is no PCU monitor, however there is a PCU panel (irrespective of
whether there are any TCU panels):
[in active TCU mode:
The following additional condition applies: PCU is activated (with dynamic
resolution switching enabled)]:
The resolution is not specially set; i.e., the resolution last used in the
system is active, e.g., the resolution which had been set manually in the
Control Panel.
(Different to AUTO_MON_2 !)

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1.3 Boot up behavior of the PCU

Settings Meaning
Example 3: There is no PCU monitor and no PCU panel (= headless operation):
A) in active TCU mode:
a) dynamic resolution switching is enabled (resolution adaptation entry in
TCU.ini) and at least one TCU is already logged on:
The resolution is set to the resolution of the TCU which is currently active.
b) dynamic resolution switching is enabled (resolution adaptation entry in
TCU.ini) and no TCU has logged on yet or dynamic resolution switching is
The resolution is set to the max. resolution of the current PCU panel, i.e.,
which logged on during the previous session.
Default: Default TCU resolution in accordance with the registry.
Notice: The first TCU panel to logon (later) becomes activated. The focus
handler then automatically sets the resolution to this TCU panel's resolution
(in the case of dynamic resolution switching).
A) in inactive TCU mode:
The resolution is not specially set - i.e. the resolution used during the
previous session in the system is active, e.g. the resolution set manually in
Control Panel.
AUTO_MON_2 Like AUTO_MON_1, except:
Example 2: There is no PCU monitor, however there is a PCU panel
(irrespective of whether there are any TCU panels):
[in active TCU mode:
The following additional condition applies: PCU is activated (with dynamic
resolution switching enabled)]:
The resolution is set to the max. resolution of the PCU panel
(max. 1280x1024).
640X480 During boot up, the SINUMERIK resolution is set to 640x480.
800X600 During boot up, the SINUMERIK resolution is set to 800x600.
1024X768 During boot up, the SINUMERIK resolution is set to 1024x768.
1280X1024 During boot up, the SINUMERIK resolution is set to 1280x1024.

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Commissioning the system
1.4 BIOS settings for PCU 50.3

1.4 BIOS settings for PCU 50.3

The BIOS of the PCU is preset in such a way that no changes are required. The date and
time can be set under Windows or the operator interface.


Your device configuration is preset for working with the software supplied with the unit. You
should only change the preset values if you have modified your device in any way, or if a
fault occurs when the unit is powered up.

Starting BIOS setup

1. Start the BIOS SETUP as follows:
Reset the device (warm or cold restart).
After the first boot up, the following message appears:
Press < F2 > to enter SETUP or <ESC> to show boot menu

2. Press the F2 key as long as the BIOS prompt appears on the screen.
The BIOS main menu opens:

6$7$3RUW  >0%@
6$7$3RUW  >1RQH@
6$7$3RUW  >1RQH@
6$7$3RUW  >1RQH@


6\VWHP0HPRU\  .%



Figure 1-15 BIOS Main Menu (Example)

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1.4 BIOS settings for PCU 50.3

BIOS setup: Defaults

The following system parameters are saved on delivery:
Menu: Main

System parameters Defaults Custom entries

System Time hh:mm:ss
System Date MM/DD/YYYY
IDE Channel 0 Master None
IDE Channel 0 Slave None
SATA Port 0 40008 MB
SATA Port 1 None
SATA Port 2 None
SATA Port 3 None
Memory Cache Write Back

Boot options
Quick boot mode Enabled
SETUP prompt Enabled
POST errors All, but not keyboard
Summary screen Enabled
Diagnostic screen Enabled
Post Code/Status LPC Bus

Keyboard features
Numlock ON
Key click Disabled
Keyboard auto-repeat rate 30 / sec
Keyboard auto-repeat delay ½ sec

Hardware Options
PCI MPI/DP Enabled
Onboard Ethernet 1 Enabled
On-board Ethernet 1 Address 08 00 06 90 xx xx
On-board Ethernet 1 Remote Boot Enabled
Onboard Ethernet 2 Enabled
On-board Ethernet 2 Address 08 00 06 90 xx xx
On-board Ethernet 2 Remote Boot Disabled
SafeCard functions Enabled

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1.4 BIOS settings for PCU 50.3

Hardware Options
Fan control Enabled
CRT/LCD selection Simultan. Auto

Menu: Advanced

System parameters Defaults Custom entries

Installed O/S Other
Reset configuration data No
Legacy USB support Disabled
USB controller restart Enabled
I/O Device Configuration
Internal COM 1 Enabled
Base I/O address 3F8
Interrupt IRQ 4

PCI Configuration
PCI device slot 1
Option ROM scan Enabled
Enable master Enabled
Latency timer Default
PCI device slot 2
Option ROM scan Enabled
Enable master Enabled
Latency timer Default

SATA/PATA Configuration
PATA Controller: Enabled
SATA Controller mode Enhanced
AHCI Configuration Disabled
RAID support Disabled

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1.4 BIOS settings for PCU 50.3

Menu: Security

System parameters Defaults Custom entries

Supervisor password is Disabled
User password is Disabled
Set user password Enter
Set supervisor password Enter
Password on boot Disabled
Fixed disk boot sector Standard

Menu: Boot

System parameters Defaults Custom entries

Boot priority order:
1: SATA0: Fujitsu MHT2040BHTBD
2: PCI BEV: VIA BootAgent
Excluded from boot order:

Menu: Version

System parameters Defaults

BIOS version V05.01.06
BIOS number A5E00370214-ES005
MPI/DP firmware V01
CPU type Celeron ® M processor 1.50GHz
Code revision 0020

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Commissioning the system
1.4 BIOS settings for PCU 50.3

Menu: Exit

Save Changes & Exit All changes are saved; a system restart is carried out with the
new parameters.

Changing BIOS settings

Once additional components have been installed or attached, it may be the case that the
system has to be informed of this via the BIOS setup:
1. Ramp up the device.
2. When the prompt to activate the BIOS setup appears, press the <F2> key (corresponds
to horizontal softkey 2 on the OP).
3. The BIOS setup menu appears. In the menu, use the cursor keys to navigate to the
desired selection box.
4. Change the setting using the <+> key (press <SHIFT> and <X> at the same time) or the
↔ key on in the numeric keypad.
5. Using the left-right cursor keys, you can reach other setup menus.
6. Press <ESC> (<Alarm Cancel> key) to go to the "Exit" menu (or press the right cursor
key again).
7. Press the <Enter> key to exit the setup menu.
Then the system powers up.

Changes to the BIOS settings, with the exception of the boot sequence, require an OEM
contract to be concluded.

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Commissioning the system
1.5 BIOS settings for PCU 50.5

1.5 BIOS settings for PCU 50.5

The BIOS of the PCU is preset in such a way that no changes are required. The date and
time can be set under Windows or the operator interface.


Your device configuration is preset for working with the software supplied with the unit. You
should only change the preset values if you have modified your device in any way, or if a
fault occurs when the unit is powered up.

Starting BIOS setup

1. Start the BIOS SETUP as follows:
Reset the device (warm or cold restart).
After the first boot up, the following message appears:
PRESS < F2 > to enter SETUP or <ESC> to show Bootmenu

2. Press the F2 key as long as the BIOS prompt appears on the screen.
The BIOS main menu opens:

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3#*+] ([DPSOH
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&DFKH5$0 .%




Figure 1-16 BIOS main menu PCU 50.5 (example)

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Commissioning the system
1.5 BIOS settings for PCU 50.5

BIOS setup: Default settings

The following system parameters are saved on delivery:

Menu: Main

System parameters Default settings Own entries

System Time hh:mm:ss
System Date MM/TT/JJJJ

Menu: Advanced

Peripheral Configuration Default settings Own entries

Internal COM 1 Enabled
Onboard Ethernet 1 Enabled
Onboard Ethernet 2 Enabled
PCI - MPI / DP 1) Enabled
1) only for CPB (-C)

SATA Configuration Default settings Own entries

SATA Controller Enabled
SATA Controller mode AHCI

Video Configuration Default settings Own entries

Primary video device PEG

USB Configuration Default settings Own entries

USB Port0 Enabled
USB Port1 Enabled
USB Port2 Enabled
USB Port3 Enabled
USB Port4 Enabled
USB Port5 Enabled
USB Port6 Enabled
USB Port7 Enabled
USB Port8 Enabled
USB Port9 Enabled
USB Port10 Enabled

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Commissioning the system
1.5 BIOS settings for PCU 50.5

Chipset Configuration Default settings Own entries

Port 80h Cycles LPC Bus
VT-d Enabled
HPET Enabled

CPU Configuration Default settings Own entries

P-States (IST) Enabled
Turbo Mode Enabled
CMP Support Auto
HT Support Auto
Use XD Capability Disabled
VT Support Enabled
Turbo Mode Disabled
C-States Enabled

Active Management Technology Default settings Own entries

Intel AMT Support Disabled
Intel AMT Setup promt Disabled
AMT CIRA Request Trig Disabled
AMT DIRA Timerout 30
Un-Configure ME Disabled
USB Configure Enabled

Advanced Default settings Own entries

Fan control Enabled
Operating Mode Switch Enabled

Menu: Security

System parameters Default settings Own entries

Supervisor Password Not installed
User Password Not installed
Set Supervisor Password Inactive (no password assigned)
Set User Password Inactive (no password assigned)

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Commissioning the system
1.5 BIOS settings for PCU 50.5

Menu: Power

System parameters Default settings Own entries

Wake on LAN 1 Disabled
Wake on PME/LAN2 Enabled
Wake on Time Disabled
After Power Failure Power On

Menu: Boot

System parameters Default settings Own entries

Quick Boot Disabled
Quiet Boot Disabled
POST Errors All without keyboard
NumLock on
USB Boot Enabled
Bootmanager Enabled
PXE Boot to LAN 1 Enabled
PXE Boot to LAN 2 Disabled

Legacy Default settings Own entries

Normal Boot Menu Advanced Placeholder

Menu: Version

System parameters Default settings

Product SINUMERIK PCU 50.5
BIOS Version V15.02.07
BIOS Number A5E02619467-ES001
InsydeH20 Version
Intel ME Version
Video Option ROM 1976
PXE Option ROM 1.3.30
Mode switch 0 Normal

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Commissioning the system
1.5 BIOS settings for PCU 50.5

Menu: Exit

System parameters Default settings Own entries

Exit Saving Changes All changes are saved; a system restart is carried out with the
new parameters.
Profile Standard

Changing BIOS settings

Once additional components have been installed or attached, it may be the case that the
system has to be informed of this via the BIOS setup:
1. Ramp up the device.
2. When the prompt to activate the BIOS setup appears, press the <F2> key (corresponds
to horizontal softkey 2 on the OP).
3. The BIOS setup menu appears. In the menu, use the cursor keys to navigate to the
desired selection box.
4. Change the setting using the <+> key (press <SHIFT> and <X> at the same time) or the
↔ key on in the numeric keypad.
5. Using the left-right cursor keys, you can reach other setup menus.
6. Press <ESC> (<Alarm Cancel> key) to go to the "Exit" menu (or press the right cursor
key again).
7. Press the <Enter> key to exit the setup menu.
Then the system powers up.

Changes to the BIOS settings, with the exception of the boot sequence, require an OEM
contract to be concluded.

Boot sequence
BIOS version 05.01.12
In order to ensure correct functioning of the Software Ghost with Backup/Restore, please set
in BIOS under "SATA/PATA Configuration" → "SATA Controller Mode" → "Compatible".
The CompactFlash Card is entered as SATA. The hard disk (or Solid State Drive) is DISK0,
and the CompactFlash Card is DISK2.

See also
Select service task (Page 75)

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Commissioning the system
1.5 BIOS settings for PCU 50.5

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Configuring the system 2
2.1 System settings

2.1.1 How to change the name of the PCU

The PCU is supplied with an automatically generated computer name.

To change the name of the PCU:
1. Select "Start" → "Control Panel" → "System".
2. Select the "Computer Name" tab and click on "Change".
The following dialog opens:

Figure 2-1 Changing the name of the PCU

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Configuring the system
2.1 System settings

2.1.2 This is how you set the IP address of the PCU



The IP address is set as a factory default for every PCU on the system
You must only perform the steps described below if you wish to change this default.

1. Select the following on the PCU on the service desktop: "Start" → "Settings" → "Network
The "Network Connections" window opens.
2. Double-click the Ethernet 2 interface you want to parameterize which is to be used for
connecting the TCU or system network.
The "Ethernet 2 (System Network) Properties" window opens.
3. Under the "General" tab, select "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" and click the "Properties"
The "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties" window opens:

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Configuring the system
2.1 System settings

4. Under the "General" tab, select the "Use the following IP address" option and enter the IP
address and the subnet screen form.
Recommended setting for the first PCU:

5. Enter the required new IP address and confirm the settings with "OK".

2.1.3 How to add the PCU to a domain

Only a user with the corresponding entitlement, e.g. a domain administrator, can add a PCU
to an existing domain.

Domain Controller (DC)

A domain controller (DC) is a server for central authentication and authorization of
computers and users in a network. In a network with a domain controller, several computers
are combined to form one domain.

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Configuring the system
2.1 System settings

Proceed as follows
To add the PCU to a domain:
1. Select: "Start" → "Settings" → "Control Panel" → "System", "Computer Name" tab.
Default: The PCU belongs to a "WORKGROUP" and is not assigned to any domain.
2. Click "Change ...".
The following dialog opens:

Figure 2-2 Add PCU to domain

3. Enter the name of the domain to which you want to add the PCU.
4. You will then be asked to log on as a user with the corresponding entitlement to conclude
the process.

2.1.4 How to connect an external monitor

To connect an external monitor, the following preconditions apply:
● The external monitor is connected to the DVI interface on the PCU (using an adapter, if
● The monitor may not be connected while in use.

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Configuring the system
2.1 System settings

To connect an external monitor:
1. Right-click the PCU's service desktop and select "Properties" from the pop-up menu.
2. Select the "Settings" tab and then click "Advanced".
3. Select the "Troubleshooting" tab and and set the "Hardware acceleration" to a value other
than zero. The recommended setting is "full".
4. Close the dialog and click OK to confirm all the dialogs.
5. Repeat steps 2 and 3. There is an additional tab for "Intel(R) ... Grafics Controller"
6. Click the "Graphics Properties" button.
– In the case of a PCU 50.3: On the "Devices" tab the external monitor corresponds to
the "Monitor" selection; the OP/TP on the PCU corresponds to the "Notebook"
selection. Select a "Primary Device" and a "Secondary Device".
– In the case of a PCU 50.5: On the "Display" tab, the OP/TP on the PCU corresponds
to the selection "Primary Display"; the external monitor corresponds to the selection
"Secondary Display". Click the button "Multiple Displays" to select the "Clone" or
"Extended" mode.
7. Close the dialog and click OK to confirm all the dialogs: The external monitor is now

2.1.5 This is how you switch off the USB interfaces.

Command sc_usb disable

To prevent harmful software entering via the USB ports to the control or into the system
network, you can switch off the USB interfaces.
This command is called up in the DOS shell:

Default setting: The USB interfaces are not locked.

Syntax: sc_usb disable [-minutes] [all] [HOSTS...]
• Without a time indication [-minutes], a permanent disable is
set. With time indication, the disable takes the time set in
• The disable may refer to all network nodes of the system
network, or a list of host names or IP addresses may be
specified to which the disable should apply.

Command sc_usb enable

With "sc_usb enable" USB storage units on permanently disabled USB interfaces or on
certain host names or IP addresses are enabled again.

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Configuring the system
2.2 Configuring a customized operator interface

2.2 Configuring a customized operator interface

2.2.1 How to select the language for the Windows system

Default setting
In the delivery condition, the Windows XP operating system is only installed on the PCU in
English and with a US keyboard layout.

In order to be able to switch languages, the desired languages must be installed from the
DVD of the "SINUMERIK Service Pack Recovery Media Win XP ProEmbSys SP2". With the
"Multilingual User Interface" (MUI), you can switch to menus, dialogue boxes and keyboard
layouts for the Windows system in different languages:


The settings for the keyboard assignment and the formats for date, time and number
displays on the "Regional Options" tab must not be changed under "Standards and
These settings are automatically adapted depending on the language selected for the
operating software.

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Configuring the system
2.2 Configuring a customized operator interface

Select a language
After installing a language from the corresponding CD, proceed as follows:
1. Choose "Start" → "Control Panel" → "Language and Regional Options", to open the following
dialogue box:


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Configuring the system
2.2 Configuring a customized operator interface

2. Choose the "Languages" tab, in order to switch the language for the Windows XP
operator interface. Under "Language used in menus and dialogues," choose the new
language and confirm with OK.

3. On the "Advanced" tab, choose the language for programs that do not support Unicode.

To make the language change effective, the PCU must be rebooted. The selectable
languages are displayed using the font set of the respective language.

See also
How to install additional languages under Windows XP (DVD) (Page 69)

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Configuring the system
2.2 Configuring a customized operator interface

2.2.2 Displaying the boot screen

Default setting
The Siemens boot screen is archived in the PCU under the following path:

Display OEM-specific boot screen

You can choose any name.
The directory is set in ServiceCenter Users under:
● Startup: Bitmaps folder
● Startup: Default bitmap folder

2.2.3 Changing the background of the service desktop

A background pattern for the service desktop is not set via the "Control Panel" (system
control), but in the registry:
● Background pattern:

Key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Siemens\SINUMERIK\Basic software\ <version>\HMI desktop

Value: Pattern (STRING)
Date: <bit code>” (e.g., “0 80 114 32 0 5 39 2”, see HKCU\Control Panel\Patterns)
“(None)” (= NO background pattern)
Init data: Background pattern previously set via the Control Panel
Default data: “(None)” (if entry is not available/readable)

● Background image:
A background screen for the service desktop is not user-specifically set via the "Control
Panel" (system control), but in the ServiceCenter Users under "Service: Bitmap Folders"
or "Service: Default Bitmap Folders".

An attempt to set the service desktop background (as in standard Windows) via the
Control Panel does not affect the service desktop background display, but only the boot
screen display.

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Configuring the system
2.3 Customized settings during boot up

2.3 Customized settings during boot up

Regarding the settings and functionality, booting followed by the start of an HMI program
starting differs from booting with subsequent start of the Service Desktop.

2.3.1 Configuring key filters for an HMI program

Filtering keys
During boot up of an HMI program, keystroke sequences and pressed function keys are
simultaneously filtered. The keystroke sequences and functions that were pressed
simultaneously and are to be filtered are configured in file E:\Windows\System.ini.
Filtering keystroke sequences:

Section: MMC103Keyb
Key: SeqAct
Value: <bit mask>
(= keystroke sequences to be filtered, specified in accordance with the comment
in E:\Windows\System.ini)
Init value: 262143

Filtering function keys that were pressed simultaneously:

Section: MMC103Keyb
Key: ConcurrentKeyMask
Value: <bit mask>
(= function keys to be filtered, specified in accordance with the comment in
Init value: 255

In the ServiceCenter Users, the keys that are to be filtered can be configured for each
specific user:
● while the system boots → "Startup (2)" tab
● while the HMI program runs: → "HMI" tab
● on the Service Desktop or Windows Desktop: → "Desktop (2)" tab

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Configuring the system
2.3 Customized settings during boot up

system.ini file

# -------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------
# State of driver after startup

# Type of Keyboard to be used

# (0=MMC103, 1=MFII)

# Filtering Key Sequences

# =======================
# Activation of Key-Sequences to be ignored
# SeqAct holds a BIT-Pattern for a max of 20 sequences
# which could be ignored by the keyboard-driver
# if bit-n is set in Seq-Act, the according sequence
# will be ignored
# The following 20 sequences are implemented
# 1 ALT-F4
# 10 (SHIFT)-CTRL-F3
# 11 (SHIFT)-CTRL-F4
# 12 (SHIFT)-CTRL-F5
# 13 (SHIFT)-CTRL-F6
# 14 (SHIFT)-CTRL-F7
# 15 (SHIFT)-CTRL-F8
# 16 M$_1
# 17 M$_2
# 20 (reserved)
KeySequencesEnable =1

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2.3 Customized settings during boot up


# Filtering Concurrent Keys

# =========================
# Definition and selection of function keys (buttons) which shall not be
# pushed in parallel or at the same time (function keys F1-F12 and
# additional hardkeys).
# If more of these buttons are pushed at the same time, the system removes the
# code of these buttons except the code of the button which was pushed first.
# This function of the keyboard-driver is activated by ConcurrentKeyEnable.
# ConcurrentKeyMask holds a BIT-Pattern for a max of 17 function keys, which
# must not be pushed simultaneously (concurrently). If bit-n is set in
# ConcurrentKeyMask, the corresponding button is supervised.
# The following 17 function keys are implemented:
# F1
# F2
# F3
# F4
# F5
# F6
# F7
# F8
# F9
# F10
# F11
# F12
# PAGE-UP (NUMLOCK) Alarm Hardkey on Operator Panel
# PAGE-DOWN (NUMLOCK) Tool Management Hardkey on Operator Panel
# HOME (NUMLOCK) Program Manager Hardkey on Operator Panel
# END (NUMLOCK) Program Hardkey on Operator Panel
# CURSOR-DOWN (NUMLOCK) Alarm Hardkey on Operator Panel

Scope of the keys
Only keys, which have already been defined in the system.ini file, can be enabled.
No additional keys can be defined for filtering.

See also
ServiceCenter Users: User settings (Page 12)

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Configuring the system
2.3 Customized settings during boot up

2.3.2 Saving service desktop settings

Starting the service desktop

The Windows platform is freely accessible via the service desktop. When the service
desktop is started, all of the programs that would automatically be started by Windows
(standard version) during log-in are also started.
● Executing an HMI program
The HMI program can also be started from the service desktop.
● Ending an HMI program
When an HMI program started from the service desktop is exited, you are returned to the
service desktop.

Saving the service desktop (default)

The settings on the service desktop (e.g. arrangement of the links on the service desktop)
are not saved when you log off. A service technician should always find the same starting
condition on the service desktop, not the settings from a previous session.

Saving the settings of the service Desktop

This behavior can be changed by making an entry in the registry. The following settings can
be saved via this registry entry:
● Positions of open windows
● Size and position of the task bar
● Moving and deleting links

Key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Siemens\SINUMERIK\Basic software\ <version>\HMI

Value: SaveSINDesktopSettings (DWORD)
Date: 1 (the settings are saved) or
0 (the settings are NOT saved)
Init data: - Value is not created by the basic software -
Default data: 0 (if entry is not available/readable)

The key is effective for all service users and other users.
Links on the service desktop are always saved, irrespective of the registry entry.

Application windows that are still open before logging out, must be closed by the setting
"Save settings" before exiting the service desktop. Otherwise, these application windows will
briefly be displayed and then closed again during a restart immediately before the HMI
program starts.

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Configuring the system
2.3 Customized settings during boot up

2.3.3 Starting programs during boot up

Starting additional programs

Programs can also be started at the same time as the HMI program and are started
automatically by Windows when the service desktop is opened. This start in parallel to the
HMI program can be configured.
If the programs to be started are located in the Windows directories of E:\Documents and
Settings, the following registry entry must be set:

Key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Siemens\SINUMERIK\Basic software\ <version>\HMI

Value: StartSINHMIStartupDirsPrograms (DWORD)
Date: 1 (the programs are started) or
0 (the programs are NOT started)
Init data: 0
Default data: 0 (if entry is not available/readable)

If the programs to be started are set in the registry entries

'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run' and
'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run', the following registry entry must
be set:

Key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Siemens\SINUMERIK\Basic software\ <version>\HMI

Value: StartSINHMIRunPrograms (DWORD)
Date: 1 (the programs are started) or
0 (the programs are NOT started)
Init data: 0
Default data: 0 (if entry is not available/readable)

Executing an HMI program

While the HMI program is being executed, Windows Explorer runs in the background and its
settings (disabled browser functionality, taskbar, start menu, ...) prevent the Windows
platform being accessed unintentionally.
The behavior of the taskbar can be user-specifically set in the ServiceCenter Users under
"HMI program" using "Taskbar Autohide" and "Taskbar On Top".

Ending an HMI program

When the HMI program is ended, Windows XP shuts down completely.

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Configuring the system
2.3 Customized settings during boot up

2.3.4 Starting OEM programs

You can start OEM programs directly before starting the HMI system software. This requires
these programs (or their links) to be stored in subdirectories of the directory C:\RunOEM.

Starting sequence
The subdirectories are executed in the order listed. The programs within a subdirectory are
started in the chronological order in which they were placed in the subdirectory.
● Programs in the C:\RunOEM\SeqOnce subdirectory are started once and sequentially,
i.e., a program is not started until the previously started program is completed.
● Programs in the C:\RunOEM\Seq subdirectory are started sequentially whenever the
system is ramped up, i.e., a program is not started until the previously started program is
● Programs in the C:\RunOEM\ParOnce subdirectory are started once and simultaneously.
They run parallel with the HMI system software.
● Programs in the C:\RunOEM\Par subdirectory are started simultaneously whenever the
system is ramped up. They run parallel with the HMI system software.
Not only program files, but also other types of file can be stored in the subdirectories, which
are then opened in accordance with their file type.
For example, ".txt" files are opened using Notepad, ".htm" files are opened using Internet

2.3.5 Starting applications in service mode

Starting other applications

If other applications are to be started in service mode, enter them with their complete path in
the [OEMRun] section in the file WINBOM.INI:
Example: Starting the "Notepad" program

"Start WinVnc", "x:\I386\system32\StartWinVnc.exe"

"Check Password","x:\I386\system32\CheckPEPwd.exe"


"Start Backup/Restore", "x:\I386\system32\GhostOrder.exe"


All other entries must not be changed.

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Configuring the system
2.4 PCU with SITOP UPS module

2.4 PCU with SITOP UPS module

● Valid for PCU 50.3 and PCU 50.5.
● SITOP software, version higher is installed:
SITOP software is available to download from: www.automation.siemens.com/sitop
● SITOP monitor/configuration program is installed:
To enable this, the SITOP software must be copied to the E:\SITOP directory set up on
the PCU. This directory already contains PCU tools required for shutdown on the SITOP
UPS. If this directory does not exist in an older version of the PCU-Basesoftware, it must
be created so that it will be compatible for any subsequent updating of the PCU-
● UPS USB driver for Windows XP is installed:
Installation is described in the relevant SITOP documentation. The documentation is part
of the SITOP software download package.
● The SITOP UPS hardware is connected.


The SITOP software version can be operated with PCU-Basesoftware

Windows XP subject to the following conditions:
• SITOP software must not be installed as a Windows service, but must be started as
a normal application (as described in the chapter titled "Starting and configuring the
SITOP monitor").
• The SITOP service prevents the correct switch-off procedure being performed on the
SITOP UPS module when PCU-Basesoftware is installed.

If the supply voltage at the PCU dips, the SITOP UPS modules below could maintain
operation for a limited period if a backup battery is being used, allowing the PCU to be
properly shut down before the battery is exhausted.

Designation Order number

SITOP with USB interface MLFB:
• SITOP DC UPS module (24 V / 15 A) 6EP1931-2EC42

• SITOP battery module 3.2 Ah 6EP1935-6MD11

• SITOP UPS 500S basic module (2.5 kWs) 6EP1933-2EC41

• SITOP UPS 501S expansion module (5 kWs) 6EP1935-5PG01

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Configuring the system
2.4 PCU with SITOP UPS module

For a safe shut down during a power failure, it takes the PCU approx. 60 seconds. For a
typical power consumption of approx. 60 W, a capacitor-buffered UPS with an energy
storage device of 7.5 kWs is recommended. If longer buffer times are required, then several
expansion modules can be connected in a cascade connection.

Information about the test environment for machine OEMs
The "SITOP UPS" function has been tested in the standard configuration with the operating
software. When installing add-on or OEM software components, the shutdown procedure of
the complete system has to be checked by the user.

For additional information, please refer to the KT10.1 Catalog.

2.4.1 Starting and configuring the SITOP monitor

Windows boot up
The SITOP monitor has to be started by Windows automatically during ramp-up: Activate
this setting when installing the SITOP software in the dialog "Configuration - default settings
for the SITOP Software". Select the option "Start program with Windows". After the PCU has
restarted, the SITOP monitor is then automatically started. The next installation step is to
configure the monitor.


The SITOP monitor must not be started via the Windows Autostart directory.

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Configuring the system
2.4 PCU with SITOP UPS module

General settings
The following settings must be made in the SITOP monitor configuration dialogue box:
● Parameterization of the interface: For module with USB port
● Parameterization of the change action:
The monitoring window display must be deselected, as this function can lead to sporadic
faults on the HMI operator interface.

Figure 2-3 Configuration of the SITOP monitor: General settings

Parameterization of the SITOP monitor

Enter the path of the program that ensures that HMI Advanced and the PCU shut down
properly in the event of a power failure into the parameter area of the buffer.

Figure 2-4 Configuration of the SITOP monitor: Buffering settings

Alternatively, the following setting can be used: E:\Windows\system32\hmiexit.exe

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Configuring the system
2.4 PCU with SITOP UPS module

2.4.2 Configuration of the SITOP UPS module

Buffering parameterization
The UPS module can be used to select whether buffering should be completed after a
predetermined period of time or not until the accumulator’s lowest discharge threshold (=
maximum buffer time) has been reached. Both buffering parameterizations result from this.

"Maximum buffer time" mode

This mode enables the system to be shut down in a time-optimized manner. The UPS
module is synchronized with the shutdown of the operating system. Buffering is maintained
until the operating system has been shut down. The operating system must shut down within
a maximum of five minutes (including all applications). Otherwise, the UPS module buffers
for the maximum buffer time (dependent on the accumulator state).
Required settings on the UPS module (USB interface)

On - Off
1 +2V
Cut-in threshold
2 +1V
+22V fixed
3 +0.5V

4 +1V

5 +1V
End-of-charge voltage
6 +0.5V
+ 26.3V fixed
7 +0.2V

8 +0.2V

9 +0.1V

10 0.35A / 0.7A Charging current

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Configuring the system
2.4 PCU with SITOP UPS module

On - Off
1 Set time/max. time

2 +320 s

3 +160s
Buffer time
4 +80s

5 +40s

6 +20s +5 s fixed

7 +10s

8 Disconnection
9 Battery operating state on/off

Delivery condition setting

Setting for operation on the PCU

“Fixed buffer time” mode

In this mode, the UPS module always buffers for the pre-selected, fixed period of time. It is
not possible to synchronize the UPS module with the operating system shutdown.
Required settings on the UPS module

On - Off
1 +2V
2 +1V Cut-in threshold
3 +0.5V +22V fixed

4 +1V ∘
5 +1V ∘
6 +0.5V End-of-charge voltage
7 +0.2V + 26.3V fixed
8 +0.2V
9 +0.1V
10 0.35A / 0.7A Charging current

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Configuring the system
2.4 PCU with SITOP UPS module

On - Off
1 Set time/max. time
2 +320 s ∘
3 +160s ∘
4 +80s Buffer time
5 +40s +5 s fixed
6 +20s
7 +10s
8 Disconnection
9 Battery operating state on/off

Delivery condition setting

Setting for operation on the PCU

2.4.3 Configuration for exiting the operating software

HMI monitoring
Exiting the operating software is monitored via an own hmiexit.exe application. This
application is started implicitly via the shutdown.bat batch file. In case of error, the
application forces the operating system to shut down. An error occurs if the HMI cannot be
exited within the configured delay.
Optionally, the parameters below can be set for hmiexit in file:


#Waiting time in seconds for closing HMI Advanced applications

Wait = 120

# Action on expiration of the waiting time

ForceShutdown = True

These default settings only need to be changed if it takes longer than 120 seconds to exit the
HMI applications in an OEM installation. This configuration is not usually changed.

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Configuring the system
2.4 PCU with SITOP UPS module

Configuring the "EXIT" softkey

During production, the option to shut down the HMI via the "EXIT" softkey in the operating
area menu should be disabled, as this function cannot be synchronized with the UPS
The "EXIT" softkey is disabled by entering ExitButton=False in the regie.ini file.

The operating system’s hibernate mode is suspended when operating the UPS, as the USB
interface always has to be active for the UPS module.

More information can be found in the product descriptions with the corresponding order

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Install software and updates 3
3.1 Installing SINUMERIK products

This chapter describes how to install additional software on the basis of the pre-installed
PCE basic software or how to carry out an update.
The description below is based on the delivery condition of the hardware and software
The service desktop is, for example, used for the following tasks:
● Installing HMI system software
● Setting the running environment of the HMI system software
● Checking the hard disk or version
● Privilege for SIMATIC STEP 7

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Install software and updates
3.2 Installation via service desktop

3.2 Installation via service desktop

Installing additional software

The service desktop makes it possible to install system software or a software update. This
mostly affects installation/update packages that are to be installed via the Windows network.
Installation can be performed in two ways:
● The installation/update package is stored in directory D:\INSTALL. When booting the
PCU the next time, the installation/update process is automatically started while booting.
Only when the installation or update process is completed does normal boot manager
continue and, if necessary, HMI software started.
● The installation/update process can be started from the service desktop directly by
executing the installation/update package.

Using installation directories

Several installation directories can be set to enable an operator setup to be executed
automatically. Installation directories include the subdirectory D:\Install and the directories
listed in the [SetupDirs] section of the E:\Windows\System32\HMIServe.ini parameters file.
The "D:\Install" installation directory is preset there.
The key names contained within a section of the E:\Windows\System32\HMIServe.ini
parameters file must be unique.
The installation directories are evaluated in the sequence described in the parameters file. If
the parameters file is missing or it does not contain a [SetupDirs] section, the preset
"D:\Install" installation directory is considered instead.
If the [SetupDirs] section contains installation directories, but not "D:\Install", the "D:\Install"
directory is not considered within the context of the set installation directories.
When executing a setup using OpFile.txt, the issue of whether or not the setup requires a
reboot once it has been completed is taken into account and displayed via a corresponding
OpFile.txt entry. If a corresponding entry exists, a reboot is triggered. If there is a chain of
setups to be executed one after the other, the reboot is performed once the final setup is

Installing with HMI Explorer

The "HMI Explorer" Windows program is available on the service desktop. When this
program is called up, detailed version information relating to the HMI system software
applications installed and to Windows XP is displayed.
Applications can be individually started or uninstalled via the HMI Explorer. Select the menu
"Install" to display and install the available software packages.

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Install software and updates
3.2 Installation via service desktop

Figure 3-1 HMI Explorer (Example)

Description of HMI Explorer

The properties dialogue box gives detailed information on installing the software product:
● Information on the SINUMERIK product:
The "Info" dialogue box provides information on the selected SINUMERIK product:

Current version: Specifies which version of the SINUMERIK product is currently

installed. The version is shown in long form.
Internal version: Shows the current internal version number of this product.
Installation Date/Time: Shows the installation date and time of the current version.
Installation path: Displays the path for the main directory of the SINUMERIK
Start application: Gives information on the path to the *.exe file, which launches
the SINUMERIK product.

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Install software and updates
3.2 Installation via service desktop

● Language of the product

The "Language" dialogue box lists the installed languages for the respective SINUMERIK
product and provides information on the name of the installed language. If the language
is not known, an abbreviation of its name is displayed. Known languages of HMI Explorer
are German, English, Spanish, French and Italian. The version of the installed language
is also displayed. Information is also given regarding the installation time and date.
● History of the product
The "History" dialogue box shows information on the history of the SINUMERIK product.
This dialogue box gives information on the release version, any service packs and hot
fixes. The "release" entry is always available. The entries for "service pack" and "hot fix"
only appear if they have been installed. Information on the "version", "internal version"
and "installation date/time" is given for each entry on this list.
● Component information
The "Components" dialogue box shows the information on the components
accompanying a product:

Component: Component name

Version: Internal version of the components
Path: Path of the components
File: *.exe file
Enable : Shows whether or not the component is enabled
Description: Description of components
Type: Type of components

Figure 3-2 "Components" dialogue box (example)

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Install software and updates
3.3 How to install and authorize SIMATIC STEP 7

3.3 How to install and authorize SIMATIC STEP 7

SIMATIC STEP 7 V5.5 SP1 can also be installed on the PCU.

Delivery item: SIMATIC STEP 7 V5.5 SP1

Components: SIMATIC STEP 7 V5.5 SP1 and
AddOn for SINUMERIK 840D sl
Type of delivery: 1 installation DVD

The "MPI driver" package available on the PCU is part of the HMI software and must not be
A network connection or a connection to a DVD drive is required.
Recommendation: Mouse port

Installation under Windows XP

You must follow the installation sequence described here!
1. Boot up the PCU in the service desktop.
2. Access DVD (via network or external DVD drive) and call up SETUP.EXE in the root
directory there.
3. The installation proceeds with operator prompting. The installation directory for STEP 7
should be changed to F:\... where the directory in F: can be freely selected.
4. The prompt for "Transfer license keys" must be answered with "No, transfer the license
keys later." The licensing is done after the installation of SINUMERIK add-on. Once
installation is complete, the PC will need to be rebooted. During boot up, select the
service desktop again.
5. Switch to the Sinumerik_Add_on directory on the DVD and call SETUP.EXE. The
installation proceeds with operator prompting. Once installation is complete, the PC will
need to be rebooted. During boot up, select the service desktop again.
6. Start the link "STEP7 authorizing" on the service desktop. This authorizes STEP 7 and it
can be started from the operating software (STEP 7 appears as its own operating area on
the expansion bar of the area menu, protected with access level 3).

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Install software and updates
3.3 How to install and authorize SIMATIC STEP 7

The following entries are made automatically in F:\Add_on\oemframe.ini:


; with HMI Advanced: eliminate minimize/maximize buttons

; of the Step7 window


; with HMI Advanced: switch to previous task when Step7 is terminated

nSwitchToTaskAfterTermination= -2

These entries may also need to be modified in OEM configurations.

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Install software and updates
3.4 How to install additional languages under Windows XP (DVD)

3.4 How to install additional languages under Windows XP (DVD)

Use the SINUMERIK service pack recovery media WIN XP ProEmbSys SP3 to:
● Subsequently install Windows components
● Re-establish the delivery condition of the PCU without application software
● To install other languages for Windows XP

Contents of the DVD

There are the following directories on the DVD:

Directory Contents
1_WIN_Components Windows XP ProEmbSys SP3
Windows XP ProEmbSys operating system, incl. SP3 for post-
installation of software components that are no longer located on
the PCU.
2_XP_Base Symantec Ghost image for PCU 50.3 and EBOOT
• Ghost image of the delivery condition of the PCU basic
software Windows XP for PCU 50.3 without application
• Ghost image for creating an "Emergency Boot System"
(identical to the directory D:\EBOOT on the PCU)
3_MUI_1 Chinese (simplified)
Traditional Chinese
4_MUI_2 Danish
5_MUI_3 Brazilian Portuguese

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Install software and updates
3.4 How to install additional languages under Windows XP (DVD)

Directory Contents
EULA TERMS Contained
Certificate of authenticity Not contained

Installing languages
To install additional languages, proceed as follows:
1. If no DVD drive is directly connected via a USB port, the DVD can be accessed via a
network to a released DVD disk drive via "Explorer" → "Tools" → "Map Network Drive". The
letter G should be selected as the drive letter.
2. Select the directory with the appropriate language, the program "MUISETUP.EXE" starts.
After accepting the licensing conditions, you can start the installation procedure with
"Continue". A list of all of the pre-installed languages and the languages available on the
DVD is displayed.
3. Now the desired languages can be installed/uninstalled by inserting or deleting a check
mark in front of the language.
4. Other settings include:
– Choice of language version for the standard user/new user
– The language for programs without Unicode support must be set to "English (US)".
– The font set must also be set to "English (US)".
5. After confirming with "OK," the installation begins. Many languages (e.g. Chinese) require
system files that are also located on the DVD.
If the installation drive is other than the recommended "G:" the "Windows XP Professional
Service Pack 2 CD" or the "Windows XP Professional CD" may be required. The path
name must then be changed accordingly.
6. After successful installation, a reboot may be requested depending on the language.

• The choice can only be made from among the languages that were previously
installed on the PCU.
• The new language of Windows XP only goes into effect if the user logs in again after
the changeover or the PCU is turned off and then on again.
• The language setting of the operating software is independent of this. It is set
independently of this under "Start-up" → "HMI" → "Change Language".

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Backing up and restoring data 4
4.1 Backing up and restoring data

The entire contents of hard disks can be saved as a disk image using the Symantec Ghost
utility. These disk images can be stored on various storage media and the data restored to
the hard disk at a later date.
PCU replacement hard disks and complete PCU hard disks are supplied by the plant with
Symantec Ghost already installed. Symantec Ghost is used for the data storing and restoring
processes described in the following sections.
More information is available on the Internet at: http://www.ghost.com/

4.1.1 How to create a service system for PCU

In case servicing is needed, create a portable service system as an "Emergency Boot
System" (EBS) on a USB memory store on the basis of WinPE.
It is better to use SIMATIC PC USB-FlashDrive.

Creating a service system

The Ghost image is available on the hard disk under D:\Eboot in order to create the service
system for a PCU on a USB memory.
Use the following procedure:
1. Start the PCU in the service mode.
2. Plug a USB memory with at least 256 MB into a PCU USB port.
3. Launch Ghost32.exe in directory E:\Tools
4. Select Ghost: Local → Disk → From Image. As the source, select D:\Eboot\eboot.gho and
as the destination select the USB memory store (recognizable by its storage capacity).
After successfully transferring eboot.gho to the USB memory store, the service system for
the PCU is ready to use.
Using the same procedure, create a service system on a PG/PC. For this, the Symantec
Ghost program must be installed on the PG/PC.

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Backing up and restoring data
4.1 Backing up and restoring data

Booting up the service system

1. Plug the EBS into one of the USB ports of the PCU.
2. Press the <ALARM CANCEL> key on the operator panel or the <ESC> key on an
external keyboard while the BIOS of the PCU is booting up in order to display the "Boot
3. Select the entry "USB-HDD: XXX " from the list of available media.
The PCU boots up from the service system and the ServiceCenter starts.
4. First select "Start" to start the ServiceCenter and then "Backup/Restore Disk Image", to
restore the hard disk using the disk image.

During booting:
• The boot-up of the PCU from the EBS via the front USB interface (=USB V1.1; rear
USB V2.0) of a directly connected OP is also possible but it is considerably slower.
• It is not possible to boot up the PCU from the EBS via the USB interface of a TCU.
• It is not possible to save network settings on the EBS.
• VGA mode is only possible via a DVI → VGA adapter.

Booting the service system in the headless mode

Precondition: the PCU is installed in the control cabinet and is only operated with a TCU that
has no OP/TP.
For a PCU 50.3 with BIOS version 05.01.11:
● After locking the hard disk, you can boot up from the USB service system and power up
using WinPE.
● Then release the hard disk again and proceed in the manner described above.
For a PCU50.5 :
Set the service switch to "E", if you wish to boot the PCU 50.5 from the USB service system.

See also
How to backup and restore the hard disk (Page 78)
Setting of the service switch (PCU 50.5 only) (Page 96)

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Backing up and restoring data
4.1 Backing up and restoring data

4.1.2 Starting ServiceCenter Backup Restore

Starting ServiceCenter Backup Restore

You start the ServiceCenter Backup Restore for the following tasks:
● Backing up/restoring data
– Starting via linking from the service desktop
– Starting during boot up via entry in the "background" under SINUMERIK
● From the service system in the event of service
● When installing a replacement hard disk
In order to ensure that the user is authorized to carry out service tasks, direct access is
password-protected during boot up of the PCU. This password can be changed.


If you start the ServiceCenter Backup Restore via the service desktop from a service
system or when installing a replacement hard disk, no password is needed.

The following dialog appears after you double-click the ServiceCenter Backup Restore link
on the service desktop:

Start ... With "Start," you start the shutdown of the system and the start of the
Settings ... With "Settings," you open the dialogue box for network settings.
Show File ... Under "Show File," you can view the log of the last data back up.
Set password ... This is where you enter a new password for ServiceCenter Backup Restore.
(the default is the same as for the service user "auduser".)
Exit Cancel and return to the service desktop.

Figure 4-1 Starting service

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Backing up and restoring data
4.1 Backing up and restoring data

Network settings
1. To connect the PCU to a programming device or PC, choose "Settings" in order to check or
reset the set IP addresses.
2. Select "Use Windows settings", to keep the factory defaults. (This is the default here as

Figure 4-2 Network settings

3. Select "Use the following settings", to set a new configuration:

– With "Obtain an IP address automatically (DHCP)," you receive an automatically
assigned IP address from your DHCP server.
– With "Use the following IP address," you enter an IP address in the range of – 254 using subnet screen form
4. To activate a DNS name service, specify the server's IP address under "DNS Domain
Server" and the extension, e.g. "network.com" under "DNS Domain Suffix".
The default is ".local" if you don't enter anything else.

Changes to the network settings that you make here only become effective after you reboot
the PCU.
On the other hand, if you make changes to the network settings from service desktop, they
are immediately adopted.

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Backing up and restoring data
4.1 Backing up and restoring data

See also
System features (Page 8)

4.1.3 Select service task

Selecting the service task

After start-up of the ServiceCenter, the following dialog opens:

Figure 4-3 ServiceCenter Selection

Select from the following service tasks:

● Backup/Restore a local Partition Image
● Backup/Restore a Disk Image
● Restore the Rollback Image
● Restore the Emergency Image
● Image Organizer

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Backing up and restoring data
4.1 Backing up and restoring data

Backup/Restore with CompactFlash Card
If a CompactFlash Card is present in the slot of the PCU, a Backup/Restore via the
service menu is not possible. In this case, the program "ghost32.exe" must be started
and operated manually from the service menu.

Show log file

This option opens file bacres.txt, which contains a log of all backup records.

Network Settings
With "Network Settings," you open the dialogue box for network settings.

Launch Program
To start a program in service mode, enter the program name here, e.g. "cmd" for starting a
DOS shell.

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Backing up and restoring data
4.1 Backing up and restoring data

4.1.4 How to backup and restore local partitions

Backing up partitions
1. Select the "Backup" action from "Backup/Restore a local Partition Image" to backup an
image of one or more C, E, and F partitions locally on the D:\Images partition of the hard

Figure 4-4 Local Partition Backup

2. Select the partitions for which an image is to be produced.

3. Before the backup is started, the size of each partition will be displayed in the next
If you wish to save the backup file and restore it later, we recommend that you always
create a complete image of partitions (C, E and F).

Restoring partitions
Select the "Restore" action from "Backup/Restore a local Partition Image" to restore an
image of one or more C, E, and F partitions locally from the D:\Images partition:

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Backing up and restoring data
4.1 Backing up and restoring data

Restore the Rollback Image

To restore the most recently saved image, namely the current image ("Rollback Image"),
select "Restore the Rollback Image".
The "Rollback Image" is the last created back-up of a partition.

4.1.5 How to backup and restore the hard disk

Backing up the hard disk

Select "Backup/Restore a Disk Image" to backup an image of the hard disk using the
network connection:

Figure 4-5 Backup hard disk via the network

1. In order to establish a network connection with access to a released drive, select "Add
Network Drive" and specify the name of the file for "Image File Name."
2. Under "Share," enter the computer name and the released directory.

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Backing up and restoring data
4.1 Backing up and restoring data

3. To receive access rights, enter a user name and password.

Figure 4-6 Drive Connection

4. Under "Options," select whether the disk image that is to be created is divided into
several files of a certain size, so that these files can fit on one CD.

Restoring a hard disk

Select the "Restore" action from "Backup/Restore Disc Image" to restore an image. Click
"Next>" to be prompted:

See also
Requirements (Page 81)

4.1.6 Restoring system data from "Emergency Image"

Restoring system data

Select "Restore the Emergency Image", to restore the emergency image. This image must
contain the back-up of partition E and can also contain a back-up of partitions C, D or F. It is
provided in the event that only the system on partition E: is defective. The user data on
partition F: are kept in the current status.


The reading in of an "Emergency Image" from partition E: can only take place if no
additional software has been installed or configured after this back up is created or the
registry entries of all the applications that are on partition F: must be included in the image.
Use the "Image Organizer" function only to identify an image as an emergency image that
fulfills these conditions.

To restore the system data with "Emergency Image", the PCU must be booted from the
service system (EBS).

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Backing up and restoring data
4.1 Backing up and restoring data

Manage images
Select “Image Organizer” to mark out one image contained in the displayed list as the
emergency image, or to delete an existing image.

See also
How to create a service system for PCU (Page 71)

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Backing up and restoring data
4.2 Operating the service PC or the PG on the network

4.2 Operating the service PC or the PG on the network

For the following applications, you will, for example, need a connection in the system
network between the PCU and a PG/PC:
● To store a backup image from the hard disk of a PCU on a PG/PC.
● To restore a PCU hard disk via the CD-ROM drive of a PG/PC.
● To commission a replacement hard disk.

4.2.1 Requirements

The following figures show the typical connection options in the system network:
● PCU to "Eth 2" with service PG/PC, directly, using a crossed Ethernet cable
● PCU to "Eth 2" with service PG/PC, via a switch, using an un-crossed Ethernet cable
If you want to connect the service PG/PC via a company network (Eth 1), contact your
network service center.
Meaning of the connections:

○ Eth 1 as a DHCP client

● Eth 2 as a DHCP server
■ Eth 2 with a fixed IP address
Green connection Uncrossed Ethernet cable
Gray connection Crossed Ethernet cable (crossover)

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4.2 Operating the service PC or the PG on the network

Configuration with PG/PC directly to PCU





Figure 4-7 Connecting a PG directly to a PCU

Configuration with PG/PC and switch to PCU


7&8 3*





Figure 4-8 Connecting a PG via a switch to a PCU

If a PCU is switched off and on again without its own OP/TP including TCU, and if the PCU
boot-up is supposed to take place from the service system (EBS), an external VGA monitor
and keyboard are needed in order to operate the PCU.
An external VGA monitor and keyboard are not needed if the TCUs are operating and the
PCU is not switched off with the EBS during booting.

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4.2 Operating the service PC or the PG on the network

Basic procedure
On the PG/PC with Windows XP:
● Connecting a PG/PC to a PCU according to one of the configurations shown above.
● The network protocol used is: TCP/IP.
TCP/IP is already pre-configured in the basic PCU software.
● Setting up IP addresses on the same subnetwork.
● Releasing a directory on the PG/PC for network access.
On the PCU under WinPE:
● Start the ServiceCenter under WinPE on the PCU.
● Establish a network connection to the released directory of the PG/PC.
● Using the "Backup" function, a ghost image of the PCU hard disk is saved in the released
directory of the PG/PC in the event of a need for service.
● With the "Restore" function, the hard disk of the PCU is restored from a ghost image in
the released directory of the PG/PC.

See also
How to backup and restore the hard disk (Page 78)

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4.2 Operating the service PC or the PG on the network

4.2.2 How to connect a PC/PG to a PCU within the system network

Settings on a PG/PC with Windows XP

On a PG/PC, the following settings must be made:
1. Select "Control Panel" → "Network Connections" → "Local Area Connection Properties", then
you will see the following dialogue box:

2. Check to see whether "File and Printer Sharing ..." is selected, so that directories can be
released and then select "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)".

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4.2 Operating the service PC or the PG on the network

3. Open the "Properties" dialogue box and select the option "Use the following IP address",
in order to enter an IP address, such as and the subnet screen form

4. Select "Control Panel" → "System" → "Computer Name" tab to view the computer name of
the PCU: e.g. SIEMENS-ABC4711
5. Select "Control Panel" → "Folder Options" → "View" and activate "Use simple file sharing
(Recommended)", to avoid problems with the release of the directory.

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Backing up and restoring data
4.2 Operating the service PC or the PG on the network

Releasing directory for network access (Windows XP)

1. Create a directory on a local drive; e.g. D:\PCU_Backup
2. Using the right mouse key, open the "Properties" dialogue box of the directory and the
"Sharing" tab.

3. Select "Share this folder". As a share name (release name), the directory name is used,
e.g. PCU_Backup.
If the directory name is changed, the new name must be specified when connecting the

Ensure there is sufficient free memory on the hard disk of the PG/PC to be able to save
the ghost image when creating a back-up.

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Backing up and restoring data
4.2 Operating the service PC or the PG on the network

4. Select "Permissions" and activate the "Change" square for all the users in the "Allow"
column so that files can be saved in this directory (e.g. the ghost image).

The following steps must be carried out on the PCU:
1. Start the ServiceCenter with "Start Backup/Restore console".
2. Maintain the pre-setting of the "Network Options" on the PCU:

IP address of PCU: with subnet screen form

IP address of PG/PC: with subnet screen form
1. In the ServiceCenter, select the service task "Backup/Restore a Disk Image".
2. Establish a network connection to the released directory, e.g. \\SIEMENS-
3. Restore the hard disk of the PCU using the ghost image.

If the transfer is interrupted during the "Restore" process, no consistent system is
available on the hard disk, i.e. the "Restore" process cannot be repeated because the
PCU no longer boots up.
In this event, the "Emergency Boot System" on the USB memory store is used.

See also
How to backup and restore the hard disk (Page 78)
How to create a service system for PCU (Page 71)

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Backing up and restoring data
4.2 Operating the service PC or the PG on the network

4.2.3 How to connect a PC/PG to an NCU within the company network

Add route ... in WINPE

This function is required for the following application: Backing up/restoring ghost images

Example configuration




1&8 3&8

; (WK



Figure 4-9 Network routing

The following conditions must be met in order to use this function:
● The PG must be connected to X127 of an NCU in the system network.
● The NCU and PCU must be connected via the system network.
● You activate routing on the NCU via X127:
basesys.ini (in the /card/user/system/etc directory),
parameter EnableSysNetToIBNForwarding=1
System Network Center, "System Basics" tab,
parameter IBN network (X127) settings: "Forwarding from system network" enable
● Enable a directory on the PC/PG.
● The user who logs on must be one of the recognized Windows users on the PC/PG;
for example, auduser is not recognized on a PC.

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88 Commissioning Manual, 02/2012, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA0
Backing up and restoring data
4.2 Operating the service PC or the PG on the network

Activate routing prior to establishing the network connection:
1. Press the "Add Route ..." button.

Figure 4-10 ServiceCenter Backup-Restore

2. Establish the network connection using "Add Network Drive ...".

In the example: \\\<sharename>

Figure 4-11 Dialog: Add Route ...

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Backing up and restoring data
4.2 Operating the service PC or the PG on the network

3. Logon and password details for a local user on the PG:

Figure 4-12 ServiceCenter: Add Network Drive

4. Define the computer name as an IP address; you cannot give it your own name.
Share access to a directory or to the CD or DVD drive on the PG/PC must have been

PCU-Basesoftware (IM8)
90 Commissioning Manual, 02/2012, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA0
Backing up and restoring data
4.3 Commissioning a replacement hard disk

4.3 Commissioning a replacement hard disk

The replacement hard disk is supplied with an installed "Emergency Boot System".
The mechanical and electrical steps involved in replacing the PCU hard disk are described
References: /BHsl/ Operator Components and Networking Manual

Commissioning a replacement hard disk

After installing the replacement hard disk, the Ethernet interfaces of the PCU are preset in
the following manner:
● Ethernet 1 (Company Network) as a standard DHCP client
● Ethernet 2 (System Network) as a SINUMERIK DHCP server with the fixed IP address and subnet screen
The PCU must therefore be disconnected from the system network before the replacement
hard disk is fitted.
Download a hard disk back-up (disk image) to commission the replacement hard disk.
Please proceed as follows:
1. Connect a PG/PC as per the recommended configurations.
2. Start the ServiceCenter and select "Restore Disk Image".

If the transfer is interrupted during the "Restore" process, no consistent system is
available on the hard disk, i.e. the "Restore" process cannot be repeated because the
PCU no longer boots up.
In this event, the "Emergency Boot System" is used.

See also
Requirements (Page 81)
How to backup and restore the hard disk (Page 78)
How to create a service system for PCU (Page 71)

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Backing up and restoring data
4.3 Commissioning a replacement hard disk

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Service and diagnostics 5
5.1 PCU Hardware Diagnostics

Intended use
The PCU hardware supports the diagnostics of important system components via an
integrated "safecard", which is designated as a Safecard-On-Motherboard (SOM).
These diagnostic functions are only evaluated by systems with HMI Advanced. The fault
statuses of the hardware are reported in the form of alarms via the operator interface of HMI
Advanced. This allows for visualization of the data in HMI Advanced and external evaluation.

Monitored Parameters
The following physical parameters of the PCU hardware are monitored:
● CPU temperature
● Housing temperature
● I/O chip temperature
● Speed of the two housing fans
● S.M.A.R.T - status of the hard disk

Logging faults
The PCU hardware monitor logs all hardware faults in the Windows event log so that the
faults can be output even without installing an HMI application.
The alarms are output in the log under "Control Panel" → "Administrative Tools" → "Event

See also
● Commissioning a replacement hard disk (Page 91)
● Operator Components and Networking Manual: Chapter, spare parts
● Description of the alarms: SINUMERIK 840D sl Diagnostics Manual

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Commissioning Manual, 02/2012, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA0 93
Service and diagnostics
5.2 Evaluation of the 7-segment display

5.2 Evaluation of the 7-segment display

Intended use
The 7-segment display is intended for PCU diagnostics in operation without a local OP
(known as "Headless mode"). If an error is detected during booting, a local display is needed
for subsequent error analysis of the connection.

+ +

Figure 5-1 7-segment display with LEDs

The two displays have the following function:

● Segment display H1
Segment display H1 and the associated LED are assigned to the PCU basic software.
Status codes are output during system booting, normal operations and shutdown.
Compatibility in relation to the NCU modules is taken into account.
● Segment display H2
Segment display H2 and the associated LED are assigned to the application software.

Meaning of status codes

● During system power-up:

LED H1 LED H2 7-segment Status

Orange Orange Output of After switching on the system
BIOS post
Orange Off After cycling the BIOS
Orange Off After starting Windows
1 0 Start Windows Load device drivers needed for
the Windows start
2 0 PCU hardware service The PCU hardware service has
been started.
5 0 Network Wait for network interfaces to
be ready.
8 0 TCU support test step 1 Wait for FTP server to start
9 0 TCU support test step 2 Wait for boot server to start for
TCU network boot and for TCU
hardware service to start
A 0 TCU support test step 3 Wait for VNC server to start

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94 Commissioning Manual, 02/2012, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA0
Service and diagnostics
5.2 Evaluation of the 7-segment display

LED H1 LED H2 7-segment Status

B 0 HMI manager Wait for HMI manager to start
E 0 PCU base software General fault: see Windows
"Event Viewer"

● During operation:

LED H1 LED H2 7-segment Status

Flashing -- 0 0 OK
Flashing -- Error:
1 0 Temperature alarm Housing or CPU temperature;
temperature above limit value
(SOM error)
2 0 Fan alarm Housing or CPU: Low fan
speed or fan failure (SOM
3 0 Hard disk alarm S.M.A.R.T hard disk error
6 0 Failure of VNC server or VNC
server service stopped

● During shutdown

LED H1 LED H2 7-segment Status

Flashing -- 5 0 Shutdown active

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Service and diagnostics
5.3 Setting of the service switch (PCU 50.5 only)

5.3 Setting of the service switch (PCU 50.5 only)

Intended use
The "PCU Hardware Service" component as part of the PCU Base software provides a
function to read-out the switch positions.

Figure 5-2 Rotary coding switch (hexadecimal)

Meaning of switch positions

Only the settings of the service switch that are relevant for the commissioning engineer are

Switch setting Mode of operation Function

0 --- Normal operation (default setting)
6 Users Reserved for additional software
9 Service Headless operation without OP/TP
A Service Firmware recovery
C Service Checking
D Service Diagnostics
E Service Booting from the emergency boot system

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96 Commissioning Manual, 02/2012, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA0
Service and diagnostics
5.4 Enabling/disabling error log during boot up

5.4 Enabling/disabling error log during boot up

Each time the system is booted up, information is written to a block in the file D:\$$Base.log,
which contains the date, time and nature of administrative interventions.
Information about the booting controlled by the HMI Manager, can be displayed on the
screen and written to log file D:\$$Base.log.

Output in log file

The output is controlled by registry values:
● Type of information
The type of information to be output is set via registry value
“HKLM\SOFTWARE\Siemens\SINUMERIK\Basic software\<version>\HMI

InfoLevel (DWORD)
= 1: Mandatory information is output (default setting)
= 2: Mandatory and supplementary information is output
= 3: Mandatory, supplementary and trace information is output
(InfoLevel <= 0 is treated as InfoLevel == 1;
InfoLevel <= 3 is treated as InfoLevel == 3)

● Outputting information to the screen

Whether the information is also to be displayed on the screen (as well as being output to
the log file) is set via registry value 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Siemens\SINUMERIK\Basic
software\<version>\HMI Manager\ShowInfo':

ShowInfo (DWORD)
= 0: Displays the mandatory information,
no display of the supplemental and trace information
= 1: Mandatory, supplementary and trace information is displayed (default)

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Service and diagnostics
5.5 How to search for stations within the system network

5.5 How to search for stations within the system network

Intended use
The VNC scanner is used within the system network. The scanner is primarily used to
identify devices containing an active VNC server, e.g. NCU or PCU.
The VNC scanner offers the option of connecting directly to the VNC server and, for
example, operating an HMI application. The integrated VNC viewer is used to do this.
Furthermore, it enables you to call up a list of all the network devices, thereby creating an
overview of the system network.

The VNC scanner is available on the Service Desktop of the PCU and on the PCU base
software DVD for installation on a PG/PC.
You require a mouse to use this program.

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98 Commissioning Manual, 02/2012, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA0
Service and diagnostics
5.5 How to search for stations within the system network

Operating "VNC scanner"

1. You can launch the "VNC Scanner" program via this link on the Service Desktop of the PCU

Figure 5-3 VNC scanner

2. "IP start / IP end": Set the IP-address browsing range.

Eight ranges can be saved. Click on button " >" to switch to the next range.
3. "VNC" option:
– ON: only search for VNC servers.
– OFF: search all the stations in the network.
4. Start the search with the "Start" button.
The following station parameters will be listed:
– IP address
– MAC address
– Name in the network
– VNC port
– Response time of the station in milliseconds
– Device type

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Service and diagnostics
5.5 How to search for stations within the system network

local device #
When the devices are listed, an IP address will be identified with "#" to indicate that
this is the local device on which the VNC scanner will be used.

Figure 5-4 VNC scanner: List of stations

5. By right-clicking a network station from the list, you can execute the following actions via
a pop-up menu:
– "VNC": Connecting directly to the VNC server and, if applicable, operating the HMI.
– "VNC → Auto reconnect": Corresponds to the option "Automatic reconnect if the server
closes the connection" in order to restore the connection to the selected network
– Ping: Opens a command shell and executes the "ping" command to the selected
network station.

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Service and diagnostics
5.5 How to search for stations within the system network

Operation via a VNC viewer:
A system can only be monitored from another station via an external VNC viewer
To view the system from another station, this function must be enabled by the system.
You can find the settings for this in the "System Network Center" or directly in tcu.ini in
the [VNCViewer] section.
Should you wish to access a PCU via the company network using the VNC scanner or
VNC viewer, port 5900 must be added to the PCU under "Control Panel" → "Windows
Firewall" → "Exceptions".

Reference: Operator Components and Networking Manual

Additional Options
1. Use this button to start the VNC viewer.
2. Use the "Option" button to set parameters for the search.

Figure 5-5 VNC scanner: Set search parameters

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Service and diagnostics
5.5 How to search for stations within the system network

● VNC scanning algorithm:

Default is "Fast", i.e. device feedback within approximately 100 ms
● Devices detection: (corresponds to the "VNC" option, see point 3).
– "VNC server devices": only search for VNC servers.
– "All devices": search all the stations in the network.
● VNC viewer location:
Link to the VNC viewer (open source program: already pre-installed on the PCU; on a
ServicePC this link must be specified).
● Viewer default connection mode:
"Automatic reconnect if the server closes the connection" (default: OFF)
– OFF: One attempt is made to establish a connection.
– ON (loop mode): For situations where access will be via Internet, for example for
service purposes, then the system will wait longer and try again after several
milliseconds to establish a connection to this station.
● "Reset IP range": All IP address ranges are reset.
● Console log: Opening a console to output a protocol, e.g. for error analysis (default:

Options for the VNC viewer

Do not change defaults!
To ensure that the VNC viewer works properly, the following options may not be changed.

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Service and diagnostics
5.5 How to search for stations within the system network

After starting the VNC viewer, the following dialog opens:

Figure 5-6 Default: UltraVNC

After clicking the "Options ..." button, the following dialog opens:

Figure 5-7 Default: Connection Options ...

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Service and diagnostics
5.5 How to search for stations within the system network

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List of Abbreviations A
A.1 Abbreviations

CF CompactFlash card: Memory card

CFS Cluster File System
DCK Direct Control Keys: Direct control keys
DCP Discovery and Basic Configuration Protocol
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol: Dynamic assignment of an IP address and other configuration
parameters on a computer in a network
DNS Domain Name System: Conversion of domain names into IP addresses
EBS Emergency Boot System
EKS Electronic Key System: System to check the identity of a user (authentication system)
EUNA End User Notification Administration
HMI Human Machine Interface: Operator interface
IRT Isochronous Realtime (Ethernet)
LLDP Link Layer Discovery Protocol: multi-vendor Layer 2 Protocol defined in accordance with the IEEE-
802.1AB standard, allows information to be exchanged between devices.
MAC Media Access Control: The MAC address is a 48-bit Ethernet ID.
MCP Machine Control Panel: Machine control panel
MPI Multi-Point Interface: Multiple interface
MUI Multilanguage User Interface
NCK Numerical Control Kernel: NC kernel with block preparation, travel range, etc.
NCU Numerical Control Unit: NCK hardware unit
NRT Non-Realtime (Ethernet)
NTFS New Technology File System
NTP Network Time Protocol: Standard for synchronizing clocks in the entire network
NTPD NTP Daemon:
Utility that runs in the background and does not have to be started by the user.
PCU PC Unit: Computer unit
PDEV Physical device
PG Programming device
PLC Programmable Logic Control: Programmable logic controller
RAM Random Access Memory: Program memory which can be read and written into
RDY Ready: The system is ready to operate.
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol (network protocol for monitoring and controlling network elements
such as routers, servers, switches, and printers from a central station).
SSD Solid State Drive
TCU Thin Client Unit
TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol: Very simple data transmission protocol
UDP User Datagram Protocol: NTP is mostly processed via UDP.

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List of Abbreviations
A.1 Abbreviations

USB Universal Serial Bus

UPS Uninterruptible power supply
UTC Universal Time, Coordinated: Coordinated universal time
VNC Virtual Network Computing

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106 Commissioning Manual, 02/2012, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA0

7 Global Settings, 12
7-segment display, 94

A Headless mode, 72
Access level, 23 HMI monitoring, 61
Activating the firewall, 8

B Mains-fed operation, 64
Backup time, 59 Multilingual User Interface (MUI), 69
Disc image, 78
Partition image, 77 N
Rollback image, 78 Network settings, 74
BIOS NTFS file system, 6
Changing default setting, 34, 39
Start setup, 30, 35
System parameters, 31, 36 P
Boot screen
OEM-specific, 49 Partitioning the hard disk, 6
Storage location, 49 PCU
Checking the hard disk, 93
Delivery condition, 5
C Name (default setting), 8
Operating system, 8
Changing computer name, 41 PCU operating system, 8
Configuring the operator interface, 46 PG in the system network, 81
Port 80 display, 94
Domain, 43 R
Domain Name System (DNS), 74 Recovery Media, 69
Replacement hard disk, 91
RESOLUTION (tcu.ini), 27
E Restoring data, 71
Emergency boot system, 71 Restoring system data, 79, 84
Emergency image, 79, 84
Enabling the log, 97
Error log, 97 S
Save data, 71
Screen resolution, 27
Select language (MUI), 46

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Commissioning Manual, 02/2012, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA0 107

Service Desktop
Background, 49
install, 64
starting, 73
Service switch, 96
Service system for PCU, 71
Service tasks, 75
Shutdown, 95
Installing, 67
SITOP Monitor
Configure, 57
Parameterizing, 58
Components, 5
install, 63
Starting OEM programs, 55
Starting ServiceCenter, 73
System boot, 94

UPS module (SITOP), 56
USB memory, 71
Change the name, 20
Default, 10
Delete, 20
Inheritance, 18
User group, 10
User type, 10

Version software components, 5
VNC scanner, 99

Windows language (MUI), 46

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108 Commissioning Manual, 02/2012, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA0
PCU Base Software (IM10) ___________________
Delivery condition 1

Initial commissioning 2

Configuration of the system 3
SINUMERIK Installing and configuring
updates and automation
PCU Base Software (IM10) Backing up and restoring
___________________ 5

Service and diagnostics 6
Commissioning Manual

List of abbreviations A

Valid for:


PCU Base Software Windows 7 V1.0

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This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
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property damage.
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The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
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Note the following:

Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
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We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software
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Siemens AG Order number: 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 Copyright © Siemens AG 2013.

Industry Sector Ⓟ 04/2013 Technical data subject to change All rights reserved
Postfach 48 48
Table of contents

1 Delivery condition.................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 PCU Base Software Windows 7 .................................................................................................... 7
1.1.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 7
1.1.2 Supplied software........................................................................................................................... 8
1.2 Hardware configuration of PCU 50.5 ............................................................................................. 9
1.2.1 Network settings............................................................................................................................. 9
1.2.2 Viewing the name of the PCU ........................................................................................................ 9
1.2.3 Partitioning of the SSD .................................................................................................................10
1.3 Directory structure and file conventions .......................................................................................11
2 Initial commissioning ............................................................................................................................. 13
2.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................13
2.2 Install the PCU Base Software attended .....................................................................................16
2.3 Unattended installation of the PCU Base Software .....................................................................17
2.3.1 Configuring an answer file ...........................................................................................................17
2.3.2 Installing the PCU Base Software attended .................................................................................19
3 Configuration of the system ................................................................................................................... 21
3.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................21
3.2 Managing user accounts ..............................................................................................................22
3.3 Changing the name of the PCU 50.5 ...........................................................................................22
3.4 Setting the IP address and domain ..............................................................................................23
3.5 Configuring USB interfaces ..........................................................................................................24
3.6 Setting up an external screen ......................................................................................................25
3.7 Setting the screen resolution .......................................................................................................26
3.8 Set the resolution in the tcu.ini .....................................................................................................26
3.9 Configuring the SITOP UPS module for use with the PCU Base Software .................................29
3.9.1 SITOP modules for the PCU 50.5 ................................................................................................30
3.9.2 Configuring SITOP software for PCU Base Software ..................................................................31
3.9.3 Parameterizing a delay time for quitting the HMI software ..........................................................33
3.9.4 Hardware configuration of the SITOP UPS module.....................................................................35
4 Installing and configuring updates and automation software .................................................................. 39
4.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................39
4.2 Patch management and security updates ...................................................................................40
4.3 Setting up SINUMERIK Operate for autologon mode..................................................................41
4.4 Modifying the user account for autologon mode. .........................................................................43
4.5 Configuring a key filter for HMI software ......................................................................................45

PCU Base Software (IM10)

Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 3
Table of contents

4.6 Installing STEP 7 ......................................................................................................................... 47

4.7 Linking the HMI software with STEP 7 ........................................................................................ 49
4.8 PCU Installer ............................................................................................................................... 50
4.8.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 50
4.8.2 Activate PCU Installer ................................................................................................................. 51
4.8.3 Configuring the PCU Installer...................................................................................................... 52
4.8.4 Installing software with the PCU Installer .................................................................................... 55
4.9 Migration...................................................................................................................................... 56
5 Backing up and restoring data ............................................................................................................... 57
5.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 57
5.2 Starting the Service Center ......................................................................................................... 57
5.3 Functions of the Service Center .................................................................................................. 58
5.4 Network settings in the Service Center ....................................................................................... 60
5.5 Creating a disk image ................................................................................................................. 64
5.6 Network settings in the Service Center ....................................................................................... 66
5.7 Restoring a disk image................................................................................................................ 68
5.8 Starting Symantec Ghost directly ................................................................................................ 70
5.9 Bootable USB flash drive ............................................................................................................ 70
5.10 Operating a service PC/PC in the network ................................................................................. 71
5.10.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 71
5.10.2 Connection options in the system network ................................................................................. 72
5.10.3 Configuring routing in the network .............................................................................................. 74
5.10.4 Configure the network settings of the PG/PC ............................................................................. 76
5.10.5 Sharing a directory in the network .............................................................................................. 79
5.10.6 Creating a shortcut to the network drive ..................................................................................... 83
5.11 Starting up the replacement SSD ............................................................................................... 84
6 Service and diagnostics ........................................................................................................................ 85
6.1 PCU Hardware Diagnostics ........................................................................................................ 85
6.2 Evaluation of the 7-segment display ........................................................................................... 86
6.3 Setting the service switch............................................................................................................ 88
6.4 Switching to the Service Desktop during autologon mode ......................................................... 89
6.5 Remote access ........................................................................................................................... 90
6.5.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 90
6.5.2 Searching for devices in the system network.............................................................................. 90
6.5.3 Display of accessible stations in SINUMERIK Operate .............................................................. 91
6.5.4 Remote access to the PCU for operation and maintenance ....................................................... 91
6.5.5 Setting up and using SSH ........................................................................................................... 93
6.5.6 Encryption via SSH protocol ....................................................................................................... 94
A List of abbreviations .............................................................................................................................. 95
A.1 Abbreviations .............................................................................................................................. 95

PCU Base Software (IM10)

4 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Table of contents

Index..................................................................................................................................................... 97

PCU Base Software (IM10)

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Table of contents

PCU Base Software (IM10)

6 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Delivery condition 1
1.1 PCU Base Software Windows 7

1.1.1 Overview
The PCU Base Software Windows 7 provides the basis for operating SINUMERIK software
(e.g. SINUMERIK Operate) on your PCU 50.5-C Windows 7 or PCU 50.5-P Windows 7.
The PCU Base Software Windows 7 is pre-installed on your PCU 50.5, but for security
reasons final installation and the setting up of user accounts must be performed during initial
An example flowchart for initial startup is provided as an overview in Chapter Overview
(Page 13). This overview assumes that the PCU 50.5 is already installed and networked.
Information about the hardware configuration, installation, and networking of the PCU 50.5 is
provided in the SINUMERIK 840D sl Operator Components and Networking Manual in
Chapter Operator panels.
You will find information about diagnostic functions during or after initial commissioning in
Chapter Service and diagnostics (Page 85). You can also use remote access (Page 90).

Do not switch off the PCU 50.5 Windows 7 hardware!
Loss of data may result on Windows-based systems if the system is not shut down properly
before it is disconnected from the power source. For technical reasons, data are still written
to the SSD shortly after shutdown
To avoid loss of data, use a SITOP UPS module.
See Configuring the SITOP UPS module for use with the PCU Base Software (Page 29).

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Delivery condition
1.1 PCU Base Software Windows 7

1.1.2 Supplied software

The SINUMERIK PCU Base Software contains the following software and tools:

Software Function
Microsoft Windows 7 Service Desktop
Microsoft WinPE Service Center
Symantec Ghost Creating and restoring disk images
SIEMENS PCU Installer Installing software and updates
VNC Viewer Remote access to other devices from the PCU
WinSCP Remote access to other devices from the PCU
PuTTy Remote access to other devices from the PCU
PuTTy Key Generator Generating a SSH key pair
Various configuration templates and scripts in directory: Templates for simplifying configuration

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Delivery condition
1.2 Hardware configuration of PCU 50.5

1.2 Hardware configuration of PCU 50.5

1.2.1 Network settings

Ethernet interfaces of the PCU

The PCU 50.5 has two Ethernet interfaces with default settings suitable to connect to
SINUMERIK solution line:

Figure 1-1 Ethernet interfaces of the PCU

Hardware Designation in Configuration

designations PCU Base Software
X1 Local Area Connection 2 Preset as a default DHCP client for connection to a company network.
The IP address is dynamically fetched from the DHCP server at X1.
X2 Local Area Connection Preset as a SINUMERIK DHCP server for connection to a system network.
A fixed IP address is preset at X2: If is free in the system network, it is set.
Otherwise you can view the allocated fixed IP address in the Control Panel.

Further information
● Setting the IP address and domain (Page 23)
● SINUMERIK 840D sl Operator Components and Networking Manual Chapter Operator

1.2.2 Viewing the name of the PCU

In the factory settings, a unique computer name is set in the PCU 50.5 . You can view and
change it in the Control Panel of the Service Desktop.
You will find the computer name in the Control Panel under category "System and Security,"
section "Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings."

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Delivery condition
1.2 Hardware configuration of PCU 50.5

1.2.3 Partitioning of the SSD

The PCU 50.5 has a SSD with 80 GB storage capacity. The SSD is already partitioned and
pre-assigned by the PCU Base Software as follows:

Name System (C:) Data (D:)

File system NTFS NTFS
Storage capacity 40 GB approx. 40 GB
Free capacity 20 GB approx. 40 GB
Already occupied by • Microsoft Windows 7 -
• Microsoft WinPE
• PCU Base Software incl. various
applications and configuration
templates (see Chapter Supplied
software (Page 8))
Application Installing user programs • Customer-specific data
• Backup images
• Setup packages

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Delivery condition
1.3 Directory structure and file conventions

1.3 Directory structure and file conventions

Templates for configuration files
To assist you with parameterization of the system, templates for various configuration files
are provided on the PCU 50.5. The templates are organized into various directories, which
you will find below the following directory:
● C:\ProgramData\Siemens\MotionControl\SIEMENS
These templates are already fully functional when supplied and will be used automatically if
you do not create your own configuration files based on these templates.

Do not modify files in the template directory siemens!
The siemens directory contains only files with the factory settings that can be copied and
used as templates.
Never overwrite these files. Instead copy them into another directory (see Section Your

Directory hidden in delivery condition

For safety reasons, the C:\ProgramData directory is hidden in the delivery condition of the
PCU and therefore not visible.
To view the directory, proceed in one of the following ways:
● To switch quickly to a hidden directory, type the address in the Windows Explorer.
● To show all hidden directories by default, change the setting in the Control Panel under
"Appearance and Personalization > Folder Options > View > Advanced Settings."
● To show only one directory by default, first make the setting to show all hidden
directories, then activate the attribute "Hidden" in the properties of the directory and finally
again make the setting to not show all hidden directories.

Your settings
Several directories are available into which you can copy and adapt configuration files in
order to make your own settings. In decreasing order of priority, these are:
● C:\ProgramData\Siemens\MotionControl\user\
● C:\ProgramData\Siemens\MotionControl\addon\
● C:\ProgramData\Siemens\MotionControl\oem\
The settings in a configuration file in a directory with higher priority always replace those
from one of lower priority. Template directory siemens has the lowest priority.
To define your own settings, therefore, copy a setting from the relevant template file into a
directory with higher priority, e.g. below directory user.

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Delivery condition
1.3 Directory structure and file conventions

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12 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Initial commissioning 2
2.1 Overview
Once you have installed and networked the PCU 50.5, you must set up a Windows
administrator account before the PCU 50.5 can be accessed from a remote TCU. In
headless mode, therefore make the configuration in an answer file (unattend.xml) before
switching on the PCU 50.5 for the first time.
The diagram shows an example workflow for initial commissioning. Further information is
provided in the accompanying legend tables.

Do not switch off the PCU 50.5 Windows 7 hardware!
Loss of data may result on Windows-based systems if the system is not shut down properly
before it is disconnected from the power source. For technical reasons, data are still being
written to the SSD shortly after shutdown
To avoid loss of data, use a SITOP UPS module.
See Configuring the SITOP UPS module for use with the PCU Base Software (Page 29).

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Initial commissioning
2.1 Overview

Example workflow

Figure 2-1 Example sequence of first commissioning

Numb Step Description

1 Install PCU Information about installation and mounting of the PCU 50.5 is provided in the
SINUMERIK 840D sl Operator Components and Networking Manual in Chapter
Operator panels.
2 • Headless mode intended? You must choose an installation type before switching on the PCU 50.5 for the first time:
– Configure answer file • Configure an answer file and complete installation and user settings unattended
– Insert USB flash drive with (Page 17).
answer file
• Connect screen (Page 25) and complete installation attended (Page 16), at the
• Attended installation possible? same time set up users.
– Connect screen
– Install Windows 7 attended

3 Switch on the PCU Do not switch on the PCU without the answer file (Page 17) if you want installation to be
performed unattended.
4 Connect PG/PC To be able to access a directory of a PG/PC in the network, for example, connect the
PG/PC in the network (Page 71).

PCU Base Software (IM10)

14 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Initial commissioning
2.1 Overview

Figure 2-2 Example sequence of first commissioning (continued)

Numb Step Description

8 Configure network settings on PG/PC Once you have networked the PCU, a PG/PC and any other devices with one another,
configure the network settings of your PG/PC (Page 71).
9 Set up further user accounts Before you install software, at least one user account with limited rights must be set up
(Page 22).
10 Install software and updates Install necessary automation software and Windows updates (Page 39).
11 Configuring the system Configure the installed software (Page 39), Windows 7 and other system properties
(Page 21) and, if necessary, the SITOP UPS module (Page 29).
12 Create a disk image (backup). Create a disk image of the SSD as a backup (Page 57) to be able to return to this
version in a maintenance situation.

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Initial commissioning
2.2 Install the PCU Base Software attended

2.2 Install the PCU Base Software attended

If you have connected to the PCU 50.5 directly to the operator panel front or screen, you can
complete installation of the PCU Base Software and Windows 7 attended. For this, user
entries are required during installation in order to set up the Windows administrator account,
for example.
Alternately, you can use unattended installation (Page 17) in which case you define the
necessary user entries in an answer file (unattend.xml) before switching on the PCU 50.5.

You can connect an operator panel front or screen and keyboard directly to the PCU 50.5.

To perform attended installation of the PCU Base Software, proceed as follows:
1. Switch on the PCU 50.5.
The installation wizard guides you through the necessary steps.
2. During installation, create a Windows administrator account. You can create additional
user accounts in the Control Panel later. See also: Managing user accounts (Page 22).
3. Complete installation.

Installation of the PCU Base Software with Windows 7 is performed. After attended
installation, you must activate the PCU Installer manually (Page 51).

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Initial commissioning
2.3 Unattended installation of the PCU Base Software

2.3 Unattended installation of the PCU Base Software

You can also install the PCU Base Software unattended.
Use this procedure in the following cases:
● If you are operating a PCU as a headless system (without screen and input devices)
● If you want to start up several PCUs with identical settings
To start unattended installation (Page 19), during initial startup use a USB flash drive with
answer file "unattend.xml" in its root directory. You preliminarily define the settings that you
would normally have to make as user entries during installation in this answer file.

See also
Microsoft TechNet - Methods for performing Windows setup (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-

2.3.1 Configuring an answer file

You preliminarily define the settings that you would normally have to make as user entries
during installation in unattend.xml. You must enter at least the following information:
● Name of the administrator account
● Password of the administrator account
● Password hint
● Confirmation of the EULA
You can additionally activate the PCU Installer via the answer file and share directory
D:\Install with the administrator account.

Sample answer file

Because settings are always user-specific, only a sample answer file can be provided for use
as an example:
● Sample answer file for PCU 50.5 Windows 7 in the Service&Support Portal
Adapt this file to your requirements.

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Initial commissioning
2.3 Unattended installation of the PCU Base Software

Table 2- 1 Mandatory and recommended settings in answer file "unattend.xml"

Path in the XML data structure Description

/unattend/settings/component/OOBE/H Automatically confirm EULA <OOBE>
ideEULAPage with true. </OOBE>
/unattend/settings/component/UserAcc Set up local administrator <LocalAccount wcm:action="add">
ounts/LocalAccounts/LocalAccount account. Select user name <DisplayName>mustermann</DisplayName>
and select a secure <Description>Erster Admin
password in element <Group>Administrators</Group>
Password/Value. <Password>
Define the administrator <PlainText>true</PlainText>
status in element Group. </LocalAccount>
/unattend/settings/component/FirstLog Share D:\Install with the <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
<CommandLine>net share Install=D:\Install
onCommands/SynchronousCommand administrator account set /GRANT:mustermann,FULL
up. /REMARK:Installshare</CommandLine>
<Description>Share a local
Set read and write access directory</Description>
(FULL). </SynchronousCommand>
/unattend/settings/component/FirstLog Activate PCU Installer <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
<CommandLine>"C:\Program Files
onCommands/SynchronousCommand (x86)\Siemens\MotionControl\Siemens\System\etc\w
m\etc\PCUInst.ini" processing_loginphase
StartState activated</CommandLine>
<Description>Set local PCUinstaller to start at
user login</Description>

Optionally, you can configure additional settings such as additional user accounts or network

Further information
You will find information about all options for adapting unattend.xml on the Microsoft website.
● Microsoft TechNet - Methods for performing Windows setup
● Microsoft TechNet - Unattended Windows Setup Reference

PCU Base Software (IM10)

18 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Initial commissioning
2.3 Unattended installation of the PCU Base Software

2.3.2 Installing the PCU Base Software attended

If you want to operate a PCU as a headless system or start up several PCUs with identical
settings, use unattended installation.

● The PCU is in the delivery condition and switched off.
● A USB flash drive is available (e.g. SIMATIC PC USB-FlashDrive).
● The answer file "unattend.xml" has been adjusted to your settings and at least one
administrator account with password is defined.
See: Configuring an answer file (Page 17).

Proceed as follows to start unattended installation:
1. Copy your adjusted answer file "unattend.xml" directly into the root directory of the USB
flash drive.
2. Connect the USB flash drive to the PCU.
3. Switch on the PCU.

The first startup is performed as an unattended installation, using the settings that you
specified in the answer file.

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Initial commissioning
2.3 Unattended installation of the PCU Base Software

PCU Base Software (IM10)

20 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuration of the system 3
3.1 Overview
Once you have completed initial commissioning, you can adapt the configuration of the
● For security reasons, set up user accounts with limited rights, e.g. for auto logon mode.
● You can view (Page 9) or change (Page 22) the name of the PCU 50.5.
● The network settings in the delivery condition have been adapted for use with
SINUMERIK solution line and usually do not have to be changed.
● You can deactivate the USB interfaces (Page 24) to prevent malicious software from
entering the system network via this route.
● You can set up an external screen (Page 25) or set the screen resolution (Page 26).
● If you use a SITOP UPS module for the uninterruptible power supply or plan to use one,
configure it for use with the PCU Base Software (Page 29).
Other configuration options (e.g. Desktop background) are available directly from the service
desktop can be implemented by the known Windows 7 methods:
● To call up the Windows help, in the Start menu click on "Help and Support."
● You will find help for Windows 7 in the Internet on the Microsoft website: Microsoft
Windows support (http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/windows-

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Configuration of the system
3.2 Managing user accounts

3.2 Managing user accounts

During initial commissioning, you must create a local Windows administrator account and
define a password.
You can set up and manage additional Windows user accounts in the Control Panel. To do
that, log on with administrator rights.

Administrator account cannot be recovered
If you have forgotten the password of the administrator account there is no way of recovering
However, after initial commissioning, you can create a file with which you can later assign a
new password. To do that, in the Control Panel under user accounts use the "Create a
password reset disc" command.
See also: Microsoft Windows support - creating a password reset disk

Further information about user administration under Windows 7

You will find information about user administration under Windows 7 in the Windows help.
● To call up the Windows help, in the Start menu click on "Help and Support."
● You will find help for Windows 7 in the Internet on the Microsoft website: Microsoft
Windows support (http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/windows-

3.3 Changing the name of the PCU 50.5

In the factory settings, a unique computer name is set in the PCU 50.5 . You can view and
change it in the Control Panel of the Service Desktop.
You will find the computer name in the Control Panel under category "System and Security,"
section "Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings."

PCU Base Software (IM10)

22 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuration of the system
3.4 Setting the IP address and domain

3.4 Setting the IP address and domain

The network settings in the delivery condition have been adapted for use with SINUMERIK
solution line and usually do not have to be changed.
See also: Network settings (Page 9)
If you want to distinguish your network configuration from the factory settings, you can adapt
them in the Windows Control Panel.
You will find these settings in the following menu:
● "Start > Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center > View network connections"

Further information
You will find information about network settings under Windows 7 in the Windows help.
● To call up the Windows help, in the Start menu click on "Help and Support."
● You will find help for Windows 7 in the Internet on the Microsoft website: Microsoft
Windows support (http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/windows-

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Configuration of the system
3.5 Configuring USB interfaces

3.5 Configuring USB interfaces

The USB interfaces are activated in the as-delivered state of the PCU.
To prevent malicious software from entering the control or the system network via the USB
interfaces, you can deactivate the USB interfaces.
You can configure the USB interfaces on the Service Desktop via a command in the "Run"
dialog box or at theprompt.

To activate or deactivate the USB interfaces, enter the relevant command on the Service
Desktop in the "Run" dialog box or at the prompt:

Table 3- 1 Disabling USB interfaces with the "sc_usb disable" command

Factory setting: The USB interfaces are enabled in the delivery condition.
Syntax: sc_usb disable [-minutes] [all] [HOSTS...]
Description: • Without a time indication [-minutes], a permanent disable is set.
With time indication, the disable takes the time set in minutes.
• The disable may refer to all network nodes of the system
network, or a list of host names or IP addresses may be
specified to which the disable should apply.

Table 3- 2 Enabling USB interfaces with the "sc_usb enable" command

Factory setting: The USB interfaces are enabled in the delivery condition.
Syntax: sc_usb enable
Description: With "sc_usb enable" USB storage units on permanently disabled
USB interfaces or on certain host names or IP addresses are
enabled again.

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Configuration of the system
3.6 Setting up an external screen

3.6 Setting up an external screen

You can connect and set up an external screen to the PCU. The procedure follows the usual
procedure under Windows 7.

● The PCU is switched off.
● The external screen is connected to the DVI interface of the PCU (with an adapter, if

To use an external screen for the Service Desktop or service system, proceed as follows:
1. Let the PCU boot in the Service Desktop.
2. Right-click on the Desktop, then select "Screen Resolution" from the shortcut menu.
3. In the "Screen Resolution" dialog box, select the screen and set the resolution:
– If you are using an LCD or LED screen, you should ideally set the native resolution of
your screen.
– If you are using an older CRT screen, you can select any resolution.
4. Click "OK" to confirm the settings.

The external screen has been connected and can be used.

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Configuration of the system
3.7 Setting the screen resolution

3.7 Setting the screen resolution

You can set the screen resolution directly in Windows 7 or use the PCU Base Software
specific filetcu.ini.
The settings in tcu.ini overwrite the Windows system settings. Compared with Windows, they
offer additional functions for switching over the resolution of the PCU 50.5 depending on, for
example, the screen connected during booting.
● Information about the configuration file tcu.ini is provided in the next chapter (Page 26).
● Information for setting the screen resolution under Windows 7 is provided on the
Microsoft website: Changing the screen resolution (http://windows.microsoft.com/en-

3.8 Set the resolution in the tcu.ini

The system behavior during booting for the screen resolution is set in file tcu.ini.
You will find a template of the tcu.ini under C:\ProgramData\Siemens\Motion
Do not overwrite this template, but create your own tcu.ini inside one of the user directories
(see ChapterDirectory structure and file conventions (Page 11)).

Further information
● Chapter Directory structure and file conventions (Page 11).
● Operator Components Manual, Chapter "Networking"

Set the resolution when booting up the PCU

The following options are available for selection in section # RESOLUTION in the tcu.ini:

1 = AUTO_OP_1 (Voreinstellung)

2 = AUTO_OP_2

3 = AUTO_MON_1

4 = AUTO_MON_2

5 = 640X480

6 = 800X600

7 = 1024X768

8 = 1280X1024

The meanings of the settings are as follows:

PCU Base Software (IM10)

26 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuration of the system
3.8 Set the resolution in the tcu.ini

Table 3- 3 Settings in the configuration file tcu.ini

Settings Meaning
SYSTEM The resolution is not specially set; i.e., the resolution last used in the
system is active, e.g., the resolution which had been set manually in the
Control Panel.
AUTO_OP_1 Default:
During boot up, the resolution is automatically set ("PCU panel" has priority)
in accordance with the following scenarios:
Example 1: There is a PCU panel (irrespective of whether there is a PCU monitor and
TCU panels)
[in active TCU mode:
The following additional condition applies: PCU is activated (with dynamic
resolution switching enabled)]:
The resolution is set to the max. resolution of the PCU panel
(max. 1280x1024).
Example 2: There is no PCU panel, however there is a PCU monitor (irrespective of
whether there are any TCU panels):
[in active TCU mode:
The following additional condition applies: PCU is activated (with dynamic
resolution switching enabled)]:
The resolution is not specially set; i.e., the resolution last used in the
system is active, e.g., the resolution which had been set manually in the
Control Panel.
(Different to AUTO_OP_2 !)
AUTO_OP_2 Like AUTO_OP_1, except:
Example 2: There is no PCU panel, however there is a PCU monitor
(irrespective of whether there are any TCU panels):
[in active TCU mode:
The following additional condition applies: PCU is activated (with dynamic
resolution switching enabled)]:
The resolution is set to the max. resolution of the PCU monitor, reduced to
the next lowest SINUMERIK resolution. The SINUMERIK resolutions are
640x480, 800x600, 1024x768 and 1280x1024.
Example: In the case of a PCU monitor with a max. resolution of 1440x900,
the SINUMERIK resolution setting is 1280x1024.
AUTO_MON_1 During boot up, the resolution is automatically set ("PCU monitor" has
priority) in accordance with the following scenarios:
Example 1: There is a PCU monitor (irrespective of whether there is a PCU panel and
TCU panels)
[in active TCU mode:
The following additional condition applies: PCU is activated (with dynamic
resolution switching enabled)]:
The resolution is set to the max. resolution of the PCU monitor, reduced to
the next lowest SINUMERIK resolution. The SINUMERIK resolutions are
640x480, 800x600, 1024x768 and 1280x1024.
Example: In the case of a PCU monitor with a max. resolution of 1440x900,
the SINUMERIK resolution setting is 1280x1024.
If there is a PCU panel, the display there is panned if the max. resolution of
the PCU panel is lower than the max. resolution of the PCU monitor.

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Configuration of the system
3.8 Set the resolution in the tcu.ini

Settings Meaning
Example 2: There is no PCU monitor, however there is a PCU panel (irrespective of
whether there are any TCU panels):
[in active TCU mode:
The following additional condition applies: PCU is activated (with dynamic
resolution switching enabled)]:
The resolution is not specially set; i.e., the resolution last used in the
system is active, e.g., the resolution which had been set manually in the
Control Panel.
(Different to AUTO_MON_2 !)
Example 3: There is no PCU monitor and no PCU panel (headless operation):
A) in active TCU mode:
a) dynamic resolution switching is enabled (resolution adaptation entry in
TCU.ini) and at least one TCU is already logged on:
The resolution is set to the resolution of the TCU which is currently active.
b) dynamic resolution switching is enabled (resolution adaptation entry in
tcu.ini) and no TCU has logged on yet or dynamic resolution switching is
The resolution is set to the max. resolution of the current PCU panel, i.e.,
which logged on during the previous session.
Default: Default TCU resolution in accordance with the registry.
Notice: The first TCU panel to log on is activated. The focus handler then
automatically sets the resolution to this TCU panel's resolution (in the case
of dynamic resolution switching).
A) in inactive TCU mode:
The resolution is not specially set - i.e. the resolution used during the
previous session in the system is active, e.g. the resolution set manually in
Control Panel.
AUTO_MON_2 Like AUTO_MON_1, except:
Example 2: There is no PCU monitor, however there is a PCU panel
(irrespective of whether there are any TCU panels):
[in active TCU mode:
The following additional condition applies: PCU is activated (with dynamic
resolution switching enabled)]:
The resolution is set to the max. resolution of the PCU panel
(max. 1280x1024).
640X480 During boot up, the SINUMERIK resolution is set to 640x480.
800X600 During boot up, the SINUMERIK resolution is set to 800x600.
1024X768 During boot up, the SINUMERIK resolution is set to 1024x768.
1280X1024 During boot up, the SINUMERIK resolution is set to 1280x1024.

PCU Base Software (IM10)

28 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuration of the system
3.9 Configuring the SITOP UPS module for use with the PCU Base Software

3.9 Configuring the SITOP UPS module for use with the PCU Base

SITOP UPS modules can continue operation of the PCU 50.5 temporarily if a power failure
occurs and/or shut down the system properly.
● You will find general information about SITOP UPS modules used in combination with the
PCU Base Software in Chapter SITOP modules for the PCU 50.5 (Page 30).
● If you want to use a SITOP UPS module in combination with the PCU Base Software, you
must first adapt the general settings of the SITOP software (Page 31).
● Optionally, you can adapt the delay time after which the HMI software will be forced to
shut down (Page 33).
● You must configure the hardware (Page 35) of the SITOP UPS module before using it
with the PCU Base Software.

Do not switch off the PCU 50.5 Windows 7 hardware!
Loss of data may result on Windows-based systems if the system is not shut down properly
before it is disconnected from the power source. For technical reasons, data are still being
written to the SSD shortly after shutdown
To avoid loss of data, use a SITOP UPS module.
See Configuring SITOP software for PCU Base Software (Page 31).

PCU Base Software (IM10)

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Configuration of the system
3.9 Configuring the SITOP UPS module for use with the PCU Base Software

3.9.1 SITOP modules for the PCU 50.5

Suitable SITOP UPS modules

SITOP UPS modules can continue operation of the PCU 50.5 temporarily if a power failure
occurs and/or shut down the system properly.
In conjunction with the PCU Base Software, all specific applications are taken into account
(e.g. HMI software) with componentShutdown.bat.
Safe shutdown after a power failure of the delivery condition of the PCU 50.5 takes
approximately 20 seconds. For a typical power consumption of approx. 60 W, a capacitor-
buffered UPS with an energy storage device of 7.5 kW is recommended for a PCU 50.5. If
longer buffer times are required, then several expansion modules can be connected in a
cascade connection.

Example of a compatible SITOP UPS module:

SITOP 500S (15 A / 2.5 kWs capacitor)
MLFB: 6EP1933-2EC41

Further information
Information about available SITOP UPS modules is given in the catalog or in the Internet:
● Catalog KT 10.1 Power supply SITOP
● SIEMENS Industry Mall > 24 V DC Uninterruptible Power Supplies

Information about the test environment for machine OEMs
The "SITOP UPS" function has been tested in the standard configuration with the Base
Software. When installing add-on or OEM software components, you must check the
shutdown procedure of the entire system and adapt the factory settings.

PCU Base Software (IM10)

30 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuration of the system
3.9 Configuring the SITOP UPS module for use with the PCU Base Software

3.9.2 Configuring SITOP software for PCU Base Software

The SITOP monitor has to be started by Windows automatically during ramp-up: Activate
this setting when installing the SITOP software in the dialog "Configuration - default settings
for the SITOP Software". Select the option "Start program with Windows". After the PCU has
restarted, the SITOP monitor is then automatically started. The next installation step is to
configure the SITOP monitor.

● The SITOP UPS hardware is connected via the USB interface
● The SITOP software of version 3.x.2.16 or later is installed in directory E:\SITOP\
● The SITOP software is installed as a normal application, not as a Windows service.

Windows service of the SITOP software not compatible with PCU Base Software
If you use SITOP as a Windows service with the PCU Base Software, the correct switch-off
procedure cannot be performed!

PCU Base Software (IM10)

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Configuration of the system
3.9 Configuring the SITOP UPS module for use with the PCU Base Software

Proceed as follows to configure the SITOP software for use with the PCU Base Software:
1. Switch to the SITOP monitor.
2. Make the following settings on the "Generally" tab in the "SITOP-DC-UPS Configuration"
dialog box.

Settings Selection
Serial interface In the "serial interface" drop down list box,
select "UPS."
Action on status change > Monitoring window Clear the check box "Display monitoring
window after"

Deactivating the monitoring window
Display of the monitoring window can cause malfunctioning of the HMI software.

Figure 3-1 SITOP-DC-USV Configuration - Tab "Generally"

3. Confirm the settings with "Save."

PCU Base Software (IM10)

32 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuration of the system
3.9 Configuring the SITOP UPS module for use with the PCU Base Software

3.9.3 Parameterizing a delay time for quitting the HMI software

Before the SITOP monitor closes Windows 7, Shutdown.bat shuts down operation of the HMI.
If the HMI software cannot be quit within 180 seconds (factory setting) due to an error, HMI
software shutdown is forced and Windows 7 is shut down.
If the HMI software of your OEM installation is not shut down within 180 seconds, you can
parameterize this delay time manually.

Information about the test environment for machine OEMs
The "SITOP UPS" function has been tested in the standard configuration with the PCU Base
Software. When installing add-on or OEM software components, you must check the
shutdown procedure of the entire system and adapt the factory settings.

PCU Base Software (IM10)

Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 33
Configuration of the system
3.9 Configuring the SITOP UPS module for use with the PCU Base Software

The SITOP UPS module is configured for use with the Base Software. See Configuring
SITOP software for PCU Base Software (Page 31).

Proceed as follows to change the delay time:
1. Switch to the SITOP monitor.

Figure 3-2 SITOP-DC-USV Configuration - Tab "Generally"

2. On the "Buffering" tab in the "SITOP-DC-USV Configuration" dialog box, enter the delay
time in seconds as a command line parameter:
– Syntax: E:\SITOP\Shutdown.bat -<time in seconds>
– Example: E\SITOP\Shutdown.bat -180
3. Confirm the setting with "Save."

PCU Base Software (IM10)

34 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuration of the system
3.9 Configuring the SITOP UPS module for use with the PCU Base Software

3.9.4 Hardware configuration of the SITOP UPS module

Buffering parameterization
The UPS module can be used to select whether buffering should be completed after a
predetermined period of time or not until the accumulator’s lowest discharge threshold (=
maximum buffer time) has been reached. Both buffering parameterizations result from this.

"Maximum buffer time" mode

This mode enables the system to be shut down in a time-optimized manner. The UPS
module is synchronized with the shutdown of the operating system. Buffering is maintained
until the operating system has been shut down. The operating system must shut down within
a maximum of five minutes (including all applications). Otherwise, the UPS module buffers
for the maximum buffer time (dependent on the accumulator state).
Required settings on the UPS module (USB interface)

On - Off
1 +2V
Cut-in threshold
2 +1V +22V fixed

3 +0.5V

4 +1V

5 +1V End-of-charge voltage

+ 26.3V fixed
6 +0.5V

7 +0.2V

8 +0.2V

9 +0.1V

10 0.35A / 0.7A Charging current

PCU Base Software (IM10)

Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 35
Configuration of the system
3.9 Configuring the SITOP UPS module for use with the PCU Base Software

On - Off
1 Set time/max. time

2 +320 s

3 +160s Buffer time

4 +80s

5 +40s +5 s fixed

6 +20s

7 +10s

8 Disconnection

9 Battery operating state on/off

Delivery condition setting

Setting for operation on the PCU

“Fixed buffer time” mode

In this mode, the UPS module always buffers for the pre-selected, fixed period of time. It is
not possible to synchronize the UPS module with the operating system shutdown.
Required settings on the UPS module

PCU Base Software (IM10)

36 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Configuration of the system
3.9 Configuring the SITOP UPS module for use with the PCU Base Software

On - Off
1 +2V
Cut-in threshold
2 +1V +22V fixed

3 +0.5V

4 +1V ∘

5 +1V End-of-charge voltage
+ 26.3V fixed
6 +0.5V

7 +0.2V

8 +0.2V

9 +0.1V

10 0.35A / 0.7A Charging current

On - Off
1 Set time/max. time

2 +320 s ∘

3 +160s Buffer time
+5 s fixed
4 +80s

5 +40s

6 +20s

7 +10s

8 Disconnection

9 Battery operating state on/off

PCU Base Software (IM10)

Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 37
Configuration of the system
3.9 Configuring the SITOP UPS module for use with the PCU Base Software

Delivery condition setting

Setting for operation on the PCU

PCU Base Software (IM10)

38 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Installing and configuring updates and automation
software 4
4.1 Overview
Once you have completed installation of the PCU Base Software Windows 7 and possibly
configured the network settings, you can set up handling of the security updates, patches,
and software installations or install them directly.
● You will find information about Windows updates and the network security of an
automation system in Chapter Patch management and security updates (Page 40).
● The PCU Installer (Page 50) will assist you with automatic installation of setup packages.
● You can install SINUMERIK Operate (Page 41) or other HMI software and at the same
time (Page 41) orsubsequently (Page 43) set it up for autologon mode.
● To prevent operation of the HMI software from being interrupted by key combinations
such as CTRL+ALT+DEL, you can activate and configure the key filter (Page 45).
● You can install STEP 7 and the SINUMERIK add-on (Page 47) and add a softkey to the
HMI software to start STEP 7 (Page 49).
● If you want to transfer existing data to the newly installed automation software, read
ChapterMigration (Page 56).

PCU Base Software (IM10)

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Installing and configuring updates and automation software
4.2 Patch management and security updates

4.2 Patch management and security updates

Microsoft regularly eliminates security holes in Windows and makes these corrections
available on its "Windows Update" website.
As a solution for managing and making Windows updates available in a network, Microsoft
offers the component Windows Server Update Services (WSUS).
Microsoft TechNet - Windows Server Update Services (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-

Industrial security
You will find information about network security for an automation system and a
comprehensive protection concept under Industrial Security on the SIEMENS website:
SIEMENS Industrial Security (http://www.industry.siemens.com/topics/global/en/industrial-

Compatibility with automation software

Information about compatibility of a Windows update with specific application software of
SIEMENS may possibly be available on the product pages of the application software in
question in the Service&Support portal:
SIEMENS Industry Service & Support Portal

Generally, it is recommended that you check the compatibility of updates in a dedicated

project test environment before installing it in a productive environment.

PCU Base Software (IM10)

40 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Installing and configuring updates and automation software
4.3 Setting up SINUMERIK Operate for autologon mode

4.3 Setting up SINUMERIK Operate for autologon mode

If you want the PCU to boot automatically in SINUMERIK Operate after switching on without
having to make any further entries, set up autologon mode.
During installation of SINUMERIK Operate you can define an existing user account as an
autologon account. The PCU then boots without the password for this user account being
entered. Finally, SINUMERIK Operate is started automatically.
For security reasons, you should use a special user account without administrator rights.

● A Windows user account without administrator rights is set up.
● SINUMERIK Operate is not installed.
● You are logged on as an administrator or you know the password of the administrator

To set up autologon mode, proceed as follows:
1. Start installation of SINUMERIK Operate and, in the installation wizard, proceed to step

Figure 4-1 SINUMERIK Operate Installer - Autologon

2. In the list, select the user account to be logged on automatically.

3. Confirm with "Next," then in the next steps of the installation wizard make all the
necessary settings and confirm installation with "Finish."

PCU Base Software (IM10)

Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 41
Installing and configuring updates and automation software
4.3 Setting up SINUMERIK Operate for autologon mode

SINUMERIK Operate is installed and autologon mode of the PCU is set up. During this
process the password of the autologon user account is stored encrypted in Windows and
SINUMERIK Operate is linked with the autostart folder "Startup."
Autologon mode is active when you next boot. The autologon user account is automatically
logged on and SINUMERIK Operate is started.

PCU Base Software (IM10)

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Installing and configuring updates and automation software
4.4 Modifying the user account for autologon mode.

4.4 Modifying the user account for autologon mode

Because of the way autologon works, only one user account can ever be set up for
autologon mode.
If you set up autologon mode during installation of SINUMERIK Operate for one particular
user account but now want to use another user account for autologon mode, you can change
this manually in the Service Desktop.

SINUMERIK Operate is installed and autologon mode is set up.
The PCU 50.5 has booted in Service Desktop.

PCU Base Software (IM10)

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Installing and configuring updates and automation software
4.4 Modifying the user account for autologon mode.

To change the user account that is used for automatic booting in autologon mode, proceed
as follows:
1. To open the "User Accounts" dialog box, proceed in one of the following ways:
– On the Desktop, double-click the "Netplwiz" icon.
– In the search filed of the Start menu, enter netplwiz and confirm the entry.
– At theprompt, enter control userpasswords2.
The "User Accounts" dialog box opens.

Figure 4-2 "User Accounts" dialog box in Windows 7

Please note that the cleared check box refers to the selected user account.
2. Select the "Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer" check
3. In the "Users for this computer" list, select the user account to be used for autologon
4. Clear the "Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer" check box.
You may be prompted to enter a password.
5. Confirm these settings in the "User Accounts" dialog box with "OK."
6. In the Autostart folder of the autologon mode user account, create a link to SINUMERIK

PCU Base Software (IM10)

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Installing and configuring updates and automation software
4.5 Configuring a key filter for HMI software

4.5 Configuring a key filter for HMI software

To prevent unwanted interruption of the HMI software while it is running, you can specify that
certain keystrokes will be filtered out and thus ignored.
This key filter is not activated in the delivery condition. You can activate the key filter and
individually select which of the 20 filterable keystrokes will be ignored. You cannot configure
any additional keystrokes to be filtered.

● The Windows 7 Service Desktop is active
● Hidden directories are shown
See also: Directory structure and file conventions (Page 11).

To configure the key filter, proceed as follows:
1. Switch to the template directory:
The settings can be viewed in the template pcuhwsvc.ini.
2. Save a copy of the template pcuhwsvc.ini to one of the user directories:
– C:\ProgramData\Siemens\MotionControl\user\System\etc\
– C:\ProgramData\Siemens\MotionControl\addon\System\etc\
– C:\ProgramData\Siemens\MotionControl\oem\System\etc\
3. In the new file (e.g. ...\addon\System\etc\pcuhwsvc.ini), delete all data except for the
section name [KEYB_FILTER] and the keys that are to differ from the template.
All data and keys that do not occur in your file are automatically taken over from the
template in the Siemens directory.
See also: Directory structure and file conventions (Page 11).
4. Save your file.

Example: Activating the key filter but allowing use of the NUM-lock key.
This example activates the key filter (KeySequencesEnable = 1) and filters all possible
keystrokes except the NUM-lock key.

Section name (mandatory):
KeySequencesEnable = 1
Activate key filter
SeqActive_19= 0
Do not filter NUM-lock key
In the adapted file in the user directory (e.g. ...\addon\System\etc\) therefore only the
section name [KEYB_FILTER] is mandatory as well as the settings that you want to adapt. All
other settings and values are in taken over from the template.

PCU Base Software (IM10)

Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 45
Installing and configuring updates and automation software
4.5 Configuring a key filter for HMI software

Template of the key filter in the delivery condition

The template is located in
Do not overwrite this template but save a copy of this template pcuhwsvc.ini in one of the
user directories.
● C:\ProgramData\Siemens\MotionControl\user\System\etc\
● C:\ProgramData\Siemens\MotionControl\addon\System\etc\
● C:\ProgramData\Siemens\MotionControl\oem\System\etc\
See also: Directory structure and file conventions (Page 11).

How the configuration file works

You can configure the key filter in section [KEYB_FILTER]. The lines identified by a number
sign (#) are comments as to which line further down deactivates a particular keystroke.
● To activate a particular keystroke first find the key it is in the comment and then set the
value 0 next to it.
● To allow all keystrokes and thus deactivate the key filter (factory setting), set the value 0
next to key KeySequencesEnable.
If value 0 is set for this key, all other keys will be ignored and the key filter is deactivated.

Table 4- 1 Overview: Key filter in the configuration file pcuhwsvc.ini

Key SeqActive_x
Value 0 = specific keystroke activated
1 = specific keystroke will be filtered and is deactivated
Factory setting 1

pcuhwsvc.ini (Vorlage im Verzeichnis ...\siemens\System\etc)

//startup diagnostic entries
FTP=hmisvr PCU betaftpd
DHCP=hmisvr PCU udhcpd
TFTP=hmisvr PCU netkit-tftpd
TCUHWS=hmisvr TCU hardware services
VNC=uvnc service


# -------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------

# Filtering Key Sequences

# =======================
# Activation of Key-Sequences to be ignored
# SeqAct x
# The following 20 sequences are implemented

PCU Base Software (IM10)

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Installing and configuring updates and automation software
4.6 Installing STEP 7

pcuhwsvc.ini (Vorlage im Verzeichnis ...\siemens\System\etc)

# 1 ALT-F4
# 10 (SHIFT)-CTRL-F3
# 11 (SHIFT)-CTRL-F4
# 12 (SHIFT)-CTRL-F5
# 13 (SHIFT)-CTRL-F6
# 14 (SHIFT)-CTRL-F7
# 15 (SHIFT)-CTRL-F8
# 16 M$ 1
# 17 M$ 2
# 20 (reserved)

KeySequencesEnable = 0

SeqActive 0= 1
SeqActive 1= 1
SeqActive 2= 1
SeqActive 3= 1
SeqActive 4= 1
SeqActive 5= 1
SeqActive 6= 1
SeqActive 7= 1
SeqActive 8= 1
SeqActive 9= 1
SeqActive 11= 1
SeqActive 12= 1
SeqActive 13= 1
SeqActive 14= 1
SeqActive 15= 1
SeqActive 16= 1
SeqActive 17= 1
SeqActive 18= 1
SeqActive 19= 1
SeqActive 20= 1

4.6 Installing STEP 7

● The Service Desktop is active
● An external DVD drive containing the product DVD is connected to the PCU or it can be
accessed via the network.

PCU Base Software (IM10)

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Installing and configuring updates and automation software
4.6 Installing STEP 7

1. To start the installation assistant of STEP 7, on the product DVD in directory "CD_1,"
double-click setup.exe.
2. Confirm the preselected directory under C:\Program Files (x86)\Siemens\Step7\ as the
installation directory.
3. In step "Transfer license keys," select "No, transfer license keys later."

Licensing of STEP 7 with SINUMERIK Add-on
The licensing for STEP 7 is performed during installation of the SINUMERIK Add-on.

4. After you have installed STEP 7, restart the PCU and switch to the Service Desktop.
5. To start the installation wizard of the SINUMERIK Add-on, double-click setup.exeon the
product DVD in directory "Sinumerik_Add_On."
The installation wizard guides you through the following steps.
6. After you have installed the SINUMERIK Add-on, restart the PCU.

STEP 7 has been installed with SINUMERIK Add-on.
The software has been registered in the Control Panel under the following designations:
● STEP7 V5.5 SP3
● SINUMERIK Add-on for STEP7 V5.5

PCU Base Software (IM10)

48 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Installing and configuring updates and automation software
4.7 Linking the HMI software with STEP 7

4.7 Linking the HMI software with STEP 7

If you want to make it possible to start STEP 7 directly from the user interface of the installed
HMI software, add a softkey to it.

● STEP 7 V5.5 SP3 or higher is installed
● The SINUMERIK Add-on for STEP 7 V5.5 or higher is installed
● A HMI software version is installed (SINUMERIK Operate or HMI Pro sl)
● The Service Desktop is active

To add a softkey to the menu of the HMI software for starting STEP 7, proceed as follows:
1. Double-click the "STEP7-Authorizing" desktop icon.

A softkey for starting STEP 7 has been added to the HMI software. This softkey requires
access level 3.
In C:\Program Files (x86)\Siemens\MotionControl\compat\add_on\oemframe.ini, the
following settings have been made for this purpose:
; with HMI-Advanced: eliminate minimize- / maximize-buttons of the STEP7-window
; with HMI-Advanced: switch to previous task when STEP7 is terminated
nSwitchToTaskAfterTermination= -2

Adjustments for OEM configurations
The entries in oemframe.ini can be modified for OEM configurations.
For more information about templates for parameterizing the system, see ChapterDirectory
structure and file conventions (Page 11).

PCU Base Software (IM10)

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Installing and configuring updates and automation software
4.8 PCU Installer

4.8 PCU Installer

4.8.1 Overview
The PCU Installer assists you with the installation of setup packages on the PCU 50.5:
● The PCU Installer checks definable setup directories on the PCU 50.5, on removable
data media, or in the network.
● If setup packages exist, they are installed one after the other. The order in which these
packages are installed can be parameterized (Page 52).

In the delivery condition of the PCU 50.5, the PCU Installer is deactivated. You can activate
the PCU Installer during unattended installation of the PCU Base Software with Activate
answer file (Page 17) or activate it manually after attended installation (Page 51).

The PCU Installer starts installation of setup package if an administrator account is

active.See also: Managing user accounts (Page 22)

You can make settings in the PCU Installer in the associated configuration file (Page 52).

See also
Directory structure and file conventions (Page 11)
Remote access (Page 90)

PCU Base Software (IM10)

50 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Installing and configuring updates and automation software
4.8 PCU Installer

4.8.2 Activate PCU Installer

In the delivery condition of the PCU 50.5, the PCU Installer is deactivated.
If you complete installation of the PCU Base Software with Windows 7 attended, or have not
configured activation of the PCU Installer in the answer file, you must activate the PCU
Installer manually as described below.

Further information
If you complete installation of the PCU-Basesoftware unattended, you can have the PCU
Installer activated via the unattend.xml answer file. See Configuring an answer file
(Page 17).

● The PCU Installer is deactivated
● The PCU is switched on and the Service Desktop is active

To activate the PCU Installer, proceed as follows:
1. Call the prompt.
2. Enter the following command at the prompt and confirm the entry:
C:\Program Files
processing_loginphase StartState activated

3. Log off or restart the PCU 50.5.

The PCU Installer was been activated and checks the setup directories during startup of the
PCU 50.5.
The following changes have been made to the configuration file PCUInst.ini in directory

In section [processing_loginphase], the setting StartState=activated has been made.

To use the PCU Installer during operation of the PCU 50.5, too, you must make an additional
setting in the Configuration File (Page 52):


PCU Base Software (IM10)

Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 51
Installing and configuring updates and automation software
4.8 PCU Installer

4.8.3 Configuring the PCU Installer

You can define PCU Installer operation in the associated configuration file.
For example, you can configure the following here:
● Which directories have been checked how many times for new setup packages.
● That installations are not been started automatically while certain software is active.

To configure the PCU Installer, proceed as follows:
1. Switch to the template directory:
The settings can be viewed in the template PCUInst.ini.
2. Save a copy of the template PCUInst.ini to one of the user directories:
– C:\ProgramData\Siemens\MotionControl\user\System\etc\
– C:\ProgramData\Siemens\MotionControl\addon\System\etc\
– C:\ProgramData\Siemens\MotionControl\oem\System\etc\
3. In the new file (e.g. ...\addon\System\etc\PCUInst.ini), delete all data except those
section names and keys that are to differ from the template.
All key pairs that do not exist in your file are automatically transferred from the template
in the Siemens directory.
See also: Directory structure and file conventions (Page 11).
4. Adapt the values of the keys. You will find information about the syntax and setting
options in the reference or in the comments of the configuration file.
5. Save your file.

PCU Base Software (IM10)

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Installing and configuring updates and automation software
4.8 PCU Installer

The following section contains an overview of all setting options of the PCUInst.ini.
The priority concept is the same as that of the other configuration files, see Directory
structure and file conventions (Page 11).
You can also deactivate settings in PCUInst.ini by deleting the value of the key in the higher
priority configuration file. For example, to deactivate DIR002=C:\Setup in a file of lower
priority, enter DIR002= in the file with higher priority.

Table 4- 2 Setting options in the configuration file of the PCU Installer

Section Settings Description

[local_setupdirs] DIR001= Specifies the local setup directories on the PCU 50.5 to be
DIR002= checked.
... You can specify multiple directories, which are then checked in
the order you defined.
You define the order with a number after "DIR."
Subdirectories at the first level are also scanned.
[removable_setupdirs] DIR001= Specifies the setup directories on removable data media to be
DIR002= checked.
... You can specify multiple directories, which are then checked in
the order you defined.
You define the order with a number after "DIR."
Subdirectories at the first level are also scanned.
[net_setupdirs] DIR001= Specifies the setup directories on network drives to be checked.
DIR002= See also: Creating a shortcut to the network drive (Page 83)
... You can specify multiple directories, which are then checked in
the order you defined.
You define the order with a number after "DIR."
Subdirectories at the first level are also scanned.
[setupdirs_settings] deleteTmpLocalSetupDirs= Temporary directories are created during installation of a setup
from the main directory D:\Install.
Here you can specify whether they are to be deleted again after
Possible values: yes; no
[setupdirs_settings] keepDInstallSubdirsWithPrefix= You can specify that subdirectories of D:\Install with a
particular prefix in the directory name are not to be deleted after
setup is completed.
[setupnames] NAME001= Specifies which files are setup packages and are to be included
NAME002= in the check of setup directories.
... You can specify entire file names with their file extensions or
represent individual parts of them with wildcard character *.
[noactivation] APP001= Specifies which applications of the PCU Installer are inactive
APP002= during operation.
This setting is required to prevent operation of the HMI software
or another application from being interrupted during execution of
a setup.

PCU Base Software (IM10)

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Installing and configuring updates and automation software
4.8 PCU Installer

Section Settings Description

[processing_loginphase] StartState= Specifies whether the PCU Installer is active before the Desktop
The setting StartState=activated required, in particular, if
an installation requires a cold start.
Possible values:
• activated PCU Installer starts setups
• deactivated PCU Installer does not start setups
• stopped PCU Installer is closed down
[processing_loginphase] waitTimeBetweenScanCycles Specifies how long the PCU Installer waits after the setup
directories have been checked before checking them again.
Enter the waiting time in milliseconds.
In key numberOfScanCycles, you can specify how often the
setup directories will be checked.
[processing_systemphase] StartState= Specifies whether the PCU Installer is active during operation of
the Desktop.
Possible values:
• activated PCU Installer starts setups
• deactivated PCU Installer does not start setups
• stopped PCU Installer is closed down
You can state exceptions in section "[noactivation]."
[processing_systemphase] numberOfScanCycles Specifies whether and how often the setup directories check for
new setup packages.
Possible values:
• infinite
• Integer
You can define the waiting time between checks in key
[processing_systemphase] waitTimeBetweenScanCycles Specifies how long the PCU Installer waits after the setup
directories have been checked before checking them again.
Enter the waiting time in milliseconds.
In key numberOfScanCycles, you can specify how often the
setup directories will be checked.

PCU Base Software (IM10)

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Installing and configuring updates and automation software
4.9 Migration

4.8.4 Installing software with the PCU Installer

● The PCU Installer is activated
See: Activate PCU Installer (Page 51)
● The setup directories to be used are empty
● If you want to install multiple setup packages one after the other, you have defined
multiple setup directories in the configuration file

To make the PCU Installer accessible to setup packages, proceed as follows:
1. Copy the setup packages to be installed into the setup directories. Copy each setup
package into a separate directory.

Installation of the setup packages is started as soon as an administrator logs on during the
PCU 50.5 boot or the Service Desktop is started under the logged-on administrator.
As soon as setup is completed or ended, a log file is saved to the setup directory. A general
log file is stored to log directory:

Troubleshooting for incorrect installation routines
If completion of an installation requires a reboot but installation cannot be completed after
the reboot, the Service Desktop is not started.
In this case, restart the PCU 50.5 in protected mode to prevent the PCU Installer from
starting. (to start in protected mode, press F8 repeatedly during booting until a selection
menu opens.)
Then reconfigure the PCU Installer or remove the setup packages.

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Installing and configuring updates and automation software
4.9 Migration

4.9 Migration

Basic procedure
To transfer data from a PCU with Windows XP to a PCU 50.5 with Windows 7, store the data
on a USB flash drive, for example, and then copy them onto the PCU 50.5:
● For SINUMERIK Operate, use the functions for generating and reading in commissioning
● For STEP 7, copy the generated STEP 7 project data onto the PCU 50.5

Further information
● Information about how commissioning files work in SINUMERIK Operate is given in
Commissioning Manual SINUMERIK 840D sl SINUMERIK Operate (IM9) Chapter Data
● Information about STEP 7 is given in System Manual SIMATIC STEP 7 Professional
● Information about other SINUMERIK applications is provided in the relevant
documentation You will find documentation on a large number of products in the
SIEMENS Service&Support portal:
Service&Support portal > CNC automation system SINUMERIK

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Backing up and restoring data 5
5.1 Overview
You can perform maintenance work on the PCU in theService Center, which is based on
Microsoft Windows PE.
In particular, you can create orrestore disk images in the Service Center Hotspot-Text. The
Service Center uses the Symantec Ghost software to do this.
Most of the functions of the Service Center can be accessed from the main menu.

5.2 Starting the Service Center

To start the Service Center, proceed in one of the following ways:
● To call up the Service Center on the SSD while the PCU is booting, press F12 during
booting to show the boot selection.
● To call up the emergency boot system on a USB flash drive while the PCU is booting, set
the service switch to E or press F12 during booting to show the boot selection.
● To switch to the Service Center while the Service Desktop (Windows 7) is active, click the
"ServiceCenter Backup-Restore" icon on the Desktop.

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5.3 Functions of the Service Center

5.3 Functions of the Service Center

In the upper section of the Service Center main menu, you can select one of three tasks.
Buttons for additional functions are available in the lower section.

Figure 5-1 Service Center - Main menu

Table 5- 1 Functions in the main menu of the Service Center

Element of the window Purpose

Disk Backup For creating a disk image of the local SSD.
Disk Restore For restoring an existing disk image.
Log Files Viewing and saving log files.
About Viewing information about the Service Center.
Shell Opens the prompt.
Here you can enter commands for executing tasks on the PCU without using a graphical user interface.
Network Making network settings.
Any network settings you make in this dialog box are temporary. To change network settings
permanently, switch to the Service Desktop.
Reboot Restarts the PCU
Shutdown Shuts down the PCU.

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5.3 Functions of the Service Center

Data backup and restore with CompactFlash cards
If there is a CompactFlash card in the slot of the PCU, you will not be able to back up or
restore data via the Service Center.
Instead, start the program "ghost32.exe" via the prompt of the service center.

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5.4 Network settings in the Service Center

5.4 Network settings in the Service Center

You can make network settings in the main menu of the Service Center by clicking
● IP settings at the enterprise network interface X1 (Local Area Connection 2)
● IP settings at the plant network interface X2 (Local Area Connection)
● Configuration of the host
● Configuration of IP routing

Temporarily storing network settings in the Service Center
Any network settings you make in this dialog box are immediately effective but temporary.
To change network settings permanently, switch to the Service Desktop.


IP settings
You can make the following IP settings in the "Network settings" dialog box:

Figure 5-2 Service Center - IP settings

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5.4 Network settings in the Service Center

Table 5- 2 IP settings in the "Network settings" dialog box

Section Settings Purpose

Adapter configuration Adapter Select the Ethernet interface that you want
to configure.
All settings in Section "Adapter
configuration" refer to the selected Ethernet
DHCP Enabled Select whether the addresses are to be
fetched dynamically from the DHCP server.
If the check box is deactivated, you must
make the settings manually.
Address Set the IP address of the NCU
You can specify an IP address from the
following range: - 254
Subnet Enter a subnet mask, e.g.
Default Gateway Set the IP address of the standard gateway.
A standard gateway creates a standard
route in the IP routing table for all
destinations that are not in the subnetwork.
Name Server Set the IP address of the name server.
A name server answers questions asked
about a domain name zone using a DNS
Host configuration Suffix Search List Parameterize a search list for DNS suffix,
e.g. "network.com."
The factory setting of the Ethernet interface
"Local Area Connection" is ".local."

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5.4 Network settings in the Service Center

Routing settings
You can make the following routing settings in the "Network settings" dialog box:

Figure 5-3 Service Center - IP routing

Table 5- 3 Routing settings in the "Network settings" dialog box

Settings Purpose
Add Route Add a new route.
Remove Route Delete a selected route.
Destination Specify the network destination of the route as an IP address.
Mask Subnet mask of the specified IP addresses.
Next Next hop or forwarding IP address via which the network destination can be accessed.
Interface Select an interface to which the configured IP routing applies:
• Enterprise network interface X1 (Local Area Connection 2)
• Plant network interface X2 (Local Area Connection)
Metric Integer cost metric (1 to 9999). Required if several routes for sending a packet to a network destination are possible in
the routing table.

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5.4 Network settings in the Service Center

See also
Network settings (Page 9)
Sharing a directory in the network (Page 79)
Creating a shortcut to the network drive (Page 83)
Configuring routing in the network (Page 74)

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5.5 Creating a disk image

5.5 Creating a disk image

You can create a disk image in the "Disk Backup" dialog box of the Service Center .

To save the SSD as a disk image, proceed as follows:
1. Start the Service Center, for example, via the boot selection, which you can display with
F12 during booting.
See also: Starting the Service Center (Page 57)
2. In the main menu of the Service Centers, click "Disk Backup."
The "Disk Backup" dialog box opens.

Figure 5-4 Service Center - Disk Backup

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5.5 Creating a disk image

3. Make the required settings here:

Section Settings Purpose

Base Source disk Select a data medium of which you want to create a data
parameters image.
Destination file Enter a target directory and file name.
Disk images can be stored either locally or in the network.
Base Connect share Open the "Connect a share" dialog box. (Page 66)
parameters > You can set up a shared resource (e.g. a directory in the
Destination file network), to which you can store the disk image.
Select Open the "Select destination file" dialog box.
destination You can navigate through a local directory on the PCU 50.5
and enter a file name.
Optional Split image size Splitting the disk image and selecting a split image size.
parameters You can split the disk image into several files of a defined size.
Split the disk image size in the following cases:
• If the file system (e.g. FAT32) can only manage files of a
certain size.
• If the disk image is to be archived onto multiple data
media, for example, when using CDs.
Compress Activating Compression or selecting a compression level.
image Higher compression results in a smaller file size but increases
the time needed to compress or decompress the data.

4. Confirm your settings with "Backup" to start generation of the disk image.

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5.6 Network settings in the Service Center

5.6 Network settings in the Service Center

To manage a disk image in the network, you can include a shared network directory on the
PCU 50.5 as a drive.
In the Service Center, you configure network drives in the "Connect a share" dialog box. You
can call this dialog box directly from the relevant dialog boxes to both create (Page 64)
andrestore (Page 68) disk images.

The network directory is shared with the relevant user accounts in the domain and on the
See also: Sharing a directory in the network (Page 79)

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5.6 Network settings in the Service Center

The setting options in the "Connect a share" dialog box have the following meaning:

Figure 5-5 Dialog box "Connect a share"

Table 5- 4 Settings in the "Connect a share" dialog box in the Service Center

Section Settings Purpose

Connection Local drive To select drive letters under which the network directories are to be accessible on the PCU 50.5.
Remote path Specify the device in the network and share name of the resource.
Syntax: \\Name of the server\share name of the network directory
Example: \\Backup_Server\PCU_Backup
Credentials User name Enter the user account under which the resource in the network can be accessed.
If you have shared the resource on the server for certain users only, you must enter one of these user
accounts here.
Password Enter the password of the user account.

Further information
You will find information about releasing directories in the network and network drives in the
following chapters:
● Sharing a directory in the network (Page 79)
● Creating a shortcut to the network drive (Page 83)

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5.7 Restoring a disk image

5.7 Restoring a disk image

If your system is no longer functioning stably, you can restore it with a disk image.

Restoring replaces all current files
When you restore the PCU from a disk image, all programs, settings, and files are
completely replaced by the disk image. You cannot restore individual files or exclude
individual files from restoration.

A disk image exists
See: Creating a disk image (Page 64)

To restore a disk image, proceed as follows:
1. Start the Service Center, for example, via the boot selection, which you can display with
F12 during booting.
See also: Starting the Service Center (Page 57)
2. In the main menu of the Service Centers, click "Disk Restore."
The "Disk Restore" dialog box opens.

Figure 5-6 Service Center - Disk Restore

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5.7 Restoring a disk image

3. Make the required settings here:

Section Settings Purpose

Base Source file Select the disk image from which the SSD is to be restored.
parameters You can use local disk images or disk images stored in the
Destination disk Select the SSD to be restored from the disk image.
Base Connect share Open the "Connect a share" dialog box. (Page 66)
parameters > You can manage a shared resource (e.g. a directory in the
Destination network), to use a disk image stored on the network to restore
disk the SSD.
Select source Open the "Select source file" dialog box.
You can navigate through a local directory on the PCU 50.5
and select a disk image for restoration.
Optional Adjust Select partition scheme to be used on restoration of the data
parameters partitions medium image:
• If the PCU Base Software Windows 7 is on the data
medium image, choose "PCU Base Windows 7 partition
• If the PCU Base Software Windows XP is on the data
medium image, choose "PCU Base Windows XP partition

4. To start the restore process and entirely replace the existing data on the SSD with the
disk image, confirm the settings with "Restore."

The restore process is started.

Troubleshooting if reading in of the disk image fails
If data transfer is interrupted during the restore process, the PCU will have no executable
In this case, use a bootable USB flash drive with Service Center to read the disk image in

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Backing up and restoring data
5.8 Starting Symantec Ghost directly

5.8 Starting Symantec Ghost directly

With the "Symantec Ghost" software you can store the entire contents of an SSD as a disk
image. Disk images can be kept on various storage media for subsequent restoration of the
data on the SSD.
Symantec Ghost is supplied from the factory on replacement SSDs for the PCU and on the
SSD of the entire PCU. Symantec Ghost is used by the components of the PCU Base
Software to back up or restore data.
You can also start Symantec Ghost directly from the prompt to execute the data backup
tasks from the user interface of Ghost. This is necessary, for example, when using
CompactFlash cards.

To start Symantec Ghost directly, proceed as follows:
1. Call the prompt from the Service Center or the Service Desktop.
2. Enter "ghost.32.exe" and confirm the entry.

Further information
More information is available in the Internet on website Ghost.com (http://www.ghost.com).

5.9 Bootable USB flash drive

You can generate a bootable Service Center (Emergency Boot System) based on Microsoft
Windows PE on a USB flash drive as preventive measure against a defect
The Ghost image is located on the SSD under: D:\Eboot\eboot.gho
Using the same procedure, you can create a Service Center on a PG/PC. For this, Symantec
Ghost must be installed on the PG/PC.

● The Windows 7 Service Desktop is active
● You have a USB flash drive (e.g. SIMATIC PC USB flash drive)

To create a bootable USD flash drive, proceed as follows:
1. Connect the USB flash drive to a USB interface of the PCU.
2. Start Symantec Ghost, for example, by entering Ghost32.exe in the search bar in the start

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5.10 Operating a service PC/PC in the network

3. In Symantec Ghost, select the "From Image" command from the "Local > Disk" menu.
4. Select D:\Eboot\eboot.gho as the source and the USB flash drive as the destination.

The Emergency Boot System is installed on the USB flash drive and the data medium is
renamed to "EBOOT." The service system on the bootable USB flash drive can now be

5.10 Operating a service PC/PC in the network

5.10.1 Overview

System network
In the following applications, you will need, for example, a connection between the PCU and
a PG/PC in the system network:
● Save the disk image of the PCU-SSD to a PG/PC
● Restore the SSC of a PCU via the DVD drive of a PG/PC
● Start up the replacement SSD
● Install the software on the PCU via the DVD drive of a PG/PC

Company network
If you want to connect the service PG/PC via a company network (Eth 1), contact your
network service center.

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5.10 Operating a service PC/PC in the network

5.10.2 Connection options in the system network

The following figures show the typical connection options in the system network:
● PCU to "Eth 2" with service PG/PC, directly, using a crossover Ethernet cable
● PCU to "Eth 2" with service PG/PC, via a switch, using a 1:1 Ethernet cable

Table 5- 5 Configuration images: Meaning of the connections

Symbol Meaning
Eth 1 as a DHCP client

Eth 2 with a fixed IP address

1:1 Ethernet cable
Crossover Ethernet cable

Configuration with PG/PC directly to PCU

Figure 5-7 Connecting a PG directly to a PCU

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5.10 Operating a service PC/PC in the network

Configuration with PG/PC and switch to PCU

Figure 5-8 Connecting a PG via a switch to a PCU

If a PCU is switched off and on again without its own OP/TP including TCU, and if the PCU
boot-up is intended to be performed from the service system (EBS), an external VGA
monitor and keyboard are needed to operate the PCU.
An external VGA monitor and keyboard are not needed if the TCUs are operating and the
PCU is not switched off with the EBS during booting.

Basic procedure
On the PG/PC with Windows 7:
● Connecting a PG/PC to a PCU according to one of the configurations shown above.
● The network protocol used is: TCP/IP.
TCP/IP is already preconfigured on the PCU.
● Setting up IP addresses on the same subnetwork.
● Releasing a directory on the PG/PC for network access.
On the PCU in the Service Center (WinPE):
● On the PCU start the Service Center (WinPE).
● Establish a network connection to the shared directory of the PG/PC.
See: Functions of the Service Center (Page 58)

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5.10 Operating a service PC/PC in the network

5.10.3 Configuring routing in the network

If you have connected a PG/PC at interface X127 of the NCU, configure the network routing
to establish the connection between the PG/PC and the PCU.

Figure 5-9 A networking example using IP routing

The following conditions must be met in order to use this function:
● The PG must be connected to interface X127 of an NCU in the system network.
● The NCU and PCU must be connected via the system network.
● On the NCU, the routing is activated in one of the following ways:
– In SINUMERIK Operate 4.5 SP2 or higher, the routing is configured in image "Settings
of the system network."
– In the configuration file basesys.ini, key EnableSysNetToIBNForwarding=1 is set.
● If you wish to access a network directory, it must be shared.
● The user account in question is known to the PG/PC.
● The Service Center is active.

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5.10 Operating a service PC/PC in the network

To configure the IP routing in the Service Center, proceed as follows:
1. In the main menu of the Service Centers, click "Network."
2. In the "Network settings" dialog box, go to the "IP Routing" tab.

Figure 5-10 Service Center - IP routing

3. Configure the necessary routes. See also: Network settings in the Service Center
(Page 60)

The routing has been configured and the PG/PC and PCU are connected via the NCU.
Now, perform the desired steps, for example, Restoring a disk image (Page 68).

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5.10 Operating a service PC/PC in the network

5.10.4 Configure the network settings of the PG/PC

Once you have connected a PG/PC in the network, make the network settings on the
The basic procedure for setup under Windows 7 or Windows XP is described below.
Detailed information from Microsoft is provided in Windows under "Help and Support" or in
the Internet: Microsoft Windows support (http://windows.microsoft.com/en-

● The PG/PC is networked with the PCU in one of the following ways:
– The PG/PC is connected to the PCU with an Ethernet cable (either directly or via a
See: Connection options in the system network (Page 72)
– The PG/PC is networked with the PCU via an interface on the NCU and the routing is
See: Configuring routing in the network (Page 74)
● A current Microsoft Windows operating system is installed on the PG/PC
● The PG/PC is switched on

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5.10 Operating a service PC/PC in the network

To configure the network settings of the PG/PC for connecting a PCU in the system network,
proceed as follows:
1. Open the "network connections" window:
– To do this under Windows XP: in the "Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet
Connections" menu, choose "Network Connections."
– To do this under Windows 7: in the Control Panel in category "Network and Internet >
View network status and tasks," choose "Change adapter settings."
2. Right-click on the network adapter you want to configure, then choose "Properties" from
the shortcut menu.
This opens the "Properties of <connection>" dialog box.

Figure 5-11 Properties of <connection>

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5.10 Operating a service PC/PC in the network

3. Make the following settings:

– Click "File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks."
– To change the IP address of the PG/PC, double-click "Internet Protocol Version 4
(TCP/IPv4)", then configure the settings as follows:

Section Element Settings

Use the following IP IP address The following IP addresses in the system
address network can be used for the PG/PC:

Subnet mask •

The network settings of the PG/PC are now configured for use with the PCU 50.5.

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5.10 Operating a service PC/PC in the network

5.10.5 Sharing a directory in the network

If you want to, for example, store disk images on a PG/PC that you have linked to the PCU
via the network, you set up a network drive.
As soon as it has been set up, a new drive will appear on the PCU, which is really a directory
on the PG/PC.
The basic procedure for setup under Windows 7 and Windows XP is described below.
Detailed information from Microsoft is provided in Windows under "Help and Support" or in
the Internet: Microsoft Windows support (http://windows.microsoft.com/en-

● The PG/PC is switched on.
● There is sufficient space on the PG/PC for saving, for example, disk images from the
● The user accounts to which you want to grant share rights are known in the domain or on
the PCU.

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5.10 Operating a service PC/PC in the network

Proceed as follows to share a directory for use in the network:
1. On the PG/PC, in the Control Panel call up Computer Management.
2. Under "System > Shared Folders" select the file "Shares."
3. In the "Action" menu, click the "New File Share..." command.
The "Create A Shared Folder Wizard" opens.
4. Under step "Name, Description, and Settings," make a note of the Share path, which is a
combination of the computer name and the share name. You will have to give this name
when you create a shortcut to the network drive on the PCU.

Figure 5-12 Create A Shared Folder Wizard - Name, Description, and Settings

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5.10 Operating a service PC/PC in the network

5. Under step "Shared Folder Permissions," select the "Customize permissions" radio
button, then click "Custom..."

Figure 5-13 Create a Shared Folder Wizard - Shared Folder Permissions

The "Customize permissions" dialog box opens.

Figure 5-14 "Customize Permissions" dialog box

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5.10 Operating a service PC/PC in the network

6. In section "Group or user names," click "Add..."

The "Select Users, Computers, Service Accounts, or Groups" opens.

Figure 5-15 "Select Users, Computers, Service Accounts, or Groups" dialog box

7. In section "Permissions for <user name>," under column "Allow," click the "Change"
check box.
8. Confirm these settings in the "Customize Permissions" dialog box with "OK."
9. In the next steps of the wizard, make all the settings you require and confirm the share
with "Finish."

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5.10 Operating a service PC/PC in the network

5.10.6 Creating a shortcut to the network drive

To be able to access the shared directory on the PG/PC from the PCU, after you have
connected and configured the PG/PC in the network, you must set up the folder shared on
the PG/PC on the PCU as a network drive.
As soon as it has been set up, a new drive will appear on the PCU, which is really a directory
on the PG/PC.
The basic procedure for setup under Windows 7 and Windows XP is described below.
Detailed information from Microsoft is provided in Windows under "Help and Support" or in
the Internet: Creating a shortcut to a network drive (association)

● The PG/PC is switched on.
● The PCU is switched on and the Service Desktop is active.
● The folder on the PG/PC is shared for the relevant user accounts on the domain and on
the PCU.

Proceed as follows to connect a shared directory as a network drive:
1. Start the Windows Explorer and click the "Map network drive" button.
2. Make the following settings in the "Map network drive" dialog box:

Settings Purpose
Drive To select drive letters under which the network directories are to be
accessible on the PCU 50.5.
Folder Specify the device in the network and share name of the resource.
Syntax: \\Name of the server\share name of the network directory
Example: \\Backup_Server\PCU_Backup
Reconnect at Select this check box to automatically connect the network drive on booting.
Connect using Select this check box if you have not shared the directory in the network with
different the user for whom you would like to set up the network drive.
credentials In the next dialog box "Enter Network Password," enter the log-on
information of a user with whom the network directory is shared.

3. Confirm your settings with "Finish."

See also
Microsoft Windows support (http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/windows-

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5.11 Starting up the replacement SSD

5.11 Starting up the replacement SSD

The replacement SSD for use with PCU 50.5 is delivered with the Service Center installed
and network settings as delivered with the delivery condition (Page 9) of the PCU 50.5.
When you have replaced the SSD, use the Service Center to read in a disk image.

● The replacement SSD is installed in the PCU 50.5
● If the network settings of the delivery condition (Page 9) are not the same as those of
your system network or company network, disconnect the PCU 50.5 from the network, if

Further information
Information about replacing and installing an SSD on the PCU is provided in the Operator
Components and Networking Manual.

Proceed as follows to read a disk image onto a replaced SSD:
1. Connect a PG/PC containing the required disk image.
2. Start the ServiceCenter and select "Disk Restore."
3. Select the disk image and confirm your settings with "Restore."
See also: Restoring a disk image (Page 68)

Troubleshooting if reading in of the disk image fails
If reading in of the data is interrupted, the PCU will have no executable system.
In this case, use a bootable USB flash drive with Service Center to read the disk image in

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Service and diagnostics 6
6.1 PCU Hardware Diagnostics

Intended use
The PCU hardware supports the diagnostics of important system components via an
integrated "safecard", which is designated as a Safecard-On-Motherboard (SOM).

Monitored Parameters
The following physical parameters of the PCU hardware are monitored:
● CPU temperature
● Housing temperature
● I/O chip temperature
● Speed of the two housing fans
● S.M.A.R.T - status of the hard disk

Logging faults
The PCU hardware monitor logs all hardware faults in the Windows event log so that the
faults can be output even without installing an HMI software.
The alarms are output in the log under "Control Panel" → "Administrative Tools" → "Event

See also
● Starting up the replacement SSD (Page 84)
● Operator Components and Networking Manual: Chapter, spare parts
● Description of the alarms: SINUMERIK 840D sl Diagnostics Manual

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Service and diagnostics
6.2 Evaluation of the 7-segment display

6.2 Evaluation of the 7-segment display

The 7-segment display is intended for PCU diagnostics in operation without a local OP
(headless mode). If an error is detected during booting, a local display is needed for
subsequent error analysis of the connection.
The two displays have the following function:

Figure 6-1 7-segment display on the PCU 50.5

● Segment display H1
Segment display H1 and the associated LED are assigned to the PCU basic software.
Status codes are output during system booting, normal operations and shutdown.
Compatibility in relation to the NCU modules is taken into account.
● Segment display H2
Segment display H2 and the associated LED are assigned to the application software.

Meaning of status codes

● During system power-up:

LED H1 LED H2 7-segment Status

Orange Orange Output of After switching on the system
BIOS post
Orange Off After cycling the BIOS
Orange Off After starting Windows
1 0 Start Windows Load device drivers needed for
the Windows start
2 0 PCU hardware service The PCU hardware service has
been started.
5 0 Network Wait for network interfaces to
be ready.
8 0 TCU support test step 1 Wait for FTP server to start
9 0 TCU support test step 2 Wait for boot server to start for
TCU network boot and for TCU
hardware service to start
A 0 TCU support test step 3 Wait for VNC server to start

PCU Base Software (IM10)

86 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Service and diagnostics
6.2 Evaluation of the 7-segment display

LED H1 LED H2 7-segment Status

B 0 - -
E 0 PCU base software General fault: see Windows
"Event Viewer"

● During operation:

LED H1 LED H2 7-segment Status

Flashing -- 0 0 OK
Flashing red -- Error:
1 0 Temperature alarm Housing or CPU temperature;
temperature above limit value
(SOM error)
2 0 Fan alarm Housing or CPU: Low fan
speed or fan failure (SOM
3 0 Hard disk alarm S.M.A.R.T hard disk error
6 0 Failure of VNC server or VNC
server service stopped

● During shutdown

LED H1 LED H2 7-segment Status

Flashing -- 5 0 Shutdown active

PCU Base Software (IM10)

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Service and diagnostics
6.3 Setting the service switch

6.3 Setting the service switch

The service switch on the PCU 50.5 is a rotary switch with 16 possible positions.
The "PCU Hardware Service" component as part of the PCU Base software provides a
function to read-out the switch positions.

Figure 6-2 Service switch

Meaning of switch positions

Only the settings of the service switch that are relevant for the commissioning engineer are

Switch setting Function

0 Normal mode (switch setting in delivery condition)
3 PCU boots to the "SINUMERIK" welcome screen. Relevant if HMI software is
installed with autologon mode set. See also: Switching to the Service Desktop
during autologon mode (Page 89).
9 Reset BIOS to factory settings
E Boot device at the USB interface, e.g. USB flash drive with emergency boot
See also: Bootable USB flash drive (Page 70)

Further information
Details about the hardware of the PCU 50.5 is provided in the SINUMERIK 840D sl Operator
Components and Networking Manual in Chapter Operator panels.

PCU Base Software (IM10)

88 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Service and diagnostics
6.4 Switching to the Service Desktop during autologon mode

6.4 Switching to the Service Desktop during autologon mode

If you have set up autologon mode, the PCU automatically boots with the logged-on default
user account SINUMERIK Operate.
But you can also log on directly as an administrator for the Service Desktop during start-up if
you want to perform maintenance, for example. In this case, you must press a key (key 3)
while the PCU is booting.

● SINUMERIK Operate is installed and autologon mode is set up.
See Chapter Setting up SINUMERIK Operate for autologon mode (Page 41).
● The PCU is switched off.

Proceed as follows to log on as an administrator when autologon mode is set up.
1. Switch on the PCU and wait until the "SINUMERIK" welcome screen appears.
2. Press key 3 on the keyboard while the "SINUMERIK" welcome screen is being displayed.
The counter for starting SINUMERIK Operate is suspended and you can select one of
three options:

Figure 6-3 Welcome screen "SINUMERIK" after key input

3. Select the "Display Desktop" option.

The Service Desktop opens.

PCU Base Software (IM10)

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Service and diagnostics
6.5 Remote access

6.5 Remote access

6.5.1 Overview
You can use a remote connection to access other devices via the network:
● Access to maintenance with prompt (SSH) via PuTTy or WinSCP
● Access via VNC Viewer with all its operator and maintenance options, which are also
available directly on the PCU.

See also
Setting up and using SSH (Page 93)

6.5.2 Searching for devices in the system network

The "sc_show_net" command shows devices available in the system network in the prompt
and offers additional information about these devices.
As both these functions rely on SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), only SNMP-
capable device will be found. In the case of Windows-based devices, this depends on the
software version. If a simple call is made, without any additional options, a list of the devices
found will appear showing the relevant IP address, DNS name (if known), and a short
description (module name).

Command sc_show_net
This command is called up in the DOS shell:

Syntax: sc_show_net [-xml] [-hw|-tco|-sw|-swfull|-loc|-panel| -dhcp|-

switch|-all] [HOSTS...]
Authorization level: None

PCU Base Software (IM10)

90 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Service and diagnostics
6.5 Remote access

6.5.3 Display of accessible stations in SINUMERIK Operate

You can use the network diagnostics function in SINUMERIK Operate to show stations
accessible in the system network. You can also change the address range in which you scan
for stations.

Proceed as follows to show accessible stations:
1. Select "MENU SELECT" to open the menu.
2. In the horizontal softkey menu, choose "Diagnostics > Bus TCP/IP."
3. In the vertical softkey menu, choose "TCP/IP > Diagnostics Network > Accessible
The "Accessible stations" display opens showing all stations in the set address range.
4. To change the address range in which you scan for stations, choose the vertical softkey
"Additional stations."

Further information
You will find Information about showing accessible stations in SINUMERIK Operate in
Commissioning Manual SINUMERIK 840D sl SINUMERIK Operate (IM9) Chapter Service
and diagnostics.

6.5.4 Remote access to the PCU for operation and maintenance

Using the VNC Viewer you can connect to devices by remote access that have an active
VNC server, e.g. PCU or NCU.
The factory settings only enable you to monitor a system (e.g. PCU) via an external VNC
To operate the system from another station, the system in question must give permission.
You make the necessary settings in the tcu.ini in section [VNCViewer].

Important factory settings

● To access the PCU by remote access, you require a password. The factory setting of the
password in the VNC Server on the PCU 50.5 is "password." Modify this password during
commissioning in the settings of the VNC Server to avoid security risks.
● To be able to access a PCU via the enterprise network with the VNC Viewer, port 5900
must be enabled under "Control Panel > Windows Firewall > Exceptions." This port does
not have to be enabled to access the PCU 50.5 via the plant network.

Further information
Operator Components and Networking Manual

PCU Base Software (IM10)

Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 91
Service and diagnostics
6.5 Remote access

Options for the VNC viewer

Do not change the factory settings!
To ensure that the VNC viewer works properly, the following options may not be changed.

After starting the VNC viewer, the following dialog opens:

Figure 6-4 VNC Viewer - Factory settings

After clicking the "Options ..." button, the following dialog opens:

Figure 6-5 VNC Viewer > Options - Factory Settings

PCU Base Software (IM10)

92 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Service and diagnostics
6.5 Remote access

6.5.5 Setting up and using SSH

You can use remote access to access devices from the PCU.
A SSH environment is preinstalled when the PCU Base Software for Windows 7 is installed.
You can log on with PuTTy or WinSCP.
You can use a SSH key to log on. A script for setting up the infrastructure on devices is
provided. However, for security reasons no pregenerated keys have been stored.

Setting up remote access with SSH and key pair

The procedure for setting up users and using remote access is the same as the usual
procedure for remote access with SSH.

Table 6- 1 Support with setting up remote access

Task Recommended application Storage path Help

Generate key pair PuTTy Key Generator C:\Program Files Online help in PuTTy
(x86)\WinSCP\PuTTy\puttygen. (Chapter Public key for pasting into
exe authorized_keys file)

Set up infrastructure on devices Supplied script C:\ProgramData\Siemens\Motio Call up the script via the prompt. To
ssh_key_login.bat n do this, enter user name and file
Control\SIEMENS\etc.\ssh_key name of the public key as the
_login.bat parameters.
ssh_key_login.bat <user
name> <public key>
ssh_key_login.bat username
Access devices via remote Optional: C:\Program Files • Online help in PuTTy
connection (x86)\WinSCP\PuTTy\putty.exe
• PuTTy • Documentation on the website of
C:\Program Files
(x86)\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe (http://winscp.net/eng/docs/start)

IP address of the PCU (factory

• System network:
• Company network: IP address is
taken from the DHCP server

See also
Remote access (Page 90)
Encryption via SSH protocol (Page 94)

PCU Base Software (IM10)

Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 93
Service and diagnostics
6.5 Remote access

6.5.6 Encryption via SSH protocol

The security of SSH is ensured by a series of cryptographic algorithms for encryption and

The server identifies itself to the client with an RSA, DSA or ECDSA certificate, which
enables detection of manipulation in the network (no other server can identify itself as a
known server).
The client can authenticate itself either by public key authentication with a private key whose
public key is stored on the server, or with a normal password. While in the latter case, user
interaction is always necessary (unless the password is stored unencrypted on the client
computer), public key authentication allows client computers to log onto SSH servers without
user interaction, without a password having to be stored in plain text on the client. However,
for added security the private SSH keys can also be protected with a password.

In the case of Secure Subsystem Execution, subsystems that were defined in a SSH server
installation can be executed remotely without the precise path of the program to executed on
the server having to be known. SFTP is the most common subsystem.
However, several such subsystems are defined in the relevant RFCs:

Service SSH Connection Protocol Relevant RFC

Subsystem Name according to
SFTP sftp draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer
SSH Public Key Subsystem publickey RFC 4819
SNMP snmp RFC 5592
Netconf netconf RFC 4742, errata 1628
SSH transport mapping for syslog Draft-gerhards-syslog-
SYSLOG transport-ssh-00.txt

Further information
● Chapter Setting up and using SSH (Page 93).
● "NCU Operating System" Commissioning Manual (IM7)
● Description and licenses for WinSCP and Putty.

PCU Base Software (IM10)

94 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
List of abbreviations A
A.1 Abbreviations

CF CompactFlash card: Memory card

CFS Cluster File System
DCK Direct Control Keys: Direct control keys
DCP Discovery and Basic Configuration Protocol
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol: Dynamic assignment of an IP address and other configuration
parameters on a computer in a network
DNS Domain Name System: Conversion of domain names into IP addresses
EBS Emergency Boot System
EKS Electronic Key System: System to check the identity of a user (authentication system)
EUNA End User Notification Administration
HMI Human Machine Interface: Operator interface
IRT Isochronous Realtime (Ethernet)
LLDP Link Layer Discovery Protocol: multi-vendor Layer 2 Protocol defined in accordance with the IEEE-
802.1AB standard, allows information to be exchanged between devices.
MAC Media Access Control: The MAC address is a 48-bit Ethernet ID.
MCP Machine Control Panel: Machine control panel
MPI Multi-Point Interface: Multiple interface
MUI Multilanguage User Interface
NAT Network Address Translation
NCK Numerical Control Kernel: NC kernel with block preparation, travel range, etc.
NCU Numerical Control Unit: NCK hardware unit
NRT Non-Realtime (Ethernet)
NTFS New Technology File System
NTP Network Time Protocol: Standard for synchronizing clocks in the entire network
NTPD NTP Daemon:
Utility that runs in the background and does not have to be started by the user.
PCU PC Unit: Computer unit
PDEV Physical device
PG Programming device
PLC Programmable Logic Control: Programmable logic controller
RAM Random Access Memory: Program memory which can be read and written into
RDY Ready: The system is ready to operate.
RFC Remote Function Call
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol (network protocol for monitoring and controlling network elements
such as routers, servers, switches, and printers from a central station).
SSD Solid State Drive
SSH Secure Shell: Protocol for an encrypted network connection with a remote device

PCU Base Software (IM10)

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List of abbreviations
A.1 Abbreviations

TCU Thin Client Unit

TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol: Very simple data transmission protocol
UDP User Datagram Protocol: NTP is mostly processed via UDP.
USB Universal Serial Bus
UPS Uninterruptible power supply
UTC Universal Time, Coordinated: Coordinated Universal Time (previously: Greenwich Mean Time)
VNC Virtual Network Computing

PCU Base Software (IM10)

96 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1

7 Installation, (See Commissioning)
7-segment display, 86 Interface
Ethernet, 9
X1, 9
A X2, 9
Answer file, 17
unattend.xml, 19 K
Autologon, 89
Kiosk mode, 88

Backup time, 35
BIOS Mode of operation
Factory setting, 88 Headless mode, 17
Boot stick, 70

C Network
Commissioning Company network, 9
unattended, 17 System network, 9
USB flash drive, 17
with identical settings, 17
D Configuration, 49
Disk image
Redo, 68 P
Troubleshooting, 69 PCU
Checking the hard disk, 85
PCU Installer
E Log file, 55
Emergency Boot System, 70, 88 Troubleshooting, 55
Port 80 display,

Hard disk, (See SSD)
HMI software, 49 Remote access, 91
RESOLUTION (tcu.ini), 26

PCU Base Software (IM10)

Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 97

Screen resolution, 26
Service Desktop, 89
Service switch, 88
Service system for PCU, 70
Shutdown, 87
Softkey, 49
Replace, 84
Initial startup, 17
STEP 7, 49
System boot, 86

PCU Installer, 55
Restore failure, 69

USB FlashDrive, 70
USB interface
Disabling, 24
Enabling, 24

VNC Viewer, 91

XML file
unattend.xml, 17, 19

PCU Base Software (IM10)

98 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1
Appendix A
A.1 Overview

Basesoftware and operating software

Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1 19
A.1 Overview

Basesoftware and operating software

20 Commissioning Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3BA1

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