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2020 Annual Report

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I remember sitting in my sophomore English class at Central their social and academic learning with hands-on activities in pandemic support for Central High School, the Foundation
High School and reading Charles Dickens’ novel, A Tale of real-world scenarios. provided emergency funding to Central staff and families,
Two Cities. The classic line stuck in my memory: “It was the developed a Resume Support program for alumni who
best of times, it was the worst of times.” I’m pretty sure I even This is just a glimpse of what the Central High School were looking for jobs, created a virtual Senior Recognition
used that sentence as the attention-grabber on my theme! Foundation did this past year to ensure that all Central Ceremony, completed its most successful Omaha Gives ever,
Well, The Central High School Foundation’s 2019-2020 year students continued to have a four-year academic experience supported current students and alumni with career and college
harkens back to that same phrase: “It was the best of times, grounded in a traditional college prep curriculum, selection guidance, created and provided real-time virtual class
it was the worst of times.” As I finish my first year as the supplemented with experiential learning. I can assure you reunions, and developed and implemented digital engagement
President of the Central High School Foundation Board of these opportunities do not happen at Central High School opportunities to keep us all close together in a new era of
Directors, I know I have gained a tremendous appreciation without the Central High School Foundation. social distancing. Talk about the tough getting going! The
for the Foundation’s work in keeping Omaha Central High work of the Central High School Foundation shows us why
School strong and prosperous during an unpredictable year; The Worst of Times Central High School, even in the worst of times, continues to
a year that had both the best of times, the worst of times, and During its 161 years, Central High School has seen its be an example of the finest public education in the country.
everything in between. share of tough and unprecedented events. Wars, recessions,
depressions, pandemics, droughts, floods, social unrest, and I know our current challenges won’t be soon forgotten. I would
The Best of Times other events too numerous to mention. Every historic event like to thank each of you for your support of the Central High
This past year, the Central High School Foundation has has challenged Central in ways that most of us can’t fathom; School Foundation in the best of times. I also hope that you
worked hard to ensure that the educational opportunities and oh, if those halls could talk! Yet, Central has prevailed. In my will continue to support the Foundation in the worst of times.
experiences Central offers its students continue. In 2019, we mind, Omaha’s original high school is the poster child for the Regardless of whether it is the best of times or the worst of
unveiled a 45,000 square foot Arts and Library Addition. This old adage: “when the going gets tough - the tough get going.” times, The Central High School Foundation and its Board of
building addition was developed, funded, and constructed This also applies to the Central High School Foundation in Directors are dedicated to Omaha Central High School and
by Eagle donors, alumni, and community supporters. The how it handled the COVID-19 health crisis while staying its future success as one of America’s premier legacy public
Central High School Foundation also awarded more than committed to supporting Central High School. high schools.
50 classroom grants in the 2019-2020 school year. These
classroom grants included new equipment for JROTC, new When the pandemic pushed Omaha Public Schools to “When the going gets tough-the tough get going.”
technology for a student-operated podcast, support for the close the classrooms of Central, the Central High School GO EAGLES!
production of the musical and the annual Road Show, a Foundation toughened up and got going! Instead of shutting
practice space for the swim team, a mixed-ability Inclusive its doors, the Foundation became a conduit for the Eagle
Sports Camp, entry fees for Math Club competitions, free community. It became a support system to help the school, its
ACT prep courses for students with economic need, and much administration, teachers, students, parents and alumni navigate
more. Each of these opportunities helped students support the challenging times. Taking on an unexpected role to provide Rob Likes, CHS 1991, Board President

Rob Likes Rusty Crossman, M.D.
CHS 1991, President CHS 1966

Mike Lebens Matt Darling

CHS 1970, Vice President CHS 1999 The Central High School Foundation was established in
1996 to provide support for present and future Central
Keith Bigsby, Ed.D. Andy Haggart High School students to ensure that the tradition of
Principal Emeritus, Secretary CHS 1988 excellence continues. Contributions of time, energy, and
resources are essential to preserving and enhancing the
Matt Aden Kristie Hayes, M.D. timeless values of a Central High School education. The
CHS 1974, Treasurer CHS 1973 Central High School Foundation supports the school
through a variety of activities, including alumni relations,
Ed Bennett, Ed.D. Merrilee Moshier Miller fundraising, grant writing, student scholarships, capital
Principal CHS 1966 projects, class reunions, and teacher and classroom grants.

Julie Cobb Harley Schrager The Mastercraft

The Central High School Foundation is a Nebraska
Parent CHS 1965 1111 N 13th Street Suite 318
Omaha, NE 68102-4252 non-profit corporation qualified under Section 501(c)
(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, donations to which are

402-556-1996 www.chsfomaha.org tax-deductible.

Michele Roberts Ali Hodge

Executive Director CHS 2009, Digital Engagement
Erika Buffington
Foundation Operations
Josh Bucy Joanne Wagner Givens fb.com/chsfomaha @chsfomaha @chsfomaha @chsfomaha
Communications & Database CHS1968, Finance



On behalf of the Omaha Central High School Foundation us for assistance. We then developed the Resume Support It is during times like these that the support of our donors
Board of Directors, the Foundation staff, and myself, I hope Program, connecting volunteer Central teachers with Eagles and alumni makes the most impact to help us sustain our
this letter finds you and your loved ones safe and well. who found themselves in need of updating their resumes. “Tradition of Excellence.” We are so grateful for you, and your
After making the decision to cancel our spring fundraiser, we continued support of Central High School. We are all in this
The title of this year’s Annual Report, “Strength in invested our energy and strength into OmahaGives. Facing a together, strengthened by our Eagle community.
Community,” is the perfect phrase for how the Omaha steep financial challenge, we leaned on our Eagle community
Central High School Foundation has leaned into this year. and they showed up in huge numbers! The 2020 Central Once an Eagle, Always an Eagle,
Due to COVID-19, in March, the school year came to an High Foundation OmahaGives set a record for both the
abrupt halt. Central High School’s spring sports, prom, number of donors and amount of money raised for Central
Senior Recognition Night, the 2020 graduation ceremony, High School in a 24-hour period. We were very humbled,
the Purple Feather ceremony, and a host of other spring and thankful, and inspired that our supporters are so passionate Michele Roberts, Executive Director
year-end activities ended in the same fashion. As I write about the important role the Foundation plays to support
this letter, we now find ourselves beginning the 2020-2021 Central High School.
school year with virtual learning. Although this is not how
we wished to end last school year or begin this one, we, As we move forward with our current “new reality” of 2019-20 STATEMENT OF
like you, are confronting these unique times with a positive limited personal and face-to-face interaction, please know
attitude and a problem-solving mentality. we are developing and implementing creative ways to keep FINANCIAL POSITION
connected with all of our Eagles. We have developed virtual
During Central’s 160 years – and counting - our school engagement opportunities that include our Zero Hour
has seen its share of tough and unprecedented events: The Masterclass Series, Affinity Reunions, our podcast, “Eagle ASSETS
Cash and cash equivalents $1,582,891
Great Depression, World War II, the nuclear arms race, Tales,” and our blog, “The Quill and Feather.” These virtual Certificates of deposit $250,000
the Vietnam War, the economic crash of 2008, and much initiatives are just a few ways in which we are working to Deposits $600
more. These times put great strain on our school and our connect you to your alma mater as well as your classmates. Investments and cash restricted for endowment $3,905,809
community, just as COVID-19 does today. But Omaha On page 4 you will find out how to register for these great Total Assets $5,739,300
Central has withstood, and, rest assured, it will meet the events! LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS
recent trials and tribulations just as successfully. It is the LIABILITIES
strength of our community that will carry us forward! As the Central High School Foundation and Central High Bridge loan for capital campaign $2,652,859
School work through our current challenges, I want you
Following in the footsteps of resilient Eagles that came to know that I appreciate your continued support. Central NET ASSETS
before us, The Central High School Foundation chose continues to be confronted with the same important Without donor restrictions - ($641,761)
With donor restrictions
to find the silver linings in today’s challenging times. educational challenges it has always faced, such as student Temporary purpose restrictions $1,049,351
When the pandemic hit, we acted quickly to establish an achievement and opportunity gaps. In fact, due to this Permanent endowments $2,678,851
Emergency Fund to support Central students and staff who crisis, the opportunity inequality we have always fought to Total Net Assets $3,086,441
had immediate financial needs due to COVID-19. Thanks minimize will undoubtedly grow even larger. This is why it is
to our generous donors and alumni, we were able to assist essential that we have your continued support. Not only has TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $5,739,300
100% of the families and individuals who reached out to our mission not changed, it is now more important than ever.


Student Body CHS Faculty Class of 2020 Opportunity Gap

177 556 56%

Caucasian - 35%
Hispanic - 29%
African American - 26%
Other - 10%
2,830 Students Teachers Graduates Percentage of Students on
Free or Reduced Lunch


Artwork by Hannah Hough, CHS 2021

Pictured top right clockwise: Jacky Smith, CHS 1999; Franque Thompson,
CHS 2007; Christine Andreasen Pellman, CHS 1982; Todd Smith, CHS 1984;
Ramona Bartee, CHS 2002; Anna McMahon, CHS 2006; Michael Schwartz,
CHS 1970
2020 has been an emotional time at the Nest. The spread of
COVID-19 caused an early end to the 2019-20 school year. This
forced the cancellation of prom, spring sports, and even graduation. REUNIONS MASTERCLASSES
In addition, the Central High School Foundation was forced Due to COVID-19, 2020 reunions Do you remember trying to squeeze
to cancel its annual fundraiser Rock the Nest Trivia Night and have been cancelled. In response, an extra class into your schedule
postpone the 2020 Hall of Fame dinner and induction ceremony. this Fall we will be hosting Affinity when you were a student at Central?
Reunions. Affinity reunions bring And the only hour you had available
During Central’s 160 years, our school has seen its share of tough together alumni based on their was Zero Hour? Well, even after
and unprecedented events. These times have put great strain on involvement in a particular activity graduation, Zero Hour is still
our school and our community. But Omaha Central has withstood, or student organization rather than available for you to fill with fun,
and, rest assured, it will meet the recent trials and tribulations just by graduating class. These fun virtual unique “extra-curricular” learning! For
as successfully. It is the Central Way! reunions will be hosted once a month $5, join us for these upcoming Zero
on Zoom from 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. CST! Hour classes. All classes will ring into
The Central High School Foundation established the Emergency There is no cost to attend. session at 10:00 a.m. CST.
Fund to support Central students and staff by securing needed
resources during this pandemic. The Emergency Fund has been O-Club and Letterman’s Club Reunion October MasterClass
September 29, 2020 October 3, 2020
used to support current students and staff who have immediate Host: Howard Borden (‘67) Topic: African American History
financial needs. Thank you Eagles who helped others during Guest Speaker: Rod Mullen
COVID-19! Journalism Affinity Reunion
October 13, 2020 November MasterClass
Host: Henry Cordes (‘81) November 7, 2020
DECA Affinity Reunion Guest Speaker: Marcy Mahoney

75 189
November 10, 2020
Host: To Be Announced January MasterClass
January 16, 2021
JROTC Affinity Reunion Topic: Art 101
Number of families who Number of Central High December 8, 2020 Guest Speaker: Jeremy Cisco
received assistance from School Foundation donors Host: To Be Announced
the Central High School who contributed to the March MasterClass
March 20, 2021
Foundation Emergency Fund Emergency Fund since Topic: Omaha History
since March 2020 March 2020 Guest Speaker: Jay Landstrom
You can register for these events at chsfomaha.org.
The weekend of September 20-22 was a great time for classmates at the class of 1959 60th Reunion.
It started on Friday with a reception at the Marriott Regency. Activities continued Saturday morning
with an eye-popping visit to Central where attendees were able to see the beautiful newly completed
Arts and Library Addition on the east side of Central. At the Saturday evening dinner, everyone
celebrated the academics, diversity, and inclusion that made Central so special. On Sunday morning,
many attendees gathered at the Marriott Regency for a farewell breakfast to end a fantastic weekend.
Congratulations to the Class of 1959 for winning the 2019 First Class Reunion Challenge!
The class of 1964 spent September 6th and 7th celebrating their 55th Class Reunion. Classmates
reminisced and reconnected with friends at Champions Run and Happy Hollow. The Saturday morning
tour gave classmates a chance to revisit the past and see the future of CHS. The new Arts and Library
1959 Addition was experienced with awe. Visit central64.org to see highlights of the reunion and a video
produced by Harry Friedman, Jeopardy! producer, to honor the deceased classmates.

“The Best Reunion Ever” was the theme and the result for the class of 1969 at their 50-year reunion
on the weekend of August 2 and 3. The reunion began with a meet and greet on Thursday night at La
Casa Pizzaria. Over 200 Eagles gathered Friday night for a cocktail party before meeting Saturday
morning for a Central tour. Saturday afternoon included tours of Omaha on Ollie the Trolley. The final
gathering was Saturday night at the Scottish Rite. Classmates enjoyed cocktails, Omaha-centric hors
d’oeuvres, and dancing to the music of The Confidentials. They were honored that Dr. Moller attended
and shared many of his humorous stories.

The class of 1979 reunited for their 40 year reunion in July. Classmates met at the “C” on Saturday
July 13 for a tour of the school. After sharing memories over lunch at Mama’s Pizza on Saddle Creek,
the main event was that evening at Legend’s Patio Bar and Grill. Classmates and their spouses gathered
for a fun evening of socializing, reconnecting with old friends and making new friends. The weekend
concluded on Sunday with a super relaxing afternoon at the lake home of Dominic and Carol Watson
1964 Eagles from the class of 1984 gathered for their 35-year reunion on the weekend of September 6 and
7. The festivities kicked off with a night of fun on Friday at Sullivan’s Bar, which is owned by 1983
alumnus Dan Houlihan. Classmates met at the school on Saturday morning to tour the school and
check out the Arts and Library Addition. Things have changed a lot since 1984! The reunion weekend
concluded with a party at Castle Barrett. Alumnus John Hough and his band Skretta provided live
music entertainment.

The Central class of 1989 kicked off their 30th reunion on September 6 with a pre-game tailgate at 1994
Barchen Beer Garden in Benson. After mixing for a few hours, many in the class attended the Central
vs. Creighton Prep football game. Saturday morning roughly 50 classmates attended the school tour, and
everyone who toured raved about how much fun it was! The class really enjoyed seeing the new digital
library in the Arts and Library Addition. Saturday evening classmates met at the Upstream Brewery for
a dinner. The class had such a fun time that they closed down the upstairs floor.

The class of 1994 met for their 25-year class reunion on October 4 and 5. On Friday night, a few
hardy souls braved a cold rain to watch the Eagles take on Pius X at Seemann Stadium. At the game’s
conclusion, classmates met at Annie’s Irish Pub in the Capitol District. Saturday morning families
gathered for a tour of the school and for a first look at the new Arts and Library Addition. On Saturday
1969 night, about 40-45 diehards met at the Holiday Inn Downtown for a pasta dinner, surrounded by old
Registers and O-Books, and even an early 90s Dimension and Road Show program. Everyone had the
looks of a 30-year-old with the wisdom of a 60-year-old.

The class of 1999 met for their 20-year class reunion on September 27 and 28. On Friday night,
Eagles gathered for a happy hour event at Paddy McGowan’s Pub and Grill. Classmates then attended
the Central football game where Central defeated Lincoln High 17-7. Saturday morning featured a tour
of the school and the opportunity to walk the halls again for the first time since graduating. Saturday
night included appetizers and entertainment at the B Bar. More than 100 people enjoyed chatting and
mingling with many former classmates.

On the weekend of September 27, the class of 2009 met for their 10-year class reunion. The reunion
began with a tailgate in the Senior Parking Lot before walking over to watch the Eagle football team
win their homecoming game. On Saturday morning, history teacher Scott Wilson led a tour of the
school, featuring the new Arts and Library Addition. Saturday night, the 09-ers got dressed up for a
cocktail party and dinner at Upstream Brewery, where they caught up with classmates over drinks and a
buffet dinner. They heard a welcome speech from the Reunion Committee and held a moment of silence
for classmates who had passed and raised a glass in their memory.
1979 2009

DeEmmett Bradshaw Zerbe (1943) and Mason Speltz Zerbe (1948) Central High School
Student of the Year Scholarships Teacher of the Year Award

Carly Flynn Grant Goding Joseph Mickeliunas


Originally slated for May 13, the Senior Recognition Ceremony was cancelled In December 1980, a 1932 alum donated $2,000 to start the Central High
due to COVID-19. This annual event is traditionally presented by Central High School Scholarship Endowment Fund. Principal Doc Moller immediately started
School, the Central High School Foundation, and the Central High P.E.P. to to solicit money from various sources in order to guarantee the perpetual growth
honor graduating seniors. Graduating seniors from the Class of 2020 earned a of the fund. Today, the Scholarship Endowment has grown to over $1,000,000!
total of $18.4 million in scholarship money to further their education at Scholarship recipients are chosen by the Central High School Scholarship
post-secondary schools and colleges. Committee on the basis of application, scholarship, citizenship, and need.


Linda Gryva Belzowski (1969): Melisa Ontiveros Duane M. and Douglas J. Perry Mathematics Award: Zoe Engelbert
W. Edward Clark (1932): Hudson Gardner Ruth Pilling (1926): Benjamin Budesheim
Henry Davis (1969): Mohussin Abakar, Andrea Coronado, Virginia Lee Pratt (1937): Grant Goding
Kimberly Salas Eloisa, Figs Ju, Sandra Amaya Martinez
Outstanding Social Studies Award and Janice C. Ross Scholarship: Kaitlyn Engel
Beverly Fellman Best French Award: Betty Dessie
Ramona Byers Sanders (1965): Oliver Coffman
Paul Jepsen (1929): Tariq Douglas, Kaitlyn Engel,
Ned Sariscsany (2005): Aaron Ramsdell
Marioliva Jimenez, Eh Mo Khaing
Robert Spire (1943): Om Kami
The Larry Kavich (1963) Scholarship for Business: Hanna Leslie
Hird Stryker Jr. (1936): Kyle Linnell
John Keenan: Miranda Ritchie
James Baume Stryker (1942): Isabelle Sgourakis
Frank Knapple: Negil McPherson III
John E. Sunderland (1916): Tysa Dethloff, Simret Habte, Ashton Hagen
Thor and Kay Krogh English Prize: Lauren Anderson
Jerome A. Turner (1953): Carly Flynn
Arthur (1914) and Genevieve Loomis: Emiliano Altuzar
Augusta Turpin: Grace Turner
E. Frank Maycock (1948): Madison Herchenbach
Woodmen of the World Award and Ruth Vodak Scholarship: Elizabeth Hernandez
Dr. G.E. Moller: Lauren Anderson
World War II Memorial: Rozlyn Olson
Doris and Allen Oglander: Lanae Kent


The Mission of the Central High School Foundation is “To improve the education of present and future students at Central High School.” One way
the mission is fulfilled is through classroom grants. Below is a sampling of grants from the Central High School Foundation impacting CHS students.


Funding from the Central High School The Central High School Foundation supports Made possible thanks to a grant from the
Foundation helped start the Omaha Central student research by paying for science fair Central High School Foundation, the Central
Music Production Club. Students in the registration costs for all Central students each wrestling program brings in clinicians each
“Beats by Eagles” club learned modern music year. For students such as Kaitlyn Engel, the summer to teach a wrestling camp. The majority
production techniques, including sampling and science fair introduces students to new ideas and of the wrestlers who attend this week-long
synthesis methods. Club participants are looking things they become passionate about. Kaitlyn camp are on free and reduced lunch. The camp
forward to releasing their first studio album in will attend Columbia University to study Civil provides an opportunity for students to learn the
2020-2021. Engineering with an emphasis in water resources. expectations of being an Eagle student-athlete.


A grant from the Central High School A classroom grant allowed the Central robotics The Central High School Foundation helps
Foundation allows the Central vocal music program to purchase new VEX Robotics V5 cover the cost of continuing education programs
department to cover registration costs for systems. These robots are built for competitions and speakers for faculty. Some examples of what
students participating in honor choirs, including against other high school teams. Students have these programs cover include crisis management
the UNO BOCH Festival and Nebraska to program the robots to do tasks and navigate training, building relationships with millenials,
All-State Choir. The grant also helps pay obstacles. It gives students real-world experience and how to de-escalate intense situations. These
for voice lessons and small group training in using technology and programming structures programs help prepare our faculty to address
preparation for district music contest. that are used in a variety of career pathways. student needs.

Total Amount of Classroom Grants Given To Central High School Classrooms For The 2019-2020 Academic School Year
Experiential learning is an educational strategy that combines the use of rigorous classroom curriculum instruction with outside of the classroom
curricular related learning experiences. Research has shown that when a school and its staff adopt the experiential learning strategy, student
learning outcomes are maximized for young people of all backgrounds. The Central High School Foundation, by providing Central High School
classroom experiential learning grants, has allowed our teachers and students, in all curricular areas, the opportunity to supplement and enhance
the Central School High educational experience in a way that is unmatched by other public schools in the Metro Omaha area.

Ninth grade US history students and teachers traveled to the National World War I
Museum in Kansas City in September 2019 to enhance their classroom studies on
The Great War. Students spent time exploring exhibits related to their studies and
engaging museum staff with questions about artifacts and historical content. This annual
experiential learning opportunity is made possible thanks to a classroom grant funded by
the Central High School Foundation.

In October 2019, a Central High School economics class left Omaha to visit the Federal
Reserve Bank of Kansas City. The bank covers Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma,
Wyoming, and portions of western Missouri and northern New Mexico. Upon arrival,
Eagles watched a video explaining the historical facts about the creation of our nation’s
bank along with its 12 districts. In addition, students toured the money museum featuring
the Harry S. Truman Coin Collection and gained an understanding of the money-
creation process and the main functions of the Federal Reserve. This experiential learning
opportunity was made possible thanks to a classroom grant from the Central High School

Last fall, 9th grade US History students were visited by 8 cars from the Omaha Centennial
Model T Club and the Meadowlark Model A Club. This is the 10th year these clubs have
returned to Central High School. The clubs not only answered student questions about
these historic vehicles, but they also allowed them to sit in the cars and even took them
on short rides around the Joslyn Art Museum parking lot. This experiential learning
opportunity augmented classroom studies about Henry Ford and the emergence of
automobile culture in the United States during the 1920s.

Central history students attended the annual Governor’s Lecture at the Holland Center in
October hosted by Humanities Nebraska. The keynote speaker was David Eisenhower II,
grandson of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, and he discussed the role his grandfather
played in the D-Day invasion of Europe in 1944. Central Social Studies teacher Scott
Wilson was asked by Humanities Nebraska to moderate the Question and Answer session
after Eisenhower’s speech. Several Central students had their questions addressed and
many stayed to get their picture taken with Eisenhower after the lecture.




Y O U !
Ten individuals joined the ranks of the Central High School Hall of Fame on The Central High School Foundation’s biannual Passing Periods: Alumni
October 3, 2019, at Central High School. The Hall of Fame week began with Luncheon Series continues to be a hit with alumni, teachers, and members of
the Generation “C” Symposium on Wednesday night where inductees had the Omaha community.
the opportunity to interact and hear about the current happenings at Central.
The Hall of Fame dinner and induction ceremony, sponsored by the Central During Hall of Fame week in October 2019, Henry Cordes, CHS 1981,
High School Alumni Association and Central High School Foundation, was and Mike Gaherty spoke at the Field Club of Omaha about working on the
held on Thursday night at Central. On Friday morning, inductees had the Register staff at Central. On March 10, 2020 the first Passing Periods: Alumni
opportunity to speak to current Central students during classroom visits. The Luncheon of the year was held as more than 125 Eagles attended to listen
Hall of Fame week concluded with the Passing Periods luncheon at the Field to the guest speaker Sam Johnson, CHS 1981. Dr. Keith Bigsby emceed the
Club of Omaha on Friday. event, talking with the comedian and writer who has worked on projects
including Frasier, Beavis and Butt-Head, and How I Met Your Mother.
Pictured above left to right:
Front row - Robert Holts, CHS 1946; Sharon Gidley Marvin Igel, CHS 1954; Vanessa Pictured above left to right: Henry Cordes, CHS 1981 and Mike Gaherty
Warren, CHS 1987; H. Bruce Bernstein, CHS 1961; Zahn McClarnon, CHS 1986
Second row: Edwin Newman, CHS 1946; Richard Speier, CHS 1958; Eugene
“Speedy” Zweiback, CHS 1955; Bruce Krogh, CHS 1971; John Kuhns, CHS 1965 OMAHAGIVES!
May 20 was the 8th edition of Omaha Gives!, and we were overwhelmed with
the support that we received. During this 24-hour day of giving, the Central
INVEST-MINT IN CENTRAL High School Foundation raised $239,878 from 448 donors. The Foundation
was awarded a $1,000 participation prize for having the most unique donors
On November 15, 2019, the Central High School Foundation hosted a
in the medium category between 8 AM and 4 PM. Thank you to Nelson and
Scoops of Support day at eCreamery Ice Cream and Gelato. November 15
Linda Kavich Gordman, CHS 1958 for their $150,000 matching gift!
is the National Day of Philanthropy, and the Foundation encouraged visitors
to the ice cream parlor to write letters of gratitude to someone who made
This year was especially important because we, like everyone in Omaha and
an impact in their lives. Attendees also had the opportunity to try out the
around the globe, have taken a hit due to COVID-19. Your community spirit
special flavor of the month: “Invest-MINT in Central” featuring mint chip ice
has ensured that our work will continue as strong as ever. The need for quality
cream with Oreo pieces. This special opportunity was made possible thanks to
education for all students persists, and so does our mission because you have
eCreamery Ice Cream and Gelato partnering with the Central High School
made that possible.
Foundation to be featured as the community partner of the month.
Pictured above: Central High School Foundation staff and students
Pictured above left to right: Andy Haggart, CHS 1988; Wiff Farrell, CHS 1991;
Addison Roberts; Matt Scanlan, CHS 1992 9 2020 ANNUAL REPORT
22nd Hall of Fame Class Inductees

Marlene Ronald Blumkin Olive Cynthia Richard and Helen

Chesneau Bernstein Class of 1966 Odorisio Circo Hadsell Hockabout Kelley
Class of 1950 Irvin Blumkin Class of 1937 Class of 1966 Class of 1956
Class of 1970

This Central grad went on to The two brothers formed an Circo broke new ground Hadsell has combined a The Kelleys have made
teach English at the school executive team that took the for women at Creighton long tenure with Omaha’s their mark in Omaha in the
for more than two decades, well-known furniture store University and went on to telephone company with investment world and through
mentoring its perennial founded by their grandmother become a behind-the-scenes service to a wide range of their dedication to education
state champion academic to new heights, including force for her family’s company, community organizations. and children. After the high
decathlon team and becoming opening up new Nebraska Omaha’s Precision Bearing. After graduating from school sweethearts graduated
the first of the school’s Furniture Mart locations in Circo was very active at Nebraska Wesleyan University from both Central and the
many winners of the Alice the Kansas City and Dallas Central, including an in 1970, Hadsell joined what University of Nebraska, Dick
Buffett Outstanding Teacher markets. After graduating award-winning journalist was then Northwestern Bell. ultimately began a half-century
Award. After graduating from Central, both went off and helping to lead the The phone company would go career as an investment advisor.
from UNO, Bernstein in different directions, Ron yearbook staff. She then through many name changes, His service to clients and ethics
became a beloved English joining the Air Force while Irv enrolled at Creighton, where but Hadsell was a constant have been noted by numerous
teacher at her alma mater. became a banker in Arizona. she became the first woman for 41 years. She was first industry observers, Dick
As the longtime teacher of But both were ultimately to serve as president of the tasked with researching a named a top 50 advisor by Rep
junior honors English, she called back to join the family journalism class. She also company history, a job that Magazine, Top 100 Broker by
introduced countless Central business - Ron after leaving helped found a sorority. She over the years would make Money Magazine and a Top
students to “The Scarlet the Air Force in 1972, Irv also became the first woman her its unofficial historian. 400 advisor by Financial Times.
Letter” and “Moby Dick.” She after a 1975 tornado destroyed to serve as a cheerleader at She would go on to serve in a Helen became a high school
always held students to high the Omaha store. With Irv the school, breaking into number of positions, retiring English teacher. She left the
standards, telling them to eventually ascending to CEO what at the time was an as its real estate manager. classroom to raise the couple’s
make their themes “sparkle.” and chairman, and Ron as chief all-male activity. She had to As a community leader, she children, but her commitment
In the early 1980s, she helped operating officer and president, overcome faculty and parental was the first woman to serve to education remained. She
launch Central’s academic they have strategically led objections to do so, decades on the board of the Omaha served 13 years on the Westside
decathlon team. CHS won the company for decades, later recognized by Creighton Jaycees, a founding member school board, including several
the state championship in including establishing its first with a Leader of Life Award. of the Omaha Women’s Fund terms as president, and served
each her first six years as locations outside of Nebraska Circo’s first husband died and of Youth Emergency as president of the Nebraska
coach, and the 1989 team and Iowa and creating a in World War II. She then Services, and served on Association of School Boards.
finished third in the nation strong online sales presence. married Sebastian Circo who the boards of the Mayor’s Dick served for nearly three
- still the best finish ever by Irv received Furniture Today’s founded Precision Bearing Commission on the Status decades on the board of
a Nebraska school. When Retail Innovator Award (2014) Company, which grew to be of Women, the League of Children’s Hospital, including
Warren Buffett in 1988 and the Furniture Industry the world’s largest industrial Women Voters, the Nebraska terms as president of both
launched the Alice Buffett Leadership Award (2016), and distribution company of its Foster Parent Association, the the board and the hospital’s
teaching award to recognize International Home Furnishing kind. Employees years later Governor’s Commission on foundation. He was also a
the top teachers in OPS, Representatives Association would say she was a quiet the Protection of Children founding board member of
Bernstein was among the first 2016 Retailer of the Year. Both force behind the company, and the Douglas County the Omaha Public Library’s
15 selected out of more than Irv, Ron and their late father, especially in the early years. Historical Society. The charitable foundation. Helen’s
400 nominated districtwide. Louis, were inducted into Circo, a devout Catholic, and historical society marked community work included
Just before her retirement the Omaha Business Hall of her husband were also leaders her contributions in 2019 service with the Girl Scouts,
in 1996, Bernstein was also Fame in 2014, and in 2020 Irv in the formation of Omaha’s by awarding her its Women Omaha Symphony and United
runner-up for state teacher of joined his grandmother and Christ the King parish. Defining History Award. Way. The couple in 2020
the year. father in the American Home celebrated 60 years of marriage.
Furnishings Hall of Fame.


The 2020 Hall of Fame Ceremony has been postponed to October 2021 due to
C E N T R A L H I G H S C H O O L COVID-19. The safety of all of our alumni, as well as the safety of their families, is
our primary concern, and we are looking forward to celebrating with you in person
HALL OF FAME once it is safe to gather again. Congratulations to all of our 2020 inductees!

Victor Kathryn Ann John Ray

Lewis Bigsby Moore Axtell Morris Pehle Somberg
Class of 1968 Class of 1962 Class of 1918 Class of 1926 Class of 1954

Lewis established himself as Moore has been one of Ann Axtell Morris became During the World War II The Omaha businessman
one of music’s most acclaimed the strongest advocates for one of the world’s earliest Holocaust, John Pehle ran has contributed much to
jazz drummers, the versatile Nebraska’s children, founding and foremost women a secret U.S. government public safety in Omaha by
performer laying the beat one of the state’s leading archaeologists, her excavations program that saved tens of establishing a foundation
for many top artists and child advocacy organizations. helping document Mayan thousands of Jews from Nazi aiding first responders.
performing all over the world. As a foster parent to over and Aztec civilization and death camps. After graduating After graduating from the
The son of a 30 children, Moore learned culture. While studying from Central and Yale law University of Pennsylvania’s
saxophone-playing father and firsthand the challenges many recorded history at Central school, he went to work for Wharton School of Business,
pianist/vocalist mother, he children face from birth and Smith College, Axtell the U.S Treasury Department, Somberg returned to Omaha
first started playing the cello through their teen years. became intrigued by what becoming a trusted adviser to help run Natelson’s, a
at age 10 before switching to After writing legislation to came before, inspiring her to the Treasury Secretary. family-owned women’s
drums. By age 15 at Central, create the Foster Care Review interest in the field. During the When within U.S. intelligence clothing store, the business
he was playing professionally. Board (now FCRO) in 1920s and 1930s, she and her circles there became rising growing from a single store
In 1974, he moved to New 1982, she founded Voices for husband worked on multi-year knowledge of the Holocaust, to a regional chain of ten.
York and began performing Children in 1987 to gather excavations in the American Pehle decided to do After leaving the business in
with Woody Shaw, Carla Bley, data and educate the public southwest and Mexico, Ann something about it. In January 1991, he joined the Greater
David Sanborn and Dexter and policymakers on behalf of recording and painting the 1944, he and his boss, Henry Omaha Chamber as vice
Gordon before joining the all of Nebraska’s children. She architecture, petroglyphs and Morgenthau, convinced president for Small Business.
Stan Getz Quartet from 1980 led the organization for 23 pictographs of these early President Roosevelt to create He ran the annual “Big O”
to 1991. By the late 1980s, he years and successfully lobbied North American cave dwellers. what became known as “the show, showcasing small
built a busy freelance career, for numerous children’s At a time when photographers War Refugee Board.” With businesses, and launched
touring with Kenny Barron, programs. She helped create could only record in black and Pehle as its lead, the board its well-known “Buy the
Art Farmer, J.J. Johnson, Mike the first Children’s Health white, her artwork captured worked covertly to whisk Big O” campaign. In 2008,
Stern, John Stubblefield, Insurance Program, and the brilliant colors of the Jews out of Europe, funding Somberg co-founded the
Grover Washington Jr., Gary improved services for abused ancient civilization. Many evacuation efforts, creating First Responders Foundation,
Bartz, Bobby Hutcherson and children, children in the of the recording methods false ID papers, issuing visas with a mission to enhance
Bobby Watson. Lewis has juvenile justice system and she developed are still in and even laundering money public safety and promote
also written many original those with behavioral health use today. She wrote two and paying bribes to Nazi respect for police officers,
compositions, including problems. Through its annual books about her experiences sympathizers. He helped wake firefighters, and their families.
Sanborn’s “Seventh Avenue” “Kids Count” report, Voices and the significance of her the world to the Nazi’s secret With Somberg serving as
and “The Legend of the for Children continues to findings, including “Digging extermination program by president and executive, it has
Cheops,” Getz’s “I Wanted inform policymakers and the the Yucatan” and “Digging in issuing the first official public raised more than $2.5 million
to Stay” and numerous others state on the status of children the Southwest.” Even today, report on the systematic for such life-saving things
on Lewis’ own five original and their needs. Moore the National Park Service extermination of millions. He as equipment that helps
albums. Lewis continues to has served on many state recognizes her work and also established the first U.S. firefighters communicate
perform and in 2003 joined and national committees, contributions at Aztec Ruins refugee program for European while in burning buildings,
the jazz faculty at Rutgers commissions and boards. She National Monument, Canyon Jews. His largely anonymous body cameras for police
University, where he teaches recently served as interim de Chelly National Monument efforts were only recently officers, DNA test kits to help
drums and coaches jazz director of the Refugee and Mesa Verde National Park. revealed by a book detailing catch criminals and thousands
combos. Empowerment Center and the secret program. of free smoke and carbon
the Foster Care Review monoxide detectors for
Office. low-income homes.


Central Eagle ($2,500) Generation “C” is the official support group recognized by Central High School. Gifts to this Annual Giving Campaign allow the Central
• Reserved parking pass for
High School Foundation to provide for the emerging needs and challenges of Central. It is our mission to contribute to the advancement of
home Football (2020) and
Boys & Girls Basketball Central High School to achieve the following goals:
(2020-2021) games, and • Raise money for special projects and services for Central High School and student and alumni activities that are not provided
the Annual Road Show through the district budget allocation.
performance • Work to close the “Opportunity Gap” by ensuring that all Central students have access to a broad set of unique and life enhancing
• Two reserved tickets to all educational opportunities and experiences.
home Football (2020) and
• Sponsor and conduct activities which foster positive community, family and student spirit.
Boys & Girls Basketball
(2020-2021) home games • Ensure good communication and exchange of information between Central High School and its supporters.
• All incentives listed in levels
below Meet the
Bald Eagle ($1,000)
• Recognition in the 2021
O-Book We are thankful for our frontline workers who have helped our community during COVID-19.
• All incentives listed in levels

Hawk Eagle ($500)

• Subscription to Zero Hour
online MasterClass series
• All incentives listed in levels

Crested Eagle ($250)

• Four tickets to the Annual
Road Show (Spring 2021)
performance of your choice
and recognition in the Road
Show program
• All incentives listed in levels Jean Ogborn, M.D. Dr. Angela Felton- Thomas Byrne Robert Wesley
below Coleman
Class of 1975 Class of 1989 Class of 2004 Class of 2005
Sea Eagle ($100)
• Access to exclusive Central Dr. Ogborn is faculty at the Dr. Felton-Coleman is Thomas Byrne is a Police Robert Wesley is a
High School Webcasts of Johns Hopkins University a Nurse Practitioner in Officer for the Blair Police Firefighter with the Omaha
Athletics, Performing Arts, School of Medicine, and the Children’s Hospital Department, as well as a Fire Department. He was
Alumni Activities, and is an Attending Physician & Medical Center Military Police NCO in the serving his community
Events on StrivTv in Pediatric Emergency Emergency Department Nebraska Army National during the pandemic until
• All incentives listed in levels
Medicine at the JHH and the Nebraska Medicine Guard. He has been he contracted COVID-19
Children’s Center. She has Immediate Care Clinics, serving his community and took two weeks off to
Spotted Eagle ($50) been serving the needs of and has been assisting during COVID-19 in both recover. Fully healed, he
• Access to Exclusive Savings her patients in Baltimore the community during professional capacities. He was eager to get back to
with Local and National during the COVID-19 COVID-19. She graduated graduated from Omaha his commitment to helping
Discounts and Deals pandemic. She has from Central High School Central High School in others. After graduating
• All incentives listed in levels served as the Fellowship in 1989, received her 2004 and earned his from Central in 2005, he
below Director for Pediatric Bachelor’s of Science in Bachelor’s of Science attended the University of
Emergency Medicine, Nursing from Clarkson in Criminal Justice from Nebraska at Omaha where
and as the Medical College in 2006, Master’s University of Nebraska he earned his Bachelor’s
Director for the Pediatric of Science in Nursing from Omaha in 2009. He of Public Administration
Emergency Department. the College of Saint Mary enlisted in the United and Bachelor’s in Speech
Tailed Eagle ($25) She has served on the in 2012, post-Master’s States Army in 2010 and Communications. Robert
• Show your Eagle Pride with JHU Medical School Family Nurse Practitioner served six years on active worked for the Boys and
a washable Central High admissions committee, certification in 2015, and duty in Georgia and Girls Club of the Midlands,
School face mask and as the Course Director recently... graduated Washington as a Field Omni Behavioral Health,
• Incentive listed in level
for the first year medical from the Johns Hopkins Artilleryman. He was then and the Douglas County
student course entitled University School of deployed to Iraq in 2011. Youth Center before
“Physician and Society.” Nursing Executive Doctor He served in Guam in becoming the Director of
Eaglet ($10) She is also actively... of Nursing Practice... 2014 before returning... Education...
• Subscription to the monthly
Eagle News E-Newsletter
Read the full biographies of our 2020-21 chairs and join Generation “C” at www.chsfomaha.org
Established in 2011 with the inaugural contribution of Stanford Lipsey, CHS 1945, the Legacy Fund
allows a donor to provide a financial contribution to the areas of greatest need at Central High School.
The funds are endowed to create a permanent source of support to ensure the Tradition of Excellence
continues for future generations. The Jepsen Family Legacy Plaza and Dr. G.E. and Betty Moller
Legacy Walkway were erected in 2019 to honor Legacy Fund donors. The Legacy Fund is managed by
the Central High School Foundation to ensure the donors’ charitable gifts will grow over time and be
distributed to make the greatest impact. If you’re interested in making a gift or for more information,
please contact Michele Roberts at michele@chsfomaha.org or 402-556-1996.
This list reflects Legacy Giving Society Donors as of June 30, 2020

Anonymous O Richard L. Coyne, CHS 1942 Peter J. Hoagland, CHS 1959

Legacy honored by O
Steven, CHS 1945, and Thelma
Goldstein, CHS 1948, Lustgarten
Anonymous O Benjamin and Caroline Lieben Darling, CHS 1995 Laurance, CHS 1954, and Grace Hoagland
O Matthew, CHS 1999, and Elizabeth Darling Don and Ann Strauss, CHS 1967 Hosford
O Larry Marcus, CHS 1973
Dr. G. E. and Betty Moller
Lyn and Stephen, CHS 1981, Bouma
O Nathan, CHS 1996, and Kris Darling Edward G. Jepsen, CHS 1961 O CHS Administrator 1967-1995
James and Joan Chambers Charles Dickerson, CHS 1959 Susanne Carson Jessen, CHS 1945 Miles Moore, CHS 1980
O Class of 1947
O Adrian Ferguson, CHS 1989
O Jim Karabatsos
CHS English Teacher and Coach 1951-1962
O The Stuart Muskin Family
Class of 1950
Legacy honored by the Hanley, O’Farrell,
O The Festersen Family
Howard and Karen Jorgensen Kennedy,
Daniel Pansing, CHS 1989
Ceru, Bartek, and Shearer Families Amy and Sandy, CHS 1964, Friedman Kenneth Rosen, CHS 1961
CHS 1958
Class of 1959 Ike and Roz Friedman Foundation Louis J. Rotella, CHS 1945
Robert LaShelle, CHS 1949
Class of 1964 O Bo Gebbie, CHS 1998
O Charles, CHS 1988, and Seaver Allen Seline, CHS 1912
Laurie Anderson, CHS 1990, Kay Sam Sgroi, CHS 1952
O Class of 1965 Grant Gier, CHS 1980
Anthony LaGreca Legacy honored by
Class of 1967 Sherry Josin Goldberg, CHS 1972 O CHS Educator 1964-1985 Robin Workman Sgroi, CHS 1967

Donald and Ann Goldstein, CHS 1964

O Class of 1994 Clark, CHS 1995, and Emily Lauritzen Drs. Jim and Gema Simmons

Backer Family Charitable Trust O Robert and Nancy Barron Goldstein, CHS 1955
O Leonard Lefitz, CHS 1948 Jerry Slusky, CHS 1963
Nelson and Linda Kavich Gordman, CHS 1958 L.B. “Red,” CHS 1954, and Jann Thomas
Ralph O. and Katharine S. Bartling
Legacy honored by Sally Bartling Duling,
Dr. Kristie Hayes, CHS 1973
O Dr. Jack Lewis, CHS 1952
Cory Richards, CHS 1966
CHS 1950; Peter R. Bartling, CHS 1960; Rob, CHS 1991, and Jennifer Likes
and Pamela Bartling Buffett, CHS 1960 Thomas, CHS 1938, and June Fuccio, CHS 1941, Ms. Alice West
Henshaw; Halcyon Henshaw Barkes, CHS 1934; Steve Likes, CHS 1988 CHS English Teacher 1929-1956
Bonnie Naughtin Clark, CHS 1969
O Gary Barkes, CHS 1962 Stanford Lipsey, CHS 1945
Legacy honored by Harry A. Koch, Jr. CHS 1947

O Scott and Julie Cobb Legacy honored by Susan Henshaw, CHS 1969
O Wanda Shupe Zerzan, CHS 1944


Eagle Society National Honor Society Register Society Road Show Society Eagle Battalion Society Style Book Society O-Club Society
$500,000 or More $250,000 or More $100,000 or More $50,000 or More $25,000 or More $10,000 or More $5,000 or More
Legacy Plaza Legacy Walkway Legacy Garden Legacy Pier Legacy Bench Plaza Paver Walkway Paver
Central’s Eagle mascot The National Honor Society The Register, Central’s The first Road Show was The Military Science In 1921, Sara Vore Taylor, Originally organized in
stands for leadership, was formed in 1919 after student newspaper, is produced in 1914 and program at Central began in the Central English 1920, Central’s O-Club was
strength, courage, wisdom, a proposal by princicpal the oldest continuously quickly became a favorite 1892, predating the JROTC department chair, created with the purpose of
and knowledge. After J.G. Masters. Within published high school tradition of Eagle Nation. program. It became the copyrighted her Style Book intensifying school spirit
originally being known as the proposal, character, student newspaper west This talent show annually most popular activity at the for Theme Writing and and promoting good
the Hill Toppers and the leadership, scholarship and of the Mississippi River. showcases the diverse and school, and at one point all Revision. Her creation sportsmanship. Still in
Purple and Whites, the service were chosen as the The first issue of the paper unique talents of Central male students were required provided for a common existence today, every Friday
Eagle became the mascot in “fundamental virtues most was dated December 2, students. Past and present to participate. Today, The language for writing O-Club members wear their
1926. The Eagle has soared worthy of encouragement” 1886. The Register has been Road Show acts that have Eagle Battalion continues to instruction that is the purple cardigans or pullover
over Central for the past 90 in young people. Central is recognized throughout the entertained generations be recognized as one of the foundation of Central’s sweaters with the distinctive
years and provides a majestic the second NHS chapter decades as one of the finest of Eagles include music, finest JROTC programs in unique writing curriculum. letter “O” to show their
focal point for Omaha’s chartered and is known as high school newspapers in comedy, acting, dancing and the country. Students still revise their school spirit.
oldest and finest high school. the Beta chapter. the country. so much more. themes using the Style Book.


teacher, Principal Moller would still frequent his
classroom for regular observations. He would then
1929-2019 provide an in-depth written evaluation that would,
according to Daly, make you a better teacher.

Dr. Keith Bigsby, who taught under Moller and

later served as principal of the school, said that
during his tenure, every student knew they were
expected to work hard. And teachers knew those
standards applied to them as well: punctuality,

assigned hall duty, and well-prepared lessons were
all mandatory. If you happened to be late to work,

many recalled that they could expect a
“Moller-gram” – a typed note on the back of a
used sheet of paper he cut into fourths – in their
mailbox the next morning, reminding them of the

“Moller-grams weren’t just for the bad stuff,”

recalled Risa, who spent many hours at Central
On November 6, 2019, former students, colleagues, High School with her father. “It was like he saw
friends, and family of the great G.E. “Doc” Moller everything! You could expect a Moller-gram for
gathered for a special 90th birthday celebration good stuff too.”

hosted by the Central High School Foundation.
This party, although very celebratory, also felt “He believed it was his job to see what was

slightly somber. This is because it was held in lieu happening around the school,” said Dr. Bigsby.
of a memorial service: Doc, the longest-serving “He called his management style MBWA –
former principal of Omaha Central High School, management by walking around. He didn’t believe
passed away two months before on September 10, in just hiding in his office. He wanted to be a

2019. present figure in the lives of the students.”

“He was a very humble man,” said his eldest And he was known as just that: a present, strong,
daughter, Londa Claxton. “In the weeks before he positive figure in the lives of students for the
passed, he told us that he didn’t want a memorial 27 years he served as principal of Central High
service. He did not see himself as extraordinary, School.

like others saw him. He believed that everything he
was known for – his dedicated service to Central, “He wanted those kids to succeed and he fought
his excellence as an educator – was just his job; his for them,” recalled Risa, who said she often went
responsibility.” with her mother and father as they attended nearly
every single Central sporting event throughout
“He was so adamant about not wanting a memorial the years. “They knew he loved them, and they felt

service that when the Foundation approached us that.”
about hosting a celebration of life on what would
be his 90th birthday we were like, ‘what would As an educator, Doc felt that it was important to
Dad think?’” laughed Risa Hofmeister, his younger know the name of every person in the school. “He

When Doc became principal of Central High
School in 1968, Nebraska’s largest and oldest high
school already had a long tradition of excellence, a
strong college preparatory curriculum, and exacting
standards for all of its young people. When he
entered his role, however, he pushed to set the bar
even higher.

“He knew his stuff,” Dan Daly recalled for the
Omaha World-Herald in 2019. Daly spent many
years as an English teacher at Central, and recalled
his professional experience with Doc as an example
of how he set the bar high. Even as a veteran 1989 - Doc Moller sitting at his desk


education magazine included Moller on a list of THE 1859 SOCIETY
the nation’s top 100 school executives.
He didn’t believe in just
hiding in his office. He During those 27 years, Doc also witnessed a lot of
change as the world evolved around his beloved
wanted to be a present high school. Risa and Londa both remember his
figure in the lives of the time as principal during periods of racial unrest
students. “ and said, “He was trying to impress upon his
students a sense of unity.”

But what they remember most from those

challenging times was his insistence to step
always knew the students’ names,” recalled Londa. into that work rather than step back from those
“It was very important to him. And if he didn’t opportunities for learning. “He never hesitated to
know someone, he would come up with a reason to be where he needed to be during those years. You
invite them to his office to discuss anything with could count on him to show up,” said Londa.
them so he could get to know them.”
Moller assisted in the efforts to establish The
“Doc” Moller earned his nickname as a kid Central High School Foundation before his Named for the year of our school’s founding, the 1859 Society
growing up in Alliance, Nebraska – long before he retirement in 1995. He was responsible for honors individuals who have included The Central High School
actually became a doctor. He started his career as a launching the Foundation’s endowed scholarship Foundation in their estate plans. By arranging for such deferred
teacher in 1954, teaching English, history, speech, program, which now awards more than $170,000 gifts, alumni, parents and friends of Central High School play a
and journalism in Valentine, Nebraska, before he annually in scholarships to graduating seniors. One vital role in securing the future of Omaha’s oldest educational
earned his doctorate degree in education from the scholarship is even awarded in his name. institution. If you’re interested in making a planned gift to join
University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He then served the 1859 Society, please contact Executive Director Michele
as principal in Gering, Nebraska, before moving During retirement, Doc spent a lot of time with Roberts at michele@chsfomaha.org or 402-556-1996.
his wife, Betty, and his two daughters to Omaha his family and found new joy being around his
to serve as assistant principal at Central under J. grandkids, great-grandkids, and in the offices of This list reflects 1859 Society Donors as of June 30, 2020
Arthur Nelson in 1963. Risa’s physical therapy business. For 10 years, he
also worked for the University of Nebraska-Omaha
Londa said as they were growing up, their Michael Berg, CHS 1966
as a clinical instructor for students who wanted to
Dad’s dedication to Central was a whole-family become administrators. Fred, CHS 1959, and Melody Burbank
dedication. Their home was often host to many
Central students for dinner, as well as friends Betty and Doc loved to travel and were active in Robert and Bonnie Naughtin, CHS 1969, Clark
of theirs from Burke High School. “There were retirement until she passed away in 2016. Their
kids in our house all the time. They were always daughters said she loved attending Central High Matthew, CHS 1999, and Elizabeth Darling
welcome, and they were always wanted.” School Foundation events, such as class reunions
and the Hall of Fame, and held a deep love for Shella Fuhrman, CHS 1966
Londa said that their mother, Betty, who was Central until the end of her life.
a registered nurse and stay-at-home mother, William, CHS 1960, and Marie Horwich
was also an enthusiastic supporter of Central Only three months before he passed away, Moller
throughout her husband’s career and years after. Janice Itkin Kreuscher, CHS 1964
attended a ceremony where the Central High
She encouraged his dedication and picked out School Foundation dedicated in his honor the Peter and Carol Krogh
his suits for him each day of his career, Risa Dr. G.E. and Betty Moller Legacy Walkway. This
said, because her father was color blind. “I also generous gift was donated by the Class of 1995. E. Darlene Book Menard, CHS 1951
remember clear as day,” she said, “them sitting up
for hours working together on the schedule for the “When he found out, he was very overwhelmed Mary Moberg, CHS 1951
new school year.” (Back then, the whole school’s and humbled,” recalled Risa. “He didn’t believe
schedule was posted on large boards that hung in he needed recognition. He thought he was simply Robert Rifkin, CHS 1970
the hallways.) doing his job.”
Scott, CHS 1970, and Constance Smith
“Mrs. Doc – how we addressed Betty when we “To him, he met the standards,” agreed Londa. Judy Susman, CHS 1967
saw her at Central – was at every single game, “But to everyone else – everyone who witnessed
competition, and event at Central,” said Dr. the extent to which he would go – he went above Scott Wilson
Bigsby. “She was an essential part of the Central and beyond.”
The day after his passing, a bouquet of flowers
Doc’s dedication to Central was unmatched.
During his tenure, he took great pride that each
year at least one Central student earned a National
rested on the bench of the main walkway under his
name; his high school looming quietly and stately
in the distance.
Merit Scholarship. And in 1989, a national
*** 15 2020 ANNUAL REPORT
This list of contributors reflects charitable giving to the Central High School

DONORS Foundation between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020. If your name has inadvertently
been left off, please accept our apologies and inform us of the error. Thank you for
your support!

$100,000 AND ABOVE Brenda Mierau Bruce, CHS 1976

Class of 1957
Susan Archer Ingram, CHS 1959
John, CHS 1982, and Amy Leach, CHS 1987,
Thomas, CHS 1964, and Anne Lieben
Harry Lipert, CHS 1958
Rick Chudacoff, CHS 1967
James Cihlar, CHS 1979
Julie and Scott Cobb Jezewski John Lohrman, CHS 1967 Marion Cardella Cimino, CHS 1944
First National Bank William Cordes, CHS 1966 Howard J. Kaslow, CHS 1957 John and Pamela Marchant Suzanne Festersen Clark, CHS 1955
Holland Foundation Albert Crum, CHS 1949 David, CHS 1959, and Victoria Krecek Rainer and Julie Simon, CHS 1967, Martens Melvin Cohen, CHS 1964
Edward G. Jepsen, CHS 1961 Jeffrey Darst, CHS 1994 David and Debi Kirshenbaum Kutler, CHS 1972 Beverly Danielson McCauley, CHS 1949 Douglas (‘56) and Maureen Zevitz (‘58) Cohn
Louis J. Rotella Jr. Thomas Fellman, CHS 1962 Howard Kutler, CHS 1974 Thomas Moriarty, CHS 1967 Michael Combs, CHS 1954
The Phillip and Terri Schrager Foundation Donald Fox, CHS 1947 Stuart, CHS 1958, and Sandra Singer, CHS Russell Mullens, CHS 1959 James Connors, CHS 1967
The Sherwood Foundation Ike and Roz Friedman Foundation 1966, Kutler Charles and Joyce Jensen, CHS 1952, Muller Warren Cooke, CHS 1964
Slosburg Family Charitable Trust Bo Gebbie, CHS 1998 Marilyn Beck Layher, CHS 1951 Charles Musselman, CHS 1964 Erica Corwin, CHS 1993
$75,000 to $99,999 Gary, CHS 1956, and Cherna Schrager, CHS
1959, Gitnick
Mama’s Pizza
Aaron McKeever, CHS 1991
National Safety Council, Nebraska
Nebraska Air Filter
Anneliese Festersen Crawford, CHS 1985
Bernadine Bolden Crawford, CHS 1961
Mike and Lou Ann Goding Mary Moberg, CHS 1951 John Nelson, CHS 2002 Creighton Prep
Nelson and Linda Kavich Gordman, CHS 1958 Google Bruce Muskin, CHS 1969 Murray (‘56) and Sharee Cohen (‘70) Newman George Crenshaw, CHS 1958
$50,000 to $74,999 Cynthia Hadsell, CHS 1966
Herbert Hartman, CHS 1995
Michael Muskin, CHS 1972
Elaine Herek Myers, CHS 1969
Nothing Bundt Cakes
Paul Ochsner, CHS 1969
Sharon Anderson Dardis, CHS 1959
Dario’s Brasserie
Bruce and Holly Jepsen Hoberman, CHS 1965 Anita Travis Nimtz, CHS 1967 Omaha Steaks Dave & Buster’s
Henry A. Davis, CHS 1969 The Hoff Foundation Jeffrey Noddle, CHS 1964 On To College with John Baylor Michael Denenberg, CHS 1954
$20,000 to $49,999 Matthew and Donna Johnson
Barbara Guss Kemp, CHS 1970
Mrs. H. Don Osborne
Thomas Pallas, CHS 1992
H. Damon Osborne, CHS 1983
Daniel Pankow, CHS 1979
Dorothy Saalfeld Deuser, CHS 1946
Bonnie Cobb Dienslake, CHS 2009
Linda Larsen Klaasmeyer, CHS 1959 Todd Reiser, CHS 1993 Tom and Jennifer Pansing Charles, CHS 1994, and Lila Cunningham,
Backer Family Charitable Trust Jarold, CHS 1955, and Gail Tretiak, CHS Randall and Laura Ritchie Harlan Peckham, CHS 1952 CHS 1992, Dinnel
Coca-Cola Chesterman Co. 1959, Kohll Michele Roberts Perry and Christine Andreasen, CHS 1982, Pellman James Dinsmore, CHS 1947
The Harry and Judy Friedman Family Howard, CHS 1957, and Sharon Bernstein, Mrs. Nancy Roberts Marlon and Joan Polk John Douglas, CHS 1961
Foundation CHS 1965, Kooper Roger Robinson, CHS 1955 Henry Pollack, CHS 1954 Angela Dunn
Howard and Karen Jorgensen Kennedy, Kretschmer Private Foundation Daniel Rock, CHS 1986 Connie Radke The Durham Museum
CHS 1958 Peter and Carol Krogh Alan Rosen, CHS 1954 Joel, CHS 1966, and Mary Rich Colleen Rees Duryea, CHS 1978
$10,000 to $19,999 Joan Millea Larsen, CHS 1982
Steven Likes, CHS 1988
Benjamin Rouch, CHS 1990
Kevin and Linda Saltzman
James Rowoldt, CHS 1971
Stephen Rowoldt, CHS 1969
Don Ecklund, CHS 1960
Ramona Rosberg Edwards, CHS 1974
Dr. Cheryl Logan Harley, CHS 1965, and Beth Schrager Elaine Hess Russell, CHS 1951 Dr. Sharon Elliott
Fred Burbank, CHS 1959 John and Merrilee Moshier, CHS 1966, Miller Timothy Shipman Patrick, Sr., CHS 1958, and Jeanne Salerno Janis Elliott
James and Joan Chambers Alfred C. Munger Foundation Donald and Goldie Gendler Silverman, CHS 1950 Roger, CHS 1960, and Annette Sayers John Emery, CHS 1956
Laurance, CHS 1954, and Grace Hoagland Arje Nachman, CHS 1964 HON Kenneth C. Stephan, CHS 1964 Larry M. Scalise, CHS 1982 Robert (‘57) and Barbara Adler (‘59) Epstein
Midland University Stephen Nelsen, CHS 1965 Ronald Swain, CHS 1959 Edward Schneider, CHS 1958 Sara Pepper Epstein, CHS 1955
$5,000 to $9,999 Edwin Newman, CHS 1946
Scott Nielsen, CHS 1977
TD Ameritrade
Amy Thomas Van Horne, CHS 1984
Gary Schweikhart, CHS 1969
Martin (‘67) and Aveva Hahn (‘68) Shukert
Steven Epstein, CHS 1967
Mary Curtis Erixon, CHS 1954
Old Chicago Arnold Weitz & Co. Lynne Williams Simpson, CHS 1979 The Escape Omaha
Matthew, CHS 1974, and Sherril Aden Daniel, CHS 1989, and Karen Pansing Carolyn Karre Smith, CHS 1959 Paul Essman, CHS 1974
Class of 1964
Mrs. Paul Festersen
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Michael and Barbara Ross Platt, CHS 1959
$250 to $499 Roger Smith, CHS 1960
Scott Smith, CHS 1970
David Evans, CHS 1994
Jeffrey Evans, CHS 1997
Sanford, CHS 1964, and Amy Friedman Leslie Johnson Pujo, CHS 1984 Michael Sullivan, CHS 1967 Micah Evans, CHS 1990
Nancy Hamil 3MT Test Prep
Merle Rambo, CHS 1969 Judith Albert, CHS 1946 Benjamin Teply, CHS 1998 Brian Fahey, CHS 2003, and Sara Cowan, CHS 2004
Dr. Kristie Hayes, CHS 1973 Robert Rifkin, CHS 1970 Jeffrey Turley, CHS 1972 James, CHS 1951, and Judy Boner, CHS 1959, Farber
Richard and Helen Hockabout Kelley, CHS 1956 Joel Aresty, CHS 1967
Rotella’s Italian Bakery J. Scott Barker, CHS 1981 Irving Veitzer, CHS 1946 Jeffrey and Mary Laura Young Farnham, CHS 1966
Michael and Susan Strauss Lebens, CHS 1970 Briana Hooi Ruhl, CHS 1994 Mary Jo Slosburg Ward, CHS 1969 Raymond Farris, CHS 1951
Robert, CHS 1991, and Jennifer Likes Anne Conine Baxter, CHS 1981
Sandra Schafer Simmons, CHS 1963 H. Bruce Bernstein, CHS 1961 Gordon, CHS 1980, and Joy Watanabe Bernard Feldman, CHS 1955
Larry Marcus, CHS 1973 Robert Swanda Jr., CHS 1972 Woodmen of the World Film Streams
Nebraska Methodist College Neena Beber Bixby, CHS 1962
Benjamin Sylvester, CHS 1942 Ted Blume, CHS 1966 Donald Wrieth, CHS 1966 Kenneth Fishbain, CHS 1973
Gerald, CHS 1957, and Judith Rinschen, Texas Instruments Foundation Dorothy Gallagher Yager, CHS 1950 Mary Hanson Fisher, CHS 1947
CHS 1959, Radek Frances Veitzer Blumkin, CHS 1944
Lawrence Thomas, CHS 1954 Irvin, CHS 1970, and Susan Blumkin Richard (‘61) and Terryl Milder (‘62) Zacharia Roger and Joyce Fitch
Harley and Beth Schrager Foundation Gary and Carol Thompson Deanna Jepsen Zellinger, CHS 1958 Flatiron Café
Drs. James and Gema Simmons Ronald Blumkin, CHS 1966
Wells Fargo Matching Gifts Program Francis Boggus, CHS 1966 Barbara Flynn
Richard Steele, CHS 1961
Union Pacific Corporation GivePlus Program
Mary Ann Damme Weston, CHS 1958
Adam, CHS 1993, and Sarah Yale
Stephen, CHS 1981, and Lyn Bouma $100 to $249 Aimee Mayotte Forbes, CHS 1979
Maurice, CHS 1961, and Patricia Frank
Thomas and Joan Wilson Peter Brodkey, CHS 1957 and Nancy McCormick
Eric Zumm, CHS 2004 Natalie Brown, CHS 1985 801 Chophouse Miriam Frank, CHS 1970
$2,500 to $4,999 Eugene Zweiback, CHS 1955 Mr. Josh Bucy
Erika Buffington
Jennifer Berg Adams, CHS 1994
Frances Erman Adler, CHS 1961
Allyson Freeman, CHS 2001, and Geoffrey Silverstein
Janet Taylor Fretheim, CHS 1968
ArborLinks $500 to $999 William Burri, CHS 1968 Scott, CHS 1993, and Melissa Adrian David and Nancy Dreier Frey, CHS 1968
Michael Canar, CHS 1958 William Ahlstrand, CHS 1962 Gerald and Deborah Friedrichsen
Stephen, CHS 1959, and Barbara Bergquist Robert Fryzek, CHS 1952
Pamela Bartling Buffett, CHS 1960 Floyd Abramson, CHS 1949 Sandra Cate, CHS 1967 AmazonSmile Foundation
Anonymous Molly Horton Cheek, CHS 1990 Elizabeth Andersen, CHS 1961 Ursula Haase Geary, CHS 1966
Bonnie Naughtin Clark, CHS 1969 Linda Simons Gepford, CHS 1964
Drs. Rusty Crossman, CHS 1966, and Jay Baker, CHS 1987 Teresa Schneider Clark, CHS 1979 Teri Anderson
Christina Price Beckley, CHS 1984 Class of 1959 Milton Andrus, CHS 1956 Susan Gerber, CHS 1966
Stephanie Meyers Larry Gilinsky, CHS 1959
Dismal River Club The Fred and Sally Bekins Foundation Class of 1994 Antoine Bachmann, CHS 1981
James Bergquist, CHS 1964 Class of 2009 Jenny Bailey, CHS 1994 Ronald Giller, CHS 1969
Shella Fuhrman, CHS 1966 Terry Goehring, CHS 1989
Grant Gier, CHS 1980 Phyllis Weinroth Bernt, CHS 1967 Betty Erman Denenberg Adler, CHS 1959 Barbara Bakhit
Dr. Keith and Michele Monaghan-Bigsby Dominic DiGiacomo, CHS 1995 Udoxie Barbee, CHS 1945 John Goldner, CHS 1956
Donald, CHS 1964, and Andi Goldstein Gary Goldstein, CHS 1953
Hawkins Family Foundation Allison Major Blanchard, CHS 1980 eCreamery Rev. Joseph B. Baring Jr., CHS 1963
Borsheims Fine Jewelry & Gifts Gregory and Betsy Emmel John Barnhart, CHS 1976 Michael and Cheryl Goodwillie
Stacy Hughes, CHS 1985 Gary Goranson, CHS 1970
John Kuhns, CHS 1965 Mark Brodkey, CHS 1961 Iris Engelson, CHS 1979 Richard and Connie Behrens
Wallace Bryans, CHS 1956 Exceptional Portraits Harry Berman, CHS 1983, and Beth Cohen Goris Financial Group, Inc.
Clarkson, CHS 1995, and Emily Lauritzen Anthony Gray, CHS 1957
Miles Moore, CHS 1980 Nancy D’Agosta Calinger, CHS 1960 E.Terence (‘59) and Mary Laura Ramsey (‘61) Foster Mark, CHS 1967, and Lynn Bernstien
Patricia Marsh Cavanaugh, CHS 1965 Fraser Stryker, PC LLO Best Card Patrick Gredys, CHS 1973
Northwestern Mutual Foundation Martin Greene, CHS 1957
Michael and Jennifer Parker Robert Chandler, CHS 1965 Charon Allen Gaffney, CHS 1958 Virginia Haight Bigelow, CHS 1952
Kenneth and Alison Cowan Sandra and Jose Parra-Garcia Bob Bleicher, CHS 1970 Stanley Greenfield, CHS 1959
Benjamin Rinaker, CHS 1999 Barbara Herzog Greenwald, CHS 1964
Carolyn Roberts, CHS 1985 Julie DeWitt, CHS 1994 Mark Goldstrom, CHS 1962 Carolyn Goetz Braley, CHS 1952
George and Barbara Hill Douglas, CHS 1962 Steven (‘82) and Elizabeth Heafey (‘76) Gomez Craig and Kathleen Brehm Teresa Tabor Griffith, CHS 1962
Urban Alchemy, LLC Daniel Grossman, CHS 1970
Lynda Brayman Watson, CHS 1959 Sandy Lipp Epstein, CHS 1967 Dale Gruber, CHS 1969 Sally Sveska Bridges, CHS 1950
Dr. Griffith F. Evans, CHS 1971 Howard Hahn, CHS 1963 Margie Siref Brodsky, CHS 1967 Kathleen Brand Grover, CHS 1970
Arnold Weitz, CHS 1964 Thomas Gurnon, CHS 1978
Robert Zschoche, CHS 1959 Matthew Faier, CHS 1960 David Hennings, CHS 1958 Dale and Christina Broekemeier
John Flemming, CHS 1966 Holly Herman, CHS 1978, and James Nolan Daryle Brown, CHS 1980 Janice Bottom Hall, CHS 1958
Bette Bosking Hammond, CHS 1962
$1,000 to $2,499 Robert Fogarty, CHS 2001
Lauren Freeman, CHS 2003
Douglas Himberger, CHS 1973
Douglas (‘63) and Jeannette Rice (‘64) Johnson
Hope and Chad Brown
Parnell Bryant, CHS 1981 David (‘69) and Susan Anderson (‘70) Hanson
Friedland Family Foundation Lawrence, CHS 1957, and Joanne Kahn Kevin Buckner, CHS 1974 Jeff and Julie Harris
Jill Slosburg Ackerman, CHS 1966 Susan Gaffney, CHS 1985 Richard Kaslow, CHS 1961 Gary and Joan Bucy Christopher (‘90) and Suzanne Gaylor (‘94) Harz
Matthew, CHS 1983, and Heather Thomas and Ellen Gaherty Tyler and Scarlett Blake, CHS 2008, Kelley Annette Loch Bunge, CHS 1972 Luke Hawbaker, CHS 2009
Hammans, CHS 1985, Ahrens John Gass, CHS 1968 Donna Lloyd Kerwin, CHS 1989 Robert Burch, CHS 1977 Duane Hennings, CHS 1970
The Baer Foundation Cynthia Goff, CHS 1974 Stacey Kinnamon, CHS 1985 Sarah Burford, CHS 2008 Tim and Doreen Herbert
Ellie Batt, CHS 1970 Catherine Grow, CHS 1980 Harry Koch, CHS 1979 Patrick Burke, CHS 1959 Norman Herzog, CHS 1959
Dr. Edward and Margot Wickman-Bennett Anne and John Haas Jonathan Krainak, CHS 1990 Antoinette Skocz Burkett, CHS 1964 Charles Higley, CHS 1980
Jerry and Karen Bexten Marcus Hall-Oliver, CHS 2009 Paul Kutler, CHS 1961 Alvin Burstein, CHS 1948 Reginia Hill, CHS 1973
Steven and Julie Bohn Barton and Gretchen Hooper Steve and Carol Kuzelka Bryan and Annie Calder Hilton Omaha
Elizabeth Hammans Brownell, CHS 1982 Marilyn Herbes Horner, CHS 1952 Carole Grube Langan, CHS 1964 Casey’s General Stores, Inc. Sandra Pinkard, CHS 1969, and Clifton Hodges
Don and Elizabeth Strauss, CHS 1967, Hosford Richard and Janet Schroeder Langhammer, CHS 1953 Central High School Tina Hogan
James Hruban, CHS 1967 Brent and Jennifer Larson Central High School Marketing Program Morgan Holmes, CHS 1954
2020 ANNUAL REPORT 16 Terry Hughes Tree Service Lora B. Levin, CHS 1956 Dorris Mattson Chiarella, CHS 1962 Marjorie Johnson Hood, CHS 1940
Elizabeth Clark Horne, CHS 1948 Debra Jordan Peterson, CHS 1973 Kelsey Baldridge James and Ramona Dowding Molly Jensen
Glenn Houser, CHS 1949 Robert A. Peterson, CHS 1958 Arnold (‘58) and Rochelle Sommer (‘62) Ban Dundee Double Shot Gary Jerman, CHS 1971
James Howard, CHS 1958 Harold Pharoah, CHS 1966 Ellen Bank, CHS 1965 Thomas Egbert, CHS 1990 Jerry Ryan Clothing & Sportswear
Dr. Stefanie Huff, CHS 1994 Nema Philip, CHS 2007 Joan Evers Barnett, CHS 1948 Angela Eikenberry Sandra Jess, CHS 1967
Francine Pope Huff, CHS 1985 Jeannine Skinner Pickens, CHS 1954 Susan Makiesky Barrow, CHS 1963 David and RyAnne Elsesser Jimmy’s Egg
Steven and Annette Huff Mary Monen Pieper, CHS 1982 Barry O’s Tavern Howard (‘69) and Sharon Miller (‘70) Epstein Michelle and Scott Jochim
Deeann Hui, CHS 1994 Judy Goldner Poll, CHS 1960 John Bartle and Lori Elliot-Bartle L. Donald Erickson, CHS 1952 Julie Johnson
Earl, CHS 1947, and Lazell Hunigan Keith Prettyman, CHS 1969 Sian Israel Bashkiroff, CHS 1995 Paul Ernst, CHS 2022 Linda Naylor Johnson, CHS 1972
Bruce Hunter, CHS 1959 Jane Prohaska, CHS 1968 Paul Bashus, CHS 1977 Beverly Hurlbut Facklam, CHS 1973 Andrea Jones, CHS 2003
Carol Johnson Hurlburt, CHS 1957 QuikTrip Anna Thomas Bates, CHS 1994 Jacques Fasan, CHS 1985 Joslyn Art Museum
Mary Sue Lundt Hutchins, CHS 1951 Richard Ramm, CHS 1967 Austin Baumann, CHS 2004 Ben Fedoris Candida Kadar
Timothy Hyslop, CHS 1975 Julie Ramsey, CHS 1969 Lois Sears Baumert, CHS 1966 Fernando’s Cafe & Cantina Wayne Kallstrom, CHS 1962
Vicky Marshall Ingram, CHS 1973 Phillip and Gail Goldstein Raznick, CHS 1966 Diane Ebener Bean, CHS 1969 Kelly Ferrin Kevin and Julie Kaminski
Bruce Jafek, CHS 1958 Sonya Rhine, CHS 2007 Myron Bear, CHS 1953 Sally Scherer Fielding, CHS 1956 Charles Karpf Jr., CHS 1968
Daniel Jamrozy, CHS 1974 Martin, CHS 1961, and Iris Ricks Janet Williams Beckmann, CHS 1967 Charles (‘53) and JoAnn White (‘53) Fike Lyle (‘63) and Charlotte Pennell (‘66) Karre
Melissa Keyser Jantzen, CHS 1995 Carol Grisinger Robbins, CHS 1969 Eric (‘92) and Trisha Rahaman (‘94) Behrens Firebirds Wood Fired Grill of Omaha Susan Katz, CHS 1968
Tony and Jan Jasnowski Katina Axiotes Rogers, CHS 1977 Peter Pham and Lauren Beitel Emmalee Fishburn, CHS 2010 Jennifer Kawecki
Joyce Swanson Jobson, CHS 1974 Nancy Oostenbrug Roggen, CHS 1969 Loren Bender, CHS 1967 Corey Fitch, CHS 1996 Aileen Rimmerman Kaye, CHS 1965
John Jones, CHS 1952 Lloyd Roitstein, CHS 1964 Patricia McFarland Bennett, CHS 1962 Jonathan Flanagan Sonia Keffer, CHS 1985
Sandra Stryker Jones Sylvia Steinbart Rortvedt, CHS 1966 Quentin Benning, CHS 1984 Martina Petersen, CHS 1983, and Chuck Foell Jeanette Anderson Keim, CHS 1951
Jeffrey Jorgensen, CHS 1967 Rose Blumkin Foundation, Inc. Tracy Benning, CHS 1982 Teresa Fogarty, CHS 1988 Aaron and Elizabeth Thonen Kerr, CHS 1990
Janet Mader Kampfe, CHS 1951 Toni Kaplan Rosen, CHS 1959 Judith Swanson Bergman, CHS 1961 Joan Sokolof Folpe, CHS 1951 Steve and Rebecca Powers, CHS 1984, Kerrigan
Sally Willsie Kampfe, CHS 1947 Michael Rosenbaum, CHS 1971 Shawn Berney, CHS 1989 M. Douglas Ford, CHS 1960 Judy Wenger Keyser, CHS 1964
Karen Brodkey Kaplan, CHS 1962 Thomas Rubin, CHS 1965 Rus and Marci Biven Nancy Hendrix Ford, CHS 1964 Stephanie Young-King
Roy Katskee, CHS 1960 Jody Ruckman and Janet Reinig Shuntel Nurton Blecher, CHS 1994 Christopher, CHS 1980, and Sallie Foster Staci Narducci Kinkaid, CHS 1994
Gordon Katz, CHS 1969 Mark Ryan, CHS 1984 Block 16 Jimmie and Shannon Foster Kathryn Kirshenbaum, CHS 1973
Diana Koperski Keating, CHS 1974 Joseph Salerno, CHS 1955 Beate and Melvin Blount Gabriel Franco, CHS 1994 Corey Kline, CHS 2010
Ralph Keill, CHS 1956 Patrick Salerno, CHS 1984 Elaine Mendelson Blumenthal, CHS 1948 Linda Jacobs Frederickson, CHS 1966 Jonathan and Joni Kline
Jane Kennedy, CHS 1961 Alvin Samuels, CHS 2006 Richard Bode David Freeberg, CHS 1961 Douglas Knickrehm, CHS 2009
Brian and Michelle Stone Kiel, CHS 1994 Marc Samuelson, CHS 1959 Bonefish Grill Elizabeth Dayton Freeland, CHS 1958 Kobe Steakhouse of Japan
Marilyn King Myrna Sandvall Sandall, CHS 1955 BounceU Susan Freeman, CHS 2009 Scot and Jolie Koesters
James Kirshenbaum, CHS 1971 Joseph and Denise Saniuk Jordan and Kara Boyer Kenneth Freshman, CHS 1970 Eugene and Judith Greenberg Kohn, CHS 1956
Gerald Kohout, CHS 1959 Helen Wencel Sawtell, CHS 1948 Thomas Branch, CHS 1948 Linda Anderson Frey, CHS 1964 Joanne Schindler Kolenda
Lorraine Schuette Kohrs, CHS 1957 Angela Henning Scott, CHS 1992 Danielle Brandt Scott, CHS 1967, and Deborah Friedman Mari Kozawa
Elizabeth Fraser Konrath, CHS 1999 Richard Scott, CHS 1958 Kaitlin Hartnett Breitag, CHS 2004 Florian (‘82) and Kimberly Tisdale (‘83) Fuerstenau Jerrie Mockelmann Kraniewski, CHS 1949
Larry and Georgine Milder Koom, CHS 1966 Joanne Sgourakis Scott Briganti, CHS 1994 Joan Swanson Gaetke, CHS 1952 Jessica Stanek Kraus, CHS 1999
Tracy Cole Kramer, CHS 1966 John Sgourakis, CHS 1985 Margaret Rossiter Briggs, CHS 1945 Andrew Galenda, CHS 1973 Elizabeth Krecek, CHS 1992
Bruce Krogh, CHS 1971 Robert Shapiro, CHS 1958 Sarah Boro Broadhead, CHS 1996 Michael Galeski, CHS 2016 Michael and Kathy Kresin
Mark Krogh, CHS 1968 Gail Ruderman Shaw, CHS 1966 Robert Brodkey, CHS 1958 Teri Everson Gammell, CHS 1980 Janice Itkin Kreuscher, CHS 1964
Kathryn Johnson Krueger, CHS 2004 Michael (‘58) and Suzanne Holmes (‘64) Shrier Parker and Barb Brohman Jared and Hannah Rennard, CHS 1996, Ganley Stacy Nikodym Krieg, CHS 1989
Christopher Krush, CHS 1961 Harriet Epstein Sigel, CHS 1957 James (‘59) and Patricia Goldsberry (‘60) Bronowski Edward Gansz, CHS 1954 Burma Sorenson Kroger, CHS 1962
Charles Lacina, CHS 1959 Bonnie Fenson Silverman, CHS 1951 Mary Lowery Brown, CHS 1966 Alvin Garcia, CHS 1966 Michael and Ann Kueny
Douglas and Barbara Landstrom Denise Silverman, CHS 1967 Steve and Lisa Brown John Garcia, CHS 1980 Daila Vinovskis Kuhr, CHS 1960
F. Iyvonne Mick Langley, CHS 1949 Harvey and Samantha Siy Megan Bruce, CHS 2014 Charlotte Garvin, CHS 2010 Jane Kurtz, CHS 1985
Peter Lankford, CHS 1984 Frances Silver Snyder, CHS 1960 Ken Brueggemann Robert Gaumer, CHS 1957 Gretel Schmad L’Heureux, CHS 1960
John Laser, CHS 1967 Debra Mattson Sorensen, CHS 1965 Eddith Buis, CHS 1958 Christine Brun Gavin, CHS 1969 Carole Mattox LaFond, CHS 1954
Barbara Frank Lashinsky, CHS 1953 Rick and Connie Spellman William Burns, CHS 1970 Joan Beninato Gentzler, CHS 1956 Jay Landstrom
Nancy Milder Lazer, CHS 1972 Stanley and Joan Standifer Sue Lunbeck Butler, CHS 1973 John and Margaret Bryans, CHS 1961, Georgeson Clo Ann Langdon
Linda Pallat Le, CHS 1983 Clyde and Margaret Brown Stearns, CHS 1973 Malaby and Damita Byrd Marcia Fleisher Gevers, CHS 1964 Deron and Vanessa Larson
Craig Lerner, CHS 1983 David Still, CHS 1974 Martha Rumel Calhoun, CHS 1946 Steven and Peg Gibbs Carol Rosenbaum Latz, CHS 1962
Lenora Falk Levin, CHS 1959 Roger Suess, CHS 1955 Mary Peden Calvert, CHS 1966 Guy and Naomi Gibson Lauritzen Gardens
Barbara Garber Levitan, CHS 1958 Marlene Belmont Sukiennik, CHS 1976 Victoria Charles Campbell, CHS 1989 Douglas Gillan, CHS 1970 Karen Grahnquist Lawson, CHS 1959
Schae Lewis, CHS 1994 Thomas and Carol Svolos Jac Carlson Harold (‘71) and Karen Brown (‘73) Gilliam Diane Perrigo Leonard, CHS 1986
Larry Lindberg, CHS 1964 Gary Swain, CHS 1969 Stephanie Carlson, CHS 2002 Rodney (‘64) and Joanne Wagner (‘68) Givens John Levin, CHS 1956
Deborah Lipp, CHS 1966 Jacqueline Duin Swirzinski, CHS 1978 Rebecca Carrillo Tanzania Givens, CHS 2014 Lisa Shapiro Lewis, CHS 1966
Martin Lipp, CHS 1958 William Tamayo, CHS 1970 Sarah Carse, CHS 1998 Allison Glomb Randal and Dawna Lewis
Karen Loch, CHS 1973 Alyce Bezman Tarcher, CHS 1947 Ellie Guide Carson, CHS 1958 Godfather’s Pizza Ashley Lidgett, CHS 2006
Patricia Lonergan Harry (‘59) and Mary Beth Dishon (‘60) Taylor Jeffrey (‘94) and Keri Wilwerding (‘95) Casady Wade Goehring, CHS 1983 Valaria McCaw Lincoln, CHS 1950
Howard, CHS 1945, and Florence Loomis Robert Teply, CHS 1995 Cheryl Clarke Cassiday, CHS 1971 Frank Goldberg, CHS 1960 JoAnn Beckman Lind, CHS 1951
Sara Andre Lorentzen, CHS 1968 Thirteen Moons Acupuncture The Casual Pint Stanley Goldenberg, CHS 1949 David and Karen Linnell
Kenneth Lundgren, CHS 1961 Timothy Thoelecke, CHS 1958 Theresa Scholar Catalano, CHS 1986 Larry and Linda Clevenger Gomez, CHS 1965 Nathan Lintzman, CHS 1969
Phyllis Abrahams MacAdam, CHS 1959 Mary Schaaf Thompson, CHS 1959 Brooke Bahr Chambers, CHS 1994 Scott and Jennifer Collins, CHS 1990, Goodman Rochelle Greenberg Lipson, CHS 1956
Gail Eisenstatt Machov, CHS 1971 Thomas Thomsen, CHS 1953 Barbara Fishbain Chandler, CHS 1969 Jerome Gordon, CHS 1967 John Lloyd, CHS 2009
Shelley Loland Magner, CHS 1994 Kelly Seidl Titus, CHS 1996 Glenn and Phyllis Chandler Angelynn Grabau, CHS 1969 Trent Lodge
Magnolia Hotels John Tritten, CHS 1965 J. Thomas and Betty Neal Chase, CHS 1960 Jennifer Gradowski, CHS 1994 Longhorn Steakhouse
Marcella and Jeff Mahoney Matthew Truesdell, CHS 1994 Penelope Chatfield, CHS 1969 Kristie Gray Phyllis Wilke Lovell, CHS 1950
Dr. Neal and Jody Rice Malashock, CHS 1971 Richard and Wanda Utecht Cheddar’s Scratch Kitchen Greek Islands Diana Lucas, CHS 1994
Thomas Manley David Van Metre The Cheesecake Factory Inc. Michael Greenberg, CHS 1951 Frank Luceri
Laura Dopita Marling, CHS 1950 Henry Vierregger, CHS 1953 Lynne Kelly Chesire, CHS 1958 Alexandra Greene, CHS 2009 Edward and Phyllis Lueninghoener
Mary Rowoldt Martin, CHS 1965 Mary Grube Wahl, CHS 1967 Karen Cirulis Gary and Paula Groff Jacquelyn Horn Lumb, CHS 1968
Robert Mazur, CHS 1965 Jean Wardle, CHS 1963 Bridget Claborn, CHS 2012 Rebecca Couch Gruber, CHS 1978 Lindsay Lundholm, CHS 1994
Paul and Jean Ann McCarthy Sarah Watson, CHS 1966 Gerald Clanton, CHS 1971 Anne Guldemond Linda Eisenstatt Luttbeg, CHS 1966
Sophia Wehbe McCreary, CHS 1988 Jeanee Weiss, CHS 1991 Matthew Clarke, CHS 1959 Adam Haecker, CHS 1984 Molly Mahannah
Jeffrey and Sara McCune Joel Wentworth, CHS 1970 Daniel and Dorothea Clute Diana Lagman Hahn, CHS 1941 The Makery
Donald McIntyre, CHS 1954 Leonard West, CHS 1959 Barbara Waldron Coffey, CHS 1947 Matthew and Sara Hamill Alexandra Malouf, CHS 2003
Thomas McLaughlin, CHS 1977 Stuart Westphal, CHS 1956 Doris Ban Cohn, CHS 1949 Dawn Freeman Hansen, CHS 1992 Robert and Vania Mancuso
Eli McNichols, CHS 1977 Dan White Larry and Ashanti Weaver Coleman, CHS 2003 Grady Hansen, CHS 1979 Jerry Margolin, CHS 1954
John McPhail, CHS 1963 David Wiesman Tom and Christina Flaherty Colling David (‘69) and Susan Anderson (‘70) Hanson Isabella Martello, CHS 2016
E. Darlene Book Menard, CHS 1951 Dr. and Mrs. James Wigton, CHS 1966 John Cooper, CHS 1972 James Harrold, CHS 1974 Lisa Prosterman Martin, CHS 1997
Theodore Menck, CHS 1967 Robert Wigton, CHS 1960 William Cooper, CHS 1956 Jane Hartig, CHS 2007 Sandi Gross Martin, CHS 1960
Mary Flemming Menear, CHS 1994 Victoria and Jeffery Wiles Corkscrew Wine & Cheese Susan Speier Hartman, CHS 1961 Sheri Martin, CHS 1994
J. Leora Mirvish, CHS 1979 David A. Williams, CHS 1977 Costco John Hausig, CHS 1961 Zoe May, CHS 2010
Jacquie Montag, CHS 1976 John (‘88) and Tammy Macafee (‘89) Williams Vikki Dollis Covington, CHS 1969 Diedre Carrothers Hausmann, CHS 1966 James and Kristine Mayberger
Mary Joan Evans Morris, CHS 1941 Robert Williams, CHS 1969 Edward Cowger, CHS 1958 Barbara Heineman, CHS 1978 Juanita Wells McCartney, CHS 1955
Sharon Johnson Morrissey, CHS 1959 Keith Wilmot, CHS 1965 Joe and Kimberly Craig Keith and Nick Heinrich Ashley McCarville
Paul and Karen Mullen Andy and Stacy Wilson Libby Kane Cruz Sidney Heisler, CHS 1964 Charles McConnell, CHS 1960
Barbara Naughtin, CHS 1969 Scott Wilson Cutchall Management Co. Abigail Heithoff, CHS 2004 Kristin McCoy, CHS 1987
Omar Nazem, CHS 1997 Kerry T. Winterer and Norma J. Hansen Jane Brush Dahlke, CHS 1963 Thomas Helligso, CHS 1965 Calla Pappas McEvoy, CHS 2000
James, CHS 1951, and Betty Jo Nelsen Thomas Wintle, CHS 1966 Virgie Naviaux Daigle, CHS 1974 Gail Blanchard Helton, CHS 1969 Jennifer Hardt McEvoy
Conee Nelson, CHS 1968 Virginia French Wojtkiewicz, CHS 1971 Dairy Queen Laura Hendee, CHS 2001 Clare McGuire, CHS 2004
David Nelson, CHS 1964 Margaret Crossman Wonn, CHS 1943 Drs. David A. Danford and Jean L. Thierfelder David Henriksen, CHS 1985 Jacqueline Jepsen McLellan, CHS 1958
Scott Newquist, CHS 1972 Emily Lebens Young, CHS 2003 Matthew, CHS 1999, and Lizzy Darling Hayley Henriksen Ilana McNamara, CHS 2019
Colleen and Patrick Nieland Avery Zaleski, CHS 2013 Michele Costanzo Darrow, CHS 1994 Heidi Heyden, CHS 2020 Scott Mead
Paul and Janel Nielson Dianna Heck Zaleski, CHS 1982 William Davidson, CHS 1975 A Hill of Beans Coffee Roasters Gael Dorsey Meehan, CHS 1959
Nosh Restaurant and Wine Lounge Michael Ziskey Donald (‘60) and Kirsten Erickson (‘64) Davis Dawnna Hill Carolyn Peckham Meissner, CHS 1948
Susan Reihart O’Donnell, CHS 1960 Nancy Perry Davis, CHS 1954 Valerie Newhouse Hill, CHS 1996 Angela and Roger Meyer
Laura Olsen, CHS 1977 Under $100 Marshall Dawkins, CHS 2018 Dean Hokanson, CHS 1964 Glenn and Erica Meyer
Jeffrey Olson, CHS 1979 Litzi Degante-Salazar, CHS 2019 Ralph and Sharon Noodell, CHS 1967, Holzman Janelle Meyer, CHS 2016
Stephen and Judith Hutton Olson, CHS 1960 Robert Abramson, CHS 1954 Michael Demman Ann Cuthbertson Hotchkiss, CHS 1948 Catherine Clawson, CHS 1989, and George
Omaha Float Spa Deborah Widoe Ady, CHS 1965 Allan Demorest, CHS 1949 Kobporn Cha Howell, CHS 1991 Meidl
Judith Koperski-Organ, CHS 1973 Aksarben Cinema Claire Devney, CHS 2001 Robert Howell, CHS 1948 Jack Mielke, CHS 1961
Keli Ulrich Palfini, CHS 1994 The Amazing Pizza Machine Charles, CHS 1959, and Judith Dickerson Richard Hudlin, CHS 1977 Julie Mierau, CHS 1973
Jessica Tagney Patton, CHS 1957 Holly Stommes Andrews, CHS 1989 Jodi Dierks Steven Hutchinson and Susan Thomas James Milder, CHS 1966
Ms. Peggy C. Payne Cathy and Kay Andrus Luke and Mendy Dillon Bradley and Joanna Morley Iwen, CHS 1994 Barbara Miller
Judith Pollack Pazol, CHS 1960 Jeannie Larson Armendariz, CHS 1988 Carl DiStefano, CHS 1964 Gary Jacobsen, CHS 1982
Maurice Pepper, CHS 1960 Susan Aschinger, CHS 1972 Do Space Carrie Jacobson, CHS 1994
Christopher Peters, CHS 1981 Robert and Mary Carlson Atherton, CHS 1981 Janet Lammers Douglas, CHS 1958 Rachel Jacobson, CHS 1996 17 2020 ANNUAL REPORT
Patricia McLaughlin Petersen, CHS 1969 Samantha Bainbridge Judith Geihs Douglas, CHS 1960 James Arthur Vineyards
David Misaki, CHS 1966 Chandler Sanders, CHS 2010 James Wilmot, CHS 1959 In Memory of Marcia Burri Chandler, CHS 1965 In Memory of Frances Rosenblatt Fox, CHS 1937
Jill Moeller Joseph Sarlo, CHS 1965 Jennifer Hazen Wilson, CHS 1985 William Burri, CHS 1968 Anonymous
Michael Mogil, CHS 1956 Jacquelyn Hammer Saylors, CHS 1968 Roberta Murray Wilson, CHS 1953 In Memory of W. Edward Clark, CHS 1932 In Memory of Colette Frazier, CHS 1981
Bernard and Wendy Monbouquette Victoria Bell Schaevitz, CHS 1971 Shirley Marshell Wilson, CHS 1953 Miriam Frank, CHS 1970 Jodie, CHS 1986, and Colleen Frazier, CHS
Mark Monge Ruth Gansz Schrott, CHS 1958 Loretta Martinson Windt, CHS 1959 In Memory of Julius Cohn, CHS 1940 1981, Reiman
Hannah Monson Norbert and Charlotte Schuerman Cecil L. Wittson Jr., CHS 1956 Jo Cohn Sawyer, CHS 1966 In Memory of Joanne Levey Freeman, CHS 1948
Charlotte Brodkey Moore, CHS 1958 Louise Wilkie Schulz, CHS 1962 Ms. Angelique Wright-Burns In Memory of Rita Swartz Cooper, CHS 1949 Drs. Rusty Crossman, CHS 1966, and
Mindy Morgan Debra Schoneboom Schwertley, CHS 1967 Cathie Olive Yager, CHS 1967 Ian David Cooper Stephanie Meyers
John Morley Gennean Scott, CHS 1994 Lindsey Myers Yorimoto, CHS 1997 In Memory of Paul Crane Melvin Freeman, CHS 1947
Howard Munshaw, CHS 1959 Randolph Scott, CHS 1965 Betty McMahill Youngman, CHS 1951 Catherine Grow, CHS 1980 In Memory of Ann Kennedy Goldstein, CHS 1964
Michael Murray, CHS 1959 Paul Semrad Jaden Zimmer, CHS 1993 In Memory of Judy Vincentini Crum, CHS 1960 Thomas Hawkinson, CHS 1963
Raminta Cicenas Muzumdar, CHS 1961 Mr. C. Richard Servis Zio’s Pizzeria Roy Katskee, CHS 1960 In Memory of Terry Gutierrez, CHS 1976
Sandra Bressman Nathan, CHS 1964 Andrew Shradar, CHS 1992 Robert Zlotky, CHS 1949 In Memory of Bob Daniels Steve, CHS 1976, and Jan Goranson, CHS
Jonathan (‘99) and April Dixon (‘00) Nebel Earl Shrago, CHS 1945 Planit, Inc. 1976, Bowder
Andrea Keyser Neill, CHS 1992 Shucks Fish House & Oyster Bar In Memory of Joy Wachal Davis, CHS 1950 In Memory of Glen Hadsell, CHS 1960
Nicole Neumann, CHS 1999
Jodi and Candice Nielsen
Dana Siek
Saralee Davis Sigoloff, CHS 1946 MEMORIALS Marilyn Raupe Griffith, CHS 1950
In Memory of Thomas Dayton, CHS 1967
In Memory of Doris Vanecek Handren, CHS 1942
Nobbies Party Superstore Harry Silver, CHS 1966 Jean Dayton Lewandowski, CHS 1961 Marcia Boone
Helen Shearer Noble, CHS 1961 Laura Simonson, CHS 1981 In Memory of Robert Anderson, CHS 1965 In Memory of Virginia Anderson Ditzler, CHS 1958 In Memory of Greg Hansen, CHS 1974
Kathryn Witt Novak, CHS 1994 Jennifer Watzke Simpson, CHS 1992 Thomas Ames, CHS 1965 Beverly Ruck Wharton, CHS 1958 Daniel Jamrozy, CHS 1974
Lindsay Bloom Nutter, CHS 1968 John (‘66) and Mary Schwartz (‘71) Siref In Memory of Gloria McIlvenna Bartek, CHS 1950 In Memory of Richard Donelson, CHS 1957 In Memory of Robert Hansen, CHS 1964
Jessica Bruce O’Hara, CHS 2011 Robert Slutzky (‘63) and Jaynie Smeerin (‘65) Barbara Hanley O’Farrell, CHS 1950 Anthony Gray, CHS 1957 Sandra Bressman Nathan, CHS 1964
Oasis Massage and Spa Eugene Smith, CHS 1963 In Memory of Maureen Baxter In Memory of Mrs. Charles Edwards In Memory of Richard Herre, CHS 1955
Justin and Sydney Oehm Gregory Smith, CHS 1985 Bernard and Barbara Baxter Beverly Schrag James Nemer, CHS 1955
Susan Ogborn, CHS 1969 Beretta Smith-Shomade, CHS 1984 In Memory of Donald Benning, CHS 1986 In Memory of Michael Egan, CHS 1964 Thomas “Topper” Teal, CHS 1955
Terrence Olsen, CHS 1958 Smitty’s Garage NRG Media Leslie Gotch, CHS 1964 Gifford Tompkins, CHS 1955
Lynn Oltmanns Olson, CHS 1968 Warren Snell, CHS 1970 Marciadene Benning In Memory of Dennis and Joan Emanuel In Memory of Alexandra Hunt Hooker, CHS 1950
Natalie Olson Gary Soiref, CHS 1968 Tracy Benning, CHS 1982 Jennifer Emanuel, CHS 1989 Barbara Hanley O’Farrell, CHS 1950
George Oltman, CHS 1954 Douglas Sortino, CHS 1982 Rus and Marci Biven In Memory of Bernice Engle In Memory of Louis Houser, CHS 1919
Omaha Children’s Museum Kelly Ritts Souder, CHS 1975 Jack Blanke Alvin Burstein, CHS 1948 Glenn Houser, CHS 1949
Omaha Community Foundation Spaghetti Works Julia Stommes Boyer, CHS 1986 In Memory of Beverly Huston Ern, CHS 1948 In Memory of Carrie Howard, CHS 1993
Omaha Community Playhouse Spezia Vincent Carlson, CHS 1986 Ilene Overbaugh Watts, CHS 1948 Sara Howard
Omaha Public Schools Foundation James Stary, CHS 1966 Bruce and Lori Clymer In Memory of William Farrell, CHS 1957 In Memory of John Howard, CHS 1955
Omaha Storm Chasers Jennifer Stastny Mary Meehan Eckler, CHS 1986 Michael and Dina Amick James Howard, CHS 1958
Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo Brandon Steenson, CHS 1994 William Farrell, CHS 1991 Myrthel Anderson In Memory of Robert Howard, CHS 1949
Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt Adam and Christine Peterson, CHS 1986, Steffen David and Andrea Fett Michael Berry Anonymous
Diane E. Ordway Rozanne Siporin Stein, CHS 1959 Judith Franksen Jerry and Karen Bexten Hope and Chad Brown
Carolyn Orr Carolyn Cohn Stern, CHS 1956 Carol Franksen, CHS 1986 Jonathan and Catherine Bischof James and Linda Jankowski
Debra Nelson Ortmann, CHS 1975 Bruce Stevenson, CHS 1972 Marti Frazer Sharon Brodkey Edward and Mary Schima
Oscar’s Pizza & Sports Grille Vallery Johnson Stewart, CHS 1983 Marcia Friesz Dale and Christina Broekemeier Tonya Shanno
Larry and Karyn Overbeck Lydia Stranglen, CHS 1975 Susan Griffiths William and Sandra Bruns Joyce Wilson Yerkes, CHS 1966
Robert Owens, CHS 2009 Strategic Air Command & Aerospace George and Betty Grillo Karen Stacke Burmood, CHS 1960 In Memory of C. Vance Hubbard, CHS 1944
Brian, CHS 1990, and Cali Mischo, CHS 1990, Page Museum Mary Harrington Vincent Carlson, CHS 1986 Connie Hubbard
Christopher and Meghan Paintin Michelle Sueck Stacie Hoile John Carlson, CHS 1985 In Memory of K. Hubbard
Jeffrey (‘87) and Julia Skinner (‘94) Palzer Paul (‘96) and Ann Wallerstedt (‘94) Swirzinski Linda Hotchkiss Mary Carter Quentin Benning, CHS 1984
David Pansing, CHS 1987 Leah Musselman Sylvan, CHS 1994 Patricia Humphrey Chris Chaloupka In Memory of Arline Irey
Linda Gustafson Pantier, CHS 1965 Lily Symens, CHS 2012 Lisa Johnson Linda Cheatham Caerhl Irey, CHS 1984
Kyle Parkhill September Symens, CHS 2011 Thomas and Laura Kelley Byron and Patricia Deden In Memory of Sue Brownlee James, CHS 1950
Thomas Parks, CHS 1997 Michelle and Matt Synowiecki Matthew and Elizabeth King Stephen DeHaan Marilyn Raupe Griffith, CHS 1950
Jessica Haubrich Parr, CHS 1992 John Taff, CHS 1958 Larry and Colene Kobs Thomas Egbert, CHS 1990 In Memory of Michael Jamison, CHS 1984
Robert Partridge, CHS 1961 Bernie Tarnoff, CHS 1964 Celann LaGreca and Timothy Crowley Todd Ethofer Daniel Bye, CHS 1984
Gary and Charolette Peck Jennifer Johnson Taylor, CHS 1991 Terry and Grace Larsen EZ Way, Inc. In Memory of Dennis Jergovic, CHS 1964
Mary Ann Deems Pederson, CHS 1963 Paul Taylor, CHS 1960 Kathryn Lewis Krystal Killion Fahrenkrog Alvin Swisher, CHS 1964
Peggy Dalgas Pelish, CHS 1973 Rev. Malva Jean Greene Taylor, CHS 1954 Matthew and Vanessa McCormick Terrance and Mary Fangman In Memory of Betty Anderson Jorgensen, CHS 1944
Katy Pellman, CHS 2013 Walter F. Taylor Jr., CHS 1965 Sharon McDermott William Farrell, CHS 1991 Ms. Sheri Harrach
Paul and Regina Pennington Ted and Wally’s Gail Mosley Mrs. William Farrell In Memory of Arthur Justus, CHS 1959
PepperJax Grill Marilynn Miller Tetrick, CHS 1948 Kelly and Susan Nicklin Sharon Finerty Charles, CHS 1959, and Judith Dickerson
William and Joyce Perrin Thai Pepper John Noble Louis and Donna Finocchiaro Mr. James F. Hall III, CHS 1959
Laura Perry, CHS 1996 Holly Tharnish, CHS 2014 Catherine Farrell Proctor, CHS 1988 Mike and Susie Gallagher Bruce Hunter, CHS 1959
Timothy Peters, CHS 1979 Madison Tharnish, CHS 2018 Edmund and Marsha Pusch Harry and Judy Gaylor In Memory of Ken Kampfe
Alicia Beckman-Petersen Drew and Kim Theophilus Aleta Rhone-Williams Katherine Grandsaert and Carl Ancona Drs. Rusty Crossman, CHS 1966, and
Anastasia Privitera Petersen, CHS 1992 Donald Thomsen, CHS 1976 Louis J. Rotella Jr. Vicky Havelka Stephanie Meyers
Robert G. Peterson, CHS 1958 Jason and Cris Tiedtke Patrick, Sr., CHS 1958, and Jeanne Salerno Adelaide Hays In Memory of Lawrence Kavich, CHS 1963
Sara Te Kolste Pickens, CHS 1968 Jonathan Tigani Michael and Kris Severe Douglas Hegarty, CHS 1992 Willie Podesta Young
Kathryn Carmony Pickrell, CHS 1956 Michael Timmins, CHS 1977 Mary Shugrue, CHS 1987 Lisa Henggeler In Memory of John Keenan
Planit, Inc. Cheri Curran Tolhuizen, CHS 1984 Kelly Sopinski and Matthew Sargent Arva Herman Miriam Frank, CHS 1970
Ellen and Rod Plath Tom Tompkins, CHS 1960 Gary Stanek Pamela Hoesing In Memory of Patricia Korney Kirsch, CHS 1952
Matthew Pohren Mary Jane Tritsch, CHS 2000 Adam and Christine Peterson, CHS 1986, Steffen Steven and Annette Huff Anonymous
Julie Politi Susan Hahne Trujillo, CHS 1971 Thomas Viessman Lawrence James In Memory of Steven Kolvek, CHS 1993
Helen Winberg Porter, CHS 1948 Robert Tucker and Mark Van Kekerix Jennifer Hazen Wilson, CHS 1985 Todd Jaroch, CHS 1990 Anonymous
Glenn Prettyman, CHS 1976 Bernard and Sheila Turbes In Memory of Donald Benning Sr. Julie Kannas In Memory of Gertrude Korney
Ernest Price, CHS 1943 Alicia Dorsey-Turner, CHS 1982 Tracy Benning, CHS 1982 William Kaplan Amanda Milder
Susan Prohaska, CHS 1970 David and Mary Turner In Memory of Marcia Morris Blacker, CHS 1952 Mike and Lee Ann Kraft In Memory of Norman Korney
Jennifer Prososki, CHS 1998 The Union Pizzeria and Sports Bar James Crounse, CHS 1971 Kubat Pharmacy, Inc. Anonymous
Lucy Radicia-Beraldi M.D., CHS 1943 Upstream Brewing Co. In Memory of Jack Blanke Carole Grube Langan, CHS 1964 In Memory of Helen Sherman Kranther, CHS 1946
Deanne Markovitz Raffel, CHS 1955 Carol Treller Urbach, CHS 1974 Brent, CHS 1976, and Rebecca Bloom Laurence and Dorothy Lanphier Anonymous
Lonzale Ramsey, CHS 1975 Ms. Juanita Vice Micah Evans, CHS 1990 Beverly Lemmers In Memory of Madeline Kripke, CHS 1961
Robert (‘54) and Dorothy Loring (‘55) Rasgorshek Leslie Stryker Viehman, CHS 2007 Thomas and Ellen Gaherty Kathryn Lewis Susan Seglin Mogil, CHS 1961
Jennifer Nelson Reid, CHS 2001 Voila! Blooms in Dundee Dianne Sedlacek Kielniarz Amy Longo In Memory of Al LaGreca
Thomas Reilly Ann Haried Volz, CHS 1953 Gary and Jo Kubik Brian Marshall Celann LaGreca and Timothy Crowley
Jodie (‘86) and Colleen Frazier (‘81) Reiman Matthew Vondrasek, CHS 2011 Clyde Lincoln Mary Maxwell In Memory of Bonnie Tarnoff Litton, CHS 1961
Susan Hickson Reinarz, CHS 1970 Patrick Wageman, CHS 1981 Marla Norton Thomas and Cynthia McGowan Barbara Tarnoff Rashbaum, CHS 1969
Heather Schacht Reisinger, CHS 1992 Lauren Price-Polson Walker, CHS 1997 Paul and Regina Pennington Suzanne McNamara Bernie Tarnoff, CHS 1964
Jessica Renshaw Lois Allan Waller, CHS 1941 In Memory of Margaret Blanke Owen and Betty Neary In Memory of George Loomis III, CHS 1975
Edward Reyes, CHS 1989 Deana Walocha Jack Blanke William Penry Michael and Kathleen Bauer
Matthew Reynolds, CHS 1986 Barry Ward, CHS 1980 In Memory of Joseph Bonfante, CHS 1944 Catherine Farrell Proctor, CHS 1988 Mary Alice Daly
Jeffrey Rhodes, CHS 2000 Nicholas Wardle, CHS 1967 Clinton and Raydelle Meehan Kenneth Rahn Matthew Duffy
Melissa Brown Rider, CHS 1999 Vanessa Warren, CHS 1987 In Memory of M. Ronald Brodkey, CHS 1954 James Reinhardt, CHS 1960 Gloria and Donald Glissmann
Micah Ringlein Emily Hooi Watson, CHS 1992 Robert Brodkey, CHS 1958 Jon and Sue Roberts John Goldner, CHS 1956
Jonathon Ripp, CHS 1995 Michelle Webster, CHS 1971 In Memory of Eugene Brown, CHS 1948 James and Mary Root Edward and Carol Heafey
Eric Risch, CHS 1989 Howard Weinberg, CHS 1958 Natalie Brown, CHS 1985 Matt and Lyndsay Ruma Michelle Heiting
John Roberts, CHS 1988 Sol Weinberg, CHS 1951 In Memory of Alvin B. Buckman, CHS 1960 Samuel Shearer, CHS 1989 Lon W. Keim M.D.,
Larry Roberts, CHS 1963 Michele Roth Kimmel Weinman, CHS 1964 Carole Buckman Brian and Susie Shoemaker Timothy and Marilyn Kingston
Marianna Emmanuel Rohleder, CHS 1959 Marilyn Epstein Weintraub, CHS 1971 In Memory of SusanThompson Buffett, CHS 1950 Ed and Carol Smith Nancy Lange
The Rose Theater Kelly Welbourn, CHS 1999 Mrs. Lisa Gotsdiner Mike and Mary Steigleder Thomas and Rosemary Lebeda
Jerome Rosen, CHS 1957 Stuart Wells, CHS 1949 Marilyn Raupe Griffith, CHS 1950 Rudy and Judith Tesar Kathleen Loomis
Steven Rosen, CHS 1973 Ms. Cassie West In Memory of John Burrill, CHS 1962 Don and Anita Theopilus Margaret Shoemaker
Laney Rosenbalm-Penry, CHS 2007 Andrew Wettengel, CHS 1994 Lenore Coats Jack and Beverly Wilburn Stephen and Laurie Smith
Myrna Kaiman Rosenberg, CHS 1946 Morton Wetterling, CHS 1952 In Memory of Mary Campbell, CHS 1965 Joan Alexander Worrall, CHS 1948 Frederick and Charlott Ware
Lindsay Rachwalik Rosenthal, CHS 2005 Barbara Wenger Wheeler, CHS 1966 Joe and Kimberly Craig Pat and Janell Wortmann Richard and Barbara Wessling
Christopher Rossell, CHS 1984 Lisa Wheeler Frances Hornstein, CHS 1965 In Memory of Beverly Bloom Fellman, CHS 1959 Richard and Sharon Zahm
Sarah Paskins Rubinstein, CHS 1960 Which Wich Margaret Lantz Koser, CHS 1965 Richard Fellman, CHS 1953 Timothy and Kelly Zahm
Tracy Rumbaugh Susan Whitfield, CHS 1975 Judith Nogg, CHS 1965 Susan Fellman Witkowski In Memory of Danforth Loring, CHS 1937
Sam and Louie’s Anna Wiksell, CHS 2006 Candace Rasmussen, CHS 1965 In Memory of James and Cornelia Cary Mrs. Mary D. Loring
Virginia Layher Wild, CHS 1948 Debra Mattson Sorensen, CHS 1965 Field, CHS 1936 In Memory of L. Zenaide Luhr
Peter and Stephanie Wilger Martha Wallace Stephenson, CHS 1965 Joan Field, CHS 1968 Steven and Janis Norton, CHS 1966,Weidenhammer
2020 ANNUAL REPORT 18 Gary and Cheryl Marks Willis, CHS 1970 In Memory of Kenneth Carlson, CHS 1943 In Memory of Harold Forbes, CHS 1961 In Memory of Sally Gross Malashock, CHS 1942
Emily Atherton, CHS 2010 Martin, CHS 1961, and Iris Ricks Dr. Edward Malashock, CHS 1940
In Memory of Dr. Stanley J. Maliszewski In Memory of John Nyberg, CHS 1945 In Memory of Mark Siref, CHS 1967 In Honor of CHS JROTC In Honor of Sophia Mason
Adrian Ferguson, CHS 1989 Douglas, CHS 1963, and Jeannette Rice, John, CHS 1966, and Mary Schwartz, Merle Rambo, CHS 1969 Matthew Mason
Carole Grube Langan, CHS 1964 CHS 1964, Johnson CHS 1971, Siref In Honor of the Class of 1950 In Honor of Thomas McCarthy, CHS 2015
In Memory of Alan Marer, CHS 1951 Roger, CHS 1963, and Jeannene Rice, In Memory of Donald Sirles, CHS 1952 Anonymous Paul and Jean Ann McCarthy
Alison Cherry Marer CHS 1964, Mason Joanna Sirles In Honor of the Class of 1953 In Honor of Preston McLaughlin, CHS 2017
In Memory of Gerald Marer, CHS 1955 In Memory of Roberta Rice Nyberg, CHS 1953 In Memory of Kay Srb, CHS 1946 Patricia Talty Corell, CHS 1953 Sydney McLaughlin
Alison Cherry Marer Douglas, CHS 1963, and Jeannette Rice, Susan Srb Burlingame, CHS 1982 Constance Platt Stilwell, CHS 1953 In Honor of Jordan McLaughlin, CHS 2020
In Memory of E. Frank Maycock, CHS 1948 CHS 1964, Johnson In Memory of Dr. Marjorie Stejskal In Honor of the Class of 1964 Sydney McLaughlin
Mrs. E. Frank Maycock Roger, CHS 1963, and Jeannene Rice, Gregory Stejskal, CHS 1967 Gloria Cribbs Harmon, CHS 1964 In Honor of Steven and Susan McWhorter
In Memory of Donna Armbrust McGrath, CHS 1950 CHS 1964, Mason In Memory of Jewell Jepsen Stevens, CHS 1949 In Honor of the Class of 1969 J. Michael and Wanda Gottschalk
Dorothy Jacobson Rice, CHS 1950 In Memory of Charles O. Parks Jr., CHS 1962 Ilene Overbaugh Watts, CHS 1948 Merle Rambo, CHS 1969 In Honor of Joseph Mickeliunas
In Memory of Norene McWilliams, CHS 1979 Cheryl Parks Butler, CHS 1963 In Memory of Alan Stoler, CHS 1971 In Honor of the Class of 1978 Dinesh Karki, CHS 2017
Lynda Madej Higson, CHS 1979 Arlene Thomas Garcia, CHS 1963 James Crounse, CHS 1971 Holly Herman, CHS 1978, and James Nolan In Honor of Amanda Milder
In Memory of Orville Menard, CHS 1951 In Memory of Shirley Ebright Pearson, CHS 1948 Elene Stoler Wacks, CHS 1964 In Honor of the Class of 1979 Anonymous
E. Darlene Book Menard, CHS 1951 Ilene Overbaugh Watts, CHS 1948 In Memory of Sylvester Pierce Tally, CHS 1975 Aimee Mayotte Forbes, CHS 1979 In Honor of Andrew Milder
In Memory of Jeannette Sherman Milder In Memory of Douglas Perry, CHS 1966 Kelly Ritts Souder, CHS 1975 In Honor of the Class of 1984 Anonymous
Amanda Milder Lyuda Ivanyuk In Memory of Dawn Tatum, CHS 1992 John and Shawn Claycomb Hough, CHS 1984 In Honor of Jay Milder, CHS 1952
In Memory of Leo Milder In Memory of Stanley Plotkin, CHS 1952 Shelby Lewis, CHS 1992 In Honor of the Class of 2020 Anonymous
Jonathan Milder and Andrew Milder Joan Plotkin Levinson, CHS 1946 In Memory of James Thomas, CHS 1957 Mariana Cruz In Honor of Jonathan Milder
In Memory of Louis Miloni, CHS 1958 In Memory of Louis Plotkin, CHS 1940 Anthony Gray, CHS 1957 Tracey Menten Anonymous
Roy Katskee, CHS 1960 Joan Plotkin Levinson, CHS 1946 L.B. “Red” Thomas, CHS 1954 Colleen and Patrick Nieland In Honor of Sharon Korney Milder, CHS 1955
Clinton and Raydelle Meehan In Memory of William Plotkin, CHS 1944 In Memory of Dr. John Thomas In Honor of Susan Friedman Cohn, CHS 1968 Anonymous
In Memory of Michael Mogil, CHS 1956 Joan Plotkin Levinson, CHS 1946 David and Denise Levy Robert, CHS 1957, and Barbara Adler, In Honor of Jackson Morrison, CHS 2020
Nancy Riekes Alvarez-Calderon, CHS 1961 In Memory of Mary Meehan Poore, CHS 1981 In Memory of Loraine Truell CHS 1959, Epstein Daniel, CHS 1993, and Nicole
Roy Katskee, CHS 1960 Mary Meehan Eckler, CHS 1986 Anonymous In Honor of Sara Cowan, CHS 2004 Goldenstein, CHS 1993, Morrison
Perry and Christine Andreasen, CHS 1982, Pellman In Memory of Virginia Lee Pratt, CHS 1937 In Memory of Jerome A. Turner, CHS 1953 Kenneth and Alison Cowan In Honor of Rodney Mullen
In Memory of Dr. G.E. Moller William Davidson, CHS 1975 Sam Boxerman and Debra Vodenos In Honor of Dr. Rusty Crossman, CHS 1966 Central High School Foundation Board of
Anonymous John, CHS 1965, and Leigh Simpson, Angela Chern Elizabeth Crossman Cook, CHS 1995 Directors
Laura and Doug Bell CHS 1978, Prescott Donald and Marlene Rife Dandy, CHS 1953 Benjamin Wiesman, CHS 1949 In Honor of Marion Karlen Mullen, CHS 1942
Marciadene Benning Scott Shoup, CHS 1976 Dechert LLP In Honor of Future EagleTeddy Denton Rodney Mullen
Jerry and Karen Bexten In Memory of Seth Rich, CHS 2007 James Fishkin, CHS 1979 William and Catherine Bigsby Denton, In Honor of C.M. “Nick” Newman, CHS 1943
Dr. Keith and Michele Monaghan-Bigsby Joel, CHS 1966, and Mary Rich Neil Harvey CHS 2005 Sara Newman
Jack Blanke In Memory of Frieda Riekes Rivin, CHS 1942 Don and Carolyn Haselkorn In Honor of Judith Geihs Douglas, CHS 1960 In Honor of Paul Nielson
Richard Bode Nancy Riekes Alvarez-Calderon, CHS 1961 The Kapiloff Foundation Gilbert Geihs, CHS 1957 Josh Bucy
Dale and Christina Broekemeier In Memory of Sharon Mick Roberts, CHS 1960 Lois Shapiro Kneeter, CHS 1953 In Honor of Beth Eilers In Honor of McKenna Paintin, CHS 2016
Karen Stacke Burmood, CHS 1960 Carolyn Roberts, CHS 1985 Debbie Kuntz, Dinesh Karki, CHS 2017 Patrick Thompson
Central High School Marketing Program In Memory of James Roberts, CHS 1958 Joan Mayer Lehr, CHS 1957 In Honor of Jennifer Emanuel, CHS 1989 In Honor of Tom and Jennifer Pansing
Drs. Rusty Crossman, CHS 1966, and Carolyn Roberts, CHS 1985 Reese May and Alexandra Levin David Billig, CHS 1982 J. Michael and Wanda Gottschalk
Stephanie Meyers In Memory of Kenneth Rosen, CHS 1961 Sandra Miller In Honor of Mike and Anne Fenner In Honor of PEP Moms Making Masks for
Clifford and Hilde Dale Patrick Donahue Daniel Millman J. Michael and Wanda Gottschalk COVID
Bob and Patricia Davis Patrick and Elizabeth Boyle, CHS 1982, Flood Toni Kaplan Rosen, CHS 1959 In Honor of Terrence and Catherine Ferguson Marla Norton
Joanne and Alan Dusatko John Goldner, CHS 1956 Lynn Sapperstein J. Michael and Wanda Gottschalk In Honor of Maurice Pepper, CHS 1960
Micah Evans, CHS 1990 Lon W. Keim M.D., Stephanie Schlatter In Honor of Adrian, CHS 1989, and Kim Ferguson Roy Katskee, CHS 1960
John Flemming, CHS 1966 Stuart, CHS 1958, and Sandra Singer, Justin and Nicole Small David and Shane Kotok In Honor of Victoria Deniston-Reed
Bruce, CHS 1966, and Pamela Weiss, CHS CHS 1966, Kutler Two Ten Footwear Foundation In Honor of Drs. E. Terence, CHS 1959, and Beth Eilers
1968, Friedlander Thomas and Cynthia McGowan Guey Jen Yang Mary Laura Ramsey, CHS 1961, Foster Scott Wilson
Sharon Simon Friedlander, CHS 1964 Allan Noddle, CHS 1958 In Memory of Augusta Turpin J. Michael and Wanda Gottschalk In Honor of Jessica Renshaw
James and Laura Galus Harold Pharoah, CHS 1966 Alvin Burstein, CHS 1948 In Honor of Allyson Freeman, CHS 2001 Stefanie Fink
Harry and Judy Gaylor Thomas Rosen, CHS 1966 Kenneth Freed, CHS 1955 Robert and Robyn Freeman In Honor of Michele Roberts
Rodney, CHS 1964, and Joanne Wagner, Howard Shrier, CHS 1961 In Memory of David Van Metre, CHS 1982 In Honor of Lauren Freeman, CHS 2003 Ms. Toba Cohen-Dunning
CHS 1968, Givens William H. Sutton Jr., Susan Srb Burlingame, CHS 1982 Robert and Robyn Freeman Amy Roberts
Dolores Grinnell In Memory of Corinne Houser Rotella, CHS 1952 In Memory of Nancy Anthony Vaughan, CHS 1970 In Honor of Susan Freeman, CHS 2009 Jon and Sue Roberts
Tom and Dorothy Hallstrom Glenn Houser, CHS 1949 Kevin Vaughan Robert and Robyn Freeman In Honor of Richard Rosenblatt, CHS 1947
James Harrington In Memory of Ned Sariscsany, CHS 2005 In Memory of Raymond Vierregger, CHS 1941 In Honor of Dustin Friedman, CHS 2000 Anonymous
Steven Heck, CHS 1968 Ron and Carolyn Boro Henry Vierregger, CHS 1953 Sanford, CHS 1964, and Amy Friedman In Honor of Skylar Rouch, CHS 2022
Ron Hofmeister In Memory of Anne Savidge In Memory of Robert Vierregger, CHS 1948 In Honor of Andrea Friedman, CHS 1997 Dana Morley Rouch, CHS 1990
Frank and Roberta Hoy Alvin Burstein, CHS 1948 Henry Vierregger, CHS 1953 Sanford, CHS 1964, and Amy Friedman In Honor of Katherine Rude
Dennis and Betty Jacobson In Memory of John Schrag, CHS 1955 In Memory of Delmar Wilcox, CHS 1957 In Honor of Harry Friedman, CHS 1964 Marquita Broadway Lambert, CHS 2009
Dianne Sedlacek Kielniarz Beverly Schrag Melissa Dane Anonymous In Honor of the Smith Children
Joanne Schindler Kolenda In Memory of Arthur Schwartz, CHS 1954 In Memory of Joan Vingers Williams, CHS 1945 Jennifer Rodin Seigner, CHS 1966 Ms. Sharon M. Smith
Marc, CHS 1966, and Joan Kraft Dinah Sue Schwartz Norman Williams, CHS 1944 Jan Janger Zlotowicz, CHS 1964 In Honor of Ray Somberg, CHS 1954
Carol Krejci In Memory of Patricia Pray Scott, CHS 1958 In Memory of Lisa Thomas Wilson, CHS 1982 In Honor of Karen Misaki Fujii, CHS 1963 Gerald, CHS 1954, and Leslie Epstein,
Celann LaGreca and Timothy Crowley Richard Scott, CHS 1958 Janelle Thomas Simms, CHS 1988 Lawrence Gruber CHS 1961, Hoberman
Carole Grube Langan, CHS 1964 In Memory of Sunny Selder Luna Okada, CHS 1977 In Honor of HON Kenneth Stephan, CHS 1964
Colleen Lenners Robbi Kolnick, CHS 1978 In Honor of Mike Gaherty Karen Borchert
Clyde Lincoln In Memory of Paul Semrad William Rifkin, CHS 1972 In Honor of Dorothy Geihs Stevens, CHS 1963
Clinton and Raydelle Meehan Larry and Yvonne Andrews In Honor of Finnian and Allen Ganley Gilbert Geihs, CHS 1957
John and Merrilee Moshier, CHS 1966, Miller Anonymous Jared and Hannah Rennard, CHS 1996, Ganley In Honor of Michelle Sueck
Michael Muskin, CHS 1972
John and Barb Musselman
Robert and Kristin Berg
Jerry and Karen Bexten
HONORARIUMS In Honor of Harry Gaylor
Katrina Freilinger, CHS 2019
In Honor of Dwaine Sutter
Neighbors of Dr. G.E. Moller Richard Bode In Honor of Michael Abboud Riley, Elin, and Nelson Harz Isabeau Tholen, CHS 2017
David and Arlene Newell James and Karen Butler Jeffery and Judith Labenz, CHS 1973, Thelander Howard Kutler, CHS 1974 In Honor of David Taylor, CHS 2015
Omaha Public Schools Foundation Richard Chiburis In Honor of Joy Acas John Morley Gail Allbery
Mrs. H. Don Osborne Karen Cirulis Anonymous Emily Prest, CHS 2001 In Honor of Marissa Taylor, CHS 2017
Ike and Henrietta Pane Shea and Sandra Connolly In Honor of Drew Beals In Honor of Noemi Gilbert, CHS 2023 Gail Allbery
Tom and Jennifer Pansing Drs. Rusty Crossman, CHS 1966, and Linda Gustafson Pantier, CHS 1965 Sarah Gilbert In Honor of Dr. Gary Thompson
Tami Osborne Pederson, CHS 1977 Stephanie Meyers In Honor of John Beerling In Honor of Larry and Christine Hammans Michele Roberts
Paul and Regina Pennington Joanne and Alan Dusatko J. Michael and Wanda Gottschalk J. Michael and Wanda Gottschalk In Honor of Carol Treller Urbach, CHS 1974
Merle Rambo, CHS 1969 James and Laura Galus In Honor of H. Bruce Bernstein, CHS 1961 In Honor of Leslie Hill Ronald Urbach
Phillip and Gail Goldstein Raznick, CHS 1966 Harry and Judy Gaylor Jordana Glazer Tracy Harrell Vann, CHS 2014 In Honor of Martha Weiss
Rebecca Bohi Reilly, CHS 1977 James Harrington Steven Katz, CHS 1964 In Honor of Alexandria Hodge, CHS 2009 J. Michael and Wanda Gottschalk
Jodie, CHS 1986, and Colleen Frazier, CHS Mary Hewitt In Honor of Dr. Keith Bigsby Anonymous In Honor of Ms. Cassie West
1981, Reiman Robert and Alecia Hodges Ms. Toba Cohen-Dunning Sarah Barazi, CHS 2009 David and Karen Linnell
Richard and Mary Lynn Reiser Todd and Charla Johnson Brevan Jorgenson, CHS 2013 Michael and Gabrielle Gard, CHS 2009, Dvorak In Honor of the Anniversary of William,
Carol Rice Troy and Amy Kaup Michele Roberts Anita Hodge, CHS 2011 CHS 1946, and Rae Emery, CHS 1949,
Sylvia Steinbart Rortvedt, CHS 1966 Christopher and Stephanie Kellogg Kevin and Linda Saltzman Samantha Lang Hoefler, CHS 2009 Whited
Patrick, Sr., CHS 1958, and Jeanne Salerno Dianne Sedlacek Kielniarz In Honor of Jack Blanke Darlene Jackson Scott Whited
Timothy Schmad, CHS 1963 Lyle and Pam Knox Michele Roberts Michael Peirce, CHS 2010 In Honor of Victoria Wiles
Timothy Shipman Gary and Jo Kubik In Honor of Bill and Sandi Bruns Michele Roberts Brooke Bahr Chambers, CHS 1994
Debra Mattson Sorensen, CHS 1965 Colleen Lenners J. Michael and Wanda Gottschalk Brittney Russell Howard Kutler, CHS 1974
Patricia and Lawrence Wallington Clyde Lincoln In Honor of Josh Bucy Delma Tyler In Honor of Nancy Stevenson Wright, CHS 1965
Robert Whitehouse Thomas and Candas Marsicek Gary and Joan Bucy In Honor of Sharon Gidley Marvin Igel, CHS 1954 Bruce Stevenson, CHS 1972
In Memory of William Monen, CHS 2007 Mrs. Juanita Merrigan-Potthoff Matthew Carlson John and Bobbi Dyer In Honor of Avery Zaleski, CHS 2013
Jim and Nancy Monen Angela and Roger Meyer Michele Roberts Carolyn Cohn Stern, CHS 1956 GSI Enviromental, Inc.
Mary Monen Pieper, CHS 1982 Michael and Ellen Miller In Honor of the Carlson Family Lawrence Thomas, CHS 1954 In Honor of Eugene Zweiback, CHS 1955
In Memory of Elizabeth Cohn Morris, CHS 1971 Mary Anderson Nicola, CHS 2000 Daniel Carlson, CHS 1987 Dian Warren Howard, CHS 1969, and Sharon Miller,
James Crounse, CHS 1971 Matthew and Tracy Nissen In Honor of CHS Academic Decathlon In Honor of Donna Miller Jacob, CHS 1950 CHS 1970, Epstein
Jo Cohn Sawyer, CHS 1966 Paul and Regina Pennington Nicholas Pierce-Cramer, CHS 2006 Rand Engel, CHS 1966 Kenneth Freed, CHS 1955
In Memory of Douglas Morrow Mary Monen Pieper, CHS 1982 In Honor of CHS APUSH In Honor of the Jepsen Family Donald, CHS 1964, and Andi Goldstein
Rhonda Morrow Harvey, CHS 1995 Peter and Stephanie Wilger Nicholas Pierce-Cramer, CHS 2006 Jacqueline Jepsen McLellan, CHS 1958 Docker and Ellen Hartfield
In Memory of Jill Moss Nemer, CHS 1955 Brian Wilson In Honor of CHS Counseling In Honor of Sarah Milder Jones, CHS 1960 Joseph, CHS 1949, and Maxine Zweiback,
James Nemer, CHS 1955 Geraldine Zerse Anonymous CHS 1958, Kirshenbaum
John Flemming, CHS 1966 Dr. Neal and Jody Rice Malashock, CHS 1971
In Memory of Richard Newcomer, CHS 1954 In Memory of Margie Short In Honor of CHS English Language In Honor of George and Sharon Krauss Edwin Newman, CHS 1946
Janis Mullins Rodney, CHS 1964, and Joanne Wagner, Learners Department J. Michael and Wanda Gottschalk Steven Nogg, CHS 1969
Thomas and M. Sheila Waring CHS 1968, Givens Julie Johnson In Honor of Janie Kulakofsky
In Memory of Derek Noel, CHS 2008
Daniel Bye, CHS 1984
In Memory of C.J. Simpson
Nancy Jelinek Kadavy, CHS 1966
In Honor of CHS Faculty and Staff Anonymous 19 2020 ANNUAL REPORT
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