Draftguard Anti-Rotation Device Installation and Maintenance Instructions
Draftguard Anti-Rotation Device Installation and Maintenance Instructions
Draftguard Anti-Rotation Device Installation and Maintenance Instructions
Gates Draftguard™ anti-rotation device prevents back-drafting of Air Cooled Heat Exchanger (ACHE)
fan applications with vertical shafts. The Draftguard assembly consists of a one-way clutch (with ball
bearings, integral seals, and housing), torque arm and flange plate adapter. Versatile mounting holes
allow attachment of the unit to a variety of pulleys with either Taper-Lock® or QD® bushings.
WARNING: Failure to fully read and follow all instructions may result in product damage, equipment
damage, and serious or fatal injury.
Pre-Installation Instructions
Review Figure 1 to identify the nomenclature for the various components of the Gates Draftguard™
Anti-Rotation Device assembly.
Draftguard offers many versatile mounting options. The included flange plate is predrilled with a
variety of holes for attaching to ACHE fan pulleys with either Taper-Lock or QD bushings. Alternately,
an optional Locking Ring accessory can be used to mount directly to the shaft. Draftguard can be
mounted on shafts with up to a 3 inch shaft diameter. The Draftguard unit has a narrow design allowing
it to fit under the fan without requiring modifications to the bottom guard.
Spacers placed between the bushing face and flange plate will account for any
additional shaft length. The following procedure is used to calculate the number of
spacers (ordered separately) and the length of mounting screws (not included) required.
Procedure for Determining Spacers and Screw Length for TL Bushings (measure in
1. Measure length of shaft extending from the bushing
2. Subtract 7/16 inch for the depth of the flange plate counter bore - 7/16 inch
TABLE 2: Bolts for QD Bushings
Bushing Size Thread Depth Qty Torque
(inch) (lb-in)
E 1/2-13 7/8 inch 3 480
F 9/16-12 1 inch 3 600
J 5/8-11 1 1/8 inch 3 1080
The Draftguard unit can fit shaft sizes up to a maximum of 3 inch diameter.
Shaft keys that stick down past the pulley will have to be slid up or trimmed off to avoid interference.
The Draftguard unit is configurable to work with fans operating in either direction of rotation. The
majority of vertical shaft ACHE units have the fan running in the counter clock wise (CCW) direction
when viewed from under the fan unit where the belt drives are typically located. As shipped, the
Draftguard assembly is set up to operate in this configuration.
Draftguard can also operate with fan rotation in the clock wise (CW) direction or if the belt drive
assembly is on top by simply installing the clutch assembly upside down.
NOTE: Before starting the electric motor, turn the fan shaft (by hand) in the correct direction once the
torque arm is attached. If the Draftguard is not allowing the fan shaft to turn then you may need to turn
the clutch assembly unit over or double check your fan design.
Torque Arm Stops should be attached to the equipment frame or supporting structure to prevent
rotation of the SHACKLE
torque arm when holdback torque is applied. Stops should be designed to handle the
3/8 MIN.
rated torque of the Draftguard, 284 lb-ft. 7/16 MAX.
The torque arm should be perpendicular to the shaft axis within +/-
5 degrees and clearance between the torque stop and torque arm
3/8 MIN.
7/16 MAX. 3/8 MIN.
7/16 MAX.
the torque arm resulting from shaft run out and eccentricity. Torque
TORQUE ARM 1/4 1/4
stops should not contact the corner radii of the torque arm.
B. Steel Cable
If a braided steel cable is used instead of a stop, install a shackle
into the hole in the end of the torque arm and tie a cable between the
shackle and a solid mounting point.
Check List:
• Draftguard Assembly
o Flange Plate
o Clutch
o Torque Arm
o Snap Rings
o Key
• Spacers if required
• Proper length mounting screws
• Loctite® 262 Threadlocker
• Anti-sieze compound
• Locking Ring Mount, if needed
• Power is shut off
• Power is locked out
• Power box is tagged
• Components in safe position
• Fan sheave/sprocket is secured from dropping
Read and follow all mounting instruction for a successful installation.
ii. As determined in the pre-installation
instructions, slide any spacers required onto
the shaft, aligning cutouts as needed to
expose TL mounting holes.
iii. Slide Draftguard Flange Plate onto shaft,
aligning proper mounting holes with holes in
TL bushing.
iv. As determined in the pre-installation
instructions, install proper length socket
head attachment screws through 2 holes
in the flange plate into the bushing and
CAUTION: T he bolt force must be directly on the face of the Taper-Lock bushing. The flange
plate surface must not press against the pulley face or fan shaft end. Failure to
adhere to these requirements could result in damage to equipment or personal
b. Pulleys with QD Bushing E, F, or J
i. Slide Draftguard Flange Plate onto the end of the shaft aligning proper mounting holes
with the open jack screw holes in the QD bushing or pulley.
ii. As determined in the pre-installation instructions, install proper length attachment
screws through 2 of the holes in the flange plate into the bushing or pulley.
3. Align Draftguard Flange Plate Stub Shaft with Fan Shaft
a. Using a dial indicator, measure concentricity of flange plate stub shaft and fan shaft.
b. If shaft concentricity exceeds 0.003 inch TIR, loosen flange plate mounting screws and adjust
shaft alignment.
4. Install and Torque All Flange Plate mounting screws
a. Apply Loctite 262 Threadlocker to end of the screw and install the third mounting screw
(except for TL 3020 which uses only 2 screws).
b. To maintain shaft alignment, one at a time remove the other 2 screws previously installed and
re-install with thread locker applied.
c. Alternately tighten all screws to final torque specification per Table 1 or Table 2.
5. Install Clutch Assembly
a. Check that inner snap ring is installed on the flange plate stub shaft.
b. Coat flange plate stub shaft with anti-seize compound.
c. Install key into the keyway of the flange plate stub shaft.
d. Slide clutch assembly onto shaft and rotate by hand to check correct direction of rotation for
fan rotation.
e. Install outer snap ring on flange plate stub shaft.
6. Attach Torque Arm Stops
a. C heck that torque arm and stop meet clearance and alignment recommendations outlined in
the pre-installation instructions.
Vibration Troubleshooting
If unacceptable levels of vibration occur upon installation, disassemble and reinstall being sure to
tighten fasteners as described, verify that the flange plate sits flush with the bushing or with the optional
Locking Ring assembly, and that the Locking Ring assembly is not bottomed out against the mating
shaft. Verify that shaft concentricity does not exceed 0.003 inch TIR. Also verify that the torque arm is
not bound in any way but is free to float against its stops.
The Draftguard clutch and bearing assembly is sealed and lubricated for life.
The clutch assembly should be replaced every five years to ensure uninterrupted service life.
1. Remove the two shoulder screws to free the torque arm.
2. Remove outer snap ring from flange plate stub shaft.
3. Slide clutch assembly off the stub shaft.
4. Visually inspect the key for any damage and replace if needed.
5. Clean the stub shaft thoroughly and coat with anti-seize compound.
6. Insert key into stub shaft.
7. Slide new clutch assembly on stub shaft, check for proper direction of rotation.
8. Install outer snap ring.
9. Re-install torque arm bolts using thread locker.
Rotating Equipment
Rotating Equipment is potentially dangerous and should be properly guarded. The user should check
for all applicable safety codes (in local area) and provide a suitable guard. For application assistance
contact Gates or our distributor.
17531-K 07/09
(7.3 )
(13.4 )
(1.0 )
( 3.0 )
(1.5 )
(13.4 )
(4.5 )
Gates Corporation
Denver, CO
(1.00 )
Draftguard™ Kit
Weight MAX Torque MAX Speed June 24, 2009
24.6 lbs 284 lb-ft 500 rpm Product Number