Grasim Industries: Results Above Estimates-Maintain ACCUMULATE
Grasim Industries: Results Above Estimates-Maintain ACCUMULATE
Grasim Industries: Results Above Estimates-Maintain ACCUMULATE
Result Update
Results above estimates-Maintain ACCUMULATE
Jan-10 Mar-10 May-10 Jul-10 Sep-10 Nov-10
-20 EBITDA at Rs3.64 bn , down 6.7% yoy but improved 38% qoq
Grasim Industries (LHS) Rel to Nifty (RHS)
EBITDA at Rs3.64bn declined 6.7%yoy as higher pulp prices resulted in 3.7% decline in
Source: Bloomberg
VSF EBITDA (Rs3.8 bn). VSF margins contracted by 753bps yoy to 34.4%. However on
sequential basis margins expanded by 252 bps driven by better production and
Stock Details
Sector Cement improved VSF realization. We would like to highlight that though on standalone basis
VSF EBITDA declined by 3.7% yoy ( due to higher pulp prices) , on consolidated basis
it grew by 2.1% to Rs4.28 bn on account of better profitability from Pulp JVs.
Equity Capital (Rs mn) 917
Face Value(Rs) 10 P&F costs(Rs1.4 bn) increased 19.7% yoy and 24% qoq due to higher imported coal
No of shares o/s (mn) 92 contract prices which rose from USD110/t (in Q2FY11) to USD125/t. Freight costs
52 Week H/L 2,510/1,672 increased 34.6% yoy and 34%qoq (Rs142 mn)due to increase in rail freight whereas
Market Cap (Rs bn/USD mn) 217/4,747 other expenses increased 40%yoy thereby exerting further pressure on margins. Overall
Daily Avg Volume (No of sh)
EBIDTA margins at 29.9% declined 789 bps yoy but improved 166bps qoq.
Daily Avg Turnover (US$mn) 3.6
Net Profit grew 8% yoy
Shareholding Pattern (%) Net profit at Rs2.83bn grew by 8% yoy , higher than our estimates of Rs2.64bn due to
D’10 S’10 J’10 higher other income that the company received through dividends from subsidiaries.
Promoters 25.5 25.5 25.5 Depreciation charges increased 18% yoy whereas interest charges increased by
FII/NRI 38.2 38.3 36.0 5.3%yoy.
Institutions 19.6 19.6 21.0
Private Corp 5.2 5.0 5.6 Financial Snapshot Rs Mn
Public 11.5 11.7 12.0 YE- Net EBITDA EPS EPS RoE EV/ P/BV
Source: Capitaline Mar Sales (Core) (%) APAT (Rs) % chg (%) P/E EBITDA
FY09 184,039 43,298 23.5 21,867 238.5 -24.3 21.1 9.9 5.5 1.9
FY10 199,334 57,867 29.0 27,595 301.0 26.2 22.9 7.9 3.5 1.7
Ajit Motwani
FY11E 195,198 44,728 22.9 18,539 202.2 -32.8 13.9 11.7 4.4 1.5
FY12E 220,233 52,950 24.0 21,518 234.7 16.1 14.2 10.1 3.8 1.4
+91 22 6612 1255
Chandan Asrani
+91 22 6612 1241
Result Table
(Y/E Mar, Rs mn) Q3FY10* Q4FY10 Q1FY11 Q2FY11 Q3FY11 YoY (%) QoQ (%) YTD’11 YTD’10** YoY (%)
Net Sales 10,302 11,037 9,449 9,326 12,137 17.8% 30.1% 30,912 70,685 NA
Total Expenditure 6,404 7,999 6,437 6,689 8,502 32.8% 27.1% 21,628 47,756 NA
as % of sales 62% 72% 68% 72% 70% 70% 68% NA
stock -75 271 -198 -203 -13 -82.3% -93.5% -415 -162 NA
as % of sales -1% 2% -2% -2% 0% -1% 0% NA
raw material consumption 3,833 4,501 4,131 4,088 5,365 40.0% 31.3% 13,584 17,180 NA
as % of sales 37% 41% 44% 44% 44% 44% 24% NA
purchase of traded goods 0 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0 309 NA
as % of sales 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% NA
payment to employees 793 730 705 827 802 1.1% -3.0% 2,334 4,079 NA
as % of sales 8% 7% 7% 9% 7% 8% 6% NA
power and fuel 1,174 1,178 1,057 1,133 1,406 19.7% 24.1% 3,596 10,478 NA
as % of sales 11% 11% 11% 12% 12% 12% 15% NA
freight and handling 106 149 118 106 142 34.6% 33.7% 367 7,145 NA
as % of sales 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 10% NA
other expenditure 573 1,170 623 739 801 39.6% 8.4% 2,163 8,726 NA
as % of sales 6% 11% 7% 8% 7% 7% 12% NA
EBIDTA 3,897 3,037 3,012 2,638 3,635 -6.7% 37.8% 9,284 22,928 NA
Depreciation 375 408 445 453 442 18.1% -2.4% 1340 3104 NA
EBIT 3,523 2,629 2,567 2,185 3,192 -9.4% 46.1% 7,944 19,825 NA
Other Income 798 925 593 1623 842 5.5% -48.1% 3058 2833 NA
Interest 112 112 102 103 117 5.3% 14.2% 323 1092 NA
PBT 4,209 3,443 3,058 3,705 3,917 -6.9% 5.7% 10,679 21,565 NA
Tax 1590 549 820 908 1089 -31.5% 19.9% 2817 6899 NA
Adjusted PAT 2619 2894 2238 2796 2827 7.9% 1.1% 7862 14667 NA
(Profit)/loss from
3361 NA
APAT after MI 2619 2894 2238 2796 2827 7.9% 1.1% 7862 18028 NA
Extra ordinary items NA
Reported PAT 2,619 2,894 2,238 2,796 2,827 7.9% 1.1% 7,862 18,028 NA
Reported EPS 65.0 65.8 58.8 30.5 30.8 -52.6% 1.1% 85.7 160.0 NA
Margins (%)
EBIDTA 37.8% 27.5% 31.9% 28.3% 29.9% -789 166 30.0% 32.4% 240
EBIT 34.2% 23.8% 27.2% 23.4% 26.3% -789 288 25.7% 28.0% 235
EBT 40.9% 31.2% 32.4% 39.7% 32.3% -859 -745 34.5% 30.5% -404
EAT 25.4% 26.2% 23.7% 30.0% 23.3% -213 -669 25.4% 20.7% -468
Tax rate 37.8% 15.9% 26.8% 24.5% 27.8% -996 329 26.4% 32.0% 561
*Note: YoY figures for Q3FY10 are restated by the company and are comparable on yoy basis . However YTD’10 nos are not adjusted for demerger of cement business hence
are notstrictly comparable.
Consolidated Results
(Rs mn) Q3FY10 Q4FY10 Q1FY11 Q2FY11 Q3FY11 YoY (%) QoQ (%) YTD’11 YTD’10 YoY (%) Q3FY10
Revenues 47884 53856 50552 44390 53845 12% 21% 148787 145427 2.3% 47884
Exp 34035 40416 37513 37179 42644 25% 15% 117335 100959 16.2% 34035
EBITDA 13848 13441 13039 7211 11202 -19% 55% 31452 44468 -29.3% 13848
Other income 1263 1560 1598 1625 1472 17% -9% 4694 3751 25.2% 1263
Operating Margin 29% 25% 26% 16% 21% -812 456 21% 31% -9.4% 29%
PAT 7153 6545 5751 3234 5018 -30% 55% 14002 23411 -40.2% 7153
Segmental Performance
¾ Volumes at 84,621mnt grew 4.1% yoy and 25.4%qoq as Nagda Plant (which affected
volumes last quarter due to shutdown for 25 days) remained functional throughout the
¾ Realizations are at Rs123.06/kg which have improved 12.3% yoy driven by cotton
shortage globally which has further deteriorated by damage of crops in Pakistan due to
floods and has resulted in improved demand for VSF.
¾ We would like to highlight that though on standalone basis VSF EBITDA declined by
3.7% yoy to Rs3.8bn (due to higher pulp prices), on consolidated basis it grew by 2.1%
to Rs4.28 bn on account of better profitability from Pulp JVs.
¾ EBITDA margins at 34.4 were lower by 753 bps from their highest margins of Q3FY10
but improved by 252 bps sequentially on account of improved realizations.
¾ Sales volumes at 67136 tonnes grew 9.5%yoy and 30.1% qoq
¾ Resultant sales at Rs 1.47 bn (our estimate of Rs1.36bn) grew 22% yoy, while EBITDA
at Rs314 mn (lower than our estimates of Rs381 mn), grew by 11% yoy but declined by
Segmental performance
(Rs mn) Q3FY10 Q4FY10 Q1FY11 Q2FY11 Q3FY11 YoY (%) QoQ (%) YTD’11 YTD’10 YoY (%)
VSF 9624 10447 8561 8555 11293 17.3% 32.0% 28409 25278 12.4%
Chemical 1213 1201 1187 1200 1475 21.6% 22.9% 3862 3728 3.6%
VSF 4037 3632 3042 2728 3886 -3.7% 42.4% 9656 9566 0.9%
Chemical 283 247 311 323 314 11.0% -2.8% 948 1001 -5.3%
VSF 42% 35% 36% 32% 34% -753 252 34% 38% -385
Chemical 23% 21% 26% 27% 21% -204 -563 25% 27% -230
Standalone Capex
Grasim has planned investments of Rs33.79 bn over next three years in VSF and Chemical
businesses. This includes Greenfield project of 120,000 tons at Vilayat, Gujarat at a cost of
Rs.1,690 Crores, which is expected to start commercial operation by FY2013 and
Brownfield expansion at Harihar with a capacity of 36,500 tons and plant upgradation at a
cost of Rs.449 Crores.
Cash Outflow
Net Capex
Rs Mn FY12 &
to be spent FY11
VSF Business
- Vilayat (120,000 TPD) and Harihar Project (36,500 TPD) 21390
- Other Capex 3340
Chemical Plant – Vilayat (182,500 TPD) 7720
Chemical Business and Other Capex 1340
Standalone Capex (A) 33790 5870 27920
Cash Outflow
Net Capex
Rs Mn FY12 &
To be spent FY11
Cement Subsidiaries
- Capacity expansion – 4.8 Mn TPA at Raipur,
Chhattisgarh and 4.4 Mn. TPA at Malkhed, Karnataka 56000
- Residual capex for earlier projects 6290
- Material Evacuation and Logistic Infrastructure 11810
- Thermal Power Plant (25 MW) & Waste Heat Recovery
System (38 MW) 4600
- Bricks (2 Units) & RMC Plants 1350
- Modernisation, Upgradation and others 21510
Cement Business Capex 101560 20690 80870
Rs mn
Grasim's Current EV 221165
Value of Grasim 60.3% stake in Ultratech @ 25% Holdco Discount 128605
Value of other investment @ 25% discount to CMP 52689
Implied Value of Grasim Standalone business 39870
Grasim FY12E Standalone EBIDTA 15934
Implied EV/EBIDTA (X) 2.5
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