Government of West Bengal: Higher Education Department
Government of West Bengal: Higher Education Department
Government of West Bengal: Higher Education Department
Pursuant upon issuance of UGC notification no. F.3-1/2009, dt. 30.06.2010 notified in
Gazette of India on 18th September, 2010, the State Government taking into account other
local conditions, has decided in its discretion to prescribe the following qualifications and
norms for recruitment to the posts of Assistant Professors in Engineering and Technical
Faculty in the State Aided Universities.
A. Assistant Professor (Pay Band – Rs. 15,600 – 39,100/- plus Academic Grade
Pay of Rs. 6000/-)
II. Desirable
1. If a class/ division is not awarded and if a Grade point System is adopted, the CGPA
will be converted into equivalent marks as below –
3. Composition of the selection committee and the selection criteria based on the
candidates’ academic record, domain knowledge, teaching ability, research/ teaching
experience, performance in his/ her previous academic/ research positions in the
colleges/ universities/ research institutes/ industries and other related aspects may
be decided by the appropriate bodies of the concerned university taking into
consideration as far as practicable, the relevant guidelines of UGC in such matters.
4. In addition to the minimum eligibility criteria and experiences as stated above for
each category of academic positions, the concerned universities may include other
relevant qualifications/ experiences.
The marks in each case mean the qualifying marks without any grace marks and/or
rounding off procedures.
The State Government norms regarding reservation [SC – 22%; ST – 6%; OBC (i) 10%
for Category – A, (ii) 7% for Category – B; and Differently-abled Categories- 3%] as
amended time to time should be followed.
Principal Secretary
Higher Education Department
No. /1(60)/Edn(U)/1U-91/10 Date:
Joint Secretary
Higher Education Department